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Duel Monsters 5 Expert 1 Summoning Guide Version 1.0 By YamiYugiOfDarkness Copyright 2003 =============================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================== -Legal Information -Version -About Guide -Normal Summoning -Special Summoning -Fusion -Ritual -Restricted/Semi Restricted -Completely Restricted -Special Thanks -Contact Me =============================================================================== Legal Information =============================================================================== This guide was created to help you in the game. Plagerism (meaning copying) and distribution of any kind is strictly forbidden. Doing so will result in the severest consequence. This guide can only be used on: and my sites (Check Contact Me section) If you find anyother sites using this guide, please contact me immediately. If you would like to use this guide on your site, please contact me. =============================================================================== Version =============================================================================== Version 1.0 12/15/02 9:04 A.M. Est. Started Guide. Added ASCII. Added Table of Contents. Added Legal Information. Added Version. Added About Guide. Added Normal Summoning. Added Special Summoning. Added Fusion. Added Ritual. Added Restricted/Semi Restricted. Added Completely Restricted. Added Special Thanks. Added Contact Me. =============================================================================== About Guide =============================================================================== This guide is to help you with fusion, rituals, and just normal summonings. In Duel Monsters 5 Expert 1, you must tribute, polymerze, and sacrifice to summon certain creatures. You can also equip a certain creature with a certain equip, do something with another creature's effect, or play a certain magic card to summon a creature. You must know how to do all of these if you want to be able to win duels in the game. =============================================================================== Normal Summoning =============================================================================== Normal summoning is when you summon a creature to the field. Every creature has a level ranging from level 1 to level 8. (There are higher level creatures, but they are all special summoning, ritual, or fusion.) For levels 1 to 4, you can just summon them. For creatures above level 4, you must sacrifice a certain number of creatures. Here is the chart. 0 Sacrifice ------------ Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 1 Sacrifice ----------- Level 5 Level 6 2 Sacrifices ------------ Level 7 Level 8 If you sacrifice a creature to summon a stronger one but want to play it face down, you can still play it in defense mode and face down. =============================================================================== Special Summoning =============================================================================== Some creatures can only be summoned through special means. Equipping a creature with something, using a magic card, using an effect of another creature, there are many creatures that require special summoning. Special Summoning Creatures --------------------------- Metal Zoa: You must sacrifice a Zoa equipped with Metal Morph. Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth: Sacrifice a Petit Moth with a Cocoon of Evolution after 4 turns. Great Moth: Sacrifice a Petit Moth with a Cocoon of Evolution after 4 turns. Larvae Moth: Sacrifice the Petit Moth equipped with a Cocoon of Evolution after 2 turns. Cocoon of Evolution: You can summon this creature if you have a Petit Moth out on the field. It will become an equip for the Petit Moth, raising its defense point to 2000. Wall Shadow: Sacrifice a Labyrinth Wall equipped with Magical Labyrinth to summon this creature. Harpie Lady Sisters: Equip a Harpie Lady with Elegant Egotist to sumon Harpie Lady Sisters. Valkyrion the Magna Warrior: Sacrifice Alpha, Beta and Gamma magnet warriors to summon this powerful creature. Exodia: Have Arms of Forbidden One, Legs of Forbidden One, and Exodia the Forbidden in your hand to summon Exodia. You automatically win the duel. Gate Guardian: Have Sanga of the Thunder, Suijin, and Kazejin out on the field. Sacrifice them to summon Gate Guardian. Manga Ryu Ran: Have Toon World out. Toon Summoned Demeon (Skull): Have Toon World out. Toon Archery Girl: Have Toon World out. Blue-eyes Toon Dragon: Have Toon World out. Red-eyes Metal Dragon: Sacrifice a Red-eyes B. Dragon equipped with a Metal Morph. Dark Sage: Have Time Wizard and Dark Magician out on the field. Use Time Wiz's effect. If it is successful, you can sacrifice Dark Magician to summon Dark Sage from your hand or your deck. =============================================================================== Fusion =============================================================================== Fusion is when you combine two creatures together with the card Polymerization. There are 3 rules to fusion. 1. You must have the two required fusion cards. 2. You must have the actual fused card. 3. You can fuse from your hand, field, or hand-field. Fusion may be hard to do, but it is powerful. A good card to have is a Cyber Stein. Using his effect, you will lose 5000 lps but you can special summon a fusion card. Fusions ------- Alligator Sword + Baby Dragon = Alligator's Sword Dragon Ground Attacker Bugroth + Guardian of the Sea = Amphibious Bugroth Fairy Dragon + Amazon of the Seas + Zone Eater = Aqua Dragon Summoned Skull + Red-Eyes Black Dragon Frenzied Panda + Ryu-Kishin = Barox Crass Clown + Dream Clown = Bikuri Box Blue-eyes White Dragon + Blue-eyes White Dragon + Blue-eyes White Dragon = Blue-eyes Ultimate Dragon Two-headed King Rex + Crawling Dragon #2 = Bracchio-radius Monster Egg + Hinotama Soul = Charubian the Fire Knight Faith Bird + Skull Red Bird = Crimson Sun Bird Blast Juggler + Two-headed King Rex = Cyber Saurus Fire Grass + Petit Dragon = Dark Fire Dragon Bottom Dweller + Tongyo = Deap Sea Shark Armaill + One-eyed Shield Dragon = Dragoness the Wicked Knight Queen's Double + Hibikime = Emperess Judge Skull Servant + Dissolver Rock = Flame Ghost Flame Manipulator + Masaki the Legendry Swordsman = Flame Swordsman Flame Manipulator + Masaki the Legendry Swordsman = Flame Swordsman (2) Silver Fang + Darkworld Thorns = Flower Wolf Petit Angel + Mystical Sheep #2 = Fusionist Gaia the Fierce Knight + Curse of Dragon = Gaia the Dragon Champion Guardian of the Labyrinth + Protector of the Throne = Giltia the D. Knight The Snake Hair + Dragon Zombie = Great Mammoth of Goldfine Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 + Fairy Dragon = Kaiser Dragon Ocu Beam + Mega Thunderball = Kaminari Attack Mystical Elf + Curtain of the Dark Ones = Kamionwizard M-Warrior #1 + M-Warrior #2 = Karbonala Warrior Kuwagata A + Hercules Beetle = Kwagar Hercules Giga-Tech Wolf + Cannon Soldier = Labyrinth Tank Sea Kamen + Gruesome Goo + Amazon of the Seas = Man-eating Black Shark Water Magician + Behegon = Marine Beast Tyhone + Wings of Wicked Flames = Mavelus Steel Ogre Grotto #1 + Lesser Dragon = Metal Dragon Red-Eyes B. Dragon + Meteor Dragon = Meteor B. Dragon Witch of the Black Forest + Lady of Faith = Musician King Giant Soldier of Stone + Ancient Elf = Mystical Sand Trakadon + Flame Viper = Pragtical Blue-winged Crown + Niwatori = Punished Eagle Battle Ox + Mystic Horseman = Rabid Horseman Fusionist + Enchanting Mermaid = Rare Fish Mystic Lamp + Hyosube = Roaring Ocean Snake Feral Imp + Snake Yashi = Rose Specter of Dunn The Snake Hair + Black Land Fire Dragon = Skelgon Tainted Wisdom + Ancient Brain = Skull Knight Takuhee + Temple of Skulls = Skullbird Lord of the Lamp + Invader from Another Demension = Soul Hunter Time Wizard + Baby Dragon = Thousand Dragon Time Wizard + Baby Dragon = Thousand Dragon (2) Thunder Dragon + Thunder Dragon = Twin-headed Thunder Dragon Rhaimundos of the Red Sword + Fireyarou = Vermillion Sparrow Sonic Maid + Beautiful Head Huntress = Warrior of Tradition Skull Servant + Battle Warrior =============================================================================== Ritual =============================================================================== Rituals are used to summon new creatures. You need the ritual card in your hand or face down on the field, you need the card that is formed in your hand, and you need a certain number of creatures as sacrifice. You play the ritual, and sacrifice creatures until the level meter is full. If you sacrifice a level 3 creature, then 3 levels will be added to the ritual. Beastly Mirror Ritual: 6 Stars: Summon Fiends Mirror Black Illusion Ritual: 1 Star: Relinquished Black Luster Ritual: 8 Stars: Black Luster Soldier Commencement Dance: 6 Stars: Performance of Sword Dark Magic Ritual: 8 Stars: Magician of Black Chaos Fortress Whale's Oath: 7 Stars: Fortress Whale Garma Sword Oath: 7 Stars: Garma Sword Javaline Beetle Pact: 8 Stars: Javaline Beetle Novax's Prayer: 6 Stars: Skull Guardian Resurrection of Chakra: 7 Stars: Chakra Revival of Dokurorider: 6 Stars: Dokurorider Turtle Oath: 8 Stars: Crab Turtle War Lion Ritual: 6 Stars: Super War Lion Zera Ritual: 8 Stars: Zera the Mant =============================================================================== Restricted/Semi Restricted =============================================================================== You can only have 1 of each restricted card in your deck. Restricted ----------- Call of the Haunted Ceasefire Change of Heart Confiscation Cyber Jar Dark Hole Exodia of the Forbidden One Harpie's Feather Duster Imperial Order Jinzo Left Arm of the Forbidden One Left Leg of the Forbidden One Limited Removal Magic Cylinder Megamorph Mirror Force Monster Reborn Painful Choice Pot of Greed Raigeki Right Arm of the Forbidden One Right Leg of the Forbidden One Sinister Serpent Snatch Steal The Forceful Sentry United We Stand You can have 2 of each semi-restricted card in your deck. Semi-Restricted Backup Soldier Bell of Destruction Delinquent Duo Graceful Charity Heavy Storm Morphing Jar #2 Nobleman of Crossout Riryoku Sangan Swords of Revealing Light Witch of the Black Forest =============================================================================== Completely Restricted =============================================================================== These cards are not allowed in your deck. The Monarchy Set Sail for the Kingdom Glory of the King's Hand Obelisk the Tormentor Osiris the Sky Dragon Ra the Sun God Insect Monster Token =============================================================================== Special Thanks =============================================================================== Special Thanks to some Eternal Duelist Soul FAQs for providing me with some of the FAQs. (I DID NOT STEAL OR COPY!!) =============================================================================== Contact Me =============================================================================== E-Mail: AIM: Adudefaraway YIM: Newyorkcoolboy624 ICQ: 177724997 Websites: Messageboard: ===============================================================================