=========================== Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Sacred Cards Card List FAQ =========================== Gameboy Advance December 21, 2003 Version 1.1 ================= Version History ================= v1.1 - Minor changes v1.0 - First Version =========== Copyright =========== This FAQ is only for private and personal use only. Copying, Ripping, Distributing etc. of this FAQ is strictly prohibited. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Sacred Cards, and characters are copyright © 1996 Kazuki Takahashi FAQ Copyright © 2003 Griffin Knight ============================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================== I. Introduction [NTR] II. Cards [CDS] III. Credits [CRD] =============================================================================== I. Introduction [NTR] =============================================================================== Yu-Gi-Oh! is a card game that has different attributes and images of monsters, these cards are placed on the field performing their different actions like offensive, defensive and supporting move, the cards has 23 types. the types of cards are Spell, Trap, Ritual, Dragon, Magician, Zombie, Warrior, Beast Warrior, Beast, Wing Beast, Fiend, Fairy, Insect, Dinosaur, Reptile, Fish, Sea Dragon, Machine, Thunder, Aqua, Pyro, Rock, and Plant. To Duel, press the R Button, Dueling with another player will earn you a Domino, Deck Capacity, Duelist Level, Card Locator and a Card. Dominoes are the unit of money used in the game, You can buy cards at the Card Shop. Deck Capacity is the units cards, Cards with high capacity cannot temporarily be played in the game. Duelist Level indicates how you progress by dueling a player. A Card Locator can only be acquired by fighting special duelists. And you can also earn a card if you select one of your card as an Ante, choosing a rarer card as an Ante can also make you acquire a rare card from the player. To view a card's details, press the L, start, or select button to activate the menu and choose Trunk or Deck. Choosing Deck will put you in a screen where you can view the list of cards you'll use in battle, while choosing Trunk will put you in a screen where you can view all the 900 cards, this acts as your card list. Select a card by pressing A button and select Details, this enables you to view the card's status. =============================================================================== II. Cards [CDS] =============================================================================== Card Number: 1 Card Name: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Attack: 3000 Defense: 2500 Type: Dragon Summon: Light Cost: 95 Stars: 8 A legendary dragon that takes pride in its enormous power. Its powers of destruction far exceed comprehension. Card Number: 2 Card Name: Mystical Elf Attack: 800 Defense: 2000 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 319 Stars: 4 An elf with blue skin, and with light of element. It can power up Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the field. Card Number: 3 Card Name: Hitotsu-Me Giant Attack: 1200 Defense: 1000 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Fiend Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A one eyed giant that pummels foes with its thick arms. It must be treated with wary respect. Card Number: 4 Card Name: Baby Dragon Attack: 1200 Defense: 700 Type: Dragon Summon: Earth Cost: 121 Stars: 3 Despite its infancy, this dragon must not be taken lightly. The power it embodies is unimaginable. Card Number: 5 Card Name: Ryu-Kishin Attack: 1000 Defense: 500 Type: Fiend Summon: Wind Cost: 87 Stars: 3 It disguises itself as a statue and strike from the shadows. It is also fleet of foot and adept at fleeing. Card Number: 6 Card Name: Feral Imp Attack: 1300 Defense: 1400 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A small but fierce fiend known for its mischievous way. Beware - it uses the cover of darkness to attack the unwary. Card Number: 7 Card Name: Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 Attack: 1400 Defense: 1200 Type: Dragon Summon: Wind Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A winged dragon that stands guard at a mountain fortress. It attacks by plummeting down from the sky in a steep dive. Card Number: 8 Card Name: Mushroom Man Attack: 800 Defense: 600 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A monster that is at its best in chilly and damp locations. It attacks by releasing clouds of spores from its cap. Card Number: 9 Card Name: Shadow Specter Attack: 500 Defense: 200 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 29 Stars: 1 A ghostly spirit of a wild animal that roams in wastelands. This card could be troublesome if encountered in number. Card Number: 10 Card Name: Blackland Fire Dragon Attack: 1500 Defense: 800 Type: Dragon Summon: Shadow Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A dragon that makes its lair deep in impenetrable darkness. Its power of vision is not very good. Card Number: 11 Card Name: Sword Arm of Dragon Attack: 1750 Defense: 2030 Type: Dinosaur Summon: Earth Cost: 95 Stars: 6 A dinosaur with bristles with sword-like spikes all over. It attacks by recklessly ramming its foe. Card Number: 12 Card Name: Swamp Battleguard Attack: 1800 Defense: 1500 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A loutish, troll-like warrior with thick muscles and build. It powers up Lava Battle-guards on the player's own field. Card Number: 13 Card Name: Tyhone Attack: 1200 Defense: 1400 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 161 Stars: 4 Fires cannon shells over distances from its mouth to attack. The power of its cannon is enhanced in mountainous terrain. Card Number: 14 Card Name: Battle Steer Attack: 1800 Defense: 1300 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Fiend Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A forest-dwelling fiend that is part man and part ox. It attacks by lowering its head and ramming with its horn. Card Number: 15 Card Name: Flame Swordsman Attack: 1800 Defense: 1600 Type: Warrior Summon: Pyro Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A swordsman that bears a fiery sword deadly to all dinosaurs. It has the power to wipe out all dinosaurs on the field. Card Number: 16 Card Name: Time Wizard Attack: 500 Defense: 400 Type: Magician Summon: Dreams Cost: 29 Stars: 2 An enchanted clock that has the power to transform Baby Dragons and Dark Magicians on the player's field. Card Number: 17 Card Name: Right Leg of the Forbidden One Attack: 200 Defense: 300 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 66 Stars: 1 One of the five limbs of Exodia, the forbidden monster. If all the five cards gather in the hand of the player, he wins. Card Number: 18 Card Name: Left Leg of the Forbidden One Attack: 200 Defense: 300 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 66 Stars: 1 One of the five limbs of Exodia, the forbidden monster. If all the five cards gather in the hand of the player, he wins. Card Number: 19 Card Name: Right Arm of the Forbidden One Attack: 200 Defense: 300 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 66 Stars: 1 One of the five limbs of Exodia, the forbidden monster. If all the five cards gather in the hand of the player, he wins. Card Number: 20 Card Name: Left Arms of the Forbidden One Attack: 200 Defense: 300 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 66 Stars: 1 One of the five limbs of Exodia, the forbidden monster. If all the five cards gather in the hand of the player, he wins. Card Number: 21 Card Name: Exodia the Forbidden One Attack: 1000 Defense: 1000 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 137 Stars: 3 One of the five limbs of Exodia, the forbidden monster. If all the five cards gather in the hand of the player, he wins. Card Number: 22 Card Name: Summoned Skull Attack: 2500 Defense: 1200 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 279 Stars: 6 A skeletal fiend that fools people with the power of darkness. It is among the stronger of the fiend types. Card Number: 23 Card Name: The Wicked Worm Beast Attack: 1400 Defense: 700 Type: Beast Summon: Earth Cost: 161 Stars: 3 An earthworm that became a monster from the power of darkness. It burrows underground and attacks suddenly without warning. Card Number: 24 Card Name: Skull Servant Attack: 300 Defense: 200 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 16 Stars: 1 A skeletal specter that can appear virtually anywhere. Though its power is weak, it can be a threat in a swarm. Card Number: 25 Card Name: Horn Imp Attack: 1300 Defense: 1000 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A small fiend that dwells among shadows and darkness. Despite its stature, it is surprisingly strong. Beware of its horn. Card Number: 26 Card Name: Battle Ox Attack: 1700 Defense: 1000 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Forest Cost: 233 Stars: 4 A fearsome ox monster that wield the power of Axe Crusher. When used, it eliminates all pyro types from the enemy field. Card Number: 27 Card Name: Beaver Warrior Attack: 1200 Defense: 1500 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Forest Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A small and furry warrior that is fully armored and armed. Though it is small, it has high defense in grasslands. Card Number: 28 Card Name: Rock Ogre Grotto #1 Attack: 800 Defense: 1200 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 121 Stars: 3 With a body made of stone, it is strongly protected from damage. Beware - it swings its thick arms to devastating effect. Card Number: 29 Card Name: Mountain Warrior Attack: 600 Defense: 1000 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A muscular warrior built to withstand harsh elements and terrain. It has no trouble getting about on even terrible ground. Card Number: 30 Card Name: Zombie Warrior Attack: 1200 Defense: 900 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A skeletal warrior that is equipped with a sword and shield. It appears weak, but it strikes with quick, sharp stabs. Card Number: 31 Card Name: Koumori Dragon Attack: 1500 Defense: 1200 Type: Dragon Summon: Fiend Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A vicious, batlike dragon with wings, long tail, and sharp teeth. It spews a black and fiery breath that turns souls dark. Card Number: 32 Card Name: Two-Headed King Rex Attack: 1600 Defense: 1200 Type: Dinosaur Summon: Earth Cost: 207 Stars: 4 A two-headed dinosaur that can attack in two directions at once. It is among the stronger of the dinosaur cards. Card Number: 33 Card Name: Judge Man Attack: 2200 Defense: 1500 Type: Warrior Summon: Light Cost: 150 Stars: 6 A warrior that detests battles without a clear outcome. A blow from its huge club is extremely powerful. Card Number: 34 Card Name: Saggi the Dark Clown Attack: 600 Defense: 1500 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 183 Stars: 3 A sinister clown that appears as if from nowhere silently. It deftly evades attacks using strange motions. Card Number: 35 Card Name: Dark Magician Attack: 2500 Defense: 2100 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 20 Stars: 7 A sinister spell caster that possesses both power and defense. It is among the best of all magicians. Card Number: 36 Card Name: The Snake Hair Attack: 1500 Defense: 1200 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A dangerous female monster with the head of a venomous snake. Anyone that sees her eyes is instantly turned to stone. Card Number: 37 Card Name: Gaia the Dragon Champion Attack: 2600 Defense: 2100 Type: Dragon Summon: Wind Cost: 30 Stars: 7 A powerful knight that sits astride its dragon steer. The knight's power and the dragon's speed combine for best effect. Card Number: 38 Card Name: Gaia the Fierce Knight Attack: 2300 Defense: 2100 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 6 Stars: 7 A powerful knight that rides a horse faster than the wind. Beware of its charging attack. Card Number: 39 Card Name: Curse of Dragon Attack: 2000 Defense: 1500 Type: Dragon Summon: Wind Cost: 86 Stars: 5 A yellow dragon that breathes the very flames of hell. Its fiery breath can turn the field into a wasteland. Card Number: 40 Card Name: Dragon Piper Attack: 200 Defense: 1800 Type: Pyro Summon: Pyro Cost: 260 Stars: 3 A being that dwells inside a curiously decorated vase. Its defense rating is very high. Card Number: 41 Card Name: Celtic Guardian Attack: 1400 Defense: 1200 Type: Warrior Summon: Light Cost: 161 Stars: 4 An elf that has been given training in the ways of the sword. It befuddles the foe with its lightning-quick attacks. Card Number: 42 Card Name: Illusionist Faceless Mage Attack: 1200 Defense: 2200 Type: Magician Summon: Dreams Cost: 150 Stars: 5 An odd being but with heads on both its shoulders. It can stop all enemies on the field from moving the next turn. Card Number: 43 Card Name: Karbonala Warrior Attack: 1500 Defense: 1200 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A deceptive card of what appears to be an ordinary swordsman. However, it has a notably high attack power. Card Number: 44 Card Name: Rogue Doll Attack: 1600 Defense: 1000 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 207 Stars: 4 A possessed doll that wields sacred power as its weapon. Its attacks become more powerful in darkness. Card Number: 45 Card Name: Oscillo Hero #2 Attack: 1000 Defense: 500 Type: Thunder Summon: Thunder Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A small but tough robot with a strong thunderbolt attack. Treating it lightly could come as a nasty shock. Card Number: 46 Card Name: Griffore Attack: 1200 Defense: 1500 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A hulking beast that is well protected by its hard body. Weak attacks simply bounce right off its rugged hide. Card Number: 47 Card Name: Torike Attack: 1200 Defense: 600 Type: Beast Summon: Earth Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A smaller creature that is much more fragile than it appears. However, its long horns make its ramming charges powerful. Card Number: 48 Card Name: Sangan Attack: 1000 Defense: 600 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A smaller fiend with a set of three malevolent eyes. it becomes more powerful in darkness. Card Number: 49 Card Name: Big Insect Attack: 1200 Defense: 1500 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A gigantic ant that makes its home in deep forests and jungles. Its attack and defense stats are surprisingly high. Card Number: 50 Card Name: Basic Insect Attack: 500 Defense: 700 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 47 Stars: 2 An insect with oversized front legs that lives in a swarm. Forests are paradise to them. Card Number: 51 Card Name: Armored Lizard Attack: 1500 Defense: 1200 Type: Reptile Summon: Aqua Cost: 183 Stars: 4 As its name implies, this lizard is clad in an armor-like hide. A bite of its cavernous mouth can be deadly. Card Number: 52 Card Name: Hercules Beetle Attack: 1500 Defense: 1200 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 86 Stars: 5 A gigantic stag beetle with imposing horns and a hard shell. Its horn attack and rugged defense make it very tough. Card Number: 53 Card Name: Killer Needle Attack: 1200 Defense: 1000 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 121 Stars: 4 An enormous bee that has more strength than it first appears. It can be a serious threat if it were to swarm with others. Card Number: 54 Card Name: Gokibore Attack: 1200 Defense: 1400 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A cockroach that curls up into a ball and rolls to attack. Its defense rating is much higher than it first appears. Card Number: 55 Card Name: Giant Flea Attack: 1500 Defense: 1200 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 183 Stars: 4 An enormous blood-sucking flea that is surprisingly strong. Don't let the fact of it being a flea fool you into complacency. Card Number: 56 Card Name: Larvae Moth Attack: 500 Defense: 400 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 255 Stars: 2 Because it is only an undeveloped larva, it is very weak. However, it grows into an enormous moth. Card Number: 57 Card Name: Great Moth Attack: 2600 Defense: 2500 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 255 Stars: 8 A huge moth that attacks by scattering flurries of toxic dust. It is quite powerful when encountered in a forest. Card Number: 58 Card Name: Kuriboh Attack: 300 Defense: 200 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 16 Stars: 1 A small and flurry fiend that is not much of a threat. However, it can be pain if they appear in numbers in darkness. Card Number: 59 Card Name: Mammoth Graveyard Attack: 1200 Defense: 800 Type: Dinosaur Summon: Shadow Cost: 121 Stars: 3 An animated skeleton of a mammoth with a debilitating power. It can power down every monster on the enemy's field. Card Number: 60 Card Name: Great White Attack: 1600 Defense: 800 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 207 Stars: 4 An enormous great white shark of fearsome ferocity and speed. There is no escape if it were to clamp down with its huge jaws. Card Number: 61 Card Name: Wolf Attack: 1200 Defense: 800 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A predatory beast that has become rarely seen in recent times. It searches for prey using its excellent sense of smell. Card Number: 62 Card Name: Harpie Lady Attack: 1300 Defense: 1400 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A female monster that is half bird and half human. It can powerup Harpie's Pet Dragons on the own field. Card Number: 63 Card Name: Harpie Lady Sisters Attack: 1950 Defense: 2100 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 116 Stars: 6 A trio of Harpie Ladies, sisters half bird and half human. It can power up Harpie's Pet Dragons on the own field two levels. Card Number: 64 Card Name: Tiger Axe Attack: 1300 Defense: 1100 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Forest Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A tigerlike beast warrior that is armed with a hefty axe. It doles out powerful blows with lightning quickness. Card Number: 65 Card Name: Silver Fang Attack: 1200 Defense: 800 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A strikingly gorgeous wolf that glows in a whitish sliver. Despite its beautiful look, It is extremely vicious. Card Number: 66 Card Name: Kojikocy Attack: 1500 Defense: 1200 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A thoroughly evil hunter that considers humans fair game. Its brute strength lets it crush rocks into shards. Card Number: 67 Card Name: Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth Attack: 3500 Defense: 3000 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 255 Stars: 8 The final evolution of the insect monster Great Moth. It is the most powerful among all the insect type monsters. Card Number: 68 Card Name: Garoozis Attack: 1800 Defense: 1500 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Pyro Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A ferocious beast warrior that has the head of a dragon. Its axe attacks have the power to inflict severe damage. Card Number: 69 Card Name: Thousand Dragon Attack: 2400 Defense: 2000 Type: Dragon Summon: Pyro Cost: 12 Stars: 7 A dragon that has lived for thousands and thousands of years. It breathes laboriously through its nostrils. Card Number: 70 Card Name: Fiend Kraken Attack: 1200 Defense: 1400 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 161 Stars: 4 An enormous squid that hides itself beneath ocean waves. It appears from the sea suddenly and attacks. Card Number: 71 Card Name: Jellyfish Attack: 1200 Defense: 1500 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A jellyfish that drifts aimlessly on the sea among waves. Its body is translucent, making it hard to distinguish its shape. Card Number: 72 Card Name: Cocoon of Evolution Attack: 0 Defense: 2000 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 255 Stars: 3 An insect cocoon that is incapable of mounting an attack. It can take an insect larva and make it evolve into maturity. Card Number: 73 Card Name: Kairyu-Shin Attack: 1800 Defense: 1500 Type: Sea Dragon Summon: Aqua Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A gigantic sea dragon that creates massive tidal waves. It has the power to turn the field into a sea. Card Number: 74 Card Name: Giant Soldier of Stone Attack: 1300 Defense: 2000 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 319 Stars: 3 A massive warrior hewn from boulders that rattles the earth. It has the power to turn the field into an arena. Card Number: 75 Card Name: Man-Eating Plant Attack: 800 Defense: 600 Type: Plant Summon: Shadow Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A thorny plant with what appears to be a lovely flower. However, the flower is used to swallow unsuspecting prey. Card Number: 76 Card Name: Krokodilus Attack: 1100 Defense: 1200 Type: Reptile Summon: Aqua Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A crocodile that became intelligent, but also more ferocious. It repels attacks with its hard and scaly hide. Card Number: 77 Card Name: Grappler Attack: 1300 Defense: 1200 Type: Reptile Summon: Aqua Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A sly and deceptive serpent with a long, thick body. Beware of its powerful constrictor attack. Card Number: 78 Card Name: Axe Raider Attack: 1700 Defense: 1150 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 233 Stars: 4 A wild and primitive warrior that arms itself with an axe. It metes out powerful blows by swinging its axe in one hand. Card Number: 79 Card Name: Megazowler Attack: 1800 Defense: 2000 Type: Dinosaur Summon: Earth Cost: 86 Stars: 6 A dinosaur with horns protruding from all over its body. As expected, its ramming attacks are very powerful. Card Number: 80 Card Name: Uraby Attack: 1500 Defense: 800 Type: Dinosaur Summon: Earth Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A dinosaur that is adept at running at a very rapid pace. It attacks with hooked, razor-sharp claws. Card Number: 81 Card Name: Crawling Dragon #2 Attack: 1600 Defense: 1200 Type: Dinosaur Summon: Fiend Cost: 207 Stars: 4 A ghoulish dinosaur with a mouth that pulverizes all it eats. Its attack power is quite high. Card Number: 82 Card Name: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Attack: 2400 Defense: 2000 Type: Dragon Summon: Fiend Cost: 12 Stars: 7 A sinister black dragon with eyes that shine a deep scarlet. It furiously spouts black flames that incinerate all things. Card Number: 83 Card Name: Castle of Dark Illusions Attack: 1200 Defense: 2500 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 493 Stars: 4 A macabre flying castle that can turn the field into darkness. It can also turn all own monsters in the field face down. Card Number: 84 Card Name: Reaper of the Cards Attack: 1800 Defense: 2000 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 86 Stars: 5 A deathly phantom in a cloaked hood with a giant blade. It can make one trap card disappear from the opponent's field. Card Number: 85 Card Name: King of Yamimakai Attack: 2600 Defense: 2300 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 331 Stars: 5 A wickedly cruel being that bears an awful power of darkness. It destroys all around it with its overwhelming power. Card Number: 86 Card Name: Barox Attack: 1800 Defense: 2000 Type: Fiend Summon: Forest Cost: 86 Stars: 5 A winged creature that flies about freely in full darkness. It punches foes with its long and hairy arms. Card Number: 87 Card Name: Dark Chimera Attack: 2100 Defense: 1900 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 116 Stars: 5 A powerful monster that dwells in the dark world of fiends. It attacks by breathing the fires of darkness. Card Number: 88 Card Name: Metal Guardian Attack: 1500 Defense: 2800 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 449 Stars: 5 A fiend that guards the treasures in the world of fiends. Its defense in darkness is outstandingly high. Card Number: 89 Card Name: Catapult Turtle Attack: 1000 Defense: 2000 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 86 Stars: 5 A monster that can make all unused monsters on the player's field disappear and hit the foe with their combined power. Card Number: 90 Card Name: Gyakutenno Megami Attack: 1800 Defense: 2000 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 86 Stars: 6 A goddess that can alter the course of battle. It can power up all monsters on the own field with attack of 500 or less. Card Number: 91 Card Name: Mystic Horseman Attack: 1300 Defense: 1550 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 195 Stars: 4 An axe-bearing beast that is half human and half horse. Fleet of foot, it is impossible for anyone to catch. Card Number: 92 Card Name: Rabid Horseman Attack: 2000 Defense: 1700 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Forest Cost: 86 Stars: 6 A fearsome monster that is made of a centaur and an ox. It savagely doles out very punishing attacks. Card Number: 93 Card Name: Zanki Attack: 1500 Defense: 1700 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 25 Stars: 5 An armored swordsman that prefers to duel head to head. It strikes with viper-like quickness if the foe is off guard. Card Number: 94 Card Name: Crawling Dragon Attack: 1600 Defense: 1400 Type: Dragon Summon: Earth Cost: 14 Stars: 5 A dragon that grew weak and became incapable of flying. In spite of that, it still retains its power for attacking. Card Number: 95 Card Name: Crass Clown Attack: 1350 Defense: 1400 Type: Fiend Summon: Dreams Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A malevolent clown that dances in the circus of darkness. Those that see its dance loses energy and strength. Card Number: 96 Card Name: Armored Zombie Attack: 1500 Defense: 0 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 183 Stars: 3 An armored warrior that returned from the dead with evil intent. It waves its sword wildly with seemingly no control. Card Number: 97 Card Name: Dragon Zombie Attack: 1600 Defense: 0 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 207 Stars: 3 A dragon that has been resurrected by the power of darkness. It breathes a corrosive gas that rots everything it touches. Card Number: 98 Card Name: Clown Zombie Attack: 1350 Defense: 0 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 150 Stars: 2 A clown that has been resurrected by the power of darkness. Its stumbly dancing draws its audience to death's embrace. Card Number: 99 Card Name: Pumpking the King of the Ghosts Attack: 1800 Defense: 2000 Type: Zombie Summon: Forest Cost: 86 Stars: 6 A ghostly pumpkin with the ability to power up the player's Armored Zombie, Dragon Zombie and Clown Zombie in play. Card Number: 100 Card Name: Battle Warrior Attack: 700 Defense: 1000 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A proud and muscle-bound warrior that has no use for weapons. Instead, it chooses to battle using only its bare knuckles. Card Number: 101 Card Name: Wings of Wicked Flame Attack: 700 Defense: 600 Type: Pyro Summon: Pyro Cost: 47 Stars: 2 The wings of this creature shimmer with red-black flames. It attacks by making fire erupt from all over its body. Card Number: 102 Card Name: Mask of Darkness Attack: 900 Defense: 400 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 72 Stars: 2 An animated mask created by a magician using dark powers. It attacks using a dark power that cannot be seen. Card Number: 103 Card Name: Job-Change Mirror Attack: 800 Defense: 1300 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 140 Stars: 3 A sinister mirror that was crafted at the hands of fiends. It absorbs attacks without shattering to provide protection. Card Number: 104 Card Name: Curtain of the Dark Ones Attack: 600 Defense: 500 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 37 Stars: 2 A possessed curtain made by magicians using special powers. It is said to enhance the power of magic users. Card Number: 105 Card Name: Tomozaurus Attack: 500 Defense: 400 Type: Dinosaur Summon: Earth Cost: 29 Stars: 2 A small dinosaur that is utterly fearless and ferocious. It is known to squabble and fight with others. Card Number: 106 Card Name: Spirit of the Winds Attack: 1700 Defense: 1400 Type: Magician Summon: Wind Cost: 25 Stars: 5 A free-spirited wind elemental that flits about as it desires. It brings storms when it becomes upset. Card Number: 107 Card Name: Kageningen Attack: 800 Defense: 600 Type: Warrior Summon: Fiend Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A creepy being whose shadow joins it to attack its foes. The unwary are caught by surprise from the front and rear. Card Number: 108 Card Name: Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation Attack: 700 Defense: 900 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A malevolent graveyard that gives greater strength to the dead. It beckons the living to the realm of death. Card Number: 109 Card Name: Goddess with the Third Eye Attack: 1200 Defense: 1000 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A goddess that has a divine third eye on her forehead. The divine eye gives her all-seeing powers. Card Number: 110 Card Name: Hero of the East Attack: 1100 Defense: 1000 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A samurai said to have come from a far-off land in the east. The katana it bears is extremely sharp. Card Number: 111 Card Name: Doma The Angel of Silence Attack: 1600 Defense: 1400 Type: Fairy Summon: Shadow Cost: 14 Stars: 5 The angel of death, this being must never be angered. To earn its wrath is to know death. Card Number: 112 Card Name: That Witch Feeds on Life Attack: 1200 Defense: 1000 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A voracious fiend that eats the souls of all living things. The souls it consumes become its energy. Card Number: 113 Card Name: Dark Gray Attack: 800 Defense: 900 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A goat like creature with small wings and a dark gray hide. It is very precious and rarely seen. Card Number: 114 Card Name: White Magical Hat Attack: 1000 Defense: 700 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A mystical thief with a dazzling white cape and top hat. Despite his eye-catching attire, he has never been caught. Card Number: 115 Card Name: Kamionwizard Attack: 1300 Defense: 1100 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A wizard that is versed in the dark magic spells of chaos. Its large, cruel scythe inflicts harsh damage. Card Number: 116 Card Name: Nightmare Scorpion Attack: 900 Defense: 800 Type: Insect Summon: Earth Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A scorpion that lulls its foes to sleep and terrible nightmares. The sleeping foe is then stabbed by its four toxic stingers. Card Number: 117 Card Name: Spirit of the Books Attack: 1400 Defense: 1200 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A small, robed bird that serves as the spirit of books. It can summon a Boo Koo to an open spot on the own field. Card Number: 118 Card Name: Supporter in the shadows Attack: 1000 Defense: 1000 Type: Warrior Summon: Forest Cost: 87 Stars: 3 An adorable, tiny person who is eager to please, but quietly. It is happy to provide support from the shadows. Card Number: 119 Card Name: Trial of Nightmare Attack: 1300 Defense: 900 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 140 Stars: 4 An emissary of hell that traps its foe inside a large coffin. It then renders its judgment that skewers the coffin. Card Number: 120 Card Name: Dream Clown Attack: 1200 Defense: 900 Type: Warrior Summon: Dreams Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A peculiar, small being that has taken the guise of a clown. Its sweet dancing lulls the viewer to an eternal sleep. Card Number: 121 Card Name: Sleeping Lion Attack: 700 Defense: 1700 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 233 Stars: 4 An utterly ferocious beast that is usually fast asleep. It becomes uncontrollable upon waking. Card Number: 122 Card Name: Yamatano Dragon Scroll Attack: 900 Defense: 300 Type: Dragon Summon: Wind Cost: 72 Stars: 2 A dragon that emerges from inside a wall scroll to attack. Its defense rating is on the very low side. Card Number: 123 Card Name: Dark Plant Attack: 300 Defense: 400 Type: Plant Summon: Fiend Cost: 22 Stars: 1 A malignant flower grown in polluted soil with dark powers. It is extremely wild and vicious. Card Number: 124 Card Name: Ancient Tool Attack: 1700 Defense: 1400 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 25 Stars: 5 A machine that was found in the ruins of an ancient culture. It appears to have been made solely to destroy. Card Number: 125 Card Name: Faith Bird Attack: 1500 Defense: 1100 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Light Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A divine bird with extremely long, flowing tail feathers. It shines all over with a sacred light. Card Number: 126 Card Name: Orion the Battle King Attack: 1800 Defense: 1500 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 41 Stars: 5 An imposing angel that is claimed to be the god of battle. No one, however, has been witness to it in battle. Card Number: 127 Card Name: Ansatsu Attack: 1700 Defense: 1200 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 25 Stars: 5 A stealthy warrior that is a deadly assassination specialist. It cunningly sneaks up on targets without a sound in darkness. Card Number: 128 Card Name: LaMoon Attack: 1200 Defense: 1700 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 25 Stars: 5 A female spell caster, who makes her home on the moon. She allures foes with the magical powers of the moon. Card Number: 129 Card Name: Nemur iko Attack: 800 Defense: 700 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 59 Stars: 3 A sleeping child that is swaddled in an enchanted scarf. It can make all enemy monsters on the field fall asleep. Card Number: 130 Card Name: Weather Control Attack: 600 Defense: 400 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 37 Stars: 2 A whimsical being with the ability to control the weather. It can be blamed for the fickle climate changes on mountains. Card Number: 131 Card Name: Octoberser Attack: 1600 Defense: 1400 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 14 Stars: 5 A bizarre creature with a fish head and octopus tentacles. It attacks with a spear. Card Number: 132 Card Name: The 13th Grave Attack: 1200 Defense: 900 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A shambling skeleton of a zombie risen from death's sleep. It came from a supposedly unfilled plot, the 13th in a cemetery. Card Number: 133 Card Name: Charubin the Fire Knight Attack: 1100 Defense: 800 Type: Pyro Summon: Pyro Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A knight in an enchanted armor that guards against fire. Because of it, he is unharmed even in an inferno. Card Number: 134 Card Name: Mystical Capture Chain Attack: 700 Defense: 700 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A magical chain that has been infused with a sacred power. It is said to be able to bind foes and keep them from moving. Card Number: 135 Card Name: Fiend's Hand Attack: 600 Defense: 600 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 37 Stars: 2 A spectral hand of the undead that tugs and pulls at victims. It can drag an enemy monster from the field to die together. Card Number: 136 Card Name: Witty Phantom Attack: 1400 Defense: 1300 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A charming and dapper fiend that represents death. Its attire is a jet-black tuxedo that melts into shadows. Card Number: 137 Card Name: Mystery Hand Attack: 500 Defense: 500 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 29 Stars: 2 The hand of a being that has the power to distort the dimensions. It reaches from a rift in the dimensions to strike. Card Number: 138 Card Name: Dragon Statue Attack: 1100 Defense: 900 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A stone statue of a warrior with the soul of a dragon. It cleaves foes with its prized sword. Card Number: 139 Card Name: Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie Attack: 900 Defense: 700 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A horrifying being that fires a deadly ray from its one eye. The ray is said to turn victims into zombies. Card Number: 140 Card Name: Toad Master Attack: 1000 Defense: 1000 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A green-skinned figure that has the power to control frogs. It can summon a Frog the Jam to an open spot on the own field. Card Number: 141 Card Name: Spiked Snail Attack: 700 Defense: 1300 Type: Insect Summon: Fiend Cost: 140 Stars: 3 A malevolent snail that evolved using the power of darkness. It grew arms and legs that enable it to move quickly. Card Number: 142 Card Name: Flame Manipulator Attack: 900 Defense: 1000 Type: Magician Summon: Pyro Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A magician who is an expert at the manipulation of fire. He attacks by creating fiery pools and walls. Card Number: 143 Card Name: Necrolancer the Timelord Attack: 800 Defense: 900 Type: Magician Summon: Dreams Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A one-eyed being that has the ability to bend time as it wants. It emerges from a ring of time that can appear anywhere. Card Number: 144 Card Name: Djinn the Watcher of the Wind Attack: 700 Defense: 900 Type: Magician Summon: Wind Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A magician that has full mastery over the powers of winds. It whips up tornadoes and gusts to blow away anything nearby. Card Number: 145 Card Name: The Bewitching Phantom Thief Attack: 700 Defense: 700 Type: Magician Summon: Dreams Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A suave and debonair thief who swaddles himself in a black cape. He enchants enemies by exquisitely twirling his cane. Card Number: 146 Card Name: Temple of skulls Attack: 900 Defense: 1300 Type: Zombie Summon: Shadow Cost: 140 Stars: 4 An eerie temple made entirely of a skull and some bones. It draws in anyone unwary enough to get too close. Card Number: 147 Card Name: Monster Egg Attack: 600 Defense: 900 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 72 Stars: 3 An enigmatic warrior that hides itself inside a large egg shell. It attacks by flinging the shell at its foe. Card Number: 148 Card Name: The Shadow who Controls the Dark Attack: 800 Defense: 700 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 59 Stars: 3 A malignant shadow that stealthily merges with darkness. It uses a paralyzing spell to stop foes from moving. Card Number: 149 Card Name: Lord of the Lamp Attack: 1400 Defense: 1200 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A rotund genie that emerges from an enchanted lamp. It obeys every command of whoever has summoned it. Card Number: 150 Card Name: Akihiron Attack: 1700 Defense: 1400 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 25 Stars: 5 A bizarre creature that hides itself in the safety of water. Its strange appearance is mind-boggling. Card Number: 151 Card Name: Rhaimundos of the Red Sword Attack: 1200 Defense: 1300 Type: Warrior Summon: Aqua Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A warrior armed with a sword that blazes with red flames. It uses a fiery skill that prevents the foe from moving. Card Number: 152 Card Name: The Melting Red Shadow Attack: 500 Defense: 700 Type: Aqua Summon: Fiend Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A peculiar being that can make its body dissolve into a fluid. It then sneaks under the foe and strikes from beneath. Card Number: 153 Card Name: Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper Attack: 900 Defense: 1200 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A menacing grim reaper that wears a red hooded cloak. It tries to take the souls of foes with hellish scythe slashes. Card Number: 154 Card Name: Fire Reaper Attack: 700 Defense: 500 Type: Zombie Summon: Pyro Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A skeletal grim reaper that is armed with fiery arrows. Its arrow can directly inflict 500LP damage on the opponent. Card Number: 155 Card Name: Larvas Attack: 800 Defense: 1000 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A monstrous bird that moves with darting quickness. It binds and squeezes the foe with its long and thin arms. Card Number: 156 Card Name: Hard Armor Attack: 300 Defense: 1200 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 121 Stars: 3 An empty yet animated suit of armor that has a living soul. It throws military-style tackles with its hard body. Card Number: 157 Card Name: Firegrass Attack: 700 Defense: 600 Type: Plant Summon: Pyro Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A peculiar plant that grows in the wild near volcanoes. It attacks by blowing fire from its flowers. Card Number: 158 Card Name: Man Eater Attack: 800 Defense: 600 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A carnivorous plant that feasts on the flesh of humans. It attacks with its toxic tentacles. Card Number: 159 Card Name: Dig Beak Attack: 500 Defense: 800 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A reptilian beast with a long, snake-like body and a beak. It curls up into a ball to roll and hack with its large beak. Card Number: 160 Card Name: M-Warrior #1 Attack: 1000 Defense: 500 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A striking, blue-skinned warrior armed with a conical sword. It can power up M-Warrior #2s on the own field. Card Number: 161 Card Name: M-Warrior #2 Attack: 500 Defense: 1000 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A striking red-skinned warrior armed with a flat blade. It can power up M-Warrior #1s on the own field. Card Number: 162 Card Name: Tainted Wisdom Attack: 1250 Defense: 800 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 130 Stars: 3 A malignant brain that attacks foes with stabbing tentacles. It absorbs the brain cells of foes and makes them its own. Card Number: 163 Card Name: Lisark Attack: 1300 Defense: 1300 Type: Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A jarringly colored beast that has eyes composed of sapphires. It confuses its foe with miragelike visions, then strikes. Card Number: 164 Card Name: Lord of Zemia Attack: 1300 Defense: 1000 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A pagan deity in the form of a large winged creature. It tricks foes into following a path of self-destruction. Card Number: 165 Card Name: The Judgment Hand Attack: 1400 Defense: 700 Type: Warrior Summon: Light Cost: 161 Stars: 3 A seemingly disembodied hand that is endowed with god's power. It renders final judgments and metes harsh punishment. Card Number: 166 Card Name: Mysterious Puppeteer Attack: 1000 Defense: 1500 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A horrifying puppeteer that has the power to mesmerize its foes. Once a foe is under this being's spell, it becomes a mere puppet. Card Number: 167 Card Name: Ancient Jar Attack: 400 Defense: 200 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 22 Stars: 1 An easily broken jar that was made in ancient times. Something appears to lurk within its murky confines. Card Number: 168 Card Name: Darkfire Dragon Attack: 1500 Defense: 1250 Type: Dragon Summon: Pyro Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A dragon that breathes the intense flames of the dark world. Its breath obliterates everything instantly. Card Number: 169 Card Name: Dark King of the Abyss Attack: 1200 Defense: 800 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A powerful fiend that rules the dark world of the Abyss. It is said to have had power to rule all that is darkness Card Number: 170 Card Name: Spirit of the Harp Attack: 800 Defense: 2000 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 319 Stars: 4 An angelic spirit that strums a harp high in the heavens. The gentle melodies it plays becalm souls. Card Number: 171 Card Name: Big Eye Attack: 1200 Defense: 1000 Type: Fiend Summon: Dreams Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A bizarre being that has eyes peering from all over its body. It uses the numerous eyes to hypnotize its foes. Card Number: 172 Card Name: Armail Attack: 700 Defense: 1300 Type: Warrior Summon: Pyro Cost: 140 Stars: 3 A remarkable warrior with a tail that is in the form of a sword. It launches 3-hit attacks with its two arms and its tail. Card Number: 173 Card Name: Dark Prisoner Attack: 600 Defense: 1000 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A furtive, dark fiend that cleverly manipulates light. It uses the reflections of light to hide itself from sight. Card Number: 174 Card Name: Hurricail Attack: 900 Defense: 200 Type: Magician Summon: Wind Cost: 72 Stars: 2 A possessed tornado that rages out of control in wastelands. It tears at its foes with razor-sharp winds. Card Number: 175 Card Name: Ancient Brain Attack: 1000 Defense: 700 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A fallen angel that has been banished from the heavens. It is highly skilled at the use of dark powers for fighting. Card Number: 176 Card Name: Fire Eye Attack: 800 Defense: 600 Type: Pyro Summon: Pyro Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A sinister eye with large wings that is engulfed in flames. It whips up fiery winds by flapping its wings. Card Number: 177 Card Name: Monsturtle Attack: 800 Defense: 1000 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A massively armored turtle enclosed in a shell studded with spikes. Extremely aggressive, it will not grow obedient to people. Card Number: 178 Card Name: Claw Reacher Attack: 1000 Defense: 800 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 87 Stars: 3 An armored fiend that can freely extend its arms as desired. It does so to skewer its foe with its sharply clawed hands. Card Number: 179 Card Name: Phantom Dewan Attack: 700 Defense: 600 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A macabre magician with the ability to cast dark spells. It can stop foes in their tracks using immobilizing curses. Card Number: 180 Card Name: Alrownay Attack: 800 Defense: 1000 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A female being that lurks in a flower to cast toxic dust. She is very dangerous and must not be approached. Card Number: 181 Card Name: Dark Shade Attack: 1000 Defense: 1000 Type: Fiend Summon: Wind Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A bizarre, round being ringed with six winglike appendages. It emits a powerful ray from a crystal to attack. Card Number: 182 Card Name: Masked Clown Attack: 500 Defense: 700 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A masked warrior that prances about in the dance of death. While it is dancing, it hacks at its foe with its scythe. Card Number: 183 Card Name: Lucky Trinket Attack: 600 Defense: 800 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A peculiar, grinning being with numerous tiny legs and wings. Although it appears to be frail, it is protected by a holy power. Card Number: 184 Card Name: Genin Attack: 600 Defense: 900 Type: Magician Summon: Dreams Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A being that uses its illusionary spells to beat foes. It also conjures doves to carry out its attacks. Card Number: 185 Card Name: Eyearmor Attack: 600 Defense: 500 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 37 Stars: 2 A one-eyed creature that has the power to transform into others. It keeps its foes offguard by changing its guise in battle. Card Number: 186 Card Name: Fiend Reflection Attack: 1100 Defense: 1400 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Dreams Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A bird that clutches an enchanted mirror in its talons. It summons other monsters through its mirror. Card Number: 187 Card Name: Gate Deeg Attack: 700 Defense: 800 Type: Beast Summon: Fiend Cost: 59 Stars: 3 A sinister, orblike being with a door mounted on its belly. The door is one that leads straight to hell. Card Number: 188 Card Name: Synchar Attack: 800 Defense: 900 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A grotesque beast that has two hands, on top and down below. It shoots laser beams from its two mouths. Card Number: 189 Card Name: Fusionist Attack: 900 Defense: 700 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A feline monster that has angelic wings and a long tail. The pink furry tail is much longer than its body. Card Number: 190 Card Name: Akakieisu Attack: 1000 Defense: 800 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A clownlike magician that lays death curses on its opponents. Anyone that listens to its spell chants grows faint. Card Number: 191 Card Name: LaLa Li-oon Attack: 600 Defense: 600 Type: Thunder Summon: Thunder Cost: 37 Stars: 2 A cloudlike monster that is charged with powerful electricity. It unleashes downpours of a fluid that dissolves all substances. Card Number: 192 Card Name: Key Mace Attack: 400 Defense: 300 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 22 Stars: 1 A very small angel that is the picture of cuteness with its key. Its adorable qualities let it unlock the hearts of its foes. Card Number: 193 Card Name: Turtle Tiger Attack: 1000 Defense: 1500 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A ferocious tiger enclosed in a sturdy, tortoiselike shell. Protected by the durable shell, it attacks with sharp fangs. Card Number: 194 Card Name: Terra the Terrible Attack: 1200 Defense: 1300 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A swamp-dwelling fiend that calls another fiend its master. While it is not as strong as it looks, don't treat it lightly. Card Number: 195 Card Name: Doron Attack: 900 Defense: 500 Type: Warrior Summon: Aqua Cost: 72 Stars: 2 A striped warrior that can create a copy of itself in battle. It can do so if there is an empty spot on the player's field. Card Number: 196 Card Name: Arma Knight Attack: 1000 Defense: 1200 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A marine warrior that has assumed the guise of an ammonite. From ancient times, it has protected the sea from outsiders. Card Number: 197 Card Name: Mech Mole Zombie Attack: 500 Defense: 400 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 29 Stars: 2 An undead monster with the build of a mole and bony hands. It launches its skeletal hands like rockets to attack. Card Number: 198 Card Name: Happy Lover Attack: 800 Defense: 500 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A minscule angel with wings in the place of legs for flight. It shoots a beam that induces euphoria from the heart on its head. Card Number: 199 Card Name: Penguin Knight Attack: 900 Defense: 800 Type: Aqua Summon: Earth Cost: 72 Stars: 3 An imperious penguin that is armed with an imposing sword. It leaps and slides on its belly to make a charge at foes. Card Number: 200 Card Name: Petit Dragon Attack: 600 Defense: 700 Type: Dragon Summon: Wind Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A very tiny dragon with wings that are as large as its body. It bravely attacks foes using its puny body to the fullest. Card Number: 201 Card Name: Frenzied Panda Attack: 1200 Defense: 1000 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A seemingly adorable beast that actually is extremely aggressive. It is always armed with a long stout bamboo pole. Card Number: 202 Card Name: Air Marmot of Nefariousness Attack: 400 Defense: 600 Type: Beast Summon: Fiend Cost: 37 Stars: 2 A ferocious marmot that has the horn and wings of a fiend. It attacks by hurling acorns. Card Number: 203 Card Name: Phantom Ghost Attack: 600 Defense: 800 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A macabre being that is actually a gathering of lost souls. The souls are those unable to pass on to the next world. Card Number: 204 Card Name: Mabarrel Attack: 1700 Defense: 1400 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 25 Stars: 5 A fiend with a long snout that works like a cannon. It shoots eyeballs at a speed that is invisible to the eye. Card Number: 205 Card Name: Dorover Attack: 900 Defense: 800 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A revolting monster that has a body made of horrid slime. It attacks by spewing horrible toxic gases. Card Number: 206 Card Name: Twin Long Rods #1 Attack: 900 Defense: 700 Type: Aqua Summon: Fiend Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A small creature with a pair of slender, whip-like arms. Using its arms, it can lash foes from a distance. Card Number: 207 Card Name: Droll Bird Attack: 600 Defense: 500 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 37 Stars: 2 A curious bird that has a large, flat, and broad beak. It looses loud cries to startle timid foes. Card Number: 208 Card Name: Petit Angel Attack: 600 Defense: 900 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 72 Stars: 3 An extremely small angel that darts and dashes about quickly. Its small size and quick agility make it a difficult target. Card Number: 209 Card Name: Winged Cleaver Attack: 700 Defense: 700 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A menacing insect with a foreleg that evolved into a scythe. It swings the scythe arm wildly like a windmill to attack. Card Number: 210 Card Name: Hinotama Soul Attack: 600 Defense: 500 Type: Pyro Summon: Pyro Cost: 37 Stars: 2 A terrifying monster that is made up of intensely hot flames. It charges into foes with its furiously flaming body. Card Number: 211 Card Name: Kaminarikozou Attack: 700 Defense: 600 Type: Thunder Summon: Thunder Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A young monster that keeps lightning charged in its body. It can turn dangerous if anyone were to make it cry. Card Number: 212 Card Name: Meotoko Attack: 700 Defense: 600 Type: Beast Summon: Fiend Cost: 47 Stars: 2 An enormous, headless beast with an eye glaring from its chest. It attacks by shooting a destructive beam from its eye. Card Number: 213 Card Name: Aqua Madoor Attack: 1200 Defense: 2000 Type: Magician Summon: Aqua Cost: 319 Stars: 4 A masked magician with the power to manipulate water. It creates thick walls of water to crush foes. Card Number: 214 Card Name: Kagemusha of the Blue Flame Attack: 800 Defense: 400 Type: Warrior Summon: Pyro Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A dutiful warrior that serves as the double of its master. It is armed with a sword renowned for its sharpness. Card Number: 215 Card Name: Flame Ghost Attack: 1000 Defense: 800 Type: Zombie Summon: Pyro Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A skeletal ghost of someone who was burned to death. The flames enshrouding its body can never be extinguished. Card Number: 216 Card Name: Dryad Attack: 1200 Defense: 1400 Type: Magician Summon: Forest Cost: 161 Stars: 4 An ethereal and devout elemental nymph of the forests. She prevents the foe from moving with the help of plants. Card Number: 217 Card Name: B. Skull Dragon Attack: 3200 Defense: 2500 Type: Dragon Summon: Fiend Cost: 5 Stars: 9 A fiendish dark dragon that is of extremely high rarity. It is the fusion of a rare fiend and a dragon. Card Number: 218 Card Name: Two-Mouth Darkruler Attack: 900 Defense: 700 Type: Dinosaur Summon: Fiend Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A horrible dinosaur that has two gaping mouths and a horn. Electricity is charged in the horn and released from the mouth. Card Number: 219 Card Name: Solitude Attack: 1050 Defense: 1000 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Fiend Cost: 95 Stars: 3 A centaur-like beast warrior with the body of a deer. It is armed with a scythe that is said to drain away souls. Card Number: 220 Card Name: Masked Sorcerer Attack: 900 Defense: 1400 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A secretive sorcerer who conceals his identity with a mask. No one has ever seen the sorcerer's face. Card Number: 221 Card Name: Kumootoko Attack: 700 Defense: 1400 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 161 Stars: 3 An enormous spider that grew not only cunning, but intelligent. It sprays silk from its mouth to hold foes immobile. Card Number: 222 Card Name: Midnight Fiend Attack: 800 Defense: 600 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A fiendish bird monster that appears only late at night. It is said to require a sacrifice for it to be summoned. Card Number: 223 Card Name: Roaring Ocean Snake Attack: 2100 Defense: 1800 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 116 Stars: 6 A gigantic sea serpent that emerges from the waves in a storm. It creates towering tidal waves that swallow all in their path. Card Number: 224 Card Name: Trap Master Attack: 500 Defense: 1100 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A masked warrior who is an expert at setting deadly traps. He can set an Acid Trap Hole on an open spot on the own field. Card Number: 225 Card Name: Fiend Sword Attack: 1400 Defense: 800 Type: Warrior Summon: Fiend Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A powerful sword that is possessed by an ancient curse. It empowers anyone that can overcome its curse. Card Number: 226 Card Name: Skull Stalker Attack: 900 Defense: 800 Type: Warrior Summon: Fiend Cost: 72 Stars: 3 An agile scorpion warrior with a long, stinger-tipped tail. It traps its foe with pincers and stabs with the stinger. Card Number: 227 Card Name: Hitodenchak Attack: 600 Defense: 700 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A starfish that mutated into a monster from polluted water. It spews a corrosive solvent from its mouth. Card Number: 228 Card Name: Wood Remains Attack: 1000 Defense: 900 Type: Zombie Summon: Forest Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A spectral being that has once been the master of a forest. It has been resurrected at the hands of evil. Card Number: 229 Card Name: Hourglass of Life Attack: 700 Defense: 600 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 47 Stars: 2 An enchanted hourglass that can exchange strength for vitality. It can power up all monsters on the own field for 1000LP. Card Number: 230 Card Name: Rare Fish Attack: 1500 Defense: 1200 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A peculiar, rarely seen fish that has the head of a beast. Its temperament is very aggressive. Card Number: 231 Card Name: Wood Clown Attack: 800 Defense: 1200 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A small, unpleasantly leering fiend in the form of a joker. It cleverly parries away attacks with its sickle. Card Number: 232 Card Name: Madjinn Gunn Attack: 600 Defense: 800 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A bio-weapon with seemingly three heads, but only two eyes. It shoots projectiles at high speed from its mouth. Card Number: 233 Card Name: Dark Titan of Terror Attack: 1300 Defense: 1100 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A fiend with many faces that is said to lurk in dreams. It steals lives while the victims sleep. Card Number: 234 Card Name: Beautiful Headhuntress Attack: 1600 Defense: 800 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 207 Stars: 4 A ravishing beauty of a Japanese girl wearing a kimono. Despite her beauty, her katana has claimed many heads. Card Number: 235 Card Name: Wodan the Resident of the Forest Attack: 900 Defense: 1200 Type: Warrior Summon: Forest Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A small, pink-faced creature that is enmeshed in thorns. It can power itself up by drawing on all plants on the own field. Card Number: 236 Card Name: Guardian of the Labyrinth Attack: 1000 Defense: 1200 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A daunting warrior that guards the gates of the Labyrinth. It cuts down mercilessly anyone without the authority to pass. Card Number: 237 Card Name: Haniwa Attack: 500 Defense: 500 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 29 Stars: 2 An animated earthenware figurine from an ancient time. It guards treasures in a tomb of a king from long ago. Card Number: 238 Card Name: Yashinoki Attack: 800 Defense: 600 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 59 Stars: 2 An animated palm tree that developed its own sense of being. It attacks by dropping coconuts that contain tasty juice. Card Number: 239 Card Name: Vishwar Randi Attack: 900 Defense: 700 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A female warrior who pledged her allegiance to darkness. She lives to slaughter all those opposed to her ideals. Card Number: 240 Card Name: The DrDek Attack: 700 Defense: 800 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 59 Stars: 3 A boggling monster of an eyeball from which grows a foot. To attack, it leaps high and strikes with its sharp talons. Card Number: 241 Card Name: Dark Assailant Attack: 1200 Defense: 1200 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A terrifying assassin that reigns over the world of darkness. It is armed with a blade named Psycho Sword. Card Number: 242 Card Name: Candle of Fate Attack: 600 Defense: 600 Type: Fiend Summon: Pyro Cost: 37 Stars: 2 A sinister candle in the form of a hand that decides destiny. It decides its foe's fate when the flame goes out. Card Number: 243 Card Name: Water Element Attack: 900 Defense: 700 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A delicate and feminine elemental that makes its home in water. She obscures visibility by enveloping her surroundings with a fog. Card Number: 244 Card Name: Dissolverock Attack: 900 Defense: 1000 Type: Rock Summon: Pyro Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A bloblike monster that emerged into life from magma. It is so intensely hot, it melts anything coming too close. Card Number: 245 Card Name: Meda Bat Attack: 800 Defense: 400 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A fiendish flying eye created by an evil-hearted soul. It attacks by raining Dark Bombs on its foes. Card Number: 246 Card Name: One Who Hunts Souls Attack: 1100 Defense: 1000 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Fiend Cost: 103 Stars: 4 A headless, centaurlike creature armed with a wicked sword. The sword steals souls from those it cuts. Card Number: 247 Card Name: Root Water Attack: 900 Defense: 800 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 72 Stars: 3 An amphibian creature that avoids notice by lurking in the waves. It creates massive, dark tidal waves to attack. Card Number: 248 Card Name: Master & Expert Attack: 1200 Defense: 1000 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A pair of an expert beast tamer and the totally loyal beast. The combination they form is perfect. Card Number: 249 Card Name: Water Omotics Attack: 1400 Defense: 1200 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A maiden who controls water by flowing endlessly from her vase. She changes the water into a dragon to attack. Card Number: 250 Card Name: Hyo Attack: 800 Defense: 1200 Type: Warrior Summon: Aqua Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A fearsome warrior whose body is made entirely of ice. It freezes everything that it comes into contact with. Card Number: 251 Card Name: Enchanting Mermaid Attack: 1200 Defense: 900 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A mermaid that is very beautiful, but also terribly cruel. She enchants seafarers and draws them to watery graves. Card Number: 252 Card Name: Nekogal #1 Attack: 1100 Defense: 900 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A classy and beautiful spirit of a cat with a long tail. Despite her appearance, she is vicious and claws foes in a blur. Card Number: 253 Card Name: Fairy Witch Attack: 800 Defense: 1000 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A disgraced being that has refuted her duty to become an angel. Instead, she followed her heart and became a witch. Card Number: 254 Card Name: Embryonic Beast Attack: 500 Defense: 750 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 53 Stars: 2 A pitifully ugly fiend that failed to become fully mature. It inhales all things with the hole on its belly. Card Number: 255 Card Name: Prevent Rat Attack: 500 Defense: 2000 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 319 Stars: 4 A beast with tough, blue shell made of hair bunched together. The shell gives it a high degree of protection. Card Number: 256 Card Name: Dimensional Warrior Attack: 1200 Defense: 1000 Type: Warrior Summon: Dreams Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A young warrior who can slice open a seam in the dimensions. He then traps the foe in the opened dimensional rift. Card Number: 257 Card Name: Stone Armadiller Attack: 800 Defense: 1200 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A monster covered all over by hair of rocklike hardness. It is well protected from infury. Card Number: 258 Card Name: Beastking of the Swamps Attack: 1000 Defense: 1100 Type: Aqua Summon: Earth Cost: 103 Stars: 4 A terribly slimy being that makes its lair in boggy swamps. It can pull all monsters on the field and drown them in a swamp. Card Number: 259 Card Name: Ancient Sorcerer Attack: 1000 Defense: 1300 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A masked sorcerer from long ago that bears numerous rods. He wields the various rods to affect many kinds of attacks. Card Number: 260 Card Name: Lunar Queen Elzaim Attack: 750 Defense: 1100 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A lovely winged goddess who stands guard over the moon. She blocks attacks with a curtain of moonlight. Card Number: 261 Card Name: Wicked Warrior Attack: 700 Defense: 600 Type: Fiend Summon: Dreams Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A fiendish mirror that hypnotizes all that peer into its depths. By putting its foes to sleep, it can avoid having to fight. Card Number: 262 Card Name: The Little Swordsman of Aile Attack: 800 Defense: 1300 Type: Warrior Summon: Aqua Cost: 140 Stars: 3 A minute but loyal warrior who serves the famed traveler Aile. He rides his lizard steed into battle. Card Number: 263 Card Name: Rock Ogre Grotto #2 Attack: 700 Defense: 1400 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 161 Stars: 3 A golem that emerged when boulders and rocks gathered together. In battle, it petrifies, then destroys the foe. Card Number: 264 Card Name: Wing Egg Elf Attack: 500 Defense: 1300 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 140 Stars: 3 A tiny elf with wings that keeps out of sight in an egg shell. It uses its relatively big wings to parry attacks. Card Number: 265 Card Name: The Furious Sea King Attack: 800 Defense: 700 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 59 Stars: 3 A magnificent ruler of the seas and master of waves. It creates endless tidal waves that swallow all before it. Card Number: 266 Card Name: Princess of Tsurugi Attack: 900 Defense: 700 Type: Warrior Summon: Wind Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A princess who is skilled at the use and handling of many swords. Indeed, her sword-fighting ability is considerable. Card Number: 267 Card Name: Unknown Warrior of Fiend Attack: 1000 Defense: 500 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A nameless warrior whose arm is in the form of a sword. It creates a vacuum at high speed to tear at the foe. Card Number: 268 Card Name: Sectarian of Secrets Attack: 700 Defense: 500 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A hooded sorcerer who pledged loyal allegiance to darkness. It summons a fiend's hand that drags its victims into darkness. Card Number: 269 Card Name: Versago the Destroyer Attack: 1100 Defense: 900 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A dark god of destruction that was born in the realm of darkness. It attacks by summoning a destructive storm. Card Number: 270 Card Name: Wetha Attack: 1000 Defense: 900 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A diminutive elemental that has the power to manipulate rain. It summons wild typhoons that blow most things away. Card Number: 271 Card Name: Megirus Light Attack: 900 Defense: 600 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A creepy fiend with blue eyes that shine with an ill light. The evil light of its eyes inflicts damage. Card Number: 272 Card Name: Mavelus Attack: 1300 Defense: 900 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Pyro Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A type of a fiery bird that makes its home in high mountains. It sprays fire from its mouth to burn everything around it. Card Number: 273 Card Name: Ancient Tree of Enlightenment Attack: 600 Defense: 1500 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 183 Stars: 3 An ancient tree that grew enlightened over many long years. It uses its vast knowledge to avoid many kinds of attack. Card Number: 274 Card Name: Green Phantom King Attack: 500 Defense: 1600 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 207 Stars: 3 A young king who rules over lush, green, and thriving forests. It makes its home among verdant trees. Card Number: 275 Card Name: Ground Attacker Bugroth Attack: 1500 Defense: 1000 Type: Machine Summon: Earth Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A military robot made for undertaking combat on the ground. It appears to have been usable in the sea, but no longer. Card Number: 276 Card Name: Ray & Temperature Attack: 1000 Defense: 1000 Type: Fairy Summon: Wind Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A friendly and supportive twosome of the north wind and the sun. They attack with cutting winds and a harsh thermal ray. Card Number: 277 Card Name: Gorgon Egg Attack: 300 Defense: 1300 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 140 Stars: 3 An egg laid by a Gorgon with a single eye at its center. Whatever the eye reflects is what will hatch from the egg. Card Number: 278 Card Name: Petit Moth Attack: 300 Defense: 200 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 16 Stars: 1 A minute insect larva with numerous eyelike markings. It is impossible to tell what it would look like when it is grown. Card Number: 279 Card Name: King Fog Attack: 1000 Defense: 900 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A fiend that expertly hides itself among obscuring smoke. It enshrouds itself with smoke, making it impossible to see. Card Number: 280 Card Name: Protector of the Throne Attack: 800 Defense: 1500 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A princess who guards the king's throne from foes in his absence. She is very well protected against harm. Card Number: 281 Card Name: Mystic Clown Attack: 1500 Defense: 1000 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A bizarre creature with many eyes that attacks as if demented. It cannot be stopped in its crazed rampage by anyone. Card Number: 282 Card Name: Mystical Sheep #2 Attack: 800 Defense: 1000 Type: Beast Summon: Dreams Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A sheep with a long tail from which dangles a pendulum. It swings the pendulum to hypnotize its foes into sleeping. Card Number: 283 Card Name: Holograh Attack: 1100 Defense: 700 Type: Machine Summon: Light Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A floating robot with a projection system on its bottom. It confuses foes with many illusions and strikes with no warning. Card Number: 284 Card Name: Tao the Chanter Attack: 1200 Defense: 900 Type: Magician Summon: Dreams Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A devious spell caster that merges yin and yang together. It does so to create a distorted force. Card Number: 285 Card Name: Serpent Marauder Attack: 700 Defense: 600 Type: Reptile Summon: Aqua Cost: 47 Stars: 2 An enormous snake that has a single eye and massive fangs. It exhales a frigid breath that encases foes in ice. Card Number: 286 Card Name: Gatekeeper Attack: 1500 Defense: 1800 Type: Machine Summon: Shadow Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A vigilant and combative machine made to guard a portal. Its durable construction makes it tough to destroy. Card Number: 287 Card Name: Ogre of the Black Shadow Attack: 1200 Defense: 1400 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Fiend Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A foul ogre that has been possessed by a malevolent shadow. It charges foes at an astounding speed. Card Number: 288 Card Name: Dark Artist Attack: 600 Defense: 1400 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 161 Stars: 3 A malignant being that practices the dark art of evil. It crushes foes under a succession of artistic objects. Card Number: 289 Card Name: Change Slime Attack: 400 Defense: 300 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 22 Stars: 1 A gelatinous slime that has an eye that protrudes from its body. It freely alters its body to assume a variety of guises. Card Number: 290 Card Name: Moon Envoy Attack: 1100 Defense: 1000 Type: Warrior Summon: Light Cost: 103 Stars: 4 A striking warrior who serves the goddess of the moon. He uses a pole arm with a quartermoon blade. Card Number: 291 Card Name: Fireyarou Attack: 1300 Defense: 1000 Type: Pyro Summon: Pyro Cost: 140 Stars: 4 An imposing genie that sits serenely while engulfed in flames. It attacks by freely controlling the surrounding flames. Card Number: 292 Card Name: Psychic Kappa Attack: 400 Defense: 1000 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 87 Stars: 2 A traditional Japanese monster with amphibian qualities. It avoids taking damage through the use of psychic powers. Card Number: 293 Card Name: Masaki the Legendary Swordsman Attack: 1100 Defense: 1100 Type: Warrior Summon: Light Cost: 103 Stars: 4 A legendary swordsman who wears a huge and thick suit of armor. He is said to have killed a hundred men like him. Card Number: 294 Card Name: Dragoness the Wicked Knight Attack: 1200 Defense: 900 Type: Warrior Summon: Wind Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A winged knight that gained power through dragon equipment. It hacks at foes from the sky, diving repeatedly. Card Number: 295 Card Name: Bio Plant Attack: 600 Defense: 1300 Type: Fiend Summon: Forest Cost: 140 Stars: 3 A hideous monstrosity of a plant with many eyes and legs. It was made as a result of an experiment gone horribly wrong. Card Number: 296 Card Name: One-Eyed Shield Dragon Attack: 700 Defense: 1300 Type: Dragon Summon: Wind Cost: 140 Stars: 3 A birdlike dragon with one eye and a shield on its belly. The shield is used for both defense and attack. Card Number: 297 Card Name: Cyber Soldier of Darkworld Attack: 1400 Defense: 1200 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A mechanical warrior that was built with the powers of darkness. It destroys its foes with demented determination. Card Number: 298 Card Name: Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head Attack: 900 Defense: 900 Type: Dragon Summon: Fiend Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A massive winged dragon with a face growing on its stomach. It chews up foes using both of its mouths. Card Number: 299 Card Name: Sonic Maid Attack: 1200 Defense: 900 Type: Warrior Summon: Light Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A beautiful maiden who is adept at the manipulation of sounds. She attacks with a scythe in the form of a musical note. Card Number: 300 Card Name: Kurama Attack: 800 Defense: 800 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 59 Stars: 3 A strange bird creature with wings, a long tail and arms. It attacks foes from the sky using the tail. Card Number: 301 Card Name: Legendary Sword Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- An enchanted sword that can draw out the powers of a warrior. It cannot be used by those aligned with darkness. Card Number: 302 Card Name: Sword of Dark Destruction Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A malevolent sword that ups the power of a dark-type being. It can only used by those who have sold their souls to darkness. Card Number: 303 Card Name: Dark Energy Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A tainted energy for fiends that makes them powerful. It powers up a dark being by 500 points. Card Number: 304 Card Name: Axe of Despair Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A corrupt axe that has the face of a fiend placed on it. It maximizes the power of a fiend, beast warrior, etc. Card Number: 305 Card Name: Laser Cannon Armor Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A mechanical suit of armor that is fitted with a laser cannon. If equipped by an insect, etc., it can fire powerful beams. Card Number: 306 Card Name: Insect Armor with Laser Cannon Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A mechanical suit of armor that is fitted with a flame thrower. If equipped by an insect, etc., it can shoot intense flames. Card Number: 307 Card Name: Elf's Light Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- An enchanted light that is cast by benign beings such as fairies. The sacred light powers up an elf, etc., when it is equipped. Card Number: 308 Card Name: Beast Fangs Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A viciously arranged set of fangs that can enhance power. It is only useful on a monster with fangs such as a beast. Card Number: 309 Card Name: Steel Shell Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A tortoise-like shell that is made out of rugged steel. It powers up only a monster that has a shell to begin with. Card Number: 310 Card Name: Vile Germs Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A swarm of giant germs with eyes that was created by fiends. It can be used to power up a forest plant. Card Number: 311 Card Name: Black Pendant Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A mystical pendant that features a purplish gemstone. When it is equipped, it powers up a dark magician, etc. Card Number: 312 Card Name: Silver Bow and Arrow Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- An enchanted set of bow and arrows that is crafted out of silver. When it is equipped, it powers up a fairy, etc. Card Number: 313 Card Name: Horn of Light Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A glowing horn that is used to power up a horned being. It has no effect on dark monsters. Card Number: 314 Card Name: Horn of the Unicorn Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A spiraling horn that can boost power when it is equipped. It is usable only by a dark monster with a horn on its head. Card Number: 315 Card Name: Dragon Treasure Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- An enormous crystal that is a legendary treasure among dragons. It is said to be able to power up any dragon. Card Number: 316 Card Name: Electro-Whip Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A sharply tipped, electrified whip that stuns the victim. It powers up a designated character such as a female warrior. Card Number: 317 Card Name: Cyber Shield Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A piece of body armor that is made exclusively for females. It alters the wearer's personality and powers her up. Card Number: 318 Card Name: Elegant Egotist Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 2 Stars: --- A magical kaleidoscope that works with a Harpie Lady. It triples a Harpie Lady into Harpie Lady Sisters. Card Number: 319 Card Name: Mystical Moon Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A jaundiced full moon whose rays arouse savage spirits. Its supernatural force powers up a beast, etc. Card Number: 320 Card Name: Stop Defense Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 10 Stars: --- A spell card that makes all enemy monsters capable of only attacking on the next turn, and thus not able to defend themselves. Card Number: 321 Card Name: Malevolent Nuzzler Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- The kiss of a female fiend that darkly empowers the recipient. It works on a female or a dark monster, etc. Card Number: 322 Card Name: Violet Crystal Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A beautiful, violet-colored crystal that holds a mystic power. It can power up a chosen monster such as a zombie. Card Number: 323 Card Name: Book of Secret Arts Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A magically charged book that powers up a magician, etc. It cannot be read by anyone with evil in their heart. Card Number: 324 Card Name: Invigoration Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A blast of energy that can power up a designated monster. It will work on a thunder, rock or pyro monster. Card Number: 325 Card Name: Machine Conversion Factory Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A machining factory that converts and modifies all machinery. It can be used to power up a chosen machine. Card Number: 326 Card Name: Raise Body Heat Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A spell card that absorbs solar energy to empower a monster. It works on a designated dinosaur, etc. Card Number: 327 Card Name: Follow Wind Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A spell card of a wind that empowers a designated monster. It works on a flying monster such as a bird beast. Card Number: 328 Card Name: Power of Kaishin Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A spell card of a trident that powers up a monster of the sea. It can be used on an aqua, fish or sea dragon type. Card Number: 329 Card Name: Dragon Capture Jar Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 15 Stars: --- An enchanted jar that is irresistible to any kind of dragon. It will suck in every dragon on the opponent's field. Card Number: 330 Card Name: Forest Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 40 Stars: --- A spell card that changes the field into a verdant forest. It benefits plant, beast warriors, insects and beasts. Card Number: 331 Card Name: Wasteland Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 40 Stars: --- A spell card that changes the field into a desolate wasteland. It benefits the zombies, dinosaurs and rock-type monsters. Card Number: 332 Card Name: Mountain Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 40 Stars: --- A spell card that changes the field into a craggy mountain. It benefits dragons, wing beasts and thunder-type monsters. Card Number: 333 Card Name: Sogen Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 40 Stars: --- A spell card that changes the field into a grassy meadow. It benefits beast warriors and warriors. Card Number: 334 Card Name: Umi Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 40 Stars: --- Transforms the field into a sea. It benefits aqua, thunder and sea dragon types and disadvantages machines and pyro types. Card Number: 335 Card Name: Yami Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 40 Stars: --- Transforms the field into darkness, it benefits magicians and fiends, and disadvantages fairies. Card Number: 336 Card Name: Dark Hole Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 40 Stars: --- A vortex of darkness that draws in all beings without mercy. It destroys every monster on the field. Card Number: 337 Card Name: Raigeki Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 50 Stars: --- An immense thunderbolt that strikes with intense power. It destroys every monster on the foe's field. Card Number: 338 Card Name: Mooyan Curry Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A succulent beef curry that boasts a restorative power. It restores the player's LP by 200. Card Number: 339 Card Name: Red Medicine Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 5 Stars: --- A medicinal potion that has a fair restorative power. It restores the player's LP by 500. Card Number: 340 Card Name: Goblin's Secret Remedy Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 15 Stars: --- A medicine carried by goblins with a restorative power. It restores the player's LP by 1,000. Card Number: 341 Card Name: Soul of the Pure Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 50 Stars: --- The blood of a fairy that she collected by injuring herself. It restores the player's LP by 2,000. Card Number: 342 Card Name: Dian Keto the Cure Master Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A kindly deity that heals players of any kind of injury. It restores the player's LP by 5,000. Card Number: 343 Card Name: Sparks Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- An attacking spell card that showers the foe with embers. It inflicts 50LP damage directly on the opponent. Card Number: 344 Card Name: Hinotama Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 5 Stars: --- An attacking spell card that strikes the foe with fireballs. It inflicts 100LP damage directly on the opponent. Card Number: 345 Card Name: Final Flame Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 15 Stars: --- A spell card that condemns the foe to a burning at the stake. It inflicts 200LP damage directly on the opponent. Card Number: 346 Card Name: Oozaki Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 50 Stars: --- A spell card that ignites a huge blaze that burns all day. It inflicts 500LP damage directly on the opponent. Card Number: 347 Card Name: Tremendous Fire Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A spell card that ignites an inferno of ferocious intensity. It inflicts 1000LP damage directly on the opponent. Card Number: 348 Card Name: Swords of Revealing Light Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 200 Stars: --- A spell that reveals all the foe's monsters over three turns. The opposing monsters are prevented from attacking over that time. Card Number: 349 Card Name: Spellbinding Circle Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 75 Stars: --- A magical six-pointed star that lays a debilitating curse. It lowers the power of all opposing monsters on the field. Card Number: 350 Card Name: Dark-Piercing Light Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A spell that casts a dazzling blaze of light over the opponent. It reveals every opposing monster on the field. Card Number: 351 Card Name: Yaranzo Attack: 1300 Defense: 1500 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A wickedly devious being that guards a treasure chest from within. It leaps out and attacks anyone trying to open the chest. Card Number: 352 Card Name: Kanan the Swordmistress Attack: 1400 Defense: 1400 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A female swordsman in armor wielding a sword and shield. She floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee. Card Number: 353 Card Name: Takriminos Attack: 1500 Defense: 1200 Type: Sea Dragon Summon: Aqua Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A relative of sea serpents that has fins on its body. It can move about freely in water. Card Number: 354 Card Name: Stuffed Animal Attack: 1200 Defense: 900 Type: Warrior Summon: Fiend Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A deceptive monster that is disguised as an adorable teddy bear. It bites the unwary with its zippered mouth. Card Number: 355 Card Name: Megasonic Eye Attack: 1500 Defense: 1800 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A killing machine that came from the far reaches of space. It is made of a mysterious metal. Card Number: 356 Card Name: Super War-Lion Attack: 2300 Defense: 2100 Type: Beast Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 7 An extremely vicious lion beast with sharp, hooked claws. It cruelly tears apart foes with its wicked claws. Card Number: 357 Card Name: Yamadron Attack: 1600 Defense: 1800 Type: Dragon Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 5 A spiked dragon with three heads that breathe fire. It sets its surroundings ablaze in a sea of flames. Card Number: 358 Card Name: Seiyaryu Attack: 2500 Defense: 2300 Type: Dragon Summon: Light Cost: 20 Stars: 7 A sacred small-winged dragon endowed with divine power. Breathing a sacred fire, it incinerates minions of evil. Card Number: 359 Card Name: Three-Legged Zombies Attack: 1100 Defense: 800 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A skeletal pair of comrades, one thin and one fat. They appear to have some trouble walking in unison. Card Number: 360 Card Name: Zera the Mant Attack: 2800 Defense: 2300 Type: Fiend Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 8 An extremely strong and evil monster of imposing size. It attacks with its bulk and horribly hooked claws. Card Number: 361 Card Name: Flying Penguin Attack: 1200 Defense: 1000 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A rare kind of penguin that has the ability to fly. For flight, it uses a pair of wings that look like ears. Card Number: 362 Card Name: Millennium Shield Attack: 0 Defense: 30000 Type: Warrior Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 5 One of the infamous and eagerly sought Millennium items. It is said to withstand any attack, however hard. Card Number: 363 Card Name: Fairy's Gift Attack: 1400 Defense: 1000 Type: Magician Summon: Forest Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A diminutive green fairy that flies on the wings of a butterfly. It can cast a spell to restore LP by 1,000. Card Number: 364 Card Name: Black Luster Soldier Attack: 3000 Defense: 2500 Type: Warrior Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 8 The strongest of all warriors, it suitably wears black. It equals the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in ability. Card Number: 365 Card Name: Fiend's Mirror Attack: 2100 Defense: 1800 Type: Fiend Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 6 A diabolical mirror that harbors dark and terrible secrets. It draws in and entraps all that it reflects on its surface. Card Number: 366 Card Name: Labyrinth Wall Attack: 0 Defense: 30000 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 585 Stars: 5 A strictly defensive card that depicts a labyrinth made of stone. It creates walls on the field, forming a maze without an exit. Card Number: 367 Card Name: Jirai Gumo Attack: 2200 Defense: 100 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 384 Stars: 4 A stealthy spider that lurks out of sight under the ground. It makes prey out of anything that passes over its lair. Card Number: 368 Card Name: Shadow Ghoul Attack: 1600 Defense: 1300 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 14 Stars: 5 A creepy zombie that drags itself around in darkness. It becomes a dangerous adversary in the dark. Card Number: 369 Card Name: Wall Shadow Attack: 1600 Defense: 3000 Type: Warrior Summon: Fiend Cost: 95 Stars: 7 A green-skinned zombie that scuttles quickly along walls. It attacks at incredible speed. Card Number: 370 Card Name: Labyrinth Tank Attack: 2400 Defense: 2400 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 12 Stars: 7 A powerhouse machine found in labyrinths. It can power up based on the number of Labyrinth Walls on the own field. Card Number: 371 Card Name: Sanga of the Thunder Attack: 2600 Defense: 2200 Type: Thunder Summon: Thunder Cost: 30 Stars: 7 A powerful deity that represents the element of thunder. It can join Kazejin and Suijin to become a Gate Guardian. Card Number: 372 Card Name: Kazejin Attack: 2400 Defense: 2200 Type: Magician Summon: Wind Cost: 12 Stars: 7 A powerful deity that represents the element of wind. It can join Sanga and Suijin to become a Gate Guardian. Card Number: 373 Card Name: Suijin Attack: 2500 Defense: 2400 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 20 Stars: 7 A powerful deity that represents the element of water. It can join Sanga and Kazejin to become a Gate Guardian. Card Number: 374 Card Name: Gate Guardian Attack: 3750 Defense: 3400 Type: Warrior Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 12 A combined being that consists of Sanga, Kazejin and Suijin. Its powers place it among the strongest of all beings. Card Number: 375 Card Name: Dungeon Worm Attack: 1800 Defense: 1500 Type: Insect Summon: Earth Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A gargantuan worm that lurks underground in labyrinths. It swallows anyone walking above it whole with its huge mouth. Card Number: 376 Card Name: Monster Tamer Attack: 1800 Defense: 1600 Type: Warrior Summon: Forest Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A warrior who is skilled at handling Dungeon Worms in duels. He can power up all Dungeon Worms on the player's field. Card Number: 377 Card Name: Ryu-Kishin Powered Attack: 1600 Defense: 1200 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 207 Stars: 4 A Ryu-Kishin that has been grown stronger by the power of darkness. Beware of its cruelly hooked talons. Card Number: 378 Card Name: Swordstalker Attack: 2000 Defense: 1600 Type: Warrior Summon: Fiend Cost: 86 Stars: 6 A malevolent warrior that embodies the fury of fallen comrades. It heart blazes with vengeance. Card Number: 379 Card Name: La Jinn the Mystical Genie of The Lamp Attack: 1800 Defense: 1000 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 260 Stars: 4 An obeisant genie that keeps hidden in a magical lamp. It grants any wish of the master who has summoned it. Card Number: 380 Card Name: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Attack: 4500 Defense: 3800 Type: Dragon Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 12 The ultimate of all dragons that has three awe-inspiring heads. It is formed by three Blue-Eyes White Dragons. Card Number: 381 Card Name: Toon Alligator Attack: 800 Defense: 1600 Type: Reptile Summon: Aqua Cost: 207 Stars: 4 A cartoony alligator that has big eyes, large teeth, and an axe. It emerged from the world of American comic books. Card Number: 382 Card Name: Rude Kaiser Attack: 1800 Defense: 1600 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A savage beast warrior that bears a pair of prized axes. Blows from the two axes are quite powerful. Card Number: 383 Card Name: Parrot Dragon Attack: 2000 Defense: 1300 Type: Dragon Summon: Wind Cost: 86 Stars: 5 A sharp-beaked dragon from the world of American comics. Don't be taken in by its adorable appearance. Card Number: 384 Card Name: Dark Rabbit Attack: 1100 Defense: 1500 Type: Beast Summon: Fiend Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A comedic rabbit from the world of American comics. It darts and dashes about very quickly. Card Number: 385 Card Name: Bickuribox Attack: 2300 Defense: 2000 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 6 Stars: 7 A birdlike fiend that hides inside a Jack-in-the-box case. It springs out without warning to strike. Card Number: 386 Card Name: Harpie's Pet Dragon Attack: 2000 Defense: 2500 Type: Dragon Summon: Wind Cost: 20 Stars: 7 A ferocious dragon that is said to only obey the will of Harpies. For anyone else, it is too dangerous to treat as a pet. Card Number: 387 Card Name: Mystic Lamp Attack: 400 Defense: 300 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 22 Stars: 1 An enchanted lamp that has a special power despite its stats. Its attack power can be used to damage the opponent directly. Card Number: 388 Card Name: Pendulum Machine Attack: 1750 Defense: 2000 Type: Machine Summon: Shadow Cost: 86 Stars: 6 A horrifying machine made for torture with a huge blade. It swings the blade like a pendulum to slice victims in half. Card Number: 389 Card Name: Gilitia the D. Knight Attack: 1850 Defense: 1500 Type: Warrior Summon: Light Cost: 50 Stars: 5 A sorcerer-like knight who uses magic to attack his foes. He bears a spear that is said to steal the souls of victims. Card Number: 390 Card Name: Launcher Spider Attack: 2200 Defense: 2500 Type: Machine Summon: Pyro Cost: 20 Stars: 7 A mechanical spider that is fitted with a pair of rocket launchers. It fires its rockets in barrages that obliterate the targets. Card Number: 391 Card Name: Zoa Attack: 2600 Defense: 1900 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 30 Stars: 7 A fiendish monster that can be made even more powerful. It reaches full potential by becoming metalized as a machine. Card Number: 392 Card Name: Metalzoa Attack: 30000 Defense: 23000 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 95 Stars: 8 A Zoa that has undergone metalization into a deadly machine. Its attack power is extremely high. Card Number: 393 Card Name: Zone Eater Attack: 250 Defense: 200 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 14 Stars: 1 A buoyant sea cucumber that drifts aimlessly in water. It sucks in enemies and slowly digests them. Card Number: 394 Card Name: Steel Scorpion Attack: 250 Defense: 300 Type: Machine Summon: Forest Cost: 16 Stars: 1 A mechanical scorpion that hacks away with razorlike pincers. Beware of the damage its steel axes can inflict. Card Number: 395 Card Name: Dancing Elf Attack: 300 Defense: 200 Type: Fairy Summon: Forest Cost: 16 Stars: 1 An angelic elf that reels and dances in the sky to music. The wings also serve as sharp blades. Card Number: 396 Card Name: Ocubeam Attack: 1550 Defense: 1650 Type: Fairy Summon: Wind Cost: 19 Stars: 5 A fearsome being that keeps watch with big ears and eye. Despite its terrifying appearance, it is a fairy. Card Number: 397 Card Name: Leghul Attack: 300 Defense: 350 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 19 Stars: 1 A monstrous worm that has a special power despite its stats. Its attack power can be used to damage the opponent directly. Card Number: 398 Card Name: Ooguchi Attack: 300 Defense: 250 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 16 Stars: 1 A monster bullfrog with a grotesquely stretched mouth. Touching the spikes on its back causes numbness. Card Number: 399 Card Name: Swordsman from a Foreign Land Attack: 250 Defense: 250 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 14 Stars: 1 A swordsman who has come from a land far off in the Orient. He bears a sinister sword that is said to tear apart darkness. Card Number: 400 Card Name: Emperor of the Land and Sea Attack: 1800 Defense: 1500 Type: Reptile Summon: Aqua Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A monstrous reptile whose enormous mouth brims with sharp teeth. It blasts fire in all directions from its mouth. Card Number: 401 Card Name: Ushi Oni Attack: 2150 Defense: 1950 Type: Fiend Summon: Forest Cost: 132 Stars: 6 A brutal ox fiend that was resurrected using dark sorcery. It emerges from a vase when it is summoned. Card Number: 402 Card Name: Monster Eye Attack: 250 Defense: 350 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 19 Stars: 1 A sneaky familiar that spies on foes from a variety of places. It has the ability to reveal the cards in the foe's hand. Card Number: 403 Card Name: Leogun Attack: 1750 Defense: 1550 Type: Beast Summon: Earth Cost: 32 Stars: 5 A lion with a magnificent mane suitable for the king of beast. Its body is similarly formidable. Card Number: 404 Card Name: Tatsunootoshigo Attack: 1350 Defense: 1600 Type: Beast Summon: Aqua Cost: 14 Stars: 5 A bizarre monster with the torso of a horse and a fish's tail. It gallops through the sea as if it were the wind. Card Number: 405 Card Name: Saber Slasher Attack: 1450 Defense: 1500 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 7 Stars: 5 A murderous machine that wields a pair of curved swords. It rampages uncontrollably while holding the swords high. Card Number: 406 Card Name: Yaiba Robo Attack: 1000 Defense: 1300 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A thresher-like machine that conceals blades in its cube body. In battle, it extends the blades to chop everything to bits. Card Number: 407 Card Name: Machine King Attack: 2200 Defense: 2000 Type: Machine Summon: Pyro Cost: 150 Stars: 6 A gigantic robot constructed of a super-metal alloy. It looses Fire Blasts from its arms. Card Number: 408 Card Name: Giant Mech-Soldier Attack: 1750 Defense: 1900 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 61 Stars: 6 A towering mechanical soldier armed with a massive axe. It is so powerful, one blow of its axe can split the ground. Card Number: 409 Card Name: Metal Dragon Attack: 1850 Defense: 1700 Type: Machine Summon: Pyro Cost: 50 Stars: 6 A mechanized dragon whose body gleams in a glittering silver. Be prepared against its fiery breath. Card Number: 410 Card Name: Mechanical Spider Attack: 400 Defense: 500 Type: Machine Summon: Forest Cost: 29 Stars: 2 A spiderlike monster that operates on a system like clockwork. It attacks using sickles it the tips of its feet. Card Number: 411 Card Name: Bat Attack: 300 Defense: 350 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 19 Stars: 1 A mechanical bat that is used to undertake bombing missions. It carries bombs under its wings. Card Number: 412 Card Name: Giga-Tech Wolf Attack: 1200 Defense: 1400 Type: Machine Summon: Forest Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A barbarous wolf whose entire body is constructed of steel. It bites and tears at foes with sharply pointed fangs. Card Number: 413 Card Name: Cyber Soldier Attack: 1500 Defense: 1700 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 25 Stars: 5 A mechanical soldier that serves the Machine King as a guard. It rolls its round body to quickly reach enemies. Card Number: 414 Card Name: Shovel Crusher Attack: 900 Defense: 1200 Type: Machine Summon: Earth Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A lionlike machine with both hands ending in wide shovels. Beware of the shovels as they can crush anything. Card Number: 415 Card Name: Mechanicalchaser Attack: 1850 Defense: 800 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 274 Stars: 4 A robotic hunter that capably serves the Machine King. It pursues its targets relentlessly until they are caught. Card Number: 416 Card Name: Blocker Attack: 850 Defense: 1800 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 260 Stars: 4 A peculiar machine made up of a jumble of parts that are weapons. The parts separate and attack in a swarm. Card Number: 417 Card Name: Blast Juggler Attack: 800 Defense: 900 Type: Machine Summon: Pyro Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A mechanical monster that has the body of a time bomb. Above all else it loves to explode. Card Number: 418 Card Name: Golgoil Attack: 900 Defense: 1600 Type: Machine Summon: Dreams Cost: 207 Stars: 4 A massively armored robot constructed of tempered steel. It emerges from a hole that leads to another dimension. Card Number: 419 Card Name: Giganto Attack: 1700 Defense: 1800 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A daunting machine that is equipped with a spiked iron ball. It charges at foes while swinging the ball wildly. Card Number: 420 Card Name: Cyber-Stein Attack: 700 Defense: 500 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 47 Stars: 2 An entirely evil machine created in an underground laboratory. It launches missiles from its mouth. Card Number: 421 Card Name: Cyber Commander Attack: 750 Defense: 700 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 53 Stars: 2 A combat-ready fighting machine with a large arsenal of weapons. Included in the arsenal are rocket launcher and a bazooka. Card Number: 422 Card Name: Jinzo #7 Attack: 500 Defense: 400 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 29 Stars: 2 A manmade human that is under development in a secret lab. On occasion, it goes out of control. Card Number: 423 Card Name: Dice Armadillo Attack: 1650 Defense: 1800 Type: Machine Summon: Forest Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A mechanized armadillo that can roll itself up for protection. Rolled up, it takes on the shape of a die. Card Number: 424 Card Name: Sky Dragon Attack: 1900 Defense: 1800 Type: Dragon Summon: Wind Cost: 61 Stars: 6 A birdlike dragon that keeps itself airborne on four wings. It uses the blade-edged wings to attack. Card Number: 425 Card Name: Thunder Dragon Attack: 1600 Defense: 1500 Type: Thunder Summon: Thunder Cost: 14 Stars: 5 An airborne dragon that can summon angry thunderclouds. It strikes foes with huge bolts of lightning. Card Number: 426 Card Name: Stone D. Attack: 2000 Defense: 2300 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 6 Stars: 7 A rugged dragon whose entire body is composed of boulders. Because of its rocky build, its blows are heavy. Card Number: 427 Card Name: Kaiser Dragon Attack: 2300 Defense: 2000 Type: Dragon Summon: Light Cost: 6 Stars: 7 The emperor of all dragons has batlike wings and huge pride. Befitting its status, its attacks are powerful. Card Number: 428 Card Name: Magician of Faith Attack: 300 Defense: 400 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 22 Stars: 1 A female magician whose immaturity makes her weak. She banishes darkness with sacred spells. Card Number: 429 Card Name: Goddess of Whim Attack: 950 Defense: 700 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 79 Stars: 3 A female deity who is known for her unpredictably fickle ways. She can sacrifice herself in exchange for drawing a new card. Card Number: 430 Card Name: Water Magician Attack: 1400 Defense: 1000 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A young magician who can make water behave as he desires. He surrounds foes with a wall of water and engulfs them. Card Number: 431 Card Name: Ice Water Attack: 1150 Defense: 900 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 112 Stars: 3 A blazingly red-haired mermaid with an aggressive nature. It attacks using the spikes that grow from its body. Card Number: 432 Card Name: Waterdragon Fairy Attack: 1100 Defense: 700 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 103 Stars: 3 An aqueous fairy that aimlessly wanders about in water. It appears to be capable of summoning a sea dragon. Card Number: 433 Card Name: Ancient Elf Attack: 1450 Defense: 1200 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 172 Stars: 4 An elf that has lived for thousands upon thousands of years. It controls elementals to attack foes. Card Number: 434 Card Name: Beautiful Beast Tamer Attack: 1750 Defense: 1500 Type: Warrior Summon: Forest Cost: 32 Stars: 5 A ravishing female beast trainer whose gender makes her rare. When she has her whip in hand, her very personality changes. Card Number: 435 Card Name: Water Girl Attack: 1250 Defense: 1000 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 130 Stars: 4 A beautiful girl with fins on her arms in a revealing outfit. She attacks by hurling ice as if they were spears. Card Number: 436 Card Name: White Dolphin Attack: 500 Defense: 400 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 29 Stars: 2 A pure-white dolphin that has a single horn on its head. It attacks by generating huge waves. Card Number: 437 Card Name: Deepsea Shark Attack: 1900 Defense: 1600 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 61 Stars: 5 A horribly vicious shark that savagely attacks any opponent. Anything in the water is fair game for an unprovoked attack. Card Number: 438 Card Name: Metal Fish Attack: 1600 Defense: 1900 Type: Machine Summon: Aqua Cost: 61 Stars: 5 A fish that is constructed of metal with a sharp cutter as its tail. It chops up opponents with its tail fin. Card Number: 439 Card Name: Bottom Dweller Attack: 1650 Defense: 1700 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 25 Stars: 5 A fish deity that swims with a regal sense of elegance. Angering it is dangerously foolish. Card Number: 440 Card Name: 7 Colored Fish Attack: 1800 Defense: 800 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 260 Stars: 4 An extremely rare fish in the seven colors of a rainbow. Capturing it is not a feat to be taken lightly. Card Number: 441 Card Name: Mech Bass Attack: 1800 Defense: 1500 Type: Machine Summon: Aqua Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A mechanized bass with a large mouth and a cannon on its back. The cannon fires blinding plasma rays. Card Number: 442 Card Name: Aqua Dragon Attack: 2250 Defense: 1900 Type: Sea Dragon Summon: Aqua Cost: 168 Stars: 6 A furtive dragon that lurks quietly out of sight underwater. It attacks by shooting blocks of water from its mouth. Card Number: 443 Card Name: Sea King Dragon Attack: 2000 Defense: 1700 Type: Sea Dragon Summon: Aqua Cost: 86 Stars: 6 The king of the sea, this dragon has a tortoiselike shell. It sprays foam from its mouth to attack. Card Number: 444 Card Name: Turu-Purun Attack: 450 Defense: 500 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 29 Stars: 2 A peculiar, one-eyed creature with a gelatinous build. It skewers foes with a single jab of its harpoon. Card Number: 445 Card Name: Guardian of the Sea Attack: 1300 Defense: 1000 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A single-eyed merman that serves as the protector of the seas. It punishes anyone that pollutes the sea without mercy. Card Number: 446 Card Name: Aqua Snake Attack: 1050 Defense: 900 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 95 Stars: 3 An aqueous snake with the eyes of a bug and an orb on its tail. The orb is used to hypnotize foes so that they drown. Card Number: 447 Card Name: Giant Red Seasnake Attack: 1800 Defense: 800 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 260 Stars: 4 A snakelike monster with a striped body that lives in water. It will try to bite anyone that ventures too close. Card Number: 448 Card Name: Spike Seadra Attack: 1600 Defense: 1300 Type: Sea Dragon Summon: Thunder Cost: 14 Stars: 5 A maned sea dragon that has spikes on its body for skewering. Once they are embedded in the foe, it discharges electricity. Card Number: 449 Card Name: 30,000-Year White Turtle Attack: 1250 Defense: 2100 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 116 Stars: 5 A gigantic white turtle that has lived for 30,000 years. It is highly protected from damage. Card Number: 450 Card Name: Kappa Avenger Attack: 1200 Defense: 900 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A traditional Japanese monster that lives only for revenge. It sold its soul to evil for avenging the deaths of friends. Card Number: 451 Card Name: Kanikabuto Attack: 650 Defense: 900 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A strange crab creature that has a pair of huge pincers. It chops up its foes using the pincers. Card Number: 452 Card Name: Zarigun Attack: 600 Defense: 700 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A hulking monster with pincers that evolved from a crayfish. It aims for its opponent's neck with its large pincers. Card Number: 453 Card Name: Millennium Golem Attack: 2000 Defense: 2200 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 150 Stars: 6 A craggy Golem that has been made the guardian of treasures. For over a thousand years, it fulfilled its duty. Card Number: 454 Card Name: Destroyer Golem Attack: 1500 Defense: 1000 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A massively muscled Golem recognized by an overgrown right arm. It mashes down its foes with the big hand to cause damage. Card Number: 455 Card Name: Barrel Rock Attack: 1000 Defense: 1300 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A rock-hard monster with machine guns mounted on its shoulders. It rams foes while shooting the machine guns steadily. Card Number: 456 Card Name: Minomushi Warrior Attack: 1300 Defense: 1200 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A hardy warrior that is completely encased in a rock armor. It swings around a heavy sword hewn out of stone. Card Number: 457 Card Name: Stone Ghost Attack: 1200 Defense: 1000 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A rock-bound monster whose head erupts if it becomes enraged. On eruption, it sends down a shower of boulders and rocks. Card Number: 458 Card Name: Kaminari Attack Attack: 1900 Defense: 1400 Type: Thunder Summon: Thunder Cost: 61 Stars: 5 An electric deity that looks down on earth from the heavens. It smites evil-doers with bolts of lightning. Card Number: 459 Card Name: Tripwire Beast Attack: 1200 Defense: 1300 Type: Thunder Summon: Thunder Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A peculiar four-legged creature with its head on the ground. It generates powerful waves of electromagnetism to attack. Card Number: 460 Card Name: Bolt Escargot Attack: 1400 Defense: 1500 Type: Thunder Summon: Thunder Cost: 7 Stars: 5 An enormous snail that spits a gooey, immobilizing fluid. After making the foe unable to move, it attacks with electricity. Card Number: 461 Card Name: Bolt Penguin Attack: 1100 Defense: 800 Type: Thunder Summon: Thunder Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A penguin with electric whips in the place of its wings. It stuns its foe with electricity, then garrotes them. Card Number: 462 Card Name: The Immortal of Thunder Attack: 1500 Defense: 1300 Type: Thunder Summon: Thunder Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A kindly-looking being that actually is very quick to anger. It has no qualms about hitting anyone with a bolt of lightning. Card Number: 463 Card Name: Electric Snake Attack: 800 Defense: 900 Type: Thunder Summon: Thunder Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A cobra that generates electricity from all over its body. It stores power inside an orb at the end of its tail. Card Number: 464 Card Name: Wing Eagle Attack: 1800 Defense: 1500 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A predatory bird that searches for prey from high altitudes. It never fails to catch prey that it has targeted. Card Number: 465 Card Name: Punished Eagle Attack: 2100 Defense: 1800 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 116 Stars: 6 An eagle that renders judgments from a lofty position. It punishes those it finds guilty with silver taolns. Card Number: 466 Card Name: Skull Red Bird Attack: 1550 Defense: 1200 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 195 Stars: 4 A deceptive bird that conceals knives among its feathers. It drops the knives on foes to attack. Card Number: 467 Card Name: Crimson Sunbird Attack: 2300 Defense: 1800 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Pyro Cost: 188 Stars: 6 An inferno of a bird that blazes wildly in crimson all over. It looses a shower of embers with every flap of its wings. Card Number: 468 Card Name: Queen Bird Attack: 1200 Defense: 2000 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 86 Stars: 5 An imposing bird with a cranelike neck supporting its large head. The highly protected bird pecks with its large beak to attack. Card Number: 469 Card Name: Armed Ninja Attack: 300 Defense: 300 Type: Warrior Summon: Aqua Cost: 16 Stars: 1 A stealthy ninja who is colored blue entirely from head to toe. He attacks with a large sickle and his spiked feet. Card Number: 470 Card Name: Magical Ghost Attack: 1300 Defense: 1400 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A female ghost that casts spells on foes during battle. Her spells sow terror and confusion among foes. Card Number: 471 Card Name: Soul Hunter Attack: 2200 Defense: 1800 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 150 Stars: 6 A fiendish clown that rides upon a monstrous lizard. The lizard eats the souls of all enemies felled by the clown. Card Number: 472 Card Name: Air Eater Attack: 2100 Defense: 1600 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 116 Stars: 6 A many-armed fiend that can inhale air to create an airless state. By doing so, it suffocates its foe. Card Number: 473 Card Name: Vermillion Sparrow Attack: 1900 Defense: 1500 Type: Pyro Summon: Pyro Cost: 61 Stars: 5 A fearsome warrior who is engulfed in roaring flames. The flames give off intense heat. Card Number: 474 Card Name: Sea Kamen Attack: 1100 Defense: 1300 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A cold and cruel monster that battles with immense claws. It savagely tears apart foes without hesitation. Card Number: 475 Card Name: Sinister Serpent Attack: 300 Defense: 250 Type: Reptile Summon: Aqua Cost: 16 Stars: 1 A venomous serpent that takes to the skies on its wings. It is inept at slithering on the ground, however. Card Number: 476 Card Name: Ganigumo Attack: 600 Defense: 800 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A spider that has a wicked pair of hard, crablike pincers. It ensnares its foes with its silk, then attacks with its pincers. Card Number: 477 Card Name: Alinsection Attack: 950 Defense: 700 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 79 Stars: 3 A large stag beetle whose large pincer is edged with saw blades. Its forelegs also serve as rasping saws. Card Number: 478 Card Name: Insect Soldiers of the Sky Attack: 1000 Defense: 800 Type: Insect Summon: Wind Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A soldier among insects that possess the ability to fly. It gathers in an angry swarm with others to raid enemies. Card Number: 479 Card Name: Cockroach Knight Attack: 800 Defense: 900 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A gigantic cockroach that is equipped with a sword and armor. It can show up anywhere from shadows and confined spaces. Card Number: 480 Card Name: Kuwagata A Attack: 1250 Defense: 1000 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 130 Stars: 4 A ferocious stag beetle encased within a craggy hard shell. Beware of its guillotine cutter attack that aims for the neck. Card Number: 481 Card Name: Burglar Attack: 850 Defense: 800 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 65 Stars: 3 A cunning, treacherous mouse with an outsized left claw arm. It uses the large claw to attack. Card Number: 482 Card Name: Pragtigal Attack: 1900 Defense: 1500 Type: Dinosaur Summon: Earth Cost: 61 Stars: 5 A dinosaur with spikes on its long tail and atop its head. The attacks it throws with the spikes are very strong. Beware. Card Number: 483 Card Name: Garvas Attack: 2000 Defense: 1700 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 86 Stars: 6 A ferocious lion beast that has a powerful set of wings. It is the embodiment of evil. Card Number: 484 Card Name: Ameba Attack: 300 Defense: 350 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 19 Stars: 1 A gelatinous monster that engulfs prey completely from above. It digests the trapped prey slowly to cause damage. Card Number: 485 Card Name: Korogashi Attack: 550 Defense: 400 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 33 Stars: 2 A high-power dung beetle that can roll dung larger than itself. It crushes its foes with its massive ball of dung. Card Number: 486 Card Name: Boo Koo Attack: 650 Defense: 500 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 42 Stars: 2 A strange magician that has taken the form of a book. Printed in its pages are spells of all kinds. Card Number: 487 Card Name: Flower Wolf Attack: 1800 Defense: 1400 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A wolflike beast that is covered all over with flowers. The flowers spin around while it is attacking. Card Number: 488 Card Name: Rainbow Flower Attack: 400 Defense: 500 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 29 Stars: 2 A one-eyed flower monster whose petals are in rainbow colors. It lunges and bites at anyone getting too close. Card Number: 489 Card Name: Barrel Lily Attack: 1100 Defense: 600 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A dangerous lily that acts very much like a nature-made pistol. It attacks by shooting "bullets" of pollen. Card Number: 490 Card Name: Needle Ball Attack: 750 Defense: 700 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 53 Stars: 2 A ball-like fiend that is fully studded with sharp needles. It falls out of the sky in a cluster with many others. Card Number: 491 Card Name: Peacock Attack: 1700 Defense: 1500 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 25 Stars: 5 An oversized peacock with a breathtaking profusion of feathers. It shoots its beautiful feathers to attack. Card Number: 492 Card Name: Hoshiningen Attack: 500 Defense: 700 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A peculiar being with the ability to power up light element monsters and power down shadow types on the own field. Card Number: 493 Card Name: Maha Vailo Attack: 1550 Defense: 1400 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 195 Stars: 4 A magician who is always dressed in an outfit of navy blue. He always sits cross-legged and meditates. Card Number: 494 Card Name: Rainbow Marine Mermaid Attack: 1550 Defense: 1700 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 25 Stars: 5 A reticent mermaid who appears only on very rare occasions. She emerges only when a large rainbow arches across the sky. Card Number: 495 Card Name: Musician King Attack: 1750 Defense: 1500 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 32 Stars: 5 A musical master whose guitar playing is unmatched by others. He attacks by generating ultrasonic waves. Card Number: 496 Card Name: Wilmee Attack: 1000 Defense: 1200 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A seemingly adorable bunny known for its cruel, vicious nature. It tears its foes apart with its sharp and hooked claws. Card Number: 497 Card Name: Yado Karu Attack: 900 Defense: 1700 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 233 Stars: 4 A hermit crab monster that has the head of a dragon. It withdraws itself into the shell to take refuge. Card Number: 498 Card Name: Morinphen Attack: 1550 Defense: 1300 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 10 Stars: 5 A freakish winged fiend with a pointed head like that of a fish. Its long arms end in hooked talons. Card Number: 499 Card Name: Kattapillar Attack: 250 Defense: 300 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 16 Stars: 1 An insect larva that spits strands of silk to attack. It is not known what kind of insect it will grow into. Card Number: 500 Card Name: Dragon Seeker Attack: 2000 Defense: 2100 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 116 Stars: 6 An enormous fiend that is a scourge to dragons of all kinds. It can destroy every dragon on the opponent's field. Card Number: 501 Card Name: Man-Eater Bug Attack: 450 Defense: 600 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 37 Stars: 2 A hulking insect whose forelegs end in awesome pincers. It chops up foes with its pincers and eats voraciously. Card Number: 502 Card Name: D. Human Attack: 1300 Defense: 1100 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A mortal warrior who has the power of dragons in him. He wields a sword crafted from the fang of a dragon. Card Number: 503 Card Name: Turtle Raccoon Attack: 700 Defense: 900 Type: Aqua Summon: Forest Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A rotund little raccoon that shoulders a large turtle shell. It tricks foes using transformation and illusion techniques. Card Number: 504 Card Name: Fungi of the Musk Attack: 400 Defense: 300 Type: Fiend Summon: Forest Cost: 22 Stars: 1 A plant that secretes a highly potent acid onto its surface. The powerful acid dissolves anyone that gets too near. Card Number: 505 Card Name: Prisman Attack: 800 Defense: 1000 Type: Rock Summon: Easrth Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A statuesque being that is composed of high-clarity crystals. It collects and concentrates light to fire laser beams. Card Number: 506 Card Name: Gale Dogra Attack: 650 Defense: 600 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 42 Stars: 2 A stinger-equipped moth that has toxic dust coating its wings. It whips up tornadoes of toxic dust by flying around. Card Number: 507 Card Name: Crazy Fish Attack: 1600 Defense: 1200 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 207 Stars: 4 A maniacal flying fish whose head comes to a sharp point. It leaps at foes with its head thrust forward. Card Number: 508 Card Name: Cyber Saurus Attack: 1800 Defense: 1400 Type: Machine Summon: Earth Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A machine in the form of a dinosaur with mismatched arms. One of its arm is fitted with a beam weapon. Card Number: 509 Card Name: Bracchio-raidus Attack: 2200 Defense: 2000 Type: Dinosaur Summon: Earth Cost: 150 Stars: 6 A gargantuan dinosaur that has a thick and elongated neck. It stomps on anything that it discovers moving near its feet. Card Number: 510 Card Name: Laughing Flower Attack: 900 Defense: 500 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 72 Stars: 2 A bizarre flowering plant that laughs without stop. Hearing its laughter for too long leads to confusion. Card Number: 511 Card Name: Bean Soldier Attack: 1400 Defense: 1300 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A courageous plant warrior that attacks with a knife and beans. Be careful - it is stronger than it looks. Card Number: 512 Card Name: Cannon Soldier Attack: 1400 Defense: 1300 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A fiendish machine that is equipped with a topside cannon. Its attack power is on the high side. Card Number: 513 Card Name: Guardian of the Throne Room Attack: 1650 Defense: 1600 Type: Machine Summon: Light Cost: 220 Stars: 4 A robot that fulfills its guardian role with missile launchers. Its homing missiles track targets until they strike. Card Number: 514 Card Name: Brave Scizzar Attack: 1300 Defense: 1000 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A fiendish robot that brandishes two sets of cutter systems. The numerous cutters are manipulated dexterously to chop foes. Card Number: 515 Card Name: The Statue of Easter Island Attack: 1100 Defense: 1400 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 161 Stars: 4 An ancient Moai statue similar to the ones on Easter Island. It looses rings of slow-moving laser energy from its mouth. Card Number: 516 Card Name: Muka Muka Attack: 600 Defense: 300 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 37 Stars: 2 An extremely irritating bug that annoys foes into huge rages. It is adept at goading the furious foes into going out of control. Card Number: 517 Card Name: Sand Stone Attack: 1300 Defense: 1600 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 14 Stars: 5 A subterranean monster that ambushes unsuspecting foes. It attacks the startled enemies with its tentacles. Card Number: 518 Card Name: Boulder Tortoise Attack: 1450 Defense: 2200 Type: Aqua Summon: Earth Cost: 150 Stars: 6 A ponderous tortoise whose entire body is composed of boulders. Its defense rating is outstanding. Card Number: 519 Card Name: Fire Kraken Attack: 1600 Defense: 1500 Type: Aqua Summon: Pyro Cost: 207 Stars: 4 A huge squid engulfed in a spectacularly blazing wall of fire. The flames writhe out of control even underwater. Card Number: 520 Card Name: Turtle Bird Attack: 1900 Defense: 1700 Type: Aqua Summon: Wind Cost: 61 Stars: 6 A precious turtle whose wings enable it to take flight. It lives in water for the most part, however. Card Number: 521 Card Name: Skullbird Attack: 1900 Defense: 1700 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 61 Stars: 6 A malevolent bird that exhales a foul and corrupted breath. Inhaling its breath is said to cost the victim his soul. Card Number: 522 Card Name: Monstrous Bird Attack: 2000 Defense: 1900 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 86 Stars: 6 A somewhat rarely seen bird of the most amazing size. It dives on foes at sharp angles to strike. Card Number: 523 Card Name: The Bistro Butcher Attack: 1800 Defense: 1000 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 260 Stars: 4 A fiendish gourmet chef that has a hook on one arm. It cooks and savors every foe it fells, no matter what. Card Number: 524 Card Name: Star Boy Attack: 550 Defense: 500 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 33 Stars: 2 An extraterrestrial life form from the far reaches of space. It appears to enjoy life in water. Card Number: 525 Card Name: Spirit of the Mountain Attack: 1300 Defense: 1800 Type: Magician Summon: Earth Cost: 41 Stars: 5 An elderly magician that raises mountains with his flute. He has the power to turn the field into a mountain. Card Number: 526 Card Name: Neck Hunter Attack: 1750 Defense: 1900 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 61 Stars: 6 A cyclopean fiend that decapitates foes with its scythe. It can also shoot a beam of energy from its eye. Card Number: 527 Card Name: Milus Radiant Attack: 300 Defense: 250 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 16 Stars: 1 A deceptive beast that appears to be the picture of cuteness. However, it is cruel and vicious in reality. Card Number: 528 Card Name: Togex Attack: 1600 Defense: 1800 Type: Beast Summon: Earth Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A spike-equipped beast that is surprisingly fast and agile. It rolls up into a ball and rams its enemies. Card Number: 529 Card Name: Flame Cerebrus Attack: 2100 Defense: 1800 Type: Pyro Summon: Forest Cost: 116 Stars: 6 A triple-headed dog that is ablaze all over its body. It executes foes with the fires of the underworld. Card Number: 530 Card Name: Eldeen Attack: 950 Defense: 1000 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A young, magician who wield a staff bearing a blue gemstone. She attacks with a variety of spells with her staff. Card Number: 531 Card Name: Mystical Sand Attack: 2100 Defense: 1700 Type: Rock Summon: Shadow Cost: 116 Stars: 6 A horrifying witch that can turn everything she desires into stone. The victims crumble away into sand. Card Number: 532 Card Name: Gemini Elf Attack: 1900 Defense: 900 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 289 Stars: 4 Twin elven sisters who practice in the ways of magic. They take turns while they attack. Card Number: 533 Card Name: Kwagar Hercules Attack: 1900 Defense: 1700 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 61 Stars: 6 A hybrid insect of a stag beetle and a horned beetle. It has the former's mandibles and the latter's huge horn. Card Number: 534 Card Name: Minar Attack: 850 Defense: 750 Type: Insect Summon: Fiend Cost: 65 Stars: 3 A two-horned insect monster that has two pairs of forelegs. Each of the arms moves independently for attacking. Card Number: 535 Card Name: Kamakiriman Attack: 1150 Defense: 1400 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A praying mantis monster that stands erect like a human. It attacks using the two scythelike forelegs. Card Number: 536 Card Name: Mechaleon Attack: 800 Defense: 600 Type: Reptile Summon: Aqua Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A large chameleon with the ability to alter its body coloring. Using this ability, it can conceal itself in any location. Card Number: 537 Card Name: Mega Thunderball Attack: 750 Defense: 600 Type: Thunder Summon: Thunder Cost: 53 Stars: 2 A tricolored ball of many spikes that rolls around on its own. While it is rolling, it releases jolts of electrical charges. Card Number: 538 Card Name: Niwatori Attack: 900 Defense: 800 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A gargantuan bird that can swallow its enemies whole and alive. It absorbs what it eats as its energy. Card Number: 539 Card Name: Corroding Shark Attack: 1100 Defense: 700 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A putrefying zombie shark that wanders aimlessly on the seas. It casts a death curse on those it encounters. Card Number: 540 Card Name: Skelengel Attack: 900 Defense: 400 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 72 Stars: 2 An invisible fairy on which only the halo and wings can be seen. It has the ability to draw a card from the deck. Card Number: 541 Card Name: Hane-Hane Attack: 450 Defense: 500 Type: Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 29 Stars: 2 A beast with a prominent nose and an axe of huge dimensions. It whips up gusts to stop its foes, then attacks with the axe. Card Number: 542 Card Name: Misairuzame Attack: 1400 Defense: 1600 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 14 Stars: 5 A spiny fish that has sharp spikes growing all over its body. It launches missiles from its belly. Card Number: 543 Card Name: Tongyo Attack: 1350 Defense: 800 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 150 Stars: 4 A vampiric fish that uses its tongue to capture other fish. It then uses the elongated tongue to drain the prey of energy. Card Number: 544 Card Name: Dharma Cannon Attack: 900 Defense: 500 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 72 Stars: 2 A mechanical dharma that is jam-packed with an array of cannons. Once it sets its sights on a target, it never misses. Card Number: 545 Card Name: Skelgon Attack: 1700 Defense: 1900 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 61 Stars: 6 A zombie dragon of which little remains but its bones. Despite its skeletal state, it can fly. Card Number: 546 Card Name: Wow Warrior Attack: 1250 Defense: 900 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 130 Stars: 4 A beastly fish that has grown arms and legs like a reptile. It bites at foes with its sharp fangs. Card Number: 547 Card Name: Griggle Attack: 350 Defense: 300 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 19 Stars: 1 A small, odd plant creature with an unruly mass of leaves on its head. It twirls around to attack with the leaves and flick seeds. Card Number: 548 Card Name: Bone Mouse Attack: 400 Defense: 300 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 22 Stars: 1 A vengeful mouse that came back from the dead as a zombie. Its purpose is to exact revenge on the cat that killed it. Card Number: 549 Card Name: Frog the Jam Attack: 700 Defense: 500 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A furtive slime that is in the shape of a frog's head. It attacks by singing loudly in an awful croak. Card Number: 550 Card Name: Behegon Attack: 1350 Defense: 1000 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 150 Stars: 4 A sea serpent known for its peculiar behavior and appearance. It is noted for its large mouth and tusks. Card Number: 551 Card Name: Dark Elf Attack: 20000 Defense: 800 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 319 Stars: 4 A black-hearted elf that loves to fight above all else. It can be a troublesome enemy if it gets to strike first. Card Number: 552 Card Name: Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #2 Attack: 1200 Defense: 1000 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A dragonlike bird that uses its wings for attacking foes. By flapping its wings, it generates wild tornadoes. Card Number: 553 Card Name: Mushroom Man #2 Attack: 1250 Defense: 800 Type: Warrior Summon: Forest Cost: 130 Stars: 3 The grown form of Mushroom Man is a mix of a tree and fungus. Its attack power is much higher than the original guise. Card Number: 554 Card Name: Lava Battleguard Attack: 1550 Defense: 1800 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A brutal warrior with two horns and a wild mass of hair. It powers up Swamp Battleguards on the player's field. Card Number: 555 Card Name: Tyhone #2 Attack: 1700 Defense: 1900 Type: Dragon Summon: Pyro Cost: 61 Stars: 6 A fiery red dragon that looses fireballs from its mouth. It turns its surroundings into a blazing sea of flames. Card Number: 556 Card Name: The Wandering Doomed Attack: 800 Defense: 600 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A staggering skeleton that failed to pass on to the hereafter. It wanders without aim or purpose. Card Number: 557 Card Name: Steel Ogre Grotto #1 Attack: 1400 Defense: 1800 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A gargantuan steel statue of a deity revered among machines. The statue is said to be worshipped in the kingdom of machines. Card Number: 558 Card Name: Pot the Trick Attack: 400 Defense: 400 Type: Rock Summon: Fiend Cost: 22 Stars: 2 A familiar that loyally obeys every command of a magician. It is not particularly strong in any way. Card Number: 559 Card Name: Oscillo Hero Attack: 1250 Defense: 700 Type: Warrior Summon: Dreams Cost: 130 Stars: 3 A baffling sort of a warrior with a single eye and antennas. It arrived from another dimension. Card Number: 560 Card Name: Invader from Another Dimension Attack: 950 Defense: 1400 Type: Fiend Summon: Dreams Cost: 161 Stars: 4 An insectlike fiend that has claw arms and large eyes. It came to earth from beyond the Milky Way. Card Number: 561 Card Name: Lesser Dragon Attack: 1200 Defense: 1000 Type: Dragon Summon: Fiend Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A low-class dragon that is simply not particularly strong. It does not even have a breath attack. Card Number: 562 Card Name: Needle Worm Attack: 750 Defense: 600 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 53 Stars: 2 An insect that has three sharp steel spikes on its head. Don't underestimate what this monster could do. Card Number: 563 Card Name: Wretched Ghost of the Attic Attack: 550 Defense: 400 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 33 Stars: 2 A diminutive fiend that hides in the attic of any house. It does not cause too much mischief. Card Number: 564 Card Name: Great Mammoth of Goldfire Attack: 2200 Defense: 1800 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 150 Stars: 6 A zombie mammoth whose bones gleam in a dazzling gold. It is very rare sight to behold. Card Number: 565 Card Name: Man-Eating Black Shark Attack: 2100 Defense: 1300 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 116 Stars: 5 A voracious shark colored black that has a pair of arms. It senses the scent of humans in the sea and races to attack. Card Number: 566 Card Name: Yormungarde Attack: 1200 Defense: 900 Type: Reptile Summon: Aqua Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A dragonlike serpent that appears in the world of myths. It is known for its extreme length. Card Number: 567 Card Name: Darkworld Thorns Attack: 1200 Defense: 900 Type: Plant Summon: Fiend Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A fiendish plant with vines that exists in the darkworld. It ensnares anyone that tries to force their way through. Card Number: 568 Card Name: Anthrosaurus Attack: 1000 Defense: 850 Type: Dinosaur Summon: Earth Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A standing dinosaur that has the build like that of humans. While it is highly intelligent, it is not very strong. Card Number: 569 Card Name: Drooling Lizard Attack: 900 Defense: 800 Type: Reptile Summon: Aqua Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A snake that has assumed a humanoid guise and a thirst for blood. It attacks people in the open, under the cover of darkness. Card Number: 570 Card Name: Trakadon Attack: 1300 Defense: 800 Type: Dinosaur Summon: Earth Cost: 140 Stars: 3 A ferocious dinosaur that wears stripes like those of a tiger. It sprints through wastelands at an impressive pace. Card Number: 571 Card Name: B. Dragon Jungle King Attack: 2100 Defense: 1800 Type: Dragon Summon: Forest Cost: 116 Stars: 6 A jet-black dragon that makes its home in dense jungles. Its huge teeth enable it to crunch and devour trees. Card Number: 572 Card Name: Empress Judge Attack: 2100 Defense: 1700 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 116 Stars: 6 The majestic empress of a land of gold, and also a stern judge. No one can defy whatever judgment she renders. Card Number: 573 Card Name: Little D Attack: 1100 Defense: 700 Type: Dinosaur Summon: Earth Cost: 103 Stars: 3 An infant tyrannosaur that is tough in its own regard. Its nature is vicious in the extreme. Card Number: 574 Card Name: Witch of the Black Forest Attack: 1100 Defense: 1200 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A seemingly young witch who lives deep in a dense forest. With the eye in the forehead, she sees the truth. Card Number: 575 Card Name: Ancient One of the Deep Forest Attack: 1800 Defense: 1900 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 61 Stars: 6 A white goat that has lived in a forest for many, many years. It is also known as the ancient sage of the forest. Card Number: 576 Card Name: Giant Scorpion of the Tundra Attack: 1100 Defense: 1000 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A rarely seen scorpion that lives in tundras, not deserts. Perhaps befitting its cold habitat, its shell is a bright blue. Card Number: 577 Card Name: Crow Goblin Attack: 1850 Defense: 1600 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 50 Stars: 5 A winged goblin that is knowledgeable on numerous subjects. It is said to possess telekinetic powers. Card Number: 578 Card Name: Leo Wizard Attack: 1350 Defense: 1200 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 5 Stars: 5 A mysterious magician that cloaks itself with a black cape. Its identity is a talking lion beast. Card Number: 579 Card Name: Abyss Flower Attack: 750 Defense: 400 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 53 Stars: 2 A rarely seen flower of symmetry with a thorny stem. It grows silently in deep darkness out of light's reach. Card Number: 580 Card Name: Patrol Robo Attack: 1100 Defense: 900 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A state-of-the-art robot that was made for security purposes. It destroys intruders the instant it locates them. Card Number: 581 Card Name: Takuhee Attack: 1450 Defense: 1000 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 172 Stars: 4 A glittering gold bird that is considered to be a bad omen. Its appearance always presages a tragedy. Card Number: 582 Card Name: Dark Witch Attack: 1800 Defense: 1700 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A warlike fairy who appears in myths from ancient times. Her spear brings divine retribution to the unjust. Card Number: 583 Card Name: Destiny Board Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 50 Stars: --- A spectral figure that joins others to bring doom to foes. Victory is automatic if the "FINAL" message is completed. Card Number: 584 Card Name: Spirit Message "I" Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 50 Stars: --- A spectral figure that joins others to bring doom to foes. Victory is automatic if the "FINAL" message is completed. Card Number: 585 Card Name: Spirit Message "N" Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 50 Stars: --- A spectral figure that joins others to bring doom to foes. Victory is automatic if the "FINAL" message is completed. Card Number: 586 Card Name: Spirit Message "A" Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 50 Stars: --- A spectral figure that joins others to bring doom to foes. Victory is automatic if the "FINAL" message is completed. Card Number: 587 Card Name: Spirit Message "L" Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 50 Stars: --- A spectral figure that joins others to bring doom to foes. Victory is automatic if the "FINAL" message is completed. Card Number: 588 Card Name: Living Vase Attack: 900 Defense: 1100 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 103 Stars: 3 An animated floral vase that scatters pollen from its flowers. While it is scattering pollen, it lunges and bites. Card Number: 589 Card Name: Tentacle Plant Attack: 500 Defense: 600 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 37 Stars: 2 A carnivorous plant that has an outgrowth of tentacles. It attacks anyone nearby by extending its tentacles. Card Number: 590 Card Name: Beaked Snake Attack: 800 Defense: 900 Type: Reptile Summon: Aqua Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A massive constrictor snake with an impressive beak. It binds its foe with its long body and pecks away unopposed. Card Number: 591 Card Name: Morphing Jar Attack: 700 Defense: 600 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A curious jar in which hides a being with a single eye. The being leaps out to attack the unwary who get too close. Card Number: 592 Card Name: Muse-A Attack: 850 Defense: 900 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 72 Stars: 3 An ethereal and artistic fairy known for her harp playing. When it comes to the harp, she is far beyond compare. Card Number: 593 Card Name: Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames Attack: 1400 Defense: 1800 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 41 Stars: 5 An enormous turtle whose bright red shell bristles with spikes. It is said to feed on fire. Card Number: 594 Card Name: Rose Spectre of Dunn Attack: 2000 Defense: 1800 Type: Plant Summon: Fiend Cost: 86 Stars: 6 A dark being that makes its home among beautiful rose flowers. It drains the souls of its victims to feed the plant. Card Number: 595 Card Name: Fiend Reflection #1 Attack: 1300 Defense: 1400 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Dreams Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A dragon-winged beast that carries a mysterious mirror. It can draw its foes into the mirror's world. Card Number: 596 Card Name: Ghoul with an Appetite Attack: 1600 Defense: 1200 Type: Zombie Summon: Fiend Cost: 207 Stars: 4 A pointy-eared zombie that has an appetite without limit. It never becomes full, regardless of how much it eats. Card Number: 597 Card Name: Pale Beast Attack: 1500 Defense: 1200 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A creepy, blue-skinned beast with a pair of horns on its head. The identity of this beast is completely unknown. Card Number: 598 Card Name: Little Chimera Attack: 600 Defense: 550 Type: Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 37 Stars: 2 A monster that came from an experiment to grow wings on a beast. Despite its appearance, it is not very strong. Card Number: 599 Card Name: Violent Rain Attack: 1550 Defense: 800 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 195 Stars: 4 An aqueous monster that takes the form of a thunder-cloud. It can bring on torrential downpours instantly. Card Number: 600 Card Name: Key Mace #2 Attack: 1050 Defense: 1200 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A small doll that can seal the goddess in the hearts of people. It does so to change them into minions of evil. Card Number: 601 Card Name: Tenderness Attack: 700 Defense: 1400 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 161 Stars: 3 An adorable fairy that blesses lovers for eternal bliss. It is distinguished by a small heart on its head. Card Number: 602 Card Name: Penguin Soldier Attack: 750 Defense: 500 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 53 Stars: 2 A low-level soldier among penguins that is armed with a sword. It attacks en masse with its comrades. Card Number: 603 Card Name: Fairy Dragon Attack: 1100 Defense: 1200 Type: Dragon Summon: Light Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A diminutive and extremely pretty dragon with dainty wings. Among the fairies, it is surprisingly strong. Card Number: 604 Card Name: Obese Marmot of Nefariousness Attack: 750 Defense: 800 Type: Beast Summon: Fiend Cost: 59 Stars: 3 A fat, blue rodent with a horn that will gnaw on anything. It is ill-mannered in the extreme. Card Number: 605 Card Name: Liquid Beast Attack: 950 Defense: 800 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 79 Stars: 3 A liquid life form with no features save for its eyes. It can dissolve and move freely through water. Card Number: 606 Card Name: Twin Long Rods #2 Attack: 850 Defense: 700 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 65 Stars: 3 An aquatic creature that has a pair of long, whiplike tails. It flails at opponents with its tails to attack. Card Number: 607 Card Name: Great Bill Attack: 1250 Defense: 1300 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A gigantic ducklike beast with a furry hide and a big beak. Its great big beak can swallow anything whole. Card Number: 608 Card Name: Shining Friendship Attack: 1300 Defense: 1100 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 140 Stars: 4 An angelic fairy that is dedicated to promoting friendship. She brings reconcillation to duelists who have become angry. Card Number: 609 Card Name: Bladefly Attack: 600 Defense: 700 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 47 Stars: 2 A red-and-black striped insect with swordlike forelegs. It flies at foes with its forelegs out. Card Number: 610 Card Name: Electric Lizard Attack: 850 Defense: 800 Type: Thunder Summon: Thunder Cost: 65 Stars: 3 A small lizard that uses electric power to stun its foe. It can stop one foe on the field from moving for one turn. Card Number: 611 Card Name: Hiro's Shadow Scout Attack: 650 Defense: 500 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 42 Stars: 2 A cyclopean fiend that serves a high-class fiend as a familiar. Its master employs it to scout the surroundings. Card Number: 612 Card Name: Lady of Faith Attack: 1100 Defense: 800 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A devout young woman who has a restorative power. Her strange chanting can restore LP by 500. Card Number: 613 Card Name: Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon Attack: 2800 Defense: 2100 Type: Thunder Summon: Thunder Cost: 58 Stars: 7 A Thunder Dragon that has grown an additional head. It looses devastating thunderbolts to attack. Card Number: 614 Card Name: Hunter Spider Attack: 1600 Defense: 1400 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 14 Stars: 5 A voracious spider that hunts prey by spinning webs as traps. It devours anything that is caught in its webs. Card Number: 615 Card Name: Armored Starfish Attack: 850 Defense: 1400 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A greenish starfish with a tough and durable body surface. The stiff body gives it relatively high defense. Card Number: 616 Card Name: Hourglass of Courage Attack: 1100 Defense: 1200 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A kindly fairy that is in the form of an hourglass with wings. It gives one courage when one is feeling down. Card Number: 617 Card Name: Marine Beast Attack: 1700 Defense: 1600 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 25 Stars: 5 A beastly being of the high seas with needle-sharp fangs. If it buries its fangs in its foe, it will not let go. Card Number: 618 Card Name: Warrior of Tradition Attack: 1900 Defense: 1700 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 61 Stars: 6 A female warrior who is drenched in the blood of her victims. She wanders battlefields, having lost the chance to die. Card Number: 619 Card Name: Rock Spirit Attack: 1650 Defense: 1900 Type: Magician Summon: Earth Cost: 61 Stars: 5 A fairy of boulders that looks like an earthenware statue. It is quite strong in terms of both attack and defense. Card Number: 620 Card Name: Snakeyashi Attack: 1000 Defense: 1200 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 121 Stars: 4 What appears to be a single creature is actually many snakes. When foes draw near, the snakes break rank to swarm. Card Number: 621 Card Name: Succubus Knight Attack: 1650 Defense: 1300 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 19 Stars: 5 A multi-armed magician who is skilled at casting dark spells. With her dark powers, she slaughters all opponents. Card Number: 622 Card Name: Ill Witch Attack: 1600 Defense: 1500 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 14 Stars: 5 A bedraggled girl who has the power to control the winds. She whips up sudden gusts that can blow everything away. Card Number: 623 Card Name: The Thing That Hides in the Mud Attack: 1200 Defense: 1300 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A goopy mess of creature that lurks in dirt and mud unnoticed. If the ground appears to melt, this monster will emerge. Card Number: 624 Card Name: High Tide Gyojin Attack: 1350 Defense: 1300 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 220 Stars: 4 A humanoid warrior of the seas that is an expert swimmer. It has high attack power relatively. Card Number: 625 Card Name: Fairy of the Fountain Attack: 1600 Defense: 1100 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 207 Stars: 4 A fairy with blue skin and hair who protects a sacred spring. She attacks anyone who spoils the spring without mercy. Card Number: 626 Card Name: Amazon of the Seas Attack: 1300 Defense: 1400 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A blue-haired mermaid who serves a deity of the seven seas. She watches guard over an area of sancity. Card Number: 627 Card Name: Nekogal #2 Attack: 1900 Defense: 2000 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Forest Cost: 86 Stars: 6 A felinelike beast warrior that deftly sidesteps attacks. She strikes with her sharp and hooked claws. Card Number: 628 Card Name: Witch's Apprentice Attack: 550 Defense: 500 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 33 Stars: 2 A starting witch with the ability to power up shadow-type monsters and power down light types on the own field. Card Number: 629 Card Name: Armored Rat Attack: 950 Defense: 1100 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 103 Stars: 3 A seemingly shell-wearing rat with hair that is like an armor. Its tough hide provides a good deal for protection. Card Number: 630 Card Name: Ancient Lizard Warrior Attack: 1400 Defense: 1100 Type: Reptile Summon: Aqua Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A lizard warrior that appears as it did since the olden days. Surprisingly enough, it is stronger than it looks. Card Number: 631 Card Name: Maiden of the Moonlight Attack: 1500 Defense: 1300 Type: Magician Summon: Dreams Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A magic-using maiden who is under the moon's protection. Her ethereal spells enchant foes into seeing illusions. Card Number: 632 Card Name: Stone Ogre Grotto Attack: 1600 Defense: 1500 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 14 Stars: 5 A gargantuan being that is composed of huge boulders and stones. The boulders are densely packed on its body. Card Number: 633 Card Name: Winged Egg of New Life Attack: 1400 Defense: 1700 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 25 Stars: 5 A delicately winged fairy that emerges from a curious egg. It is said to tell women that they have conceived a child. Card Number: 634 Card Name: Night Lizard Attack: 1150 Defense: 1300 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 140 Stars: 4 A lizard-man warrior that has been made a protector of the sea. It is easily recognized by its green scales. Card Number: 635 Card Name: Queen's Double Attack: 350 Defense: 300 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 19 Stars: 1 A female warrior who serves as a stand-in for her queen. She is not very useful apparently. Card Number: 636 Card Name: Blue-Winged Crown Attack: 1600 Defense: 1200 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 207 Stars: 4 A bird that is engulfed in flames, giving it a bluish white color. It has a tuft of hair that looks like a crown. Card Number: 637 Card Name: Trent Attack: 1600 Defense: 1800 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A massive, ancient tree that guards a forest of fairies. It can turn the field into a forest. Card Number: 638 Card Name: Queen of Autumn Leaves Attack: 1800 Defense: 1500 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 41 Stars: 5 The Queen of the Emerald Forest and the wife of the Spirit King. She lives among leaves in the vivid colors of autumn. Card Number: 639 Card Name: Amphibious Bugroth Attack: 1850 Defense: 1300 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 50 Stars: 5 A Terra Bugroth that has undergone major retro-fitting. It is now capable of use in water as well as on land. Card Number: 640 Card Name: Acid Crawler Attack: 900 Defense: 700 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A gigantic insect larva that spits an extremely vile acid. The powerful acid melts everything. Card Number: 641 Card Name: Invader of the Throne Attack: 1350 Defense: 1700 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 233 Stars: 4 A devious, power-hungry woman who is insatisfied as a queen. She hungers for the throne in the absence of the king. Card Number: 642 Card Name: Mystical Sheep #1 Attack: 1150 Defense: 900 Type: Beast Summon: Dreams Cost: 112 Stars: 3 A long-tailed sheep with a fleece as dark as its heart. It employs illusory ruses and tricks. Card Number: 643 Card Name: Disk Magician Attack: 1350 Defense: 1000 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 150 Stars: 4 A machine that seals itself inside a mechanical disk. The only time it shows its identity is while it is attacking. Card Number: 644 Card Name: Flame Viper Attack: 400 Defense: 450 Type: Pyro Summon: Pyro Cost: 25 Stars: 2 A large-headed viper that exhales a roiling mass of flames. It moves with slippery quickness. Card Number: 645 Card Name: Royal Guard Attack: 1900 Defense: 2200 Type: Machine Summon: Earth Cost: 150 Stars: 6 A mechanized soldier that was developed to protect royalty. It has been endowed with the ability to think. Card Number: 646 Card Name: Gruesome Goo Attack: 1300 Defense: 700 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 140 Stars: 3 An oozing mess of a monster, and a boss among the slime. While is may look the same as others, it is much more powerful. Card Number: 647 Card Name: Hyosube Attack: 1500 Defense: 900 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A skinny, amphibious being, and a boss among the kappa clan. It is relatively strong for attacking, but has low defense. Card Number: 648 Card Name: Machine Attacker Attack: 1600 Defense: 1300 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 14 Stars: 5 A machine that was made to undertake suicidal ram attacks. It plows over foes by charging recklessly. Card Number: 649 Card Name: Hibikime Attack: 1450 Defense: 1000 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 172 Stars: 4 A warrior who emits a horrible noise that echoes harshly. The racket distracts foes into a stand-still. Card Number: 650 Card Name: Whiptail Crow Attack: 1650 Defense: 1600 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 220 Stars: 4 A gargoylelike creature that has a long, whiplike tail. It strikes from above with its tail. Card Number: 651 Card Name: Kunai with Chain Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A bladed weapon on a chain that is very easy to use. It can be equipped by any warrior to boost attack power. Card Number: 652 Card Name: Magical Labyrinth Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 75 Stars: --- An equipment card that only works with a Labyrinth Wall. It strongly enhances the card that equips it. Card Number: 653 Card Name: Warrior Elimination Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 15 Stars: --- A spell that exacts a terrible toll on warrior-type beings. On use, it destroys all warriors on the field. Card Number: 654 Card Name: Salamandra Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- An equipment card that has the power of a wicked fiery monster. It can power up any pyro-type monster. Card Number: 655 Card Name: Cursebreaker Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 2 Stars: --- Negates any level-reducing spell used on the player's monsters. It restores the levels of the player's monsters on the field. Card Number: 656 Card Name: Eternal Rest Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 15 Stars: --- A spell that brings everlasting peace to all forms of zombies. It destroys all zombies on the opponent's field. Card Number: 657 Card Name: Megamorph Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 255 Stars: --- A spell that gigantically transforms a monster on the field. The chosen monster is made much more powerful. Card Number: 658 Card Name: Metalmorph Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 2 Stars: --- A card that metalizes certain kinds of monsters on the field. The chosen monster is made into a machine. Card Number: 659 Card Name: Winged Trumpeter Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A fairy on a trumpet, whose sweet notes ring clearly far away. It uplifts and powers up a fairy. Card Number: 660 Card Name: Stain Storm Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 15 Stars: --- Acid rain caused by air pollution that is ruinous to machines. It destroys all machines on the foe's field. Card Number: 661 Card Name: Crush Card Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 25 Stars: --- The scourge of all high-power monsters out on the field. It destroys all enemy monsters with ATK of minimum 1500. Card Number: 662 Card Name: Eradicating Aerosol Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 15 Stars: --- An aerosol insecticide that brings instant ruin to bugs. It destroys every insect on the foe's field. Card Number: 663 Card Name: Breath of Light Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 15 Stars: --- An ethereal wind whose caress erodes rock types to mere dust. It destroys every rock monster on the foe's field. Card Number: 664 Card Name: Eternal Drought Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 15 Stars: --- A spell that leaves the land parched and ruined for all fish. It destroys every fish on the opponent's field. Card Number: 665 Card Name: Curse of Millenium Shield Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a tough shield in return for a tribute. For this ritual, a One-Eyed Shield Dragon, etc., is needed. Card Number: 666 Card Name: Yamadron Ritual Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Yamadron in return for a tribute. For this ritual, a Mountain Warrior, etc., is needed. Card Number: 667 Card Name: Gate Guardian Ritual Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Gate Guardian in return for tributes. For this ritual, Sanga, Kazejin, and Suijin are needed. Card Number: 668 Card Name: Bright Castle Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A spell book containing a castle that looses a vivid light. The dazzling light powers up a light monster. Card Number: 669 Card Name: Shadow Spell Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 150 Stars: --- A spell that weakens all the monsters on the foe's field. Every enemy monster's level is lowered by two. Card Number: 670 Card Name: Black Luster Ritual Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Black Luster Soldier with tributes. For this ritual, a Gaia the Fierce Knight, etc., is needed. Card Number: 671 Card Name: Zera Ritual Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Zera the Mant in return for a tribute. For this ritual, a Ryu-Kishin Powered, etc., is needed. Card Number: 672 Card Name: Harpie's Feather Duster Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 2 Stars: --- A feather duster that is made from a Harpie Lady's feather. It sweeps away all spell and trap cards on the foe's field. Card Number: 673 Card Name: War-Lion Ritual Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Super War-Lion in return for tributes. For this ritual, two monsters and a Leogun are needed. Card Number: 674 Card Name: Beastly Mirror Ritual Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Fiend's Mirror in return for tributes. For this, two monsters and a Fiend Reflection #1 are needed. Card Number: 675 Card Name: Ultimate Dragon Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- Summons a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon with tributes. For this ritual, three Blue-Eyes White Dragons are needed. Card Number: 676 Card Name: Commencement Dance Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Performance of Sword with a tribute. For this ritual, a Water Omotics, etc., is needed. Card Number: 677 Card Name: Hamburger Recipe Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Hungry Burger in return for a tribute. For this ritual, a Bio Plant, etc., is needed. Card Number: 678 Card Name: Revival of Sennen Genjin Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Sengenjin in return for tributes. For this, two monsters and a Hitotsu-Me Giant are needed. Card Number: 679 Card Name: Novox's Prayer Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Skull Guardian in return for a tribute. For this ritual, an M-Warrior #1, etc., is needed. Card Number: 680 Card Name: Curse of Tri-Horned Dragon Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Tri-Horned Dragon with a tribute. For this ritual, a B. Dragon Jungle King, etc., is needed. Card Number: 681 Card Name: House of Adhesive Tape Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A trap card that is deadly to low-powered monsters that attack it. If the monster's ATK is 500 or lower, the trap wipes it out. Card Number: 682 Card Name: Eatgaboon Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 1 Stars: --- A trap card that is deadly to mid-powered monsters that attack it. If the monster's ATK is 1,000 or less, the trap wipes it out. Card Number: 683 Card Name: Bear Trap Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 2 Stars: --- A trap card that is deadly to stronger monsters that attack it. If the monster's ATK is 1,500 or less, the trap wipes it out. Card Number: 684 Card Name: Invisible Wire Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 5 Stars: --- A trap card that is deadly to strong monsters that attack it. If the monster's ATK is 2,000 or less, the trap wipes it out. Card Number: 685 Card Name: Acid Trap Hole Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 10 Stars: --- A trap card that is deadly to any monster that attacks it. If the monster's ATK is 3,000 or less, the trap wipes it out. Card Number: 686 Card Name: Widespread Ruin Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 20 Stars: --- A trap card that is deadly to any monster that attacks it. It explodes as soon as it is attacked, destroying the monster. Card Number: 687 Card Name: Goblin Fan Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 2 Stars: --- A trap card that reflects a direct LP attack back at the foe. It works on attack spells like Sparks and Tremendous Fire. Card Number: 688 Card Name: Bad Reaction to Simochi Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 2 Stars: --- A trap card that reverses the effect of any healing spell card. If a healing card is used, it injures the user. Card Number: 689 Card Name: Reverse Trap Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 2 Stars: --- A trap card that reverses the effect of any power-up card. If a power-up card id used, it cuts power instead. Card Number: 690 Card Name: Fake Trap Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A fake trap card that is intended only to fool the opponent. Nothing happens if it is attacked. Card Number: 691 Card Name: Revived Serpent Night Dragon Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Serpent Night Dragon with a tribute. For this, a Darkfire Dragon, etc., is needed. Card Number: 692 Card Name: Turtle Oath Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Crab Turtle in return for a tribute. This ritual requires a 30,000-Year White Turtle, etc. Card Number: 693 Card Name: Contract of Mask Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Mask of Shine & Dark with tributes. For this, two monsters and a Mask of Darkness are needed. Card Number: 694 Card Name: Resurrection of Chakra Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Chakra in return for a tribute. For this, a Versago the Destroyer, etc., is needed. Card Number: 695 Card Name: Puppet Ritual Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Psycho-Puppet in return for a tribute. For this, a Mysterious Puppeteer, etc., is needed. Card Number: 696 Card Name: Javelin Beetle Pact Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Javelin Beetle in return for a tribute. For this ritual, a Hercules Beetle, etc., is needed. Card Number: 697 Card Name: Garma Sword Oath Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Garma Sword in return for a tribute. For this, two monsters and a Succubus Knight are needed. Card Number: 698 Card Name: Cosmo Queen's Prayer Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Cosmo Queen in return for a tribute. For this, a Queen of Autumn Leaves, etc., is needed. Card Number: 699 Card Name: Revival of Dokurorider Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Dokurorider in return for tributes. For this, two monsters and a Temple of Skulls are needed. Card Number: 700 Card Name: Fortress Whale's Oath Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Fortress Whale with tributes. For this, two monsters and a Mech Bass are needed. Card Number: 701 Card Name: Performance of Sword Attack: 1850 Defense: 1850 Type: Warrior Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 6 A dancing warrior girl with a sense of grace and baeuty. She spins with flowing elegance. Card Number: 702 Card Name: Hungry Burger Attack: 2000 Defense: 1850 Type: Warrior Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 6 A being that has assumed the guise of a mouth-watering burger. It wafts a tasty aroma to attract foes, the eats them. Card Number: 703 Card Name: Sengenjin Attack: 2750 Defense: 2500 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 8 A primitive humanoid that possesses a Millennium Item. It relies on strength and nothing else, no matter what. Card Number: 704 Card Name: Skull Guardian Attack: 2050 Defense: 2500 Type: Warrior Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 7 A humanoid being that has wicked swords in the place of arms. It upholds the rules, and forbids all cheating. Card Number: 705 Card Name: Tri-Horned Dragon Attack: 2850 Defense: 2350 Type: Dragon Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 8 A divine dragon of enormous power belied by its appearance. It is distinguished by the three horns on its head. Card Number: 706 Card Name: Serpent Night Dragon Attack: 2350 Defense: 2400 Type: Dragon Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 6 A serpentine dragon that emerged from a heart of darkness. It is the embodiment of the darkness in a wicked knight. Card Number: 707 Card Name: Skull Knight Attack: 2650 Defense: 2250 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 37 Stars: 7 A warrior magician who conducts many rituals in the dark world. He is adept at fighting with weapons and spells. Card Number: 708 Card Name: Cosmo Queen Attack: 2900 Defense: 2450 Type: Magician Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 8 A woman of distinguished demeanor and enormous power. She is said to rule over all the stars and planets in the cosmos. Card Number: 709 Card Name: Chakra Attack: 2450 Defense: 2000 Type: Fiend Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 7 A bizarre fiend that has the ability to alter its body shape. While it shifts shape, it strikes with tentacle-like arms. Card Number: 710 Card Name: Crab Turtle Attack: 2550 Defense: 2500 Type: Aqua Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 8 A powerful turtle from whose shell protrudes crab pincers. It is ver strong in terms of both ATK and DEF. Card Number: 711 Card Name: Mikazukinoyaiba Attack: 2200 Defense: 2350 Type: Dragon Summon: Light Cost: 9 Stars: 7 A ferocious dragon warrior armed with a crescent-blade sword. It is said to have come from the moon. Card Number: 712 Card Name: Meteor Dragon Attack: 1800 Defense: 2000 Type: Dragon Summon: Earth Cost: 86 Stars: 6 A dragon that came from the outer reaches of space. It fell to earth with meteors. Card Number: 713 Card Name: Meteor B. Dragon Attack: 3500 Defense: 2000 Type: Dragon Summon: Pyro Cost: 229 Stars: 8 A dragon whose body is a meteor that roils in red-black fire. Its body heat vaporizes everything nearby. Card Number: 714 Card Name: Firewing Pegasus Attack: 2250 Defense: 1800 Type: Beast Summon: Pyro Cost: 168 Stars: 6 A horse with massive wings that blaze in vivid, scarlet flames. It is a fiery sight to behold as it gallops across the sky. Card Number: 715 Card Name: Psycho-Puppet Attack: 2000 Defense: 2350 Type: Fiend Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 7 A malevolent puppet that performs odd, debilitating dances. Its dancing inflicts pain on those that see it. Card Number: 716 Card Name: Garma Sword Attack: 2550 Defense: 2150 Type: Warrior Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 7 A swordsman that attacks with a furious flurry of six swords. It hacks apart everything within reach. Card Number: 717 Card Name: Javelin Beetle Attack: 2450 Defense: 2550 Type: Insect Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 8 A hardy beetle that is both strong on attack and defense. If it traps a foe with its pincers, the enemy is cut in half. Card Number: 718 Card Name: Fortress Whale Attack: 2350 Defense: 2150 Type: Fish Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 7 A whale with a massive cannon mounted in a turret on its back. It hides in the sea and sinks foes with the gun. Card Number: 719 Card Name: Dokurorider Attack: 1900 Defense: 1850 Type: Zombie Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 6 A solitary ghoul that rides a motorcycle with a skull. It rides through wastelands in a cloud of dust. Card Number: 720 Card Name: Mask of Shine & Dark Attack: 2000 Defense: 1800 Type: Magician Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 6 A sinister mask that uses illusions to confuse its foes. It creates a swirling vision of dark and light. Card Number: 721 Card Name: Magician of Black Chaos Attack: 2800 Defense: 2600 Type: Magician Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 8 A master of magicians who embodies the sinister power of chaos. He is the fusion of shadow and light. Card Number: 722 Card Name: Dark Magic Ritual Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- Summons a Magician of Black Chaos in return for a tribute. For this, a Dark Magician, etc., is needed. Card Number: 723 Card Name: Slot Machine Attack: 2000 Defense: 2300 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 6 Stars: 7 A robot with limbs coming out of its slot machine body. Its abilities are said to change with the scores on the slots. Card Number: 724 Card Name: Space Megatron Attack: 1400 Defense: 2000 Type: Machine Summon: Fiend Cost: 86 Stars: 5 A robot that is constructed primarily with sets of semi-circles. It attacks with lasers mounted at its sides and the center. Card Number: 725 Card Name: Red Archery Girl Attack: 1400 Defense: 1500 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A mermaid archer who conceals herself in a clam shell. She can weaken a foe monster, and immobilize it next turn. Card Number: 726 Card Name: Ryu-Ran Attack: 2200 Defense: 2600 Type: Dragon Summon: Pyro Cost: 30 Stars: 7 A vicious dragon that wears an egg shell as if for shelter. Beware - mistaking this dragon for an infant may be disastrous. Card Number: 727 Card Name: Manga Ryu-Ran Attack: 2200 Defense: 2600 Type: Dragon Summon: Fiend Cost: 30 Stars: 7 A cartoony dragon that wears an egg shell for protection. Despite its whimsical appearance, it is very strong. Card Number: 728 Card Name: Toon Mermaid Attack: 1400 Defense: 1500 Type: Aqua Summon: Shadow Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A cartoony mermaid with a bow inside a giant clam shell. It is a Red Archery Girl that has been transformed by Toon World. Card Number: 729 Card Name: Toon Summoned Skull Attack: 2500 Defense: 1200 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 279 Stars: 6 A cartoony skeleton fiend that has been summoned from its castle. It is a Summoned Skull in the Toon World. Card Number: 730 Card Name: Dark-Eyes Illusionist Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Type: Magician Summon: Dreams Cost: 10 Stars: 2 A pathetic being with an ATK and DEF rating of 0 for both. It is needed as a tribute for summoning Relinquished. Card Number: 731 Card Name: Relinquished Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Type: Magician Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 1 A horrifying monster that has single malevolent eye. It can steal the abilities of a monster on the foe's field. Card Number: 732 Card Name: Jigen Bakudan Attack: 200 Defense: 1000 Type: Pyro Summon: Dreams Cost: 87 Stars: 2 An animated time bomb that can get around on its own accord. Its blast force is said to affect the monsters on its side. Card Number: 733 Card Name: Thousand-Eyes Idol Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Type: Magician Summon: Dreams Cost: 10 Stars: 1 A strange enchanted Idol that has eyes all over its body. It glares at foes to stop them in their attacks. Card Number: 734 Card Name: Thousand-Eyes Restrict Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Type: Magician Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 1 A monster with countless eyes. It can steal the abilities of a monster on the foe's field to power up two levels. Card Number: 735 Card Name: Steel Ogre Grotto #2 Attack: 1900 Defense: 2200 Type: Machine Summon: Earth Cost: 150 Stars: 6 A mechanical golem of an extremely sturdy, rugged build. Its metallic arms are very thick. Card Number: 736 Card Name: Blast Sphere Attack: 1400 Defense: 1400 Type: Machine Summon: Pyro Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A mechanized bomb that has hooks used for latching onto its enemy. It defeats its for with a devastating explosion. Card Number: 737 Card Name: Hyozanryu Attack: 2100 Defense: 2800 Type: Dragon Summon: Earth Cost: 58 Stars: 7 A horned dragon whose entire body is composed of diamonds. It looses dazzling flashes that blind its foes. Card Number: 738 Card Name: Alpha The Magnet Warrior Attack: 1400 Defense: 1700 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 233 Stars: 4 A magnetized monster that can meld with Beta and Gamma into one. The other two must be on the field to integrate with Alpha. Card Number: 739 Card Name: Legion the Fiend Jester Attack: 1300 Defense: 1500 Type: Magician Summon: Fiend Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A magician on the dark side in the guise of a jester. It bobs and weaves to avoid attack, then strikes sharply. Card Number: 740 Card Name: Invitation to a Dark Sleep Attack: 1500 Defense: 1800 Type: Magician Summon: Dreams Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A masked magician that summons black, sleep-inducing clouds. It can make all monsters on the foe's field fall asleep. Card Number: 741 Card Name: Lord of D. Attack: 1200 Defense: 1100 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A monstrous magician that wears a large, concealing cape. It has the power to rule over many of the dragons. Card Number: 742 Card Name: Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon Attack: 2800 Defense: 2400 Type: Machine Summon: Shadow Cost: 58 Stars: 8 A Red-Eyes Black Dragon that has been metalized for more power. Its type has changed from dragon to machine. Card Number: 743 Card Name: Barrel Dragon Attack: 2600 Defense: 2200 Type: Machine Summon: Shadow Cost: 30 Stars: 7 A mechanical dragon fitted with cannons. It can wipe out up to 3 monsters on the opponent's field with a 2-in-1 success rate. Card Number: 744 Card Name: Hannibal Necromancer Attack: 1400 Defense: 1800 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A sinister creature that revels in the dark arts of necromancy. It is formed from the souls of ghouls. Card Number: 745 Card Name: Panther Warrior Attack: 2000 Defense: 1600 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 319 Stars: 4 A feline warrior that attacks faster than sweeping winds. Its speed easily tops 60mph. Card Number: 746 Card Name: Three-Headed Geedo Attack: 1200 Defense: 1400 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A dark fiend that supports three heads on its skinny frame. Its heads are said to grow back if they are to be cut off. Card Number: 747 Card Name: Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts Attack: 1500 Defense: 1200 Type: Beast Summon: Dreams Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A horned lion beast that reigns over mythical beasts. It is said to have over 10,000 beasts under its command. Card Number: 748 Card Name: Stone Statue of the Aztecs Attack: 300 Defense: 2000 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 319 Stars: 4 A monumental statue made in ancient times by a long lost culture. Tens of thousands of sacrifices were made on it. Card Number: 749 Card Name: Berfomet Attack: 1400 Defense: 1800 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 41 Stars: 5 An immense being with huge wings that keep it aloft. The wings are said to be able to repel any wind. Card Number: 750 Card Name: Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast Attack: 2100 Defense: 1800 Type: Beast Summon: Dreams Cost: 116 Stars: 6 A beast that obtained enormous power by achieving fusion. However, its life lasts a mere five minutes. Card Number: 751 Card Name: Gear Golem the Moving Fortress Attack: 800 Defense: 2200 Type: Machine Summon: Earth Cost: 150 Stars: 5 A mechanized fortress that features both mobility and defense. It is made of enchanted stones. Card Number: 752 Card Name: Jinzo Attack: 2400 Defense: 1500 Type: Machine Summon: Thunder Cost: 231 Stars: 6 An android of great power distinguished by its thick, long neck. It can destroy all the trap cards on the opponent's field. Card Number: 753 Card Name: Swordsman of Landstar Attack: 500 Defense: 1200 Type: Warrior Summon: Light Cost: 121 Stars: 3 A delicate fairy swordsman that is yet unskilled in combat. It makes up for its weak sword skills with mystical abilities. Card Number: 754 Card Name: Cyber Raider Attack: 1400 Defense: 1000 Type: Warrior Summon: Thunder Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A helmeted and muscular brute whose identity is a secret. He was a villain who perpetrated evil deeds in cyber space. Card Number: 755 Card Name: The Fiend Megacyber Attack: 2200 Defense: 1200 Type: Warrior Summon: Fiend Cost: 150 Stars: 6 A creature that resulted from a fusion of electronics and magic. The fusion process made it powerful. Card Number: 756 Card Name: Reflect Bounder Attack: 1700 Defense: 1000 Type: Magician Summon: Fiend Cost: 233 Stars: 4 A magical mirror being that can take the ATK power of a monster on the foe's field to cause LP loss in return for its own life. Card Number: 757 Card Name: Beta The Magnet Warrior Attack: 1700 Defense: 1600 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 233 Stars: 4 A magnetized monster that fuses with Alpha and Gamma into one. The other two must be on the field to integrate with Beta. Card Number: 758 Card Name: Big Shield Gardna Attack: 100 Defense: 2600 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 532 Stars: 4 A legendary shield of a massive size and ornate design. It is said to have fended off a million-strong army in the past. Card Number: 759 Card Name: Doll of Demise Attack: 1600 Defense: 1700 Type: Fiend Summon: Forest Cost: 25 Stars: 5 A fiendish doll that was once beloved, but discarded later. It came to life to exact revenge for abandonment. Card Number: 760 Card Name: Dark Magician Girl Attack: 2000 Defense: 1700 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 86 Stars: 6 A beautiful female counterpart to the male Dark Magician. She powers up if there is a Dark Magician in the graveyard. Card Number: 761 Card Name: Alligator's Sword Attack: 1500 Defense: 1200 Type: Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A lizardman that is highly skilled in the handling of swords. It swings its sword at the speed of sound. Card Number: 762 Card Name: Insect Queen Attack: 2200 Defense: 2400 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 12 Stars: 7 A powerful creature that rules over the insects. It can be powered up based on the number of insects on the own field. Card Number: 763 Card Name: Parasite Paracide Attack: 500 Defense: 300 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 29 Stars: 2 A parasitic insect that obtains food from the hapless host. It has the power to latch onto a monster on the foe's field. Card Number: 764 Card Name: Skull-Mark Lady Bug Attack: 500 Defense: 1500 Type: Insect Summon: Fiend Cost: 183 Stars: 3 A ladybug that has a skull-and-crossbones on its back. In return for its own demise, it can restore LP by 500. Card Number: 765 Card Name: Tiny Guardian Attack: 1400 Defense: 1800 Type: Warrior Summon: Light Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A diminutive warrior who peers out from beneath its cap. Its sharp vision catches every movement made by its foes. Card Number: 766 Card Name: Pinch Hopper Attack: 1000 Defense: 1200 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A grasshopperlike insect that can sacrifice itself. For its own demise, it can summon an insect from the own hand. Card Number: 767 Card Name: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Attack: 3000 Defense: 2500 Type: Dragon Summon: Light Cost: 95 Stars: 8 A cartoony dragon that was a Blue-Eyes White Dragon. It had been drawn into the Toon World and transformed. Card Number: 768 Card Name: The Unhappy Maiden Attack: 0 Defense: 100 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 10 Stars: 1 A pitiable young girl who is dressed in tattered old rags. She ekes out her living by peddling wares in a town on a daily basis. Card Number: 769 Card Name: Wall of Illusion Attack: 1000 Defense: 1850 Type: Fiend Summon: Dreams Cost: 274 Stars: 4 An enchanted wall that shows illusory visions to its foes. It befuddles foes into making their attacks go astray. Card Number: 770 Card Name: Neo the Magic Swordsman Attack: 1700 Defense: 1000 Type: Magician Summon: Earth Cost: 233 Stars: 4 A swordsman who is equally adept at both swordplay and sorcery. He is useful to have around as a comrade. Card Number: 771 Card Name: Man-Eating Treasure Chest Attack: 1600 Defense: 1000 Type: Fiend Summon: Dreams Cost: 207 Stars: 4 A fiendish treasure chest that savors people with valuables. It chomps down on anyone that ventures too close. Card Number: 772 Card Name: Sorcerer of the Doomed Attack: 1450 Defense: 1200 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 172 Stars: 4 A ghoulish sorcerer that is skilled in the art of necromancy. It has struck a contract with darkness. Card Number: 773 Card Name: Sword Hunter Attack: 2450 Defense: 1700 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 16 Stars: 7 A solitary warrior on a quest for the world's famous swords. His search leads him all over the world. Card Number: 774 Card Name: Drill Bug Attack: 1100 Defense: 200 Type: Insect Summon: Earth Cost: 103 Stars: 2 A wormlike insect that burrows inside its foe's body to eat. It is dangerous monster that drains the prey from within. Card Number: 775 Card Name: Deepsea Warrior Attack: 1600 Defense: 1800 Type: Warrior Summon: Aqua Cost: 41 Stars: 5 An undersea warrior in a wet suit made for deep water fighting. The suit can withstand high pressure of 10,000 bar. Card Number: 776 Card Name: Bite Shoes Attack: 500 Defense: 300 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 29 Stars: 2 A devious monster that has assumed the guise of a body. If anyone were to put it on, it would bite off his foot. Card Number: 777 Card Name: Spikebot Attack: 1800 Defense: 1700 Type: Machine Summon: Shadow Cost: 41 Stars: 5 A mechanical monster that wields a steel ball weighing a ton. However, its accuracy isn't very good. Card Number: 778 Card Name: Beast of Gilfer Attack: 2200 Defense: 2500 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 279 Stars: 6 A peculiar, dragonlike fiend. In return for its own demise, it can power down all monsters on the foe's field. Card Number: 779 Card Name: The Portrait's Secret Attack: 1200 Defense: 1500 Type: Fiend Summon: Earth Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A portrait painting that has a sinister reputation of bad luck. It is said to bring misfortune to all those who own it. Card Number: 780 Card Name: The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams Attack: 1300 Defense: 1800 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 260 Stars: 4 A dark fiend that haunts the dreams of those it comes to possess. Once it is in control, the victim cannot awaken voluntarilly. Card Number: 781 Card Name: Brain Control Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 200 Stars: --- A spell that can take over a monster on the opponent's field. The affected monster is put under control until the turn ends. Card Number: 782 Card Name: Anti Raigeki Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 20 Stars: --- A trap card that protects the player's monsters from Raigeki. Instead, it destroys all the monsters on the foe's field. Card Number: 783 Card Name: Black Illusion Ritual Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Ritual Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A ritual for summoning a Relinquished in return for a tribute. For this, a Dark-Eyes Illusionist, etc., is needed. Card Number: 784 Card Name: Change of Heart Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 255 Stars: --- A spell that can take over a monster on the opponent's field. The affected monster is put under control. Card Number: 785 Card Name: Multiply Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 100 Stars: --- A spell that causes a Kuriboh on the player's field to multiply. The monster and its copies fill the field completely. Card Number: 786 Card Name: Exile of the Wicked Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 15 Stars: --- A holy spell that is feared and loathed by every kind of fiend. It causes all fiends on the opponent's field to disappear. Card Number: 787 Card Name: Last Day of Witch Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 15 Stars: --- An attack spell that is devastating to any kind of magician. It causes all magicians on the foe's field to disappear. Card Number: 788 Card Name: Restructer Revolution Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 15 Stars: --- An attack spell that directly hits the opponent's LP. It inflicts 200LP damage fore every card in the foe's hand. Card Number: 789 Card Name: Pot of Greed Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 50 Stars: --- A card that allows the player to draw cards from the deck. Up to two cards may be drawn if there is room in the hand. Card Number: 790 Card Name: The Inexperienced Spy Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 2 Stars: --- A spell that enables the player to look at the foe's hand. All the cards in the opponent's hand become visible. Card Number: 791 Card Name: Gate Sword Attack: 1800 Defense: 1950 Type: Warrior Summon: Fiend Cost: 73 Stars: 6 A dark warrior that has assumed the guise of a caped sword. It cleaves everything it touches in half. Card Number: 792 Card Name: Steel Fan Fighter Attack: 2200 Defense: 1850 Type: Warrior Summon: Wind Cost: 150 Stars: 6 A warrior who uses a steel fan that is etched with a dragon. He battles as if he were dancing. Card Number: 793 Card Name: Leopard Girl Attack: 1950 Defense: 1700 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Forest Cost: 73 Stars: 6 A beast warrior that breathes on the neck of its foe. The startled foe if then shredded by this quick being. Card Number: 794 Card Name: The Last Warrior from Another Planet Attack: 2350 Defense: 2300 Type: Warrior Summon: Fiend Cost: 9 Stars: 7 An armored warrior that won't quit his fight to guard his planet. However, he is the last being alive in his world. Card Number: 795 Card Name: Dunames Dark Witch Attack: 1800 Defense: 1050 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 260 Stars: 4 A courageous fairy of light that has a strong sense of justice. She will not run from any battle against the forces of darkness. Card Number: 796 Card Name: Garnecia Elefantis Attack: 2400 Defense: 2000 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 12 Stars: 7 An immense elephant being that boasts terrifying strength. Fissures appear with every step it takes. Card Number: 797 Card Name: Total Defense Shogun Attack: 1550 Defense: 2500 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 279 Stars: 6 A brave general who fought to protect his loved ones. He endured an assault that raged for a thousand of days. Card Number: 798 Card Name: Beast of Talwar Attack: 2400 Defense: 2150 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 12 Stars: 7 A fiend that bears a weapon that is highly exclusive for use. Even among fiends, only the swordplay experts may touch it. Card Number: 799 Card Name: Cyber-Tech Alligator Attack: 2500 Defense: 1600 Type: Machine Summon: Wind Cost: 279 Stars: 5 A winged dragon that has been made powerful using technology. It was made a cyborg by its owner on its deathbed. Card Number: 800 Card Name: Talons of Shurilane Attack: 2100 Defense: 2050 Type: Fiend Summon: Dreams Cost: 116 Stars: 6 An illusory fiend that hides itself in mysterious mirages. Those that see it are ripped apart by its sharp claws. Card Number: 801 Card Name: The Stern Mystic Attack: 1500 Defense: 1200 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A wise old magician whose stern demeanor reflect his high morals. Before him, no lie can go unnoticed. Card Number: 802 Card Name: Baron of the Fiend Sword Attack: 1550 Defense: 800 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 195 Stars: 4 A noble who brandishes a sword imbued with dark emotions. He chases down quarry with grim and relentless purpose. Card Number: 803 Card Name: Shining Abyss Attack: 1600 Defense: 1800 Type: Fiend Summon: Light Cost: 260 Stars: 4 A peculiar winged being that embodies two opposing attributes. It has both the power of light and darkness. Card Number: 804 Card Name: Headless Knight Attack: 1450 Defense: 1700 Type: Fiend Summon: Earth Cost: 233 Stars: 4 A knight who had beheaded on a fake charge of treason. Now its fiendish specter wanders without a head. Card Number: 805 Card Name: Soldier Ari Attack: 500 Defense: 1200 Type: Insect Summon: Forest Cost: 121 Stars: 3 An ant that turned vicious as a result of spontaneous mutation. Its body is relatively stiff and durable. Card Number: 806 Card Name: Gearfried the Iron Knight Attack: 1800 Defense: 1600 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 260 Stars: 4 A warrior that has been constructed out of tensile steel. Its steel hands have sharp cutting edges. Card Number: 807 Card Name: Humanoid Slime Attack: 800 Defense: 2000 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 319 Stars: 4 A watery, gel-like being that has taken the shape of a human. It was made by infusing a slime with human genetic material. Card Number: 808 Card Name: Worm Drake Attack: 1400 Defense: 1500 Type: Insect Summon: Earth Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A wormlike creature that uses its long body to entrap foes. There is no escape from its binding grip. Card Number: 809 Card Name: Humanoid Worm Drake Attack: 2200 Defense: 2000 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 3 Stars: 7 A gelatinous creature that was created from a fusion between a Humanoid Slime and a Worm Drake. Card Number: 810 Card Name: Revival Jam Attack: 1500 Defense: 500 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A being that multiplies by splitting into two identical halves. If there is room on the player's field it can split into two. Card Number: 811 Card Name: Buster Blader Attack: 2600 Defense: 2300 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 30 Stars: 7 A warrior that can be powered up based on the number of dragons on the opponent's field. Card Number: 812 Card Name: Dark Necrofear Attack: 2200 Defense: 2800 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 58 Stars: 8 A being that can take over a monster on the opponent's field. The affected monster is put under the player's control. Card Number: 813 Card Name: Cyber Jar Attack: 900 Defense: 900 Type: Rock Summon: Shadow Cost: 72 Stars: 3 A pod-type robot of a jarlike design from a future world. It carries a powerful bomb inside its body. Card Number: 814 Card Name: Banisher of the Light Attack: 100 Defense: 2000 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 319 Stars: 3 A forbidding figure that has been made the guardian of light. He has been commanded to banish those who serve the dark side. Card Number: 815 Card Name: Giant Rat Attack: 1400 Defense: 1450 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 172 Stars: 4 A powerful rat that has grown to an abnormally big size. Exposure to radiation is thought to be the cause. Card Number: 816 Card Name: Senju of the Thousand Hands Attack: 1400 Defense: 1000 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 161 Stars: 4 An imposing fairy that has numerous arms for attacking in droves. The flailing of its forest of arms causes major damage. Card Number: 817 Card Name: UFO Turtle Attack: 1400 Defense: 1200 Type: Machine Summon: Pyro Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A gigantic turtle that has made its shell from a UFO. Amazingly enough, it is said to be able to fly. Card Number: 818 Card Name: Flash Assailant Attack: 2000 Defense: 2000 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 319 Stars: 4 An extremely quick fiend that uses its speed to best advantage. If it is seen, the witness is sure to be killed instantly. Card Number: 819 Card Name: Karate Man Attack: 1000 Defense: 1000 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 87 Stars: 3 A lean and buff karate master with fists of steel. He has the power to shatter 10,000 roof tiles. Card Number: 820 Card Name: Dark Zebra Attack: 1800 Defense: 400 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 260 Stars: 4 A sinister zebra that has a unicornlike horn on its forehead. It beffudles foes by making its stripes move around quickly. Card Number: 821 Card Name: Giant Germ Attack: 1000 Defense: 100 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 87 Stars: 2 A terrifying germ that has an extremely high level of toxicity. Even one of these germs is said to defeat even a dragon. Card Number: 822 Card Name: Nimble Momonga Attack: 1000 Defense: 100 Type: Beast Summon: Forest Cost: 87 Stars: 2 A flying squirrel that flies around it foe, out of reach. When it sees a chance, it goes for the foe's throat with fangs. Card Number: 823 Card Name: Spear Cretin Attack: 500 Defense: 500 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 29 Stars: 2 A impish fiend that roams about in the darkness aimlessly. If it spots prey, it goes on the attack with its spear in hand. Card Number: 824 Card Name: Shining Angel Attack: 1400 Defense: 800 Type: Fairy Summon: Light Cost: 161 Stars: 4 An ethereal fairy that shoots a beam from the halo on its head. The beam stops foes in their tracks. Card Number: 825 Card Name: Boar Soldier Attack: 2000 Defense: 500 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 319 Stars: 4 A porcine beast warrior that wields a massive stone axe. It destroys everything that happens to be within sight. Card Number: 826 Card Name: Mother Grizzly Attack: 1400 Defense: 1000 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Aqua Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A bruin that tears at the foe's throat with hooked claws. The foe's life is over in just five seconds. Card Number: 827 Card Name: Flying Kamakiri #1 Attack: 1400 Defense: 900 Type: Insect Summon: Pyro Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A dragonflylike insect that breathes intense flames to strike. If it spots prey, it flies above it and spits fire immediately. Card Number: 828 Card Name: Ceremonial Bell Attack: 0 Defense: 1850 Type: Magician Summon: Light Cost: 274 Stars: 3 A gleaming bell that is used to mark celebratory occasions. Its pealing brings solace to those that hear it. Card Number: 829 Card Name: Sonic Bird Attack: 1400 Defense: 1000 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A goggled bird monster with jet units slung over its back. It is a supersonic monster that travels faster than sound. Card Number: 830 Card Name: Mystic Tomato Attack: 1400 Defense: 1100 Type: Plant Summon: Forest Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A monster that had been a man who died by choking on tomatoes. His anger at his murder made him this monster. Card Number: 831 Card Name: Kotodama Attack: 0 Defense: 1600 Type: Fairy Summon: Earth Cost: 207 Stars: 3 A freaky fairy whose body is scored with peculiar red lines. Hearing its voice results in ten days of agony, then death. Card Number: 832 Card Name: Obelisk the Tormentor Attack: 4000 Defense: 4000 Type: Warrior Summon: Divine Cost: 0 Stars: 12 A monster that can wipe out all monsters on the foe's field. At the same time, it hits the foe with 4,000LP worth of damage. Card Number: 833 Card Name: Slifer the Sky Dragon Attack: 4000 Defense: 4000 Type: Dragon Summon: Divine Cost: 0 Stars: 12 A dragon that can power up based on the cards in the hand. For every card in the player's hand, power is upped 3 levels. Card Number: 834 Card Name: The Winged Dragon of Ra Attack: 4000 Defense: 4000 Type: Machine Summon: Divine Cost: 0 Stars: 12 A dragon that has the power to cut its LP to 1 and hit the opponent with the LP amount that it has lost. Card Number: 835 Card Name: Flying Fish Attack: 800 Defense: 500 Type: Fish Summon: Wind Cost: 59 Stars: 4 A fish that is said to bring good luck to those who see it flying. The lucky witnesses are said to have three wishes come true. Card Number: 836 Card Name: Amphibian Beast Attack: 2400 Defense: 2000 Type: Fish Summon: Aqua Cost: 231 Stars: 6 A creature that attacks quickly like a beast while on land. In water, it strikes fast like a fish. Card Number: 837 Card Name: Alligator's Sword Dragon Attack: 1700 Defense: 1500 Type: Dragon Summon: Wind Cost: 25 Stars: 5 A lizardman with a dragon steed created from the fusion of a Baby Dragon and an Alligator's Sword. Card Number: 838 Card Name: Rocket Warrior Attack: 1500 Defense: 1300 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A smaller warrior that can transform into a speedy rocket. It can power down a chosen monster on the opponent's field. Card Number: 839 Card Name: Aqua Serpent Attack: 1500 Defense: 1200 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 183 Stars: 4 An aquatic serpent that crawls along the bottom of the sea. It suddenly appears and attacks when it spots prey. Card Number: 840 Card Name: The Legendary Fisherman Attack: 1850 Defense: 1600 Type: Warrior Summon: Aqua Cost: 50 Stars: 5 A whale-riding man of the sea with a compassionate spirit. He cannot be bested by anyone when battling at sea. Card Number: 841 Card Name: Morphing Jar #2 Attack: 800 Defense: 700 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 59 Stars: 3 A jar that was constructed in the world of fiends. Anything placed inside it can never be recovered. Card Number: 842 Card Name: Vorse Raider Attack: 1900 Defense: 1200 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Fiend Cost: 289 Stars: 4 A ferocious beast warrior that dedicates itself to evil deeds. It finds joy in carrying out its misdeeds. Card Number: 843 Card Name: Flame Champion Attack: 1900 Defense: 1300 Type: Pyro Summon: Pyro Cost: 61 Stars: 5 A swordsman equipped with a large shield that is awash in flames. The fiery shield negates any kind of attack. Card Number: 844 Card Name: Twin-Headed Fire Dragon Attack: 2200 Defense: 1700 Type: Pyro Summon: Pyro Cost: 150 Stars: 6 A fiery winged dragon with two heads and a tail with talons. It is said to have been formed at the creation of the universe. Card Number: 845 Card Name: Darkfire Soldier #1 Attack: 1700 Defense: 1150 Type: Pyro Summon: Pyro Cost: 233 Stars: 4 A covert operations specialist who is cloaked in flames. He is an expert in the handling of explosives. Card Number: 846 Card Name: Mr. Volcano Attack: 2100 Defense: 1300 Type: Pyro Summon: Pyro Cost: 116 Stars: 5 A gentleman who is skilled in the exotic art of pyrotechnics. While he is mild-mannered, he has a terrible temper. Card Number: 847 Card Name: Darkfire Soldier #2 Attack: 1700 Defense: 1100 Type: Pyro Summon: Pyro Cost: 233 Stars: 4 A swordsman burning bright with both his swords at the ready. He gained the ability to don fire when he fell into a volcano. Card Number: 848 Card Name: Kiseitai Attack: 300 Defense: 800 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 59 Stars: 2 A parasitic wormlike fiend that affects the actions of its host. If you do something you know to be wrong, this is to blame. Card Number: 849 Card Name: Cyber Falcon Attack: 1400 Defense: 1200 Type: Machine Summon: Wind Cost: 161 Stars: 4 A mechanized falcon that is equipped with a powerful jet engine. It can fly at the speed of sound. Card Number: 850 Card Name: Gamma The Magnet Warrior Attack: 1500 Defense: 1800 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 260 Stars: 4 A magnetized monster that can meld with Alpha and Beta into one. The other two must be on the field to integrate with Gamma. Card Number: 851 Card Name: Flying Kamakiri #2 Attack: 1500 Defense: 800 Type: Insect Summon: Wind Cost: 183 Stars: 4 An overgrown praying mantis that is able to take to the skies. It loves to eat other insects. Card Number: 852 Card Name: Harpie's Brother Attack: 1800 Defense: 600 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 260 Stars: 4 A winged humanoid being who is able to fly at Mach 5 speed. His eyes glint with a light sharper than a hawk's. Card Number: 853 Card Name: Grand Tiki Elder Attack: 1500 Defense: 800 Type: Fiend Summon: Dreams Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A masked fiend that uses freaky incantations to attack. Its chanted curses cause foes to drop as if stricken physically. Card Number: 854 Card Name: The Masked Beast Attack: 3200 Defense: 1800 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 142 Stars: 8 A masked fiend with a torso of a human and a staff. It has learned the world's most horrifying spell. Card Number: 855 Card Name: The Earl of Demise Attack: 2000 Defense: 700 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 86 Stars: 5 A fiend of aristocratic status and fearsome bearing. He is feared by not only humans, but also by weaker fiends. Card Number: 856 Card Name: Boneheimer Attack: 850 Defense: 400 Type: Aqua Summon: Aqua Cost: 65 Stars: 3 A sea horse that wanders with the waves in search of prey. It feeds by draining the prey of all body fluids. Card Number: 857 Card Name: Flame Dancer Attack: 550 Defense: 450 Type: Pyro Summon: Pyro Cost: 33 Stars: 2 A fiery creature that swings a rope of fire as it approaches. Don't make the mistake of catching this creature's one eye. Card Number: 858 Card Name: Zombyra the Dark Attack: 2100 Defense: 500 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 350 Stars: 4 A superhero on the dark side. in return for powering down, he can destroy one monster on the foe's field. Card Number: 859 Card Name: Earthbound Spirit Attack: 500 Defense: 2000 Type: Fiend Summon: Earth Cost: 319 Stars: 4 A fiendish spirit that cannot take leave from earth. It is made from the souls of soldiers vanquished in battle. Card Number: 860 Card Name: Embodiment of Apophis Attack: 1600 Defense: 1800 Type: Reptile Summon: Earth Cost: 260 Stars: 4 A giant that is the living embodiment of an enormous snake. The snake is described in Egyptian myths as the ruler of darkness. Card Number: 861 Card Name: Ancient Lamp Attack: 900 Defense: 1400 Type: Magician Summon: Wind Cost: 161 Stars: 3 An animated magic lamp. It can summon a La Jinn the Mystical Geinie of the Lamp if there is open space on the own field. Card Number: 862 Card Name: Amazon Chain Master Attack: 1500 Defense: 1300 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A combative female warrior who is skilled at using a chain. She lives in northern outlands where she hunts for pleasure. Card Number: 863 Card Name: Thunder Nyan Nyan Attack: 1900 Defense: 800 Type: Thunder Summon: Light Cost: 289 Stars: 4 A clumsy elemental infant who lives on the tops of clouds. She often falls, causing lightning to crash down each time. Card Number: 864 Card Name: Injection Fairy Lily Attack: 400 Defense: 1500 Type: Magician Summon: Earth Cost: 183 Stars: 3 A delicate fairy that bears a large syringe as her weapon. If angered, she shoots needles from the syringe endlessly. Card Number: 865 Card Name: Dark Magician Attack: 2500 Defense: 2100 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 20 Stars: 7 A slender magician who is among the best of all his kind. His attack and defense stats are top class. Card Number: 866 Card Name: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Attack: 4500 Defense: 3800 Type: Dragon Summon: Divine Cost: 255 Stars: 12 The ultimate of all dragons that has three awe-inspiring heads. It is formed by the fusion of three Blue-Eyes White Dragons. Card Number: 867 Card Name: Executor - Makyura Attack: 1600 Defense: 1200 Type: Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 207 Stars: 4 A menacing monster that has been given the role of an executioner. It slices up the condemned with the sharp claws on its forelegs. Card Number: 868 Card Name: Viser Des Attack: 500 Defense: 1200 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 121 Stars: 4 A torture monster that use a vise as its weapon of choice. It flies at its target's head, then tightens the vise. Card Number: 869 Card Name: Amazon Sword Woman Attack: 1500 Defense: 1600 Type: Warrior Summon: Earth Cost: 14 Stars: 5 A female warrior who is an expert at battling with a sword. She easily wields a heavy sword in one hand. Card Number: 870 Card Name: Amazon Archers Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 15 Stars: --- A trap card of female archers that rain arrows on a foe. It powers down a monster on the foe's field. Card Number: 871 Card Name: Des Volstgalph Attack: 2200 Defense: 1700 Type: Dragon Summon: Earth Cost: 150 Stars: 6 A dragon that can wipe out a monster on the foe's field. At the same time, it hits the foe with 500LP worth of damage. Card Number: 872 Card Name: Toon Dark Magician Girl Attack: 2000 Defense: 1700 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 86 Stars: 6 A cartoony female counterpart to the male Dark Magician. She powers up if there is a Dark Magician in the graveyard. Card Number: 873 Card Name: Gliford the Lightning Attack: 2800 Defense: 1400 Type: Warrior Summon: Light Cost: 58 Stars: 8 A warrior of great strength with a devastating power. He can wipe out all monsters on the foe's field. Card Number: 874 Card Name: Mystical Beast Serket Attack: 2500 Defense: 2000 Type: Fairy Summon: Earth Cost: 279 Stars: 6 A powerful scorpionlike being that can envelop a monster on the foe's field to power itself up. Card Number: 875 Card Name: Cyber Harpie Attack: 1800 Defense: 1300 Type: Wing Beast Summon: Wind Cost: 260 Stars: 4 A Harpie Lady who has been modified. She has the ability to powerup Harpie's Pet Dragons on the player's field. Card Number: 876 Card Name: Lightning Conger Attack: 350 Defense: 750 Type: Thunder Summon: Thunder Cost: 53 Stars: 3 A massive eel that uses lightning to destroy foes. It is said to have evolved from an electric eel. Card Number: 877 Card Name: Exarion Universe Attack: 1800 Defense: 1900 Type: Beast Warrior Summon: Shadow Cost: 289 Stars: 4 A centaurlike being that has the power to hit the opponent. with LP loss identical to its ATK. It then powers down. Card Number: 878 Card Name: Legendary Fiend Attack: 1500 Defense: 1800 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 41 Stars: 6 A fiend with large black wings that is described in legends. It has the ability to power itself up. Card Number: 879 Card Name: Gadget Soldier Attack: 1800 Defense: 2000 Type: Machine Summon: Earth Cost: 86 Stars: 6 A mechanical soldier that was produced to serve as a weapon. It is made of a rustproof metal. Card Number: 880 Card Name: Melchid the Four-Face Beast Attack: 1500 Defense: 1200 Type: Fiend Summon: Fiend Cost: 183 Stars: 4 A strange monster that switches its four masks in battle. By switching masks, it changes its attack modes four ways. Card Number: 881 Card Name: Nuvia the Wicked Attack: 2000 Defense: 800 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 319 Stars: 4 A dark fiend that has once been a woman fixated on revenge. She changed to this form by selling her soul to a dark entity. Card Number: 882 Card Name: Masked Beast Des Gardius Attack: 3300 Defense: 2500 Type: Fiend Summon: Shadow Cost: 168 Stars: 8 A fiendish masked monster that makes prey of human beings. The mask is said to show the faces of the people it has eaten. Card Number: 883 Card Name: Valkyrion the Magna Warrior Attack: 3500 Defense: 3850 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 357 Stars: 8 A magnetized warrior that can separate into Alpha, Beta, and Gamma if there are two or more open spaces on the field. Card Number: 884 Card Name: Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon Attack: 2800 Defense: 2400 Type: Machine Summon: Shadow Cost: 58 Stars: 8 A ferocious mechanized dragon that boasts great strength. It is a Red-Eyes Black Dragon that was metalized for power. Card Number: 885 Card Name: Red-Eyes B. Dragon Attack: 2400 Defense: 2000 Type: Dragon Summon: Fiend Cost: 12 Stars: 7 An awesome black dragon that has eyes that glitter scarlet. Its furious black fire burns everything to the ground. Card Number: 886 Card Name: Spherous Lady Attack: 400 Defense: 1400 Type: Rock Summon: Earth Cost: 161 Stars: 3 A vampiric woman who uses her beauty to lure careless victims. She bites the necks of prey and sucks it dry of all blood. Card Number: 887 Card Name: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Attack: 3000 Defense: 2500 Type: Dragon Summon: Light Cost: 95 Stars: 8 A legendary dragon that takes pride in its enormous power. Its powers of destruction far exceed comprehension. Card Number: 888 Card Name: Dark Sage Attack: 2800 Defense: 3200 Type: Magician Summon: Shadow Cost: 5 Stars: 9 An imposing and powerful sage that dons striking black clothes. He is a Dark Magician who gained power over many years. Card Number: 889 Card Name: F.G.D. Attack: 5000 Defense: 5000 Type: Dragon Summon: Divine Cost: 169 Stars: 12 A gargantuan dragon with five heads that is simply invincible. It is formed by the fusion of five strong dragons. Card Number: 890 Card Name: Master of Dragon Soldier Attack: 5000 Defense: 5000 Type: Dragon Summon: Divine Cost: 169 Stars: 12 A huge and awesomely strong dragon that can be powered up based on the number of dragons on the player's field. Card Number: 891 Card Name: Messenger of Peace Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 10 Stars: --- A spell cast by a pacifist fairy. It immobilizes all monsters on the foe's field with an ATK of 1,500 or higher for one turn. Card Number: 892 Card Name: Darkness Approaches Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 10 Stars: --- A spell that is used to conceal the identity of cards. It makes all cards on the player's field turn facedown. Card Number: 893 Card Name: Final Destiny Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 15 Stars: --- A spell that brings total devastation on the entire proceedings. It destroys all cards on the field and in the hands. Card Number: 894 Card Name: Heavy Storm Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 25 Stars: --- A spell that totally wipes out every card on the playing field. It creates a storm that blows away all cards on the field. Card Number: 895 Card Name: Monster Reborn Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 60 Stars: --- A spell that resurrects a monster from the opponent's graveyard and places it on the player's side of the field. Card Number: 896 Card Name: Gravedigger Ghoul Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 2 Stars: --- A spell that brings forth a ghoul that desecrates graves. It carries off all the monsters in graveyards. Card Number: 897 Card Name: Torrential Tribute Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 60 Stars: --- A trap card that has dire consequences to anyone that trips it. If attacked, it destroys all monsters on the foe's field. Card Number: 898 Card Name: Beckon to Darkness Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 15 Stars: --- A trap card that causes the banishment of a monster to darkness. If attacked, it destroys a monster on the foe's field. Card Number: 899 Card Name: Infinite Dismissal Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Trap Summon: --- Cost: 0 Stars: --- A trap card that causes immobilization when it is tripped. The attacker is immobilized for one turn. Card Number: 900 Card Name: 1 Completed Attack: --- Defense: --- Type: Magic Summon: --- Cost: 75 Stars: --- An equip spell that is designed to power up a machine. It is only intended to power up a Slot Machine. =============================================================================== III. Credits [CRD] =============================================================================== Konami Kazuki Takahashi GameFAQs You - End of Document -