ZZZZZZZZZZZZ 000 I DD Z 0 0 I D D Z 0 0 I D D Z 0 0 I D D Z 0 0 I D D Z 0 0 I D D Z 0 0 I D D Z 0 0 I D D Z 0 0 I D D Z 0 0 I D D Z 000 I D D ZZZZZZZZZZZZ I DD FAQ By: crazieaznkid The Beginning ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Talk to the guy on the lower floor walking around the entrance of the room on the left. Talk to the guy on the left of the lowest floor next to the table. Talk to the old man on the upper right room. You should get a sequence of events. You now get to choose your very first zoid in the game. THE CHOICE OF ZOIDS Sabre Tiger A tiger with a double barreled cannon. Shield Liger A Liger with a double barreled cannon. Raynos A Raynos with no extra equipment. After you choose your zoid, follow the path and get any chests you find along the way. You'll automatically examine the zoid to get the plans for the Trinity Liger which you can't build for most of the game. Outside ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You should end up outsidewith a conversation. Talk to the old man sitting in the chair on the second floor of the barTalk to the guy on the top left area of the zoid store. You should spend some time earning money, zoid cores, and maybe zoid blueprints if your lucky. Stock up on some healing items. I suggest you replace some of your other team's zoids with better ones before the boss fight. Wild Zoids Small Red Dino Small Grey Dino Molga Small Purple Dino Gator White Raptor Blueprints Found Small White Dino Molga Purple Flying Dino White Raptor Small Red Dino Small Purple Dino Cores Found H1 ZN GR Old Territory ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter the blue building to the left. Go to the left and enter the underground area. Continue underground and examine the door. Look on the back area and they should examine the podium. You should get in a fight against 2 wolf zoids. Continue along the way and get any of the chests along the way. your most dangerous enemies are the purple flying dinosaurs. Heal all your zoids when you enter a area with one path to the right since there is going to be a boss fight. Wild Zoids Small Red Dino White Raptor Molga Small Purple Dino Small Grey Dino Brown Scorpion Gator Cannon Tortise Blueprints Found Iron Kong Sabre Tiger Hel Cat ShieldLiger Mark II Command Wolf NEW NEW Brontasaurus Raynos Brown Scorpion Cores ZN H1 IS BOSS FIGHT Blue Genosaurus Difficulty: Hard HP: 350 Strategy: Keep everyone's HP above half. Use your most powerful weapons first. If it attack your whole party, you should heal your whole entire party during that turn or the next turn. Desert Caves ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the conversation go to the left and talk to the old man with a cane in his hand. Go in the bar and talk to the guy on the right with a red bandana. Leave and talk to everyone in town. Head north and get in a fight against a scorpion and a wolf. Go west and into the town. Talk to the old man on the left and the rest of the town. Leave and head into a cave to the north of town. Go through the cave. Wild Zoids Command Wolf Terrace Cannon Tortise Small Grey Dino Blue Scorpion Black Lizard Hel Cat Purple Dino Small Red Dino Black Rino Red Tiger Blueprints Small White Dino Terrace Purple Flyer Command Wolf Blue Scorpion Purple Dino Cannon Molga Spider Bot Blue Liger Raptor Black Rino Cannon Tortise Cores FL H1 IS ZN GR BOSS FIGHT Purple Flyer w/Gun Mounted HP: 188 Red Horn HP: 125 Difficulty: Moderate Head to the bridge northwest of town. Enter the cave in the Northwest part of the area. Progress through the area until you reach the other side of the cave and the bridge. Go down until you automatically reach the other side. BOSS FIGHT Sabre Tiger Difficulty: Hard HP: 500 Strategy: HEAL LIKE MAD!!! Have 2 people attack and the other 2 heal. If you are very desperate, use one of the items you get to use between turns. Use your most powerful weapons. Ignore your EP and use any of the EP you have access to. He hould go down in a couple of turns. After the fight you get a conversation. Followed by.... BOSS FIGHT#2 Red Flyer Difficulty: Varies(Easy to Moderate) HP: 300 Strategy: This battle isnt very hard. You should mainly focus on attacking the boss. Heal if your HP is below half. It is not really that hard if your level is high enough. There is no way you can beat it in speed. SO DON'T TRY! Back to Town ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Talk to the old man walking back and forth in the bar to get another item. Visit the shops to restock, equip, and upgrade. You might want to fight to earn some blueprints and cores right now. You'll need them for the next scenerio. When you are ready go to the top right part of the world map and enter the building. Go to the silver orb. Wild Zoids Red Tiger Missle Wolf Terrace Hel Cat Camo Lizard Small Grey Dino Blue Scorpion Wolf Camo Dino Cannon Tortise Small White Dino Crocdile Blueprints Hel Cat Sabre Tiger Small White Dino Zoid Cores FL ZN S Zoid Core GR H1 H2 Desert Town ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to town and talk to everyone. The scientist on the top right gives you an item. Leave town and you'll get into a fight with a few worms. The Base ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the right after the fight. Go around the desert and south. Go until you see a mountain like place. Enter it. There is a chest in the shop. On the second floor talk to the scientist on the eight side. Go to the top floor and go into the top middle area. Now leave and head to the west and into the ruins. The Ruins ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Go in and grab all the treasures. Go back to base and talk to everyone on the third floor. The Desert ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Go there and keep fighting zoids for a while. After the conversation, go back to the desert and destroy the towers around the area. Destroy the four towers around the desert and enter the area in the center of the desert. The Desert Ruins ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Search the area. Enter the red top building. Go through the area and search for any chests. The enemy zoids are weak. When you reach another of the towers on the lower level, destroy it. Behind the Base ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the back of the base and enter it. Search the area for chests and then head underground. Open the chest on the top right corner of the bottom floor. After the conversation, head for the volcano. When you reach the top, you should see a zoid. Volcano ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Go through the volcano to the top. Try to grab all of the chests along the way. BOSS FIGHT Energy Cannon Mounted Tortise HP: 250 3 Cannon Tortises HP: 80 each Difficulty: Easy Strategy: Take out the cannon tortises first. Then concentrate everything on the boss. Just heal if you get hit. He is very poor in both speed and defense. Town.... Again ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Talk to the old man downstairs for another item. Leave town and head northeast into the building. Go into the silver orb. Rocky World ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Go into the building. Go back into the city you just came out of. Go into the building. Go downstairs and talk to the girl there. When you are out, go southwest into the building. The Base ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you are inside the area, talk to the scientist to the south to get an item. Get the chest next to the exit. Go to the city in the south and go into the bar. Talk to the scientist in the item shop for another item. Talk to the old man in there for an item. Go to the southeast ruins if you want to. The ruins has very good zoid parts by the way. Go into the city nall the way on the west. Go to the top and talk to the blue liger there. He should join you. Now go back to the bar and a talk should start. Now head to the top left base. BOSS FIGHT Taurus HP: 400 Difficulty: Very Easy Strategy: Its not hard at all. If you have the best weapons you can buy at that point, it should be no problem. After the fight go into the only open building. Get through the area. The officer in the right room has an item. Check all of the rooms. They all have items. After a long conversation.... BOSS FIGHT White Tiger HP: 400 Difficulty: Moderate Strategy: Heal often. The zoid has a lot of firepower. Don't take him too lightly. It should take several turns to destroy it. Town Again ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The old man has another item for you. Head northeast and into the same place again when you are ready. Bit's World ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Three members of the Blitz Team should join you. Get the boxes on the way out. Challenge the brontasaurus on the top right corner if you need extra levels. Just answer no two both of his questions. If you challenge him.... BOSS FIGHT Ultrasaurus HP: 1200 Difficulty: Hard Strategy: It nearly all depends on luck. Try to keep your people in the back. Just constantly attack him. Heal if he attacks your entire front line. Just keep trying and you'll get it. Your goal is to beat the three collesiums. Go into the ruins if you want lots of good zoid blueprints and zoid cores. One ruin is to the north of the silver orb. The other one is on the southwest corner of the area you are in. East of the silver orb is one of the collesiums. The first collesium has snow in it. The old man on the top left has an item. 1st Battle: Any Combination Vs 6 Hel Cats 2nd Battle: Any Combination Vs 5 Various 3rd Battle: Any 4 Zoids VS 3 Dinos & 1 Bat 4th Battle: Three S or M Type Zoids VS 3 Taurus 5th Battle: Any 3 Zoids VS Champ Team The Champ Team Joins Afterwards The second collesium has an old man to the top right who will give you an item. It is to the left of the first one. 1st Battle: Any Zoids VS 6 Vipers 2nd Battle: Any Zoids VS 5 Iron Kong 3rd Battle: Any 4 Zoids VS 4 Black Tigers 4th Battle: Any 3 Flying Zoids VS 2 Black and Purple Redler 5th Battle: Any 3 S Zoids VS Naomi's Gunsniper & Gun Snipers The third collesium is to the north of the second collesium. You need to complete the other two collesiums before you can enter the third. When you register for the first match, Brad and Bit joins. 1st Battle: Any Zoids VS 3 Gold Tigers 2nd Battle: Any 3 Wolf, Liger or Tigers VS 3 Black Ligers 3rd Battle: Any 3 Zoids VS Gray Liger, Green Tiger, Mounted Wolf 4th Battle: Any 2 Zoids VS 2 Elephanters 5th Battle: Any 3 Zoids VS Black Ape, Big Gray Dino, Blue Genosaurus After the battle you get the Trinity Liger Core!!! Town Again... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The old man has another item. Upgrade all of your equipment before the next scenario. Purchase the Trinity Liger when you have the money. The next scenario is extremely hard without good stuff. Max out your stock of healing items. The battles outside are worth a huge amount of money up to 120,000G per battle against those apes. The Next World ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Go north and into the town. Go to the back of the town. Go to the back of the mansion. You might want to check out the ruins in the desert. If you are ready to continue, go notrh to the town right above the giant castle town. Go into the bar. Go to the right and up. BOSS FIGHT 2 Red Tigers HP: 182 2 Scorpions HP: 115 1 Red Scorpion Boss HP: 500 Difficulty: Moderate Strategy: Heal often. Take out the other zoids first. The other ones make the battle harder. After the fight, go back to the bar. After the conversation, head to the upper right area of the map. Go inside the mansion. Get through the area. When you reach the bottom 2 people you met earlier will join you temporarily. Try to leave the area and a event will start. Head into the nearby town afterwards. Talk to everyone and then leave. Head to the area south of town. Go underground and head to the part with the broken glass tube. Go back to the town next to the desert and enter the zoid shop. Head underground. Go to the back of the underground area. It happens to be a siver haired man you are going to fight. BOSS FIGHT Red Dinosaur HP: 600 Difficulty: Hard Strategy: Use the strategy like the others. Heal after every attack if your zoids are weak. Hopfully you'll have very powerful zoids with high level characters. BOSS FIGHT White Gojulas HP: 700 Difficulty: Hard Strategy: Repeat the one before. But keep it up longer. Town Again.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Its just the same as the last time. There is just different wild zoids instead. You'll also get new cores too. New World ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter the building on the left. Head southwest into the base. Go inside the building in front of you. Go further south and into the cave that you see. Get through the destroyed area. BOSS FIGHT Green Triceratops HP: 279 Giant Ape HP: 285 Berserk Fury HP: 550 Difficulty: Moderate Strategy: Just use your weapons that hit multiple targets. It shouldn't be a problem. Head back to town. After the conversation you get the three Liger Zero armors. Town ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Same as last time. War World ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Go into town. Talk to everyone and then try to leave. There is a ruin to the northwest. Head southwest to continue. Head to the pit thing to continue. Afterwards, head north torward the scorpion. BOSS FIGHT Scorpion Boss HP: 1050 Difficulty: Hard Strategy: Follow the other ones. If your lucky, you'll live. Go back to the pit. You can now go on water from shores. Either go to the northwest cave or the southeast ruins and collect the special items. Afterwards, leave and go to the island you got your water transport from. BOSS FIGHT Blue Genosaurus HP: 950 Difficulty: Hard Strategy: None. Not much strategy but heal after taking a big hit. Talk to everyone on your way out. They all do different tasks. Keep fighting the zoids on the island for a while. After the victory, head to the city ruins on the left. BOSS FIGHT 4 Genosaurus HP: 383 each Difficulty: Easy Strategy: Fight like you would in any other fight. BOSS FIGHT Black Dino HP: 2000(Estimate) Difficulty: Very Hard Strategy: None that I know of. Try to head to the silver orb. BOSS FIGHT Black Scorpion HP: 1050 Difficulty: Moderate Strategy: Attack it with your most powerful weapons. Its attacks are pretty weak. Just hope you have enough EP. Blue Destiny ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Go talk to the girl right next to the stairs. Leave town and head to the left and enter the building. Remember, almost every floor is another boss with a few helpers. BOSS FIGHT Red Dragon Boss HP: 450 2 White Flying Dinosaur HP: 250 Difficulty: Easy Strategy: Just pretend this was a normal battle against high speed opponents. BOSS FIGHT White Dino Boss HP: 950 2 Liger Panzers HP: 300 each Difficulty: Hard Strategy: The boss has high HP. The panzers are strong. Take out the panzers before you do anything else. They will be very annoying if you don't kill them first. The boss has a pretty high attack also. Heal when you need to. Don't waste too much EP. BOSS FIGHT Black Scorpion Boss HP: 1150 Heavy Triceratops HP: 507 Difficulty: Moderate Strategy: Use attacks that hit rows. Heal whoever got hit that turn. BOSS FIGHT Gun Mounted Dino HP: 460 Heavy Armored Dino HP: 460 Red Dino Boss HP: 950 Difficulty: Hard Strategy: Don't Know Any. All about luck and strength. The boss sometimes doesn't seem to attack much for some reason. Make sure you keep your health up. You will have no time to heal before the next big battle. BOSS FIGHT Bright Blue Dino HP: 1200 Fully Armed Genosaurus HP: 950 Heavy Armored Dino HP: 700 Red Winged Dino HP: 550 Difficulty: Very Hard Strategy: Try to take tem out one at a time. Go after the weaker ones first. If you can hit multiple targets, go for it. There is no time to heal inbetween battles. YOU HAVE NOW BEAT THE GAME!!! Enjoy the ending(If you can read it). After Final Battle ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The item shop now sells some of the parts required to build the boss zoids. They cost 100,000G each. talk to the scientist under the place with the blue building for various zoid blueprints. You can go to the silver orb to reach the final world. There are very powerful zoids so you have to be very careful. There are ruins to each corner of the following northwest, southwest, and southeast. Go underground and to the top left of the southeast temple to fight the Berserk Fury. BOSS FIGHT Berserk Fury HP: 800 Difficulty: Moderate Strategy: Bombard as much as you can. Heal when you are hit. Use your EP sparingly. It has a very powerful attack. If you win... YOU GET THE BERSERK FURY!!! EXTRA ZOID INFO ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Zoids get stat bonuses after several fights. Everyone has to be in a zoid in order to be able to leave a zoid shop. You need to fight in order to get zoid cores and blueprints. Flying zoids are only good with speed and not power. Only some people get extra power from leveling up. Don't Spend too much money on other party members. You get random party members at the end. Extra party members don't share stat bonuses. The max stat bonus is 200%. You can get blueprints for all the zoids you fight. Some people's stats can go as high as over 400%. Speed does not count as much later.