Zoids Saga Zoid Data Use Items v.0.9 Released on May 14, 2002 by Soren Kanzaki (soren_kanzaki@yahoo.com) ------------------- Table of Contents: ------------------- Section 1: Overview Section 2: Version History Section 3: Zoid Data Use Items Section 4: Cheats / Data Addresses Section 5: Credits Section 6: Copyright / Authorization Section 7: Miscellaneous -------------------- Section 1: Overview -------------------- Zoids Saga - maybe not the absolute best game on the Game Boy Advance, but certainly one of the best. Part RPG, part anime-based fan game, part collection game (ala Pokemon), there's something in this game for a wide audience. Unfortunately, it's not in English. So, for those Zoids fans out there, and those gamers who won't let a small thing like a language barrier stand between them and their games ... this guide is for you. --------------------------- Section 2: Version History --------------------------- 0.8 (3/14/2002): Preliminary draft. There are some translation errors, but unless I manage to determine what the kanji says (harder than it looks, it's a small screen!) this document might be stuck in the pre v.1.0 stage. 0.9 (5/14/2002): Added translation for Implant Data, Electromagnetic Unit. Corrected Scissors Parts, Specular OS, Bloody Demon, Gojulas G Ogre, Geno Hydra. ------------------------------- Section 3: Zoid Data Use Items ------------------------------- Your current stock of Zoid Data Use Items can be viewed by entering the menu, selecting the first option (Status), and then selecting the second to the last option (Zi Data Use Items). This list presents the items in the order that they will be listed on the screen. Legend: Item Name: Zoids which use this item Zoid Data Cores: Zoid Core ZN: Brachios, Gator, Helcat, Iron Kong, Malder, Merda, Molga, Red Horn, Saber Tiger Zoid Core GR: Black Rhimos, Heldigunner Zoid Core H1: Cannon Tortoise, Command Wolf, Godos Zoid Core H2: Barigator, Dibison, Gordos, Shield Liger, Stealth Viper Zoid Core H3: Gun Sniper, Spinosapper Zoid Core FL: Pteras, Raynos, Redler, Zabat Zoid Core IS: Demantis, Guysack, Maccurtis, Saicurtis Zoid Core WT: Hammerhead, Sinker, Wardick Zoid Core UX: Berserk Furher, Liger Zero, Liger Zero Imperial Service Type, Silver Liger Zero Zoid Core RR: Rev Raptor Zoid Core ED: Elephander Zoid Core GS: Bloody Demon, Genosaurer, Psycho Genosaurer Zoid Core DS: Death Stinger Zoid Core DZ: Death Saurer Zoid Core SF: Shadow Fox Zoid Core KW: Konig Wolf Zoid Core ZG: Gojulas Zoid Core SL: Salamander Zoid Core MT: Mad Thunder Zoid Core US: Ultrasaurus Zoid Core TL: Trinity Liger Zoid Core GH: Geno Hydra Zoid Core SP: Dark Spiner Assault Unit: Zaber Tiger AT Attack Unit: Command Wolf AU AB Unit: Blade Liger AB BC Set: Redler BC BG Unit: Red Horn BG, Iron Kong SS, Zaber Tiger SS BS Unit: Lightning Saix B DCS Unit: Shield Liger DCS, Dark Spiner DCS GC Set: Gojulas Mark II, Gordos Long Range Attack Type, Gojulas Gana, Super Genosaurer IC Unit: Redler IC LM Set: Gun Sniper LS MS Unit: Iron Kong MA PB Unit: Rev Raptor PB SM Set: Command Wolf SM VL Unit: Hammerhead VL WW Unit: Gun Sniper W2 Large Caliber BC Set: Cannon Tortoise BC Scissors Parts: Geno Scissors Flight Parts: Geno Trooper Cannory Unit: Cannory Molga Bomber Unit: Pteras Bomber Radome Unit: Pteras Radome, Gator Radome S Electromagnetic Unit: Konig Wolf, Spark Liger Limiter OS: Lightning Saix, Gun Sniper, Rev Raptor, Storm Sworder Normal OS: Blade Liger LS, Blade Liger, Genosaurer, Gojulas G Ogre, Gojulas AS Jeeku OS [Zeke in the US]: Shield Liger BS, Blade Liger BS Shadow OS: Zaber Tiger RS, Genobreaker RS Specular OS: Psycho Genosaurer Biiku System: Dibison TS Sniper(?) Rifle: Command Wolf AS Iron Horn Claw: Dark Horn HS Black Paint: Black Redler Red Paint: Blade Liger LS, Gun Sniper NS Implant Data: Lightning Saix A ----------------------------------- Section 4: Cheats / Data Addresses ----------------------------------- Now, some of you are probably saying to yourself - hey, I want 6 Trinity Liger BA's! But there's only one TL Core in the whole game! Or perhaps you just don't feel like playing the game repeatedly in order to get that Zoid Core SF you want to make an army of Shadow Foxes. Well, fret not, this section is for you. Be forewarned - using cheats can appreciably alter your enjoyment of a game (some might enjoy it more, many may enjoy it less). They may corrupt your save data. Use at your own risk. This list has the Zoid Data Use Item followed by the memory address of said item. To use, just insert an appropriate (0-99) number at the memory address. Please, don't ask me how to do that, or how to convert it into your favorite type of cheating device - there are plenty of guides and information about using and altering cheats which do more justice to the topic than I could. Zoid Cores: Zoid Core ZN: 02003e68 Zoid Core GR: 02003e69 Zoid Core H1: 02003e6a Zoid Core H2: 02003e6b Zoid Core H3: 02003e6c Zoid Core FL: 02003e6d Zoid Core IS: 02003e6e Zoid Core WT: 02003e6f Zoid Core UX: 02003e70 Zoid Core RR: 02003e71 Zoid Core ED: 02003e72 Zoid Core GS: 02003e73 Zoid Core DS: 02003e74 Zoid Core DZ: 02003e75 Zoid Core SF: 02003e76 Zoid Core KW: 02003e77 Zoid Core ZG: 02003e78 Zoid Core SL: 02003e79 Zoid Core MT: 02003e7a Zoid Core US: 02003e7b Zoid Core TL: 02003e7c Zoid Core GH: 02003e7d Zoid Core SP: 02003e7e Memory addresses 02003e7f - 02003e85 are not used for storing items. Believe me, I checked - you get a garbage Zoid core, and no, it does not build anything. Other Items: Assault Unit: 02003e86 Attack Unit: 02003e87 AB Unit: 02003e88 BC Set: 02003e89 BG Unit: 02003e8a BS Unit: 02003e8b DCS Unit: 02003e8c GC Set: 02003e8d IC Unit: 02003e8e LM Set: 02003e8f MS Unit: 02003e90 PB Unit: 02003e91 SM Set: 02003e92 VL Unit: 02003e93 WW Unit: 02003e94 Large Caliber BC Set: 02003e95 Scissors Parts: 02003e96 Flight Parts: 02003e97 Cannory Unit: 02003e98 Bomber Unit: 02003e99 Radome Unit: 02003e9a Electromagnetic Unit: 02003e9b Limiter OS: 02003e9c Normal OS: 02003e9d Jeeku OS: 02003e9e Shadow OS: 02003e9f Specular OS: 02003ea0 Biiku System: 02003ea1 Sniper(?) Rifle: 02003ea2 Iron Horn Claw: 02003ea3 Black Paint: 02003ea4 Red Paint: 02003ea5 Implant Data: 02003ea6 Under no circumstances use 02003ea7 - it crashes your game. Period. ------------------- Section 5: Credits ------------------- There are several people without whose publicly available resources this document could have never been complied: crazieaznkid, for the Zoids Saga walkthrough (available at GameFAQs, of course), which I used as a reference for getting through the game; GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com), for being the comprehensive game information site; Channel Zi (www.artvilla.com/zoids), for having a ton of Zoid information, which helped me identify the Zoids and properly translate the names; bpcarty@unity.ncsu.edu, for suggesting that Geno Shizaasu was Geno Scissors (makes a lot of sense to me); Ryuuhou, on the GameFAQs Zoids Saga board, for the Geno Hydra and Gojulas G Ogre romanization, other interesting tidbits of Zoid information, and generally being a well informed Zoids fan ^^; Jeffrey's J<->E Dictionary Server (linear.mv.com/), an excellent on-line dictionary. ------------------------------------- Section 6: Copyright / Authorization ------------------------------------- This document is the sole property of soren_kanzaki@yahoo.com, and copyright 2002. Unauthorized reproduction, either in print, electronic, or other format is expressly prohibited without consent of the author. Individuals may download this document from the following authorized websites: GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) www.cheats.de www.neoseeker.com Individuals may only use this document for personal purposes and are expressly prohibited from transferring or reproducing this document in any format without consent of the author. This document cannot be altered and then redistributed without consent of the author. This document, reproductions thereof, or excerpts, cannot be sold for money. ------------------------- Section 7: Miscellaneous ------------------------- Phew! What a round of updates. Hopefully, most of the auxiliary documents are complete, which means only minor tweaks/additions to the walkthrough and perhaps (maybe I will make it, maybe not) a hacking guide.