===================================DISCLAIMER================================== I have decided not to allow websites other than Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com), IGN (faqs.ign.com) & Gamespot (www.gamespot.com) to host my FAQs from now on. Please don't ask, because I will not grant permission. It's just that too many sites don't keep their version of my FAQ up to date which makes for a lot of hassle in my mailbox. So if anyone sees this FAQ on any site other than those mentioned above, please let me know and I will take care of the situation, thanks. Just to make things crystal clear for some people, this FAQ is not to appear anywhere at the following URLs: http://www.cheatcc.com http://www.cheatindex.com This document Copyright 2004,2017 Daniel Engel =============================================================================== Z.O.E. The Fist of Mars FAQ November 29, 2017 Daniel (DEngel) Engel dan.engel.2017 [AT] gmail [DOT] com ############################################################################### (A) TABLE OF CONTENTS ############################################################################### Table of Contents (A) This Table of Contents (B) Controls (C) Story (D) Tips/Tricks (E) Walkthrough (F) Endings (G) Experimental ############################################################################### (B) CONTROLS ############################################################################### The controls for this game are very simple, and are as follows: A - Confirms choices/commands. B - Cancels choices/commands. L/R - Move cursor between units on the battle grid. Start - View the battle grid map. Select - Not Used. ############################################################################### (C) STORY ############################################################################### This is taken from the intro to the game: "Most of the Earth's natural resources had finally been exhausted, and the tiny planet was unable to support the soaring population of humans. In 2045 mankind began to look beyond Earth for solutions and built the first Earth-space track orbital elevator. The "Space Age" had officially begun, and countries all over the world dove into countless research projects and space development plans. It was then that the human race created and discovered several new tools that would change life forever; the LEV, a pilot-controlled interspace robot; the resource Metatron, excavated from the Jupiter moon, Callisto; and the Urenbeck Catapult, a device which, by manipulating space, enabled hyper speed-travel. The discovery and invention of these so-called "tools" expedited the progress of the space development project resulting in an exodus into space; in the span of a single century, more than 20 million people took up residences in colonies on the moon, Mars, and as far as Jupiter territory. The transition from Earth to space seemed to be going smoothly - however, new conflicts were just beginning to materialize. Human beings left on Earth began to refer to these colonists as "Enders", a derogatory term for those "living at the end of civilization", expressing their prejudiced attitudes toward non-Earth inhabitants. In response, these immigrants, who were subject to discrimination on top of living in harsh environments, bonded together in their bitterness against Earth... and tensions between the two groups would only be magnified as time passed. In 2158, anger on the immigrant side culminated in the founding of BAHRAM, an anti-Earth military unit based in Vacilia County, Mars - and its subsequent clandestine invention of the Metatron "Orbital Frame", an entirely new type of LEV-like machine. From there, it was one tragedy after another. The Deimos Incident. Anterior Intervention. The threat of orbital elevator destruction. Since the advent of BAHRAM and the Orbital Frame, the already precarious equilibrium keeping the peace between Earth and space was rapidly falling apart. And in 2173, amidst the political turmoil, another ship filled with immigrants left Earth for the Zone Of The Enders..." ############################################################################### (D) TIPS/TRICKS ############################################################################### 1. First of all there are 15 slots to save your game, so you can easily save somewhere and try something, then if it doesn't work reload an earlier save. 2. The game also lets you save almost ANY TIME during a mission, so once again you can save before attacking/defending and reload your save if you don't get desired results. 3. Finally in missions with more than one enemy LEV, you can retreat(restart) the mission after destroying a LEV and you will keep any experience or levels gained. 4. Combat in the game is rather simple, you just need to get the enemy within the largest target that you have before pressing A when attacking. As for defense you just need to avoid the enemy's targets from touching your target. 99% of the time moving in a circular motion around the battle area will accomplish this, for this reason I won't go into detail for each individual battle unless there are special/unusual tactics that you need to use. 5. ALWAYS try to make it (using Cage) to a local server in any mission that has one, this will get you much more powerful attacks for your orbital frames. 6. How and when you upgrade is totally up to you, in my opinion you get too small an upgrade for too much money so it doesn't make much difference in the long run. The same is true for the items that you get between most scenes, they're helpful but not terribly. Just equip them whenever you wish for a small edge in a mission. ############################################################################### (E) WALKTHROUGH ############################################################################### Bricklayer J. Gastronomy [This FAQ assumes that you have IAS turned on, and it is turned on by default. Also there is a MASSIVE amount of text in this game, and I don't plan on reproducing it all here. You can read it all if you want at your own leisure as you play. I will just give brief plot updates between missions, the real heart of the game.] You play as a boy named Cage on a ship (Bonaparte), and at the beginning of the game you get wrongly accused of stealing a man's wallet. After the confusion settles you end up with a "Handy PC", it's filled with information that you can check at your own leisure to learn more about the game. You then run off and get ready for landing. You learn that your ship is carrying a mystery cargo, then it gets attacked by something that doesn't show up on the radar. You then chase a girl (Myona) into the cargo area and get locked in there due to the attack, after a bit of exploring you see the LEV and enter it. ================================= SCENE01: On the Battle God's Palm ================================= You use the LEV to escape the ship just before it explodes behind you, then you get informed that there are some survivors of the explosion. However before you can do anything an unidentified object shows up and you must fight it. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Destroy the Black Frame. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Cage's frame destroyed. Now you finally get to the action, battle takes place on a grid and you can view a condensed (map) version of it by pressing start. Now would be a good time to save your game so move the cursor into empty space and press A, then select Save from the menu. If you press A on yourself then you will be given the option of moving, attacking or checking your status. We will be moving for now, so select move and move to any of the four squares directly touching the enemy unit. Now select attack from your menu, the only one that you can use right now is the Rusty Lancer so use it. Pick the square that the enemy unit is on and press A to start this round of the battle. You now have eight seconds to try and get your crosshair over the enemy unit and press A. This results in a successful attack, but if you manage to get it on the red heart of the unit when attacking you will do a critical hit. After that your round is over so you can do whatever you want before picking Phase End from the same menu that you saved your game from. Now it is the enemy's turn to attack you, so you must do your best to avoid the attack. This is done by flying away from the unit and trying to avoid its red crosshairs from touching your blue one. If you can manage to do this until the time runs out you will not get hit. Repeat this pattern until you beat the enemy and it will escape, then you will get pulled to Mars by it's gravitational field. You now get to save your game and adjusting other options if needed before starting the next stage, I recommend just saving. ================================SCENE01 CLEARED================================ Myona has amnesia, so you try your best to comfort her. All of a sudden three LEVs show up and arrest you for destroying the Bonaparte. You hear something about Plan 261 being executed, but not much else. A news program informs you that no one (including you apparently) survived the Bonaparte explosion, then you are taken to a cell. Ares then gets you out of your cell thanks to the help of another person (Deckson). ========================= SCENE02: Perpetual Motion ========================= You talk with Ares and Deckson a little before two LEVs show up and a battle begins. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Cage's frame destroyed. Save your game and skip your first turn to get the enemies to move closer, then destroy the pair of enemies and avoid their attacks, you can both use guns now so beware of that. Frazer shows up and threatens everyone with capital punishment, then Deckson's friends show up to help you escape. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Direct Blade to destination / Obliterate enemy. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Blade destroyed / Cage's frame destroyed. There are four enemy units on your right and four other units on your left, Semyl and Razma are also on your left and you can control them to help destroy the enemy units. Save your game before starting the battle just in case. Use Razma to attack an enemy unit with the long rifle and Semyl to attack another with missiles, then end your turn. Avoid the enemy attacks and use Cage to attack a unit on your right, then drive somewhere away from enemy units with Phil. Basically just attack with everyone but Phil and keep her at a safe distance from enemies. It's not a hard battle really, and I would recommend killing all enemies for the experience before moving Phil to the target square. After the battle Nadia of the UNSF elite army force Acemos scolds Frazer, and you receive a Repair Kit. Now you can use the garage option to pay for upgrades to your allies' weapons and other stats. I recommend just saving your game and saving upgrades for later. ================================SCENE02 CLEARED================================ You end up in the BIS (Born In Space) hideout and learn that the UNSF is raiding the hospital. They are planning to steal a drug and sell it for a higher price, so you go to the hospital. ======================== SCENE03: A Hopeless Hope ======================== Yukito then destroys some UNSF LEVs that were guarding a vehicle. You then get the drug from the vehicle and must deliver it to the hospital. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Approach hospital with Edge / Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Edge destroyed / Cage's frame destroyed. You have five units compared to the enemy's four so the battle should be really easy, but save your game anyway. The enemy units are located in the top left corner of the map with the hospital. Basically move your units towards the hospital until the enemy units get close enough to attack, then destroy them all. Ned will show up and threaten you, then Razma will appear and attack him. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Destroy Ned LEV. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Edge destroyed / Cage's frame destroyed. Save your game and attack Ned with Razma, then move your other units closer to him to finish the job. Ned recognizes Pharsti and mentions plan 261 before escaping. Myona remembers a little bit about her past before fainting, and you get a Supply pack. Save your game before starting the next stage. ================================SCENE03 CLEARED================================ Deckson informs you that Myona's parents are dead, and that Myona was not listed on the passenger roster for the Bonaparte. Deckson then offers you to join BIS as members and you accept. The news then informs you that the UNSF blew up the hospital and put the blame on you. You'll then go pay a visit to Robin, a friend of BIS and its sponsor. =========================== SCENE04: Double-Edged Sword =========================== You see Ned again attacking random buildings this time, Edge suspects a leak somewhere in BIS. Save your game and move to any location, all your friends then show up to help. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Go to facility entrance with Edge Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Edge destroyed / Cage's frame destroyed. Save your game before moving Edge to the target square in the top right and move everyone else closer to the enemy units so you can attack them. Defeat the units for the experience as you move Edge to the target square. You hear mention of someone named Mebius safely escaping with the rest of Robin's staff. Ned then threatens Robin's life, then Mebius appears and attacks Ned in the now operational Orcrist. Ned then escapes and calls further reinforcements, with Robin safe everyone decides it's time to stop Ned. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Destroy Ned LEV. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Edge destroyed / Cage's frame destroyed. Save before you move your units towards the enemy units and beat them one by one for the extra experience, try to save Ned for last. The unmanned units are smaller and faster than the enemies that you have been fighting up to this point so be prepared to deal with that. Otherwise beat Ned afterwards and Nadia will show up briefly to rescue him and escape. Back at the BIS hideout you talk more about the possibility of a traitor being among you. Then you see a brief clue of Bolozof using Nadia as a pawn. You receive a Booster, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE04 CLEARED================================ You learn that customs taxes will be increased over 3 years solely in the region that you (BIS) operate. Robin's secretary Twede then informs you that a BIS-owned LEV (piloted by Den) is wrecking havoc near Semyl's orphanage and you need to put a stop to it. =================================== SCENE05: A Voice from Far, Far Away =================================== When you arrive on the scene it turns out that Den of the BIS is infact Ned, once again soiling your reputation. Ned is planning to put the orphans on LEVs that are rigged with explosives, worse still they are on auto-pilot so they will attack you. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: ??? Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Attack enemy LEVs / Cage's frame destroyed. Save your game and skip the first three turns or so, Ned tells you that he also put explosives in the orphanage that will go off if you attack him. Warren (who is actually Razma's brother) then appears and tells you that he will disable the bombs so that you can safely attack the LEVs. To put it more simply you can only attack a LEV without the bomb exploding if Warren is touching the LEV at the time. So wait until you've moved Warren beside a LEV before attacking that LEV with someone else. Once you've saved the children Ned will call some reinforcements, so make short work of them before going after Ned. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Destroy Ned LEV. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Cage's frame destroyed. After the battle Ned kills one of his own soldiers and threaten to do the same to the children that you rescued already. Your LEV then changes to an orbital frame and you obliterate Ned. You receive a Repair kit, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE05 CLEARED================================ You witness a brief argument between Bolozof and Zephyrs over Nadia, then Twede informs you that Zephyrs is behind all the recent violence. Cage then talks with Myona for a while, and she helps him to overcome his doubts. =========================== SCENE06: One Wing's Promise =========================== Outside the UNSF tries to arrest you, but your friends show up. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Cage's frame destroyed. Save your game and fight off the five enemy units like normal to end this battle. Razma then contacts you and helps Cage get some confidence back before cutting tramsmission. You then speed to the orphanage to see what went wrong. It turns out Bolozof was behind the attack, but Razma saved the kids in time. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and beat the four basic frames below you before going after Nadia and Bolozof. Move Razma up to your other units and skip two turns to get the enemy units to come to you. Beat them like normal, then start attacking Nadia as she should be close by now. Finally attack Bolozof until he retreats to end the battle. You discover that Pharsti's name for the new form is Testament. You receive a Booster, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE06 CLEARED================================ Robin performs a number of tests on the Testament, and determines that it is still not at its full potential. It turns out that Robin may not be on your side as you see some discourse between Twede and her. A recent demonstration against the taxes mentioned in scene 05 turned ugly, so you must be at the next protest to ensure that if something happens you're there to stop it. ======================== SCENE07: Opposing Tracks ======================== Nadia and Bolozof are among the locals and they fire a few shots at the peacekeepers to cause confusion. The peacekeeping LEVs are destroyed soon after and Bolozof orders the same fate for the "rioters". Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and destroy all the enemy LEVs, by the second turn Pharsti will point out a local server on your right and suggest that Cage move to it to gain new weapons or abilities. I recommend doing that but try your best to protect the protesters, it's quite hard to get any of them to survive as they can't avoid attacks. After they have escaped/died Bolozof and Nadia show up with more units and attack you. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Lower Bolozof's HP to at least 30%. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and destroy all units other than Bolozof and Nadia for the extra experience. Then attack Nadia followed by Bolozof, once again when Bolozof's health is at 30% or lower the battle will end. Back at the BIS hideout it is confirmed that Nadia was the one that fired first while posing as a protester. You receive a Repair Kit, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE07 CLEARED================================ Razma shows you pictures of Zephyrs' secret factory where OFs are produced. Razma managed to get a tracer on Nadia when he met her in the previous scene. The plan is to sneak into the factory to get some dirt on Zephyrs. ================================== SCENE08: Darkness Dyed by Darkness ================================== Twede disables the security system outside the factory and you are left to find the correct route (1 of 5) to the inside. If you get within three squares of an enemy unit then you will fail the mission unless you can beat them quickly. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Discover route. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Be found by enemy. On the plus side the enemies don't move at all, but you'll have to make sure you're at least three squares away before moving each turn so save your game before trying anything. The correct route is the right-most one, but in order to reach it you'll first have to go to the top left corner of the grid. From here you can go to the top right corner, and then go down to the target squares below. Phil and Ares will then enter the factory and the scene will end shortly after. You receive a Supply pack, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE08 CLEARED================================ Bolozof discovers Nadia's tracer and sets off the alarm. ================== SCENE09: Sincerity ================== The guards then show up and spot you soon after. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: ??? Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save before heading up and start to beat the enemy units, once your third turn occurs Ares should show up with the data. Unfortunately Nadia also shows up with more enemy units and she's out for blood. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Bring Blade to bottom of the screen. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament, destroy Blade. Save before moving Blade left and down towards your other units as you use them to beat the enemy units. Around your fifth turn you learn that everyone will die within 10 minutes if you're not quick. Battle 03 Victory Conditions: Bring Blade to bottom of the screen. Battle 03 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament or Blade / 16th turn executed. Save and continue moving Blade down to the bottom of the screen, but also move your other units left so that you can fight the units that are chasing Blade. You should get Blade to the bottom well in advance of the 16th turn deadline, so I recommend moving to the square just above the bottom of the screen. You can then attack the other units for the experience and if you can't beat them all before the deadline then just move down one more square to end the battle. Nadia lives through the explosion thanks to your help, you then receive a Booster, so save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE09 CLEARED================================ The files that you got in the previous scene get scanned and some of them are locked with a password. Once again your group gets blamed for recent events, this time it's the factory that exploded in the previous scene. Bolozof then captures Mebius, Semyl, Myona and Nadia to lure you to him. ============================================== SCENE10: A Pure Heart... And the Price It Pays ============================================== It turns out that Nadia has been replaced by a woman named Amante as well. Myona recognizes Zephyrs from somewhere, but it is unclear at the moment. Everyone else then shows up to rescue the hostages and the battle begins. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Save all hostages. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament / Destroy unit with freed hostages There are three squares with hostages on them and they aren't marked on the map instead you have too look for the little red blue and yellow people on them. They're not hard to spot, you'll find them among the enemy units near the top. Save your game and move Testament onto their squares to rescue them, just fight the enemy units with everyone else. Once you rescue everyone Frazer tries to rescue Nadia from you, Nadia then gives you the password (ARIEL) for the coded files. Bolozof then shows up with more enemy units to attack you. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament / Destroy unit with freed hostages Save and start moving Testament down to the area where you started the battle, then go right for a local server. Use everyone else to beat the enemy units before going after Amante & Bolozof. Once you drain most of Bolozof's health the battle will end. Save your game when you receive a Supply pack before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE10 CLEARED================================ The data has been deciphered thanks to the password that you got in the previous scene. It's now confirmed that Zephyrs created the Testament, but a little more proof of his involvement is needed. ==================== SCENE11: Double Deal ==================== The plan is to access Zephyrs' server at the military facility, but Amante shows up with enemy units to stop you. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy / 10 turns executed. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Edge destroyed. Save your game and head right to destroy the enemy units. After all your efforts the password will get changed anyway. You receive a Booster, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. Make sure you save your game to seperate slots here so you can come back to this save later, this way you can watch both endings to the game. ================================SCENE11 CLEARED================================ Ares Cage and Myona sneak into the facility, Myona is the only one small enough to proceed further so she goes alone. An alarm sounds shortly after for some reason and Cage goes to investigate. ============================== SCENE12: Between Good and Evil ============================== Three women in unregistered LEVs show up, they're all part of a group known as the Mars Angels. A number of unmanned units then appear and you must defeat them with or without the Mars Angels' help. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. There are 14 enemy units in total and the number that you kill determines which ending of the game you get, see the Endings section of the FAQ for more information on this. Save your game and use the local server on your left before you beat the enemy units. Mebius and Warren will show up to make this battle even easier. After the battle Palme gives you the data log for the Bonaparte, Zephyrs then finds Myona. Shortly afterwards she gets rescued and the scene ends. You receive a Repair kit, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE12 CLEARED================================ Mebius and Deckson leave to inform the press of Zephyrs' involvement, shortly after there is no response from their LEVs. ================= SCENE13: The Gift ================= It turns out that Bolozof captured Deckson and Mebius got captured while helping him. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Destroy BizacS(Bolozof's frame). Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. You must destroy Bolozof to win the battle but you may as well beat all the other units first for the experience. Also make sure you use the local server in the bottom left corner of the map at some point. After the battle Myona begins to broadcast a message at the local news station. Mebius is also at the top of a nearby building and it is unclear what mental state she is in. As usual you should save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE13 CLEARED================================ Much to Zephyrs' disappointment Myona's broadcast is displayed to his superior (Jaeger), she explains everything that Zephyrs has been involved in. ============================= SCENE14: The Card Turned Down ============================= Mebius blames herself for everything, but she soon regains her senses and comes down from the top of the building. Bolozof tries to restrict your LEV's/OF's from moving but Twede helps you to regain control. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. The battle is a simple one, just defeat all of the enemy units after saving your game. Bolozof shows up to fight you after the battle, he also gets betrayed by Amante. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Destroy BizacS(Bolozof's frame). Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and destroy Bolozof to end this short battle. Myona continues to expose Zephyrs' practices, and before he can be arrested he kills his superiors. Shortly after this, Zephyrs shows up and tries to reach the TV station. Battle 03 Victory Conditions: Destroy HarutMarut. Battle 03 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament / Allow HarutMarut to approach TV station. Be sure to save your game, then start moving your units northeast to reach the enemy units. Fight the enemy units first for the extra experience as Zephyrs moves really slowly. Once you fight zephyr's you'll find he's pretty easy to beat as he's a huge target and has three points where you can get critical attacks. Once you beat him he reappears with double the HP, once you beat him again the battle really ends. Zephyrs then confuses Cage with someone known as Vale before trying to self-destruct, Ares destroys him just in time. All of a sudden someone called Iblis attacks Ares and leaves. You receive a Repair kit, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE14 CLEARED================================ Myona comforts Cage and you learn that riots are taking place everywhere and you must stop them. ======================================================== SCENE15: The Darkness That Came From Light (aka: Cracks) ======================================================== Before the battle starts you see some UNSF units and armed civilians fighting each other. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Destroy UNSF & armed civilian LEVs. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and destroy all enemy units, don't forget to use the local server on your left at some point though. After the battle Myona runs into some mysterious trouble with Pharsti. You receive a Booster, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE15 CLEARED================================ Myona and Testament are gone, also armed civilians are attacking the BIS hideout. ============================================== SCENE16: Uncertain Future (aka: Paradise Lost) ============================================== Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Destroy enemy leader's frame. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Edge destroyed. The enemy units are using stealth, but if you get close enough you're able to see them. You just need to beat their leader to end the battle, he is on your left. I recommend using your grounded units to attack the pair of enemy units below you and send your OFs left to attack the leader. Stop to attack any units that you find along the way for the experience, then beat the leader. Twede even helps out if you defeat enough of the basic units, then the rest of the units deactivate their stealth. After the battle Cage decides to leave BIS. You receive a Repair kit, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE16 CLEARED================================ Raiah starts to help you escape, but Cage realizes he's not alone after all and decides against it. =================================== SCENE17: Rebirth (aka: A Bow Drawn) =================================== Cage returns to the BIS hideout to find it leveled by rioters. The rioters then try to capture cage but BIS rescues him and Cage joins them once again. Ned appears and brings enemy units to destroy you, Cage calls for Pharsti and she returns to him to help. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Like usual I recommend saving your game and destroying all basic enemy units before attacking Ned for the extra experience. After the battle Ned will take on another form and Twede will use explosives to get rid of him. It turns out that the BIS Hideout was actually a mobile ship buried underground so you still have a hideout. You receive a Supply pack, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE17 CLEARED================================ [These strategies are for the Dark Half Scenario] Vale is on TV who looks identical to Ares, he is the leader of the armed rebels. Razma and Warren haven't returned from a patrol so you decide to check it out. ===================================== SCENE18: Dark Half (Good ending path) ===================================== Once again a group of stealth frames attack you and you must detroy them to find answers. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Simply start to destroy all visible enemies to advance the scene. Ares should show up and explain that he is really Vale and he used you all as pawns to get revenge on Zephyrs. Phil is also on Ares' side as she shows up shortly after, demanding that you give up the Animus. Phil then attacks Razma and Warren and tells you to rescue them. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Lower Phil's HP to at least 20%. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament / No battle with Phil's frame by the 11th turn. Save your game and use Cage and Mebius to reach Phil, use your other units to attack the basic enemies. Once you reach Phil with Cage she will attack Razma and Warren again before casting doubt on Robin's faith to you. You only need to reach Phil before the 11th turn, after that has happened you can fight all the basic enemies for the experience before draining Phil's HP. After the battle Razma and Warren are found alive but need to recover. Robin then explains to everyone that she was a NUT agent until recently. You receive a Repair kit, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. [These strategies are for the Hearts in Harmony, Hearts in Strife Scenario] Rioters have set bombs along a railroad and you must defuse them before dealing with the rioters themselves. ============================================================== SCENE18: Hearts in Harmony, Hearts in Strife (Bad ending path) ============================================================== The enemies are using stealth and Cage is the only one that can defuse the bombs. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Defuse bombs by 11th turn / Defuse bombs & defeat enemies. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Bombs not defused by 11th turn / Destroy Testament. Save your game and move cage towards the three target squares (bombs). Use everyone else to fight the enemy units positioned around the target squares. You should be able to defuse the bombs easily, but you could always send a pair of OFs up to help you clear out the enemies that block your path. Once the battle is over you will see Ares on TV, after which he will destroy many UNSF units and escape. Cage tries to follow but gets stopped by Bolozof and Nadia. You receive a Repair kit, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE18 CLEARED================================ [These strategies are for the Clawing the Red Earth Scenario] Robin upgrade's deckson's Lev (Blade), it is now known as Calibur. New info shows that Ares' rioters are planning to attack UNSF forces. ================================================= SCENE19: Clawing the Red Earth (Good ending path) ================================================= Rioters show up and will not give up their fight peacefully, so it is up to you to stop them by force. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save and skip the first turn to draw the enemy units to you, then attack them quickly. After the battle Myona, Amante and Phil show up in enemy OFs. Myona lets loose a gigantic burst of energy and everyone escapes to avoid it. Ares continues to give speeches to the rioters, he then tells you that he needs the Animus. He plans to attack many innocent lives until you give it to him, so you need to stop him from doing so instead. You receive a Supply pack, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. [These strategies are for the Waves Scenario] Jimmer finds Myona and tells her that she will work for him along with her brother. ================================ SCENE19: Waves (Bad ending path) ================================ You get ambushed by some enemy units. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Allow enemy to approach Saoshyant / Destroy Testament. You must not let the enemy units touch the Saoshyant or you will lose the battle, so be sure to save. Now simply attack the enemies without moving, then end your turn and let them come to you. You should be able to beat the basic units easily, then you can turn your attention to Nadia. Go use the local server with Cage and attack the basic enemy units before Nadia. You receive a Supply pack, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE19 CLEARED================================ [These strategies are for the Missing Line Scenario] Everyone goes to the location that Ares mentioned as his next target to try to stop him. ======================================== SCENE20: Missing Line (Good ending path) ======================================== It turns out that the fight has broken out a little early, though the main weapon hasn't been used yet. It's up to you to destroy the enemy units and calm things down. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save and use the local server on your way over to the enemy units, be sure to beat all of them before going after Amante next and Phil last. After the battle Phil's frame will attempt to self-destruct and Deckson will quickly pilot it to a safe distance from you to save everyone and the town. You receive a Booster, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. [These strategies are for the Island of Destiny Scenario] ============================================ SCENE20: Island of Destiny (Bad ending path) ============================================ Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and use the local server above before taking out all the enemy units. After the battle you will proceed to the factory and meet up with Ares. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Destroy Nerokerubina. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and destroy Ares' frame to end the battle. After the battle Ares regains his senses, he was being controlled by Bolozof when he fought you. Ares risks his life to save you, then Zephyrs takes him away. Nadia appears with some advanced enemy units ready to fight you. Battle 03 Victory Conditions: Destroy Scarmiglione. Battle 03 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and destroy all enemy units before fighting Nadia. After the battle Deckson gives his life to fly the explosives safely away from everyone else. You receive a Booster, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE20 CLEARED================================ [These strategies are for the A Faint Light From the Depths Scenario] Everyone gets themselves ready for the upcoming battle, that is trying to find the energy weapon and stop it from being used. ========================================================= SCENE21: A Faint Light From the Depths (Good ending path) ========================================================= Ned appears yet again and his frame is the one controlling the stealth in the area. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Destroy Ravana. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game before heading northwest to meet Ned. Since you're not against any time limit you can destroy all basic units that you see along the way. Once you get Ned's HP close to zero this battle will end. Myona and Amante then appear and Amante taunts you before the next battle begins. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Approach or fight Nerokerubina with allied frame. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and destroy the three unmanned units on your right, go after Amante next. Now move to any square that touches Myona, or simply try to attack her to end the battle. Phil shows up and disconnects the power supply to Myona's OF, before Myona can regain her senses though Amante appears and destroys Phil. She then grabs Myona and escapes, you quickly escape as well before Myona's OF self-destructs. You receive a Repair kit, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. [These strategies are for the Nosferatu Scenario] A distress signal sounds and you rush to the area to find out what the problem is. ==================================== SCENE21: Nosferatu (Bad ending path) ==================================== Ned appears yet again and uses children as tools to pilot the Ifrits. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament / Attack Raptor containing captured children. You must go right beside a raptor with Cage to rescue the child on it, then you can safely destroy that raptor. Save your game and take care of the raptors/children first, then use cage to reach the local server on your right. Now destroy all basic enemy units before beating Ned. Once you drain most of his HP Ned will restore it all for another round of battle. Once you beat him this time he will die for good. You then just need to beat three basic units to end this battle. Afterwards Jimmer has Bolozof kill Zephyrs, but he survives. You receive a Repair kit, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE21 CLEARED================================ [These strategies are for the Heaven-Bound Wings Scenario] Ares is on TV again giving another speech and using a backup version of the beam weapon. ============================================== SCENE22: Heaven-Bound Wings (Good ending path) ============================================== You get ambushed on the way to Ares by Myona and some enemy units. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Allow enemy to approach Saoshyant / Destroy Testament. You must not let the enemy units touch the Saoshyant or you will lose the battle, so be sure to save. Now simply attack the enemies without moving, then end your turn and let them come to you. You should be able to beat the basic units easily, then you can turn your attention to Myona. Go use the local server with Cage and attack Myona to get Zephyrs to show up. He brings some basic units with him and takes control of Myona. Now you can advance your units right to destroy the basic enemy units, but if any try to sneak past you destroy them quickly. Attack Myona first and she will retreat pretty quickly, then you can go after Zephyrs to end the battle. You receive a Supply pack, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. [These strategies are for the Violated Wishes Scenario] Razma, Twede and Yukito hack into a satellite to find out where Myona is, but an enemy attacks all of a sudden. ========================================== SCENE22: Violated Wishes (Bad ending path) ========================================== Jimmer and Bolozof show up with many enemy units to fight you, then Jimmer escapes. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Allow enemy to approach Saoshyant / Destroy Testament. Save your game and wait for the units to come within range before attacking them. Make sure you don't move your units, just attack with those that are able. Once you reach your sixth turn this part of the battle will end. Bolozof then calls for Nadia who wishes to fight you. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and continue to destroy the basic enemy units, followed by Nadia and finally Bolozof. Jimmer shows up and takes control of Bolozof, he then repairs him and tells him to finish you all off. Battle 03 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 03 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and beat Bolozof to end the battle. You receive a Supply pack, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE22 CLEARED================================ [These strategies are for the Fulfillment of a Promise Scenario] Everybody encourages each other and prepares for the upcomming battle. ==================================================== SCENE23: Fulfillment of a Promise (Good ending path) ==================================================== Ned appears once again with many enemy units to try and destroy you. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Destroy Ravana. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and move cage up to the local server above, then start moving right to destroy the basic enemy units while saving Ned for last like usual. After the battle Ned finally dies for good, then Amante shows up and blocks your passage to Ares. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Destroy Scarmiglione. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game before going after the unmanned enemy units, then fight Amante once they're all destroyed. After the battle everyone travels to the next area and meets up with Ares who insists on fighting you. Battle 03 Victory Conditions: Lower Iblis' HP to at least 50%. Battle 03 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Like usual you'll want to save and destroy all basic enemy units before engaging Ares in battle. I recommend skipping the first few turns to get them to come to you in order to beat them. After the battle Myona shows up and escape with Ares, Cage then leaves BIS once again. You receive a Repair kit, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. [These strategies are for the God Save Us! Scenario] Amante kills Jimmer, then everyone learns that a ballistic missile is heading to the location where all the children are being kept. ======================================= SCENE23: God Save Us! (Bad ending path) ======================================= Zephyrs appears with the usual army of basic units as well as three Ifrits with kids as the runners. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Destroy HarutMarut II. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Attack kids' Ifrits at a distance / Crush kids' Ifrits / Destroy Testament. Save your game before you do anything, now you need to MAKE SURE that you only do close range attacks on the kids' frames. Only attack them when you are touching them, this way you can disable their frames without destroying them. Once the kids are safe you can attack all basic enemy units before beating Zephyrs. Once Zephyrs is dead Ares revives the HarutMarut II and fights you. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Destroy HarutMarut II. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and beat Ares to end the battle and advance the plot. After the battle Ares destroys the HarutMarut and makes Cage promise to save Myona before passing away. You receive a Repair kit, you should then save your game before starting the next mission. ================================SCENE23 CLEARED================================ [These strategies are for the Pharsti Scenario] Cage speeds after Ares and stops for short while, a mysterious figure then finds him. =================================== SCENE24: Pharsti (Good ending path) =================================== The mystery person is a man named Jimmer who belongs to BAHRAM, Myona appears next and insists she is Pharsti. She then calls many enemy units to help her fight you but before they can reach you BIS shows up to help out. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Approach Nerokerubina with Testament. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament / Destroy Nerokerubina. Save your game before moving your units into the same row and skipping turns to let the enemy come to you. You can then beat all the basic units and save Myona for last. Once you approach her this battle will end and she will hide among two clones of herself. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Approach Myona's frame with Testament. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament / Destroy Nerokerubina. This part of the battle is easy as it has no fighting, just move Cage up towards the three Myonas and move close to them one at a time until you find the real Myona. In my game the true Myona was on the right, but it may be random. After a lot of talk Myona comes to her senses and finally join BIS once again. Be sure to save your game before starting the final mission. [These strategies are for the Promised Reunion Scenario] Cage makes his way to Zephyrs lab to find Myona, the black frame is also nearby. =========================================== SCENE24: Promised Reunion (Bad ending path) =========================================== Cage finds multiple Ifrits with Myona's voice when he arrives and must destroy them before trying to find her. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Obliterate enemy. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and destroy all the enemy units like you've done many times before. After the battle Myona shows up and Bolozof gains control of her, forcing her to fight you. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Destroy Iblis. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and beat all basic enemy units before going after Myona. After the battle Cage will try to get Myona to join him, but Bolozof will show up to call her back and prepare to erase her memory. Battle 03 Victory Conditions: Destroy Grafficane. Battle 03 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and beat the basic units before going after Bolozof. After the battle Bolozof tries to stop your escape from the incoming missile, but Pharsti stops him and uses the Ifrits to protect you from the blast as you escape. Now just pick next stage to watch the ending. ================================SCENE24 CLEARED================================ Everyone goes to Zephyrs secret lab to try and finally put a stop to Ares. ================ SCENE25: Reunion ================ Jimmer is waiting for you and calls a number of units to fight you. Battle 01 Victory Conditions: Destroy Ravana. Battle 01 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Save your game and let the enemy units come to you, then beat them all before going after Jimmer. Once you beat him Ares will show up for the final battle. Battle 02 Victory Conditions: Destroy Iblis. Battle 02 Failure Conditions: Destroy Testament. Personally I would recommend skipping turns to let Ares come to you, then you can fight him like normal. After the battle the missiles will be closing in fast, so Ares and Pharsti form a protective barrier to shield everyone else from them. Now just pick next stage to watch the ending. ================================SCENE25 CLEARED================================ ############################################################################### (F) ENDINGS ############################################################################### In scene 12 of the game you get to decide which ending you ultimately get when you beat the game. If you beat more units than the Mars Angels, then you will get the good ending which takes place after scene 25. If you beat less units than the Mars Angels, then you will get the bad ending which takes place after scene 24. ############################################################################### (G) EXPERIMENTAL ############################################################################### For a little while now I've had a paypal link in all my FAQs at the very bottom here. Mainly as a small experiment since a few other FAQ authors have also had the same idea. I had a few people email me before I put this link in because they wanted to send money, so it's here for those people. For the record I've received about $87 (which works out to a bit more in Canadian lol) last I checked, so I've been getting cases of pop and making some excellent progress on a few FAQs. If you don't want to send money or can't then send me an email, it's nice to hear what people thought about my work and there's always room for improvement. My email address and paypal address for those that want to contribute are both dan.engel.2017 (AT) gmail (DOT) com Many thanks, and I hope you continue to use my work! ~Dan