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Introduction =============== This last update is just a minor one, as I haven't actually added any new levels, but I have added new ASCII to the top and fixed some grammatical errors, so it looks better. Expect a real update in a couple months. Hey there. My name is Trevor Seymour. This is my first FAQ/Walkthrough, and even though I'm sure not too many people play this anymore, if they ever did, a full FAQ/Walkthrough is needed anyway. Although it is not completed yet, it will be shortly, so fear not! If you have any comments or questions about this FAQ or have any help that you can provide, feel free to contact me at tcseymour11@hotmail.com. At the request of a fellow GameFAQs user, I have jumped ahead a number of levels to Area 15. Those of you who still need help on the earlier levels, you have not been forgotten, but as I do not have much free time I would like to get a level I know someone needs help with out of the way. If you need help on any other levels, please contact me. Otherwise, I plan to get this FAQ/Walkthrough done by sometime this year. ============ II. Updates: ============ February 12, 2004 Version 0.41 Bare minimum essentials made Area 1 added April 26, 2004 Version 0.42 Area 2 added Area 17 added Intro changed June 11, 2004 Version 0.45 Area 3 added Area 15 added Intro changed August 29, 2004 Version 0.48 New Section III, FAQs, added Area 4 added Area 5 added Intro changed March 12, 2005 Version 0.49 Edited Walkthrough thus far Intro changed Special Thanks Section added New ASCII ========= III. FAQs ========= In this section, I will answer some frequently asked questions. Q: How do I gain a rank? A: You must unlock Area 16 or Area 17 and then beat that area. To find out how to unlock these areas, look in Section VII under Area 16 or Area 17. **COMING SOON** Q: Why do I need to gain a rank? Does it help in the story? A: You really don't need to change ranks at all, as it does nothing. It does, however, add 2 extra levels if you unlock them. ========= IV. Story ========= (This was taken from the instruction booklet) Thank you for coming so quickly, Commando. There's not much time, so let me get you up to speed. As you know, Intelligence recently intercepted an Avar transmission detailing plans for a full-scale invasion of our homeland, Karinia. It seems that Arturus, the leader of the evil Avar Empire, has developed something called the "Albatross Project." There was no more information on this "Project," but we can be sure it must be stopped. Commander Joe, the top member of the Bionic Corps' Elite Forces team, was sent to infiltrate the Avars and sabotage their plans. He managed to get inside but was captured by the Avars before he could finish transmitting the information back to headquarters. Although we received only fragments of the communication, what we heard was far from encouraging. That's why I've called you here. The Corps has chosen you for the rescue mission. Get in there, retrieve Commander Joe and get him back safely. You know as well as the rest of us how important this mission is. If Arturus is allowed to proceed with this attack, it will mean the end of Karinia. Good luck, Commando. =========== V. Controls =========== This is a side-scrolling game, as many Game Boy and Game Boy Color games are. From the start, you will either hate or love this. The controls may take a while to get used to, but the first few levels help you get used to them. A little tutorial, as it were. Look up: Press and hold UP on the D-pad. Look down: Press and hold DOWN on the D-pad. Drop down: Double-tap down on the D-pad. Go left or right: Press LEFT or RIGHT on the D-pad. START: Pause SELECT: Use a tool, when available. A button: Pressing this fires your claw upward and to the left or right, depending on which direction you are facing. Pressing A and up will fire your Claw up, pressing A and right or left makes the claw go right or left, as would be expected. You cannot jump in this game, so this is the only way to get across platforms, go up, kick people, etc. While may seem odd at first, after you get used to it, you will realize that this is much better than jumping, anyhow. You may also use your Claw offensively, as well. Firing your Claw right or left (depending on which direction the bad guy is, respectively) at an opponent momentarily stuns him, after which you can shoot him, or you may choose to just keep going and leave him behind. B button: Tap for "Primary Attack." If you press and hold this button, your gun will charge up. If you let go of the B button once your gun has been charged, a much harder blast will come out of your gun, dealing more damage. If you wish to return to the map during battle, simply press the A button, B button, and SELECT simultaneously. Note: This only works in side-scrolling levels. You will not be returned to the latest checkpoint if you have reached one. ======================= VI. Starting a new game ======================= This should be pretty self-explanitory, but if it is not, please follow these simple instructions: From the title screen, press START. You can either watch the "movie" at the beginning, or you can press START to skip it. You will be brought to a subscreen. From here you will move the "cursor" so it highlights the words, "New Game." You will be brought to another screen that lets you choose the sex of your commando. Note: While one of the female commando's weapons is different looking and has a different name than that of the male commando's, they do the exact same thing. It is the levels that matter. Both commandos have several different levels, although most of the levels are the same. The choice is really a matter of who you would rather be. Here is how the instruction manual explains the differences: Female Commando Agile and stealthy, the Female Commando approaches her enemy unnoticed and completes her mission with the reflexes of a ninja. Using her Claw like an extension of herself, she maneuvers easily throughout difficult terrain. Male Commando He is the typical gung-ho, macho soldier we all know and love. Charging through enemies with barrels blazing, the Male Commando's powerful method leaves only destruction in his wake. He wields his Claw explosively, powering his way past--and through--his foes. Though the manual makes out the two commandos to be completely different, they are exactly quite the same. Levels are all that are different. After naming your character, you will be brought to the main map. After hearing a long-winded speech from your superior, you are ready to go. ============== VII. The Areas ============== From the map, press the A button. A menu at the bottom of the screen will reflect your choices: ATTACK or MOVE. Though you can use the MOVE option to go to areas 2 and 3 now, you might as well start out with the easiest area. Move the cursor over to the ATTACK option and press A. So starts your mission. When you are looking at the main map and you choose the MOVE option, be sure that your ship is turned in the right direction. If you cannot go to that area yet, your superior will tell you so. ====== Area 1 ====== Weapon: Assualt Rifle/Particle Gun Decoder: Red New Enemy: Infantry (aka Soldier) Soldiers are very simple to take out, especially on this early level. Two shots to them and they are finished. One thing you need to remember is that the soldiers you take out drop ammo after you kill them. Pick up this ammo either by running over it or picking it up with your claw. After you pick up enough ammo, you get another life point. If you pause your game while in battle, it will show you how many containers of ammo you have picked up and how much you will need to get the next upgrade. It also shows you how many lives you have. At the start of this area, as with every area, you will be given a choice of what weapon, tool, armor, and decoder you can use in this area. Since you have just started, you are limited in what you can choose. As of right now, all you have available is your primary gun (Particle Gun, female; Assault Rifle, male) and a red decoder. Pick those and you're ready to go. You start the level after falling from the sky with a parachute. After you land and the parachute disappears, you can go. Experiment with your Claw and gun in this first little area to get a handle of things. After you have done so, you have a choice. You can either run along the bottom of the screen without using your Claw to climb up the platforms until you reach the end of the lower level, or you may choose to get used to your new claw by swinging across the platforms. Option 1: If you choose the first option, all you have to do is use your Claw to get over the barrel at the beginning and shoot your way past the several soldiers on the bottom level. After a little while you will reach a wall. Use your claw to go up the platform above you and swing over. Continue your path along the bottom. Once you go as far as you can go on the bottom, use your Claw to climb up the platforms, taking out the soldiers on each one as you do. Option 2: If you choose the second option, you must use your Claw to swing across the platforms while taking out the soldiers on them and picking up their ammo. After you have swung long enough, you will reach a wall. This is where you would have been if you had taken the first option. Stay to the left of the platforms and right before you reach the top platform, you will see a platform out by itself to the left. Swing onto it with your claw. You now have an extra life. After you climb all the way up, you will see a door. Enter the door, then run over to the machine on the right. Your superior will talk to you if you select COM. If you select TAP, you can listen in on what the enemy is talking about. You can also change weapons and save here as well. After you are done, either press B or move the cursor to END. Press the A button to exit. Get out of the Comm room and head right. Almost immediately after you pass the platform above, you will see an icon above your commando's head. You will hear a voice from the game say "Sniper." Press up after you see the icon and you will enter "Sniper Mode." Sniper Mode is pretty worthless, but if you take out the three soldiers before time (20 seconds) is up, you will get a medical pack, which can be helpful if you need it. You will start out looking at a platform. Press down to move the scope to the platform below. Once you get a soldier in your sights, press B to fire. It doesn't need to be a head shot, just shoot him somewhere. The next soldier is on the platform above where you started. Take him out and then head to the next platform. Take out the last soldier. If you fail to take out the soldiers in time, you will be taken out of Sniper Mode and will be attacked by a couple soldiers. Kill them and try again if you wish. A medical pack will fall from the sky after you win. Use your Claw to grab it and pull it in, or wait until it is within shooting range and shoot it down. After this, climb up to the platform above the Comm room and take out the soldier. Swing across and continue running along the bottom or swinging across the platforms. Their are only two soldiers left in this level, and you will run into them if you are not careful. Take them out and swing to the highest platform. As you run across this platform, there will be another medical pack that will fall. Take it and run to the end of the platform. Drop down to the open door and press Up. ============================ Boss: Giant missile launcher ============================ This boss is very easy to defeat. Run to the end of the area and then climb onto the platform. Get as close as you can get to the edge without falling off (you can keep going until your commando's second heel is all that is left touching the platform). Then kneel down, and tap your B button for all it's worth. If you did it correctly, you shouldn't get hit by the missiles. After the missile starts exploding, congratulate yourself. You just beat the first area! New Item: Energy Pills If you are starting to run low on health, simply press the SELECT button to refill your health points. ====== Area 2 ====== Objects: Weapon: Assualt Rifle/Particle Gun Tool: Energy Pills Decoder: Red You start this level like the first level and many like it will follow. But other than the opening, all the levels are very different from each other. That having been said, let us begin. Run to the right and take out the soldier. Swing over the spikes on the platform and go around and kill soldiers to get ammo if you wish. Keep heading to the right until you reach a little outcropping on a ledge. Double tap down to go down the platform. A split second after you do such, you will see a little hallway to your right. Use your claw to get in there before you hit the spikes. If you cannot do this, don't worry, just keep heading right when you get to the platform and go into the Comm room and we'll meet up in the next paragraph. If you can do it, as soon as you land in the hallway, you will see what appears to be a dead end. But if you press down and then press A, you can grab the can on the other side and pull yourself through. Then swing across the ceiling and get your reward: a piece of ammo worth 10 ammo. This should increase your HP to five. Do the barrel trick again and then go up the platform. Take out the guy to your left by just standing there and shooting him, as he cannot hit you. Go the platform above you and go to the left. Go down and into the Comm room. Upon leaving the Comm room, the soldiers that you killed will be back. Take them out and keep going to your right. Just like in the first level, you have the choice of swinging across the platforms or running along the bottom of screen. Either way, make your way as far up and right as you can go and enter the door. If it is not open, you must not have gone into the Comm room. Silly, silly. After you go in, go to the right and go down the hole onto the platform. Drop down from the platform and go running along the floor with guns blazing, as the phrase would go. But seriously, rapidly press the B button while running and you will take out a guy that would be hiding behind a barrel but was obviously caught off-guard. Swing over the barrel and go over to the elevator. Now, if you were listening in the Comm room earlier when you tapped into enemy lines, you would know that pressing up or down when on the elevator takes you up or down, respectively. As you go down, you can stop and go to the left if you so desire, but there's really no reason to do so. After the elevator will go down no further, run to the right and take out the soldier then go up the platform. Swing to the right on the other platform and go up and take out the soldier. Go up the next two platforms and do something amazing: grab onto the ceiling. So engrosing, yes? Swing across the ceiling to the right and then let yourself fall while still going to the right and you should land on the floor. Take out the soldier and continue going right. Take out the kneeling soldier, go up the next two platforms and take out the soldier to the left before swing on the ceiling to your right. You will come to another elevator, but go past it if you are low on health and head to the second elevator, whereupon you will get a medical kit if you grab it or shoot it down. You may then go back up with that elevator and take out the guys near the other elevator or you may continue going down. Either way, you will have to go down and run to the left to go to the Comm room. Yes, that's right: two Comm rooms in one level. Who'da thunk it?! After doing your duties in the Comm room, resume your run to the left, taking out the needed soldiers on the way. After you get far enough, you can either go up the platform or you can take out another kneeling soldier behind a can, after which you will have to go up anyway. Take out the soldier on the platform if you so desire, then swing to the one above. Then go up two more and take out the soldier there. Swing across the ceiling to the open door and enter there-in. =================== Boss: Alpha Platoon =================== This is one of many such boss battles, but the real enemy is not the platoon itself, but the big machine at the right of the room. I have found the best strategy is to run the right, gunning down any soldiers in your way, and then go up to the first and lower of the two levels of platforms, not the second, and kneeling and pounding away on the machine. Watch out for the soldiers above you, who will drop down on any unwary commando. Keep listening for a dinging sound, as that will tell you when the machine is about to fire. If you can get in the right position, you won't have to worry about when it fires, but since you will be moving around dodging the soldiers, this is easier said than done. After shooting the machine enough, it will begin to explode. New Item: Key Card This actually won't do anything for you until level five and only level five, so don't use it until then. It sounds pretty worthless, but you know what? It is pretty worthless. ====== Area 3 ====== Recommended Objects: Weapon: Assault Rifle/Particle Gun Tool: Energy Pills Decoder: Red New Enemy: Lizard The lizard is a fast creature and can sense you coming, unlike a lot of the soldiers. Once it gets you, it will continue to run around you and take away your hit points, so if one gets to you, you must run away. It has three hit points. Area 3 is my favorite level in this entire game, not only because it has the best music in the game, but it just has a feel to it. After you get out of your parachute, run to the right and go up the platform there. Quickly take out the lizard and go up the next platform. Go up the smaller platform to your left and take out the lizard when he shows himself on the platform to the right. You won't get any ammo from this lizard if you take him out that way, but it's better than losing a hit point. Go up four more plaforms and then swing to the one on the right. Take out the soldier on top. Swing right to the next platform and take out the soldier there. You can take out the soldier on the platform above you for some more ammo, if you want. Either way, swing right to the next platform and then swing to the next platform and drop down to take out the soldier. Run to the right, swing right across the mini-platform and fall onto a platform. Run right to the edge and fall off. Enter the Comm Room. After you are done in the Comm Room, go up the platform to your right, take out the soldier, and run right. Swing on the platform that has barrels on it to your right and go up the next platform that you see. Take out the soldier there. Continue to run right and fall down to the next platform, where you fall down again. There is a soldier to your left that you should take out. Then run off the edge and grab the platform that is even with the platform you just fell off of and pull yourself up. Go up the next platform, take out the soldier, and then go up the next platform and get an extra life. Fall off this platform until you land on another, whereupon you will fall off of that platform, too. Then grab the platform to your right, take out the crouching soldier, and pull yourself the next platform. Up and to the right there is an orange ball. Grab it and swing across to the right and take out the crouching soldier behind the barrel. Enter the door past that. ===================== Boss: Armored Soldier ===================== This boss is fairly easy, but cannot be defeated if you don't shoot him from behind. You find that it is quite impossible to even get behind him, as every time you land behind him, he turns around before you can get a shot off. So what you must do, is run to the right or left edge of the platform directly above him and wait for him to get there. As soon as he does, run off the edge and he will start shooting where you were on the platform. As soon as he does this, pound him with bullets. Do this until you defeat him. New Item: Helmet This convenient little doo-dad will prevent you from taking one hit point worth of damage. ====== Area 4 ====== Recommended Objects: Weapon: Assault Rifle/Particle Gun Tool: Energy Pills Armor: Helmet Decoder: Red New Enemies: Sniper, Paratrooper The sniper usually tries to stay away from the action by being a few platforms above you. He can shoot in 8 directions, so he can almost always hit you. He doesn't walk and is slow to change positions, so once you find him, he is easy to take out. Despite what the instruction booklet may lead you to believe, the paratrooper doesn't just drop down from anywhere. There are only a couple platforms on this level where they will drop down. Also, this is the only level they are on, so you don't have to be on the lookout for them ever again. They, unlike most soldiers, can drop down from platforms above, so also watch out for that. They only have two hit points, but don't drop any ammo, which sucks if you're trying to get more. Once again, you start this level by going to the right, but don't go off the edge! Swing up to the platform above you and take out the soldier. Run to the edge of the platform and grab the small platform to swing across. Land on the roof of the building and drop down if you desire. Watch out for the paratroopers. Go up the building right beside the one you landed on, while still keeping an eye out for paratroopers. Climb up the platform above that and the one above that. Take out the kneeling soldier and continue up to the next platform. Once again you will meet with the paratroopers, but as you should already know, they're nothing to worry about. Run to the edge of the platform and go up the one above it. Take out the soldier and continue to the edge, whereupon you will drop down three times. Take out the soldier and run to the edge, drop down, take out the other soldier, drop down again and run right to the Comm Room. Be forewarned, if you Tap in this Comm Room, you WILL be attacked, so be prepared. Go out of the Comm Room to the right, go up the to platforms and take out the soldiers on each. Then go up the platform to your left and take out the soldier, go to the end of the platform and grab the one diagonally above you. Go up it and then go up the one above that. Take out the two soldiers as you continue to go right. Go into the second building that you probably just passed to take out the second soldier. You will meet another commando and he/she will tell you where they put the decoder. They just couldn't give it to you, could they? Go to the right and keep going down the platforms, taking out the two kneeling soldiers on the way down. Once you reach the bottom, go to the right. Run through the waterfall (nifty lookin', eh?) while watching out for soldier that are hidden in it. Once you get to the edge, grab the ceiling above you and swing over to the platform and climb up. Take out the soldier and run to the right, but watch out for the kneeling soldier behind the barrel. Go up, take out the soldier to the left, then go up two more times. Take out the soldier to the left, and then go up the platform above that to take out the sniper. Grab the floating block and swing to the next platform. Do this again, but make sure you are as close to the edge as possible before grabbing the next floating block. You will probably miss the next platform, so be ready to grab it as you go by. Then swing one last time over to the last platform, enter the building and take on the boss.... ================== Boss: Beta Platoon ================== Once again, take out the soldiers in your way and run to the end of the room. This time, the machine will shoot from both the top AND the bottom of it, so be aware of this. Reminder: The soldiers will keep coming and they can drop down from the platforms above. New Item: Green Decoder A new decoder that you can use on levels 6-9. So be sure not to use it on level five, as it won't work. ====== Area 5 ====== Recommended Objects: Weapon: Assault Rifle/Particle Gun Tool: Key Card Armor: Helmet Decoder: Red Start by running to the right, as always, and when the message pops up, press the A button to get out of it. Right after that, without moving, press select to deactivate the shield surrounding the compound. Run to the right and take out the soldier and go up the second platform. Go up again and grab the ceiling and swing to the left. Go up that platform and take out the kneeling soldier. Go to the right, go up two platforms, take out the soldier and then go up again. Grab the ceiling and swing to the left to get a falling health pack, then swing across to the left. Go up the platform and swing across the gap and run across the bridge. The sun looks cool, doesn't it? Continue your journey to the right. Go down the elevator. There is a kneeling soldier on your left on the way down and one on the right at the bottom. After taking them out, continue to the right. Go up three times and enter the Comm Room. After you exit the Comm Room, go all the way down, keeping in mind that the kneeling soldier you took out on the way up is back now that you're coming down. Run to the left and go down. Run off the platform and take out the soldier. Run past the window and you'll be standing on a bridge. Get ready for some sniper action! Remember, to enter sniper mode, press up. Use the B button to fire. Sniper Locations: 1. Ground level, toward the middle. 2. Second platform on girder closest to the building. 3. Top platform of middle girder. After finishing off the usual suspects, take your health pack and continue on to the right. Swing across the chasm and then swing across the spikes. Drop down, take out the soldier and run to the right until you can no more. Kneel, grab the barrel and slide in. Take out the kneeling soldier and swing over the barrel. Go up two platforms and take out the soldier on your left. Grab the ceiling and swing to the right to the door. Take out the soldier on the way, if you want. =========== Boss: Speed =========== This boss is really easy. Once you get past his little "cut scene" all you have to is kneel and simultaneously press A and B very rapidly for a little bit. He may hit you once or twice, but if he does, regroup and wait for him to come around again and deliver the same punishment. Piece of cake. New Item: Fast Charge Device This item is a joke. All it does is charge your gun twice as fast, which is nice, but it still takes too long. I'd stick with the Energy Pills for now. **COMING SOON** Areas 6-14, 16, 18 **COMING SOON** ======= Area 15 ======= Recommended Objects: Weapon: Flamethrower Tool: Rapid Fire Armor: Vest Decoder: Yellow ====== Part I ====== After you get rid of your parachute, run to the right, as always. Take out the two flamethrower soldiers on the bottom and run as far right as you can. Then turn to the left and shoot your claw diagonally upward to the left and grab the part of the column that you can hook onto. Swing from that one to the next one to the left, then do it one more time. This may take more than a few times to get right, but you'll get it eventually. After you are on the third column, swing back to the right and grab the platform above you and swing to the end of it. Do NOT overswing or you'll have to do the first part over again. Get at the end of that platform and swing to the next one. Pull yourself up at an opportune time and take out the soldier. Run to the right and fall down. Don't bother going down the platform you land on, as there's nothing down there. Take out the flamethrower soldier and continue your run to the right. Fall off at the end and keep running right. Take out the flamethrower and go to the first platform you see. You don't have to pull yourself up if you don't want to, but swing to the right and grab the platform diagonally above you. Pull yourself up and take out the flamethrower soldier. Pull yourself up the two platforms to the left and run to the right until you fall off. Time it correctly, and you can grab diagonally the platform to the right as you fall. Pull yourself up and take out the soldier. Shoot your claw straight up and grab the brown wall above you. Swing to the left and grab the platform above you, while still swinging to your left. Do this two more times. On the third time, you might find yourself on top of the platform unexpectedly. This could cost you a hit point, as there is a soldier there. Whether or not this happens, continue to the left and pull yourself up on the next platform after you get past the boxes. Grab the platform diagonally left of you and swing to the edge, pull yourself up, and take out the soldier. You are now done with the first part of the level. Now it is time for the fun part. ======= Part II ======= Run right to the edge and fall off. Watch for a little box as you fall, you must grab this or fall down to the bottom, where you may be lucky enough to land on a platform. If you do this, fall off of the platform and grab the one closest to your left. Swing as far left as you can and pull yourself up to the top, where you start the second part over again. After you swing past the first box, there will be another box which is a little more tricky to get. Try this as often as needed until you get it. After the second box, there will be a platform you must swing to. Do this and pull yourself up the platform. You will see another box to your right. Grab this. Swing right to the next box, then swing and try to grab the ceiling. Swing right across the ceiling to the end. The ceiling will then go up, so right after your last swing, shoot your claw up and grab the ceiling above you, then swing to the right again until you come to a platform. Ride the elevator up to the first place you can get off and quickly run to the left, so you do not get shot by a ceiling gun. Enter the Comm Room. After you have done your duties in the Comm Room, run a bit to the left and quickly grab the ceiling and shoot the ceiling gun to your right. There is another one near where you got off the elevator. It would be wise to shoot that one, too. Ride the elevator up the rest of the way and run to your right. Take out the crouching soldier. Swing past that platform to the next platform. Drop down this platform and let yourself fall. Drop down the next platform and swing to your left until you come to a door. Enter therein. =================== Boss: Omega Platoon =================== This is just like any other platoon you have faced so far in the game. Your goal is not to take out the platoon itself, but to take out the machine at the end. This machine fires from the top and the bottom, as previous ones have, so use the strategy you have the most success with. New Item: Body Armor This is a very helpful piece of armor as it will protect you from three points of damage. After defeating this "boss", Arturus himself will send you a message. He will tell you that it is too late and he will still destroy Karinia. Then your superior will tell you to go get him. On to the final level of the game, Area 18! ============== Secret Area 17 ============== Recommended Objects: Weapon: Flamethrower Tool: Rapid Fire Armor: Body Armor Decoder: Doesn't matter, Yellow if you want You start out this level like many others, as you must run to the platform, go up it and take out the soldier before you go in the door. So do that. As soon as you go inside, you will see a pipe with heat coming out of it as in earlier levels. Run over to the pipe and it will blow you up in the air. As as it does so, use your claw to grab the ceiling above you. You can swing once twice before you hit a wall. Grab the wall and swing over to another pipe, where upon you will start another grueling swinging sequence. As you swing from pipe to pipe, keep in mind that you can pull yourself on top of the pipes. Try to go to the right and use your hook to grab the ceiling. After doing so, go to the left and pull yourself up the platform and take out the lizard. Go to the right and climb up the other platform and take out the weaker lizard. Grab the lower part of the ceiling and swing to your right and land on the floor. Run past the slime holes before the slimes come out and run over to the edge and grab ahold of the floating platform and swing to your right to the floor. You will see another pipe. Grab the pipe and pull yourself onto it and go to the right and grab the other pipe and have it blow you to the floor to your right. A lizard will likely appear on a platform to the right of you. Don't afraid to hop on top of it, as it will not hurt you. Turn around and shoot it. Drop to the platform below it and take out the other lizard, then drop to the floor. Run to the left, take out the stronger lizard and then drop down to the next platform. Take out the lizard there before dropping down, but don't let go of the platform. Instead, swing across the ceiling until you reach the end, where you will see another pipe. Pull yourself up and slightly up and to the right there will be another pipe. Pull your self up and there will be a pipe up and to the left. That will blow you upwards and you can reach the platform above it. Climb up and take out the strong lizard. Go to the right and drop down that platform. Take out the weak lizard. You will have to get this next part just right or you could die. After you go down from the platform where you took out the weak lizard, you must quickly double tap and keep dropping down platforms. There are slime holes on each of these platforms and there are about six or seven. If you happen to get caught in a slime, simply use your claw to grab the platform above you. After you cannot see any more platforms to drop down to and the wall to the left goes off into the distance, swing over to the left and swing across the ceiling, keeping in mind that it goes down several times and you will have to make adjustments in your swing timing for that. After you go far enough, you will see a bit of floor below you to which you should drop down to. Take out the strong lizard and head to your left. Grab the promotion point. Hooray for you! You just got promoted. New Item: Promotion Point If you are a male commando, your armor changes to yellow and blue. If you are a female commando, your armor changes to yellow and black. ==================== VIII. Special Thanks ==================== Thanks to the ASCII Generator at http://www.network-science.de/ascii/ Also thanks to Swiftshark for pointing me in that direction. =========================== IX. Copyright Information =========================== Bionic Commando: Elite Forces is a registered trademark of Capcom and Nintendo. This FAQ/Walkthrough is my property and may not be reproduced, retransmitted, or otherwise without my written consent. This FAQ/Walkthrough has only been authorized to be posted on GameFAQs and Neoseeker. Copyright 2004 Trevor Seymour.