******************************* Cannon Fodder FAQ/Walkthrough Done by: Ice84 e-mail: jezg_84@hotmail.com Version 1.0 ******************************* Contents: 1.- Version History 2.- Introduction 3.- Controls 4.- General Tips 5.- Mission Tips 6.- Credits & Acknowledgements 7.- Credits ********************************************************************* 1.- Version History Version 1.0 (21/VII/2001) - Started with the guide about Cannon Fodder for Super Nintendo. The General Tips and the Mission Tips up to the third mission are completed. Version 1.5 (16/IX/2001) - Continued wit the guide. Because now I'm limited in time, I will make the tips in some areas very general for all the stages and missions. When I have enough time, probably I will improve the tips. Also, I've changed my nick. ********************************************************************* 2.- Introduction Welcome to my Cannon Fodder Faq/Walkthrough! Cannon Fooder is a strategy game that has come for many systems, althogh this guide covers the Super Nintendo version. Playing Cannon Fodder is not very difficult. It is like Starcraft, Command & Conquer, or Age of Empires, but not as complete as these ones because of the capacity of the system. Considering this, Cannon Fodder still has a good challenge because with just a few units you have to complete each mission. So, if you have problems in any mission, continue reading. ********************************************************************* 3.- Controls As I said before, the controls are very easy. With the control pad you move your units and the pointer. With A you move your units and with B you fire. In order to see the map you can either select the worldmap picture from the screen or press Y. If you press A + B, you can shoot grenades or missiles you have found in boxes through the game. Pressing Start will take the cursor to the menu to the left. Now, if you are at the screen where the soldiers are entering the building (before the mission briefing), you can press select to gain access to a secret menu where you can save a game, load a game (using password) and change some options. Later on I will post the passwords for each mission. Although you begin your mission with all your units joined, you can select which unit or units you want to control. This can be really helpful in certain missions. In order to do this, press Start. Then, on the screen, select the units and then click on the eagle picture. With this, you can control part of your whole "army". For joining them together again, just go to the rest and teh army and click on them. ********************************************************************* 4.- General Tips -In order to shoot to an enemy, the pointer doesn't have to be exactly above the enemy. While the enemy is in the fire range, he can be killed. The same happens to buildings. They must not be completely seen in order to fire at them. -Be careful when shooting at barrels or grenade boxes. They can create chain reactions that could kill some of your units besides destroying the nearby building. -Use missiles and grenades only when necessary, specially when destroying buildings and high level units. Note that when you want to throw further a grenade, just put the pointer farther than the objective. -In some missions, it is better to work with just a part of your units, specially in dangerous areas or in mission where you have to control many soldiers. -Control is very important. In practice missions, try to practice with the control and learn how to control units and miss enemy shots in a secure way. -You and enemy soldiers cannot fire in water. Take note of this when selecting your strategies. ********************************************************************* 5.- Mission Tips Mission 1 The Sensible Initiation `````````````````````````````````` -It's a Jungle Out There This mission is very easy. Just kill the three enemies that appear in the upper part of the map and it will be all. Perfect to learn some of the basic strategies and movements in the game. Mission 2 Onward Virgin Soldiers ````````````````````````````````` -Bridge Over the River Pie A very easy mission also. Just kill all the soldiers that are around. First kill the enemies that are swimming. Then kill all the enemies in the south part of the map. When all of this is done, go over the bridge and kill the rest of them. -Trash Enemy HQ Another training mission, but a little more complicated than the last one. Just go south and kill all the enemies in your way. When arriving to the enemy base in the southweastern part of the map, first kill the enemies, and then go after the barrels beside the house in order to destroy the base. If you see a box containing armament, take it and use it to destroy faster the base. Mission 3 Antartic Adventure ````````````````````````````` -Blast, It's Cold Things are getting worse. First go to the building to the east and take the box containig grenades, being careful of not shooting at it because it is veru necessary for you, besides that the explosion could kill some of your few units. Kill all the soldiers in the way. After obtaining the grenades, go to the rest of the buildings. When all the way is cleared, destroy the buildings with the grenades. A building is destroyed if its door is destroyed, so take note on this. Mission 4 Super Smashing Namtastic ``````````````````````````````````` -Beachy Head Go to the SE of the map and take the grenades from the building there and use them to destroy the buildings. Also, if you need more grenades, there are some in the NW in the building there. -Pier Pressure In this mission, you just have to go to the end of the pier opposite to the enemy buiding and destroy it with grenades. Be carefull, because you only have 2 grenades per soldier. -Village People Just focus your attacks to the buildings that have doors. The natives won't attack you unless you attack them. Be careful with the quick sand in the SE and with the foxhole in the W. It has a lot of soldiers that may emerge from it. -Quicksand Shoot the trip wire that is located near the quicksand patch in the NW and the near line of trees. Don't ener think in steping over it. As a suggestion, the quicksand patches may be used for your advantage. The bazooka barrel is not reachable, so don't lose your time. -Coming more in next updates- ********************************************************************* 6.- Credits & Acknowledgements This guide was written by Ice84. If you have any doubts, comments, suggestions, or contributions, you can make them by sending an e-mail to: jezg_84@hotmail.com Thanks to: -Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com), for publishing my guide. ********************************************************************* 7.- Copyright Copyright (c) 2001, Ice84. All rights reserved. This work may not be published without my permission. It may only be used for personal purposes.