CRYSTALIS Boss Guide October 8, 2000 Version 2.0 Copyright 2000, Jeff Tompson. You may not do anything with this document. You may only read it. If you want to use this on your website/webpage, ASK ME FIRST. You can do nothing else with this FAQ besides use it on your site. If you violate the above restrictions, you will handled legally. Do NOT Email me with questions about how to get through a certain part of the game, or how to find a certain item. This is NOT a walk- through, and I will NOT read questions concerning how to get through the game. I will (for now) accept questions about bosses, though. **Warning** This guide contains some minor spoilers. Read at your own risk. This Boss Guide can always be found at (and should only be found at): [] [] Now on with the show... ***************** Table of Contents ***************** A. Introduction B. Version Information C. Boss Strategies 1. Vampire 2. Insect 3. General Kelbesque 4. Vampire 2 5. Sabera 6. Mado 7. General Kelbesque 2 8. Sabera 2 9. Mado 2 10. Karmine 11. Dragonia 12. Sun and Moon Statues 13. DYNA 14. Dragonia 2 D. Credits *************** A. Introduction *************** This is a Boss Strategy Guide for Crystalis for the GameBoy Color. If you are having trouble with a boss in any way, this guide will be sure to help you out. Have fun, and enjoy reading! ********************** B. Version Information ********************** October 8, 2000 -Version 2.0- The strategies for the rest of the bosses are included. I will not be updating anymore unless there is a mistake I need to fix. October 7, 2000 -Version 1.0- The strategies for the first 6 bosses in the game are included. More bosses will soon be included in the next update. ****************** C. Boss Strategies ****************** The layout of the strategies will be as follows: *Boss: Name of Boss. *Location: Location of Boss. *Difficulty: Ranging from 1 to 10. 1 easiest, 10 hardest. *Recommendations: A list of items you should have, as well as what level you should be. *Strategy: The most effective way to defeat the boss. *Receive after battle: Not always included. A list of what items you receive after you defeat the boss. *BOSSES* 1. *Boss: Vampire *Location: Sealed Cave (North of Leaf) *Difficulty: 2.5 *Recommendations: Use Refresh as needed. Have Tanned Hide and Carapace Shield. Medical Herb not required but helpful. Level 2 or 3. *Strategy: This boss disappears and reappears frequently, so be on your guard. He also occasionally sends out bats, so be careful of them. Charge your Sword of Wind to Level 2 (have the ball of wind equipped, and hold down the B button) and release the charge when you have a straight-forward shot at the Vampire. Keep re- leasing Level 2 shots at the Vampire, and he will soon parish. *Receive after Battle: Rabbit Boots (when equipped, you can jump). 2. *Boss: Insect *Location: Swamp east of Brynmaer *Difficulty: 2.3 *Recommendations: Use Refresh as needed. Have Leather Armor and Bronze Shield. Medical Herb and Fruit of Power no required but helpful. Level 4 or 5. *Strategy: Use the Insect Flute when you locate the area of the swamp that's black and open (near the top). Using the Flute will summon the Insect. This boss moves across the screen and shoots blobs at you. Use the Fire Sword and charge it to Level 1. Re- lease the Level 1 shots on the Insect when it's not firing at you. Also, remember to keep the Gas Mask equipped through the entire battle. Since you must use the Fire Sword, you will only be able to attack with Level 1 shots. *Receive after Battle: Ball of Fire 3. *Boss: General Kelbesque *Location: Mr. Sabre (North Peak) *Difficulty: 4.0 *Recommendations: Use Refresh as needed. Have Leather Armor and Bronze Shield. Be at least level 7. *Strategy: Use the Sword of Fire (have the Ball of Fire equipped). During the battle he stomps his foot which in turn sends out ob- jects in sets of three. Don't get near these objects or you will get hurt by a shockwave. Avoid him when he stomps, and charge up your Fire Sword to Level 2. Release the charge when you have a chance to. After enough Level 2 shots, he will leave..for now. *Receive after Battle: Flame Bracelet. 4. *Boss: Vampire 2 *Location: Island of the Fates (Sabera's Castle). When you go inside the castle, you will meet up with the Vampire, no matter which path you take, left or right. *Difficulty: 3.5 *Recommendations: Use Refresh as necessary. Have Platinum Armor and Platinum Shield. Have the Iron Necklace, and the Water Sword. You MUST be at least Level 10, or you will not be able to damage this boss. *Strategy: He's basically the same as before, except he moves faster, and he releases bats more often. Charge you water sword to Level 2, and release it when you have a clear shot, which is not easy to do. Dont stand in one spot to long, or he will run into you. After enough hits from your water sword, he will perish. *Receive after battle: Nothing 5. *Boss: Sabera *Location: Island of the Fates (Sabera's Castle) *Difficulty: 6.0 *Recommendations: Use Refresh and needed. Have Platinum Armor and Platinum Shield. Have the Fire Sword and Shield Ring. Be Level 10 or 11. *Strategy: When you come to the woman, talk to her and she'll say that Sabera is in the next room, but she is lying. Hit her with your sword 1 time, then hit her with a Level 2 shot from your Fire Sword, and she will turn into Sabera. She'll move around the room and release shots (which are circles), in a 90 degree formation around her. Avoid these shots, and hit her with a level 2 or 3 shot from your Fire Sword when you have the chance. Sabera is not that easy, and you will easily die if you aren't careful enough. After many Level 2 or 3 shots, Sabera will be gone. *Receive after battle: Broken Statue 6. *Boss: Mado *Location: Shyron (While under attack) *Difficulty: 8.5 *Recommendations: Use Refresh, Barrier, and Medical Herb as necessary. Have Ceramic Suite and Battle Shield. Be at least Level 12. Use Fire Sword (with Flame Bracelet), Water Sword (with Blizzard Bracelet), or Thunder Sword. *Strategy: Wow, he's difficult! What makes it even harder is that there is not much room for moving around. During the hard fight, he will throw spike objects at you, in rows of two which curve opposite of each other. Try and avoid these. The other thing he does is curl up into a ball and roll around the room. It's very hard to avoid him when he's rolling around the room. When you have a chance, charge up your sword to level 2 or 3, (or just to level 1 if you're using the Thunder Sword), and then release it when you have a chance. If you are using the Thunder Sword, keep yourself protected by constantly having the Barrier Spell activated during the battle (only if you have enough magic points left). After a long fight, and many attacks, he will be gone. This was the first battle time I died while in a boss fight. Be careful! *Receive after battle: Ball of Thunder 7. *Boss: General Kelbesque 2 *Location: Fortress of Goa *Difficulty: 6.0 *Recommendations: Use Refresh, Barrier, and Medical Her as you see necessary. Have the Ceramic Suite and Battle Shield. Use the Fire or Water Sword. Be at Level 13 or 14. *Strategy: In this battle, he sends out object in a circular formation around him. He also moves around the room moderately fast. Avoid him and his shots and then blast him with level 1 shots from your sword (with warrior ring equipped). He will be gone in no time at all. *Receive after battle: Opal Statue, and your HP/MP are refilled. 8. *Boss: Sabera 2 *Location: Fortress of Goa *Difficulty: 7.5 *Recommendations: Use Refresh, Barrier, and Medical Herb as you see necessary. Have Warrior Ring, Ceramic Suite, Battle Shield, and Wind or Fire Sword. Be at Level 14. *Strategy: She is somewhat harder than the last time you fought her. During battle, she sends out objects in a circular form- ation around her, and she also has a ring of fire that protects her. I found it easier to just use Barrier for the entire battle and then blast her with level 1 shots from my Fire sword (you can use the Water sword if you want). After you pummel her with level 1 shots (with Warrior Ring equipped) she will be gone for good. *Receive after battle: Fruit of RePun, and your HP/MP is refilled. 9. *Boss: Mado 2 *Location: Fortress of Goa *Difficulty: 9.2 *Recommendations: Use Refresh, Barrier, and Medical Herb as you see necessary. Have Warrior Ring, Ceramic Suite, Battle Shield, and Thunder or Water Sword. Be at Level 14. *Strategy: He will throw objects at you in rows of two. Try and avoid these. Next, he will roll around the room. He will roll around a bit faster than he did the last time you fought with him. Once again, I just used Barrier the whole battle and then blasted him with level 1 shots from my Water sword. You can also use the Thunder sword. If you decide to not use Barrier the entire battle, good luck. This battle is_not_easy. *Receive after battle: Sacred Shield 10. *Boss: Karmine *Location: Fortress of Goa *Difficulty: 9.4 *Recommendations: Use Refresh, Barrier, and Medical Herb as you see necessary. Have Warrior Ring, Ceramic Suite, Battle Shield or Sacred Shield, and Wind or Water Sword. Be at Level 14. *Strategy: He will send out objects that bounce around the room for a moderate amount of time. He will move around the room while the objects are bouncing around, so it is very hard to avoid getting hit. I used the Barrier Spell the whole battle and shot him with tons of level one shots from my Water sword. You can also use the Wind sword, or any other sword you would like to use. *Receive after battle: Kensu's Body (use it on Kensu in the room above where you defeated Karmine. You learn the Spell of Flight. If you exit the way you got to Karmine (over the three moving platforms), and keep heading right from the platforms, you will come to sets of stairs. Go down all of them and then fly over the pink stuff, and you will come to the Storm Bracelet. The Storm Bracelet is probably the_best_item in the game! 11. *Boss: Dragonia *Location: Pyramid (East of Sahara) *Difficulty: 9.4 *Recommendations: Use Refresh and Barrier as necessary. Have Ceramic Suite, Psycho Shield, Warrior Ring, and any sword that you want. Be at Level 15. *Strategy: He shoots out bunches of lightning at you. He also walks and/or flies around the room. You can use Barrier the entire battle, but you don't have to. When ever he's on the ground and not firing at you, blast him away with some level one shots from your sword (I used Thunder Sword). Don't try to hit him while he is in the air because he will land on you and then you will get hit by his lightning. *Receive after battle: Psycho Armor and Bow of Truth 12. *Boss: Sun and Moon Statues *Location: Portal Entrance (Pyramid north of the pyramid where you defeated Dragonia and got the Bow of Truth) *Difficulty: 1.5 *Recommendations: None, really. Just have the Sun and Moon Bows. It doesn't really matter what level you are, because this isn't a very hard fight (it's not even hard at all). *Strategy: The easiest battle in the game. Use the Bow of Sun on the statue on the right, and use the Bow of Moon on the statue on the left. It's as simple as that. *Receive after battle: Nothing 13. *Boss: DYNA *Location: Flying Tower *Difficulty: 9.8 *Recommendations: Use Refresh, Barrier, and Medical Herb as you see necessary. Have Psycho Armor, Psycho Shield, and Warrior Ring. Use your Water Sword. Be at Level 15 or 16. *Strategy: This is not an easy battle! From the left and right sides of the room, round objects come flying out and go in all directions. DYNA will also shoot lasers out of its eye. It will also shoot bracket-like objects out at you. Attempt to avoid all of these objects to the best of your ability, and hit DYNA with either the Fire or Water Sword. Make sure you have the Warrior Ring equipped, and quickly fire level 1 shots. You can use Barrier if you want (I did). If you don't have a fun battle, and good luck! *Receive after battle: Sword of Crystalis 14. *Boss: Dragonia 2 *Location: Dragonia's Tower (Final floor of Flying Tower) *Difficulty: 10 *Recommendations: Use Refresh, Barrier, and Medical Herb as you see necessary. Have Psycho Armor, Psycho Shield, and Warrior Ring. Use the Sword of Crystalis (duh!). Be at Level 16. The Opal Statue is not required, but it's helpful. *Strategy: When you try to attack him, you will not be able to. You must use the Bow of Truth and shoot it at the wall behind Dragonia. He will then change into his final form. He will shoot round objects out at you, and they will bounce around the room. He will also fire lasers in a 180 degree formation around the room. While avoiding the circular objects and the lasers, fire at him with your Sword of Crystalis. You can only fire at him when the orange thing is open on him. When it is open, avoid the objects, and fire at him as fast as you can! It would be a good idea to use Barrier during some parts of the battle, like when all of the objects are flying around. If you decide not to use Barrier, be sure to have the Opal Statue equipped. Also remember to have the Warrior Ring equipped. If you don't have the Opal Statute, and you decide not to use Barrier, than good luck, and have a_great_battle! *Receive after battle: The ending to the Game! ENJOY!! ********** D. Credits ********** All of the information was created by me, and I would appreciate it if you contacted me first before using this guide on your site. Thank YOU for reading my guide! Copyright © 2000, Jeff Tompson.