Crystalis for the GameBoy Color ------------------------------------------------------------------------ While you are waiting for Zelda... An informative guide by FLOWERPOT Version FINAL ======================================================================== ======================================================================== ===T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S==================================== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== ///0001 Revision History ///0002 Story ///0003 Walkthrough ///0004 Boss Guide ///0005 Items/Weapons List ///0006 FAQ ///0007 Game Genie / GameShark ///0008 Legal Disclaimer ///0009 End ======================================================================== ======================================================================== 0001 R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y================================== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== 2001 02 June | FINAL Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added finishing touches to the guide as well as my new disclaimer which has been updated to all guides. 2001 31 January | Version 1.0 (complete walkthrough) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added walkthrough for Mt. Hydra, Sahara, Oasis Cave, Pyramid top level, Pyramid Basement, DYNA, Flying Tower, and the final confrontation! Completed section 0004: Boss Guide. Completed section 0007: Frequently Asked Questions. 2000 24 September | Version 0.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added the walkthrough for Amazon II, Shyron, Cave of Styx, Shyron II, Goa, Shyron III, and Goa Fortress. Section 0005 completed. GameShark codes added just in case you have GameShark instead of GameGenie. 2000 22 September | Version 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added Walkthrough for Mt. Sabre North, Portoa I, Waterfall Cave, Portoa II, South East Cave, East Cave, Amazons, Portoa III, Joel, Locked Sea Caves, Spirit Town, Sebara's Castle, Spirit Town II, and Swan. School is becoming a major problem. I hope to have the end of the walkthrough up by September 24, but if I can't finish by then, you'll have to wait 'till next weekend :( 2000 15 September | Version 0.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added walkthrough for Brynmaer path, Brynmaer town, Oak swamp, Oak Town, and Mt. Sabre South. My gameboy was messed up big time, so I couldn't update. Luckily, I found a cool gameboy rom and emulator. $7 later, I am back to finishing the guide. I've decided to leave out the dumb enemy charts, item charts and other worthless charts that you see in many RPG walkthroughs. No one looks at them and they only fill up space. 2000 01 September | Version 0.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Very first version of the guide released. Many things in this version are incomplete and the walkthrough doesn't go that far, but I posted it at version 0.2 for all the people who requested a FAQ/Walkthrough on It may be small now, but at least it is something. I will update daily until finished :) Questions, Comments, Additions and Corrections can be sent to ======================================================================== ======================================================================== 0002 S T O R Y======================================================== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== typed by Xenocide Throughout history it has to be to known that an end is merely a beginning in disguise. When was overtook the entire planet, some thought the true end had come. However, some saw this end as a beginning when they realized a group of humans had acquired magical abilities once considered legendary. Tamalic was one of these few. He and his fellow magicians had not only survived the war, but gained new magical powers that allowed them to bring life back to the scorched planet. Not all the magicians that entered this new dawn of magic spent their energies on restoring life to the world. One called Dragonia, chose to combine his magical abilites with the shunned ways of technology. This combination of magic and technology allowed Dragionia to grow in power, and force his evil will upon the rest of humanity. Four brave magicians; Zebu, Tornel, Asnia and Kensu, were determinded to stop Dragonia. They forged four swords from the basic elements of Wind, Fire, Water, and Thunder. Joining these swords would create the Sword of crystalis, the mightiest sword ever created. Before the swords could be combined, Dragionia seized them and hurled the swords throughout the land. The four thought all hope was lost. They were yet to learn the prophecy of the two sleeping warrior-magicians. This prophecy told of two sleeping warrior-magicians who would only awaken to oppose the powers of technology once all magical hopehad been lost. You are one of these warrior-magicians and your quest is to find and join the four swords to stop Dragonia's reign of terror. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== 0003 C R Y S T A L I S W A L K T H R O U G H======================== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== /// B E F O R E Y O U S T A R T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This walkthrough you are about to use contains spoilers. I highly suggest you only use the walkthrough for parts of the game where you are completely stumped. Each new area is represented by "*********" and each new objective in that area is represented by "--------". Also, this walkthrough will not tell you how to get items that are not neccessary to completing the game. And, if you ever see me refer to the main character as "FLOWERPOT," that is because I named my main character "FLOWERPOT." **WARNING** WALKTHROUGH CONTAINS SOME SPOILERS **WARNING** ********************************************************** **WARNING** WALKTHROUGH CONTAINS SOME SPOILERS **WARNING** ********************************************************** **WARNING** WALKTHROUGH CONTAINS SOME SPOILERS **WARNING** ************************************************************************ * L E A F T O W N * ************************************************************************ /// C O L L E C T I N G T H E W I N D S W O R D / $ 1 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the cinema and naming your character, you see your character standing inside his "sleep capsule." Exit out of here to see the rock wall burst open and a civilian get scared off. Walk over to the main road of Leaf Town and walk north. Enter the first house to the left. Inside, a blue-haired guy will give you a gift of $100 from Zebu, the magician. To the west corner, above the row of shops and the Inn, you'll find another house. Inside you'll meet an old man who will have over the wind sword to you. Press [Select] and enter the Weapons sub-menu and equip this sword. Go to the north of the town and exit into the rural area of the town. /// M E E T I N G Z E B U ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Next, you will have to meet with one of the four great magicians, Zebu. He lives in a cave to the northwest of this area. I took time to make a really bad ASCII art map of this area: -------BE----------------- Legend: | ZC WM | C | | S | EE entrance | | BC blue caves | BC | S stairs | | ZC zebu's cave | | WM windmill | | C cave --------------EE---------- BE blocked exit Run to Zebu's cave (ZC on map above) and enter. Follow the path to the end and chat. He will tell you that you must fix the windmill. /// C O L L E C T I N G A L A R M F L U T E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter the blue caves, located to the east of this area. Follow the path and go past the two caverns going up and down until you come across a second for in the road. Go down this time and follow this path to some stairs. Make the first left possible and follow this path to the alarm flute. Exit the blue caves. /// C O L L E C T I N G K E Y / F I X I N G W I N D M I L L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the northest corner of this area, there is a set of stairs leading to a cave. Enter this cave and find the sleeping Miller. Equip the alarm flute and play it in front of the sleeping guy. He will wake up and give you the key to the windmill. He is to weak, so you must turn it back on. Follow the cave to the end and you'll be in front of the windmill. Enter and use the key on the machine inside. Exit the windmill and watch as the blocked exit opens up and Zebu appears to you. /// C O L L E C T I N G R E F R E S H S P E L L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go back to Zebu's cave and talk to him again. He will tell you that you must vanquish the sealed vampire in the next area. He will also give you the spell of refresh, which can be use to heal yourself. I suggest going back to the main town area and buying armor or a shield. I suggest the Carpace shield for $80. Also buy the Tanned hide armor for $100. If you don't have enough, fight enemies for money. Exit town and enter the newly opened passage to the new area. ************************************************************************ * S E A L E D C A V E S * ************************************************************************ /// C O L L E C T I N G B A L L O F W I N D / W A R P B O O T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow the path to and use the stairs at the end. Follow the next path until you come across another set of stairs. Use them. In this next area, there are two staircases and a weak rock wall. Take the staircase at the very end of the hall to the bottom. Go to the end of this hall and go down the long set of stairs. Open the chest to find the ball of wind. Zebu will appear to you and explain that you can use it to break open the weak rock walls. From the location of the ball of wind, keep going up until you are block by an oddly colored rock wall. Equip the ball of wind and charge your sword to level 2 and shoot at the wall. Enter through the newly opened passage to find the warp boots in a chest. Exit this area through the stairs to the west. /// F I N D I N G T H E B O S S : V A M P I R E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the room with three staircases and a weak rock wall, break through the rock wall and take a right. Follow the path to a staircase which leads to another cavern. Follow the path until you read the big bad blue vampire! /// B E A T I N G T H E B O S S : V A M P I R E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best Weapon: Wind Sword Difficulty: 1/5 Level: Sealed Caves This first boss of the game is fairly easy. The only way this guy can hard you is if you run into him or the bats that he releases hit. Every few seconds he teleports to a different spot. And, when you hit him a few times his teleportation becomes quicker. Don't worry about the two bats he releases, the are pratically harmless. Destroying the bats will just cause the vampire to release two more. Hit him with your sword or charge it up and aim well. When you have defeated him, Zebu will appear with your prize: The Rabbit Boots. /// R E A C H I N G T H E E X I T : O A K S W A M P ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After beating the vampire, and picking up your rabbit shoes, climb the stairs straight ahead of you. Follow this next path to a weak rock wall and blast it with your level 2 wind sword move to reveal the path to the exit. ************************************************************************ * B R Y N M A E R * ************************************************************************ /// C O L L E C T I N G G A S M A S K ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In this new area, circle around the river in the center until you find a bridge to an island. Go across and open the chest on the other side to find the Oynx Statue. Go into the main town, the entrance in located to the center west of this area. Talk to the first guy in front of you and then give him the statue. As a reward for find it, he will give you the Gas Mask. /// C O L L E C T I N G T E L E P A T H S P E L L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go outside of the main town and go to the north of this area. Here you will find a large house with two men inside. After talking with the elder man, he will allow you to challenge the young guy in a sword contest to test your strength. To win, you must push your opponent against the wall. If you get pushed against the wall, you lose. Rapidly tap [B] to push him backwards. Keep doing this, no matter how tired your finger gets, until your opponent is against the wall. The elder will now give you the telepath spell. /// F I N D I N G O A K S W A M P ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cross the bridge to the island in the center and use your rabbit boots to leap over the burnt ground. On the otherside, go to the far east of this area. Before entering the next area, make sure you equip your gas mask, otherwise you will your life fast than you can say "Crystalis." Enter the next area. ************************************************************************ * O A K S W A M P / T O W N * ************************************************************************ /// C O L L E C T I N G I N S E C T F L U T E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This area has fast moving purple enemies and occasional flying enemies that move erratically and are hard to kill. I suggest trying to avoid these enemies rather than take time to kill them. Here is another bad ASCII map that I made myself of this area: OT * * BOSS ************************ *************** Legend * ** * ** E entrance ************************ ** B lost boy * * ** OT oak town * * ** BOSS insect boss *********************************** * * * * E********************************** * * * * * * ****** B***** First, go to Oak Town. In the house to the southwest corner of the town (the only house not blocked by a swamp person), you'll find a sad mother. She'll ask you to find her lost boy in the swamp. Go to [B] on the map above to find the little lost swamp boy. Lead him back to him mom. As a reward she will present you with the Insect Flute. /// C O L L E C T I N G F I R E S W O R D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After saving the boy, the towns people will warm up to you. Go to the building at the northeast corner of town and talk to the elder. He will provide you with the Fire Sword to slay the giant insect in the swamp. /// F I N D I N G T H E B O S S : G I A N T I N S E C T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go to the section labeled [Boss] on the map above. Nothing is there! Equip and play your Insect flute and the big bad boss will appear. /// B E A T I N G T H E B O S S : G I A N T I N S E C T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best Weapon: Fire Sword Difficulty: 0.5/5 Level: Oak Swamp This guy is really easy. He'll be flying above you, so all you can do is hit him with a charge fire bolt. Every few seconds, he will stop and shoot a series of fireballs. You must hit him around his facial area. Standing stationary until he comes close then releasing your bolt is very effective. Just move before he shoots. And standing in a corner while he moves toward you will allow you to get more than one shot in at him. Shoot him a few times and he will be destroyed. Your reward: The ball of fire. /// F I N D I N G M T . S A B R E S O U T H ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exit out of the swamp area and back to the Brynmaer area. Go back to the area near the entrance to Brynmaer town. South of here is another entrance to a set of blue caverns. ************************************************************************ * M T . S A B R E S O U T H * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G W I N D B R A C E L E T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This area is a long complex network of caves, and if you make the wrong turn, you are going to get lost. I would try to make an ASCII art map, but the area is too big with to many passages, and I am not an ASCII master. So, I will try to lead you through. After breaking through the first ice wall, go foward. You will come across a fork in the road and a zombie monster emerging from the ground. Kill him for 20 exp. points (good way to level up to level 5 or 6 before going farhter). Take a left at the fork. Enter the first door possible. Follow the next path to the end, and make sure the new dragon monsters don't poison you (keep an antidote handy). In the next area, run across the bring to another passage. Go foward and break the ice wall with your level 2 fire sword. At the end of this passage you'll find the wind bracelet. /// F I N D I N G T O R N E L / T E L E P O R T S P E L L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backtrack back through the passage, across the bridge, threw the short hall and back out into the icy mountains. Go left and follow the path to another passage. Go left and up to find another ice wall in your way. Blast through it and enter the next room. Go up, then take a left. At the end, go down and go through the door to the right. Follow this next path until you come to a fork in the road again, this time, go up. Follow the next path to the stairs. Again, follow the one way path to the stairs to enter where Tornel is waiting. He will reward you the teleport spell for being so brave and warn you of the trouble in Leaf town. /// L E A F T O W N / F I N D I N G M T . S A B R E N O R T H ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use your new teleport spell or a pair of warp boots that you may have to teleport to Leaf Town. Go inside the barn attached to the house where the elder who gave you the Wind Sword lived. The little animal will tell you what happened to the townspeople. Warp back to Brynmaer. Go up through the passage to the north in the area where you find the entrance to Oak Swamp. Here you will once again meet Zebu. He will notice you have the teleportation spell and will knock down the rock wall blocking your way. Enter Mt. Sabre North. ************************************************************************ * M T . S A B R E N O R T H * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G K E Y T O P R I S O N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This series of caves is very hard to navigate. There are many ways to get lost or take a wrong door and wind up back in the beginning. When you enter, Narshe's restaurant/Inn. Past here is an ice slope you cannot got up and farther past here is a passage. Run down the next one-way path to the next passage. In the next area, run foward then downward all the way until you reach another passage. Now you are outside on the mountain face. Run across the path, and don't slide down the ice slope, to the next door. Go up to a blocked passage and use your level 2 wind blast to enter. Run around this next path and across the bridge into the next passage. Take the next path past the ice slope and into the next passage. In this next cavern, there are two blocked passages. Past these you'll find a treasure chest with the Prison Key. /// F I N D I N G T H E B O S S : G E N E R A L K E L B E S Q U E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Break down the two icewalls in the room with the prison key to free some prisoners. After you've done that, go through the passage to the left. Follow the next path to the stairs and take them to the mountain face. In the center of the next path, there is a path going up to the boss: General Kelbesque. /// B E A T I N G T H E B O S S : G E N E R A L K E L B E S Q U E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best Weapon: Wind Sword Difficulty: 4/5 Level: Mt. Sabre North This guy is hard. He moves very quickly, and your level 3 wind sword with your character at level 7 is what you should go into the fight as. Before you enter the fight, charge your sword up to level 3 and release when the dialouge is gone for a free hit. His attack's include an ice drop and some sort of shockwaves that blast in both directions. Make sure he doesn't run into you, a lot of life will be taken away. Keep a lot of magic on hand for the Refresh spell. Hit him as many times as you can with the level 3 wind sword until you blows up and dies. /// F I N D I N G F L A M E B R A C E L E T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After you defeat General Kelbesque, a chest will appear with the flame bracelet. /// F I N D I N G P A R A L Y S I S S P E L L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use the prison key on the gate that is behind the dead boss. Enter through it and talk to the elder to recieve the paralysis spell, which can put people to sleep in an instant. /// F I N D I N G P O R T O A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After talking to the elder, head through the back door. Slide down the ice slope into a grassy area. You'll find a bridge to the west that leads to Portoa. ************************************************************************ * P O R T O A I * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G F R U I T O F L I M E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Their is a big mystery in this town, and the queen is acting strangely. Go to the castle, at the northwest corner of town. Before going farther, use paralysis on the guard before he moves in front of the door. When he is asleep, enter to meet the queen. Exit and reenter, this time so that the guard blocks the door. Then go to the northeast corner of town to find the fortune teller. Talk to her. Then go talk to the queen again. Let the guard block the queen's door again and go to the fortune teller. When the fortune teller says "all will be revealed" or something like that, go to the queen and she will finally give you the Fruit of Lime, which can heal people sealed in stone. /// F I N D I N G W A T E R F A L L C A V E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Outside of town, head to the northeast where there is a big waterfall. Just walk into the waterfall and Voila! ************************************************************************ * W A T E R F A L L C A V E * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G S W O R D O F W A T E R ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once inside the cave, make the first left possible. Go foward untill you reach a rock wall. Bust it open with your level 2 wind sword. At the end of this next path, two people are stuck in stone! Use the fruit of lime on these two poor souls. You find out that this is the actual queen and her servant! They will now move out of the way so you can go through the stairs. Go foward through this one-way path, busting down the rock wall in the middle, to the next passage. This time you must choose whether to go right or left. Go left. Follow the path and kill the big enemies until you reach the door. Watch out for enemies that can poison you or turn you into stone. In the next path, go as far up as you can. At the top, a path branches off to the left. Bust down the wall in this corridor and open the chest. In it: the sword of water! /// F I N D I N G F L U T E O F L I M E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ At the intersection where you turned left to get the sword of water, go right instead. Go through the passage and enter the next path. Go foward on this path until you come across a river. Go south to find the flute of lime. /// F I N D I N G A K A H A N A / S H I E L D R I N G ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In this same room, find a passage to the north leading to Akahana. He is stuck in stone, so use the flute of lime to free him. He will reward you the Shield Ring, which can increase the defense of all your shields! Exit out of the waterfall cave or teleport back to Portoa. ************************************************************************ * P O R T O A I I * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G B A L L O F W A T E R ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the outside area of Portoa, you'll find a bridge to the south. Go across the bridge and use rabbit boots to jump over the poisened land. Go to the southwest of this area. Through the passage, you'll find yourself in a marshy area. Go to the north to find a cave. Inside is an elder, and he will give you the ball of water when he sees that you have the sword of water. /// F I N D I N G R E C O V E R S P E L L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Confront the queen again and follow her as she goes through the door and through the back caves. She will lead you into the fortune teller's house. She will reveal what has really happened, then give you the Recover Spell. With this spell, you can cure yourself of all ailments you might get. /// F I N D I N G S H E L L F L U T E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go into the small barn that is attached to the fortune tellers house. You'll find a shallow river. Use your level 2 water sword to create an ice path. At the end of this path is a beached dolphin. Give him a plain old medical herb and he will give you the shell flute. /// F I N D I N G S O U T H - E A S T C A V E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Outside of Portoa, there is a bridge to the south. Go across it and use rabbit boots to jump over the nearby poisoned ground. To the southeast of the next area, you'll find some shallow water. Use your level 2 water sword to create an ice bridge and go across. /// F I N D I N G E A S T ( F O G L A M P ) C A V E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Outside of Portoa, below the waterfall cave entrance, you'll find some shallow water. Use your level 2 water sword to create an ice bridge to get to the cave opening on the other side. ************************************************************************ * S O U T H - E A S T C A V E * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G K I R I S A P L A N T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go foward from the entrance to this cave and destroy the rock wall in your way with a level 2 blast from the sword of wind. Past here is a passage. In the next set of caverns, there are two blocked walls. One leads to monster treasure chest and the other leads to another passage. Follow the next cave past the blocked wall to the exit into a small field. To the north of the field you'll find a treasure chest with the Kirisa plant. Go on into the East (foglamp) Cave. ************************************************************************ * E A S T C A V E * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G F O G L A M P ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directly after the entrance, you'll need to use your level 2 wind sword blast to break down the wall blocking your path. Find the next passage in these caverns and go through it. Follow the next small path to another passage. Keep heading downward until you come to a stone wall. Use your level 2 wind sword blast and proceed to another stone wall and use the same tatic to knock this one down. Directly after this wall, make a right and go to through the passage on this side. Go left from after going through the passage to find another passage. Go through here and break down the stone wall in front of you. Make a right directly after this wall and gown downward on the first chance you get. Break through this next wall and follow the path to another passage. Go foward and across a bridge to a stone wall. Once again, use your level 2 wind sword blast and follow the path all the way to the next passage. Follow this next path to a stone wall and break it down to reveal a treasure chest behind it. Guess what's inside? The Foglamp! ************************************************************************ * A M A Z O N S * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G W A T E R B R A C E L E T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To the east of the town, use paralysis on the guard standing in front of the door to the Queen's residence. Enter and run around and past the queen (don't talk to her now) and down the flight of stairs in the back. In this next room, you'll find a treasure chest with the water bracelet, which allows you to achieve a powerful level 3 blacks with the sword of water. Use the warp spell, warp boots (or walk) and warp back to Portoa. ************************************************************************ * P O R T O A I I I * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G J O E L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get rested up in the Inn then take the fog lamp over the bridge to the house all the way to the west of town. In here, you'll find a man and his daughter. Give the man the foglamp and he will lend you his boat. Walk into the boat and take a fun little ride down to an island with a building and a man inside. He tells a short story about a sacrafice. Yada Yada Yada. Use the shell flute next to the ocean to summon the dolphin, who's back you can travel on around the ocean. You can summon him as many times as you need. Swim over to the center of the ocean, where you'll find a island with a cave and a lighthouse. Enter the cave. You are now in Joel. ************************************************************************ * J O E L * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G N E C K L A C E O F F A T E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Talk to the elder in the house to the northwest of town, she will tell a tale of her missing son and then give you the necklace of fate. /// F I N D I N G L O V E P E N D A N T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exit Joel and summon the dolphin. Swim to the southwest corner of the ocean to find a secluded cave. Swim in and at the end, you'll find a treasure chest with the love pendant inside. /// F I N D I N G L O C K E D - S E A C A V E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To the west of the lighthouse island, there will be a passage blocked by a gate. Use the necklace of fate to open this gate. Swim past the various enemies that don't move or hurt you (unless you run into them) and get off near the stairs. Go up to enter the new area. ************************************************************************ * L O C K E D - S E A C A V E * ************************************************************************ /// C O L L E C T I N G I R O N N E C K L A C E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is where it start getting tricky, folks. This is going to be hard to explain, but if you can follow the directions I lay out, you'll be able to beat this level. Go foward then make a right. At the intersection, go DOWN. Follow this path until you find some shallow water. Make an ice bridge with your level 2 water sword. Follow the path to another spot of shallow water and create another ice bridge. Go UP at the intersection, and make the first left available. Go down this path, but don't go UP the first two paths you see going upward. On the third upward path, you'll be led to a stone wall. Use your level 2 wind sword to break this down, then head up the stairs. On this next path, go as far down as you can and make a left. Follow this path going westward and go UP on the first path leading up. This leads to another stone wall. Knock it down and in the next area you'll find a stone wall. Behind this is a treasure chest. In the chest: the iron necklace. /// F I N D I N G S P I R I T T O W N I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go back down the path you came from and then follow the first path going downward. Follow this and make a right. The follow the next path to a large gap with a hoovering bridge that moves back and forth. It must be slippery, so make sure you equip the Iron necklace before getting on, otherwise you will slip down to the lower level with the river. Take this across the gap and go all the way down south to the exit. ************************************************************************ * S P I R I T T O W N I * ************************************************************************ /// E N T E R I N G S A B E R A ' S C A S T L E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the next very gloomy area, enter the house in the center of town. Inside his the elder's (from Joel) son. He will tell you of a dansel in distress that he seen being pulled by a vampire into Sabera's Castle. Go to the north and go up the stairs to Sabera's Castle. ************************************************************************ * S A B E R A ' S C A S T L E * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G T H E B O S S / S A B E R A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Halfway into the catsle, you'll come across a four-way intersection. The the east and west are two rematches with the vampire boss from before. Killing the boss on the west side will lead to a set of caverns that lead to a fruit of power. Beating the boss to the east will bring you to caverns with a moving platform and a stairs down to the south east. Here, you'll find Mesia. She tells you that Sabera is in the room behind her. Don't go, it's a trap. This lady isn't really Mesia. Hit her twice with your sword until she admits that she is actually Sabera! /// B E A T I N G T H E B O S S / S A B E R A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best Weapon: Fire Sword Difficulty: 3/5 Level: Sabera's Castle This boss, unlike the vampire, moves around the screen quickly instead of teleporting, making it more dangerous for you trying to avoid her. When she stops, she will let out a set of projectiles. First, she will throw one to the side, followed by projectiles flying around at different angles around her until they made a 45 degree turn. Confusing? I know. Charge up your sword in the corner when she is shooting crazily and bash her with a level 3 blast. If she happens to stop near you, take a few level 1 whacks at her. After all this is done, she will take Mesia and leave. /// F I N D I N G B R O K E N S T A T U E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When you defeat Sabera, a treasure chest is left behind. Inside: the broken statue. Exit back to Spirit town. ************************************************************************ * S P I R I T T O W N I I * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G E Y E G L A S S E S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go into the house in the center, and go down the stairs to me the lady's (from Joel) son. He will reward you a pair of magical eyeglasses for restoring the town back to normal. Go back to Joel! ************************************************************************ * J O E L I I * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G K E N S U / G L O W I N G L I G H T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ At the northwest corner of town, go into the small barn attached to the large house. Equip the eyeglasses to see the secret passage open. Follow the tunnel outside to the lighthouse. Show Kensu the love pendant and he will reward you the Glowing light. Use the golden light on the broken statue to recieve the golden statue. /// S T O P P I N G W H I R L P O O L S / F I N D I N G S W A N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Call the dolphin and hope on. Swim to the northwest of the ocean and you'll find a small altar/building. Place the golden statue there and all the whirlpools will stop. Head to the opening in the center north that will lead you past the water falls. Go right from here and enter the cave nearby. You are no in the town of Swan. ************************************************************************ * S W A N * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G C H A N G E S P E L L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go into the pub, inside you'll see a man sitting all by himself. People will tell you he seems strange. Use paralysis on him to reveal that it's Kensu. He asks you to find him again. Go to the dance house and use paralysis on the guy standing next to the wall in green. It is Kensu again! He will reward you the Change Spell. Now go to Amazon! /// F I N D I N G S H Y R O N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exit out of the east of the Swan, and transform into a soldier using the change spell. Talk to the guard and they will leave and the door will open. Go to the southwest of the next area to find the entrance to lava tunnels. Soon, you'll come across a shallow lava flow. You can use your level 2 water sword to create an ice bridge. Go across and through the passage. Follow the tunnels until you come to Shyron. Change into Stom or a Guard to get past the guards with no problem. ************************************************************************ * A M A Z O N I I * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G B O W O F M O O N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use the change spell to change into the woman character. As a woman, go to Amazon and everyone will be friendly to you. You can freely walk into the Queen's chamber. Give the Queen the Kirisa plant. As a reward for finding the plant: the bow of moon. ************************************************************************ * S H Y R O N * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G K E Y T O S T Y X ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go to the castle to the north of town to find Zebu. He will tell you that you must make your way to the top of Mt. Hydra, where the Cave and Styx and the Thunder Sword are located. He gives you the key to styx, so you can get past the gate at the top of Mt. Hydra. /// F I N D I N G C A V E O F S T Y X ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go out of Shyron and follow the path through the passage. Go back across the ice bridge you made before. This time, take the path going up and follow the path to the passage. At the fork, take the path to the west and enter the passage. Go across the bridge and when you come across another shallow lava river, use level 2 water sword to create an ice bridge. Follow the path even further and take a left when possible. Travel over the bridge and then up the stairs. Use the Key of Styx on the gath blocking the passage to enter the Cave of Styx. ************************************************************************ * C A V E O F S T Y X * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G S W O R D O F T H U N D E R ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go foward and take a right at the intersection and follow the path to a mini-boss. A few hits of the sword will allow you to proceed. In the next room, make a left and go all the way up from there. Go all the way to the right and then up to find a shallow spot where you can create an ice bridge. Follow the path to another shallow spot and create another ice bridge. Follow this path around a few twists and turns until you get a chance to make a right. Go through the passage in this corridor. In this next room, to the west you can go across a gap with a floating platform or use the barrier spell to go across the spikes in the center. Either way, all the way to the north is a treasure chest. Inside: the sword of thunder! Teleport back to Shyron. ************************************************************************ * S H Y R O N I I * ************************************************************************ /// M E E T I N G A Z T E C A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go over to the castle to see the four magicians and Azteca in the center waiting for you. He explains that the force is training and will be ready to attack soon, but you must find Mesia to destroy Dragonia. He tells you about the Goa Fortress. He also says Kensu is disguised as a guard in the town of Goa. /// F I N D I N G G O A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the large field outside of the entrance to Mt. Hydra, you'll find the entrance to Goa in the northeast corner. ************************************************************************ * G O A * ************************************************************************ /// M E E T I N G K E N S U ------------------------------------------------------------------------ At the north end of town, you'll find an exit leading to Goa Fortress. In front of this entrance is a guard standing still. Talk to him and he will reveal that he is Kensu in disguise. He'll also tell you that Dragonia's greatest warriors are in the fortress, including Karmine, Dragonia's best soldier. Enter Goa's Fortress. Use the barrier spell to get past the projectiles flying around and enter... wait! Zebu appears to you and tells you to get back to Shyron. They are under attack and need your help. Warp over to Shyron. ************************************************************************ * S H Y R O N I I I * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G T H E B O S S : M A D O ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You enter the town and dead bodies are lying around everywhere. Walk up the stairs towards the castle and talk to the man lying on the ground. He will tell of a lady in Goa that has his stuff. Now enter the castle and you will be standing face to face with Mado. /// B E A T I N G T H E B O S S : M A D O ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best Weapon: Water Sword Difficulty: 3/5 Level: Shyron Castle Mado is like many of the other bosses, except when he moves around he turns into a ball and bounces around the screen. You can use the level 3 water sword to him him when he is stationary or in balled up form. He also throws ninja-stars that swirve around and are hard to avoid. These go in two seperate sections. It's easier to hit him with level 3 water sword then getting close to him and taking whacks at him. After a few hits, Mado will be defeated. /// F I N D I N G B A L L O F T H U N D E R ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After defeating Mado, a treasure chest will be left behind. Inside: the ball of water. Now you can knock down metal walls that block your path. ************************************************************************ * G O A F O R T R E S S * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G T H E F I R S T B O S S : K E L B E S Q U E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter the fotress and use the barrier spell to get past the flying projectiles between statues. At the end, use the level 2 thunder sword blast to knock down the metal wall. Go through and enter the passage. This next area is extremely hard to navigate and I can't make any ASCII art so follow these directions carefully: Go foward and make a left. Walk past the stairs then go upward. Go up the stairs at the end of this path. You are now on the upper level. Go left then upward. Then make a right and go down to the lower level using the stairs. Go right, upward, then make a small right and go up the stairs to the second level. Go right then go up on the first upward path. Follow this path, you may run into a few dead ends but eventually you'll find a large platform and you will again go against General Kelbesque. /// B E A T I N G T H E F I R S T B O S S : K E L B E S Q U E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best Weapon: Wind Sword Difficulty: 2.5/5 Level: Goa Fortress The rematch with Kelbesque is pretty much the same as the first fight only this time his attacks are different. This time you can use the level 3 wind sword against him with him take more life then the level 2 did in the first fight. He moves quickly and shoots projectiles that move around that are easily avoided with D-pad skill. Keep the spell of refresh handy for when you bump into him :) /// F I N D I N G T H E S E C O N D B O S S : S A B E R A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After beating Kelbesque, exit through the passage behind the arena where you fought. Follow the path and go down on the first downward path. Follow the path past a shallow point in the water and keep going to another shallow point farther down the path. Use your level 2 water sword to create an ice bridge. Go across the bridge. Follow the path and ignore the path branching downward and keep going to another shallow point. Create another ice bridge. Follow the path past two more shallow points (don't go across them!) to a third shallow point. Create another ice bridge and follow the path. Then go up to where a metal wall is blocking your path. Use the level 2 thunder sword to knock it down. Enter through the next passage. In the next room you will meet again with Sabera. /// B E A T I N G T H E S E C O N D B O S S : S A B E R A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best Weapon: Fire Sword Difficulty: 3.5/5 Level: Goa Fortress After she threatens to destroy you, the fight begins. The fight is almost the same as last time. Basically, avoiding bumping into her or any of her projectiles (duh!) and hit her with as much fire power as you can. There are no tricks to beating this boss, so just whack the heck out of her. /// F I N D I N G T H E T H I R D B O S S : M A D O ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After kicking Sabera's butt, head out the door to the back. In the next room, go foward and make the first right possible. Use the barrier spell and go all the way up the spiked floor until you reach solid path. Follow the path to a passage. Follow the next path and use the platform to go across the gap. Go around the path and use the next platform to get over another gap. Enter the next passage. This room contains the arena where Mado is waiting for you. /// B E A T I N G T H E T H I R D B O S S : M A D O ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best Weapon: Water Sword Difficulty: 3/5 Level: Goa Fortress Once again, you meet with the boss that rolls around like he is a ball. His new attack is balls of plasma that are shot all around. They are easily avoided (even if you are standing still) and the biggest thing to worry about is bumping into him when he is rolling around. Level 3 water sword blast him a few times to finally destroy this annoying boss. /// F I N D I N G T H E F O U R T H B O S S : K A R M I N E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exit out the passage behind the arena after destroying Mado. In the next area, keep moving towards the right until you come to another passage. Follow the next path and go up across two bridges and follow the path to a passage. This takes you to a path below the bridges you just walked across. Follow the path and go up on the first upward path. Take a left and use the platforms to get across the two gaps. Follow the path across the gaps and go up on the first upward path into another passage. Follow the path to the spiked floor and used barrier spell to walk all the way up the spiked floor and into a passage that leads to Dragonia's finest soldier: Karmine. /// B E A T I N G T H E F O U R T H B O S S : K A R M I N E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best Weapon: Thunder Sword Difficulty: 4/5 Level: Goa Fortress Easiest way to hurt this guy is with level 2 thunder sword blast. He doesn't move around as much as other bosses do but he attacks more with projectiles and other pesky things. He can also turn you into a slime monster. Use a fruit of repun or the recover spell to turn back to normal. Stay to the side and charge your sword before advancing on him and releasing the energy blast. After hitting him a few times, Dragonia's greatest soldier will cease to exist. /// F I N D I N G S P E L L O F F L I G H T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After beating Karmine, a treasure chest will be left behind. Inside the treasure chest: Kensu's body. Go to the room behind the area and you'll find a blue slime sitting there. Use Kensu's body on the blue slime to save Kensu. He will reward you the spell of flight and tell you more about the pyramid. He will also tell you that you need to find the bow of sun. ************************************************************************ * M T . H Y D R A * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G B O W O F S U N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow the path going up, and don't turn left when you see a fork. Follow the path to a cave and enter. Follow this path to a wall and go left. Exit the cave and go right. Follow the path and go right at the fork. Go through the passage and go forward to a wall. Go right and then up the flight of stairs. Go forward some more to find another set of stairs to ascend. Keep going until you are blocked by a rock wall. Use the level two wind sword blast and go through the passage behind it. Exit the cave and then go left. You will eventually find a large precipice in the mountain. Use the spell of flight to get to the other side. Open the chest here to receive the bow of sun. ************************************************************************ * S A H A R A * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G S A H A R A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the large grass area outside of Goa, go through the passage to the southwest to find a desert area. Run past the bunnies playing in this area to reach the town of Sahara. /// F I N D I N G T H E P Y R A M I D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go east of the Sahara town and enter the... pyramid-like structure. ************************************************************************ * T H E P Y R A M I D * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G B O W O F T R U T H / B A S E M E N T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow the path forward to a passage. In the next room, go forward then go east to another passage. In the next area, start going down, passing two forks in the road. On the third fork, go west until you see the passage in the center of the room. Enter here and at the end of the room you'll come across... /// B E A T I N G T H E B O S S : D R A G O N I A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best Weapon: All Swords Difficulty: 4.5/5 Level: The Pyramid Before facing this guy, level up to level 15 if you are not already there. He moves erratically around the screen, and when he hits you it hurts. He also has a lightening attack. Keep barrier spell handy for when it gets hard to handle. At points, he will stand still. Whack at him with level 1 sword hits. He can take a beating but you should be able to beat him after a while. Make sure to use cure also. After you beat him you can go to the basement and you'll recieve the bow of truth. ************************************************************************ * P Y R A M I D B A S E M E N T * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G T H E F L Y I N G T O W E R ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This area is pretty straight forward. Keep going through the levels of the basement until you reach to large statues blocking your way to the next area. Use the Sun Bow on the right statue, and the Moon Bow on the left statue to proceed to the flying tower. ************************************************************************ * T H E F L Y I N G T O W E R * ************************************************************************ /// F I N D I N G T H E B O S S : D Y N A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here's a handy map I created since this level was so easy to navagate: BOSS * * * ******************** * * * * * * * ******** ******** * * * * * * * * * ******************** * * * * * ENTRANCE Just go to the part of the map that says 'boss.' /// B E A T I N G T H E B O S S : D Y N A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best Weapon: Water Sword Difficulty: 5/5 Level: The Flying Tower Woo this guy is hard. And it seems as if he never dies! This guy is near immortal! Ok, I'll stop scaring you now. In addition to the lasers and objects DYNA shoots at you, more round objects fly from the sides. You may resort to using barrier to help hold all of these projectiles off. Hit DYNA with any level bursts from the water sword, or even the fire sword. Make sure to equip some good armor and use cure when needed. Also, equip the warrior ring. After what seems like forever in hell, you'll hopefully beat this guy. After beating him, you recieve the Crystalis! But Wait!... It's not over. /// T H E F I N A L C O N F R O N T A T I O N ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You will now be in the damaged Flying Tower. There are doors all along the corridors, leading to different floors. Each doors has two pillars on either side of it. On each level, enter the door where the two pillars are damaged and you can see the circuitry inside. Keep doing this until you reach the top level and meet Dragonia! Best Weapon: Crystalis Difficulty: 5/5 Level: The Flying Tower When the fight begins, whip out the bow of truth and shoot it towards him. This will transform Dragonia into a form that you will be able to attack. He shoots bouncing objects and lasers that are almost impossible to evade. Use the barrier spell when neccessary. Shoot at him with the crystalis when the orange orb on his chest is open. A few good shots will put him where he belongs, and put you in your place as the hero of all the land! Congratulations! You have successfully beat Crystalis! ======================================================================== ======================================================================== 0004 B O S S G U I D E============================================== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== ************************************************************************ * B O S S # 1 V A M P I R E * ************************************************************************ Best Weapon: Wind Sword Difficulty: 1/5 Level: Sealed Caves This first boss of the game is fairly easy. The only way this guy can hard you is if you run into him or the bats that he releases hit. Every few seconds he teleports to a different spot. And, when you hit him a few times his teleportation becomes quicker. Don't worry about the two bats he releases, the are pratically harmless. Destroying the bats will just cause the vampire to release two more. Hit him with your sword or charge it up and aim well. When you have defeated him a chest will appear in the center of the room. ************************************************************************ * B O S S # 2 G I A N T I N S E C T * ************************************************************************ Best Weapon: Fire Sword Difficulty: 0.5/5 Level: Oak Swamp This guy is really easy. He'll be flying above you, so all you can do is hit him with a charge fire bolt. Every few seconds, he will stop and shoot a series of fireballs. You must hit him around his facial area. Standing stationary until he comes close then releasing your bolt is very effective. Just move before he shoots. And standing in a corner while he moves toward you will allow you to get more than one shot in at him. Shoot him a few times and he will be destroyed. Your reward: The ball of fire. ************************************************************************ * B O S S # 3 G E N E R A L K E L B E S Q U E * ************************************************************************ Best Weapon: Wind Sword Difficulty: 4/5 Level: Mt. Sabre North This guy is hard. He moves very quickly, and your level 3 wind sword with your character at level 7 is what you should go into the fight as. Before you enter the fight, charge your sword up to level 3 and release when the dialouge is gone for a free hit. His attack's include an ice drop and some sort of shockwaves that blast in both directions. Make sure he doesn't run into you, a lot of life will be taken away. Keep a lot of magic on hand for the Refresh spell. Hit him as many times as you can with the level 3 wind sword until you blows up and dies. ************************************************************************ * B O S S # 4 S A B E R A * ************************************************************************ Best Weapon: Fire Sword Difficulty: 3/5 Level: Sabera's Castle This boss, unlike the vampire, moves around the screen quickly instead of teleporting, making it more dangerous for you trying to avoid her. When she stops, she will let out a set of projectiles. First, she will throw one to the side, followed by projectiles flying around at different angles around her until they made a 45 degree turn. Confusing? I know. Charge up your sword in the corner when she is shooting crazily and bash her with a level 3 blast. If she happens to stop near you, take a few level 1 whacks at her. After all this is done, she will take Mesia and leave. ************************************************************************ * B O S S # 5 M A D O * ************************************************************************ Best Weapon: Water Sword Difficulty: 3/5 Level: Shyron Castle Mado is like many of the other bosses, except when he moves around he turns into a ball and bounces around the screen. You can use the level 3 water sword to him him when he is stationary or in balled up form. He also throws ninja-stars that swirve around and are hard to avoid. These go in two seperate sections. It's easier to hit him with level 3 water sword then getting close to him and taking whacks at him. After a few hits, Mado will be defeated. ************************************************************************ * B O S S # 6 G E N E R A L K E L B E S Q U E I I * ************************************************************************ Best Weapon: Wind Sword Difficulty: 2.5/5 Level: Goa Fortress The rematch with Kelbesque is pretty much the same as the first fight only this time his attacks are different. This time you can use the level 3 wind sword against him with him take more life then the level 2 did in the first fight. He moves quickly and shoots projectiles that move around that are easily avoided with D-pad skill. Keep the spell of refresh handy for when you bump into him :) ************************************************************************ * B O S S # 7 S A B E R A I I * ************************************************************************ Best Weapon: Fire Sword Difficulty: 3.5/5 Level: Goa Fortress After she threatens to destroy you, the fight begins. The fight is almost the same as last time. Basically, avoiding bumping into her or any of her projectiles (duh!) and hit her with as much fire power as you can. There are no tricks to beating this boss, so just whack the heck out of her. ************************************************************************ * B O S S # 8 M A D O I I * ************************************************************************ Best Weapon: Water Sword Difficulty: 3/5 Level: Goa Fortress Once again, you meet with the boss that rolls around like he is a ball. His new attack is balls of plasma that are shot all around. They are easily avoided (even if you are standing still) and the biggest thing to worry about is bumping into him when he is rolling around. Level 3 water sword blast him a few times to finally destroy this annoying boss. ************************************************************************ * B O S S # 9 K A R M I N E * ************************************************************************ Best Weapon: Thunder Sword Difficulty: 4/5 Level: Goa Fortress Easiest way to hurt this guy is with level 2 thunder sword blast. He doesn't move around as much as other bosses do but he attacks more with projectiles and other pesky things. He can also turn you into a slime monster. Use a fruit of repun or the recover spell to turn back to normal. Stay to the side and charge your sword before advancing on him and releasing the energy blast. After hitting him a few times, Dragonia's greatest soldier will cease to exist. ************************************************************************ * B O S S # 1 0 D R A G O N I A * ************************************************************************ Best Weapon: All Swords Difficulty: 4.5/5 Level: The Pyramid Before facing this guy, level up to level 15 if you are not already there. He moves erratically around the screen, and when he hits you it hurts. He also has a lightening attack. Keep barrier spell handy for when it gets hard to handle. At points, he will stand still. Whack at him with level 1 sword hits. He can take a beating but you should be able to beat him after a while. Make sure to use cure also. After you beat him you can go to the basement and you'll recieve the bow of truth. ************************************************************************ * B O S S # 1 1 D Y N A * ************************************************************************ Best Weapon: Water Sword Difficulty: 5/5 Level: The Flying Tower Woo this guy is hard. And it seems as if he never dies! This guy is near immortal! Ok, I'll stop scaring you now. In addition to the lasers and objects DYNA shoots at you, more round objects fly from the sides. You may resort to using barrier to help hold all of these projectiles off. Hit DYNA with any level bursts from the water sword, or even the fire sword. Make sure to equip some good armor and use cure when needed. Also, equip the warrior ring. After what seems like forever in hell, you'll hopefully beat this guy. After beating him, you recieve the Crystalis! ************************************************************************ * F I N A L B O S S D R A G O N I A * ************************************************************************ Best Weapon: Crystalis Difficulty: 5/5 Level: The Flying Tower When the fight begins, whip out the bow of truth and shoot it towards him. This will transform Dragonia into a form that you will be able to attack. He shoots bouncing objects and lasers that are almost impossible to evade. Use the barrier spell when neccessary. Shoot at him with the crystalis when the orange orb on his chest is open. A few good shots will put him where he belongs, and put you in your place as the hero of all the land! ======================================================================== ======================================================================== 0005 I T E M S / W E A P O N S L I S T========================== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== /// T H E F O U R S W O R D S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ __The Wind Sword________________________________________________________ Location: The Town of Leaf Accessories: The Ball of Wind / Increases sword level to two. Creates energy blast capable of destroying weak rock walls. The Wind Bracelet / Increases sword level to three. Allow you to shoot a small powerful hurricane when charged. __The Fire Sword________________________________________________________ Location: Oak The Ball of Fire / Increases sword level to two. Creates energy blast capable of melting thin ice walls. The Fire Bracelet / Increases sword to level three. Creates a strong blast of energy, able to take down some of the biggest bad guys. __The Water Sword_______________________________________________________ Location: Waterfall Cave The Ball of Water / Increases sword level to two. Creates energy blast capable or creating ice paths across shallow water. The Water Bracelet / Increases sword level to three. Creates four strong ice balls that swing around the character then shoot off in different dirctions. __The Thunder Sword_____________________________________________________ Location: Cave of Styx The Ball of Thunder / Increases sword level to two. Creates energy blast capable of creating of destroying large metal walls blocking your path. The Thunder Bracelet / Increases sword level to three. Creates and thunder storm all around the screen that lasts for a few seconds. /// E X P E R I E N C E / L E V E L C H A R T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL EXPERIENCE LIFE MAGIC ATTACK DEFENSE 01 0 48 34 01 01 02 30 64 34 02 02 03 60 80 51 03 03 04 150 96 68 04 04 05 300 112 85 05 05 06 700 128 102 06 06 07 1200 144 119 07 07 08 1600 160 136 08 08 09 3500 176 153 09 09 10 5800 192 170 10 10 11 8000 208 187 11 11 12 10000 224 204 12 12 13 20000 240 221 13 13 14 30000 255 238 14 14 15 40000 255 255 15 15 16 50000 255 255 16 16 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== 0006 F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S============== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Q1: How can I send questions that appear here? A1: E-mail me at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ O2: Yikes! I am about to fight DYNA but can't find Mesia to give me the crystalis. A2: If you would've looked in my walkthrough, you would've noticed that you beat DYNA first then get the Crystalis, unlike some other crappy guides might inform you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q3: Where is [insert sword name here]? A3: I wrote a walkthrough for this. Also, see section 0005 for in-depth info about the swords. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q4: How do I take the stone spell off the Queen and her servant in the waterfall cave? A4: First, find out the secret of the Queen by bothering the Queen then the fortune teller a few times until you find out they are the same person. She'll give you the flute of lime. Use this on the Queen to get her out of the way of the passage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q5: I keep reading your directions over and over... I still can't find the way to [insert name of place here]. Help please! A5: Go to the Crystalis GBC section of (where you found this guide, hopefully) and use the helpful in-depth map guide located there. I would try to draw my own maps but my ASCII art stinks on ice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q6: What do I use the glowing light that I got from Kensu in the lighthouse for? A6: When you get the broken statue, you can use the golden light to fix it up and make it the golden statue, needed to stop the whirlpools in the ocean. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q7: I keep playing the shell flute near the water in Portoa but the dolphin doesn't come! A7: The water near Portoa is not the ocean. After taking the boatride from Portoa, you'll see the dark blue water, which is the ocean. The dolphin will come when you call him with the shell flute from here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q8: How do I get past the two lion statues in the beginning of the Pyramid Basement? A8: Shoot the lion with the "sun symbol" above it with the bow of sun. Then, shoot the lion with the "moon symbol" above it with the bow of moon. Voila! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q9: Why did it take you so long to finish this guide? A9: In the process of writing this, my gameboy went haywire and broke on me. So, I had to send $7 over to germany to use this emulator after I downloaded the Crystalis rom so I can finish the guide without waiting for my gameboy to be fixed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q10: I keep attacking the final boss, but nothing happens, is he immortal!? A10: No, you must first hit him with the bow of truth to reveal his true form before you can attack him. Once you've done this, hit him when the orange orb on his chest is open. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q11: You are cool, dude! A11: I know. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== 0007 C R Y S T A L I S C H E A T S / E T C .==================== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== /// G A M E G E N I E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VVOGUOSE Start with some gold VEOGUOSE Start with $65,280 VVZGXOSE Start new game with the Sword of Wind VVZGSOSE Start new game with the Tanned Hide VVZKEOSE Start new game with the Carapace Shield VVZKUOSE Start new game with the spell Refresh VESGUOSE Start new game with 255 magic points VVAGNOSE Need 286 exp. for Level 2 VVAGXOSE Only need one exp. for Level 2 SXNOVXSE Magic doesn't use up M.P. AASVVNYA Immune to poison AEKTSNYA Immune to paralysis NYVSPZGV First pupil gives you more gold TEOTVYGA Stronger poison ZEOTVYGA Weaker poison SZUOIVSE+ SZKPLVSE Don't get charged for boarding at Inn SXVPUOSE+ SXVOOOSE Don't get charged for items in shops /// G A M E S H A R K ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: You must have GameShark Version 2.1 or higher to have these codes work. Infinite HP 01FFC8C2 Max HP 01FFC7C2 Infinite MP 01FFCAC2 Max MP 01FFC9C2 Infinite Gold 01FFECC2 + 01FFEDC2 Max Attack 0163CCC2 Max Defense Armor 0163CEC2 Max Defense Shield 0163D0C2 Max Level 0110D9C2 Quick Exp 01FFDAC2 Have All Swords 01FFDCC2 Have All Armors 01FFDDC2 Have All Shields 01FFDEC2 Have All Powers 01FFDFC2 Have All Magics 01FFE0C2 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== 0008 L E G A L D I S C L A I M E R================================== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== This Version of the Legal Disclaimer was last updated on 5/30/2001. The latest version of this disclaimer can always be found at This document is protected under United States and International Copyright Laws. Unauthorized electronic or printed duplication for anything other then private use is not permitted without written consent of the author of this guide, Jason Gomer (AKA flowerpot). Copyright © 2000-2001 Jason Gomer All Rights Reserved. If you wish to seek permission to use this guide or any other publications by flowerpot, consider the following rules of duplication before asking for permission. • Complete and full credit is given to flowerpot. • The entire document remains unedited in any way, shape, or form. The guide can not be duplicated in HTML format. • The newest version of the guide must be posted at all times. I will not e-mail/send you the newest version every time I make an update, it is your responsibility to keep it updated by checking for new versions at the sites listed below this list. • The document cannot be used to make any profit whatsoever. This means no pop-ups on the .txt file and even ads on the page linking to the documents (Except GameFAQs, FBGames, or advertisements that are mandatory by free domain providers such as GeoCities Pop-ups). • I must be notified via e-mail if you ever decide to remove the guide. The sites with that will always have the most recent version of this guide and all FAQ publications written by flowerpot: • GameFAQs • Fresh Baked Games • flowerpot's personal homepage / FAQ Archive If you are reading this and it is still incomplete, make sure to check the above sites to make sure you are reading the most recent version of the guide. If you find an outdated version of this guide on another website, please e-mail me with the URL and name of the site. Copyright © 2000-2001 Jason Gomer All Rights Reserved. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== 0009 E N D============================================================ ======================================================================== ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C R E D I T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Xenocide I used his "Story" section in my guide • Wingchild For his experience chart from his Crystalis NES Guide • Jeff Thompson I used his boss guide for information on Dragonia 1 • CJayC For making the best website ever! • NO$GMB Even though I paid $7 for this emulator, it allowed me to finish the game instead of buying a new GBC to replace my broken one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ E N D N O T E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As always, you can send questions, comments, contructive criticism, deconstructive criticism, rants, glowsticks, earphones, little sisters, retainers, green handballs, old copies of THE NEW YORK TIMES, recycled paper, NES controllers, and anything else to Remember kids, no printing out the entire guide then stuffing it in your mouth and choking just to sue me :) Until I am needed to save the gaming society once again, this is JASON GOMER, signing off. this has been a helpful guide by FLOWERPOT © 2000-2001