--------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | | ----- | | | | / \ | | | | / -- ---- -- -- --- ----- /\ - ----- --- | | | | | | \ \ / / | / \ | | / | | | | \ -- |---/ | \---\ | |----| | | \---\ | | | | \ / | \ | / | | | | | / | | | | ----- - -- - --- - - - ----- ----- --- | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- F O R T H E 8 - B I T N I N T E N D O V e r s i o n 2 . 0 M a d e B y S t a r F i g h t e r s 7 6 Welcome all to my walkthrough on a game that has been known as a classic for it's time. That game is called Crystalis. I hope this walkthrough helps out as much as possible. Below is nothing but spoilers on the game, so if you don't want to be spoiled, please take a detour and hit the Back button now. However if you want to be spoiled or need some help, please scroll down as far as you need to. Consider this as your Spoiler Warning! ----------------- |TABLE OF CONTENTS| ----------------- SECTION 1: Intro A: Version Guide B: The Story Of Crystalis C: What Is Crstalis D: About This Walkthrough E: Control Configuration F: Status Screen SECTION 2: Walkthrough A: Before The Walkthrough B: The Town Of Leaf/Windmill Cave (Sword of Wind, Ball Of Wind, Meeting Zebu) C: The Town Of Brynmaer/The Town Of Oak (Meeting Akahana, The Gas Mask, Meeting Stom and Tornel, Sword and Ball Of Fire) D: Mt. Sabre Southwest/The Tornado Bracelet (Tornel Again, Tornado Bracelet) E: Mt. Sabre Northeast/General Kelbesque (Nadare's Inn, Flame Bracelet) F: The Town Of Portoa/Waterfall Valley (Meeting Asina and the Dolphin, Sword Of Water, Ball Of Water, Fog Lamp, Kirisa Plant) G: The Town Of Amazones/The Town Of Joel (Blizzard Bracelet, Love Pendant, Stom Again) H: Angry Seas/The Evil Spirit Island (Meeting Clark) I: Sabera's Castle/Sabera (Broken Statue, Eye Glasses) J: The Town Of Swan/The Town Of Shyron (Statue Of Gold, Bow Of Sun, Sword and Ball Of Thunder, Meeting Azteca) K: Goa Fortress/The Finest Four (Storm Bracelet, Sacred Sheild) L: Oasis Dessert/The Town Of Sahara (The Bow Of Sun, The Psycho Sheild) M: The Great Pyramid/Pyramid Basement (The Bow Of Truth, Meeting Draygon, Psycho Armor, Power Ring) N: The Floating Tower/The Final Battle (Sword Of Crystalis, Meeting DYNA) SECTION 3: The Goodies A: Swords B: Sheilds C: Armors D: Accessories E: Magic Spells F: Items G: Game Story Items SECTION 4: Important Stuff A: Level-Ups B: Buy/Sell C: Inns SECTION 5: The Baddies A: Enemies B: Bosses C: Enemy Attacks SECTION 6: A: Secret Warping B: Tips & Codes C: What's To Come D: Special Thanks E: The Disclaimer ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- SECTION 1: |INTRO| ----- ------------- A: |Version Guide| ------------- Version 1.0: Just finished making the walkthrough for the game, and submitted it to GameFAQS (09/05/02) Version 2.0: Decided to update this FAQs with a new Disclaimer section. Also wanted to include an easier way to defeat Mado (the first time you fight him), as well as other odds and ends. (06/20/04) ---------------------- B: |The Story Of Crystalis| ---------------------- According to the demo screen on the game, this is the story behind Crystalis: "1997, October 1, The END DAY. Savage wars engulfed the world. Civilization is destroyed. An evolution had taken place. The Earth's axis shifted and all the creatures became mutated. Life would never be the same. Those surviving vowed not to repeat their mistakes of the past and erected a great tower in the sky to oppress evil forever." Now for my version of the game. You're a young scientist that was from the future. You came back to the past, because it was destined for you to save the world from the evil forces of Draygonia. And what makes it worse, you're not given a name. You are to go through many different areas, as you make your way around the world, collecting the 4 magical swords: Sword Of Wind, Sword Of Fire, Sword Of Water and Sword Of Thunder. Thus getting these 4 powerful swords, will you be able to combined them to form the legendary Sword Of Crystalis. You'll meet interesting characters and fight many monsters, as part of your mission. But will our young warrior be able to save the world, only you will know that answer, as you play one of the finest RPG games of the late 80's, Crystalis. ----------------- C: |What Is Crystalis| ----------------- Crystalis is an adventure/RPG. Basically, you go around killing monsters and exploring new areas, which makes up the adventure part. But Crystalis also has RPG like quailties such as build experience and money, buy and sell armor and sheilds and what have you. When you kill monsters, you will gain Experience Points (EP). The more EP you gain, your stats will increase in level up. You also earn money, which will allow you to buy armor and items, that will help you along your quest. You will have access to 4 powerful swords, which you can increase their fire power with certain items you pick up for them. You will also be taught 8 magic spells, which is more like healing and defensive spells. You'll meet interesting people, who will help you along the way, and explore new towns, which leads to new areas. This is a fun game, that hopefully will become a personal favorite. ---------------------- D: |About This Walkthrough| ---------------------- As I will probably mention at the end of the guide, this is the first longest walkthrough I've made. Several times throughout the walkthrough I will probably repeat myself. A few times would possibly be necessary, such as a Boss guide, as well as a few other things. Sometimes I do this without even realizing it, and sometimes I do it to make it easier for people to find what they are looking for on this walkthrough. This guide, like others, is described on how I played/beat the game. You have your methods as do I. This is just my way of doing it. I hope this helps out in anyways possible. --------------------- E: |Control Configuration| --------------------- ------------------------------------------ | - | | | | | | - - ------ ----- --- --- | | |D-PAD| |SELECT| |START| | B | | A | | | - - ------ ----- --- --- | | | | | | - | ------------------------------------------ D-Pad: Moves your character Up, Down, Right or Left. It also enables you to move between screens. SELECT: Activates your Weapons/Defense Screen and your Item Screen. START: Brings up your Status Screen B BUTTON: Use Sword and/or Items A BUTTON: Use Magic or Jump (equip Rabbit Boots) ------------- F: |Status Screen| ------------- I've made this screen, because it will help explain stuff later on down the line. To access it, hit the START Button. --------------------------------------- | --- | | 1. |SNK| 2. CONDITION | | --- NORMAL | | | | | | 3. LV: 1 5. ATTACK: 01 | | 4. LIFE: 048-048 6. DEFENSE: 01-01 | | | | 7. A BUTTON: | | 8. B BUTTON: | | 9. ARMOR: | | 10. SHEILD: | --------------------------------------- 1. SNK: This is suppose to be a picture of your character. As you can tell, it's not lol. 2. CONDITION: This tells you what your current condition is. See "Enemy Attacks" of Section 5 for more info. 3. LV: This shows what your current Level is. You can max out your levels at Level 16. 4. LIFE: This shows what your current HP is. You start off with 48 HP but max out with 255 HP. 5. ATTACK: This shows what your current attacking power is. It's based off of the sword you are using plus your current level. 6. DEFENSE: This shows what your current defense is. Defense is based off two types, Sheild Defense and Armor Defense. Sheild Defense is based off of your current level plus the sheild you are holding. Armor Defense is based off of your current level plus the armor you are wearing. The Armor Defense is shown on the left, and the Sheild Defense is shown on the right. 7. 'A' BUTTON: This shows what you're using on your 'A' Button. 8. 'B' BUTTON: This shows what you're using on your 'B' Button. 9. ARMOR: This shows what armor you're currently wearing. 10. SHEILD: This shows what sheild you're currently holding. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- SECTION 2: |WALKTHROUGH| ----------- ---------------------- A: |Before The Walkthrough| ---------------------- This is going to be huge, so paying attention is a very good idea. I will try to describe this walkthrough the best I can. There are a few things I will need to point out. 1. When I say follow a path to the end, I mean it. Basically follow whatever path, turning every single corner along the way, until you can't go any further. 2. If I mention anything about "white dots in the river" or something along those lines, that means use your Sword Of Water Level 2 Blast to create an ice bridge. However I do not know the technical name for this, but I'm sure you'll get the idea. :-) 3. I will not say what items to get (such as Medical Herb, Antidote, etc), that is up to you to decide whether to get them or not. Not to brag but I only used items that I find along the way in the chests. The only time I really bought any items (which I will mention) is the Alarm Flute, Fruit Of Repun and probably the Magic Ring. So with this out of the way, let our adventure begin! ------------------------------ B: |The Town Of Leaf/Windmill Cave| ------------------------------ T O W N O F L E A F ITEMS: Sword Of Wind, $100, Tanned Hide Your adventure begins here. You're in a cryogenic tube like area, where you were transported at from the future. Once you have control, leave the cave. After doing so, an explosion takes place and a hole appears where you're standing at. A man noticing what happens freaks, out and runs into town. Follow him, and you'll be in the Town Of Leaf. Walk around town, and talk to various of people. They talk about the town and the monsters that lurk about in the field and caves. Go to the house in the upper-right section of town, and talk to the guy in there. After which he will give you $100. Now with that money, go down to the Armor/Sheild Shop, and purchase the Tanned Hide for $100. Now head to the upper left house (not the shed mind you) and talk with the elder there. He will talk to you about the evil that is happening, and give you the Sword Of Wind. With your first sword, go up to Wind Valley, and begin your first fight. W I N D V A L L E Y ITEMS: Alarm Flute, Carapace Sheild, Windmill Key, Refresh Spell This is where your first battle takes place. Run around killing the Brown Tigers and Blue Slimes to gain EP and money. Fight as many as these characters until you have $130 total, so that you can buy the Alarm Flute and Carapace Sheild in Leaf. Amongst all the fighting though, please take note of a cave that is west of the entrance. To get there, just go north until you come across the mountains, then head west till you come across a cave. Enter the cave and follow the path till you come across the end. You'll meet Zebu, who will tell you that the Windmill isn't working. He also says that if you can get the Windmill to work, he will teach you the magic of Refresh. After talking to Zebu, head back to Wind Valley. Hopefully you should have enough money to get the items I mentioned above. If not, well work on it. Go to Leaf and purchase the Alarm Flute from the Item Shop, and then buy the Carapace Sheild from the Armor/Sheild Shop, then head back to the Wind Valley yet again. Fight your way till you come across the upper section of this area. There is 2 paths to take. For now take the one on the right. It will lead you across a bridge, and a cave entrance. Enter the cave. When you enter this cave, follow the path upwards, then left, until you come across a 3-way intersection. Take the path heading north, and follow it all the way to the end. Here you see a guy sleeping on the job. Use your Alarm Flute to wake him up. He will tell you not to tell Zebu he was sleeping, in exchange he will give you the Windmill Key. Now with the Windmill Key, go back to the 3-way intersection, and this time head west, then follow that path till you leave the cave. Once you leave the cave, head next door to the Windmill, and then use the Windmill Key to start up the Windmill. Now when you leave, you'll notice an explosion, and then an opening in the cave to the left. But don't go there quite yet, instead head back to the cave where Zebu is. Talk to him, and he will now teach you the magic of Refresh. Leave here and head back to Wind Valley. Now that you are full suited up with armor, head back to the recently new cave the Windmill cause to open. Before heading here, make sure you have rested at the Inn in Leaf to refill your HP/MP, then save. W I N D M I L L C A V E ITEMS: Warp Boots, Ball Of Wind, 2 Medical Herbs, Antidote Now you are in the Windmill Cave. Upon entering, head up and around the corner. Make sure you kill off the Green Slugs along the way, and head into the door at the other end. In here, go through here killing the Green Slugs, and make your way to the other side of this path. Go through the door that is at the end. In this new room, head past the 3-way intersection, until you come to the end, killing anything that's in your way. You'll notice a door on the northside and southside. Go to the northside door first. This should be simple. When entering, head upwards, kill the Brown Gorgon, and get the Warp Boots from the treasure chest. Now head back to the previous room. Once there, head towards the right to the last door on the corner. Upon entering here, follow the path till you come across a 4 way intersection. From here, go south first, and follow that path, to a treasure chest which will have a Medical Herb in it. Make sure you kill the Small Blue Bat as well, because this thing will get annoying! Now back up to the 4 way intersection, and this time head east, until you come across a 3 way intersection. From the 3 way intersection, head south. Keep following this path, until you get to another treasure chest, which holds the Ball Of Wind in it. Now go back northwards, past the 3 way intersection, killing any monsters along the way. After doing this, you'll come across a gray wall. Equip your Ball Of Wind, then blast away the wall. Doing this will let you get an Antidote out of the treasure chest. Now that you found all the items in this area, head back to the previous room before here. Once you return here, head down the path to that 3 way intersection you passed up earlier. Head north, and blast away the wall with a Level 2 Wind blast. Watch out for the Green Serpent that resides behind the wall. Now you should be at another 3-way intersection. Head west, to a doorway, then enter it. This room is a short area. Simple enough, kill the Red Slimes, and then get the Medical Herb that's in the treasure chest, and head back. Once back, head across the 3 way intersection to the other side. If you're at Level 4 continue onwards into the door. Then follow the pathway till you get to a big room. In here will be your first boss of the game, simply known as Big Bat. B O S S # 0 1 : B I G B A T SUGGESTED LEVEL: 4 SWORD: Wind ACCESORY: None ITEM REWARDED: Rabbit Boots If you have taken the advice I have said before hand this should be fairly easy. Just keep shooting the boss with Level 2 blasts, and he should be dead. Be careful on two things: 1) He can be very fast as you hit him more, and 2) he will have 3 Small Blue Bats helping him, who of course will annoy you. Once you kill him, he will explode, and leave behind a Treasure Chest. What's in it? Rabbit Boots! These will allow you to jump. With these head upwards to the next room. Nothing to worry about here. Just follow the path as is. Use Level 2 Wind Blast to destroy the wall, and head out of the cave. Now you are in Cordel Feild. Go to town (which is on the left) and refill your HP/MP and save. ------------------------------------ C: |The Town Of Brynmaer/The Town Of Oak| ------------------------------------ T O W N O F B R Y N M A E R ITEMS: None After defeating the Big Bat in the Windmill Cave, you're now in Cordel Field. From the cave, head directly south of your current position and then west, until you see an opening. This opening leads to the Town Of Brynmaer. Go to the Inn to recover lost HP/MP and save. Don't worry it'll cost about $20 to stay. Now, go talk to Akahana (the guy who is standing at the entrance of town). He'll tell you he lost his statue (Statue Of Onyx) somewheres in Cordel Field, and ask if you go find it for him. Now go into Cordel Field to rack up on money as well as find the Statue Of Onyx. C O R D E L F I E L D ITEMS: Onyx Statue, Gas Mask, Leather Armor, Bronze Sheild Now you're in Cordel Feild, looking for the Onyx Statue. To find it, from the entrance, go east till you get to the river, then north and around the posion swamp. From the poison swamp go east again till you come across a bridge. Cross the bridge and head west into the thick grass, which there you will find the Onyx Statue. Amongst all that, fight as many monsters as it takes, to get $360 to get the Leather Armor and Bronze Sheild. Now head back to Brynmaer. Equip the Statue Of Onyx and give it to Akahana, and he will reward you with the Gas Mask. After Akahana leaves, use the Inn and save if needed, and talk to others. They will talk about a town with strange people in it, who don't like humans. But where is it? The town you are looking for now is called Oak, which lies in the Forest Maze. To get there, go to the same bridge you crossed before. After crossing the bridge this time, and east, then (equip your Rabbit Boots) past the poison swamp. From the poison swamp go east past 2 sets of trees, then a few steps further. There should be an entry way leading to the east. This goes to the Forest Maze. F O R E S T M A Z E/T O W N O F O A K ITEMS: None Equip your Gas Mask immediately, or else you're screwed. Now for a moment, let's pretend that the forest maze is just a small town (in the real world) made up of a few streets. With this in mind, from the entrance, go east 2 blocks pointing north, then north straight to the top, until you see an opening. This will lead you to the Town Of Oak. Upon entering this town, you'll notice some weird looking people scattered about. But when you talk to them they don't seem to say much. So what good is this town? Read on and you'll see. After running around this town, leave Oak as well as the Poison Forest Maze, and head back to Cordel Feild. T O R N E L ' S H O U S E ITEMS: Telepathy Spell Head back to the same bridge you used to get where you are now. Now this time head north of the bridge, and across a rock bridge. Once doing so, you'll see a house. Go inside and you'll see Tornel. He will teach you the magic of Telepathy, but you have to challenge his pupil Stom. It be best to be at Level 5 or 6 when challenging him. All you have to do is slash at him till you pin him against the wall. Doing so you will learn Telepathy, which will come in handy in this game. Tornel will tell you to find the Tornado Bracelet and that he will meet you at the top of Mt. Sabre. Leave here, and head back to the Oak. F O R E S T M A Z E/T O W N O F O A K (REVISITED) ITEMS: Sword Of Fire, Insect Flute After getting Telepathy and the Gas Mask, you should be ready for a final go-round with the Forest Maze. Now assuming you're in the forest, head back to Oak. There your Telepathy spell should automatically be working on the civilians. It seems that people of this town despise humans and don't want you around. If you go into the house in the southwest corner of the town (closest to the entrance), you'll see an upset mother who she said her child took off into the forest. So you must find the lost kid. From Oak, go straight down the path, the head east 1 block, and at the 4-way intersection, go south and around the corner. The scared little kid will be there waiting. Head back up to Oak. Once you get to Oak, follow the kid to the same house as before. The mother will tell you how greatful she is and tell you of a monster deep in the forest, that's been terrorizing the people of Oak. She'll give you the Insect Flute to help rid of this monster. Leave this house, then go to the house all the way to the north. I assume that's the elder of the village. Talk to him/her (I think?) and after learning of your heroic efforts, will give you the Sword Of Fire, to use against this monster. If you talk to the people, they shall tell you as well about this monster. Now recover lost HP/MP at the Inn and Save. So with your new powerful sword, go back out into Cordel Feild, and rack up on some more experience and money. Not only will you have to face the Brown Axe Hogs, but Blue Shroom and Big Blue Slimes as well. Using your Sword Of Fire, kill what it takes to get to Level 6, then head back into the Poison Forest Maze. From the entrance, go 3 blocks on the northside, the go north 1 block and then go east, and follow that path all the way around the corner and to the end of the path. Nothing appears to be there, but wait! Use your Incest Flute, and the monster will appear. B O S S # 0 2 : G I A N T B E E T L E SUGGESTED LEVEL: 6 SWORD: Fire ACCESSORY: None ITEM REWARDED: Ball Of Fire Now you should be at Level 6. With that, it is time to fight the monster. This monster is simply known as Giant Beetle. A little tougher than the first monster, but once you get the hang of it, it should be easy. Use your Sword Of Fire on this thing. It moves back and forth, and once it's stop it spits acid. Be careful not to let it touch you because it will hurt. After the big bug is done, you'll have a split second to attack, so it's best to charge your sword to Level 1 while it's spitting. After that blast it when it's taking a break, before it moves around or spits at you again. Simple? Well be careful, a green fly will get in your way, so be ready! Beat the Giant Beetle, and you'll receive the Ball Of Fire. Now head back to Oak and save! ---------------------------------------- D: |Mt. Sabre Southwest/The Tornado Bracelet| ---------------------------------------- T O W N O F B R Y N M A E R/C O R D E L F I E L D (REVISITED) ITEMS: None After saving in Oak, go back to Brynmaer again, and save there. After this, your next mission will lie in the southwest corner of Cordel Feild, also known as Mt. Sabre! Now a little bit of info about this area first. There are two different Mt. Sabre's in the game (both in Cordel Feild). There's the southwest (SW) area and the northeast (NE) area (which is near the Forest Maze). This first area you are going to will be the southwest portion of Mt. Sabre. To get there from Brynmaer, go east till you get to the river, then from the river, go south until you can't go no further. Once there head west, but stay along the south side of Cordel Feild. You should come across an opening in the lower-left corner. Go there and you will be in Mt. Sabre SW. M T . S A B R E S O U T H W E S T ITEMS: None First thing I should say about this place, is that it's a very good place to rack up on Experience Points as well as money, I'd say level up a notch or two if you like. Now from the entrance, follow the path until you come across a 3-way intersection. Watch out for the Ice Zombie's that will come out of the ground at a moments notice. From the 3-way intersection, go east until you come across a door and enter it. Once inside, make your way through this cave, killing all the Red Snakes and Green Spinys. Once on the other side, there will be another doorway. Go in it, and you'll be in the cave where you met Zebu (at the beginning of the game). Follow the path around and use a Level 2 Fire Blast to destroy the wall, and there is Zebu. T O W N O F L E A F (REVISITED) ITEMS: None Talk with Zebu, and he will say there is trouble in Leaf. So now you must go to Leaf. Follow this cave to Wind Valley as you did before, then go through Wind Valley back to Leaf. Once there you'll notice the whole town is deserted. That is until you go into the shed (next to the house you got the Sword Of Wind in). The little creature says that some evil people took everyone in Leaf away. But where are they? That will be covered soon enough. Now head back to Mt. Sabre S.W. M T . S A B R E S . W . (REVISITED) ITEMS: Tornado Bracelet Make sure you are at the entrance of the first cave you entered. From here, go west, past the 3-way intersection. Also go the second ice patch facing north. Equip your Rabbit Boots, and jump upwards to the path above the ice patch. This is a bit tricky, but not too hard to do. Once on the path, follow it east, across the bridge and into the cave opening. From the entrance of this cave, go north. Kill the Green Spinys that are there, and use a Level 2 Fire Blast on the wall, then continue to the 3-way intersection. Now at this point, it don't matter which way you go, because both directions will lead you to the same spot. But either way get to the other side of this area, killing off the serpents, spinys and spiders thats along the way. Once at the top, there should be another wall you can blow away. Use Level 2 Fire Blast again on the wall then head up the path and around the corner. There should be a chest there, and in it, the Tornado Braclet. Now with this, head back to Mt. Sabre. You should be at the entrance of this cave. From here go back to the ice patch you jumped up before entering the cave. Slide down the ice patch, then head west and around the circle. Follow the path, killing the Ice Zombies along the way. You'll come across another cave entrance, which you'll enter. T H E C A V E S O F M T . S A B R E S . W . ITEMS: Warp Boots, Medical Herb, Magic Ring, Teleport Spell From the entrance, follow the path to the 3-way intersection. Once here, go west and follow the path around the corner, killing the Green Spinys. Use a Level 2 Fire Blast on the wall, and continue north along the path, then around the corner, killing more monsters. At the end of the path, go through the door, and you'll be in small part of Mt. Sabre. Get the Warp Boots from the treasure chest and head back to the 3-way intersection inside the cave. Now this time, go east from there and follow this path around the corner the same way, killing everything that gets in the way. Blast the wall again with Level 2 Fire Blast, and keep going up the path. At the end there should be a door, enter it. Upon entering, get the Medical Herb from the treasure chest, then kill the Red Serpents, and follow the path around the corner. Destroy the wall with a Level 2 Fire Blast, and kill the Green Spinys that's lurking about. Head east to the door at the end of the path and enter that door. Once entering, go west and follow the path to the 3-way intersection. From here, go north, kill everything you see along the way. Then go into the door at the end of the path. This area should be a no brainer. Kill the Green Spinys and head to the door at the other side. Once in this room, follow the path around the corner until you come across a wall. There are more enemies in the way, so kill them off. Use a Level 2 Fire Blast on the wall, then continue onward with the path, killing off everything you see. At the end of the path, go through the door, and you'll be back out in Mt. Sabre. You'll see Tornel standing there, and a Treasure Box. Talk to Tornel, he will notice you have the Tornado Bracelet. Because of this, he will teach you the magic of Teleport. Don't forget to get the Magic Ring which is in the Treasure Chest next to Tornel. Now use your Teleport Spell (if you have enough MP) and go back to Oak and save at the Inn. ------------------------------------- E: |Mt. Sabre Northeast/General Kelbesque| ------------------------------------- T O W N O F O A K/C O R D E L F E I L D (REVISITED) ITEMS: None After refilling any lost HP/MP as well as saving, you can now leave Oak, as well as the Forest Maze, and head back to Cordel Field. Now from the entrance (outside of the forest maze), go to the first patch of green grass, which should be right as soon as you leave the forest. Go north to the mountain area, then head left above the clump of trees next to you. You should come across a narrow path that leads northward. Equip your Rabbit Boots and go north crossing the poison swamp. Kill the Large Blue Slimes along the way, and continue heading north, past the trees. At this point I think it would be fair to say to be at Level 7 or 8 atleast, before acheiving this point. Now head up into the mountains, for you will be at Mt. Sabre's Northeast (NE) section. M T . S A B R E N . E ./N A D A R E ' S I N N ITEMS: Antidote Now you are in Mt. Sabre NE. Follow the path around, till you come across an Inn. Don't worry, there isn't any monsters to fight along the way, so it's all good. Anyways, go into the Inn, and save. By the way, this is Nadare's Inn. In here, not only is there an Inn, but there's an Item shop, and a spare room (my guess is either for travelers who stay at the Inn, or for Nadare himself). Anyways save at the Inn, then continue westward. You'll see a citizen of Leaf lying on the ground, trying to stay alive (his name is uncertain at this point). He talks about the people of Leaf who has been captured by Draygonia's Soliders. It seems he tried to escape, but wsn't too successful. After the conversation he dies sadly enough. Now continue along the path. You'll be stopped for a moment, for you'll hear a couple of Draygonia Solider's guarding a cave, talking trash about the citizens of Leaf. Walk up to them, and they will spot you. A fight will ensue. Kill both guards and then walk into the cave. There's no enemies to fight, but the path way is very long. Anyways follow the path northward, and after your character catches his breathe for a minute or two, enter the door. Follow the path southward, till you come across the 3-way intersection. From the intersection go westward, killing all the Red Spinys along the way. Use a Level 2 Fire Blast, to destroy the wall, then continue along the path. Go around the corner then east, past the bridge, till you get the Antidote from the treasure chest. Now head back to the 3-way intersection, then go south, and go through the doorway. Now you are back at Mt. Sabre. Once back outside, kill the two Blue Jelly Walkers, and go east to the other side. Then go inside the door. C A V E S O F M T . S A B R E N . E . ITEMS: Medical Herb This is going to be kinda confusing, so just follow me carefully and it will be easy to get through. I will not cover every single spot in the next few caves, because they aren't essential to beating the game. From the entrance, follow the path north, to the 3-way intersection. Kill the Blue Gorgon's along the way (they are tough). Now from the 3-way go east. Use a Level 2 Fire Blast on the wall, then continue along the path. Kill more Gorgons along the way, and go through the door. Follow the path west (past the door), then south, to the 3-way intersection, killing whatever monsters along the way. From the 3-way, go east, destroying the wall with a Level 2 Fire Blast. After destroying the wall, get the Medical Herb from the treasure chest. Then head back to the 3-way intersection. Once there, head back to the room you were previously in. Soon as you get there, head to the 3-way intersection you came across before blowing up the wall. Now go north from that point and use another Level 2 Fire Blast on the wall. Follow that path and enter the door at the end. In this room, there are more Blue Gorgons here, so kill them as you make your way across the bridge and to the other end of the path. Go through the door and you'll be back at Mt. Sabre. Now you are back on Mt. Sabre. Follow the path west, past the ice patch to the north, and around the corner to the end of the path. There are some more Blue Jelly Walkers, so just kill them as you are making your journey. Enter the door at the end of the path. Go to the 3-way intersection, then head north. Kill the Yellow Draygonia Guards along the way. Make your way to the door at top and enter it. Just like in before, follow the path around, killing more guards, and exit through the door at the end of the path. This will lead you back to Mt. Sabre NE. T H E P R I S O N C A V E ITEMS: Key To Prison Okay I hope you have figured your way through Mt. Sabre NE so far. No it's not over yet, but navigating through the remaining areas will be easier! From your current position, go past the ice patches, killing some more Yellow Draygonia Guards. There should be a door at the far east side, which you will enter. Keep this in mind, the hallway you are in will be known as the Main Hall. From the entrance, go west to the second sealed wall, killing the Yellow Draygonia Guards that are guarding the walls. Use a Level 2 Fire Blast on the wall, then enter. You will see 3 prisoners from Leaf, talk to them (though 2 of them are being sarcastic about being freed), then blast the upper wall with a Level 2 Fire Blast again, and enter. In this room, keep going north till you get the Key to Prison from the Treasure Chest. Don't worry, nothing is in here, so you're cool. Now with the Key To Prison in your posession, head back to the Main Hall. Now go back to the first wall, and use a Level 2 Fire Blast on it. Go in and you will see more prisoners who are also from Leaf. They will be more greatful for you saving them. One person will talk about how the elder is locked in the top part of Mt. Sabre. With that, go up and use another Level 2 Fire Blast on the upper wall, and you'll be in another room. There's nothing to worry about here either, so keep going until you reach the door at the end of the path, which you will enter. Once there, follow the path, killing more guards, and get to the door at the other side. Go through it and you'll be back at Mt. Sabre NE. You are back at Mt. Sabre for the final time. At this point you should be at Level 8. From the cave entrance, kill the Yellow Draygonia guards, then head up the stairs. B O S S # 0 3 : G E N E R A L K E L B E S Q U E SUGGESTED LEVEL: 8 SWORD: Wind ACCESSORY: None ITEM REWARDED: Flame Bracelet Here you will face the third boss of the game, General Kelbesque. He is very tough to fight, so it's best to be at Level 8 like I said. There is a couple things to keep in mind: he will travel at a fair pace, and when he stomps the ground, rocks fly up and he launches them towards you, so be careful. Use the Sword Of Wind at Level 2 or 3 and it should be easy to beat him. After the fight is over, he will say he will challenge you at a later time, then leaves a Treasure Chest behind. In it is the Flame Bracelet. Now equip the Key To Prison, and use it to unlock the cell door. F I N A L C A V E O F M T . S A B R E N . E . ITEMS: Paralysis Spell Go up and talk to the elder of Leaf. He will talk about the Queen of Portoa and how she has special powers that may help you along your mission. Now go up to the north wall and use a Level 2 Fire Blast, and continue along the path. Don't worry there isn't any monsters to fight here. Now as soon as you get to the other side of the path, Tornel will stop you, teaching you the magic spell of Paralysis. This spell will freeze people and enemies in their tracks (not sure about Bosses though). After getting the spell, go through the door. You will be in the Waterfall Valley. ----------------------------------- F: |The Town Of Portoa/Waterfall Valley| ----------------------------------- T O W N O F P O R T O A ITEMS: Flute Of Lime Once in Waterfall Valley, go down the ice patch, then to the left, and you will be in Portoa. Refill HP/MP at the Inn and save. Now this is where it will get a bit confusing, so follow these steps accordingly. 1. Go to the palace (behind the Armor/Sheild Shop), and talk to the Queen. Once inside the palace, go to the center door, that's where she'll be hiding. After talking to her, head to the Fortune Teller's house (behind the Inn). She will say for you to talk to the Queen, that the way will be open. 2. Head back to the palace, and talk to her again. Then leave the palace completely. Go back into the palace, but as you walk in, stand just left of the door and use Paralysis on the guard. This will put him to sleep. With that, go back to the room the Queen was at, but this time, she's gone! 3. Now go into the door behind where the other guard was standing. You'll be in a cavern of some sort, but as you walk around, you'll notice you can't do anything more, so just leave the palace altogether. 4. Head back to the Fortune Teller's house again, and she will say the way is "definetly" open. So head back to the Queen. Once you get back to the palace again. She will ask you to explore the Waterfall Cave, and by saying you will, she will give you the Flute Of Lime. After all the running around in circles is done, leave the palace and save again (unless you want to go through that whole mess again ^_^). Now you are ready to head to the Waterfall Cave. W A T E R F A L L V A L L E Y/W A T E R F A L L C A V E ITEMS: Flute Of Lime, Sheild Ring, Sword Of Water Now is the time to head to the Waterfall Cave. But how do you exactly get there? Well, from the entrance of Portoa, go east till you hit the river bank. Once you get there, go north all the way till you see a waterfall. Go behind the waterfall and it should automatically take you inside. You should be aware of the monsters that are lurking about. You are now inside the Waterfall Cave now. From the entrance, follow the path north, until you come across a 4-way intersection. Kill any Small Red Crabs along the way, and head north past the 4- way intersection. Go around the corner, and use a Level 2 Fire Blast on the wall, then proceed along the path, continue killing the monsters in here. You'll also see a treasure chest in the corner, but this isn't an ordinary chest. It's known as a Killer Chest. Be careful because this will jump at you once you touch it. And if you're not careful, it will poison you once you touch it. But there is a good side to this, for if you kill it, you will get $500 and about 126 EP each time you defeat it! But you can kill it one time per room, so just leave the section you're, re-enter and do it again. This will come in handy! Anyways, after killing it, keep following the path. Use another Level 2 Fire Blast on the wall before you, then continue on to the 4-way intersection. Now from here, go east, killing more crabs. Go around the corner, and use yet another Level 2 Fire Blast on the wall above, then follow the path until you get to a door, which you will enter. Inside this new room, there are no monsters to fight in here, so don't worry about that. Instead, make your way to the other side of the path, where you will see two people encased in stone, guarding a doorway. Use the Flute Of Lime to revive them. Talk to them, they will mention about a Fog Lamp that is somewheres inside a cave, but which one? We'll worry about that later, right now, continue onwards, through the doorway. From the entrance, head north to the 3-way intersection. From the 3-way intersection, go west, and follow the path around all the corners till you reach the end. Avoid the Medusa's that are in the way, for they will turn you to stone if their attack hits you. Once you get to the other side, use a Level 2 Fire Blast on the wall above, then continue the path. From the entrance, follow the path, past the 3-way intersection, to the river bank, avoiding more Medusa's. Once at the river bank, go north and get the Flute Of Lime from the treasure chest, then head back to the 3-way intersection. From there go north, and you'll see Akahana, encased in stone. Use the Flute Of Lime on him to set him free, and talk to him. He will remember you from Brynmaer, and will give you the Sheild Ring in exchange. With that, go back to the 3-way intersection that's in the previous room. From that point, go east, and follow that path to its end, avoiding the Medusa's that's in the way. Use a Level 2 Fire Blast on that wall, and enter. From this entrance, follow the path all the way around until you reach the river bank. Yes there's more Medusa's here, but when will you get to kill them? The answer lies in the next couple of sentences. From the river bank, go north to the path on the right, then follow that path. Use a Level 2 Fire Blast on the wall, then proceed on to get the Sword Of Water from the treasure chest. T O W N O F P O R T O A (REVISITED) ITEMS: Platinum Armor, Platinum Sheild During your journey through the Waterfall Cave, make sure you have atleast $3,500 so you can purchase your new armor and sheild in Portoa. If not, I'm sure you would know how to get that much, if you follow a particular step I made. With the money, either walk back to Portoa, or use Teleport. Once in Portoa, head to the Armor/Sheild Shop and purchase the Platinum Armor and Platinum Sheild. Once you purchase those, head up to the Pawn Shop and sell off Leather Armor and Bronze Sheild for a total of $180. Now head back to the Fortune Teller's house. She will tell you that there is someone in the south (Lime Tree Area) who has something to tell you. Go to the Inn, refill any loss HP/MP, then save. L I M E T R E E L A K E/ W A T E R F A L L V A L L E Y (REVISITED) ITEMS: Ball Of Water From Portoa, go east until you see a wooden bridge towards the south. Cross the bridge, then go southeast to a poison swamp. Equip your Rabbit Boots and jump over the swamp to take less damage. Then follow the rock bridge on the other side of the swamp to the south side of Portoa Feild. From here go southwest as far as you can, then south. You should come across an entrance in the southwest corner. This will take you to the Lime Tree Lake. From the entrance, go north until you come across an opening in the north. Watch out for the Purple Eagle that flies about, it will be tough. Go into the entrance, where you'll come across Rage. Rage has been dormant for 100 years, and will arise, noticing you have the Sword Of Water. Because of this, he will grant you the Ball Of Water, then he will say for you to use your power, to see Mesia, then he goes back into dormancy. Equip your Ball Of Water, and use a Level 2 Water Blast to create an ice bridge, leading to a doorway. Go across the bridge and then into the door, where you'll see Mesia standing before a cryogenic tube, similar to the one you seen at the beginning of the game. Mesia will say that the adventure has only begun. She also says that she is going to Draygonia, and for you to catch up with her as soon as you can. Now leave the cave, and head back to Portoa. T O W N O F P O R T O A (REVISITED) ITEMS: Medical Herb, Recovery Spell, Shell Flute You are now back at Portoa. Go to the Item shop and purchase a Medical Herb for $90, for you will need it. Now head back to the palace, then back into the cave behind it. Now that you have the Ball Of Water, you'll be able to explore more of this cave. Upon entering the cave, go around the corner, and use a Level 2 Water Blast to make an ice bridge. Cross it, then head east to the opening at the south. It will take you behind the counter or the Fortune Teller's house. Once in there, go through the other door, which will take you back to the caves. Once in the cave, use another Level 2 Water Blast to create another ice bridge, then cross it. You should see a small opening to the right of the ice bridge. Go in and you will be in another room, where the Queen Of Portoa is. Talk to her and she will say that she's not only the queen, but she is also the Fortune Teller. She did this so she could help people with their problems. But then she says she's not really either of those, that she is infact Asina (one of the 4 Wise Men you come across when you use the magic of Telepathy). Asina will teach you the Recovery Spell, and says that if you can take care of the whirlpools in the Angry Sea that she will teach you the magic of Barrier. Leave Asina, but don't leave the cave. Instead go around the corner, then follow the path, to the underground river. Use a Level 2 Water Blast to create another ice bridge, then follow the path till you come across the dolphin. He will tell you he's not feeling well and wants an herb. Give him the Medical Herb you bought from the Item Shop, and he will grant you the Shell Flute (which you can use to summon him to take you around the Angry Sea). After doing all this, head back to Portoa. Leave Portoa and fight until you are up to Level 9. Refill any loss HP/MP at the Inn and save. T H E C A V E S O F W A T E R F A L L V A L L E Y ITEMS: Lysis Plant, Fog Lamp After saving, leave Portoa, and from the entrance go east to the poison swamp. Equip your Rabbit Boots and jump over it, then use a Level 2 Water Blast to make an ice bridge in the river. Cross it, and the other poison swamp, then head east until you come across a cave. Watch out for the Red Slug that hides in the grass, because it will poison you. Also watch out for the Red Peahat flying about. Enter the cave. From the entrance, go north the wall, and use a Level 2 Wind Blast to destroy it. After this continue along the path until you come across a 3-way intersection, killing the spiders that's in the way. From the 3-way intersection, go north (past the other 3-way intersection) and around the corner then destroy the wall with a Level 2 Wind Blast. After that get the Lysis Plant from the treasure chest. Remember that 3-way intersection you passed up? Well go back to it, then from there, go east and around the corner, then follow the path south, to the door. In here, kill the Jelly Walkers and go into the other door. From the entrance around the corner to the 3-way intersection. From here go north, and use a Level 2 Wind Blast on the wall. After doing that, kill the Killer Chest for some quick cash and EP. Now head back south, past the 3-way intersection, killing other monsters that are around, especially the annoying Small Blue Bats. Now you should be up against another wall. Use another Level 2 Wind Blast to destroy it, then head to the next 3-way intersection. Here at this spot, kill the other Killer Chest that is on the left side, then go south, destroying another wall with your Level 2 Wind Blast. Now you should be at another 3-way intersection. So which way to go? Well go west to the door at the end and go in it. However if you want to go through here, you can gain a fairly good chunk of money and EP. When you start off here, go west and follow the path all the way around. Kill everything in your sight. Once at the end of the path, use a Level 2 Wind Blast on the wall to destroy it, and you will be back at the door practically. This room is just a circle with a few monsters in it. You should be at the doorway now. From here go all the way east until you come across another door. Go past the 3-way intersection (unless you want to kill the Killer Chest for some more stuff ^_^). Kill off anything else you may see along the way, and enter the door. Now in here, it don't matter which way you will take, because both directions will eventually lead you to the same spot. So for the sake of arguing, let's just go right. From the door, go east, and follow the path, across the bridge and to the wall at the end of the path. There are a few shrooms and jelly walkers, on the bridge, so it will be a tight squeeze to get through. Once at the end, use Level 2 Wind Blast, to destroy the wall. Continue onward from this point, killing more blue color monsters, until you get to the door at the end, and enter it. From the door, go west to the 3-way intersection. Coincidentally enough, this is where you would end up had you taken the other direction in the previous room. Anyways, from this spot, go south and follow the path. There will be 2 walls in a row, that you will have use a Level 2 Wind Blast on. Do so, then continue the path, around the corner, till you get to the end. More monsters here, so get rid of them. Hopefully you should be halfway to Level 10 by now, if so great! At the end of the path is a door, which you will enter. When entering this room, be warned that there are Red Serpents and Spiders lurking about so be ready to alternate between swords to kill them. Amongst that, follow the path, across the bridge, until you get to the end, where you will use a Level 2 Wind Blast on the wall. After destroying the wall, continue killing monsters and making your way to the other side, where you'll see a door. Enter through the door. From the entrance, follow the path all the way around, killing monsters, until you reach the wall at the other side. Use another Level 2 Wind Blast to destroy it, then on the other side you'll see a treasure chest. But what's inside? It's the Fog Lamp. Now with that, get back to Portoa. Refill any loss HP/MP at the Inn, and save your game. K I R I S A C A V E ITEMS: Antidote, Kirisa Plant This time you are going after the Kirisa Plant, which is appropriately in Kirisa Field. How to get there? Well here's how. Remember how you went to Lime Tree Lake? Well go the same way, but instead of going west, go south, alongside the river bank. You should see an area between two patches of poison swamps, to where you can create an ice bridge. Use a Level 2 Water Blast to create the ice bridge, then make your way over it, and pass the poison swamp patches. Once doing that, continue east, for there should be a path (heading east) that sticks out from the rest. Go down the path, then through the cave entrance at the end of the path. From the entrance, head north, following the path around the corner killing the Purple Jelly Walkers, Red Spiders that are in here. Once at the end of the path, there should be a wall to blow away. Use a Level 2 Wind Blast, to destroy it, then continue through the path killing more monsters. At the end there should be a door, so go on in it. From the entrance, go east to the 3-way intersection. You'll notice you can only go in one direction, which is south, so go south to the next 3-way intersection. Make sure to kill off everything you see, because they will instantly gang up on you if you're not careful. From this 3-way intersection, go east, then around the corner, following the path to the end. Use another Level 2 Wind Blast on the wall to destroy it, then get the Antidote from the treasure chest, then head back to the recent 3-way intersection. From there again, go south, and around that corner, killing more monsters in the way. Once at the end, use a Level 2 Wind Blast on the wall, then follow the path to the door, and enter it. This is a pretty straight-forward room. Just simply follow the path as far as you can, killing the Purple Shrooms and Jelly Walkers along the way. Once you made it past all that, you should be at the end. Use a Level 2 Wind Blast on the wall to destroy, then continue the path as you did before hand, until you reach a door at the other side. This door will take you to the Kirisa Field. You are now in the Kirisa Field. Don't worry, there ain't anything here to fight. But you do have to get something here. From the cave entrance, go north until you see a flower bed in the upper left hand corner. Go in and walk around the flower bed, you should come across the Kirisa Plant. But what good will it do? All in due time. With this, get back to Portoa. Go to the Inn, and refill all your loss HP/MP, and save the game. ------------------------------------- G: |The Town Of Amazones/The Town Of Joel| ------------------------------------- C O R D E L F I E L D (REVISITED)/T O W N O F A M A Z O N E S ITEMS: Blizzard Bracelet Before we get into the depths of the Angry Seas, there are a few things to pick up first The first thing is this: You should be in Portoa. If not, then atleast teleport back to Brynmaer, and then leave Brynmaer. From the entrance, go east to the river bank, then head south alongside the river. You should come across a couple of poison swamps and a gap in between where you can make an ice bridge. Use a Level 2 Water Blast, to make the bridge, then cross it and the poison swamps. From the other side of the swamps, head directly south to another swamp. Equip your Rabbit Boots, and jump over the swamp to a path leading directly south. This will take you to the Town Of Amazones. Once entering, you'll notice that the whole town is consisted of nothing but women. It seems they don't like men there, so you may not get a warm welcome as you would in other towns. Anyways, this is important. From the entrance, stand directly to the right, you should see a female guard at the last door towards the right. Stand just right of the entrance and use your Paralysis magic on her, to put her to sleep. This way she won't be able to block the way for you to get in. Go inside the house, where you will see 2 guards and the leader, Aryllis. Don't talk to any of them, instead go around and head to the hallway behind them. Then go to the stair case on the right side of the hallway, which will take you downstairs. Once downstairs, you should see a treasure chest, which has the Blizzard Bracelet. Get it and leave Aryllis's house. Don't buy anything, because everything here is too expensive. Instead, teleport back to Portoa. T O W N O F P O R T O A (REVISITED)/A N G R Y S E A S ITEMS: Love Pendent You should be back in Portoa at the moment. Now to put that Fog Lamp to some good use. Go all the way to the west side of Portoa, and enter through that section. Now you should be in another screen, where there is a house and a boat. Go inside the house, and talk to the man in the center of the room. He will say that there is no service today, in a ticked off tone. Now go talk to his daughter, who says her dad is mad because he lost his Fog Lamp. Equip your Fog Lamp and give it to her father. He will be greatful of this and in exchange he will let you use his boat to go to the first house you come across along the shoreline. Take the boat to where the house is, then enter it. You should see Kensu (sitting) and some guard (walking) in there. Talk to the guard, who says he guarding against Draygonia, then talk to Kensu. It seems Kensu is not himself at the moment. He seems to of lost something, and not sure where it is? If you talk to him using Telepathy, he'll say he lost something and thinks it could be behind the cave in Portoa Palace. Now go outside the house and stand along the shoreline. Equip your Shell Flute and use it to call on the dolphin that you saved earlier. He will offer to give you a lift to wherever you want to go. Do so, and travel north a bit, until you see an opening on the left side. At this point travel west (along the rocks), till you can't go no further, killing the Merman in the way. Once you get close to the end, you should see an Octopus at the south. Kill it and go south, then around the corner. You should see a cave, which you will now go into. As you can tell this is the back way into the secret cave that is hidden behind Portoa's Palace. This is simple, by using the dolphin, go east, traveling along the northside of the cave. The third formation pointing north, should have the Love Pendent. Get it and leave the cave. Don't worry about what to do with the Love Pendent, that will come later into game play. T O W N O F J O E L ITEMS: None From the entrance of the cave, go back up to where the Octopus is (if it's there). Then head east from that point, and keep going until you see a lighthouse. But how do you get into the lighthouse, well on the other side there should be a shoreline, with a cave entrance on it. Make your way there and dismount from the dolphin, and head into the cave entrance. This will take you to the Town Of Joel. You should now be in the town of Joel. Nothing much to do here really. Talk to everyone in the town, which they will talk about the Evil Spirit Island. They will also talk about a woman who has been sacraficed (Mesia from earlier). If you go into the house in the upper left-hand corner of Joel, you'll see the elder of the town. He will talk about his missing brother name Clark, and wonder where he is. Save at the Inn if you have fear of not making it, then head to the shoreline. Call on the dolphin, by using the Shell Flute, and then make your way to the cave of the Angry Seas. To get there, head west, then north a bit and stay along the northern rocks. You should see an Octopus and a cave entrance behind it. Kill the Octopus and enter through the cave. --------------------------------- H: |Angry Seas/The Evil Spirit Island| --------------------------------- C A V E S O F T H E A N G R Y S E A S ITEMS: Magic Ring, Iron Necklace, Lysis Plant From the entrance, go east killing the Turtles, to get a good amount of EP as well as money. After that, go to the shoreline and dismount from the dolphin, then head up into the doorway. From the entrance, go north then around the corner, until you reach the river bank. From here go south, and follow the path until you get to the white dots in the water. There will be a Red Shroom along the way, so kill it. Throughout all this, watch out for the Red and Blue Peahats, they will get annoying as they fly around. Use a Level 2 Water Blast on the water, to form an ice bridge. Cross it then on the other side, head west, following that path all the way around. Once you get to the other side, you'll see a spot where you can make another ice bridge, so use another Level 2 Water Blast to make one. Cross that bridge, then head north, following that path. There will be some Dark Green Serpents in the way, so be ready to attack. Keep following this path until you come to a pathway going north. Go north on that path, passing up the 4-way intersection, until you reach the end. Use a Level 2 Wind Blast on the wall, then proceed getting the Magic Ring from the treasure chest. Now head back to the 4-way intersection, then go west and around the corner until you get to the river bank. Once at the river bank, go west until you hit another path going north. Go north, and use another Level 2 Wind Blast on the wall, then proceed upwards. Don't forget about the Dark Green Serpents and Blue Peahats that are around. Once at the end, you should see a doorway, which you will enter. From the entrance, go west, then south, following the path to it's end, passing up the two 3-way intersections along the way. There's more enemies here, so be ready. Once at the end, use a Level 2 Wind Blast on the wall to destroy it, then continue upwards around the corner, until you see a doorway. Enter through it. This is a pretty short area. From the entrance, go west, killing the Dark Green Serpent. Then at the river bank, go north, if you want to rack up on a few EP and money by killing the Killer Chest. If not go south, and use a Level 2 Water Blast to make an ice bridge. Cross the ice bridge then go north, getting the Iron Necklace from the treasure chest. After getting the Iron Necklace, head back to the previous room you were in. Once you are back here, from the entrance, go back to the last 3- way you went past to get to this point. From the 3-way go south, and follow that path around until you get to the other side. Kill anything you can get your sword on. At the end, use a Level 2 Wind Blast on the wall, then continue up to the next 3-way intersection. From that one, go east, to the next one, then north and around the corner to another one. From that 3-way intersection go south, until you get to the pit. This is the first pit you'll encounter in the game, so here's the story on it. Every pit will have a platform that moves back and forth, carrying you to the other side. You must wait until the platform comes to a complete stop before you can board it or get off of it, which you will have a split second to make your move, so be ready. If you happen to miss it, or get hit by an enemy (and there will be some trying to knock you off), you will fall into the pit and fall to the room below hand. Because of that you pretty much have to start all over, so make your way back upwards to your current position. Anyways, make your way onto the platform, and carefully make it across to the other side. To let you know now there is a Blue Peahat flying around and a Dark Green Serpent waiting at the other end, so be ready. Once you do successfully make it to the other end. keep going south to the 3-way intersection. Go north and get the Lysis Plant from the treasure chest, then head south then west, until you reach a doorway leading outside of the cave. This will take you to Evil Spirit Island. E V I L S P I R I T I S L A N D ITEMS: None You should be at Evil Spirit Island. You'll notice several zombies walking about, but don't worry they won't harm you. Infact if you try and talk to them, they won't say anything. You'll also notice how the whole town is completely ruined. This was the work of an evil sorcerer. Go into the house on the left side, then make your way downstairs. You'll see Clark (Joel's elder's brother), who says he was there checking out the town. He also talks about the evil sorcerer, who is named Sabera. She is from Draygonia, and she is the one who changed everyone into zombies. Be careful, Clark tells you, for Sabera is tough. Go outside, and head north, up some stairs. You should be in front of some castle doors. At this point, you should save your game, because your next adventure will be in Sabera's Castle. ---------------------- I: |Sabera's Castle/Sabera| ---------------------- S A B E R A ' S C A S T L E ITEMS: Fruit Of Power From the entrance of the castle, go north to the 4-way intersection. Now go north again and follow the path to the other 4-way intersection, which then you will go north once more. There are Yellow Draygonia Guards lurking about as well as flying Purple Eagles which will cause a problem. Follow the path all the way to the end where you should see a doorway, which you will enter. As you progress in the game, you will come across new monsters to fight. In here you'll meet two of them. They are the Purple Butterflies and Shadows, and they are both tough to fight. It's best to avoid them altogether, especially the Shadows, because you have to use a Level 3 Blast (from any sword) in order to do any damage to them. Anyways, from the entrance, follow the pathway all the way until you come across the pit. Get on the moving platform which will take you to the other side, then walk to the treasure chest and get the Fruit Of Power from it. Now head back up to the previous room, by either dropping into the pit or making it to the doorway. Once back to the previous room, from the doorway, make your way to the first 4-way intersection you come across. From there go south, then east to the other 4-way intersection. From here, go east, killing more monsters. Follow the path until you climb up some stairs, and you will be face to face with the Big Bat boss again. B O S S # 0 4 : B I G B A T (REMATCH) SUGGESTED LEVEL: 10 SWORD: Wind ACCESSORY: Iron Necklace ITEM REWARDED: Fruit Of Power Use the same tactic as before, and make sure you are at Level 10. Also equip the Iron Necklace to make this fight a bit easier on yourself. He's a bit harder to defeat this time around, as well as the Small Blue Bats that fly around, which actually look a bit bigger. Defeat Big Bat and he will drop a treasure chest with the Fruit Of Power in it. Get it, and continue north, and exit through the doorway. S A B E R A ' S C A S L T E (CONTINUED) ITEMS: Medical Herb From the entrance of this new room, go a short way to the north, where the 3-way intersection is. Go west from there, and follow the path to the other 3-way intersection you'll come across, then go east. Avoid the Purple Butterflies and Shadows that are in here. Follow the short path until you come across a pit. Wait for the platform to appear, then cross the pit to the other side. Continue along the path, until you come to some spikes. Spikes are just like poison swamps that are on outside areas, and should be treated the same way. Equip your Rabbit Boots and jump across the spikes, until you get to a small area, where a treasure chest is. In it is the Medical Herb. Get it, and make your way back to the last 3-way intersection you saw. From there, go south and follow the path to the end. It's best to leave your Rabbit Boots on, so you can jump over the Shadows, especially when they cast a Paralysis spell on you. Go through the door at the end of the path, and enter. It's best you be at Level 11 at this point, if not, fight as many monsters as you can to acheive this. This is the final section of Sabera's Castle, and it's a pretty short one. From the door, go north until you see a woman standing in the middle of the room. She'll say that there is an evil sorceror in the next room, but don't go up there! I'll tell you why. If you go up there, you will see the real Mesia. She will tell you that it's really her, and to go away, that where you are at is in a trap, which you really are. What happens, is if you do go up there to talk to Mesia, you can't leave that room, therefore you have to drop down into the pit and start over again. So instead, just stay in the room that the imposter's in. Slash at the imposter once, and she will insist you to stop. Keep doing this and you'll see it's really Sabera. B O S S # 0 5 : S A B E R A SUGGESTED LEVEL: 11 SWORD: Fire ACCESSORY: Sheild Ring ITEM REWARDED: Broken Statue Sabera is very tough, so be at Level 11 like I said. Also equip your Sheild Ring to better your Sheild Defense Rating, and make sure your MP is at a pretty high number, because you will need to use the Refresh magic very often here. Sabera will circle around, shooting off energy attacks at you. Keep in mind, she is very fast moving, not only with her attacks, but as well as herself. Keep a good distance from her, and you should be safe. Also use as many Level 2 Fire Blasts as needed, for this will destroy her. This is a pretty long battle, especially if you're not careful. Once successful, she will say how well of a fighter you are, but that she still has Mesia. She will also drop a treasure chest, which has the Broken Statue in it. Get it and head north. Easy way out now, drop into the pit, then once on the level below hand, go south and exit the door, which will take you back to the Evil Spirit Island. E V I L S P I R I T I S L A N D (REVISITED) ITEMS: Eye Glasses You just succeeded in one of the tougher fights of the game, so now what? You should be back in the Evil Spirit Island. After defeating Sabera, all the zombies were turned back into the human beings they once were. Talk to all of them and they will say how greatful they are that you had set them free. They will also talk about the Statue Of Gold, which will calm the whirlpools that are in the Angry Sea. In actuality, the Statue Of Gold will only cure one whirlpool, oh well, you get what you paid for I guess. Anyways, head back to Clark. He will talk about a Glowing Lamp that is in the lighthouse. He will also give you Eye Glasses, which he says will help light the way to getting to the lighthouse (bad joke I know!). After doing all of this, head back to Joel. T O W N O F J O E L (REVISITED) ITEMS: Alarm Flute, Statue Of Gold You should now be back in Joel. First off save at the Inn to recover any loss HP/MP, as well to save your progress so far. Go up to the Item Shop, and buy an Alarm Flute for $300, trust me you will need this. Now head up to the shed and enter it. Nothing much to look at in here, but if you equip the Eye Glasses, you'll learn that seeing isn't always believing. Go up to the upper right hand corner of the shed and use your Eye Glasses, where a secret pathway will open. This will lead to a secret cave (with no enemies in it). Follow the pathway to the other side, and exit through the door, for you will be right next to the lighthouse. Enter the lighthouse, where you will see Kensu taking a nap. Use your Alarm Flute on him, to wake him up. He will be very angry at you for waking him and says that you should be eaten by zombies. Kensu will then disappear and leave behind the Glowing Lamp in the treasure chest. Get it, then equip it, then use it. It will automatically work with the Broken Statue, to make the Statue Of Gold. Now that you have the Statue Of Gold in your posession, head back into Joel. A N G R Y S E A S (REVISITED) ITEMS: Barrier Spell Leave Joel, and stand at the shoreline. Call on the dolphin with your Shell Flute, and then travel all the way west, until you can't go any further. Then head north, until you see a small island. Go up to the island, and dismount from the dolphin, then head up to the dark cave like entrance, which is really an altar. Equip the Statue Of Gold, and place it on the altar, for this will cause the one whirlpool to go away. Now, get back on to the dolphin, travel east to the rock, then north until you see a small opening in the north. Go through the opening and you should be on the upper half of the Angry Seas. But before this point, Asina stops you. She will now teach you the spell of Barrier, which once equipped and used, it will create a forcefield around you, protecting you from most of your enemies attacks. She will also say that the four Wise Men are heading to Shyron, which lies in Mt. Hydra. Someone known as Azteca knows of your mission but I forgot to write down what else Mesia said about him, my bad! Now that you are on the upper half of the Angry Seas, go to the middle ocean gap, and travel north on it. Dismount at the shoreline, and go north into the opening. This will lead you to the Town Of Swan. T O W N O F S W A N ITEMS: Change Spell Remember when you got the Love Pendent and Kirisa Plant. Well you're about to put them to some good use. First of all, go west until you see the shed. Enter the shed and you will see Stom in there. Talk to Stom and he will ask you to find Kensu, that him and the other Wise Men will need his power to stop Draygonia. After this, Stom teleports out, so leave the shed. Now head back to the east, towards the Bar. Enter there and you will see a few Draygonia Guards there. Don't worry they won't attack you. Talk to the guard who is standing next to the table. He will tell you that he wonders where the great Kensu is. With that, use your Paralysis Spell on him, and he will reveal that he is really Kensu in disguise. After talking to him, he will teleport out of there, to another location of Swan, but where could that be? Well leave the Bar, and head east some more to the last door on the right. Enter in there, and you will see several people in there, some standing, and some walking around. Talk to the one that's standing at the bottom left hand side of the house. Use Paralysis again and Kensu will appear again. He claims to of lost his pendent (Love Pendent) somewheres in the cave behind Portoa Castle, and that if you give it to him, he will teach you some magic. Give Kensu the Love Pendent, which he will say it was a token of Asina faith in her. Doing so, he will teach you the Change Spell, which will change you into one of four characters of the game. Kensu will say he is heading for Mt. Hydra, and teleports out of there. Now teleport to the Town Of Amazones. T O W N O F A M A Z O N E S (REVISITED) ITEMS: Bow Of Moon Now you are back in the Town Of Amazones. From the entrance, use your Change Spell to turn into a woman. After doing this, head over to Aryllis's house (the same place you got the Blizzard Bracelet). As a woman you are able to pass through the female guards undetected. With this, go into the house, and talk to Aryllis, whom welcomes you to her town. Now equip the Kirisa Plant, and give it to Aryllis. She will be excited about this and give you the Bow Of Moon, which will be used later in the game. Now for the fun of it, change back to your main character right before her eyes, and then talk to you. She will tell you to leave like the flithy beast you are, and her guards will escort you out the door. You think she would know by now that you weren't a woman? Oh well, anyways teleport back to Swan. T O W N O F S W A N (REVISITED)/G O A F I E L D ITEMS: Solider Suit, Ceramic Sheild You are now back in Swan. Head up to the Armor/Sheild Shop, and buy the Ceramic Sheild and the Solider Suit, for $5,500 total. After all this, equip your new stuff and sell off your Platinum Armor and Sheild at the Pawn Shop for $1,750. Now that you're fully suited with your new stuff, head west outside of Swan. You should see a door with the Yellow Draygonia Guards standing by. Use your Change Spell again, and turn into a Draygonia Guard. Talk to the guards, who will open the doorway, and let you pass by. This is optional, but is handy. Change back to your normal self, and talk to the guards again. This time they will attack you. Just use a couple Level 3 Wind Blasts on them, which should finish them. With this, the doorway is permanetly open with no one standing watch. Now head west of the doorway. This will take you to Goa Field. ---------------------------- J: |The Town Of Shyron/Mt. Hydra| ---------------------------- G O A F I E L D ITEMS: None There are three different places to explore around here, but for now let's focus on the one that leads to Mt. Hydra. From the entrance of Goa Field, go all the west, until you can't go any further. Once there, go south and you should see an entrance in the lower left hand corner of the screen. Watch out along the way for your new enemy, the Draygonia Archer, they are more of a pain than their yellow counterparts. Also keep an eye out for the Purple Eagles too. Once at the location I have described, enter it, and you will be in Mt. Hydra. M T . H Y D R A ITEMS: None This is only to get to Shyron, so you can save and begin the next area. From the entrance of Mt. Hydra, head westward, then around the corner until you come across a 3-way intersection. Go west from here, and you'll see a gap between the cliffs. Use a Level 2 Water Blast to create an ice bridge over the lavafall (I think that's what that is?). Cross the bridge, and head over to the cave entrance. Enter the cave, and follow the path to the end. Don't worry, there ain't any monsters in here. Once at the other end, exit through the doorway, for this will take you back out to Mt. Hydra. Once outside in Mt. Hydra, use your Change Spell to turn into Stom, then head west. You'll see two guards who are standing in front of an entrance. As Stom (only), they will allow you to pass through. Do so, and you are in the Town Of Shyron. Now head up to the Inn, and revive any loss HP/MP and save. T O W N O F S H Y R O N ITEMS: Key Of Styx You should have just saved your game at the Inn in Shyron. If you are still in your "Stom" form, go up to the real Stom and he will say that you use the Change Spell very well, and looking at you, to him, is like looking in the mirror ^_^. You'll also see Akahana here, but don't bother with him quite yet. Anyways from the Inn, head all the way north, past Stom, and up the stairs to the Sanctuary. Inside you will see Zebu (from the beginning of the game). He will commend you for making it this far in the game. He will also talk about the Sword Of Thunder, which is hidden away in the Cave Of Styx, and will give you the Key Of Styx which will help you gain access to the cave. He will also caution you on the many monsters there are in Mt. Hydra and the Cave Of Styx. Leave the Sanctuary and head back into Shyron. Once in Shyron, talk to everyone. They will talk about how they are preparing for the huge battle against Draygonia. Inside one house, you'll see Tornel training some men for battle. In another house, Asina is tending to the wounded. Everyone is counting on you, so don't let them down. Now head out of Shyron, and back to Mt. Hydra. C A V E S O F M T . H Y D R A ITEMS: Fruit Of Lime, Magic Ring, You are now back at Mt. Hydra. If you talk to the guards, they will say good luck. Now head west back over to the cave and enter the doorway. Follow the path like you did before hand, to the end. It will take you back out to Mt. Hydra, where this will offically start your adventure through Mt. Hydra. You should be back in Mt. Hydra again. This time, go east across the ice bridge, and to the 3-way intersection you came across beforehand. From this point, head north and then around the corner, until you see a cave entrance. Enter it. Upon entering, you will see a new enemy, known as the Green Mace Warrior. He is very tough to get through, mainly because of his long mace he swings around. My advice is use the Sword Of Water, since that's what he's invunerable against, and stand from a distance. It's probably best to have your Sword Of Water equipped this way throughout Mt. Hydra, since that's what it'll take to kill your enemies here. From the entrance though, go north to the 3-way intersection. Then head east to the doorway, which leads outside to a small ledge of Mt. Hydra. Once outside you should see a treasure chest, which inside has the Fruit Of Lime. After getting the Fruit Of Lime, head back into the cave, then make your way to the other side of the 3-way intersection, to the other door. Enter through it, and it will take you back to Mt. Hydra. Now you are in a different part of Mt. Hydra. From the cave entrance, go west, across the bridge, and around the corner. Watch out for the Red Mudmen though, because you can't kill it when it's in its mud form. Follow the path up and around the corner, until you get to the end. Use a Level 2 Water Blast to make an ice bridge. Cross the bridge, but watch out for the Red Eagle, he will be as annoying as the purple one. Follow the path east and around the corner to a 3-way intersection. Going left would take you to the Cave Of Styx, but you're not going there quite yet. Instead, go right and head to the cave entrance. Watch for the enemies though. Go in the cave. From the entrance, go north to the 3-way intersection. From the 3-way ntersection, go east, to the next 3-way intersection. From there go north to the doorway, and enter. But watch out for the Mace Warriors, because they are lurking about in these caves. From the entrance of this new room, go north to the 3-way intersection. From here, go east to the end. Word of advice, kill the Green Mace Warrior on the other side of the wall first, as well as the Red Crab (if it's there), then use a Level 2 Wind Blast to destroy the wall. After doing that, continue east, until you come across a doorway on the northside of the wall. Go in it. At this point, it's probably best to kill everything in your way, because it will be a tight squeeze to get through here. From the entrance, follow the path east, then south to the wall at the end. Use a Level 2 Wind Blast to destroy the wall. Be ready to fight the Green Mace Warrior on the other side, then follow the path south to the doorway. Enter through the doorway, and you will be on a small ledge at Mt. Hydra. There is a Magic Ring in the treasure chest. Get it, and make your way back to Shyron. Once back at Shyron, refill any lost HP/MP at the Inn and save. Now head back out to Mt. Hydra. Remember that 3-way intersection right before the caves you were just exploring, well get back to it right now. Once there, head west this time, across the bridge, until you reach the staircase at the end. Avoid the enemies that you may come across here. Now go up the staircase and you should be in a large area, with a locked gate at the north. Equip your Key Of Styx, that Zebu gave you, and use it on the locked gate, and enter through it. It'll be a little tricky to enter at first, so just back up a couple of steps and try to enter again. This will take you into the Cave Of Styx. C A V E O F S T Y X ITEMS: Medical Herb, Sword Of Thunder You are now in the Cave Of Styx. From the entrance, equip your Barrier Spell right away. Along this path, you'll see several statues spitting out some type of fireballs out basically blocking your path. If you try to go through it, you will be hit very hard, this is why you need to have your Barrier Spell ready to go. Since this spell takes some MP, the best way to cut down on using so much, use the Barrier Spell right before you walk through the fireballs, then stop right after. Walk a few steps and repeat this until you get to the 3-way intersection at the end. From the 3-way intersection, this time go west. Follow this path around the corner, and up the staircae to the throne like area. There is another Red Mage here, so just kill it the same way as you did the other one. Once you kill him, enter the doorway. From the entrance, head north to the polluted river bank. Now head west, and follow the path all the way around, avoiding the Red Mudmen, but killing the Red Salemanders along the way. Keep following the path, until you see a pathway pointing north. Go up it and there will be a Killer Chest there. Kill it to increase your EP and money a little. Now head back down to the polluted river bank and head east. Keep going until you get to the end of the path. Use a Level 2 Water Blast to create an ice bridge where the red part is on the water. Cross the bridge and head south, following that path to its end. Use another Level 2 Water Blast to create another ice bridge. Cross that bridge, then head south, and around the corner, following the path, then around another corner, until you get to where there is a path on the east side. Skip this part for a moment, and head south and around the corner. There should be a treasure chest there, with a Medical Herb in it. Get the Medical Herb and head back to the path on the east side. Go east on the path, until you reach the end. Go in the doorway. From the entrance, head west the around the corner to the 3-way intersection. Watch out for the enemies that lurk around here. Once at the 3-way intersection, you'll have two choices, go straight across the pit or right across the spikes. Whichever way you take you'll be end up at the same spot. I'd say it be easier to go right and take the spikes. With that head east, and around that corner. Equip your Rabbit Boots, to take less damage from the spikes, and start jumping, until you see two path ways on either side. Take the path way on the right side. (Don't worry, there's nothing to the north). Follow the path until you see a treasure chest. Inside is the powerful Sword Of Thunder. Once you get it, Zebu will talk to you, noticing you found the sword. Tornel will commend you on your job, and says the grand puba Azteca awaits to see you. Asina will also speak saying they will lead you to the temple, and will teleport you back to the Sanctuary. Saves the hassle of walking. T O W N O F S H Y R O N (REVISITED) ITEMS: None You will now be back at the Sanctuary in Shyron. Azteca will tell you the real story behind the game, which I'm quoting most of it. "Alot has happend in the last century, that you and Mesia went into sleep to watch for the world to end. You each had specific powers that could combat any future evil." He will then say for you to hurry to Mesia. Zebu will tell you how they (the Wise Men) tried to use their powers to help for a peaceful nation, but Draygon used this same power for pretty much the wrong purpose. Draygon hid who he was and tricked the best four warriors to his side. Tornel tells you that Azteca is not sure of Mesia's power, but Draygon is trying to take her powers for his own evil purpose basically. There is a lot of talking here. Asina says that both you and Mesia's lives were talked about to the people of the world as legends who will give them hope for happier times. Destroy Draygon, or the world will be destroyed. So you know what you must do now. After all this talking, head out of the Sanctuary, then refill any HP/MP at the Inn and save. Now teleport back to Swan. T O W N O F G O A/T O W N O F S H Y R O N (REVISITED) ITEMS: None Why are you back in Swan you ask? No reason, just figured it be easier than trying to get around Mt. Hydra again. Anyways once back at Swan, head out to the west exit of the town, and through the doorway that leads out to the Goa Field. Now you should be in Goa Feild. Step out into the open field, and head all the way north. You should see a giant castle like structure with an doorway in the middle. Go in the doorway and this will take you to the Town Of Goa. Once in Goa, you'll see a wide variety of people here, from normal citizens to Draygonia Guards. Talk to everyone here. The citizens will talk about a floating tower in the sky with enough power to destroy the world. But if you talk to (most of) the Draygonia Guards, they will pretty much be hateful to you. However if you go to the north side of Goa, you'll see a Draygonia Guard standing next to the exit. Talk to him, and you will see that is Kensu in disguise. He will say that he is trying to get some information on the tower, and that he's gonna sneak into Draygonia Castle to see what he could dig up. It seems that Draygonia plans on using this tower as a weapon of mass-destruction. After talking to him, head upward into the exit, which actually leads into Goa Fortress. Once inside here, equip your Barrier Spell, and use it while passing through the statues that will launch fireballs at you. Once at the end of the path, you'll see a much bigger statue that spits even bigger fireballs at you. Don't worry, you don't have to fight this thing, yet. Instead you will be stopped by someone (I'm not sure who it is at this point) saying that Shyron is under attack, that you need to get there right away. Everyone is dying, so use your Teleport Spell and teleport there quickly. Once back in Shyron, you'll see that everyone is already dead. Walk northward and you will see Akahana laying on the ground, hanging on for life. Talk to him and he will tell of some item he should of got from a friend in Goa. But what is it, we'll find out soon enough. Keep going north and you will see Stom also clutching to survive. Talk to him and he will say that Draygonia's army have came and killed everyone. He also warns you about Mado, one of the Finest Four warriors, whom is more powerful than the other three warriors. Stom will also tell you to take care of Tornel. But as you try and help Stom, it was too late, he's already dead. Now just keep heading north into the Sanctuary. Once inside Mado will introduce himself, then start his attack. B O S S # 0 6 : M A D O SUGGESTED LEVEL: 12 SWORD: Water (Blizzard Bracelet will come in handy) ACCESSORY: Iron Necklace or Sheild Ring (your choice) ITEM REWARDED: Ball Of Thunder Here's how to defeat him. His attack pattern is simple. He forms into a ball and starts launching himself different directions. Once he stops, he will launch powerful stars at you (which do hurt), then start all over again. What to do, is equip your Sword Of Water and the Blizzard Braclet, and either the Iron Necklace or Sheild Ring, to better your defense. Whether Mado is rolling around, or attacking you, use as many Level 3 Water Blasts as it takes to kill him. It's best to keep a safe distance from him when fighting, and the Level 3 Water Blast is good, because it can reach all over the screen. A few hits should do it, but make sure you have plenty of MP to recover both your HP and to attack. After you defeat him, he will say that this match isn't over, and that they still have the Wise Men and Mesia. He will leave behind a treasure chest, which has the Ball Of Thunder in it. Get the Ball Of Thunder and leave the Sanctuary. Go back down to Stom, whom oddly enough says the same thing to you that he said before you fought Mado. I know, I thought he was dead too, but you know how video games are. Anyways, teleport back to Goa and refill any HP/MP at the Inn and save. THIS JUST IT!!! Want an easier way to defeat Mado, listen up. Before going to Shyron, head up to the Town Of Goa and get the Warrior Ring. To do so, go in a house where a man is looking for Akahana. Use the Change Spell to turn into Akahana, and the man will give you the Warrior Ring (this part will be explained again later down the line). Now head back to Shyron and get back on course with the game. Since the Warrior Ring will let you shoot out a Level 1 energy blast without charging the sword up, it will make it easier to hit Mado. ---------------------------- K: |Goa Fortress/The Finest Four| ---------------------------- G O A F O R T R E S S : 1 S T F L O O R ITEMS: None Welcome to Goa Fortress. Make sure you have saved before starting this adventure, because Goa Fortress is extremely long and tough to get through. You should be on the 1st Floor. From the entrance, go north, and equip your Barrier Spell, incase you forgot. Once you get to the end, stand on either side of the giant statue, so you have a better chance of not getting hit by the fireballs. Equip both your Sword Of Thunder and Ball Of Thunder and launch a Level 2 Thunder Blast at the statue, this will cause it to be destroyed. Enter through the pathway. From the entrance, go north past all the statues (they won't fire at you) to the 3-way intersection. From there, go west then around the corner, then north. Keep doing this, passing up every sets of stairs along the way until you come across a 4-way intersection. Stay on the main level though. From the 4-way intersection, head west, then around the corner again and go north, until you reach the first taircase (right side). Go up it, and you will be on the upper level. Go to the 3-way intersection, which is next to the staircase, then head north, then around the corner. Follow the path until you reach the other 3-way intersection at the other side. Once at the other side, go east from the 3-way intersection to the other one a few feet away, then south from that one. Follow that path to its end, and you will be faced with another warrior of the Finest Four. But before you fight him, make sure you are at Level 13. So just who is this warrior? It's General Kelbesque! B O S S # 0 7 : G E N E R A L K E L B E S Q U E (REMATCH) SUGGESTED LEVEL: 13 SWORD: Wind ACCESSORY: Iron Necklace or Sheild Ring (your choice) ITEM REWARDED: Opel Statue This time he is much tougher than before. He runs around much faster, and launchs very powerful fast moving attacks at you, making it hard to dodge them. Whatever you do, don't get trapped in a corner, or you will die for sure. Like before, use as many Level 2 and 3 Wind Blasts and he should be finished. There is a plus side, after moving around he will start to attack you, but he will be standing still for a second or two. During the time he moves about, charge your Sword Of Wind to whichever level you want, and launch your attack at him when he is standing still. Once he dies, he will drop a treasure chest, with the Opel Statue in it (a very powerful item). After getting the Opel Statue, head north into the doorway. Once entering this new room, you should see Zebu standing in the middle of the room. Go up and talk to him. He will congradulate you, but says the other Wise Men are still captive. He will also recover any loss HP/MP (sweet!), and you will be able to save in here (double sweet!). Save then continue north to the doorway at the end, and enter it. G O A F O R T R E S S : 2 N D F L O O R ITEMS: Lysis Plant, Fruit Of Rupen, Fruit Of Power You should be on the 2nd Floor. One enemy to worry about, if you play this the right way, and that is the Blue Mace Warrior. He's a bit tougher than the green one, but kill it the same way, and it won't be so hard. There are 3 different items to pick up in here, so this will be a bit long, but follow this walkthrough and it won't be too difficult. From the entrance, go north and around the corner to the river bank. At the river bank go north and follow that path around a few corners, until you come to a pathway facing northwards. Go up it and kill the Blue Mace Warrior, then use a Level 2 Thunder Blast on the iron wall. Once it's destroyed, continue northward until you see a treasure chest. Inside is a Fruit Of Power. Get in and head back to the river bank (kill the Blue Mace Warrior if he's in your way). Now head west along the river bank and follow the path all the way to its end. It's a pretty long walk, but there isn't anything to get in your way (hopefully), so it should be easy. Once at the end, you should see a spot where the water is a little more darker than the rest. Use a Level 2 Water Blast at that spot to create an ice bridge, and cross it. Now follow the path a short distance until you see a pathway pointing south. Go down it and follow that path to its end. There will be another treasure chest, with this time the Fruit Of Repun in it. Get it and head back up to the river bank. Continue east along the river bank until you reach the end. See that dark part again? Well use another Level 2 Water Blast on it, for another ice bridge. Cross that bridge and head south and around the corner. Once you make it around the second corner, walk up a ways until you see another dark spot. Use yet another Level 2 Water Blast to create another ice bridge. This time once you cross the ice bridge, and head south. Follow the path all the way to the end, where you will see the last treasure chest in this section. In it is a Lysis Plant. Get it and head back to the ice bridge you recently created. Cross the bridge to get to the other side and continue northwards along the path. Follow the path to the end and use another Level 2 Water Blast to create another ice bridge. Cross that then head north, and around the corner, until you come to a pathway heading northwards. Go up it but be on guard, there is a Blue Mace Warrior there. And as if that wasn't bad enough, there is a Purple Fly flying around to annoy you. Be careful though, this annoying pest will shoot pollen at you which will cause you to be paralysis. Once successful, use a Level 2 Thunder Blast on the iron wall, and continue north, and enter through the door at the end. Once in this new room, head northward to the big room, where you will be stopped by another of the Finest Four. This time it's Sabera, and she is ready for a rematch. B O S S # 0 8 : S A B E R A (REMATCH) SUGGESTED LEVEL: 13 SWORD: Fire (Flame Bracelet may be helpful) ACCESSORY: Iron Necklace or Sheild Ring (your choice) ITEM REWARDED: Fruit Of Repun Be at Level 13 when facing her. Her attack pattern is pretty much the same, except she is slightly tougher, but not too much. Just keep using Level 2 Fire Blasts on her, and she will be easily defeated. Be careful though, she will shoot some weird stuff at you, that if it touches you, it will drain some of your MP, so try not to use your Level 3 attacks, because you will need all your MP to use Refresh on yourself. Also if you have an Opel Statue, equip it because it will help out here. Once you defeat Sabera, she will drop a treasure box, which has a Fruit Of Repun in it. Get it and head northward, where you will be presented face to face with Tornel. Talk to him, and he will be happy that you save him. He will also ask about Stom, but alas, you tell him the sad truth. Tornel will revive any loss HP/MP and tell you to avenge Stoms death. But you can not save here, which really sucks. Anyways continue northward still, to the doorway, at the end, which you will enter. G O A F O R T R E S S : 3 R D F L O O R ITEMS: 2 Magic Rings, Opel Statue, Antidote, Magic Ring You should be on the 3rd Floor. Right now it's best to have your Rabbit Boots equipped. From the entrance, go north to the first 4-way intersection you see. From there, go east until you come across the big area of spikes. Get onto the spikes, and jump south, then once you get on the land, you should see a treasure chest. Inside it is the Magic Ring. Now go north, to the third 4- way intersection, then head west to another 4-way intersection. Once there, go north following the path to the spikes. Jump northward across the spikes, and get to the other side, where another treasure chest lays. Inside it is an Opel Statue. Get it and head back down to the recent 4-way intersection you came across. Now head west to the spikes, then jump northwards to another piece of land. Follow that path until you come across a doorway, which you will enter now. From the entrance, go east and south around the corner, when you reach the Pit. Watch out for the Large Blue Spiders, because they will shoot stuff that will drain you of your MP, as well as poison you, but they are worth alot of EP if you kill them. Carefully board the platform which will take you to the other side. Once there, dismount and head to the 3-way intersection. Once at the 3- way intersection, head west until you reach the end, where there is a treasure chest there. Inside is an Antidote, get it and head back to the 3-way intersection again. From the 3-way intersection, this time head south to another Pit. Board the platform, and be very careful, because there is another Large Blue Spider at the other side, which will knock you off to the level below. My best advice is to charge your Sword Of Thunder (which is what kills it) to Level 2, while riding the platform, then once it's in sight, launch your attack at it, knocking it back a ways, then try and dismount and fight it. Be careful doing this though, it can be tricky. Once that is done, get on the other platform and ride it to the other side. Once there, follow the path to another 3-way intersection. Go west from it and follow the path to the end. Use a Level 2 Thunder Blast on the iron wall, and continue northward. At the end of the path you should see another treasure chest. This time it has a Magic Ring in it. Get the Magic Ring and head back to the 3-way intersection. From there, this time head south and follow the path to the doorway. Enter through the doorway. From the entrance, head east and around the corner, until you reach the spikes. Jump to the first 4-way intersection, then head east. Once at the land, head to the next 4-way intersection, then go north to the last 4-way intersection. From here head east to the spikes, and head north once more. Once at the land, follow the path north and around the corner to the doorway. Up to this point, it would be best to be at Level 14, so go fight some monsters until you reach that point. If you have reached that point, head on into the doorway. From the entrance, head west, then around the corner. Watch out for the Butterflies, because they will paralysis you if you touch their pollen. As well as the Shadows, because they will hunt you down quickly. Make your way to the Pit, and carefully but quickly get on the moving platform. This can be a tricky area, so I'm letting you know now, this will take some time to get through. Make sure your Rabbit Boots are equipped because you will need them. Once at the other side, head down to the 3-way intersection (jump over the Shadows to make it easier). From the 3-way intersection, head east to a treasure chest. Inside it is a Magic Ring. Get that and head back to the 3-way intersection, and then head south from it. You will encounter two more Pits to cross, and more bad guys. So be paitent and careful when crossing these Pits. It's probably best that since the Shadows hunt you down, try to lure them away from the Pits, because one hit and they will knock you into the Pit. Once you make it past both Pits, head south and around the corner, and follow the path to the big room. Head north a ways and you will come across another Pit. Wait for the platform and cross the Pit carefully. Hopefully there will be no bad guys in the way, so it should be a bit easier to cross. Once at the other side, head north into the doorway. Like I said before, make sure you are at Level 14, because this will be a very tough fight. From the entrance, go north and you will come face to face with the third warrior of the Finest Four, which is Mado. B O S S # 0 9 : M A D O (REMATCH) SUGGESTED LEVEL: 14 SWORD: Water ACCESSORY: Iron Necklace or Sheild Ring (your choice) ITEM REWARDED: Sacred Sheild He's ready to fight so here's the deal. Equip your Sword Of Water and Blizzard Braclet, have your Opel Statue selected, and use the Refresh Spell and Magic Ring (you found earlier) when need be, and you will need it. Mado's fighting style is still the same. He rolls in a ball and shoots out stuff at you. But this time he is much faster, which makes him extremely tough to fight. Since the attack can cover the whole screen, use as many Level 3 Water Blasts as it takes to kill him. It's probably best if you stand in the middle of the room though. It will take a lot to kill him, that's why the Magic Braclet is very important in this fight, as well as the Opel Statue. Once you defeat him, he will drop a treasure chest. But what is inside you may ask, well go to it and see. It's the Sacred Sheild! After getting the Sacred Sheild, head north some more, and you will see Asina. Talk to her and she will revive any lost HP/MP. However you can not save here as well. Anyways, Asina will also warn you about the last of the Finest Four, which has the ability to change people into monsters, so be careful! Unforetunetly you can't save in here, so go north to the doorway, which will take you to the 4th Floor of Goa Fortress. G O A F O R T R E S S : 4 T H F L O O R ITEMS: Warp Boots, Magic Ring After that tough battle with Mado, you should be on the 4th Floor. From the entrance, head east and around the corner to the 3-way intersection. Avoid at all times the Red Mace Warrior and Red Shadows that are in here, because both are very tough. Once at the 3-way intersection, head west, and follow the path until you reach the doorway at the end. Go in the doorway. Believe it or not but this way is actually the easiest way to take. From the entrance, head north until you reach the end of the pathway. Kill all the Draygonia Archers and Small Red Crabs along the way, which isn't as hard as it may seem. Once you get to the end, go through the doorway. From the entrance, go east past the first 3-way intersection, until you come to the second 3-way intersection (should be north of the first one). At the spot, head north and use a Level 2 Thunder Blast on the iron wall to destroy it. Watch out for the Dark Blue Butterflies, they are persistant and tough to get around. Also be careful of the Dark Blue Walking Eyeballs, which will shoot out stuff which will drain your MP. Once you have destroyed the iron wall, head north to another 3-way intersection. This time you have two choices, east or west. Well go west and you will have to cross 3 Pits, but go east, and it will take you to a doorway, so let's go east. Once at the doorway, go in it. Watch out for the Brown Mudmen, because they will drain you of your MP considerably, as well as poison you. Equip your Rabbit Boots, and head west to the second 4-way intersection you see, which involves Spikes. From that point, go south until you get on some land. Once there, you should see a treasure chest. Inside is a Magic Ring. Once you get that, head back up to the 4-way intersection, and head west to the next one. From that point, go south until you reach some land again. You should see another treasure chest, but this time it will have the Warp Boots in it. After getting the Warp Boots, head back up to the recent 4-way intersection, and head westward again to some more land. Continue west to a doorway. What about those other areas of this room? Well three of them has Killer Chests at them, so kill those for some quick EP and money, and the other one leads to another room, which I will get to soon enough. Now head through the doorway. You should be in the previous room. Now head east to the 3-way intersection. From there head north until you get to a big room. You should see a Small Blue Slime (or as gamers call it Sludge) in the middle of the room. Go up and talk to it, and it is revealed to be Kensu. He will say that he got hit by the last Finest Four member, and was turned into the Sludge. He goes on saying that the only way he can recover is that he needs the Ivory Statue, which is downstairs. He suggests for you to take the Pit to the section below, but it don't matter how you get there, just do it! Once you're there, go through the doorway. Kill the Brown Crawler that's in the way. Once in the new room, equip your Barrier Spell and use it to get through the statues that spits fireballs at you. Once you're past all that, you should be in a big room, with the last of the Finest Four Warriors, which is Karmine. It seems Draygonia saved the best for last because Karmine is more tougher than the 3 warriors before hand. B O S S # 1 0 : K A R M I N E SUGGESTED LEVEL: 14 SWORD: Thunder ACCESSORY: Iron Necklace or Sheild Ring (your choice) ITEM REWARDED: Ivory Statue, Storm Bracelet Here's how to beat this very tough opponet. Make sure you have some Fruit Of Repun on you, and be at Level 14. Karmine's fighting style is very immense, so be very careful. Equip either your Iron Necklace or Sheild Ring to better either defense, as well as equip your Refresh Spell, because you will need it. He has will move around the room very fast, but when he stops, he has two different attacks he will try to launch on you. One is giant red fireballs which he will throw at you, which also bounces off the walls. The other will be several small blue fireballs which he will also launch at you. Stay away from these, because they will turn you into the same thing that Kensu is. Recover won't help you this time, so have you Fruit Of Repun ready to go. This will take a long time to get through, but use as many Level 2 Thunder Blasts as possible. Sure enough you will be able to defeat Karmine. G O A F O R T R E S S : 4 T H F L O O R (CONTINUED) ITEMS: Flight Spell Once you have defeated Karmine, he will drop a treasure chest which has the Ivory Statue in it. Get that and head northward some more. There will be another treasure chest there, which will have the Storm Bracelet in it. Keep in mind, the Storm Bracelet (when combined with the Sword Of Thunder) is very powerful, not to mention my personal favorite. Once you get all that head back up to Kensu. On the way back, take notice that the fireball spitting statues, has stopped spitting fireballs! Now you should be back at Kensu. Equip the Ivory Statue and present it to Kensu, and he will change back to normal. Talk to him and he will revive your loss HP/MP and say that Emperior Draygon and Mesia has left for the Pryamid. He says that Mesia has the power to call the tower, but not to give it to Draygon. Kensu will now teach you the final spell known as the Flight Spell, which is very helpful in some spots, and says to use the shortcut which lies behind him. Once you regain control, you still can't save, but instead head north and follow the path until you reach the doorway. Once there, go through the doorway. You have four more rooms to go through. However they are very short and has no monsters in them, so this will be very easy. Once you get through them all, you will be in a cave, which is actually part of the Oasis Cave. You can finally relax, because you have just defeated the Goa Fortress. Now teleport to Swan, and refill at the Inn and save. -------------------------------- L: |Oasis Dessert/The Town Of Sahara| -------------------------------- T O W N O F G O A (REVISITED) ITEMS: Warrior Ring After saving at the Inn, you should still be in Swan. Since you have the Sacred Sheild from fighting Mado, you can now sell off the Ceramic Sheild. Go to the Pawn Shop and sell your Ceramic Sheild for $1,250. After doing that, leave the Pawn Shop and head out the west side to Goa Field. Equip your Sword Of Thunder and Storm Bracelet and fight some enemies. Do this for a while to get your EP going, this will be easy in the long run. Now head up to Goa. If you didn't do this beforehand, you can do this now. Head to the house in the upper right corner of Goa and use your Change Spell to turn into Akahana. Enter the door, and talk to the guy in there. He will notice you as Akahana, and return to you the item you loaned him, which is the Warrior Ring, which is a very useful accessory. It'll enable you to shoot out Level 1 attacks, without charging your sword. Here's a hint, use the Warrior Ring when you're using the Sword Of Thunder, because with the 3-way shot the sword does, it will make it easier killing enemies. Anyways, head to Mt. Hydra. M T . H Y D R A (REVISITED) ITEMS: None Once back at Mt. Hydra, make your way back to the cave before the Cave Of Styx. Incase you forgot how to get there, I shall refresh your memory. From the entrance of Mt. Hydra, make your way to the first 3-way intersection, then head right until you reach a cave entrance. Go in it, and from that entrance, follow the path to the 3-way. Once there, head left and go through the door at the end. You will be back in Mt. Hydra. Once you are back at Mt. Hydra, make your way around the corners until you come to another 3-way. From there, go right until you reach another cave entrance, which you will enter. Once you are in this new cave, head to the 3-way, and this time, head left. Follow the path to the end, and go through the door. Now you are about to explore new parts of Mt. Hydra. C A V E O F M T . H Y D R A (REVISITED) ITEMS: Medical Herb, Bow Of Sun From the entrance, head west and around the corner, until you come to the 3-way intersection at the top. Kill everything in your way (including the Purple Walking Eyeballs, which will turn you to stone), then go west from the 3-way intersection, until you get to the doorway at the end. Go in it. This area should be short and simple (for once). Take out the Red Crabs, and follow the path to the end, where there is a treasure chest. Inside is a Medical Herb. Get it and head back to the previous room. Once back here, quickly and carefully make your way past the enemies, to the other doorway, on the other side of the 3-way intersection. Enter through the door. From the entrance, head east then around the corner to the north. Kill everything in your way, but be careful not to turn to stone. Once at the top of this section, use a Level 2 Wind Blast on the wall, then continue north on the path, and enter the doorway at the end. Upon entering this room, you'll instantly notice some Small Purple Bats. Just like the red and blue ones from before areas, these things will annoying you big time, so just avoid them at all times. Also be on the look out for the Purple Walking Eyeballs as well. From the entrance though, head north, then east around the corner, then north again to the end. Use a Level 2 Wind Blast on the wall. This will not only clear the path, but open up a doorway leading to the next room, so enter the doorway. Given the kind of enemies you had to face in the previous sections of Mt. Hydra, this room should be a breeze. Keep going north, and you will notice several Small Red Slimes crawling around. Just use a few Level 3 Fire Blasts to clear them out (for the fun of it). Also there is a Killer chest in the corner. Kill it for some fast money and EP. Follow the path all the way to the other side, where you will see a doorway. Enter the doorway and you will be back at Mt. Hydra. From the cave entrance, go west, until you come to a gap between the two ledges. Don't worry you won't fall off. Equip your Flight Spell, and fly over to the other side. Once there, you will see a treasure chest, well inside is the Bow Of Sun. Now make your way out of the caves you just went through and head up to the Cave Of Styx, to get the other item. C A V E O F S T Y X (REVISITED) ITEMS: Psycho Sheild Remember how to get to the Cave Of Styx? Well if not, this is how. Get back to the 3-way intersection you came to before going into the caves to find the Bow Of Sun. From that intersection, head left and follow the path to the staircase. Climb the stairs and enter through the doorway and you will be in the Cave Of Styx. Once inside, equip your Barrier Spell, and head through the fireball spitting statues. Continue onward to the 3-way intersection. From there, go right, and follow the path until you reach the end. Kill everything in your way, if there is anything, and go through the door. From the entrance, head north to the polluted river bank. Then head east and up around the corner. You'll be greet by a new enemy known as Red Salemander. These guys are great for racking up EP. But there are some set backs, it can drain your MP as well as poison you, so be careful. You'll notice along here there are 3 treasure boxes, so equip the Flight Spell and fly over to them. Once at the other side, pay no mind to the chest at the bottom, or the one at the top, because they both are Killer Chests. However the middle one has the Psycho Sheild in it. Now get it and head back to Swan. G O A F I E L D (REVISITED)/O A S I S D E S S E R T ITEMS: None You should now be in Swan. Equip your Psycho Sheild, and head up to the Pawn Shop. Sell off your Sacred Sheild for $3,000, and leave the Pawn Shop. Now go to the Inn and revive any lost HP/MP and save your work, then head back out to Goa Feild, and kill a few monsters. Up to this point, you should have covered north, west (southwest to be exact) and east of Goa Feild, with one direction left, south. To get there, head up to the entrance of Goa, then turn around and head south. Go all the way to the rocky area at the bottom, and head west a bit. You should see a pathway leading south. Go into it and this will take you to the Oasis Desert. Now you should be in the Oasis Dessert. From the entrance of the dessert, equip your Rabbit Boots, then head south until you come across 4 whirlpools next to each other. Watch out for the Dark Red Eagles and Swamp Zombies, because they can be tough. From there, head west a bit until you come to an island. On this island, you should see a staircase. Go into the staircase and you will be inside the Oasis Cave. O A S I S C A V E ITEMS: 2 Fruit Of Power, Leather Boots, Battle Armor, Power Ring From the entrance, head north past the 3-way intersection, and go to the river bank. You should see a treasure chest on the other side, but how to get it? Well, equip your Flight Spell, and jump across the river bank. Now go to the treasure chest and you will get the Fruit Of Power. Don't worry about anything else, because it will just take you back to Goa Fortress. Now head back to the 3-way intersection, and go east from it. Follow the path to the doorway and enter it. From the entrance, head east to the river bank. At that point head south until you see a treasure chest on the other side. Once doing that, use your Flight Spell to jump across. Now head up to the treasure chest, and inside is the Fruit Of Power. After getting that, jump back over to where you were beforehand. Now head north until you get to the last path heading west. Once there, head west and follow the path all the way around. Once at the end of the path, you will see another treasure chest. Inside it will be the Leather Boots. These will help you walk across the poison swamps without taking any damage. Now head back to the river bank, and this time continue northward, and follow the path to the end. Once there, use Flight to jump over the water to the other side. This will be tricky to explain so just follow me here. From where you landed, head east until you come across the 2nd island sticking out from the south side. Once you get there, use your Flight Spell and jump across the river bank. At the other side you should see a treasure chest on the left side. Go to it and get what's inside which is the Battle Armor. After doing this, use your Flight Spell once again heading south. Once doing that, you should be at a corner. From the corner, head south and follow that path to the next gap to where you can make an ice bridge. Once there, use a Level 2 Water Blast on the water, to make the ice bridge. Cross it, then head south, and follow that path until you see a pathway leading north. Go north on it and enter through the doorway. This is pretty short and easy to get through. From the entrance, head north until you reach the iron wall. Use a Level 2 Thunder Blast to blow open the wall, then continue northward. At the end of the path you should see a treasure chest. Inside is the Power Ring. Get the Power Ring, and head back outside to the Oasis Dessert. S A H A R A F E I L D/T O W N O F S A H A R A ITEMS: Deo's Pendent Now that you are back at the Dessert, head east until you come across a cave which is blocked by 2 whirlpools. Watch out for the enemies during this though. Use your Flight Spell to jump over the whirlpools, and enter the cave. This should be easy to get through, even with the Brown Scorpions, in here. Just simply make your way to the other side of the path. Equip both your Warrior Necklace and Sword Of Thunder to get through the Brown Scorpions easier, not to mention rack up atleast 1,440 EP on each scorpion, which is very good. Once at the other side, go through the door and you will be in a field, right before the Town Of Sahara. You should now be at a field, where there are some weird looking bunnies? Anyways if you talk to any of them, they will say "Let's play". But then if you talk to a certain one, he will reveal to be Deo. He will say that he wishes to see Stom again, that he was one of Stom's favorate. Now use your Change Spell and turn into Stom, then talk to Deo again. Deo will become excited to see Stom, but you tell him the sad truth that Stom is dead. After much disbelief, Deo will give you the one thing that reminds him of Stom, and that is the Deo's Pendant. He will tell you to avenge Stom's death. Now head south some more, and you will come across a pathway leading south, which once going there you will be in the Town Of Sahara. This is the last town you will visit in the game, which means the end is very near. Talk to everyone who will talk about how Draygonia will fall soon. Next go to the Pawn Shop and sell off your Solider Suit for $1,500, after that head over next door to the house. Talk to the guy sitting down. He will say how Mesia will lead you into victory over defeating the evil tower, as well as Draygonia. Now leave here, then head to the Inn and for $500, refill any lost HP/MP and save. After that head through the east exit, and then go through the cave door. Just like before, make your way to the other side, killing the Brown Scorpions in your way. Once at the other side, go through the door and you will be right outside of the Great Pyramid. You can save at this point, which will be a good idea. Now you should be ready for the Great Pyramid, but to get there should be very easy. From the cave entrance here you just came from, equip your Leather Boots. Directly east of you is the Great Pyramid. All you have to do is walk on the front side of the pyramid, then you will come across an entrance blocked by 2 whirlpools. Use your Flight Spell and jump over the whirlpools and enter through the door. You will now be in the Great Pyramid. ---------------------------------- M: |The Great Pyramid/Pyramid Basement| ---------------------------------- T H E G R E A T P Y R A M I D ITEMS: Magic Ring From the entrance, head north all the way to the end. Enter through the door. Here's where the fun begins. From the entrace head to the 3-way intersection. Now from here, it don't matter which way you go because you will end up in the same place, so let's just go east. Follow the short path to the doorway, and enter it. Kill the scorpions along the way to rack up on some serious EP and money. Now just like the Forest Maze, imagine this area as a city. With that, go to the first 4-way intersection you come across. From there head west 2 blocks, then go north straight up to the doorway. Avoid the Mummies and Eyeballs along the way. Go through the doorway. From the entrance, head north. You should see a treasure chest in the middle of the room. Inside is a Magic Ring, which will be helpful. Get it, then continue north to the doorway. Enter it and you will be back in the previous room. Once you are in the previous room, you will be on the south side of it. From the entrane, head north to the 3-way intersection. From that point, head east 1 block, then north 1 block. Turn and head west until you see a doorway on the north side. Enter through the door. From the entrance head north, and you will come face to face with the guy everyone has been talking about, Draygon! But he is not the final boss acually. He will introduce himself, and is shocked about your arrival and says "Show me your power!" and the battle will begin. B O S S # 1 1 : D R A Y G O N SUGGESTED LEVEL: 15 SWORD: Thunder (Storm Bracelet is also peferred) ACCESSORY: Power Ring ITEM REWARDED: Psycho Armor Now this is the first time you will encounter Draygon. When you meet him, he will charge down at you very fast, then move back and he will start unleashing his power on you. When he's charging at you, make sure you are out of his way, because it will hurt badly if he hits you. His main offense is that he shoots out lightning bolts which cover a third of the screen. My advice is get in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Be at Level 15, and equip the Power Ring, Sword Of Thunder and Storm Braclet. Be at full health and have atleast 80 MP. What you do is so easy, that you will wish it would be this easy fighting other bosses. Unleash 2 Level 3 Thunder Blasts and that will kill Draygon, simple as that! Defeat him and he will drop a treasure chest. Inside, you will receive the Psycho Armor which is the best armor ever. Why, because but you can recover lost HP slowly while wearing it, you just need to be standing in one place so it can happend. After getting the Psycho Armor, the floor below you will drop, leading you back to the beginning of the Great Pyramid. T H E G R E A T P Y R A M I D (CONTINUED) ITEMS: Bow Of Truth Once you are back at the beginning of the Great Pyramid, you will see Azteca just north of you. Go up and talk to him, and he will be excited that you have made it up to that point. You will notice his injuries, but he says not to worry about him, but to worry about Mesia, who is on the on the top floor. Azteca will tell you to use the basement passageway to get to her. Finally Azteca presents you with the Bow Of Truth which is to be used on Draygon again. Mesia is waiting he concludes, so you best be on your way. Now head south and leave the Great Pyramid. After that, use your Teleport Spell, and head back to Sahara. Go to the Inn and refill any loss HP/MP. Now head back to the dessert where the Great Pyramid is, and save. You should now be back at the dessert again, right at the cave entrance. Equip your Leather Boots, and this time head directly north of the Great Pyramid, until you come across the mountain. Walk around the mountain, and head north again until you come across this staircase sitting in the swamp, which is guarded by two whirlpools. Use your Flight Spell to jump over the two whirlpools, and enter the staircase. T H E P Y R A M I D B A S E M E N T ITEMS: Opel Statue From the entrance, head south and follow the path to the end, where you will see two statues, known as the Sun & Moon Statues. Walk a couple of steps and they will spot you and be angry for you waking them, and start firing. Their fire power is immense and can do plenty of damage to you, but killing them is very easy. Equip either your Bow Of Moon or Bow Of Sun (you did remember to get these things right?), and use it on the statues. Whichever bow you use, will kill that statue. After that, use the other one on the other statue. Once both are destroyed, a doorway, which lies between them, will open. Go in it. From the entrance, head north to the 4-way intersection. From there, go east and follow the path around several corners until you reach the end. Watch out for the Four Handed Wizards, infact don't even bother with them, because it will take forever for them to be killed. Avoid them by any means, because they will try to launch a spell at you which turns you into a monster. If that does happen, use a Fruit Of Repun to cure yourself. Anyhow, once you get to the end, head through the doorway. From the entrance, equip your Leather Boots, and walk north across the spikes, past the 4-way intersection. Don't worry about going left or right from the 4-way intersection, I'll get to that later. Watch out for the Wizards and Butterflies in here. Once on the other side, follow the path north, until you reach the doorway. Enter through the doorway. From the entrance, head north to the 3-way intersection. From there, head east, avoiding the Butterflies and Wizards. Follow the path until you come across the spikes. Equip your Leather Boots, and walk across the spikes to the other side. Once on the other side, continue south until you come across a treasure chest. Inside is an Opel Statue, which will come in handy soon enough. After getting the Opel Statue, head back to the 3-way intersection. Once back at the 3-way intersection, head west, and follow the path to the spikes. With your Leather Boots still equipped, walk across the spikes. At the other side, follow the path around the first corner, then continue until you reach the next corner. Ahead of this point there are 2 pits with a small island in between guarded by a Four-Handed Wizard, and at the end there is a doorway guarded by another Four-Handed Wizard. On top of that, there is a Purple Butterfly that'll fly about. Sounds pretty tricky to get through, believe me it is. What I do, which is probably the best idea, is equip your Flight Spell, and use it to fly over everything. Do this until you reach the other side. Once there, go into the doorway. From the entrance, head north, and you will be face to face with Draygon again. He will be mad at you for the taking his kingdom from you, but I think he's really mad because you whomped his butt the first time ^_^. Soon as he says this, the battle will begin. B O S S # 1 2 : D R A Y G O N (REMATCH) SUGGESTED LEVEL: 16 SWORD: Thunder (Storm Bracelet is also peferred) ACCESSORY: Power Ring ITEM REWARDED: None Draygon's much tougher than before, so make sure you max out your stats to Level 16. First off, equip your Bow Of Truth and use it on him, and he will turn into a giant dragon of some sort. Now in his true form, his main offense is that he shoots laser beams at you, as well as large balls of energy. He also spits out green fireballs and shoots magic at you, turning you into a monster. Stay at the bottom of the screen, this is probably the safest place to be. Avoid all the attacks, especially the ones that turn you into a monster. Be at Level 16, and equip the Power Ring, Sword Of Thunder and Storm Braclet. Be at full health and have atleast 120 MP. This time, make sure his eye (in the center of his chest) is open, then unleash 3 Level 3 Thunder Blasts and that will kill Draygon! He won't leave anything behind this time. Instead the Four Wise Men will appear, with Azteca laying in the middle of the room. It seems that Draygon wa really Azteca, and that how this is how it should be, good winning over evil. He also says how he didn't want evil thoughts in his mind, and how he tried to push out the negative thoughts as much as he could. Because of this, Draygon became obsessed with this, he took control of Azteca. He concludes by saying how since you and Mesia are awake means the tower is now active. Finally, Azteca dies. Everyone of course is upset about this. Mesia (telepathically I think) will say how she is in the tower, and for you to enter through the next room. After that, the game will take over sending you to the next room. Once there, you will see a giant crystal. Walk into it and it will take you to the Floating Tower. ----------------------------------- N: |The Floating Tower/The Final Battle| ----------------------------------- T H E F L O A T I N G T O W E R ITEMS: Sword Of Crystalis Hoping you have followed my walkthrough up to this point, you should now be in the final area, the Floating Tower. At the moment, you should be in a room where you warped to. Equip the Deo's Pendant to refill your MP, and let your Psycho Armor refill your HP. Once your HP/MP has been refilled, save here, because this is the last place you can save at from here on out. After saving, leave here, and you will be on the first level of the Floating Tower. On the first floor, head west from the door until you reached the ledge. Now, equip your Warrior Ring as well as the Sword Of Thunder, and go from west to east, killing all the Cyborg Soliders along the way. Watch out for the Wall Cannons and Flybots, because they will pose as a problem, especially the Flybots. Keep going until you reach the east side ledge. Once at the east side ledge, rest to recover any lost HP/MP (using the Psycho Armor and Deo's Pendant). After killing the Cyborg Soliders, Walking E-Frames will appear. Turn around and head west killing the E-Frames. Once all of them has been killed, the screen will flash, and a staircase will appear going to the second floor. Climb the staircase and you will be stopped. Someone will come out (I'm not sure who) and talk about how you and Mesia were apart of a team of scientists who created the tower. This person goes on saying you were to see the future race. Once the tower started operating, both you and Mesia were awakened. After this you can continue up the stairs to the second floor. On the second floor, head to the east side ledge, then turn around and head west killing all the Cyborg Soliders until you get to west side ledge. After that, refill your HP/MP, then turn around again and head back to the east, killing the Walking E-Frames. Once all those have been killed, the screen will flash again and another staircase will appear, leading to the third floor. Find it and climb that staircase. During your trip, you will be stopped once again. The same voice appears. I'm guessing it's the Four Wise Men, but for some reason I think it's someone else. Anyways they will stop you and wonder if you found Azteca. They go on saying how Azteca was an android, created by them and instructed to lead the people in the right step. Hoping to succeed of course, but if he fails, it would be up to you to save everything. Now continue up the stairs to the third floor. On the third floor, repeat the same process as before when on the second floor, and another flash will appear following another staircase. This time when you climb it, you won't be stopped, so just continue up the stairs to the fourth floor. On the fourth floor, go east until you see a big door. Go through it and you will be in a room where you will see Mesia, who will be very happy to see you. She will tell you to take out your 4 swords, which then she will combine into the mighty, Sword Of Crystalis. This the most powerful sword ever, but you don't get any upgrades for it. Once you get the sword, Mesia will tell you to destroy DYNA, then to stick the sword into the reactor. Refill your HP/MP for the last time, then leave this room. The screen will flash again, and a staircase will appear. Find it and climb it. The voice will stop you again wishing you luck against DYNA. Continue up the stairs, and you will see a big door. No turning back now, so enter the door. B O S S # 1 3 : D Y N A SUGGESTED LEVEL: 16 SWORD: Crystalis ACCESSORY: Power Ring ITEM REWARDED: None This is it everyone, the final battle. You are now face to face with the final boss of the game, DYNA, but not a very tough final boss, if you know what you're doing that is. As you can tell DYNA is a huge master computer system gone wrong, and you need to stop it. Here's how: Be at Level 16 and have the Power Ring on. Your Sword Of Crystalis will automatically be equipped. Hopefully your HP/MP will be filled out. Also equip your Refresh Spell, because you may need it. DYNA will attack you with fairly good size laser beams, as well as fireballs. Best bet is to stand just right of DYNA's eye, so that you can miss the beams. Your only offense is that when you charge the Sword Of Crystalis to Level 1, it will shoot out giant white balls of energy. Only when DYNA's eye open, launch your attack at DYNA. During the time its eye is shut, charge your sword to Level 1. Keep doing this and you will have defeated DYNA. After it's destroyed, a huge explosion will take place and DYNA will be gone. You will then go up and place the Sword Of Crystalis in the reactor. Mesia will appear and tell you, that it's time to go. Now just sit back and watch the ending of the game. Congradulations, you have just beaten Crystalis, a very good RPG game for the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- SECTION 3: |THE GOODIES| ----------- ------ A: |Swords| ------ There are 5 swords in the game. 4 of which has accessories which will make them more powerful. Below is a list of the swords and their accessories. SWORD OF WIND: (ATT +1) Level 1: Sword Of Wind This is the first sword of the game. Once charged to Level 1, it can send a small wind blast attack at your enemies. Level 2: Ball Of Wind Get the Ball Of Wind and it will increase the fighting power of the Sword Of Wind. Once equipped, you can charge the Sword Of Wind to Level 2, shooting out a powerful bigger wind blast that is more powerful than your Level 1 blast. This item will also help destroy some walls. Level 3: Tornado Bracelet (8 MP) Get the Tornado Bracelet and once equipped you can charge up your Sword Of Wind to Level 3. And by doing so, you'll send out several tornadoes that will help kill your enemies and knock them back. SWORD OF FIRE: (ATT +2) Level 1: Sword Of Fire This is second sword of the game. Once charged to Level 1, it can send a small fire blast at your enemies. Level 2: Ball Of Fire Get the Ball Of Fire and it will increase the fighting power of the Sword Of Fire. Once equipped, you can charge the Sword Of Fire to Level 2, shooting out a large stream of fire that will surely help against fighting monsters. This item will also help destroy some walls. Level 3: Flame Bracelet (16 MP) Get the Flame Bracelet and you can charge up your Sword Of Wind to Level 3. And by doing so, you'll be able to shoot out a huge fire ring shoots out, setting your enemies on fire. SWORD OF WATER: (ATT +4) Level 1: Sword Of Water This is the third sword of the game. Once charged to Level 1, it can send a small water blast at your enemies. Level 2: Ball Of Water Get the Ball Of Water and it will increase the fighting power of the Sword Of Water. Once equipped, you can charge the Sword Of Water to Level 2, shooting out an ice V-shape ice blast, that will help defeat enemies. This item will also help create ice bridges (HINT: Look for where there is a lot of white dots in the water coming together). Level 3: Blizzard Bracelet (16 MP) Get the Blizzard Bracelet, and you can charge up your Sword Of Water to Level 3. And by doing so, snowflakes come out then captures enemies. Then brings the flakes together and shoots out. SWORD OF THUNDER: (ATT +8) Level 1: Sword Of Thunder This is the fourth sword of the game, and one of the more effective against enemies. Once charged to Level 1, it can send a 3-way lightning bolt towards your enemies. Note that this works very well when you have the Warrior Ring equipped. Level 2: Ball Of Thunder Get the Ball Of Thunder and it will increase the fighting power of the Sword Of Thunder. Once equipped, you can charge the Sword Of Thunder to Level 2, shooting out several thunder rings towards your enemies. This attack can cover a 180 degree radius, which will be very helpful. This item will also help destroy iron walls (HINT: Look for walls with gargoyle like faces, those are the iron walls). Level 3: Storm Bracelet (40 MP) Get the Storm Bracelet and you can charge up your Sword Of Thunder to Level 3. And by doing so, you'll be able to cause a powerful storm that will destroy everything on the screen. This is actually my most favorate attack done. SWORD OF CRYSTALIS: (ATT +16) Level 1: Sword Of Crystalis This is the final sword of the game. You will get the Sword Of Crystalis at the end of game, when you are facing the final boss DYNA. Mesia will take all 4 swords and combined them into the mighty Sword Of Crystalis. You can only use this sword against the final boss. Unlike the other 4 swords, it doesn't have any items to increase its fighting power (but wouldn't it be sweet if it did ^_^). But you can still charge up the sword to Level 1, and by doing so, you will be able to launch a powerful blue ball of energy at DYNA. Very powerful sword! ------- B: |Sheilds| ------- There are 8 different types of sheilds you can get in the game. 1. Carapace Sheild (SHEILD DEF +2): This can be bought for $80 in Leaf or $70 in Brynmaer, and can be sold for $40. 2. Bronze Sheild (SHEILD DEF +6): This can be bought in Brynmaer for $220, and can be sold for $110. 3. Platinum Sheild (SHEILD DEF +8): This can be bought in Portoa for $1,500 or in Amazones for $1,300, and can be sold for $750. 4. Ceramic Sheild (SHEILD DEF +18): This can be bought in Swan for $2,500, and can be sold for $1,250. 5. Battle Sheild (SHEILD DEF +24): This can be bought in Swan for $6,000, and can be sold for $3,000. 6. Mirror Sheild (SHEILD DEF +12): This can be bought in Amazones for $2,000, and can be sold for $1,000. 7. Sacred Sheild (SHEILD DEF +16): This can be bought in Amazones for $9,000 or in Shyron for $6,000, and can be sold for $3,000. 8. Psycho Sheild (SHEILD DEF +32): This can be found in the Cave Of Styx area, but it can't be sold. It can also protect you against most enemies attacks. ------ C: |Armors| ------ There are 8 different types of armors you can get in the game. 1. Tanned Hide (ARMOR DEF +2): This can be purchased in Leaf for $100, and can be sold for $50. 2. Leather Armor (ARMOR DEF +6): This can be bought in Brynmaer for $140, and can be sold for $70. 3. Bronze Armor (ARMOR DEF +10): This can be bought in Portoa for $600, and can be sold for $300. 4. Platinum Armor (ARMOR DEF +14): This can be bought in Portoa for $2,000 or in Amazones for $1,800, and can be sold for $1,000. 5. Solider Suit (ARMOR DEF +18): This can be bought in Swan for $3,000, and can be sold for $1,500. 6. Ceraminc Suit (ARMOR DEF +24): This can be bought in Swan for $6,500 or in Shyron for $5,500, and can be sold for $2,750. 7. Battle Armor (ARMOR DEF +20): This can be found in the Oasis Cave area, but it can't be sold. 8. Psycho Armor (ARMOR DEF +32): This can be found in the Pyramid area, but it can't be sold. It can also slowly raise your lost HP once you are standing still. ----------- D: |Accessories| ----------- These are special items that will help better your character, however you can only have one item selected at a time. 1. Rabbit Boots: This item will allow you to jump, which is very handy at some points of the game. 2. Gas Mask: This item has only one purpose. By wearing it, you'll be able to go through the Poison Forest Maze unharmed by the poison. 3. Sheild Ring: This item doubles your standard Shield Defense Rating. 4. Iron Necklace: This item doubles your standard Armor Defense Rating. 5. Warrior Ring: This item will allow you to use a Level 1 Sword Blast, without charging. 6. Power Ring: This item doubles your standard Sword Attack Rating. 7. Deo's Necklace: This item will slowly refill your MP, but will only work if you're standing still. 8. Leather Boots: This item will allow you to walk over poison swamps without taking any damage. ------------ E: |Magic Spells| ------------ There are 8 Magic Spells in the game. You get them by meeting certain people in the game. 1. Refresh (4 MP): This spell will refill any loss HP. 2. Telepathy (8 MP): This spell will allow you to talk to the Four Wisemen. 3. Teleport (20 MP): This spell works like the Warp Boots, it will take you to any town previously visited. 4. Paralysis (4 MP): This spell will freeze monsters and people, but not sure about bosses. 5. Recover (24 MP): This spell will help you recover from any damage, other than HP/MP losage. 6. Barrier (20 MP): This spell will create aprotective forcefield around you, which will protect you from enemy attacks. 7. Change (20 MP): This spell will change you into one of 4 characters of the game. 8. Flight (1 MP): This spell will allow you to float over any large gap. ----- F: |Items| ----- These are the items you can get. They will help you out incase you are in trouble. 1. Alarm Flute: This item is used to wakes people who are asleep. 2. Warp Boots: This item teleports to towns previously visited. 3. Antidote: This item will cure poison status. 4. Fruit Of Lime: This item will cure petrify status. 5. Fruit Of Repun: This item will cure nuper status. 6. Lysis Plant: This item will cure paralysis status. 7. Magic Ring: This item will cure all MP. 8. Opel Statue: This item will cures all HP (after death). You must have this item selected on the Item Screen. 9. Medical Herb: This item will cure 32 HP. 10. Fruit Of Power: This item will cure 32 MP. (NOTE: Please refer to the "Buy/Sell" part of Section 4, for info on purchasing/selling items) ---------------- G: |Game Story Items| ---------------- These are items you get throughout the game, which plays an important role during your quest. You can only use one item at a time. 1. Shell Flute: Use this to summon the dolphin. 2. Eye glasses: Use this to open a secret door in Joel. 3. Flute Of Lime: Use this to cure petrify on some soliders. 4. Broken Statue: This will become the Statue of Gold. 5. Statue of Gold: This is used to calm the whirlpools. 6. Love Pendant: Give this to Kensu to remind him of his duty. 7. Fog Lamp: Return it to the boat keeper in Portoa. 8. Kirisa Plant: Trade this with the Amazon Queen for the Bow of Moon. 9. Glowing Lamp: Fixes the Broken Statue into the Statue of Gold. 10. Key of Styx: Opens the gate to the Cave of Styx. 11. Ivory Statue: Use this to restores Kensu from his blob state. 12. Bow of Moon: Use this to defeats the Guardian of Moon. 13. Bow of Sun: Use this to defeats the Guardian of Sun. 14. Bow of Truth: Use this to reveal the Emperor's true form. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- SECTION 4: |IMPORTANT STUFF| --------------- --------- A: |Level-Ups| --------- This tells you what your stats are for your current level. ------- -------- ----- ----- ------ ---------- ---------- | LEVEL | EXP. | HP | MP | ATT. | SHD DEF. | ARM DEF. | ------- -------- ----- ----- ------ ---------- ---------- | 1 | 30 | 48 | 34 | +1 | +1 | +1 | | 2 | 60 | 64 | 34 | +2 | +2 | +2 | | 3 | 150 | 80 | 51 | +3 | +3 | +3 | | 4 | 300 | 96 | 68 | +4 | +4 | +4 | | 5 | 700 | 112 | 85 | +5 | +5 | +5 | | 6 | 1,200 | 128 | 102 | +6 | +6 | +6 | | 7 | 1,600 | 144 | 119 | +7 | +7 | +7 | | 8 | 3,500 | 160 | 136 | +8 | +8 | +8 | | 9 | 5,800 | 176 | 153 | +9 | +9 | +9 | | 10 | 8,000 | 192 | 170 | +10 | +10 | +10 | | 11 | 10,000 | 208 | 187 | +11 | +11 | +11 | | 12 | 20,000 | 224 | 204 | +12 | +12 | +12 | | 13 | 30,000 | 240 | 221 | +13 | +13 | +13 | | 14 | 40,000 | 255 | 238 | +14 | +14 | +14 | | 15 | 50,000 | 255 | 255 | +15 | +15 | +15 | | 16 | MAXED | 255 | 255 | +16 | +16 | +16 | ------- -------- ----- ----- ------ ---------- ---------- NOTE: The EXP listed, tells how much you need to get to the next Level. SHD DEF (Sheild Defense), shows your Standard Sheild Defense only. This doesn't include when you are holding a sheild. ARM DEF (Armor Defense), shows your Standard Armor Defense only. This doesn't include when you are wearing an armor. ATT (Attack), shows your current Attack Defense. This doesn't include when you are using a sword. -------- B: |Buy/Sell| -------- This is a list of all the stuff you can buy, and in what town. LEGEND: FLT: Alarm Flute WRP: Warp Boots LYS: Lysis Plant ANT: Antidote POW: Fruit Of Power RNG: Magic Ring MED: Medical Herb LIM: Fruit Of Lime RPN: Fruit Of Repun ---------- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ ------ | BUYING | FLT | ANT | MED | WRP | POW | LIM | LYS | RNG | RPN | ---------- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ ------ | Leaf | 50 | 40 | 30 | 60 | | | | | | | Brynmaer | | 45 | 35 | 65 | | | | | | | Oak | | 45 | 50 | | 80 | | | | | | Nadare | | 70 | 60 | 80 | 100 | | | | | | Portoa | | | 90 | 120 | | 180 | 200 | | | | Joel | 300 | 150 | 120 | | 180 | | | | | | Swan | | 200 | 180 | 300 | 350 | | | | | | Amazones | | | | 100 | 150 | | 150 | | | | Shyron | | 200 | 180 | | | 300 | | 800 | | | Goa | | 600 | 500 | 800 | | | 700 | | | | Sahara | | 1000 | | 1500 | | | | 4000 | 3000 | ---------- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ ------ | SELLING | 25 | 20 | 10 | 30 | 65 | 90 | 95 | 500 | 1000 | ---------- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ ------ NOTE: You can not buy or sell the Opel Statue. But knowing what it can do, why would you want to ;-). ---- C: |Inns| ---- By staying at an Inn, you will be able to refill all your lost HP/MP and recover from any enemy attack (paralysis, poison, etc). After which, you can save outside of these places. ---------- ------- ---------- ------- | TOWNS | PRICE | TOWNS | PRICE | ---------- ------- ---------- ------- | Leaf | 16 | Amazones | 80 | | Brynmaer | 20 | Joel | 120 | | Oak | 40 | Shyron | 150 | | Nadare | 50 | Goa | 300 | | Portoa | 100 | Sahara | 500 | | Swan | 150 | | | ---------- ------- ---------- ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- SECTION 5: |THE BADDIES| ----------- ------- A: |Enemies| ------- This is a list of enemies in the game, in alphabetical order. (Courtesy of Windchild, although some of them I made up, but I can't remember which is which lol) ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- | NAME | EXP | GOLD | WND | FRE | WTR | THN | ATTACK | ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- | Armored Mace | 600 | 400 | No | No | No | Yes | None | ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- | Beholder | 272 | 50 | No | Yes | No | Yes | Petrify | | Blue Bat Small | 10 | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | | Blue Bear | 35 | 8 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | | Blue Insect | 592 | 8 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Paralysis | | Blue Shroom | 8 | 4 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | | Blue Slime Small | 1 | 1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | None | | Blue Slime Large | 6 | 4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | None | | Blue Spiny | 15 | 8 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | | Brown Axe Hog | 5 | 4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | | Brown Bear | 4 | 4 | Yes | No | No | Yes | None | | Brown Puddle | 1920 | 400 | No | No | Yes | Yes | Drains MP | | Brown Scorpion | 608 | 200 | Yes | No | No | Yes | Drains MP | | Brown Tiger | 1 | 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- | Cyborg Soliders | 0 | 0 | No | No | No | Yes | None | ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- | Dark Green Snake | 85 | 50 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Paralysis | | Desert Eagle | 288 | 50 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | | Desert Scorpion | 1440 | 200 | No | No | No | Yes | Poison | | Desert Zombie | 208 | 50 | Yes | No | No | Yes | None | | Draygonian Archer | 256 | 100 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | None | | Draygonia Guard | 25 | 8 | Yes | No | No | Yes | None | ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- | Flybots | 0 | 0 | No | No | No | Yes | None | | Flying Insect | 8 | 4 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- | Gorgon | 50 | 50 | No | No | Yes | Yes | Petrify | | Green Axe Hog | 25 | 16 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | None | | Green Crawler | 8 | 8 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | None | | Green Snake | 3 | 4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | | Green Slug | 2 | 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | | Green Spider | 8 | 8 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Poison | ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- | Killer Dandelion | 6 | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | | Killer Chest | 126 | 500 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Poison | ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- | Mace Wielder | 320 | 100 | No | No | Yes | Yes | Poison | | Merman | 144 | 50 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | None | ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- | Octopus | 176 | 100 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | None | ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- | Pollen Killer | 592 | 0 | No | No | No | Yes | Paralysis | | Purple Bat | 1 | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | | Purple Butterfly | 208 | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Paralysis | | Purple Eagle | 60 | 30 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | | Purple Bird | 288 | 50 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | | Purple Macewarrior| 320 | 100 | No | No | Yes | Yes | None | | Purple Shroom | 80 | 30 | No | Yes | No | No | Poison | | Purple Serpent | 10 | 8 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Poison | | Purple Spider | 1280 | 200 | Yes | No | No | Yes | Petrify | | Purple Spiny | 100 | 30 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Poison | ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- | Red Crab | 30 | 16 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | None | | Red Crawler | 15 | 8 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Poison | | Red Eagle | 60 | 0 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | | Red Flying Plant | 40 | 16 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | | Red Mud Puddle | 304 | 100 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Poison | | Red Shadow | 256 | 100 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Paralysis | | Red Slug | 22 | 16 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Poison | | Red Serpent | 10 | 8 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Poison | | Red Spider | 120 | 30 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Paralysis | | Red Witch | 672 | 100 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | None | | Rolly-Poly | 8 | 4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | | Rock Zombie | 12 | 8 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | None | ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- | Skeleton | 1280 | 200 | No | No | No | Yes | Drains MP | | Swordsman | 560 | 100 | Yes | No | No | Yes | None | ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- | Turtle | 160 | 30 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Poison | ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- | Walking E-Frames | 0 | 0 | No | No | No | Yes | None | | Wall Cannons | 0 | 0 | No | No | No | No | None | | White Mummy | 1760 | 400 | No | No | Yes | No | Petrify | ------------------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- ------ B: |Bosses| ------ This is a list of all the Bosses (as well as a guide on how to beat them), in order of appearance. BOSS #01: BIG BAT ----- ------- ------- ------------------ --------------- | EXP | SWORD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ----- ------- ------- ------------------ --------------- | 100 | Wind | 4 | Rabbit Boots | Windmill Cave | ----- ------- ------- ------------------ --------------- This is a fairly simple battle, which shouldn't take too long to get through. Big Bat disappears and reappers whenever and wherever he wants. When he appears is the best time to strike. Be careful on two things: 1) He can be very fast as you hit him more, and 2) he will have 3 Small Blue Bats helping him, who of course will annoy you. Basically, when he appears, just keep shooting the boss with Level 2 Wind Blasts, and he should be dead. BOSS #02: GIANT BEETLE ----- ------- ------- ------------------ ------------- | EXP | SWORD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ----- ------- ------- ------------------ ------------- | 400 | Fire | 6 | Ball Of Fire | Forest Maze | ----- ------- ------- ------------------ ------------- This boss is a bit tougher than the Big Bat. But once you get the hang of it, it should be easy. It moves back and forth, and once it's stop it spits acid. Be careful not to let it touch you because it will hurt. After it's done, you'll have a split second to attack, so it's best to charge your sword to Level 1 while it's spitting. After that blast it when it's taking a break, before it moves around or spits at you again. Simple? Well be careful, a green fly will get in your way, so be ready! Repeat this process, and it will be dead. BOSS #03: GENERAL KELBESQUE ------ ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- | EXP | SWORD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ------ ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- | 1000 | Wind | 8 | Flame Bracelet | Mt. Sabre NE | ------ ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- This is the first toughest boss you'll face. There is a couple things to keep in mind: he will travel at a fair pace, and when he stomps the ground, rocks fly up and he launches them towards you, so be careful. Use the Sword Of Wind at Level 2 or 3 and it should be easy to beat him and avoid his attacks. After the fight is over, he will say he will challenge you at a later time, so this fight is far from over. BOSS #04: BIG BAT (REMATCH) ------ ------- ------- ------------------ ----------------- | EXP | SWORD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ------ ------- ------- ------------------ ----------------- | 544 | Wind | 10 | Fruit Of Power | Sabera's Castle | ------ ------- ------- ------------------ ----------------- If this boss looks familiar, that's because it should. It's the Big Bat boss, from the Windmill Cave. As for killing him, just use the same tactic as before. He's a bit harder to defeat this time around, as well as the Small Blue Bats that fly around, which actually look a bit bigger. This fight can be kinda long, so just be ready to go. BOSS #05: SABERA ----- ------- ------- ------------------ ----------------- | EXP | SWORD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ----- ------- ------- ------------------ ----------------- | 800 | Fire | 11 | Broken Statue | Sabera's Castle | ----- ------- ------- ------------------ ----------------- Sabera is the only female boss in the game. Make sure to also equip your Sheild Ring, and make sure your MP is at a pretty high number, because you will need to use the Refresh magic very often here. Sabera will circle around, shooting off energy attacks at you. Keep in mind, she is very fast moving, not only with her attacks, but as well as herself. Keep a good distance from her, and you should be safe. Also use as many Level 2 Fire Blasts as needed, for this will destroy her. This is a pretty long battle, especially if you're not careful. BOSS #06: MADO ------ ------- ------- ------------------ ------------- | EXP | SWORD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ------ ------- ------- ------------------ ------------- | 1008 | Water | 12 | Ball Of Thunder | Shyron | ------ ------- ------- ------------------ ------------- Mado is quite tough, but not too hard. His attack pattern is simple. He forms into a ball and starts launching himself different directions. Once he stops, he will launch powerful stars at you (which do hurt), then start all over again. What to do, is equip your Sword Of Water and the Blizzard Braclet, and either the Iron Necklace or Sheild Ring, to better your defense. Whether Mado is rolling around, or attacking you, use as many Level 3 Water Blasts as it takes to kill him. It's best to keep a safe distance from him when fighting, and the Level 3 Water Blast is good, because it can reach all over the screen. A few hits should do it, but make sure you have plenty of MP to recover both your HP and to attack. BOSS #07: GENERAL KELBESQUE (REMATCH) ------ ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- | EXP | SWORD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ------ ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- | 2032 | Wind | 13 | Opel Statue | Goa Fortress | ------ ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- General Kelbesque is back and he's very tough this time around. He runs around much faster, and launchs very powerful fast moving attacks at you, maiking it hard to dodge them. Whatever you do, don't get trapped in a corner, or you will die for sure. Like before, use as many Level 2 and 3 Wind Blasts and he should be finished. There is a plus side, after moving around he will start to attack you, but he will be standing still for a second or two. During the time he moves about, charge you sword, then attack him when he's standing still. Make sure you also have your Refresh Magic ready to go, because you will need it at a moments notice. BOSS #08: SABERA (REMATCH) ------ ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- | EXP | SWORD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ------ ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- | 2032 | Fire | 14 | Fruit Of Repun | Goa Fortress | ------ ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- Sabera is back, and her attack pattern is pretty much the same, except she is slightly tougher, but not too much. Just keep using Level 2 Fire Blasts on her, and she will be easily defeated. Be careful though, she will shoot some weird stuff at you, that if it touches you, it will drain some of your MP, so try not to use your Level 3 attacks, because you will need all your MP to use Refresh on yourself. BOSS #09: MADO (REMATCH) ------ ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- | EXP | SWORD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ------ ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- | 2032 | Water | 14 | Sacred Sheild | Goa Fortress | ------ ------- ------- ------------------ -------------- Mado has returned and if you think he was tough before, well that was easy compared to him this time. Mado is very hard to defeat. It's best to equip the Blizzard Braclet. Plus have your Opel Statue selected, and use the Refresh Spell and Magic Ring (you found earlier) when need be, and you will need it. Mado's fighting style is still the same. He rolls in a ball and shoots out stuff at you. But this time he is much faster, which makes him extremely tough to fight. Since the attack can cover the whole screen, use as many Level 3 Water Blasts as it takes to kill him. It's probably best if you stand in the middle of the room though. It will take a lot to kill him, that's why the Magic Ring is very important in this fight, as well as the Opel Statue. BOSS #10: KARMINE ------ --------- ------- ------------------ -------------- | EXP | SWORD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ------ --------- ------- ------------------ -------------- | 2032 | Thunder | 14 | Ivory Statue | Goa Fortress | ------ --------- ------- ------------------ -------------- Be glad you never met Karmine before. It seems Draygon saved the best for last because Karmine is more tougher than the 3 warriors beforehand. Here's how to beat this very tough opponet. Make sure you have some Fruit Of Repun on you. Karmine's fighting style is very immense, so be very careful. Equip your Sheild Ring to better you Sheild Defense Rating, as well as equip your Refresh Spell, because you will need it. He has will move around the room very fast, but when he stops, he has two different attacks he will try to launch on you. One is giant red fireballs which he will throw at you, which also bounces off the walls. The other will be several small blue fireballs which he will also launch at you. Stay away from these, because they will turn you into the same thing that Kensu is. Recover won't help you this time, so have your Fruit Of Repun ready to go. This will take a long time to get through, but use as many Level 2 Thunder Blasts as possible, and you will be able to beat him. BOSS #11: DRAYGON ------ --------- ------- ------------------ --------------- | EXP | SWORD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ------ --------- ------- ------------------ --------------- | 2032 | Thunder | 15 | Psycho Armor | Great Pyramid | ------ --------- ------- ------------------ --------------- Well here he is, the main bad guy, Draygon, but he is not the final boss acually. Now this is the first time you will encounter Draygon, but really it's hard to say what difficulty he is. His offense is amazing, but his defense is what's lacking, which makes this battle relatively easy. When you meet him, he will charge down at you very fast, then move back and he will start unleashing his power on you. When he's charging at you, make sure you are out of his way, because it will hurt badly if he hits you. His main offense is that he shoots out lightning bolts which cover a third of the screen. My advice is get in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Equip the Power Ring as well. Be at full health and have atleast 80 MP. What you do is so easy, that you will wish it would be this easy fighting other bosses. Unleash 2 Level 3 Thunder Blasts and that will kill Draygon, simple as that! BOSS #12: DRAYGON (REMATCH) ----- --------- ------- ------------------ ------------------ | EXP | SWORD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ----- --------- ------- ------------------ ------------------ | 0 | Thunder | 16 | None | Pyramid Basement | ----- --------- ------- ------------------ ------------------ Draygon's much tougher than before, so make sure you max out your stats. First off, equip your Bow Of Truth and use it on him, and he will turn into a giant dragon of some sort. His main offense is that he shoots laser beams at you, as well as large balls of energy. He also spits out green fireballs and shoots magic at you, turning you into a monster. Stay at the bottom of the screen, this is probably the safest place to be. Avoid all the attacks, especially the ones that turn you into a monster. Be at Level 16, and equip the Power Ring, Sword Of Thunder and Storm Braclet. Be at full health and have atleast 120 MP. This time, make sure his eye (in the center of his chest) is open, then unleash 3 Level 3 Thunder Blasts and that will kill Draygon! BOSS #13: DYNA ----- ----------- ------- ------------------ ---------------- | EXP | SWORD | LEVEL | ITEM LEFT BEHIND | FOUND IN | ----- ----------- ------- ------------------ ---------------- | 0 | Crystalis | 16 | None | Floating Tower | ----- ----------- ------- ------------------ ---------------- You are now face to face with the final boss of the game, DYNA, but not a very tough final boss, if you know what you're doing that is. As you can tell DYNA is a huge master computer system gone wrong, and you need to stop it. Here's how: Equip the Power Ring on. Your Sword Of Crystalis will automatically be equipped. Hopefully your HP/MP will be filled out. Also equip your Refresh Spell, because you may need it. With this, you should have an Attack Rating now of +48, which will be more than enough to kill DYNA. DYNA will attack you with fairly good size laser beams, as well as fireballs. Best bet is to stand just right of DYNA's eye, so that you can miss the beams. Your only offense is that when you charge the Sword Of Crystalis to Level 1, it will shoot out giant white balls of energy. Only when DYNA's eye open, launch your attack at DYNA. During the time its eye is shut, charge your sword to Level 1. Keep doing this and you will have defeated DYNA. ------------- C: |Enemy Attacks| ------------- Certain enemies can do an attack on you that will cause some type of status on you. Below is a list of those status's, what they do, and what can cure it: Poison: when you are poisoned, your HP will drop for every step you take. Use either the Antidote or Recover Spell to heal yourself. Paralysis: When you are paralysis, you won't be able to pull off any Level 2 or 3 attacks. Use either the Lysis Plant or Recover Spell to heal yourself. Petrify: When you are petrified, you are unable to move for a short period of time. Use either the Fruit Of Lime or Recovery Spell to heal yourself. Nuper: When you are nupered, you are turned into a monster and won't be to do anything. Use the Fruit Of Repun to heal yourself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- SECTION 6: |IN CONCLUSION| ------------- -------------- A: |Secert Warping| -------------- Okay this is a secret trick, that at first can be difficult to pull off at first, but can be really helpful, especially if you're low on MP. All you need to do is plug in the second controller, press and hold the 'A' and 'B' button on the first controller at the same time, then press the 'A' Button on second controller. Once you do that, you will automatically warp to another location. The locations are listed below (in order): 1. Town of Leaf 10. Angry Seas 2. Wind Valley 11. Town Of Swan 3. The cave you meet Zebu in 12. West side of Swan 4. Outside of the Windmill 13. Mt. Hydra Cave near Brynmaer 14. Oasis Desert entrance 5. Forest Maze 15. Goa Fortress 6. Mt. Sabre Southwest entrance 1st Floor 7. Mt. Sabre Northeast entrance 16. Outside of the 8. Lime Tree Lake Great Pyramid 9. Using the boat in Portoa Once you get to the Great Pyramid, and do this trick, you will warp back to the Town Of Leaf. Also this trick can be done at anytime throughout the game. ------------ B: |Tips & Codes| ------------ Personal Tips: Not many tips I could honestly give out. A few do stick out though: 1. Leveling up does make a difference in this game. Trust me, when you level up a notch, it does show, atleast in attacking. 2. Killer Chests are a good source of money ($500 each one). Use them to your advantage. 3. Try using either the Warrior Ring or Power Ring with any of your swords (especially the Sword Of Thunder or Crystalis). It will make a big difference in fighting the enemies. Game Genie Codes: 1. VVOGUOSE - Start with some gold. 2. NYVSPZGV - First pupil gives you more gold. 3. SXNOVXSE - Magic doesn't use MP. 4. GZEOTGSA - Immune to most damge. 5. AASVVNYA - Immune to poison. 6. AEKTSNYA - Immune to paralysis. 7. TEOTVYGA - Stronger poison. 8. ZEOTVYGA - Weaker poison. 9. SZUOIVSE + SZKPLVSE - Don't get charged for boarding at Inns. 10. SXVPUOSE + SXVOOOSE - Don't get charged for items in shops. Codes perferred: Code 3, 5 and 6 -------------- C: |What's To Come| -------------- With a game as big as this, who knows what else is to come. But I will keep this open if anything new develops. -------------- D: |Special Thanks| -------------- Personal Thanks To: Exo-Squad: Simply because of his confidence and belief that I will be very successful at this stuff ^_^. JShaw71753: Without his copy of the game, I couldn't of made this walkthrough ^_^. On-line Thanks To: To GameFAQS for hosting my walkthroughs, as well as many more. To the person from so long ago who told me of an easier way to defeat Mado (during the first fight with him). I do not know who you are, but credit is still yours, just email me :-) To the other walkthrough writers for this game, you guys did a great job. I hope I didn't take anything from you, but if I did, let me know and I will give you 110% credit for it, just because I'm a nice guy ^_^ To anyone who help made this game possible. Thanks! ^_^ -------------- E: |The Disclaimer| -------------- Crystalis is one of the best RPGs for the NES, yet it was deeply underrated. I would say that this is one of my favorite games for the NES. It has great replay value as well as a great storyline and music. Honestly, I liked the hack and slash battle system as opposed to turn based battles ^_^. You really can't go wrong with a game like this. I made this walkthrough the best way I can and I hope it helps out in every way possible. Now here comes the important stuff you need to read. Ok, I'll make this quick and simple. This walkthrough is my work. I've made this walkthrough, describing the game the best possible way I can. You can use whatever info you want, so long as you give me credit and don't alter anything. All you have to do is email me at StarFighters76@hotmail.com if you're gonna do anything with this walkthrough. And to show that I'm not a complete selfish bastard, if you have something you wanna add, email me and I will give you full credit ^_^. This walkthrough, like many others are intended for GameFAQs ONLY. You want it on your site, well you better start emailing me. Failure to comply with this, and I will be mad, among other things. Email me at StarFighters76@hotmail.com Copyright (C) June 21st, 2004 Mike Leatherwood AKA StarFighters76 Crystalis copyright (C) 1986 Nintendo