Crystalis Save State Hacking Guide (v0.9) By: HereticalG0d ( I. Introduction II. Legal Stuffz (disclaimer) III. Guide a. Character Offsets b. Character Values c. Item Offsets d. Item Values e. Sword Offsets f. Sword Values g. Armor Offsets h. Armor Values i. Shield Offsets j. Shield Values k. Power Offsets l. Power Values m. Magic Offsets n. Magic Values. IV. Troubleshooting V. Thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |Version 0.9 (3/22/04)| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Created Guide | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |Version 0.92 (5/3/13)| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Minor Edits | | Fixed Grammar, etc. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, this would be the first guide I've ever written for GameFAQs. I was playing Crystalis, went on GameFAQs to see what guides they had for the game, and was surprised to see that there wasn't a save state hacking guide! I felt compelled to make one. So this is the product of a couple hours of gaming, and a little while of save state hax0ring. Here's what you'll need to hack Crystalis save states: A Crystalis ROM A NESter NES emulator (You could use different emulators, but the offsets would be different.) And you'll need to download a copy of Hex Workshop from (This is just the preferred program. It's possible to use other hex editors.) Now that you have all the required stuff, let's get hacking! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Legal Stuffz (disclaimer) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) is copyright Nintendo Inc. I am in no way affiliated with that company nor do I wish to be (no offense). None of the statements or opinions in this guide reflect the opinions and/or beliefs of any of Nintendo's staff. Crystalis and all related characters/names are copyright SNK. (Yes, it's true, they don't only make fighting games.) I am in no way related to that company or any of its games and/or characters. And just like with Nintendo, nothing in this guide reflect the opinions/statements of any of this company's staff (not that I know of anyway). Any other companies I missed, I'm sorry. I'm kinda new at this. (Don't sue. ;)) This guide is Copyright 2004 Michael Phillips (that's me). If you'd like to use it, just email me and ask for permission ( Basically, just ask if you can use it and leave the whole document intact and I'll probably allow you to use it. Understand that copying this document either in its entirety or partially without permission is copyright infringement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Guide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the actual guide portion of the document. :P Here's some info on hexadecimal values. Offsets: Offsets are the location of data in hex. Byte: A byte is a piece of data, consisting of 8 bits. Ie. 00 is a byte. Word: These are two bytes put together. When entering values into words... There's something to remember. You MUST switch around the first byte and last byte of each word. ie. 03E7 (Hexadecimal equivalent of 999) MUST be changed to E703, otherwise the value will be screwed. Now that that's settled, here's the guide. a. Character Offsets Here are the offsets that I was able to locate in the game. Level: 43E (This doesn't seem to do much, it doesn't really look like it changes anything other than the level display... I'll look into it more.) Condition: 72D Current EXP: 721 + 722 Required EXP: 723 + 734 Max Life: 3DD Current Life: 3DE Current MP: 725 Max MP: 726 Attack: 3FE Defense (1): 41D (This is the shield defense.) Defense (2): 41E (This is the armor defense.) Cash: 71F + 720 b. Character Values These are the maximum values for each of your character's stats. I'll place the hexadecimal equivalent of each number in parentheses after the number itself. Level: Your level in Crystalis can only go up to a maximum of 16 (10) Current EXP: The fact that this has two bytes (two different offsets) means that it allows a maximum value of 65535 (FFFF) although you never need that much EXP to level up. Needed EXP: The fact that this has two bytes (two different offsets) means that it allows a maximum value of 65535 (FFFF) of course, I don't know why you'd want to increase the amount of experience you need to level up. Max Life: Your max life can be a value of up to 255 (FF) Current Life: (see Max Life) Current MP: Your current MP can reach 255 (FF) Max MP: (see Current MP) Attack: It would seem as though you'd be able to increase this to 255 (FF) but it may only display correctly a value of up to 99 (63) Defense(1): This allows for a value of 255 (FF) but it won't show it. The highest value that you'll be able to see is 99 (63) Defense(2): (see Defense(1)) Cash: Another 2 byte (2 offset) value. This can reach 65535 (FFFF), then even when you kill monsters in the game and take their money, it won't go up any higher. Condition: The following values are the various conditions your character can be in. 00 = Normal 01 = Paralyzed 03 = Poison 04 = Mutated (This one's cool, turns you into a slime. Only trouble is you can't use weapons in this condition.) c. Item Offsets These are the item offsets. Change these values to get different items. (Note: Some items are required to clear certain parts of the game.) 1st Row = 1D92, 1D93, 1D94, 1D95, 1D96, 1D97, 1D98, 1D99 2nd Row = 1D9A, 1D9B, 1D9C, 1D9D, 1D9E, 1D9F, 1DA0, 1DA1 3rd Row = 1DA2, 1DA3, 1DA4, 1DA5, 1DA6, 1DA7, 1DA8, 1DA9 There are 24 total item slots. Each can hold one item. d. Item Values The following values provide the corresponding itemz. Some of these items serve no purpose other than to be given back to their rightful owners to progress in the game. (Such as the Statue of Onyx.) The numbers in parentheses after each item is what row it should go in when placed in your inventory (I haven't figured them all out yet.) 1D = Medical Herb (1) 1E = Antidote (1) 1F = Lysis Plant (1) 20 = Fruit of Lime (1) 21 = Fruit of Power (1) 22 = Magic Ring (1) 23 = Fruit of Repun (1) 24 = Warp Boots (1) 25 = Statue of Onyx 26 = Opel Statue (1) 27 = Insect Flute 28 = Flute of Lime (2) 29 = Gas Mask (2) 2A = Power Ring (2) 2B = Warrior Ring (2) 2C = Iron Necklace (2) 2D = Deo's Pendant (2) 2E = Rabbit Boots (2) 2F = Leather Boots (2) 30 = Shield Ring (2) 31 = Alarm Flute (1) 32 = Windmill Key 33 = Key to Prison 34 = Key to Stxy 35 = Fog Lamp 36 = Shell Flute (2) 37 = Eye Glasses (2) 38 = Broken Statue (2) 39 = Glowing Lamp (2) 3A = Statue of Gold 3B = Kirisa Plant 3C = Ivory Statue 3D = Bow of Moon 3E = Bow of Sun 3F = Bow of Truth e. Sword Offsets Each of the following offsets has a sword that goes to it. I haven't tried mixing up sword combinations but I know that not all swords can be used with all bracelets/balls. 1st Sword = 1D82 2nd Sword = 1D83 3rd Sword = 1D84 4th Sword = 1D85 f. Sword Values These are the values for each of the 5 swords. I've also included the recommended offset placement for each of them in parentheses following the sword's name. 00 = Sword of Wind (1D82) 01 = Sword of Fire (1D83) 02 = Sword of Water (1D84) 03 = Sword of Thunder (1D85) 04 = *Crystalis (1D82) *It would seem as though Crystalis is all 4 swords combined, so it goes in the first sword slot. I'm not sure if any other swords are allowed to be there. g. Armor Offsets It seems as though it doesn't really matter which piece of armor goes where. 1st Armor = 1D86 2nd Armor = 1D87 3rd Armor = 1D88 4th Armor = 1D89 h. Armor Values 15 = Tanned Hide 16 = Leather Armor 17 = Bronze Armor 18 = Platinum Armor 19 = Soldier Suit 1A = Ceramic Suit 1B = Battle Armor 1C = Psycho Armor i. Shield Offsets As with the armor, it doesn't seem as though it matters which slots the shields go into. 1st Shield = 1D8A 2nd Shield = 1D8B 3rd Shield = 1D8C 4th Shield = 1D8D j. Shield Values 0D = Carapace Shield 0E = Bronze Shield 0F = Platinum Shield 10 = Mirrored Shield 11 = Ceramic Shield 12 = Sacred Shield 13 = Battle Shield 14 = Psycho Shield k. Power Offsets OK, these are the balls and bracelets It would seem as though each offset has a specific ball/bracelet that must occupy it. 1st Item = 1D8E 2nd Item = 1D8F 3rd Item = 1D90 4th Item = 1D91 l. Power Values I've added the recommended offset for each value in parentheses after the value itself. 05 = Ball of Wind (1D8E) 06 = Tornado Bracelet (1D8E) 07 = Ball of Fire (1D8F) 08 = Flame Bracelet (1D8F) 09 = Ball of Water (1D90) 0A = Blizzard Bracelet (1D90) 0B = Ball of Thunder (1D91) 0C = Storm Bracelet (1D91) m. Magic Offsets I'm not sure if the order in which the spells are placed really matters. 1st Spell: 1DAA 2nd Spell: 1DAB 3rd Spell: 1DAC 4th Spell: 1DAD 5th Spell: 1DAE 6th Spell: 1DAF 7th Spell: 1DB0 8th Spell: 1DB1 n. Magic Values I've added the recommended offsets for each of the spells in parentheses after each of the values, just in case it's required for them to be in order. 41 = Refresh (1DAA) 42 = Paralysis (1DAB) 43 = Telepathy (1DAC) 44 = Teleport (1DAD) 45 = Recover (1DAE) 46 = Barrier (1DAF) 47 = Change (1DB0) 48 = Flight (1DB1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section is reserved for any e-mails I get that address bugs that people have found in this guide. If you see anything I missed, or can think of some more offsets I could get, please email me ( and I'll update the guide. If you've found a bug, please include the word "bug" somewhere in the email's subject. And put something about this guide in there so I know what yer talking about. :P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, this is where I'ma ramble about who I'm going to thank for helping with this guide. SNK: For making a great game in Crystalis. Nintendo: For making the NES. Konami: For making the Suikoden series. It's the series that got me into the wonderful world of RPG's. Great games, buy 'em if you find 'em people. Breakpoint Software: You guys made Hex Workshop. That base converter helped me quite a bit while I was hacking my save states. StarFighters76: Your guide is what got me through the game, and I also used a bit of the info in your guide to help people with the items. Thank you. Crystalis: Save State Hacking Guide by HereticalG0d Version: 0.91 | Last Updated: 2005-05-18 | View/Download Original File Hosted by Return to Crystalis (NES) FAQs & Guides