OBJECTIVE: Crystalis walkthrough with minimal 'fluff'. CRYSTALIS START Leaf: - Go to the NE house and talk to the man to receive $100 - Go West to the next house. Enter and talk to the man (elder) to receive the Sword of Wind - Go south to the Armor Shop and buy the Tanned Hide - Equip everything and exit town through the north Field North of Leaf - Grind until you have $100 - Enter Leaf Leaf: - Go to the Item Shop in the SW corner of town and buy two Alarm Flutes (will need one MUCH later) - Exit Leaf Field North of Leaf - Follow the mountains to the west to a cave - enter Cave NW of leaf - Follow the path and talk to the man (Zebu) - Backtrack and leave the cave - NOTE: The wall N of Zebu cannot be broken at this time Field N of Leaf - Follow the mountains north, then east to a bridge. Cross and enter the cave Cave N of Leaf - Follow the path and head north at the intersection - Equip the Alarm Flute and use it near the sleeping man to receive the Windmill Key - South, then West to exit the cave Field N of Leaf - Enter the Windmill Windmill Interior - Equip the key and use it in front of the grey box on the right - Leave the Windmill Field N of Leaf - Enter the cave Cave N of Leaf - Follow the path (ignore the north split) and leave the cave Field N of Leaf - Follow the mountains west, then south to a cave and enter Cave NW of Leaf - Follow the path and talk to Zebu again to learn Refresh - Backtrack and leave the cave Field N of Leaf - Follow the mountains north, then east to the cave next to the windmill and enter Windmill Cave - Follow the path to the stairs - Follow the path through the T-intersection - OPTIONAL: Take the first set of stairs to the north to find Warp Boots - Take the second set of stairs to the south to continue - At the four-way intersection: - OPTIONAL: North to fight a Golem - OPTIONAL: South to find a Medical Herb - East to continue - At the T-intersection, go south to find the Ball of Wind. Equip the Ball of Wind - OPTIONAL: Go north, charge the Sword of Wind to Level 2, and shoot the grey wall. Continue north to find an antidote - Backtrack to the T-intersection and go West to stairs to continue - Pass the stairs to the north and go north at the T-intersection - Shoot the grey wall with L2 Sword of wind to continue - At the T-intersection: - OPTIONAL: West to stairs to find a Medical Herb - East to stairs to continue - Follow the path to the BOSS BOSS: Vampire - Spam the attack button to defeat it, Refreshing when needed - Collect the Rabbit Boots from the chest - Exit to the north - Follow the path and shoot the wall with a Level 2 Sword of Wind to continue - Continue to exit the Windmill Cave Field Outside of Brynmaer - East to the river - Follow the river north, then east and cross the bridge to the south - West to the patch of grass. Wander around the grass to find the Onyx Statue - East to bridge, cross, west to river bend, then SW to entrance to Brynmaer Brynmaer - Equip the Onyx Statue and talk to the man closest to the entrance (Akahana) to receive the Gas Mask - Leave Brynmaer Field Outside of Brynmaer - East to the River - Follow the river to the bridge and cross - SE through the poison water (brown) - East to a path to the Swamp Swamp NOTE: Must be Level 4 and have the Sword of Fire equipped to damage the caterpillar enemies - East to the 3rd intersection - North to oak Oak - Exit to South Swamp - South to wall - West to exit Cardon Plains - West to bridge- cross - North to path - follow to Tornel's House Tornel's House - Defeat Strom to earn Telepathy - Leave Tornel's House Cardon Plains - South to the bridge - cross - East to the Swamp (equip the Gas mask) Swamp - East to the 3rd intersection - North to Oak Oak - Enter the SW building and talk to its occupant - Leave Oak Swamp - All the way south - East to first intersection - South to find boy (talk) - Backtrack to intersection - West to first intersection - North to Oak Oak - Enter the SW building and talk to the mother to receive the Insect Flute - Enter the northernmost building and talk to its occupant (elder) to receive the Sword of Fire - Leave Oak Swamp - South to first intersection - East - follow to end (bends north) - Use Insect Flute in front of black area BOSS: 'Gigapillar' - Stay at the bottom of the screen, try to stand next to the boss' shot barrage, and shoot it with Level 2 shots from the Sword of Fire - Collect the Ball of Fire from the chest - South to first intersection - South to next intersection - West to exit Cardon Plains - West to bridge - Cross - West to river bend - All the way west, all the way south to path to Mt. Sabre Mt. Sabre NOTE: Must be at least Level 5 to defeat the Snowmen - Follow the path to the first intersection - East to Zebu's Cave Zebu's Cave NOTE: Enemies in this cave require the Sword of Wind - Follow the path to stairs - Follow path to Wall - switch to Sword of Fire and Ball of fire and shoot wall with L2 shot - South to talk to Zebu - South to follow path to exit cave Field N of Leaf - Follow mountains south and east to entrance to Leaf Leaf - Enter brown shed next to NW building and talk to creature inside - Leave Leaf Field N of Leaf - Northwest to Zebu's cave Zebu's Cave - Follow path, passing Zebu, back to Mt Sabre Mt. Sabre - Southwest NOTE: Switch back to the Sword of Fire and the Ball of Fire - West to second ice ramp (only goes north) - Equip Rabbit Boots and jump up ramp - Follow path to cave Cave One - Follow path to wall - destroy with L2-charged Sword of Fire - Follow path to intersection - take either path - Destroy wall along northern east-west path with L2-charged Sword of Fire - North to find Tornado Bracelet - South, either path, south again to exit cave Mt. Sabre - Southwest - West to ramp, down ramp - Follow path west, south, and east to cave - enter Cave Two - North to intersection - OPTIONAL: West path to Warp Boots on a ledge - East to stairs to continue - North to intersection - OPTIONAL: West to Medical Herb - East to continue - South to wall - L2 Sword of Fire shot to continue - East to south stairs - West to intersection - North to stairs - NW to stairs - Follow path (L2 Sword of Fire shot to wall) to exit Mt. Sabre - Southwest - Learn Teleport from Tornel and collect Magic Ring from chest - Re-enter cave Cave Two - Follow path to intersection - South to wall - L2 Sword of Fire shot to continue - South to exit cave Mt. Sabre - Southwest - West to ice slide and descend to first landing - Follow path west to intersection - South to exit to Cardon Plains Cardon Plains - East to river - Follow river to north, then east - Cross bridge - SE over poison water - Follow northern edge of mountains to poison water - North to path to Mt. Sabre - North Mt. Sabre - North - Follow path West to "I hear someone talking" prompt. - West to Prison Entrance - enter Mt. Sabre - North - Caves - Follow path to intersection - OPTIONAL: West path to Antidote - South to continue and exit - East to cave - Follow path to intersection - East to stairs - West to Stairs - OPTIONAL: Continue along path to west to intersection. Head east, destroy the wall with an L2 Sword of fire to find a Medical herb - Stairs to north to continue - Follow path, breaking through two ice walls with L2 Sword of Fire shots, to an intersection - North to stairs - Follow path to exit - East to cave - enter - West to second ice wall - break with L2 Sword of Fire and enter - Talk to prisoners, break ice wall with L2 sword of Fire and enter to find Prison Key - South to intersection, east to northern ice wall and break with L2 Sword of Fire and enter - Talk to prisoners, break ice wall to north with L2 sword of Fire and follow path to stairs - SAVE GAME - Equip Sword of Wind and Refresh - Ascend stairs to north to fight General Kelbesque BOSS: General Kelbesque Required Lvl: 7 Required Sword: Wind - 'Spam' the attack button as quickly as you can and Refresh as needed - Collect the Flame Bracelet from the chest - Equip the Prison Key and enter the cave to the north - Follow the path, breaking the ice wall with an L2 Sword of Fire, to learn Paralysis and to the exit to Waterfall Valley Waterfall Valley - South, then West across the bridge to Portoa Portoa - West, then north from the Armor Shop to the Castle - Talk to the Queen, then exit the Castle - East to bridge, cross and enter the building to the west and talk to the fortune teller - Go back and forth between the Queen and the fortune teller until the queen gives you the Flute of Lime - Exit the Castle - Exit Portoa Waterfall Valley - Follow the northern mountain range to the waterfall and enter (behind the waterfall) Waterfall Cave - North to intersection - East to T-intersection - East to chest with Sword of Water - Backtrack to T-intersection and go west - Skip first north and go north at the river to find a Flute of Lime - South, west, north to find Akahana - use Flute of Lime and receive Shield Ring - South, follow the west path to the T-intersection, south to stairs - Follow path to intersection, take south path to exit Waterfall Valley - Follow the mountain range to the west to Portoa Portoa - Go to fortuneteller's hut and talk to her - Exit fortuneteller's hut - Exit Portoa Waterfall Valley - Follow southern river and cross bridge to the south - Go southeast through the swamp, then south through the valley - Follow mountain range southwest to Lime Tree Lake Lime Tree Lake - Follow mountain range NW to Rage's Hideout Rage's Hideout - Receive Ball of Water - Equip Sword of Water and Ball of Water and fire an L2 shot north - Cross the bridge and enter the tree - Listen to Mesia, then exit the tree - Exit Rage's Hideout Lime Tree Lake - Go southeast to Waterfall Valley Waterfall Valley - East to the river, then north to swamp - Fire L2 Sword of Water across the river (east) - cross the bridge - Go east to Kirisia Cave Kirisia Cave and Valley - Follow path to stairs - East, south to intersection - OPTIONAL: East path for Antidote - Continue south to continue to stairs - Follow path to cave exit - Go northeast to flower patch and wander around it for the Kirisia Plant - Southwest to cave - Follow path to stairs - North, east, north, west to stairs - Follow path to cave exit Waterfall Valley - West, cross ice bridge, then north through valley, west to Portoa Portoa - Buy a Medical Herb to give away, then go to the castle and enter the throne room - Go through the northeast door - North, east, fire L2 Sword of Water through shallows to south - Cross the ice bridge and follow the path east (through the fortuneteller's hut) and fire another L2 SOW shot north - Cross the ice bridge and enter the cave to the northeast - Talk to Asina to learn Recover - Exit Asina's room - go west, then north (creating an ice bridge), and talk to the dolphin. Equip the Medical Herb and give it to him to receive the Shell flute - South, cross the bridge, west through fortuneteller's hut, cross ice bridge, west, then south to exit - Exit the castle - Go to the town's southwest corner and exit to west - Enter the hut and talk to both occupants - Exit Portoa Waterfall Valley - Go east to the river bend, then go north to shallows. L2 Sword of Water east, then cross the ice bridge - Go east to the East Cave East Cave - Follow path to intersection (blast wall with L2 Sword of Wind) - North to next intersection - OPTIONAL: North path through L2 Sword of Wind wall to Lysis Plant - East to continue to stairs - Follow path to intersection - South to intersection - South through wall to intersection - East to stairs - Take either path to intersection - South path through two Sword of wind walls to stairs - Follow path to Fog Lamp - Follow path south to stairs - Follow path to intersection - Take either path to stairs - Follow path, go through gap in north wall, east at intersection, west at next intersection to stairs - Follow path to intersection - follow south path to exit Waterfall Valley - West to cross ice bridge - West to Portoa Portoa - West to dock and enter the house - Equip Fog Lamp and give it to the boatman - Exit the house and get on the boat - Enter the guardhouse and talk to both occupants - Exit - Use the Shell Flute and get on the dolphin Angry Sea - North, then northwest to Joel Joel - North to the house w/shed and enter - Talk to the elder at the table - Leave Joel Angry Sea - Use the Shell Flute - West to the whirlpools, then northwest to Evil Spirit Island (enter cave) Evil Spirit Cave - East to debark and enter cave - OPTIONAL: Grind levels with the 'jellyfish' - Follow path to river - South path to shallows - L2 Sword of Water to north to make ice bridge and cross - West path to shallows - L2 Sword of Water to east to make ice bridge and cross - North path to intersection - OPTIONAL: Take north path to Sword of Wind wall - break and follow to find Magic Ring - West to continue - Skip the second path to the north and take the third path to stairs - Follow path to intersection - OPTIONAL: South path (past another south path), through Sword of Wind wall to stairs. West, then south to shallows. Sword of Water, cross and collect the Iron Necklace. South, east, north, east to stairs, then follow the path past a south path to an intersection - East to continue - East to wall, then north path to intersection - South to pit, wait for floating platform and cross - Continue south to intersection - OPTIONAL: North to Lysis Plant - South to continue - South to exit Zombie Town - Enter the house directly north of the cave exit. Go down stairs to east and talk to Clark - Exit the house and enter Sabera's Castle at the north side of town Sabera's Castle - North to first intersection - OPTIONAL: West to corner, follow north path through a platform, pit with floating platform, then the Fruit of Power - East to continue - East, then north to fight a 'witch' BOSS: 'WITCH' - 'Spam' the attack button as quickly as you can and Refresh as needed - Collect the Fruit of Power from the chest - North to stairs - North to intersection - West, then south to intersection - OPTIONAL: East path across spikes (rabbit boots) for a Medical herb - South path to stairs - North to Mesia, talk to her then stab her repeatedly to reveal the boss BOSS: Sabera Required Level: 11 Required Sword: Fire - 'Spam' the attack button as quickly as you can and Refresh as needed - Collect the Broken Statue from the chest - North to pit - drop down - South to exit Zombie Town - Return to Clark (house on west side of town, downstairs) to receive the Eye Glasses - Warp to Joel - Exit Joel - Use Shell Flute and mount dolphin - Follow the mountains to south to Portoa Caves OR ----- - Leave the house - South to cave Evil Spirit Cave - North to intersection - East to cross pit to intersection - West to intersection - West to second intersection - North to stairs - West to intersection - East (past intersections) to ice bridge - cross - North to ice bridge - cross - West to intersection - West to stairs - Use Shell Flute and mount dolphin - West to exit Angry Sea - South to southern inlet - East to Portoa Caves ----- Portoa Caves - Search around the north side of the deep water (darker color) to find the Love Pendant - Exit the cave Angry Sea - Follow the northern mountains back to Joel's beach - Enter Joel Joel - North to the shack next to the chief's house - Put on the Eye Glasses and use them to reveal a door - enter - Follow the path to the exit Angry Sea - Enter the lighthouse - Use an Alarm Flute - Talk to Kensu and collect the Glowing Lamp after he disappears - Leave Joel (east to cave, through cave, leave hut, south to exit) Angry Sea - Use Shell Flute and mount dolphin - East to edge of map - North to accessible island - disembark - North to blue structure, equip the Glowing Lamp and use it - receive Statue of Gold - Equip Statue of Gold and use it - Re-mount Dolphin - East, then north between mountains to learn Barrier spell - East to second northern inlet, then north to Swan Swan - West and enter the shed just past the Inn - talk to Stom - Go to the pub (third door east) - Paralyze the man sitting at the southwest table, then talk to him - Exit the pub and enter the easternmost building - Paralyze the woman in the southwest corner, then talk to her - Equip the Love Pendant and give it to Kensu and learn Change spell - Teleport to Brynmaer Brynmaer - Exit Brynmaer Cordel Plain - East to river, then south to shallows - L2 Sword of Water to east, then cross ice bridge - South to valley to Amazones Amazones - Change spell into the woman, then enter the building farthest to the east - Equip the Kirisia Plant and give it to Aryllis (on the throne) and receive the Bow of Moon - Go downstairs (northeast corner) and collect the Blizzard Ring - Teleport to Swan Swan - Change spell into the guard and head west out of town Goa Field - Follow the mountain range north to Goa Goa - Go to the north exit and talk to Kensu (just to the east) - Exit Goa Goa Field - Follow the mountain range west to the pass to Mt. Hydra Mt. Hydra - West to intersection - West to cave (L2 Sword of Water to cross lave) - Follow path to exit - Change spell into Stom (leftmost character) - West and enter the cave Shyron - Go all the way north to the castle-like structure and talk to Zebu - receive Key of Styx - Leave Shyron Mt. Hydra - East to first intersection - North to cave - North to intersection - OPTIONAL: East to exit to Fruit of Lime - West to exit to continue - Follow west path (L2 Sword of Water to make the bridge) to an intersection - Follow west path to gated cave - equip and use Key of Styx Cave of Styx - Equip Barrier spell and use it while going north between the shooting statues to an intersection - West path to a mini-boss fight Mini-boss: Wizard - Stand in front of and slightly to the side of the wizard and 'spam' the attack button as quickly as you can and Refresh as needed - North to intersection - Follow the river west, north, east, then north to a reddened section - L2 Sword of Water and cross - Follow the river south to another reddened section - L2 Sword of Water and cross - South path to intersection - OPTIONAL: South path to Medical Herb - East to stairs to continue - Follow path to intersection - East to spiked field - Equip Rabbit Boots and hop across the field to eastern passage to Sword of Thunder - After the cut scene, Teleport to Goa Goa - Head to north and exit town Goa Fortress - Equip Barrier spell and use it as you head north between the statues - After receiving message, Teleport to Shyron Shyron - All the way north to the castle for a Boss Fight BOSS: Mado - L3 Sword of Frost repeatedly - Collect the Ball of Thunder from the chest - Teleport to Goa Goa - Head to North and exit town Goa Fortress - Equip Barrier spell and use it as you head north between the statues - L2 Sword of Thunder at Wall Face - Continue north to intersection - West path to next intersection - West path to first set of stairs (to east) - climb - North path to intersection - East to intersection - South path to Boss Battle BOSS: General Kelbesque Required Level: 13 Required Sword: Wind - Use Barrier spell and spam the attack button - Collect the Opel Statue from the chest - North up stairs to talk to Zebu - North to stairs - Follow path to intersection - OPTIONAL: Follow west wall north to Wall Face guarding a Fruit of Power - South path to second lava 'shallow' - L2 Sword of Water and cross - East to intersection - OPTIONAL: South to Fruit of Repun (Recommended!) - East path to lava 'shallow' - L2 Sword of Water and cross - Follow path south to lava 'shallow' - OPTIONAL: L2 Sword of Water west, cross, south path to Lysis Plant - Continue to last 'shallow' - L2 Sword of Water and cross - North to intersection - North to Wall Face - L2 Sword of Thunder - North to stairs - North to Boss Fight Boss: Sabera Required Level: ?? Required Sword: Fire - Spam the attack button and Refresh as needed (or use Barrier Spell) - Collect the Fruit of Repun from the chest - North to speak with Tornel - North to stairs - North to intersection - OPTIONAL: All the way north for a Statue of Opel - OPTIONAL: Follow the east wall to a chest containing a Magic Ring - OPTIONAL: Follow the west wall to stairs to a passage containing a Magic Ring and Antidote - OPTIONAL: Level grind with the spiders to at least level 14 - North to third intersection - East to spike floor - Equip Leather Boots or Rabbit Boots - North to stairs - Follow path to intersection - OPTIONAL: East path to a Magic Ring - South path to stairs - North to Boss Battle BOSS: Mado Required Level: 14 Required Sword: Water - Spam L3 shots - Collect Sacred Shield from the chest - North to talk to Asina - North to stairs - North to intersection - East to stairs - Follow path to intersection - North path to stairs - Follow path to intersection - North to Wall Face - L2 Sword of Thunder to continue - North to intersection - East to stairs - West across spiked floors - OPTIONAL: South at the second spiked floor for a Magic Ring - OPTIONAL: South at the third spiked floor for Warp Boots - At the third spiked floor, go north to a Boss Fight BOSS: Karmine Required Level: Required Sword: Thunder - Use the Barrier spell and spam the attack button - Collect the Ivory Statue from the chest - North to Storm Bracelet - South to spiked floor - West to stairs - Follow path to intersection - North to talk to Kensu - Equip the Ivory Statue and give it to Kensu - receive Flight spell - Follow north path through five sets of stairs to exit to Oasis Cave Oasis Cave - Follow path - use Flight spell to cross lava (or Rabbit Boot jump) - OPTIONAL: At river, follow north shore west for a Fruit of Power - Fly over the river and south to the intersection - East to OPTIONAL SECTION (Recommended) ***** OPTIONAL SECTION (recommended) - Oasis Cave - East to intersection - South, then Flight east for a Fruit of Power - Flight west, then walk north to intersection - West path to Leather Boots - West to intersection (backtrack) - Flight east over river, then follow north path - Flight over next two rivers, south to Battle Armor - South - Flight over two rivers - East path to stairs - North Face Wall (L2 Sword of Thunder) to Power Ring - South to stairs - Follow west path to river 'intersection' - Flight across the river to the west of the northern river - Follow north path to end - Flight across to the west - South to intersection - West to river - Flight across - South to intersection - West to stairs - West to intersection ***** - South to exit Oasis Desert - Flight east to small mountain with cave - enter - Follow path to field of bunnies - Change spell to Stom and talk to the southernmost bunny (Deo) - receive Deo's Pendant - South to Sahara Sahara - Teleport to Goa Goa - Enter the house northwest of the well, Change spell to Akahana (rightmost in the Change spell menu) and talk to the man for the Warrior Ring - Exit the house and south to leave town Goa Field - Follow the mountain range west to the exit to Mt. Hydra Mt. Hydra - North to intersection - West to stairs - Follow path to intersection - East to cave - North to intersection - West to stairs - West to intersection - OPTIONAL: West path to stairs to Medical Herb - East to stairs - Follow path to L2 Sword of Wind wall to stairs - Follow path to another L2 Sword of Wind wall to stairs - West, Flight over gap to Bow of Sun - East, Flight over gap to cave - Follow path to intersection - South path to stairs - East to intersection - South to exit - West path (pass intersection) to Cave to Styx Cave of Styx - Use Barrier spell and go north between the shooting statues to intersection - East path to mini-boss fight MINIBOSS: Witch - Equip Warrior's Ring and spam the attack button - North, then east to end - Use Flight west to collect the Psycho Shield in the alcove - Teleport spell to Sahara Sahara - Exit town to the east to a cave Death Desert Cave - Follow the path to the exit - OPTIONAL: Level grind with the scorpions using the Warrior's Ring and the Thunder Sword Death Desert - Flight east and enter the Great Pyramid Great Pyramid - North to intersection - West to stairs - East to intersection - OPTIONAL: East to second intersection, then north to stairs to Magic Ring - Continue south to the third intersection - East past intersection to stairs on north wall - North to Boss Battle BOSS: Emperor Draygon Required Level: 15 Required Sword: Thunder Recommended Equipment: Power Ring - Spam the attack button and Refresh as needed (five hits with Power Ring) - Collect Psycho Armor from the chest - North to talk to Azteca to receive the Bow of Truth NOTE: ENSURE THAT YOU ARE LEVEL 16 BEFORE CONTINUING, AS THE ENEMIES IN THE FINAL AREA GIVE NO EXPERIENCE - South to exit Death Desert - Flight spell north from Great Pyramid (past a mountain range to the east) to stairs - enter Great Pyramid Basement - Follow the path to the wall with two dog-like statues - After the message, equip the Bow of Sun, then the Bow of Moon, using each - North to stairs - North to intersection - East path to spiked floor - North across spiked floor to stairs NOTE: LAST CHANCE TO LEVEL-GRIND - North to intersection - OPTIONAL: East path to Opel Statue - West path (cross spiked floor and two pits) to stairs - North to Boss Battle BOSS: Emperor Draygon (Final) Required Level: 16 Required Sword: Thunder Required Item: Bow of Truth Recommended Item: Power Ring - Equip the Bow of Truth and use it - Dodge the projectile and attack with L3 Sword of Thunder when gem appears on his chest Floating Tower - South to exit - Kill all enemies to proceed to next floor (three green robots, then three grey robots from each doorway) - Tone sounds when floor is clear - Ascend escalator that appears - Kill all enemies to proceed to next floor (three green robots, then three grey robots from each doorway) - Tone sounds when floor is clear - Ascend escalator that appears - Enter eastern (larger) door - After initial dialogue, talk to Mesia - South to exit - East to Escalator - North to Final Boss FINAL BOSS: Dyna Required Level: 16 Required Sword: Crystals Recommended Item: Power Ring - Use Barrier spell and spam the attack button CRYSTALIS COMPLETE SOURCE DATA: - "Crystalis" (NES) by SNK - "Crystalis Speed Run Race in 10551at #SGDQ 2013" (Race between UraniumAnchor and DragonDarch) - can be found at YouTube.com - Crystalis Walkthrough by Cait (aka sailorminimoon) CONTACT INFORMATION: SERVER: Hotmail USER: rednoblue HISTORY: Rough Draft Complete (ver. 0.1) - Friday, June 20, 2014 10:41:55 PM PDT