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Weapons List 12. Ammo List 13. Items List 14. Credits 15. Contact Info ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1. INTRODUCTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dino Crisis is one of my favorite games for the PlayStation, mainly because it's more along the lines of a Resident Evil game, which I also happen to love. Dino Crisis is mostly like the Resident Evil series, but it does differ in some respects: - It's graphical style is different as the backgrounds are all real-time. - The camera moves WITH you, which is very cool. - The enemies are much faster than the ones in the Resident Evil series. Overall though, if you liked the Resident Evil series, then you can give Dino Crisis a go. It's awesome. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2. Legal Stuff ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ***ATTENION WEBMASTERS*** I HAVE CHANGED MY MIND ABOUT PEOPLE USING MY FAQS ON THEIR SITES. FROM NOW ON, I WILL ALLOW ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO USE MY FAQS ON THEIR SITES TO USE THEM, JUST AS LONG AS YOU E-MAIL ME AND ASK ME. ALSO, YOUR SITE MUST BE LEGIT; A REAL WEBSITE. I UNDERSTAND WHAT IT'S LIKE TO HAVE PEOPLE REGECT REQUESTS TO USE YOUR FAQS ON THEIR WEBSITES, SO THAT IS WHY I HAVE CHANGED MY MIND. BUT I WILL ONLY ALLOW YOU TO USE MY FAQS JUST AS LONG AS YOU A)E-MAIL ME AND ASK ME, AND B)GIVE ME FULL CREDIT FOR ANY FAQS THAT YOU ARE USING ON YOUR WEBSITE. HOWEVER, IF YOU DO PUT THIS OR ANY OF MY FAQS ON YOUR SITE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, LEGAL ACTION WILL BE TAKEN IMMEDIATLY. I'D LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR READING THIS, AND I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT IF YOU WANT TO PUT THIS OR ANY OF MY FAQS ON YOUR SITE, THE ANSWER IS STATED CLEARLY ABOVE. SORRY IF I'M BEING RUDE, BUT I'M SICK OF PEOPLE JUST TAKING MY FAQS WITHOUT MY CONSENT. THANK YOU. This FAQ can only appear on the following sites: -GameFAQS -Cheat Code Central -GameSages -Vgstrategies.com If anyone finds it on any other site, please inform me ASAP. E-Mail Address: nemesis@flipmode.com Copyright: © Copyright 1999-2000 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin. It may not be stolen, altered, or used for any type of profit. It may be reproduced electronically, and printed for PRIVATE, PERSONAL use. It may not be placed on a CD, printed in a magazine or any type of publication. If you would like to contribute to this FAQ (you will be credited,) please e-mail me, as well as any questions, comments, or corrections, to the address above. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3. UPDATES/REVISION HISTORY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 (07/18/00) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Finally completed the Walkthrough and the Lists • As well as the Secrets Section • Final, complete version. Yay! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.7 (07/10/00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Yet another update, it's been a while since I last updated, but ever since I started my RE 3 FAQ, I've been in the "survival-horror" spirit, so here I am, back to updating... • Finished up most of the walkthrough, except for the last decision that affects the ending • Completed 99% of the Item List ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.4 (07/06/00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Another update • Finished up some more of the walkthrough, and most of the sections ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.2 (07/05/00) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • First version • Basic Walkthrough and most sections empty ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4. Walkthrough ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$ S T A R T W A L K T H R O U G H $~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$ After the opening cinema, you'll watch a cut-scene of Regina talking to Gail. When this ends, you will take control of Regina to begin the game. Head into the storage room straight ahead, and get some healing items as well as other stuff. Head to the back of the room and push the shelf out of your way and then use it to get the Handgun bullets here. Take the BG Area Key. Now leave the room and head back outside. Run forward and attempt to exit through the next gate ahead of you. You will hear an incoming call from Rick, and Gail enters. He'll take the BG Area Key from your inventory, and then he'll leave. What a jerk... When this ends, go through the gate that is directly across from the Storage Room. Now run through this area and follow the path to get to the Generator Room at the end. Along the way, get the ammo from the dead corpse along the way there. When you get to the room, enter it, and you'll have to solve an early puzzle to power up the Facility. Head on over to the back of the room and approach the generator. Move the batteries in this order: - Red - Blue - Green - White When you do this, the generator will be activated...but only after you hit the switch next to it. After you do this, exit the room. Run down the path and back to the other gate you came in here through. But along the way, you will meet your first enemy...the raptor. Well, he doesn't attack yet, but he will soon enough. I suggest that you run from him by going through the door that you came in here through, so you can save yourself. Now once you are back outside the Storage Room, run past the room and enter the Facilty through the door next to the Storage Room. Run down the hallway, and around the bend, until you get to some lasers. Use the X button to climb into the open ventilation shaft right above you. Say yes, and you will climb up into the shaft. Run through the vent, and exit out of it when you reach first hole in the vent. Once you are in this hallway, run down the hallway and enter the only door that is here to get into the Control Room. Also, make sure you notice that Green Emergency Box near the room, at the end of the hallway. Once you are inside the Control Room, you will speak with Rick. When this is over, leave the room, and take a right at the door and go past the vent you just exited. Enter the door at the end of this hallway to get into a Save Room. In here, grab the DDK Input Disc H from the side wall, the shotgun from the other wall, and a Panel Key from the dead guy's body in here. Also, enter the other part of the room to find some Handgun Ammo. Now activate the switch that is on the wall near the other door to turn on the computer. You can either use the computer to get some mail, or you can leave through the next door (be sure to save your game on the way out). Once you are in this hallway, Rick will call you with some info about some activated shutters...hmmmm. Now head down the hallway and enter the first room at the end (to the left of the Save Room door). In here, get the file, and the DDK Code Disc H from the table. Also, search the lockers in here for some ammo and Med Packs. Leave the room and go back to the Save Room. Go to the back of the room and to the safe. Use the code you got from the file you just collected: "0426" is the code that unlocks the Safe. Grab the Med pack from inside here, as well as the Entrance Key. Exit through the door you came in through, and de-activate the laser system to the right of the Save Room, and go through the door past the Lasers. Now you're in the Main Hall of the Facility, since you can access the outside and the 2F from here. Head up the stairs here to get to the 2F. At the top, push the box to reveal another Med Pack. Take it, then go through the door to the right. In the next area, either kill or dodge the raptor in here, then approach the door to the right, near the chairs. Input "HEAD" as the code on the DDK Reader, and go into the room. Speak to the bleeding doctor on the ground near the desk, and he'll hand over the Panel Key 1. Now search the desk and the counter area to get the DDK Input Disc N. Ok, now approach the giant safe-thing on the wall, and place both Panel Key 1 and Panel Key 2 into it. Now enter this number: "705037" Now unlock the newly revealed safe and grab the Key Card L. Uh oh....the T-Rex attacks through the window! Don't worry, just wait for him to leave and don't shoot him, because it doesn't matter whether or not you shoot him: He'll leave anyways. When he's gone, leave the room and kill the Raptor in here if you didn't earlier. Okay, just exit through the other door at the end of the hallway, past the door to the left of the Office you were just in. Now you should be outside. Enter the door to the right, that's like 5 feet away. In here, take and read the Memo on the counter, and make sure you remember the number "8159" for later. Exit the room and go back to the area that lead you to the Office you meet the T-Rex in. Once here, go through the door that is to the left of the Office, and into the large lounge area. Kill the raptor in here, and take the Med Pack that is on the table. Now head on over to the back of the room and approach the safe on the wall. Enter the number "8159" to open it (remember that memo?), and take the handgun slides from inside. Leave the room when you are finished. Head back out of this room, and downstairs to the main hall. Now use the Entrance Key on the door directly across from the stairs to head outside. Run over to the left and around the corner to find a dead body. Search him to find a File and the DDK Code Disc N, as well as some Handgun Ammo. Take all of this, then go back inside the Facility. Now head straight and approach the door that is to the right of the stairs. Use the DDK Input Disc N and the DDK Code Disc N to open the door. Enter "NEWCOMER" as the code in order to get it to open for you. Enter it to get into the room with a few elevators as well as a electrical map. Go through the next door in here that is directly across from the door you entered, and into another hallway. Turn towards the lasers at the end of the hall, de-activate them and then continue down the winding hall and enter the room to the right. In here, take the BG Room B1 Key from the table, then kill the raptor that is in here. Exit the room, and go back down the hallway to the other end. Enter the door to the right at the other end of the hallway. Get the memo from the Whiteboard, then use the nearby phone to page Paul. Now exit through the other door, and use the vent to get back to the Control Room. After you speak with Rick, he'll ask you to perform yet another task. Exit the room, use the vent again, then head back outside of the Facility, where you first started the game. Now use your BG Room B1 Key on the gate that is diagonally across from the Storage Room, then take the Ammo from inside here. Ok, time to head downstairs... In this room, approach the battery, and set them in this order: - Red - Purple - Green - White Push the shelf out of your way in here to get something, then go back upstairs, into the Facility, and back to the Control Room with Rick in it. You will talk with him, and begin your first choice action: - Rescue Tom - Continue on your search for Dr. Kirk --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Rescue Tom - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the Walkthrough sake, I choose to "Rescue Tom", so choose that one as well. Head back outside of the Facility, where you first started the game, and head through the gate taht is right across from the Storage Room, then go through the gate to the left of the gate you came through to enter a new area. Kill the 2 raptors out here, then run down the path and go through the door at the end. Try to avoid the Pterodactyl, but he'll swoop down and grab you anyways. Escape by rapidly hitting the action button, grab your weapon that you might have dropped, then enter the room at the other end of this area. Inside here, talk with Rick and Tom to get the DDK Code Disc L, and then grab the DDK Input Disc L on the inner table in this room. Exit the room and head outside to another area with some more Pterodactyls, so avoid them, and enter the door at the other end of this area. Now you are in another room, but this one has a crane. Take the B1 Crane Card from the shelf in the back of the room, then approach the pipe activator to start a new puzzle: You will see some buttons, and it will ask you which ones to press. Here is what you should press: 1) Red 2) Green 3) Red 4) Green 5) Blue 6) Blue In that order, mind you. :) Ok, now that the generator is up and working once more, exit the room, and go back to the room with Rick and Tom in it. After the conversation, go outside through the other door, and activate the control panel near the door. Now go back to Tom. You will now have to take that elevator down to the basement. After the cut-scene, you will be in the Facility basement, and in a huge room with some crates and a ladder. Go up the ladder and use the B1 Crane Card on the control panel to start the crate puzzle: - Up - Down - Left - Hook - Left - Release When you have moved the crates in this order, choose "exit" and head back down the ladder. Make your way through the newly formed path through the crates and leave through the door at the end of the crate path. Go right of the door, and de-activate the laser system so you can pass through. Enter the door that is towards the end of the hallway to your right. In here, get the Med Pack from the room, then head to the left of where you entered here from, and through the door to the left. Go down the hallway, and into the room at the end. Inside, grab the ID Card from the desk, then leave the room and go right again. Head up the stairs and back to the main floor of the facility. At the top of the stairs, head down the hallway and into the Strategy Room by using your ID Card you just found. Search the desks and the counter area to find the Fingerprinting Device and the DDK Code Disc E. Head out of this room and make your way out to the main hall. Exit the main hall through the door directly across from the stairs, and outside. Go around the bend, and find the dead body. Use the Fingerprinting Device on him, then go back inside. Go right and through the door, and enter the save room. Exit through the other side of the save room, and use the vent on the other side. Once you are back in the first hallway, enter the large room that is just past the vent. Inside here, use the ID Card on the computer towards the back and enter the number "50736", as well as the fingerprinting data you just got. This will convert the ID Card so that you can use it on those elevators in the room behind the stairs in the main hall. Return to that room, and use the ID Card to get onto the elevator here. Right when you leave the elevator, a raptor attacks! Kick him off of you, then grab your weapon that you might have dropped. To unlock the door to the north, enter "LABORATORY" with your DDK Code Disc and your DDK Input Disc L. Run forward and de-activate the laser system, and kill the 2 raptors beyond it. Now enter the Library at the end of the hallway. Dispose of the raptor in here as well, then grab the Handgun Sights from the ground. Exit the room and enter the next hallway. Run around the hallway and into the first room to your right. Take the DDK Input Disc E from inside here. Read the journal in here as well to get this number: "7248" Leave the room and go back into the hallway, then continue down the hallway until you reach the save room at the end. Get the screwdriver out of the toolbox from the back of the room, then approach the control panel, and release the lock. Now enter the number "7248" so you can actually release the lock. Leave the Save room and enter the other room in this hallway. Once in this room, go through the other door at the other end of the room. You'll see a scientist who is trapped inside the gas chamber. Here's how to free him: 1) Green button 2) Red button 3) Blue button This will get rid of all the gas in the room. Enter the room and speak with the scientist. He should give you the B1 Key Chip for your trouble, before he dies... Now when he does die, search him to get the small key. Try to exit the chamber and a raptor will come at you. Get him off of you, then trap him inside the gas chamber. Press the Red button to gas him. Leave this room, and go back to the Library. Ok, now head over to that control panel in the back of the room, and use the B1 Key Chip on it to start a puzzle, and input the number that is on the B1 Key Chip, which is "3695": __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ /##################\ <------- How it starts \__________________/ __________________ /##################\ \__________________/ __________________ /##################\ \__________________/ __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ 1) __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ 2) __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ 3) __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ 4) __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ __________________ <------ How it should end up as /################# \ \__________________/ __________________ / \ \__________________/ __________________ /################# \ \__________________/ After solving this puzzle, you will get back your B1 Key Chip. Head over to the locker with the green light on it, and use the B1 Key Chip on it to recieve the Key Card R. Exit this room and return to the Save Room where you got the Screwdriver. Approach the computer and you will find out that you will need two people to release the lock. Call Gail, and place the Key Card L on the left. Now move the computer to find a door. Use the DDK Input Disc E and the DD Code Disc E to open the door (the code is "ENERGY"). You are now in the Experiment Simulation Room. Push the shelf in the room to get the Shotgun Stocks. Approach the control panel and enter: - "Y" (Gamma) - "B" (Beta) - "A" (Alpha) Leave the room and go back into the previous room. An alarm will sound. Use your screwdriver on the box near the toolbox to solve a puzzle: 1) 2) 3) ______________ ______________ ______________ | |_ | | | |_ | | | _| | | |____|_|__|____| |____|_|__|____| |__|_|____|____| | |_| _| | | |_| | | | |_ |_|_| | |____|__|_|____|--> |____|____|____|--> |____|_|__|____| | |_| |_ | | _| | | |_| |_| | | |____|____|_|__| |__|_|____|____| |____|____|____| That is how you should solve the puzzle, which is by pressing: 1) C 2) A 3) B Time for a decision on your part... - Go with Gail? - Go with Rick? Once again, I choose Rick, simply because I think that Gail is an asshole... But that might change later on... Now go back into the hidden room beyond the Save Room, and Operate the Terminal. Just do as Rick says and you will be fine with this puzzle. Keep in mind that this is sorta like a memory game... Now head through the newly opened hatch to find Dr. Kirk. He'll give you the Communication ID Card. Time to use the other elevator inside the control room...so head over there and use the elevator inside the control room. Make sure to use the Communications ID Card to activate it. Exit the elevator when it stops, and get the Antenna Key from the wall near it. Now unlock the door, save your game, and leave this room and out onto the balcony. Run to the end of the balcony, and enter the door at the end. Approach the control panel, and place the Antenna Key into the slot to switch the antenna on. Leave the room and go back onto the balcony... AHHHHHH!!!!! A T-REX!!! RUN!!!!! Run all the way down the balcony, and at the end, blast the T-Rex with some serious power (8-10 shots from your shotgun should do the trick), and after a while, Rick will unlock the door for you. Enter it. Back in the room, take the elevator back to the 1F control room, then head over to the Main Hall. Now use the door that is across from the stairs and go outside. Avoid the pterodactyls out here, and run around the bend and through the large door at the end. Run through the passage, and into the next room. Run to the end of the steel walkway and get the grenade gun. Now it's time to move some more crates that are blocking your way. Just push them out of your way to move on. Now head on through the next door beyond the crates. Uh oh....the T-Rex is back, and he's pissed. He'll chase you, so just run as fast as you can until Rick finally opens the door. Make your way around the helicopter, and blast the T-Rex whenever you get far enough away from him. When you get to the door, enter it. Inside the next small room, go through the door. Now run ALL the way down the long corridor, and into the first room to the left of the hallway. Inside this next room, get the C.O Pass from the shelf, and grab the Medi Pack from the dead guy. When you are ready, leave back into the hallway, and continue down it and exit through the next door to the right. You'll ride down to the B3 of the Facility. In here, get the Battery from the glass case and take it into the next room where Rick is. Now leave into the room to the north, and into the Save Room. In here, push the shelf out of the way to get some Darts for your Shotgun. Now grab the B3 Crane Card 1 and the B3 Crane Card 2. Now leave through the other door, and save your game on the way out. Run over to the ladder near the door, then tap X fast so you can escape the falling crate. Now there should be 2 dinos that come at you. Blast them with either a Poison Dart or your shotgun. When they're gone, exit this area through the door to the north (use your compass). Now in this room, get the C.O Area Key and the B3 Crane Key 3. Now go back to the other room, and climb up the ladder to get to a control panel. Use all three of your Crane Keys to activate another puzzle: - Right - Hook - Left - Release - Up - Hook - Release - Right - Up - Hook - Up - Down - Release - Right - Up - Down - Hook Now press the exit button to complete this puzzle, and to get them crates out of your way. Go back down the ladder and follow the newly opened path and get the DDK Input Disc W from the dead guy. Go back through the Save Room and into the large room where you found the Battery. Use the C.O Area Key on the western door. Run through the hallway, and kill the dinos here. Go through the door at the end. Get the Map in here, then enter the next door and into the greenish hallway. Dispose of the dinos here, then go up the stairs. Kill the raptor at the top, and head through the door at the end of the hallway (which is a save room). Access the computer and shut-off the alarm. Now grab the B2 Key Chip and the DDK Input Disc S. Leave the room and go into the vent near the door. Follow the vent to the next opening, and drop down into another hallway. Now enter the room straight ahead of you at the end of this hallway. In here, blast the raptor that attacks you, then grab the Key Card Level C off of the shelf. Now run around the room and blast the second raptor that attacks. Leave the room and go back into the hallway. Now go through the door to the left, just past the vent opening. In this room, take the DDK Code Disc W from the counter, then exit back into the hallway, and into the room at the other end. You will meet Gail in here. After the cut-scene, grab the file and the Ammo that is in here. Leave and use the vents again to get back to the stairs. At the stairs, go down them and into the green hallway, and you will get a call from Rick. Head back into the room before the stairs, and use the password "WATERWAY" and the DDK Disc W and the DDK Code Disc W to unlock the door. Enter this save room. You'll talk with Rick ASAP. Grab the B2 Key Chip, then go back into the large room where you got the battery in. Grab another battery from where the batteries are, then head into the south- east door to find another simple battery puzzle: - A - C - D Hit the button to start the power, then head into the elevator that is next to this room. Search all of the corpses to get the DDK Input Disc D, the Port Card Key, and an A. Aid. Leave the elevator and go back into the Save room on this floor. Rick will open a door for you, so enter it. In this hallway, grab the DDK Code Disc S then head back to the Green hallway and up the stairs, and into the save room at the top. Now use the DDK Input Disc S and the DDK Code Disc S, with the codename "STABILIZER". Go through the door. In the next room, head out the northern door, and go right and through the door at the end of the hallway. Kill the raptor inside, and get the DDK Code Disc D from here. Ok, now go back to the Save Room on this floor. Approach the control panel here, and use the B2 Key Chip and the B2 Key Chip 2 on it to start a puzzle (be sure to use the number "0392" on it): __________________ / 8 \ \__________________/ __________________ / 7 \ \__________________/ __________________ / 6 \ \__________________/ __________________ / 5 \ \__________________/ __________________ / 4 \ <---- Once (3rd), then twice (5th) \__________________/ __________________ / 3 \ <---- Once (2nd), then twice (4th) \__________________/ __________________ / 2 \ <---- Twice (1st) \__________________/ __________________ / 1 \ \__________________/ then... __________________ / 8 \ \__________________/ __________________ / 7 \ \__________________/ __________________ / 6 \ \__________________/ __________________ / 5 \ <--- Once (3rd) \__________________/ __________________ / 4 \ <--- Once (4th), then twice (6th) \__________________/ __________________ / 3 \ <--- Twice (5th) \__________________/ __________________ / 2 \ <--- Twice (2nd) \__________________/ __________________ / 1 \ <--- Twice (1st) \__________________/ After solving this puzzle, go back into the large room that Rick unlocked for you earlier. Go to the southern door, and use the Codename "DOCTORKIRK" and the DDK Code Disc D and DDK Input Disc D to open the door. Go through it to get into another hallway. Go down the hallway to find another 2 locks. Use a B2 Key Chip on each, then go through the second door you encounter. Activate the button in here to move the bridge outwards. Leave through the other door to the west, and head down the stairs you find. Grab the Key Card Level B, then go back upstairs. Now go through the southern door. In this next room, check out the Whiteboard to find another puzzle: 1 2 3 ______________ ______________ ______________ | | | | | | _|____| | |____| |__ | |____|____|__|_| |__|_|____|____| |____|____|__|_| | | | | | | | |__ | | | | _| | | |__|_|__|_|____| |____|__|_|__|_| |__|_|____|____| | | |_|_| | |__| | | | | | |_| | |____|____|____| |____|____|____| |____|____|____| Order: - 2 - 3 - 1 Do this so they look like the diagram above. Now leave and go back into the previous room you were in. Run forward and attempt to operate the computer. Now go back into the room with the dying person and that puzzle you just solved. Use the Fingerprinting Device on the dying man. Now go through the door to the east, and into a hallway. Enter the door at the end. Here you will find Dr. Kirk, and a cut-scene will start. When it ends, you'll get the Key Card Level A. Time for another Decision: - Gail's Strategy - Rick's Strategy Since I've been hard on Gail for the whole game, I'm gonna go with him this time (keep in mind that this decision won't affect your ending, so don't worry about who you go with). Head back through the hallway and into the room with the stairs and an elevator. Take the elevator down to B3. At the bottom, leave through the east door, then go through the hallway and through the door at the end. Head into the save room that is towards the north-west of this large room, and then exit the save room through the other door. Leave the next room and into another hallway, then enter the room to the east in this hallway. In this room, grab the Stabilizer and the Initializer from inside. Now go all the way back to B2, and up the stairs, then into the save room at the top of the stairs. Use your ID Card on the computer and use the number "31451" to open it. Use the fingerprinting data you collected to redo the ID Card. Head back downstairs and use the computer here. When you have finished this, enter the eastern room and head across the bridge, start up the generator, and use the Stabilizer on it. Use the southern elevator, and at the bottom, go east and use the Initializer on the generator there. Now activate the computer that is near here to start the generator. Go back to where Gail is by going back up, into the room with the stairs, taking the southern door, following the hallway to the next room, then going through the door that is next to the one you just entered. - Agree with Gail - - Agree with Rick - Okay, this time, this decision affects your ending: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Agree with Gail - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you do this, you will get Dr. Kirk. Use the vent that is near the save room to get to another hallway, then go west and enter the room at the west end of the hall. Now get the Secret Disc from this room. After the cut-scene, you will be back on level B3, in a save room. Head out the western door, and go through the hallway and into the area at the end. Head on through the northern door. Hop into the Hovercraft...and meet Mr. T-Rex again... Just blast him with your Grenade Gun and Shotgun as you run. Run, then stop to blast him when he's far enough away from you, then when he gets close, run some more. Rinse and repeat about 4 times to kill him and to beat the game! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Agree with Rick - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will be on level B3, in a save room. Head out the western door, and go through the hallway and into the area at the end. Head on through the northern door. Now head down the stairs to meet Rick, then head back upstairs and re-fill the tank that Rick gave you with Nucleum. Take the now-filled tank to Rick, then head back outside through the door you came in here from to find the T-Rex... Just blast him with your Grenade Gun and Shotgun as you run, and when the screen says "Fire!" Run, then stop to blast him when he's far enough away from you, then when he gets close, run some more. Rinse and repeat about 4 times to kill him and to beat the game! $~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$ E N D W A L K T H R O U G H $~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5. FAQ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1) Q: What's the deal with the DDK Discs? A: All of the DDK Discs open up special doors, and they all need some kind of special Codename to open them... 2) Q: What are all of the Codenames? A: Here they are, in the order you encounter the doors: - "HEAD" - "NEWCOMER" - "LABORATORY" - "ENERGY" - "WATERWAY" - "STABILIZER" - "DOCTORKIRK" 3) Q: Why is Dino Crisis so confusing at times? A: I think all of the damn DDK Discs make Dino Crisis a pain in the ass sometimes. 4) Q: Is Dino Crisis releated to Resident Evil? A: Gameplay-wise: Yes. Story-wise: No. 5) Q: Is there going to be a sequel to Dino Crisis? A: Yes. Indeed there is. 6) Q: When will it be released? A: That is to be determined... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6. Tips ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Do not save your game. I know this sounds a little extreme, but when you're attempting to beat the game in under 5:00, this is necessary. Every time you save your game, it takes too much time. • Do not strive to pick up every box of Handgun Bullets you come across. You will need to pick up plenty of bullets, but you shouldn't need that many, because you will be killing dinos with your handgun the most often, unless you are overwhelmed by dinos. DO NOT go out of your way to collect handgun bullets, because it just wastes time. • Avoiding confrontation whenever possible. It's always best to just avoid enemies whenever possible, unless it's a powerful foe like the T-Rex or Raptor, in which case you should immediately kill them off to save time. • Only kill enemies that are in rooms that you will need to revisit later on. This way you save time because you won't have to kill them later, unless they re-spawn. • Do not collect ANY files. They just waste precious time, and are useless. • Use the 180-degree turn: To do this, press down on the control pad while holding down the action button. This should allow you to make a quick 180-degree turn • Only go to areas that you will need to go to. Going into other areas that are optional wastes time. • Skip ALL cut-scenes and FMV scenes. These also waste time, and will cause your rank to lower. Press start to skip these. • Run. Every second you walk is another wasted second, and they all count. If you want to have good button control, get used to gripping the controller with your right hand so that your thumb wraps around the base opposite the trigger. Switch to button mode "C" in the options. Then you can always have the run button depressed, and be able to switch to your inventory without having to stop running. It's a little awkward at first, but once your pinky gets used to pulling the trigger it works much better than using one thumb for all four buttons. • Avoid confrontation at all costs. Avoiding fights will save you plenty of ammo and health. • Run a lot. Running around a lot will cause you to solve puzzles faster and will shorten the game time overall. Running also allows you to avoid enemies easier. • Save some ammo. You should always save your best ammo (i.e: Poison Darts or your shotgun) for later bosses and stronger enemies. Don't use your Poison Darts on those tiny dinos and stuff like that. • Try not to use your Resuscitations during the beginning of the game. • Use your Emergency Boxes. Duh. Using the inventory boxes will allow you to store items for later, and will save you inventory space. • Save your ammo. Duh. • Save your Resuscitations. If you save these for later on in the game, you will survive longer or just plain survive to beat the game. Also, these are helpful for all of the Boss Fights. • Save your larger weapons for later. Saving your larger weapons (like your shotgun or grenade launcher) allows you to have them for boss fights, therefore giving you the edge in the boss fights. • Only save your game if you really need to. This way you have less amount of saves, and your overall time will be shorter. • Use the maps. Using the maps you have found decrease the chances of you getting lost, and will make the game easier to play and less frustrating in the long run. • Use the dodge move relentlessly. If you do it at just the right moment, you will be able to dodge his attacks easily, and this will give you plenty of time to either run away, reload your weapon, or blast him with your most powerful weapon. Him, as in the T-Rex and the Raptors. • If you're gonna shoot dinos, do it at POINT BLANK range (i.e., when they're right in front of you, or as close as they're gonna get to you. This decreses the chances of them dodging your fire, and it also increases the damage they take from your shot. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7. How to use Healing Items ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Here are the different healing items that you will encounter, and what effects they take: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Medical Pack M: Heals all of your health 100% Hemostat: Stops all bleeding Resuscitation: Completely recovers you from death if you die. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Condition Guide: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ___________________________________________________________ | | | | | WHAT HAPPENS | _CONDITION_ | AMOUNT OF LIFE LEFT | |____________________|_______________|______________________| | | | | | Bleeding | Bad | 0-50% | | | | | | Limping | Not so bad | 50-80% | | | | | |____________________|_______________|______________________| ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8. File List ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$ Here is the list of every File: $~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$ 1.) New Employee Education 2.) Journal of the Guardsman 3.) Chemical Manual 4.) Memo from A.O.E 5.) Perssonel Changes 6.) Notices to the Staff 7.) Whiteboard Memo 8.) Dead Man's Memo 1 9.) Memo to the Doctor on duty 10.) Data for Operation Meeting 11.) Security Manula Vol. 1 12.) Researcher's Journal Vol. 1 13.) Security Manula Vol. 2 14.) Memo in Data Storage 15.) Doctor's Journal 16.) Dead Man's Memo 2 17.) Staff Memo 18.) Notice Messages 1 19.) Notice Messages 2 20.) Researcher's Journal 2 21.) Researcher's Journal 3 22.) Generator Manual 23.) Researcher's Journal 24.) Note to the Staff 25.) Old Document $~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$ F I L E S: $~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NEW EMPLOYEE EDUCATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please inform the new employee assigned to this department about the "DDK" system as follows: The Digital Disc Key or DDK, is a system that secures our most important areas with an advanced locking device. To release the locks protected by the DDK, prepare and set the following two data discs at the locking device near the door: "DDK CODE DISC X" "DDK INPUT DISC X" The type of the DDK you need is indicated on the door : "A", "B", etc. If the DDK type you use does not match, you cannot release the lock. Before operating the system, make sure that your DDK type matches the door you wish to unlock. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. JOURNAL OF THE GUARDSMAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before tonight's experiment, the chief and Dr. Kirk will be having a meeting at the 2nd floor lounge from 1:00 p.m. Those who are scheduled to guard should keep a preponderant eye on the area in front of the Chief's Room, and the surrounding vicinity. Before taking positions, be sure to re-supply your ammunition in the custody room. The weapon storage in the custody room can be opened with the combination, "0426". Also, we have received information that spies have sneaked into the facility recently. If anything happens, you may have to enter the rooms of the chief and the prof- essor in order to insure their safety. You will find the disk that contains the information you will need to access their rooms on top of the locker. That's all for now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. CHEMICAL MANUAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Product Descriptions: - Recovery Aid - An. Aid - Intensifier - Multiplier The four chemicals listed above feature our company's latest advancements. They are designed to perform exceptionally, particularly on the front lines, where only the minimum amount of equipment is accessible. Features: By mixing chemicals, the following 2 types of supplies can be created: - Recovering Type: It quickly recovers lost vitality. - Anesthetic Type: Applied to the need of a bullet or needle, it can put the target to sleep. Supplies that are produced by chemical mixing can be made even more effective with additional mixing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. MEMO FROM AN ANTENNA OPERATING ENGINEER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a result of tonight's experiment, a strong magnetic storm may occur. Consequently, the Communication Department will close at 6 PM. At that time, the antenna will be temporarily stored. To prepare for the emergency, be sure to check the weapons storage locker in the lounge. You can unlock it with the combination, "8159". Recently, inexperienced guards have been assigned here, and a common problem is that they do not know how to use the DDK. Here are some points that may not be clear in the manual. Make sure that your staff becomes familiar with this important information. After you set the DDK to the door's locking device, you'll be asked to enter the password code. You will then need to derive the code by using the basic elimin- ation rule. Eliminate the key letters to reveal the correct code. Be sure to try this out by setting an actual DDK to the door locking device. For example: CODE: "OXPYEZN" KEY: "XYZ" In the above case, the correct password would be "OPEN". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. PERSONNEL CHANGES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Personnel Changes of Researchers" OLD Section: Special Aircraft Experiment Room NEW Section: Third Energy Physics Laboratory Registration Number: 57036 Name: Mark Doyle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. NOTICES TO THE STAFF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three years have passed since the tragic disaster. The performance of the newest Stabilizer will be tested in tonight's experiment. Three years ago, the Third Energy destroyed the facility and killed as many as 150 personnel, just from a single overflowing accident. So, to prevent a similar disaster from happening, we will take every possible precaution to reinforce our security. One more thing... We recently had a case in which someone used the terminal in this room and forged a fake ID to gain unauthorized access. Today, we are going to have a meeting in the strategy room on how to cope with the problem. In any case, all personnel should protect the security of the terminal. Anyone leaving his room unattended should lock the door without fail. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. MEMO ON THE WHITEBOARD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The change of personnel documents for this individual have not been turned in yet: Paul Baker Pager Number: 1123 Researcher Personnel Changes: OLD Section: Special Aircraft Experiment Room NEW Section: Third Energy Stabilizer Experiment Room Registration Number: 58104 Name: Paul Baker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. DEAD MAN'S MEMO 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Today's to do" Prepare the DDKs needed to enter the Laboratory Area. Tomorrow I have to go to the Computer Room to do maintenance on Dr. Kirk's computer. But, I think I left a DDK at the Large Size Elevator Control Room when I went there yesterday to do the elevator maintenance. I'll have to check it later today. As for the other DDK, I think the rookie guy Tom, who was recently assigned to the Laboratory Area, has it. I'll have to borrow it from him. I have no idea how that jerk approached Kirk, but he seems to have gained his complete trust. It's weird how nobody knows his past history... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. MEMO TO THE DOCTOR ON DUTY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Sherwood, The ID Card on the desk belongs to one of my patiens. Please hand it to Colonel Clay when he shows up. He told me that he was going to hold a meeting in the Strategy Room on the 1st floor to make preparations for tonight's experiment. Please make sure to hand the card to him since one is required to enter the Stra- tegy Room. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. DATA FOR OPERATION MEETING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Reinforcement of ID Management Earlier in the week, there was a case in which someone used the terminal that rewrites the ID Cards to gain unauthorized access. This person acquired the fingerprint data from the corpse of a staff member who had died in the accident. He forged the dead man's ID by using the finger- print data, and entered the laboratory area by way of elevator. The problem is that the Fingerprint Collecting Device can acquire usable fingerprint data, even from a corpse. Since we will be having an experiment today, there will be many outsiders visiting this facility. When creating the ID Cards for the guests, keep a careful eye on the device. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. SECURITY MANUAL VOL. 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "DDK", the electronic lock system of this facility, has been updated. A more intricate code system has been introduced, and the security level has been improved. You will need to be aware of the following information when entering the password. Number-Based "KEY" Decoding, Part 1 In a case where numbers are written instead of letters in the "KEY" field, the numbers could represent the codes for the corresponding characters. Here is an example of a corresponding chart between the letters and the code numbers: A=1, B=2, C=3.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. RESEARCHER'S JOURNAL 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March "Third Energy"... It is the system that can produce infinite energy from the air. The completion of this system will signify the end of one of society's greatest problems. ...It is true that the system was initially developed for military use, but we took part in the project because there is a silver lining in it for our future. But something is terribly wrong. The military has been giving us excessively favorable treatment for the simple development of a fundamental energy system. I must discover the true purpose of this project, before irreparable harm is done. What on earth is that kid planning to do...? April ...I haven't found any clues in the past month. He is indeed a genius. He seems to have noticed our secret investigation activities. I heard that he established a secret lab in this floor somewhere. The only way to learn of his true intentions, will be to find that lab. July At long last, Mike has found a clue pertaining to the location of the secret laboratory. He said that he hid the clue in our secret place inside the Library Room. Kirk has been meeting frequently with Colonel Clay, the leader of the project, in the Computer Room lately. What are they up to...? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. SECURITY MANUAL VOL. 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "DDK", the electronic lock system of this facility, has been updated. A more intricate code system has been introduced which improves the level of security. You will need to be aware of the following information when entering the password. Number-Based "KEY" Decoding, Part 2 In a case where numbers are written instead of letters in the "KEY" field, the numbers could indicate the rows to be deleted. For example, if "2" is in the "KEY" word, you should delete all of the letters from the second row of the "CODE". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. MEMO IN DATA STORAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Paul, I finally found the clue. This is the key card that you need to enter his secret lab. The only chance to enter it is during tonight's experiment. Obtain the other key card without hesitation. The other key card is in the Chief's Room. I heard the secret codes for the safe are written on the Panel Keys. Now, if we find out where the laboratory is, everything will be solved. I'll leave that to you. Good luck. Mike -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. DOCTOR'S JOURNAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is easy to unleash any kind of power. The real task is keeping the power under control. The improvement of the "Initializer" ignition device has enhanced energy efficiency to the maximum. Despite that progress, we have been unable to advance the development of the "Stabilizer" safety valve since the accident that happened three years ago. The "Third Energy Theory" will surely alter human history drastically. But as long as there is an uncertain element regarding the control of this power, even if it is only 0.1% of a probability, my work will be nothing but a terrible failure. The restraining power of the "Stabilizer" we used in tonight's experiment was insufficient. The area affected by the excess energy is estimated to be a radius of 3.300 feet. The result of tonight's experiment may please the military people in a sense. The giant creatures that emerged just after the experiment have given me much inspiration. The most important thing to do right now is to leave here safely. As soon as I finish analyzing the data, I'll evacuate via the bottom floor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. DEAD MAN'S MEMO 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where the heck did these monsters come from?! I managed to slip away, but I've been cornered here in the basement ever since. The only way I can get out is through the port on level B3. I should be able to find a boat or something used to transport research materials. The only problem is getting there in one piece... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. STAFF MEMO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attention: Alan The weapon container at the General Weapon Storage will be carried out from the port next week. Please finish the maintenance of the crane within the week. I will hand you the DDK to enter the port so that you can finish the job. Make sure that you keep it on you at all times. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18. NOTICE MESSAGES 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since we are going to move the experimental Generator outside today, we expect to see external staff within the test area. As a final reminder, if the "overload" occurs in this laboratory, it will mean the obliteration of the entire facility. If you don't want to be evaporated, guard the area with extreme caution today. The staff has been working double overtime recently. Dr. Kirk in particular has locked himself in his private quarters for nearly a week. Nobody has seen him. Take good care of the researchers and remember that the experiment's success depends upon their ablility to think. Recently the credibility gap of Dr. Kirk has been varied among the staff. Keep your eyes on the ID Rrewriting Device here to prevent illicit use. There has been an instance of someone abusing the Rewriting Device on the first floor. Keep your eyes open. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. NOTICE MESSAGES 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Those who attend the activation of the Generator for the first time in tonight's experiment should remember the following procedures: To activate the Generator, the following two devices have to be set in advance. Initializer Stabilizer The functions of the two devices are as follows: Initializer: Generates the necessary energy for the first reaction when activating the Generator. Stabilizer: The Third Energy reaction takes in the air and generates the energy in a chain reaction under a certain level. You will find the models of the two parts in the case set at the center. If you have not seen them, be sure to check and see what they look like. If you split the numbers that you use when obtaining the Core Parts and add "0" to each of the split numbers, they will give the pass numbers you'll need when obtaining the other two protective parts. Be careful when handling the pass numbers of the Core Parts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. RESEARCHER'S JOURNAL 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The kid pointed out the mistake in my calculations of the estimated value. The simulation of the Stabilizer, I mean. It seems that I miscalculated the timing of the energy reaction at its critical point by 6 nanoseconds. I admitted that I made a mistake, but he has a serious attitude problem. He doesn't seem to understand we're all exhausted from having to work all day and night on a regular basis. From: M To M, Everyone feels the same way about Kirk as you do. It's time to let him know how we feel. I heard that you could create a lethal poison by mixing certain drugs together. They said you just have to mix the strongest anesthetic with something else. ...Well, that may be going a bit too far, I suppose... From: K To K, You are pathetic. Can't you see Dr. Kirk devotes himself to the experiment without a care of anything else? Blaming others for your mistakes only exemplifies your cowardice. I hold all of you responsible should the experiment go wrong thanks to your blundering. Maybe you should be the one watching your back in case someone should "accidentally" inject you with poison. From: ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21. RESEARCHER'S JOURNAL 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since I was assigned to this department, all I've done is sample the simulation data of the Generator. Even a college student could handle these tasks. Why doesn't Kirk want us to operate the Generator? Doesn't he trust our ability and skill? From: O To O, I don't think the problem is so simple. Because his ID Card is required to operate the Generator, once an accident occurs, Kirk is the only person who can stop it. I don't see what the military is planning to do with this conniving nonsensical procedure... From: N I have an idea. It's about that guy Tom who was recently assigned to the B1 area. He often comes to me to ask about our job... I guess he can't resist my charming personality. Why don't we invite him into our group and have him spy on Dr. Kirk? This should work as he is good at gaining the confidence of other people. From: B To B, Don't be so simpleminded. Have you already forgotten how you'd been trying to get Kirk's attention until recently? Learn to think a bit more logically first. At any rate, the male researchers here don't seem to know much of anything beyond research. Maybe you ought to try showing the next one you become close friends with the wonders of shampoo and the washing machine. From: C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22. GENERATOR INSTRUCTION MANUAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "How to activate and control the generator" 1. Prepare to activate the Generator by operating the main panel on the upper floor of the Control Room. 2. Move to the B3 area of the Generator to set an Initializer. 3. Operate the panel near the Initializer to connect the "inhale shaft" to the Generator. 4. Move to the B2 area to set a Stabilizer. 5. Activate the Generator. 6. Go back to the Control Room and adjust the output on the lower floor. - When activating the Generator, make sure the Doctor is present. To avoid accidents, the Generator cannot be activated without Dr. Kirk's ID Card. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23. RESEARCHER'S MEMO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kirk has been hiding everything from the researchers recently. In a demonstration of solidarity, the B1 lab area staff have decided to investigate what Kirk and the military personnel are up to. As a start, we managed to set a wiretapping device at the Parts Storage area where they've been holding meetings. The device is sound activated and records automatically. It can also play back the recordings. It may be the best way to come uo with some clues. We need Kirk's ID Card to check the Generator. We already know his registration number. It is 31415. All we need now is to forge his ID Card is his fingerprint data... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24. NOTE TO THE STAFF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notice: Preparing the Stabilizer and the Initializer. Make sure these two devices are ready in time for the experiment. Each of these two devices consist of the following three parts: Core Parts - Protect Part A - Protect Part B This means six parts are needed in all. These parts are separately stored in the Experiment Room, the Design Room and the Parts Storage Room. Once you have acquired all 6 parts, you can assemble them in the Experiment Room. The Weightless Manipulator must be operating by staff of level A class. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25. OLD DOCUMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Third Energy as the Final Weapon" by Edward Kirk If the Third Energy reaction exceeds the critical point, it evokes the "overload" phenomenon. When this happens, we can't control it. The huge amount of energy creates chain reactions and begins to disintegrate the surrounding air. The ensuing explosion will vaporize anything in the near vicinity. If we could control the area where the "overload" occurs, the Third Energy will literally become the "Ultimate Weapon." The power of the weapon depends on how much energy we can restrain before the explosion occurs. In other words, the capability of the Stabilizer is the key to everything. The Third Energy was supposed to be the project of the development policy: "Create the basic power source for the Permanently Stationed Weapon." If we change the policy of the project here and now, this government will be able to obtain the most deadly destructive device in the world. However, our current budget is completely out of the question. You'll find my estimate of the budget in the next chapter. Please review and consider. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9. Emergency Box Locations ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ______________________ | | | GREEN BOXES | |______________________| | | | Control Room Hall | | Research Area Hall | | Experiment Room Hall | | Central Stairway | | Power Freq. Room | |______________________| ______________________ | | | RED BOXES | |______________________| | | | Elevator Hall | | Main Hallway | | Communication Room | | Control Room B3 | | Experiment Room Hall | | Hovercraft Storage | | Central Stairway | | Power Freq. Room | |______________________| ______________________ | | | YELLOW BOXES | |______________________| | | | Strategy Room | | Control Room B3 | | Underground Heliport | | Hovercraft | |______________________| ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10. Secrets ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• How to get under 5 hours: ---------------------------- • Do not save your game. I know this sounds a little extreme, but when you're attempting to beat the game in under 5:00, this is necessary. Every time you save your game, it takes too much time. • Do not strive to pick up every box of Handgun Bullets you come across. You will need to pick up plenty of bullets, but you shouldn't need that many, because you will be killing dinos with your handgun the most often, unless you are overwhelmed by dinos. DO NOT go out of your way to collect handgun bullets, because it just wastes time. • Avoiding confrontation whenever possible. It's always best to just avoid enemies whenever possible, unless it's a powerful foe like the T-Rex or Raptor, in which case you should immediately kill them off to save time. • Do not collect ANY files. They just waste precious time, and are useless. • Use the 180-degree turn: To do this, press down on the control pad while holding down the action button. This should allow you to make a quick 180-degree turn • Only go to areas that you will need to go to. Going into other areas that are optional wastes time. • Skip ALL cut-scenes and FMV scenes. These also waste time, and will cause your rank to lower. Press start to skip these. • Run. Every second you walk is another wasted second, and they all count. If you want to have good button control, get used to gripping the controller with your right hand so that your thumb wraps around the base opposite the trigger. Switch to button mode "C" in the options. Then you can always have the run button depressed, and be able to switch to your inventory without having to stop running. It's a little awkward at first, but once your pinky gets used to pulling the trigger it works much better than using one thumb for all four buttons. SECRETS: ---------- • Beat the game in under 8 hours to get some bonus costumes • Beat the game once to get 2 new costumes • Beat the games twice to get a fourth costume • Beat the game with all 3 endings to get the grenade gun with infinite ammo • Beat the game in under 5 hours or less to open the Operation: Wipe Out Mini-Game ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11. Weapons List ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• __________________________________________________________________ | | | WEAPON NAME LOCATION | |__________________________________________________________________| | | | Handgun Default weapon | | | | Shotgun Facility 1F | | | | Grenade Gun Facility 1F | | | | Handgun Sights Facility 1F | | | | Handgun Slides Facility 2F, Lounge | | | | Shotgun Parts Facility B2 | | | | Shotgun Stocks Facility 2F | | | | Grenade Gun Parts Facility, B3 | | | | Handgun Custom N/A | | | |__________________________________________________________________| ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 12. Ammo List ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ______________________________________________________________ | Ammo Description | |______________________________________________________________| | | | Handgun Bullets Common bullets. Found everywhere.| | | | Anesthetic Dart L Makes dino sleep. | | | | Anesthetic Dart L+ Makes dino sleep. | | | | Anesthetic Dart L++ Makes dino sleep. | | | | Anesthetic Dart M Makes dino sleep. | | | | Anesthetic Dart M+ Makes dino sleep. | | | | Anesthetic Dart M++ Makes dino sleep. | | | | Anesthetic Dart S Makes dino sleep. | | | | Anesthetic Dart S+ Makes dino sleep. | | | | Anesthetic Dart S++ Makes dino sleep. | | | | Grenade Rounds Exploding rounds for Grenade Gun.| | | | Slag Shells More powerful than normal shells.| | | | Shotgun Shells Rounds used for the Shotgun. 12- | | gauge shells. | | | |______________________________________________________________| ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13. Item List ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ____________________________________________________________________ | | | ITEM NAME WHERE YOU FIND IT | |____________________________________________________________________| | | | Antenna Key Communications Room | | | | BG Area Key Facility 1F, storage room | | | | B1 Crane Card Elevator Power Room | | | | BG Room B1 Key Lecture Room | | | | B3 Crane Card 1 Control Room B3 | | | | B3 Crane Card 2 Control Room B3 | | | | B3 Crane Card 3 Transport Passage | | | | B1 Key Chip Gas Room | | | | B2 Key Chip 2 Facility | | | | B2 Key Chip 1 Security Pass Room | | | | Core Parts 1 (Rick) Parts Storage | | | | C.O. Area Key Transport | | | | C.O. Pass Materials Room | | | | Comm ID Card Facility B1 | | | | Core Parts 2 (Rick) Parts Storage | | | | DDK Input Disc H Facility 1F | | | | DDK Code Disc H Facility 1F | | | | DDK Input Disc N Facility 2F | | | | DDK Code Disc N Front Entrance | | | | DDK Code Disc E Strategy Room | | | | DDK Input Disc L Large Elevator Control Room | | | | DDK Code Disc L Large Elevator Control Room | | | | DDK Input Disc E Research Meeting Room | | | | DDK Input Disc W General Weapons Storage | | | | DDK Input Disc S Security Pass Room | | | | DDK Code Disc W Stabilizer Design Room | | | | DDK Input Disc D Large Elevator | | | | DDK Code Disc S Passage to the Port | | | | DDK Code Disc D Stabilizer Experiment Room | | | | Entrance Key Facility 1F, Safe | | | | Fingerprint Col. Device Strategy Room | | | | ID Card Medical Room | | | | Initializer (Rick) Stabilizer Experiment Room | | | | Initializer (Gail) Special Weapons Storage | | | | Key Card Lev C Experiment Room Hall | | | | Key Card Lev B Third Energy Control Room | | | | Key Card Lev A Dr. Kirk's Personal Lab | | | | Key Card L Facility 2F | | | | Key Card R Library Room | | | | Panel Key 1 Facility 2F | | | | Panel Key 2 Facility 1F | | | | Port Card Key Large Elevator | | | | Planning Disc (Rick) Dr. Kirk's Personal Lab | | | | Protect Parts 1-A Stabilizer Room | | | | Protect Parts 1-B (Rick) Stabilizer Room | | | | Protect Parts 2-A (Rick) Stabilizer Room | | | | Protect Parts 2-B (Rick) Stabilizer Experiment Room | | | | Pulse Receiver Dr. Kirk's Room | | | | Startup Battery Red Backup Generator Room B1 | | | | Screwdriver Computer Room | | | | Small Key Gas Room | | | | Stabilizer (Gail) Special Weapons Storage | | | | Startup Battery White Backup Generator Room B3 | | | | Stabilizer (Rick) Stabilizer Experiment Room | | | | | |____________________________________________________________________| ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14. Credits ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Jeff "CJayC" Veasey- For creating the best web site on the planet, and for accepting all of my FAQs Me- For making this FAQ! :p ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15. CONTACT INFO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Shameless Self-Promotion: Other Strategy Guides by me: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYSTATION: -Ape Escape -Brave Fencer Musashi -Crash Team Racing -Fear Effect -Gran Turismo 2 -Hot Shots Golf 2 -Legend of Mana -Medal Of Honor -Metal Gear Solid -NBA Live 2000 -Need for Speed: High Stakes -Tony Hawk's Pro Skater -R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 -Resident Evil 2 -Resident Evil 3 -Rollcage -Syphon Filter 2 NINTENDO 64: -NBA Live 2000 -Mario Party 2 -Perfect Dark DREAMCAST: -Carrier -Crazy Taxi -Dead or Alive 2 -Hydro Thunder -MDK 2 -Sega GT: Homologation Special -Sega Rally 2 -Sega Swirl -Resident Evil Code: Veronica GAME BOY COLOR: -Metal Gear Solid :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: My website: http://www.geocities.com/i_am_nemesis_99 E-Mail Address: nemesis@flipmode.com E-MAIL RULES: --------------- Types I WILL accept: - Small questions that are NOT answered in the FAQ - Comments - Any types of contributions that can be HELPFUL to others - Corrections for this FAQ - Any mail asking if you can use this FAQ on your website. Read the Legal Stuff section for all the details. Types I will NOT accept: - Hate mail - Small contributions that will NOT help anyone - Chain letters - Any mail that is in ALL CAPS - Any mail that demands an answer - Mail asking me to send you this FAQ - Unconstructive critism - Any questions that are already answered in this FAQ Copyright: © Copyright 1999-2000 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin. It may not be stolen, altered, or used for any type of profit. It may be reproduced electronically, and printed for PRIVATE, PERSONAL use. It may not be placed on a CD, printed in a magazine or any type of publication. If you would like to contribute to this FAQ (you will be credited,) please e-mail me, as well as any questions, comments, or corrections, to the address above. This document intellectual and legal property of... Brett "_____ __ _____ " ___ | / /___________ __________________(_)_______ __ |/ /_ _ \_ __ `__ \ _ \_ ___/_ /__ ___/ _ /| / / __/ / / / / / __/(__ )_ / _(__ ) /_/ |_/ \___//_/ /_/ /_/\___//____/ /_/ /____/ Franklin One final word: "Don't Do Drugs!" ~End of Document~