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I | |simply added a period to| |the version 2.00 | |description and took out| |an unnecessary line in | |the controls section. I | |also put a box around | |"Version History". | +====----------------====+ Version 2.05------------------------------------------+====----------------====+ |Also a very minor update| |in Version 2.05. What I | |did was changed the | |difficultly of a | |Bitesize from 1.5/5 to | |1.5-3/5 because I | |remembered the Bitesize | |mass cocaine invasion at| |the end of Poison Pond. | |I also fixed a spelling | |mistake. | +====----------------====+ Version 2.15------------------------------------------+====----------------====+ |Here's a major update. I| |completely changed the | |ASCII Art(the old one | |was complete crap). | +====----------------====+ Version 2.16------------------------------------------+====----------------====+ |Fixed the ASCII(there | |was no "N" in "Donkey". | +====----------------====+ Table of Contents Search I. Introduction..........................................................INTRO II. Game Basics...........................................................BASIC 2.1 Controls............................................................CONTROL 2.2 Donkey Vs. Diddy........................................................DvD 2.3 Kong Family............................................................KONG 2.4 Barrels..............................................................BARREL 2.5 Items..................................................................ITEM 2.6 Enemy List............................................................ENEMY 2.7 Animal Helpers.......................................................ANIMAL III. Walkthrough............................................................WALK 3.1 Kongo Jungle.........................................................WORLD1 3.2 Monkey Mines.........................................................WORLD2 3.3 Vine Valley..........................................................WORLD3 3.4 Gorilla Glaicer......................................................WORLD4 3.5 Kremkroc Industries Inc..............................................WORLD5 3.6 Chimp Caverns........................................................WORLD6 3.7 Gangplank Galleon....................................................WORLD7 IV. Appendices..............................................................END 4.1 Bonus Rooms...........................................................BONUS 4.2 Boss Guide.............................................................BOSS 4.3 Animal Bonuses......................................................ANIMALB 4.4 Warps and Shortcuts.....................................................WnS 4.5 Codes..................................................................CODE 4.6 Misc. Information......................................................MISC 4.7 Frequently Asked Questions..............................................FAQ 4.8 Contacting Me.......................................................CONTACT 4.9 Legal Notice/Kredits...........................................LEGAL/KREDIT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INTRO I. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to my FAQ for Donkey Kong Country. I have loved this game since my friend gave me a SNES emulator. Now that I've beaten it several times, I've decided to help others finish it. This walkthrough is going to take you step by step through the game. It will offer tips to getting past tough obstacles in levels as well as revealing the locations off all the bonus rooms. And of course , it will also provide tips for beating bosses, including K.Rool. Good luck, and I hope you have fun with Donkey Kong Country. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BASIC II. Game Basics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here you will find all the basic things you'll need to know to get through Donkey Kong Country. ------------------- CONTROL 2.1 Controls ------------------- This section will tell you how to control your kongs. D-Pad - LEFT and RIGHT move your kong left and right. UP and DOWN move your kong up and down ropes. Start - This will allow you to select different game files and pauses the game. Select - This switches your kongs' positions, and also lets you escape from a level at any point when the game is paused, provided you have already beaten the level. X Button - No use. Y Button - Four functions: 1 - Hold this button to run. 2 - Press this button to use a roll attack. 3 - Hold it to pick up a barrel. 4 - While holding a barrel, release it to throw the barrel. B Button - This performs your jump attack. A Button - This allows you to switch your kongs' positions, like select. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Techniques/Combos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Roll Jump - Use a regular roll attack and then jump. This technique can be used to gather items hanging above endless pits or to reach great horizontal distances. Ground Slam - DK exclusive. Hold down and press Y to slam the ground. This can unearth bananas and items. Barrel Drop - Hold DOWN and release Y while holding a barrel to put it down. ----------------------- DvD 2.2 Donkey Vs. Diddy ----------------------- This section will show the pros and cons of Donkey and Diddy. Donkey Kong Advantages - Can jump up at enemies with a barrel for automatic kill, - Can kill Klumps, Armies, and blue Krushas with one jump. - Can throw barrels high. Disadvantages - Slow. - Can't jump very high. Diddy Kong Advantages - Can run into enemies with a barrel for automatic kill. - Fast. - Can jump very high. Disadvantages - Can't kill Klumps, Armies, and blue Krushas easily. ------------------- KONG 2.3 Kong Family ------------------- Here you will find descriptions of all the wild Kongs. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Donkey Kong ~~~~~~~~~~~ The strong ape is back, and he's on an adventure to rescue his lost banana hoard. He often proves useful with his brute strength. ~~~~~~~~~~ Diddy Kong ~~~~~~~~~~ The little ape was captured by the Kremlings and once you rescue him, you can use him along your adventures. His speed and nimbleness will prove useful. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Cranky Kong ~~~~~~~~~~~ This old timer is cranky(duh :P) and will give you hints for the first few worlds. ~~~~~~~~~~ Funky Kong ~~~~~~~~~~ This hip dude will allow you to use his airplane to visit past worlds. ~~~~~~~~~~ Candy Kong ~~~~~~~~~~ Donkey's girlfriend, Candy, will allow you to save your game at her stands. ----------------- BARREL 2.4 Barrels ----------------- There are many, MANY types of barrels in this game, and this section will help you make sense of them all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Steel-Rimmed Barrel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your basic barrel. It is made of wood with steel strips around it. Throw it at enemies or use it to bust open certain walls. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grass-Rimmed Barrel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Same properties as the steel rimmed barrel. The only difference is that it has grass rims, rather than steel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Steel Barrel ~~~~~~~~~~~~ A steel barrel. If you throw it at a wall, it will bounce back, allowing you to jump on and ride it, plowing all enemies in your way ~~~~~~~~~ DK Barrel ~~~~~~~~~ A wooden barrel with a large DK on the front. Bust it open to get your Kong partner out if he is missing. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Star Barrel ~~~~~~~~~~~ Invaluable. Bust these open in a level, and if you die, next time you visit the level you'll appear at the star barrel. This marks the mid-way point in the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Barrel Cannon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jump in one of these and press C to launch out of it. These often move or rotate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Launcher Barrel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jump in one of these mid-air barrels and they will automatically blast you out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STOP/GO Barrels ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These appear in Stop & Go Station. Hit them to stop the Rockkrocs' patrols. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ON/OFF Barrels ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These appear in Loopy Lights. Hit them to turn on the mediocre lighting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fuel Barrels ~~~~~~~~~~~~ These special barrels are used to fuel your vehicle in Tanked Up Trouble. The number of red dots on the can indicates by how many units of fuel it will boost for your vehicle. ------------- ITEM 2.5 Items ------------- This section will clarify the varied items to collect along your adventure. ~~~~~~~ Ballons ~~~~~~~ Three kinds: Red - 1 Extra life Green - 2 Extra Lives Blue - 3 Extra Lives ~~~~~~~ Bananas ~~~~~~~ Two kinds: Banana - 1 Banana Banana Bunch - 10 Bananas Collect 100 to gain an extra life. ~~~~~~~ Letters ~~~~~~~ 4 letters in each level. K, O, N, and G. Collect all four for an extra life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Animal Tokens ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Collect 3 of these golden tokens of the same animal to earn a chance in a bonus room where you control the corresponding animal earning miniature tokens. For every 100 tokens you have collected after 90 seconds, you get an extra life. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Mini-Tokens ~~~~~~~~~~~ Collect these in the animal bonuses. 100 gets you an extra life. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Large Token ~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a well hidden enormous token of the animal whose bonus you're playing in. Collect it to get a x2 bonus of your tokens! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Animal Crates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bust open an animal crate to ride/gain help from the animal depicted on the crate. ~~~~~~~~~~ Mine Carts ~~~~~~~~~~ Jump into a mine cart to ride it. This will only work if the mine cart hasn't crashed. Bumping into the crashed carts takes away a Kong. ~~~~~ Tires ~~~~~ Bounce on these to extraordinary heights. The non-implanted tires can be moved around. ~~~~~ Ropes ~~~~~ Jump on these to swing across to another side. Other ropes you can climb up. Blue ropes will force you upwards. Purple ropes will force you downward(these colored ropes only appear in Slipslide Ride. ------------------- ENEMY 2.6 Enemy List ------------------- In the guide, I refer to the enemies by their actual names, so this section will be put up so you can understand what I'm talking about. ~~~~~~ Gwnaty ~~~~~~ Difficulty: 1/5 A small beaver that slowly walks to the left in an attempt to stop you. Roll Attack : This will finish it off. Jump Attack : This will murder it as well. ~~~~~~~ Kritter ~~~~~~~ Difficulty: 1-2/5 A crocodile that walks on its hind legs. It can either jump stationary, while moving in your direction, or just patrol around. Roll Attack : This will send it flying off. Jump Attack : Same thing goes for this one. ~~~~~ Klump ~~~~~ Difficulty: 2/5 A bloated Kremling that just patrols around. Roll Attack : This only works for Donkey Kong. Jump Attack : This will finish off the obese Kremling. ~~~~~ Necky ~~~~~ Difficulty: 1.5/5 OR 3/5 A vulture that will either fly in set patterns(or to the left) to try and get you or sit in a specified area bombarding you with nuts. Roll Attack : This will work. Jump Attack : This is the recommended way of killing him. ~~~~ Army ~~~~ Difficulty: 2.5/5 A small armadillo that rolls around rapidly to stop you. Roll Attack : Two roll attacks will work. Jump Attack : One jump for Donkey, two for Diddy. ~~~~~~ Zinger ~~~~~~ Difficulty: 1.5-5/5 This oversized bee can move in many directions or just stand still. Depending on its location/strategy, it can either be child's play or a major pain in the ass. Only weapons or Winky can kill it. Roll Attack : See description. Jump Attack : See description. ~~~~~~ Slippa ~~~~~~ Difficulty: 1.5/5 This snake will be sliding around in most caves. It is also found a few more unexpected locations. Sometimes it can drop from the ceiling, so keep your eyes peeled. Roll Attack : This will do the snake in. Jump Attack : This will finish off the snake. ~~~~~~~~ Bitesize ~~~~~~~~ Difficulty: 1.5-3/5 A small green fish that often comes in large schools. Find a set method of getting around them and learn there patrols. Roll Attack : Only Enguarde can kill him. Jump Attack : Only Enguarde can kill him. ~~~~~~~~~~ Crocotopus ~~~~~~~~~~ Difficulty: 2/5 OR 3.5/5 A crocotopus is an octopus. Purple ones will have a set moving pattern, while blue ones will pursue you until it hits you, or its found a nice nook to rest in. Roll Attack : Cannont be killed. Jump Attack : Cannont be killed. ~~~~~~~~~~ Chomps Jr. ~~~~~~~~~~ Difficulty: 3/5 A small shark. It sometimes comes in very large schools. This is noticeable in Clam City. It's up to you to figure out how to maneuver past them. Roll Attack : Only Enguarde can kill him. Jump Attack : Only Enguarde can kill him. ~~~~~~ Chomps ~~~~~~ Difficulty: 1.5/5 A larger shark. This guy is usually a loner, so you should easily get past him. Roll Attack : Only Enguarde can kill him. Jump Attack : Only Enguarde can kill him. ~~~~~~ Clambo ~~~~~~ Difficulty: 1.5-3.5/5 A large clam that spits out regulated volleys of pearls to stop you. Swim through the gaps in its pearl formations. Roll Attack : Cannont be killed. Jump Attack : Cannont be killed. ~~~~~~~~~ Dumb Drum ~~~~~~~~~ Difficulty: 1.5/5 These drums with a skull and cross bones on them will spew baddies at an endless supply. The only way to stop its barrage is to destroy it with a barrel. Roll Attack : See description. Jump Attack : See description. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crashed Mine Carts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Difficulty: 2-4/5 These things lie around Mine Cart Carnage. Jump over them. Roll Attack : Cannont be destroyed. Jump Attack : Cannont be destroyed. ~~~~~ Krash ~~~~~ Difficulty: 4/5 These guys ride the mine cart level tracks. They rapidly travel in the opposite direction you're traveling to try to hit you. You'll need to have fast reflexes to jump over them. Roll Attack : Only works if the Krash is sitting still and you're jumping onto it to hijack its mine cart. Jump Attack : Same goes for this attack, although it is far harder to pull off. ~~~~~~~~ Klaptrap ~~~~~~~~ Difficulty: 2/5 OR 2.5/5 The blue ones just patrol around. The purple ones leap at regulated times. They have sharp teeth perfect for chewing on the vulnerable hides of DK and Diddy. Roll Attack : One jump will finish them off. Jump Attack : This will chuck a Kong off your team. ~~~~~~~~ Rockkroc ~~~~~~~~ Difficulty: 1.5/5 These guys appear in Stop & Go Station. When the green lights are on, a Rockkroc will patrol around the place like a mad man. When the red lights are on(which is achieved by hitting a STOP/GO barrel), they will stop and curl up into harmless rocks, the perfect time for getting past them. They are only a danger when you show symptoms of SSS(Super Snailishness Syndrome). Roll Attack : Cannont be killed. Jump Attack : Cannont be killed. ~~~~~~ Krusha ~~~~~~ Difficulty: 2/5 OR 2.5/5 The blue version of this muscular Kremling can be killed with Donkey. The grey version can only be killed with weapons. Roll Attack : This does not work. Jump Attack : Works for Donkey on a blue one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Millstone Gwnaty ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Difficulty: 2/5 OR 3/5 These Gwnatys in huge millstones will either patrol a set area, or chase after you, similar to Croctopuses. Avoid touching any part of them, or you will lose a Kong. Roll Attack : Absolutely unbeatable. Jump Attack : Absolutely unbeatable. ~~~~~~~~~~ Mini-Necky ~~~~~~~~~~ Difficulty: 4/5 These guys are WAY more annoying than their adult versions. They spew nuts in a small area and sometimes move around a little. Roll Attack : This will work, but be careful not to roll into a nut(ok, that sounds very wrong). Jump Attack : This is the recommended way to kill them. ~~~~~~~~~~ Manky Kong ~~~~~~~~~~ Difficulty: 5/5 This wild and annoying Kong is even worse than Mini-Necky's. He throws barrels like a nut at you. You have to keep jumping over his barrels until you reach him (and believe me, he can be quite a distance away) to kill him. Roll Attack : This will work, but be careful not to roll into a barrel. Jump Attack : This is the recommended way to kill him. ~~~~~~~ Squidge ~~~~~~~ Difficulty: 1.5/5 A Squidge is a squid that moves up or down in diagonal patterns. Only Enguarde can kill it. Roll Attack : See description. Jump Attack : See description. ~~~~~~~~ Oil Drum ~~~~~~~~ Difficulty: 3.5/5 These drums spew oil. Naturally hitting the fire on top of them will chuck off a Kong. Sometimes the oil occasionaly stops, and during this fairly brief period of time, you will have to jump on it, either to jump to a platform, or build up enough force to uncover some item, such as a KONG letter, or a barrel. The only way to destroy it is to throw a TNT barrel at it. Roll Attack : See description. Jump Attack : See description. ~~~~~~ Mincer ~~~~~~ Difficulty: 2-4/5 These spiked balls of metal will usually be motional, and hitting it will result in the loss of a Kong. Find a strategy to maneuver around these, as they usually show up in groups of 2-4. Roll Attack : Absolutely indestructable. Jump Attack : Absolutely indestructable. ------------------------ ANIMAL 2.7 Animal Helpers ------------------------ Along your quest, you will find animals that can aid you in many ways. They are contained in crates that you must locate and bust open. This section will explain the different animals. ~~~~~ Rambi ~~~~~ This ferocious rhino has a knack for clobbering enemies with his horn. Almost any enemy can be defeated with Rambi. The only problem is, his underside and back are vulnerable to attack. His horn can also bust open bonus rooms. ~~~~~~~~ Enguarde ~~~~~~~~ This blue swordfish is dying to assit Donkey and Diddy in their underwater travels, as they are absolutely helpless in the water otherwise. His nose is capable of tearing through the soft flesh of any underwater creature save a Clambo or a Crocotopus(clams have shell, ocotopuses are mollusks, which have a very hard exoskeleton. Press B or Y to peform this lunge attack. ~~~~~ Winky ~~~~~ Winky is a huge frog, capable of reaching heights unheard of by others. This edge in jumping alllows him to access places such as bonus rooms. He even has his own level named after him. ~~~~~~~~ Expresso ~~~~~~~~ An ostrich with incredible speed, she can easily stand over most enemies, and if you jump and tap B, she will flutter, slowing her descent, which allows you to access places such as bonus rooms. ~~~~~~~ Squawks ~~~~~~~ Squawks, the parrot only appears in Torchlight Trouble and you can't ride him. However, he does hold a flashlight that he points in your direction to light your path which would be quite dim otherwise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WALK III. Walkthrough ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section of the FAQ will take you step-by-step through the game. Good luck, and I hope this helps! ================================================================================ 3.1 0==============0 | | | Kongo Jungle | | | 0==============0 WORLD1 ================================================================================ Enemies : Gwnaty, Kritter, Klump, Necky, Army, Zinger, Slippa, Bitesize, Chomps Jr, Chomps, Croctopus Animal Helpers : Rambi, Enguarde Bonus Rooms : #1-#9 Difficulty : 2/10 Descripton : The jungle of DK Isle, the Kremlings invaded this site to steal your banana hoard. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jungle Hijinxs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Gwnaty, Kritter, Klump, Necky Animal Helpers : Rambi Bonus Rooms : #1-#2 Difficulty : 1/10 Description : A small vivid jungle, with many trees that hold many prizes. At the start, head up the stepping stones into the tree house and bounce on the tire to collect a red ballon. Exit the tree house and go right. Pick up three bananas and kill the Gwnaty. Bust your kong parnter out and jump up on the ledge. Clobber the Kritter, get the four bananas on the ledge and collect the K. Head up the next two ledges, killing the Kritters and collecting the sixteen bananas total(six bananas, one banana bunch). Up next is two Klumps so take them out and proceed to bust the star barrel. Jump for the O and bust your Kong parnter out. Use the barrel on the Necky atop the ledges, then collect the six bananas and Expresso Token. Head right to find an animal crate. Bust it open and jump on Rambi. Plow through the three Gwnatys, collect the N and bust the wall on the right to enter Bonus Room #1! Run through the area, collecting all the bananas and jump for the red balloon at the end. You appear on top of a tree, so jump for the G and head straight down, where you will charge into the wall on the right to enter Bonus Room #2! Hit three of the same tokens in all three barrels to collect one of the corresponding animal token. Plow through the Klump, jump the gap, collecting a banana bunch, then head to the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ropey Rampage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Army, Kritter, Zinger Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #3-#4 Difficulty : 1.5/10 Description : A rainy jungle, it will test that you know "the ropes"(pun intended). Head right, kill the Army and then pick up the TNT Barrel. Head up the ledge, collect the bananas, and then bust the Kritter on the next ledge with the TNT Barrel. Jump for the K and take out the next Army. Climb the rope and jump on the trees. Collect the three bananas, then proceed. Climb the rope for a DK Barrel resting on a ledge, then head right. Take the Rambi Token and swing on the rope to the other side, collecting several bananas. Bash the Army and grab the rope. Swing to the canopy, collecting bananas and then jump to the O. Jump straight down after the O. You will fall into a launcher barrel that will send you through a trail of bananas into Bonus Room #3! Collect all the bananas on each rope, then proceed to the end where you will collect the N and exit the bonus room. You will land on some splattered dirt, revealing a tire. Collect the six bananas behind you, then push the tire to the right, where you'll find an Army that you should destroy. After you take out the Army, bounce up on the tire and jump on the tree. Now jump onto thesplattered dirt on the ledge the army was resting on previously to unearth a Winky Token. Head right, jump on the rope, collecting the bananas and then swing from rope to rope when the Zingers are not in your way, grabbing six bananas total. Take out the Kritter and fall straight into the pit to the right of the ledge the Kritter was standing on. You will fall into a launcher barrel that shoots you to Bonus Room #4! Carefully watch the red ballon and select the barrel it was last to earn it. You land back by the Kritter, so clobber it again and head right to bash an Army. Head on top of the cave wall, then jump to the G, drop down, and head to the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reptile Rumble ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Slippa, Kritter, Zinger Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #5-#7 Difficulty : 2/10 Description : The first cave level, it is filled with creepy crawlies(mainly crocodiles and snakes). Pick up the barrel at the start and throw it at the Slippa. Bust your kong parnter out, then take out the two Kritters. Backtrack to the barrel sitting at the top of the "steps" and take it down the steps. Jump up to the K and throw the barrel at the wall to enter Bonus Room #5! Head through the small opening to collect bananas, jump for the red ballon, then head through another small opening to collect more bananas and exit the bonus room. Bounce up the tire to a higher platform. Bounce on another tire, bust out your kong parnter, and jump into the launcher barrel on the left to be transported to Bonus Room #6! Jump to the first launcher barrel you see to be shot through a long series of launcher barrels, which will net you tons of bananas. Head down, taking out the three Kritters, then collect the bananas and bounce up to a higher platform with the next tire, collecting more bananas. Carefully fall into the pit when the Zinger is up high to collect a banana bunch. When it is up high again, jump to the tire and bounce up for the O. Repeat the process of dodging the Zinger to net you a second banana bunch. Jump back to the tire and bounce up to the next ledge. Head through the small opening, collecting bananas, then use the tire to bounce up to a high ledge where you should bust the star barrel. Jump down and time your bounce above the Zinger to safely collect the N and get to the next ledge. Bounce on the tire to the next ledge and bust your kong parnter. With Diddy, pick up the barrel and drop down. Jump OVER the Slippas and plow through the wall to enter Bonus Room #7! Use the tire on the small piece of moving land to collect all the bananas. You appear near a Zinger, so jump up on a ledge to get three bananas. Next, time your bounce off the tire to the next ledge so as not to hit the zinger and collect all the bananas. Bounce off one of the Kritters to get the Enguarde Token and proceed right. Take out all the Slippas in the pit, then collect the two bananas. Next, bounce up the many tires, taking out the two Kritters and collecting the G, then head to the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coral Capers ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Bitesize, Chomps Jr., Chomps, Croctopus, Clambo Animal Helpers : Enguarde Bonus Rooms : None Difficulty : 3/10 Description : Quite tough for the fourth level, a large lake filled with all sorts of unfriendly sea creatures. Collect the 3 bananas, avoid the Bitesize, and bust out your parnter. Avoid the next Bitesize and collect three more bananas. Dodge another two Bitesizes and swim upwards. Be sure to head into the small alcove above to get the K. Collect the three bananas and then swim down through the false wall marked by a banana while avoiding the Croctopus. Collect the many bananas and banana bunch. Head back through the false wall and head out of this section, avoiding the Crocotopus. Collect the banana arrow, while avoiding the Bitesize and swim downards to bust Enguarde out of his crate. Swim back upwards and bash the Bitesize. Head upwards, collecting the three bananas and then head through the cavern, avoiding the Crocotpus. Head to the right and bust your partner out. Head down and collect the three bananas. Destroy the two Bitesizes, hit the star barrel, and take out the Chomps Jr. above. Now collect the banana bunch, the banana, and the O in the alcoves below, then head down to collect the banana arrow. Head down and avoid the Crocotopus. Collect the bananas and bust Enguarde out of his crate on the lower-right corner of this section if you already lost him. Head left and take out the Chomps Jr, then collect two bananas and bust out your kong parnter. Head upwards and kill the Chomps, then head through the false wall on the right he was guarding for a few bananas and an Expresso Token. Head back through the false wall, and go upwards, taking out another Chomps. Collect a couple bananas, head upwards to an alcove that hides the N, then head down and collect a few more bananas. Head right and take out the five Bitesizes. Then collect the two bananas, head past the Clambo while dodging its pearls, and collect two more bananas. Now here's the part that will be tricky for noobies. Head up and right, down for the G, to the right, and to the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Barrel Cannon Canyon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Kritter, Zinger Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #8-#9 Difficulty : 2.5/10 Description : A large canyon that you must blast your way through, encountering many Kritters. Head right and bust the two Kritters. Jump into the barrel cannon and shoot yourself up to a trail of bananas(which you will collect) and into the K. Land on the splattered dirt to reveal a DK barrel. Bust it on the upcoming Kritter, then collect the bananas on the next ledge and bounce on another Kritter. Head right and jump into the barrel cannon. Shoot yourself out of it to land on a Kritter. Bounce the next Kritter, and continue right where you will take out another Kritter. Jump to the next ledge and take out the Kritter, then continue right. Take out the two Kritters, then jump into the barrel cannon on the ledge above. Shoot yourself into the mid-air barrel cannon and collect all the bananas. Continue right and collect the three bananas, falling into the barrel cannon. Shoot yourself through a small set of barrel cannons, ended by shooting through some bananas to the top of a tree, where you will bust your kong partner out. Roll through the three Kritters, collect the three bananas, and continue right to jump into a barrel cannon. Shoot yourself to a launcher barrel, which will shoot you to another barrel. Shoot into another launcher barrel, then shoot yourself to a third launcher barrel, collecting the O. Now, when the launcher barrel is out of the way, shoot straight into the wall to enter Bonus Room #8! Shoot through the barrels, to gain increasingly valuable prizes, until you hit the red balloon at the end, where you will exit the bonus room. Jump to the next ledge and bust the star barrel, then continue right. Collect the three bananas, kill the Kritter, then pick up the DK barrel, but DON'T bust it open yet. Instead, continue right while still holding it, run UNDER the next Kritter, not killing it with the barrel, and throw the barrel at the wall on the right to bust open Bonus Room #9! Here you may shoot through one line of bananas. I would choose the middle one, as it contains a red balloon at the top. When you exit the bonus room, you land by a TNT barrel. Pick it up and throw it at the Kritter , then proceed right to bust another Kritter. Jump the gap and bounce off one of the Kritters into a launcher barrel which will net you several bananas and unearth the N for you. Jump the gap and take out the Kritter, then continue right. Bust the Kritter and jump into the launcher barrel to get some bananas and enter a barrel cannon. Shoot into the next barrel, then the next when the Zinger is out of the way, then repeat the process for another Zinger. Soon you'll be in another barrel cannon, and you must shoot into the launcher barrel above when the Zinger is out of your way. The launcher barrel will take you into another Zinger/barrel cannon combo, so shoot into the next barrel cannon when the Zinger is out of the way. This will take you to another barrel cannon part, and also net you several bananas. Shoot into the launcher barrel when the Zinger is out of the way, and then repeat. You will be taken to solid ground again, where you must bounce off a Kritter to the tree top for some bananas. Jump to the next tree to collect the G, then kill the Kritter below and head to the EXIT. 0==================0 |Very Gwnaty's Lair| 0==================0 Number of Hits : 5 Attacks : tries to jump on you Difficulty : 1/10 Description : A humungous brown Gwnaty that proves tougher than its smaller cousin. This boss should not give you any trouble at all. Just jump on its head five times to defeat it. However, each time you jump on its head, it starts jumping longer and faster. After you defeat this measley boss, you will claim your first 1/7th of your banana hoard! ================================================================================ 3.2 0==============0 | | | Monkey Mines | | | 0==============0 WORLD2 ================================================================================ Enemies : Kritter, Necky, Gwnaty, Krash, Zinger, Klaptrap, Rockkroc, Millstone Gwnaty, Slippa Animal Helpers : Winky Bonus Rooms : #10-#18 Difficulty : 3/10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Winky's Walkway ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Kritter, Necky, Gwnaty Animal Helpers : Winky Bonus Rooms : #10 Difficulty : 1.5/10 Description : A cat-walk like mine invaded by Kremlings. Head right at the start to kill a Kritter, then bounce off a Necky for several bananas and the K. Bust out your parnter and take out the next two Kritters. Jump the gap using the Necky, then head up collecting the bananas. Bounce off one of the Neckys to get Winky! Continue right, jump for the O, and leap the gap to collect eight bananas. Jump up to the next ledge and bust the star barrel. Head past the Dumb Drum, jumping the Gwnatys. Now jump to the next ledge, get all the bananas, and jump into the launcher barrel to enter Bonus Room #10! Use Winky's tremendous leap to collect all 91 bananas and the N, then exit the bonus room. Bounce up to the next ledge for eight bananas, then jump the gap with the Necky. Now, leap to the Expresso Token after killingthe red Zinger. Bounce off the Necky for the G, then continue right past the Dumb Drum, collect a few bananas and head to the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mine Cart Carnage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Krash Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : None Difficulty : 1.5/10 OR 5/10 Descriiption : A dangerous mine cart ride filled with mine cart-riding Kremlings. The first half will be simple, but the second half will be the most challenging level yet. For this level I will provide an ASCII map. Legend _ = track E = Exit K, O, N, G = KONG Letters T = Animal Token # = Krash X = Crashed Mine Cart * = Star Barrel + = DK barrel 1 = Red Balloon ================================================================================ Section 1 ================================================================================ _ / \ / \ ______ ___ K / \__ ____ \___ ___ ___ \ ___ ____ _/ \ ___ \ __________ ___ / \__ \_______/ ____/ ================================================================================ Section 2 ================================================================================ _X / \_ \ ___ / \ / / \ \X / \T * + _ / NX ___ ___ \ O / \_/ \ ____ ___X _/ _____# 1____# \__/ __________/ __ __/ \X/ ================================================================================ Section 3 ================================================================================ # # _ _ / \ / \_/ \ __G X__ __ _ # / # _ / \_/ \__ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ __#/ \__ \ __ / # _ X X _#_E / \_ X _/ ================================================================================ At the start, head into the launcher barrel after busting your kong partner, which will shoot you to the actual track. Ride right, collect some bananas, and continue. Jump for more bananas, then fall to the next piece of track for even more bananas. You will head up, where you jump the gap for the K. Continue right , where you will jump two more gaps and collect more bananas. Jump another two gaps to collect five bananas. Now jump to the higher piece of track, where you will head downhill to jump another gap and collect bananas, then jump another gap. Head down, jump the break in the track and quickly jump again to collect the O. Jump the next two gaps(the banana bunch can be grabbed by waiting until you collect it, then jumping VERY quickly before you fall off the track), collect three banans, then jump down for an Enguarde Token. Jump up to collect the bananas and more importantly bust the star barrel and the DK barrel. Now here's the part that gets a little bit tricky. As you head upwards, wait a while , then jump so as not to hit the mine cart(if you jump too early, you'll hit it) and then continue down to jump another mine cart. Now head up the hill, jump the two gaps, and then jump over the mine cart. As you head down, carefully jump slightly to grab the N, but not so slightly that you hit the mine cart. Jump the gap, then jump to the higher piece of track to dodge the Krash and collect some bananas. Quickly jump up to grab the banana bunch, then continue. Here, you must jump lightly to grab the red balloon(sure you'll miss some bananas, but the red balloon is better naturally :P). Now jump the Krash, then the gap. Jump yet another Krash, followed by another. Jump a couple gaps, then another Krash. Ok, this next part can be a little tricky. Collect the three bananas and the G, then jump AS SOON AS YOU COLLECT THE G. If you wait too long, you'll hit the mine cart. Jump the two gaps and collect the four bananas, then jump two more gaps while collecting the bananas. Jump the Krash and four gaps, then head up for three bananas. Jump the two Krashes as you head downhill, then jump several gaps in succession while avoiding the mine carts. Jump a final Krash, then head to the exit. Whew, that was sure as heck a lot tougher than the other levels so far. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bouncy Bonanza ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Kritter, Zinger Animal Helpers : Winky Bonus Rooms : #11-#13 Difficulty : 3.5/10 Description : A Kremling infested cave that will test you at a new skill - jumping platforms guarded by Zingers, quite an important skill for the later levels. Collect the three bananas at the start and take out the Kritter. Jump up to the next ledge, pick up the barrel and throw it at the Zinger. First, roll the tire back to the start. Bounce as high as you can above the start for a Rambi Token. Roll the tire to a pair of Kritters bouncing back and forth. Bounce on the tire to easily take out the Kritters and claim the three bananas and K. Continue right to get six bananas in two pits. After collecting all the bananas in one pit go the extreme right or left and wait for the Zinger to pass by before heading out. Back on the main trail of the level, pick up the barrel and DON'T THROW IT. Collect the bananas, bust out your partner and head right. When the Zingers are at the peak of their patrol, hurry down into the pit and throw the barrel at the right wall to enter Bonus Room #11! Hit three of a kind on the barrels to claim one of that prize. Back in the main level, hurry under the Zinger while it's out of your way and claim the O. When the Zinger is once more out of your way, head right. Push the tire to the right so you can bounce off it to bust the star barrel, then continue right. Jump on the vertically moving platform, and once it's reached the peak of its movement, jump staight into the false wall on the right, collecting all the bananas. Head past the Zinger when it's out of your way, taking the N. Roll through the Kritter and jump down to collect a bunch of bananas. Bounce up to the ledge on the right and destroy the Kritter. Fall down, holding right to collect three bananas and enter Bonus Room #12! Just grab Winky and head out. Head to the right, collecting several bananas. Bounce on the Kritter, then take out two more Kritters to safely collect a few bananas. Head right and collect all the bananas, bouncing from tire to tire and taking out the Zinger. Repeat the process, this time taking out two Zingers and then head to the right. Head right to take out two Zingers. Collect the bananas and bounce to the next platform. Take out two Kritters and collect the G. Kill another Kritter followed by a Zinger, then head right. Jump up, collecting the three bananas above the moving platform, into the launcher barrel, which will shoot you into Bonus Room #13! Collect all the bananas in this room by shooting directly up, then bouncing on the tires to collect the rest of the bananas. You land right where you can easily head right out the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stop & Go Station ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Klaptrap, Rockkroc Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #14-#15 Difficulty : 3.5/10 Description : A mine that involves hitting STOP/GO barrels to stop the alarmingly fast patrols of the invincible Rockkrocs. Head right, collect the three bananas and take out the Klaptrap. Continue right to hit a STOP/GO barrel. Run past a Rockkroc, bust out your parnter, and hit another STOP/GO barrel. Jump up the two ledges past the Rockkrocs and jump for the three bananas on the next ledge. Kill the Klaptrap then jump down to the next ledge, grabbing the K. Bounce off the tire to another STOP/GO barrel, then collect the three bananas on the next ledge and jump to the next ledge before the Rockkrocs awaken again. Take out the Klaptrap and collect the three bananas. Hit the STOP/GO barrel, then jump to the next platform past the Rockkroc on the floating platform. Hit Klaptrap, STOP/GO barrel, Klaptrap(nice little pattern going here =D). Run to the next platform, collect the three bananas, then jump the gap while hitting another STOP/GO barrel. Run to the right, jump on the vertically moving platform and wait for it to ascend. Now jump to the platform and bust out your kong parnter. Hit the STOP/GO barrel, and head past two Klaptraps and two Rockkrocs while collecting the bananas. Roll jump to get the O , then hit the star barrel. Now pick up the barrel, jump down into the STOP/GO barrel without hitting the Rockkroc, then quickly throw the barrel into the wall to the right of the next Rockkroc to enter Bonus Room #14! Blast around this room to get a total of thirty-eight bananas, then exit the bonus room. Bounce the Klaptrap, then kill the next three in the pit. Roll the tire back to the three vertical bananas, where you must use it to bounce up into Bonus Room #14 while collecting the bananas! Shoot through one of the banana lines to earn a grand prize at the top. The left and middle rows contain a banana bunch top prize while the right row contains a Winky Token top prize. Roll the tire to the right, bounce up to the STOP/GO barrel, kill the Klaptrap, then head past three Rockkrocs on floating platforms to the next ledge. Take out the Klaptrap, then take out another Klaptrap and claim the two bananas and N it was guarding. Proceed to take out another Klaptrap. Now, time your jump to the STOP/GO barrel carefully, so you fall on the moving platform after hitting the barrel. Now wait until you can jump to another floating platform guarded by a Rockkroc, then jump to the next ledge. Fall down into the STOP/GO barrel when the Rockkroc is away, continue right to jump to another STOP/GO barrel, bounce off a tire to the next STOP/GO barrel, roll the tire to the right to bounce off it to the next STOP/GO barrel, then finally head to the right, collect the G, and go through the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Millstone Mayhem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Millstone Gwnaty, Kritter, Slippa, Necky, Zinger Animal Helpers : Winky Bonus Rooms : #16-#18 Difficulty : 4/10 Description : An ancient temple, where the Gwnatys take their revenge. You must've really been picking on them, so I guess they decided to hide in millstones in an attempt to piss you off. Bounce off the tire at the start to the left on top off the entrance. Jump into the scarcely visible launcher barrel, which will shoot you into Bonus Room #16! Blast to the banana row on the right to get the K(unless your missing a kong, in which case it would be more practical to choose the left row, as it contains a DK barrel at the top). Bust your kong parnter out if you need him(I seriously doubt that for obvious reasons), then continue right to collect three bananas. Continue when the Millstone Gwnaty is out of your way, then jump into the pit to fall into a launcher barrel, which you can use to land on the recessed piece of stone to pop a tire out. Roll it to the right, take out the Kritter, roll it past the Millstone Gwnaty, and take three bananas. Use the tire to bounce up to the O, then take out the Kritter. Use the tire to bounce up to the launcher barrel above the Millstone Gwnaty(be careful not to hit it). This will shoot you to Bonus Room #16! Hit the four letters of RARE in ORDER. If you hit a wrong letter, you fail the bonus stage. Also, avoid hitting the Kremling heads. This will cause the spinning of the letters to speed up. After you finish, you'll be awarded an Enguarde Token. Collect the three bananas and proceed to the right. Pick up the TNT barrel without hitting the Millstone Gwnaty, then head to the right. Do NOT hit the Krushas with the TNT barrel. Instead, continue right and throw the TNT barrel on the right wall under the Millstone Gwnaty(be careful not to get hit). Carefully watch the green ballon, and when it stops changing barrels, jump into the barrel it was last to earn the green ballon. Collect the bananas, then proceed right to take out four Kritters lazing around like a sack of morons in a pit. If you bounce of a Kritter and hit an area a little to the right of the middle, you can unearth a banana bunch. Continue right to bust out your partner, then collect two bananas, hit the star barrel, and collect two more bananas. Pick up the TNT barrel, proceed right to bash it on a Slippa, then head under the Millstone Gwnaty. Jump down to the recessed piece of stone to reveal a tire, which you should roll to the right. Take out the two Slippas, then time your bounce off the tire so you can jump to the high stationary platform above it without hitting the Millstone Gwnaty. From there, jump to the high ledge above to proceed right, grabbing plenty of bananas and busting out Winky from his crate. Head right and jump down to collect the N, then head right to find a Millstone Gwnaty. I would suggest jumping OVER it. Head right, take out the Necky going nuts with the nuts(pun intended[ok so it was lame]), then comes the tricky part. Dismount Winky away from the Millstone Gwnaty, wait for it to get out of the way, roll the Slippa in the first pit to take the banans, get back on Winky and avoid the Millstone Gwnaty while getting into the first pit, dismount him, time your jump into the next pit to roll the Slippa for bananas, then get back on Winky and get out of the Millstone Gwnatys' range. Collect the two bananas and kill the Slippa, then jump to the next ledge. Take out the Necky and collect the G. Dismount Winky to do the Slippas in, then get back on him and head past the Millstone Gwnaty. Go right, then make an extremely shallow jump to the next ledge, when the Millstone Gwnaty is at the exact peak of its patrol. Bounce off the tire past a Millstone Gwnaty, then bounce off the Zinger for two banana bunches. Now head right to the EXIT. 0==============0 | Necky's Nuts | 0==============0 Number of Hits : 5 Attacks : spits nuts at you Difficulty : 1.5/10 Description : An ASTRONOMICAL Necky that spits nuts at you Ok, the title of this boss arena sounds SOOOOOO wrong. Bounce off the tire to hit Necky on the head five times. Be careful though, if you hit his beak you will lose a Kong. Also dodge the nuts that Necky spews at you at a rather slow pace. After clobbering him on the head five times(I think you gave him a concussion), you now have 2/7ths of your banana hoard total! ================================================================================ 3.3 0=============0 | | | Vine Valley | | | 0=============0 WORLD3 ================================================================================ Enemies : Mini-Necky, Necky, Zinger, Gwnaty, Kritter, Millstone Gwnaty, Clambo, Bitesize, Chomps Jr, Chomps, Crocotopus Animal Helpers : Expresso, Enguarde Bonus Rooms : #19-#32 Difficulty : 4/10 Description : The forest of DK Isle, this place is going to test your skills up high in the trees. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vulture Culture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Mini-Necky, Necky, Zinger Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #19-#21 Difficulty : 4.5/10 Descripton : A rich forest that the Kongs must travel through. They will encounter many vultures, who aren't so happy about you invading their home. Pick up the barrel, collect the three bananas on the next ledge, and throw the barrel at the Necky. Jump into the barrel cannon, blast yourself to the next ledge using the Necky as a stepping stone, and then bust out your parnter if necessary. Continue right to jump into a launcher barrel that will shoot you into a barrel cannon. Shoot up to the next ledge, collecting all the bananas and using the Necky as a stepping stone. Kill the Necky guarding the tire, then bounce off the tire to the discolored piece of land to unearth the K. Now, roll the tire so it is lined up with the three vertical bananas on the right of the platform the Necky was on. Bounce off the tire, collecting the three bananas, up into Bonus Room #19! Hit the letters in the right order to spell out KONG. Hit a wrong letter, and you fail the bonus stage. Hitting the Kremling heads causes the letters to spin in the other direction. Once you've spelled KONG, you are awarded an Expresso Token. Pick up the barrel, grab all the bananas, then throw the barrel at the Mini-Necky. Jump into the barrel cannon, head to the next ledge, using the Neckys as stepping stones, then take out the Mini-Necky and head right. Ok, now listen carefully. Use the barrel cannon, to blast to the other ledge, using the Neckys as stepping stones. Land on top of the Mini-Necky, then IMMEDIATELY BOUNCE TO THE DISCOLORED PIECE OF GROUND ON THE RIGHT to reveal a barrel. If you don't bounce off the Mini-Necky, you wont get a second chance to build up enough force to hit the discolored ipece of ground. Anyways, after you hit the piece of ground, you'll unearth a barrel. Pick it up and toss it at the wall on your left to open up the way to Bonus Room #20! For this bouns room, I recommend you stay on the extreme left or right and bounce on the Klaptraps when they come to you. This way you'll get all their banana bunches without taking the risk of getting hit while grabbing them. After they finally disappear , you get a red ballon. Shoot to the first Necky, then bounce off the other three to the next ledge. Head right to jump into a barrel cannon, where you should shoot up for some bananas and the star barrel, then shoot down to progress in the level. Grab the four bananas and bust your kong parnter out, while avoiding the Neckys' barrage of nuts. Shoot to the next ledge using two barrel cannons, then take out the Mini-Necky. Jump the gap for four bananas, and the O. Shoot out of the barrel cannon and use the Neckys as stepping stones to the next ledge. Collect the bananas, then throw the barrel down to the right to easily defeat two Mini-Neckys. Jump into the barrel cannon, then time your shot out of it so you can get to the next ledge using the Necky as a stepping stone without hitting the Zinger. Collect the three bananas, then jump into the barrel cannon. Shoot to the next one, shoot when the Zinger is out of your way, then shoot to the next ledge. Take out the Necky on the high ledge, then jump from there to the discolored piece of ground on your left to unearth a barrel. Pick it up, climb one ledge, and throw it at the left wall. Shoot your way across to earn a banana, two bananas, a kong parnter, a banana bunch, and the N. You land right on top of a Mini-Necky, so jump into the barrel cannon. Shoot to the next barrel when the Zingers are out of your way. Shoot two more times, then shoot in between the Zingers to collect the G. Finally, shoot up to the ledge. Take out the Mini-Necky, collect the three bananas, and head to the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tree Top Town ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Gwnaty, Necky, Kritter, Zinger Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #22-#23 Difficulty : 4/10 Description : Up in the trees you blast, from barrel to barrel, where finally you head to the end. At the start, bait the Gwnaty to the far left of the bridge, then bounce off it into the launcher barrel, which will shoot you into Bonus Room #22! Spell out KONG in the different barrels in order to win a red ballon. You land in a barrel cannon, so wait for it to take you high and blast through the DK barrel for your kong parnter. Take out the Gwnaty and then jump into the barrel cannon. Shoot through the vertically moving barrels until you hit a launcher barrel, which will shoot you to the next ledge. Collect the four bananas, then take out the three Gwnatys. Blast through the horizontally moving barrels until you hit a launcher barrel that shoots you to the next bridge. Collect the four bananas, then jump for the K and take out the three Gwnatys. Jump to the launcher barrel , and then shoot through the diagonally moving barrels until you hit the next bridge, and the save barrel. Pick up the grass-rimmed barrel, throw it at the Kritter, and then time your jump in the launcher barrel to shoot the barrel cannon above. Collect all the bananas, then shoot down for the O. Bust your parnter out and take out the Kritter, then collect the four bananas and IMMEDIATELY jump into the launcher barrel. This is to assure you get the timing correctly. Take out the Gwnaty and jump into the launcher barrel. Time your shot into the next launcher barrel so it shoots you into the barrel cannon, then shoot to collect the solo banana and hit a hidden launcher barrel set that will shoot you to Bonus Room #23! Shoot up to the middle top for the N. Kill the Gwnaty and jump into the launcher barrel. Time your shot to the next one so that you'll get shot into the next barrel. Again time your shot carefully, so you don't fall into the endless pit. Pick up the barrel on the next ledge, toss it at the Kritters and collect your bananas. Time your shot into the next launcher barrel, to make it to a barrel cannon. On the next ledge, jump into the barrel cannon, shoot through until you find a Necky. Shoot at it, bounce off it to take the G, then continue right. Roll jump for the Expresso Token, then head to the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forest Frenzy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Kritter, Zinger, Necky Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #24-#25 Difficulty : 5.5/10 Description : Here you must maneuver around masses of enemies on ropes, until it's finally safe to jump to the next ledge. This level can be fairly frustrating. Head right and take out the Kritter, then jump to the rope and collect all your bananas before jumping to the next ledge. Take out another Kritter, and take out a third Kritter with a DK barrel to get your kong parnter out. Roll jump over the gap for the K and take out the Kritter. Collect the six bananas above and below the Zinger on the next rope, then jump to another rope. Stay high on this rope, and jump on the discolored piece of ground to unearth a DK barrel. Bust our your parnter and roll through the two Kritters. Jump to the next rope, and get the O before jumping to the next ledge to take out two Kritters and collect three bananas. Jump to the next rope and maneuver past the seventeen red zingers. Jump down to hit the star barrel and collect the bananas, then jump to the next rope. Collect the bananas and bust out your parnter while avoiding the Zinger, then jump to the next ledge to take out a Kritter. Now you must maneuver past several vertically moving Zingers. Use this sequence of placement on the rope. DOWN, UP, DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP, DOWN. Bounce off the Kritter for two bananas, bounce off the Necky, then off the Kritter for two more bananas. Collect the v banana formation along with the N while dodging the Zinger, then jump to the next rope. Dodge two circling Zingers, then take the DK barrel another circling Zinger is guarding. Dodge the circling Zinger, then carefully collect the G between two circling Zingers. Now take the red ballon the hyper Zinger is guarding, then collect all the bananas you can above or below the Necky. Ok, listen carefully. Hang at the very bottom of the rope. When a Necky is going to get you, head over it and back to the bottom. Just before a second Necky is going to ram into you, drop down into a launcher barrel that will shoot you to Bonus Room #24! Carefully watch the Rambi Token, and when it's stopped cycling around the barrels, choose the barrel it was last in to earn it. When you land, you'll unearth a barrel. Pick it up, and DON'T throw it at the Kritters. Instead, head up the ledges UNDER the Kritters, collect the two bananas, then head down, still dodging Kritters, and finally, throw the barrel at the wall on the left when you are as close to the end of the level as possible to enter Bonus Room #25! Ride the rope around several times to collect all of the bananas, then exit the room after collecting the Enguarde Token at the end. Now head right to the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Temple Tempest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Gwnaty, Millstone Gwnaty, Kritter, Zinger Animal Helpers : Expresso Bonus Rooms : #26-#27 Difficulty : 4.5/10 Description : In another temple, the Gwnatys have realized shielding themselves with millstones alone will not stop you, so they have resorted to chasing after you. Hopefully you will be able to prove your agility in this epic battle of speed. Bait a Gwnaty at the start to the entrance, then bounce off it to the top of the entrance. Jump for a hidden Rambi Token, then fall down to continue the level. Kill the two Gwnatys, then jump to the next ledge using the rope, but be sure to get the K at the bottom on your way. Pick up the DK barrel, jump the Gwnaty, get over the gap, then jump the Gwnaty and throw the barrel at the slanted wall on the right, without getting outrun by the Millstone Gwnaty to enter Bonus Room #26! Bounce off all the Neckys to the right to bust Expresso out of his crate, then exit the bonus room. Collect the bananas and flutter over the gap, then run right, jumping over the Gwnatys and then the gap, collecting the bananas. You will meet up with another Millstone Gwnaty. Dismount Expresso, run to the right, rolling the Gwnatys, and then swing from the ropes to the ledge, collecting two bananas and the O. Roll through the Gwnatys, climb the rope and hit the star barrel. Collect the four bananas, bust out your parnter, then take out the three Kritters. Collect the three bananas on the rope above the Millstone Gwnaty, then head past it, jump the gap, jump over the Zingers for four bananas, and jump up on the rope. Head to the very top of it and let the Millstone Gwnaty pass you. Now you can safely collect the banana arrow on the next rope and drop down to enter Bonus Room #27!For this bouns room, I recommend you stay on the extreme left or right and bounce on the Klaptraps when they come to you. This way you'll get all their banana bunches without taking the risk of getting hit while grabbing them. They also speed up with each successful hit. After they finally disappear, you get a Rambi Token. Bounce on the recessed piece of stone to unearth the N, then take out the three upcoming Kritters. Grab all the bananas, and take out three more Kritters. Grab three bananas as you bounce off the tire to the next ledge. Bounce off another tire to a platform above a Millstone Gwnaty. Roll jump off the platform(this way you'll be far away from the Millstone Gwnaty once it's started its pursuit) and run right. Bounce to the next plaform using the tires while collecting three bananas, then continue to the right. Bounce off the tire for a banana bunch, then bounce to the next platform with the tires while avoiding the Zinger. Grab the banana bunch, then grab several bananas as you head down to jump over the Millstone Gwnaty. Roll through the Kritters and jump to the rope. When the rope stops moving, drop off it to collect the G and be blasted back up. Collect the three bananas and head through the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Orang-utan Gang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Zinger, Kritter, Klaptrap, Manky Kong Animal Helpers : Expresso Bonus Rooms : #28-#32 Difficulty : 4/10 Description : A vast jungle just swarming with a gang of orangutans who will try to take you down with their endless barrels. No level has this many bonuses. FIVE bonuses to find. Oh well, let's just begin. Head right and roll through the two Kritters, collecting all of the bananas. Jump for the bananas and bounce off the Klaptraps. Bust out your Kong parnter, then continue right. Head through the trees, collecting bananas and killing Kritters. Jump to the next canopy past a Zinger while collecting the K. Continue up the trees, collecting bananas and bouncing off Kritters. Jump up for bananas, then roll jump twice to the left to collect both the O and a banana bunch. Head to the top of the ledges and bust out Expresso. Go right, bust the star barrel, then continue past the Klaptrap. Bust out your parnter, then continue down and grab all the bananas near Manky Kong. Continue past two Manky Kongs and getting the six bananas, then jump to a ledge with Klaptraps. Grab the first three bananas, head down and grab the N. Jump somewhat lightly to the right and flutter like crazy until you hit another ledge. Grab the bananas, jump the gap and get the banana bunch, then continue fluttering right. Dismount Expresso, then pick up the barrel and throw it at the wall to bust open Bonus Room #28! Get back on Expresso and enter. Get on the tire and bounce down and hit each piece of splattered dirt to unearth a DK barrel and two banana bunches. Continue WAAAAY back to the where you found the first DK barrel, guarded by two Klaptraps. Head to where the DK barrel was, then jump to the left and flutter like a mad man until you hit a ledge. Now enter Bonus Room #29! Spell out each of the animals' names to collect each of their tokens. Don't hit a wrong letter or you fail the bonus. Dismount Expresso and roll the tire a LITTLE bit to the right. Bounce on the splattered dirt for a DK barrel. Roll the tire to the left and bounce on the splattered dirt for an Enguarde Token. Head down, then dismount Expresso. Pick up the barrel, and drop down, avoiding the barrels. Drop down into the hole and bust open the wall on the left to enter Bonus Room #30! Bounce on the two splattered pieces of dirt to reveal two banana bunches. Take the barrel again, and drop down again, but this time, jump over the hole and throw the barrel at the right wall to enter Bonus Room #31! Bounce on the splattered piece of dirt to reveal the G. When you exit the bonus room, pick up the same barrel AGAIN, but this time, head up the trees, jump over the Manky Kong, throw the barrel, and follow it until it busts open Bonus Room #32! Collect the many banana arrows until you hit the red ballon at the end. Your right at the end when you come out, so head through the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~ Clam City ~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Clambo, Bitesize, Chomps Jr, Chomps, Crocotopus Animal Helpers : Enguarde Bonus Rooms : None Difficulty : 4.5/10 Descripton : An enormous lake that has apparently been invaded by clams. Head right, and take the banana bunch, but be careful of Clambo's pearls. Head up and at near the peak of the shaft, head left through the false wall. Get the K and bust Enguarde out. Continue out and collect three bananas. Take out the Bitesize, then time your descent past the Clambo, so as not to get hit by its pearls. Take three bananas, then plow past the large school of Bitesizes and be sure to get the O in the upper alcove. Take the bananas, then head past the Clambo and take two more bananas. Swim past another two Clambos without getting hit by their pearls, and be sure to take the bananas. Continue upwards to take out a Chomps Jr. and a DK barrel. Continue left for some bananas. Take out the large school of Chomps Jrs. and collect the banana arrow below(hit the star barrel as well). Head past three more Clambos and to a DK barrel. Take out the six Chompses and take the N on the top left. Take the three bananas and continue left. Go under and to the left a little of the Clambo, avoiding its pearls for a Winky Token. Pass the Clambo and continue. Collect the three bananas at the arrow sign, then head past the three Crocotopuses. Grab the G that the Clambo guards(be careful not to hit any pearls) then continue to the EXIT. 0===============0 |Bumble B Rumble| 0===============0 Number of Hits : 5 Attacks : charges into you, heads vertically to stop you Difficulty : 3/10 Description : AN ENORMOUS Zinger, it is the Queen that you must take down. This boss is somewhat more challenging than the others so far. It's still easy though. Anyways, to defeat it, you must throw a barrel at it five times. However , each time you throw a barrel at it, it turns red and starts madly charging up and down. Swoop under its charges until it turns yellow again. The charges also become faster with each successful hit. After five hits, the massive bee goes down and you've got 3/7ths of your banana hoard total! ================================================================================ 3.4 0=================0 | | | Gorilla Glacier | | | 0=================0 WORLD4 ================================================================================ Enemies : Necky, Klaptrap, Zinger, Gwnaty, Krusha, Kritter, Army, Mini-Necky, Squidge, Croctopus, Chomps Jr. Chomps, Klump, Oil Drum, Mincer Animal Helpers : Expresso, Enguarde, Squawks, Winky Bonus Rooms : #33-#44 Difficulty : 4.5/10 Description : The very peak of DK Isle just happens to be a snow-bound glacier mountain. Here you will navigate your ways through the snowy icelands, hoping your Kongs will be able to bear the incredibly cold temperatures. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Snow Barrel Blast ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Necky, Klaptrap, Zinger, Gwnaty, Krusha Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #33-#35 Difficulty : 6.5/10 Description : A snowy glacier, this will be a genuine test of barrel shooting skills. At the start, wait for the Necky to head over to the igloo, then bounce off it and into a hidden launcher barrel above the igloo that shoots you to Bonus Room #33! Carefully watch the Winky Token, and when it stops cycling through the barrels, jump at the barrel it was last to earn it. Jump into the barrel cannon and shoot up to the next ledge. Take out the two Klaptraps, then head onto the floating platform while avoiding the Zinger. Bust your Kong parnter out on the Zinger, then jump the gap. Kill the Necky and continue to kill another Necky. Grab the three bananas and walk into the barrel cannon. Shoot up to the next ledge once the Zinger is out of your way. Take out a Necky and proceed to deal with two Klaptraps. Jump for the K and land in the barrel cannon. Shoot through several barrels, collecting bananas until you hit the next ledge. Kill the three Klaptraps and take the six bananas. Shoot through the next barrel cannon set, avoiding Zingers as you shoot to the next ledge, where you will have to deal with a Klaptrap. Pick up the steel barrel and throw it against the wall. Jump on it, and roll through four Gwnatys, then dismount the barrel. Kill the Necky, then jump into the launcher barrel to be blast to the next ledge, where you must head right to deal with another Necky and jump into a barrel cannon. Shoot to the launcher barrel for some bananas, which will take you to the next ledge, giving you plenty of bananas. When you hit the star barrel, tag in Donkey Kong and head left to take out a Krusha. Drop down and collect the bananas and fall into a launcher barrel, which will shoot you into Bonus Room #34! Shoot up to the middle center of the room to collect the O, then maneuver down into the barrel cannon. Repeat the process until you have all the bananas. Head right, take out a Klaptrap and then jump into the barrel cannon. Shoot through the bananas, collecting them and bust out your kong parnter. Now bounce off the many Neckys, finally hitting the launcher barrel, which shoots you to a barrel cannon. Shoot straight down, and hop the ledges to the right to enter a launcher barrel that will shoot you through the N and into Bonus Room #35! Shoot from barrel cannon to barrel cannon, collecting respectively one banana, two banana, three banana, ten banana, twenty banana(^^). Jump into the fast moving barrel cannon and shoot between the Zingers for a Rambi Token if you wish. Kill the Necky and bounce into the barrel cannon. Shoot from barrel cannon to barrel cannon until you hit a launcher barrel. So much for the super easy part. Here comes the challenging part. Shoot past two Zingers and into a launcher barrel. Now shoot past the half-circling Zinger into the next barrel, where you simply shoot into another barrel. Again you shoot past a half-circling Zinger, then again shoot past a half-circling Zinger into a launcher barrel that shoots you into a moving, rotating barrel. Shoot into the next barrel, then shoot into the next when the Zinger is not in the way. Past another Zinger you must shoot, into a launcher barrel that shoots you through the G and to a barrel cannon. Shoot diagonally into the next barrel cannon when the Zinger is not in the way. Now shoot up-right to skip a barrel cannon, then shoot past this next Zinger. Shoot past the extremely fast moving Zinger into the next barrel cannon, where you must again shoot past the Zinger onto the platform. Jump to the next ledge, collecting two bananas, then CAREFULLY jump down and collect the banana bunch and then IMMEDIATELY jump up again to the next ledge before you slip off/get hit by the Zinger. Collect another two bananas on the next ledge, then head right to take out a Klaptrap, continue right to go up some slippery slopes and head through the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slipslide Ride ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Kritter, Zinger, Army, Necky, Klaptrap Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #36-#38 Difficulty : 4/10 Description : A nice little peaceful ice cave that will show you the ropes =P. Before we being, let me make it clear that blue ropes always cause your kongs to move UP and purple ropes always cause them to move DOWN(although there is a section at the end in which you have to fight against the force of the ropes). At the very start, you should notice a blue rope. Head a little to the right, then bait a Kritter over to the blue rope. Bounce off the Kritter to the rope and slide up the rope collecting the bananas. Jump off to the left and onto the ledge, then throw the barrel at the left wall to gain entry to Bonus Room #36! Spell out KONG in the correct order of barrels(K in far left barrel, O in mid-left barrel, N in mid-right barrel, G in mid-right barrel) to earn a red balloon. Jump down the blue rope(i.e jump off, then back on at a lower point) so you can recollect those bananas, then head right and bash the two Kritters. Slide up the blue rope, collecting the bananas, then bust out your parnter. Head right to take out the Army, then slide up the rope and time your jump off it to get the K. Slide down the purple rope, collecting bananas, then jump off to the barrel on the right(dont hit a Zinger). Carefully jump down so you don't hit a Zinger with the barrel and so you get any bananas remaining, then bust open the wall on the left to enter Bonus Room #37! Spell out NINTENDO to earn a red ballon. Don't hit a wrong letter, or you fail the bonus stage. Head right, bust the Army, then head up the rope, avoiding the Zinger. Jump over the Zinger for three bananas to another blue rope. Now you'll be criss-crossing between two blue ropes(hey it's a rhyme) to avoid Zingers. Be sure to grab all the bananas as you make your ascent. Jump to the right if you're missing a kong, otherwise, just jump to the left. Bounce off the Necky for a banana bunch, then head down the "stairs for six bananas. Continue left to take out and Army. Jump to the purple rope, then jump down while collecting the two bananas to the next ledge. Continue left to roll through two Kritters. Now the pattern is, purple rope, blue rope, purple rope. Jump from rope to rope, getting all six bananas without touching any Zingers. Hit the star barrel and collect the banana arrow. Continue left, kill a Klaptrap, then ascend up the blue rope. Jump up and bounce off the Klaptrap into the launcher barrel. Bait a Kritter from the left to the right, then bounce off it to the blue rope. Head up the rope, grabbing a few bananas, then jump to the left to collect two banana bunches and the O. Drop down and land on the piece of splattered ice to unearth an Enguarde Token. Continue right to bust up two Klaptraps. Now, head up the blue ropes, collecting all the bananas, and at the foruth rope, let it take you up until you are below Zinger #4, but above Zinger #3. Jump back to the third rope and let it take you up to a launcher barrel that will shoot you to Bonus Room #38! Jump from rope to rope to collect all the bananas, and the banana bunches at the ropes' bottoms. Get the banana bunch to your left by jumping on the purple rope and jumping back to the ledge as soon as you get your prize, before you hit the Zinger. Head right, and carefully take the blue rope on the right. Time your jump to the rope so you will bypass the two patrolling Zingers. Although tricky the rewards at the top are handsom. Collect two banana bunches, the N, and bust the DK barrel. Again, time your jump down so as not to get hit, then take the left rope up to the next ledge. Kill the two Klaptraps, then head up the blue rope so that you don't get hit by the Zinger. Take hold of the purple rope, and as soon as you get the second banana, hold UP and jump to the next rope. Repeat this process until you get to the next ledge(except for the last rope that has nothing on it). Again, take hold of the purple rope and slide down for the three bananas, then hold UP and jump to the next ledge. Now here you must show you are a true master of the force of the ropes(ok that was CORNY). Fight the force of the purple ropes, jumping UP from rope to rope, collecting all the bananas, then finally past the Zinger and to the ledge. Fight the force again on the first rope you see to get up to the G. Fall down, then head right to the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ice Age Valley ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Mini-Necky, Kritter, Necky, Klaptrap Animal Helpers : Expresso Bonus Rooms : #39-#40 Difficulty : 5/10 Description : A long narrow valley where vultures seem to be trying to find a place to head for the ice age. At the start, wait for the Mini-Necky on the left to stop spitting its nuts, then roll through it and continue left to bust out your parnter. Drop down while holding left, then grab the bananas, the K, and bust out Expresso. Bounce off the tire to the ledge on the right, continue to the right to flutter past a Mini-Necky. Continue to find a Kritter. Avoid it, collect the bananas, flutter to the right, past a Necky and onto a platform. Dismount Expresso, then bounce off the Neckys to a launcher barrel that will shoot you to Bonus Room #39! Blast out of the barrels to collect plenty of bananas, along with an Expresso Token. At the end, bust out Expresso and head through the bouns exit. Flutter past the gap, then wait for the Mini-Necky to stop shooting nuts, then flutter over it. Head down the ledges, past a Klaptrap, where you will collect three bananas. Head back up the ledges, avoid the Klaptrap, then jump as high as you can, and press C rapidly while holding right. You should just make it to the next ledge, where you will collect three bananas. Dismount Expresso, roll jump for the O, then wait for the Mini-Necky to fly down before killing it. Head back on Expresso, head right, then collect the three bananas. Flutter to the star barrel , then drop into the launcher barrel to be shot to the next platform. Head right to collect four bananas, bust out your partner on the next ledge while avoiding the Klaptrap, then head to the next ledge. Head past the Manky Kong(avoiding his barrels), then flutter past the gap to collect three bananas and bounce off a tire and flutter to the next ledge. Head right up the ledges past a Klaptrap(to easily get past it, dont flutter, fluttering makes it easy to land on the Klaptrap's sharp teeth). Take the four bananas and stop. Head up to the sticking out cliff-like ledge above the steel barrel. Jump off, then flutter as fast as you can to the N. Enter the launcher barrel to be shot to Bonus Room #40! Pick three of a kind in each of the three bananas to earn that balloon(naturally you should pick the blue balloon, it gives you the most lives). Collect the four bananas, then head right while avoiding Manky's barrels. Flutter to the right, past the gap to the next ledge. Jump down the tiny ledges, collecting the G, until you reach the arrow sign. Dismount Expresso, then wait for the pause between Manky Kong's barrel throws, then quickly jump to the ledge he's guarding , and smack him with a nice good roll. Get back on Expresso, head right past the ledge where Manky Kong was resting(R.I.P. Manky), and continue to collect three bananas. Head past the Klaptrap, then head right, dismount Expresso, roll jump for the banana bunch, and head to the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crocotopus Chase ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Squidge, Croctopus, Chomps Jr, Chomps Animal Helpers : Enguarde Bonus Rooms : None Difficulty : 5.5/10 Description : A large, icy lake, filled with croctopuses just itching to start mad chases. For this level, I will provide maps of each chase each Croctopus provides. The legend for these maps are: C = Croctopus, E = Where it hides after its chase. Head to the right, where a Squidge makes the opening move(why the game developers placed it there is a complete mystery to me). Head upwards, collecting the bananas, then continue right to meet up with Crocotopus #1. Crocotopus #1's Chase: _ |C|_____ |_____ | |E| - Simply head to the right, where the Croctopus will refrain from its mad chasing. Bust your kong parnter in the alcove above, and then continue right. When a Squige comes by, quickly swim past it before it hits you. Now, here you'll find Croctopus #2. Croctopus #2's Chase: ____ | E| _| |-- | _| |C| - Head up through the shaft, then continue to the right. Quickly snag the banana bunch and get out of the alcove before the Croctopus gets you. Head downward(be wary of the Squidge), and you will see Croctopus #3. Croctopus #3's Chase: ___ | E| _| |- | _| |C| - Quickly head upwards, grab the four bananas and the K, then let the Croctopus enter its alcove. Continue left to a small chamber, in which it would be wise to stick to the top for three reasons: to collect the bananas, bust our your kong parnter, and avoid the Chomps Jr. Continue leftwards to find Croctopus #4. Croctopus #4's Chase: _ |E|________ |________ | __| | | __| | |_ |_ | |C| - At the start of the chase, head left and stick to the stop(to avoid the upcoming Squidge), then head upwards, collecting two bananas. Head right and again stick to the top to avoid the same Squidge, then continue up for two more bananas, and then go to the left until the Croctopus stops chasing you. Enter the launcher barrel, which will shot you to another launcher barrel(and net you some bananas) , which will alot you full control once more. Head JUST below the launcher barrel, then hold right to enter a false wall. Bust our your parnter, head upwards, then to the left to find the O and four bananas. Head back down and enter the launcher barrel. Continue left and stick to the bottom. After the Chomps Jr. passes by, head left to start off Croctopus #5! Croctopus #5's Chase _ |E| | |_ |_ | _| | | _| | |_ |_ | _| | | _| | | | | | | _ | |_|C| |_____| Head up the loooong, narrow shaft until the Croctopus finally stops pursuing you. Swim to the right and grab three bananas. Now, bust the star barrel in the alcove below, then continue right. Now you should see Croctopus #6. Croctopus #6's Chase _ |C|______ |______ | |E| - Very quickly rush to the right, then hug the upper alcove and bust out your kong parnter until the Croctopus comes by. Croctopus #7 eagerly awaits you next. Croctopus #7's Chase _ |E| | | | | | | |C| - Rush upwards, where you will head right then down past a Chomps. Here comes Croctopus #8! Croctopus #8's Chase _ |E| __| |___ |C _ | --| | | | | |_| | |_____| Head right, hug the upper part, grabbing the two bananas, let the Croctopus pass you, then head down. Go to the extreme right, then head down through the trail to collect many bananas and a Winky Token. Head upwards, dodge the Chomps, then enter the launcher barrel to be shot upwards, then to the left. Continue left to head under a Chomps in a small chamber, then continue. Hug the upper part very tightly, then when the Chomps is at the extreme left of its patrols, head under it and quickly swim to meet up with Croctopus #9. Croctopus #9's Chase _ _|C| | _| | | _| | | _| _| | | _| _| | | _| _| | | _| |E| - Quickly head down the "long" shaft with many twists and turns to slow you down. Finally, the Croctopus will stop in its little alcove. Head right, collecting the three bananas(be sure to stay lined up with the bananas to slip between the two Chompses that come at you), then you will find Croctopus #10. Croctopus #10's Chase ____ ___ | _ \_/ E| | | \___/-- | | | |_ |_ | |C| - Head left, then up the long shaft, and to the right, through the zig-zagging pathway. When the Croctopus stops, head upwards to snag some bananas along with the N. Now you will face Croctopus #11. Croctopus #11's Chase _ ___|E| | ___| | | _ | |_|C| |_____| Head left, then up the long narrow shaft. Immediately head left through a VERY narrow passage, where you will find a red ballon along with Enguarde. Kill the Chomps on your right, then head upwards and to the right. You will notice two Croctopuses. The one above you is Croctopus #11. The one below you is the one that's going to start chasing you(#12). Croctopus #12's Chase _____ | _ | |C| | |_ - |_ | _ | |_|E| |_____| Head down, down, and down, and of course, to the right. You will notice Croctopus #13 above #12. Croctopus #13's Chase _ |E| | |_ |_ | | |__ |__ | _ | | |C|_| | |_____| Head up through the linear shaft, ocassionaly turning to the left. Now, head right, grabbing the bananas. Continue right and plow through the large group of Squidges, then head right to collect the G and head through the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Torchlight Trouble ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Klump, Oil Drum, Krusha, Mincer Animal Helpers : Squawks Bonus Rooms : #41-#42 Difficulty : 3/10 Description : A dark, gloomy tunnel where a faithful bird will bring along a flashlight to light your way. In this level, Squawks, the parrot, will carry a flashflight to light your path. I highly recommend you use Donkey Kong, considering he has the ability to take out a Klump in one jump(I made a rhyme :P). Start out the level by busting out your kong parnter, then bust out Squawks from the animal crate in plain sight. Continue right to take out a Klump. Jump over the oil drum and to the next ledge. Take out the Klump, then roll jump to the left for the K. Jump the oil drum, then collect the two bananas while jumping the gap. Take out the Klump on the next ledge, then jump the two oil drums onto a moving platform. Jump for the O, then when the platform takes you to a solid ledge, jump to it(avoid the oil drum). Take out the Klump, then jump the oil drum to the moving platform. Grab the three bananas, then when the platform is at the peak of its "patroling", jump to the next ledge over the oil drum. Quickly take out the Klump(before it walks into you), then jump over the oil drum to another moving platform. Again, wait for it to reach its maximum height, then jump over the oil drum to the next ledge. Collect the three bananas and jump over the oil drum, then jump to the ledge below(hold right so you don't hit the oil drum) and bust the star barrel. Continue right through a small opening, grabbing four bananas and busting out your parnter. Pick up the barrel, drop down to the previous ledge, and then throw the barrel at the open wall to gain entry to Bonus Room #41! Jump at each barrel, timing it so you hit three of a kind(banana, banana bunch, red ballon) to collect one of that item. Grab the three bananas behind you(avoid the mincer) , then continue right. Jump over the mincer, take out the Krusha, then jump over the next mincer to the next ledge(collecting the four bananas). Continue right, taking out the two Krushas, then jump the gap(collecting the two bananas) to the next ledge, where you will beat up a Krusha while still staying BETWEEN the two mincers. Jump the mincer to the next ledge, grab the two bananas, then jump over the gap and the mincer to the moving platfrom. When the platform is lined up with the N, roll jump to get it and make it safely to the next ledge. Head past the mincers, take out the Krusha, then pick up the barrel. Keep it intact, then head over the last mincer, while it is at its lowest point, then break open the wall on the left and enter Bonus Room #42! Wait for the Klaptrap to come over to the right, then bounce off it and onto the right cave wall to get the G(you can use the tire, but I find it mucher easier to use the Klaptrap) Now keep bouncing off the Klaptrap for banana bunches, until you finally get the Rambi Token. Now simply head right through the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rope Bridge Rumble ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Kritter, Army, Zinger Animal Helpers : Winky Bonus Rooms : #43-#44 Difficulty : 6/10 Description : She'll be comin' 'round the icy tree tops when she comes. SHE'LL BE COMIN' 'ROUND THE ICY TREE TOPS WHEN SHE COMES! Bust out your kong parnter on the left, then collect the five bananas. Jump to the tire, which you should use to bounce to the next ledge, where you will take out a Kritter. Now fall straight down the middle of the next gap and into the barely visible launcher barrel. This will shoot you to Bonus Room #43! Bounce from tire to tire, collecting all the bananas, until finally, you get Winky out from his crate. Grab the three bananas and the K, after taking out the Zinger below. Bounce off the tire to get back to the main level. Take out the next Zinger, then collect the bananas. Use the Zinger as a stepping stone to get to the next ledge(easier path), then take out the Kritter. Bounce off the tire to the next ledge above, then collect the four bananas. Again, use this Zinger as a stepping stone to the next ledge, where you can bust out your kong parnter if you need him. Bounce across the four tires, taking out the Zingers, until you fianlly reach the next ledge. Grab the four bananas, then jump the gap to reach the star barrel. Take out the Kritter ahead, then dismount Winky so you can roll jump for the O. Get back on Winky, then head right to a tire. Bounce off it to reach a tire on a moving platform. Use it to reach all the bananas here, then drop down and proceed right. Take out the two Kritters, then dismount Winky to roll jump for the banana bunch. Get back on Winky, then continue right. Bust the Kritter, then get on the moving platform. Use the tire to bounce up to three bananas as well as the N, then use it to get to the next platform. Hold X, then jump off the platform as late as possible. Keep holding right. You will bounce off a Zinger and onto a platform with a DK barrel. Jump onto the Zinger, holding right, and you will make it to the next ledge. Take out the two Kritters, dismount Winky, then roll jump for the G. Get back on Winky and proceed right. Bounce across the tires, and when you see a solo banana, bounce off and collect it and continue upwards to reach a hidden launcher barrel that shoots you to Bonus Room #44! Hit the three barrels when they show one of the same token to earn that specific Animal Token. Take out the Army, then bounce off the top Zinger, hold right and head right, collecting the four bananas. Now, head through the EXIT. 0=====================0 |Really Gwnaty Rampage| 0=====================0 Number of Hits : 5 Attacks : jumps at you, jumps extra high at you Difficulty : 2/10 Description : The ol' big Gwnaty has come back, with a few more tricks He hasn't changed much at all. He merely hops much longer, and now, whenever you hit him, he'll do a number of extra high jumps equal to which hit(of 5) you had just smacked on him. Anyways, I was just fighting him and I found a VERY easy way to beat him, which is why I gave him a 2/10. Ok, first hit him the first time and make sure you're far off to the left or right. Let him chase you with his high jumps(as in, have him jump in the same direction you're running, and dodge his jumps). After he finishes his high jump, immediately hit him on the head. This cancels out the increase in jump length, which is really the only threat this boss posses. Repeat this process for an easy victory. You'll also have 4/7ths of your banana hoard back! ================================================================================ 3.5 0==========================0 | | | Kremkroc Industries Inc. | | | 0==========================0 WORLD5 ================================================================================ Enemies : Gwnaty, Oil Drum, Kritter, Manky Kong, Necky, Mini-Necky, Zinger, Klaptrap, Klump, Slippa, Bitesize, Chomps Jr, Mincer, Krash Animal Helpers : Rambi, Enguarde Bonus Rooms : #45-#59 Difficulty : 5.5/10 Description : An abandoned industry, owned by the Kremlings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oil Drum Alley ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Gwnaty, Oil Drum, Kritter, Manky Kong Animal Helpers : Rambi Bonus Rooms : #45-#48 Difficulty : 5.5/10 Description : An abandoned factory that suggests the business was an oil company. Head right at the start, then jump on the large tank. Take out the Gwnaty and grab the three bananas. Grab the rope to your left. Wait until it stops moving, then jump on the dark plate to the left of the tank. You will reveal a TNT barrel. Pick it up, and continue right to an oil drum. Throw the TNT barrel at the oil drum to destroy it, then jump down to grab several bananas, as well as reach a launcher barrel that will shoot you to Bonus Room #45! Use the barrel cannon to shoot upwards to collect many bananas and a red ballooon. Maneuver yourself back into the barrel cannon after each shot until you have everything. Continue right, and take out two Kritters. Bust out your kong parnter, then continue. Jump down and over the oil drum, then kill the two Kritters. Jump over the gap while collecting the K, then bounce off the tire over the oil drum to the next ledge. Now head up the many ledges, bouncing off the Gwnatys. At the top, jump off and onto the dark plate. You will reveal a TNT barrel. Pick it up, then throw it at the wall on the left to enter Bonus Room #46! Hit each barrel when it displays a solo banana to earn a barrel. Now, pick up the barrel and, with Diddy, JUMP at the wall on the right to enter Bonus Room #47! Spell out DONKEY for a red balloon, KONG for a green balloon, then COUNTRY for a blue balloon. Hitting a wrong letter will cause you to fail the bonus stage. Bounce off the many tires over oil drums, then collect the three bananas and continue right. Jump down the ledges, bouncing over the oil drums off of Gwnatys, then, finally, hit the dark plate to bust out your kong parnter. Kill the Kritter and take the bananas, then jump to the right and into the launcher barrel. Land on the dark plate to reveal a loose tire. Roll it to the right, where you should take out three Kritters, then continue rolling the tire. Roll the tire past the oil drum, jump the drum, kill the Kritter, then bounce off the tire to the banana bunch. Keep rolling the tire, then take out two Kritters and bounce for the O. Continue without the tire from here. Take out the Kritter, then bust the star barrel on the higher ledge. Collect the three bananas, and then, if you need your parnter, wait for the oil drum to stop spewing oil. Then, jump on top of it, and jump onto the dark plate below to reveal a DK barrel. Jump down the pit below, and you'll bust out Rambi! Bounce off the tire to resume the level. Hurry up onto the large tankard, collect the three bananas, then take out the Manky Kong. Jump the oil drum, then proceed to take out two Kritters. Wait for the Manky Kong on the tankard to throw a barrel, then plow right through it while jumping on the tankard and take out Manky Kong. Collect the three bananas and bust the Kritters. Continue right, and when you see an oil drum, don't jump on it. Instead, plow through the wall on the right below it to enter Bonus Room #48! Shoot your way through the many barrel cannons(just press C rapidly and you should be fine. You'll earn one banana, two banana, three banana, ten banana, and finally, the N. You'll collect two bananas as you leap downwards. Next, wait for the oil drum to stop spewing oil, then use it as a stepping stone to the next ledge. Take out the Kritter, then wait for the oil drum to stop spewing oil so you can use it as a stepping stone. Bust out your kong parnter, then wait for the oil drums to stop spewing oil, then quickly head across them to take out two Kritters. Wait for another oil drum to stop spewing oil, then use it as a stepping stone to the next platform. Take the bananas, then run right, plowing through Manky Kong's barrels, until finally, you defeat him. Collect the six bananas. Now, here comes the tricky part. It's easier to do this without Rambi, and since your kongs don't get hit while you're with Rambi, sacrifice him to get across the first two oil drums to a tire quickly. Ok, the oil drum will quickly stop spewing oil and resume two times. Then it will spew oil for a while, and stop spewing oil for a long enough time for you to get across. Do so when ready, then you will reach another tire. Repeat this process, then stand on the final oil drum and quickly jump onto the dark plate to reveal the G. Now, head right through the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trick Track Trek ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Necky, Mini-Necky, Gwnaty, Zinger, Kritter, Klaptrap, Klump, Manky Kong, Krusha Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #49-#51 Difficulty : 6/10 Description : An old rickety mine. Miners must have used this cart to navigate through this mine. At the start, head right, avoiding Necky's nuts. Jump down to the cart, collecting the three bananas. Bounce off the Necky to get your kong parnter. Next up, you will grab four bananas, then bounce off a Necky to get three more. Bounce off the next Necky that is moving to get a banana bunch. Next, when Necky's nuts are not in your way, jump to get the K. Now, maneuver to the left or right of your cart to jump on the Necky. Grab the three bananas, then kill the two Neckys as your cart descends. Jump the next, fast moving Necky that tries to catch you off guard. Now, bust out your kong parnter and take out two Neckys moving horizontally. Another Necky tries to catch you off guard, so be alert. Next up is a Mini-Necky. Dodge its mini-nuts, until you can finally take it out. Now, bounce off the triple chain of Neckys to reach the O, then land back on your cart. Dodge the Mini-Neckys nuts as you ascend, then grab the bananas. Now you can destroy two Mini-Neckys. Suddenly, the cart speeds up, so you'll have to be quick. Stand on the right edge of the cart, and when it is at the end of the track, roll jump to the right and under the ledge to reach a launcher barrel that will take you to Bonus Room #49! Ride the cart around the room, jumping for all the bananas, but be careful not to fall into the endless abyss. Take out the Gwnaty, then jump to hit the star barrel and land on the cart. Stick to the left edge of it, then let the Gwnaty drop onto it and walk off. Jump over the Zinger to get back your parnter, then jump for two bananas. Again, stick to the left side of the cart so the Gwnaty can drop down and walk off. Repeat this process again, while jumping for another two bananas. Dodge the Mini-Necky's nuts, then destroy it and jump for the bananas while the Zinger is not in your way. Quickly jump to the ledge with the two Gwnatys on it, then jump into the launcher barrel, which will shoot you to Bonus Room #50! Jump on the purple Klaptrap many, many times, to earn many, many banana bunches. Eventually it will disappear, and you'll get a red balloon for your efforts. Again, you'll land on the cart. Stick to the left edge of it, then let the Gwnaty drop onto it and walk off. Jump over the Zinger to get back your parnter, then jump for two bananas. Again, stick to the left side of the cart so the Gwnaty can drop down and walk off. Repeat this process again, while jumping for another two bananas. Dodge the Mini-Necky's nuts, then destroy it and jump for the bananas while the Zinger is not in your way. Jump for the two bananas below the ledge, and then be constantly rolling, but not off the cart. This will insure that you take out the two Gwnatys that are going to kamikaze drop off the ledge. Again, be constantly rolling to take out the next Kritter, then jump for two bananas. Roll through the Klump, then bust out your kong parnter. Dodge the Mini-Necky's nuts until you can kill it, then stick to the left of the cart and roll through the Klump. Just like you did for the K, jump for the N while the Necky is not pelting his nuts at you. Jump on the Klaptrap, then jump for two bananas. When the circling Zinger is not in your way, jump for the G. Stick to the left, then quickly jump on the two Klaptraps, then jump for two bananas. Avoid the Manky Kong's barrels, then jump for two bananas below him. Jump over the Zinger, then you'll face a Krusha drop. If you have Donkey in the lead(you can't switch on the cart), jump on the Krusha. Otherwise, stick to the left and let the Krusha walk itself off. Jump for the eight bananas, then jump on the ledge. Continue right to a Manky Kong. Roll through him, then jump down below to a ledge. Grab the Winky Token, then enter the launcher barrel to get to Bonus Room #51! Hit each of the three barrels when they display a balloon. Three of a kind gets you that colored balloon(I would choose the blue balloon for very obvious reasons). Now, simply head through the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elevator Antics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Slippa, Mini-Necky, Zinger, Klump Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #52-#54 Difficulty : 5.5/10 Description : A elevator filled caved slipping with Slippas. Roll jump to the rope on the right, then climb to the ledge and enter Bonus Room #52! Time your jumps at the barrels so the far-left on has a K, the mid-left, an O, the mid-right, an N, the far-right, a G to earn a red balloon. You'll grab three bananas, so head right, to take out two Slippas. Now, jump on the rope above and climb upwards. Jump across the three ropes to get the K, then drop down. Continue right to take out a nut-spewing Mini-Necky. Continue, then take out another Slippa. Jump the gap while collecting the bananas, then take out another Slippa. Crawl through the tiny area, then wait for the Slippas to come to the more open area. Now's the chance to take them out. Continue crawling to the right, then wait for a Slippa to come out of the Dumb Drum. Kill it, then take the banana bunch and get on the rope. Climb upwards, wait for the Mini-Necky to spew a nut, then heads upwards past it and jump on its head. Bust out your parnter and continue. Take out any Slippas that come out of the Dumb Drum, then head across the three ropes while avoiding the Zinger patroling vertically on the middle rope. Drop straight down from the last rope to collect some bananas and take out a Slippa. Continue rightwards, then time your run under the vertically moving Zinger. Continue crawling, then run in between the two Zingers when they're not in your way, jump for the bananas, then continue past the Zingers when they're out of the way. You'll find three ropes, each with a vertically patroling Zinger guarding them. Grab the bottom of the first rope, then wait for the next Zinger to reach the bottom of its patrols. Jump to its rope above it, then head as high as possible. Wait for the third Zinger to reach the very bottom of its patrols, then QUICKLY, while holding X, jump to its rope, then jump to the right, holding X and right at the same time. You'll now be off screen. Head rightwards, until you reach a launcher barrel that will shoot you to Bonus Room #53! Shoot through the barrel cannons to earn a total of four bananas, the O, an Expresso Token, and a green balloon. You'll land on a Mini-Necky, so head right to bust the star barrel, then jump for some bananas. Kill the Klump, then jump on one of the elevators. Ride it all the way down and jump on the ledge for a banana bunch. Take the next elevator, jump to the other to collect three bananas, then jump back to the elevator moving up and ride it to the next ledge. Pick up the steel barrel, then continue right and bust it on a Mini-Necky. Ride the next down elevator, then jump to a small ledge on the left to get the N. Jump back on the elevator, then jump to the upwards moving elevator. Ride it up and jump back to the first elevator, getting the bananas, then jump back to the up elevator and ride it to the next ledge. Take out the two Klumps, then use the steel barrel on the Zinger in plain sight. Ride the elevator to the next ledge, where you will take out two more Klumps. Jump down while collecting the bananas, then ride the several elevators to the next ledge, avoiding the Zingers. Here, you will take out two Klumps and bust out your kong parnter. Head past another set of elevators, avoiding the Zingers. Now, head right and take out the Mini-Necky. Head past one more elevator, dodging the horizontally moving Zinger. Jump for the G above the arrow sign, then proceed right to take out a Mini-Necky. Ride a new set of elevators, and as you are jumping to the second elevator, be sure to grab the bananas. Ride this elevator upwards, then jump on the ledge without hitting the Zinger. Take another set of elevators, avoiding a Zinger, to the next ledge. Bounce off the tire and land on the Mini-Necky, then ride the last elevator down to a ledge that you should jump on to enter Bonus Room #53! Use the barrel cannon to shoot up for some bananas, then keep landing yourself back in the barrel cannon and shooting until you have all the bananas. Now, collect the three bananas and head through the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Poison Pond ~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Bitesize, Chomps Jr., Mincer, Squidge Animal Helpers : Enguarde Bonus Rooms : None Difficulty : 8.5/10 Description : A toxic pond, strangely not able to poisin all that enters it. Oh, lord, this level is evil. In my opinion, the game's hardest level. It's a toxic filled pond, and even though you have Enguarde to make it easier, it's FILLED with mincers. Oh god, let's get it over with already. At the start, head to the very bottom, then to the left. Collect the banana arrow, bust out Enguarde, then head back through the false wall. Head upwards to find a little alcove with the K in it. Head back down, then collect the bananas, plowing through the Bitesizes. Head right, and keep going to the right to find a Chomps Jr. to kill, then a banana bunch. Get out of this alcove, bust out your parnter, then continue upwards, collecting the bananas. Take out the Bitesize and Chomps Jr, then head upwards and left to a hidden alcove. A Chomps Jr. will try to ambush you, so kill it, grab the banana bunch, then head out of the alcove. Head past the mincer when it is not in your way, then continue. Kill the Squidge, then head past the double trouble mincer attack, collecting the bananas. Quickly thrust(C or X) past the fast-moving mincer on the right to get a banana bunch, then head out. Kill the Bitesize, then carefully get past the horiztonally moving mincer. Grab the bananas, then get past the next mincer. Take out the Bitesize. Kill the Squidge, then you will notice two stationary mincers and a horitzontally moving mincer. When the moving mincer is at the far-right, head down below it between the two stationary mincers. Grab the two bananas, then, when the moving mincer is at the far right of its patrols, head past the triple mincer set. Head past/kill the three Bitesizes marching in the opposite direction that you're traveling in, then collect the six bananas. Next is a double set of mincers. Head past them by shifting from upper section(upper mincer) to lower section(lower mincer) accordingly. Take out the Squidges, then head upwards to grab the O. When the mincer gets to the left side, chase it to the right, and head upwards as soon as possible to get out of its range. Bust the star barrel, then collect the banana arrow. Head past the mincer, then when it reaches the peak of its patrols, head below it for a banana bunch. Wait for the mincer to reach the peak of its patrols again, then head past it. Repeat the process of getting ABOVE the next mincer, similar to how you got below the last one, to grab another banana bunch. Head past the mincer, then head right, while collecting the bananas and plowing through the Bitesize. If you lost Enguarde, you can get him again by heading right in this large section of the pond. There are two shafts that lead to him. The upper shaft is guarded by a Chomps Jr. The lower part is guarded by a few fast-moving mincers in tight areas. Once you have Enguarde, head upwards. Wait for the mincer to reach the far left, then hurry to the small alcove to the right of it, using it as a refuge. Again, wait for the mincer to reach the far left, then head past it and plow through the Bitesizes in the next chamber. A DK barrel is resting at the lower-right corner if you need it. Head upwards, and you'll find a chamber with three circling mincers. Slip into the center of their pattern, then head upwards through a false wall, marked by a part of the rocks higher than the rest. It leads to a Rambi Token. Head back through the false wall and to the left, out of the triple mincer circle chamber. Slip through the alcoves guarded by the mincer, and be sure to grab the N in the upper alcove. Next up is another triple mincer circle. Slip in the center of their circle, then carefully head through the false wall on the left. Collect the banana arrow, then continue left for an Expresso Token. Enter the launcher barrel to be shot into a small alcove guarded by two mincers. When the top mincer is as close to you as possible, chase it upwards and head past it before it resumes moving down. Collect the three bananas, then continue right. Now, just charge right through an enormous school of Bitesizes on cocaine, and be sure to collect the G on your way through the on-drug Bitesizes. Slip between the two mincers, then head through the EXIT. Sheesh, that wasn't just hard, it was LOOOONG too. At least we did it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mine Cart Madness ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Gwnaty, Necky, Zinger, Krash Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #55-#57 Difficulty : 5.5/10 Description : A rickety old mine cart ride, lets hope the Kongs will be able to make it down these old, steel tracks. Good, a nice, easy level, after Poison Pond. Head right, take out the three Gwnatys and bust out your kong parnter. Jump into the mine cart, collecting the three bananas. Collect the bananas while jumping over the first Necky, then take out the next Necky. Collect the bananas while jumping over the third Necky, and over to the next mine cart. Let your cart get very close to the next Necky, then jump over it and between it and other Necky to grab the K. Jump over the second Necky, then quickly jump as high as you can to the rope above. Climb up the rope , then jump into the mine cart. You'll grab plenty of bananas, then you should notice a break in the stream of bananas. This is where you should jump, to enter a hidden launcher barrel that will take you to Bonus Room #55! Shoot your way through the barrel cannons to get: fourteen bananas total, a Rambi Token, and a red balloon. You will land in the next mine cart, so just allow it to take you along. Take out the Necky, then use the next two Neckys a stepping stone to the O. You'll come to a break in the track. Let your cart fall of the track, then jump to another cart on your left. This will allow you to grab an Enguarde Token. Jump the next few gaps, collecting six bananas total, then hit the star barrel. Jump over the next two Neckys, grabbing some bananas, then jump two gaps. Wait until the cart almost falls in the gap to get the N, then jump to the next cart. Next, your cart will ascend a hill. Now you must jump to the tire in the air, and use it to bounce off into the launcher barrel, which will take you to Bonus Room #56! Hit three of the same Animal Token in all three barrels to earn that token. You'll grab three bananas automatically, then you must bounce off the tire into the next mine cart. Make a light jump between the two Zingers, then jump to the tire on the ledge. Use it to bounce to the G, when the Zinger is not in your way, then bounce to the mine cart. You'll grab several bananas, then you'll jump to a Zinger-guarded platform with a tire on it. Bounce off to the next mine cart, avoiding the Zinger, then almost immediately jump to the tire on the next platform. Bounce to the next tire when the Zinger is at the bottom, then bounce on the Krash's head to hijack the mine cart. Jump for the three bananas, then jump to the next ledge over the Zinger. Hijack another mine cart, then jump over a few Zingers as you ascend the hill. Jump the break, then hijack another mine cart. Bounce off the Necky for a banana bunch, then jump to the tire. Bounce off, while avoiding the Zinger, down to collect the bananas and hijack the next mine cart. Jump at the end of the track, collect the bananas and take out the Gwnaty. Before heading right, roll jump to the left of the track and bounce up the tires until you hit the launcher barrel, which will take you to Bonus Room #57! Use the tire on the moving ledge to bounce up and grab all the bananas. You'll kill the Gwnaty, so simply head right to the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blackout Basement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Kritter, Klump, Klaptrap Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #58-#59 Difficulty : 5/10 Description : A large factory, whose lighting has seen better days. In this level, the lights will periodically flash on and off. Only certain objects, like bananas, will be visible in the dark. I don't understand why everyone thinks this is so hard. All you have to do is wait for the lights to come back on. Without the lighting problem, I would give this a 2/10. Open by cartwheeling down the stairs, collecting three bananas. Next, bust out your kong parnter. A Kritter will be facing you next. Jump for the two bananas, then take out the next Kritter. Jump for the K, then take out the next two Kritters. Use the platform as a stepping stone to the next ledge, where you will grab eight bananas. Next up is three platforms. Jump to the third, then roll jump for the Enguarde Token and then jump to the next ledge. Take out the next two Kritters, then use the tire to bounce off to the next ledge. Take out the three Kritters, bust out your kong parnter, then grab the bananas. Bounce across the three tires , then land on the black plate to reveal the O. Jump to the next tire, and use it to bust the star barrel and get to the next ledge. Take out the Klump, then use the vine to swing to the next ledge(wtf is a vine doing in a factory?). Take out another Klump, then roll jump to the next ledge(easy way) or use the moving platform(somewhat harder way). Grab the two bananas, then use the vertically moving platform to get to the next ledge. Take out the next two Klumps, then use the moving vine to get all the bananas and reach the next ledge. Bust out your partner, then use the two moving platforms to get to the next ledge. Grab the bananas, then wait for the lights to turn on. Quickly roll jump to the second moving platform, then wait for the lights again before jumping/roll jumping to the next platform, where a Klaptrap will greet you. Use the DOWN platform to reach a banana bunch, then quickly hop the next ledge, where you will face a triple Klaptrap showdown. Show them who's boss and continue. Quickly jump past the series of DOWN platforms until you reach the 4th platform. Ride it all the way down and you will grab a banana and hit a launcher barrel that will take you to Bonus Room #58! Keep waiting for the lights so you can blast around the room, grabbing all the bananas and the N at the center. You will land on a black plate , revealing a steel barrel. Timely throw it against the left wall, then when the lights are on, jump on it(I would tell you to collect the bananas if you could jump while on a steel barrel )=). Anyways, you'll plow through a Manky Kong, then two Kritters, then you'll fall down some ledges, hit a foolish Klaptrap that tries to chew a steel barrel, bounce off a wall, and head in the other direction and bust open the door to Bonus Room #59! Yeah! Getting in a bonus in stylish and crazy way! Carefully watch the red balloon(the lights WILL be flickering) and hit the barrel it was last when it stopped its random cycling to collect it. Head left, roll through the four Kritters, then grab the G. Head right, kill the Klaptrap, and head through the EXIT. 0==============0 |Boss Dumb Drum| 0==============0 Number of Hits : 5 Attacks : tries to body slam you, throws enemies at you Difficulty : 2/10 Description : An oversized Dumb Drum that has more attacks than its smaller counterpart. Unique a boss it may be, I was extremely disappointed at how easy it was for the boss of the 5th world. It opens by trying to slam you. Then it throws out two Kritters for you to deal with. Next, it tries to slam you two times. After that, it will dish out two Slippas. Once you take care of them, it tries to slam you three times. Afterwards, it uses two Klaptraps and tries to slam you four times. Next, it dishes out two Klumps and tries to slam you five times. Lastly, it throws out two Armys. Then it slams one last time(this won't kill you) and it blows up. All you have to do is kill the enemies it dishes out and dodge its slams. To dodge the body slams, I recommend sticking to the extreme left/right, then quickly running to the other side when it starts its slam. Also, use Diddy for the first three sets of enemies, and then Donkey for the rest of the enemies (he can take them out in one jump). After the big drum blows up, you celebrate having 5/7ths of your banana hoard! ================================================================================ 3.6 0===============0 | | | Chimp Caverns | | | 0===============0 WORLD6 ================================================================================ Enemies : Kritter, Necky, Zinger, Gwnaty, Mincer, Krusha, Slippa, Dumb Drum, Klaptrap, Army, Manky Kong, Klump Animal Helpers : Rambi, Expresso Bonus Rooms : #60-#69 Difficulty : 6.5/10 Description : A cavern in DK Isle near the top, it is filled with mines and dark, gloomy caves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tanked Up Trouble ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Kritter, Necky, Zinger, Gwnaty Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #60 Difficulty : 6.5/10 Description : Back in the mines, you'll once more be riding on a cart. But this time, you'll need to pick up fuel canisters to fuel your cart! In this level, you will be riding a cart like in Trick Track Trek. However, here you must collect fuel canisters so your cart doesn't crash. Five units of fuel is equivalent to one full tank. The number of red dots on a fuel canister indicates by how many units of fuel the canister will offer. I will specify by how much each canister raises your tank in the guide(i.e 5+ fuel canister). At the start, jump the gap, then jump another gap while busting out your kong parnter. Take out the Kritter and proceed right. Jump onto the cart to begin the ride. Grab the four bananas and the 5+ fuel canister. Let the cart rise upwards and take a turn to the right, then jump off it and fall inline with the vertical track piece. You will fall into a launcher barrel that shoots you to Bonus Room #60! Carefully watch the red balloon, and hit the barrel it last appeared in when it stopped its random cycling to earn it. Grab the four bananas and the 5+ fuel canister, then bounce off the Necky to another 5+ canister. Jump to the ledge for three bananas, then grab the 5+ fuel canister as you descend. Bounce off the Necky for the K, then jump on the DOWN platform. Jump to the 5+ fuel canister before the DOWN platform sinks. Land back on your cart. Jump to the next ledge you see, then jump on the Kritter on the next ledge to get the 5+ fuel canister. Jump down back to the cart, collecting the bananas. Jump across the DOWN platforms to get a 5+ fuel canister and a banana bunch, then bounce off the Necky and back onto your cart. Bounce off the Kritter on the ledge on your right to get the O, then quickly get back on the cart and bounce off the next Kritter to get a 5+ fuel canister. Quickly jump on the DOWN platform for a banana bunch, then get back on your cart and bounce off the Necky. Grab the two bananas, then bounce off the next Necky for another 5+ fuel canister. You'll see a 5+ fuel canister. Grab the bananas below it, then roll jump on top of the Kritter on your right. Proceed right to jump several gaps, bust the star barrel, then jump to the next cart. Bust your parnter out, grab the bananas, then use the tire to bounce up to a 3+ fuel canister. Bounce off the Necky to a small ledge. Bounce off the two tires, collecting the bananas, to a 3+ fuel canister. Next, use a tire to bounce up to a 3+ canister, without hitting the Zinger. Grab the bananas, then use a second tire to bounce up to a 3+ fuel canister(fall directly between the Zingers). Jump to the ledge, then the tire(be careful not to hit the Zinger). Bounce up to the 3+ fuel canister. Jump on the ledge, then roll the tire(take out the two Gwnatys on your way) to the edge of the ledge( another rhyme =D). Bounce off the tire to the 3+ fuel canister, while grabbing the bananas. Jump into the launcher barrel to get your kong parnter and a 3+ fuel canister. When you see the ledge, don't jump on it. Instead, continue below the ledge to get the N, then immediately jump up to the ledge and slip between the two yellow Zingers for a 5+ fuel canister. Jump in the barrel cannon, and timely shoot to the launcher barrel for the banana bunch so that you land back on your cart. Grab the bananas, jump the Zinger, then jump two stacked Zingers, getting a 1+ fuel canister. Grab the bananas, lightly jump between the two Zingers for a 1+ canister, then get the two bananas. Jump for the 1+ fuel canister above the Zinger, then jump above another Zinger for another 1+ canister. Jump to the 5+ fuel canister(avoid the Zinger), then jump over the three Zingers, grabbing the banana bunch. Jump for the many bananas, then ignore the launcher barrrel. Continue through, grabbing the 3+ fuel canister. Jump the three Zingers for the G, then jump to the ledge and head up the ledges, destroying the Gwnatys, and finally, heading through the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manic Mincers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Gwnaty, Mincer, Krusha Animal Helpers : Rambi Bonus Rooms : #61-#63 Difficulty : 7/10 Description : A cave absolutely stuffed with mincers. Head right and kill the Gwnaty. Jump over the gap, collecting the three bananas while the mincer is not in the way. Bust out your kong parnter, and then jump over a mincer, collecting three bananas when the mincer is out of the way. Kill the Gwnaty, then grab the K under the mincer. Wait for it the mincer to reach its high point, then jump up to the next ledge. When the next mincer is low, jump it, then collect the bananas on the next ledge and bust out Rambi. Timely jump between the mincers(I find it best to jump when each mincer is at about the middle of its patrol), then bust the Gwnatys in your way. When the mincer is high upwards, grab the two bananas and bust the Gwnaty. Again, jump for two bananas when the mincer is high up, then bust another Gwnaty. When the moving mincer is at the peak of its patrol, lightly jump over the stationary mincer to get the O. When the moving mincer is at the lowest point of its patrol, lightly jump over it for a banana bunch. Jump over a few mincers, busting Gwnatys, then you will notice a moving mincer. When it is far to the right, jump between it and the mincer on the left. Wait for it to come close, then jump over the next two mincers and grab the four bananas. Bust the star barrel, then grab the four bananas on the sides of the mincer being circled by another mincer and head past them. Bust the Krusha, then the DK barrel. Jump between the next two mincers, then kill the Krusha and bust open the wall on the right to Bonus Room #61! Bounce on the three Klaptraps for many bananas, then when they finally disappear , you get a red balloon. Get the banana bunch in the middle of the circle of the triple mincer set, then head right. Jump down to the moving platform while collecting the bananas, then jump over the mincer, back onto the moving platform , and to the next ledge. Take out the Krusha, then use the moving platform to get the N. Head past two mincers and onto the next ledge. Bust out your kong parnter, then head past the moving mincer with the platform(be sure to grab the three bananas). Bust the next two Krushas, then jump down, collecting the bananas onto the platform and past the mincers. Plow through the next three Gwnatys, then head past two mincers, collecting the three bananas. Next, head through the open cave wall to enter Bonus Room #62! Head past the vertically moving mincers, grabbing all the bananas as well as the G. Dismount Rambi, then pick up the TNT barrel and throw it at the wall on the right. Get back on Rambi, then head through the wall you just busted open to enter Bonus Room #63! Carefully watch the red balloon, and when it stops its mad cycling, hit the barrel it was last to collect it. Now, simply head through the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~ Misty Mine ~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Slippa, Dumb Drum, Gwnaty, Klaptrap, Army Animal Helpers : Expresso Bonus Rooms : #64-#65 Difficulty : 5.5/10 Description : An old, gloomy mine that seems to be overcome by a haze. Take the TNT barrel at the start to the right, where you should thorw it at a Dumb Drum. Collect the three bananas and continue. Bust out your kong parnter on the Dumb Drum spewing Slippas to the right, then continue. Ride the rope to the other side, collecting all the bananas. Kill any Slippas you see, then take the TNT barrel and throw it at the Slippa spewing Dumb Drum on your right. Take the next TNT barrel and jump over the Slippas and the Dumb Drum, then throw it at the other Dumb Drum to get a Rambi Token. Get the bananas, then ride the rope across to the next ledge, collecting the banana bunch. Defeat any Slippas, then collect the three bananas. Bust out your Kong parnter, then pick up the TNT barrel and throw it at the Dumb Drum spewing Slippas on the right. Head right, grabbing the three bananas and defeating any Slippas that come near. Head across the ropes to the next ledge, grabbing all the bananas. Head right, past the Dumb Drum to bust the star barrel and collect some bananas. Use the rope to get to the other side. Collect all the bananas and bust out your kong parnter. When the rope stops moving, don't jump to the next ledge. Instead, slide all the way down and enter Bonus Room #64! Use the rope to get as many bananas as you can, along with the K, O, N, and G. Finally, bust Expresso out of her crate at the end. Flutter to the Expresso Token, then continue right past a Dumb Drum spewing Klaptraps. Bounce off the tire, then head past another Dumb Drum. Collect the three bananas, then head past two more Klaptrap-spewing Dumb Drums. Head right, bust your kong parnter out of the DK barrel abvoe the Dumb Drum, then continue. Use the Dumb Drum as a stepping stone to the next ledge, being sure to collect the three bananas. Head past two more Army-spewing Dumb Drums, collect the three bananas, then flutter to the next ledge. Flutter over the many Slippa-spewing Dumb Drums, collect three bananas, then head right to the EXIT. Sheesh, they shoudla called this level Dumb Drum Mine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Loopy Lights ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Klaptrap, Kritter, Zinger, Manky Kong Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #66-#67 Difficulty : 6.5/10 Description : Another mine, one in which the lighting has some issues. In this stage, you must hit specialized ON/OFF barrels to control the lighting. If you get stuck in the dark, you just might get hit. Hit the ON/OFF barrel, then take out the Klaptrap and grab the three bananas. Hit another ON/OFF barrel , then collect all the bananas in the pit, and fall down in the pit to reach a launcher barrel that shoots you to Bonus Room #66! Ignore the ON/OFF barrel, you don't need it. Simply shoot madly across the room to collect bananas and the K. Head right to deal with a Klaptrap, then you'll bust out your parnter. Continue to kill another Klaptrap and hit the ON/OFF barrel. Head across the moving platform to deal with another Klaptrap and hit another ON/OFF barrel. Jump across the two moving platforms to the next ledge, grabbing the two bananas. Hit the ON/OFF barrel and take out the Klaptrap, then use the tire to bounce to the next ledge, collecting the three bananas. Take out the Klaptraps, then use another tire to hit an ON/OFF barrel. Jump across the five platforms, grabbing the bananas to another ledge, where you must hit an ON/OFF barrel and take out two Klaptraps. Hit another ON/OFF barrel, then jump down and collect the eight bananas. Jump the gap, take out the Klaptrap, then roll jump for the O. Head across two more ledges, taking out two more Klaptraps. Next, hit the ON/OFF barrel and proceed. Bust the star barrel, then hit the ON/OFF barrel and kill the Klaptrap. Bust out your parnter and continue. Hit the ON/OFF barrel, then jump up and kill the Kritter. Roll the tire to the right, then bounce off it to the ON/OFF barrel to the next ledge. Roll the tire to the very edge of the ledge , then bounce off it to the banana bunch on the light and land on the moving platform. Jump to the next ledge, then take out three Klaptraps. Hit the ON/OFF barrel, then proceed up the steps collecting bananas. Kill the Necky by means OTHER THAN THE BARREL, then take the barrel down the steps after hitting the ON/OFF barrel, collecting the bananas, jump the gap, hit the ON/OFF barrel, then bust open the right wall to enter Bonus Room #67! Hit the ON/OFF barrel, then head up the steps to collect many bananas, the N, an Expresso Token, and a red ballon. Collect three bananas as you jump to hit the ON/OFF barrel, then take the moving platforms to the next ledge. Bust the Kritter, then hit the ON/OFF barrel. Bounce across the tires to the next ledge, collecting two bananas, then hit the ON/OFF barrel, head past some Zingers, hit another ON/OFF barrel while avoiding the Zinger, then head past many more Zingers, collecting the G as you go. Head up the steps, collecting the bananas and doding Manky Kong's barrels, then kill him and hit the ON/OFF barrel. Jump on the little hole in the ground to unearth a banana bunch, then hit on last ON/OFF barrel. Head right, kill a Klaptrap and collect a banana, then head through the EXIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Platform Perils ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies : Krusha, Army, Klump, Zinger, Gwnaty Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : #68-#69 Difficulty : 8/10 Description : A long mine, with which you've got to navigate using platforms. Well you've made it. It's time to finish the game's final level(not including the last two bosses). Pick up the barrel and throw it at the Krusha. Now, head right and jump on the RIGHT platform. When it starts moving, jump off it where it was before you got on it. You'll land on a hidden LEFT platform that will take you to a launcher barrel that shoots you to Bonus Room #68! Spell out KONG (i.e K in the far-left barrel, O in the mid-left barrel, N in the mid-right barrel, and G in the far-right barrel) to get a red balloon. Take out the two Armys and bust out your kong parnter. Now, jump down to the RIGHT platform, collecting the bananas, then jump to the UP platform. Jump to the next ledge to take care of three Klumps. Jump down to the UP platform, collecting the bananas and the K, then jump to the DOWN platform and jump to a RIGHT platform over the Zinger. Jump to the next ledge when the Zinger is not in your way. Grab the bananas and kill the two Armys. Jump to the DOWN platform, then jump to the next ledge. Jump to the next ledge across the DOWN platform, collecting the bananas and avoiding the Zingers. Kill the Army, then jump to the DOWN platform and grab the two bananas. Ride it downwards, then jump across the platforms to get to a Winky Token. Back on the ledge, kill the Armys, then head across the DOWN platforms, avoiding the Zingers and collecting the bananas. Proceed to kill a total of three Armys, then ride the DOWN platform down to collect the bananas and get the O. Hit the star barrel when the Zinger is out of the way, then jump on the RIGHT platform, collecting the bananas and taking care of the Gwnaty. Jump up to the DOWN platform if you need your kong buddy, but then get back on the RIGHT platform. Kill the Army on the next ledge, then jump to the RIGHT platform, killing the Gwnaty and getting the bananas. Grab the N when the Zinger is out of your way, then jump to a RIGHT platform and kill the Gwnaty. Now, jump to the UP platform and kill the Gwnaty, followed by hijacking a DOWN platform guarded by a Gwnaty. Lastly, take care of the Gwnaty on the RIGHT platform, then take it, collecting the bananas, to a DOWN platform. Kill the Klump, then jump to the next ledge to take care of another Klump. Bounce off the tires to a series of DOWN platforms guarded by Gwnatys. Jump to the next ledge from the 4th one only once you've gotten the banana bunch. Jump to the next ledge, collecting the three bananas and avoiding the Zinger, then take the barrel and throw it at the Krusha to hijack it's DOWN platform. Jump to the next ledge, where you must jump to a RIGHT platform while avoiding a Zinger. Colelct the bananas on this platform, then jump to the next RIGHT platform and pick up the barrel. Throw it at the Krusha guarding a RIGHT platform. Next, jump up on the tire and bounce off it to reach an UP platform. Pick up the barrel and throw it at the Krusha on the left. Jump to the RIGHT platform, collecting the bananas, then jump over the Zinger to a DOWN platform. Grab the barrel, then throw it at the Krusha and jump to the RIGHT platform. Jump to the DOWN platform and pick up the barrel, then jump back to the RIGHT platform. Throw the barrel at the Krusha, then jump to the RIGHT platform and ride it to the tire. Bounce off the tire to a LEFT platform, then jump to the RIGHT platform and pick up the barrel. Jump to get the G, then don't jump to the Klump's platform. Instead, when the DOWN platform starts shaking, indicating it's about to rapidly drop, jump down and to the right to a hidden ledge. Jump into the launcher barrel on your right to reach Bonus Room #69! Carefully watch the Engurade Token, and when it finishes its mad cycling, hit the barrel it was last to earn it. Now, simply head through the EXIT. 0===============0 |Necky's Revenge| 0===============0 Number of Hits : 5 Attacks : spits nuts at you Difficulty : 5.5/10 Description : Necky's father has come back to avenge his son, and you must take him down! Necky's father has come to avenge his son, and he's really pissed about what you did to his son last time, back in Monkey Mines. Finally, a somewhat challenging boss. This time, Necky isn't such an extreme pushover. He'll spit a nut at you, which you are forced to dodge. Then bounce off the tire and hit him on the head. Each time you hit him, he'll increase the number of nuts he spits at you by 1. When you have to dodge like 3+ nuts, get off the tire and start jumping the nuts quickly. Then get on the tire and bounce on his head! After five bonks on the noggin, he goes down, and you've got 6/7ths of your banana hoard! ================================================================================ 3.7 0===================0 | | | Gangplank Galleon | | | 0===================0 WORLD7 ================================================================================ Enemies : K.Rool Animal Helpers : None Bonus Rooms : None Difficulty : 8.5/10 Description : IT'S TIME! IT'S TIME TO GET BACK THE REST OF YOUR BANANA HOARD AND PUT A STOP TO K.ROOL'S EVIL PLANS! 0=================0 |Gangplank Galleon| 0=================0 Number of Hits : 10 Attacks : charges at you, throws his crown at you, fires cannonballs at you, leaps at you Difficulty : 8.5/10 Description : IT'S TIME! IT'S TIME TO GET BACK THE REST OF YOUR BANANA HOARD AND PUT A STOP TO K.ROOL'S EVIL PLANS! ======= ROUND 1 ======= K.Rool throws his crown at you. Jump over it and jump on his head while it's exposed. ======= ROUND 2 ======= K.Rool will slowly charge at you. Jump over him. K.Rool throws his crown at you next, so jump over it and bonk him on the head again while it's exposed. ======= ROUND 3 ======= K.Rool slowly charges at you. Then, he charges again in the opposite direction, a bit faster now. Jump over him twice, then when he throws his crown, jump over it and hit him on the head a third time while his head is exposed. ======= ROUND 4 ======= K.Rool slowly charges at you. Then, he charges again in the opposite directon, a bit faster now. Once more he charges. Jump over him three times, then he'll throw his crown at you. Jump the crown, then hit him on the head again while it's exposed. ======= ROUND 5 ======= K.Rool now magically leaps twenty feet(how the **** does a lizard that weighs 2,000 pounds or so do that?). He will now somehow become mother nature, and change the weather to raining cannonballs. Stand where one cannonball will fall, then when a cannonball falls RIGHT in front of you, head where it was shot. You have to time it perfectly so you don't get hit by the next cannonball or run into the other cannonball. K.Rool now throws his crown at you, so jump it, then hit his head while it's exposed. ======= ROUND 6 ======= K.Rool now magically leaps twenty feet(how the **** does a lizard that weighs 2,000 pounds or so do that?). He will now somehow become mother nature, and change the weather to raining cannonballs. This time, two volleys of cannonballs will come. Stand where one cannonball will fall, then when a cannonball falls RIGHT in front of you head where it was shot. You have to time it perfectly so you don't get hit by the next cannonball or run into the other cannonball. Do this process twice, then K.Rool throws his crown at you, so jump it, then hit his head while it's exposed. ======= ROUND 7 ======= K.Rool now magically leaps twenty feet(how the **** does a lizard that weighs 2,000 pounds or so do that?). He will now somehow become mother nature, and change the weather to raining cannonballs. This time, three volleys of cannonballs will come. Stand where one cannonball will fall, then when a cannonball falls RIGHT in front of you head where it was shot. You have to time it perfectly so you don't get hit by the next cannonball or run ito the other cannonball. Do this process thrice, then K.Rool throws his crown at you, so jump it, then hit his head while it's exposed. YOU'VE DONE IT! YOU'VE FINALLY DEFEATED K.ROOL! HERE COME THE CREDITS AND.... wtf! It's "krediting" all the Kremlings. Suddenly, K.Rool rises back up! AHAHAHA , DID YOU REALLY THINK K.ROOL WOULD BE DEFEATED THAT EASILY? ======= ROUND 8 ======= Suddenly, K.Rool starts leaping like he's on cocaine. Rush under him when he's in mid-air, then he'll throw his crown at you. Jump it, then hit him on the head while it's exposed. ======= ROUND 9 ======= Suddenly, K.Rool starts leaping like he's on cocaine. Rush under him when he's in mid-air, then the cocaine seems to be wearing off. He'll make milder jumps, which makes it harder to rush under him, so instead, head to the far right. When he comes back to your side, jump over him. He'll throw his crown, so jump it, then hit his head while it's exposed. ======== ROUND 10 ======== Suddenly, K.Rool starts leaping like he's on cocaine. Rush under him when he's in mid-air, then the cocaine seems to be wearing off. He'll make milder jumps, which makes it harder to rush under him, so instead, head to the far right. When he comes back to your side, jump over him. Repeat this process, this time going to the far left. He'll throw his crown, so jump over it, and hit him one last time on the head while it's exposed. He faints, you've got the full 7/7ths of your banana hoard, and you've just completed the game. I'd like to wish you a big CONGRATULATIONS! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END IV. Appendices ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------- BONUS 4.1 Bonus Rooms -------------------- This section will provide a quick, easy-to-use glossary of the bonus rooms. ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #1 - Jungle Hijinxs | | | |Location - After you get Rambi, head past the N and instead of going up the | |steps with the Kritters, charge into the wall. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #2 - Jungle Hijinxs | | | |Location - When you come out of Bonus Room #1, you should notice the G on the | |treetops. Drop down from the tree and bust open the wall on the right. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #3 - Ropey Rampage | | | |Location - Right after the N, drop into the gap between the trees. You'll land| |in a hidden launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #4 - Ropey Rampage | | | |Location - Fall down in the gap before the arrow sign to reach a semi-hidden | |launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #5 - Reptile Rumble | | | |Location - When you see the K, take a barrel and charge into the wall right | |below the K on the right. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #6 - Reptile Rumble | | | |Location - After you come out of Bonus Room #5, you will bounce up to a new | |ledge. Use another tire to bounce up to the ledge with a DK barrel on it. Jump| |to the launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #7 - Reptile Rumble | | | |Location - After the N, use the tire to bounce up to the ledge. Pick up either| |the regular barrel or the DK barrel and throw it into the pit of Slippas. It | |should take out the Slippas and bust open the wall on the right. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #8 - Barrel Cannon Canyon | | | |Location - After the O, instead of shooting to the next launcher barrel, shoot| |straight into the wall. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #9 - Barrel Cannon Canyon | | | |Location - When you pass the first Kritter after coming out of Bonus Room #1, | |pick up the DK barrel, head under the next Kritter, then bust open the wall on| |the right. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #10 - Winky's Walkway | | | |Location - Either use Winky to jump up to the launcher barrel, or bounce off | |the Necky if you don't have Winky. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #11 - Bouncy Bonanza | | | |Location - Take the second barrel of the level, then carefully slip under the | |next two Zingers guarding a pit and bust open the wall on the right. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #12 - Bouncy Bonanza | | | |Location - After the two crawlspaces guarded by Zingers, use the tire to | |bounce up to the bouns room. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #13 - Bouncy Bonanza | | | |Location - After the G, you'll come to a moving platform with a launcher | |barrel up top. If you don't have Winky, theres a tire to roll to the platform.| |If you have Winky you can just jump to the launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #14 - Stop & Go Station | | | |Location - Grab the barrel after the O, then jump at the STOP/GO barrel | |without getting hit by the Rockkroc. Continue and throw the barrel at the wall| |beside the second Rockkroc on the right. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #15 - Stop & Go Station | | | |Location - After you come out of Bonus Room #14, you should notice three | |vertical bananas. Continue and you'll find a tire. Roll the tire back to the | |bananas, then bounce off it and into the launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #16 - Millstone Mayhem | | | |Location - Bounce from the tire on the top of the start, then jump into the | |launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #17 - Millstone Mayhem | | | |Location - Past the first Millstone Gwnaty, jump into the gap and use the | |launcher barrel to get the tire out of the recessed piece of stone on the | |right. Roll the tire past the O and to the third Millstone Gwnaty. Use it to | |bounce up to the launcher barrel it guards. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #18 - Millstone Mayhem | | | |Location - After you come out of Bonus Room #17, pick up the TNT barrel and | |pass two Krushas. Break open the wall below and to the right of the Millstone | |Gwnaty. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #19 - Vulture Culture | | | |Location - When you find the second(a nut spewing one) Necky of the level, | |kill it, then roll the tire to the three bananas and bounce up to the launcher| |barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #20 - Vulture Culture | | | |Location - When you shoot through two vertically flying Neckys, be sure to | |land on the Mini-Necky, then immediately bounce off it and onto the discolored| |piece of ground to your right. Use the barrel you get to open the left wall. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #21 - Vulture Culture | | | |Location - Once you find a Necky positioned on a high ledge, take it out, then| |jump on the discolored piece of ground to the left from the place the Necky | |was. Use the barrel to open up the highest left wall on the little platform. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #22 - Tree Top Town | | | |Location - At the start of the level, bait the Gwnaty to the far left of the | |bridge, then bounce off it into the launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #23 - Tree Top Town | | | |Location - In one of the blast sequences, you should notice a solo banana at | |the end. Instead of shooting at the platform, shoot at the banana. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #24 - Forest Frenzy | | | |Location - During the part where the mass Neckys are coming at you, stick to | |the bottom. When a Necky is about to hit you, climb up then back down. Another| |Necky will come at you. Immediately drop down before it hits you. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #25 - Forest Frenzy | | | |Location - Near the end, there will be a bunch of steps with Kritters on them | |and a barrel. Pick up the barrel, head up the steps, avoiding the Kritters, | |then continue down, avoiding the Kritters and bust open the wall all the way | |down on the left. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #26 - Temple Tempest | | | |Location - Pick up the first DK barrel, jump over the Gwnatys and the gap, | |then throw the barrel at the first slanted dark wall. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #27 - Temple Tempest | | | |Location - When you see a banana arrow pointing down from a rope, follow it to| |find a hidden launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #28 - Orang-utan Gang | | | |Location - Take Expresso to the point where you get the N, then lightly jump | |to the right and flutter to a place with some bananas. Follow the trail of | |bananas until you reach a barrel. Dismount Expresso and bust open the right | |wall. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #29 - Orang-utan Gang | | | |Location - Take Expresso all the way to the start of the level where there was| |a DK barrel and two Klaptraps. Stand where the DK barrel was, then make a leap| |of faith to the left and flutter as fast as you can and enter the bonus room | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #30 - Orang-utan Gang | | | |Location - When you come out of Bonus Room #29, head right to find a barrel. | |Pick it up, then jump down below the trees(avoid the barrels). Jump into the | |little "pit" and bust open the left wall. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #31 - Orang-utan Gang | | | |Location - Pick up the same barrel again, and jump down below the threes(avoid| |the barrels). This time jump over the pit and proceed to bust the right wall. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #32 - Orang-utan Gang | | | |Location - Head up the trees and kill the Manky Kong, then backtrack and pick | |up that same barrel again. Get off the trees onto ground again, then throw the| |barrel and follow it into the bonus room. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #33 - Snow Barrel Blast | | | |Location - At the beginning of the stage, bait the Necky over to the left, | |then bounce off it to the top of the igloo. Jump in the launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #34 - Snow Barrel Blast | | | |Location - As soon as you hit the star barrel, head left to bust a Krusha and | |then jump down the pit, following the bannaas, to a launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #35 - Snow Barrel Blast | | | |Location - When you get to a barrel cannon with three bananas in its path, as | |well as a Zinger, shoot straight down and hop the platforms to a launcher | |barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #36 - Slipslide Ride | | | |Location - Right at the start, head right to find a couple Kritters. Bait one | |over to the blue rope near the start, then bounce off it and ride the blue | |rope to a ledge. Use the barrel to bust open the left wall. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #37 - Slipslide Ride | | | |Location - When you're riding the first purple rope of the level, jump on the | |ledge between the two Zingers. Pick up the barrel, then jump off the ledge, | |holding left and you should break the left wall. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #38 - Slipslide Ride | | | |Location - Once you reach a point with four blue ropes, Zingers guarding them,| |jump to the fourth rope and ride it up until you're above the Zinger on the | |third rope, then jump to the third rope and ride it up to a launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #39 - Ice Age Valley | | | |Location - After the blue Kritter, you'll swing on a vine, then meet up with | |two Neckys. Bounce off them or sacrifice Expresso(you need him for the next | |bonus, but you get him back in this bonus), and then jump into the launcher | |barrel on the ledge. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #40 - Ice Age Valley | | | |Location - Eventually, you'll reach a steel barrel. Get on the ledge above it,| |then jump to the right with Expresso and press C like you're on cocaine. You | |should reach a launcher barrel on a small platform. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #41 - Torchlight Trouble | | | |Location - When you get to the star barrel, you'll go through a tiny opening, | |then you'll see a barrel. Pick it up, then throw it at the wall below it. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #42 - Torchlight Trouble | | | |Location - Near the end of the stage, you'll kill a Krusha by two mincers, | |then you'll see a barrel. Pick it up, head right and jump over the mincer, | |then break the left wall. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #43 - Rope Bridge Rumble | | | |Location - Jump into the second gap of the level to reach a hidden launcher | |barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #44 - Rope Bridge Rumble | | | |Location - After the G, there is a section where you have to bounce on three | |tires. On the second tire, you should notice a solo banana. Bounce up to it to| |reach a hidden launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #45 - Oil Drum Alley | | | |Location - At the start, take out the Gwnaty on the tank, then ride the rope | |to the left. Jump on the metal plate for a TNT barrel. Head right, then throw | |the barrel at the oil drum. Drop down in the pit to reach a launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #46 - Oil Drum Alley | | | |Location - Soon into the stage, you'll go up large "steps" with Gwnatys on | |them. At the top, jump off and onto the metal plate to reveal a TNT barrel. | |Use it to break open the wall on the left. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #47 - Oil Drum Alley | | | |Location - In Bonus Room #46, time your jumps at the barrels so they are all | |singular bananas. You get a barrel. With Diddy, pick it up, then JUMP at the | |right wall. If you don't jump, you'll break open the wall, but you won't get | |in because you'll celebrate being victorious in Bonus Room #46. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #48 - Oil Drum Alley | | | |Location - Past the second Manky Kong of the level is an oil drum meant to be | |use to get to the next ledge. Don't just yet. Instead, use Rambi to break the | |wall on the right below the drum. If you don't have Rambi, theres a barrel on | |the large tank the second Manky Kong was standing on. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #49 - Trick Track Trek | | | |Location - When the first track ends, instead of jumping to the ledge, roll | |jump BELOW the ledge to a launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #50 - Trick Track Trek | | | |Location - Soon after a yellow Zinger is a platform holding two Gwnatys. Jump | |to it quickly, take out the Gwnatys, then jump to the launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #51 - Trick Track Trek | | | |Location - At the end of the stage, roll through the Manky Kong, then drop | |below and head into the launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #52 - Elevator Antics | | | |Location - At the very start, roll jump to the rope. Climb up and to the bonus| |room. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #53 - Elevator Antics | | | |Location - Once you reach the point where there are three ropes, each guarded | |by a Zinger, jump to the very top of the third rope. Jump rightwards, holidng | |X and right the whole time. Eventually you will land off-screen. Head right to| |a launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #54 - Elevator Antics | | | |Location - Take the last down elevator all the way down and enter the bonus | |room. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #55 - Mine Cart Madness | | | |Location - After the K, you will be required to jump to a rope to get a new | |mine cart if you value your life. Jump to the mine cart, then you'll notice a | |stream of bananas. In the middle, there is a break in the stream. This is the | |time to jump to the hidden launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #56 - Mine Cart Madness | | | |Location - After the N, you'll jump over a gap, and your cart will ascend a | |small hill. Jump on the tire floating in mid-air, then bounce to the launcher | |barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #57 - Mine Cart Madness | | | |Location - At the end of the track, where you are on solid ground again, jump | |to the left to a tire below the track. Bounce up a few tires to a launcher | |barrel. Contrarty to popular belief, you don't have to roll jump to the first | |tire. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #58 - Blackout Basement | | | |Location - When you art jumping across four DOWN platforms, let the fourth | |take you all the way down. You'll reach a launcher barrel. This bonus is also | |marked by a solo banana. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #59 - Blackout Basement | | | |Location - After coming out of Bonus Room #58, you should get a steel barrel | |for hitting the black plate. Throw it at the left wall, then jump on it. | |You'll plow through a Manky Kong, some Kritters, a Klaptrap, then the barrel | |will bounce off the wall and change direction. It will hit the other wall and | |get you in the bonus room. Fun to get into. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #60 - Tanked Up Trouble | | | |Location - At the beginning of the level, the cart will start moving upwards. | |Jump down in-line with the vertical track and you'll land in a launcher | |barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #61 - Manic Mincers | | | |Location - Somewhat soon after the star barrel, you'll find a Krusha patroling| |a pit(not the first Krusha). Kill it, then bust open the right wall with | |Rambi. If you don't have Rambi, a barrel is providved. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #62 - Manic Mincers | | | |Location - During a part with a large cliff and many Gwnatys, you'll notice a | |cave door open. Simply walk through, it's the bonus. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #63 - Manic Mincers | | | |Location - Once you come out of Bonus Room #62, pick up the TNT barrel, then | |jump down the pit and jump over the Gwnaty. Break the right wall to enter the | |bonus. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #64 - Misty Mine | | | |Location - After the star barrel, there will be a large gap, which you cross | |with a rope. Get on the rope, but when it stops moving, slide all the way down| |and enter the bonus room. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #65 - Misty Mine | | | |Location - Soon after the Expresso Token you'll find a TNT barrel. Pick it up | |and jump over all the enemies. Jump over the Dumb Drum and drop into the pit. | |Next, break the far right wall and enter the bonus rooms. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #66 - Loopy Lights | | | |Location - Very early in the level you'll find a pit with bananas marking it. | |Jump into the pit to enter a hidden launcher barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #67 - Loopy Lights | | | |Location - When you come to a lone Necky on top of a platform, take it out | |WITHOUT using the barrel. Take the barrel once the Necky is killed, then head | |down the "steps", jump the gap, and break open the right wall. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #68 - Platform Perils | | | |Location - at the VERY beginning of the stage, ride the first RIGHT platform. | |There is a hidden platform below the RIGHT platform. Simply jump off the RIGHT| |platform and ride the LEFT platform to the launcher barrel on the left. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Bonus Room #69 - Platform Perils | | | |Location - Ride the last DOWN platform of the level. Let it pass the first | |ledge. It will sink even further. Jump to the next ledge and into the launcher| |barrel. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ BOSS 4.2 Boss Guide ------------------ This section will provide a quick, easy-to-use glossary of my boss guides. 0==================0 |Very Gwnaty's Lair| 0==================0 Number of Hits : 5 Attacks : tries to jump on you Difficulty : 1/10 Description : A humungous brown Gwnaty that proves tougher than its smaller cousin. This boss should not give you any trouble at all. Just jump on its head five times to defeat it. However, each time you jump on its head, it starts jumping longer and faster. After you defeat this measley boss, you will claim your first 1/7th of your banana hoard! 0==============0 | Necky's Nuts | 0==============0 Number of Hits : 5 Attacks : spits nuts at you Difficulty : 1.5/10 Description : An ASTRONOMICAL Necky that spits nuts at you Ok, the title of this boss arena sounds SOOOOOO wrong. Bounce off the tire to hit Necky on the head five times. Be careful though, if you hit his beak you will lose a Kong. Also dodge the nuts that Necky spews at you at a rather slow pace. After clobbering him on the head five times(I think you gave him a concussion), you now have 2/7ths of your banana hoard total! 0===============0 |Bumble B Rumble| 0===============0 Number of Hits : 5 Attacks : charges into you, heads vertically to stop you Difficulty : 3/10 Description : AN ENORMOUS Zinger, it is the Queen that you must take down. This boss is somewhat more challenging than the others so far. It's still easy though. Anyways, to defeat it, you must throw a barrel at it five times. However , each time you throw a barrel at it, it turns red and starts madly charging up and down. Swoop under its charges until it turns yellow again. The charges also become faster with each successful hit. After five hits, the massive bee goes down and you've got 3/7ths of your banana hoard total! 0=====================0 |Really Gwnaty Rampage| 0=====================0 Number of Hits : 5 Attacks : jumps at you, jumps extra high at you Difficulty : 2/10 Description : The ol' big Gwnaty has come back, with a few more tricks He hasn't changed much at all. He merely hops much longer, and now, whenever you hit him, he'll do a number of extra high jumps equal to which hit(of 5) you had just smacked on him. Anyways, I was just fighting him and I found a VERY easy way to beat him, which is why I gave him a 2/10. Ok, first hit him the first time and make sure you're far off to the left or right. Let him chase you with his high jumps(as in, have him jump in the same direction you're running, and dodge his jumps). After he finishes his high jump, immediately hit him on the head. This cancels out the increase in jump length, which is really the only threat this boss posses. Repeat this process for an easy victory. You'll also have 4/7ths of your banana hoard back! 0==============0 |Boss Dumb Drum| 0==============0 Number of Hits : 5 Attacks : tries to body slam you, throws enemies at you Difficulty : 2/10 Description : An oversized Dumb Drum that has more attacks than its smaller counterpart. Unique a boss it may be, I was extremely disappointed at how easy it was for the boss of the 5th world. It opens by trying to slam you. Then it throws out two Kritters for you to deal with. Next, it tries to slam you two times. After that, it will dish out two Slippas. Once you take care of them, it tries to slam you three times. Afterwards, it uses two Klaptraps and tries to slam you four times. Next, it dishes out two Klumps and tries to slam you five times. Lastly, it throws out two Armys. Then it slams one last time(this won't kill you) and it blows up. All you have to do is kill the enemies it dishes out and dodge its slams. To dodge the body slams, I recommend sticking to the extreme left/right, then quickly running to the other side when it starts its slam. Also, use Diddy for the first three sets of enemies, and then Donkey for the rest of the enemies (he can take them out in one jump). After the big drum blows up, you celebrate having 5/7ths of your banana hoard! 0===============0 |Necky's Revenge| 0===============0 Number of Hits : 5 Attacks : spits nuts at you Difficulty : 5.5/10 Description : Necky's father has come back to avenge his son, and you must take him down! Necky's father has come to avenge his son, and he's really pissed about what you did to his son last time, back in Monkey Mines. Finally, a somewhat challenging boss. This time, Necky isn't such an extreme pushover. He'll spit a nut at you, which you are forced to dodge. Then bounce off the tire and hit him on the head. Each time you hit him, he'll increase the number of nuts he spits at you by 1. When you have to dodge like 3+ nuts, get off the tire and start jumping the nuts quickly. Then get on the tire and bounce on his head! After five bonks on the noggin, he goes down, and you've got 6/7ths of your banana hoard! 0=================0 |Gangplank Galleon| 0=================0 Number of Hits : 10 Attacks : charges at you, throws his crown at you, fires cannonballs at you, leaps at you Difficulty : 8.5/10 Description : IT'S TIME! IT'S TIME TO GET BACK THE REST OF YOUR BANANA HOARD AND PUT A STOP TO K.ROOL'S EVIL PLANS! ======= ROUND 1 ======= K.Rool throws his crown at you. Jump over it and jump on his head while it's exposed. ======= ROUND 2 ======= K.Rool will slowly charge at you. Jump over him. K.Rool throws his crown at you next, so jump over it and bonk him on the head again while it's exposed. ======= ROUND 3 ======= K.Rool slowly charges at you. Then, he charges again in the opposite direction, a bit faster now. Jump over him twice, then when he throws his crown, jump over it and hit him on the head a third time while his head is exposed. ======= ROUND 4 ======= K.Rool slowly charges at you. Then, he charges again in the opposite directon, a bit faster now. Once more he charges. Jump over him three times, then he'll throw his crown at you. Jump the crown, then hit him on the head again while it's exposed. ======= ROUND 5 ======= K.Rool now magically leaps twenty feet(how the **** does a lizard that weighs 2,000 pounds or so do that?). He will now somehow become mother nature, and change the weather to raining cannonballs. Stand where one cannonball will fall, then when a cannonball falls RIGHT in front of you, head where it was shot. You have to time it perfectly so you don't get hit by the next cannonball or run into the other cannonball. K.Rool now throws his crown at you, so jump it, then hit his head while it's exposed. ======= ROUND 6 ======= K.Rool now magically leaps twenty feet(how the **** does a lizard that weighs 2,000 pounds or so do that?). He will now somehow become mother nature, and change the weather to raining cannonballs. This time, two volleys of cannonballs will come. Stand where one cannonball will fall, then when a cannonball falls RIGHT in front of you head where it was shot. You have to time it perfectly so you don't get hit by the next cannonball or run into the other cannonball. Do this process twice, then K.Rool throws his crown at you, so jump it, then hit his head while it's exposed. ======= ROUND 7 ======= K.Rool now magically leaps twenty feet(how the **** does a lizard that weighs 2,000 pounds or so do that?). He will now somehow become mother nature, and change the weather to raining cannonballs. This time, three volleys of cannonballs will come. Stand where one cannonball will fall, then when a cannonball falls RIGHT in front of you head where it was shot. You have to time it perfectly so you don't get hit by the next cannonball or run ito the other cannonball. Do this process thrice, then K.Rool throws his crown at you, so jump it, then hit his head while it's exposed. YOU'VE DONE IT! YOU'VE FINALLY DEFEATED K.ROOL! HERE COME THE CREDITS AND.... wtf! It's "krediting" all the Kremlings. Suddenly, K.Rool rises back up! AHAHAHA , DID YOU REALLY THINK K.ROOL WOULD BE DEFEATED THAT EASILY? ======= ROUND 8 ======= Suddenly, K.Rool starts leaping like he's on cocaine. Rush under him when he's in mid-air, then he'll throw his crown at you. Jump it, then hit him on the head while it's exposed. ======= ROUND 9 ======= Suddenly, K.Rool starts leaping like he's on cocaine. Rush under him when he's in mid-air, then the cocaine seems to be wearing off. He'll make milder jumps, which makes it harder to rush under him, so instead, head to the far right. When he comes back to your side, jump over him. He'll throw his crown, so jump it, then hit his head while it's exposed. ======== ROUND 10 ======== Suddenly, K.Rool starts leaping like he's on cocaine. Rush under him when he's in mid-air, then the cocaine seems to be wearing off. He'll make milder jumps, which makes it harder to rush under him, so instead, head to the far right. When he comes back to your side, jump over him. Repeat this process, this time going to the far left. He'll throw his crown, so jump over it, and hit him one last time on the head while it's exposed. He faints, you've got the full 7/7ths of your banana hoard, and you've just completed the game. I'd like to wish you a big CONGRATULATIONS! ------------------------- ANIMALB 4.3 Animal Bonuses ------------------------- This section will provide a map of each animal bonus area, and a strategy for scoring well in that bonus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Expresso Area ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________________________________ |##START ##| |#### ################ ##| |##### ###### ###### ################## ##| |#### #### #### ################ ##| |##### ###### ###### ################## ##| |#### #### #### ################ ##| |##### ###### ###### ################## ##| |#### #### #### ################ ##| |##### ###### ###### ################## LARGE ##| |#### #### #### ################ TOKEN ##| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since you start at the left, and the large token is at the far right, I suggest you start by heaidng down in the first section and collecting as many tokens as you can. Head up the steps to the next section to collect more tokens. Finally, head to one more section to collect tokens. Then, you should quickly head over the huge landform to the large token to get your x2 bonus. ~~~~~~~~~~ Rambi Area ~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________________________________ |# ##| |# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##| |#START ### ##| |## #### ##| |### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##### ##| |#### ###### ##| |##### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####### LARGE ##| |###### ######## TOKEN ##| |####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #################################| |######## #################################| |######### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #################################| |########## ## ## ## #################################| |########### ## ## #################################| |############# ###### ###### ###### #################################| |##############################################################################| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start out by jumping from the second-highest set of platforms to collect tokens. Once you reach the far-right, jump down all the way to the bottom. QUICKLY run left, collecting tokens, then jump on the igloo and across the higher platforms to the large token for your x2 bonus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enguarde Area ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 = fake wall _______________________________ | ## ## | | ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## | | ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## | | ## ## | | ## ## ## ####000#### ## ## ## | | ## ## ## ####000#### ## ## ## | | | | ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## | | ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## | | | |###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ######| |###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ######| | ## ## | | ## ## ## ## ## ## | | 00 ## ## ## ## 00 | | 00 START 00 | | 00 ## ## ## ## 00 | | ## ## ## ## ## ## | | ## ## | |###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ######| |###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ######| | | | ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## | | ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## | | | | ## ## ## ####000#### ## ## ## | | ## ## ## ####000#### ## ## ## | | ## ## | | ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## | | ## ## ## ## LARGE ## ## ## ## | | ## TOKEN ## | ------------------------------- You start out in the center of the bonus area. I would recommend first going to the left or right through the false wall chamber, then head into the other chamber. Then, you should head down through the bottom chamber to the large token for your x2 bonus. ~~~~~~~~~~ Winky Area ~~~~~~~~~~ __________________________________________________________ |################ ##### #| |### ##### ## ## ## #### ## ## ########## #| |## ### X###### ## ######### #| |# LARGE # X######## ### ### #### #| |##TOKEN X######### #### ########## #| |################### ## ## ## ## ## ######## #| |################### T T #| |##########################################################| ---------------------------------------------------------- In each "chamber, collect as many tokens as you can, continually heading left. Eventually, you'll reach the large token for your x2 bonus. This is a relatively easy stage to score well on. ---------------------------- WnS 4.4 - Warps and Shortcuts ---------------------------- This section will explain the warps and shortcuts of the game. ========= Shortcuts ========= ______________________________________________________________________________ |Shortcut #1 - Mine Cart Carnage | | | |Location - At the very beginning of the level, jump over the start and fall | |down. You'll enter a launcher barrel and be shot to the end of the stage. Now | |all you have to do is jump over the Krash and head through the EXIT. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Shortcut #2 - Stop & Go Station | | | |Location - Head backwards through the start. You'll land near the end. Head | |right, hitting several STOP/GO barrels and heading past Rockkrocs to the EXIT.| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Shortcut #3 - Snow Barrel Blast | | | |Location - When you're in the third barrel cannon after the two Zingers | |guarding a Rambi Token, shoot straight down into a hidden launcher barrel. | |This will skip the harder parts of the level. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ |Shortcut #4 - Slipslide Ride | | | |Location - After exiting Bonus Room #36, use Donkey to jump over the entrance | |of the bonus. You'll land in a hard-to-spot launcher barrel(it blends in). It | |will transport you near the end of the level. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =============== The Hidden Warp =============== During a track bend in Kongo Jungle, press B. You have to time it perfectly. If you do, however, succeed, you will be magically warped to somewhere in Orang-utan Gang. --------------- CODE 4.5 - Codes --------------- This section will explain each code of the game. Code : DOWN, Y, DOWN, DOWN, Y Description - Type this when Cranky is tuning the record player. It will take you to a special room with three of each animal token, allowing you to practice the different bonus animal stages. You return to the little room each time you complete an animal bonus. Code : Hold select and press B, A, L, L, A, DOWN Description - Type this code when erase is highlighted. It will provide a sound test. Press select to switch between the different tracks. Code : B, A, DOWN, B, UP, DOWN, DOWN, Y Description - Again, type this code when erase is highlighted. When this code is activated, the other player can tag themself in when they're not in an active player at the moment(two player game). Code : B, A, RIGHT, RIGHT, A, LEFT Description - Enter this code, and you can start with 50 lives for the file you choose. You apparently also get the effects of the bad buddy code mixed in as well. --------------------------- MISC 4.6 - Misc. Information --------------------------- This section will provide random facts that I couldn't categorize elsewise. 1. If you bounce on eight enemies without touching the ground, you'll get an extra life. Every other enemy you bounce on after eight will net you another extra life. 2. There aren't any differences between the different colors in Zingers, and Kritters(although there is a difference between a blue and purple Klaptrap). 3. Rambi cannont take out Zingers. 4. Expresso is the only animal buddy who can't attack. 5. Every single enemy of one enemy type does not necessarily move at the same speed another does. 6. A mincer is the only type of non-biological enemey that cannont be destroyed. ----------------------------------- FAQ 4.7 - Frequently Asked Questions ----------------------------------- This section will provide answers to common questions. Q : How do I get all those objects dangling above endless pits? A : Simple, use a roll jump(covered in another section of the FAQ). Q : Why can't I defeat the grey Krushas? A : You can only defeat a grey Krusha with a weapon of some sort. Q : How many hits does it take to beat K.Rool? A : Ten. Q : What is Cranky's Cabin for? A : Comic relief and to tell you things I've already covered in more detail. Q : What is Funky's Flights for? A : His plane transports you to worlds you've already beaten. Q : What is Candy's Save Point for? A : Candy saves your game(duh). Q : What do I do about the flickering lights in Blackout Basement? A : Simply wait for the lights to go on, you can't control them. ------------------------ CONTACT 4.8 Contacting Me ------------------------ This will tell you what you can and can't AIM, E-Mail me about. AIM Contant ----------- My AIM is EthanlnahtE. The things you can IM me about: 1) Questions 2) Suggestions 3) Praise The things you can't IM me about: 1) "Hy hw 2 gaht in dey secet dor ih blakot bazment?" 2) Hate IMing 3) Previously answered questions E-Mail Contact -------------- My e-mail address is kitalooboocousin@aol.com The things you can email me about: 1) Questions 2) Suggestions 3) Praise The things you can't IM me about: 1) "Hy hw 2 gaht in dey secet dor ih blakot bazment?" 2) Hate mail 3) Previously answered questiosn -------------------------------------- LEGAL/KREDIT 4.9 - Legal Notice/Kredits -------------------------------------- This section will contain a notice of my legal rights, as well as the kredits. Legal Notice ------------ This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Copyright 2006 Ethan Alwaise o---------o | Kredits | o---------o BSulpher - His guide helped me in many ways. It helped me find some of the bonus rooms, the codes, the shortcuts, gave me the idea(and the Enguarde map) of displaying maps for the animal token bonuses, and also helped me with the controls for the SNES version. Brother Reed - His FAQ helped me track down the K, O, N, G letters, some Animal Tokens, and some of the bonuses. IGN.com - There site helped me track down the sound test code. _ _ | | | | | | | / _____ ___ __ | \|_ \ / \ / | | | | | |\/| | | --| |_|_| |_| \___/ \__| _____ _ |_ _| | | | | | __ | | | | / _| | | | \| __| |_| |_|_|\__| ___ | \ ___ __ | | |/ \ / | | | | | | --| |___/ \___/ \__|