Dragon Warrior 1&2: An Item List by dark33 Version Number: 0.9 Date Last Updated: 5/10/01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION This document is 100% copyright dark33 (2001). It may not be used on anywhere but the following sites without my consent. Gamefaqs.com Laudeman.com/gameboylair If you want to use this walkthrough on your site, ASK ME FIRST! My email address is (thelinebacker531@aol.com) DO NOT USE ANY PORTIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT ANYWHERE but the specified sites. Do not use any sections of this for your own walkthrough. Again, do not use this on your site or anywhere else without my permission. And finally, again, don't take anything from this and use it anywhere else. Doing so is plagiarism, and is not cool. Unless I really think your site is spectacular, I doubt I'll put this on your site. But I guess it doesn't hurt to try. But don't take this without my permission. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Table of Contents: Simply, this is a readout of where to find what you want. 1. Copyright Information 2. Table of Contents 3. Revision History 4. Dragon Warrior 1 Items 5. Dragon Warrior 2 Items 6. Contact Information 7. Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Revision History 4/8/2001 4:20PM Most of everything is here. I know I'm missing some DW2 items, but they'll be there in no time. 4/10/2001 5:50PM Added some of the missing items, including keys ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Dragon Warrior 1 Items Here's a list of the items in Dragon Warrior 1. Oh, and these are expendable items, not special items like the Sun Stone, the Rainbow Drop, or the Evil Statue. ============================================================================= Herb Cost: 10g Where found: Most towns, including Tantagel, and several caves Description: Heals between 20-30 HP ============================================================================= Torch Cost: 8g Where found: Many towns, including Tantagel, and a couple of caves Description: Lights up dark areas, and burns long, but you can't see very far ============================================================================= Dragon Scale Cost: 20g Where found: Several towns, most notably Tantagel Description: Puts up your defense a little (by 2 or so) ============================================================================= War Ring Cost: Can't buy Where found: Western Cave Description: Puts up your attack a little (by 2 or so) ============================================================================= Warp Wing Cost: 24g Where found: A few towns, such as Kol and Rimuldar Description: Transports you immediately to Tantagel Castle ============================================================================= Life Acorn Cost: Can't buy Where found: Treasure chests, other hidden areas Description: Raises your HP a little, permanently (use as an item) ============================================================================= Mystic Nut Cost: Can't buy Where found: Treasure chests, other hidden areas Description: Raises your MP a little, permanently (use as an item) ============================================================================= STR Seed Cost: Can't buy Where found: Treasure chests, other hidden areas Description: Raises your Strength (attack power) a little, permanently (use as an item) ============================================================================= DEF Seed Cost: Can't buy Where found: Treasure chests, other hidden areas Description: Raises your GRD (defense power) a little, permanently (use as an item) ============================================================================= AGL Seed Cost: Can't buy Where found: Treasure chests, other hidden areas Description: Raises your Agility (accuracy/speed) a little, permanently (use as an item) ============================================================================= Key Cost: Varies Where found: Rimuldar, Tantagel Castle, Mercado Description: Opens ANY locked door, but can't reuse ***************************************************************************** 5. Dragon Warrior 2 Items There are a few more items in Dragon Warrior 2, so here they are... ============================================================================= Herb Cost: 10g Where found: Most towns, including Lorasia, and several caves Description: Heals between 20-30 HP ============================================================================= Antidote Cost: 8g Where found: Many towns, including Lorasia, and a couple of caves Description: Cures poison affects ============================================================================= Warp Wing Cost: 24g Where found: Several towns, including Cannock Description: Transports you immediately to place where you last saved ============================================================================= Life Acorn Cost: Can't buy Where found: Treasure chests, other hidden areas Description: Raises your HP a little, permanently (use as an item) ============================================================================= Mystic Nut Cost: Can't buy Where found: Treasure chests, other hidden areas Description: Raises your MP a little, permanently (use as an item) ============================================================================= STR Seed Cost: Can't buy Where found: Treasure chests, other hidden areas Description: Raises your Strength (attack power) a little, permanently (use as an item) ============================================================================= DEF Seed Cost: Can't buy Where found: Treasure chests, other hidden areas Description: Raises your GRD (defense power) a little, permanently (use as an item) ============================================================================= AGL Seed Cost: Can't buy Where found: Treasure chests, other hidden areas Description: Raises your Agility (accuracy/speed) a little, permanently (use as an item) ============================================================================= Slot Token Cost: Can't buy Where found: Monsters drop them, Find in Treasure chests, other secret stuff... Description: Play the Slot Machine with these... ============================================================================= Wizard Ring Cost: Can't buy Where found: Treasure chests, monsters drop them Description: Restores MP, and you can reuse them several times ============================================================================= World Map Cost: Can't buy Where found: DracoLord's Castle (treasure chest) Description: See the map of the world, with your location. ============================================================================= World Leaf Cost: Can't buy Where found: The single square of a tiny forest in an island east of Wellgarth Description: Revives one person and cures the Prince at Beran ============================================================================= Repellent Cost: ? Where found: Several towns, monsters Description: Keeps away weak enemies for a little while ============================================================================= Silver Key Cost: Can't buy Where found: The lake cave Description: Opens silver colored locked doors, CAN reuse ============================================================================= Gold Key Cost: Can't buy Where found: Zahan Description: Opens gold colored locked doors, CAN reuse ============================================================================= Jail Key Cost: 2000g Where found: Wellgarth Description: Opens jail cells, CAN reuse ============================================================================= (more items coming soon) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have a question about the Guide? A question about the game in General? Well, you've come to the right section. Here is how to contact me. First of all, if you want me to list key items, like the Sun Stone, Rain Staff, etc, contact me asking me too. If I get enough requests, I'll put them up. ***************************************************************************** What I will accept: Comments on the Guide Criticism on the Guide (as long as you don't flame me) Stuff to add on (and I'll add you to the credits) Corrections that need to be made (hey, I know I make mistakes!) Suggestions for new sections or other stuff like that. ***************************************************************************** What I will NOT accept: Spam mail- I don't want it. Too bad. Hate mail- I don't mind criticism, but if you flame me, I won't respond. Questions about other games- Unless I decide to write a FAQ for them in the future. Questions already covered on the Guide- I don't like repeating myself. ***************************************************************************** My Email is: Thelinebacker531@aol.com ***************************************************************************** My AOL Instant Messenger name is: Thelinebacker531 ***************************************************************************** I don't have any other Instant Messengers. Sorry. But if I get one, I'll post the IM name here. ============================================================================= If you want to give me information about anything I haven't finished yet, I would greatly appreciate it. I'll make sure to give you credit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Credits I'd like to thank the following people for their contributions to this little guide, directly or indirectly. You- For reading this guide. Me- For writing this guide. Devin Morgan- For inspiring me to try my luck at FAQ writing My brother- For the lack of moral support he gave me Enix- They made the game, without which this guide wouldn't be here...obviously... CJayC- For having a great site overall and putting this little guide up Anyone else I missed, thank you.