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FAQ best viewed in 1024 x 768 Art may go off screen, FAQ is fixed to 800 x 600 Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure v1.6 =============================| By Dragonlord |=============================== ============================= ambios@look.ca ================================ Disclaimer: This document was intended to assist and guide one through the course of the aforementioned game. It is meant completely for usage on the world wide web, and any form of rewriting, retransmitting, reproduction, or otherwise, is a violation of this code and is subject to fines by law. This document is not to be reprinted in magazines, newspapers, books, novels, or otherwise, without the author's prior consent. This FAQ was meant for the exclusive use of GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com/) in addition to the sites written below and is not to be copied to any site, whether personal or commercial, under any circumstances. Plagiarism is not acceptable and the reproduction of any information in this document will result in civil or criminal prosecution. The author of this guide is in no way associated with the companies stated herein. Sites granted with exclusive permission to use this FAQ: GameFAQs - http://www.gamefaqs.com/ Game Winners (Video Game Strategies) - http://www.gamewinners.com/ IGN - http://faqs.ign.com/ Dragon Warrior.Domain - http://dwm2.no-ip.com/ Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 Copyright © 2001 Enix Inc. All Rights Reserved. ============================================================================= REVISION HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================= Version 1.6, 09/24/03 -I've been busy, and as such none of the to do list has been done yet. -FAQ has been added to IGN. Version 1.5, 09/20/03 -Added a section for the Multiplayer Modes used through Game Boy's Game Link. -I've worked out a to do list for this FAQ. Here's what needs work. * Complete the King's Fugitives section * Some boss battle monster information is incomplete. Specfically, not all the skill data is in place. * Believe it or not, I am still not 100% certain as to whether or not the Sky World has a secret area. I really haven't had the chance to explore the entire thing yet. * Speculations: a full breeding section, a skill section, and a gameshark section. -The speculations are things that MAY be added in, but are not a priority at this point in time. -Of course this FAQ is now allowed on my DWM2 site. Version 1.4, 07/14/03 -Small corrections concerning area monsters for Castle Hitano. Version 1.3, 04/25/03 -My ISP decided to give me a real e-mail account, so that is the only change in this version. =P Version 1.2, 04/21/03 -Just updated my e-mail address. Version 1.1, 10/27/02 -Spelling corrections, fixed one small but otherwise stupid error concerning Kameha. Version 1.0, 05/23/02 -Very first version. Contains an entire walkthrough with all extra areas. More sections to come. ============================================================================= TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= 1. Introduction 2. FAQ 3. Multiplayer Modes 4. Walkthrough 1.0 A Trip to GreatLog 1.1 Arrival at GreatLog 2.0 Desert World - The Adventure Begins 2.1 Kalka Village 2.2 Asiya Village 2.3 Kalka Village Revisited 2.4 Inside the Well 2.5 Asiya Village Revisited 2.6 Mirage Lake - Truth Beneath the Waves 2.7 Desert World - Extra Items 3.0 Back at GreatLog 3.1 Arena - Kids Class 4.0 Sea World - Pirate Trouble 4.1 North Cave - After that HoodSquid! 4.2 Polona 4.3 Port Ritz - Kameha's at it Again 4.4 Polona and the Mermaid World 4.5 Ghost Ship 4.6 Lighthouse 4.7 Cave - After the Mirror! 5.0 Back at GreatLog 6.0 Ice World - Brrrr! 6.1 Norden 6.2 The Elemental Spirit 6.3 Back at Norden - Problems with Gold 6.4 Port Town Nofor 6.5 Gold Mine - Battle of the Kingdoms 6.6 Norden - Who's Who? 6.7 Weston - Lady Yuna's Depressed 6.8 Westania - "Lifeless Puppet" 6.9 Dark Forest - Find Yuna's Soul! 6.10 Westania - The Marionette's Possessed! 6.11 Estria - Nightmare Strikes the Queen 6.12 SleepHerb Mountain 6.13 Back at Estria 6.14 Spirit Lake - Shedding of a Spirit's Power 7.0 Back at GreatLog 8.0 Sky World - Floating above the Clouds 8.1 Fhunt - Ugor and the LightOrb 8.2 The Tower of Fhunt 8.3 Pei - We Sell Sirloin! 8.4 MadCondor's Nest 8.5 Tower of the Heavenly Armor 8.6 Haunted Castle - Hunt for the Heaven Sword 8.7 Heaven Helmet 8.8 Castle Hitano 8.9 Monster King's Fortress 9.0 Back at GreatLog - Stop the Sinking! 10.0 Limbo World - Tower Bridge -- 11.0 Back at GreatLog - New Adventures Await 11.1 Exploring Old Worlds - New Areas 11.1.1 Sea World - KingSquid 11.1.2 Ice World - Secret Tower 11.1.3 Sky World 11.2 Unlocking New Worlds 11.3 The King's Quests 12.0 Lonely World 12.1 Into the Basement - The Obedient Roboster 13.0 Baffle World - Tower Challenge 14.0 Brawn World - Another Tower Challenge 15.0 Soul World - The Final Tower Challenge 16.0 Visit from GreatTree's Master 17.0 Travel World 17.1 Miagen - Milayou's Favor 17.2 Traveler's Hut 17.3 Quest to Return Peace 17.4 Dark Merchant's Tower 17.5 Miagen - Extra Section 5. TinyMedals 6. Magic Keys 7. Basic Breeding 8. Credits ============================================================================= INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= The sequel to Dragon Warrior Monsters, Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 comes in two flavors. You can play the role of either Cobi or Tara. Enix generally did this so that the game would appeal to both male and female gamers. Unforunately, as far as I know, there aren't as many female gamers as there are male gamers, thus no complete guide for Tara's version was created. :( Concerning differences between the two versions: Tara's Adventure tends to have more defensive monsters. There is a wider variety of spell-casters and defensive-type monsters in Tara's Adventure as opposed to more offensive monsters in Cobi's Journey. As for the obvious, you will be playing as Tara in Tara's Adventure and Cobi in Cobi's Journey (duh.. ;) Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 continues to incorporate the massive breeding system seen in Dragon Warrior Monsters. It allows you to breed two monsters together, and breed the offspring, and so on, to create the ultimate monster! ============================================================================= FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= The FAQ part of the FAQ. ;) It contains your common questions explained as well as possible. Q: Why won't more than one type of <...> join me? A: After you catch one type of a monster, it becomes a lot harder to get it to join you. You usually have to give it very powerful treats, such as Sirloin and MeteOrbs. Q: Is there any way to get the monsters that are sitting around my farm throughout the game to join me? A: No. Q: Is it always possible to return to a world after leaving it? A: Yes. So long as you carry the key to a world and it's appraised, you can return to the world whenever you wish. Q: How come the stats you listed for a boss are lower than the stats it has once it joins me? A: It seems that Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 increases the statistics significantly so that the boss is actually a challenge to you. When you do defeat the boss and it joins you, its HP is usually one quarter of what it was during battle. Q: I just got the TidalBell or MagicCloud enchanted by Warubou. Why can't I use it? A: You have to face water or the sky and press the A button. Tara will hop onto the TidalBell or Cloud and you will be able to travel through water. If it's the Cloud you're using, you can't control it. It will go in the direction you were facing when you used it. Q: Why are a lot of your Arena prizes listed as Magic Keys and not the exact key it will become when appraised? A: When you receive a Magic Key, it is chosen at random as to what it will be. The class you won the key off of probably has some bearing as to what the key will lead to, though I'm not completely sure. It likely depends on your current monster levels, monsters themselves, and which worlds you've completed. Q: What does "World Monsters", "Area Monsters" and "(inside)" mean in your FAQ? A: World Monsters lists any monster that can be found in the overworld of that corresponding world. Area Monsters are monsters located in the immediate area of the location they are listed under. You will usually find (inside) underneath Area Monsters. You will only find (inside) when there are monsters to be found inside the location itself. Q: Come on. There has to be SOME exploit in making money. A: Try filling up your inventory with items. Buy herbs if you need to fill more. Now go battle at the arena. Any class you win will result in a cash prize because there is no room for another item. :) The cash prize will always be 6000 G. ============================================================================= MULTIPLAYER MODES ----------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= You are able to link your Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 cartridge with any other DWM2 cartidge via Game Boy Color's Link Cable. Two of the same cart can also be linked to trade, battle, etc. Multiplayer modes work by having your friend place the selector on the multiplayer option he wants to use. Then, on your game boy, select that option. ============================================================================= BREEDING ============================================================================= Through this option, you are able you breed one of your monsters with one of your friend's monsters. This option very powerful tool good for obtaining stronger monsters. You and your breeding partner select a monster. You are then able to check what monster he/she selected by hitting INFO. This is useful to have; it will verify that your friend is breeding the monster you agreed upon. The result monster you will receive is your monster as the BASE and your friend's monster as the PEDIGREE. The opposite is true for your friend. This means that you and your friend may get different eggs. For example, Slime + KingCobra yields DrakSlime, while KingCobra + Slime yields DragonKid. ============================================================================= KEY TRADE ============================================================================= Key Trade enables you and a friend to each select one key. The keys are then swapped and can later be swapped back if need be. This is the only way to obtain the Baffle Key (Tara) or the Brawn Key (Cobi), which collectively enable you to unlock even more secret worlds. ============================================================================= VS MODE ============================================================================= A very fun multiplayer mode. It enables you fight in an all-out battle against your friend with rules entirely customized by yourself. You can even up the ante and choose to have the victor receive a monster of your choice once he wins. Rules you are able to select are divided as follows: FREE BATTLE ENIX RULES Skill Limit N Skill Limit Y (MegaMagic-1) Level Limit 297 Level Limit 297 FamilyLimit ALL ALLOWED FamilyLimit ALL ALLOWED TurnLimit 99 Turn Limit 30 Exchange Y Exchange No You are also able to customize the rules by selected LOCAL RULES. Skills can be limited as follows: Atk Magic, Support, Recover, Breath, Dance, Atk Skill, and MegaMagic. You are able to choose 0 uses per party, 1 use per party, or to not have a limit at all for that skill. Such limits disable the most powerful of skills, eg. MegaMagic, but at the same time will require the consent of both you and your friend. ============================================================================= DREAM EGG ============================================================================= Allows you and a friend to exchange dream eggs with each other. It's as simple as that. :) ============================================================================= TEAM MODE ============================================================================= Both you and a friend select a monster and battle in three 2-on-3 randomly generated battles. Your opponent monsters scale with your own monsters. In other words, their level will be at or around the level of the monsters you have chosen. Delving deeper into this, I discovered that the game will take the sum of both of your monsters' levels and assign a random seed to it. EXAMPLE I selected a level 38 Mudou and a level 20 Slime. The result is level 58. The three resulting battles occurred: Round 1: Level 53, Level 53, Level 53 Round 2: Level 53, Level 53, Level 53 Round 3: Level 38, Level 20 Results will vary wildly depending on the monsters you choose, obviously. *** The third and final battle will ALWAYS be against your own monsters. That is why it is a true test of strategy. :) *** * One might ask why do you receive the 1000G you just paid back, EVEN if you * lose? So that you can't just shut off the gameboy to avoid stat loss. However - cash is not a big deal when there's the money trick. (Re: FAQ) THE RISKS AND REWARDS Prizes - The 1000G that you had to pay is received back (even if you lose) - Your monster can and will most likely receive a stat boost - You have a record for boasting rights - There is a chance either of the monsters will produce an egg upon winning, sometimes even both. Losses - If you lose, your stats can and will most likely decrease. I really have not delved deep into team mode. This section is more of a preliminary addition than anything else. I am trying to figure out whether the game chooses random monsters as opponents or has some sort of preset library in accordance with your selected monsters. ============================================================================= WALKTHROUGH ----------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= Lets get straight to the walkthrough. This will guide you from the beginning of the game to the end, including what may happen even after you beat the game. ============================================================================= 1.0 A Trip to GreatLog ============================================================================= Items: None Amidst the ocean floats the warm and natural island of GreatLog. The island of GreatLog can connect one to many different worlds, each world full of adventure, monsters, and treasures to be found. The game will start off with Tara on a ship alongside her family. Head to the back and speak with your father. He will tell you a little bit about GreatLog's king allowing Tara's family to start a farm on the island. Head back to the front of the ship and talk to Cobi. You will arrive at GreatLog. ============================================================================= 1.1 Arrival at GreatLog ============================================================================= Items: Herb (From your mother) Farm Capacity: 10 Porkchop (From your father) You will arrive on the farm with Cobi chasing Tara and your father telling you to go help your mother. Go a screen west and into the house. Talk to your mother and she will tell you to go to the vault. Now would be a good time to explore the farm, the island, and to get used to your surroundings. People will generally be cold to you right now, calling you a little kid and laughing at how you are a monster trainer. ;) You can talk to the monsters around the farm as well. If you go a screen North of the farm, you will run into Prince Kameha and Warubou. He will laugh at you and run off. Go Left and you will see him again, chasing Warubou around a lady. Go another screen left and then north and enter the vault. Speak with the owner and he will give you the package from Grandma. Upon leaving the vault, you will be completely surrounded by Prince Kameha. If you try to go the other way, to the east, he will magically be there when you come to that screen. To advance the story, you have to talk to him where he is outside of the vault and then go east two screens and talk to Warubou. He will steal the package off of Tara! The two will fight over it, but it will end up falling in the well with Warubou and Prince Kameha following it. Follow him down the well and go left to find Warubou and the Prince fighting over the package. Cobi will come and break it up, but GreatLog's navel plug will be knocked out! Prince Kameha will run off. Warubou will tell you to go look for a monster master (the townspeople armored in red). You can find two of them left of the well, but neither of them are willing to help Tara. Head to your house at the farm and give the package to your mother. Then go back into the well and talk to Warubou. Since no one will believe that the island is sinking, Warubou will leave it up to Tara to find a new plug for the navel. He will give you your ticket to the barren desert world, the Oasis Key. Go left a screen and he will stop you, giving you the GreatLog key. You will end up back at home with Cobi talking to Tara about going to the next world. Tara will receive her first monster, Slash, when you answer yes to Cobi. Talk to your mother for a Herb and then to your father for a PorkChop. You can talk to the monsters around the farm for more information about the farm. You can't purchase any items in GreatLog just yet. When you're all ready, head back down the well and go to the far left. Head down the stairs and use the Oasis Key on the door. ============================================================================= 2.0 Desert World - The Adventure Begins ============================================================================= World Monsters: CactiBall, SpotSlime, Catapila, Crestpent, KingCobra +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Desert World Map | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ |:d%(b>zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz>^^^>zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzc^^^^^^^^^^^^>zzzzzz| |{Shrine=zzzzzzzz=====zzzz==` .======zzzzzzzzc=> ==zzzz| |9~`^~ ========; zzzz {zzzzzc=: ==zz| |zzz: zzzz {zzzzz: (z| |zzzzz: {zzzzzzz> (z| |zzzzz: Kalka (zzzzz> {zzz| |zzzzz: Village ((zzzz| |zzzzz: _(zzzzzz| |zzz;`` ____. zzzzzzzz| |zzz: __{zzz; _________zzzzzzzz| |zzz~......zzzz=>` zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzz==` >==========zzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzz| |zzz: zzzz| |z` zzzz| | >>>> .>>>>>>zzzz| | zzzz .((zzzzzzzzzz| | zzzz .``````````=z| | zzzz __(z| |. ._zzzz ..zzzz| |z. _zzzzzz Mirage .zzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzz Lake .zzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzz .zzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzz{ Asiya .zzzzzzzzzz| |zzz; Village .zzzzzzzzzz| |zzz: .zzzzzzzzzz| |zzz: .``zzzzzzzz| |zzz: zzzzzzzz| |zzz~............... ^^^^zzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:.. zzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz> zzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz> zzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: /zzzzzzzz (z| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: zzzzzzzzzzzz{ (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz{ (z| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzo((((zzzzzzzzzzzzz(((({zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz(((({z| +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Welcome to the first world. You will find some easy monsters here and you should generally concentrate on taking anything you can get. You don't have a wide choice, but for now I would recommend picking up a KingCobra to use just for a little bit because they are the strongest of the monsters in the area. Before you get one of them, however, you should have another monster to fight it. Once you have a full party, head to the town of Kalka, located one screen south and two screens east of the magic door. ============================================================================= 2.1 Kalka Village ============================================================================= Area Monsters: SpotSlime Items: Herb (Vase ouside canal) BeefJerky (Top vase inside canal) There isn't much to do here other than talk to the townspeople. They will mention that there is a band of thieves going around and stealing from the people. They will also mention a town to the south called Asiya. The King resides there and that's exactly where you will be heading next. Leave Kalka and go four screens south. Enter Asiya. ============================================================================= 2.2 Asiya Village ============================================================================= Area Monsters: CactiBall Items: Antidote (Gray vase beneath inn) Item Shop: Herb 10G Antidote 4G AwakeSand 20G BeefJerky 10G WarpWing 30G Here you will hear about the King liking circus performances, the TidalBell, and more about the theives and Mirage Lake. You will want to pick up five to six BeefJerky so you can catch a monster of every type in the area. You can enter the well right now, but don't just yet. Instead, talk to the man in red outside the Inn. Answer Yes to his question and Tara will join the circus! :) You will have a short act with your monsters jumping through a loop of fire. Tara will end up in the castle. There isn't much you can do here other than talk to the people. Talk to the King and answer yes to him twice. Now go outside the castle and talk to the lady beside the well. She will tell you that the well is running dry. Go back to the King. He will order someone to go to Kalka and open the canal. The man warns that this will drain the oasis, so the king leaves and heads to Kalka. Follow him there. ============================================================================= 2.3 Kalka Village Revisited ============================================================================= Area Monsters: SpotSlime Items: Same as 2.1 Just enter the canal and you will see the King arguing over opening the Canal gate. He will go down the stairs into a dungeon which links to Asiya's well. ============================================================================= 2.4 Inside the Well ============================================================================= Area Monsters: SpotSlime (inside): MadCandle, GiantWorm, Spooky Items: Herb (Vase, 1S 1W from stairs) PorkChop (Vase, 1S 1W from stairs) ExitBell (Treasure Chest in room with Beavern) From the stairs, head down and left and collect the items from the vases. Then go right and across the bridge. Follow the path across the second bridge and you will find the King and Beavern. Be prepared for a boss battle! _________ / BOSS 1 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beavern ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 5 Hit Points: 98 Attack: 20 Magic Points: 16 Defense: 8 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 120 Experience: 60 /ea. Skills: ChargeUp Joins: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You really shouldn't have any trouble with this boss. Just set your melee monsters to CHARGE and if you have any monsters with helpful skills, set them to MIXED. Let them pound away at Beavern while watching each of your monsters' hitpoints. If they get too low, use herbs at your leisure. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After defeating Beavern, the dam will be removed and you will be able to access the rest of the well. There is more to the well than you can see right now, but you won't be able to explore that part until you Warubou enchants the TidalBell. Head down, right, right, and exit the well with the rope. You will find yourself back in Asiya. ============================================================================= 2.5 Asiya Village Revisited ============================================================================= Area Monsters: CactiBall Items: Antidote (Gray vase beneath inn) WaterCall (From prisoner after giving him meat) Just enter the castle and speak with the king. Tara will follow him to the treasury to receive the TidalBell, but... everything is gone! The king will speak with a few people and they will then go to Mirage Lake. You will obviously want to follow him, but before you can do so, you will need one key item. If you don't have a BeefJerky, head out of the castle and buy one. Then go into the castle, head right and down the stairs. You will be in the castle's prison. There is no one blocking one of the cells anymore, so speak with the prisoner. Give him meat and he will tell you a small hint concerning Mirage Lake, and give you the WaterCall. The WaterCall is necessary for keeping Mirage Lake in its full existence. It will otherwise disappear upon entering. It's time to go to Mirage Lake. Pick up a few herbs for the upcoming BOSS battle if you don't have some already. ============================================================================= 2.6 Mirage Lake - Truth Beneath the Waves ============================================================================= Area Monsters: SpotSlime, Catapila, CactiBall Items: TidalBell (From King) From Asiya, head south, east, east, east, north. Enter the lake. You will see the people from Asiya heading towards it, but it slowly disappear. What you have to do is stand in front of the small patch of water that's still there and use the WaterCall you received from the prisoner. The lake and bandit's hideout will be revealed! From here, go east, north, and into the hideout. Use herbs if any of your monsters are weak and speak to the boss. Get ready for a boss battle! ._ (dE .qMB#ME. .______, Mi. 7"9M~ ^MMEVVqQQQp ^qmQ(((M~ _MMEa_._MMi__ _______MmJMMMT /""gy_`7"Taaa _aaMMBMMMW""5gM] /Ba(~ `(4MME====3MMMMQQQX.3m. _M;. .. ... TAy>>_.`@Ay>>uaaaaaWWWWmABMa,_MMm__dN__dMB` dE>>>>(`JE>gP^^^zE=>>>004MMmgMRdE0=?00v(B. _B{>>>>~.>Mb Va_W=ua>>>>>>dMMIuaMMNaMMWaML_ _"gy>>>>>>Mmaaf8(gME>>>>>>>?Tgy" _" _aT=dE 4m>>>>>====u(E_dE>>>>>>>>>Mb . ._B[dE J5g{>>>>uggHT3M]>>>` ._>Mm___/T_dWWgZt `MmmmmE$``(m0=>>` ((umME000O>0qm(M] JWW&__MME>>:>____aMMMMQJTadWWW)_WW% _gggggggggfMMQQQQQQy""""""qQwMb "` dE dSSSMEzMMEzMMb___. _MMb 75_74QQMmy@@NggggBWMm_ 7! `Mr/XXZ#MMmOOOOOcdE#m) JN_____?dWWWWMMBQQQWT_. ."""""qggggy^^^^^^`_M~ _MMMMMMME _________ / BOSS 2 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CurseLamp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 5 Hit Points: 220 Attack: 27 Magic Points: 8 Defense: 10 Agility: 44 Intelligence: 65 Experience: 100 /ea. Skills: Upper Joins: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like Beavern, there really isn't much strategy you will need at this point. CurseLamp will just pound away at you or cast Upper, which will increase its defense by around 5. It can cast it more than once, but that should not be a problem. I had no problem at all with my L5 SpotSlime, L8 Catapila, and L5 KingCobra. If your monsters can, get them to cast support spells, such as Upper. Set your other monsters to CHARGE. Upon defeating it, it will join you! I would make it a member of your party and remove one of your weaker monsters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bandit leader will disappear and the king will kill the other bandits with his men. The King will hand over the TidalBell and Warubou will transport you back to GreatLog! You're done with this world, quest-wise, but you can come back for the next section whenever you choose. ============================================================================= 2.7 Desert World - Extra Items ============================================================================= Items: TinyMedal (p1), Bookmark (p2), WarpWing (c1), AGL Ring (c2), Wind Staff (c3) ############### ##To xxxxxx ## ##Kalkaxxxxxp## ## xxxxx1## ## xxxx ## ## xxxx ################## ##################### xxxx ################## ##################### xxxx #### ######## xxxx p2 ### ###### xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## ## xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx## ## po xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx## ## po xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx## #######xxxx ##########################xxxxxxxx## ############xxxx ##########################xxxxxxxx## ############xxxx ##########################xxxxxxxx## #### xxxx #########################xxxxxxxxx## ### .... coxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## ### xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx c3 ## ### xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx## ###### xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ######## xxxxxxxxxxx#################### #################### xxxxxxxxxxx## To #################### xxxxxxxxxxx################## Asiya ######## #####xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ## #### xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## ## xxxxxxxx######x..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ###### ## ###### xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ###### ## c1 c2 ####### ####### #### ######### ######## ###################################################################### ###################################################################### x - Water # - Wall cn - Treasure Chest pn - Vase . - Bridge Map not to scale po/co Denote vases and treasure chests which you should have gotten on your first visit to the well The area is located in the well in Asiya or the canal staircase in Kalka. Basically, since you can go across water now, all you have to do is collect any items in tresure chests and vases that were previously unreachable. ============================================================================= 3.0 Back at GreatLog ============================================================================= Items: TinyMedal (Vase in complex) Farm Capacity: 20 LogTwig (Lower-right house in complex) LifeAcorn (Old man in lower-right house in complex) Item Shop: Herb 10G LoveWater 50G Antidote 4G BeefJerky 10G PorkChop 40G WarpWing 25G Bookmark 50G D-Scale 20G Warubou will transport you back to the bottom of the well. He will heal you and place the TidalBell on the navel. Unforunately, it will be blasted off and Warubou will need to plug the hole once again. =\ However, he will enchant you with the power to cross water using the TidalBell! You should head back to the desert world to collect the few extra items, you can check section 2.7 for more information. When you get back to GreatLog and up the well, a monster master will tell you about a tournament for kids. You will compete in this eventually but for now, go to your farm. You will find that it can now hold up to 20 monsters! If you go inside your house, you will also find the first errand you must run for your mom - buying LoveWater for DrakSlime. This will also make the GreatLog shop now open to Tara. You will be able to purchase items from GreatLog. Also, the complex of houses above the Monster Arena is now open to you. You will explore that area for items after. For now, go to the shop located northwest of your farm. Purchase LoveWater and head back to your house. Speak with your mother. You will give her the LoveWater and DrakSlime will be healed. There's no reward, but at least the item shop is now open. =\ Now for a few extra items, leave the farm and head to the complex of houses to the right of the vault. This was previously blocked off but you can now access it as you wish. Enter and go a screen left. If you talk to the two people there, they will mention TinyMedals. You will be able to find one in the bottom vase. Enter the bottom right house and examine the vase for a LogTwig. If you talk to the girl next to the teddybear, she will ask you for a SpotSlime. If you have one in your party, give it to her. Otherwise, head back to your farm and take the one you caught or catch another from the desert world. Talk to her father and he will give you a LifeAcorn. Once your done with that, it's time for your first arena battle! ============================================================================= 3.1 Arena - Kids Class ============================================================================= Items: TinyMedal (Vase SW from stairs) In the complex, go down the stairs you see when you enter. You will find the arena where monster masters pit their monsters against each other. First, you're going to want to pick up the TinyMedal in the arena. From the stairs, go south a screen and west two screens. Examine the vase. While you're in the area, speak to everyone. They will offer useful information that will assist you in your first battle. When you're ready to battle, gather your most powerful monsters and speak with the lady behind the counter west of the stairs. The battle will begin! __________ / ARENA K \_________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kid's Class ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monsters: Prize: Pirate Key Round 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Babble | 6 | 36 | 9 | 14 | 13 | 32 | 123 | PearlGel | 5 | 15 | 12 | 17 | 35 | 51 | 96 |Heal ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SpikyBoy | 6 | 19 | 10 | 17 | 31 | 34 | 96 | Pixy | 7 | 29 | 10 | 20 | 14 | 54 | 79 |Upper EggPlaton | 7 | 40 | 22 | 14 | 12 | 68 | 96 |LureDance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MadRaven | 9 | 41 | 55 | 16 | 30 | 70 | 163 |Speed SkullRoo | 9 | 46 | 35 | 26 | 21 | 42 | 146 |ChargeUp ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 1 gets pretty annoying because PearlGel will continue healing the babbles or itself if they are damaged. This is until it runs out of mana. Basically, have your offensive monsters use CHARGE and your spellcasters use MIXED. There aren't very many monsters you could have chosen from so there won't be much strategy to use. Round 2 follows the same suit. EggPlaton will be using the LureDance which will more than likely work on your party. Not to worry, none of your three opponents can dish out a lot of damage. You should be all right using basic CHARGE/MIXED strategy in this round. Round 3 is probably the easiest. The MadRavens can only cast speed. Other than that, there are no spell casters. Just pound away focusing on CHARGE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Congratulations! You now have the Pirate Key and access to the Egg Evaluator and Starry Shrine. Actually, you still won't be able to reach them because of the man waiting in line. >:( Another errand from your mother is now available, though you won't be able to do it just yet. She will give you 400G to buy a Potion, which are not found until later on. Just use the gold to buy some PorkChops and head for the Magic Door. Enter Sea World. ============================================================================= 4.0 Sea World - Pirate Trouble ============================================================================= World Monsters: Dracky, ArmyAnt, ToadStool, MadGopher, Slime, AntBear, TropicGel, Pixy, Facer, Picky, Brushead, ArrowDog, Butterfly, RogueWave (Water), Octoreach (Water), Petiteel (Water), OctoKid (Water), Merman (Water) +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Sea World Map | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzz (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz> (zzzzzzzz` zz| |zzzzzzzzz((` `/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz;`` `/zzzz`` zz| |zzzzzzzzzzz~_, .``zzzzzzzz>````>zzzzzzzz:`` .``zz .__zz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzz:______ ^^zzzz:^^ `^>zzzz^^` ^^_____zzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzz=>>>>zzzz` zz=>: _>>zz zzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzz==` zzzz` ==` == zzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzz zzzz` zzzz: zzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzz _zzzzzz` zzzz: _zzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzz _zzzzzz` {czzzzo{: _zzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzz _zzzzzz~_, Port pzzzzzzzzo__ ``zzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzz_____zzzzzzzz:_. __Ritz__Ezzzzzzzzzzz__ ^^zzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz>.. .._zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_..Lightzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz _===========zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~ housezzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzz> zzzzzzzzzzz` zzzz` _zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzz> North Cave z{ (zzzzzzzzzz; _zzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzo(( .((zz((>zzzzzzzzzz:Cave _zzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzz____, .``zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: _zzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzz>^: Port Town zzzzzzzzzzzzz>^: _zzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzz=======` .....Polona zzzzzzzzzzzzz` ......_zzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzz: .zzzzz: zzzzzzzzzzzzz. .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzz: _zzzzzzzz: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzz: _zzzzzz` _zzzzzzzz: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzo(: _zzzzzz` _zzzzzzzz: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzo______(zzzzzz` ````````(____zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz;````| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz` _zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: | |zzzzzzzzz>>>>>>>zzzz_.. _zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzgou; | |zzzzzzz== .zzzzzz: _zzzzzzzzzzzzzz========= | |zzzzzz> _zzzzzzzz: _zzzzzzzz_zzzz Shrine | |zzzz: (zzzzzz Port Town zz| |zz` {{zzzzzzz Yold _{{zz| |zz(((((((zzzzzzzzz((` .(((((((((zzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz__, _zzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~_. __ _. ______________zzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz>..zz. .zz ....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This world is filled mostly by water. Luckily, you will have the TidalBell to be able to travel through it. Head Northwest from the shrine and enter Yold. There's no point in adding in a separate section for Yold, because the only reason you would go there is to purchase items or take the item found inside the town, the WarpStaff (Barrel above house). The people in the town will also tell you about mermaids and the cave to the Northwest. Catch some new monsters for your party, since your monsters will probably pale in comparison to the monsters here. MadGophers seem to be physically strong and Drackys have some nice spells. A MadGopher and an ArmyAnt are also necessary once you get back to GreatLog, so catch both! From Yold, head West, North, West, West, North. There's nothing to do in Polona yet, so pass right by it. Go East from Polona, North, West, West, West. Enter the cave. ============================================================================= 4.1 North Cave - After that HoodSquid! ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Toadstool, Dracky, MadGopher, Petiteel (Water), Octokid (Water), Octoreach (Water), RogueWave (Water), Merman (Water) (Inside): Healer, Aquarella (Water), PearlGel (Water), Octokid (Water) Items: Rib (c1) LoveWater (c2) WarpStaff (c3) LoveWater (c4) ExitBell (c5) MermScale (c6) ################################################################## ########xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx########xxxxxxx############# xx######## ####xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx#####xxx xxx c4### ##xxxxx ##xxxxx c2 xxxxxxxxx xx c5### ##xxxxx c1####### xxxxxxxx x############## xx c6### ###xxxxx ### ## xxxxxxxx xx## ### x###### ####xxxxxxxx## ## xxxxxxxx xx## ## ###### ######xxxxxx## ## xxxxxxxx xx## ## ###### #######xxxxx## ## xxxxxxxx xx## ## ###### #######xxxxx###### xxxxxxxx x############### ###### ##### xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ###### ##### xxxxxxxxxxxx ##### ##### ##### ####### xxxxxxx ######## ####### ### ####### xxxxxxxx ## ## ####### ## ### ####### xxxxxxxx ## ## ########## xxxx ### ####### xxxxxxxx ## ##xxx xxxxxxxx xxx##### ####### ## ##xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxx##### ##### #### ## xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx###### ### ### ## xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx###### ### xx### ## xxxx######### xxx###### ### ########xxxxx## ## xxxx## ## xxxxx#### ##### #### ## xxxxx## ## xxx## ## xxxxx#### ##### ## ## xxxxxx## ## c3 xxx## ## xxxxx#### ##### ###### xxxxx## ## xx######### xxxxxx### ##### xxx######xx xxxxxxxxxxxx h xxxxx ## ####### ########## xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx ## ##################### xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## ##################### xxxx########xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## ####################### ############################# ## ####################### #################################### Entrance x - Water # - Wall cn - Treasure Chest h - HoodSquid Map not to scale Your objective in this cave is to collect any treasures and defeat the HoodSquid. You will probably want to pick up a Healer or an Octokid so that one of your monsters can heal your party. This is also a good place to level up your monsters, seeing as you receive a lot more experience than in the desert world. When you think you're ready for it, head for the HoodSquid indicated on the map above. __, __, __, _qDZdm__MM_. _JMmQgMMQQqEb_ MvdME4MBQQM) QMM#UUUUUUUUdME "q;((EZZM9qdWA, __,98((3v=((O(aqAApZK__. .__M"` JTTTTma(dAQZ8 _JK|(((((zo((aQMMXZwgWQMQMMMEdE ...q|q] .M=4ZZ[((O00ZZOZZZQ{zdBMMMQMMMM8 _aaVVVM|q] E(uzZ[vO=(((([vZZ=MDqBb `^` _J!(aa""M|q]_EZZ0>((Znaaa4Z|((EaMDM] ._____, M{(Jt _W=(JMmnaQ>((J[(((gQQQn(WQZM) __/WMWQMu(Jt, M{d) .Q=(gr=JMMMMmmQQn(mmvvv4mn>MXM) Qcvqmp(vmXQr(E "q;J9+(aM9=q]_MMM99ME9+(((a{((Euu9M) E(aMmZdE8(3=ay' JTTT8_W>d)_EdMT^`>%/` (7u_a(BQZZdh_E(aM|JWT((aaJ% E(q; _EdE.agMt_=``.()_EK>MMAZdE>(M_eMMMMm ._]. E(M:JEZdMMVM)_Aaaa?gQ,'((MMMmdE(EVVV=agQE JmdE E(M:_5ydBM__JMmeZZ@Mu__MWQMmf5(amaMMMmy5__dmdME Ta(q) _@EZQM@t EZZZZZwgBMM}(Jb(MMMAMMMmQMMMMME M{?qi .MmM;_r _vMQZZZdMMmmmY=(((((?v4EXBXm#d]` 7q{J9+(MWga_ay8(MDZgy+(MQ;(((((((((((999Mf~ /TTTMTT` _Ta `JTT8``(dMMMNaaaaaaaJTTT _E (E. `:?b>>>>>dMb. _E .._((B@q. `9Q((((((Va _,! ((((a""MMMe_, (Tgaaaa((T_. _E (adM] @MmdBgMm__ (dAdNgBWaaq) _E (MB)` d@qBMME``agQQy ((d) ``MM:`` _E (aM: ("jQME JENABWg;q] _/t_aaMQF% _T8 _TmQMMMM] JWMmZE _mdBQQM) .^' _^^^^^^` _________ / BOSS 3 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HoodSquid ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 12 Hit Points: 350 Attack: 78 Magic Points: 100 Defense: 39 Agility: 85 Intelligence: 180 Experience: 173 /ea. Skills: BiAttack Joins: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Considering you have possibly have a healer now and a wider choice of monsters to use, some strategy can be involved in this battle. Set your best attackers to CHARGE but watch your healer carefully. When any of your monsters gets weak, choose PLAN and command it to heal the weak monster. Continue pounding away. Be especially careful around BiAttack. It can dish out plenty of damage in a single round. If you just caught your healing monster, it will not have perfected its own strategy to heal your monsters when they are weak. You will often have to choose Heal on your own. It may not even obey the orders just yet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allow the HoodSquid to join your party and keep him in the party. You will need either him or an OctoKid. Since he has some nice attributes, I would just keep him in place of another one of your attackers. Now head back to Polona by going around the mountains to the east and then southwest. ============================================================================= 4.2 Polona ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Slime, ArmyAnt, MadGopher, Dracky Items: TinyMedal (Mermaid) All there is to do here is collect the TinyMedal now that you have Squiz. Go a screen west from the entrance. Talk to the elf. He will sing and your party will dance. A mermaid will appear and she will throw a TinyMedal at Tara. Rest at the inn if your monsters are weak and leave Polona. From Polona, head East, North, North, East. Enter Port Ritz. ============================================================================= 4.3 Port Ritz - Kameha's at it Again ============================================================================= Area Monsters: TropicGel, Pixy, Facer, MadGopher, ArmyAnt Items: TinyMedal (Bottom Barrel on screen with tavern) Item Shop: LoveWater 50G Antidote 4G AwakeSand 20G PorkChop 40G Rib 200G WarpStaff 50G ExitBell 50G You will notice that in the area outside Port Ritz, there are some monsters not in the other areas. Catch them if you want. Inside Port Rize, enter the Tavern. A sequence will play with Kameha and two pirates laughing over what the old man said. Kameha will bash you out of the way (!) and continue out. Go up and talk to the old man for a story about the MoonRock and pirate's loot. He will tell you that a pirate ship sunk beneath the sea. He will hint about the mermaids in Polona. Head back to Polona. ============================================================================= 4.4 Polona and the Mermaid World ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Slime, ArmyAnt, MadGopher, Dracky Go back to the elf west of the inn and speak to him. Your party will dance again and the mermaid will take you to her world! Speak to everyone as they will reveal more about the story of the pirates. Then speak to the Queen. She will tell you to look North of Yold for the ghost ship. Speak with the mermaid next to the stairs and leave Polona. Head for Yold using the map (it's the southeastern town next to the magic door) and hop on the TidalBell. Go one screen North and you will see the ship! Examine it to enter. ============================================================================= 4.5 Ghost Ship ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Octokid (Water), Octoreach (Water), Petiteel (Water) (inside): RayGigas, Inverzon, JewelBag Items (F1): PorkChop (Far top Right barrel, Entrance) BadMeat (Far left barrel, Bedroom) WarpStaff (Vase, Bedroom) LoveWater (Right vase, BoneSlave's room) Antidote (Left vase, BoneSlave's room) There is some nice experience to be earned in this treasure-filled ship. Monsters become stronger so you should level up a bit before proceeding too far. The floors of the ship are relatively small so a map is not necessary. Use the item locations above to locate them. From the Floor 1 entrance, head two screens west and fight BoneSlave. ________ / BOSS 4 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BoneSlave ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 13 Hit Points: 72 Attack: 58 Magic Points: 58 Defense: 45 Agility: 49 Intelligence: 99 Experience: 120 /ea. Skills: Bang Joins: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I found this boss to be easier than Beavern... He can cast Bang, but that won't do much damage to your monsters. Other than that, he will just attack normally. Simply set your plan to CHARGE on your highly offensive monsters. A few rounds, probably at most 3, will destroy the BoneSlave. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collect the items in the vases and head back to the stairs. Go up to floor 2. x----------x | Floor 2 | x----------x Items: AGLSeed (Chest, Bedroom) OrcaCape (Secret room) WorldLeaf (Secret room) Repellent (Secret room) Simply collect the items and head to the far screen west. You will have to fight another BoneSlave. Follow the strategy above if you actually need to. Head up the stairs to the top floor (deck). x----------x | Floor 3 | x----------x Items: Potion (Barrel East of stairs down) MoonRock (Defeat CaptDead) You must defeat the BoneSlave next to the stairs down to locate a hidden staircase. After doing so, check the wooden crate it was blocking from above to find a hidden staircase. Go down the staircase and collect the loot from the secret room. Then go back up on deck and head to the far right. Enter the cabin and prepare for the main boss battle. My party was quite weak after all the battling done prior to this one. There is nowhere to heal, so you will have to rely on healing items or your healing monster. _________ / BOSS 5 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CaptDead ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 13 Hit Points: 500 Attack: 66 Magic Points: 105 Defense: 48 Agility: 50 Intelligence: 144 Experience: 506 /ea. Skills: CallHelp Joins: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This could get a bit tricky. Hopefully, you will still have Squiz with you. Its LureDance ability can prove to be very helpful in this battle. If you don't use Squiz, then you should at least use a Dracky for its sleep ability. You are going to want to focus all of your efforts on the BoneSlaves. CaptDead does have the ability to call for help once they are dead, but the ability usually fails. The BoneSlaves are also the enemies who deal out the most damage because they use Bang. If you are using HoodSquid or have another monster which can use LureDance, set them to MIXED. Command your other monsters to kill the BoneSlaves manually. Once you defeat them, pound away at CaptDead. If you have a monster than can use Increase or Upper, it will be very helpful. CaptDead's attack will affect you a lot less and you will be able to destroy him with no problem. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After defeating him, grab the MoonRock from the treasure chest and you will be automatically transported back to Yold. The ship will disappear for good. Now that you have the MoonRock, you can use it on the lighthouse. But before that, it's time to get one nice item from the Mermaid Queen. Just head back to Polona and talk to the mermaid on the shore. Talk to the queen to receive the Sailor Ring. This is a very powerul item that will increase your defense as you are levelling up in addition to the increase you already again. Equip it! Visit the inn in Polona and head back to Yold. Go North, North, North, East, North. Enter the lighthouse. ============================================================================= 4.6 Lighthouse ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Picky, Facer, Pixy, ArrowDog, Snaily (inside): Eyeder, Snaily, RayGigas Items: LogTwig (F3 alternate stairs down) The Lighthouse is very straightforward. Just follow the path up each set of stairs. On the third floor, take the detour to the south to pick up a LogTwig. On the fourth floor, take the left stairs up. When you get to the very top, use the MoonRock. The shallows will disappear and the water will all be at the same level. You now have access to the cave with the HarMirror! From the lighthouse, go south, get off on the island, and go west into the cave. ============================================================================= 4.7 Cave - After the Mirror! ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Brushead, ArrowDog, Butterfly, DragonKid (inside): Slabbit, DarkEye, AquaHawk, Tortragon, SpikyBoy, DeadNite, DragonKid, Mimic Items: WarpStaff (Chest down NE Stairs) Repellent (Chest down NE Stairs) Just enter and move a little up. Prince Kameha will appear! Apparently, he tailed you here to locate the treasure. He will run off into the cave. From here, go north, east, north and down the stairs. Grab the two chests. Go back up and head far west down the stairs. Go south and east. Kameha will be here! He will start running off when he sees you but a pit appears in the ground and he falls in. Go south, west, and down the stairs. Follow the path and you will run into Kameha again! This time he will bash Tara out of the way but a boulder will come after him. Now follow the path to the west. You will eventually come to a room with four treasures. Kameha will rush in but the sailors will reveal their true forms and nab the mirror! Luckily, a pit appears in the floor and Tara is left with the mirror. Warubou will summon you. You're all done with this world, though you will revisit it in the far future. ** It might be in your best interest to catch two DragonKids of the opposite sex. You will benefit from it greatly in the future. An Andreal will be especially useful in the next world, and you can use it for later breeding purposes as well. (DragonKid + DragonKid = Dragon, Dragon + Gullple = Andreal) ============================================================================= 5.0 Back at GreatLog ============================================================================= Items: TinyMedal (From MadGopher) Farm Capacity: 30 Ice Key (From ArmyAnt) TinyMedal (Right vase at Key Appraiser) Item Shop: Herb 10G LoveWater 50G Antidote 4G BeefJerky 10G PorkChop 40G WarpWing 25G Bookmark 50G D-Scale 20G Well, the HarMirror won't end up working as a plug either, but Tara will be given the ability to crush boulders and trees with her bare hands. Leave the well and head back to your farm. Your farm can now support 30 monsters, making it a little easier to decide on what to keep. Also, if you have a MadGopher, talk to Cobi and put the MadGopher in your party. Then go right and past the bridge to your father. He will ask for a MadGopher. Give it to him. It's necessary for the further expansion of your farm. The MadGopher will also dig up a TinyMedal. Before you leave your farm, put an ArmyAnt in your party. Go west of where the shop is and speak with the merchant next to the crates. He will ask you for your ArmyAnt. Give it to him and you will receive the Ice Key! If you go to the screen with the well and go up, you will notice the Egg Evaluator and Starry Shrine can now be reached. Go down to the Starry Shrine because you probably won't have an egg yet. Go to the left path and break the boulder (Press A in front of it). You just created a shortcut from the Magic Door to the Starry Shrine. You will be able to breed and hatch eggs in the Starry Shrine. Refer to the breeding section for more information about breeding. Now go to the Arena where you battled before. You don't absolutely HAVE to battle right now, but if your monsters can handle it and you have enough gold, give it a shot. On your way to the arena, a man wearing a turban will ask you to breed one of your monsters with its Armorpede. It's up to you to accept and which monster you will use. I personally chose my L15 KingCobra. The result was a FairyDrak+2, with an ATK of 55 at level 1. =) (Decent for this point of the game.) Note that GreatLog will often have people who want to breed with you. It's usually a good thing to do, because breeding makes your monsters a whole lot tougher. If you decide to go ahead with C class, read below. __________ / ARENA C \_________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monsters: Prize: Magic Key Round 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WindBeast | 14 | 51 | 62 | 41 | 52 | 82 | 180 |SandStorm Gismo | 11 | 48 | 72 | 51 | 71 | 171 | 256 | Poisongon | 13 | 62 | 67 | 72 | 48 | 164 | 150 |SleepAll ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devipine | 13 | 60 | 37 | 64 | 45 | 95 | 110 |Slow Gulpple | 14 | 66 | 71 | 57 | 89 | 88 | 232 | ToadStool | 14 | 67 | 77 | 65 | 52 | 95 | 223 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HammerMan | 16 | 70 | 16 | 73 | 60 | 64 | 149 |Heal StubSuck | 17 | 100| 50 | 60 | 65 | 78 | 261 |SleepAll ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had no trouble at all with any of these battles. This is likely because I had bred a monster with exceptional attack and defense. For Round 1, focus all of your attacks on the Poisongon. It can immediately turn this easy battle into a nightmare by putting all of your monsters to sleep in 1 turn! Keep your healing monster on MIXED while your more offensive monsters should be set to CHARGE. Round 2 seemed to be even easier. ;) None of the enemies use strong attack or have powerful magic, so you can just pound away at them. Round 3 requires more strategy. You will want to take out the 2 HammerMen as quickly as possible. They can Heal each other when they get weak. It's not worth attacking StubSuck just so it can be healed next round. StubSuck can also cast SleepAll, causing your entire party to fall asleep in the worst case. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that you defeated C Class, it's time to head to the Ice World. Go back to the Magic Door and insert the Ice Key. GreatLog Trainers - Available Breeding ############################################################################# Man wearing Turban in Arena - (Armorpede - Choice) ############################################################################# ============================================================================= 6.0 Ice World - Brrrr! ============================================================================= World Monsters: Tonguella, Gulpple, WingSlime, Yeti, Saccer, Almiraj, FoxFire, Orc, Grizzly, SeaHorse, RushFish, Pumpoise, Yeti, HammerMan, Goopi, VooDoll, TreeBoy, Droll, Gismo, NiteWhip, SlimeNite, Moray, Drygon, RogueNite, CragDevil, AmberWeed, BullBird, Goategon +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Ice World Map | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ==zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz _^zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz;` zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Spirit zzzzzz==zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Lake ^^^^^^ _^zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz `(zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zqyyzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... >>>>>> _>zzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz&_ Norden zzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Kingdom zzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: _=zzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~___z z| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz z| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz=: Shrine| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz>^ z| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz`` .`| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz; _z Nofor {{{{{{| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~. zzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz^^^ zzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz`````` ``zzzz| |zzzzzzzzz _zzzz| |zzzzzzz:^ ._zzzzzz| |zzzzzzz{( _(zzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzz~ _zzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzz... zzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Weston zzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Dark Forest zzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzu2A5, Estria ^(zzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzz```Westania .((~ Kingdom ````zzz| |zzzzzzzzz Kingdom ==zzzz ==z| |zzzzzzz:^ __zzzz _z| |zzz````` ._ ._zzzzzz_(__, .__, _z| |zzz zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz _z| | zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. ._z| |_______, .____zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz&_______ ._zzz| |zzzzzzzo(((zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz>>zzzz| +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Allow yourself to become used to the depressing music and cold climate. You're going to be here for a while. ;) From the shrine, head north, west, north, west, west. Enter Norden. ============================================================================= 6.1 Norden ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Gulpple, Tonguella, WingSlime Items: TinyMedal (Vase at bottom of screen when you first enter) Item Shop: LoveWater 65G LogTwig 50G Antidote 5G MoonHerb 20G Laurel 20G PorkChop 50G Rib 250G WarpStaff 50G ExitBell 100G The people will tell you about a gold mine being found and the spirit of the lake no longer protecting them. The shield protecting the people has continued to dissipate throughout the years until finally it fell to the sky as the SkyShield. The Western and Northern kingdoms are on bad terms so they are fighting over it. Other than learning about the story, there's nothing to do in this town. Pick up a few items if you need to and rest at the inn if your monsters are weak. Leave and go west, north, west, west, north. Enter the lake. ============================================================================= 6.2 The Elemental Spirit ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Yeti, Almiraj, WingSlime, Saccer, Gulpple Items: Crest (From Spirit) Enter and examine the shield in the middle of the frozen lake. The Spirit will talk to you and tell you that a dark being has casted a shadow over the people. Answer yes to its question. Your job will be to bring peace to the two kingdoms. Open the chest for the Crest. It will allow you to enter castles in the kingdoms. You'll want to head back to Norden now, so go south, east, east, south, east. ============================================================================= 6.3 Back at Norden - Problems with Gold ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Gulpple, Tonguella, WingSlime Seeing as you now have access to the castle, head directly there. Talk to the guard on the left and he will immediately let you in. Speak with him again when inside the castle and he will lead you to the king. He will tell you what must happen in order to maintain peace with the western kingdom. Well, you might as well head to the west and find out what's going on there. You must take an underground tunnel in order to reach it. The next area is optional but it can result in some nice items and more information on the story. From Norden, head west, north, south, east, south. Just go through the tunnel, it's a one-way. Go south and enter the port town. ============================================================================= 6.4 Port Town Nofor ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Yeti, Gulpple, HammerMan, Saccer Book Shop: Quest 10000G Item Shop 1: LoveWater 65G Horror 10000G WorldDew 750G BeNice 10000G Potion 300G Cheater 10000G SkyBell 30G Smart 10000G PorkChop 50G Comedy 10000G WarpStaff 50G ExitBell 100G Item Shop 2: Laurel 20G WorldLeaf 1500G Rib 200G Bookmark 100G LogTwig 100G BeastTail 800G ShinyHarp 1200G GoldPass 20000G Wow! I guess you could say this is the Romaly of DWM2. ;) There's a whole lot to buy, but it's more than likely you won't be able to afford any of it just yet. The GoldPass is especially nice to have, but at 20000 G, you might not ever get a chance to buy it. =\ If you're still doing the Potion or Rib errands for your mother, now would be a good time to pick up either of them. Talk to everyone in the town. They will all complain about the lake being frozen because of the kingdoms arguing over the gold. One person will mention where the gold mine is located. You will be heading there next. Go back through the underground tunnel and west, south, west, south, west, south. ;) Enter the gold mine. ============================================================================= 6.5 Gold Mine - Battle of the Kingdoms ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Yeti, Gulpple, HammerMan, Saccer (Inside): Goopi, TreeBoy, Voodoll, Droll You will find that you aren't allowed to go through to the west side. The only place to go is into the gold mine. There aren't any treasures in the entire mine so it isn't worth mapping. From the entrance, go west, north, west, north, east. Go down the stairs and follow the path. Break the two boulders and examine the pile of rocks at the ledge. BombCrag will appear and you will have to battle it! _________ / BOSS 6 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BombCrag ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 18 Hit Points: 650 Attack: 80 Magic Points: 10 Defense: 80 Agility: 20 Intelligence: 140 Experience: 672 /ea. Skills: ChargeUp Joins: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BombCrag having only 10 MP has got to tell you something about him. It uses physical attacks only! You needn't worry about any special skills here, because he will just keep using ChargeUp or attacking you. You should take advantage of the fact that he's an offensive monster. Put him to sleep, if possible. Use any status attacks on him to stop him from doing too much damage on your monsters. He's very susceptible to Sleep, it seems. If you have any offensive boosters, such as TwinHits or BiAttack, put them to use. If you can keep BombCrag to sleep for most of the battle, he will be no trouble at all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle, BombCrag will use SACRIFICE and explode. He will reveal that there was very little gold in the mine, and two guards from the West and North will see it. They will realize how dumb they were for thinking the mine was loaded with gold and rush off to their kings. Now it's time to head back to Norden. Make your way out of the mine and go east, north, north, east, north, north, north, east, south, east. ============================================================================= 6.6 Norden - Who's who? ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Gulpple, Tonguella, WingSlime It's advisable to rest at the inn before doing anything else. You will soon see why. Talk to the guard on the left inside the castle. He will lead you to the king, whom will throw you into the dungeon! You will find the real king in the dungeon, revealing that the current king is a fake! Kameha is down there as well, and he will actually help Tara for once. ;) All you need to do is examine the light-coloured wall at the top left of the dungeon. Kameha will bash right through it and you will now be able to escape. Go up the ladder and you will find the King and the fake King in a confrontation. Just talk to the King at the top 5 to 6 times and battle will start! _________ / BOSS 7 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AgDevil D2A08 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 18 Hit Points: 550 Attack: 90 Magic Points: 50 Defense: 59 Agility: 109 Intelligence: 216 Experience: 1007 /ea. Skills: Firebane Joins: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As in the BombCrag battle, Sleep works very well against AgDevil. Set your offensive monsters to CHARGE and use the monster who has Sleep to cast it round after round manually. This will stop the AgDevil from EVER being able to attack. =) AgDevil can cast Firebane which shouldn't do too much damage to your party, especially since it will hardly ever get the chance to cast it. =) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The King will be saved and he will immediately reopen the border with the Western Kingdom! You will head there next. From Norden, go west, north, west, south, south, south, west, south, west, south. Enter the gold mine again. You will find that the border is no longer blocked. Go across to the west and out. ============================================================================= 6.7 Weston - Lady Yuna's Depressed ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Grizzly, Gismo, NiteWhip, SlimeNite, RushFish (Water), Moray (Water), SeaHorse (Water), Pumpoise (Water) Items: TinyMedal (Barrel underneath Inn) Item Shop: LoveWater 75G MoonHerb 45G SkyBell 30G Rib 300G WarpWing 30G ExitBell 150G LogTwig 50G From outside the mine, head South two screens and enter the port town. Inside, people will speak of Lady Yuna being sad and a reward being given for whoever can cheer her up. The Item Shop can be found in the Inn, if you're wondering. ;) You may as well head to where Lady Yuna is, Westania Castle, and try to get that reward! ;) From Weston, go west, west, and south. ============================================================================= 6.8 Westania - "Lifeless Puppet" ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Grizzly, Gismo, NiteWhip, SlimeNite, RushFish (Water), Moray (Water), SeaHorse (Water), Pumpoise (Water) Enter and you will find that there is a line up of people waiting to cheer up Lady Yuna. Everyone seems to be after that reward! Read the sign and Kameha will come rushing in. He will boast about getting Tara out of the dungeon and knock the two jesters out of line! Just head in and speak with the priest on the left. He will let you pass through. Tara will perform the famous monster-through-rings gig, but unfortunately even that is not enough to cheer up the depressed princess. If you go left from where you entered the castle and up, you will find a man dressed in purple. Speak to him. He will tell you to go visit the man who taught Yuna in the east. You don't have to visit him because all he will tell you is that Yuna used to like to sneak out of the castle and go to the forest south of Westmania. Remember that forest they talked about in Weston? You're going there. ;) From Westmania, go east, east, south, across the bridge, and east. See the patch of trees towards the center? Walk onto it. (Also, if you go outside the castle and to the left, you can now climb the vine into Yuna's room... unfortunately, there's nothing to do up there just yet) ============================================================================= 6.9 Dark Forest - Find Yuna's Soul! ============================================================================= Area Monsters: FoxFire, NiteWhip, Grizzly, Orc (Inside): ManEater, Mudron, FooHero, Unicorn To Overworld ############################## ################# ############################## p ################## ###### ######## ####### ################# ### ## ####### p ############ #### ### ## ## ##### h ############# ## ### ### #### ##### ############ ## ### ### ### ####### ########### ## ### ### ### ####### ########### ## ### ### ## ##### ########## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ### # ## ## ## ##### # y #### ## ## ######### ##### ## ## ## ######## ################ ##### ### ## ######### ## ## ##### ### ## # ################ ## ### ##### ## ######## ### ##### ### y #### ####### #### ## ## ## # ##### ####### ## #### ######### ####### #### ################# ######### ####### ### ################# ####### ##### ### ################# ####### ####### ### ###### ######### y ########## ### #### ########## ################# ##### ############ ## ################### ######################################################### p - Person # - Trees y - Yuna h - Horse Map not to scale You'll notice that the monsters in the forest are significantly stronger than the ones you found outside. This makes the forest a good place to level up. Each battle is likely to net you from 400 to 500 EXP for each monster. Be careful, though, because Mudrons can cast Beat which will more than likely kill a monster of yours everytime it's cast. Just follow the map to each Yuna location, starting with the one at the top. Once you get to the last one, make sure you have an empty space in your inventory and accept Yuna's Soul. She will somehow hide among your items. It's obvious where you have to take the soul, so from outside the forest head west, across the bridge, north, west, and west, and enter Westania. ============================================================================= 6.10 Westania - The Marionette's Possessed! ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Grizzly, Gismo, NiteWhip, SlimeNite, RushFish (Water), Moray (Water), SeaHorse (Water), Pumpoise (Water) If you need to rest up your party then it's advisable to head east to Weston. You will be fighting a boss now and you will need to be in decent shape. From the entrance, go west and climb up the vine. You will find Lady Yuna inside. Just talk to her and the Puppetor will reveal himself! _________ / BOSS 8 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Puppetor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 22 Hit Points: 400 Attack: 85 Magic Points: 82 Defense: 60 Agility: 48 Intelligence: 120 Experience: 846 /ea. Skills: Joins: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like BombCrag, Puppetor is very susceptible to Sleep spells. You can continuously cast it without worrying about him ever attacking. I actually found this boss to be very easy. PoisonHit also works well, since when Puppetor's poisoned, he will lose 25HPs per round. Just keep dishing out damage on him and putting him to sleep, healing if you ever actually need to. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Puppetor will disappear from the world in disbelief of his recent defeat. ;) Yuna's soul will rejoin her body and she will remember everything. I won't spoil what she tells you, because it's a very important part of the Ice World story. However she will mention something about Queen Helen of Estria in the East, so that's where you will go next. From Westania, go east, south, east, east, east, north, east, east, east. Enter Estria. ============================================================================= 6.11 Estria - Nightmare Strikes the Queen ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Drygon, FoxFire, RogueNite, CragDevil, AmberWeed, BullBird Item Shop: LoveWater 50G MoonHerb 45G SkyBell 30G Rib 200G Warp Staff 100G ExitBell 100G Bookmark 100G LogTwig 50G Basically, everyone inside will mention that it's been difficult for people, specifically Queen Helen, to sleep. They will say she's been awfully cranky because of the nightmares she's having. People say that anything she dreams comes true. Be sure you have the Crest on you and speak to the left guard in front of the castle. Inside, people will mention the SleepHerb might be able to cure the Queen but only one person can confirm it - the scholar who went to Nofor. Like Yuna's scholar, it isn't exactly necessary to visit the scholar in Nofor. If you do, he will tell you that the SleepHerb only grows on a mountain on the East and North kingdom's border. The mountain can only be reached from the east side and is far north from Estria. From Estria, go north through the small niche on the left side, then go north, north, east, north, north, and enter the mountain that seems distinct. ============================================================================= 6.12 SleepHerb Mountain ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Tonguella, WingSlime, Gulpple (Inside): WingTree, StubBird, GiantMoth Items: Magic Key (Treasure Chest) There's only one item and the SleepHerb so you won't need a map for this area. Besides, it's too hard to draw a vertical map. :P Anyway, from the entrance, go up the ladder. Go left, down the ladder, to the far left and up the ladder. Go right, up the ladder, and down the ladder on the right. Take the Magic Key from the treasure chest. Go back up the ladder next to the chest, down the ladder to the left. Then go left and up the ladder and right. Take the SleepHerb by examining it. Now leave the Mountain and head south, south, west, south, and south to Estria. ============================================================================= 6.13 Back at Estria ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Drygon, FoxFire, RogueNite, CragDevil, AmberWeed, BullBird Before anything, rest at the inn if your monsters are weak. Now that you have the SleepHerb, the lady guarding the passage to the stairs will allow you to go up. Select the SleepHerb from the item menu while facing Queen Helen and GoatHorn will reveal itself. _________ / BOSS 9 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GoatHorn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 27 Hit Points: 850 Attack: 95 Magic Points: 89 Defense: 65 Agility: 92 Intelligence: 165 Experience: 2300 /ea. Skills: Infermore Joins: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This could get a little tough. Sleep hardly works on GoatHorn. You will have to rely on your strength or offensive spells and your healing. Set your most offensive monsters to CHARGE while keeping any monsters you have with healing on MIXED. Hopefully, their personality is strong enough to make them heal whenever another one of your monsters is weak. Otherwise, you will have to heal manually. If your levels are high enough (in the 20s) you should have no problem with him. Once again, take note that poison is very effective. It can take out 50HPs per turn! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Queen will wake up and be eternally grateful to you and the Spirit for saving the kingdoms. Unfortunately, there is no reward involved from Estria. :P You have saved all three kingdoms now, so it's time to head back to the Spirit Lake and see if the Spirit will fulfill her promise. Rest at the inn first if you need to. You can reach the Lake in one of two ways. Seeing as it's much closer to the Magic Shrine than Estria, you may just want to purchase a Warp Staff from Estria for 100 G. Otherwise, you will have to go west and north from Estria to reach it. Either way... From Estria: West, west, west, west, west, south, cross bridge, north, north, north, north, enter the mine and go through to the other side. Go east, north, north, east, north, north, north, west, north. Enter the lake. From Magic Shrine: North, west, west, north, west, west, north, west, west, north. Enter the lake. ============================================================================= 6.14 Spirit Lake - Shedding of a Spirit's Power ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Yeti, Almiraj, WingSlime, Saccer, Gulpple Items: SkyShield (From Spirit) Just walk in and examine the Sky Shield. GoatHorn will reappear, this time with two henchmen. Don't get too worried - GoatHorn himself is now around 3 times weaker (HP-wise) than he was before! .__dME MMh__, ___398>(E M](99h__, Ar==dk(((=gQQQQQAQp ggQQQQAgp=:((4k==4Q _/E_d#9s(#aJ@@5_ m)(MMh_ _dMW`up _d@@nJ#sJ9#m(ML. __TGe##D(dMmMi.__MggyT` g`_T___ .___T`_y _8gggMa_./Mm#D(d##w28_, JE(d##|(QME?MMmvdE JE(qy= (MEUgyUME_ ?gy(M) MP3MBm=MmQ{z##k(M) M](####s(Me(M{(#mQJM;_Mp_((JMDOOOOOOdW&_(_dE.Jm_g##|JM&(M&J####:4E __Mma##D(dMMMM#>aBM@TTWMMF8adWOgpOOO4gpOMmaTMBMFTTMMmr(#MMMBD(d##ggm_, JR .MI3MMMMMBMmMB=:(((3MbzvqMMY4MkqBCdMMEvxdE>~(((3MmMMMMMBMBvdE` M) /t _MME((((((((((M](ML(Mi__ME__JM&3M:dE((((((((((dMM. dt (EV>(((((aae(79MmevMEvMR"qJ"ME3MEvadWv>(aae(((((((M] QZb(gmm{((#MMm](:3Sm#QmP4Q24Q2qm#mmUC:(qmMMR(((mmm(?4Q MBD((((Mm#MMMMb((dEOMBQMBQMEQMBQME4Mb((dMMMW#ME#{((((B MBD(aaaMF! __MmmadWOOdMmZ""""gMBZO4MmaQMm_ "NBmQa(((B MMmmfv3M] _BMMMMROOO4##GggggZ##OOOOdMMBMM` JEvv4mmMB Jm`((B (MMMME##MMMmQOOOOOOOQZOOOOOO4QMMMB##MBMME( .M&/`M] Jb_JWM__Mga/"5m###MMmQQQQgQQMMQQQQQggMMWQd#mf!(aaM__M@l_M] JEVgQMMM#MmAagM####MBMMMMMRVv7VHMMMEMME####MgaAME#MMMmpVM] Jb JMMMMW _MMB#######MkJ#|((dD((J#{4M#######MMM. MMMMMt d] _"" ._dM##MB#######MMaaa9##9gaaMM#######ME##Mh______""% _B####HMME#######MMMAMmQMMM#######MBMM###MMMMMMma _MM#######################################MMMMMW#M] 79mmm####Mmmmmm##########mmmmMB####mmmTt __MMMW_, .JJaBMM##Mp^^^^^^mmE####MmE^^^^^^ME##MMMQJJ qE@Uqm@g, uE#######M) .MMMW JB#######M] _BXdMQQdM: .MmMMmmmmmRT~ /8mmmmmBMmMM _9AQgMFt .MMMMMMMM+^ ^4MMMMmMMM `^^^` _________ / BOSS 10 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GoatHorn (w/ x2 ArcDemon) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 27 Hit Points: 330 Attack: 95 Magic Points: 89 Defense: 65 Agility: 92 Intelligence: 233 Experience: 4966 /ea. Skills: Infermore Joins: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ----------------------------------------------------------- ArcDemon | 27 | 210| 89 | 105 | 71 | 84 | 211 |Boom ----------------------------------------------------------- This is the final and most difficult battle of the Ice World. The main problem is that the ArcDemons can cast Boom. Against my party, it was quite powerful. If it weren't for HealAll, I would have probably lost. You will probably have to go 50% manual in this battle. Set your combat monster(s) to CHARGE while using your main spellcasters to cast SleepAll, Sleep, and HealAll (or HealMore) whenever you get weak. Again, the enemies are quite weak to Sleep spells as most monsters are. I haven't attempted to use offensive spells against this boss, but you should give it a shot just to see how it works out. Whatever you do, take out the ArcDemons before concentrating on GoatHorn. They can dish out a lot more damage than GoatHorn, especially considering there are two ArcDemons and only one GoatHorn. I'm not sure why Enix nerfed GoatHorn's HP down to 330, but it sure saved my butt in battle. ;) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A voice will echo and the Spirit will tell you to toss the Crest into the lake. Do so (ITEM -> Crest). Tara will receive the Sky Shield, the Spirit will melt the ice and Warubou will transport you back! ============================================================================= 7.0 Back at GreatLog ============================================================================= Items: TinyMedal (Left Vase in Stable) Farm Capacity: 30 Sirloin (Right Vase in Stable) DrakScale (Top of GreatTree Castle) SkyKey (From King) Item Shop: Herb 10G Item Shop 2: WorldDew 500G LoveWater 50G Potion 200G Antidote 4G MoonHerb 20G BeefJerky 10G Laurel 20G PorkChop 40G AwakeSand 20G WarpWing 25G SkyBell 20G Bookmark 50G Rib 200G D-Scale 20G LogTwig 50G Bookmark 50G Yup. You guessed it. The SkyShield won't work as a plug either!! Instead, Warubou will give Tara the ability to float across the sky in a cloud. This ability is necessary for completion of the next world. From the well, head back to your farm. Assuming you gave your father a MadGopher, he will have built a stable. Go to the island of the farm (top- right corner) and a staircase will be there. Go down. Welcome to the stable! Using the Stable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Essentially, the stable allow you to put your monsters to sleep. This is primarily so that they won't inherit their wild abilities (their WLD rating won't increase) and they won't receive Experience. Why wouldn't you want to receive experience? When you're battling enemy monsters with monsters left on the farm, they are receiving a small fraction of the experience you gain in battle. If and when they level up, their attributes will increase, but any skills they were supposed to gain at that respective level is ignored! Eventually, your monster will become its maximum level and have no skills because you never used it. If you aren't going to use them, put them to sleep! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * You might want to use the Sirloin you find in the right vase in the stable to give to your mother for the final errand. * If you go south while inside the stable, there will be a monster that tells you your current monsters' maximum levels. Other than that there is just some helpful information in the area. Leave the farm and go to the merchant you gave the ArmyAnt to. His new shop will have opened up, featuring superior items in comparison to the current GreatLog item shop. Go north of the item shop to find that the TinyMedal collector has moved into GreatLog! Give him any of the TinyMedals you currently collected. Remember any you may have stored in the vault. You can trade them for monster eggs or items. Right now, I don't think it's worth trading them, but if you want to, go ahead. Now leave and go up the ladder to where the Library and Key Appraiser are. The castle guard will confront you and ask you if you've seen Prince Kameha. Answer Yes and he will allow you in. After a short dialogue, the King will give you the SkyKey. You will also be able to visit the entire castle now. Go ahead and explore as you wish, collecting any items (see the Items list at the beginning of this section) You will also have access to the Christener who can change your monsters' names. There's one more key area in GreatLog now open to you - the old man's rare key house. Go left of the tavern and inside the house. Save your game! Talk to him and answer No. He will let you take a key from one of the shelves. Even if you don't talk to him, the key will be in the shelf you check. The idea is to save your game, get the key, appraise it and either keep it or reload depending on whether you want it or not. You can also attempt Class B now, but it's more than likely that you will die. I found it very difficult at this point, especially since Round 2 of Class B has a Drygon who can't be put to sleep and does heavy damage. If you want to, give it a shot. You won't be able to go back to the arena after completing the Sky World for a while. GreatLog Trainers - Available Breeding ############################################################################# Merchant in Tavern (SpikyBoy - SpikyBoy) Pirate in Arena (WildApe - Choice) ############################################################################# ============================================================================= 8.0 Sky World - Floating above the Clouds ============================================================================= World Monsters: FloraMan, FangSlime, Emyu, FairyRat, DrakSlime, MadRaven, Sluperon, Gigantes, Sickler, Mommonja, MadPlant, SnakeBat, BigRoost, MadSpirit, Florajay, Kitehawk, GhosTree, MadGoose, Skullroo, Dragon, Andreal, KingSlime, FireWeed, MimeSlime, Metaly, EvilBeast, WingSnake +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Sky World Map | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |zzzzzzzzzzzzzc===zzc===zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzz^^^^: _zz: _^^^^^^^^^^zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzz ((zz=( zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzc= zzzzzzzzz King's ==zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzc= zzz| |zzzzzzz: .____zzzzzzzzz_.Fortress_^^^^zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz^: Fhunt^| |zzzzzzz>__/zzzzzzzzzzzzzz>_ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Village| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: | |zzzzzz>: _zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. .. ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: | |zzzzzz __zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz&_z&_ ______zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: | |zzzzzz(((zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz z; _zzzzzzzzzzzzzzo( | |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz====: _zzzzzzzzzz z: zzzzzz=: _=zzzzzz | |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz __zzzzzzzzzzzzzz: __zzzzz:^ ^:zzzz __z| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz{( zzzzzzz: ((zzzz zzz| |z: _==: _==== _====zzzzzzzzzz: zzzzzzz: zzzz: Shrine_=| |z~_ zzzzzzzzzz~___zzzzzzzz: zzzz~___zz~_ | |zzz_, zzzzzzzzzzzz```zzzzzzz>_ zzzzzzzzzzzz___| |zzzzz{ _zzzzzzzzzz zzz _zzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzz ._zzzzzzzzzz ._zzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzz^^^___ zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzz .(zzz ``zzzzzzzz;` zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzz=: _zzzz _zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzz_, Pei zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzz{( zzz`(zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~ =zzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz _zzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzz;``(zzzzzzzz;` __zzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzz _zzzzzzzz: .cc: .c .czzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zc= zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ==zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz===| |z: ^7zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_, Castle __zz;^^(zz;^^(zzzz_, | |z: _zzzzzzzzzzzzz``zzzzzzz_Hitano.( .(zzzz: ``` _z``zzo(| |z~ zzzzzzzzz====== zzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzc= zzz zzz| |zzz zzzzzzzzz zzzz:^z:^ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~_ ^:z ^:z| |zzz ``````zzz_, ._zzz`` `` zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_, ` `| |zzz Heaven zzzzzzzzzz:Heaven Shieldzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Haunted | |zzz Armor Tower>>z ._z Cave _zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz>> Castle_z| |zzz___ _, .` ._zzz__________._ ._zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: ._ ._zzz| |zzzzzz(>((>(zo( ((zzzzzzzzzzzo>((z((zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzo>>>z>>zzzz| +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You will quickly notice that monsters become a lot harder here and thus give more experience. Breed or level up if you need to, because it's not going to get any easier from here. From the shrine, go north, north, north, and enter the Village of Fhunt. ============================================================================= 8.1 Fhunt - Ugor and the LightOrb ============================================================================= Area Monsters: FloraMan, FangSlime, Emyu Inside, you will find everyone is talking about the Great Sage Ugor and how the LightOrb was sealed away. The village is inhabited completely by monsters. You will also find a large tower at the top of the town. You will only be able to enter if the WLD of all your monsters is at 0. You can do this by feeding your monsters meat treats. You will have to enter, so if your monsters still have traces of wilderness, go back to GreatLog and feed them meat. Just talk to the door and it will open up. Head inside. ============================================================================= 8.2 The Tower of Fhunt ============================================================================= Monsters (inside): IronTurt, MadMirror, EvilBeast, SabreMan, StoneMan Items: ExitBell (c1) Cleric Ring (c2) Magic Key (c3) ChangeStaff (After LightOrb is stolen, from Ugor) FLOOR 1 FLOOR 2 ###################### ###################### #### ##### ########################### #### s2a #### #### s2a ### #### ## ############### ## ## ### s3b ## ## ################# ## ## ################# ## ## ################# ## ## ### ### ## ## ################# ## ## ### ### ## ## ##s1 c1######### ## ## ### ### ## ## ############### ## ## ################# ## ### s2b ### ### s3a ### s2b ### #### #### #### ### #### #### ################# ######################### FLOOR 3 FLOOR 4 ###################### ############## #### ########### ## ### ################# ##### #### #### ##### s3b##### c2 c3 ######### #### ##### ### ##### ########## #### ##### ### ##### ############### ##### #### ############# ############## ############### ##### #### #####s4a ### ##### ##### ####### ##### #### #################### s2c ##### #####s4a #### #### #####s3a ##### ###### ########## ##### ##### ##### ###### ##### ######################### ######################### snx - Stairs # - Walls Map not to scale Just use the maps to navigate to the top left corner of floor 4. A MadCondor will swoop down and steal the LightOrb! Grab the items in the chests and use the ExitBell you found before. If you go up the ladder on the tower, a monster will tell you the MadCondor flew off to the west. Now go to the Graveyard in Fhunt and examine the second grave in the centre. The ghost of Ugor will appear. After finding out the LightOrb has been stolen, accept the help he needs. Check behind the grave to find the ChangeStaff. This staff will allow you to turn yourself into a monster (appearance-wise only) for certain areas of this world. Now that you can cross the bridge because you won't appear as a human, head west, south, south, south from Fhunt. Enter the tower there. Use the ChangeStaff and head across the bridge. You will now be on the large continent. From the tower, go west, south, west, south, west, west. Enter Pei. ============================================================================= 8.3 Pei - We Sell Sirloin! ============================================================================= Area Monsters: FairyRat, DrakSlime, MadRaven, Sluperon Item Shop: LoveWater 60G WorldDew 600G Potion 250G Rib 200G Sirloin 1500G Repellent 120G Warp Staff 100G ExitBell 100G Inside, people will continue to talk about the MadCondor and a new monster king being born towards the west. They will all mention the mountain towards the West which houses a MadCondor. There isn't much left to do in Pei, but it's a good place to go while you're levelling up your monsters. It's also the first town to sell Sirloin as of yet, though Sirloin really is pricy. =\ Buy an ExitBell. If you need to, rest at the Inn, then head west, north, west, west, north and enter the lonely mountain. ============================================================================= 8.4 MadCondor's Nest ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Gigantes, Sickler, Mommonja, Metaly * Quick side-note: Metalys can be found to the east of here, where the mountains and boulders are. They offer BIG exp but are extremely rare and flee 80% of the time. * Just go inside and up the vine. Use the ChangeStaff and you will automatically become a MadMirror or MadCondor. Start to leave and the MadCondor will nab you! Now you will have to battle it. _________ / BOSS 11 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MadCondor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 30 Hit Points: 600 Attack: 131 Magic Points: 119 Defense: 90 Agility: 110 Intelligence: 159 Experience: 5000 /ea. Skills: HealUs Joins: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Providing your monsters are half-decent or as good as mine at this point (L26 Andreal+2), you will have no problem. The Condor can't cast any spells and will just keep attacking you. Set your healer to Mixed, not Defense, because if your healer is at the back it will hardly get attacked. The Condor can't use any multi-target spells. I haven't tried Sleep because I didn't need to. Poison works well, taking out 37HPs per round. If you're struggling with this battle then you need to do some serious levelling up and breeding of stronger monsters! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following the battle, the MadCondor will join you! He's pretty strong at L30, so I would stick him in the party. Unfortunately, he begins with a WLD of 650... You will have to pay quite a bit of cash to tame it. From here, the only other place you know of is Hitano Castle. Don't go there just yet. If you do, you will find the Monster King won't let you into his castle. You have to bring the Heaven Equipment to him in order for him to do so. You now have to find the Heaven Shield, Heaven Sword, and Heaven Armor. We will go for the closest item first - the Heaven Armor. From the MadCondor's Nest, use the cloud at the top corner of the land. You should float to the island at the far South West of the world. From here, go East and enter the Tower. ============================================================================= 8.5 Tower of the Heavenly Armor ============================================================================= Area Monsters: MadPlant, SnakeBat, BigRoost (Inside): ArmorPede, Exaucers, NoctoKing, SnakeBat, MadHornet Items: Heaven Armor FLOOR 1 FLOOR 2 ########################### ##########################/ s1 ###s2a ######### CC #### ##s2a x ######xxs3a# # ## ####### ### ## x ##xx # # ## ###### s1# ##xxxxx xxx# #\ s2b ## ################ ## ##########x### ## ######### ###### ## ## ### ### ######## #### ### ######### ########## ### ######## #### ## xx ####### ## xxx ## ###xxxxxxx####### ### ## xxxxxxx ### xxxxxxx ## ##xx xxxxxxxx ## ####xxxxxx #####xxxxxx#### ##x xxxxx ## ####xxxxxx #####xxxxxx#### ##x ## ## xxxxxx #####xxxxxxx ## ### xxxxxx #### ## xxxxxxx xxxxx ## #### xxxxxxxx ##### ##x #### x ## ##### ################### ########################## FLOOR 3 FLOOR 4 ########################### ########################## ## xxxx #xxxxxxx ##s3a### s2b ##xxxxx x xxxxxxx xx## ## ## xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## # ##/ ##xx xxxxxxxxxxx xxx## ## ##x xx xxxxxxxxx xx## # ## ##xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx x## ## ### xxxxxx xxxxxx ##xx# ##\ ##xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xx##s3b# ##xxxxx x xx# ##xx#### s3b ##xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx## ## ##xxxxx #############xxxx## ## xxxxxxxxx##x xxxx## ## ##xxxxx #############xxxx## ##x xxxxxxx ##x xxxx## ## ## xxxxxxx xxxxxxx ## ##x xxxxxxx ##xx xxx## ## ### xxxxx######xxxxxx ## ##xxxxxxxxxx##xxxxxx## ## ### # xxxx######xxxx ### ##xxx xxx xx##xxxxxxxx ## ### ## xx xx ##### ##xxxxxxxxxx##xx xxxxx ## ###s4a# xxx####xxx ###### ## xxxxxxx## xxxxxxxxx## ######## x ####### ##s4a xxxxx ##x xx xxxx## ########################### ########################## x - Pit # - Walls snx - Stairs CC - Heaven Armor Map not to scale Just use the maps to make your way up and then back down the tower to collect the Heaven Armor. That makes one piece down and two more to go. Go to the far west of this island and use the cloud. You should end up on another island in the far Southeast of the world. Go one screen north and enter the castle. ============================================================================= 8.6 Haunted Castle - Hunt for the Heaven Sword ============================================================================= Area Monsters: MadSpirit, Florajay, Kitehawk, GhosTree (Inside): GhosTree, Babble, PutrePup, GateGuard, CopyCat, GoHopper, MadSpirit Items: Heaven Sword It isn't worth making a map for this castle because the path is all straightforward. Floor 1: Go north, north, north, south (into left path), west, down the stairs. Floor 2: From the stairs south, east, north, west, north. Fight the Skeletor. _________ / BOSS 12 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeletor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 37 Hit Points: 226 Attack: 140 Magic Points: 108 Defense: 120 Agility: 140 Intelligence: 269 Experience: 2633 /ea. Skills: BiAttack, Defense Joins: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOL. Really, these things are a joke... My party killed one in two rounds. I assume you won't have any trouble, but if you do, keep in mind that Skeletors are susceptible to Sleep and Poison spells so use them at your will. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor 2: From Skeletor east, east, south, up the stairs. Floor 3: North. You will now be at the first puzzle of the Haunted Castle. The objective is to turn all of the coffins' symbols into crosses. You can change the picture on the coffins by stepping on the tiles. Give it a shot at first if you so desire.. The solution is: Step on Top-right Tile Bottom-right Tile Bottom-left Tile Bottom-left Tile They should all be crosses and an opening will appear in the wall at the top. Floor 3: From the screen above the coffins, west, north, north, down the stairs. You will be at another puzzle, this one more difficult than the symbol puzzle. You have to guide the Ghost from the centre of the screen to the coffin at the top right. You can move him by facing the bells at the bottom right and examining them. The problem is that he will move in the respective direction as far as he can, not just one space. The solution: Ring 2nd bell (Up) 1st bell (Left) 3rd bell (Down) 4th bell (Right) 3rd bell (Down) 4th bell (Right) 2nd bell (Up) 4th bell (Right) 2nd bell (Up) A door will open up at the top left. Go through it. Floor 2: From the screen above the bell puzzle, North, fight the Skeletor, east, fight the Skeletor, east, south through the left path, west, up the stairs. Now, the final puzzle. The message on the door will tell you to "Follow the eyes of the Undead". You have to go the way each skeleton is facing. You actually don't have to... You can just check every single grave. :) From the sign on the door, just go south a screen and east a screen. Examine the grave the skeleton is facing at the bottom and you will find a button. Press it. Now go back and you will find that the door has opened. To get the Heaven Sword, you'll have to fight NiteRich! _________ / BOSS 13 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NiteRich ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 36 Hit Points: 1500 Attack: 177 Magic Points: 106 Defense: 149 Agility: 110 Intelligence: 510 Experience: 6540 /ea. Skills: DrakSlash, CallDiago, Meditate Joins: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This can get a bit hard if your monsters haven't levelled up enough. I've put my party at the bottom of this strategy just so you can compare. I had very little trouble. Like me, you should have one very strong attacker and one healing monster which has either HealAll, HealUs, or HealUsAll, preferably the second or third. The other monster is entirely up to you, but it should also have some decent spells, such as a sleep spell for bosses. Set your offensive monsters to CHARGE and your healing monster to either DEFENSE or MIXED. If it has a lot of spells or a medium-strong attack, set it to MIXED, otherwise leave it on DEFENSE. Test using Sleep on NiteRich. I never got the chance to because my monsters lacked the mana, but it may work. Poison is obviously a plus since it will take out quite a bit of HP with each round. NiteRich can also summon Diago who can do average damage to your monsters. You can't damage Diago unless you use multi-target skills. I went into the battle with full MPs on my healing monster, so you might want to use Potions and Herbs before you battle. I only put down any skills that I used. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------- Andreal+2 | 26 | 218| 162| 168 | 174 | 165 | 190 |None Used FairyDrak+4| 30 | 189| 136| 171 | 145 | 174 | 186 |TwinHits MadCondor | 36 | 171| 164| 208 | 206 | 214 | 272 |HealUs, Firebolt ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pop open the chest and you will find the Heaven Sword. I hope you still have that ExitBell from Pei, because there's no other easy way out. Now you've got two pieces, so it's time to go for the third, the Heaven Helm. After all these battles, you are probably really weak. From the Haunted Castle, go north. Go to the west corner of the land and use the cloud. Now go a screen west but don't enter the tower. Doing so will make the journey much longer and you're probably in no condition for that. Instead, go to the west corner and use the cloud. Now go down and west. Break the boulders and continue north. You will find Hitano. For now, just enter the inn and heal up. Pick up an ExitBell to make things easier later on. When you leave, go south, south, and enter the cave. ============================================================================= 8.7 The Heaven Helmet ============================================================================= Area Monsters: MadGoose, Skullroo, Dragon (Inside): Chamelgon, BoxSlime, EyeBall, Gremlin, EvilSeed Items: SilvrCape, Heaven Helmet From the entrance, enter the small hole. Then go north, east, north, west, west, down the stairs. Now go east, east, and back up the stairs. Go south and down the stairs. Go west, south, east, and up the stairs. Grab the SilvrCape from the chest. This is a nice item to have because it increases resistances against confusion, poison, and sleep when equipped. Go back down the stairs, west, north, north, and up the stairs. Go south, west, and down the stairs. Go up the other set of stairs nearby. Go south and down the stairs, and get ready for another boss battle. It's a Metababble! _________ / BOSS 14 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metababble ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 37 Hit Points: 20 Attack: 95 Magic Points: 368 Defense: 999 Agility: 670 Intelligence: 522 Experience: 13859 /ea. Skills: Bang, Firebal Joins: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surely you're familiar with Metal Slimes. They pack loads of exp, but have outrageously high defense and flee half the time in a typical battle. This is a Metababble. It has only 20 HP, but hitting it is a problem. Most of the time you will miss. If you do hit it, you will more than likely hit it by 1 at this point. What do you do? That's basically it. Attack it round after round, who cares if you're doing only 1 damage? Eventually after 7 to 50 rounds, you will kill it. ;) Its spells are weak and should do no more than 20 damage to each of your monsters. The outcome will be well worth it. On a rare occassion, one of your monsters might land a critical hit. It will probably be enough to destroy the Metababble in one strike. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After collecting that wad of experience, the Metababble will leave. Grab the Heaven Helmet and use an ExitBell or navigate your way out. From the cave, go north, north and enter Hitano. ============================================================================= 8.8 Castle Hitano ============================================================================= Area Monsters: MadGoose, Skullroo, Dragon, Metaly Items: TinyMedal (Vase at entrance in castle) Item Shop: LoveWater 75G LoveWater 100G WorldDew 750G LogTwig 50G Potion 300G WorldLeaf 1000G Sirloin 1500G Repellent 300G WarpStaff 150G ExitBell 150G Rest at the inn if you are weak from that lame boss battle ;) Go to the outside of the castle and speak to the monster on the left. He will let you in. Go on in and to the back and enter the Traveler's Gate. Go south from where you end up. You will be in a new place in the overworld. Go north, west, and into the fortress. ============================================================================= 8.9 Monster King's Fortress ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Andreal, KingSlime, FireWeed, MimeSlime Items: WorldDew (Third room blocked my EvilArmor) Thief Ring (See description) Bolt Staff (See description) SteelFang (See description) The monsters outside are quite difficult and nice to catch for later breeding purposes. Inside, go north and you will find each path is guarded by EvilArmors. The first and third paths contain nothing important in the rooms that are blocked off, but since there is a chance they will join you, you might as well fight them all. _________ / BOSS 15 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EvilArmor x2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 38 Hit Points: 450 Attack: 185 Magic Points: 140 Defense: 150 Agility: 138 Intelligence: 280 Experience: 6533 /ea. Skills: FireSlash, BoltSlash Joins: Varies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As far as strategy goes, use the basic Sleep-Attack-Heal strategy. Manually cast Sleep, SleepAll, or SleepAir if your monster is too dumb to do it itself. ;) If you have NapAttack you won't even need to. Just set the monster with NapAttack to CHARGE. Poison isn't very viable in this battle, considering the Armors have only 450 HP each. Heal whenever you need to. At this point in the game, I would say it's a MUST to have at least HealUs if not HealUsAll. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proceed through the center and go down the stairs. Now for the Thief Ring, go south, east, and down the staircase. Go north and defeat the EvilArmors. The Thief Ring is in a treasure behind them. Now go back up and go down the other set of stairs. Now keep following the path. You can grab the treasures by floating across the pits. Once you reach the bottom level, go North and behold! Mudou! Speak to him to start the battle. _________ / BOSS 16 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mudou ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 38 Hit Points: 3000 Attack: 225 Magic Points: 413 Defense: 160 Agility: 156 Intelligence: 150 Experience: 12847 /ea. Skills: Scorching, IceStorm Joins: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will obviously be your most difficult battle as of yet. Make sure your monsters are in their best possible condition before starting the battle. If you need to, go ahead and leave, use the LogTwig, and return to GreatLog to heal up. Mudou hits HARD. His hits can bring some monsters' HP down to less than half in one blow. He can also use offensive spells, such as Scorching, which can inflict average damage depending on the resistances of your monsters. Set your hardest hitter to CHARGE. Don't waste your time with spells or skills. Give Sleep spells a shot. I couldn't do so because of the lack of mana. Have your healing monster ready at all times. You will more than often have to manually command it to heal. As I have said so many times before, multi-target Heal spells are completely necessary for this battle and any battle proceeding it. It's also a better idea to set your healer to DEFENSE rather than MIXED. This will ensure that he casts healing spells more often unless his personality sucks. If he hits by less than 40, he isn't worth putting on MIXED for this battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good job defeating Mudou.. Unfortunately, it's far from over. :P Follow the path to find that Kameha is the Monster King!! He will tell you how he went about becoming the King when Darck appears! You will have to agree to his offer. He will take everything from Kameha and Warubou will summon you back with a sort of urgency. ============================================================================= 9.0 Back at GreatLog - Stop the Sinking! ============================================================================= Items: LifeAcorn (King's Chamber) Farm Capacity: 30 Quest Book (King's Chamber) Item Shop: Herb 10G Item Shop 2: WorldDew 500G LoveWater 50G Potion 200G Antidote 4G MoonHerb 20G BeefJerky 10G Laurel 20G PorkChop 40G AwakeSand 20G WarpWing 25G SkyBell 20G Bookmark 50G Rib 200G D-Scale 20G LogTwig 50G Bookmark 50G You will find that GreatLog is a lot more flooded and it's getting more and more urgent that you find a plug for the navel. If you head to the farm, the only difference you will find is the rope that leads from the farm to the top of GreatLog. Go up and find the King. Speak to him and he will let you take the two treasures found in his room. Other than that, you will find that the GreatLog Arena is closed because of the earthquakes and panic. It's also possible to breed ???? family monsters now. You will need a really powerful group of monsters for the next world, the final battle, so you may want to breed it among other monsters. When breeding, make sure you get the opposite sex for each pair of breeding monsters, or you won't be able to breed. Eggs aren't really a problem since you can change their gender at the Egg Evaluator. Once you think your party is powerful enough, talk to Warubou to receive the three treasures once again. Go to the Magic Door and use the Limbo Key. GreatLog Trainers - Available Breeding ############################################################################# Scientist in Tavern (Gulpple - Choice) ############################################################################# ============================================================================= 10.0 Limbo World - Tower Bridge ============================================================================= World Monsters: 1EyeClown, ChopClown, MistyWing, BossTroll Area Monsters: 1EyeClown, ChopClown, MistyWing (inside): 1EyeClown, ChopClown, StoneMan +----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Limbo World Map | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzdzz~ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzd Shrine (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzd (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzd ` (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz3 (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzz====: ....(zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzz` .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzz` .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzz> .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzz: .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzz:```` ````>zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzz` (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzz` (=============zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzz` .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzz` .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzz>>>; .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzz: Darck's .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzz{____ Fortress .____zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzz` (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzz..... ....(zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: Tower .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz>c>>` (c>>czzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz` (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_________(zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| +----------------------------------------------------------------+ From the shrine, go south, south, and enter the tower. Make sure you are ready for the real deal and continue through the bridge. Give the three treasures to the guard and the battle will ensue! _________ / BOSS 17 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DeadNoble, Armorpion, Grakos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DeadNoble | 40 | 980| 338| 130 | 200 | 210 | 329 |HealUs Armorpion | 42 | 760| 428| 210 | 250 | 213 | 200 |RainSlash DrakSlash Grakos | 41 |1000| 477| 256 | 270 | 150 | 310 |IceStorm ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Experience: 20345 /ea. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- By now, you should have some pretty kick ass monsters. You had as much time as you wanted to get to this point, and breeding was encouraged greatly. What would be good for this battle is a tank, a healing monster, and an offensive monster (either physically or using skills). I chose my MetaKing+6 because it can take any spell and not get hurt, my MadCondor because it gained the HealUsAll ability, and my Orochi+5 for its physical strength and BeDragon ability. You should try to have a party somewhat like mine. If your healing monster is also skilled physically, keep him on MIXED. Otherwise, it's best if you keep him on DEFENSE. If you're using the MadCondor, you will find that its hits are pretty hard and it's best to keep him on MIXED. Spells work nice against these three, especially since most of your spells will be multi-target by now. FireBolt, Zap, and Infermost all work equally well. It's best to concentrate your efforts on DeadNoble at first, because it can heal the entire enemy party! If you're using a dragon-type monster that has BeDragon, use it! It will push that monster's HP to 999 and increase its stats significantly for a period of time. Skills like BiAttack or QuadHits if you have it also work well, though each hit will only be a fraction of what a normal hit is. The Armorpion has some powerful defense, but he also has the weakest HP of the three. He shouldn't be as much of a threat as the other two enemies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're definitely going to want to heal up now. Either walk back to the shrine or use a WarpWing. Return to GreatLog and you will automatically healed. Make SURE you have a few Potions or ElfWaters for the next battle. Go back to the tower and make your way past the bridge. Now go to the west in this new area and keep going north. When you cant go north anymore, go east until you see a door. Go inside and follow the path. It's Darck!! .____MMMMMMMMMMa___. gmMMMMMM##]`##](MMMMMm) ___MMMMMMMB_Uf! U:__MMMMM#MB_ .__, .mBMM#MMB###MMMmmmMmEM#MMB####Mm) _mUM] .__,.__, __M#MmBMBMB#MMWv#@@@vvdMMB##MMMmmM&, ._dbugF% _M$gmUM] dE##MMM##MMMMb4QMPqBQnqMMB####MMM#ME _mUOxdM~ dMMM>JE_MMBW_dE######MMMMnqgg#MM@ggy4MME######M) __WvvdE dD`U[vvxMR64M](B###MMMEBUMRUUMPqBUUqEUUMB###MB:` dEvvqP` /TgxvvxgggMMMBTMF@MMMmQMB&_M#MBQM&_MMBMdMMFTMFMMM_dTvvM] _MBMMBXUC`#ME `4dBMMMBMMMMMMMMMMMBBM#MBMM]_#.dMMMDvvvM] _TAr^^___QMME V:_TMMMMMBMMMMMMMMMMBMMMBMFNm_MhvvMmyvvvdE MmmmMRZ#MME eQgMBMBMMBMBBMMMMMEMMBME` (MMMMmxvMExvvdE JTgxvdBFME M: ._FTTMMBMMMMEMMMBRTTt_MMmggxvd@vvdEvvvdM~ `gBE` dMm`qQk` _MBBMMMMMBMr`(Q,_m:0|(UMPxvvvdBMMmdM~ M] _B_2\___J+ TMMBF%_9_. MA_MMMMW_dNgxg2T 7TTM~ _mM#QQQ: (Mmp``d] gdR` .#A) ME6vvvvzM]/BMr` .Hm) _JT 7HMM&___fVVV _5__/TTME8vvvvvvMBT .SMh, .m:qmmmmmm. qE#QMMMMmmmmmmgmMRgmmM]`x`({`MME .SSME __MMbvvvggBMMMMMmQQMMMMMMMMMMMBMMMNgMMmgMQMmgMm&_ __SSSME /EU[vvxMRUU[xxzUUdB#######MMMR6xxx2ZMXMBMMHHHSSXSQwwwwdSSSSME dEvvvvvvvvuggMMMMMMMMMMB#MMM##MMMMmyvvvdWm#SSSSS] (SA_dSSSQFT dEvvvvvvxqEMMM##MM#M###MMME###ME##MMmxxvdM#QSSSSAwwd](SSSSQM] dEvvvvvxME####MB#######MMMmmm##MB###MMkvvvMmQSSSSSSSSSSSQPT` `qmvxxvxME###MEM##MB##MMMMME:MEMB####MMmvvQ#MMBEQQQQQdMMP` /TgMEvvMMB##ME#mFWB#MMMMMMMMMME####MmMbvvMmgT_JTTTTTT `MMmxx2dBMMMMMmMB#MBMMM](BBME##MBEUOx4MMMMm^` _TTAggMMMB#M#TMa(MMFMMMMmmETThggFTT ``````(MMMBMMMMMmMMB^``` .`` _TTt _________ / BOSS 18 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darck ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 44 Hit Points: 4000 Attack: 350 Magic Points: 999 Defense: 220 Agility: 160 Intelligence: 210 Experience: 19876 /ea. Skills: PanicAll Firebolt DeMagic Joins: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The final battle. You had better be prepared for this, because Drack will show no mercy. You better have breeded your monsters into champs before trying to take Darck on. Darck can completely obliterate your party in three rounds. His GigaSlash does 150+ damage depending on the monster it's hitting. This is usually enough to kill a monster and unless you have vivify or revive, it will remain dead. What can you do to prepare? Well, like I have always said, your party should consist of a heavy hitter, a healer (not the monster), and another monster of choice. One of your monsters should have spells like MagicWall and Revive. I can't stress enough that HealUsAll is a MUST for this battle. The reason I recommend using MagicWall is because it will probably decrease the chance of GigaSlash hitting you. IronTurts and AmberWeeds get it, so you probably won't have it. I didn't but I still managed to survive with Revive. Get your heavy hitter to CHARGE. If it can BeDragon, then do so as soon as possible! The boost in stats is definitely good and will cause it to hit a lot harder. Another thing is if you have QuadHits, use it until you can't use it anymore. Sure, each hit is not as much as a normal hit, but consider this: Getting a critical when using QuadHits. >:) Darck can use DeMagic, which will turn your monster back into its normal form, but then you can just BeDragon again. :P Your healer should obviously be used for that purpose only, unless its attack is considerable enough to decide whether you win this battle or not. You will probably run out of mana, which is why I suggested on bringing along some Potions or if you're lucky enough to find them, ElfWaters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you do defeat Darck, Tara will grab the MagicPlug from the chest! Congratulations, you did it! The ending will display and the credits will roll. ============================================================================= 11.0 Back at GreatLog - New Adventures Await ============================================================================= Items: WhaleMage Egg (Married Couple) Farm Capacity: 30 HaloSlime Egg (Merchant in Evaluator) MagicBelt (Ladder from Treetop) SnowStaff (Ladder from Treetop) Item Shop: Herb 10G Item Shop 2: WorldDew 500G LoveWater 50G Potion 200G Antidote 4G MoonHerb 20G BeefJerky 10G Laurel 20G PorkChop 40G AwakeSand 20G WarpWing 25G SkyBell 20G Bookmark 50G Rib 200G D-Scale 20G LogTwig 50G Bookmark 50G Item Shop 3: ElfWater 2000G ElfWater 1000G WorldLeaf 1000G GoldPass 20000G Sirloin 1000G MistStaff 700G FriendStaff 800G WindStaff 1500G BoltStaff 3000G BeastTail 800G ** From here on, you will see very little, if at all, monster strategies. At this point in the game, you could have any monster so there's no point in even writing them ** The game's not over! You can play until the end of time! =) There will also be nearly infinite worlds to explore with the complex key system. Everyone in GreatLog will give you the recognition they should have since the beginning. They will all recognize you as a hero. Since you've beat the game, the Arena has opened up once again. Class B and A should be no match at all for your new party. Let's get to it! __________ / ARENA B \_________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class B ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monsters: Prize: Magic Key Round 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TreeBoy | 27 | 97 | 200| 73 | 95 | 130 | 318 | FooHero | 25 | 152| 138| 82 | 100 | 80 | 310 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mommonja | 26 | 140| 63 | 102 | 83 | 283 | 367 | Drygon | 33 | 151| 99 | 124 | 104 | 106 | 347 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HerbMan | 36 | 201| 149| 110 | 116 | 123 | 435 | DanceVegi | 35 | 145| 132| 105 | 105 | 189 | 367 | MudDoll | 35 | 210| 28 | 108 | 82 | 105 | 730 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy here is pointless. Your monsters should be able to defeat every round in no more than two turns. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________ / ARENA A \_________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monsters: Prize: Magic Key Round 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starfish | 42 | 250| 224| 180 | 150 | 97 | 850 |BirdBlow MadCondor | 30 | 210| 40 | 195 | 180 | 233 | 524 | Swordgon | 39 | 225| 38 | 200 | 185 | 142 | 736 |HealMore ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octoreach | 37 | 210| 287| 132 | 130 | 170 | 530 | Octogon | 37 | 280| 204| 169 | 120 | 125 | 706 | KingSquid | 43 | 260| 35 | 210 | 160 | 99 | 978 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MistyWing | 45 | 269| 201| 166 | 155 | 192 | 453 | CopyCat | 45 | 210| 244| 144 | 159 | 133 | 430 | NiteWhip | 45 | 330| 149| 182 | 180 | 149 | 830 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Again, your party should have no problem. Just hope the CopyCat gets killed before he has a chance to Transform... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think you're up to it, go ahead with S Class as well. __________ / ARENA S \_________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monsters: Prize: Magic Key Round 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goopi | 20 | 250| 25 | 245 | 145 | 173 | 520 | PomPomBom | 49 | 440| 22 | 300 | 210 | 50 | 863 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ArmyCrab | 20 | 250| 25 | 245 | 145 | 173 | 520 | DarkCrab | 49 | 440| 22 | 300 | 210 | 50 | 863 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DrakSlime | 50 | 370| 151| 270 | 200 | 260 | 570 |Blazemost MetaKing | 50 | 70 | 60 | 270 | 540 | 150 | 240 | MimeSlime | 50 | 300| 350| 250 | 190 | 290 | 588 |Barrier ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 1 should be no problem at all, but Round 2 is where it starts to get tough. If your monsters aren't REALLY strong, the enemy will be somewhat of a threat. Both the ArmyCrabs and DarkCrab can put out a decent amount of damage. Just make sure your healing monster is in your party and you will be all right. Round 3 is where it really gets tough. Don't be fooled by MetaKing's low HP. He has a defense of 540, making it difficult to inflict any amount on damage on him. You might be lucky enough to land a critical hit on him and take him out in one turn, but that's just chance. You can't do much other than let your party attack, since it's an arena battle. You better have some good monsters. :P ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you've beaten S Class, all classes will become available and new prizes will be given out. C Class also costs 1000G instead of 500G now. Now for some side-exploring in GreatLog. Leave the Arena and go left into the complex. Enter the any top house. You will find that the couple finally got together and married. ;) Speak to the lady and she will give you a WhaleMage egg! For another egg, go to the Egg Evaluator's. Speak with the merchant inside and he will hand over an egg. It's a HaloSlime egg! Other changes to GreatLog include: * The path completed between the Stable and the Starry Shrine. * You can go to the TinyMedal master and trade 10 medals for a Darck! * The third item shop is now available to buy from as well. It has all the latest items. * Go to the Treetops of GreatLog using the rope at your farm. Go to the far right. You will find a new ladder going down into the tree. Take it and follow the path for a MagicBelt and a SnowStaff. * If you go back to the girl you gave the SpotSlime to, you will find she is a monster master. In fact, she's quite good! You can battle her whenever you want any number of times. No prize is involved. From here, you can either continue to 10.1.0 or 10.2. It's up to you. GreatLog Trainers - Available Breeding - FINAL ############################################################################# Man in Arena (Skeletor - Choice) Gypsy in Tavern (FunkyBird - Choice) Wizard in Arena (StoneMan - Choice) (After breeding with man) Elf in Tavern (CopyCat - Choice) (After breeding with Gypsy) BunnyGirl in Tavern (Andreal - Choice) (After breeding with Elf) ############################################################################# ============================================================================= 11.1 Exploring Old Worlds - New Areas ============================================================================= When you finished each of the four worlds, you left behind a secret area or quest in each one. Since you are powerful enough to do so, you can now explore these worlds. For the desert world, the secret area was the extra items in the well. If you already found them, then don't bother going back. Otherwise, refer to section 2.7 for them. Remember, you can visit these whenever you want. This part of the walkthrough is in no particular order. ============================================================================= 11.1.1 Sea World - KingSquid ============================================================================= Enter Sea World. From the shrine, walk up until hit the shore. Get on the TidalBell and go four screens up until you see KingSquid in the middle of the lake. Be careful, he is very strong and unless you have another very powerful monster among your party, you will probably lose. _________ / BOSS 20 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KingSquid ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 38 Hit Points: 2500 Attack: 227 Magic Points: 140 Defense: 147 Agility: 189 Intelligence: 143 Experience: 1333 /ea. Skills: TidalWave PaniDance Joins: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The KingSquid hits very hard, usually in the 100-200 range. When he does TidalWave, it especially hurts, causing 150+ damage to all monsters. You MUST have a monster that packs HealUsAll. It's absolutely necessary for this battle and you will probably die if you don't have it. Let's take a look at what doesn't work: Sleep. If it did, you would have an extreme advantage. Most of the time the cast will fail. Don't even bother with it. What does work: A heavy attacker with decent HPs, preferably a monster with BeDragon. Using BeDragon will instantly boost the monster's max HP to 999 and increase its stats. I would recommend an Orochi. You will also need to carry a few ElfWaters to restore the precious mana needed to cast HealUsAll. If you're in need of cash, refer to the FAQ section. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you defeat it, it will join you!!! It will make a very powerful monster to have. ============================================================================= 11.1.2 Ice World - Secret Tower ============================================================================= Area Monsters: MerTiger, FoxFire, RogueNite (inside): Puppetor, Golem, AgDevil Items: DracoBelt (c1) BoltStaff (c2) SmartBook (c3) BraveCape (c4) FriendStaff (c5) MageRing (c6) DivineRing (Floor 5) MeteOrb (Floor 5) When the ice thawed, new locations were made reachable that you were unable to get to before. One of them was a tower loaded with treasures, mazes, and monsters of all types. From the shrine, go west, into the water, then south, west, south, west, south. You will see the tower on an island. ** Ice Blocks are breakable ** FLOOR 1 FLOOR 2 ####### ###################### ############################### ## lllll ## ## xxxx x x l ls3g# ## xxxxxxxxxxxxxxll ## ##c4 xxxxxxxx l l ## ## xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxll ## ##xxx c3xxxxxxx ls3f ## ## xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl ## ## xxxxxxxxxx s3el l ## ## xxxxxxxx c2xxxxxx ## ## x xxxx l l ## ## xxxxxxxx xxxxxx ## ## ############# ############## ## xxxxxxxx xxxxxx ## ## s3bl l ### ############## ## xxxxxxxx c1 xxxxxx ## ## l l l ## s2b## ## lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## ## l s3cl ## ## ## llllxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## ## l l l ################## ## lllllllll ## ## l l s3d# ## ## s2a ## ## l l l ##s2a s3a## ############################### ############################### FLOOR 3 FLOOR 4 ############################### ############################### ##s4b s3g ## ##s4b ## ## ##lllllllllllllllllllllllllll## ## c5 c6 ## s5 ## ## s3f ## ########## ########## ## ##lllllllllllllllllllllllllll## ## ## xxxxxx x##### ## s3e ## ## xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## ##lllllllllllllllllllllllllll## ## xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## ## s3b ################## ## xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## ##lllllllllll## xxx x xs2b# ## xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## ## s3c ##xxxxxxxxx xx ## ##### ### xxxxxxxxxxx xx xxx## ##lllllllllll## xxx xxxx xx## ## ## xxxxxxxx xxx## ##s4a s3d## xxxx xx xxxx## ##s4a xxxxxxxxxxx ## ##lllllllllll##x xxxx x s3a## ## x x xxxxxxxxx ## ############################### ############################### x - Pit # - Walls l - Laser Field snx - Stairs cn - Chest Map not to scale Just make your way through the tower, collecting any treasures. The fifth floor holds two very nice items - a Divine Ring (recharges 1 MP per step) and some MeteOrb! From there you can just fall off. ============================================================================= 11.1.3 Sky World ============================================================================= I have not found the secret area of Sky World just yet, but I'm pretty sure it exists. It's all a matter of exploring. ============================================================================= 11.2 Unlocking New Worlds ============================================================================= There are several new worlds to explore other than the randomly generated ones. To get to them, certain conditions must be met. Here's how: Lonely Key - Lonely World ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You must have caught at least 50 different monsters. By now, I don't see how that's a hard condition to meet. If you talk to your dad on your farm, he will tell you that since you have befriended 50 monsters, talk to Kameha. Go into the King's chamber and talk to Kameha to initiate a battle! _________ / BOSS 19 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MimeSlime, Tonguella, Golem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MineSlime | 43 | 370| 690| 258 | 320 | 350 | 520 |Barrier Tonguella | 45 | 400| 320| 338 | 310 | 284 | 430 |MagicWall Golem | 48 | 520| 315| 410 | 301 | 189 | 540 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To start with, you will want to concentrate on the Golem. His hits are hard but shouldn't defeat your monster in a round. I assume your monsters are quite powerful by this point, I know mine were. :) It is an Arena battle and you will not be able to use items or choose your monster's skills. It's all up to their personalities. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you do defeat him, he will hand over the Lonely Key. :) This will give you access to the Lonely World. Baffle Key - Baffle World ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collect 10 TinyMedals by winning Arena battles, exploring worlds, or otherwise, and trade them for Darck's egg. Hatch the egg and put Darck into your party. Go to the key merchant and talk to him. He will be impressed and hand you the Baffle Key. Brawn Key - Power World ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can only get it in Cobi's Adventure by doing the same thing as in Tara's for the Baffle Key. To get it in Tara's, you have to find someone to trade with or cheat. :P (I did the latter... ;) Soul Key - Soul World ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After completing the Baffle and Power Worlds, go back to the key merchant. Speak to him and he will congratulate you on passing the two trials. Your reward will be the Soul Key. Traveler Key - Travel World ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you obtain 150 different monster types, you will be able to fight Kameha for the second time. This time his monsters really do pack a punch and it's an arena battle as well! No point writing a strategy for an arena battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MetaBabble | 50 | 200| 950| 310 | 780 | 840 | 700 | KingLeo | 55 |1200| 490| 370 | 480 | 460 | 680 | GoldGolem | 50 | 900| 590| 430 | 600 | 370 | 700 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defeat him and he will hand over the final preset key, the Traveler Key. ============================================================================= 11.3 The King's Quests ============================================================================= i. Merchant Fugitive ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon befriending 100 different species of monsters and beating Lonely World, go to the King. He will first tell you that he has heard of an evil master who is using monsters to carry out his deeds. Answer yes to him and the quest will begin. Now you have to explore any world you can enter using a Magic Key, with the exception of Oasis, Pirate, Ice, Sky, Limbo, and Lonely. Just explore any world until you find a merchant. Merchants are clothed in green and wander the world at random. You can leave a screen and move back on to it to find one. Just talk to it and battle will start. His monsters are random. Defeat him. A message will display saying he was captured and sent to GreatLog. Head back to GreatLog and speak with the King. Your reward? 10,000 G. ii. Priest Fugitive ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collect 150 different species and defeat Terry. The King will give you your second quest, to find and defeat the priest who uses monsters for misdeeds. The priest only attacks injured monsters in battles. I haven't confirmed it, but I think at least one of your monsters has to have low HPs for you to find the priest. Priests are clothed in blue with a white crucifix on their gowns. You can find one by just going from one screen to another. To battle him, just talk to him. Again, the monsters used are random. Your reward this time is 20,000 G. iii. Mage Fugitive ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The king will give you this quest after capturing the Priest. Take out a group of your monsters which lacky any skills in magic. Skills are all right, but magic will cause him to never appear. I've been having trouble finding the mage fugitive, possibly because it's hard to not have any monsters with magic. When I do find him, I will add the info here. ============================================================================= 12.0 Lonely World ============================================================================= World Monsters: Grizzly, SkulRider, WalrusMan The monsters have a lot more HP than they ever did before and they are all considerably more powerful. You will need a pretty powerful party to be able to take them on. From the shrine, just head towards the other town you see on your map. It's very easy to locate. ============================================================================= 12.1 Into the Basement - The Obedient Roboster ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Grizzly, SkulRider, WalrusMan (inside): Protomech, Reaper, MadCandle, Shadow Items: TinyMedal (Vase on upper floor) WorldDew (Barrel in northwest corner) WizStone (Roboster's Barrel) Go inside and speak with the man. Answer yes to him and you will become his assistant. He will first ask you to go into the basement and get the treasure he's stored in a barrel. The basement is infested by monsters, so be careful. Go down the stairs. Make your way north, east, south, and down to the second basement. Go north, up into the path, west, and south. Head down the stairs. Go east, north, and you will be in the barrel room! Examine the barrels if you want. Two of them contain monsters, one an item, others are just useless. Either speak to the Roboster or try to examine the barrel next to him to initiate the boss battle! _________ / BOSS 21 \__________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roboster ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 50 Hit Points: 900 Attack: 401 Magic Points: 570 Defense: 448 Agility: 427 Intelligence: 670 Experience: 2000 /ea. Skills: QuadHits Joins: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- It hits hard and it has QuadHits! This battle will be up to the strength of your party. I'm talking about having ???? Family monsters, specifically Ogredemir. I personally did not because it takes HOURS to make one, but I at least had a Pizzaro.. :P Again, have a really strong attacker and your mass healer to back the party up. If Roboster lets loose QuadHits, you will probably have to heal up. Pound away on it with everything you've got. Spells work effectively as well. With these late boss battles, I can't explain too much strategy because you can have nearly any monster. Sleep doesn't seem to work. I don't see why it would against a robot. ;) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After beating him, examine the barrel and you will have to fight him again. Just take a few hits on him. He has like 500 HPs this time and should be no trouble. He doesn't use QuadHits anymore. After beating that form, you will have to fight him AGAIN! This time he will have around 250 HP. If you examine the barrel, he will fight for one last time, this time with 100 HP. You can keep fighting him from here on, but nothing will happen. Make your way back out of the basement and speak to the professor. He will tell you to stop Roboster and go after the treasure later. Make your way back to the barrel room and fight his worst form for one last time. It will stop moving. Examine the barrel for the WizStone. Go back up and speak to the Professor. Tara will give him the stone and he will complete his robot. As a reward, he will give you a lousy SmartBook. >:( You're all done with this world. ============================================================================= 13.0 Baffle World - Tower Challenge ============================================================================= World Monsters: None Follow the path and enter the tower. Monsters on the first floor will tell you about how enemies in the tower use skills like Sleep and DanceShut against you. They are not physical, but more powerful with their skills. If you were playing Cobi's, you would get the Brawn Key instead. From here, head up the stairs for your first challenge. Floor 2 - Shackle Chamber ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: SkyBell, SmartHat, ExitBell Enemies: Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crestpent | 42 | 780| 700| 279 | 300 | 299 | 480 | SpotKing | 45 |1300| 550| 378 | 214 | 308 | 800 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personally, I had no problem with the entire tower. This is probably because of my L81 Pizzaro using QuadHits. The enemy monsters never got the chance to use any of their skills on me once. The fourth chest is a Mimic. It will say "What to do if we are all in danger..." It's hinting that the next challenge will feature monsters who cast "<>All" spells or "<>Air" spells. Floor 3 - Confusion Chamber ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: Herb, AwakeSand, ClericRing Enemies: Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gulpple | 45 | 840| 590| 289 | 299 | 387 | 650 |SleepAir FairyDrak | 40 | 700| 340| 312 | 298 | 273 | 500 | DuckKite | 42 | 900| 470| 296 | 330 | 400 | 730 |SleepAll ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first chest is a Mimic. It will say "Sweets are good cheap energy!" Use herbs! :P Floor 4 - Fatigue Chamber ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: ExitBell, BraveCape, MoonHerb Enemies: Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FunkyBird | 42 | 890| 500| 301 | 267 | 430 | 680 | DanceVegi | 37 | 680| 430| 259 | 249 | 240 | 390 | Slurperon | 39 | 790| 400| 277 | 259 | 302 | 450 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For every battle in this tower thus far, I've found that PaniDance has worked incredibly well. It confused the entire opposing party so they would do all the work for me. ;) The first chest is a mimic. It will say "Overconfidence is a trap." To make it more understandable, let's say we threw all of your monster's DEF ratings to 0 and initiated a battle. ;) The next battle has three monsters who all have the spell of Defense! Floor 5 - Looting Chamber ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: MermScale, LoveWater, TheifRing Enemies: Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MadPlant | 39 | 880| 380| 243 | 350 | 289 | 510 |Defense Orc | 43 | 900| 350| 340 | 289 | 190 | 770 |Defense PutrePup | 41 | 700| 280| 330 | 328 | 232 | 450 |Defense ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first chest is a mimic. It will say "I'm scared... Terrified, even..." I'm guessing the next group of monsters can Curse you. Floor 6 - Baffle Tower Peak ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: Herb, GoldCape, MageRing, Antidote Enemies: Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devipine | 43 | 840| 400| 300 | 358 | 222 | 660 | Anemon | 44 | 900| 370| 248 | 388 | 289 | 580 | HerbMan | 46 |1300| 700| 341 | 273 | 370 | 900 |DanceShut ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Devipine will mention about conquering all towers. You can do so if you're lucky enough to also have the Cobi cart or have a friend who has Cobi's. This world is complete, head back to GreatLog. ============================================================================= 14.0 Brawn World - Another Tower Challenge ============================================================================= World Monsters: None Follow the path and enter the tower. Monsters on the first floor will tell you about how enemies in the tower are powerful and will go all out on you. Since this tower is from Cobi's, they are more offensive and will not use status-affecting skills. Floor 2 - WhirlWind Chamber ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: TinyMedal, AGLRing, SkyBell Enemies: Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WindBeast | 40 | 900| 127| 236 | 168 | 489 | 546 | MadGoose | 40 | 580| 387| 201 | 203 | 348 | 521 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This floor is pretty pathetic considering they call it the Power World. A L50 Slime could beat this party alone! :P The third chest is a mimic. It will tell you lightning mixed with water is dangerous. If you were paying attention to the WindBeast after you defeated it, it told you the next floor has monsters who use water skills. Use lightning skills!! ;P Floor 3 - Clearwater Chamber ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: Herb, OrcaCape, LoveWater Enemies: Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WhaleMage | 42 | 750| 590| 199 | 228 | 247 | 894 |TidalWave SeaHorse | 37 | 480| 180| 191 | 253 | 222 | 490 | OctoReach | 39 | 700| 140| 238 | 174 | 247 | 423 |Geyser ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any lightning skills, they will aid you tremendously in this battle. If your party is already powerful enough, it won't matter. The fourth chest is a mimic. It will give you another obvious hint... Use fire skills against ice skills on the next floor. Floor 4 - Blizzard Chamber ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: LoveWater, StoneFang, Herb Enemies: Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- IceMan | 45 |1200| 500| 345 | 279 | 210 | 670 | Shadow | 40 | 600| 300| 277 | 240 | 170 | 500 | BigEye | 37 | 750| 280| 358 | 242 | 198 | 550 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Again, if you have fire skills, they will be very helpful in this chamber. Your party is probably already strong enough to take them on without any fire skills at all, though. The first chest is a mimic. It will tell you that electric jolts are good at times. If a monster confuses or uses sleep on you, then it's a good thing to get hit because it will knock your monster back to its senses. Floor 5 - Thunder Chamber ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: LoveWater, SailorRing, Silvrcape Enemies: Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balzak | 45 |2000| 398| 375 | 257 | 220 | 330 |Thordain RotRaven | 35 | 680| 340| 160 | 249 | 350 | 700 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last chest, who is a mimic, will just say "Hot! Hot! Burning up!", which doesn't tell you much. It's not too hard anyway. Floor 6 - Brawn Tower Peak ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: MagicCape, DracoCape, Herb, TinyMedal Enemies: Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jamirus | 48 |1400| 750| 247 | 349 | 410 | 690 |TailWind SkyDragon | 46 | 990| 700| 349 | 279 | 243 | 590 | Gremlin | 40 | 600| 450| 201 | 232 | 218 | 300 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- An easy battle won, yet again. Once you defeat it, it will move out of the way. Grab the treasures, head back down the tower, and leave this world. ============================================================================= 15.0 Soul World - The Final Tower Challenge ============================================================================= World Monsters: None Follow the path and enter the tower. Monsters on the first floor will tell you that the monsters up the floors are no joke. This is where they get tough and start to pose a challenge. We'll see about that. Floor 2 - Life Chamber ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: ExitBell, WarRing, WorldDew Enemies: Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- KingSlime | 50 |4000| 280| 329 | 289 | 334 | 800 |Barrier, Vivify Coatol | 48 | 640|1800| 289 | 410 | 329 | 800 |Explodet ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neither of the monsters are terribly powerful, but the Coatol has LOADS of MP. Seeing as he has only 640 HPs, you might want to defeat him first. The KingSlime can cast Vivify, but it probably won't work. If it does, it will only take you a couple of rounds to defeat the Coatol again. The first chest is a mimic. It will say "If it hurts, heal it." Obviously. Floor 3 - Pain Chamber ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: TinyMedal, SteelFang, DrakScale Enemies: Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FangSlime | 44 | 700| 378| 333 | 278 | 397 | 590 |CallHelp Grizzly | 45 | 870| 360| 372 | 245 | 379 | 288 | BeastNite | 45 |1200| 420| 358 | 343 | 201 | 600 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fourth chest is a mimic. It will give the hint, "Good health above all." I guess it means you should try to keep your health up or that the next chamber will have monsters who constantly heal each other. Floor 4 - Healing Chamber ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: LifeRing, DivineRing, Herb Enemies: Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SlimeBorg | 44 | 650| 790| 217 | 327 | 418 | 740 |HealMore Unicorn | 45 | 720| 680| 316 | 322 | 319 | 800 |HealAll SuperTen | 44 | 600| 380| 312 | 298 | 417 | 600 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other than healing each other, they may give you a hit which will do minimal damage each round. Their HP is low enough to defeat each of them in one round with a high-hitter using QuadHits. The mimic in the first chest will give you a useless hint, just warning you of the danger coming up. Floor 5 - Chaos Chamber ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: PltnmCape, WiseHat, ExitBell Enemies: Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slime | 47 | 600| 500| 387 | 299 | 387 | 700 | RockSlime | 40 | 680| 230| 265 | 362 | 265 | 450 | MetaBabble| 40 | 284| 700| 146 | 798 | 688 | 720 |Explodet ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MetaBabble might be a bit difficult if you don't have a heavy-hitter who packs QuadHits. The Slime and RockSlime are both a joke. Don't even worry about attacking them. ;) The mimic in the first chest will just tell you that this is the final test. Floor 6 - Soul Tower Peak ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: Herb, FightRing, StarryRing, LoveWater Enemies: Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gorago | 55 | 990| 780| 432 | 378 | 688 | 800 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enix really needs to make a monster like Final Fantasy's Omega Weapon. I really didn't find this to be difficult at all. Two VacuSlashes from my L81 Pizzaro killed it. =\ Hopefully, you will have a really strong monster or a decent party in general. I spent a lot of time breeding before doing any of the extra adventuring. They just HAD to stick a herb on the last floor of the final tower. ;P Well, you're all done with the towers. Head back to GreatLog. ============================================================================= 16.0 Visit from GreatTree's Master ============================================================================= After you catch 100 different species of monsters and you've bred with every breeder who asks you to in the arena, Terry from DWM will be there! If you talk to him, he will agree to fight you *IF* you have at least 150 different types. Get breeding! When you have 150, just talk to him and he will challenge you. This is an arena battle and I cannot help you. It's all up to the overall power of your party. Here are the monsters he will use. Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GreatDrak | 52 | 840| 330| 375 | 400 | 299 | 300 |WhiteFire Watabou | 40 | 620| 467| 320 | 380 | 178 | 150 | Durran | 53 |1000| 470| 420 | 430 | 326 | 450 |GigaSlash UltraDown ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= 17.0 Travel World ============================================================================= World Monsters: Butterfly, TreeSlime, Ogre, Spikerous, Lipsy +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Travel World Map | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzz=>>>>>>=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz=>>>>>>>>>>>>>>zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzz~ .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzz~ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^: `^^^^^^=zzzzzz>^^^^^^:zzzzzzz| |zzz~ (zzzzzz~ .zzzzzzz| |zzz:___ (zzzzzz~Merchantzzzzzz| |zzzzzz{ (zzzzzz~ Tower.zzzzzzz| |zzz:``` (zzzzzz~ .zzzzzzz| |zzz~ (zzzzzz~ .zzzzzzz| |zzz~ (zzzzzz~ .zzzzzzz| |zzz~ Traveler's Hut (======~ .zzzzzzz| |zzz~ .zzzzzzz| |zzz~ .zzzzzzz| |zzz~ .zzzzzzz| |zzz~... .............. .zzzzzzz| |zzzzzz{ zzzzzzzzzzzzzz` .zzzzzzz| |zzz:``` zzzzzzzzzzzzzz___. ____zzzzzzz| |zzz~ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz{ (zzzzzzzzzz| |zzz~ zzzzzz{```(zzzzzzo((_(__({zzzzzz````| |zzz~ zzzzzz{ .zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz` | |zzz=((: zzzzzz{ (zzzzzzzzzzzzz: | |zzzzzz{ zzzzzz{ (zzzzzzzzzzzzz: | |zzz~ zzzzzz{ (zzzzzzzzzzzzz: | |zzz~ ===zzz{ (zzzzzzzzzzzzz: | |zzzzzz{ /zz{ (zzzzzzzzMzzzz: | |zzzzzz{.... `==> (============: ...| |zzzzzzzzzz: zzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzz:___ Miagen .zzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzz` .zzzzzzz| |zzz:``````````` .zzzzzzzz| |zzz~ .zzyzzzzz| |zzz>((( (zzz| |zzzzzz{ (zzz| |zzzzzzz{>>; (>>>>>{>>cc>>{; (>>>>cc>>{>>>>zz Shrine (zzz| |zzzzzzzzzz: (zzzzzzzzzzzzz: (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (zzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This will be your final world to explore. Of course there's always the random Magic Keys but this is the final premade world. Go a screen north and enter Miagen. ============================================================================= 17.1 Miagen - Milayou's Favor ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Butterfly, TreeSlime Items: TinyMedal (Vase underneath Inn) DEFSeed (Vase above old people's house) Item Shop: LoveWater 75G Potion 300G SageRock 1500G Sirloin 1500G Repellent 300G ShinyHarp 1500G Inside, people will keep mentioning a girl named Milayou and how she likes monsters so much. You will also find out something of great importance was stolen from the old people living in the town. Head to the Inn and you will find Milayou! Agree to defeat the bad monsters. The elf inside the Inn will tell you about the Traveler's Hut northwest of the town. First talk to the old man and woman. They will tell you their ring was stolen. Now head to the Traveler's Hut by going west, west, west north, north, and entering the shrine ============================================================================= 17.2 Traveler's Hut ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Ogre, Butterfly, Lipsy Items: Potion (Top vase at entrance) Pretty Ring (From Pixys in Forest) Talk to everyone. If you answer Yes to the elf he will tell you the monsters are getting into Miagen by scaling the mountains to the north through the forest. The forest can be found to the east of the Hut. Go to the screen with the beds in the Traveler's Hut and talk to the merchant 5 or 6 times, until he bashes you. He seems a little weird, eh? You might as well head for the forest in hope of finding the lost ring. From the hut, go east, east, east, north and into the mountain that sticks out. ============================================================================= 17.3 Quest to Return Peace ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Ogre, Spikerous, Butterfly, TreeSlime, Lipsy Items: Pretty Ring (From Pixys) SageRock (From old woman after giving back Ring) Just go in and defeat the two Pixys guarding the path. They will leave behind the Pretty Ring. You should know what to do with that. To get back to Miagen quick, just use a Warp Staff. Otherwise, go south, west, west, south, south, east, east. In Miagen, head to the old man and Tara will hand over the Pretty Ring. The man will mention a merchant who was being pushy and staring at the man's belongings. This is the same merchant who bashed Tara back at the Hut! It's time to go back there and see what's up. From Miagen, go west, west, west, north, north. The merchant inside will run off after Tara asks him where he got his wares. There's only once place he could have gone. Back to the forest! Go east, east, east, north. Enter the forest. ============================================================================= 17.4 Dark Merchant's Tower ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Ogre, Spikerous (inside): Butterfly, CurseLamp, Spikerous, Lipsy, Skulpent, Skullgon, Ogre Items: Laurel (F1 Chest) ExitBell (F3 Chest) TinyMedal (F5 Chest) FriendStaff (F7 Chest) Inside, you will find Milayou outside the tower telling you about her defeat. It's up to you to take care of the dark merchant now. 1: Go inside and up the stairs to Floor 2. 2: Go east, south, east, and go up the stairs. 3: Go west, north, east, and up the stairs to Floor 4. 4: Go south, west, north, and up the stairs. 5: Go east and up the stairs. 6: Go south, west, north, and up the stairs. 7: 4 out of 5 treasure chests are Mimics. The other is a Friend Staff (Bottom most) On floor 8, you will find the merchant. After a short monologue, he will challenge you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CopyCat | 55 | 750| 300| 300 | 310 | 520 | 380 |Transform StoneMan | 52 |1300| 300| 360 | 458 | 268 | 700 | WhipBird | 53 | 950| 831| 334 | 374 | 438 | 700 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be VERY careful!! The CopyCat can and will morph into one of your monsters! I was unlucky enough for it to become my L85 Pizzaro. >:O Defeat it as soon as possible. If you have DeMagic, you will find it works very well against Transform. After defeating it, Milayou will congratulate you. Go ahead and use an ExitBell or make your way out. Make your way back to Miagen by using a Warp Staff or following the directions above. ============================================================================= 17.5 Miagen - Extra Section ============================================================================= Area Monsters: Butterfly, TreeSlime Item Shop: LoveWater 75G Potion 300G SageRock 1500G Sirloin 1500G Repellent 300G ShinyHarp 1500G Make your way to the Inn and speak to Milayou. She will thank you for capturing the thief. For the 6 billion people that e-mailed me about this: Milayou is actually TERRY'S sister, not Kameha's. She was the former champion of GreatLog. Head back to GreatLog and use the door right away to go back to the Travel World. Find Milayou at the Inn and she will challenge you! You're in for quite the fight! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster |LVL | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MetaKing | 49 | 600| 200| 410 | 859 | 320 | 160 | RainHawk | 99 |3500| 520| 710 | 540 | 250 | 330 | Coatol | 46 |1500| 210| 600 | 600 | 300 | 255 |HealUs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You better have some REALLY strong monsters.. This battle is the most serious it will get in DWM2 boss battles. I barely survived myself. You're all done with this world. Go ahead and head back to GreatLog. ============================================================================= TINYMEDALS ------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================= TinyMedals can be found all over the world. They are usually in random locations, though you can also find some in preset locations. They are widely found from beating an arena battle. The preset locations are: 1. Desert World - Well - Vase (2.7) 2. GreatLog - Vase in housing complex 3. Arena - Vase SouthWest of stairs 4. Sea World - Polona - From Mermaid 5. Sea World - Port Ritz - Barrel on Tavern screen 6. GreatLog - After giving dad MadGopher 7. GreatLog - Right vase at Key Appraiser 8. Ice World - Norden - Bottom of screen when you enter 9. Ice World - Weston - Barrel underneath Inn 10. GreatLog - Left vase in Stable 11. Sky World - Castle Hitano - Vase at entrance in castle 12. Lonely World - Basement 13. Brawn Tower - Floor 2 14. Brawn Tower - Floor 6 15. Soul Tower - Floor 3 16. Travel World - Miagen 17. Travel World - Floor 5 Tower - Chest After completing the Ice World, the man who collects TinyMedals will be in GreatLog. You can talk to him and he will keep all of your TinyMedals for you. You can also trade them in for prizes whenever you want to. The prizes are: MeteOrb - 3 TinyMedals MadCat - 3 TinyMedals HornBeet - 4 TinyMedals SkyDragon - 4 TinyMedals Octogon - 5 TinyMedals Servant - 5 TinyMedals Darck - 10 TinyMedals Three medals is a bit much for just a MeteOrb. Keep at least 10 medals ready so you can get Darck when you beat the game. ============================================================================= MAGIC KEYS ------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================= Once you beat S Class, the game will allow you to play any class you have already beaten at your liking. There are also prizes to be had for every class and a consolation prize of 6000 G if your inventory is full. If you do happen to select the chest with a Magic Key, the outcomes possible are: Thanks to Jimeous for help with creating this list. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ::| | ::| Prefix Suffix | ::| --------------------- -------------------------- | ::| 1 Ylw 1 Slime 20 Sea 39 View | ::| 2 Plain 2 Draco 21 Field 40 Cliff | ::| 3 Green 3 Beast 22 Tower 41 Islet | ::| 4 Blue 4 Bird 23 Mine 42 Land | ::| 5 First 5 Tree 24 Hill 43 Grove | ::| 6 Red 6 Bug 25 Cstle 44 Swamp | ::| 7 White 7 Devil 26 Mound 45 Manor | ::| 8 Quiet 8 Death 27 Desrt 46 Depth | ::| 9 Black 9 Thing 28 Lake 47 Hole | ::| 10 Gaudy 10 Water 29 Jungl 48 Tomb | ::| 11 Silvr 11 Lord 30 Haven 49 Soil | ::| 12 Dream 12 Cave 31 Grass 50 Pond | ::| 13 Misty 13 Isle 32 Forst 51 Hell | ::| 14 Secrt 14 Torch 33 Grave 52 Moon | ::| 15 Shiny 15 Gardn 34 Crag 53 Ocean | ::| 16 Last 16 Pit 35 Shore 54 Gulch | ::| 17 Bsmt 36 Log 55 River | ::| 18 Jail 37 Sky 56 Star | ::| 19 Magma 38 Mtn | ::| ----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ::| Total Number of Magic Keys: 896 | ::| Total Preset Keys: 11 | ::| ----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ::| Total Keys: 907 | ::| ----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ::| | ::+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ::*********************************************************************** :======================================================================== ============================================================================= BASIC BREEDING -------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= This section will only display a few breeding trees and a few breeding combinations. If you want full info on breeding, check out my web site. http://dwm2.no-ip.com/ +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ::| | ::| Slime Family Dragon Family | ::| -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ::| Slime x Dragon = DrakSlime Dragon x Slime = DragonKid | ::| x Beast = SpotSlime x Beast = Tortragon | ::| x Bird = WingSlime x Bird = Pteranod | ::| x Plant = TreeSlime x Plant = Gasgon | ::| x Bug = Snaily x Bug = FairyDrak | ::| x Demon = SlimeNite x Demon = LizardMan | ::| x Zombie = Babble x Zombie = Poisongon | ::| x Material = BoxSlime x Material = Swordgon | ::| x Water = PearlGel x Water = Drygon | ::| | ::| Beast Family Bird Family | ::| -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ::| Beast x Slime = Tonguella Bird x Slime = Picky | ::| x Dragon = Almiraj x Dragon = Wyvern | ::| x Bird = CatFly x Beast = BullBird | ::| x Plant = PillowRat x Plant = Florajay | ::| x Bug = Saccer x Bug = DuckKite | ::| x Zombie = SkullRoo x Demon = MadPecker | ::| x Material = WindBeast x Zombie = MadRaven | ::| x Water = Beavern x Material = MistyWing | ::| x Water = AquaHawk | ::| | ::| Plant Family Bug Family | ::| -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ::| Plant x Slime = MadPlant Bug x Slime = GiantSlug | ::| x Dragon = FireWeed x Dragon = Catapila | ::| x Bird = WingTree x Beast = Gopheoada | ::| x Beast = FloraMan x Plant = WeedBug | ::| x Bug = CactiBall x Bird = Butterfly | ::| x Demon = Gulpple x Demon = GiantWorm | ::| x Zombie = ToadStool x Zombie = Lipsy | ::| x Material = AmberWeed x Material = StagBug | ::| x Water = Slurperon x Water = Pyuro | ::| | ::| Demon Family Zombie Family | ::| -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ::| Demon x Slime = Pixy Zombie x Slime = Spooky | ::| x Dragon = MedusaEye x Dragon = MadSpirit | ::| x Bird = Demonite x Beast = DeadNite | ::| x Beast = Gremlin x Plant = Mummy | ::| x Bug = EyeBall x Bird = RotRaven | ::| x Plant = DarkEye x Demon = DeadNite | ::| x Zombie = SkulRider x Bug = DarkCrab | ::| x Material = EvilBeast x Material = Shadow | ::| x Water = Bubblemon x Water = Skulpent | ::| | ::| Material Family Water Family | ::| -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ::| Mater x Slime = JewelBag Water x Slime = Petiteel | ::| ial x Dragon = EvilWand x Dragon = Moray | ::| x Bird = CoilBird x Beast = WalrusMan | ::| x Beast = MadCandle x Plant = Anemon | ::| x Bug = SpikyBoy x Bird = RayGigas | ::| x Plant = Facer x Demon = Merman | ::| x Zombie = RogueNite x Bug = Aquarella | ::| x Demon = MadMirror x Material = Octokid | ::| x Water = Brushead x Zombie = PutreFish | ::| | ::+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ::*********************************************************************** :======================================================================== ============================================================================= CREDITS --------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= -o- Dragonlord (ambios@look.ca) I DID write the thing, didn't I? :P -o- Jimeous (jimeous@graffiti.net) I can't thank him enough for all the help concerning monster data and keys -o- Various The one error that plagued this FAQ for a while, concerning Milayou -o- Steven Y. Corrections concerning area monsters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Copyright © Anthony Rossi 2002. All Rights Reserved. Completed on Thursday, May 23rd, 2002. Last Revision on Saturday, September 20th, 2003.