Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 Tara's Adventure By Fatnerd Please e-mail me with questions, additional info, etc.; flames will be deleted and you'll probably be blocked. ------ Version 1.0 First version up to Heaven Helmet's cave ------ Chapter 1--The Beginning You start out heading to GreatLog. Hopefully, you know what this is, considering they were one of your major rival countries in DWM1. Anyway, your brother Cobi is following you. Just talk to people and listen to your parents. It's pretty straightforward, and it's gonna be like this, so if you don't like this running around, try a different genre entirely. After you get the pie, you're forced to take a detour from your original path thanks to the Prince and a familiar face--Warabou. And he seems to be as big a pain in the butt as he was in DWM1--except he's on your side this time, which confuses things greatly. He and the Prince will steal your grandmother's pie, so follow him down a well. Your slightly more aggressive brother will steal the pie back, but in the process, the Prince will knock out the plug of GreatLog. For the time being, Warabou's fat furry butt will have to do, but he wants a monster master to find a replacement REAL soon. After he tells you how he has to do what he's doing and he realizes you're the only chance, you have to go and look for the plug. Oh, just great. You'll get a Slime, default named "Slash," for your first monster, and in the morning you and your brother will split up. He'll manage your monster collection while you work for Warabou. Head back to the well and, with the keys you got from Warabou, will open a door downstairs. An improvement over the many rooms and portals of the first game, just pick the key to the world you want and this door will take you right there. Nifty, huh? Chapter 2--The Desert World Head to the desert world. Here, you will find that the map is filled in and there are random items strewn about. Now, you no longer have a completely random map; in every mystic world there will be towns and castles and whatever, with inns, item shops, and priests that work similar to the original DW games, meaning they Revive, DeToxify, and UnCurse for a fee that changes by the patient's level and treatment required. DeToxification take very little money, Revival takes quite a bit more, and avoid being cursed by monsters if you can, 'cause UnCurse will drain your savings accounts VERY fast. But hey, they're always reliably there, so that's a major plus. However, I should make sure this point gets through, Items are still randomly placed and will stay there until you stay at an inn or leave out the Door Shrine. You'll also get fully healed and revived where necessary by Warabou if you take go out the Door Shrine, so if you're nearby and have gotten all the items you care to in the vicinity, just head back home instead of spending at-this-point-very-hard-to-find cash on Priests and Inns. Now, as you travel, you'll run into one enemy monster battles. Make sure you fight a little before you enter a town, unless you need medical attention, but if you've been looking in barrels and pots around GreatLog, you should have Herbs that will keep you good for a while. A lot of these monsters don't need special convincing, just fight, and if your relatively lucky, you'll have a full party in no time. You're gonna need three soon, so make sure you have them before going too far. Now head to the first town you see. This is Kalka. Talk to some people, and you'll find that the king loves circuses, and there was a circus playing nearby; however, most of them ran off for fear of bandits. Hit the item shop if necessary, but I suggest avoiding the well; there are some stronger monsters in there, which I suppose is a double-edged sword. Going south and slightly west, you'll find a castle town, called Asiya. The king won't let anyone in except the circus troupe. The "manager", for lack of better term, will take you in IF you have three monsters. So join the circus and get in the castle. Once your performance is over, you can talk to the king freely, and will say that he will give you a treasure from his vault if you can help the King get some respect from his subjects. Ask around. Try the well (hint, hint!) and you might find that the well just might be almost dry. Then the king will run off towards the Kalka. Why is it that everyone can run a hell of a lot faster than you? At any rate, go towards the town and you'll see that the short-sighted king is trying to get the man guarding the water reservior to release, and the man guarding it tries in vain to stop the King. Upon further inspection, you will find that there is a Beavern who damed up the reservior and you need to stop him to tear it down. The fight shouldn't be too hard if you're lucky and have about 6 Herbs on you. If that won't do the trick, level your monsters up a little more. You should know this already, but just to be safe, I tell you. Like before, don't waste your meat treats on bosses like Beavern; Bosses are pre-programmed to join you or not. Beavern won't. After defeating the Beavern, take the other path up the well and you'll be back in Asiya. Apparently, this well connects the two towns. You've done your task and helped the town water supply. Time for your reward--but theives just broke in and stole everything. If you've talked around, you know that their hideout is very hard to find, but supposedly is in Mirage Lake. Head towards the circus troupe to find them gone! Go downstairs, though; they've all been thrown in jail because a couple of them are actually bandits who joined to get into the castle. Talking to the other man will get you nowhere, unless you have a BeefJerky, then he'll give you the WaterLure. You need this, so hang on to it. East of Asiya, there is a large lake, but when you go towards it, it dwindles down into a small puddle. Use the WaterLure here to restore the lake. The Beavern is back and enraged at the bandits who stole his home and made it their base of operations. Head inside and there will be a single black-clad man. How big of a dumbass do you have to be anyway to dress in all black garb...IN THE DESERT WORLD?! Talk to the man, who for lack of better term for now will be called "DumbAss", and he will be enraged at you for finding the base and send out his CurseLamp. This battle will be relatively difficult, so bring about 7-9 Herbs along to be safe and fight. He has Upper, so if your monsters are weak on the attack, get outta there, 'cause they can't do any good, and most likely your monsters don't have really great spells right now. After whupping up on DumbAss, he'll run away, his CurseLamp will join you, and the King and his men will charge in and jail the leader. Then you finally get your reward, the TidalBell, and in DWM fashion, Warabou will zip you away now that you're done. He'll get out of the hole and you'll try to get the TidalBell in, but to no avail. It'll pop out, so Warabou is forced to plug it up again. He will, however, take the power of the TidalBell and give it to you, which allows you to call up a super-sized clam (damn I'm getting hungry...) to ride on whenever you hit the A button next to a body of water. And the bell is gone so you don't have to waste item inventory space for it. Chapter 3--The Kid's Arena Warabou will tell you that another item may be accessed with the Pirate Key, but he doesn't have this one, so you need to look for it. After leaving the well, a monster master tells you that they just added the "Kid's Class" to the Arena, and that it's free. The prize for winning is the Pirate Key, so get over to the Arena. But first you may want to look around, the library and a few other places are open. I'll let you explore for yourself. For the man who wants a SpotSlime, it's your call. You don't get anything good in return for it, just a LifeAcorn, so I'd only do it if I really hated my SpotSlime. The Arena, like before, is against three pretty difficult monster masters, except this one's all kids. Don't get too overconfident, Rookie, you're still just starting out. You can't use items and you can't directly tell your monsters what to do, which means you can tell them "Charge," "Mixed," or "Defence." The first two shouldn't be too hard, if they are, you won't stand a chance against number three. Number Three has two MadRavens and a SkullRoo. The SkullRoo, while having less HP, packs a wallop move after he charges up. So watch out. The MadRavens will also attack hard, so attack back harder. It's about all you can do. After winning, you'll get the Pirate Key. Since very little has changed on the rest of GreatLog yet, go to the door and use your new Pirate Key. Chapter 4--The Water World Now I bet that the first thing you'll want to do is find some water and test out your new power that you got from the TidalBell. But just wait one minute. You'll quickly see that the monsters on the water are a hell of a lot harder than the ones on land. My suggestion is to take the land roads for a while. You'll soon come up in the village of Yold. There's an item shop here and some information, but not much else for now. Raise your monster's levels a bit and head north and west, picking up items and gold you see along the way. Before you leave, catch an ArmyAnt and MadGopher. People in GreatLog will reward you if you give them these. I'll get to that then. Your next stop should be Polona. There's an inn and a music man who wants to see you dance. Unfortunately, you're no good. You will also hear about a dancing squid and mermaids. Once you've met the locals, though, hit the road and head further north, but east now. You'll arrive at Port Ritz, where if you couldn't tell by the name is a sea dock. A better item shop, an inn, and a tavern are all here, and you'll find out that there's a cave nearby with the brand new "Water" family monsters in it. So what are you waiting for? The cave is slightly south and to the west of Port Ritz. The monsters in this cave are just barely weaker than the ones on the ocean outside, so if you can't handle these guys, level up outside the cave on land. Surf around if you want to get anywhere. There's some easy to find treasure lying around. But if you want to just cut to the chase, at the entrance, surf to the east. You'll see a monster, a strong boss named HoodSquid. HoodSquid can be a pain. Keep 5 or more LoveWaters, or about 10 Herbs if you can't afford those (cheapskate) and just keep hitting him. If you couldn't tell by his use of LureDance, he's the dancing squid you heard about. HoodSquid will only join you after the battle, and his name is Squiz, and you NEED him if you want to finish the Water World, so send someone else back to the farm. Now go back to Port Ritz. The local infamous alkie can supposedly smell a water monster a ways away. With Squiz in your party, talk to him and he'll tell you some more stuff about the mermaids in Polona that you've probably heard already, but you have to talk to him anyway. After that, take the short walk to the musician in Polona and accept his offer to dance. With Squiz on your side, your dancing will be a lot better. So good, you'll force a mermaid to surface. If you do this before seeing the alcoholic at Port Ritz, you'll get a TinyMedal. Do this after and she'll offer to take you to the Mermaid Kingdom. It's not big, but talk to their Queen and you'll find that there's a phantom ship of pirates sailing north of Yold. On that ship lies their treasure, the HarMirror, which they stole from the Mermaid Kingdom years before. Head to Yold and sail directly north on your super bivalve. You'll board the ship automatically, so go looking around for the treasure. And there's a lot of treasure. BoneSlaves, who used to be the crew of this vessel, will guard their treasure. On the top deck, you'll find the captain's cabin. And there appears to be a man guarding a treasure chest! Don't be fooled, just heal up for battle. This boss fight consists of the captain, CaptDead, and two BoneSlaves. This guy's a *****. Hit him hard, Squiz's LureDance may help to distract the BoneSlaves. Keep plenty of healing items, LoveWaters at this point, and make sure you have defence accessories on all your monsters, there's one on the ship and you can buy the old D-Scale about anywhere. After beating him, you can get the HarMirror. You'll be sucked back to Warabou, and find that this won't work either; but you can use it to smash boulders. Most boulders can be smashed, but later you'll find some that you can't. Going back to the Mermaid Queen will get you a nifty accessory, the Mermaid Scale. Above ground in GreatLog, you find that the water appears to be rising. Go north from the well and the Starry Shrine is now open! About time, huh? To refresh your memory, that's where you can breed monsters, and the egg evaluator is also right here, convieniently enough. The system hasn't changed, except that now the "Pedigree" is now simply called the "Base" and once you pick the base, a list of opposite sex monsters will be posted and above the monsters it will say what the pairing will become if you breed. Kinda nice to know ahead of time, isn't it? Back home, your father has once again expanded your farm. But now he's at a dead end. He wants to make an underground stable so you can store sleeping monsters. So catch a MadGopher and put it in your party. Talk to your father and you'll lose your MadGopher. The MadGopher will, however, find a TinyMedal before he digs, so get it and put it in the Vault for now. The Medal Man's on his way over from GreatTree, but he's not here yet. Also, one of the item vendors has returned, but he accuses you of lying about GreatLog sinking, and will refuse to sell you anything. My guess is, he's got some nifty **** that the game will let you have later, but for now, there's no getting through him. Right next to him, though, is another merchant, but he needs an ArmyAnt to help him haul some stuff, so get him one and ArmyAnt will get you a prize, an Ice Key. Chapter 5--The Ice World Thanks to your ArmyAnt, you can now access the Ice world. Head to the west to find the town of Norden, which actually means "North" in German, and coincidentally enough, that's what it's also called, the Northern village in reference to the large lake. Unfortunately, you can't get into the castle gates. Head further west and north from Norden and you'll find a large lake. It's frozen, and on top of it lies the only tangible evidence of a Spirit. Upon examination of the Shield, the spirit talks to you. If you can bring peace to this world, you can have the shield, and to do that, you can use the spirit's Crest to get into castles as the spirit's envoy. Head back to Norden, and there you can talk to the king. Apparently, there is a mining operation to the west. Both the Northern and Western Kingdoms have hit the same gold concentration in the mine and are not letting anyone else through. Head on over to that mine, of course only when your monsters are ready. Inside, the Western kingdom soldiers, garbed in blue, won't let you pass. Head inside to see what the fuss is about. After a while, you'll find a pile in a room surronded by pits. Approach the pits, and a BombCrag will drop down, cutting you off. He rants about how it's part of a plan, and you can't interfere. BombCrag, like many previous incarnations, is a heavy sleeper, so give that a shot. He has very high HP and the Sacrifice move. Kill him before he Sacrifices, because even if he would die, if your party's dead first, you're SOL. He can even do basic attacks now. BombCrag is a boss; he will not join you. Anyway, now that he's gone, the Northern and Western Kingdom's soldiers will appear and get an eyeful of all the gold...practically none. After everyone yells out a proverbial "What the ****?!", the roadblock is still up, by order of Norden's king. I'd say it's time to pay him a more personal visit. Head over to the castle and while there, heal up and save. Trust me. Talk to the king. He's obviously greedy, almost to the point where he seems possessed. He'll lock you up in the dungeon by pulling the floor out. But it appears you're not alone in the dungeon. Also with you are Prince Kameha and the REAL Norden King! As if that wasn't too obvious. Examine the northern walls closely. It appears that there's a large part that is of a slightly different shade. Tap it, and Prince Kameha will smash it in. Take the ladder up and the two kings will be there, arguing. Each one will try to convince you that he's the real deal. Keep talking back and forth. One of them is actually an AgDevil. The little bat monkey from hell is quite a pain. He's got Firebane, which can hit everyone, but he's also a heavy sleeper, so try that if you can. If not, just pound, pound, pound, and heal up with LoveWaters. After you've beaten another one of these dæmons, take some time to rest up. Nofor is a port town surrounded by ice, so check it out. It's south at the end of a tunnel, and is neutral to all three surrounding kingdoms. After that, head back to the mine. The real king has repealed the barrier command.&nbps; Head south and west. Here is a town on the lake called Weston. The nearby castle is having some problems. Lady Yuna is under heavy depression. The king is concerned and is inviting comedians, etc., from all over the land to try and cheer her up. Head over to the castle Westania, down by the river. Try talking to some people in line, and Prince Kameha shows up. He pushes everyone out of the way to get in for his act, dancing. The King orders him out after a few seconds. Follow him in and show him the old fire jumping monster routine. Well done, they say, but it doesn't matter and Lady Yuna ups and leaves. You can only get in to her room from the outside by climbing the vines. She can't even talk, it seems. Outside, there is a man who claims he saw a young woman in the woods. Head south and weast. You'll find a patch of trees. Head in and there's a woman walking in a straight line and through a wall. Head around the wall, dumbass, to the right and in the same direction. Follow her and into an alcove. She's the soul of Lady Yuna, and will hide inside your items as YunaSoul. Head back to Westania and up the vines into Yuna's room. Upon approaching Yuna, a large puppet will reveal that he seperated the woman and her soul and will fight you. Didn't see that coming, did you? Puppetor isn't near as difficult as AgDevil, in my opinion, but I might have been lucky. Attack physically and have some LoveWaters ready. Once he's gone, she'll tell you about the kingdom to the east. They're leader is having problems as well, but she knows you can help. So Head East, already! It's a pretty long hike, made slightly shorter by waterways, but you will soon head into Estria. Queen Helen's become one cranky ***** lately. A big sleeping pill exists, apparently, the scholar who went to Nofor knows how to make it. You're gonna have to walk there because of all the ice still, but once you make it to Nofor, the scholar will be in the tavern waiting for you. He'll tell you that his medicine is actually just a SleepHerb. Far out, man. Head back to Esteria and go north to the mountain. On the mountain, take up the ladders. Just keep trying to find the ladders that work. One of them leads to the top and on the blue flowers lies the SleepHerb, and in the chest on another side is a Magic Key! This magic key needs to be appraised. I can't help you out over the world because it is random. Head back to the town and deliver the Sleep Herb, and the monster possessing her dreams will appear and fight you. Hmm...why is it I'm not surprised that that happened, and if you are, you're a dumbass. Like the previous bosses, GoatHorn won't join you either. He doesn't take as many naps as the other ones, so if you've been getting saved by that, you need a new strategy--fast!! Just keep hitting and healing. After beating him, Queen Helen will thank you and won't tell you of any other needs of the area. Head back to the Spirit Lake. This time, someone's here to see you. DumbAss, once again announcing how he works for the king of Limbo, is back! Hey, long time, no see. This time, DumbAss will send out GoatHorn and two ArcDæmons. He's the one who's been controlling the other monsters and raising utter hell for you. His backup GoatHorn isn't quite as strong as his other one, but the ArcDæmons are gonna be a *****. They're Boom spells hurt and without a ****-load of healing items you won't last long. After getting rid of DumbAss for a while, the Spirit will demand her Crest back and give you the SpiritShield. Warabou commands again... As expected, the SpiritShield doesn't work, but he can give you the power to fly from it. Now go get the SkyKey—a very royal dude from GreatLog may know it's wherabouts.... You can now access the King of GreatLog, the Starry Shrine, and the Egg Evaluator. It's about time, too. Go to the King, and he'll complain about Prince Kameha for awhile and give you the SkyKey. Cool! Now about the Starry Shrine: Here you can breed monsters and their child will inherit the parent's skills—blah, blah, you say; but you shouldn't because it's vital to your success. The system is a little easier now. Once you pick the base monster, only monsters of opposite gender appear on the list and the child that is expected will appear above the base monster's name. My first suggestion on breeding is for beginners. I recommend a Healer monster, and to get one isn't hard. Get two Slime family monsters and a Plant monster. Breed the Plant (base) and a Slime to get a MadPlant monster. Raise the MadPlant past level 10 and breed it with the other Slime (base) to get the Healer. Now hopefully you won't have to drag a ****-load of LoveWaters around everywhere. And if you get sick of the Healer, just wait until it has all of its skills (Heal, Upper, HealUs) until they become HealAll, Increase, and HealUsAll. Then you're free to breed your Healer to be anything else; the child will eventually get all these spells as well. The Egg Evaluator is upstairs (and I think she's Jewish, a first for DW) and can tell you the gender and growth rate for the child before it hatches and for a fee can bless it to successfully and 100% change it's sex. Seems complicated, doesn't it? It really isn't, however disturbing...yes I have a sick mind. Now you can go to the SkyWorld. The SkyWorld isn't as big as it seems, the important landmarks are very spread out. But for the time being, you are confined by mountains on all sides. Head north to the tower. It's actually the town of Fhunt (how the **** do you pronounce that, anyway?) and it's all monsters. Head to the tower one screen north. If your monsters' wild ratings are all "0" you can enter the tower. To decrease wildness, train a long time or take the shortcut, feeding them meats. Badmeat by 1 w/poison, BeefJerkey by 5, PorkChop by 10, Ribs by 20, and Sirloin by 50. You can't get in otherwise. Once inside the tower, go around and through to the top. There are a couple of paths, some leading to treasure and the other leading to the top. At the top, there are some shiny treasure boxes, but before you can raid them, a MadCondor flies down and steals the only one that's not open already. All that for naught! Back at the bottom, head to the west one screen to find the graveyard, and the GreatSage will talk to you if you examine the middle one. After telling him the perils of the treasure, apparently the LightOrb was inside, the Sage will give you the Change Staff, which will transform you into any monster that is on the screen NOT in your party. The disguise should be enough for us. Head south and to the west. Another Tower is there, but it's actually just a bridge to the rest of SkyWorld. You'd think they could come up with some better sprites. Use the ChangeStaff and he'll let you pass. Now you can travel between worlds via flight. You can only travel in a straight line, however, so determine your landing point before you take off. Warning!! Some of the monsters on the other "continents" can be quite the pain, so stick to the path here to stay safe, yet challenged. Or you can just be an ass**** and completely blow me off. Your call. On the new continent, we're going to head west completely by land. There are, however, a lot of boulders and mountains, so we must detour. Head south, west two screens, south, and west again to the village of Pei. Talk around, and you find that some of the shinier monsters were also attacked by the same bird who took our LightOrb. And the recently crowned king of monsters is a treasure hunter, kinda like yourself. Strange, everyone in Fhunt said that there was no king and that you shouldn't waste your time trying to be their next queen. Someone must have found your LightOrb. Head west, north to get around the mountains, west, and south a few to the castle of Hitano. Because of all the traveling, I would recommend using a LogTwig to move your door shrine near the castle and save yourself a trip everytime, since it is the only castle and you'll be coming back a few times. In the castle, you find that there are a few ruins that date back to a war a few hundred years ago that Ugor, the Great Sage, brought an end to with the LightOrb. Cool story. And also, there is treasure inside them. Even better. The guards of the castle gates will only let you in with three treasures. What, exactly? The sign says it's the Heaven Helmet, Heaven Armor, and Heaven Sword. And the signs are always right. I think.. Your first stop, I recommend, is to go south and smash the heavy amounts of boulders. I also recommend you deposit all of your cash into the Vault back home, 'cause this road trip could really hurt your wallet if you're careless. Anyway, into the tiny hole you go. Inside, it gets very complicated. So I'll put a tad more effort into helping you out. enter the cave up and the first side fork leads to a dead end. There might be an item there, so check real quick and turn back to the main path again. Continue, and after a few staircases you'll find another fork, a narrow passage up and a wider passage down. Take the down path first and you'll find a SilvrCape at the end, a pretty cool accessory. Now head to the narrow path. After a few straightforward floors, you'll see in the middle of the path. Check past it for a possible item at the dead end, and double back up the stairs. You're now in a small room with a monster guarding a treasure chest. If you've followed since DW2, you know it's a Metabble, Metal Babble in the NES version. Since he's a boss and cannot run (which Metabbles usually do) you have to beat him. Sweet. He's pretty wicked, with a strong defence rating and the spell of Firebane to help him out. Most likely scenario is you will deal at the maximum 1 damage point per attack. Having a monster with good attack and MetalCut helps out big, or a critical hit will take him down fast. With him out of the way, proceed to pick up your reward, the Heaven Helmet. Now get out of that cave. End of walkthrough...for now. ~Also available uncensored and in HTML format at http://www.geocities.com/sonicstrike1/Dragon_Warrior/DWM/dwm2T_faq.html