Game : DRAGON WARRIOR MONSTERS 2 — COBI Platform : GameBoy Colour Version FAQ Title : Dragon Warrior Monsters Cobi Guide Version : Version 2.0 Dated : 23/07/2003 Author : © Jimeous E—mail : =============================================================================== Updates found at: GameFAQs : DWM2United Credits : Yash, DreamSpawn, ManicMan007, GoldSlime35 frank fly, a.zhao, BlackDragon =============================================================================== T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ___________________________________________________________________________ / \ | | | A.0 INTRODUCTION | | A.1 DISCLAIMER | | A.2 UPDATES | | | | 1.0 1.0 BEGINNING THE ADVENTURE | | 1.1 THE VOYAGE TO GREATLOG | | 1.2 THE HOMEMADE NUT PIE INCIDENT | | 1.3 THE MONSTER TRAINER HUNT | | 1.3.01 Regarding Magic Keys | | 1.3.02 Getting more Magic Keys | | 1.3.03 Tossing out Keys | | | | 2.0 THE OASIS KEY EVENTS | | 2.1 GREATLOG | | 2.2 OASIS KEY — DESERT WORLD | | 2.2.01 Kalka Village | | 2.2.02 Asiya Town | | 2.3 QUEST FOR THE TIDALBELL | | 2.3.01 The Circus Manager | | 2.3.02 Catching Monster FAQs | | 2.3.03 The Peoples Problems | | 2.3.04 The Underground Canal | | 2.3.05 Beavern Battle | | 2.3.06 Search for the Thieves | | 2.3.07 Mirage Lake | | 2.3.08 CurseLamp Battle — Joins | | 2.4 GREATLOG CHANGES | | 2.4.00 Summary of Changes | | 2.4.01 Farm | | 2.4.02 Mother's Errands | | 2.4.03 Housing Complex | | 2.4.04 Girl wanting SpotSlime | | 2.4.05 Magic Key Identifier | | 2.4.06 Library | | 2.4.07 Desert World Revisited | | 2.4.08 Arena | | 2.4.09 Personalities | | 2.4.10 Commands in Arena | | 2.4.11 Kiddies Class Battle | | | | 3.0 THE PIRATE KEY EVENTS | | 3.1 PIRATE KEY — SEA WORLD | | 3.2 YOLD VILLAGE | | 3.3 PORT OF POLONA VILLAGE | | 3.3.01 Luring the Mermaids | | 3.4 PORT POLONA CAVE | | 3.4.01 HoodSquid Battle | | 3.5 PORT RITZ TOWN | | 3.5.01 Tavern | | 3.5.02 Old Man sleeping | | 3.6 HUNT FOR THE HARMIRROR | | 3.6.01 The MoonRock Search | | 3.6.02 The Ghost Ship | | 3.6.03 Captain's Cabin | | 3.6.04 MOONROCK TOWER | | 3.6.05 HARMIRROR CAVE | | 3.7 GREATLOG CHANGES | | 3.7.00 Summary of Changes | | 3.7.01 Ocean World Revisted | | 3.7.02 KingSquid Battle — Joins | | 3.7.03 Dad wants MadGopher | | 3.7.04 Breeding Opportunity : Armorpede | | 3.8 THE HIDDEN ICE KEY | | 3.8.00 Reversed Order | | 3.8.01 Beat C Class | | 3.9 BREEDING SHRINE & EGG EVALUATOR | | 3.9.01 Breeding Shrine | | 3.9.02 The Egg Evaluator | | | | 4.0 THE ICE KEY EVENTS | | 4.1 UNITING THE 2 KINGDOMS | | 4.1.01 Norden — The Kingdom of the North | | 4.1.02 The Spirit Lake | | 4.1.03 Norden Revisited | | 4.1.04 Norden Palace | | 4.1.05 Underground tunnel | | 4.1.06 Nofor Town | | 4.1.07 Goldmine Cave | | 4.1.08 BombCrag Battle | | 4.1.09 The Truth Revealed | | 4.1.10 AgDevil Battle | | 4.2 BRINGING JOY TO A SAD PRINCESS | | 4.2.01 Weston Town | | 4.2.02 Westania Castle | | 4.2.03 Spooky Forest | | 4.2.04 Westania Castle Revisited | | 4.2.05 Puppetor Battle | | 4.3 QUEEN HELEN OF ESTRIA | | 4.3.01 SleepHerb Mountain | | 4.3.02 Estria Castle Revisited | | 4.3.03 GoatHorn Battle | | 4.4 SPIRIT SHRINE REVISITED | | 4.4.01 GoatHorn Battle | | 4.5 GREATLOG CHANGES | | 4.5.00 Summary of Changes | | 4.5.01 Stable has been built | | 4.5.02 MedalMan | | 4.5.03 Where are TinyMedals Found? | | 4.5.04 Breeding Opportunity : Wildape | | 4.6 THE SKY KEY | | 4.6.01 Rare Key Man | | 4.6.02 Tavern | | 4.6.03 Breeding Opportunity : Spikyboy | | 4.6.04 Treetop | | 4.6.05 Name Christener | | 4.7 BACKTRACKING | | 4.7.01 Ice Tower — Ice World | | 4.7.02 HARMIRROR CAVE — Pirate World | | | | 5.0 THE SKYKEY EVENTS | | 5.1 THE CHANGE STAFF EVENTS | | 5.1.01 Fhunt Village | | 5.1.02 Fhunt Tower | | 5.2 THE MADCONDOR EVENTS | | 5.2.01 Pei Town | | 5.2.02 MadCondor's Nest | | 5.2.03 MadCondor Battle — Joins | | 5.3 THE HEAVEN EQUIPMENT | | 5.3.01 Heaven Armor Tower | | 5.3.02 Heaven Sword Castle | | 5.3.03 Open Coffin Puzzle | | 5.3.04 The Restless Ghost | | 5.3.05 The Hidden button | | 5.3.06 Niterich Battle | | 5.3.07 Castle of Hitano Village | | 5.3.08 Heaven Helm Cave | | 5.3.09 Metabble Battle | | 5.4 CASTLE OF HITANO | | 5.4.01 Mudou Battle | | 5.5 GREATLOG CHANGES | | 5.5.00 Summary of Changes | | 5.5.01 Rope in Farm | | 5.5.02 Room South of King | | 5.5.03 Breeding Opportunity: Gulpple | | 5.5.04 Arena Closed | | 5.6 REFLECTION AND BUILDING | | | | 6.0 LIMBO KEY EVENTS | | 6.0.01 GigaDraco Battle | | 6.0.02 Darck Battle | | 6.1 ENDINGS AND BEGINNINGS | | | | 7.0 NEW WORLDS AND NEW ADVENTURES | | 7.0.00 Summary of Changes | | 7.0.01 Tunnel Finished | | 7.0.02 Egg Gift from Couple | | 7.0.03 Egg Gift from Merchant | | 7.0.04 Special TinyMedal Purchase | | 7.0.05 Last Item Shop Opens | | 7.0.06 Breeding Opportunity: Skeletor and Funkybird | | 7.0.07 Butch | | 7.0.08 Prince Kameha's Room Accessable | | 7.1 MONSTER BEFRIENDING SPECIAL EVENTS | | 7.1.00 Summary of Befriending | | 7.1.01 Elf Key from Prince Kameha | | 7.1.02 Traveler Key from Prince Kameha | | 7.1.03 Breeding Opportunity: Skeletor and Funkybird | | 7.1.04 Breeding Opportunity: Andreal | | 7.2 KING'S QUESTS [SPECIAL] | | 7.2.01 The Nasty Merchant | | 7.2.02 The Godless Priest | | 7.2.03 The Wayward Mage | | 7.2.04 The Cowardly Warrior | | 7.3 ARENA BATTLES | | 7.2.01 Money Making Tip | | 7.4 SPECIAL APPEARANCE | | 7.5 SPECIAL MONSTER GIFT | | | | 8.0 OTHER WORLDS | | 8.0.01 Summary of Special Keys | | 8.1 ELF KEY EVENTS | | 8.1.01 The Elven Children | | 8.1.02 Elven Village | | 8.1.03 AgDevils HideOut | | 8.2 THE BRAWN KEY EVENTS | | 8.2.01 Brawn Key [Special] | | 8.2.02 Q: How do I get the other Key from him? | | 8.2.03 Power Tower | | 8.3 TRAVELER KEY EVENTS | | 8.3.01 Miagen Town | | 8.3.02 Miagen's Special Guest | | 8.3.03 Traveler's Hut | | 8.3.04 Monster HideOut | | 8.3.05 Miagen Revisited | | 8.3.06 Monster's HideOut Revisited | | 8.3.07 Merchants Tower | | 8.3.08 Miagen Special Event | | 8.4 BAFFLEKEY EVENTS — Need to trade from Tara | | 8.4.01 Baffle Tower | | 8.5 SOULKEY EVENTS — Need to trade from Tara | | 8.5.01 Soul Tower | | | | 9.0 LIST AND TABLES | | 9.1 ITEM LISTS | | 9.1.01 TinyMedal Locations | | 9.1.02 Item Descriptions | | 9.2 SKILLS LISTING | | 9.2.01 Skill Requirement Tables | | 9.2.02 Skill Combining | | 9.3 MONSTER BREEDING LIST | | 9.3.00 How to read these lists | | 9.3.01 Slime Family Monsters | | 9.3.02 Dragon Family Monsters | | 9.3.03 Beast Family Monsters | | 9.3.04 Bird Family Monsters | | 9.3.05 Plant Family Monsters | | 9.3.06 Bug Family Monsters | | 9.3.07 Devil Family Monsters | | 9.3.08 Zombie Family Monsters | | 9.3.09 Material Family Monsters | | 9.3.10 Water Family Monsters | | 9.3.11 ???? Family Monsters | | 9.4 MONTERS BREEDING USAGES | \____________________________________________________________________________/ ____________________________________________________________________________ @)___________________________________________________________________________) | | ) A.0 I N T R O D U C T I O N ( _|________________________________________________________________________|_ @)___________________________________________________________________________) Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 comes in 2 versions, Cobi and Tara. I'll be covering the Cobi adventure. Much has improved over DWM and those gamers will definitely enjoy the new games. While the straight game is pretty short, the addictiveness of the Magic Keys is enough to want to keep you playing for a long time :) The walkthrough portions are indicated by an asterisk "*" Some areas have been left undone, I may add these at some time, as they have little to do with the storyline. Only the most important items are generally listed. With the Magic Key Worlds, you can have an endless supply of items. I've retitled the FAQ from a Walkthrough to a Guide, it doesn't change anything though hehehehe :P __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| A.1 DISCLAIMER |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ You may use this FAQ on your site as long as its displayed in the same manner as seen at GameFAQs or DWM2 United. Just don't ask me to send you updates or complain if the information you've got is out of date :p Again do not ask me to send you updates as I can't be bothered :P Get them instead from one of the below listed sites * GameFAQs * DWM2 United __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| A.2 UPDATES |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ 07 July 2002 Version 1.0 Reformatted FAQ and added misc. information 12 July 2002 Version 1.1 Added King's Quest more detail 14 July 2002 Version 1.2 Added Item Descriptions and Breeding List 16 July 2002 Version 1.3 Corrected the Breeding Lists 17 July 2002 Version 1.4 Reformatted Breeding Lists 17 July 2003 Version 2.0 Reformatted FAQ Removed RainHawk + Akubar = Jamirus Corrected GenoSidoh Corrected some skills Added Monster locations within the breeding lists Added Monster Usages ____________________________________________________________________________ @)___________________________________________________________________________) | | ) 1.0 BEGINNING THE ADVENTURE ( _|________________________________________________________________________|_ @)___________________________________________________________________________) Now that you've avoided all the "miscelleaneous" reading, lets get down to business :) __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 1.1 THE VOYAGE TO GREATLOG |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ You will find yourself [Cobi] on a voyage to GreatLog Island. * Talk to Tara your sister * Talk to your father who's at the left end of the ship * Talk to Tara again After doing the above actions, you'll then end up sailing to GreatLog __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 1.2 THE HOMEMADE NUT PIE INCIDENT |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ After landing in Greatlog Island, you'll find yourself on the Family Farm :). * Talk to mother and she will ask you to fetch the homemade nut pie from the vault * Leave the house, Walk 1 SCREEN right, back into your farm, and up a SCREEN — You will notice when you walk into another area that screen will move to draw a new map, this is what is referred to where I have used the word SCREEN. * You'll meet Prince Kameha and Warubou here, start following where they go * Walk through the left SCREEN to see the pair again, then the left SCREEN again to pass a group of shops. * Finally, Walk up a SCREEN to find the Vault which has a "bag" picture above it * Walk inside the vault and talk to the man behind the counter. Take the parcel * Prince Kameha and Warubou will block your south exit, so Walk right 2 SCREENS to meet them at the well * Talk to Prince Kameha, then talk to Warubou twice * Warubou, will smell the pie, and steal the package, then he and Kameha will jump down the well. Follow them * After trying to struggle with the package from Warubou, the LOG'S NAVEL will become unplugged. Warubou will plant his fat butt in the hole then ask you for help __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 1.3 THE MONSTER TRAINER HUNT |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ Though you may feel reluctant to help Warubou :P, its inevitable that you do. He'll want you to fetch a Monster Trainer * Return to the farm and talk to your father. Now return home and talk to your Mom * Leave the farm and talk to the lady a SCREEN to the left of the Item shops, near your farm. She'll tell you where a "master" is * Go to the vault, talk to the shop owner in the south of the Vault who will call you a liar. * Now talk to the RED clothed Warrior by the Vault * Return to Warubou, and talk to him. He'll decide its up to you to help and give you the OASIS KEY. Leave this area and he'll give you the GREATLOG KEY. * You'll find yourself back home. * Answer "YES" to both of Tara's questions * Slash the Slime will join you and your adventure begins ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 1.3.01 REGARDING MAGIC KEYS | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Along your adventure you will find Magic Keys. There are 2 types. — Adventure Type Keys, which are needed to complete the storyline. These keys are OASIS and GREAT LOG, you'll find more on your adventures — Random Type Keys, which are keys which lead to different worlds but have nothing to do with the storyline. Many of these places hold great wealth of items and monsters. They can also be very challenging, not to mention highly addictive :P 1.3.02 Getting more Magic Keys ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— A majority of the non—adventure Magic Keys, will be found in the Random Worlds — In caves, dungeons, temples etc.. in a chest on the last floor if you're lucky enough :) — From battling Trainers in the Random worlds, who'll either give you this or a WarpWing. Having a full inventory tended to limit the choice of the prize — As a prize from winning Arena battles 1.3.03 Tossing out Keys ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— You will only be permitted to keep a certain amount of Magic keys. Some early advice, keep your very first key you find as it will come in handy very late in the game when doing the King's Quests ____________________________________________________________________________ @)___________________________________________________________________________) | | ) 2.0 THE OASIS KEY EVENTS ( _|________________________________________________________________________|_ @)___________________________________________________________________________) Now that your adventure has started, lets begin our journey __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 2.1 GREATLOG |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ Many of the areas will not be accessed at this time, people will block places so you'll need to do more of the story before accessing parts. Like the Breeding Shrine Accessable Items Herb — Talk to mother Porkchop — Talk to father * Grab the items from your parents then go to the Shrine door which is to the left of Warubou down the stairs * Stand in front of the Door and hit the "A" button. Choosing GREATLOG will return you to Warubou who will heal you. * Choose OASIS Key to reach the Desert World __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 2.2 OASIS KEY — DESERT WORLD |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ Your first new world !!!!!! Hit the SELECT button to bring up an overworld map. The castle like icons represent cave, shrines, villages, towers etc. Some monsters will join you, so battle often, using HERBS to heal your monsters. * Walk right 2 SCREENS then down 1 SCREEN. Pick up any items along the way * You'll reach the village of Kalka ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.2.01 KALKA VILLAGE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Herb — Vase near Underground Canal House * Not much can be done in Kalka for now, an Inn can be found here as can a priest. * Leave Kalka and Walk 4 SCREENS down to reach Asiya Town ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.2.02 ASIYA TOWN | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ You will not be able to progress far into the Underground Canal, until later so for now, ignore it :) ITEMS IN THIS AREA Antidote — Vase in house outside Inn ITEM SHOP Herb — 10g Restores HP of one monster by 30 — 40. Antidote — 4g Removes all traces of poison. AwakeSand — 20g Awakens a sleeping monster. BeefJerky — 10g Tames monsters just a little. WarpWing — 30g Instantly warps to GreatLog. __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 2.3 QUEST FOR THE TIDALBELL |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ Once in Asiya you will want to talk to the King, unfortunately the palace is blocked by guards. This is where the Circus Manager comes into play. ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.3.01 THE CIRCUS MANAGER | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Sitting outside the Inn, will be the Circus Manager, he is looking for a star for his show. Of course this means you. * You will need to have 3 monsters in your team before he will help you ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.3.02 CATCHING MONSTERS FAQS | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ If you have less than 3 monsters in your team and are not sure of how to catch monsters, just read through these Frequently Asked Questions Q: How do catch monsters? A: When fighting monsters, feed them meat treats. Some monsters will join automatically without treats. Q: What are meat treats? A: Beefjerky, Porkchops etc. Feed these to your monsters to lower thier wildness [WLD] Q: Can you catch the same monsters? A: Yes, if you have caught a SpotSlime, then you can catch another one Q: What is Wildness ??? A: Monster with high wildness won't always listen to you. You can lower this by feeding them meat treats or by having them in your party. Q: How many monsters can I have ??? A: You can have up to 3 with you, and 7 at the farm to begin with. Later you can increase the size of your farm to hold more monsters ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.3.03 THE PEOPLES PROBLEMS | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ After talking to the Circus Manager with a 3 monster team and agreeing to be his Star, you will end up performing for the King. After the performance you will end up in a room not far from the King * Walk left a SCREEN then up a SCREEN to talk to the King * The King will ask you to find out the problem with the people * Leave the palace and talk to the Lady by the Well * Return to the King and talk to him * He will then leave. * Leave Asiya and return to the Underground Canal house in Kalka * Here you will find the King who will clear the path to the stairs to the Underground Canal. * Grab the BEEFJERKY in the Vase in this house then walk down the stairs ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.3.04 THE UNDERGROUND CANAL | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Found in Kalka Village, the stairs become available after helping the King of Asiya ##################################### #############S1~~~~~ ################ S1 = Stairs to Kalka ############# ~~~~~ ################ S2 = Vine to Asiya Well ############# ~~~~~4################ I = Bridge ############# ~~~~ ################ ~ = Water ############# ~~~ ################ # = Walls ############# ~~~ ################ ############# ~~~ ################ 1 = Herb ############# ~~~ ################ 2 = PorkChop #### ~~~~~ 8#### 3 = ExitBell ### ~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### 4 = TinyMedal ## ~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## 5 = Wind Staff #1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # 6 = WarpWing ##2 ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# 7 = AGL Ring ####~~~ ###############~~~~~~~~~~~~# 8 = BookMark ####~~~ ###############~~~~~~~~~~~~# ## III 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # M = Beavern # ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 # K = King # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~# B = Blocked until Beavern is beaten # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~# # M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# ## K~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~## ######## #############BBB~~~~~~~############## ######## ####~~~~~~### ~~~~~~~##############S2 ######## ## ~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ## # ~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # ~~~~~###~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## # ~~~~~### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### ## 6 7 #### #### ################################################ * Make your way through this level and talk to the King * Talk to the monster next to the King for a battle [Beavern] 2.3.05 BEAVERN BATTLE ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— For old DWM players, this is a new monster, one of many :). The easiest way you can tell if you're prepared to face any Level Boss, is by seeing how well you face off against the random monsters. Beavern's Charge—Up gives it a boosted attack, so it best to have far more than 20 DEF on your monsters. Just attack and use Herbs, this battle should be easy. EXPerience points are divided by the number of monster you have alive in your team. If there is 3 monster alive at the end of the battle this means 80 EXPerience points for each monster ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Beavern Battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+—————+—————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+—————+—————————————————————| | Beavern | 5| 98| 16| 20| 8| 36|120| 240|ChargeUp | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^—————^—————————————————————´ * Deal to Bearven, don't bother about Meat Treats, as you'll likely not have enough to tempt him to join you :( * Once beaten, the wooden walls will disappear as will the King * Walk South and go up the Vines [S2} * Go to the Palace and talk to the King in Asiya * Following the King to the Treasure Room you will discover the TidalBell has been stolen 2.3.06 SEARCH FOR THE THIEVES ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The King will take off looking for the Thieves which have disappeared to Mirage Lake. * Buy a BeefJerky from the Item Store if you don't have one * Return to the prison, found downstairs in Asiya Palace * Talk to the Prisoners, who will want food [BeefJerky] * Once he gets the food he will give you "WATERCALL" which is needed for Mirage Lake * Leave Asiya and walk 2 SCREENS right until you hit some mountains * Follow the mountains down one SCREEN, then right one SCREEN then up a SCREEN to reach Mirage Lake ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.3.07 MIRAGE LAKE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Found to the East of Asiya Town. You'll need "WATERCALL" to progress through this area * After recieving the WATERCALL stand in front of the sqaure water patch and USE it * Once revealed, walk to the right, then up a SCREEN * Enter the building and get ready to fight * You will battle CurseLamp here 2.3.08 CURSELAMP BATTLE — JOINS ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— CurseLamp's Upper skill can be a real pain as it can become difficult to hit it. As usual Herbs and straight out attacking should do the job ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CurseLamp Battle : Joins after defeated | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+—————+—————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+—————+—————————————————————| | CurseLamp | 5|220| 8| 27| 10| 44| 65| 300|Upper | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^—————^—————————————————————´ * After beating CurseLamp, it will join you [YAY!!!!] * The King will rush in, and beat up the rest of the thieves * You'll now get the TIDALBELL, and find yourself warped back to GreatLog __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 2.4 GREATLOG CHANGES |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ Back at GreatLog, we find that the TIDALBELL won't work as the Log's Navel, so we need to find the PIRATE KEY. You'll get the ability to sail across the water. Stand in front of a waterway, and push the "A" button, you'll jump on a clam which you can control across the water * Leave GreatLog Well * You'll be informed of some new areas will be opened as well as other changes * Return to your Farm ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.4.00 SUMMARY OF CHANGES | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ * Farm will allow 20 monsters * Lady blocking Doorway to Arena and Housing Complex has left * Soldier blocking ladder has moved up, but blocks further up the ladder * Library Accessable * Magic Key Identifier Accessable * Item Shop opened when done 1st errand for Mother ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.4.01 FARM | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Your farm will now allow you to have 20 monsters including the ones you have with you [So 17 more monsters can be kept at the farm if you have 3] * Talk to Tara * Talk to the Dragonkid near Tara for information about the Farm * Return to home and talk to your mother ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.4.02 MOTHER'S ERRANDS | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Your mother will ask you to run some errands, they are listed here. For now you can only do the LoveWater errand, come back and do the rest later — LoveWater — Potion — Rib — Sirloin 2.4.02A MOTHER'S ERRANDS: LOVEWATER TO HELP DRAKSLIME ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Mom will want this to help her DrakSlime, she'll give you 200g to buy it and you can keep the change :) * Leave the house and walk to the only Shop Owner in GreatLog * Talk to him and he'll open his shop. Buy the LoveWater * Return home and talk to your Mom * Leave the house ITEM SHOP Herb — 10g Restores HP of one monster by 30 — 40. LoveWater — 50g Restores HP of one monster by 60 — 70. Antidote — 4g Removes all traces of poison. BeefJerky — 10g Tames monsters just a little. PorkChop — 40g Tames monsters a little bit. WarpWing — 30g Instantly warps to GreatLog. Bookmark — 50g Enables saving in the Journal. D—Scale — 20g Raises DEF by 5. 2.4.02B MOTHER'S ERRANDS: POTION FOR FATHER ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The next errand Mom will want you to do is a Potion for your Father. She'll give you 400g to buy this. You'll need the ICE KEY before you can do this. * These can be found on the ground in the Ice World * When you find one, return and give it to your mother * Leave the house 2.4.02C MOTHER'S ERRANDS: RIB ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Your mother will give you 600g to get a Rib. This can be bought at the Norden Shop in Ice World or found on the ground in Ice World * When you find one, give it to your mom * Leave the house 2.4.02D MOTHER'S ERRANDS: SIRLOIN ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Finally your Mom will ask for a Sirloin. Its a reward for your Dad for building the farm. Theres a chance you can pick one of these meat treats on the ground in Ice World * When you find it, give it to your Mom * This is the last errand your Mom will ask you to do. * Back to the Adventure, Enter the Doorway to the right of the Vault ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.4.03 HOUSING COMPLEX | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ To the left of the stairs leading to the Arena, you'll find an old couple and 4 open doors. For now the only place of interest is the bottom/right open door. TinyMedal — Vase near old lady ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.4.04 GIRL WANTING SPOTSLIME | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ In the bottom/right doorway a small girl wants a SpotSlime. You can catch one of these in DESERT WORLD. If you have one, give it to the girl, then talk to her grandfather for a LifeAcorn. She will name the SpotSlime, Butch :) LogTwig — Check the Vase ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.4.05 MAGIC KEY IDENTIFIER | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Above a doorway you'll see a key symbol, this contains a man who will evaluate Keys. He will tell you where each key leads for a price. You can ask for any key that has the description MAGIC KEY to be identified. TinyMedal — Vase ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.4.06 LIBRARY | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Talking to the Librarian, she will tell you what monsters you have caught or bred. Befriending is used to describe catching or breeding monsters ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.4.07 DESERT WORLD REVISITED | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Before visiting the Arena, go back to Desert World [Oasis Key]. * Go down to the Underground Canal and pick up the Chests. You can sail across the water now :) * Go back to Mirage Lake and talk to the Beavern near the hideout entrance. He'll join you :) * Try to catch the other monsters in the area if you can, using meat treats * Get your monsters up a few levels in preparation for the Arena Battles * Once you are satisfied,Head to the Arena in GreatLog * On your way, buy a couple of D—Scale's and equip them to your monsters ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.4.08 ARENA | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Found downstairs in GreatLog, the Arena is a place to test your monsters. You'll need to win the Kiddies Class before you can progess further in the game TinyMedal — Vase near the monster who says "GRAH, HUNGRY LOOK DELICIOUS" ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.4.09 PERSONALITIES | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ As you will notice, each of your monsters will have a personality. The most ideal personality to have is HOTBLOOD. Personalities become important in Arena battles, as it will dictate which skills a monster will use. Some Personality Notes * Using the PLAN option your choices are — CHARGE = Makes monster more Braver but less Caring — MIXED = Makes monster more Smarter — DEFENSE = Makes monster more Caring but less Brave * Personalities change quickly at lower levels than at higher levels * Monsters with a high WLD number are harder to change personalities ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.4.10 COMMANDS IN ARENA | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ You cannot use items in Arena Battles. Neither can you use manual commands The commands available are * FIGHT = Repeats the actions done in PLAN * PLAN = Allows choices of Charge, Mixed, Defense, No Skil Charge = Monster choose damage inflicting skills first Mixed = Monster choose skills which raise teams status or skills which cause status changes to enemy. They also attack Defense = Monster when not selfish, will heal the team, guard or attack No Skil = Monster will physically attack * ITEM = Can't be used * FLEE = Admit defeat in the Arena ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 2.4.11 KIDDIES CLASS BATTLES | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ You'll need to win this class before you can get the PIRATE KEY. There will be 3 rounds to battle in. ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Kiddie Class Round 1 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————————————————| | Babble | 6| 36| 9| 14| 13| 32|123| Blaze | | PearlGel | 5| 15| 12| 17| 35| 51| 96| | | Babble | 6| 36| 9| 14| 13| 32|123| Blaze | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Kiddie Class Round 2 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————————————————| | SpikyBoy | 6| 19| 42| 17| 31| 34| 96| SlimeBlow | | Pixy | 7| 29| 24| 20| 14| 54| 79| | | Dracky | 7| 40| 22| 14| 12| 70| 96| VacuSlash | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Kiddie Class Round 3 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————————————————| | MadRaven | 9| 41| 55| 16| 30| 84|163| HighJump | | Kitheawk | 9| 46| 35| 26| 21| 42|146| ChargeUp | | MadRaven | 9| 41| 55| 16| 30| 84|163| HighJump | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————————————————´ I didn't use any strategy here, I just chose the FIGHT option and let them scrap it out :) ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | Slime | 7| 70| 10| 34| 36| 18| 30| | D—Scale | | Beavern | 5| 61| 24| 36| 23| 52| 26| | AGL Ring | | CurseLamp | 6| 61| 25| 29| 43| 48| 57| | D—Scale | `—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————´ * After winning this battle, you will be given the PIRATE KEY * You won't be ready for C Class so lets continue on to Sea World ____________________________________________________________________________ @)___________________________________________________________________________) | | ) 3.0 THE PIRATE KEY EVENTS ( _|________________________________________________________________________|_ @)___________________________________________________________________________) By winning the Kid's Class in the Arena, you'll be given the PIRATE KEY * Walk to the Shrine Door and choose PIRATE key to enter Sea World __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 3.1 PIRATE KEY — SEA WORLD |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ * Walk 2 SCREENS to the left to find the Village of Yold * Enter Yold Village __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 3.2 YOLD VILLAGE |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ Talk to the people in town to discover that a "Mermaid Village is North/West" of Yold. There is no Inn here, so you'll most likely want to return to GreatLog to be healed if needed. Warp Staff — Barrel ITEM SHOP Herb — 10g Restores HP of one monster by 30 — 40. LoveWater — 50g Restores HP of one monster by 60 — 70. Antidote — 4g Removes all traces of poison. AwakeSand — 20g Awakens a sleeping monster. PorkChop — 40g Tames monsters a little bit. WarpWing — 30g Instantly warps to GreatLog. Bookmark — 50g Enables saving in the Journal. * Leave Yold * Walk 1 SCREEN left * Walk 1 SCREEN up * Walk 1 SCREEN left * Walk 1 SCREEN up * Walk 1 SCREEN left * Enter the Port of Polona Village * Optional, try to catch an Eggplaton __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 3.3 PORT OF POLONA VILLAGE |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ This is the place where they talk about the Mermaids. An Inn is here as is a priest inside the Inn. Other than trying to lure the Mermaid, very little happens here at the moment 3.3.01 LURING THE MERMAIDS ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— If you have caught Eggplaton in your team * Talk to the bard in the left of town near the water * Answer "YES" * A Mermaid will be lured to the surface and give you a TinyMedal If you don't have Eggplaton, then don't worry about this event. Any monster which is able to learn "LureDance" will be able to activate the above event. We'll get a monster which learns this soon :) * Leave Port of Polona Village * Stay around this area and try to catch a Healer for your team and a MadGopher which is needed for later in the game. You can send the MadGopher back to the farm. * Also try to catch an ArmyAnt, another monster needed for later in the game * From outside of Port of Polona Village * Walk to the water's edge on your left * Jump on your clam and sail to the Left SCREEN * Jump off your clam and sail a SCREEN up * Walk a SCREEN left to find a cave __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 3.4 PORT POLONA CAVE |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ Lovewater — Chest Far North of Entrance Rib — Chest Far North/West Corner from Entrance Warp Staff — Chest East of Entrance Lovewater — Chest Far North/East Corner Exitbell — Chest Far North/East Corner MermScale — Chest Far North/East Corner * Sail 2 SCREENS to your right to find HoodSquid 3.4.01 HOODSQUID BATTLE ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The easiest method for this fight is to try put HoodSquid to sleep. Eggplaton has NapAttack which does well in this battle. HoodSquid's BiAttack is dangerous and can seriously hurt your monsters. So I'll suggest having LoveWaters to heal your team or get your Healer to do this if you have one. ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | HoodSquid Battle : Joins after defeated | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT|EXP| Skills | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————————————| | HoodSquid |12|350|100| 78| 39| 85|180|520| BiAttack, LureDance | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | Beavern |11|110| 38| 50| 72| 63| 40| None | AGL Ring | | Eggplaton |13| 51| 66| 53| 79| 39|106| NapAttack | None | | Healer | 9| 45| 23| 27| 26| 45| 96| Heal | None | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————^———————————´ * Once you have beaten HoodSquid, he will join your party. You'll need to choose a player to lose as HoodSquid is needed * Return to Port of Polona Village * Lure the Mermaids if you have not done so already * Rest at the Inn * Leave Port of Polona Village * Walk 1 SCREEN right * Walk 2 SCREENS up * Walk 1 SCREEN right and enter Port Ritz Town __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 3.5 PORT RITZ TOWN |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ TinyMedal — Barrel South of Tavern ITEM SHOP LoveWater — 50g Restores HP of one monster by 60 — 70. Antidote — 4g Removes all traces of poison. AwakeSand — 20g Awakens a sleeping monster. PorkChop — 40g Tames monsters a little bit. Rib — 200g Tames monsters a lot. Warp Staff — 50g Instantly warps to the Door Shrine. ExitBell — 50g Instantly warps to the exit. 3.5.01 TAVERN ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— In the top/right SCREEN of town is a Tavern * Enter the Tavern * Meet Prince Kameha and companions there * Talk to the old man sleeping 3.5.02 OLD MAN SLEEPING ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— You can use any monster in the Water family to wake up the old man. Since we have HoodSquid, he'll wake up as soon as you talk to him. He will talk abou the Pirate treasure. __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 3.6 HUNT FOR THE HARMIRROR |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ By now its obvious we need to get the HARMIRROR, unfortunately first we need the Moonrock so we can locate the Ghost Ship 3.6.01 THE MOONROCK SEARCH ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * Leave Port Ritz Town and go back to Port of Polona Village * Talk to the Bard which makes you dance * A Mermaid will surface and take you down to thier world * Find and talk to the Queen * She'll give you th location of the Ghost Ship * Return to Yold * Jump on your clam and sail 1 SCREEN up * You'll find the Ghost ship here, just sail up to it and click the "A" Button to enter it ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 3.6.02 THE GHOST SHIP | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Found after talking to the queen, it resides North of Yold ,——————————————————————. | GHOST SHIP — FLOOR 1 | `——————————————————————´ ############################ ###~~~m1 ~~#~~~x#~~~ccccb1# 1 = Stairs up to Floor 2 ##~~~~##### ~#~~ x#~~~~ # c = Crates ##~~~~~##### #~ # # x = Bed #~~~~~~#v2x# # ~~~~ # m1 = BoneSlave #~~~~~~#~~x#~ #b2 b# 1~~~~~~ # ##~~~~~#~~x#~~ # ~~~~~~~~# b1 = Porkchop in barrel ##~~~~#~~x#xx # ~~ # ~~~~~b~~# b2 = BadMeat in barrel ##~~~~~~x#xxv1#~~~ # ~~~~~~~~# v1 = Warp Staff in Vase ######################~~~#### v2 = Antidote & Love Potion in barrels ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BoneSlave Battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+—————+—————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+—————+—————————————————————| | BoneSlave |13| 72| 58| 58| 45| 49| 99| 342| Bang, BoltSlash | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^—————^—————————————————————´ This BoneSlave shouldn't cause your team too much problems :) These BoneSlaves won't join you so don't waste your meat treats on them :( ,——————————————————————. | GHOST SHIP — FLOOR 2 | `——————————————————————´ c1 = AGLseed in chest c2 = OrcaCape c3 = Repellent c4 = WorldLeaf ############################## 1 = Stairs down Floor 1 ##c2c3c4 #2#x x# @b# 2 = Stairs up Floor 3 ## # #x x# @@@ @@ b# 3 = Stairs up Floor 3 #@@ 3 # #x x# @@#@@@ # @ = Rough location of holes in boat #@@ # #x x#c1 @# cc# b = Barrels ## @# ## ####### 1 ####### c = Crates ##@ @@#m1 @@# m1 = BoneSlave, see Floor 1 details ############################## ,——————————————————————. | GHOST SHIP — FLOOR 3 | `——————————————————————´ After beating the BoneSlave on this floor, search the crate near him to find a hidden staircase. ############################## 2 = Stairs down Floor 2 ## @ 2 I######### 3c = Hidden Stairs down Floor 2 ## c @m1 I######### 4 = Captains Cabin ##### b 3c I######### @ = Rough location of holes in boat ##### c I######### b = Barrels ## I####4 ### c = Crates ## @@ I # m1 = BoneSlave, see Floor 1 details ############################## I = Stair walkway 3.6.03 CAPTAIN'S CABIN ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— After making your way through the ship, Head for the Captain's Cabin and be prepared for a battle. This is going to be a tricky one. Both LureDance and Sleep spells work against these monsters. You might want to consider heading to Yold Village to buy LoveWaters. Also a trip back to GreatLog's store to buy D—Scales is a good idea too. Make sure there is no WLD number on your monsters as its a pain when they don't listen to you :P ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CaptDead Battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+—————+—————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+—————+—————————————————————| | BoneSlave |13| 72| 58| 58| 45| 49| 99| 342| Bang, BoltSlash | | BoneSlave |13| 72| 58| 58| 45| 49| 99| 342| Bang, BoltSlash | | CaptDead |13|500|105| 66| 48| 50|144| 800| CallHelp AquaCut | | | | | | | | | | | SquallHit | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^—————^—————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | HoodSquid |13| 92| 86| 73| 68| 89|188| LureDance | D—Scale | | | | | | | | | | BiAttack | | | Eggplaton |16| 56| 78| 65|107| 47|118| NapAttack | D—Scale | | Healer |13| 56| 39| 38| 42| 72|112| Heal,Increase | D—Scale | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————^———————————´ * Once you have defeated CaptDead, open the chest * After getting the MoonRock the Ghost ship will sail to Yold then drop you off, then disappear forever * Duck into Yold Village and buy some LoveWaters or return to GreatLog and heal yourself * Leave Yold and jump on your clam * Sail 2 SCREENS up * You reach an island you can't get too, move just to the left of this island and sail another SCREEN up * You'll see a Cave you can't get to, Sail one more SCREEN up then jump on that island * Walk 1 SCREEN right to find the MOONROCK TOWER ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 3.6.04 MOONROCK TOWER | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ This tower is very easy to do, you shouldn't need a map for it :P * Walk to the top of the tower * USE the MoonRock while standing in front of the Pedestal * This will cause the shoals to disappear * Return down the stairs and out of the Tower * Remember that Cave we saw earlier? * Jump on your clam, Sail 1 SCREEN down, then jump on the next island * Once on the island, Walk 1 SCREEN left to find the Cave ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 3.6.05 HARMIRROR CAVE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Make your way to the bottom floor, Kameha will interrupt every now and then HARMIRROR CAVE Basement Floor 1 * Walk 1 SCREEN up, Walk 1 SCREEN right, walk 1 SCREEN up and down the stairs HARMIRROR CAVE Basement Floor 2 [Remember this area for later in the game] Grab the Repellent and Warp Staff from the chests and go back upstairs HARMIRROR CAVE Basement Floor 1 * Walk 1 SCREEN down, 2 SCREENS left, 1 SCREEN up and 1 SCREEN left * Go down the Stairs HARMIRROR CAVE Basement Floor 2 * Walk 1 SCREEN down, 1 SCREEN Right, 1 SCREEN Down, 1 SCREEN Left * Walk down the stairs HARMIRROR CAVE Basement Floor 3 * Walk 1 SCREEN Left, 1 SCREEN up, walk around to the left passageway and walk 1 SCREEN down then 1 SCREEN Left * You'll be in an area with the floor covered in lava. There are 2 Treasure chests in the Northern part of this room. You'll probably need STEPGUARD * Whether you decide to get the Treasure or not, follow the path down and around where you will meet Prince Kameha * Kameha will beat you to the treasure, but his companions will swindle him They'll get swallowed by a hole which appears, leaving the HARMIRROR * He'll give it to you and Warubou will warp you back to GreatLog * The HARMIRROR won't work as a plug, but Warubou will grant you the ability to smash some rocks Stand in front of a rock [also some trees], hit the "A" button. This will break any rock which is crushable. You'll soon recognise these. Sometimes there are items hidden in the rocks __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 3.7 GREATLOG CHANGES |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ There are some changes in GreatLog which will interest you. ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 3.7.00 SUMMARY OF CHANGES | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ * Farm will allow 30 monsters * Breeding Shrine & Egg Evaluator Available * Arena guy offers to breed with his Armopede ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 3.7.01 OCEAN WORLD REVISTED | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Before looking at the new changes, it will pay you to return back to Ocean World using the Pirates Key * Return to Port of Polona Village and talk to the Mermaid to reach the Mermaid Queen * Talk to the Mermaid Queen and she will give you a SAILOR RING. * This Ring is valuable as it increases your DEF gains when you level up, so put it on a monster as soon as you can. * You will need to catch an ARMYANT and MADGOPHER. These can be found around Port of Polona Village. Don't go back to Greatlog without them. 3.7.02 KingSquid Battle ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— You can battle a Kingsquid which is Far North in the Water from the Shrine door in Pirate's World. Just jump on your clam and head up, you'll eventually meet him. ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | KingSquid Battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | KingSquid |38|2500|140|227|147|189| 73| 4000| Tidalwave RainSlash| | | | | | | | | | | PaniDance | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ * Whether you fight the KingSquid now or later, make sure you catch the ArmyAnt and MadGopher. * Using NapAttack and LureDance is a good strategy against KingSquid, they don't always work but if you have different monsters try that. While KingSquid is dancing or sleeping, you could use OddDance or RobDance to strip him of his MPs, and Increase, to raise your Defense. * Return back to GreatLog ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 3.7.03 DAD WANTS MADGOPHER | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Remember how I told you to catch a MadGopher earlier? Well this is the reason * Go to your farm and find that a bridge has been built * Your farm can now hold 30 monsters [27 if you count your 3] * Talk to Tara and switch one of your monsters for the MadGopher * Talk to your Dad and give him the MadGopher * The Madgopher will dig up a TINYMEDAL which you will get, or the ICE KEY if you've already given the ARMYANT to the shopkeeper 3.7.04 BREEDING OPPORTUNITY : ARMORPEDE ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Near the stairs to the Arena you will find a man who wants to breed his Armorpede. This opportunity will last until you breed or when you complete the ICE KEY events * When breeding with any GreatLog Trainer, your monster is always the Pedigree or Base * The choice of what you can breed is up to you, but the result will be an Egg which is kept at the "farm" until its hatched __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 3.8 THE HIDDEN ICE KEY |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ Another monster I said to catch earlier in "Ocean World" was an ArmyAnt. This is needed to progress further into the game. * Put the ArmyAnt into your team and talk to one of the new shopkeepers which have appeared south of the vault * The shopkeeper will take it, while the ArmyAnt is moving stuff, it'll unearth the ICE KEY 3.8.00 REVERSED ORDER ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— If you give the ArmyAnt to the StoreOwner first, it will find a TinyMedal. Giving the MadGopher to your Dad, it will find the Ice Key ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 3.8.01 BEAT C CLASS | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ By now your team should be strong enough to take on the next class, so lets try it. ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | C Class Round 1 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————————————————| | WindBeast |14| 51| 62| 41| 52| 82|180| VacuSlash | | Gismo |11| 48| 72| 51| 71|171|256| FrigidAir | | PomPomBom |13| 62| 67| 72| 48|164|150| FireAir TailWind | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | C Class Round 2 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————————————————| | Devipine |13| 60| 37| 64| 45| 95|366| NapAttack PoisonGas | | Gulpple |14| 66| 71| 57| 89| 88|232| Slow HighJump | | Eggplaton |14| 67| 77| 65| 42| 95|223| SleepAir Radiant | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | C Class Round 2 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————————————————| | HammerMan |16| 70| 16| 73| 60| 64|149| ChargeUp EvilSlash | | StubSuck |17|100| 50| 60| 65| 78|261| SleepAll ZombieCut | | TreeBoy |27|185|200| 73| 95|130|318| SnowStorm MagicBack | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | Aquarella+2 |11| 76| 91| 92|118|149|165| None | Sailor R. | | Eggplaton |19| 67| 89| 72|114| 54|129| NapAttack | D—Scale | | Healer |16| 61| 51| 43| 47| 95|124| Heal Increase | D—Scale | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————^———————————´ Using MIXED when my Healer's turn, had it casting INCREASE. This raised my monsters' DEF. Then switching the Healer to DEFENSE had it Heal my monsters. My Eggplaton on CHARGE used Napattack to put monsters to sleep, while my newly bred Aquarella+2 I levelled up before getting her to CHARGE also * Winning this battle will reward you with a MAGIC KEY * Visit the MAGIC KEY IDENTIFIER to tell you what your key leads to. Mine happened to be QuietPond. They differ for each person :P __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 3.9 BREEDING SHRINE & EGG EVALUATOR |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ Possibly the 2 important places in GreatLog are the above two 3.9.01 BREEDING SHRINE ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— With the monsters you have available I'll suggest a couple of breeds to start you off WhaleMage = HoodSquid + 1EyeClown 1EyeClown can be found a screen above Port Ritz, while HoodSquid you should have already, both are in the PIRATE KEY WORLD Later you can breed your WhaleMage into a WhiteKing when you meet the right monsters 3.9.01A BREED OFTEN ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Whenever you get the chance, breed your monsters. This is to raise the number of pluses they get. Also they'll rise quickly at low levels. Don't be concerned about thier skills. 3.9.01B DON'T HATCH THEM YET ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Don't hatch any of your eggs just yet, wait until you've bred all the available monsters. Once you have bred all the monsters you can, then visit the Egg Evaluator, you may find you have too many males or females. So heres the chance to change thier gender 3.9.01C BREED FOR YOUR TEAM MONSTERS ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Visit the Library, and look at your monster's skills. If you want any of the skills, see if you still have the egg for the monster. Check if you need to change its gender. Then breed it into your team monster. 3.9.01D THE MOST IMPORTANT SKILL ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Healing skills are VITAL for your team survival. This is especially true for the Arena Battles. The more members in your team with it, the better for you. 3.9.01E BIRDS AND BUGS ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Both these families level up quickly. Although the higher bred monsters of each family are slow, the lower types are good to breed, as thier levels rise very quickly. This helps you progress faster through the game. 3.9.01F BE CAREFUL WITH BABIES ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Avoid taking too many newly hatched monsters into the new worlds. Of course if they are the weaker worlds this is ok. Try to keep at least one strong monster in the team at all times, so it can look after your young ones :) 3.9.02 THE EGG EVALUATOR ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Changing the gender of an egg is an excellent thing to do at times. She will give you 2 options. Evaluate and Bless 3.9.02A EVALUATE ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Evaluator will give you varies depending on the egg's potential. The first part generally gives you a clue if the baby has recieved more resistances from its parents. This has a chance of happening when you breed monsters that are very high in levels The next part tells you of various parts, the final is the gender of the egg 3.9.02B BLESS ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Before hatching any of your eggs, get into the habit of thinking what gender you need so you can further breed your monsters. Blessing an egg will change the gender of the baby. — Breed as many monsters as you can — Breed monsters that have Healing skills with monsters in your team — Take the babies to Ocean World [Pirate Key] to raise them a few levels * Lets get back on track * From the breeding Shrine you'll see passageways going left and right * The right one is a man blocking, it will open later in the game * The left one is blocked by a rock. Walk up to it, use "A" button and smash it. This is a shortcut to the stairs near the Door Shrine * Walk to the Door Shrine * Pick ICE KEY and Walk to the Ice World ____________________________________________________________________________ @)___________________________________________________________________________) | | ) 4.0 THE ICE KEY EVENTS ( _|________________________________________________________________________|_ @)___________________________________________________________________________) After ArmyAnt or MadGopher finds the ICE KEY, its time for us to explore this new world. I've also heard that the MadGopher also digs up the ICE KEY, its likely that depending on which event you've done first determines who will find the ICE KEY ie ArmyAnt or MadGopher You will find a Potion, Rib and Sirloin on your journey through Ice World. Remember the errands you were doing for your Mom ??? Whenever you come across these items, keep them or dash back to GreatLog and drop them off to your Mom __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 4.1 UNITING THE 2 KINGDOMS |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ The Kingdom of Norden and Westania aren't on good terms, so lets see what we can do to resolve this situation. * From the Door Shrine * Walk 1 SCREEN up * Walk 1 SCREEN left * Walk 1 SCREEN up * Walk 2 SCREENS left and enter the castle ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.1.01 NORDEN — THE KINGDOM OF THE NORTH | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ TinyMedal — Vase near entrance of town ITEM SHOP LoveWater — 65g Restores HP of one monster by 60 — 70. Antidote — 5g Removes all traces of poison. MoonHerb — 20g Cures paralysis. Laurel — 20g Lifts a curse off one monster. PorkChop — 50g Tames monsters a little bit. Rib — 250g Tames monsters a lot. Warp Staff — 50g Instantly warps to the Door Shrine. ExitBell — 100g Instantly warps to the exit. LogTwig — 50g Moves the Door Shrine. * Other than resting at the Inn and stocking up Healing items, little can be done here at this time. * To get past the guards at the castle we must first seek out the Spirit in the North. So lets go there * Leave Norden * Walk 1 SCREEN left * Walk 1 SCREEN up * Walk 2 SCREENS left * Walk 1 SCREEN up and walk toward the Lake ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.1.02 THE SPIRIT LAKE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ In the middle of a frozen lake will be a Silver Shield * Walk up to the Shield then hit the "A" Button * Answer "YES" to the Spirits request * A "Crest" can be recieved from a chest * The crest will allow you to visit the Norden King * KEEP the CREST with you whenever you are in the Ice World * Leave this area and return to Norden 4.1.03 NORDEN REVISITED ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Head to the Palace where the guards are blocking the door * Talk to the Left guard when you have the quest ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.1.04 NORDEN PALACE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Once inside the Palace * Talk to the left guard * Talk to the King to find out the problems with the West * Leave Norden * Walk left 1 SCREEN * Walk up 1 SCREEN * Walk left 1 SCREEN * Walk just past the nearest set of mountains and down 1 SCREEN * Walk down 1 SCREEN * Walk right one SCREEN and enter the cave 4.1.05 UNDERGROUND TUNNEL ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Talk to the lady in here if you wish. This tunnel just goes one direction. So Walk down and up the next set of stairs * Walk down 1 SCREEN to the Port town of Nofor ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.1.06 NOFOR TOWN | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ The first thing which stands out about this place is the shop which sells books. ITEM SHOP ONE Quest Book — 10000g Makes the reader braver. Horror Book — 10000g Makes the reader more cowardly. BeNice Book — 10000g Makes the reader more kindly. Cheater Book — 10000g Makes the reader more sly. Smart Book — 10000g Makes the reader more thoughtful. Comedy Book — 10000g Makes the reader simpleminded. * By reading muliple Quest Books, BeNice Books and Smart Books, is the quickest way to reach HotBlooded. ITEM SHOP TWO Laurel — 20g Lifts a curse off one monster. WorldLeaf — 1500g Revives a dead monster. Rib — 200g Tames monsters a lot. Bookmark — 100g Enables saving in the Journal. LogTwig — 100g Moves the Door Shrine. BeastTail — 800g Checks if monster was caught before. ShinyHarp — 1200g Attracts monsters when strummed. GoldPass — 20000g Get a 10percent discount at shops. * Saving up for a GoldPass may seem a long way off, but it worth it, especially when buying Books * Buy a Rib for your Mom in GreatLog if you haven't already given her one ITEM SHOP THREE LoveWater — 65g Restores HP of one monster by 60 — 70. WorldDew — 750g Fully restores HP of all monsters. Potion — 300g Restores MP of one monster by 20 — 30. SkyBell — 30g Snaps a monster out of confusion. PorkChop — 50g Tames monsters a little bit. Warp Staff — 50g Instantly warps to the Door Shrine. ExitBell — 100g Instantly warps to the exit. * Buy a Potion for your Mom in GreatLog if you haven't already given her one * Talk to everyone in the town, which sets the storyline and highlights the problems * Leave Nofor, Walk to the Underground Tunnel. * Enter it then Walk North to reach the stairs up, and out of the Tunnel * Walk 1 SCREEN left * Walk between the mountains and 1 SCREEN down * Follow the mountain range down, and as it heads 1 SCREEN left * Walk 2 SCREENS down * Walk 1 SCREEN left and find a cave ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.1.07 GOLDMINE CAVE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ This cave is relatively small and easy to navigate. * Make you way to the center of this cave where the Gold Ore is found. * Stand infront of the Ore and push the A button * You'll be interupted by a monster whom you'll need to battle ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.1.08 BOMBCRAG BATTLE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | BombCrag |18| 650| 10| 80| 80| 20|140| 2018|RockThrow ChargeUp | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | Aquarella+2 |21|109|124|130|177|203|193| Increase | Sailor R. | | | | | | | | | | BiAttack | | | MadPlant+2 |15| 88|145| 55|109|140|108| Increase | | | | | | | | | | | NapAttack | | | GiantSlug+2 |17| 68| 65| 87| 61| 76| 93| Heal,Increase | | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————^———————————´ BombCrag is pretty easy to beat. He's likely to fall to sleep so any sleep skills are a bonus. I got all my monsters to cast INCREASE in the first round, then put them on CHARGE to deal with Bombcrag, whom slept through the battle LOL * Leave this cave and return to Norden * Go to the Palace and speak to the left guard again * He'll take you to the King, who will promptly throw you in the dungeon 4.1.09 THE TRUTH REVEALED ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— After finding yourself in the Dungeon, you'll see a famaliar face of Kameha and the real King * Talk to Kameha & the Real King * Walk north of Kameha and check the wall * It will be hollow, and the blockhead Kameha will bust a way out for us * Once he has made a doorway Walk through it and up the stairs * You'll meet 2 Kings and need to find out which is the fake * Try talking to the top one repeatedly and you'll have your answer * The fake king will turn into a monster ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.1.10 AGDEVIL BATTLE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ After exposing the false King you will need to battle an AgDevil ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | AgDevil |18| 550| 50| 90| 59|109|216| 3022| Firebane SleepAir | | | | | | | | | | | WarCry | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | Aquarella+2 |21|109|124|130|177|203|193| Increase | Sailor R. | | | | | | | | | | BiAttack | | | MadPlant+2 |15| 88|145| 55|109|140|108| Increase | | | | | | | | | | | NapAttack | | | GiantSlug+2 |17| 68| 65| 87| 61| 76| 93| Heal,Increase | | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————^———————————´ My strategy was very similar to what I have been using to this point. Again Sleep spells are excellent. As are Paralyzing skills. If you have either of these, I suggest using them. You could further try to rob him of his MPs so he won't be able to use his skills against you :) * After beating AgDevil, the King will allow you to access the Western part of the Ice World. * Return to the GOLDMINE CAVE * You will find the guards have moved away from the entrance and you can walk west. * Do so and leave the cave. __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 4.2 BRINGING JOY TO A SAD PRINCESS |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ It seems that Lady Yuna has not been herself of late and needs some cheering up. * From the other side of the GOLDMINE CAVE * Walk 2 SCREENS down * Enter Weston Town ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.2.01 WESTON TOWN | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ TinyMedal — Barrel outside Inn ITEM SHOP — Found inside Inn LoveWater — 75g Restores HP of one monster by 60 — 70. MoonHerb — 45g Cures paralysis. SkyBell — 30g Snaps a monster out of confusion. Rib — 300g Tames monsters a lot. WarpWing — 30g Instantly warps to GreatLog. ExitBell — 150g Instantly warps to the exit. LogTwig — 150g Moves the Door Shrine. * Talk to everyone in this town before leaving * Leave town * Walk 1 SCREEN down * Walk 2 SCREENS left to find the Castle ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.2.02 WESTANIA CASTLE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ You will find people waiting to meet Lady Yuna have gathered here * Read the sign * Kameha will appear and clear the way for you * Enter the Castle * A man to the North/East will tell you of Lady Yuna's Scholar * Talk to the Priest who will move aside for you * You'll see the end of Kameha's act, then do your circus act * Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to appeal to Lady Luna * We'll have to find out whats wrong * From information at Weston, we can summise that we need to investigate the Forest South/East of it. This will cut down the need to visit her scholar :P * Leave the Castle * Walk right 2 SCREENS * Walk down 1 SCREEN then cross the bridge * Walk right 1 SCREEN and walk into the slightly darker trees in the center of the SCREEN ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.2.03 SPOOKY FOREST | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Enter this area to try to locate the "ghost" * The first SCREEN will show a horse and 2 people, talk to them if you want, then head down 1 SCREEN * You will see Yuna's ghost disappear so you'll need to find her * You can either go left or right, I went RIGHT 1 SCREEN * Then I went DOWN 1 SCREEN * Then I went LEFT 1 SCREEN. Yuna's ghost was here but she went south * Go DOWN 1 SCREEN and you will meet her * Walk up to her and talk to her * Answer "YES" to her question and you will recieve YunaSoul * Lets Walk out of here and back to the Westania Castle 4.2.04 WESTANIA CASTLE REVISITED ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Now we have YunaSoul, we need to get to Yuna's room * From the Entrance of the castle, Walk 1 SCREEN left * You should be outside of the castle * The farthest vine left is the one you want to climb * Be prepared to battle, so heal your monsters now * Climb the vine and talk to Lady Yuna ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.2.05 PUPPETOR BATTLE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ You will find that the Puppetor has taken over Lady Yuna's body. Answer YES to battle him ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Puppetor |22| 400| 82| 85| 60| 48|120| 2540| BiAttack OddDance | | | | | | | | | | | LureDance PaniDance| `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | Aquarella+2 |23|118|133|139|189|212|202| Increase | Sailor R. | | | | | | | | | | BiAttack | | | MadPlant+2 |18|109|171| 66|117|156|129| Increase | | | | | | | | | | | NapAttack | | | GiantSlug+2 |21| 81| 78|100| 88| 89| 99| Heal,Increase | | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————^———————————´ Again Sleep spells work well, Lushlicks is another nice one to use to prevent Puppetor from doing any actions :). If you are struggling up to this point and have better stats than mine, perhaps you need to have a few more of the skills I use :P * After pulling the strings off Puppetor :P, its time to see whats up with Queen Helen * Leave the Castle * Walk 2 SCREENS right * Walk up to find Weston Town {Go inside for a rest if you want] * Jump on your clam and sail past 5 SCREENS right Ignore the icy shoals and small islands along the way. You'll reach the opposite shoreline in the far east * Jump off your clam and onto this land * Walk 1 SCREEN down to reach the castle __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 4.3 QUEEN HELEN OF ESTRIA |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ Upon arriving in Castle Estria, you'll find that the queen is having nightmares. ITEM SHOP LoveWater — 50g Restores HP of one monster by 60 — 70. MoonHerb — 45g Cures paralysis. SkyBell — 30g Snaps a monster out of confusion. Rib — 200g Tames monsters a lot. Warp Staff — 100g Instantly warps to the Door Shrine. ExitBell — 100g Instantly warps to the exit. Bookmark — 100g Enables saving in the Journal. LogTwig — 50g Moves the Door Shrine. * Talk to the left guard to enter the castle * Talk to people here and in town * You will find that the scholar in Nofor will have some answers on how to help. * As usual we'll ignore seeing him and Walk to the Location of the Sleeping Herb :) * Leave Estria Castle * Keep close to the coastline and Walk up 4 SCREENS * Walk right 1 SCREEN * Walk up 1 SCREEN * Look for a brown colored mountain and walk on it ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.3.01 SLEEPHERB MOUNTAIN | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ This area is pretty easy to do, so I won't bother with maps :P * From the Entrance * Walk north onto the cobbled ladder up 1 SCREEN * Walk left along the white ledge for 1 SCREEN * Take the Cobble ladder down 1 SCREEN * Take the leftmost cobble ladder up 2 SCREENS * Take the first cobble ladder up 1 SCREEN * Go right 1 SCREEN and check out the flowers on top of the mountain * You have obtained the SLEEPHERB !!!! * Walk left 1 SCREEN * Down the cobble ladder then right 1 SCREEN * Up the Cobble ladder 1 SCREEN * Walk across the white ledge and down the right cobble ladder 1 SCREEN * Grab the MAGIC KEY from the chest * Return to the Entrance and leave this area * Return to Estria Castle 4.3.02 ESTRIA CASTLE REVISITED ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Make sure you have the CREST and the SLEEPHERB with you first or you'll have problems progressing further. * Go to the Inn for a rest * You need to have the CREST and SLEEPHERB in your items, so check your items to make sure that they are there * Talk to the lady blocking the stairs to the Queens room in the castle * She will lead you to the Queen * USE the Sleepherb once she has stopped in front of the bed * A monster [typical :P] will appear, meaning you'll be battling again ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.3.03 GOATHORN BATTLE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Kiddie Class Round 3 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | GoatHorn |27| 850| 89| 95| 65| 92|165| 6020| Boom Infermore | | | | | | | | | | | SnowStorm | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | Aquarella+2 |24|123|138|144|196|217|207| BiAttack | Sailor R. | | MadPlant+2 |20|122|184| 72|120|162|142| NapAttack | None | | GiantSlug+2 |23| 90| 87|109|105| 98|104| HealMore | None | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————^———————————´ My NapAttack, BiAttack and HealMore strategy is still working out fine. Virtually this has been unchanged since I got this combination of skills :) * Now we have a long trek back to the Spirit Shrine {DUH!!!!] * If you need experience points, then do this to reach the Shrine which is North/East of Nofor * However if you're lazy like me, then buy a Warp Staff and USE it to reach the Door shrine * Stock up on Lovewaters at Nofor first * Make your way to the Spirit Shrine from here __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 4.4 SPIRIT SHRINE REVISITED |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ If you recall where we got the CREST from, you need to go back to the Spirit Lake, which was far North of Norden. Norden is the first town you visited when you reached this world :) * Walk up to where the Spirit was and talk * You'll find instead GoatHorn and his goons, you'll have to fight for the Silver Shield ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.4.01 GOATHORN BATTLE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | ArcDemon(x2)|27| 210| 89|105| 71| 84|211| 1270| Boom VacuSlash | | | | | | | | | | | BoltSlash | | GoatHorn |27| 330| 89| 95| 65| 92|233| 7700| Boom Infermore | | | | | | | | | | | SnowStorm BiAttack | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | Aquarella+2 |24|123|138|144|196|217|207| BiAttack | Sailor R. | | MadPlant+2 |20|122|184| 72|120|162|142| NapAttack | None | | GiantSlug+2 |23| 90| 87|109|105| 98|104| RobMagic | None | | | | | | | | | | HealMore | | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————^———————————´ This battle was a little trickier to do. NapAttack worked fine on all the monsters, but as there were 3 I decided to keep GoatHorn asleep. I used RobMagic to strip GoatHorn of his MPs and BiAttack to kill off the ArcDemons * After the battle has ended, USE the CREST infront of the Lake * The Spirit will appear and warm the land :) * You will be given the Silver Shield and Warubou will warp you back. * After failing miserably to block the Navel, he'll give you the ability to "float" on a cloud __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 4.5 GREATLOG CHANGES |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ Seems to be a common occurence that there are changes to GreatTree which co—incide with completed Adventure Worlds :) The [Special] changes are when you have completed certain tasks. ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.5.00 SUMMARY OF CHANGES | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ * Stable has been built [Special] * MedalMan Accessable * BREEDING OPPORTUNITY : WildApe * Rare Key Man Accessable [Special] * Treetop Accessable [Special] * Tavern [Special] * BREEDING OPPORTUNITY : SpikyBoy [Special] * Name Christener 4.5.01 STABLE HAS BEEN BUILT ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— TinyMedal — Vase Sirloin — Vase * This will only happen if you have given your father a MadGopher The stable is used to put monsters to sleep, this prevents them from becoming WLD but they gain no experience points while sleeping. The main reason to put monsters to sleep is so they won't reach thier maximum level and not learn any skills. ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.5.02 MEDALMAN | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Above the Vault will appear a doorway to the MedalMan. The MedalMan collects TINYMEDALS which you can trade for prizes * MeteOrb : 3 * MadCat : 3 * HornBeet : 4 * SkyDragon : 4 * Octogon : 5 * Servant : 5 * SPECIAL : 10 4.5.03 WHERE ARE TINYMEDALS FOUND? ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— A special prize can be bought later in the game :) You'll find most of your TinyMedals in the "Magic Key" Worlds. They can be found in dungeons, caves etc. Some have found them by smashing rocks as well. The other places are winning them from the Blue clothed Dancer lady who randomly appears in the Worlds. Winning them as a random prize from the replayable Arena battles [After you beat Class S] 4.5.04 BREEDING OPPORTUNITY : WildApe ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— A Pirate near the Arena Stairs wants to breed his WildApe. __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 4.6 THE SKY KEY |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ This can be easily found, in fact its handed to you :P * Walk up the Ladder * Answer "YES" that you have seen Prince Kameha * The guard will take you to see the King * The King will hand you the Sky Key ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.6.01 RARE KEY MAN | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ After recieving the SKY KEY, Walk down the ladder to talk to a man dealing in rare keys. * Whether you answer "YES" or "NO" there will still be a Magic Key in his Dresser * SAVE your game before checking the Dresser * Check the dresser for the Magic Key 4.6.02 TAVERN ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— After recieving the SKY KEY you'll be able to visit the tavern. There are trainers here which will breed monsters with you :) 4.6.03 BREEDING OPPORTUNITY : SpikyBoy ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— A Merchant is willing to breed his Spikyboy with you 4.6.04 TREETOP ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— People will gather here with various information. DrakScale — Vase 4.6.05 NAME CHRISTENER ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— You will be able to change the name of your monsters here. * Do any breeding you want, especially to improve your current team * Time to continue onwards. __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 4.7 BACKTRACKING |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ Now you have the ability to float, it might be handy for you to go back to places you've already visisted ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.7.01 ICE TOWER — ICE WORLD | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ * Make your way to Nofor Town. * Jump on your clam and head 1 SCREEN RIGHT * Head 2 SCREENS DOWN. Jump back on land and enter the Tower ICE TOWER FLOOR 1 The Ice boulders here can be smashed, the gaps can be crossed using your new "FLOAT" ability. The zigzag patterns on the floors cause damage. If you have STEPGUARD you can walk over these, if not then follow the walkthrough — Use FLOAT to cross the gap and open the chests for a Bolt Staff & DracoBelt — Make your way to the staircase leading UP to Floor 2 ICE TOWER FLOOR 2 — Head straight across to the stairs UP to Floor 3 ICE TOWER FLOOR 3 — Float across to the left of the stairs onto the L shaped platform — Take 1 step LEFT and 1 step UP, now float across to your LEFT — You should be on the platform with 1 rock on the far left — Walk up and float to the platform in the upper left corner — Now float RIGHT to the platfor with the 2 rocks side by side — SMASH the rock on the rightmost of those 2 rocks — Walk into the gap left by the rocks, and float RIGHT — Walk down the stairs ICE TOWER FLOOR 2 — Walk 1 SCREEN UP to find a room with 3 staircases and a rock — Walk up to the rock then float to the LEFT — Grab the SmartBook and BraveCape in the chests — Smash the topmost rock on this platform and make your way around to the top left hand corner — Float DOWN then float to the LEFT and go 1 SCREEN down — You'll find a room with 3 staircases, 3 rocks and zigzag damage areas — Make your way to the farthest staircase by Smashing the rocks, going up the Stairs, then going down the stairs then walking to the next rock that needs to be smashed ICE TOWER FLOOR 3 — This section will show 3 downstairs, an upstairs and damage area — Once you've navigated through Floor 2, head UP the stairs ICE TOWER FLOOR 4 — You will see 3 rocks, smash the middle rock, move into the gap the float across to the RIGHT to the single platform. — Float RIGHT again which will bring you to the next SCREEN — Smash the rock which blocks your way going RIGHT — There are 2 rocks which are side by side on the far right, and theres a single rock just at top top left of them. Smash that rock. Walk through — Float UP across, the float UP again and walk up the Stairs ICE TOWER FLOOR 5 In the Chest you will find the Divine Bracelet and a MeteOrb — Go back down the stairs ICE TOWER FLOOR 4 — Walk to the gap and float DOWN — Float LEFT, Float UP — Grab the Mage Ring and Friend Staff from the Chests — To leave this are, just head back to Floor 5 and walk up to fall out of the tower ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 4.7.02 HARMIRROR CAVE — PIRATE WORLD | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ * Head to the village Yold [The first village you found in Pirate World] * Jump on your clam, and head north to HARMIRROR CAVE HARMIRROR CAVE Basement Floor 1 — Walk 1 SCREEN up, Walk 1 SCREEN right, walk 1 SCREEN up and down the stairs HARMIRROR CAVE Basement Floor 2 — You should see 2 empty treasure chests if you had picked them up earlier — Float across the gap for 3 more chests — The chest contain WorldLeaf, LifeAcorn and a DEFseed ____________________________________________________________________________ @)___________________________________________________________________________) | | ) 5.0 THE SKYKEY EVENTS ( _|________________________________________________________________________|_ @)___________________________________________________________________________) After talking to the King and getting the SKY KEY, its time to do this section of the game. Check your monsters in your team, make sure that thier WLD is zero. * Return to GreatLog's Door Shrine * Choose Sky Key to warp to the SKy World Door Shrine * Exit the shrine * From the SkyKey Door Shrine * Walk 3 SCREENS up * Enter the Tower, which is the Village of Fhunt __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 5.1 THE CHANGE STAFF EVENTS |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ An item you'll be needing to get is the Change Staff ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 5.1.01 FHUNT VILLAGE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ You'll notice that this village is inhabited by Monsters. You'll also find a Tower in the northern part of town and a Cemetary in the Eastern part * Head for the CEMETARY in the Easter part of town * Search the rightmost middle tomb stone to reveal the Ghostly Sage * Talk to the Sage * Now head to the Tower found in the Northern Part of Town ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 5.1.02 FHUNT TOWER | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Before you can enter the Silver door, your monsters WLD must be zero FHUNT TOWER FLOOR 1 * There are 2 sets of stairs you can take. If you follow the stairs in the top/left hand corner of this floor it will eventually lead to an ExitBell. If you want that item, go do those stairs first then return to this floor * Take the stairs in the bottom/right hand corner of this floor FHUNT TOWER FLOOR 2 * Head up a SCREEN to find a staircase in the north of this level FHUNT TOWER FLOOR 3 * Head to the left to find another set of stairs leading upward FHUNT TOWER FLOOR 4 * Head right and take the lower passageway, follow this up and around * At the end you'll find a room where an event will occur * A MadCondor will swoop down and grab the LightOrb before you can reach it. Pick up the Magic Key and Cleric Ring from the chests * Leave the Fhunt Tower * Return to the Sage in the cemetary and talk to him * Agree to help recover the LightOrb * Search on the top of his tomb stone for the CHANGE STAFF * Leave Fhunt __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 5.2 THE MADCONDOR EVENTS |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ * From Fhunt Village * Walk 1 SCREEN left * Walk 3 SCREENS down * Enter the Bridge Tower * USE the CHANGESTAFF to change into a monster * Talk to the DarkHorn guarding the bridge * He will move aside * Walk left over the bridge, down the ladder then out of this area * Walk 1 SCREEN left * Walk 1 SCREEN down * Walk 2 SCREENS left * Walk 1 SCREEN down * Walk 1 SCREEN left and enter this town ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 5.2.01 PEI TOWN | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ The information from monsters here will tell you that the MadCondor is in the North/West ITEM SHOP LoveWater — 60g Restores HP of one monster by 60 — 70. WorldDew — 600g Fully restores HP of all monsters. Potion — 250g Restores MP of one monster by 20 — 30. Rib — 200g Tames monsters a lot. Sirloin — 1500g Tames monsters very much. Warp Staff — 100g Instantly warps to the Door Shrine. ExitBell — 100g Instantly warps to the exit. * Rest at the Inn if needed then leave Pei Town ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 5.2.02 MADCONDOR'S NEST | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ We are now heading toward the Nest * From Pei Town * Walk 1 SCREEN left * Walk 1 SCREEN up * Walk 2 SCREEN left * Smash your way past the rocks * Walk 2 more SCREENS left from here * Walk 1 SCREEN up and walk on the green hill * Climb up the Vine * USE the CHANGE STAFF and change into a MADMIRROR * Now try to leave the area, and MadCondor will swoop to pick you up * After a brief conversation a battle will occur ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 5.2.03 MADCONDOR BATTLE — JOINS | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | MadCondor |30| 600|119|131| 90|110|159|15000| HealUs | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | Gamanian+4 |24|135|100|240|217|203|196| BiAttack | Sailor R. | | MadPlant+2 |24|135|243|118|247|228|219| NapAttack | DrakScale | | MadMirror |25|158| 98| 86|150|103|347| None | D—Scale | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————^———————————´ MadCondor is pretty easily put to sleep, so use those type of skills. The rest of your monsters can attack :) * MadCondor will join your party [wooohoooo !!!!!]. * MadCondor will have the skill HealUs, a very favorable skill to have in a team * He'll be valuable to breed with. You may consider using him in your team now. Just be warned his WLD is high so you'll need to fork out on meat treats to lower it :( * Grab the WorldDew from the chest * Head down the rope, use the "A" button to push the boulder out of the way * Exit MadCondor's Nest __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 5.3 THE HEAVEN EQUIPMENT |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ There are 3 Heaven items scattered around this world. If you were to go to Hitano Castle, you will be told of them, however since we are close enough to one of them lets get that instead. * From MadCondor's Nest * Walk to the Northern Edge of this landmass * Push "A" button to jump on your cloud. This will float you through a number of SCREENS and you'll end up on the South/West island * Walk 1 SCREEN right and enter the Tower ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 5.3.01 HEAVEN ARMOR TOWER — SOUTH/WEST ISLAND | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ * Enter the Tower HEAVEN ARMOR TOWER FLOOR 1 * Head up and float across the Gap then head 1 SCREEN up then take the stairs HEAVEN ARMOR TOWER FLOOR 2 * From the stairs, head down, float across the gap and head down 1 SCREEN * Float down, walk to the right, float up, walk to the left * Float left, walk down, float right, walk down to the end, float left * Walk down, float right and walk across 1 SCREEN * You will see a single platform in the north part of this room * Line yourself under it, then float up to it * Float right, walk right, then a step down, float left * Walk up a SCREEN * Follow this path around and float across to the stairs HEAVEN ARMOR TOWER FLOOR 3 * Walk down and float down a SCREEN * You will see 3 passages on your left , you want to float onto the middle one * Walk across 1 SCREEN * Float left * Float up, then walk up 1 SCREEN * Walk around to the right, then float UP to the platform by a wall * Float left, take one step down, float right into a new SCREEN * Walk to the farthest left you can, and float down * Float left to the previous SCREEN onto a single platform * Float left, float dwon a SCREEN and walk up the stairs HEAVEN ARMOR TOWER FLOOR 4 * Take 1 step right from the stairs then float up * Float right, float up, float left, float down, float right * Float down, float down, float right * Walk up and take the stairs down * After a sucession of down staircases, you'll reach the chest with the HEAVEN ARMOR in it. Pick it up. Then head down across the slide * EXIT THE TOWER ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 5.3.02 HEAVEN SWORD CASTLE — SOUTH/EAST ISLAND | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Deep within this castle are different puzzles. The castle is very easily navigated, you shouldn't need maps for this area. There are key areas you will be exposed to during your search for the Heaven Sword * From the Heaven Armor Tower * Walk 1 SCREEN left * Walk to the LEFT edge * Float LEFT * Walk 1 SCREEN up and enter the castle * The maze leading up to the puzzles is fairly straight forward. You should have no problems navigating through it to reach the puzzles Along the way you will meet Skeletor's, you may battle them if you wish ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Skeletor |37| 226|108|160|148|140|140| 7900| Defense BiAttack | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ * Skeletor can be put to sleep, so sleep spells are great :) 5.3.03 OPEN COFFIN PUZZLE ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— In the center of the room you'll see 4 tiles. Each of these tiles does an action to the 4 coffins. The object is to close all the coffins. Walking back out of this section will reset the coffins to there original formation The tiles numbered as follows Coffin 1 Coffin 2 [Tile 1] [Tile 2] [Tile 3] [Tile 4] Coffin 3 Coffin 4 SOLUTION * Walk over Tile 2 * Walk over Tile 4 * Walk over Tile 3 * Walk over Tile 3 * Leaving this room with the puzzles unsolved will reset the coffin lids back to its default seetings * Solving the puzzle, a door will open in the north, walk through it * Another short maze will appear before th next puzzle room, again its fairly straightforward 5.3.04 THE RESTLESS GHOST ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The object of this section is to lead the ghost back to its coffin in the North/East. Levers in the bottem/right corner [Level 1][Lever 2][Lever 3][Lever 4] SOLUTION * Push Lever 2 * Push Lever 1 * Push Lever 3 * Push Lever 4 * Push Lever 3 * Push Lever 4 * Push Lever 2 * Push Lever 4 * Push Lever 2 * Leaving this room with the puzzles unsolved will reset the ghost back to its original poition * Solving the puzzle, a door will open in the north wall * Go through it * Again another Maze appears, navigate your way through this to reach the final puzzle 5.3.05 THE HIDDEN BUTTON ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Finally making your way to the other side of the castle, you'll need to solve the puzzle of the hidden button. You are told to follow the Skeleton's eyes. * In the bottom right hand SCREEN you will see a skeleton looking UP at a tombstone * Search this tombstone to find a button. Push it * A door will open in the north * Head for the door and enter it. * Be prepared to fight for the Heaven Sword ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 5.3.06 NITERICH BATTLE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Niterich |36|1500|106|177|149|110|510|19620| HealMore IceStorm | | | | | | | | | | | DiagoCall | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | Gamanian+4 |28|151|111|266|241|209|222| QuadHits | Sailor R. | | MadPlant+2 |29|155|278|127|270|248|239| QuadHits | DrakScale | | MadMirror |29|188|114|102|166|119|355| Transform | D—Scale | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————^———————————´ Ewwwwah a trickier battle this one. Lucky the monster I had in my team also had QuadHits, which is an excellent skill. I even found good use of MadMirror, using his Transform turned him into Niterich. While his HPs were only 999 [not 1500], they did a great job especially since I now had a healing skill in my team :) I also got the "transformed" MadMirror to cast DiagoCall. * Once you have beaten Niterich, open the chest for the Heaven Sword * Leave the castle Well I guess its time for us to head to Hitano * From Heaven Sword Castle * Walk 1 SCREEN up * Walk to the left edge of this island * Float left across to the next island * Walk 1 SCREEN left * Ignore the Tower its a bridge tower * Walk 1 SCREEN down * Walk to the left edge of this land * Float left across to the next landing * Walk 1 SCREEN left * Smash the rocks found here to make a path going north * Walk 1 SCREEN up and enter the Castle ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 5.3.07 CASTLE OF HITANO VILLAGE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ITEM SHOP LoveWater — 75g Restores HP of one monster by 60 — 70. WorldDew — 750g Fully restores HP of all monsters. Potion — 300g Restores MP of one monster by 20 — 30. WorldLeaf — 1000g Revives a dead monster. Sirloin — 1500g Tames monsters very much. Repellent — 300g Prevents monsters from appearing. Warp Staff — 100g Instantly warps to the Door Shrine. ExitBell — 100g Instantly warps to the exit. Bookmark — 100g Enables saving in the Journal. LogTwig — 50g Moves the Door Shrine. * You'll find that the King here wants the 3 Heaven Items scattered around Sky World * The Heaven Armor found on the South/Western Island * The Heaven Sword found on the South/Eastern Island * The Heaven Helm found south of Hitano Castle * Rest at the Inn * Talk to the monsters in this area * Buy a LogTwig * Leave the castle and walk a short distance * USE the LogTwig to relocate the Door Shrine * You can go back to GreatLog for breeding if you wish * Head back inside the Castle and USE the CHANGE Staff * Skulleroo, Hammerhead, ArrowDog are some which you'll want to change into * Leave the Castle * Walk 2 SCREEN down, smashing the rocks which block your path along the way * Enter the Cave ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 5.3.08 HEAVEN HELM CAVE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ You'll find a small hole which you will need to try to get past * In Tara, she has a small head and will fit through, but Cobi has a fat head so will need to change into a monster to fit through :P * Having done this at Hitano Castle Village with the monsters I suggested, you should have no problems entering this cave. * As your changed monster, pus "A" in front of the small doorway to enter * Work your way through this cave and be prepared to fight HEAVEN HELM CAVE BASEMENT FLOOR 1 * Walk 1 SCREEN up and follow the passage 1 SCREEN right * Ignore the passage going down, and head right then 1 SCREEN up * Follow this passage up and around to 1 SCREEN left * Head another SCREEN left then down the stairs HEAVEN HELM CAVE BASEMENT FLOOR 2 * Walk to the far right, through a couple of SCREENS to take the stairs up HEAVEN HELM CAVE BASEMENT FLOOR 1 * Walk down a SCREEN and take the stairs down HEAVEN HELM CAVE BASEMENT FLOOR 2 * Walk 1 SCREEN left * The passage leading down goes to Floor 1 with a chest with a SilvrCape * If you decide to get it, just return to this point * Take the passageway up 1 SCREEN * Take the stairs up HEAVEN HELM CAVE BASEMENT FLOOR 1 * Follow this passageway to another set of stairs down HEAVEN HELM CAVE BASEMENT FLOOR 2 * Take the next stairs up, then follow the passageway around to another staircase down an to Mettable ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 5.3.09 METABBLE BATTLE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Metabble |37| 20|368| 95|999|670|522|41579| Firebal Bang | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | Gamanian+4 |30|160|117|282|253|215|238| QuadHits | Sailor R. | | MadPlant+2 |30|160|285|130|275|253|244| QuadHits | DrakScale | | MadMirror |30|195|119|107|171|124|358| Transform | D—Scale | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————^———————————´ Pretty easy battle this one, you can just attack the Mettable :) * After beating the Metabble, pick up the Heaven Helm in the chest * You should now have all 3 Heaven items * Return back to Hitano Village * Rest at the Inn and buy WorldDews __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 5.4 CASTLE OF HITANO |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ Getting past the guards you will need the 3 Heaven Items. They'll have to be in your item list. * Talk to the guards blocking the castle in the north/west of town * With the Heaven items they will allow you inside * A TINYMEDAL can be found in the Vase * Talk to the DarkHorn and you will be permitted access to the Warp * Walk 1 SCREEN left * Walk 1 SCREEN up * Enter the castle * Your access will be blocked by guards in this area * The guards in the far right guard a chest with a WorldDew * The middle room is where you want to head into, but you may as well beat up the guards here :) ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| |EvilArmor(x2)|38| 450|140|185|150|138|280| 9800| FireSlash BoltSlash| | | | | | | | | | | AquaCut | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | Gamanian+4 |30|160|117|282|253|215|238| NapAttack | Sailor R. | | MadPlant+2 |30|160|285|130|275|253|244| NapAttack | DrakScale | | MadMirror |30|195|119|107|171|124|358| Transform | D—Scale | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————^———————————´ Sleep spells again come in handy. I used NapAttack on each of the EvilArmor's, most times they fell to sleep. MadMirror used its Tranform then I put it on CHARGE PLAN :) * After beating the guards blocking the center room. Head down the stairs * There are 2 sets of stairs leading down * The stairs in the far right leads to EvilArmor's guarding a nearby chest with a Thief Ring * The stairs in the leftmost leading down, will lead eventually to Mudou * Along the way, A BoltStaff and Steelfang can be found in chests. You'll need to float to reach them * Finally you'll reach a huge room where Mudou is * Mudo will take the Heaven items you have collected ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 5.4.01 MUDOU BATTLE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Mudou |38|3000|413|225|160|156|150|38542| Scorching IceStorm | | | | | | | | | | | PoisonHit DeMagic | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | Gamanian+4 |31|163|119|289|258|217|245| YellHelp | Sailor R. | | MadPlant+2 |32|166|300|134|281|259|250| None | DrakScale | | MadMirror |32|210|125|113|177|130|362| None | D—Scale | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————^———————————´ Yeooooouuuuccchhhhh !!! That battle was pretty interesting with skills I had. YellHelp was a great one to use in this battle. the others I got to just bash him up because Mudou had pretty good resistances to the skills I had :( * After beating Mudou, you will again run into Prince Kameha * While conversing with him, Darck will appear. * Agree to give him the magic items you have collected * He'll hand you the "LIMBO KEY" * Once more you'll warp back to GreatLog * This time the troubles are worse and the island is really beginning to flood __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 5.5 GREATLOG CHANGES |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ The people of GreatLog have gathered to the top of the tree. The island is taken on lots of water. ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 5.5.00 SUMMARY OF CHANGES | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ * Rope by your house at Farm * Room South of King is open [Special] * BREEDING OPPORTUNITIES: Gulpple * Arena Closed 5.5.01 ROPE IN FARM ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Near your home will be a rope. By standing infront of it and hitting the "A" button this will take you up to the Tree Top. * Walk up the rope * Walk down the ladder * Float across and grab a SnowStaff and MagicBelt 5.5.02 ROOM SOUTH OF KING ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * Talk to the King, he will allow you access to Prince Kameha's Room * A LIFEACORN and QUEST BOOK can be found in the chests here 5.5.03 BREEDING OPPORTUNITY: GULPPLE ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * In the Tavern a Scientist will want to breed his Gulpple 5.5.04 ARENA CLOSED ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— You will be unable to play around in the Arena until you have sorted out Limbo World. __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 5.6 REFLECTION AND BUILDING |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ The up and coming battles you are going to need to be well prepared. Right now is a great time to start breeding up some monsters. You should have a Healing skill in your team or loaded with WorldDews. QuadHits, YellHelp are among the best attacking skills for your team. The reason being that the enemies you'll face have decent resistances, but seldom can monster resist a physical multi attack. I'd suggest you level up and get some more pluses for your game team. Anyway lets continue :) ____________________________________________________________________________ @)___________________________________________________________________________) | | ) 6.0 LIMBO KEY EVENTS ( _|________________________________________________________________________|_ @)___________________________________________________________________________) Having recieved the Limbo Key from Darck, you can access his world at anytime. This area is a great one for experience points and levelling up :) * When you are ready to battle the next group of "level" bosses, talk to Warabou * Say YES to getting the 3 Magic Treasures you collected from different worlds * Head for the Door Shrine and Choose Limbo Key * From the Limbo Door Shrine * Walk 2 SCREENS down * Enter the Tower * Talk to the person blocking the entrance * Agree to give the treasure and be prepared to battle ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 6.0.01 GIGADRACO BATTLE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | GigaDraco |42|1000|245|277|180|120|100|21000|WhiteFire | | Centasaur |40| 900| 83|220|150|250|250|19000|StopSpell FireSlash | | | | | | | | | | |RainSlash | | Garudian |41| 800| 88|206|160|251|320|16200|Infermore WindBeast | | | | | | | | | | |AquaCut | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | EvilSeed+7 |49|255|296|222|231|193|302| Transform | DrakScale | | RayGigas+7 |45|268|294|448|336|337|224| YellHelp | DrakScale | | | | | | | | | | HealUs | | | Butterfly+8 |33|208|180|190|257|300|197| YellHelp | D—Scale | | | | | | | | | | HealAll | | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————^———————————´ YellHelp and Transform were used with great effect in this battle. I had to breed and level up in anticipation for the 2 battles ahead. While I didn't bother chasing after higher quality monsters, I did make sure I had the skills I wanted to take on GigaDraco * Once GigaDraco has been beaten. Head up the ladder and be prepared to face Darck ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 6.0.02 DARCK BATTLE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Darck |44|4000|235|350|220|160|210|59630| Firebolt GigaSlash | | | | | | | | | | | DeMagic PanicAll | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | My team for winning this battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Used | Accessory | |—————————————+——+———+———+———+———+———+———+———————————————+———————————| | EvilSeed+7 |49|255|296|222|231|193|302| Transform | DrakScale | | RayGigas+7 |45|268|294|448|336|337|224| YellHelp | DrakScale | | | | | | | | | | HealUs | | | Butterfly+8 |33|208|180|190|257|300|197| YellHelp | D—Scale | | | | | | | | | | HealAll | | `—————————————^——^———^———^———^———^———^———^———————————————^———————————´ Darck's GigaSlash is devastating and can kill your monsters in one mean swipe :(. MagicWall would have been a good spell to use if I had prepared properly. You can see that I decided to level up and breed a bit. YellHelp was used as the bulk destroyer, but GigaSlash would have been better. My Butterfly is immune to his GigaSlash, so a team of them is not a bad idea :P Transform should be used when you have crusty skills as my EvilSeed did :). Then just use the Gigaslash from the Transformation back on Darck. * I FEEL GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * After patting yourself on the back for beating Darck, and finding the NAVEL PLUG. You'll be hailed a hero back at GreatLog __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 6.1 ENDINGS AND BEGINNINGS |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ * Talk to everyone around the Kings Chamber. The guards will prevent you from scooting down the tree :P * Finally take the stairs up to the Tree top * Tara will rush to greet you and congratulate you. * After realising that you've finished your adventure, Warabou suggests that maybe you go on an adventure for yourself * The adventures ends with a struggle over the "Nut Pie" :P ========================================================== ROLL END GAME CREDITS ========================================================== ____________________________________________________________________________ @)___________________________________________________________________________) | | ) 7.0 NEW WORLDS AND NEW ADVENTURES ( _|________________________________________________________________________|_ @)___________________________________________________________________________) Welcome back. While you have really finished the game, there are some adventures still to be had. After continuing your game, you will find all is well on GreatLog Island. From here on I won't be listing my team. You should have the hang of breeding and have some pretty decent monsters :) ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 7.0.00 SUMMARY OF CHANGES | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ * Tunnel Finished * Egg Gift from Couple * Egg Gift from Merchant * Special TinyMedal Purchase * Last Item Shop Opens * Breeding Opportunity: Skeletor and Funkybird * Butch * Prince Kameha's Room Accessable 7.0.01 TUNNEL FINISHED ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The builder will have finished the tunnel which leads to the Barn beneath your Farm. 7.0.02 EGG GIFT FROM COUPLE ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The couple in the "Housing Complex" who were arguing early in the game, have deiced to patch things up and get married. They realised that there was more to life than thier squabbling :) As a reward for saving GreatLog Island they will give you a WHIPBIRD Egg 7.0.03 EGG GIFT FROM MERCHANT ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Visit the Egg Evaluators room. The green clothed Merchant will give you a Lionex Egg :) 7.0.04 SPECIAL TINYMEDAL PURCHASE ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— A new Egg will be available from the TinyMedal Man. Its a DARCK EGG !!!! You'll want this and it only costs a piddly 10 TinyMedals 7.0.05 LAST ITEM SHOP OPENS ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Finally the Shop Owner who was calling you a liar, decides to open his shop to you ITEM SHOP ElfWater — 2000g Fully restores MP of one monster. WorldLeaf — 1000g Revives a dead monster. Sirloin — 1000g Tames monsters very much. Mist Staff — 700g Prevents casting of spells. Friend Staff — 800g Doubles physical power of one. Wind Staff — 1500g Hits all enemies with a windstorm. Bolt Staff — 3000g Hits all enemies with lightning. BeastTail — 800g Checks if monster was caught before. ShinyHarp — 1000g Attracts monsters when strummed. GoldPass — 20000g Get a 10percent discount at shops. 7.0.06 BREEDING OPPORTUNITY: SKELETOR AND FUNKYBIRD ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * Arena : A man near the Arena stairs will breed his Skeletor * Tavern : A Dancer at the Inn will breed her FunkyBird ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 7.0.07 BUTCH | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Seems so long ago, remember the SpotSlime you gave to the little girl in the beginning? Well turns out she is quite a good trainer... ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————| | Butch |NA| 755|322|547|238|644|500| Thordain BeDragon DeMagic| | Pumpoise |40| 800|388|238|255|330|500| Thordain Bounce Hustle | | Drygon |40| 480|210|432|677|270|500| WhiteAir MetalCut | | | | | | | | | | SickLick | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^——————————————————————————´ This could turn out to be a tough match. You can challenge Butch at anytime. 7.0.08 PRINCE KAMEHA'S ROOM ACCESSABLE ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— You won't be able to battle Prince Kameha if you have less than 50 monsters so just grab the items in his chests instead :) __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 7.1 MONSTER BEFRIENDING SPECIAL EVENTS |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ From time to time, certain breeding opportunities or events will occur depending on how many monsters you have befriended. Remember befriending a monsters means any you have caught or bred. This only refers to unique monsters. Breeding 5 Slimes means you've only befriended 1 Slime :p ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 7.1.00 SUMMARY OF BEFRIENDING | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ * 50 monsters — Elf Key from beating Prince Kameha * 100 monsters — Kings Quest — The Nasty Merchant — Breeding Opportunity: Skeletor and Funkybird * 120 monsters — Kings Quest — The Godless Priest * 140 monsters — Kings Quest — The Wayward Mage * 150 monsters — Breeding Opportunity: Andreal — Traveler Key from beating Prince Kameha — Battle in Arena [ See Special Appearance] * 160 monster — Kings Quest — The Cowardly Warrior — Battle with Trainer in Miagen Inn [Traveler World] * 250 monsters — See Special Monster Gift ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 7.1.01 ELF KEY FROM PRINCE KAMEHA | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ You will need to have befriended at least 50 monsters before you can consider getting this key * Befriend at least 50 Monsters * Head to Prince Kameha's room, south of the Throne Room * Talk to Prince Kameha and agree to battle him ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————| | MimeSlime |43| 370|690|258|320|350|520| Blazemost Barrier | | | | | | | | | | OddDance | | Tonguella |45| 400|320|338|310|284|430| Increase MagicWall | | | | | | | | | | SlimeBlow | | Golem |48| 520|315|410|301|189|540| PsycheUp HighJump | | | | | | | | | | Massacre | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^——————————————————————————´ * After beating him he will hand you the ELF KEY ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 7.1.02 TRAVELER KEY FROM PRINCE KAMEHA | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ * You will need to befriend 150 monsters. * Head up to Prince Kameha's Room * Battle and beat him * He will give you the Traveler Key if you win ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————| | MetalKing |50| 200|950|310|780|840|700| Sap Hustle HighJump | | | | | | | | | | DeMagic | | KingLeo |55|1200|490|370|480|460|680| PoisonHit WarCry | | | | | | | | | | Blizzard QuadHits | | GoldGolem |50| 900|590|430|600|370|700| Lightning ChargeUp | | | | | | | | | | Guardian | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^——————————————————————————´ 7.1.03 BREEDING OPPORTUNITY: Skeletor and Funkybird ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * You will need to have befriended 100 monsters * Stoneman: Master in Arena * CopyCat : Bard in Tavern * If either won't breed with you, then you may have to beat Elf World first 7.1.04 BREEDING OPPORTUNITY: Andreal ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * You will need to befriend 150 monsters * Tavern : A Dancer will breed her Andreal __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 7.2 KING'S QUESTS [SPECIAL] |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ At some point of time the King will ask you to hunt down some foriegn trainers which are causing trouble. The will be found in any Magic Key World. Now do you remember I said to keep your first Magic Key a long time ago? Forgotten huh? Anyway, its for the quests they come in handy as it makes some of them a little easier :p If you forgot, then don't worry about it :) 7.2.01 KING'S QUESTS: THE NASTY MERCHANT ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Found wandering in a Magic key world, this green clothed shop keeper has been using monsters to do his dirty work. * Befriend 100 monsters or more * Beat Prince Kameha * Beat Elf World — Preparation for this quest — Make sure you have alot of gold on you, the more the easier to meet the Merchant. I had more than 80,000 on me :) — Buy a few Repellants * Talk to the King to get this quest * Enter any Magic Key World and hope you run into a merchant * Use Repellants so you don't get caught up in needless battling :p * The Merchant is in green clothing, beat him up when you meet him * Only the right Merchant will come as being captured * Return to the King for your 10,000 gold reward 7.2.02 KING'S QUESTS: THE GODLESS PRIEST ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The King hints that this player will only attack members which have been injured in battle. * Complete The Nasty Merchant quest * Befriend 120 Monsters or more — Preparation for this quest — Buy a few Bookmarks — Buy a few Repellents — Buy a few WorldDews * Talk to the King to get this quest * Enter any Magic Key World * You'll need to reduce your HPs to a low amount, I had to reduce mine to 5 HPs before I met the Priest * In some Magic Worlds there are damage areas on the ground, use this to your advantage by walking over it to reduce your HPs. Use Repellants if you fear meeting monsters * Once your HPs are reduced, Use a REPELLENT. Then walk around looking for the Priest. Use Repellents as needed. * BEFORE talking to him, Use the BOOKMARK, because the wrong Priest will only heal your monsters and you'll be forced to re—injure yourself * If you've used a BOOKMARK and Continued your game, then ignore the Priest and injure yourself more. You may have to repeat the BOOKMARK save a few times before getting the right Priest. Just remember if he heals, ignore him when continuing. The right one will appear when your team is sufficiently injured enough * The RIGHT Priest will say "Heh, I think I can win this one" * Once battle starts USE your WORLDDEW then battle him as normal * Return to the King for your 20,000 gold reward 7.2.03 KING'S QUESTS: THE WAYWARD MAGE ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The King hints that this master targets monsters with no MPs left * Complete The Godless Priest quest * Befriend 140 Monsters or more — Preparation for this quest — Buy a few Repellents — Buy a few ElfWaters — Buy a few WorldDews * Talk to the King for the Quest * Enter a Magic Key World * You'll need to reduce your monsters MP to zero if you want to increase your chance of meeting this Mage * There may be a time where you'll need WorldDews, so thats why they're needed * The Mage is in Purple Clothing * Once you've reduced your MPs, then Use REPELLENTS to avoid monsters * Find the Mage, Use an ElfWater to restore your MPs, then bash him up * Return to the King for your 30,000 gold reward 7.2.04 KING'S QUESTS: THE COWARDLY WARRIOR ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The King hints that this red clothed master targets only low level monsters * Complete The Wayward Mage quest * Befriend 160 Monsters or more — Preparation for this quest — Breeding is important here as you need monsters with high stats at low levels — The Warrior will only appear if the total of the levels in your team is less than 99. Add up the levels of the monsters in your team, if they exceed 99 then you'll need to replace some — Buy Repellants * Talk to the King for the Quest * Enter a Magic Key World * Use Repellants so you don't run into monsters * The Warrior will eventually appear * Battle him and win * Return to the King for your 40,000 gold reward __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 7.3 ARENA BATTLES |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ The Arena is a great place to earn gold and random items, especially Magic Keys, so don't ignore this aspect of the game ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | A CLASS ARENA BATTLES | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | A Class Round 1 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————| | Shadow |42| 238|224|214|193|207|850| StopSpell IceAir | | MadCondor |30| 183| 40|195|180|233|524| Surround WindBeast | | | | | | | | | | DiagoCall | | CloudKing |39| 225|178|218|190|247|736| SnowStorm MagicWall | | | | | | | | | | EerieLite | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^——————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | A Class Round 2 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————| | Octoreach |37| 210|287|132|130|177|530| Firebane PaniDance | | Octogon |37| 280|204|169|120|125|706| QuadHits Massacre | | KingSquid |43| 260| 35|210|160| 99|978| Vivify RainSlash PsycheUp| `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^——————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | A Class Round 3 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————| | MistyWing |45| 269|201|166|155|292|453| SnowStorm Surround | | | | | | | | | | Barrier | | Copycat |45| 210|244|144|150|133|430| Transform OddDance | | | | | | | | | | Imitate | | NiteWhip |45| 330|149|182|180|149|830| Defense WindBeast | | | | | | | | | | Lightning | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^——————————————————————————´ * Winning A Class for the first time and you will get a MAGIC KEY * If you can afford it Lets do S Class while we're here ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | S CLASS ARENA BATTLES | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | S Class Round 1 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————| | Servant |49| 296|347|308|248|420|863| Blazemore SnowStorm Focus| | Goopi(x2) |20| 250| 25|245|195|135|520| Blazemore CallHelp | | | | | | | | | | MouthShut Dodge | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^——————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | S Class Round 2 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————| | ArmyCrab(x2)|30| 210| 4|290|270|115|337| Increase CallHelp | | | | | | | | | | MetalCut | | DarkCrab |50| 250| 15|330|280|142|683| MagicWall Ramming | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^——————————————————————————´ ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | S Class Round 3 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————| | GigaDraco |50| 341|277|321|201|430|588| Explodet ChargeUp WarCry | | Orochi |50| 381|151|271|267|293|570| Scorching FireSlash | | | | | | | | | | QuadHits | | Serpentia |50| 296|121|301|255|469|580| SlimeBlow DevilCut | | | | | | | | | | RainSlash EvilSlash | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^——————————————————————————´ * Winning S CLASS will allow you to replay all the Arena's. Each time with differing monsters facing you. * Winning these battles you'll recieve a random item prize. * The higher the Class you win, the better the quality of item you'll get * MAGIC KEYS are often won by doing this. 7.3.01 MONEY MAKING TIP ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * After beating S Class and being able to fight in any class * Fill your Inventory up with Items * Enter C Class for 1000 * Win C Class and instead of getting a crummy item you're given 6000 gold :P * Now I would toss out 1 item * Enter S Class for 5000 * Win it and get a better item * Just do C Class again to win some more gold hehehehehehe __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 7.4 SPECIAL APPEARANCE |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ Guess who turns up ???? After you have befriended 100 monsters and bred with the master in the Arena, leaving the area then going back, you'll find TERRY For those who haven't played Dragon Warrior Monsters I, TERRY is the main character of the game. * You can fight TERRY when you have befriended 150 monsters ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Trainer Terry Battle | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+——————————————————————————| | GreatDrak |52| 840|330|375|400|299|300| Lightning IceStorm WarCry| | Watabou |40| 610|467|320|380|178|150| BigBang CallHelp LoveRain| | Durran |53|1000|470|420|430|326|450| SquallHit GigaSlash | | | | | | | | | | UltraDown Meditate | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^——————————————————————————´ Once you have beaten TERRY a new game option will appear when you next start your game. This will allow you to breed with monsters from DWM1 __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 7.5 SPECIAL MONSTER GIFT |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ * Befriend 250 Monsters * Visit Warubou * Talk to Warubou * He will ask you to let is kid join your team * His kid's name is Petibou and is a Warabou type monster ____________________________________________________________________________ @)___________________________________________________________________________) | | ) 8.0 OTHER WORLDS AND SPECIAL KEYS ( _|________________________________________________________________________|_ @)___________________________________________________________________________) After the completion of certain events, more Adventure Keys become available A reminder, Befriending means breeding or catching. Check PLAN and under Info you will see Categories, this is the number of monster you've befriended ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 8.0.01 SUMMARY OF SPECIAL KEYS | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Elf — Befriend 50 monsters and beat Prince Kameha Brawn — Show Rare Man a ???? family monster not in DWM Traveler — Befriend 150 monsters and beat Prince Kameha Baffle — Need to import from Tara game Soul — Given by Rare Key Man when Baffle and Brawn are beaten __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 8.1 ELF KEY EVENTS |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ After collecting 50 or more monsters and beating up Prince Kameha, its time to explore this world. * Head to GreatLog's Door Shrine and Enter the Elf World * From the Elf Shrine Door * Walk 1 SCREEN right * Walk 1 SCREEN down * Enter the GREEN HILL 8.1.01 THE ELVEN CHILDREN - THE GREEN HILL ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— As soon as you enter you will see an elf run off * Walk up 1 SCREEN * Talk to the Boy Elf [Rolt] * Talk to the Girl Elf {Cyal] and answer YES to her question * Talk to Rolt again * Leave this area * Walk 3 SCREENS down * Walk 1 SCREEN right and enter the Village ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 8.1.02 ELVEN VILLAGE | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ TinyMedal — Vase near Talking horse INTseed — Vase near Talking horse Potion — Vase near Rolt & Cyal's House ITEM SHOP Herb — 15g Restores HP of one monster by 30 — 40. LoveWater — 75g Restores HP of one monster by 60 — 70. WorldDew — 750g Fully restores HP of all monsters. ElfWater — 3000g Fully restores MP of one monster. Antidote — 15g Removes all traces of poison. MoonHerb — 45g Cures paralysis. Laurel — 75g Lifts a curse off one monster. Fire Staff — 7500g Hits one target with a fireball. * Head to the North/East House. This is Rolt and Cyal's House * Talk to the old elf there * Rolt and Cyal will appear * Talk to Cyal and she will return to the place where you first met * Exit the Village * Return to the GREEN HILL, head 3 SCREENS up and 1 SCREEN left * On arrival Cyal will want to play Hide and Seek, but is caught up in trouble * Lets try to rescue her, so walk up and talk to the ArrowDogs. ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | ArrowDog(x2)|40| 500|210|237|288|249|501| 9800| Increase ChargeUp | | | | | | | | | | | SickLick | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ * After defeating the ArrowDogs. the AgDevil will take off with Cyal * Return back to the village and talk to Rolt * Rolt will take off * Exit the Elvin Village * Walk 2 SCREENS right * Walk 1 SCREEN up and enter the LOOKOUT POST * Talk to the man there who will tell you Rolt has headed to find the AgDevil in the North/East Mountains * Leave the LookOut Post and walk 1 SCREEN right * Walk 2 SCREENS up and enter the green hill ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 8.1.03 AGDEVILS HIDEOUT | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ There are items found in chests in this maze ExitBell * Walk 2 SCREENS up * Walk 1 SCREEN right * Walk 2 SCREENS up * Walk 1 SCREEN left * Walk 4 SCREENS up Here you will meet the AgDevil ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | AgDevil |47|1500|580|346|310|267|700|26890| Firebolt RobDance | | | | | | | | | | | Imitate | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ * Once you have beaten AgDevil, you'll end up back at Elvin Village * The villagers will thank you for helping out. Ummmm shame but thats all you'll get here :P * For now lets head back to GreatLog and continue with the other Special Key worlds you may qualify for __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 8.2 THE BRAWN KEY EVENTS |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ After showing the Rare Key Man a monster he hasn't seen, you'll be given this key. Typically this can only be done once you have beaten the game. 8.2.01 BRAWN KEY [SPECIAL] ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Rare Key Man wants to see a monster he has never seen before. He generally refers to a ???? family monster not found in DWM. * Find 10 TinyMedals * Go to the TinyMedal Man and get a DARCK EGG * Hatch the Egg, and put it in your team * Return to the Rare Key Man and he will give you the BRAWN KEY 8.2.02 Q: HOW DO I GET THE OTHER KEY FROM HIM? ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The other key he has is the "SOUL KEY". You will have to get someone with the TARA version to trade you thier BAFFLE KEY :( ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 8.2.03 POWER TOWER | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ The Brawn Key accesses POWER TOWER, this is a very simple place to do. At each level you'll be given a hint on what skills monsters will use. Ignore the INT stat, as it has no affect in battle. ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | POWER TOWER FLOOR 1 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ This section contains monsters which give you information ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | POWER TOWER FLOOR 2 — WHIRLWIND CHAMBER | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | WindBeast |40| 900|127|236|168|489| 0| 8200| Infermost | | MadGoose |40| 580|387|201|203|348| 0| 7780| Vacuum | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ Chests — TinyMedal, AGL Ring, SkyBell Mimic : Lightning when wet is dangerous This is a hint at when your monsters combine Thordain and some water based skill. ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | POWER TOWER FLOOR 3 — CLEARWATER CHAMBER | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | WhaleMage |42| 750|590|199|228|247| 0| 8900| Tidalwave | | SeaHorse |37| 480|180|191|253|222| 0| 5600| Geyser | | Octoreach |39| 700|140|238|174|247| 0| 5700| Geyser | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ Chests — Herb, OrcaCape, LoveWater Mimic : When its cold, Fire is the answer Tells you the next group of monsters use Ice attacks ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | POWER TOWER FLOOR 4 — BLIZZARD CHAMBER | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | IceMan |45|1200|500|345|279|210| 0|10500| Blizzard IceStorm | | Shadow |40| 600|300|235|240|170| 0| 5800| IceAir | | BigEye |37| 750|280|358|242|198| 0| 6000| IceAir | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ Chests — LoveWater, StoneFang, Herb Mimic: Electric Jolts are good at times Tells you the next group of monsters uses Lightning based attacks ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | POWER TOWER FLOOR 5 — THUNDER CHAMBER | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Balzak |45|2000|398|375|257|220| 0|24900| Thordain | | RotRaven |35| 680|340|160|249|340| 0| 4000| Lightning BoltSlash| `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ Chests — LoveWater, Sailor Ring, SlvrCape Mimic: Hot Hot!!! Burning Up The next set of monster will use Firebased attacks ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | POWER TOWER FLOOR 6 — POWER TOWER PEAK | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Jamirus |48|1400|750|247|349|410| 0|10000| Blazemost | | SkyDragon |46| 990|700|349|279|243| 0| 5800| WhiteFire | | Gremlin |40| 600|450|201|232|218| 0| 4800| Firebolt | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ Chests — MagicCape, DracoCape, Herb, TinyMedal * For now lets head back to GreatLog and continue with the other Special Key worlds you may qualify for __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 8.3 TRAVELER KEY EVENTS |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ After befriending 150 monsters and beating Prince Kameha for the second time, we'll get access to this gate. * From the Traveler Key Door Shrine * Head 1 SCREEN up * Enter the town of Miagen ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 8.3.01 MIAGEN TOWN | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Miagen is a rich and affluent town that has undergone a series of robberies. Our objective is to find who's behind the crimes ITEMS IN THIS AREA TinyMedal — Vase outside Inn DEFseed — Vase outside where old man and lady live ITEM SHOP LoveWater — 75g Restores HP of one monster by 60 — 70. Potion — 300g Restores MP of one monster by 20 — 30. SageRock — 1500g Restores HP of all monsters by 60 — 70. Sirloin — 1500g Tames monsters very much. Repellent — 300g Prevents monsters from appearing. ShinyHarp — 1500g Attracts monsters when strummed. 8.3.02 MIAGEN'S SPECIAL GUEST ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Another visitor from Dragon Warrior Monsters makes an appearance. After talking to the townfolk, head for the Inn. * Walk up and talk to Milayou * She'll as you to help with the troubles, Answer "Yes" * Visit the old man and lady in town and talk to them * Leave Town * Walk 3 SCREENS left * Walk 2 SCREENS up * Enter the building ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 8.3.03 TRAVELER'S HUT | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ A dark clothed Merchant can be found here * Talk to the "merchant" * Repeat talking to him until he bumps you away * Talk to the Bard and answer "Yes" * Grab the POTION from the Vase * Leave the Travelers Hut * Navigate around the rocky mountains * Walk 3 SCREEN right * Walk 1 SCREEN up * Enter the green hill ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 8.3.04 MONSTER HIDEOUT | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ 2 Pixies will be blocking your way, talk to them, then cattle them ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Pixy(x2) |52| 680|400|357|374|443|700| 9680| Boom Barrier | | | | | | | | | | | PaniDance | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ * Fight and beat these Pixies * Pick up the PRETTY RING from the chest * Return back to Miagen TOWN 8.3.05 MIAGEN REVISITED ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * Talk to the Old Man * The PRETTY RING will be returned * Talk to the Old Lady for a SAGE ROCK * Return to the Travelers Hut * Talk to the Dark clothed Merchant * He should leave the Travelers Hut * Head back to the Monsters' HideOut 8.3.06 MONSTER'S HIDEOUT REVISITED ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— * Milayou will be waiting at the Entrance * Milayou will clear the entrance ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 8.3.07 MERCHANTS TOWER | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Make your way to the top of the Tower. Here you will meet the Merchant who will have his monsters attack you. The Tower is easy to navigate MERCHANT'S TOWER FLOOR 1 * Pick up the Laurel in the chest then go up the stairs MERCHANT'S TOWER FLOOR 2 * Theres nothing to be gotten from the chest so go up the stairs MERCHANT'S TOWER FLOOR 3 * Pick up the ExitBell from the chest, then head around and go up the stairs MERCHANT'S TOWER FLOOR 4 * Take the passage leading south, then follow it around to the next stairs MERCHANT'S TOWER FLOOR 5 * A Tinymedal can be found in a chest by going 1 SCREEN down, and 1 SCREEN right. * The stairs up are found 1 SCREEN right of the stairs you just came up MERCHANT'S TOWER FLOOR 6 * Follow the passage south and around to the stairs MERCHANT'S TOWER FLOOR 7 * The chest which is left of the stairs up contains a Friend Staff * The other chests are Mimics * Go up those stairs MERCHANT'S TOWER FLOOR 8 * Finally you'll meet the merchant ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Copycat |55| 750|300|310|520|380|999|15000| Transform | | StoneMan |52|1300|360|458|268|247|700| 9000| RockThrow Guardian | | | | | | | | | | | Meditate | | WhipBird |53| 950|830|334|374|438|700|12000| DeMagic Imitate | | | | | | | | | | | LoveRain | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ * After you thrash his monsters, he'll disappear * Milayou will appear and ask you to visit her in Miagen ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 8.3.08 MIAGEN SPECIAL EVENT | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ * Return back to Miagen and talk to Milayou * Return back to GreatLog * Beat up Terry then return to Miagen * You will be able to challenge Milayou once you have befriended 160 monsters or more ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | MetalKing |48| 600|200|410|859|320|160|39600| Infermost EvilSlash| | | | | | | | | | | EerieLite Geyser | | RainHawk |99|3500|520|710|540|250|330| 6600| BigBang DeMagic | | | | | | | | | | | WindBeast | | Coatol |46|1500|210|600|600|300|255| 7300| HealUs Tidalwave | | | | | | | | | | | DiagoCall BigTrip | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ * Milayou will leave once you have beaten her * Just head back to GreatLog Island __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 8.4 BAFFLEKEY EVENTS |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ You can only get this key by trading it from a TARA version of Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 8.4.01 BAFFLE TOWER | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ The monsters in Baffle Tower deal with skills which affect the status of the monsters. This can put them to sleep, paralyse etc ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BAFFLE TOWER FLOOR 1 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Information about the Tower can be found here ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BAFFLE TOWER FLOOR 2 — SHACKLE CHAMBER | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Crestpent |42| 780|700|279|300|299|480| 7400|StopSpell PoisonHit | | SpotKing |45|1300|550|378|214|308|800|10000|NapAttack MouthShut | | | | | | | | | | | | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ Chests — SkyBell, Smart Hat, ExitBell, Mimic: What to do if we are all in danger This warns you that the skills coming up target all your monsters at once ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BAFFLE TOWER FLOOR 3 — CONFUSION CHAMBER | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Gulpple |45| 840|590|289|299|387| 0| 5600| SleepAir | | FairyDrak |40| 700|340|312|298|273| 0| 5700| Surround SleepAir | | DuckKite |42| 900|470|296|330|400| 0| 5900| SleepAll PanicAll | | | | | | | | | | | | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ Chests — Herb, AwakeSand, Cleric Ring Mimic: Sweets are good cheap energy ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BAFFLE TOWER FLOOR 4 — FATIGUE CHAMBER | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | FunkyBird |42| 890|500|301|267|430| 0| 6200| PaniDance Hustle | | Slurperon |39| 790|400|277|259|302| 0| 5600| OddDance | | DanceVegi |37| 680|430|259|249|240| 0| 6100| K.O.Dance LureDance| | | | | | | | | | | SideStep | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ Chests — ExitBell, BraveCape, MoonHerb Mimic: Overconfidence is a trap This warns you that the monsters coming up will attempt to lower your teams Defenses ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BAFFLE TOWER FLOOR 5 — THE LOOTING CHAMBER | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | MadPlant |39| 880|380|243|350|289|510| 5200| Defense SlowAll | | Orc |43| 900|350|346|289|190|770| 6000| Vivify Defense | | | | | | | | | | | SamsiCall | | PutrePup |41| 700|280|330|328|232|450| 5900| Defense SlowAll | | | | | | | | | | | MagicBack | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ Chests — MermScale, LoveWater, Thief Ring Mimic: I'm scared, Terrified.... even The next group of monsters will use a number of status attacks against you ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BAFFLE TOWER FLOOR 6 — TOWER PEAK | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Devipine |43| 840|400|300|358|222|660| 6400| Beat OddDance | | Anemon |44| 900|370|248|388|289|580| 5800| Paralyze PoisonAir | | HerbMan |46|1300|700|341|273|370|900| 6300| Curse DanceShut | | | | | | | | | | | | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ Chests — Herb, GoldCape, Mage Ring, Antidote * After beating this tower return to GreatLog * Visit the Rare Key Man for the SOUL KEY __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 8.5 SOULKEY EVENTS |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ You need to complete the POWER TOWER [Brawn Key] and BAFFLE TOWER [Baffle Key] Talk to the Rare Key Man for this Key ,——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 8.5.01 SOUL TOWER | `——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Similar to the previous Towers, you'll need to battle to progress through each floor ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SOUL TOWER FLOOR 1 | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ Another floor of information from monsters ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SOUL TOWER FLOOR 2 — LIFE CHAMBER | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | KingSlime |50|4000|280|329|289|334|800|18000| Vivify Barrier | | Coatol |48| 640|800|289|410|329|800|10000| Explodet BoltSlash | | | | | | | | | | | EvilSlash | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ Chests — ExitBell, War Ring, WorldDew Mimic: If it hurts, heal it Pretty obvious really :P, The monsters ahead will use physical skills ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SOUL TOWER FLOOR 3 — PAIN CHAMBER | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | FangSlime |44| 700|378|333|278|397|590| 9400| YellHelp ChargeUp | | | | | | | | | | | WarCry | | Grizzly |45| 870|360|372|245|379|288|10200| SquallHit QuadHits | | | | | | | | | | | BigTrip | | BeastNite |45|1200|420|358|343|201|600| 9300| Sleep RainSlash | | | | | | | | | | | GigaSlash | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ Chests — TinyMedal, SteelFang, DrakScale Mimic: Good Health above all Warns you that the next group of monsters have healing skills ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SOUL TOWER FLOOR 4 — HEALING CHAMBER | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Slimborg |44| 650|790|217|327|418|740| 8700| HealMore HealUsAll | | | | | | | | | | | Increase | | Unicorn |45| 720|680|316|322|319|800|11000| HealAll Revive | | | | | | | | | | | Surge | | SuperTen |44| 600|380|312|298|417|600| 8800| Hustle Imitate | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ Chests — Life Ring, Divine Ring, Herb Mimic: Pow! Ka—pow! Big Trouble Monsters coming up, use all out attacks ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SOUL TOWER FLOOR 5 — CHAOS CHAMBER | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Slime |47| 600|500|387|299|387|700|11200| MegaMag | | RockSlime |40| 680|230|265|362|265|450|12000| HighJump Ramming | | | | | | | | | | | StrongD | | Metabble |40| 289|700|146|798|688|770|38900| Explodet Sacrifice | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ Chests — PltnmCape, Wise Hat, ExitBell Mimic: Young Master the final test.... ,————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SOUL TOWER FLOOR 6 — TOWER'S PEAK | `————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ ,—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————. | Monster |Lv|HPs |MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| EXP |Skills | |—————————————+——+————+———+———+———+———+———+—————+————————————————————| | Gorago |55| 990|780|432|378|688|800|53890| WhiteFire DeMagic | | | | | | | | | | | WarCry Meditate | `—————————————^——^————^———^———^———^———^———^—————^————————————————————´ Chests — Herb, Fight Ring, Starry Ring, LoveWater ____________________________________________________________________________ @)___________________________________________________________________________) | | ) 9.0 LIST AND TABLES ( _|________________________________________________________________________|_ @)___________________________________________________________________________) This section will contain various lists and tables. __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 9.1 ITEM LISTS |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ The lists here are pretty self explanatory. 9.1.01 TINYMEDAL LOCATIONS ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Listed is the general location of Tinymedals which are part of the Adventure Key Worlds. To find more you'll need to visit the worlds with the Magic Keys you've been collecting. Oasis — Chest in Underground Tunnel GreatLog — Vase in Housing Complex near old lady GreatLog — Vase in Magic Key Identifiers Room GreatLog — Vase near the monster who says "GRAH, HUNGRY LOOK DELICIOUS" GreatLog — Either ArmyAnt or Madgopher will find it before ICE KEY GreatLog — Vase inside Stable Pirate — Port of Polona when luring the mermaid Pirate — Barrel in Port Ritz Town Ice — Vase near entrance of Norden Town Ice — Barrel in Weston Town's Inn Sky — Vase inside Hitano Castle before warp Elf — Vase near Talking Horse in Elven Village Brawn — Chest on 2nd Floor Brawn — Chest on 6th Floor Traveler — Vase outside Miagen Town's Inn Traveler — Chest on 5th Floor of Merchant's Tower Soul — Chest on 3rd Floor 9.1.02 ITEM DESCRIPTIONS ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Self explanatory really :p Most of the items you'll find in chests, or by replaying the Arena Battles. Other can be bought in shops Herb — Restores HP of one monster by 30 — 40. LoveWater — Restores HP of one monster by 60 — 70. WorldDew — Fully restores HP of all monsters. Potion — Restores MP of one monster by 20 — 30. ElfWater — Fully restores MP of one monster. Antidote — Removes all traces of poison. MoonHerb — Cures paralysis. Laurel — Lifts a curse off one monster. AwakeSand — Awakens a sleeping monster. SkyBell — Snaps a monster out of confusion. SageRock — Restores HP of all monsters by 60 — 70. WorldLeaf — Revives a dead monster. ATKseed — Raises ATK by 3. DEFseed — Raises DEF by 3. AGLseed — Raises AGL by 3. INTseed — Raises INT by 3. LifeAcorn — Raises max. HP by 5. MysticNut — Raises max. MP by 5. Quest Book — Makes the reader braver. Horror Book — Makes the reader more cowardly. BeNice Book — Makes the reader more kindly. Cheater Book — Makes the reader more sly. Smart Book — Makes the reader more thoughtful. Comedy Book — Makes the reader simpleminded. BeefJerky — Tames monsters just a little. PorkChop — Tames monsters a little bit. Rib — Tames monsters a lot. Sirloin — Tames monsters very much. Reduces WLD by 100 BadMeat — Tames a tiny bit but also poisons. MeteOrb — Tames monsters incredibly. BeastTail — Checks if monster was caught before. Repellent — Prevents monsters from appearing. ShinyHarp — Attracts monsters when strummed. Mist Staff — Prevents casting of spells. Friend Staff — Doubles physical power of one. Wind Staff — Hits all enemies with a windstorm. Bolt Staff — Hits all enemies with lightning. Snow Staff — Hits all enemies with a blizzard. Fire Staff — Hits one target with a fireball. Warp Staff — Instantly warps to the Door Shrine. WarpWing — Instantly warps to GreatLog. ExitBell — Instantly warps to the exit. Bookmark — Enables saving in the Journal. TinyMedal — Collect and trade for rare gifts. GoldPass — Get a 10percent discount at shops. LogTwig — Moves the Door Shrine. WaterCall — Reveals Mirage Lake. MoonRock — A magic stone that raises the tide. Crest — A medal from the elemental spirit. YunaSoul — The lost soul of a princess. SleepHerb — A blue flower that grows in snow. Change Staff — Transforms users into monsters. TidalBell — Summons a clam for crossing the sea. HarMirror — Destroys what it reflects. Sky Shield — Summons a cloud for flying. Heaven Helm — A legendary helmet found in a cave. Heaven Armor — A legendary armor found in a tower. Heaven Sword — A legendary sword found in a castle. WizStone — A magical stone that glows blue. Pretty Ring — A beautiful gold ring. VITbelt — Raises max. HP by 30. DracoBelt — Raises max. HP by 80. MagicBelt — Raises max. MP by 30. OddBelt — Raises max. MP by 80. StoneFang — Raises ATK by 10. SteelFang — Raises ATK by 50. MermScale — Raises DEF by 10. DrakScale — Raises DEF by 50. AGL Ring — Raises AGL by 10. Starry Ring — Raises AGL by 50. Smart Ring — Raises INT by 50. Wise Ring — Raises INT by 100. MagicCape — Raises resistance to attack spells. DracoCape — Raises resistance to fire and ice. SilvrCape — Resists confusion poison sleep. GoldCape — Resists most status skills. PltnmCape — Resists curse paralysis death. OrcaCape — Raises resistance to water skills. BraveCape — Prevents skills from being sealed. DScale — Raises DEF by 5. Life Ring — Restores HP by 1 on every step. Divine Ring — Restores MP by 1 on every step. War Ring — Promotes max. HP gain. Mage Ring — Promotes max. MP gain. Fight Ring — Promotes ATK gain while growing. Sailor Ring — Promotes DEF gain while growing. Thief Ring — Promotes AGL gain while growing. Cleric Ring — Promotes INT gain while growing. The Rings or Bracelets are excellent accessories, if you've found any and aren't using them in your PARTY monsters, give the to the monsters on your farm. The CLERIC ring is valuable as its is more than likely a monster fails to learn a skill because it's INT is too low. __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 9.2 SKILLS LISTING |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ For a complete look at skills, visit either of the 2 listed sites in this FAQ. Notes: Sometimes you may not get the skill even when you meet or exceed the listed stats. Generally you will be penalised a level if you do not meet the stats at thier required level. So going up one more level should produce the desired skill Possibly the best allround 2 skills for any monster is HealUs and BiAttack, these upgrade to HealUsAll and QuadHits. 9.2.01 SKILL REQUIREMENT TABLES ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— LV = Lowest Level you will learn skill if all stats met HPs = Lowest HPs needed to get Skill MPs = Lowest MPs needed to get Skill ATK = Lowest ATK needed to get Skill DEF = Lowest DEF needed to get Skill AGL = Lowest AGL needed to get Skill INT = Lowest INT needed to get Skill FROM SKILL = The skill was upgraded from the listed skill ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | Ahhh | 10 | 0 | 0 | 60 | 0 | 60 | 0 | — | | Antidote | 5 | 0 | 21 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 47 | — | | AquaCut | 12 | 68 | 0 | 72 | 0 | 62 | 0 | — | | AquaWall | 20 | 100 | 94 | 0 | 84 | 0 | 202 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | Bang | 4 | 0 | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 47 | — | | Barrier | 18 | 0 | 76 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 126 | — | | BazooCall | 35 | 0 | 160 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 550 | SamsiCall | | BeastCut | 12 | 62 | 0 | 68 | 0 | 62 | 0 | — | | Beat | 16 | 0 | 58 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 137 | — | | BeDragon | 23 | 0 | 72 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 162 | — | | Berserker | 14 | 98 | 0 | 84 | 84 | 0 | 0 | — | | BiAttack | 19 | 98 | 0 | 88 | 0 | 112 | 0 | — | | BigBang | 36 | 196 | 196 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 612 | — | | BigTrip | 12 | 66 | 0 | 63 | 0 | 77 | 0 | LegSweep | | BirdBlow | 12 | 62 | 0 | 68 | 0 | 72 | 0 | — | | BladeD | 14 | 98 | 0 | 84 | 84 | 84 | 0 | — | | Blaze | 1 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 36 | — | | BlazeAir | 10 | 70 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | FireAir | | Blazemore | 13 | 0 | 46 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 116 | Blaze | | Blazemost | 28 | 0 | 112 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 263 | Blazemore | | Blizzard | 25 | 0 | 88 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 198 | SnowStorm | | Bolt | 6 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 63 | — | | BoltSlash | 11 | 77 | 34 | 66 | 0 | 0 | 76 | — | | Boom | 14 | 0 | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 123 | Bang | | Bounce | 20 | 0 | 84 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 141 | MagicBack | | BugBlow | 12 | 68 | 0 | 72 | 0 | 62 | 0 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | CallHelp | 17 | 84 | 42 | 0 | 0 | 68 | 98 | — | | Chance | 40 | 0 | 224 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 420 | — | | ChargeUp | 14 | 98 | 0 | 0 | 84 | 0 | 0 | — | | CleanCut | 12 | 68 | 0 | 72 | 0 | 62 | 0 | — | | Cover | 5 | 35 | 0 | 0 | 30 | 30 | 0 | — | | Curse | 15 | 0 | 65 | 0 | 0 | 82 | 148 | — | | CurseOff | 7 | 0 | 27 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 44 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | DanceShut | 16 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 120 | 0 | — | | DeChaos | 6 | 0 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 47 | — | | Defeat | 24 | 0 | 80 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 177 | Beat | | Defense | 8 | 0 | 36 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 58 | Sap | | DeMagic | 20 | 0 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 252 | — | | DevilCut | 12 | 64 | 0 | 58 | 0 | 62 | 87 | — | | DiagoCall | 25 | 0 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 250 | TatsuCall | | Dodge | 18 | 126 | 0 | 108 | 108 | 108 | 0 | — | | DrakSlash | 12 | 62 | 0 | 72 | 0 | 62 | 0 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | EagleEye | 10 | 0 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 62 | — | | EerieLite | 14 | 0 | 65 | 0 | 0 | 84 | 152 | — | | Errand | 10 | 0 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 62 | — | | EvilSlash | 15 | 106 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 0 | 0 | — | | Explodet | 29 | 0 | 120 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 285 | Boom | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | Farewell | 32 | 0 | 188 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 317 | — | | FireAir | 3 | 21 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | — | | Firebal | 3 | 0 | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 42 | — | | Firebane | 10 | 0 | 34 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 94 | Firebal | | Firebolt | 26 | 0 | 96 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 220 | Firebane | | FireSlash | 11 | 77 | 34 | 66 | 0 | 0 | 98 | — | | Focus | 18 | 126 | 0 | 0 | 108 | 108 | 195 | — | | FrigidAir | 3 | 21 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | Geyser | 22 | 140 | 120 | 120 | 0 | 120 | 288 | — | | GigaSlash | 33 | 231 | 164 | 198 | 0 | 198 | 608 | — | | Guardian | 12 | 84 | 0 | 0 | 72 | 72 | 0 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | Heal | 1 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11 | — | | HealAll | 16 | 0 | 82 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 144 | HealMore | | HealMore | 10 | 0 | 52 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 87 | Heal | | HealUs | 20 | 0 | 140 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 216 | — | | HealUsAll | 28 | 0 | 196 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 288 | HealUs | | Hellblast | 34 | 184 | 184 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 538 | — | | HighJump | 20 | 75 | 0 | 70 | 0 | 48 | 80 | — | | Hustle | 18 | 114 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 130 | 173 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | IceAir | 10 | 70 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | FrigidAir | | IceBolt | 5 | 0 | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 54 | — | | IceSlash | 11 | 77 | 34 | 66 | 0 | 0 | 76 | — | | IceStorm | 20 | 140 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | IceAir | | Imitate | 21 | 147 | 147 | 126 | 126 | 126 | 227 | — | | Increase | 6 | 0 | 27 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 44 | Upper | | Infermore | 10 | 0 | 38 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 101 | Infernos | | Infermost | 21 | 0 | 104 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 242 | Infermore | | Infernos | 2 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 38 | — | | Informer | 10 | 0 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 62 | — | | Ironize | 15 | 0 | 62 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 87 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | K.O.Dance | 20 | 140 | 72 | 0 | 0 | 120 | 216 | — | | Kamikaze | 18 | 126 | 0 | 108 | 108 | 0 | 0 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | LegSweep | 6 | 32 | 0 | 31 | 0 | 48 | 0 | — | | LifeDance | 30 | 210 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 180 | 446 | — | | LifeSong | 27 | 198 | 94 | 0 | 0 | 145 | 292 | — | | Lightning | 10 | 65 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 52 | 0 | — | | LoveRain | 24 | 116 | 96 | 0 | 0 | 78 | 263 | — | | LureDance | 14 | 84 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 98 | 0 | — | | LushLicks | 7 | 55 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 67 | 0 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | MagicBack | 16 | 0 | 68 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 112 | — | | MagicWall | 19 | 0 | 80 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 134 | — | | MapMagic | 10 | 0 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 62 | — | | Massacre | 12 | 84 | 0 | 72 | 0 | 72 | 0 | — | | Meditate | 26 | 182 | 0 | 0 | 156 | 0 | 281 | — | | MegaMagic | 38 | 0 | 210 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 794 | — | | MetalCut | 12 | 68 | 0 | 72 | 0 | 62 | 0 | — | | MouthShut | 17 | 120 | 0 | 100 | 0 | 140 | 0 | — | | MPass | 1 | 0 | 55 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11 | — | | MPassmore | 10 | 0 | 120 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 87 | MPass | | MPassmost | 16 | 0 | 82 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 144 | MPassmore | | MultiCut | 28 | 154 | 140 | 168 | 0 | 168 | 572 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | NapAttack | 7 | 49 | 0 | 42 | 0 | 0 | 76 | — | | NumbOff | 8 | 0 | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 47 | — | +————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————+ | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | +————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————+ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | OddDance | 10 | 54 | 27 | 0 | 0 | 63 | 89 | — | | Outside | 10 | 0 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 62 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | PalsyAir | 16 | 112 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 173 | — | | PanicAll | 12 | 0 | 56 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 89 | — | | PaniDance | 13 | 74 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 78 | 141 | — | | Paralyze | 9 | 63 | 0 | 54 | 0 | 0 | 98 | — | | Pheromone | 4 | 0 | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 44 | — | | PoisonAir | 14 | 98 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 152 | PoisonGas | | PoisonGas | 9 | 63 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 98 | — | | PoisonHit | 5 | 35 | 0 | 50 | 0 | 0 | 90 | — | | PsycheUp | 12 | 74 | 0 | 82 | 68 | 0 | 0 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | QuadHits | 24 | 124 | 0 | 112 | 0 | 136 | 0 | BiAttack | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | Radiant | 12 | 0 | 42 | 0 | 0 | 72 | 130 | — | | RainSlash | 15 | 92 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 96 | 0 | — | | Ramming | 12 | 70 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 70 | 0 | — | | Revive | 27 | 0 | 174 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 274 | Vivify | | RobDance | 12 | 68 | 39 | 0 | 0 | 85 | 110 | — | | RobMagic | 7 | 0 | 32 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 51 | — | | RockThrow | 16 | 124 | 0 | 102 | 0 | 0 | 0 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | Sacrifice | 28 | 0 | 40 | 0 | 140 | 0 | 78 | — | | SamsiCall | 30 | 0 | 130 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 400 | DiagoCall | | SandStorm | 10 | 70 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 70 | 0 | — | | Sap | 4 | 0 | 18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 27 | — | | Scorching | 20 | 140 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | BlazeAir | | SealPray | 35 | 87 | 160 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 794 | — | | Shears | 12 | 68 | 0 | 62 | 0 | 72 | 0 | — | | SickLick | 13 | 81 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 94 | 0 | Lushlicks | | SideStep | 9 | 63 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 54 | 0 | — | | Sleep | 4 | 0 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 29 | — | | SleepAir | 10 | 70 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 108 | — | | SleepAll | 11 | 0 | 52 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 83 | Sleep | | SlimeBlow | 12 | 62 | 0 | 68 | 0 | 72 | 0 | — | | Slow | 3 | 0 | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 26 | — | | SlowAll | 7 | 0 | 32 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 51 | Slow | | SnowStorm | 12 | 0 | 42 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 108 | IceBolt | | Speed | 1 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 15 | — | | SpeedUp | 5 | 0 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 36 | Speed | | SquallHit | 12 | 72 | 0 | 68 | 0 | 82 | 0 | — | | StepGuard | 10 | 0 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 62 | — | | StopSpell | 9 | 0 | 44 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 69 | — | | StormWind | 19 | 140 | 0 | 0 | 126 | 140 | 0 | — | | StrongD | 14 | 98 | 0 | 0 | 84 | 0 | 0 | — | | SuckAir | 17 | 119 | 0 | 0 | 102 | 0 | 0 | — | | SuckAll | 13 | 91 | 0 | 0 | 78 | 0 | 0 | — | | Surge | 23 | 0 | 130 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 306 | — | | Surround | 10 | 0 | 47 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 74 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | TailWind | 11 | 75 | 0 | 0 | 84 | 70 | 0 | — | | TakeMagic | 13 | 0 | 58 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 94 | — | | TatsuCall | 20 | 0 | 70 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | — | | ThickFog | 22 | 0 | 120 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 288 | — | | Thordain | 30 | 0 | 128 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 306 | Zap | | Tidalwave | 19 | 112 | 0 | 114 | 0 | 132 | 0 | Watershot | | Transform | 21 | 0 | 92 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 159 | — | | TwinHits | 17 | 0 | 72 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 119 | — | | TwinSlash | 8 | 80 | 0 | 80 | 0 | 0 | 0 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | UltraDown | 21 | 0 | 110 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 270 | — | | Upper | 2 | 0 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | VacuSlash | 11 | 77 | 34 | 66 | 0 | 0 | 76 | — | | Vacuum | 19 | 112 | 0 | 114 | 0 | 132 | 0 | WindBeast | | Vivify | 14 | 0 | 63 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 98 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | WarCry | 14 | 120 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | — | | Watershot | 13 | 74 | 0 | 60 | 0 | 84 | 0 | — | | Whistle | 4 | 0 | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 44 | — | | WhiteAir | 20 | 210 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | IceStorm | | WhiteFire | 20 | 210 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Scorching | | WindBeast | 13 | 74 | 0 | 60 | 0 | 84 | 0 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | YellHelp | 23 | 128 | 64 | 0 | 0 | 82 | 134 | CallHelp | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ ,————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————. | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | Zap | 15 | 0 | 54 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 130 | Bolt | | ZombieCut | 12 | 64 | 0 | 58 | 0 | 62 | 87 | — | |————————————+————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+—————+————————————| | SKILL | LV | HPs | MPs | ATK | DEF | AGL | INT | FROM SKILL | `————————————^————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^—————^————————————´ 9.2.02 SKILL COMBINING ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— When combining skills you will still need the stats for the combined skill you wish to learn. You don't get the skill automatically. Once you have the skill learnt, you can delete any of the skills needed beforehand to learn the skill. The newly learnt combined skill can now be passed down to children Notes: Sometimes you will want to forget a combined skill but it keeps appearing, this is an unavoidable part of the game programming. ,————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SKILL | LEARNT BY COMBINING AND KEEPING THESE SKILLS | |————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————————————| | AquaWall | Bounce Tidalwave | | BigBang | Explodet WhiteFire WhiteAir | | BladeD | TwinSlash StrongD | | BoltSlash | Lightning ChargeUp | | DeMagic | Surge UltraDown | | EerieLite | Curse Radiant | | Farewell | Sacrifice Revive | | FireSlash | Blazemore ChargeUp | | Focus | ChargeUp SuckAir Meditate | | Geyser | RockThrow HighJump | | GigaSlash | FireSlash VacuSlash BoltSlash IceSlash | | Hellblast | Thordain Lightning | | Hustle | HealAll SideStep | | IceSlash | SnowStorm ChargeUp | | Imitate | Transform Focus | | K.O.Dance | Curse LureDance | | Kamikaze | ChargeUp Ramming | | LifeDance | Sacrifice Hustle | | LifeSong | Revive WarCry | | LoveRain | Meditate LifeSong | | Meditate | StrongD Guardian | | MegaMagic | Blazemost Firebolt Explodet Infermost Blizzard | | MultiCut | Vacuum ZombieCut | | PalsyAir | SleepAir PoisonAir | | Paralyze | PoisonHit NapAttack | | RainSlash | SquallHit BiAttack | | SealPray | StopSpell DanceShut MouthShut | | SquallHit | SpeedUp ChargeUp | | Surge | Antidote DeChaos NumbOff CurseOff | | UltraDown | Defense SlowAll Surround | | VacuSlash | WindBeast ChargeUp | `————————————^————————————————————————————————————————————————————————´ __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 9.3 MONSTER BREEDING LIST |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ This list is far from complete but should be good enough for most breeds. FM — This is just an abbreviation I used for Family eg SLIME FM is Slime Family The tables here are pretty much self explanatory, remember you can see any breeds you have already done or befriended when mating 2 monsters at the Shrine. A set of ??????? will appear when the monster is new to your library. With that in mind, always be suspicious of Breeding Lists until you've fulled up alot of your library Many of these combinations have been lifted straight from the old DWM Series. As a majority almost always work :) Notes: I have not checked every breeding combination on these lists so be WARNED, some may not work. 9.3.00 HOW TO READ THESE LISTS ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Heres an example of reading the breeding lists ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PHOENIX : FireAir SquallHit TailWind | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Heaven Helm Cave ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ DrakSlime GulpBeast IronTurt ¦ ¦ ¦ Grizzly ArcDemon CopyCat Gismo ¦ ¦ ¦ LavaMan ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ This is the details for breeding a Phoenix Found: This indicates if a monster is found in the main storyline worlds The BASE monster is the first monster you give to the Breeder The MATE monster is the second monster you give to the Breeder In this example you will note that the BASE monster is a BIRDFM BIRDFM means you can use a Bird Family monster, in general most birds can be used but there are exceptions. Lets say the BIRDFM monster you have is a Picky, your next step is to look in Section 9.4 to see if the Picky has any unique Breeds. PICKY : Minidrak Dracky It seems that a PICKY is used to make a Dracky, so using a Picky to make a Phoenix has a chance of not working. In this example a Picky can not make a Dracky. You'll have to find another BIRDFM to use 9.3.00a MONSTER HUNTING FOR BREEDING ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— There will come a time where you will need to hunt for certain breeds to complete your breeding. For this task I'd advise you to breed a monster to handle such a task. Skills to have for such a monster would be — HealUs for obvious reasons Skill from: Healer and others — BiAttack so it can fight Skill from: HoodSquid, and others — Informer to tell you what monsters are in the area Skill from: MadGopher, MistyWing and GranSlime — Phermone to catch a monster of the opposite gender Skill from: Lipsy Items which are useful — WarpWing to get back to GreatLog — ExitBell to escape Caves. dungeons etc — ShinyHarp to call wild monsters — Repellants to travel unhindered __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 9.3.01 SLIME FAMILY MONSTERS BREEDING LIST |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | S L I M E L I B R A R Y L I S T I N G | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ‚———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————. | DrakSlime |‡Babble |‡RockSlime | SpotKing | GranSlime | |‡SpotSlime |‡BoxSlime | SlimeBorg | TropicGel | WonderEgg | |‡WingSlime |‡PearlGel |‡Slabbit | MimeSlime | | | TreeSlime |‡Slime | KingSlime | HaloSlime | | |‡Snaily |‡Healer |‡Metaly | MetalKing | | |‡SlimeNite |‡FangSlime | Metabble | GoldSlime | | ‘———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————’ ‡ Can be found in the main story key worlds ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BABBLE : Surround PoisonHit EerieLite | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Heaven Sword Castle Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ZOMBIEFM GiantMoth Poisongon ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BOXSLIME : Blaze Upper Ramming | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Heaven Helm Cave Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DRAKSLIME : BeDragon FireAir SuckAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | FANGSLIME : CallHelp ChargeUp WarCry | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Fhunt Village ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ Almiraj DarkHorn GulpBeast ¦ ¦ ¦ KingLeo MadCat Trumpeter ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GOLDSLIME : Chance BigBang Surge | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Kingslime Spotking Metalking ¦ GoldGolem ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Metalking WonderEgg ¦ Metalking ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GRANSLIME : Farewell Focus Informer | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Goldslime ¦ Darkmate GoldSlime Deathmore1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WonderEgg ¦ Goldslime ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | HALOSLIME : Sleep SealPray LifeSong | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Mimeslime ¦ ZOMBIEFM Pixy StubBird ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Slime ¦ Copycat ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WonderEgg ¦ BIRDFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | HEALER : Heal HealUs Upper | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Area Outside Hoodsquid Cave ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ Copycat Madplant Funkybird ¦ ¦ ¦ Pillowrat ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | KINGSLIME : MPass Barrier Vivify | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Slime ¦ Slime†5 or better ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ BOSSFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Spotking ¦ BattleRex BossTroll Centasaur ¦ ¦ ¦ DeadNoble Divinegon Gigantes ¦ ¦ ¦ GreatDrak KingLeo MadCondor ¦ ¦ ¦ Unicorn WhipBird WhiteKing ¦ ¦ ¦ ZapBird ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | METABBLE : Firebal Bang Sacrifice | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Metaly ¦ Metaly WonderEgg ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | METALKING : Bolt Ironize Hellblast | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Kingslime Spotking ¦ MetalDrak ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Metabble WonderEgg ¦ Metabble ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | METALY : Blaze IceBolt Beat | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - 1 Screen Left Of Pei Village ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ MetalDrak ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MIMESLIME : PanicAll Ahhh LoveRain | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Healer ¦ 1EyeClown TreeBoy EvilWand ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WonderEgg ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PEARLGEL : Upper ChargeUp Radiant | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Hoodsquid Cave ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ WATER ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ROCKSLIME : HighJump Ramming StrongD | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Hitano Castle (Not Village) ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ BombCrag Golem Deadnite ¦ ¦ ¦ Stoneman ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SLABBIT : SideStep LegSweep Whistle | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Elf Key World - Outside Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ Skullroo ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SLIME : Firebal MegaMagic Radiant | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Area Outside Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ CNB ¦ - ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SLIMEBORG : Lightning RainSlash BladeD | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ Roboster1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DrakSlime ¦ Swordgon ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Metabble ¦ BattleRex SkyDragon ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ RockSlime ¦ GreatDrak ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SlimeNite ¦ Spikerous ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SLIMENITE : Heal Upper BeastCut | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Outside Weston Town ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SNAILY : IceBolt NumbOff CallHelp | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Moonrock Tower Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ BUGFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SPOTKING : CleanCut NapAttack MouthShut | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ KingSlime MetalKing ¦ BattleRex BossTroll Centasaur ¦ ¦ ¦ DeadNoble Divinegon Gigantes ¦ ¦ ¦ GreatDrak KingLeo MadCondor ¦ ¦ ¦ Unicorn WhipBird WhiteKing ¦ ¦ ¦ ZapBird ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SpotSlime ¦ SpotSlime†5 or better ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SPOTSLIME : CallHelp LushLicks Imitate | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Oasis Key World - Near Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | TREESLIME : Sap Paralyze SleepAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ PLANTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | TROPICGEL : MPass SleepAir LushLicks | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Slime ¦ Mommonja PillowRat ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ TreeSlime ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WonderEgg ¦ PLANTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | WINGSLIME : WindBeast SquallHit TailWind | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Near Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ BIRDFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | WONDEREGG : Sacrifice Ironize Chance | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Slime ¦ BigRoost ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 9.3.02 DRAGON FAMILY MONSTERS BREEDING |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ .———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | D R A G O N L I B R A R Y L I S T I N G | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ‚———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————. |‡DragonKid |‡Poisongon | Rayburn | SnakeBat | Orochi | GigaDraco | |‡Tortragon |‡Swordgon |‡Chamelgon |‡Spikerous | BattleRex | | |‡Pteranod |‡Drygon | LizardFly |‡GreatDrak |‡SkyDragon | | | Gasgon |‡Dragon |‡Andreal |‡Crestpent | Serpentia | | | FairyDrak |‡MiniDrak |‡KingCobra | WingSnake | Divinegon | | |‡LizardMan |‡MadDragon |‡Vampirus | Coatol | Orligon | | ‘———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————’ ‡ Can be found in the main story key worlds ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ANDREAL : Infernos Surround PoisonGas | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Hitano Castle (Not Village) ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ Gulpple ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Battlerex Gasgon MadDragon ¦ Akubar ArcDemon DeadNoble ¦ ¦ SkyDragon ¦ FunkyBird GoatHorn Goategon ¦ ¦ ¦ Golem Lionex MadCondor Ogre ¦ ¦ ¦ Trumpeter ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BATTLEREX : FireAir MetalCut EvilSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ Kingleo Madknight EvilArmor ¦ ¦ ¦ Lionex Ogre ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CHAMELGON : PanicAll Paralyze PalsyAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Heaven Helm Cave Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ Voodoll ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | COATOL : Bang BoltSlash EvilSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Wingsnake ¦ Wingsnake ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Battlerex Gasgon LizardMan ¦ CopyCat Darkhorn Madknight ¦ ¦ Pteranod SkyDragon Vampirus ¦ StoneMan WhipBird ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CRESTPENT : StopSpell BeDragon PoisonHit | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Oasis Key World - 2 Screens Right Of Asiya Town ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ BigRoost ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DIVINEGON : BigBang FrigidAir Meditate | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Skydragon ¦ Orochi Serpentia ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DRAGON : FireAir FireSlash SuckAll | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Heaven Helm Cave ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DragonKid ¦ DragonKid ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DRAGONKID : FireAir SleepAir Dodge | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Basement Floor 3 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DRYGON : Sap Ramming WarCry | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Outside Castle Of Estria ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ WATERFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | FAIRYDRAK : Surround SleepAir LushLicks | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ BUGFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GASGON : Sacrifice Farewell Berserker | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ PLANTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GIGADRACO : FireAir RockThrow Massacre | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Andreal Battlerex GreatDrak ¦ Bosstroll Gigantes ¦ ¦ Skydragon ¦ ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GREATDRAK : FrigidAir IceSlash SuckAll | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Limbo Key World - Outside Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ Battlerex Gigantes MetalKing ¦ ¦ ¦ Unicorn Zapbird Centasaur ¦ ¦ ¦ Kingslime Spotking ¦ ¦ ¦ Whipbird ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Dragon†5 or better ¦ Dragon ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DragonKid†5 or better ¦ DragonKid ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | KINGCOBRA : PoisonHit Curse K.O.Dance | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Oasis Key World - 1 Screen Right Of Mirage Lake ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ Babble ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | LIZARDFLY : Firebal Sap FireAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ GoHopper ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | LIZARDMAN : AquaCut GigaSlash EvilSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Outside Castle Of Estria ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MADDRAGON : EvilSlash Massacre LureDance | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Heaven Armor Tower ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ GulpBeast ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Gasgon ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MINIDRAK : CallHelp Ramming SandStorm | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Area Outside Port Ritz Town ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ Picky ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ORLIGON : TwinHits Berserker StrongD | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Divinegon ¦ GigaDraco GoldGolem ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | OROCHI : FireAir FireSlash BiAttack | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ BOSSFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Andreal GreatDrak ¦ MedusaEye ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | POISONGON : PoisonHit PoisonGas LushLicks | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - 1 Screen Up From The Port Ritz Town ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PTERANOD : Firebal WindBeast TailWind | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Land Area, 1 Screen Right Of Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ BIRDFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | RAYBURN : VacuSlash DevilCut PoisonHit | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ MadCondor ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ LizardMan ¦ FaceTree GateGuard Gigantes ¦ ¦ ¦ GoatHorn Lionex MadCat ¦ ¦ ¦ Trumpeter ¦ ¦ ¦ WingSlime ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SERPENTIA : SlimeBlow DevilCut RainSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ GreatDrak ¦ Lionex Skeletor Octoraid ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SKYDRAGON : FireAir MultiCut SuckAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Inside Heaven Armor Tower Floor 3 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ Phoenix ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SNAKEBAT : RockThrow LushLicks Errand | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ Catfly ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ KingCobra ¦ Dracky ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SPIKEROUS : RockThrow Berserker Kamikaze | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Traveler World - Outside Merchants' Tower ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ArmyCrab Digster ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SWORDGON : CleanCut RainSlash BladeD | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Heaven Helm Cave ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | TORTRAGON : Ironize MagicBack Lightning | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Harmirror Cave Basement Floor 2 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | VAMPIRUS : Infernos CallHelp BiAttack | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Heaven Armor Tower ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ Madgoose ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Pteranod ¦ Pteranod ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | WINGSNAKE : SquallHit HighJump PoisonGas | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Crestpent ¦ Crestpent ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 9.3.03 BEAST FAMILY MONSTERS BREEDING |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ .———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | B E A S T S L I B R A R Y L I S T I N G | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ‚———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————. | Tonguella | Skullroo |‡Mommonja |‡BeastNite | Trumpeter |‡CatMage | |‡Almiraj | WindBeast |‡HammerMan |‡MadGopher | KingLeo |‡Dumbira | |‡Catfly | Beavern |‡Grizzly |‡FairyRat | DarkHorn | | | PillowRat |‡Antbear |‡Yeti | Unicorn | MadCat | | |‡Saccer | SuperTen |‡ArrowDog |‡Goategon | BigEye | | | GulpBeast |‡IronTurt | NoctoKing | WildApe | Gorago | | ‘———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————’ ‡ Can be found in the main story key worlds ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ALMIRAJ : Sleep ChargeUp Berserker | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Outside The Spirit Lake ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ANTBEAR : MetalCut SquallHit LushLicks | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Area Outside Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Saccer ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ARROWDOG : Blaze CallHelp MouthShut | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - 1 Screen Up From The Port Ritz Town ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ PutrePup ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BEASTNITE : Sleep RainSlash GigaSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Near Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ EvilArmor ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ CatMage ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MadGopher ¦ Dumbira ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BEAVERN : IceBolt ChargeUp Geyser | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ WATERFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BIGEYE : IceBolt FrigidAir LoveRain | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ Eyeball Drygon ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CATFLY : Slow StopSpell OddDance | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Land Area 1 Screen Right Of Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ BIRDFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CATMAGE : Blaze Surround Transform | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Traveler World - Outside Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ CatFly ¦ MimeSlime CatMage TreeBoy ¦ ¦ ¦ Sickler 1EyeClown Reaper ¦ ¦ ¦ EvilWand ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DARKHORN : Sleep StopSpell PsycheUp | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ BOSSFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DUMBIRA : MetalCut RainSlash TwinSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Pei Village ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ NoctoKing ¦ Gigantes ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SuperTen ¦ BeastNite LizardMan Orc ¦ ¦ ¦ Walrusman Bubblemon Mertiger ¦ ¦ ¦ SaberMan ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | FAIRYRAT : Slow Surround SlimeBlow | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Pei Village ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ LizardFly ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GOATEGON : Firebal Slow SleepAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - 1 Screen Down From Sleepherb Mountain ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ DrakSlime LizardMan ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GORAGO : Bang Massacre EerieLite | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DarkHorn ¦ BOSSFM Orochi ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GRIZZLY : SquallHit BiAttack LegSweep | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Outside Weston Town ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ DEVILFM MetalDrak Roboster1 ¦ ¦ ¦ LavaMan IceMan Golem StoneMan ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GULPBEAST : Massacre Ramming WarCry | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Tonguella ¦ Digster Skullgon DeadNoble ¦ ¦ ¦ WhiteKing Skeletor ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WildApe Grizzly Yeti Unicorn ¦ Digster Skullgon DeadNoble ¦ ¦ Dumbira Trumpeter ¦ WhiteKing Skeletor MetalDrak ¦ ¦ ¦ Roboster1 LavaMan IceMan Golem ¦ ¦ ¦ StoneMan ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Grizzly Yeti Trumpeter BigEye ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Grizzly ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | HAMMERMAN : ChargeUp EvilSlash Kamikaze | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Outside Nofor ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ Stubsuck ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | IRONTURT : MagicWall StrongD Cover | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Inside Fhunt Tower Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ Tortragon ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | KINGLEO : Firebal FrigidAir BiAttack | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Trumpeter ¦ Trumpeter MetalDrak Balzak ¦ ¦ ¦ GoldGolem BossTroll ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MADCAT : VacuSlash SquallHit LegSweep | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ Dragon ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ CatMage ¦ Goategon Unicorn ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MADGOPHER : BirdBlow ZombieCut Informer | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Area Outside Port Of Polona Town ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ SabreMan ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MOMMONJA : LureDance MouthShut EagleEye | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Madcondor's Nest ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ DuckKite ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | NOCTOKING : Surround SleepAir ThickFog | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ArrowDog ¦ Dracky Shadow ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PILLOWRAT : Slow Ramming SideStep | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ PLANTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SACCER : Upper PsycheUp PalsyAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Outside The Spirit Lake ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ BUGFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SKULLROO : ChargeUp PaniDance EagleEye | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SUPERTEN : K.O.Dance Hustle Imitate | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Tonguella GulpBeast ¦ TreeSlime FangSlime MadDragon ¦ ¦ ¦ FunkyBird MadPlant FaceTree ¦ ¦ ¦ Lipsy Demonite Gremlin Copycat ¦ ¦ ¦ JewelBag ¦ ¦ ¦ Mimic ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ Mudron ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Dumbira ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | TONGUELLA : NapAttack SleepAir LushLicks | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | TRUMPETER : Berserker SandStorm WarCry | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Tonguella GulpBeast Grizzly ¦ LandOwl MadCondor ZapBird ¦ ¦ Yeti ¦ WhipBird ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ GulpBeast ¦ MetalDrak Balzak LavaMan IceMan ¦ ¦ ¦ Golem StoneMan Roboster1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WildApe ¦ WildApe ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SuperTen ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | UNICORN : Heal Vivify Errand | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Tonguella GulpBeast Grizzly ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ¦ Yeti Goategon WildApe Trumpeter ¦ ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ FangSlime ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | WILDAPE : TwinSlash SideStep Errand | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Almiraj ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ MadPecker ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | WINDBEAST : Infernos IceBolt VacuSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ CatFly ¦ BIRDFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | YETI : IceBolt IceSlash WarCry | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Outside The Spirit Lake ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ IronTurt Goategon WildApe ¦ Pteranod Gasgon Swordgon ¦ ¦ MadCat ¦ MadDragon BattleRex SkyDragon ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BEASTFM ¦ Orc ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 9.3.04 BIRD FAMILY MONSTERS BREEDING |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | B I R D L I B R A R Y L I S T I N G | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ‚———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————. | Picky |‡MadRaven |‡StubBird |‡Phoenix | Azurile | |‡Wyvern |‡MistyWing |‡LandOwl | ZapBird | Shantak | |‡BullBird |‡AquaHawk |‡MadGoose | Garudian |‡CragDevil | |‡FloraJay |‡Dracky | MadCondor | WhipBird | | | DuckKite |‡KiteHawk |‡Emyu | FunkyBird | | | MadPecker | BigRoost | Blizzardy | RainHawk | | ‘———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————’ ‡ Can be found in the main story key worlds ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | AQUAHAWK : CurseOff SquallHit AquaWall | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Harmirror Cave Basement Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ WATERFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | AZURILE : Hellblast Meditate LifeSong | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ RainHawk Shantak ¦ BOSSFM GoldGolem ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BIGROOST : VacuSlash SandStorm Dodge | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ CNB ¦ N/A ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BLIZZARDY : Beat FrigidAir IceSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ Metaly Metabble SuperTen Yeti ¦ ¦ ¦ Goategon Trumpeter Skullgon ¦ ¦ ¦ DeadNoble WhiteKing Skeletor ¦ ¦ ¦ Servant ¦ ¦ ¦ IceMan ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BULLBIRD : Shears ChargeUp Ramming | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - 1 Screen Down From Sleepherb Mountain ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CRAGDEVIL : Infernos PanicAll EagleEye | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Outside Weston Town ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BigRoost Emyu MadGoose ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DRACKY : Antidote Sleep RobMagic | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Area Outside Yold Village ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Picky ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DUCKKITE : Sleep PanicAll Curse | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ BUGFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | EMYU : WindBeast Hustle Errand | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Fhunt Village ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ KiteHawk ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MadCondor ¦ MadPecker ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MadPecker ¦ BigEye DarkEye ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | FLORAJAY : Speed BeastCut LifeSong | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Heaven Sword Castle ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ PLANTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | FUNKYBIRD : PaniDance LifeDance Hustle | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ DanceVegi TropicGel BrusHead ¦ ¦ ¦ Pyuro ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ CragDevil ¦ CragDevil ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GARUDIAN : Infernos WindBeast AquaCut | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Blizzardy Phoenix ZapBird ¦ Lionex ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ FunkyBird ¦ Jamirus ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | KITEHAWK : MagicWall Curse TailWind | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Heaven Sword Castle ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ Facer ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DuckKite ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | LANDOWL : Infernos BoltSlash SideStep | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Outside Castle Of Estria ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BullBird ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Garudian ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MADCONDOR : Firebal HealUs MultiCut | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ LandOwl ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ CoilBird ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ KiteHawk ¦ BigRoost ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MADGOOSE : Heal WindBeast LureDance | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Heaven Helm Cave ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Wyvern LandOwl MadCondor ¦ DRAGONFM ZOMBIEFM ¦ ¦ Phoenix ¦ ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ CragDevil ¦ DuckKite MadRaven ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ Droll ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MADPECKER : Infernos Sap VacuSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MADRAVEN : HighJump TailWind EagleEye | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Pei Village ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MISTYWING : Barrier EerieLite Informer | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Limbo Key World - Outside Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PHOENIX : FireAir SquallHit TailWind | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Heaven Helm Cave ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ DrakSlime GulpBeast IronTurt ¦ ¦ ¦ Grizzly ArcDemon CopyCat Gismo ¦ ¦ ¦ LavaMan ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PICKY : Sap Surround BugBlow | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | RAINHAWK : MegaMagic Surge StrongD | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Blizzardy ¦ Phoenix Vampirus ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SHANTAK : HealUs FireAir SuckAll | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WhipBird ¦ GreatDrak Jamirus ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | STUBBIRD : TwinHits BugBlow RainSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Inside Sleepherb Mountain ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ RockSlime ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | WHIPBIRD : Ironize ThickFog TatsuCall | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ LandOwl MadGoose MadCondor ¦ RockSlime SlimeBorg Digster ¦ ¦ Blizzardy ZapBird ¦ MetalDrak Golem StoneMan Merman ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ Rayburn SnakeBat ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | WYVERN : Heal Sleep FrigidAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Moonrock Tower Floor 3 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ZAPBIRD : Hellblast Lightning BoltSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MadCondor Phoenix WhipBird ¦ Gismo ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BIRDFM ¦ BOSSFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 9.3.05 PLANT FAMILY MONSTERS BREEDING |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | P L A N T L I B R A R Y L I S T I N G | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ‚———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————. |‡MadPlant | Toadstool |‡TreeBoy |‡ManEater | Watabou | |‡FireWeed | AmberWeed | Devipine |‡Snapper |‡Eggplaton | |‡FloraMan |‡Slurperon |‡FaceTree |‡GhosTree |‡FooHero | |‡WingTree |‡StubSuck | HerbMan | Rosevine | | |‡CactiBall | Oniono | BeanMan | Egdracil | | |‡Gulpple |‡DanceVegi |‡EvilSeed | Warubou | | ‘———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————’ ‡ Can be found in the main story key worlds ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | AMBERWEED : TwinHits Barrier MagicWall | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BEANMAN : TwinHits RobMagic MapMagic | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ PillowRat FishRider ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Eggplaton ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CACTIBALL : Paralyze HighJump OddDance | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Oasis Key World - Near Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ BUGFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DANCEVEGI : K.O.Dance LureDance SideStep | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Land Area 1 Screen Down Of Moonrock Tower ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MadPlant ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ Facer ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DEVIPINE : Beat SleepAir PoisonGas | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ Gulpple ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | EGDRACIL : Vivify SleepAir SuckAll | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Rosevine ¦ Gigantes ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | EGGPLATON : MPass OddDance LureDance | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Area Outside The Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ Aquarella Lipsy Droll ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | EVILSEED : CleanCut Paralyze Radiant | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Heaven Helm Cave Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ RockSlime BigEye DuckKite ¦ ¦ ¦ ButterFly Eyeder DarkEye ¦ ¦ ¦ EyeBall MadMirror Gamanium ¦ ¦ ¦ KiteHawk ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Eggplaton ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | FACETREE : StopSpell Curse OddDance | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Traveler World - Outside Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ HerbMan ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ NiteWhip ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ GhosTree ¦ Snapper ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | FIREWEED : Blaze DeChaos PalsyAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Hitano Castle (Not Village) ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | FLORAMAN : Firebal Antidote CurseOff | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Fhunt Village ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | FOOHERO : Bolt Heal GigaSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Heaven Helm Cave Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ TreeBoy ¦ BeastNite SlimeNite HammerMan ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GHOSTREE : RobMagic LureDance EerieLite | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Heaven Sword Castle ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ StubSuck ¦ Puppetor ZOMBIEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GULPPLE : NapAttack HighJump SleepAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Near Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | HERBMAN : Curse Focus DanceShut | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DanceVegi ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ FunkyBird ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MADPLANT : NumbOff Sap Slow | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Elf Key World - Outside Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MANEATER : DrakSlash PsycheUp SleepAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Inside Spooky Forest ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ EvilSeed ¦ EvilSeed Slurperon ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ONIONO : RobMagic ChargeUp SleepAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ Gophecada ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ROSEVINE : BiAttack UltraDown BladeD | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ BOSSFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SLURPERON : Sleep OddDance LushLicks | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Pei Village ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ WATERFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SNAPPER : StopSpell CallHelp RainSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Elf Key World - Inside Agdevils Hideout ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ManEater ¦ ManEater ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | STUBSUCK : Sleep ZombieCut StepGuard | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Inside Spooky Forest ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ AmberWeed ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ GhosTree ¦ GhosTree ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | TOADSTOOL : NapAttack SleepAir MouthShut | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | TREEBOY : MPass CurseOff Hustle | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Goldmine Cave ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ Pixy ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ FooHero ¦ EvilWand ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | WARUBOU : MPass DeMagic Pheromone | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ CNB ¦ N/A ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Warubou ¦ Watabou! ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | WINGTREE : Farewell ZombieCut StepGuard | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Inside Sleepherb Mountain ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PLANTFM ¦ BIRDFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 9.3.06 BUG FAMILY MONSTERS BREEDING |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | B U G L I B R A R Y L I S T I N G | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ‚———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————. | GiantSlug |‡Lipsy |‡ArmorPede |‡Belzebub | Skularach | | Catapila |‡StagBug |‡Eyeder |‡WarMantis |‡MultiEyes | |‡Gophecada |‡Pyuro |‡GiantMoth | HornBeet | | |‡Butterfly |‡ArmyAnt |‡Droll | Sickler | | | WeedBug | GoHopper | ArmyCrab | Armorpion | | |‡GiantWorm |‡TailEater |‡MadHornet | Digster | | ‘———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————’ ‡ Can be found in the main story key worlds ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ARMORPEDE : Upper TwinHits TwinSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Inside Heaven Armor Tower Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ GiantWorm ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Droll ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ IronTurt ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MultiEyes ¦ RockSlime Tortragon ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ARMORPION : ZombieCut RainSlash EvilSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ HornBeet ¦ HornBeet ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WarMantis ¦ CancerMan RogueNite OctoRaid ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ARMYANT : CallHelp NapAttack Kamikaze | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Area Outside Yold Village ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ GiantSlug ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ARMYCRAB : Upper CallHelp MetalCut | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ DarkCrab CancerMan ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BELZEBUB : Firebal Farewell Ramming | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Inside Fhunt Tower Floor 4 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MadHornet ¦ GoHopper ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MultiEyes ¦ ButterFly Pyuro ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BUTTERFLY : Surround CallHelp Curse | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Traveler World - Outside Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ BIRDFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CATAPILA : Upper PoisonHit ThickFog | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DIGSTER : Farewell StrongD SuckAll | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ BOSSFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ArmyCrab ¦ Clawster ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DROLL : Slow Shears StepGuard | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Goldmine Cave ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Eyeder ¦ Eyeder ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ TailEater ¦ TailEater ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ButterFly ¦ ButterFly ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Lipsy ¦ SLIMEFM Aquarella Octokid ¦ ¦ ¦ Angleron ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ Spooky ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | EYEDER : Firebal Heal MapMagic | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Moonrock Tower 1St Floor ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Catapila ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ AmberWeed ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GIANTMOTH : WindBeast Paralyze Radiant | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Inside Sleepherb Mountain ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ButterFly ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ Saccer RayGigas ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GIANTSLUG : LushLicks Dodge Whistle | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GIANTWORM : BeastCut OddDance StepGuard | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Oasis Key World - Underground Tunnel Stairs At Kalka Town ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GOHOPPER : RobMagic CallHelp ChargeUp | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Elf Key World - 3 Screens Right From Elvin Village ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ CNB ¦ N/A ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GOPHECADA : Beat MagicBack CallHelp | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | HORNBEET : RockThrow BoltSlash DevilCut | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ StagBug ¦ StagBug ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ArmorPede Warmantis ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | LIPSY : LushLicks Ahhh Pheromone | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Traveler World - Outside Travelers Hut ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MADHORNET : PoisonHit Paralyze TailWind | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Inside Heaven Armor Tower Floor 3 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Eyeder Droll Pyuro ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ FairyRat ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Butterfly ¦ Pyuro ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MULTIEYES : Sap TwinHits PalsyAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Elf Key World - 4 Screens Down From The Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Catapila ¦ Catapila ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Taileater ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PYURO : Speed WindBeast MouthShut | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - 1 Screen Up From The Port Ritz Town ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ WATERFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SICKLER : Infernos DevilCut SquallHit | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ 1EyeClown Reaper ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Warmantis ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SKULARACH : Lightning BiAttack PoisonGas | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Armorpion ¦ WhiteKing ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | STAGBUG : Sleep FireAir LegSweep | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Elf Key World - Inside Agdevils Hideout ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | TAILEATER : IceSlash PoisonGas Radiant | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Oasis Key World - 2 Screens Right Of Asiya Town ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WeedBug ¦ PLANTFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ FloraMan ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | WARMANTIS : VacuSlash Shears GigaSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - 1 Screen Left Of Pei Village ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Sickler ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | WEEDBUG : RobMagic Barrier MagicWall | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BUGFM ¦ PLANTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 9.3.07 DEVIL FAMILY MONSTERS BREEDING |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | D E V I L L I B R A R Y L I S T I N G | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ‚———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————. | Pixy | SkulRider |‡Lionex |‡BossTroll | Centasaur | | MedusaEye |‡EvilBeast | GoatHorn |‡Grendal | EvilArmor | |‡AgDevil | Bubblemon |‡Orc | Akubar | Jamirus | |‡Demonite |‡1EyeClown |‡Ogre |‡MadKnight | Durran | |‡DarkEye | Gremlin |‡GateGuard | EvilWell | Titanis | |‡EyeBall | ArcDemon |‡ChopClown |‡Gigantes | LampGenie | ‘———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————’ ‡ Can be found in the main story key worlds ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | 1EYECLOWN : Blaze Firebal IceBolt | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - 1 Screen Up From The Port Ritz Town ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Pixy Demonite EyeBall ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | AGDEVIL : Firebal Sacrifice SleepAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Ice Tower Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SkulRider Evilbeast Gremlin ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ¦ MedusaEye ¦ ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | AKUBAR : Bang FrigidAir Focus | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ArcDemon ¦ GateGuard ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Grendal ¦ Grendal ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ARCDEMON : Bang VacuSlash BoltSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ AgDevil Grendal Gigantes ¦ Andreal Garudian GreatDrak ¦ ¦ ¦ KingLeo KingSlime MetalDrak ¦ ¦ ¦ MetalKing Orochi SpotKing ¦ ¦ ¦ Trumpeter WhipBird ¦ ¦ ¦ ZapBird ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ GateGuard ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Ogre ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ BOSSFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BOSSTROLL : Massacre Ramming Cover | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Limbo Key World - Outside Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Ogre Centasaur ¦ GreatDrak Balzak StoneMan ¦ ¦ ¦ WalrusMan ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ GoatHorn ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BUBBLEMON : Watershot IceSlash BladeD | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ WATERFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CENTASAUR : StopSpell FireSlash RainSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ArcDemon ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Ogre GateGuard BossTroll ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CHOPCLOWN : TwinHits VacuSlash SquallHit | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Limbo Key World - Outside Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ 1EyeClown ¦ 1EyeClown ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Lionex ¦ MimeSlime ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DARKEYE : CleanCut PalsyAir Radiant | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Harmirror Cave Basement Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ PLANTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DEMONITE : Blaze FireAir FrigidAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Inside Spooky Forest ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ BIRDFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DURRAN : WindBeast DrakSlash BirdBlow | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Centasaur ¦ GoldGolem ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ GoldGolem ¦ Centasaur ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Jamirus ¦ Serpentia ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | EVILARMOR : FireSlash BoltSlash AquaCut | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ArcDemon Ogre GateGuard ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ Armorpede ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | EVILBEAST : Firebal Ironize FrigidAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Inside Fhunt Tower Floor 4 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | EVILWELL : Blaze ChargeUp WarCry | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BossTroll ¦ IceMan ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Ogre ¦ LavaMan ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | EYEBALL : MagicBack WarCry Outside | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Heaven Helm Cave Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ BUGFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GATEGUARD : Blaze CleanCut ThickFog | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Heaven Sword Castle Basement Floor 2 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ AgDevil Gigantes Grendal ¦ AxeShark Coatol Deadnoble ¦ ¦ ¦ Giantmoth MadCondor Mistywing ¦ ¦ ¦ Rosevine Skullgon Slimeborg ¦ ¦ ¦ Swordgon ¦ ¦ ¦ Whiteking ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Demonite ¦ Demonite ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Ogre ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GIGANTES : SlimeBlow ChargeUp EvilSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Madcondor's Nest ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SkulRider EvilBeast ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ BigEye ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GOATHORN : Bang Infernos IceBolt | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ArcDemon ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ DarkHorn ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GREMLIN : Firebal Heal StopSpell | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GRENDAL : FireSlash DrakSlash Cover | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Elf Key World - 3 Screens Right From Elvin Village ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SkulRider EvilBeast Gremlin ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ¦ MedusaEye ¦ ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ MadDragon BeastNite ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | JAMIRUS : Blaze BiAttack TailWind | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Akubar ¦ RainHawk ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | LAMPGENIE : Heal Sleep TailWind | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Centasaur ¦ BOSSFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | LIONEX : Infernos HealUs VacuSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Hitano Castle (Not Village) ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ArcDemon ¦ ZOMBIEFM Garudian ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ LizardMan ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MADKNIGHT : BeastCut GigaSlash Massacre | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Inside Fhunt Tower Floor 4 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ RogueNite ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MEDUSAEYE : Sap Surround Shears | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MedusaEye 1EyeClown Gremlin ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | OGRE : MetalCut PsycheUp Massacre | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Traveler World - Outside Travelers Hut ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ AgDevil Grendal Gigantes ¦ GulpBeast Unicorn Digster ¦ ¦ ¦ Roboster1 WalrusMan MerTiger ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ GateGuard ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ HammerMan ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ORC : Vivify Sap BirdBlow | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Area Outside Spooky Forest ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ BeanMan ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PIXY : Antidote TwinHits SealPray | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SKULRIDER : FireSlash RainSlash LegSweep | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | TITANIS : Bang Berserker UltraDown | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Durran ¦ DarkHorn ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 9.3.08 ZOMBIE FAMILY MONSTERS BREEDING |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | Z O M B I E L I B R A R Y L I S T I N G | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ‚———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————. |‡Spooky |‡DeadNite | WindMerge | WhiteKing |‡MadSpirit | |‡Skullgon |‡Shadow | Reaper | BoneSlave | PomPomBom | | Putrepup |‡Skulpent | Inverzon | Skeletor | Niterich | |‡RotRaven | Hork |‡FoxFire | Servant | | |‡Mummy | Mudron | CaptDead | Lazamanus | | | DarkCrab | NiteWhip | DeadNoble |‡Copycat | | ‘———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————’ ‡ Can be found in the main story key worlds ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BONESLAVE : Bang BoltSlash BiAttack | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Mummy DeadNite ¦ RockSlime SlimeBorg LandOwl ¦ ¦ ¦ MadGoose FloraMan HornBeet ¦ ¦ ¦ Gremlin ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CAPTDEAD : CallHelp AquaCut SquallHit | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BoneSlave ¦ WATERFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ NiteWhip ¦ Moray ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | COPYCAT : Transform OddDance Imitate | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Heaven Sword Castle Basement Floor 2 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ CNB ¦ N/A ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DARKCRAB : Ironize MagicWall StepGuard | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ BUGFM CancerMan Clawster ¦ ¦ ¦ Gamanian ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DEADNITE : Heal DeChaos CurseOff | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Heaven Sword Castle Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DEADNOBLE : HealUs AquaCut TatsuCall | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Mudron MadSpirit BoneSlave ¦ ArcDemon Lionex GateGuard ¦ ¦ Skeletor CaptDead ¦ MetalDrak Roboster1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Skullgon DeadNite Mudron ¦ CopyCat ¦ ¦ DeadNoble BoneSlave Skeletor ¦ ¦ ¦ CaptDead ¦ ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MadSpirit ¦ Roboster2 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DeadNite ¦ DeadNite ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | FOXFIRE : Blaze Firebal Outside | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Area Outside Spooky Forest ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ NiteWhip ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PutrePup ¦ MistyWing ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | HORK : PoisonGas EerieLite LushLicks | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Spooky ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | INVERZON : Surround PoisonGas SideStep | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Hork ¦ Hork ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | LAZAMANUS : TakeMagic K.O.Dance LifeDance | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WhiteKing ¦ DracoLord1 ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MADSPIRIT : SleepAir Radiant ThickFog | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Heaven Sword Castle ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Skullgon DeadNite Mudron ¦ BIRDFM ¦ ¦ DeadNoble BoneSlave Skeletor ¦ ¦ ¦ PomPomBom ¦ ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MUDRON : Beat MPass Vivify | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ BoxSlime DanceVegi Droll ¦ ¦ ¦ FangSlime FunkyBird GiantSlug ¦ ¦ ¦ Lipsy MadPlant Tonguella ¦ ¦ ¦ Yeti ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MUMMY : CallHelp Paralyze EvilSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Goldmine Cave ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ PLANTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | NITERICH : Beat ThickFog BladeD | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DeadNoble Skeletor ¦ Octoraid Roboster2 Serpentia ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | NITEWHIP : WindBeast Lightning Informer | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DarkCrab MadSpirit ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ MistyWing ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | POMPOMBOM : Beat ThickFog LifeDance | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ CopyCat ¦ Droll Gasgon ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ FoxFire ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PUTREPUP : Sap Slow MagicBack | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | REAPER : DevilCut Curse EerieLite | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Spooky Hork ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ WeedBug ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ROTRAVEN : Lightning BoltSlash Kamikaze | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Harmirror Cave Basement Floor 3 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ BIRDFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SERVANT : Blaze IceBolt Focus | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Skeletor ¦ Skeletor ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WhiteKing ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SHADOW : FrigidAir K.O.Dance ThickFog | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Inside Spooky Forest ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SKELETOR : Sap BirdBlow BiAttack | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Mummy DeadNite Hork Mudron ¦ GulpBeast Grizzly MadCat ¦ ¦ CaptDead ¦ MadRaven MadCondor EvilBeast ¦ ¦ ¦ Ogre Golem ¦ ¦ ¦ StoneMan ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BoneSlave ¦ BoneSlave ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MadSpirit ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SKULLGON : FrigidAir IceSlash TwinSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Traveler World - Merchants' Tower Floor 3 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Skullgon DeadNoble WhiteKing ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ¦ BoneSlave Skeletor Skullpent ¦ ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ Swordgon Rayburn Andreal ¦ ¦ ¦ GreatDrak Orochi BattleRex ¦ ¦ ¦ Divinegon ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ Skullgon DeadNoble WhiteKing ¦ ¦ ¦ Servant ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SKULPENT : Beat PoisonHit Dodge | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Traveler World - Merchants' Tower Floor 2 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ WATERFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SPOOKY : Radiant MouthShut Outside | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Oasis Key World - Underground Tunnel Stairs At Kalka Town ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | WHITEKING : Infernos Bolt Chance | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Skeletor Niterich ¦ Andreal GreatDrak KingLeo ¦ ¦ ¦ Blizzardy ZapBird WhipBird ¦ ¦ ¦ GoldGolem WhaleMage ¦ ¦ ¦ Grakos ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Skullgon ¦ KingSlime ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ BoneSlave ¦ MetalKing ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DeadNoble ¦ SpotKing ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ BOSSFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | WINDMERGE : Infernos CurseOff BirdBlow | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ RotRaven ¦ BIRDFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ WindBeast ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 9.3.09 MATERIAL FAMILY MONSTERS BREEDING |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ .———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | M A T E R I A L L I B R A R Y L I S T I N G | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ‚———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————. | JewelBag |‡MadMirror | Balzak | EvilPot | MudDoll | ProtoMech | |‡EvilWand |‡RogueNite |‡SabreMan |‡Gismo |‡Golem | CloudKing | |‡MadCandle |‡Puppetor |‡CurseLamp | LavaMan | StoneMan | | |‡CoilBird |‡Goopi |‡Brushead | IceMan | BombCrag | | | Facer | Voodoll | Roboster |‡Mimic | GoldGolem | | |‡SpikyBoy | MetalDrak | Roboster2 |‡Exaucers | DarkMate | | ‘———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————’ ‡ Can be found in the main story key worlds ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BALZAK : Bang Bolt MultiCut | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ LavaMan IceMan ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ BOSSFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BOMBCRAG : Sacrifice Farewell RockThrow | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SpikyBoy ¦ SpikyBoy ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Roboster1 DarkMate ¦ BUGFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BRUSHEAD : OddDance SandStorm LoveRain | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Land Area 1 Screen Down Of Moonrock Tower ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ WATERFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Puppetor ¦ Demonite Pixy ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CLOUDKING : Infernos Barrier Surge | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Gismo ¦ KingSlime SpotKing SkyDragon ¦ ¦ ¦ LampGenie WhiteKing KingSquid ¦ ¦ ¦ WhaleMage ¦ ¦ ¦ DracoLord1 ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | COILBIRD : DeChaos NumbOff SuckAll | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Outside Heaven Armor Tower ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ BIRDFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CURSELAMP : Upper Speed TwinHits | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Traveler World - Merchants' Tower Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Roboster1 ¦ BIRDFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ WingTree ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DARKMATE : Beat Hellblast EerieLite | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ GoldGolem ¦ MetalKing ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | EVILPOT : Beat Massacre Outside | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Gismo ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ Snaily ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Mimic ¦ Scallopa ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | EVILWAND : DeChaos FrigidAir MapMagic | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Harmirror Cave Basement Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | EXAUCERS : TakeMagic WindBeast PaniDance | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Inside Heaven Armor Tower Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ Dracky ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | FACER : Infernos Sacrifice LifeSong | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ PLANTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GISMO : FireAir FrigidAir SuckAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Outside Weston Town ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MadCandle MadMirror Goopi ¦ DrakSlime Wyvern MistyWing ¦ ¦ ¦ Phoenix FireWeed EvilSeed ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GOLDGOLEM : BigBang Surge TatsuCall | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ IceMan ¦ LavaMan ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ LavaMan ¦ BossTroll ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GOLEM : ChargeUp PsycheUp Meditate | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Ice Tower Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MudDoll ¦ MudDoll ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GOOPI : CallHelp LegSweep Dodge | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Goldmine Cave ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ JewelBag ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ICEMAN : IceBolt FrigidAir StrongD | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MetalDrak ¦ Skullgon WhiteKing ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Roboster1 Roboster2 ¦ KingLeo ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | JEWELBAG : Firebal StopSpell PanicAll | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | LAVAMAN : Blaze FireAir Cover | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MetalDrak ¦ Orochi KingLeo ZapBird ArcDemon ¦ ¦ ¦ Centasaur BossTroll ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MADCANDLE : Blaze PsycheUp Whistle | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Oasis Key World - Underground Tunnel Stairs At Kalka Town ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MADMIRROR : MagicBack Transform Outside | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Inside Fhunt Tower Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | METALDRAK : FireAir Massacre SandStorm | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Mimic ¦ Andreal Spikerous GreatDrak ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MetalDrak Roboster1 ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ Andreal ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MIMIC : Blaze Beat EagleEye | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Harmirror Cave Basement Floor 2 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Roboster1 ¦ ZOMBIEFM RushFish ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ BoxSlime ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MUDDOLL : OddDance Hustle SideStep | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Goopi ¦ Goopi CancerMan ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PROTOMECH : SlimeBlow ChargeUp Ramming | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ EvilArmor ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Roboster1 ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ RogueNite ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PUPPETOR : OddDance LureDance Pheromone | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Ice Tower Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ Gremlin ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ROBOSTER1 : SquallHit BiAttack RainSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ SabreMan ¦ SlimeBorg GreatDrak Unicorn ¦ ¦ ¦ Ogre Grendal EvilArmor ¦ ¦ ¦ DeadNoble ¦ ¦ ¦ Skeletor ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ GulpBeast Grizzly Trumpeter ¦ ¦ ¦ KingLeo SkulRider ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ROBOSTER2 : BoltSlash MetalCut GigaSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Roboster1 ¦ Roboster ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ROGUENITE : Heal MetalCut EvilSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Outside Castle Of Estria ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SABREMAN : RobMagic DevilCut Paralyze | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Sky Key World - Inside Fhunt Tower Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ EvilWand Voodoll Golem StoneMan ¦ LandOwl MadGoose Phoenix ¦ ¦ ¦ FunkyBird ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ GiantWorm ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SPIKYBOY : Sacrifice SlimeBlow HighJump | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Harmirror Cave Basement Floor 3 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ BUGFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | STONEMAN : StrongD Cover SuckAll | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Golem ¦ Golem ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ HornBeet Digster ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | VOODOLL : Sap Surround PanicAll | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Golem StoneMan ¦ DrakSlime Snaily SlimeNite ¦ ¦ ¦ RockSlime ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ Lipsy ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 9.3.10 WATER FAMILY MONSTERS BREEDING |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ .———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. | W A T E R L I B R A R Y L I S T I N G | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ‚———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————. |‡Petiteel |‡Merman | RushFish |‡SeaHorse | Digong |‡Pumpoise | |‡Moray |‡Octokid |‡Gamanian | HoodSquid | WhaleMage |‡Starfish | |‡WalrusMan |‡PutreFish | Clawster | MerTiger | Aquadon | | |‡RayGigas | Octoreach | CancerMan | AxeShark | Octoraid | | |‡Anemon | Angleron |‡RogueWave | Octogon | Grakos | | | Aquarella |‡FishRider | Scallopa | KingSquid | Poseidon | | ‘———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————’ ‡ Can be found in the main story key worlds ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ANEMON : Firebal Paralyze PoisonGas | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Oasis World - Surf In The Underground Tunnel ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WATERFM ¦ PLANTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ANGLERON : Bolt Surround SleepAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Petiteel ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | AQUADON : RobMagic WindBeast Berserker | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Digong ¦ GreatDrak Coatol Orligon ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | AQUARELLA : Barrier SquallHit Geyser | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WATERFM ¦ BUGFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | AXESHARK : Sap RainSlash Cover | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ CancerMan ¦ BattleRex ArcDemon ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CANCERMAN : BoltSlash BeastCut RainSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Clawster ¦ Clawster DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | CLAWSTER : DrakSlash MetalCut BiAttack | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Gamanian ¦ ArmyCrab DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DIGONG : FireAir Ramming PoisonGas | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ RushFish ¦ Spikerous RogueWave MadGoose ¦ ¦ ¦ Gigantes Golem ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | FISHRIDER : BoltSlash RainSlash Dodge | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Surf Outside Castle Of Estria ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Angleron ¦ Pixy Demonite SkulRider Gremlin ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GAMANIAN : Firebal NapAttack LushLicks | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Hoodsquid Cave ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Aquarella ¦ DarkEye MedusaEye BUGFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GRAKOS : TwinHits HighJump SandStorm | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WATERFM ¦ BOSSFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | HOODSQUID : CallHelp BiAttack LureDance | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ CancerMan ¦ WhaleMage EvilWand ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | KINGSQUID : Vivify RainSlash PsycheUp | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Octogon ¦ Octogon Mudou ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MERMAN : Vivify Sap SleepAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Surf Water Outside The Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WATERFM ¦ DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MERTIGER : IceBolt Sleep WarCry | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Merman ¦ GulpBeast MadCat ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MORAY : Sleep PsycheUp PoisonGas | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Hoodsquid Cave ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WATERFM ¦ DRAGONFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | OCTOGON : MPass BiAttack Hustle | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Octoreach ¦ Octoreach†5 or better ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | OCTOKID : Heal MPass LureDance | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Surf Water Outside The Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WATERFM ¦ MATERIALFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | OCTORAID : DrakSlash SquallHit GigaSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Octogon ¦ ChopClown EvilArmor GateGuard ¦ ¦ ¦ Lionex ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | OCTOREACH : OddDance PaniDance Geyser | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Petiteel ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PETITEEL : Speed TwinHits Ramming | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Surf Water Outside The Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WATERFM ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | POSEIDON : Bolt Focus Dodge | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Grakos ¦ Mudou ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PUMPOISE : CallHelp SuckAir Dodge | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Surf Outside Castle Of Estria ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WATERFM ¦ Mommonja DuckKite MadPecker ¦ ¦ ¦ MadGoose CragDevil SpikyBoy ¦ ¦ ¦ BombCrag ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PUTREFISH : PanicAll Watershot Ramming | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Hoodsquid Cave ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WATERFM ¦ ZOMBIEFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | RAYGIGAS : Firebal MouthShut AquaWall | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Moonrock Tower Floor 1 ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WATERFM ¦ BIRDFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ROGUEWAVE : Watershot PoisonGas AquaWall | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Pirate Key World - Surf Water Outside The Door Shrine ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WATERFM ¦ JewelBag ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | RUSHFISH : Upper Kamikaze SandStorm | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Angleron ¦ Gulpbeast Droll DRAGONFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SCALLOPA : Upper MagicWall Radiant | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ RogueWave ¦ Mimic DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SEAHORSE : FrigidAir Geyser BladeD | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Surf Outside Castle Of Estria ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Petiteel ¦ DRAGONFM DEVILFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | STARFISH : Upper PoisonHit OddDance | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Outside Ice Tower ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ HoodSquid OctoReach Octogon ¦ SLIMEFM ¦ ¦ KingSquid ¦ ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | WALRUSMAN : BugBlow EvilSlash Massacre | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,---------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ Found: Ice Key World - Surf Outside Castle Of Estria ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WATERFM ¦ BEASTFM ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | WHALEMAGE : Antidote Watershot Geyser | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ HoodSquid ¦ 1EyeClown Reaper RushFish ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 9.3.11 ???? OR BOSS FAMILY MONSTERS |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ .———————————————————————————————————————————————. | ? ? ? ? L I B R A R Y L I S T I N G | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————’ ‚———————————.———————————.———————————.———————————. | DracoLord1| Baramos | Mirudraas1| DarkDrium | | DracoLord2| Zoma | Mirudraas2| Orgodemir | | LordDraco | AsuraZoma | Mudou | Orgodemir2| | Hargon | Pizzaro | DeathMore1| Darck | | Sidoh | PsychoPiz | DeathMore2| | | Genosidoh | Esterk | DeathMore3| | ‘———————————^———————————^———————————^———————————’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ASURAZOMA : FireAir GigaSlash Focus | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Zoma ¦ PsychoPiz ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | BARAMOS : Bang Hellblast RockThrow | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Hargon ¦ Orochi ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DARCK : Firebal Bang ChargeUp | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ CNB ¦ N/A ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DARKDRIUM : Bolt FireAir FrigidAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DeathMore3 ¦ Watabou GranSlime AsuraZoma ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DEATHMORE1 : BigBang Hellblast TatsuCall | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Mirudraas1 ¦ Azurile ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Mirudraas2 ¦ Zoma ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Zoma ¦ Azurile Mirudraas1 Mirudraas2 ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DEATHMORE2 : FireAir Ramming UltraDown | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DeathMore1 ¦ Armorpion Titanis ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DEATHMORE3 : BigBang DeMagic Focus | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DeathMore2 ¦ DarkMate Mudou Poseidon ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DRACOLORD1 : Firebal BeDragon Meditate | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Servant ¦ Andreal GreatDrak ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | DRACOLORD2 : FireAir Massacre Surge | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DracoLord1 ¦ Divinegon ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ESTERK : BiAttack RainSlash GigaSlash | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Pizzaro ¦ Gorago KingLeo ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | GENOSIDOH : Barrier WindBeast MultiCut | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Sidoh ¦ Titanis ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | HARGON : Firebal Bang TatsuCall | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ WhiteKing ¦ MetalKing ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | LORDDRACO : Bolt Hellblast Focus | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DracoLord1 ¦ Orligon ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MIRUDRAAS1 : Blaze Bang Bolt | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Esterk ¦ GoldSlime ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MIRUDRAAS2 : FireAir DeMagic SuckAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Mirurraas1 ¦ Orligon ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | MUDOU : FireAir FrigidAir PoisonGas | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Baramos ¦ Gorago ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ORGODEMIR1 : Bang EvilSlash Focus | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ PsychoPiz ¦ NiteRich ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ORGODEMIR2 : MegaMagic DeMagic LifeSong | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Orgodemir1 ¦ LordDraco GigaDraco ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PIZZARO : Hellblast FireAir BiAttack | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Durran ¦ Divinegon ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | PSYCHOPIZ : BigBang FrigidAir DeMagic | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Pizzaro ¦ Esterk ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | SIDOH : Hellblast FireAir FrigidAir | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ Jamirus ¦ Rosevine ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ ,———————————————————————————————————————————————————. | ZOMA : BigBang FrigidAir DeMagic | ‘———————————————————————————————————————————————————’ ,----------------------------------+----------------------------------. ¦ Base ¦ Mate ¦ ¦----------------------------------+----------------------------------¦ ¦ DracoLord1 DracoLord2 ¦ Sidoh ¦ ‘----------------------------------^----------------------------------’ __________________________________________________________________________ \_ _/ _| 9.4 MONTERS BREEDING USAGES |_ /________________________________________________________________________\ In this section is listed what monster can be used to breed. The main purpose of this is so you can see if any monster in your farm are used specifically for a breed Some breeding combinations require a FM or Family monster, use this list to determine if the monster you have isn't needed for a monster in the same family you are ateempting to breed PICKY : Minidrak Dracky In this example a PICKY is used to breed a MiniDrak and Dracky. Dracky is in the BIRDFM family, so it is unlikely you could use a Picky as a BIRDFM in the breeding combinations MONSTER : Can be used to breed ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1EYECLOWN : Mimeslime Catmage Sickler Chopclown Medusaeye Whalemage AGDEVIL : Arcdemon Gateguard Ogre AKUBAR : Andreal Jamirus ALMIRAJ : Fangslime Wildape AMBERWEED : Stubsuck Eyeder ANDREAL : Gigadraco Orochi Arcdemon Skullgon Whiteking Metaldrak Dracolord1 ANGLERON : Droll Fishrider Rushfish AQUARELLA : Eggplaton Droll Gamanian ARCDEMON : Andreal Phoenix Akubar Centasaur Evilarmor Goathorn Lionex Deadnoble Lavaman Axeshark ARMORPEDE : Hornbeet Evilarmor ARMORPION : Skularach Deathmore2 ARMYCRAB : Spikerous Digster Clawster ARROWDOG : Noctoking ASURAZOMA : Darkdrium AXESHARK : Gateguard AZURILE : Deathmore1 BABBLE : Kingcobra BALZAK : Kingleo Trumpeter Bosstroll BARAMOS : Mudou BATTLEREX : Kingslime Slimeborg Spotking Andreal Coatol Gigadraco Greatdrak Yeti Skullgon Axeshark BEANMAN : Orc BEASTNITE : Dumbira Foohero Grendal BIGEYE : Gulpbeast Emyu Evilseed Gigantes BIGROOST : Wonderegg Crestpent Cragdevil Madcondor BLIZZARDY : Garudian Rainhawk Whipbird Whiteking BOMBCRAG : Rockslime Pumpoise BONESLAVE : Captdead Deadnoble Madspirit Skeletor Skullgon Whiteking BOSSTROLL : Kingslime Spotking Gigadraco Kingleo Centasaur Evilwell Goldgolem Lavaman BOXSLIME : Mudron Mimic BRUSHEAD : Funkybird BUBBLEMON : Dumbira BULLBIRD : Landowl BUTTERFLY : Evilseed Belzebub Droll Giantmoth Madhornet CANCERMAN : Armorpion Armycrab Darkcrab Muddoll Axeshark Hoodsquid CAPTDEAD : Deadnoble Skeletor CATAPILA : Eyeder Multieyes CATFLY : Snakebat Catmage Windbeast CATMAGE : Beastnite Catmage Madcat CENTASAUR : Kingslime Spotking Greatdrak Bosstroll Durran Lampgenie Lavaman CHOPCLOWN : Octoraid CLAWSTER : Digster Darkcrab Cancerman COATOL : Gateguard Aquadon COILBIRD : Madcondor COPYCAT : Haloslime Healer Coatol Superten Phoenix Deadnoble Pompombom CRAGDEVIL : Funkybird Madgoose Pumpoise CRESTPENT : Wingsnake DANCEVEGI : Funkybird Herbman Mudron DARKCRAB : Armycrab Nitewhip DARKEYE : Emyu Evilseed Gamanian DARKHORN : Fangslime Coatol Gorago Goathorn Titanis DARKMATE : Granslime Bombcrag Deathmore3 DEADNITE : Rockslime Boneslave Deadnoble Madspirit Skeletor DEADNOBLE : Kingslime Spotking Andreal Gulpbeast Blizzardy Gateguard Deadnoble Madspirit Niterich Skullgon Whiteking Roboster1 DEATHMORE1 : Granslime Deathmore2 DEATHMORE2 : Deathmore3 DEATHMORE3 : Darkdrium DEMONITE : Superten 1Eyeclown Gateguard Brushead Fishrider DIGONG : Aquadon DIGSTER : Spikerous Gulpbeast Whipbird Ogre Stoneman DIVINEGON : Kingslime Spotking Orligon Skullgon Dracolord2 Pizzaro DRACKY : Snakebat Noctoking Exaucers DRACOLORD1 : Lazamanus Cloudking Dracolord2 Lorddraco Zoma DRACOLORD2 : Zoma DRAGON : Greatdrak Madcat DRAGONKID : Dragon Greatdrak DRAKSLIME : Slimeborg Goategon Phoenix Gismo Voodoll DROLL : Madgoose Eggplaton Armorpede Madhornet Mudron Pompombom Rushfish DRYGON : Bigeye DUCKKITE : Mommonja Kitehawk Madgoose Evilseed Pumpoise DUMBIRA : Beastnite Gulpbeast Superten DURRAN : Titanis Pizzaro EGGPLATON : Beanman Evilseed EMYU : Cragdevil ESTERK : Mirudraas1 Psychopiz EVILARMOR : Battlerex Beastnite Protomech Roboster1 Octoraid EVILBEAST : Agdevil Gigantes Grendal Skeletor EVILSEED : Maneater Gismo EVILWAND : Mimeslime Catmage Treeboy Sabreman Hoodsquid EYEBALL : Bigeye Evilseed 1Eyeclown EYEDER : Evilseed Droll Madhornet FACER : Kitehawk Dancevegi FACETREE : Rayburn Superten FAIRYRAT : Madhornet FANGSLIME : Superten Unicorn Mudron FIREWEED : Gismo FISHRIDER : Beanman FLORAMAN : Taileater Boneslave FOOHERO : Treeboy FOXFIRE : Pompombom FUNKYBIRD : Healer Andreal Superten Garudian Herbman Mudron Sabreman GAMANIAN : Darkcrab Clawster GARUDIAN : Landowl Arcdemon Lionex GASGON : Andreal Coatol Maddragon Yeti Pompombom GATEGUARD : Rayburn Akubar Arcdemon Centasaur Evilarmor Ogre Deadnoble Octoraid GHOSTREE : Facetree Stubsuck GIANTMOTH : Babble Gateguard GIANTSLUG : Armyant Mudron GIANTWORM : Armorpede Sabreman GIGADRACO : Orligon Orgodemir2 GIGANTES : Kingslime Spotking Gigadraco Greatdrak Rayburn Dumbira Egdracil Arcdemon Gateguard Ogre Digong GISMO : Phoenix Zapbird Cloudking Evilpot GOATEGON : Andreal Madcat Unicorn Yeti Blizzardy GOATHORN : Andreal Rayburn Bosstroll GOHOPPER : Lizardfly Belzebub GOLDGOLEM : Goldslime Orligon Kingleo Azurile Durran Whiteking Darkmate GOLDSLIME : Granslime Mirudraas1 GOLEM : Rockslime Andreal Grizzly Gulpbeast Trumpeter Whipbird Skeletor Sabreman Stoneman Voodoll Digong GOOPI : Gismo Muddoll GOPHECADA : Oniono GORAGO : Esterk Mudou GRAKOS : Whiteking Poseidon GRANSLIME : Darkdrium GREATDRAK : Kingslime Slimeborg Spotking Gigadraco Orochi Serpentia Shantak Arcdemon Bosstroll Skullgon Whiteking Metaldrak Roboster1 Aquadon Dracolord1 GREMLIN : Superten Agdevil Grendal Medusaeye Boneslave Puppetor Fishrider GRENDAL : Akubar Arcdemon Gateguard Ogre Roboster1 GRIZZLY : Gulpbeast Trumpeter Unicorn Phoenix Skeletor Roboster1 GULPBEAST : Fangslime Maddragon Superten Trumpeter Unicorn Phoenix Ogre Skeletor Roboster1 Mertiger Rushfish GULPPLE : Andreal Devipine HAMMERMAN : Foohero Ogre HARGON : Baramos HEALER : Mimeslime HERBMAN : Facetree HOODSQUID : Starfish Whalemage HORK : Inverzon Reaper Skeletor HORNBEET : Armorpion Boneslave Stoneman ICEMAN : Grizzly Gulpbeast Trumpeter Blizzardy Evilwell Balzak Goldgolem IRONTURT : Yeti Phoenix Armorpede JAMIRUS : Garudian Shantak Durran Sidoh JEWELBAG : Superten Goopi Roguewave KINGCOBRA : Snakebat KINGLEO : Fangslime Kingslime Spotking Battlerex Arcdemon Whiteking Iceman Lavaman Roboster1 Esterk KINGSLIME : Goldslime Metalking Spotking Greatdrak Arcdemon Whiteking Cloudking KINGSQUID : Cloudking Starfish KITEHAWK : Emyu Madcondor Evilseed LAMPGENIE : Cloudking LANDOWL : Trumpeter Madcondor Madgoose Whipbird Boneslave Sabreman LAVAMAN : Grizzly Gulpbeast Trumpeter Phoenix Evilwell Balzak Goldgolem LIONEX : Andreal Battlerex Rayburn Serpentia Garudian Chopclown Deadnoble Octoraid LIPSY : Superten Eggplaton Droll Mudron Voodoll LIZARDFLY : Fairyrat LIZARDMAN : Coatol Rayburn Dumbira Goategon Lionex LORDDRACO : Orgodemir2 MADCANDLE : Gismo MADCAT : Fangslime Rayburn Yeti Skeletor Mertiger MADCONDOR : Kingslime Spotking Andreal Rayburn Trumpeter Emyu Madgoose Whipbird Zapbird Gateguard Skeletor MADDRAGON : Andreal Superten Yeti Grendal MADGOOSE : Vampirus Cragdevil Whipbird Boneslave Sabreman Digong Pumpoise MADGOPHER : Beastnite MADHORNET : Belzebub MADKNIGHT : Battlerex Coatol MADMIRROR : Evilseed Gismo MADPECKER : Wildape Emyu Pumpoise MADPLANT : Healer Superten Dancevegi Mudron MADRAVEN : Madgoose Skeletor MADSPIRIT : Deadnoble Nitewhip Skeletor MANEATER : Snapper MEDUSAEYE : Orochi Agdevil Grendal Medusaeye Gamanian MERMAN : Whipbird Mertiger MERTIGER : Dumbira Ogre METABBLE : Metalking Slimeborg Blizzardy METALDRAK : Metalking Metaly Grizzly Gulpbeast Kingleo Trumpeter Whipbird Arcdemon Deadnoble Iceman Lavaman Metaldrak METALKING : Goldslime Spotking Greatdrak Arcdemon Whiteking Darkmate Hargon METALY : Metabble Blizzardy MIMESLIME : Haloslime Catmage Chopclown MIMIC : Superten Evilpot Metaldrak Scallopa MIRUDRAAS1 : Deathmore1 MIRUDRAAS2 : Deathmore1 MISTYWING : Gateguard Foxfire Nitewhip Gismo MOMMONJA : Tropicgel Pumpoise MORAY : Captdead MUDDOLL : Golem MUDOU : Kingsquid Poseidon Deathmore3 MUDRON : Superten Deadnoble Madspirit Skeletor MULTIEYES : Armorpede Belzebub MUMMY : Boneslave Skeletor NITERICH : Whiteking Orgodemir1 NITEWHIP : Facetree Captdead Foxfire NOCTOKING : Dumbira OCTOGON : Kingsquid Octoraid Starfish OCTOKID : Droll OCTORAID : Serpentia Armorpion Niterich OCTOREACH : Octogon Starfish OGRE : Andreal Battlerex Arcdemon Bosstroll Centasaur Evilarmor Evilwell Gateguard Skeletor Roboster1 ORC : Dumbira Yeti ORGODEMIR1 : Orgodemir2 ORLIGON : Aquadon Lorddraco Mirudraas2 OROCHI : Divinegon Gorago Arcdemon Skullgon Lavaman Baramos PETITEEL : Angleron Octoreach Seahorse PHOENIX : Skydragon Garudian Madgoose Rainhawk Zapbird Gismo Sabreman PICKY : Minidrak Dracky PILLOWRAT : Healer Tropicgel Beanman PIXY : Haloslime Treeboy 1Eyeclown Brushead Fishrider PIZZARO : Esterk Psychopiz POISONGON : Babble POMPOMBOM : Madspirit POSEIDON : Deathmore3 PSYCHOPIZ : Asurazoma Orgodemir1 PTERANOD : Coatol Vampirus Yeti PUPPETOR : Ghostree Brushead PUTREPUP : Arrowdog Foxfire PYURO : Funkybird Belzebub Madhornet RAINHAWK : Azurile Jamirus RAYBURN : Whipbird Skullgon RAYGIGAS : Giantmoth REAPER : Catmage Sickler Whalemage ROBOSTER1 : SlimeBorg Grizzly GulpBeast Trumpeter Ogre Deadnoble Bombcrag CurseLamp IceMan MetalDrak Mimic ProtoMech Roboster2 ROBOSTER2 : Deadnoble Niterich Iceman ROCKSLIME : Slimeborg Stubbird Whipbird Evilseed Armorpede Boneslave Voodoll ROGUENITE : Armorpion Madknight Protomech ROGUEWAVE : Digong Scallopa ROSEVINE : Egdracil Gateguard Sidoh ROTRAVEN : Windmerge RUSHFISH : Mimic Digong Whalemage SABREMAN : Madgopher Roboster1 SACCER : Antbear Giantmoth SCALLOPA : Evilpot SERPENTIA : Divinegon Durran Niterich SERVANT : Blizzardy Skullgon Dracolord1 SHADOW : Noctoking SHANTAK : Azurile SICKLER : Catmage Warmantis SIDOH : Genosidoh Zoma SKELETOR : Serpentia Gulpbeast Blizzardy Deadnoble Madspirit Niterich Servant Skullgon Whiteking Roboster1 SKULLGON : Gulpbeast Blizzardy Gateguard Deadnoble Madspirit Skullgon Whiteking Iceman SKULLROO : Slabbit SKULRIDER : Agdevil Gigantes Grendal Roboster1 Fishrider SKYDRAGON : Slimeborg Andreal Coatol Divinegon Gigadraco Yeti Cloudking SLIME : Haloslime Kingslime Tropicgel Wonderegg SLIMEBORG : Whipbird Gateguard Boneslave Roboster1 SLIMENITE : Slimeborg Foohero Voodoll SLURPERON : Maneater SNAILY : Evilpot Voodoll SNAKEBAT : Whipbird SNAPPER : Facetree SPIKEROUS : Slimeborg Metaldrak Digong SPIKYBOY : Bombcrag Pumpoise SPOOKY : Droll Hork Reaper SPOTKING : Goldslime Kingslime Metalking Greatdrak Arcdemon Whiteking Cloudking SPOTSLIME : Spotking STAGBUG : Hornbeet STONEMAN : Rockslime Coatol Grizzly Gulpbeast Trumpeter Whipbird Bosstroll Skeletor Sabreman Voodoll STUBBIRD : Haloslime STUBSUCK : Hammerman Ghostree SUPERTEN : Dumbira Trumpeter Blizzardy SWORDGON : Slimeborg Yeti Gateguard Skullgon TAILEATER : Droll Multieyes TITANIS : Deathmore2 Genosidoh TONGUELLA : Gulpbeast Superten Trumpeter Unicorn Mudron TORTRAGON : Ironturt Armorpede TREEBOY : Mimeslime Catmage Foohero TREESLIME : Tropicgel Superten TROPICGEL : Funkybird TRUMPETER : Fangslime Andreal Rayburn Gulpbeast Kingleo Unicorn Blizzardy Arcdemon Roboster1 UNICORN : Kingslime Spotking Greatdrak Gulpbeast Madcat Ogre Roboster1 VAMPIRUS : Coatol Rainhawk VOODOLL : Chamelgon Sabreman WALRUSMAN : Dumbira Bosstroll Ogre WARMANTIS : Armorpion Hornbeet Sickler WARUBOU : Watabou WATABOU : Darkdrium WEEDBUG : Taileater Reaper WHALEMAGE : Whiteking Cloudking Hoodsquid WHIPBIRD : Kingslime Spotking Coatol Greatdrak Trumpeter Shantak Zapbird Arcdemon Whiteking WHITEKING : Kingslime Spotking Gulpbeast Blizzardy Skularach Gateguard Lazamanus Servant Skullgon Cloudking Iceman Hargon WILDAPE : Gulpbeast Trumpeter Unicorn Yeti WINDBEAST : Windmerge WINGSLIME : Rayburn WINGSNAKE : Coatol WINGTREE : Curselamp WONDEREGG : Goldslime Granslime Haloslime Metabble Metalking Mimeslime Tropicgel WYVERN : Madgoose Gismo YETI : Gulpbeast Trumpeter Unicorn Blizzardy Mudron ZAPBIRD : Kingslime Spotking Greatdrak Trumpeter Garudian Whipbird Arcdemon Whiteking Lavaman ZOMA : Asurazoma Deathmore1 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— As usual, if you are e—mailing me about errors, please make sure you tell me which FAQ you are referring to, as I have done a number of them :p