------------------------- Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 Cobi's Journey Walkthrough/Strategy Guide ------------------------- By Killer/Henry Fung (hakkafusion@hotmail.com) Version 1.0 Date 09/05/03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Info / Requests / Notes: Important!!!!! (Please read before continuing) The thing I want to know the most is the formating. Especially the Monster List part, are they properly aligned, or are they all messed up and appear like this: Correct: Incorrect: SpotSlime .5 S SpotSlime .5 S TreeSlime 1 S TreeSlime 1 S Snaily .5 S Snaily .5 S So if you can tell me which way they appear, the correct way or the incorrect way, it will help me a lot, since it appears fine on my pc and I found that there are problems with it... so PLEASE tell me how it appears, thanks! Well I've decided to work on things that is not available yet, so the walkthrough, I'll delay that for now and I'll try to work on the breeding list, if you have any breeding combinations for the new monsters, plz send them all to me via e-mail, thanks. What family is Poseidon? If you know, e-mail me. You'll be credit. If you have notice that I have missed anything and made mistakes, PLZ e-mail me so I can correct it. TY. Anything you do that help me improve this Faq will be properly credited it the credit section! So plz help me out cuz I can't remember the game very well... Help me out by sending me extra info, anything that you know and I don't, send it here! Also correct my mistakes, so that this faq is close to perfect OK? If you have any suggestions, plz tell me. Thanks, here we go! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Latest version of this Faq can be found at: www.gamefaqs.com This faq is best view with the following options: 800x600 pixels, large font WordPad, Courier New font, size 10 ------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------ This walkthru guide was made and copyright 2003 by Killer. If you're gonna put it at your web site, do so WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, but you must e-mail me your site's url. This is my hard work so please don't change anything in here. You should share this Guide all the friends you have. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------ __________________________________ Game Imformation: Game: Dragon Warrior Monster 2 Type: RPG Created: 27/9/2001 Platform: GameBoy Color Creator: Enix Rating: 9 AMAZING __________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Content Search code 1) Version History [DWM01] 2) Review [DWM02] 3) Strategy [DWM03] 4) Walkthrough [DWM04] Oasis [DWM001] Pirate [DWM002] Ice [DWM003] Sky [DWM004] Limbo [DWM005] Elf [DWM006] Power [DWM007] 5) Item List [DWM05] 6) Monster List [DWM06] 7) Monster Skill [DWM07] 8) Breeding Table [DMW08] 9) Mystery Lands [DWM09] 10)Magic Keys [DWM10] 11)Miscellaneous [DWM11] 12)FAQ [DWM12] 13)Credits [DWM13] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Version History [DWM01] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________________________________________________ V 1.0 - Walkthru is now complete, well, I think it was for quite a 09/05/03 while now, since all the people is still asking me about this 60k game, I thought I should update it since I'm kinda updating and working on faqs anyway - So a new version number, indicates the walkthru is now officially complete, but that doesn't mean I can't add to it LOL, so stay touch for updates in the future - New format for some part of the faq __________________________________________________________________________ V 0.2d - Fixed a lot of stuff in the walkthru, especially grammer 24/06/02 mistakes 59 KB - Added a lot more to walkthru, like monsters in area, items and such - Official started to work on the Skills chart... Not much detail for now, more will come - Finished typing the Skills in the Skills chart - In Walkthru, the monsters that can found are now in alphabetical order for easy finding - Added more to Strategy Section __________________________________________________________________________ V 0.2c - Updated e-mail 21/06/02 - Almost Complete Monster List, now just missing a few entries. 32 KB - Updated Credit section - Added some stuff here and there, and fixed things everywhere ;) - Added some more to Walkthrough __________________________________________________________________________ V 0.2b - More Completed monster List 20/10/01 22 KB __________________________________________________________________________ V 0.2a - More to breeding combos 16/10/01 - Added more to monster list 19 KB - Added to Walkthrough - Added personality list __________________________________________________________________________ V 0.1b - More to Walkthrough 8/10/01 - Many corrections - Added more Monsters - Monsters are now in families - Corrected Review __________________________________________________________________________ V 0.1a - First release of walkthru/FAQ. 16/09/01 - First part of walkthru done - Review added -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Review [DWM02] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is my own review of the game. Dragon Warrior series, or the Dragon Quest series in Japan started out more than a decade ago by a cartoon show. Few years went by and the first Dragon Warrior game came, follow by a few more, and in 2000, Enix changed the original Dragon Warrior RPG in to Dragon Warrior Monster following the success of Pokemon R/B/Y. Many call it a Pokemon clone, it is. But this is not just Pokemon, it's a inproved version of the monster catching game with a much better monster breeding system, and of course a lot more fun. Gameplay: Great game. It now have over 200 monsters, from Slime to Boss, you can find it all here. It has a very good and improved battle system, you carry 3 monsters around all the time! It uses the turn system that gives you choice of 4 different commands. It also took away the old annoying ramdom generated dungeons and actually put in real dungeons so that everytime you go back, it's the same one. In my opinion that's a way better way to search for monster. The Library has been improved, you can now see how rare your monster is. Graphics: Not much improvement in this area due to the fact that the max size of the GBC gamepak is 4 MB, DWM2 has already taken full adventage of that therefore there is not much improvement. Some new features includes more and better detail throughout the game. The land, characters(some), and the most important monster looks better than the old DWM. Audio: Not much different either. The same song was always played during my long hours of monster hunting and bashing pleasure. Although it did have sort of a variety of songs/tracks playing during different occasions, it was not good enough considering this is suppost to be a new and improved game. Conclusion: This game is definitly better than it's older brother(DWM), but there are things that Enix could've made better. This game is a must have for Dragon Warrior collectors and Pokemon Fans. Gameplay: 9 Grapics: 7.5 Audio: 8 Overall: 8.5 Great -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Strategy [DWM03] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is somethings you should consider while playing. -Out of your 3 monsters, each should be different type because you can gain different adventage and disadventage that way. -Try to breed your useless monsters to get better monster from the very beginning because then you can accumulate more and more pluses. -Try to have the Heal or HealUsall skill in all 3 of the monsters in your party, you'll find the HealUs spell extra useful in battles. -Check the GameFaqs Message board for more info. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to change the Personality of your monsters, do the following: CHARGE: Charge up, Mixed slightly down MIXED: Mixed up, Defense slightly down CAUTIOUS: Defense up, Charge slightly down So that means if your personality is Eager, then you'll use Cautious to raise it to Hotblood. Personality Chart ----------------------------- Charge Mixed Defense Hotblood G G G Eager G G O Smug G G B Earnest G O G Pushy G O O Snobby G O B Reckless G B G Daring G B O Daredevil G B B Cool/Calm O G G Serious O G O Selfish O G B Simple O O G Innocent O O O Prideful O O B Nosy O B G Whimsy O B O Spoiled O B B Smart B G G Sly B G O Cruel B G B Shy B O G Affable B O O Coward B O B Gullible B B G Carefree B B O Lazy B B B G = Good O = OK B = Bad -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you breed any monster, you'll notice a plus next to them, the number of pluses depends on the SUM OF THE PARENTS'S LEVEL. It goes like this: Total Experience Level + Level 20-39 +1 40-59 +2 60-75 +3 76-99 +4 100+ +5 Everytime you breed a monster, the pluses accumulate from the Pedigree monster, which means if you Pedigree have +5, it's offspring will have a atleast +5. Then, depending on your parent's levels, it will add to that +5, for example: Pedigree Monster, Level 15, +4 Mate Monster, Level 10, +1 The total Pluses equals: 15+10=25 So this means +1 from the level bonus 1+4=5 4 from the Pedigree parent So that means the offspring will have +5 according to the calculations. You might ask, so what is Pluses for anyway? Well I'll tell you that right now. If you have a KingLeo and it only have +5, that's no difference from a AntBear with a +15. The pluses on the monster increases its stats when the monster levels up. Say if a monster with no pluses gain 5 HP, a monster that have +10 will probably gain 6-9 HP when it level up, see how useful this is? Lot's of time this is the difference between Life and Death :) If I remember correctly, the plus only kicks in after a few levels, I think it's around 10 if I'm not mistaken... tbc... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Walkthrough [DWM04] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, this game is just like any other Dragon Warrior games, it doesn't have much of an introduction. So, you start at a ship your sister comes outta the stairs. Talk to the person at the very end of the ship and talk to your sister last. You'll come to a screen where there is the ship you're in and an island with a lot of trees called GreatLog. Talk to your dad that's at the top of the screen. Then go and talk to your mom. She'll tell you to get a package from the vault. Now go across the bridge, you'll find purple Warabou and the Prince. Go to the vault, go in talk to the guy and get out. You'll find them there blocking the way, go east, and you should find them there. Talk to them and they'll try to steal your package that you just recevied and will fall into the well. Follow them. You'll find them fighting over the thing, and it turns out to be some food. And then something funny will happen. Your sister Tara tell them that's your package and when she goes get it, she knocks them both out of the way. The Prince then knock over the plug. Warabou will jump into the hole because the island's lifeforce is released through that hole. Talk to it and it will tell you to go fetch the Monster Master. Go and talk to everyone, including your mom, and then go back and tell Warabou that you can't find him and nobody believed him. Choose the top option so you tell him you are going to find a plug for him. He'll give you an introduction on Magic Keys and he'll give you a key to the oasis, the Desert World. When you try to leave, it'll give you a key. Which turns out to be the GreatLog key so you can get back. You'll be warp to the house and Tara will talk to you, choose yes when she ask you if you're gonna find the plug. Choose yes again when Slime ask to join you, and you have no other choice but to choose yes. Slime's name is Slash, so you might want to keep that in mind. Now, there is nothing left to do so go back to Warabou and go west one screen, down the stairs and you'll find the key stone. Go up to it and use the OASIS KEY on it. You'll be warp to the Oasis. If you ever want to go back just use the GreatLog key. ------------------ Oasis [DWM001] ------------------ Monsters: Catiball, Crespent, SpotSlime, TailEater, KingCobra Ramdom Items: Herb, BeefJerky, Antidote, Warpwing, Friend Staff Suggested Monster Level: 3-5 Go east and soon you'll find a village, this is the village of Kalka. Kalka Village ------------- Items: Herb There is a Herb in a jar outside of the house in the right. Not much to do here so just go south to another city. Asiya City ---------- Items: Antidote Item Shop: Herb 10G Antidote 4G AwakeSand 20G BeefJerky 10G WarpWing 30G Talk to the man in the red near the inn entrance to get into the palace. He's actually a guy from a circus. He'll tell you that his crew was separated in a Storm, and so he wants you to perform for him. You'll need 3 monsters in your party to perform to the king. Using that as an excuse, you'll get into the palace. After a short scene seeing your monsters go through the loop, you'll be free to go to the palace. Talk to the king, choose yes went he ask you if you wanted to talk to him. You ask him to see his treasure, but then you'll need to do something before he'll let you get the item. All the king ask for is for you to find out the concerns of his people. Choose yes, and he tells you that he'll give you the TidalBell when you are done. Now go talk to the lady standing next to the king, she'll tell you that the well is running dry and then she wonders what the king can do, when the king hears this, he orders one of his man to open the canal more, but then his man disargees and the King decides to go there himself. Leave the city and go back to the city you came from. Kalka Village ------------- Find the king in one of the buildings. He will be talking to the guy that runs the canal. He tells him the Oasis will run dry if they open it more, so the King will go into the well and try to find out what's wrong with it. Follow him into the well. Canal/Well ---------- Monsters: Spooky, GiantWorm, MadCandle, TailEater Items: Herb, PorkChop, ExitBell Make sure you pick up all the items on the way because you might need them later. The monster here are also a bit stronger, so make sure you bring alone a few Herbs. This first dungeon is very straight forward so you don't need to worry about getting lost. When you find the king, he'll be blocked by a monster, and you'll have to fight it, so this is the first boss battle. Boss battle ----------- Boss: Beavern HP: Less than 100 EXP: 240 Skills: ChargeUp Join: No This battle is fairly easy. I beat it with Slime L3, Spooky L2 and Cactiball L6. Use Herbs when you need to, cuz his attacks can do up to 10 damage each. After you defeat him, he tells you the truth. He used to live at Mirage Lake, but a bunch of Thugs when and took over. So the King decides to go and imprison them, and then the Beavern gets all happy and they all leave. The King tells you to go to his palace and he'll have the TidalBell for you. So go to the palace. Notice that now, you can travel between Kalka and Asiya using the canal, but I usually don't use it because it's even more trouble than traveling normal, and there are items to pick up on normal ground. Go back to the palace and talk to the King, you'll find out that the TidalBell had been stolen. Now you will need to assist the king and his people to find the tresure. Make sure you have a BeefJerky. They're heading for the "Mirage Lake". I think the place is southeast from the 1ST city. Before you go there, goto the prison, talk to the prisoner and he'll tell you something if you give him a beefJerky, do so. He'll then give you a item called the WaterCall, it'll come in useful at the Mirage Lake, now head there. Mirage Lake is East of where you are. So go east 2 screens, you'll see the mountains, south 1 screen, east 1 more, and then north one. You should see a big lake in the middle of the screen. Go to Mirage Lake, notice how the water is gone when the King and his man go towards it. Now use WaterCall on the little patch of water that's there(Go up to it, press "A", then choose the item WaterCall and use it). You'll then get to see how the real thing looks like. Head Right and Up and go in to the building. Talk to the guy that's blocking the way, he'll tell you a bunch of crap, then you'll have to fight him... Boss Battle ----------- Boss: CurseLamp HP: about 200 EXP: 300 Skill: Upper Join: Yes This battle isn't too hard either, so just keep smashing it until it's knocked out. Heal when you need to. Make sure you let the monster join, it'll come in handy later in the game. Don't waste your meat on this one, cuz it joins for sure. Now, the King talks to you, he thank you for helping him and he gives you the TidalBell. After you get the TidalBell, you'll be immediately warped back to where Warabou was, only to find out that it doesn't work. Warabou now tells you that you need to find the Pirate Key. But before that, go back to Mirage Lake, the Beavern outside the building will join you if you talk to it. It will probably be one of the better monsters you can get at this point. Notice that you'll be able to walk on water now because of the TidalBell, great gift huh? :) -------- GreatLog -------- Suggested Monster Level: 6-7 Your next destination is the Water world. You'll have to get the Pirate Key to go there. Before you keep going, there a few side quest that you can accomplish during the game. One of them is getting items for your mother. She gives you money to buy something for her , but she usually gives you more than enough, therefore giving you extra money! Sounds generous to me :) Get out of the well and you'll be greeted by a red monster master. He tells you the King wants to see a tournament of the Childrens. Go to the Monster arena. Note that there is a TinyMedal in one of the jars in the housing area left of the arena's staircase. There is also a TinyMedal in the southwest of the staircase in arena. It is located in a jar. There is also a girl that's willing to trade a LifeAcorn for your SpotSlime. There is a LogTwig in the jar in the same room the Girl's is in. Back at the arena, there is a next TinyMedal located somewhere inside the arena but I can't remember exactly where. Now try to beat the first class for the Pirate Key. You can also battle for Class C and up, but is not likely you'll make it pass class C at this stage of the game. First Class ----------- Group 1: 2 Babbles, PearlGel Group 2: SpikyBoy, Dracky, Brushead Group 3: 2 MadRavens, KiteHawk These battle should not be too hard if your monster are at least level 7. I hope that you have a monster with the Heal spell because that will make these battles so much easier. The monsters I used were Slime, Beavern, SpotSlime. Note that after you beat this class, you have gain acess to the library and the Key Appraiser which can identify very good keys later in the game. Basically, the Key Appraiser is for identifying magic keys that you get, so that you can use the key. When you win, you get the Pirate World magic key and guess where we're heading next? ------------------- Pirate [DWM002] ------------------- Monsters: 1EyeClown, Antbear, ArmyAnt, ArrowDog, Brushead, CatFly, DanceVegi, Dracky, DragonKid, Eggplanton, Gamanian, Healer, Slime, MadGopher, Merman, Octokid, Pyuro, Poisongon, PearlGel, Petiteel, Pteranod, RogueWave, Snaily, Wyvern Ramdom Items: Gold, Herb, LoveWater, BeefJerky, PorkChop, Rib, Antidote, ExitBell, Laurel, MoonHerb, LifeAcorn, ATKseed, WarpWing, WarpStaff, FriendStaff Suggested Monster Level: 8+ It's always a good idea to leave your extra items in the Vault. Items like LifeAcorn should be placed there because it should be saved up and be used on your most powerful monsters later on (like GrandSlime). Try not to have more than 2 pages of item and atleast on WarpWing before you go into a new world. Go west when you get out of the Key Stone Building. It is a good idea to befriend with a MadGopher, Eggplanton and ArmyAnt since you'll need them to continue the game. Yold ---- Items: Warp Staff Item Shop: Herb 10G LoveWater 50G Antidote 4G AwakeSand 20G PorkChop 40G WarpWing 30G BookMark 50G Very soon you'll find this town, there are some items, so check it out. Look in the barrel in the right side and you'll find a Warp Staff. When you are ready, go to the next town which is northwest of where you are. Polona ------ Talk to the Guy right near the beach and dance. A monster with the skill LureDance will be needed(Eggplanton). A mermaid will be there and give you a TinyMedal. Now head Northwest to a ruin(go around the mountains). Western Ruin ------------ Monsters: Gamanian, Moray, PearlGel, PutreFish Items: LoveWater x2, ExitBell, MermScale, WarpStaff Pick up all the tresure that's here, and HoodSquid will be waiting for you at the lower bottom right corner of the dungeon. Boss ---- Boss: HoodSquid HP: 400 EXP: 520 Skill: LureDance, BiAttack Join: Yes Don't waste your meat on this one. It'll join after you beat it. You shouldn't have TOO much problems with this one. If you do have problems, bring a Healer along, and bring a next strong monster, something like Beavern will be good enough. It's LureDance is quite annoying, so make sure you take him out quick. I beat it with my Slime, Healer, Beavern. They were all around level 14. Remember to put him in your party because you'll need him later on. Now is a good time to get your TinyMedal if you didn't have Eggplanton in your party since HoodSquid have the LureDance skill. Now head for the next town, Port Ritz. To get there, east around the mountains, head north, then east. Port Ritz --------- Items: TinyMedal Item Shop: LoveWater 50G Antidote 4G Awakesand 20G PorkChop 40G Rib 200G WarpStuff 50G ExitBell 50G Well, there is an inn here, so ues it if you need to. Head for the bar, and as soon as you walk in, Prince Kameha will be there to greed you. He makes fun of you a little, calling you the farmer, and it turns out he's out looking for a navel plug too. He also say that he'll find one before you, well then I guess we'll show him later on the game! After he and his company leaves, talk to the bartander, then talk to the old man in the grey. He'll ask you to hear his story, so hear it because you have no choice. He tells you about the Pirate's treasure(MoonRock) so that's what we're going to look for. Go back to Yold, and Lure the Mermaid again, this, you'll ask her about the MoonRock, then she'll bring you to the Mermaid queen. Go talk to the queen, she'll tell you the MoonRock is on the Ghost Ship, where spirit of the dead Pirate lies. She also tell you to go north of Yold to find the Ship. From where you are, go east 2 screens toward the water. If you don't know this yet, you go up to any water and press "A" to surf on it. Then when you're on the water, go east 2 more screens, and south one, the Ghost Ship in the middle of the screen. Ghost Ship ---------- Monsters: RayGigas, JewelBag, Hork, BoneSlave Items: LoveWater, AntidotePorkChop, BadMeat, WarpStaff, AGIseed, Potion WorldLeaf, OrcaCape, Repellent, MoonRock from Captain Go into the Ship, there is a staircase, but ignore that for now. Go left and left one more screen, a BoneSlave will be blocking your way, so beat him and go south and get the LoveWater and Antidote from the jars. Now go back and head up the stair. Go North, get the AGIseed from the treasure chest. Go back and go the other way. Beat the BoneSlave and go up the stairs. You'll be at the top level of the ship. As soon as you appear on top of the staircase, go right and pick up that Potion in the barrel. Beat the BoneSlave there, and there are the hidden staircase in the square IN FRONT OF him. Go up to it press A then the staircase appears. Pick up the three items here, WorldLeaf, OrcaCape, and Repellent. Now there is nothing left execpt to fight the Captain for the MoonRock. Go east from the stairs and you'll find him inside the room. Boss ---- Boss: CaptDead HP: 500 EXP: 700 Skill: AquaCut, SquallHit, CallHelp Join: Yes This will probably be the hardest battle for you so far. Before the battle, make sure you have a good supply of LoveWaters, cuz this boss does a whole lot of damage. I used my HoodSquid L13, Beavern L16, and Healer L13 for this battle. I had HoodSquid and Beavern attack while Healer heal. But then Healer run out of MP so I had to use my LoveWaters :) My Beavern was ery useful here because of his he defense. After you beat him, take the MoonRock from the chest behind him. After you've gotten the MoonRock, the Ship will put you back at Yold and the Ghost Ship disappears. Now that you've got the MoonRock, it's time to go to the MoonRock Tower. First go to Port Ritz, and from there go 1 screen North, 1 screen East, 1 screen South, and then 1 screen East. You should now see a tower. MoonRock Tower -------------- Monsters: 1EyeClown, Eyeder, RayGigas, Wyvern Item: LogTwig Go north, up the stairs. Then up the stairs again, now, there are two paths south of where you are, the one on the left leads to a dead end. So go to the one on the right, go down the staircase there and pick up LogTwig and then go back to where you came from and head up the stairs there. On this floor, there are two staircase, go to the one on the left. Finally, go up again and you'll end up at the top. go up those stairs and use the MoonRock on the Pedestal thing at the top. Then after that, all the rocks goes away! Now you can access the Cave in the island just below where you are. So go South 1 screen, then you'll find the Cave on this island. Cave ---- Monsters: AquaHawk, DarkEye, DragonKid, EvilWand, RotRaven, SpikyBoy, Tortragon Items: Repellent, Warp Staff As soon as you walk in and try to go to the next screen, you'll be stopped by Prince Kameha and he'll tell you that he'll find the treasure before you do. Now, head up, east, then north and down the staircase. Pick up the two items that's there, now go back and this time go west and go down the staircase at the left side. Once you're down there, go south, then east, and you'll see the Prince again, he tells you that you're faster than you look (Ofcourse you're fast, you're faster and better than him!)... anyway, just before they were going to go, all three of them fall into the trap! :) Now go south, west, and down the stairs. Go west, north, then you'll see Kameha again, and again he'll be drag away by yet another trap (guess we have to thank him) :). Then go west and follow the path, it will lead you right to the treasure. Just as you walk in, Kameha again walks in and try to take it, but this time, his companions turns out to be monster, and so they fall into the trap somehow leaves the HarMirror behind. Then Kameha talk for a bit then tell you to bring the HarMirror back. As soon as you pick it up, you'll be wrap back to GreatLog by Warubou, and he tries to use it as a navel, but that doesn't work... So this object have power in it too! Now you can crush huge boulders with it. Now he tells you to find the Ice Key, and he doesn't give you much info, all he tells you is that it's in GreatLog. (that's just great, we'll have to find it) So get outta there and -------- GreatLog -------- Notice that now breeding monster is available, so go breed some! It's always a good idea to start breeding your useless monsters from early on so that you get more pluses on your monsters. Now, there are a few things you can do: 1. Get the Ice Key from Merchant 2. Get TinyMedal from dad 3. Get Sailor Ring from Mermaid Queen in Polona in the water world 4. Breed with a Master's ArmorPede 5. Beat class C 6. Breed some monsters I myself first got the Sailor Ring, just to get it out of the way. Just make sure you have an extra item slot or else she'll keep the ring until you have room for it. Now go back to the farm, drop off 2 monsters, and pick up a ArmyAnt and MadGopher, if you have listen to what I said, you would have them and are ready to go. If not, don't worry, go back to the Sea World, find them and befriend with them. Go to your dad, he'll ask for a MadGopher, so give it to him and MadGopher will dig up a TinyMedal, and Dad will give it to you, and he also say that the Digging will go much faster from now on. Now, go to the Merchant that don't have a shop yet, he'll ask for an ArmyAnt to help him unload. So give it to him, in the process of unloading, he'll discover a Magic Key under some crates. He gives it to you as a thank you gift, and also he has no use for it. The key turns out to be the Ice Key, so now you got it and can go to the Ice World! Before you go there you might want to battle for Class C so that you're one step closer to class S. But you can always do it later. Class C ------- Group 1: WindBeast, Gismo, PomPomPom Group 2: Devipine, Gulpple, Eggplanton Group 3: 2 Hammerman, StubStick This shouldn't be too hard. In fact, it's quite easy. Just make sure you have a monster that can heal (Healer) in your party because you can use items in the arena battles. My monster were Beavern L18, Squid L14, Healer L17. After the battle, go to the stairs where you came in, and breed with the guy there. I used one of my Devil family monster to breed and I got my EvilArmor. Now there is nothing left to do so go to the Ice World. ---------------------- Ice World [DWM003] ---------------------- Monsters: BeastNite, Gulpple, HammerMan, Saccer, WingSlime, Yeti Items: Herb, LoveWater, Potion, Warp Staff First thing you wanna do is to go past the first city/castle you see, from there go northwest and you'll reach a lake like place with a thing in the middle. Talk to it and it'll tell you something about you're from another world. It's actually an elemental spirit who guards over this world, but it lost its power. It wants you to restore peace in this world so that it'll be happy again. It'll give you a crest so you'll be able to enter the castle in Ice world. Now go back to the city Noreen and Enter the castle. Norden ------ Items: TinyMedal Item Shop: LoveWater 65G Rib 250G Antidote 5G WarpStaff 50G MoonHerb 20G ExitBell 100G Laurel 20G LogTwig 50G PorkChop 50G There is a TinyMedal in the vase as soon as you walk in to the city. Now go to the castle and talk to the King, he'll tell you that the West is responsible for the war and such because they couldn't stay in there own border. So he'll dismiss you after, and then leave the city. Now where you need to go is a cave, so head west, north, west, south, south, and here, you'll see kind of a mountain range, go in between the mountains... and south, west, south, and west, south. In this area, you should find a cave next to the other. If not, find it. Now go into the cave East Cave --------- Monsters: Droll, Goopi, Mummy, TreeBoy Ramdom Items: Herb, LoveWater, PorkChop, Rib Items: VITbelt, When you go in, go east and follow the path and up the stairs. Talk to the guy there, and remember how you can break boulders? Now is the time to use that skill. Break the two boulders and pick up that VITbelt from the chest. Trace back to the entrance, this time, head west. There are two paths here. If you keep going west, you'll end up at the dead end where the soldiers won't let you pass, so go north. There is an intersection here, go east, north, west and up the stairs. Now follow the path and down the stairs. Break the boulders, go up to the sand hill kind of thing and press A. A monster will then appear and tell you to keep away and then he attacks you. I don't know if this is consider a boss battle but oh well... Boss ---- Boss: BombCrag HP: 600 EXP: 2000 Skill: RockThrow Join: No This battle is not hard. My monsters were Beavern L20, HoodSquid L16, and Healer L19. I used my Healer to Heal went it is needed, and just pound him with Beavern and HoodSquid, who both did around 30-40 damage every round. After the battle, there wil be a small explosion, and some gold appears behind BombCrag. Then two people comes towards one from each kingdom, and say that's very little gold so they both go and tell their King that it is not worth it to mine for such little gold. Now go back to where you came from (the main floor) and then leave the cave and head back to Norden. At Norden, talk to the King, and the King will then get mad at you, and then throws you into the dungeon where the REAL King and Prince Kameha are. Now, talk to them, and go to the top part of the room. You'll see a square of the wall that is lighter than the others, go up to it, face it and press "A". Then immedately the Kameha will say, "So that's where the exit is!" He tells you to move out of the way, he breaks it down, then both of them exit. Follow them and up the ladder. You'll see a scene of the King fighting. After that talk to them, and they'll both say they're the real King. Keep talk to the one at the top, and it'll turn out to be an AgDevil and it'll fight you. Boss ---- Boss: AgDevil HP: 500 EXP: 3021 Skill: Firebane, SleepAir, WarCry Join: No This battle wasn't hard either. I beat it with the same monsters I beat BombCrag. So it was kind of the same Stra. I used. After youbeat it, it will go away (or die), and then the real King will open the path to the west. Now go back to the cave and go to the west. Notice now, you don't need to used the inside of the cave, you can use the outside of the cave and just walk to the west and leave. Once you get outside, go South and you'll see a Village there. TBC... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Monster List [DWM06] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is just a list of the monster I've had, there are way more than this. Rare: That's the rare level used in the game, which is shown in star. 1 means 1 star. 3 means 3 stars. ------------- Slime Family ------------ Name Rare Size Skills --------------------------------------------------- SpotSlime .5 S LushLick CallHelp Imitate TreeSlime 1 S SleepAir Sap Paralyze Snaily .5 S IceBolt NumbOff CallHelp SlimeNite 2 M Heal Upper BeastCut BoxSlime 1.5 S Blaze Upper Ramming PearlGel 1.5 S Upper ChargeUp Radiant Slime 1 S Firebal Radiant MegaMagic Healer 1.5 S Heal Upper Healus FangSlime 2 M CallHelp ChargeUp WarCry RockSlime 2 S HighJump Ramming StrongD KingSlime 3 M Mpass Barrier Vivify Metaly 2.5 S Blaze IceBolt Beat Mettable 3 S Firebal Bang Sarcrifice SpotKing 2.5 M NapAttack MouthShut CleanCut TropicGel 2 M SleepAir LushLick Mpass MetalKing 3 M Bolt Ironize HellBlast GoldSlime 3.5 M Chance BigBang Surge GrandSlime 4 L Informer Farewell Focus ------------- Dragon Family ------------- Name Rare Size Skills --------------------------------------------------- Tortragon 1.5 M MagicBack Lightning Ironize Gasgon 1.5 M Berserker Farewell Sarcifice Lizardman 2.5 L AquaCut EvilSlash GigaSlash Poisongon 1 L PoisonHit LushLicks PoisonGas Swordgon 2 L BladeD CleanCut RainSlash Drygon 2 L Sap WarCry Ramming Rayburn 2 L PoisonHit VacuSlash DevilCut LizardFly .5 S Firebal Sap FireAir Andreal 2.5 L Infernos Surround PoisonGas GreatDrak 3 LL FrigidAir IceAir SuckAll Crestpent 1 S StopSpell PoisonHit BeDragon Orochi 3.5 LL FireAir FireSlash BiAttack SkyDragon 3 L FireAir SuckAir MultiCut Divinegon 3.5 LL FrigidAir BigBang Meditate Orligon 4 LL Beserker TwinHits StrongD GigaDraco 3.5 G FireAir RockThrow Massacre ------------ Beast Family ------------ Name Rare Size Skills --------------------------------------------------- PillowRat .5 S Slow Ramming SideStep Saccer .5 S Upper PsycheUp PalsyAir Skullroo 1 S EagleEye ChargeUp PaniDance Beavern 1.5 S IceBolt Geyser ChargeUp Antbear .5 S LushLicks SquallHit MetalCut IronTurtle 1.5 M MagicWall Cover StrongD Grizzly 2 L SquallHit LegSweep BiAttack Yeti 2 L IceBolt IceSlash WarCry ArrowDog 1 S Blaze CallHelp MouthShut BeastNite 1.5 M Sleep RainSlash GigaSlash MadGopher 1 S BirdBlow Informer ZombieCut FairyRat .5 S Surround Slow SlimeBlow Unicorn 3 M Heal Errand Vivify Goategon 2 M Firebal SleepAir Slow Trumpeter 2.5 LL SandStorm WarCry Berserker KingLeo 3.5 L Firebal FrigidAir BiAttack DarkHorn 3 L Sleep StopSpell PsycheUp CatMage 2 S Blaze Surround Transform ----------- Bird Family ----------- Name Rare Size Skills --------------------------------------------------- Wyrven 2 M Heal Sleep FrigidAir MistyWing 1.5 S Barrier Informer EerieLite AquaHawk 1.5 L SquallHit AquaWall CurseOff StubBird 1.5 S BugBlow TwinHits RainSlash MadCondor 2 M Firebal MultiCut Healus Blizzardy 2.5 M FrigidAir IceSlash Beat Phoenix 2.5 M FireAir TailWind SquallHit ZapBird 3 BoltSlash Lightning Hellblast WhipBird 3 LL Ironize ThickFog TatsuCall RainHawk 3.5 L StrongD Surge MegaMagic Azurile 4 L Meditate LifeSong Hellblast Shanken 3.5 LL FireAir SuckAll Healus ------------ Plant Family ------------ Name Rare Size Skills --------------------------------------------------- MadPlant 1 S NumbOff Sap Slow FireWeed 1.5 S Blaze DeChaos PalsyAir Floraman 1.5 L Firebal Antidote CurseOff Cactiball .5 S HighJump Paralyze OddDance Gulpple 1.5 S SleepAir HighJump NapAttack Slurperon .5 S Sleep LushLicks OddDance Stubsuck 1.5 S Sleep ZombieCut StepGuard DanceVegi 1.5 M LureDance SideStep K.O.Dance FaceTree 3 LL StopSpell OddDance Curse Rosevine 3.5 LL UltraDown BiAttack BladeD Eggplaton .5 S MPass OddDance LureDance ---------- Bug Family ---------- Name Rare Size Skills --------------------------------------------------- GiantSlug .5 S LushLick Dodge Whistle Catapila 2 S Upper PoisonHit ThickFog Butterfly 1 S Surround CallHelp Curse GiantWorm .5 S BeastCut OddDance StepGuard Lispy 1.5 S LushLicks Ahhh Pheromone StagBug 1.5 S Sleep FireAir LegSweep Pyuro 1.5 M Sleep MouthShut WindBeast ArmyAnt .5 S NapAttack CallHelp Kamikaze GoHopper 1 S RobMagic CallHelp ChargeUp TailEater .5 S IceSlash PoisonGas Radiant ArmorPede 2 M Upper TwinSlash TwinHit GiantMoth 2 M Paralyze Radiant WindBeast ArmyCrab 2.5 M Upper CallHelp MetalCut MadHornet 2 M PoisonHit TailWind Paralyze HornBeet 3 L BoltSlash DevilCut RockThrow Sickler 2.5 S Infernos DevilCut SquallHit Armorpion 3.5 L ZombieCut RainSlash EvilSlash ------------ Devil Family ------------ Name Rare Size Skills --------------------------------------------------- Pixy .5 S Antidote TwinHits SealPray MedusaEye 1.5 S Sap Surround Shears AgDevil 2.5 M SleepAir Firebal Sacrifice DarkEye 2 S CleanCut Radiant PalsyAir 1EyeClown 1 S Blaze Firebal IceBolt Gremlin 1 S Heal Firebal StopSpell ArcDemon 3 L Bang VacuSlash BoltSlash Lionex 2.5 L Infernos VacuSlash HealUs Orge 2.5 L PsycheUp MetalCut Massacre GateGuard 3 M Blaze CleanCut ThinkFog ChopClown 3 M VacuSlash SquallHit TwinHits BossTroll 3 LL Ramming Cover Massacre Akubar 3.5 L Bang FrigidAir Focus MadKnight 2.5 L BeastCut Massacre GigaSlash Centasaur 3 L StopSpell FireSlash RainSlash Jamirus 3.5 L BiAttack TailWind Blaze Durran 3.5 L BirdBlow DrakSlash WindBeast ----------- Evil Family ----------- Name Rare Size Skills --------------------------------------------------- Spooky .5 S Radiant MouthShut Outside Skullgon 3 LL FrigidAir IceSlash TwinSlash PutrePup 1.5 S Sap Slow MagicBack Mummy 1.5 M Paralyze CallHelp EvilSlash DarkCrab 2 M MagicWall StepGuard Ironize Shadow 1.5 S FrigidAir K.O.Dance ThickFog Reaper 2 S DevilCut Curse EerieLite Inverzon 1 M Surround PoisonGas SideStep FoxFire 1 S Blaze Firebal Outside CaptDead 2 L AquaCut CallHelp SquallHit WhiteKing 3.5 M Infernos Bolt Chance Skeletor 2.5 M Sap BirdBlow BiAttack Servant 3 L Blaze IceBolt Focus MadSpirit 2 S SleepAir Radiant ThickFog PomPomPom 1.5 M Beat ThickFog LifeDance --------------- Material Family --------------- Name Rare Size Skills --------------------------------------------------- EvilWand 1.5 M FrigidAir DeChaos MapMagic SpikeBoy .5 S HighJump SlimeBlow Sacrifice MadMirror 2 M MagicBack Outside Transform MetalDrak 2.5 LL FireAir SandStorm Massacre SabreMan 2 S RobMagic DevilCut Paralyze CurseLamp 1.5 S Upper Speed TwinHits BrushHead 1 M OddDance SandStorm LoveRain Gismo 2 S FireAir FrigidAir SuckAir LavaMan 3 M Blaze FireAir Cover IceMan 3 M IceBolt FrigidAir StrongD Mimic 2. M Blaze EagleEye Beat Golem 2.5 L ChargeUp PsycheUp Meditate GoldGolem 3.5 L TatsuCall Surge BigBang ------------ Water Family ------------ Name Rare Size Skills --------------------------------------------------- Petiteel .5 S Speed Ramming TwinHits Moray .5 S Sleep PsycheUp PoisonGas Walrusman 2 M BugBlow EvilSlash Massacre RayGigas 2 M Firebal MouthShut AquaWall Anemon 1.5 S Firebal Paralyze PoisonGas Merman 2 M Sap SleepAir Vivify PutreFish .5 S WaterShot Ramming PanicAll Angleron 2 M SleepAir Surround Bolt FishRider 2 M BoltSlash RainSlash Dodge Gamanian 1 S Firebal NapAttack LushLicks Clawster 2 M DrakSlash MetalCut BiAttack RogueWave 1.5 L WaterShot AquaWall PoisonGas Scallopa 1 S Upper Radiant MagicWall SeaHorse 2.5 S FrigidAir Geyser BladeD HoodSquid 2.5 L CallHelp LureDance BiAttack WhaleMage 3 M Antidote WaterShot Geyser Pumpoise 1.5 S CallHelp SuckAir Dodge ??? (boss) Family ----------------- Name Rare Size Skills --------------------------------------------------- DracoLord1 3.5 M Firebal BeDragon Meditate DracoLord2 3.5 LL FireAir Massacre Surge LordDraco 4 LL Bolt Focus HellBlast Hargon 3.5 L Firebal Bang TatsuCall Sidoh 3.5 L FireAir FrigidAir Hellblast Baramos 3.5 L Bang RockThrow Hellblast Zoma 3.5 L FrigidAir BigBang DeMagic AzuraZoma 4 L FireAir Focus GigaSlash Pizzaro 3.5 LL FireAir BiAttack Hellblast PsychoPiz 4 L FrigidAir DeMagic BigBang Esterk 3.5 L BiAttack RainSlash GigaSlash Mudou 3.5 L FireAir FrigidAir PoisonGas DeathMore1 3.5 M BigBang TatsuCall Hellblast DeathMore2 3.5 LL FireAir Ramming UltraDown DeathMore3 4 G DeMagic Focus BigBang DarkDrium 4 L FireAir FrigidAir Bolt Darck 3.5 L Firebal Bang ChargeUp -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) Monster Skill [DWM07] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I'll have a detail one as I work on it, for now, I'll just list some of the skills and keep adding onto the list. The list go in alphabetical order. When it is complete, it will have a lot of extra info, like which monster has it and such. Just keep in mind these are not all the skills, these are only the ones I have/had on my monsters. Name MP Damage -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahhh 1 Antidote 2 AquaCut 3 AquaWall 5 Bang 5 Barrier 3 Bazoocall 20 BeastCut 3 Beat 4 BeDragon 9 BiAttack 3 BigBang 30 BigTrip 3 BirdBlow 3 BladeD 3 Blaze 2 BlazeAir 4 BlazeMore 4 BlazeMost 10 Blizzard 12 Bolt 5 BoltSlash 3 Boom 8 BugBlow 3 CallHelp 4 ChargeUp 0 Cover 2 Curse 3 DeChaos 2 Defeat 7 Defense 4 DevilCut 3 DiagoCall 20 Dodge 4 DrakSlash 3 EeireLite 2 Errand 2 EvilSlash 3 Explodet 15 FireAir 2 Firebal 4 Firebane 6 Firebolt 10 FireSlash 3 FrigidAir 2 GigaSlash 20 Heal 2 HealAll 7 HealMore 5 HealUs 18 HealUsAll 36 Hellblast 25 HighJump 5 IceAir 4 IceBolt 3 IceSlash 3 IceStorm 8 Imitate 4 Increase 3 Infermore 4 Infermose 8 Infernos 2 Informer 0 Ironize 2 K.O.Dance 6 LifeSweep 1 LifeDance LifeSong 20 Lightning 3 LoveRain 28 LureDance 2 LushLicks 2 MagicBack 4 MapMagic 2 Massacre 3 Meditate 8 MegaMagic MetalCut 3 MouthShut 6 Mpass 20 MpassMore 40 MpassMost 100 MulitCut 20 NapAttack 2 OddDance 0 Outside 2 PalsyAir 4 PaniDance 4 Paralyze 3 Pheromone 0 PoisonAir 4 PsycheUp 3 QuadHits 6 Radiant 2 RainSlash 5 Ramming 1 Revive 20 RobDance 0 RobMagic 0 RockThrow 5 Sacrifice 1 SamsiCall 20 Sap 3 Scorching 8 SideStep 1 Sleep 3 SleepAir 3 SleepAll 5 Slow 3 SlowAll 4 SnowStorm 5 SquallHit 2 StepGuard 2 StopSpell 3 StrongD 3 SuckAll 2 Surge 7 Surround 3 TakeMagic 2 TatsuCall 20 Thordain 15 TidalWave 15 Transform 5 TwinHits 6 TwinSlash 2 Upper 2 VacuSlash 3 Vivify 10 Whistle 0 WhiteAir 16 WhiteFire 16 YellHelp 8 Zap 10 ZombieCut 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8)Breeding Table [DWM08] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will not be too complete for now. For now, I'm only going to focus on the new monster's and the important monster's breeding combos important combinations. But don't worry, it will be completed sometime in the future! Parent 1 is the Pedigree Monster, which means what family the Egg is going to be depend on Parent 1. Usually the Egg is the same family as Parent 1, but there are a few cases of execption where the Egg is a different family(boss monsters). Parent 2 is the monster you'll need to breed with to get a certain monster. Here is an explanation on how the list/chart works: For example, I want to breed Orochi... /Andreal \ MedusaEye Orochi \GreatDrak/ DRAGON BOSS In this case, I can either get a Orochi by breed Andreal or GreatDrak with MedusaEye, or I can breed a Dragon family monster with a Boss family monster to get an Orochi. Really, all you have to know is that whenever the word is all Capitaled, that's means is the certain type of family, not the actually monster. And when it is like: /******\ \******/ That mean you can use either one and breed it with the next parent to get the result you want. Now on to the list! Slime -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Pedigree Parent 2 -------------------------------- Wonderegg DEVIL MimeSlime GoldSlime GrandSlime Metabble MetalKing MetalKing GoldSlime PLANT TropicGel BIRD HaloSlime Metaly SLIME MetalDrak Wonderegg Metabble Metabble Metaly Metaly MetalKing Metabble Metabble /SpotKing \ MetalDrak \KingSlime/ GoldSlime MetalKing MetalKing /SpotKing \ |KingSlime| GoldGolem \MetalKing/ GrandSlime /GoldSlime\ GoldSlime \Wonderegg/ Dragon -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Pedigree Parent 2 -------------------------------- SkyDragon DRAGON Phoenix Divinegon SkyDragon Orochi Orligon Divinegon /GigaDraco\ \Goldgolem/ GigaDraco /Andreal \ |Battlerex| /Bosstroll\ |GreatDrak| \Gigantes / \SkyDragon/ Beast -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Pedigree Parent 2 -------------------------------- /Trumpeter\ |MetalDrak| Trumpeter |Balzak | \GoldGolem/ KingLeo /GulpBeast\ Roboster |Unicorn | |Trumpeter| |DarkHorn | \MadCat / Gorago Darkhorn Orochi DarkHorn BEAST BOSS BigEye BEAST EyeBall Poseidon Grakos Mudou Bird -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Pedigree Parent 2 -------------------------------- Pheonix AquaHawk Gismo BIRD DrakSlime RainHawk Blizzardy Phoenix Azurile /Rainhawk\ Goldgolem \Shantak / Shantak WhipBird /GreatDrak\ \Jamirus / Plant -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Pedigree Parent 2 -------------------------------- Rosevine PLANT BOSS Bug -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Pedigree Parent 2 -------------------------------- Armorpion HornBeet HornBeet Digster BUG BOSS Devil -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Pedigree Parent 2 -------------------------------- Jamirus Akubar RainHawk RainHawk Akubar Durran Centasaur GoldGolem GoldGolem Centasaur Evilwell BossTro Iceman Ogre LavaMan Titanis Durran DarkHorn Material -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Pedigree Parent 2 -------------------------------- /Orochi \ |KingLeo | LavaMan MetalDrak |ZapBird | |ArcDemon | \Centasaur/ Roboster KingLeo IceMan MetalDrak /WhiteKing\ \Skullgon / GoldGolem IceMan LavaMan Boss (???) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Pedigree Parent 2 -------------------------------- DracoLord1 Servant /Andreal \ \GreatDrak/ DracoLord2 DracoLord1 Divinegon LordDraco DracoLord2 Orligon Hargon WhiteKing MetalKing Sidoh Jamirus Rosevine SenoSidoh Sidoh /Titanis\ \Jamirus/ Baramos Hargon Orochi Zoma DracoLord Sidoh AsuraZoma Zoma PsychoPiz Pizzaro Durran Divinegon Psychopiz Pizzaro Esterk Esterk Pizzaro /KingLeo\ \Gorago / Mirudraas1 Esterk GoldSlime Mirudraas2 Mirudraas1 Spikerous Mudou Baramos DarkHorn /Pizzaro\ Gorago \Baramos/ DeathMore1 Zoma Mirudraas Mirudraas* Azurile *Can use either Mirudraas Zoma Azurile DeathMore2 DeathMore1 Armorpion DeathMore3 DeathMore2 Mudou /Asura Zoma\ DarkDrium DeathMore3 |GranSlime | \Watabou / Orgodemir PsychoPiz Niterich Orgodemir Orgodemir LordDraco -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) Mystery Lands [DWM09] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will come... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) Frequently Asked Questions [DWM12] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can you Trade Monsters from the DWM1 to DWM2? A: I think someone said that you can, but I've tried myself and it did not work. So if you have more info, tell me. Q: I heard that there some special attack that deal tonnes of damage, but they're not natural skills, what are they? A: You're probably refurring to the combined attack. There are a few skills that can create a effect like that. (more on this in Strategy section) Q: When I find Magic Keys, are the destination determine right when I find it or is it the Key Appraiser that determine the key? A: I believe that it is determine when the key is found, not by the Key Appraiser because I tried it with a Dex Drive and the result come out the same everytime. Q: Can Boss monsters be catched in this game? A: Yes, some of the boss monsters can be captured from the wild Q: Where do I find boss monsters? A: You'll need to get keys that have a "Lord" ending. Q: I heard that you can find GoldSlime in the game? A: Yes, this has now been confirmed by myself. I found a few in the optional lands and a few mystery land. More will come... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13) Credits [DWM13] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is it, for now, I hope you enjoy it. Again, if there is anything wrong, please e-mail me about it. It'll help. Again, I don't take credit for someone else's work. If you have notice that I have missed anything and made mistakes, PLZ e-mail me so I can correct it. TY. *Note that ALL of the MONSTER LIST was hand type by ME and was gotten straight from game's Library. So I did not copy other's work. It was created completely by me... I just wanted to make that clear.* Look for other Faqs by Killer: Front Mission (SNES) Pokemon TCG (GBC) Robopon 2:Ring Version (GBA) Golden Sun 2:TLA (GBA) This faq can be found at: www.gamefaqs.com Name Contact Why --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Myself hakkafusion@hotmail.com For writing the Faq You For reading it GameFaqs www.gamefaqs.com Posting my Faq NickWhiz1 NickWhiz1@aol.com Giving me ideas on how to write the shouldn't do and should do sections Tim "PhoenixT" tim.wuyts@pi.be For this (©) symbol Wuyts Alex W. Jackson Idea on how to setup the breeding awjackso@csclub.uwaterloo.ca Tables Dark Midruaas ??? Breeding Combos Tkce Anderson ??? Info on Walkthrough and monsters Info on First Class's Monsters ??? ??? Info on Wonderegg and breeding (if you know this is you, plz tell me possibilities cuz I wanna give u credit!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somethings you shouldn't do: - Send me messages about God, Jesus, or any things like that because I'm already a good Christain - Change stuff in this FAQ - Credit this FAQ to yourself - Send me questions about the game that's already in the FAQ - Send me an e-mail without an subject/title - Make profit off this FAQ unless you give me half of what you made :) - Send me stupid, useless, and virus e-mails Somethings you should do: - Print out this FAQ and give it to all your friends that plays the game - Ask me about things that are not mentioned in the FAQ - Link to THIS file, not any others - Help me improve this Guide - Let me know any sites that link to this file and it's not list in the site list - Added me to ur msn if it's urgent and u want to talk to me directly - Send me extra info that's not on the FAQ © Copyright 2002 by Killer (Henry Fung) All Rights Reserved.