DRAGON WARRIOR MONSTERS 2 - TARA GameBoy Version ยช MadCowAnthology 2002 Dated: 6 February 2002 Version 1.0 ben_king05@hotmail.com ========================================================== Updates found at: GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com GeoCities http://www.geocities.com/mad_cow_anthology ========================================================== Table of Contents ----------------- 0.0 Disclaimer 0.1 Updates 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Welcome to Your New Home 1.2 A Housewarming Gift 1.3 The Search for the Monster Master Note: Concerning Magic Keys 2.0 The World of Burning Sands 2.1 Desert World - Kalka Village 2.2 Desert World - Asiya Town 2.3 The Plug Replacement - Tidal Bell 2.4 Back at Greatlog 3.0 Adventures on the High Seas 3.1 Sea World - Yold Village 3.2 Sea World - Polona Port 3.3 Sea World - Cape of Good Hope 3.4 Sea World - Port Ritz 3.5 The Plug Replacement - HarMirror 3.6 Back at Greatlog 3.7 The Hunt for the Ice Key 3.8 Toying Around with Genetics 4.0 Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells... 4.1 Ice World - Norden 4.2 Ice World - Weston & Westania 4.3 Ice World - Estria 4.4 Back at Greatlog 4.5 Why Is a Kite like a Space Cadet? 5.0 Because Its Head Is Up In The Clouds! 5.1 Sky World - Fhunt 5.2 Sky World - Pei 5.3 Sky World - The Heaven Armaments 5.4 Sky World - Hitano Castle 5.5 The Challenge of Darck 5.6 Back at Greatlog 5.7 Some Advice Before Continuing 6.0 Who's Afraid of the Darck? 6.1 Limbo World - Darck's Castle 6.2 The Final Battle 6.3 The End, and the Beginning ========================================================================= 0.0 Disclaimer ========================================================================= I for one do not care what you do with my FAQ, as long as it's not for commercial purpose and isn't modified from its original state. If you wish to use information from this guide (IOW, you don't want to develop a strategy on your own), then email me and ask me permission. If you use this guide without my permission, I will take legal action. Also, I cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage of property, digital or otherwise, that you incur. That is the risk you take when you use the internet. ========================================================================= 0.1 Updates ========================================================================= 6 February 2002 - I started typing this FAQ 3 March 2002 - I finished the Desert World. I would love to do more, but it's 10:35 PM and my brain is shot. :) ========================================================================= 1.0 Introduction ========================================================================= Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure is one of the sequels to the Dragon Warrior Monsters (duh). The other one is entitled Cobi's Journey. Tara's Adventure tells the story from the point of view of Cobi's sister, Tara, who moves, along with the rest of her family, to the island kingdom of Greatlog (sound farmiliar? It should.). With all of the new improved features and conveniences, Tara's Adventure is one you won't forget. Remember, this FAQ is strictly to help you through the tough times. You should try playing the game on your own first, and if you get stuck, come back and read on. You'll have a lot more fun if you do. Remember, also, that this FAQ is to walk you through the game. If you're looking for breeding combinations, close this guide immediately after reading this message. ========================================================================= 1.1 Welcome to Your New Home ========================================================================= At the start of the game, you'll get to pick a name if you dislike the name Tara. I personally didn't mind it. Once you're done with that, Cobi will come and tell you your Dad is calling. Hustle down to the back of the boat and talk to your father. Then, go back and talk to Cobi and you'll land at Greatlog. ========================================================================= 1.2 A Housewarming Gift ========================================================================= You'll appear on the family farm. Your mom wants you to go get the homemade nut pie Grandma made as a housewarming gift from the vault. So, go right one screen, and up one screen. You'll meet up with Prince Kameha and his elemental sidekick Warubou (It's all coming back, right?). They'll rush off, so you should head left one screen. After the detestable duo perform their antics here, they'll run off. Follow them, and you'll find yourself at the scene of another of the antics of the detestable duo. After they run off, follow them, and you'll arrive at the vault. Enter and talk to the man behind the counter to take the parcel. Since the detestable duo (If you don't know who I'm talking about, read line four) are blocking the south route, you're forced to go right one screen, where Warubou will steal the package. Head down the well, where Prince Kameha and Warubou are struggling over the food. This is one of my favorite dialogues, so I'll share a bit with you (if I can remember it). Kameha: "Hey! Give it here, you grubby little elemental! You just ate!" Warubou: "Wa-hey! The little prince has a big dirty mouth! Warooh!" Cobi will step in and knock the package out of their hands, but Kameha lands on the Magic Plug for the Log's Navel and dislodges it. Instantly, the life force of Greatlog starts to escape, and Warubou has to plug it up with his big fat butt. Since Kameha ran away like a chicken, WB has to ask you for your help, so go and find a monster master. ========================================================================== 1.3 The Search for the Monster Master ========================================================================== No matter how reluctant you may be to help WB, you have to, otherwise you're all going to die. So, go back to the farm and talk to your father. He doesn't believe you (Cobi calls him a stubborn old goat :) ), so talk to your mom and give her back the package. Go throughout town and talk to the various townspeople. They won't believe WB, since the detestable duo have caused enough trouble already crying wolf. In fact, some of the people actually accuse you of being in cahoots with Prince Kameha. How rude! Anywho, go talk to the red soldier by the Vault, then talk to Warubou. Since no one wants to go, you'll have to do the job yourself. Go back to the farm and answer Yes to both of Cobi's questions. Slash (slime) will join you, and you'll rest for the night. You'll notice by now that you have the Oasis key now, and the Greatlog key to come back. Go down the stairs to the left of Warubou, and press A in front of the door. Select the Oasis key to go to the new world. Choose the Greatlog Key to go back to Greatlog, where Warubou will heal you for free. ========================================================================== Note: Concerning Magic Keys ========================================================================== Magic Keys are your ticket to getting through this game. There are some things you should know about Magic Keys before continuing. There are two types of keys. The first type are storyline keys. These are acquired through special events, and need not be appraised, as they already have names. The second type are ordinary magic keys. These need to be appraised before you can use them, for a price. In every Magic Key world, there will be one or more "bosses" that you need to defeat before you can begin to befriend monsters. There will usually be caves and towers with accessories in them. You will also find foreign masters and random items in magic key worlds, just like in Dragon Warrior Monsters. ========================================================================== 2.0 The World of Burning Sands ========================================================================== Welcome to your first new world, the Desert world. If you press Select, you can bring up a map of the world you are in. A map of the entire world will be revealed if you are in a storyline key world. But if you're in a magic key world, you will have to explore before the map will become available. Observe that you are now in the Door Shrine. Remember where this is, as you'll never get out of here without it. The monsters out in the wilderness will join you if you stay out long enough. At first, it will seem difficult, but just look on the ground for Herbs to pick up. These will restore Slash and allow you to recruit new monsters. When you've done all the levelling up you want, head two screens east and one screen south from the Door Shrine. This will take you to the village of Kalka. ========================================================================== 2.1 Desert World - Kalka Village ========================================================================== Items in Kalka Village: Antidote - In the Vase outside the Inn Item Shop: Herb - 10g Restores HP of one monster by 30 - 40. Antidote - 4g Removes all traces of poison. AwakeSand - 20g Awakens a sleeping monster. BeefJerky - 10g Tames monsters just a little. WarpWing - 30g Instantly warps to GreatLog. There is not much to do in Kalka. There is an entrance to the underground canal, and the monsters there are significantly stronger than the ones you have encountered on the world map, so be careful. Retreat to Warubou for healing if necessary, and only use the Inn if you are SEVERELY weakened and without any Herbs, as it will cost 10 out of your precious 100 G. There is also a Priest who will revive, detox, or uncurse your monsters, but you can cure poison and curse, or revive your them as easily without a priest. Once your business is done here, head approximately south to the next town on your map, Asiya Town. ========================================================================== 2.2 Desert World - Asiya Town ========================================================================== In Asiya, you will need to talk to the King in order to continue with your quest. However, the guards block you and say that you cannot enter. But the townspeople mention that the King has always liked circuses, and he always invites performing troupes to come to the castle. This is where the man standing in front of the Inn comes into play. He's a circus manager, and he needs a new performer for his act, since most of his other performers got scared away by roving bandits. However, before he can help you, you need to have a full party of three monsters. There are a few things you should know about catching monsters, if you are new to this trade. 1. Catching monsters can come in two different ways. They will either join you of their own free will, or you will have to convince them. To convince them, you need to feed them treats. These treats will decrease a monster's wildness Ratio by a varying amount, depending on what kind of treat you feed them. The treats are, from weakest to strongest, BeefJerky, PorkChop, Rib, Sirloin, and MeteOrb. 2. When you want to feed a treat to monsters, use it as an item on the enemy. However, be forewarned: a treat is used on all monsters in the battle. A treat's effectiveness decreases when it is used on multiple monsters, and monsters that are part of groups are harder to convince. Once you have fed the monster you must defeat it in battle. The more treats you used on it, the more likely it is to join you. But you must remember to defeat the monster you want last. Only the last monster defeated will have a chance to join you. 3. Once the monster has offered to join you, you can either accept or reject it. Once you accept it, you can name it, and then choose whether to let it into your party, or send it back to the farm. Once you have three monsters in your party, talk to the circus manager and he will take you in as part of his troupe. You'll be inside the castle. Go in when it's your turn and perform the circus act. Then, you can go to the throne room and talk to the king. Here, you'll learn about the TidalBell, a treasure with magical power. This must be what Warubou was talking about! So, go out and talk to the woman standing next to the well, and she'll tell you her problems. Go back and report to the king, and he'll go to Kalka. Follow him, but be sure to get the BeefJerky from the pot to the right. DON'T USE IT! YOU'LL NEED IT FOR LATER! But the monsters down there are slightly tough. I can't give you a map of the canal, but I'll walk you through the basic route. I'll tell you about the treasures later. Walk south across the bridge, then walk west across another bridge. From there, the route becomes straightforward, so talk to the king and then talk to the monster. Prepare for BATTLE! Boss: Beavern HP: 98 MP: 16 EXP: 240 Skills: ChargeUp Beavern is a pretty easy boss, but his ChargeUp attack can boost his attack. A good strategy would be to keep on attacking him, and when he uses ChargeUp, command your monsters to Guard and soften the blow. Don't waste your treats on this one, because he won't join you. After Beavern goes down, head through the now cleared path to Asiya. Talk to the king, and he'll take you up to the treasure room for the TidalBell. But, it's been stolen by thieves, so your next destination is Mirage Lake. But first, go back to where the circus manager was after the circus act, and go down the stairs. Talk to the prisoner and he'll take the BeefJerky from you. In return, he'll give you the WaterCall, which you will need later. ===================================================================== 2.3 The Plug Replacement - Tidal Bell ===================================================================== Leave Asiya and walk 2 screens east until you hit some mountains. Walk one screen south, then one screen east, and one screen north and you'll arrive at Mirage Lake. Once you enter, you'll find that the lake has disappeared before your very eyes. Stand in front of the square patch of water and open your menu. Go to items and use the WaterCall and the lake will be revealed. Go inside the building that has been revealed and you will confront an enemy Monster Master. He says that he was sent by the Demon Lord of Limbo and he was promised the ultimate monsters in exchange for the Tidal Bell. Then, he pits his CurseLamp against you. Boss: CurseLamp HP: 220 MP: 8 EXP: 300 Skills: Upper CurseLamp is going to be tougher than Beavern, so I suggest you have plenty of Herbs on hand for healing. Assign the Charge plan to your monsters and have them duke it out with CurseLamp, healing when it becomes necessary. His Upper skill can raise his defense, but he really hasn't gotten much else going for him. After the battle, CurseLamp will join you, and the thieves will be busted. The monster master escapes, so you'll be seeing him again soon. Now that the TidalBell has been retrieved, the king gives it to you, and Warubou will warp you back to Greatlog. =================================================================== 2.4 Back to Greatlog =================================================================== Sadly, the TidalBell won't work as a replacement for the plug, so Warubou has to plug it up again. But, he does mention that there is another possible replacement. It's in a world of water, so the Pirate Key is what you're after. Warubou also gives you the power to float on water, so you can press A in front of any body of water to summon a clam and float on it. Now you can go back to the canal in the Desert World and search for treasure. You can also go back to Mirage Lake and talk to one of the Beavern there. It will join you, though it's more useful for breeding, which will come later. Greatlog has changed quite a bit. You can now hold up to 20 monsters. That's 17 in the farm and 3 in your party. Now you can go to the arena and battle in the Kiddie Class, as well as check out the housing complex to the left. There are two things you can do here. One is grab the TinyMedal from the jar. Two, give a SpotSlime to the girl in one of the houses. Her grandfather will give you a LifeAcorn for your trouble. It may not seem like a fair trade now, but in the future, it will be. Meanwhile, you can go up the ladder that the soldier was blocking to reach the Magic Key Identifier and the Library. [To Be Continued]