********************************************* *Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure* ********************************************* WALKTHROUGH BY: slime5 Email:kimichang65@yahoo.com URL:http://www.slimydw.cjb.net This can also be found on: www.gamefaqs.com especially on my site F.Y.I: This is best viewed in Word Pad. Some ASCII won't work in notepad! © Copyright 2002 slime5 You may ask permision to post this on your site. Just email me on the subject: DWM 2 T Guide post with your site's URL and whatever you wanna say. -_- It's best that you ask. I agree a lot... just DO NOT TAMPER IT! If you want to help me, go ahead and ask me I check my email a lot. I would like to express my greatest thanks to Marc (bizkit11322@aol.com) for nice comments. (to Marc: PLEASE KEEP OUR TINY SECRET!) ^_^ To use Table of Contents: Copy the desired chapter and paste it once you open the Find option and Find it! CREDITS: Myself, Marc, Haley and Liz and Leo. THANK YOU GUYS! OTHER: Enix and Enix Jp. Nintendo Hal Laboratory w/ Nintendo for Kirby! (I'm not putting this up 4 a Kirby Walkthrough!) P.S. KIRBY RULES! ____________ __/INTRODUCTION\______________________________________________________________________________ |Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 is the sequel to Dragon Warrior Monsters. Enix, the developer, | |made two seperate sequels to DWM (Dragon Warrior Monsters) There is: | |Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey. The other sequel is Dragon Warrior | |Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure, the one I'm writing for now. The story is about two children, | |Tara and Cobi, starting a new life and monster farm in a place called Greatlog. They are rudely |welcomed by Prince Kameha and his elemental sidekick called Warabou. Tara's Adventure is based| |on Tara's point of view. | _______________________________________________________________________________________________ UPDATES: Version 1.5. Are you the guy who e-mailed me about gender? If you are, I removed those stuff YAY! (for you) By the way, I made updates to the intro that I hastily removed something from. I made Chapter VI updates. I also missed an item in Kalka. (that dratted BeefJerky!!!!) I edited the Monster Familes. I made it by supporting the symbols. I put the Locations of M.Keys mention in the Walkthrough. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: i.CONTROLS ii.INFORMATION 1.0.Monster Families *UPDATED!* 1.2.Breeding 1.3.Tiny Medals 1.4.Magic Keys *UPDATED!* 1.5.Levels 1.6.Monster Status FAQ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ WALKTHROUGH I.THE START OF A NEW ADVENTURE II.IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DESSERT 1.0. The Circus Celebrity and the problems of Asiya 1.2.The Battle with Beavern and his problem 1.3.The thieves in Mirage Lake 1.4.The Curse Lamp of a thief III.THE PIRATE KEY 1.5.Will the Tidal Bell work? 1.6.Kiddie's Class IV.MERMAIDS AND PIRATES 1.7.The Search for Hood Squid 1.8.Hood Squid 1.9.Port Ritz Town 2.0.The Search for the Moon Rock and HarMirror 2.1.Well, now what? 2.2.C Class V.THE COLD WAR 2.3.Norden Castle 2.4.The Spirit Spring 2.4.The King's Stubborness 2.5.The Underground Tunnel 2.6.The Port of Nofor 2.7.Go for the Gold! 2.8.BombCrag Battle 2.9.Kameha and the Imposter King 3.0.AgDevil the Imposter 3.1.The West at Last 3.2.The ... Madness 3.3.The Forest of the Soul 3.5.The Truth Revealed 3.6.Puppetor Battle 3.7.Estria's Queen Helen 3.8.Mountain Climbing 3.9.Helen's Problem 4.0.GoatHorn Battle 4.1.We're almost done, right? 4.2.AHA!!! VI.OH SKY 4.3.Farewell Crest! 4.4.The Monster Village *NEW!* 4.5.Fooling the Monster *NEW!* _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ========== i.CONTROLS ========== Well, the Game Boy Color has 4 buttons. Here are the functions in the game: A-Bring up the menu and makes you sail the seas.(after getting the Tidal Bell) B-Cancel a command. Start-Nothing Select-Show map in Mystic worlds That's about it. ==================== ii.INFORMATION 1.0.Monster Families ==================== Dragon Warrior Monsters 1&2 have Monster Types. They are called Families and some people call them elements. Monsters are divided in families such as, The Slime Family. The Slime family has the best resistance to effect spells and they have high agility. That is how they are sorted. Slime's almost look all alike so it's easy to tell whether a monster is a Slime or not. The Monster Families are: (took from my monster FAQ) SYMBOL-DROP OF WATER -Slime: This Family is quite popular and they are resistant to "Slowing-down" spells. They also have a high agility. -SYMBOL-A DRAGON HEAD -Dragon: These guys are tough and resistant to fire spells. They are experts in Fire too. -SYMBOL-A PAWPRINT -Beast: These guys are any average guys. -SYMBOL-A WING -Bird: They fly and they love Wind attacks! -SYMBOL-A TREE -Plant: They can be annoying. They poison, paralyze, steal MP (a pain)and many more. -SYMBOL-SOMETHING WITH ANNTENAS -Bug: Nothing special. They're almost the same as Plants. They have specials like Gopcheda's Beat. They kill instantly. -SYMBOL-A HAMMER -Devil: Oooh, creepy... ^_^' They're strong and fine. Like Dragon, they're up in FIRE POWER! -SYMBOL-A BLACK HEAD -Zombie: MWA HAHAHAHA! They're absolutely perfect for a graveyard scene. They love to poison so watch out for them! They can be cool too beacuse, DarkCrab can do StepGuard and Ironize (guess because I bred w/ Milayou in DWM they're almost the same, DWM1 and 2...) -SYMBOL-A BLUE EVIL HEAD -Material: Tough and cool. -SYMBOL-SIMILAR TO SLIME -Water: They live in water and do nothing special. -SYMBOL-A ? MARK -???:These are bosses usually in the Dragon Warrior Series. For Example, DracoLord and Mudou. They are incredibly powerful and can only be at your side by breeding. The easiest to get so far, is DracoLord. ^_^ ============ 1.2.Breeding ============ This happens only if you finish the Pirate World. You can breed your monsters and choose a pedigree you'll lose your monsters if you do this, but it saves space in the farm. The child gets the parent's abilities and gets a +? the ? is a number. The higher the number, the better the kid! You can also breed with other masters by either Link Cable or accepting an offer by Greatlog Masters. When you do this, your monster is always the pedigree. Breeding is free and addictive so, "Create the Ultimate Monsters!" -Monster Master Tamer of Dragon Warrior Monsters I =============== 1.3.Tiny Medals =============== Scattered around the world are Tiny Medals. (originated in DQ/DW 4 NES) Collect them and trade them for prizes. Give them to the Medal Man (before as Medal King) and trade them for rare items. The prizes when you first meet him are: I get e-mails asking where he is. I forgot to mention that he appears AFTER IceWorld. He'll be on the Vault. MeteOrb : 3 MadCat : 3 HornBeet : 4 SkyDragon : 4 Octogon : 5 Servant : 5 Collect them all (TinyMedals) and get the best prize!O_o ============== 1.4.Magic Keys ============== Magic Keys are important in Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 if you want to make the game go longer. The story in DWM2 is shorter than the classic DWM but, the Keys make the game longer! You can trade keys using GameLink and get them from the game itself. LOCATIONS: MK1-Win C Class MK2-High mount in Sky World MK3-Old Man left of GL Pub MK3-Fhunt Tower Peak ========== 1.5.Levels ========== The levels... Monsters have to gain levels in order to be strong. (The same as most RPGS) But in DWM SERIES, they have "Limit Levels". For example: (ONLY EXAMPLE! NOT TRUE!) A Slimes Limit Level is 2, level 2. When the Slime reaches Level 2, he'll stop leveling up. Does that make sense to you? >YES Good. >NO WHAT? READ IT AGAIN! ====================== 1.6.Monster Status FAQ ====================== ^_^ OK, the monster status is like any RPGs. This is Slash's Status: _____________ LV:13 o-> _____________ ATK :58 DEF :55 AGL :33 INT :55 WLD :0 ______________ HP:115/115 MP:25/25 ______________ The LV Means Level. It says the level*. (*See 1.5) The o-> means the gender. This means Male. It's the only ASCII character that's closest to it! The ATK Means Attack. It indicates the Attack Power of that monster. The DEF Means Defense. It says the Defense Power of that Monster. The AGL Means Agility. It says how fast the monster is. The INT Means intelligence, how smart the monster is. It shows you how much a monster can choose the best spell, move or skill by using the Mixed Tactic. The Higher, the more it should be doing Mixed. The WLD Means Wild. Your Monster is better off without any of these because when you command them, it'll be a hassle for you for them to follow what you said. The HP and MP are easy. You know that don't you? Seeds such as AGL Seed boost status. You don't know how much points will add, but it's usually 1-3 points boosted. That's it for this topic! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ WALKTHROUGH ============================== I.THE START OF A NEW ADVENTURE ============================== Items: Herb x1, Porkchop x1 Key items: Greatlog Key, Oasis Key 'In the middle of the sea in the south, floats the island of Greatlog. To this eternally warm and natural setting, a family of monster farmers was headed to start a new life...' Cobi will come and tell you to talk with your dad. Talk and go back and talk with Cobi. Then, you'll arrive in Greatlog. Your dad will scold you two for messing around and he tells you to talk to your mother. Go one screen left and go in the house. Talk to your mom. She'll tell you to fetch the nut pie your grandmother prepared so you can enjoy your new homestead. It's in the Vault. Go back out and go one screen right and one screen up. (???) You'll hear new music and two guys standing in front of you. The creature looking thing is Warabou. The ugly boy is Prince Kameha. (*: Heh, so these are the newcomers? Hehehe, this is going to be fun... *:C'mon Warabou!) And they'll dash off... The music comes back but it's not of great importance. Follow them and the stupid music's there again! Just remember, anytime Kameha's there, you'll hear that dumb tune. Anyway, They'll go spinning around a poor lady and dash off again! (cowards!) Go two screens left and... You know what to expect don't you? Watch Kameha and Warabou play with a merchant's merchandise. They'll dash off again as usual... follow them and go in the house infront. That's the Vault. Talk to the guy there and take the pie. Go out and... ulp! We fell for it? Now, we're in trouble all right? ... ... ... So, ignore them and go two screens right. Talk to Kameha. Talk to Warabou and end up in a tug-of-war! They'll fall down the well. Go down and this time, Kameha and Warabou are doing tug-of-war! Awww... jeez... Cobi will tell them to give it back and bumps them both. Kameha lands on the plug and it disappears! Kameha will chicken out. (It's not my fault!) and dashes off. "Wa-hey! It's the only way!" and Warabou s-s... no... plugs the navel with his butt. You'll take the package and listen to Warabou's story. He'll tell you to fetch a Monster Master. Get out of there and talk to your dad. He won't believe you. Grown ups... Cobi will call him a stubborn old goat. YEAH! Give your mom the package. Talk to everyone except the monsters. Then, talk to Warabou. No one believed you, so, you'll have to do it yourself. Warabou will tell you that you have the potential to be a monster master. So Warabou will present you a magic key. The Oasis Key. He tells you that it opens the door to other worlds. "Use the key to open the Door ahead. It takes you to another world. Another world, it might be, warooh, but it is not much different. Only difference is monsters. Monsters live in other worlds. But a monster master needs to fear not a thing, warooh. I see you have great potential. You go to other worlds, and bring back a plug for the Log's Navel. That's something I don't know what. But you will know when you find it! Now, warooh, take this!" He'll say that he trusts you. Go out but he'll stop you and give you the key to go back to Greatlog. Cobi will say: "This is bad! What'll we do? Let's go home and talk about it." So you will. (Dragon Warrior heroes can't talk though, if you don't know it yet.) Slash the Slime gives a solution to your problem. He'll join you and Cobi will stay and tend the monster farm. Yeah! Now we can go adventuring! Talk to your mom and she'll give you a free Herb. You can't posibly get hurt in this game, so give it to a monster when he or she gets hurt. Talk to your dad and he'll give you a free Porkchop. Meats are given to monsters when you want to befriend them. When in a battle, make sure you give meat to the monster you want last and kill it last. Go down the well and ignore poor helpless Warabou, waving his hands around. Go one screen left and go down the stairs. Go to the door and use the Oasis key infront of it. You'll be transported to another land. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ =============================== II.IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DESSERT =============================== Items: Herb x2, Antidote x1, Porkchop x 1, ExitBell x 1, BeefJerky x1 Key Items:Water Call Get out of the shrine and Voila! You're in the Dessert. (that's what the map says.) Monsters are surrounding you. So be careful. You can befriend them so they can join you. Cactiballs have the best attack around here but they can't cast spells yet. Go two screens right, one screen down and enter the town. You are now in Kalka Village. You will learn that there are a gang of thieves around here. They cause mayhem. They are really gangsters so the townspeople are scared of them. You will also learn that there is a town called Asiya due south. From the screen of the entrance, go right and take the Herb from the pot. Go in the House and take the BeefJerky from the top pot. That's all in Kalka but wait! The inn heals all your monsters for 10 GP. Gold is hard to earn in the DWM series. So save gold to survive. In the inn, there is a priest who will give options. Revive, De-toxicate and Uncurse. The girl there tells you about the King calling a circus troupe to Asiya. That's all in Kalka. Once you're out, make sure you have 3 monsters because you'll be needing them all... Outside, you might be seeing scattered items. It feels like Dragon Warrior and Dragon Warrior Monsters mixed up in DWM 2! From Kalka, go 4 screens south. Go in Asiya. Go one screen right and take an Antidote from the vase. Prepare for a stunt act beacause its time for an act. ================================================== 1.0.The Circus Celebrity and the Problems of Asiya ================================================== Talk to the person standing near the entrance of the inn and say yes. Your monsters will perform a stunt jump behind the hoop? Then everyone will clap and woo for you. ^_^ The circus master will praise you. Go one screen left and into the throne room. Talk to the king and say you want something from him. He'll say you have a good eye for his treasures. Move an arrow key and an exclamation point and a bubble will pop on his head. WHAT!? WHAT DID WE SAY? WE CAN'T EVEN TALK! Anyway, he'll ask you a favor to know what concerns his people because he's not a good ruler. Agree and head out of the "palace". Head to the inn screen and talk to the girl by the well. Listen to her problem and tell the king. Follow the King back to Kalka. Go one screen right and into the house. The King will argue with the guard. He'll go down and find the cause of the problem by bumping the stubborn guard. Now I recommend that your monsters be Level 5 or higher when you go down the stairs. The monsters in there are pretty powerful and so is the boss. When you're ready, go one screen down and one screen left take a Porkchop and a Herb in the vases and go one screen right. Cross the bridge and go one screen left. Go one screen down and right. Take the ExitBell from the chest and go back. The ExitBell is like the spell Outside. Don't use it now. Cross the other bridge and head down then, go one screen right. Talk to the the King who's trying to fend off Beavern but to no avail! Now, talk to Beavern and prepare for a boss battle! =========================================== 1.2.The Battle with Beavern and his problem =========================================== These is his status: Name |Lv|HP |MP |ATK|DEF|AGL|INT|EXP|Skills Beavern | 5| 98| 16| 20| 8| 36|120|240|ChargeUp The EXP is the Experience he'll give you. EXP is divided to each monster so don't think all 240 EXP will be given to them each! He's the first and weakest boss in the game. His ChargeUp skill is a pain. It increases his attack power. But don't worry! Just as long as you keep attacking and using herbs, you'll be just fine! Please don't give him a single treat because he won't join you. Bosses join you only if they want to, if you don't know yet. After defeating him, the dam will disappear and so will Beavern. Before he disappers, Beavern tells you that thieves sent them out of thier homes and he didn't mean to cause trouble. The King promises to catch those thieves which made Beavern so happy. He also said that his home was in Mirage Lake. We need to catch those thieves now! =============================== 1.3. The thieves in Mirage Lake =============================== The King will tell you about the Tidal Bell which can be the replacement of Greatlog's Plug. He said he'll give it now. ^_^ Go down one screen and cross the bridge. Go right two screens. and get out of the well. Go back to the castle and find out that the Tidal Bell has been stolen! After all that, this!? Anyway, The King and his soldiers went to find the Lake. Go a screen down, then right and down the stairs. The Circus performers are held prisoners because of injustice. Talk to the guy above them and give him meat. He'll give you a Water Call which you will need. Get out of Asiya and walk 2 screens right. Go 1 screen south right. Go one screen up and enter Mirage Lake. Suddenly, the lake vanishes completely! All the people are confused so use the Water Call infront of the blue patch. All the people disappear now! Huh? Did they drown or what? Anyway, go left and north. You'll see the Beaverns hanging out the hideout. Go in and talk to the thief. He said he's also a monster master and he looked all around the world for the "Ultimate Monster". He was promised a strong monster by the Demon Lord of Limbo in exchange for the Mystic World's Treasures. Then he calls his Curse Lamp to battle with you! Another Boss but he's not a joke. ============================= 1.4.The Curse Lamp of a thief ============================= Name |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT|EXP|Skills CurseLamp | 5|220| 8| 27| 10| 44| 65|300|Upper He's absolutely NO joke! Look at his status. Compare it with Beavern's! He can raise his defense using Upper. He needs a lot of blows for you to take him out! I recommend that you bring a lot of Herbs with you. He sure packs a punch! I recommend your monsters be at least Level 6 (Most especially Slash) and above. After the battle, he'll join you! ^_^ He's male if you can't tell. The thief disappears and with a bad timing, the King and his soldiers arrive. King: "You thieves! There's no escape! Repent for your misdeeds and sur... What? How did you get... Ah, whatever! The thieves are in there? Your safe now! We're here! (way too late...)" You'll move aside and he'll say: "Surrender and live!" and you'll here attack sounds. A thief will shout, "Aiyeeh! Help me boss!" Hmmm... it seems that they really thought them a lesson, huh? (attack sound)"Urgah! Mercy! I surrender!" And the soldiers will lead two thieves out. The King will come out and hand you the Tidal Bell! And a voice will echo out of nowhere... _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ============================= III.THE PIRATE KEY 1.5.Will the Tidal Bell work? ============================= Items: Log Twig x1 Key Items: Pirate Key Warabou will come and warp you back to Greatlog! Warabou's excited. He'll heal you and you'll hand him the Tidal Bell. When Warabou tests it, it flunks. It doesn't fit! Then Warabou will say: "I have to plug the Navel again!" Aw... poor Warabou... Kameha should really do this... Anyway, it's so frustrating. Warabou, being nicer than he was in DWM 1, gives you the power to cross the sea. Just stand infront of any water, and press A. He tells you that you need to get the Pirate Key and it's in Greatlog. Get out of the well and a monster master will tell you that the Arena's holding a Kid's Class. The reward is a Pirate Key. Cool! We don't have to look for one! The winner will also get Egg Evaluator and Starry Night Shrine services. Now before anything else, go to Mirage Lake and talk to the Beavern closest to the entrance. He will join you and make good use of him because he's a great monster. The Arena is beside the ladder near the Vault. Once in, go left and enter the house nearest to you. Get the Log Twig and give the girl a SpotSlime. The Grandfather will give you a Life Acorn. It's NOT a fair trade! But at least you can get a new SpotSlime. Your SpotSlime will say that she's taking good care of him/her but he/she sounds sarcastic though. The kid'll name the SpotSlime, Butch... ================== 1.6.Kiddie's Class ================== You need to beat this class for the Pirate Key. This is super easy so just fight. Here are the statuses of those monsters: Kiddie's Class Round 1 Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Babble | 6| 36| 9| 14| 13| 32|123| Blaze PearlGel | 5| 15| 12| 17| 35| 51| 96| Babble | 6| 36| 9| 14| 13| 32|123| Blaze Kiddie's Class Round 2 Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills SpikyBoy | 6| 19| 42| 17| 31| 34| 96| SlimeBlow Pixy | 7| 29| 24| 20| 14| 54| 79| Dracky | 7| 40| 22| 14| 12| 70| 96| VacuSlash Kiddie's Class Round 3 Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills MadRaven | 9| 41| 55| 16| 30| 84|163| HighJump Kithawk | 9| 46| 35| 26| 21| 42|146| ChargeUp MadRaven | 9| 41| 55| 16| 30| 84|163| HighJump If you don't know yet, DWM never had this class. In DWM you just start out in G Class. After winning, you'll be given the Pirate Key. Use it instantly. From the shrine, walk two screens left and enter the Village. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ============================= IV.Mermaids and Pirates 1.7.The Search for Hood Squid ============================= Items: Warp Staff x 1, Tiny Medal x2, Porkchop x1, BadMeat x1, WarpStaff x1, Antidote, LoveWater x 1, AGLseed x1, OrcaCape x1, Repellent x1, WorldLeaf x 1, WindStaff x 1, WarpWing x1, AGLRing x 1 Key Items: Moon Rock, HarMirror, Magic Key x1 (Yellow Grass) If you talk to the people, you'll know that there is a Mermaid Village Northwest of here. There is a Warp Staff in the barrel here so take it then refill supplies if needed. It's a boring Village and there isn't anything else to do, so leave Yold. I recommend that you catch an Octokid in the sea because you'll be needing her. You can also catch a monster that knows Lure Dance. From Yold, go, 1 screen left go 1 screen up, go 1 screen left, go 1 screen up, go 1 screen left and enter the Port of Polona. Go one screen left and talk to the bard. Say yes and make sure you have the Lure Dance Monster with you. You'll lure a mermaid to the surface. She'll give you a Tiny Medal. Go out and try to catch a Mad Gopher because he'll be needed. Send him to the farm. You'll also need an Army Ant send him back too. Then, from Polona, walk to the water's edge on the left, sail to the left screen, jump off and sail a screen up, go a screen left to find a cave. ============== 1.8.Hood Squid ============== In the cave, sail two screens right. You'll find a monster, Hood Squid and prepare for a Boss Battle! This should'nt be hard if you use Lure Dance a lot. Being Level 13 and above is best. Name |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT|EXP| Skills HoodSquid |12|350|100| 78| 39| 85|180|520| BiAttack, LureDance After beating him, let him be with you and you can raid the cave for items. Return to Polona Village. If you did'nt lure the mermaids yet, do so with Hood Squid! (Squiz) Heal up and refill your items! Leave then, go 1 screen right, go 2 screens up, go 1 Screen right and enter Port Ritz Town. ================== 1.9.Port Ritz Town ================== Once you enter, go in the Tavern and meet... Kameha! He's awful mannered as usual and he has companions with him. He rushes off leaving you to talk with the old man. You need a water monster to talk with him. (Sqiz or an Octokid) He'll wake up and he'll tell you his story and about the Moon Rock, the Pirate's treasure. It seems that he was taken captive and he learned about their secret treasure, the Moon Rock. They found out that he was listening and tried to kill him but he escaped. Afterward, the Ship sunk and it's known now as The Ghost Ship. You need the Moon Rock to get the HarMirror which serves as the plug for the Navel. ============================================== 2.0.The Search for the Moon Rock and HarMirror ============================================== Leave Port Ritz and go back to Port of Polona. Talk to the bard to lure a mermaid who will bring you to their world. Talk to the queen and she'll tell you that the ghost ship is located north of Yold. So, return to Yold and sail one screen up. Press A infront of the ship and enter. Defeat the BoneSlave and nab a Porkchop, BadMeat, Antidote & LoveWater in barrels and an Antidote in the vase. Oh, the BoneSlave's Status is: Name |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT|EXP| Skills BoneSlave |13| 72| 58| 58| 45| 49| 99|342| Bang, BoltSlash He's easy if you're a hardcore trainer. He's a mini-boss so don't waste your treats on them! Go up the stairs. Beat the BoneSlave here and search the crate near him. Go down the Hidden Staircase and On the next floor, find an AGLseed, OrcaCape, Repellent and WorldLeaf in the chests. Go right until you can't, and enter then prepare for a Boss Battle! Actually, I can say Boss Battles. Name |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT|EXP| Skills BoneSlave |13| 72| 58| 58| 45| 49| 99|342| Bang, BoltSlash CaptDead |13|500|105| 66| 48| 50|144|800| CallHelp,AquaCut,SquallHit BoneSlave |13| 72| 58| 58| 45| 49| 99|342| Bang, BoltSlash These guys, when I played against them, took weeks for me to figure out how to beat them. I was too lazy because they were strong against my monsters that I played Dragon Warrior VII again until I reached Falrish! I got bored of the Mech Bosses that I played DWM 2 again. (Do you know what I'm talking about?) Anyway, I ignored Squiz before so I always lose against CaptDead and his BoneSlaves. I took Squiz and I won! for the first time in 3 weeks! ^_^ I recommend Level 13 and above for this battle. Anyway, after defeating them, take the MoonRock from the chest and the ship'll drop you off on Yold and disappear- forever... Refresh in Yold and leave. Sail two screens up, If you reach an island you can't get too, move just to the left of this island and sail another screen up. You'll see a Cave you can't get to, sail one more screen up then jump on the patch of land. Go one screen right to find the MoonRock Tower. This is easy... Go to the highest level and place the MoonRock on the Pedestal. There will be a cut-scene and the cave you could'nt get to before is accesible. Return to that cave and... go up 2 screens, left 1 screen and go down the stairs. Go 1 screen down and right. You'll see Kameha and his companions, fall down a hole. Go 1 screen down, left, down the stairs. Go one screen left, up and watch Kameha and Co. get hit by a boulder and fall! Go down the other way and go one screen left. Battle the Mimic, if you wish, and go one screen down, right and down. Kameha and Co. will beat you to the loot and: "Kameha:...Gasp... Hack... I did it... The treasures are mine! All mine!" One companion will run around him and bump him. "Kameha: What?! What is this?" The companions will get the HarMirror and say: "Kahahaha..." Then they'll transform into monsters! "This is what it means, nincompoop! You put us through all this trouble... Saying how we needed you help to find the treasure... That you would'nt cooperate unless we became your sidekicks, pah! For all that talk, you were useless! We'll take the loot for our King! You're not worthy of it anyway!" The monster will take the HarMirror. "Kameha: Urrrggh... You tricked me! You're not getting away with this!" Then he'll tantrum stomp! ^_^' The monsters fall down the hole and Kameha leaves the Mirror to you. ^_^' - Finally, Kameha has very funny scenes! =================== 2.1.Well, now what? =================== Warabou will call and take the mirror. It does'nt work again! He said to look for the Ice Key now and he'll give you the power to crush boulders. Remember the Mad Gopher? Put him in your party and give it to your dad. He'll dig up a Tiny Medal! Take the Army Ant too and give it to the Shopkeeper near the Vault. Army Ant'll dig up an Ice Key! ^_^ There were rumors that Mad Gopher can find the Ice Key too! Just give AA first then give MG. ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^' Then, talk to the guy near the one who wants AA. He'll call you a liar for saying the island'll sink. Then he won't allow you to buy anything from him. He'll actually say: "*:I have nothing for a liar!" >:( I hated him ever since he said that to me. Oh... I forgot to tell you to run errands for your mom. Talk to your mom and she'll ask for a Love Water to cure DrakSlime. She'll give you 200G for it. You need not buy it if you have it. You get free money then! Oh yeah.. return to Desert world and go back to the well. Get a TinyMedal, WindStaff, WarpWing, AGLRing & Bookmark now that you can travel sea. Just look for them. They won't be hard! You might want to breed your monsters so all Wild points will be gone. Later in the game, you need monsters with no Wild points. Return to Polona and talk to the Mermaid Queen. She'll give you a Sailor's Ring! You can also breed with a Greatlog Master in the Arena. Speaking of Arena... your monsters can probably handle C Class, so when you're ready, get going! ^_^ =========== 2.2.C Class =========== Yeah! Now you can battle with adults! But it doesn't matter. They're just shrimps who're older so take them on easily! Status: C Class Round 1 Name |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills WindBeast |14| 51| 62| 41| 52| 82|180| VacuSlash Gismo |11| 48| 72| 51| 71|171|256| FrigidAir PomPomBom |13| 62| 67| 72| 48|164|150| FireAir TailWind C Class Round 2 Name |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills Devipine |13| 60| 37| 64| 45| 95|366| NapAttack PoisonGas Gulpple |14| 66| 71| 57| 89| 88|232| Slow HighJump Eggplaton |14| 67| 77| 65| 42| 95|223| SleepAir Radiant C Class Round 3 Name |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT| Skills HammerMan |16| 70| 16| 73| 60| 64|149| ChargeUp EvilSlash StubSuck |17|100| 50| 60| 65| 78|261| SleepAll ZombieCut TreeBoy |27|185|200| 73| 95|130|318| SnowStorm MagicBack Well, I did'nt have a monster that can heal, so Squiz fainted. I did'nt care because you don't get EXP for winning an Arena battle. I did'nt use a bred monster. I only had these monsters: Tropical Gel Hood Squid Curse Lamp These guys are cool because Curse Lamp has great defense and spells. Hood Squid distracts enemies and Tropical Gel attacks the hardest! You'll win a Magic Key which will take you to Yellow Grass. When you go there, You'll find out that monsters join you only if you defeat the boss. (Only in non-appraised keys!) Anyway, stock up and head to Ice World! _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ================= V.THE COLD WAR 2.3.Norden Castle ================= Items: Tiny Medal x1, MagicKey x1 Key Items: Sky Shield, Crest, SleepHerb, YunaSoul From the Shrine, go 1 screen up, 1 screen left ,1 screen up ,2 screens left and enter Norden Castle. Take the TinyMedal from the vase and move up. You're not allowed in the castle so stock up on items and rest, if you want to. There is'nt much, but hear that the King turned cruel immedietly unlike his nice and kind self. No wonder why we can't get in the castle! A priest will tell you the story of the Spirit Spring and you'll know that Norden and a Western Kingdom are fighting for gold from villagers. Oh, the guy blocking the castle to the left says that there was another kid who claimed to be a prince of somewhere and they had to let him through. (Kameha? He's always ahead now, isn't he?) :O Some King... Anyway, leave Norden and look for that Spirit Spring! ===================== 2.3.The Spirit Spring ===================== Actually, you don't have to look now that you have this walkthrough to read! Just go 1 screen left, 1 screen up, 2 screens left, 1 screen up and enter the spring. Check the shield and hear a voice: "I am surprised that you hear me. You are'nt from this world. I am the elemental spirit who guards over this world. At least I did. I had lost my power, you see. I was rebuilding my power to make my return to the people, but some being cast a shadow over the hearts of the people. Even my spring finally froze. If peace returns to the souls of people, I too will be saved. I sence a magical power within you. Will you restore peace to the people?" Agree and she'll say she'll give you the Sky Shield if you're sucsessful and gives you the Crest that will act to show as her envoy. It will let you into castles. Well, take it and leave and head toward Norden! ========================== 2.4.The King's Stubborness ========================== Once you arrive, talk to the guard on the left and he'll let you pass. Talk to the left guard inside too and enter. The king won't stop the war no matter what you do so, you'll automatically leave and the left guard will block your way again. >:O Anyway, go right one screen and talk to the soldier. He said after the discovery of the gold mine, the relationship between the West soured and he's fearing war. Go one screen up and talk to the person there. He'll say: "I remember the King to be placid, but he has been working hard as if he had been possesed of late." Late? Maybe he means, he thinks the King's always late for something. We can't do anything about him now. So, get out of Norden. ====================== 2.5.Underground Tunnel ====================== Go one screen left, up, left, just past the nearest set of mountains and down. Go down one screen, go right one screen and enter the cave. Actually, this isn't a cave. It's an underground tunnel leading to the Port of Nofor. Saying cave is the only way for YOU to identify it. ^_^ Talk to the woman for information and head down to the other staircase leading up. Head down and enter the Port of Nofor. (The North sure has a lot of weird names does'nt it?) ========================== 2.6.The Port of Nofor ========================== So, you've reached Nofor and Tara's going well as usual.... This place happens to sell one IMPORTANT THING in the whole game... What? BOOKS!!!!!! ??? Yes, books. If you're new to Dragon Warrior Monsters, Books change the personality of Monsters. From Whiz Kid to Hot Blood to this to that... Another way of changing is to change the Tactics. It'll take ages but it's free! The best personality is Hot Blood. The Monster is Caring, Brave and Smart all at once. Mind you, Slash is the first Hot Blooded in the game. ^_^ They're more expensive in DWM (1) You probably can't get 'em yet because there are no GS codes in DWM2 yet. Enough of Books! Let us surge forward in the game! Talk to everyone and hear rumors and problems. There is'nt anything here so leave. And we'll try to patch up the war. Huh? Yes we can do it. We're the envoy of the spirit! ==================== 2.7.Go for the Gold! ==================== After you leave, go 1 screen left, go in between the gap in the mountains and 1 screen down. Follow the mountains down as it heads 1 screen left go 2 screens down and 1 screen left and find a connecting cave. (If you don't know what I mean by that, it's a cave which leads to someother place.) Walk on it ^_^. (duh) And enter the big opening in it. There are several monsters here, so be careful. They can be so annoying... I won't mention the treasures found here because I don't wanna! ._. I'm too lazy... (sorry) Anyway, go one screen left, up, right, up, left, and go up the staircase. Follow it up to another staircase leading down. Break the two boulders and talk to the gold. A BombCrag stops you and fights! ==================== 2.8.BombCrag Battle! ==================== "Don't you touch that. If you had only dreamt of the gold like the fools outside... Your sneaking around isn't good for our plans. You'll have to go." Name |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT|EXP | Skills BombCrag |18|650| 10| 80| 80| 20|140|2018| RockThrow ChargeUp For his level, the HP is pretty high. Bear in mind that he's NOT the Final Boss I recommend LV 19 and above. A monster with HIGH status will be good too. Effect Spells EXCEPT Poison and Paralysis Spells will be good. Make sure that you have a healing monster with you! That will be handy. Eventually, you'll win. WHEW! The Gold'll break because he used Sacrifice. "What? What was that explosion?" "That dust there... Is that the gold?" "What? That's all there was? You mean to tell me that we've been acting like loggerheads over just that?" "We'd better get word to the King!" "That's true... I've got to... I have to tell my King the news!" After that discovery, leave the useless mine. Then return to Norden. ================================ 2.9.Kameha and the Imposter King ================================ Do your business and talk to the left guard. "We reported the to the King that the mine had no gold to start with, but he refuses to believe us and blames the west for stealing the gold. Perhaps you can speak to him?" He'll grant you audience and... "What is it, you whelp!? You claim the mine has no gold? You dare question my authority?" The guard runs... "You're no envoy of the spirit! You must be a western spy! You can rot in the dungeon!" A hole will appear and you'll fall.(duh) The music's Kameha again and there he is! Talk to the King and Kameha. Tap ANY wall on top and make sure it's not the real exit. He'll bump into it and get a headache! Do that just for fun. I discovered that myself! After that, tap the light brown wall and he'll bust a hole! YAY! You know what to do... After leaving, you'll see a fight. Keep talking to the top one... "I am real! Don't believe him!" "My regal bearing should be evidence that I am the real King!" "Look at him! He's grimy! He's no comparison to me!" "You suspect me still? Kiki! Gaaah! A slip of the tongue, kiki!" (he gave himself away) "Arrgh, you've ruined my plan to cause conflict by impersonating the King, kikiki! You will pay!" (how much? ^_^) ======================== 3.0.AgDevil the Imposter ======================== The Monsters since DW4 kept saying kiki language so there he is! Name |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT|EXP | Skills AgDevil |18|550| 50| 90| 59|109|216|3022| Firebane SleepAir WarCry I bet you don't need leveling up. ==================== 3.1.The West at last ==================== The King will now have the border reopened! YAY!!! We'll go back to the cave and explore the West. WTD (What To Do) : GET BACK THERE! OK ^_^ when you're back there and ready, move 2 screens right and down. (duh) Now that you're outta there, YOU'RE IN THE WEST AT LAST! =================== 3.2.The ... Madness =================== The title may be confusing to you if you just played DWM 2 Tara for the first time. (or even Cobi's) From the cave, go a screen down, left, down, left, down. ^_^' From there, enter the the Westania Castle. The way seems to be blocked. (IT IS!) and read the sign. Make Lady Yuna laugh? Hmmm... The MuSiC! Who else can you expect? KAMEHA OF COURSE! He'll "greet" you and bump the butts of those clogs. ^_^' Enter the now open (it was open before) doorway. Talk to the cleric (bishop, priest or pilgrim) ^_^' who'll let you pass. Kameha will dance. BORING! The King will shout that he is'nt pleased. Kameha will run away. -_^ The King will say something like: "I am the King. (duh) Make me laugh. What is your act?" You'll do the old and corny jumping behind the wheel act which suprisingly pleases the king! He laughes (What's so funny?) and Yuna does'nt even say a word. Umm... she says "..." and that does'nt make a word. The King will be dissapointed and does'nt kick you out since he likes your (I mean Tara's) show. This is something like in DW4 and you'll have to get Panon and fail without him. (you don't need to get a person) Leave the Throne Room and leave the castle. Be in the entrance. Move a screen left and climb the vine farthest from you. Enter the window to find a marionette. Don't beleive that 'It sagged lifelesly.' part. Go down the vine again and entirely leave that place. ========================== 3.3.The Forest of the Soul ========================== Go one screen, right, right, down, cross the bridge, right and into the curious trees. (If you think it's imposible, surf!) Once you enter, the cave music curiously is heard. Go a screen down and see a ghost... Curiously like Lady Yuna. Follow her by moving a screen left, down, right,(see her) down and we cornered her! Talk to her. "............? You startled me... I don't remember who I am, what I'm doing here, or anything else... I just know that I need help. Oh? Do you know who I am? Could I get you to take me back home?" >YES NO (> means choose this!) Make room for her. Uhh... She's an item. After getting the YunaSoul, leave this oddly monster infested forest. ====================== 3.5.The Truth Revealed ====================== Return to Westania Castle and return to Lady Yuna's room. Be healed up first! Talk to Yuna and... (remember why I told you not to beleive the sagged lifelessly thing?) "......STOP...DON'T MEDDLE..." The marionette will jump up... "NEVER DID I EXPECT YUNA'S SOUL TO BE FOUND... BUT, NO MATTER. YOU MUST DEFEAT ME TO SAVE HER. DO YOU WISH TO BATTLE?" YES NO Actually, if you say no, he'll give you time to do some stuff. If you already did them, Say YES then! "YOUR LIFE ENDS HERE! GIVE IT UP!" Hmm.... DWM Heroes can die either. ^_^ And now, it's obviosly a.... =================== 3.6.Puppetor Battle =================== Monster |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT|EXP | Skills Puppetor |22|400| 82| 85| 60| 48|120|2540| BiAttack OddDance LureDance PaniDance GASP! HE'S ALL CAPS! ^_^ Anyway, he's easy. Take him on! Be Level 20 or above. ======================== 3.7.Estria's Queen Helen ======================== "H-HOW... BUT I... THIS ISN'T......" Bad Guys can't get over with losing... SIGH! Why won't they accept this sort of thing they're fated to lose! After that, Yuna's Soul will go back and tell you the whole story. She tells you that Queen Helen of Estria might be a victim too! If you're sick of this Cold Continent, you have 2 bosses to go! The second boss is something you might be surprised at. You might say, "How did he get there?" (NO SNEAK PEEKING!) "Grrrr...." -Gabo of DW VII ^_^ Leave the Castle and go a screen right, right, up for Weston, sail right, right, right, right, right, land, Go 1 screen down to reach the castle. Make sure you ignored the other islands. Once entering, do your business and leave. Go up... I mean, like this: | ii | ii | i X-means Estria. i-means mountains. |-means where you should go. | i X Go 3 screens up, right once and up. Step on the curious mountain. ^_- ===================== 3.8.Mountain Climbing ===================== What can I say? It IS Mt. Climbing! Monsters are present so be careful. Go north onto the cobbled ladder up(screen), onto ledge go left, ladder down, leftmost ladder up, up, right. "Talk" to the flower and take the SleepHerb. (WE NEED IT!) Go left, down, right, up, ledge, down, right. Take the MagicKey. Get outta here and head for Estria! Heal up your monsters if needed. (of course.) =================== 3.9.Helen's Problem =================== Go in the castle and talk to the dancer blocking blocking the entrance to Helen's Room. (Why should I call her Queen? ^_^) "Pardon me? You have medicine? This flower will save our Queen? (not MY Queen.) Please come with me to her room." OK. Use the SleepHerb infront of the... I mean Use the SleepHerb infront of Helen and a monster will appear and stop you, of course. =================== 4.0.GoatHorn Battle =================== "I wish you would'nt do that... Our plan called for chaos in the three kingdoms around the lake... So I had wormed my way into the Queen's dreams to create nightmares. That drug will ruin my plan. (exactly.) You dare defy me, child? (I just did...) Yes No. . YES: "I see then I will crush you!" (How?) This guy's AgDevil and I recommend your level 22+ Name |Lv|HPs|MPs|ATK|DEF|AGL|INT|EXP | Skills GoatHorn |27|850| 89| 95| 65| 92|165|6020| Boom Infermore SnowStorm He's easy! (at least he was for me...) ============================= 4.1.We're almost done, right? ============================= As usual he won't believe it even if he saw it before his very eyes... (that you beat him) Head out and hey! our SkyShield! We did it so we deserve it! Head back there. If you wanna get there easily, use WarpStaff and head back to the Spring. (Heal UP!!!) When you arrive, take the shield and... (remember the boss I was talking about?) ========== 4.2.AHA!!! ========== "So it was you holding up the plans... The King of Limbo promised me strong monsters in return for the SkyShield being taken from the elemental. Any more of your meddling will not be tolerated. You should just back off now. Do you really think you can challenge me?" YOU HAVE TO FIGHT HIM!!! SAY YES! Name Lv HPs MPs ATK DF AG INT EXP Skills ArcDemon |27|210| 89|105|71|84|211|1270| Boom VacuSlash BoltSlash GoatHorn |27|330| 89| 95|65|92|233|7700| Boom Infermore SnowStorm BiAttack ArcDemon |27|210| 89|105|71|84|211|1270| Boom VacuSlash BoltSlash I reccomend 22+ until now. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ =================== VI.OH SKY 4.3.Farewell Crest! =================== Items: MagicKey x2, ClericRing Key Items: ChangeStaff If you read what the spirit said, you should use the Crest in front. The lakes will be "unfrozen" and The Spirit will appear. You'll recieve the SkyShield and Watabou, (as usual) will take you home. The SkyShield won't work. (I'm sick of this) Warabou'll give you the power to float when there's a cliff and land after. You can't control Tara moving so you can only float fast on one direction. EX: | | | ##### | LEGEND: #- forming clouds. | ## ## | | | |____________| When you see an open land like that, press A infront and you'll float to the other side! You might be wondering how to get the Sky Key, are ya??? Anyway, leave the well and head up the ladder with the MAgic KEy guys. A Guard will ask you if you've seen Kameha so say you did. When the King gives you the SkyKey, (YAY!) don't go there yet!!! Go out of the castle and on the right side of the Pub, enter the house. Talk to the old man and recieve a MagicKey when you say no! Search the shelf and take it. Get it appraised! ======================= 4.4.The Monster Village ======================= YES. The Monster Village. PURE MONSTERS unless Tara enters, of course. Use the SkyKey and make sure all monsters have NO WLD pts. See that blue square thing on the left side of Tara's Point of View? Press A infront of it and Tara will make a cloud appear and bounce off. Odd, huh? Go up, up, up and enter the Tower. The Tonguella will tell you that this is the Village of Fhunt and well, there are monsters. Just like I told you. Make sure your monsters are L 25+. Head up and enter the Tower you see by talking to the door. It will allow you to pass and once you enter, move a screen, right, stair, up, stair, left, down, stair, take the lowest opening, up, left and... "Kweeeeh!" Look a MadCondor! It has something! It clutched a glowing ball! A MadCondor will swoop down and grab a chest er... Mimic Monster??? I have NO idea... Take the M.Key from the nearest chest and the Cleric Ring from the other chest. Leave the Tower. Go a screen down and left. Talk to the grave here: *** *** *** *** *** ((--------- *** *** Agree to retrieve the Light Orb and talk to the top side of his grave and recieve the Change Staff! It changes you into a monster you can see. It reminds me of The Staff of Transformation in Dragon Warrior IV. Enix seems to link DQ/DW stuff here like in DWM, old DQ Bosses show up where you find them in the game. Like the MadCat in Dragon Quest 5, he'll be a boss in DWM. (MadCat is the "kitten" in DQ5 which you can name like Borongo, Chirol, etc.,) ======================= 4.5.Fooling the Monster ======================= Go SW of Fhunt... (too bored to tell you how...) JUST DO IT! Anyway, Use The ChangeStaff and become a DarkHorn.... (unsure...) Talk to him and he'll let you pass. (wish Tara can attack...) After going though here, get out and you'll be in a whole new part of this world. ================= 4.6.The Light Orb ================= If you ever played Dragon Warrior I, this is the orb that DracoLord/Dragonlord stole. You MUST retrieve find the MadCondor NOT to get the LightOrb and use it as a plug, but to make friends with him.