DRIVER FAQ V1.0 --------------- Compiled and Written by Jacob Griffin. If you use any of the information in this FAQ in your own FAQ, give me credit or I will send a team of ferret-wielding Germans to invade your private property. (Hey, nice marmot...) Direct complaints, questions, and sexy female pictures to: This is my first FAQ, btw, so the info is scarce. Basically, it's a level list. BASIC STUFF: ------------ Well, I'm not going to sit here and tell you how to drive. You probably already know how to drive, and even if you don't, you probably know how to figure out a video game. Regardless of your driving skill, however, some missions are tougher than others. Some are nearly impossible without the invulnerability code (which I use frequently, just because it's fun)... INVULNERABILITY CODE: --------------------- Yes, there are lots of other codes, but I don't use them. So why should you? Press rapidly (at main menu): L2 L2 R2 R2 L2 R2 L2 L1 R2 R1 L2 L1 You should hear a click, go to cheats and turn invulnerability on. (Do you have any idea how difficult it is to keep typing invulnerability?) UNDERCOVER: ----------- In each city, you start out in a hotel room. On your answering machine are messages pertaining to jobs (some messages are jokes, stupid jokes, but jokes nonetheless) which you can accept by returning the calls. Some hotel jobs lead into missions that you wouldn't play had you chosen a different hotel job... it's kinda complicated that way. After each mission name, I've written an arrow with the area that follows each particular mission. On each drive, I have listed the basic type of job you are performing as a guideline. For example, a mission with the listing "Pt1: Deliv Pass - 2:00" means that the first part of the job requires you to deliver your passengers in 2 minutes flat. A time listing of "N/A" means that the timer counts up, so there is no real limit. One of the exceptions to this rule is the Chase (ram) missions, in which the time to destroy the other car raises and lowers in a manner unfathomable to me as of yet. So, here it is... ------------- THE INTERVIEW ------------- This is pretty easy, especially if you've practiced. (Go to PRACTICE on the main menu... duh.) ----- MIAMI ----- Miami Hotel 1 (1 job): ---------------------- M1.1 - The Bank Job ====> Miami Hotel 2 Pt1: Crime Pickup - 1:20 Pt2: Deliv Pass - N/A Miami Hotel 2 (2 jobs): ----------------------- M2.1 - Hide the Evidence ====> Miami Hotel 3 Pt1: Deliver Car - N/A M2.2 - Ticco's Ride ====> Miami Mission 1 Pt1: Pickup - 1:15 Pt2: Deliv Pass - N/A Miami Hotel 3 (1 job): ---------------------- M3.1 - Case for a Key ====> Miami Hotel 4 Pt1: Meet Client - 2:00 Pt2: Exchange - 1:35 Pt3: Chase (dest) - 2:20 Miami Mission 1 --------------- MM1 - The Cleanup ====> Miami Hotel 4 Pt1: Meet Clients - 2:00 Pt2: Deliver Car - N/A Miami Hotel 4 (1 job): ---------------------- M4.1 - Tanner Meets Rufus ====> Mission 2 Pt1: Meet Client - 2:15 Miami Mission 2 --------------- MM2 - Bust out Jean Paul ====> Miami Hotel 5 Pt1: Chase (ram) - 2:10 Pt2: Deliv Pass - 1:55 Miami Hotel 5 (2 jobs): ----------------------- M5.1 - Payback ====> Miami Mission 3 Pt1: Chkpnt (destroy) - 3:00 M5.2 - Superfly Drive ====> Miami Hotel 6 Miami Mission 3 --------------- MM3 - A Shipment's Coming In ====> Miami Final Mission Pt1: Pickup - 2:45 Pt2: Return to Hotel - N/A Miami Hotel 6 (2 jobs, 1 joke message): --------------------------------------- M6.1 - Bait for a Trap ====> Miami Final Mission Pt1: Chkpnt (destroy) - 2:35 Pt2: Keep pursuit - N/A M6.2 - Take out D'Angio's Car Pt1: Chase (ram) - 2:08 Miami Final Mission ------------------- MFM - The Informant ====> SF Mission 1 Pt1: Chase monorail to it's ending position... when it stops - 0:04 ------------- SAN FRANCISCO ------------- SF Mission 1 ------------ SFM1 - The Casino Job ====> SF Hotel 1 Pt1: Crime Pickup - 1:10 Pt2: Deliv Pass - N/A SF Hotel 1 (3 jobs): -------------------- SF1.1 - The Briefcase ====> SF Hotel 2 Pt1: Checkpoints - 3:30 Pt2: Meet Client - N/A Pt3: Deliv Brief - 3:20 Pt4: Deliv Merch - 2:40 SF1.2 - Guns in the Trunk ====> SF Hotel 2 Pt1: Meet Client - 3:20 Pt2: Deliv Merch - N/A SF1.3 - Visit to the Mall ====> SF Hotel 2 Pt1: Crime Pickup - 1:40 Pt2: Deliv Pass - N/A SF Hotel 2 (2 jobs): -------------------- SF2.1 - Taxi! ====> SF Mission 2 Pt1: Scare Pass - 1:00 SF2.2 - In the Pickup (HARD) ====> SF Mission 3 Pt1: Deliv Crate - N/A SF Mission 2 ------------ SFM2 - Cosy to the Chopper ====> SF Mission 4 Pt1: Pickup - 0:40 Pt2: Deliv Pass - 2:40 SF Mission 3 ------------ SFM3 - The Chinatown Pickup ====> SF Mission 4 Pt1: Pickup - 2:00 Pt2: Deliv Pass - N/A SF Mission 4 ------------ SFM4 - The Mercy Mission ====> SF Hotel 3 Pt1: Chkpnt 1 - 1:15 Pt2: Chkpnt 2 - 1:00 Pt3: Chkpnt 3 - 1:40 SF Hotel 3 (2 jobs): -------------------- SF3.1 - The Setup ====> SF Final Mission Pt1: Meet Client - 1:30 Pt2: Escape setup - N/A SF3.2 - The Hyde St. Pickup ====> SF Final Mission Pt1: Pickup - 1:45 Pt2: Deliv Pass - N/A SF Final Mission ---------------- SFFM - Tanner And Slater ====> LA Hotel 1 ----------- LOS ANGELES ----------- LA Hotel 1 (2 jobs): -------------------- LA1.1 - Steal a Cop Car ====> LA Mission 1 Pt1: Deliver Car - 2:45 LA1.2 - Lucky to the Doc's ====> LA Mission 2 Pt1: Pickup - 1:00 Pt2: Deliv Pass - 1:50 LA Mission 1 ------------ LAM1 - The Chase ====> LA Mission 3 Pt1: Chase (ram) - 1:45 LA Mission 2 ------------ LAM2 - Maya ====> LA Mission 3 Pt1: Pickup - 0:55 Pt2: Deliv Pass - 1:15 LA Mission 3 ------------ LAM3 - The Maddox Hit ====> LA Hotel 2 Pt1: Pickup - 1:41 Pt2: Deliv Pass - 2:10 Pt3: Deliv Pass - N/A LA Hotel 2 (3 jobs): -------------------- LA2.1 - Lucky to the Crib ====> NY Hotel 1 Pt1: Pickup - 1:00 Pt2: Deliv Pass - 1:00 Pt3: Deliv Pass - N/A LA2.2 - The Beverly Hills Getaway ====> NY Hotel 1 Pt1: Crime Pickup - 1:00 Pt2: Deliv Pass - N/A Pt3: Deliv Pass - N/A LA2.3 - The Test Run ====> NY Hotel 1 Pt1: Checkpoint - N/A ------------- NEW YORK CITY ------------- NY Hotel 1 (2 jobs): -------------------- NY1.1 - Grand Central Station Switch ====> NY Hotel 2 Pt1: Meet Contact 1 - 3:20 Pt2: Meet Contact 2 - N/A Pt3: Deliv Material (escape FBI tail) - N/A NY1.2 - Luther's Heap of Shit ====> NY Mission 1 Pt1: Deliver Car - N/A NY Hotel 2 (1 job): ------------------- NY2.1 - The Accident ====> NY Hotel 3 Pt1: Chase (ram) - 2:15 NY Mission 1 ------------ NYM1 - The Rescue ====> NY Hotel 3 Pt1: Pickup - 2:40 Pt2: Deliv Pass - N/A It gets a little confusing here. If you take the first job on the machine (cab) then you do Missions 2 and 4. If you take the second job (Granger's wheels) then you do Missions 3 and 5. Both missions 4 and 5 go to the final mission, The President's Run. Plus, whichever mission you pick here determines which ending you get (after the storyline ending). Got it? Good. NY Hotel 3 (2 jobs & joke): --------------------------- NY3.1 - Take a Cab ====> NY Mission 2 Pt1: Deliv Car (perfect) - N/A NY3.2 - Trash Granger's Wheels ====> NY Mission 3 Pt1: Chkpnt (smash car) - 2:00 Pt2: Return home - N/A NY Mission 2 ------------ NYM2 - Take Out Granger's Boys ====> NY Mission 4 Pt1: Chkpnts (ram cars) - 3:00 NY Mission 3 ------------ NYM3 - The Negatives ====> NY Mission 5 Pt1: Chase (ram) - 1:10 NY Mission 4 ------------ NYM4 - The Ali Situation ====> NY Final Mission Pt1: Pickup - 2:00 Pt2: Deliv Pass - N/A NY Mission 5 ------------ NYM5 - Rite of Passage ====> NY Final Mission Pt1: Chkpnt (from one end of NYC to the other) - 4:00 NY Final Mission ---------------- NYFM - The President's Run Pt1: Deliv Pass (you KNOW who it is) - N/A Be prepared on the final mission for some SERIOUS driving. I've been rammed by the black sedans so hard that it knocks me through the wall, behind the buildings, where the game usually crashes after I drive around on nothingness for a while. So, um, be careful out there. Or something. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Thanks to Kao Megura for the disclaimer style. Unpublished work Copyright 1999 Jacob Griffin This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice appears in full. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way without my express written consent. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Jacob Griffin . All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit where it is due. Driver is a registered trademark of GT Interactive Software.