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Lots of updates here and there, some improved info, new info, and a couple of new/finished sections. Even I've forgotten how much I've added, so have a look through and be suprised. Erm... about the cars: LOTS of very helpful people have given me advice and opinions as to what the last few cars in the game are... I've been deliberating over this for ages now, and big apologies to everyone who I've forgotten to reply to (I'm still catching up with mails :( ), as believe me your mails have been appreciated and read. However, the huge number of opinions means I STILL haven't managed to totally come to a definite conclusion myself. I'm sorry about this, I'll do some totally thorough research and release yet another new version when I've finally got a 90% sure idea of what cars are what. Thank you very much for your help, and I'll be sure to put your names in the next version along with the finally confirmed cars. Also, is anyone interested in writing a guide to the film director section? I have a few good ideas and techniques people have written for me, but I haven't really got the time to write a detailed guide, or the skill to make it interesting and avoid stating the obvious. Anyone want a go? If you still want to send me ideas of what they are, but don't have a Gameshark, then try looking at: www.ravensnest.demon.co.uk where you'll find pictures of some of the cars. (Eventually I'll have pictures of them all. Eventually. :P) IMPORTANT NOTICE: ========= ====== This FAQ can ONLY be freely distributed as long as it is done so in IT'S ENTIRETY and is unaltered. This FAQ CANNOT be used commercially or otherwise reprinted or incorporated into any commercial medium. It is FOR PRIVATE USE ONLY. Recently it has become apparent that a number of magazines have been reading my FAQ a little too closely - my influence has caused them to write Driver walkthroughs suspiciously similar to mine.. Down to the same little jokes and comments (often not even relevant to the game) being included. One magazine has even copied out entire sections word for word. As I have stated at length at the beginning and end of this FAQ, by using this FAQ in ANY magazine or other commercial medium is plagiarism my work. YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW by using my work without any kind of previous agreement. In the future, if I see any of my guides in a magazine without my permission, then I will take legal action. I have proof of copyright and I will defend my hard work. I apologise to everyone else who reads this FAQ for wasting valuable space with this rant, but to put it simply, this is not on. On another note, please don't ask for help with a pirate version of Driver. Aside from the fact that it is illegal, I don't know anything about problems caused by such dodgy merchandise. As they say in Rome "Caveat emptor". =--------= |Contents| =--------= 1. What is Driver? 2. The basics 3. Training 4. The Undercover mission 5. Losing the Cops 6. The Driving games 7. Cheats 8. Gameshark/Action Replay Codes 9. Miscellaneous (Including Frequently Asked Questions) 10. Driver 2 11. Copyright Notice/Thanks/Contact Information/.. =------------------= |1. What Is Driver?| =------------------= Driver is a driving game from Reflections and published by GT Interactive for the Playstation. Reflections are probably best known for the games Destruction Derby 1&2 and Driver follows in Destruction Derby's car crashing footsteps. As an undercover police detective, Tanner, you must infiltrate an organised crime ring to prevent them from carrying out a high profile assassination. In an attempt to gain the criminals trust and to find out the target of the hit, Tanner must offer his services to the gangsters and use his hard driving skills to complete a number of missions across America. Essentially Driver is a game of every car chase film you have ever seen. Packed full of high speed chases and crashes Driver shamelessly steals every cliche in the book to make one of the best games of '99. Cars smash through piles of cardboard boxes and traffic cones, skid through alleyways and fly over the undulating hills of San Francisco as you accelerate through the game. =-------------= |2. The Basics| =-------------= Driver is a game where driving ability is key. If you don't understand how to use the car and controls to their full then you will have no chance of completing the game. CONTROL TIPS 1. FULL LOCK (L1) By far one of the most important controls as it allows you to get out of almost any difficult situation. Can't complete the car park tests? Use full lock. Car understeering at high speed? Use full lock. Jammed up against a wall? Use full lock to manoeuvre out. The full lock button allows you to instantly go from one directional extreme to another, so is invaluable for skidding and drifting the cars. It is also essential for countering extreme oversteer (usually from being hit by a cop car). Learn to use it, or die a lot. 2. THE HANDBRAKE (Triangle) One thing most first time DRIVERs ignore is the handbrake. Although with auto handbrake on the regular brakes are usually enough to drift the car, in the wet or at low speed the handbrake is a must if you want to turn quickly. Another use is to come to a complete stop, very handy when you're waiting for a red light with a cop beside you. 3. THE BURNOUT (Circle) The first thing you should do on most missions is hold the circle button. To get to and away from the target quickly you need the boost in acceleration the burn out offers. Be aware of its limitations, however. Burning out on grass, or when being hit by the police is not a good idea - you'll end up spinning doughnuts till the car is wrecked. Use the full lock to steady the car if this happens and rely on the brake and regular accelerator to steady her. Using burnout, handbrake and accelerator to control skids is an important part of mastering the cars. VEHICLES Contrary to popular belief the cars in Driver DO behave differently. Although most of the cars behave similarly to be fair to the player, they have different acceleration, handling and top speeds. BUICK GSX COLOUR: Black/Yellow NOTES: See the 'Eleanor' section of the miscellaneous part of the FAQ for info. BUICK REGAL COLOUR: Red/Pink SPEED: Average to Good ACCELERATION: Average to Good HANDLING: Average to Good NOTES: Appears in only a few missions. Looks very similar to a Gran Torino, but the tail lights give it away. BUICK SKYLARK COLOUR: Dark grey/blue SPEED: Average ACCELERATION: Average HANDLING: Average to Good NOTES: Often used in Los Angeles levels. CADILLAC LIMOUSINE COLOUR: Black SPEED: Average ACCELERATION: Average HANDLING: Poor NOTES: The final car in the game. Since I created the PAL car select code I decided to see what the car handled like on a non-wet road. The poor handling I had previously attributed to the wet road was soon revealed to happen because, frankly, this car is absolutely crap. It's slow, heavy, and understeers like some kind of brick on wheels. And you're expected to survive 5 minutes of non stop battering and appalling weather in it to complete the game. AARRRGGH! CHEVROLET CHEVELLE COLOUR: Black SPEED: Average to Good ACCELERATION: Average HANDLING: Average to Good NOTES: Standard Miami vehicle and one of the best all round cars in the game. CHEVROLET NOVA COLOUR: Turquoise SPEED: Average to Good ACCELERATION: Average HANDLING: Average NOTES: Used exclusively in the New York Levels of the undercover mission. CHEVROLET MONTECARLO POLICE CAR COLOUR: Black and White SPEED: Good ACCELERATION: Average HANDLING: Average NOTES: You steal one in LA. Also, don't forget that you can switch on the siren by pressing R1. CHEVROLET S-10 (pickup) COLOUR: Blue SPEED: Good ACCELERATION: Average HANDLING: Average to Poor NOTES: This is actually the second fastest vehicle in the game, believe it or not. It also has the distinct disadvantage of having half a ton of TNT in the back.. (Although selecting it via GS code removes this). DODGE CHARGER COLOUR: Turquoise-blue SPEED: Average ACCELERATION: Average HANDLING: Good NOTES: General San Francisco car, pretty much a good all-round car, but it seems to have a slightly high centre of gravity which when coupled with the big hills of SF means a tendency to roll on its roof... FORD GRAN TORINO COLOUR: Red with White roof SPEED: Average to Good ACCELERATION: Average HANDLING: Good NOTES: The same car as 'Starsky And Hutch' famously drove. The car has been changed compared to the released 'S&H' model as it lacks the white stripe continuing down the car's sides from the roof. Appears in a couple of missions and is available in Take a Ride/Driving games if New York is selected. FORD MUSTANG MACH ONE COLOUR: Black with blue stripes SPEED: Very Good (Highest in the game) ACCELERATION: Very Good (Also highest in the game) HANDLING: Average to good (High speed lowers this somewhat) NOTES: This car is only available in the "Superfly Drive" mission in Miami. It is arguably the best car with unbelievable top speed and acceleration. TAXI CAB COLOUR: Yellow SPEED: Average ACCELERATION: Average HANDLING: Average to poor NOTES: A taxi cab. Used in the mission "TAXI!". Not really very good, though. '67 Cadillac (previously known as the 'White Car') COLOUR: White SPEED: Average to good ACCELERATION: Average HANDLING: Average to poor NOTES: Nasty understeer makes this a somewhat forgettable car. Only appears in one mission "The Clean up". SECRET CARS N.B You must use Gameshark codes to play with these cars. JAGUAR XJ6 COLOUR: Green SPEED: Average to good ACCELERATION: Average to good HANDLING: Good NOTES: Only playable with the Newcastle gameshark code. This is probably the third best car in the game, the combination of smooth handling and a powerful engine make this one of my favourite cars to mess about with. 'TAN CAR' COLOUR: Tan SPEED: Average ACCELERATION: Average HANDLING: Average (well, a little less than average). NOTES: S.F car #3. Pretty good all-rounder, but the understeer is a bit annoying. CHEVROLET CAMARO (previously the 'Brown Car') COLOUR: Brown SPEED: Average ACCELERATION: Average HANDLING: Average NOTES: LA car #1. Nothing really special, but has pleasingly smooth handling. 'CREME CAR' COLOUR: Creme SPEED: Average ACCELERATION: Average HANDLING: Average NOTES: L.A Car #3. A fairly standard car, but slightly heavy oversteer. (I'm sure I've seen this car in the game before, but checking the walkthrough, that can't be..) PC VERSION ========== FORD THUNDERBIRD COLOUR: Turquoise SPEED: Extremely Good (best in the game) ACCELERATION: Extremely Good HANDLING: Average NOTES: This car is definitely ONLY in the PC version of the game. It is a bonus car awarded to you for completing the game, as well as the ability to play with any car - something that was sadly missing from the Playstation version. Thank you.. ----- --- This section would not have been anywhere near as good without the help of the following people and their god-like knowledge of cars. BIG thank you's to : 'JVidal5929' (Chevelle, Charger), 'FRIZZO248' (Nova) Al Metz (Skylark, GSX, S-10) Brian Kelly (Regal) Jason Upshaw (Thunderbird) Stevie G (XJ6) =-----------= |3. Training| =-----------= 1. CAR PARK The aim here is to complete all the tricks on the list. You don't have to do them in any order, but you must complete them all in 60 seconds. the tricks are: BURNOUT: Hold down circle to start out. HANDBRAKE: Just press the handbrake once. Best to use it when you're slaloming. SLALOM: Follow the ghost car to learn the route. Try and build up high revs when you turn round for another pass so that you get speed checked too. Right, time to nip this in the bud. Embarrassingly it seems no one knows what the word 'slalom' means.. so here's EXACTLY how to do it. Tsk. You have to drive through the pillars in a 'zig zag' pattern like this: E.g: O = Pillar S = You at start - = your route S | / |O \ \ | O | / / / / O | \ \ O\ \ \ \ | \_/ Then go back up, but this time zig zag through the other way until you get back to the start. If you STILL can't do it, then please look on the title screen for the 'training' option as playing 'Car Park' here will result in you seeing a pre-recorded demo of how to do it. Phew, well that should have saved me a few hundred emails... 180: Build up some speed and then turn and handbrake. Use full lock for best results. 360: Use the burnout button and keep doing doughnuts until this is checked. for best results, turn the car until it begins to skid, then let go of any direction and just hold burnout down until you complete the 360. REVERSE 180: Probably the hardest trick. Get up close to a wall and reverse until you reach maximum speed. Now turn with full lock and tap the handbrake to loose the rear wheels easier. SPEED: Get maximum revs. Either drive straight as fast as possible, or accelerate hard whilst skidding to check this. BRAKE TEST: Reach maximum speed then brake to a stop before you hit a wall to check this off. LAP: Complete a lap of the car park clockwise or anticlockwise. FAST CAR PARK ---- --- ---- Think you're good? Try this little bit of advice and you can cut your Car park time in half: 1. Hold burnout to get a fast start and check 'Burnout'. Turn the car slightly to the right so you begin to move slowly to the right of the slalom pillars. Keep driving until you reach the end of the garage where you would usually turn left to slalom. 2. Hold down Full lock (L1), and yank the wheel to the left, then hit the handbrake hard to pull a 180. Practice getting the balance of handbrake and accelerator and you'll check speed off to. If you can do this right then you'll check off '180', 'handbrake', and 'speed' in one go, and still be ready to slalom. 3. Adjust your car slightly (use burnout) to be ready to slalom and miss the car and pillars. Slalom in between the pillar as usual. Use burnout and full lock to clip the pillars and keep a tight line and you can almost catch up with the ghost car. 4. Turn left at the top of the course to get slalom checked like usual. Now keep driving back down the garage and turn through one of the middle pillars. Skid the car left and hold the burnout. Let go of any direction and just hold burnout and the car should spin through the middle of the car park and check '360'. 5. Once the spin stops drive forwards towards the wall and then stop and begin reversing. Once you have reached maximum speed (i.e. the engine tone is flat) then hold full lock and wrench the wheel to the left. Tap the handbrake slightly mid-180 to overcome the friction and give the car a wider arc. You should now have 'Reverse 180' checked. 6. Floor the accelerator and get back up to speed. Start driving round in a circle to check 'Lap'. As soon as it is crossed off then keep driving towards the nearest wall, and at the last second hold down the normal brakes until the car stops. You should now have 'Brake test' checked. If you practice this you can get some incredible times, and just as the computer car is still trying to do the 360 etc, then you have already finished the lap and into the record books. Thanks to Damien Clines for giving me the basis of this technique (or rather his "flipping" cousin :) ). 2. DESERT TRACK You can play through 3 desert obstacle courses. Keep to the ghost cars route and avoid the cones. TRACK 1: Simple slaloming between cones, easy. TRACK 2: Introduces muddy ground and a change in direction, medium difficulty. TRACK 3: Lots of mud and cones as well as long tight corners at high speed that must be drifted through skilfully to avoid the cones. Hard difficulty. Selecting 'NEXT' from the menu goes to the next track. Once you have completed all 3 tracks next cycles you back to the first track again. =-------------------------= |4. The Undercover Mission| =-------------------------= This is the 'regular' game mode. The objective is to complete all the missions until you reach new York and have to save the President. One thing that you should realise as you play is that it is not possible to complete all the missions in the game in one sitting. The missions are arranged in a branched structure, and the decisions you make will determine which jobs you will be offered in the future as well as the present. It is possible to see the end of Driver after playing just over 20 missions, but there are around 40 different missions in total and 2 possible endings. HOW THE GUIDE WORKS: I tried to make it possible to easily tell where each mission is in the mission 'tree' by giving each one a series of numbers to tell you which choice it was and what subsequent missions choosing it will give you, but doing this was difficult. Therefore, the MISSION number works like this: MISSION A-B.C A= What point in the mission 'tree' the mission came from. (Missions without numbers B or C are ones that must be played regardless of any choices made.) B= What choice the mission was on the answerphone. C with "."= If you MUST play another mission straight after the current mission, then the order of the missions is indicated by this number (i.e. 2-2.1 would be the first consecutive mission after the mission 2-2, and so on.). The mission is UNIQUE to the path you have taken (you cannot play it by previously making another choice). C with "-"= The number of the answerphone choice you took for the current mission (the path of the previous choice is preserved for clarity). Examples: MISSION 3 A mission where the paths converge, so no matter what options you choose you will ALWAYS have to do this mission. MISSION 3-1 The mission you would receive by choosing the first answer phone message after completing the compulsory Mission 2. MISSION 3-1.1 The first consecutive mission after completing Mission 3-1 (you are given no choice of other missions). MISSION 3-1-1 The first answer phone choice mission after completing the mission 3-1. And so on. It may look complicated at first, but if you look at the mission tree and how the game works when you play it, you should understand. NOTE: I have skipped any 'joke' answerphone messages in the Mission notation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Guide: === ===== "THE INTERVIEW" CAR: Chevrolet Chevelle Show the hoods that you're a top driver. Exactly the same as the training mission, so use the techniques from there to complete it with ease. MIAMI ===== MISSION 1 : THE BANK JOB CAR: Chevrolet Chevelle CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: 1:20 A nice introduction to the game proper. Use it to practice getting in and out of the lock-up quickly and learn the route to get across Miami river to the downtown area. Take it easy, and slow down for the cops, as you'll usually have plenty of free time. Aim to get to the bank with 16 seconds or so left, as otherwise the robbers won't be ready when you get there! On the way back either take it easy, or if you want, get some practice outsmarting the police (and driving like a maniac). MISSION 2-1 : HIDE THE EVIDENCE CAR: Buick Regal CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: None You must drive the hot motor from the Bal Harbour area to the Bayside Marina. Resist the urge to jump the humpback bridges and instead follow along the motorways. The rest of the level is pretty easy, but you should realise that the police are after you from the start of this mission. just make sure that you are not followed when you get to the garage or you'll have to lose the tail. MISSION 2-1.1 : CASE FOR A KEY CAR: Chevrolet Chevelle CONDITIONS: Early Morning, Dry TIME LIMIT: 2:00 PART A Drive to meet Rufus at the marina. Take the usual route across Miami River, but make sure you take the biggest, widest freeway to get to the marina if you want to get there on time. PART B TIME LIMIT: 1:35 Now you have to make the exchange at the Marina on the other side of town. Pretty easy, take the freeway back past star island and turn left at the end for the marina. Cruise on in and avoid the cops. PART C TIME LIMIT: 2:20 It's a set up! You must chase the boat across town to Dodge Island. Pull out of the marina and watch out for any Black and Whites trying to stop you. Take the first bridge to dodge island and look to your left and you'll eventually see the speed boat. When you reach the island you have to negotiate an obstacle course of boxes and shipping crates. Follow the sign posts around to the back where the boat will stop. MISSION 2-2 : TICCO'S RIDE CAR: Chevrolet Chevelle CONDITIONS: Night, Dry TIME LIMIT: 1:15 Now you must pick up Ticco. Drive from the lock-up to the alley way he's loitering in in the time limit. Next you must visit his "friend with a bad memory", up in Coral Gables. Avoid the police and it should be simple. MISSION 2-2.1 : THE CLEAN UP CAR: Chevrolet Chevelle, change to 'White Car' CONDITIONS: Day, Sunny TIME LIMIT: 2:00 PART A You must pick up the abandoned car in Coral Gables before the Police get to it. Take the lowest long motorway and take a short cut through the area with the large computer store to avoid the police in a chase. Remember, you must reach the checkpoint with no police tail. PART B No Time Limit Now you have to change cars and drive back to the lock-up. Plan your route carefully and be warned that the police are looking for you from the start. Make sure they're not still on you when you get to the garage. MISSION 3 : TANNER MEETS RUFUS CAR: Chevrolet Chevelle CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: 2:15 Drive across town to meet Rufus at "The Electric Lady Lounge" in Miami Beach. Don't take it easy driving across the freeway as the time limit can be very tight. To make matters worse, you must shake off any tail before you get to the cafe, so be prepared to drive angry! MISSION 4: BUST OUT JEAN-PAUL CAR: Chevrolet Chevelle CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: 1:50 PART A The second the level starts, floor the accelerator. You must drive fast and hard to catch up with the police car. If you don't manage to ram him off the road by the time he reaches the freeway, then use the right angle turns to cut him off and wedge your car in front of him. After you've done this he'll have no chance of escaping. PART B TIME LIMIT: 1:55 Now you must drive the car back to the house in Miami beach. Take the freeway and watch out for any road blocks. When you get to the house you musn't have a tail or you won't be able to enter. MISSION 5-1 : PAYBACK CAR: Chevrolet Chevelle CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: 3:00 Ram all the restaurants. The first is to the right of the Miami River bridge, and the second just left of it. The third is in downtown, and the fourth is located in Coconut Grove. The last is near Coral Gables. The map indicator always changes to the nearest restaurant, but you don't have to visit them in order. I recommend you complete the first three in order, then go to Coral Gables and finally Coconut Grove to get to them in the quickest time. One thing you should realise is that you can actually ram the shops with Police cars and other road users if you want too - it still counts the same, so with some skill you can get the Police cars to do the dirty work for you. You also receive bonus time depending on how much furniture you smashed up, so aim for maximum damage. MISSION 5-1.1 : A SHIPMENT'S COMING IN CAR: Chevrolet Chevelle CONDITIONS: Night, Dry TIME LIMIT: 2:45 PART A You have to get over to Dodge island, so be quick and careful. You'll have to drive through the usual maze of crates, etc so try to avoid damage. Finally, drive up to the barrels. PART B It's back to the motel. just follow back the route you took and watch out for the police. Simple. MISSION 5-2 : SUPERFLY DRIVE CAR: Ford Mustang Mach One CONDITIONS: Night, Dry TIME LIMIT: 2:45 You must drive the Mach One from Coral Gables to Bal Harbour. The Time Limit is very tight, so floor it all the way. you have no time to stop for the Police, if you're trailing behind a cop just burn past - they'll never catch you. Make sure you take the topmost freeway to Bal Harbour or you won't get there on time. The tiny amount of damage your car can sustain makes this a very tough mission if you're not very careful (How can you be careful driving such a cool car... ). MISSION 5-2-1 : TAKE OUT DI'ANGIO'S CAR CAR: Chevrolet Chevelle CONDITIONS: Night, Dry TIME LIMIT: 1:45 As soon as the level starts, floor it. Don't worry too much about the time limit, concentrate on taking out Di'Angio before he gets a lead on you. If he goes to the right side of the beach area, on the grass, then stay on the road so you can cut him off when he has to rejoin the road again (Watch out for him trying to pull a 180, though). If you haven't taken him out by the time you reach a freeway, then concentrate on just going straight ignoring his swerving and you should easily pull along side him allowing you to pull off the 'PIT' manoeuvre on him and spin him out. I you STILL don't get him and he heads North, then watch out for the humpback bridges, as he'll usually mess up the jump and crash into a house letting you easily finish him off. MISSION 5-2-2 : BAIT FOR A TRAP CAR: Chevrolet Chevelle CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: 2:35 Start heading off to Bal Harbour. Try to avoid the Police as the time limit isn't too harsh, so you may as well avoid the hassle of shaking them off. Take the top freeway to Bal Harbour and ram the car. You've been double-crossed! You now have to drive all the way down to Miami beach to lure him to the 'trap'. Make sure that you take one of the hump backed bridges so you don't waste time back tracking after taking the wrong route. The Green car will be in hot pursuit the entire time, so step on it. Just follow the motorways and then drive into the car park to end the mission. MISSION 6 : THE INFORMANT CAR: Chevrolet Chevelle CONDITIONS: Day, Wet TIME LIMIT: NONE Don't be fooled by the lack of a time limit, speed is the key here. You must follow the metro car to the end terminal across Miami river and into the town again. The first 30 seconds of this level are crucial, if you manage to keep pace with the train up to the other side of the river you should have no problem catching it. Don't bother avoiding the police and concentrate on closing the gap between you and the train. Once you've crossed the bridge things become much easier. Remember, it's a train so it must follow the track. Just follow the track and watch out for turns, etc that will let you take a short cut and gain some time. Drive to the end and wait for the train to catch up. MIAMI MISSION TREE: ===== ======= ==== 1. Mission 1 | 2. M2-1 --+-- M2-2 | | M2-1.1 --+ +-- M2-2.1 | | 3. +-------- Mission 3 -------+ | 4. Mission 4 | 5. M5-1 --+-- M5-2 | | M5-1.1 --+ +------+ | | | +----+---+ | | | | | | | | | | M5-2-1 M5-2-2 | | | | +---+----+ | | | | +-------------+------------+ | 6. Mission 6 SAN FRANCISCO === ========= MISSION 7 : THE CASINO JOB CAR: Dodge Charger CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: 1:10 Drive from Chinatown to the Casino near Nob Hill. Get used to the location of the motel so that you can easily get in and out, and know which way to head for the major freeways, etc. You have plenty of time to get to the Casino, but make sure you don't get there until you have at least 16 seconds left, otherwise they won't be ready and your felony bar will escalate for every second you wait. Once you have the robbers on board burn off back to the warehouse. If the police are on to you from the second you leave, use the tram and its buffer at the end of the track to your advantage. The warehouse is in the Southern end of town, so make sure you don't miss the two turnings you have to make to get there. If you arrive at the warehouse with a tail, just keep going round the block until you eventually lose the Police. The entrance is on the south side of the warehouse, and you'll have to squeeze past the side walls to get to the meeting point. MISSION 8-1 : THE BRIEFCASE CAR: Dodge Charger CONDITIONS: Night, Dry TIME LIMIT: 3:30 PART A: This whole level is one big 'relay race', with you driving from one point to the next. Because of this you'll have to be economical with your time to keep up. Get to Levy's. It isn't far away, so stay Kool and the Gang when the cops are nearby. Next stop is Sonoma Liquors. Again, it's not too far away near Nob Hill. Now you have to drive to Russian Hill. Step up the pace from now on, as time will be running short. You should reach the checkpoints with a few seconds to spare. From now on you have no timer, so relax a little. Now head to Maupin's, up near Presidio. You need to reach the checkpoint without a tail, so drive fast and careful. PART B: TIME LIMIT: 3:20 You keep the damage from the last level, so good luck. Thankfully the checkpoint isn't too far away, but the long motorways pretty much guarantee that you you'll have trouble from the Police. The long hills are excellent places to lose the cops - so use them. Once you've reached the check point you'll have to make the drop all the way over at the start point. Just pray that there aren't any roadblocks. MISSION 8-2 : GUNS IN THE TRUNK CAR: Dodge Charger CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: 3:18 PART A: Simply drive to Fisherman's Wharf to pick up the shotguns. You've got more than enough time, so behave for the Police if they're around. PART B: Even easier than the first part. This time you don't even have a time limit. Make things even easier for yourself by cruising along minding the Police and you'll soon wonder why they even bothered with this mission. By the way, the warehouse entrance is on the South-west hidden by the crates. This mission can be quite difficult, but only if you make it so by getting the Police involved. If this happens 'gang members' (i.e. Police cars with different graphics..) will try to make your life difficult as well. Don't let this happen. MISSION 8-3 : VISIT TO THE MALL CAR: Dodge Charger CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: 1:40 Drive to the mall. Take it easy, but if time gets short don't be afraid to punch it past the Police, as they'll be all over you in a minute anyway. Keep your eyes peeled for the mall entrance, as it can be a bit difficult to spot at first. Once you've collected the robbers, you'll be ambushed by a trio of Black and Whites. Whichever exit you choose, be prepared to dodge the cars on either side and pay special attention to the car that will try to blindside you from the right. Drift in between them and start driving up hill. Concentrate on losing the Police and check the route to the warehouse. When you get there, the entrance is on the South side, but make sure that you're not followed. MISSION 9-1 : TAXI! CAR: Taxi Cab CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: 1:00 An incredibly easy, but fun level. Just do as many stupid stunts as you can. Do doughnuts, 180's anything. Even pressing the burnout button scares him. If you really can't quite finish him off and you're running out of time, then try chasing pedestrians, or to really get him going, try jumping over one the hills. He'll shit a brick! MISSION 9-1.1 : COSY TO THE CHOPPER CAR: Dodge Charger CONDITIONS: Day, Wet (Turns to night) TIME LIMIT: 0:40/2:25 Go pick up Cosy. The time limit's short, but so is the distance. Once you've got him you'll have to drive him all the way across town to the industrial estate and the chopper. The time limit's pretty tight, and the wet ground means that you'll have to be careful of the increased oversteer. Ignore the cops if they're on your tail, and concentrate on reaching the chopper in time. You don't even need to shake any tail when you get there. MISSION 9-2 : IN THE PICKUP CAR: Chevrolet S-10 CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: None. A very tough mission. If you hadn't guessed, the crate is full of explosive. Hard cornering and collisions with other cars throw the crate around until it begins to emit black smoke. At this point, one more hit will make it explode, killing you. Because of this, take every corner as slow and controlled as possible. The truck is quite fast, so concentrate on outrunning the Police rather than trying to outmanoeuvring them. The objective is to drive the truck into the alley way running East/West through the buildings, it is VERY hard to see, so keep an eye out. MISSION 9-2.1 : THE CHINATOWN PICK UP CAR: Dodge Charger CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: 2:00 You need to drive to the opposite side of town for the pick up. You have plenty of time, so try to avoid getting the Police involved. Next you have to drive them back to the 'crib' in Russian Hill. The Police aren't after you and there's no time limit, so take as long as you want. When you finally get back to the crib you're told that you've got a tail, so shake him off before pulling up outside the house. MISSION 10 : THE MERCY MISSION CAR: Dodge Charger CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: 1:15 PART A: You have to reach a series of checkpoints to save Mojo from receiving an unwanted cavity in his skull.. Quickly get yourself moving and head over to the opposite side of town.Pray the Cops aren't around and don't stop for anything. PART B: TIME LIMIT: 1:00 See the long road leading straight South past the checkpoint? Drive down it. Very quickly indeed.. Forget the Police, just floor it and never look back. PART C: TIME LIMIT: 1:40 A longer distance than previously, there's no real advice other than drive quickly and carefully. MISSION 11-1 : THE SET UP CAR: Dodge Charger CONDITIONS: Day, Wet TIME LIMIT: 1:30 Drive to the car park in downtown. The time limit's tight, so don't worry too much about the Police as they'll be after you in a minute anyway. (Notice that if the Police are following you they give up as you reach the car park..) Once you get to the car park you realise it's a set up and you'll be surrounded by Police. Get out as fast as possible and use the slippery floor and ramps to line your car up with each exit as you jump down them. Once you're out of the car park you have to drive back across town, so try to shake the Police as quickly as possible. Use the hills to your advantage by breaking sharply at the crest of all hill so you can turn a tight corner, whereas the Cops will still be moving too fast and go flying past you giving you time to escape. Finally, pull into the motel car park. MISSION 11-2 : THE HYDE STREET PICK UP CAR: Dodge Charger CONDITIONS: Day, Wet TIME LIMIT: 1:45 Go pick up Ross from the tram stop in Downtown. The time limit's pretty tight, so move quickly. One entertaining thing I discovered was that if you drive over to the tram line you can sit on the tracks until the tram arrives, and let it gently ferry you to the end. Anyhow, once you've got Ross, you must drive him back to Castaldi, but he isn't too far away. Concentrate on losing the cops as you drive there. You have to drive under the monument without a tail, so be careful. MISSION 12 : TANNER AND SLATER CAR: Dodge Charger CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: 1:45 Another simple ramming mission. Floor the accelerator to start with and keep on Slater's tail. Try to keep pace with him, and when he starts weaving on the pavement, move in front of him as he slows to avoid obstacles, then jack knife so that he'll spin out of control. Easy. SAN FRANCISCO MISSION TREE: ============= ======= ==== 7. Mission 7 | 8. +--- M8-1 --+-- M8-3 ---+ | | | | M8-2 | | | | +-----------+-----------+ | | 9. +- M9-1 --+-- M9-2 -+ | | M9-1.1 -+ +- M9-2.1 | | +--------------+--------------+ | 10. Mission 10 | 11. M11-1 --+-- M11-2 | | +------+------+ | 12. Mission 12 LOS ANGELES === ======= MISSION 13-1 : STEAL A COP CAR CAR: Police Car CONDITIONS: Night, Dry TIME LIMIT: 2:45 Pretty self explanatory, you start off in the stolen car (presumably whilst the cop is in "Will's Bar & Grill" ordering take away..), and have to drive it to the lock-up all the way across town. Disappointingly the Police will still come after you if you drive like, well a Policeman, but this level is more of a novelty than a challenge. MISSION 13-1.1 : THE CHASE CAR: Buick Skylark CONDITIONS: Night, Wet TIME LIMIT: 1:30 Die-hard Driver fans may remember the plot of this mission from somewhere.. This mission seems to have inherited the serious timer bug from the demo (ironically). I have seen the time limit set from 1 minute up to 2:50. Because of this, if you get a stupidly small time limit, then restart and hope it gives you a decent time. Anyway, Start by flooring the gas and chasing Duval. The wet ground makes this level a nightmare as every corner or collision must be carefully counter steered out of. Try to gradually catch up with Duval, and spin him out as he corners so you can easily finish him off. MISSION 13-2 : LUCKY TO THE DOC'S CAR: Buick Skylark CONDITIONS: Night, Dry TIME LIMIT: 1:00/1:50 Lucky's been shot, and it's up to you to drive him to the doctors. immediately floor the accelerator, as every split second counts in this difficult mission. Take the right hand road to the second part of town, but be careful at the junctions on the hills - you're likely to be T-boned if you don't watch out. Drive into the alley way to pick up Lucky (it's VERY hard to see). Now you have to drive him back to the Doctor across town. try to get out of the alley as quickly as possible and keep to the middle road in between the two main roads to get there as quickly as possible. Try to avoid the Police on the way back or it can be hell trying to shake them. You've got enough time, so it can be worth taking things a bit slow to avoid the cops. MISSION 13-2.1 : MAYA CAR: Buick Skylark CONDITIONS: Night, Wet TIME LIMIT: 0:55/0:59 Yet another (this time Pulp Fiction-esque) mission against the clock. You must drive downtown and pick up Maya. It's not far away, so try to get there without the cops on your tail. Once you've collected her you have to drive across town to the doctor. The time limit is VERY tight, so forget about the Police and concentrate on trying to break the sound barrier. Pray the Police aren't around. MISSION 14 : THE MADDOX HIT CAR: Buick Skylark CONDITIONS: Night, Wet TIME LIMIT: 1:40 PART A: You have to pick up the hitman first, so pull a 180, and head off to Beverly Hills. Don't worry too much about the Police, the time limit is your real concern. Get to the car park as quickly as you can and you'll often lose the Police as you climb up the different stories of the building. When you get to the top level, try reversing the car into the checkpoint so that you get a quick getaway in the next section. Once you've picked up the hitmen, get across town as quickly as possible to the opera house. Take the top freeway to get there on time, and ignore the Police and concentrate on driving as fast as possible. Practice makes perfect. PART B: Now you have to head to the safe house in the south of town. The Police will be all over you (as if they weren't already..), so step on it. Once you get to the final motorway sections, watch out for the large number of roadblocks, and try to change lane whenever you can. The hardest part is the tiny block of streets that the safe house is located in. If the Police are still on to you when you get here it can be almost impossible to shake them off. Keep driving in circles around the area until they finally crash or lose you. MISSION 15-1 : LUCKY TO THE CRIB CAR: Buick Skylark CONDITIONS: Night, Wet TIME LIMIT: 1:00/0:55 Go pick the team up from the house in downtown LA. The time limit isn't too tight, so watch out for the cops. Once you've got them you'll have to get across town as quickly as possible to the house. Watch out for the slippery hills, and drive as fast as you can. Finally, drive Lucky home. there's no time limit, but beware of roadblocks on the motorways to the South. MISSION 15-2 : THE BEVERLY HILLS GETAWAY CAR: Buick Skylark CONDITIONS: Night, Wet TIME LIMIT: 1:00 Drive down to Beverly Hills. Make sure you get to the house when there is less than 10 seconds left or they won't be ready. Now drive down to Santa Monica boulevard. The lock up is swarming with Police, so drive round the block and take the exit back to the West side of town. Keep driving and use the parked cars as a (very narrow) tunnel to escape the cops. By this stage you should have lost the Police, so drive up to the safehouse to end the mission. MISSION 15-3 : THE TEST RUN CAR: Buick Skylark CONDITIONS: Night, Wet TIME LIMIT: None Drive all the way across to Beverly Hills. A remarkably easy level. All you have to do is drive to the checkpoint. There's no time limit, and no other objectives. It dosen't even matter if you get to the checkpoint with a tail. Drive as slow or as fast as you want. LOS ANGELES MISSION TREE: =========== ======= ==== | 13. M13-1 --+-- M13-2 | | M13-1.1 --+ +-- M13-2.1 | | +---------------+--------------+ | 14. Mission 14 | 15. M15-1 --+-- M15-2 | M15-3 NEW YORK === ==== MISSION 16-1 : GRAND CENTRAL STATION SWITCH CAR: Chevrolet Nova CONDITIONS: Night, Wet TIME LIMIT: 3:20 (Note the blatant continuity errors in the FMV in this mission..) PART A: Drive across town to the contact. Watch out for the wet ground, but this is still a simple mission. Just take it slow. PART B: Now you have to make the switch at Grand Central. There's no time limit, so take it slow and careful. PART C: Drive back to the contact, and after a while you'll realise you're being followed. Drive to the checkpoint, but concentrate on losing the cars. If you get to the checkpoint, but still have a car following you, then try repeatedly reversing into him till you've wrecked his car rather than driving round the block in frustration. MISSION 16-1-1 : THE ACCIDENT CAR: Police Car CONDITIONS: Night, Wet TIME LIMIT: 0:42 Immediately charge out of the ally and with a bit of luck you should be able to blind side Granger as he speeds past. As long as you keep on him from the start you should be able to finish him off before you even get to the next street. MISSION 16-2 : LUTHER'S HEAP O' JUNK CAR: Ford Gran Torino CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: None Simply drive the knackered car across town to the yard. There's no time limit, so as long as you don't get the Police after you (not advisable in such a crippled car) this level is an absolute breeze. MISSION 16-2.1 : THE RESCUE CAR: Chevrolet Nova CONDITIONS: Night, Wet TIME LIMIT: 2:40 A very tough mission (at least the third hardest in the game). Drive over to the gang and try to avoid the cops, you should have enough time, so it's definitely worth keeping them off your back for as long as possible. Once you get to the building, try to pull a 180 as you stop at the checkpoint so that you are facing away from the building. Once you've picked up the hoods, floor the accelerator and drive around the back of the car to the right. Use the grass and burnout to pull yourself round in a wide circle and drive out the entrance to the buildings. If you do this right, then the police should pile into one another and be left facing the wrong way, allowing you to easily drive past. Watch out for the third car that will usually be stuck on the right hand side of the entrance and drive off to the left, but be wary of any other cars that may be after you. Now head down the first turning to the right. NEVER drive down the Hudsen bridge on any mission like this, as you'll end up having to ram through an endless supply of roadblocks, and there is no exit from the road for a long time. Drive through the back streets as much as possible to lose the police, and make sure that you have lost them by the time you get back to the checkpoint or you'll never be able to shake them off. MISSION 17-1 : TAKE A CAB CAR: Taxi Cab CONDITIONS: Night, Wet TIME LIMIT: None You have to drive the Taxi cab back to Brooklyn. Once again, this mission has no time limit, so it's as hard as you want it to be. Another problem is that the Taxi can't sustain much damage, another good reason to avoid a chase. MISSION 17-1.1 : TAKE OUT GRANGER'S BOYS CAR: Chevrolet Nova CONDITIONS: Day, Dry TIME LIMIT: 3:00 Four members of Granger's gang are roaming the city, and you have to track down and destroy all of them. Begin by simply going straight, and soon you should find the first car. Destroy it. The cars appear randomly, so I can't give you much advice. Just hit the cars hard and fast and then move onto the next one. It's pretty much inevitable that the Police will become involved, so don't worry too much about them and instead concentrate on destroying the cars. The mission ends once all the cars are destroyed anyway, so forget about the cops. MISSION 17-2 : TRASH GRANGER'S WHEELS CAR: Chevrolet Nova CONDITIONS: Night, Wet TIME LIMIT: 2:00 Drive over to the park area and destroy Granger's car. Once you get there the Police have been tipped off and are waiting. Try to take out the car as quickly as possible so you can escape from the Police. Remember the car must be totalled. You must now drive back to the motel. Move fast and you should be able to lose the cops easily on the grass verges. If you have a stubborn cop on your tail, just drive round until he gives up, then go home. MISSION 17-2.1 : THE NEGATIVES CAR: Chevrolet Nova CONDITIONS: Night, Wet TIME LIMIT: 1:55 Another ramming mission. This one is made extremely difficult by the ice-ring like road conditions. Keep on the Taxi's tail and try to anticipate his movements. Keep on him and if he goes down one of the long straight roads that converge at the end, then cut him off at the turn. Try to severely cut him up like this rather than occasionally shunting the car, or you'll never completely wreck the car. NOTE: Mission 18 will be different depending on how you played the game to get there. Read the mission tree for New York to see how this works. MISSION 18A : RITE OF PASSAGE CAR: Chevrolet Nova CONDITIONS: Night Wet TIME LIMIT: 4:00 The second hardest mission in the entire game. Don't even look at the cops, as there is no time to worry about a chase, just keep single-mindedly driving to the goal taking corners as fast as possible, and avoiding any sort of collision. Begin by immediately turning 180 and driving to the right turn. Drive down the hill, and turn left at the bottom. Be careful as the wet ground will make it difficult losing the extra momentum from the hill and you're likely to crash into the far wall unless you brake properly. Keep following the road until you reach the very bottom, then turn left. Follow the bridge across the river. Take the first right. Keep driving straight until you get to the series of box like roads. Take the third left turning here and drive East up the map until you get to the road that joins to the grassy area. Follow down this route and take a short cut across the grass. Keep on going straight, then move up to the two parallel roads running above the road you are on. Keep going until you get to the final road that's connects to the top of the map. Follow this along until you get to the final turn (You must have at LEAST 30 seconds left when you reach long road that approaches the final section). Turn left at the first road, then turn right and get to the checkpoint as soon as possible. Don't be surprised if you've only got literally a second to spare. MISSION 18B : THE ALI SITUATION CAR: Chevrolet Nova CONDITIONS: Night, Dry TIME LIMIT: 2:00 NOTE: The mission you play here is dependant on the last choice you made. If you chose the M16-2 route to get here you'll play 'The Ali Situation'. If you chose M16-1, then this will be 'Rite of Passage' (see Mission 17-1.2). Drive across town to save Ali. The time limit isn't that tight, so avoid the cops and save yourself some grief. Once you've picked up Ali Hancock's men will be all over you, so keep moving. Remember that they are in civilian cars, so you won't have the sound of a siren to tip you off. Keep on an eye on the radar so you don't get caught out. When you get back to the motel you don't even have to lose the tail, so don't worry about shaking the crims lose. MISSION 19 : THE PRESIDENT'S RUN CAR: Cadillac Limousene CONDITIONS: Day to night, Rain and snow (everything, basically). TIME LIMIT: None Up to this point Driver has been a reasonably challenging, but typically fair game. Now prepare for the most unbelievably difficult and ridiculously unfair level of probably any game ever. The objective of the mission is to drive the President to the underground parking lot at the end of the level. However, you have the entire NYPD after you as well as sinister black FBI cars. Just in case you somehow managed to evade all of them, the road surface has been turned into an ice rink by constant rain and snow. Start the level by heading straight. Carefully manoeuvre between the row of Taxis, and after 8 seconds the Police will be on full alert. As you reach the crest of the hill check your radar as usually there will either be a car coming from the side, or in front, so be prepared to avoid it. If the car from the start is still close on your tail, then brake hard just as you clear the hill and he should jump and overshoot you by a considerable amount, then skid out of control. Keep driving down the same route dodging in and out of the incoming traffic. You should come across a roadblock after a while. so check which side has a bigger gap (no lamppost) and quickly squeeze through. Eventually you'll come across a grassy area, decide which direction you will take and carefully drift across the grass. Use the trees to your advantage by just skimming them, and the grass and dodgy collision detection should result in any cars following you having a nasty surprise. Keep going and you'll get to a point where another road runs in parallel with the one you're on. Quickly turn onto the second road, and once the Police have caught up take a shortcut through the buildings back onto the first road. Shortly after you must turn right to take the road down to the final section of the map. Take extreme care here as this is a very dangerous turning (you may want to turn sooner so that you can drive across the grass area earlier on). Finally manoeuvre onto the final stretch and go for broke. The checkpoint is outside the garage, so don't bother trying to drive in, just crash into the side of it. If luck was on your side, then well done, you've completed Driver. If not, then try again.. NOTE: WHEN YOU COMPLETE THIS MISSION AND THE MENU APPEARS *SAVE THE GAME!* If you do not then you will lose the cheats once you switch off.(They are not kept if you start the Undercover mode again) NEW YORK MISSION TREE: ======== ======= ==== | 16. M16-1 --+-- M16-2 | | *M16-1-1 --+ +-- M16-2.1 | | +--------------+---------------+ | 17. M17-1 --+-- M17-2 | | M17-1.1 --+ +-- M17-2.1 | | +---------------+---------------+ | 18. Mission 18 A/B | 19. Mission 19 *: This is the only mission on the answerphone at this stage. NOTE: There are two end sequences - a 'Normal' and a 'Good' ending. Which one you'll see is decided by the route you chose at the first branch of the mission tree. 'Normal' ending If you play the M16-1 route then you'll play Mission 18A at the end of the game ('Rite of Passage') 'Good' ending If you play the M16-2 route you'll play mission 18B ('The Ali situation') =------------------= |5. Losing The Cops| =------------------= The Filth. The pigs. The Man. Whatever you want to call them, they're on your tail and they're angry. City Specific Tips: ==== ======== ==== Miami ----- Alleyways - Miami has more alleyways than any other city, and they're just screaming out for a fast car to blast through them. Don't be fooled though, as alleys can often be the players downfall. Consider this: every time you drive through an alley you run over a huge number of traffic cones, boxes and other rubbish all of which increases your Felony rating. The other problem is the fact that generally alleyways require you to make a tight 90 degree turn on the exit. Although at the start of the game Police generally slow down with you, exiting an alleyway in survival will result in you being smashed to pieces in a gut wrenching side-on collision. (And remember, you CAN'T DESTROY THE DUMPSTERS!) Sand Piles - The left over remains of road maintenance crews provide the opportunity for show stopping jumps, and a nasty surprise for over ambitious patrol cars. The sand piles have two main uses: 1. Hit the sandpile to fly over the top of a police roadblock. This obviously relies on the roadblock appearing close to the sand pile, but if it does then you can manage some amazing stunts - then watch the police trying to copy your trick and collide into each each other, 'Smokey And The Bandit' style. This is particularly useful on hard or survival modes where roadblocks can often cover the ENTIRE road, without the usual small gap in the middle. 2. Use the sand pile to flip the cop cars onto their backs. One particularly good method is to use the sandpile at Coconut Grove (at a right angle to the road) to flip the cars onto their sides. Accelerate towards the sand, then at the last second hit the hand brake and skid the car to face the turn in the road, stopping inches away from the pile and continuing on. If you do it fast enough then on hard or survival mode any pursuing cars will desperately hit the brakes and turn to skid, but the combination of late braking and higher top speed will result in them hitting the ramp side-on and flipping their car onto it's roof. This is one of the most satisfying uses of the sand pile, but you can get equal results by lining up the sand pile between yourself and the cop (so he'll hit the ramp behind you) and then turn sharply just as he hits the ramp. He'll turn to mirror your movement and run his car onto two wheels, then eventually roll onto it's side. Hump Back Bridges - Truly the number one choice of car crash connoisseurs. There are two in Miami, both up in the Bal Harbour area. I think it's pretty obvious how useful these bridges are, as they give you the perfect recipe for police write-offs - a large jump, and lots of nasty obstacles. Hit the jump cleanly, and watch as the cops either fluff it up and land on their sides, or laugh as they collide with the civilian cars on the other side. Fun things: Try hitting these at top speed in the Mach One - you'll believe you can fly.. Approach the bridge in the in-car view, and at the last possible before you hit the bridge, press the select button. You'll place the drop camera and be treated to a deliriously good view of your flying car that's guaranteed to impress your friends. Or something. San Francisco ------------- The master of all levels for car-related destruction. Hills - The single reason why San Francisco is so much fun is the insane jumps the hills create. Try using the hills in as many ways as you can - you never know what clever trick you'll find next. Here are some good tips: 1. Always try to get the police to jump hills at an angle. Quickly dummy turning before jumping and the cops should copy your move and exaggerate it, leaving them out of control as they fly through the air - hopefully into a fellow road user. 2. If the police are coming at you hard and fast (like in survival), then try to get a slight lead, then brake sharply as you reach the crest of the hill. Coast over the top and start turning round. If you do it right, then the cops will fly over head and either crash and write them selves out of the game, or spend ages turning round through all the debris. As this is happening you can just drive off into the distance. The Divider jump - This is probably the most visually impressive and just damned cool stunt in the entire game. On some of the roads, you'll find a large concrete divider in the middle of the road separating the lanes. Along this road you will also find several Very steep drops in the hill. This is where the jump takes place. As you approach the steep drops, make sure you are going as fast as possible, and stay in the middle of the road. Keep going, then when you have almost cleared the top of the drop quickly turn towards the divider. If you do it correctly you'll fly through the air and skim the top of the divider and finally land on the other side. Try this in survival mode and even the most reserved of you will be find it difficult to resist a 'Dukes Of Hazzard' style cry of "YEEEHAHH!" More to come later.. General Tactics =============== The Police in the game work on a set of simple rules. The most basic of these is simply to collide with the players car, and to avoid hitting obstacles. Keep this in mind and see what patterns you can discover... *. Police exist in 2 states: Alert, and Patrolling. When the Police are initially found patrolling their field of vision is decreased, as they are simply crusing around the streets. Once you have been spotted committing a crime then all Police in the area will be in alert mode and be fully watching out for you, so their field of vision increases dramatically. Remember that Police will be on the lookout for you PERMANENTLY until you die or the mission ends, so beware on alerting the Police to early on multipart missions or you may find things getting unnecessarily difficult. *. Police appear randomly, and the frequency of them appearing is increased dramatically by being 'spotted' and/or raising your felony bar. *. Police work in increasingly more aggressive ways as your felony bar increases. Initially you will only encounter patrolling single cars randomly, then once you are spotted the spotter car will pursue you, but no further cars will appear. Once you have lost the initial car another may appear, but it will only be looking for you in a more 'passive' way - although on alert it is not concentrating on actively searching you out. When the bar increases further to about one quarter full more cars will appear actvely chasing and searching you out. Once just under the half way point is full, roadblocks will appear on major roads. >From now on you will be attacked by a full complement of cars and roadblocks with the felony bar only increasing the level of aggression exhibited by the Police. *. As the Police get more aggressive they will begin to drive faster and harder. They will gain an increase in speed to catch up with you, and will try 'kamikaze' style head on collisions in front, or try to spin you out by nudging the rear end of the car (the 'PIT maneouvre' as they call it in the US). The frequency of roadblocks will also increase. *. There can only be a maximum of FOUR ACTIVE Police cars chasing after you (although there can be more inactive in roadblocks). *. Roadblocks always consist of 3 cars arranged in a 2:1 pattern, with 2 cars in front and one behind 'sealing' the roadblock off. On the wide divided highways there is always a gap to slip through in the centre of each lane, but on thinner roads there is NO way through without a collision. The best way to break through these roadblocks is by targetting the gap between the front cars and hit the single car at full pelt. *. The cars in roadblocks are 'inanimate' until they are collided with. If you simply avoid the cars then they will simply stay 'dead', but any sort of collsion with you, another Police car or a civilian vehicle will result in them joinging the chase. *. Roadblocks ONLY appear in certain places on each level. If you go past a roadblock, but then return once it has gone a way out of your field of vision it will have been restored with a full complement of cars blocking the road. Sometimes roadblocks seem to shift the position they appear in on certain roads, but it is usually only by a few metres, it seems to randomly change sometimes, but the position is essentially the same. *. Police do not care whatsoever about hitting civilians. They will avoid them only to ensure they are pursueing you fully, and this can be used to your advantage. This also applies to other Police cars, as occasionally you will find 2 pursuing cars following in parallel will end up forcing each off the road as they attempt to drive 'through' each other. *. Police cars are weaker than you are. If you reach the end of a level and really cannot shake the last cop car, or you're about to run out of time and can't shake your tail, then go for broke - stop and repeatedly drive into the cop car until it's 'dead' to end the mission (he'll die a long time before you get too seriously damaged). =--------------------= |6. The Driving Games| =--------------------= You are initally provided with Access to all the Miami and San Francisco levels in 'Driving Games', but to play the LA and New York levels you must reach that city in the undercover game, save the game, and choose 'quit to title screen' to play with the driving games. PURSUIT + GETAWAY ================= Not really much worth saying about these two options. You're simply dumped into a chase scenario and have to either escape your captors or destroy your target. CROSS-TOWN CHECKPOINT ========== ========== Much like some of the 'relay race' levels of the main game. You must drive back and forth between different checkpoints as quickly as possible. Miami 1 ----- - You need to quickly pull out of the motel parking lot and get out on the street Much like most of the Miami undercover levels. Pull a 180 as you hit the first checkpoint, as the next checkpoint is directly south of here. Checkpoint 3 is to the North again, so be prepared to turn again after you hit CP2. Checkpoint 4 is due East of CP3. Checkpoint 5 is to the South-West INSIDE the little hanger type space in the buildings. Miami 2 ----- - Pull left out of the gas station and the first checkpoint is inside the buildings. Checkpoint 2 is directly on the otherside of the wall, so reverse out and drive round. Checkpoint 3 is directly north again, so pull a 180, and drive through the alleyway that it's at the entrance of. This sets you up for Checkpoint 4. Keep driving through the alley to Checkpoint 5 to the north-east. San Francisco 1 --- --------- - Checkpoint 1 is simply due east, so hit the burnout. Checkpoint 2 is just a little further down the same road. Checkpoint 3 is directly behind you to the West. Checkpoint 4 is to the south-east. Checkpoint 5 is to the South-west. Be prepared to turn back round quickly, as Checkpoint 6 is due east. Again turn round quickly and head South-west to Checkpoint 7 which is on the LEFT (from your point of view) side of the divider. San Francisco 2 --- --------- - Checkpoint 1 is directly ahead, on the LEFT side of the divider. Checkpoint 2 is directly ahead, on the RIGHT side of the divider. Checkpoint 3 is also directly ahead, but on the LEFT again. Checkpoint 4 is on the RIGHT. Checkpoint 5 is still on the RIGHT. Checkpoint 6 is on the left again. Los Angeles 1 --- ------- - Drive left out of the garage to checkpoint 1 Checkpoint 2 is to the North-east. Checkpoint 3 is South again, and very well hidden between the buildings. Checkpoint 4 is directly East, inside a garage. Checkpoint 5 is to the North on the main freeway. Checkpoint 6 is directly South again inside the building to the right. Los Angeles 2 --- ------- - Checkpoint 1 is hidden inside the alleyway to the North. Go straight until you are parallel with it then turn left into the alleyway. Checkpoint 2 is to the South-east inside another alleyway. Checkpoint 3 is at the eastern end of the same alley. Checkpoint 4 is to the South east of this alley. Checkpoint 5 is to the North. Checkpoint 6 is to the North-east. New York 1 --- ---- - Checkpoint 1 is just straight ahead so floor it. Checkpoint 2 is at the entrance to the tunnel on your right. Checkpoint 3 is East from here. Checkpoint 4 is East again (don't go too far up the previous road). Checkpoint 5 is at the end of the bridge (you will need to pull a tight 180 throught the tiny gap). Checkpoint 6 is to the North-east. New York 2 --- ---- - Checkpoint 1 is to the South. Checkpoint 2 is South again, hidden inside an alleyway. Checkpoint 3 is directly behind you (drive through the other alleys). Checkpoint 4 is due South. Checkpoint 5 is further up the same road hidden in a nook on the RIGHT side of the buildings (as you come into the buildings). Checkpoint 6 is due East by the monument (watch out for the benches). TRAIL BLAZER ===== ====== Again, a detailed walkthrough will follow later. For now remember that the it's worth slowing down to avoid missing a flag, and that the tunnel in New York is designed to be as hair raising as possible... SURVIVAL ======== The best thing about survival is the fact that it's a quick way to get into a chase, and it is never the same twice. It would seem therefore, to be a waste of time to create a guide to this part of the game, but some of the levels are so hard and the Police are so vicious that you don't stand a chance without an idea of where to go. Here are some suggestions of ways to start the survival mode: MIAMI The grass at the start here will either be your best friend or your worst enemy. You're acceleration will be well and truly scuppered if you try to simply accelerate away, so use the grass by beginning to drift a tight circle to the right. If you do it right, the incoming car should plough through the phone booths, just miss you, and collide head-on with your pursuer. Use the delay to get yourself on the road and use the tiny path between the lamp posts to drive relatively safely down the pavement. The car that usually emerges from the turning will usually get the jump on any nefarious police-types who survived the maze of telegraph poles and lamp posts. For best results, use the Mustang Mach-One... SAN FRANCISCO There are two main choices of route here, try either heading for the hills in front of you, or if you drift the car in a wide circle then the other cars will collide behind you (takes some practice). LOS ANGELES Immediately floor the accelerator and squeeze between the trees to the right. If you're quick enough the car behind should miss you. Drive back onto the road heading right still, and another car should just skim past you. Now you have the choice of taking the hill route, or driving through the alleyways. NEW YORK A really nasty level. You're under attack from all sides as the level starts, with cars closing in from all sides of the building that's giving you temporary cover. DIRT TRACK ==== ===== There are two modes here: Practice and Time trial. The only difference being that one saves your best times, and the other, err... dosen't. The tracks are completely different from the ones in the training mode, and this time are full circuits. TRACK 1 Extremely easy. You don't even slow down - just swing the car into the corners and use the accelerator and burnout to drift the car round. The only problem is the large rock by one of the turns, use your judgement to carefully drift the car and you should be able to just miss the last cone. TRACK 2 More difficult than the first track. The basic oval is now replaced with a more obstacle-packed circuit of fences and cones. One thing of note: The track may look initially confusing, but all you have to do is keep turning right, then when you get to the road head between the line of cones leading right again, and slalom the two barriers. TRACK 3 Considerably more difficult compared to the previous two tracks. You now have to contend with even more densely packed obstacles, and a more convoluted structure with a tight S-bend to contend with. Watch out in particular for the 90 degree left turn at the road after the S-bend and pay attention to some of the massed cones or you'll receive heavy time penalties. TRACK 4 The final track is a sprawling mess of rapid S-bends layed out like so much spaghetti. Concentrate keeping your speed up on the many turns, and watch out for the rocks along the fence line. Once your on the road, you'll have to simply practice if you want to successfully avoid the cones by driving though the tiny gap. =---------= |7. Cheats| =---------= To Unlock the built in cheat modes, you must first complete the game. On doing so you will be presented with the following options: CREDITS Allows you to view the credits (Including a really strange extra city and new vehicles not seen in the game). INVINCIBILITY "Does exactly what it says on the tin". You're invincible, see. IMMUNITY Stops the police from reacting to you. REAR WHEELS Gives you rear wheel steering. MINIS Shrinks all the cars to Micro Machines size. STILTS Gives your car monster truck style wheels. ANTIPODEAN Makes the game play upside down. Those wacky programmers, eh? You can also unlock the cheats by entering the following on the title screen: CREDITS L1,L2,R1,R2,L1,R1,R2,L2,R1,R2,L1,L2,R1 INVINCIBILITY L2,L2,R2,R2,L2,R2,L2,L1,R2,R1,L2,L1,L1 IMMUNITY L1,L2,R1,R1,R1,R1,L2,L2,R1,R1,L1,L1,R2 REAR WHEELS R1,R1,R1,R2,L2,R1,R2,L2,L1,R2,R1,L2,L1 MINIS R1,R2,R1,R2,L1,L2,R1,R2,L1,R1,L2,L2,L2 STILTS R2,L2,R1,R2,L2,L1,R2,R2,L2,L2,L1,R2,R1 ANTIPODEAN R2,R2,R1,L2,L1,R2,L2,L1,R2,R2,L2,R2,L1 =--------------------------------= |8. Gameshark/Action Replay codes| =--------------------------------= These codes are designed to work with Gameshark and Action Replay cartridges. They may not work with Xplorer or other such cheat devices. **** IMPORTANT! PLEASE NOTE: **** There are TWO versions of the NTSC American version of Driver. I don't know if they're any differences between versions in regards to gameplay or the general stability of the game, but the original GS codes WILL NOT work on the second version of the game. Therefore use the new ones if you have trouble with the original American codes. +-------------------------------+------------------------------+ NTSC DRIVER NEWCASTLE LEVEL CODE| By ??? | +-------------------------------+------------------------------+ | 800964C8 0081 | Enables Newcastle City | +-------------------------------+------------------------------+ This code is ONLY for the AMERICAN release of Driver. It will NOT work on the PAL version. This code has been tested, and apparently it works. When you choose a city to play in, you'll be sent to Newcastle instead. I still don't know who the author is, though. If it was you, or you know who it was, then please tell me so I can give you credit for making the code. Thanks to Joe Vincenzes for confirming that the code works. +-------------------------------+------------------------------+ |NTSC NEWCASTLE CODE 2 | By: ElToroBlanco | +-------------------------------+------------------------------+ | 80096808 0081 | Enables Newcastle City | +-------------------------------+------------------------------+ Use the above code if the original NTSC code dosen't work. +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ |PAL DRIVER NEWCASTLE LEVEL CODE| By: Violence Sam The Man | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 8009625C 0081 | Enables Newcastle City | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ This code is ONLY for the UK PAL release of Driver. I have tested the code and it definitely works. A BIG BIG thank you goes to 'Violence Sam The Man' for sending me the code. Now us downtrodden PAL owners finally get to have fun in Newcastle. USING THE NEWCASTLE LEVEL ------------------------- Enter the above codes into your gameshark (enter the code(s) for your game version). Now load up Driver with the codes on. Select any option on the title screen that takes you to the game proper (e.g. take a ride). It dosen't matter what city or time of day you choose, you will appear in Newcastle. There are no missions in the level, and there is also no police presence whatsoever. You can use the no clipping cheat to bypass the barriers in the level. It is possible to also exploit a bug in the game to get through the barriers: At the start of the level keep driving forward until you reach the junction. Turn 180 and drive back to the start. Get your speed up to as high as possible and hit the join between the two barriers on the right as hard as possible. If luck (and the physics engine) was on your side, then you'll be half way through the barrier. Drive through and you can drive around the outside of town and explore the sealed off areas. This can be a hard trick to do, but practice makes perfect and it CAN be done. I can usually do it first time now. +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ |NTSC DRIVER NO CLIPPING CODE | By: Code Master | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 8004B9DE 1000 | Lets you drive through walls | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ (American Version) +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ |NTSC DRIVER NO CLIPPING CODE 2 | By: ElToroBlanco | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 80096798 0001 | Lets you drive through walls | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ (American Version 2) +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ |PAL DRIVER NO CLIPPING CODE | By: ViolenceSamTheMan | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 8004B7E2 1000 | Lets you drive through walls | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ (UK Version) Using this code will allow you to drive through walls and thus explore the architecture of each level. You can also use it to drive through the barriers in the Newcastle level. +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ |NTSC DRIVER CAR SELECT CODE | By: GSBB | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 800964FC 00XX | Play With Specific Cars | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ (American version) +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ |NTSC DRIVER CAR SELECT CODE 2 | By: ElToroBlanco | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 8009683C 00XX | Play With Specific Cars | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ (American Version 2) +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ |PAL DRIVER CAR SELECT CODE | By: Andrew Dean (Me) | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 80096290 00XX | Play With Specific Cars | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ (UK version) REPLACE 'XX' WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE TABLE BELOW FOR RELEVANT CAR IMPORTANT NOTE: The NTSC car select code was taken from the Gameshark Code Creators Club (www.cmgsccc.com) with full permission from the site. If you wish to include this code in your site/FAQ, etc, then ask permission from them first. The PAL code was converted by me, and you may use it in any guide, etc, as long as you give me credit. But if you want to use the NTSC one, then GET PERMISSION FIRST. USAGE: This code lets you choose exactly which car you will drive in each city. There is an average of 4 cars per city, and they are selected by entering the above code and then enter the two digits from the list below for the car that you want in place of the 'XX' part. A big thanks to the Gameshark code creators club and 'gsbb' for creating/hosting the codes. An even bigger thanks goes to them for letting me use the codes in this FAQ. If you would like to see even more interesting codes for Driver, then go to their site: www.cmgsccc.com There were 114 (!) codes for Driver the last time I looked, so pay them a visit if you're the least bit interested in Gameshark codes. +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ |MODIFIER CODES FOR CAR SELECT | CAR | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | MIAMI | | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 00 | Chevrolet Chevelle | | 01 | Buick Regal | | 02 | White Car (?) | | 03 | Ford Mustang Mach One | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | SAN FRANCISCO | | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 00 | Dodge Charger | | 01 | Taxi | | 02 | Chevrolet S-10 (truck) | | 03 | Tan Car (?) | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | LOS ANGELES | | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 00 | Buick Skylark | | 01 | Brown Car (?) | | 02 | Police Car | | 03 | Creme Car (?) | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | NEW YORK | | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 00 | Ford Gran Torino | | 01 | Taxi | | 02 | Police Car | | 03 | Chevrolet Nova | | 04 | Cadillac Limousine | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | DIRT TRACK | | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 00 | Chevrolet Chevelle | | 01 | Invisible Car *(1) | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | CAR PARK | | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 00 | Chevrolet Chevelle | | 01 | Invisible Car *(2) | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ *(1): This is very strange. All that appears is 4 wheels on an invisible chassis! The level works fine, but the car is totally invisible. A word of warning, though - I think that if you pause the game (like to quit) the game will crash. *(2): Even stranger than the first invisible car. This one is semi-visible, but it has jacked up suspension like some sort of monster truck (a bit like the 'stilts' cheat). These cars behave differently to the regular Chevelle because they are considerably more top heavy (watch the computer controlled monster truck loose control in the demo mode of training!). A Note on the car codes: when you enter a code, it affects every single level. This means that for instance, if you want to play with the Mach One, you would cause every other level to play with its third car. Another problem is that you cannot play with cars that don't appear in that city in the Undercover mode. It is impossible to play with e.g the Mach One in New York, only Miami. Also, if you enter a number of a car that dosen't exist, then the game will crash (loading bar will reach about three-quarters along and stay there as it is unable to load data that never existed..). Be careful if you want to play with the Limousine as no other level has a car under 04, so going to any city other than New York with the code on will result in the game crashing. Funny thing: Try watching the built-in replays with different cars selected.. =----------------= |9. Miscellaneous| =----------------= *. In the Motel room, pressing in a direction twice will move the camera instantly to that option, rather than panning around. *. The 'glass smashing' sound you hear when two cars collide is taken from the film 'The Driver'. Ironically, it's from the scene where "The Driver" is smashing his car to bits in an empty car park, which was blatantly 'borrowed' for use in the game. *. In the original demo of Driver and the beta version of Driver it was possible to drive into the ocean around the Miami beach area. The cars would sink into the water and the mission would end. *. Also in the demo of Driver, the car had a much deeper engine sound that was replaced in the game for the usual 'vacuum cleaner' noise. *. In the UK, Television adverts for Driver featured Antonio Fargas, the actor who played 'Huggy Bear' in Starsky & Hutch. He was also employed as 'seventies advisor' to the Reflections team. *. The PC version has more features than the Playstation version, including a secret bonus car, and the option of choosing your car after completing the game. *. The character design of Tanner is based on a portrait of Martin Edmondson, the managing director of Reflections. *. It is rumoured that there was originally a 'cruise control' button in the game to allow you to keep at a constant speed to avoid Police attention, but a lack of buttons for more important features ment it had to be removed. *. Strange cheat/bug/trick in San Francisco: Play SF in 'Take a Ride' or 'Survival' (If you're REALLY good), on HARD difficulty (IMPORTANT) and concentrate on getting your felony bar to the maximum. Now drive to the top left corner of the map and you'll find a little 'Square' of land that breaks off of the rest of the map. Drive along there with Police close behind you and you'll be driving up a steep hill to get there... The objective is to get a Police car to collide with you when you are driving at top speed and clearing the crest of the hill. If you do it right then your car will fly OVER the wall and land in the grass on the other side. You can now drive around exploring SF to your leisure, and even drive in thin air along the sides of the Golden Gate bridge. This is a very hard trick to pull off, but great fun if you do. It would be easiest to pull of in survival - but practically you're not going to last that long, so you'll have to settle for hard mode take a ride instead (Hard mode ensures the Police will reach near maximum speed). Frequently Asked Questions: -------------------------- CHEATS Q: I completed the game and got all the cheats. I started the game again and saved the game and now they are gone. How do I get them back? A: When you complete the final mission the menu appears as with every level. YOU MUST SAVE THE GAME NOW TO PLAY WITH THE CHEATS! If you don't then the cheats will be lost when you switch off or if you start the game again. If you haven't kept a save near the end of the game then you'll have to start all over again to get the cheats.. THE NEWCASTLE SECRET LEVEL Q: What is the city seen in the 'Credits' option? A: It's Newcastle (apparently where Reflections are based). Originally it was intended for this level to be playable, but it was removed at the last moment.. Q: How do I play the secret city? A: The secret Newcastle level cannot be played in the Playstation version. It can be seen by selecting the credits option in the cheats menu, but it is only playable in the PC version of Driver. However, There is a gameshark code that you can use to play the Newcastle level in both the American and UK versions of Driver. Refer to section 8: Gameshark codes for details. DRIVER MEMORY CARD PROBLEMS Q: I can't save the game on my Memory card. It still has 10 blocks left, so what's the problem? A: There is a bug in the memory card code in Driver. If a memory card has bad blocks then most games simply prevent you from using the bad block. Driver detects the bad block and then often behaves unpredictably resulting in the game freezing or crashing or simply prevents use of any blocks on the memory card. The only solution is to use a newer card for Driver save games. Q: I only have one memory card - I don't't want to have to buy another one that I don't need just to play Driver. Isn't there any way to make the game work with my memory card? A: I recently received a mail from Ivan Mendes detailing an interesting way of solving this problem. He found that the game '3XTREME' detects the problem of bad/corrupted blocks and and enables you to fully delete them resulting in the card working perfectly again. He said that before he tried this, Driver would crash when reading his memory card, but afterwards it worked perfectly. So if you are a victim of a dodgy memory card problem, then rent or borrow the game 3XTREME from a friend and you should hopefully be able to fix it. If anybody knows any other games that let you do this, or have had success or failure in this method, the tell me and I'll put together some more information. Q: I have a 'multi page' memory card (i.e. one of those 120 block or so cards) and Driver refuses to work with it/used to work with it but dosen't anymore. What's the problem? A: A couple of people have had problems with these cards. I couldn't categorically say that Driver does not work with 8MB (or whatever) memory cards, but they seem to cause trouble for some people. The only real solution is to use another 'normal' memory card. (I personally wouldn't use anything other than official Sony cards, as I know a LOT of people who have problems with normal third party memory cards, let alone 'multipage' cards.) REPLAY PROBLEMS Q: I watched my amazing replay, but a car appeared from nowhere in front of me and I crashed into a tree and the demo ended. when I recorded the replay I lasted for another 5 minutes. What the hell is going on? A: Driver records the button and stick presses from the player. It does not record every possible detail. This can lead to replays occasionally going wrong and ending prematurely. This does not happen very often, but if it does you must quickly start the replay again to view the true replay. Particular care must be taken in the Undercover mode, as watching an incorrect replay on a completed mission can result in the mission being classified as failed when you have just completed it correctly. (And you do not want that to happen on the last level...) THE TIMER BUG Q: I looked in your FAQ, and it said that you get a time limit of 1:45 for mission X. When I played it I got a time limit of 1:50. You must be wrong! A: There is a bug in Driver that has been in the game since the very first version. Occasionally you will start a mission with more or less time than you are supposed to have. This isn't usually much, but in the original demos of Driver it can be as much as 2 minutes. If this happens, try restarting the mission until you get the 'best deal' time wise. NOTE: This bug only occurs on 'ramming' missions. Since writing this, 'Magna66T' came up with an interesting explanation for this phenomena. He suggested that the timer changes depending on the route the car takes each time you play. I tried to test this, but the random nature made of ramming missions means it was difficult to be 100% sure of his hypothesis, but I think that he may be right. I'll try to investigate this further. THE INTERVIEW/CAR PARK LEVEL Q: Where is the ghost car in the car park? I can't even complete the first level, so where is this ghost car to help me? A: The ghost car ONLY appears if you play the car park level in the 'training' option on the title screen (picture of traffic cones). Play this and watch the pre-recorded replay and you should find the car park no trouble. (I included this question because a surprising number of people asked this. Don't you ever read the instructions? :) ) ELEANOR Q: How can I get the Yellow and black striped car as seen on the back of the box of Driver? A: Short answer: You can't.. Long Answer: This mysterious car is not included in the game, or at least not in any of the missions or driving games. It seems that this car appeared quite a lot in early versions of Driver, and it can be seen in lots of old magazine screenshots as well as on the back of the Driver box. The car is believed to be a Buick GSX. I initially thought that the car was yet another Chevelle, as it looks almost identical from the front, so I labelled it as such. However, a while later Al Metz mailed me and told me that he thought it was a Buick GSX. I disagreed, as I could see it was just another Chevelle. Then I found another magazine picture, this time showing the back of the car. It was substantially different, and was clearly not the same car as the Chevelle. It seems Al Metz was right all along.. Judging by his previous knowledge of cars I would say he was right and that the car is indeed a Buick GSX. This dosen't explain the fact that it is missing out of the game though. Quite why it was removed I don't know, but there is no normal way of playing the car. when I say removed, that's not quite the truth.. Play New York, and look closely at the texture map of a taxi when it is in the very far distance (i.e. as far away as possible before you loose it to the redraw distance.). If you squint REALLY hard you'll see that rather than a taxi you are looking at our friend the 'Black and Yellow' car! I personally believe that the Eleanor car is still in the game (or at least on the disk). In theory you could probably make a gameshark code to play the game with this car.. UPDATE: With the arrival of the Gameshark code to select cars, it has become apparent that the Eleanor car is not in the game :( . If you know different, then don't hesitate to tell me, but I'd say with at least 90% certainty that it has been removed. Q: Why the hell do you call this car 'Eleanor'? A: If you've seen the film 'Gone In 60 Seconds', then you'll know why. In the film, an organised car crime ring have to steal a shipment of cars to order. So that they can talk about the cars easier in public, they give all the cars codenames after girls names. The final car they have to steal to complete the shipment is a yellow and black Ford Mustang Mach One. They call this car Eleanor. BTW, I know that the Eleanor car in Driver is not a Mach One, but the car is obviously designed to look like it (although the pattern is wrong). 'Music to Driver by' ==================== A new and somewhat self indulgent section, but hey! After reading some peoples' ideas for good 'real' music in Driver I decided to dig out my audio mixer and play the game with a selection of authentic 'choons... (yes, I really do have too much time on my hands...) My 'Recommended' list so far: Song: Artist: ---- ------ Brand New Cadillac The Clash/Vince Taylor I'm So Bored With The USA The Clash Janie Jones The Clash White Riot The Clash I Fought The Law The Clash/Bobby Fuller Four Little Green Bag The George Baker Selection Magic Carpet Ride Bedlam Stuck In The Middle With You Stealer's Wheel Street Life Randy Crawford Jungle Boogie Kool And The Gang I Can't Get No Satisfaction The Rolling Stones Route 66 The Rolling Stones Typically I've gone for more authentic sounds from the 70's period or before, but some of the 'seventies cheese' songs like 'Streetlife' go absolutely perfect in Cities like LA, and the game is just crying out for some licenced music. Oh, and I like the Clash, so that's why there's rather too many of their songs. So there. (Oh, and the Reservoir Dogs and Jackie Brown soundtracks are highly recommended sources of strangely lovable seventies sound. As well as just being generally great). =---------------= |10. Driver 2/3 | =---------------= Big thanks to Brian Kelly for supplying me with more info on this. *. Driver 2 is apparently being worked one at this moment. It is (at least provisionally) called Driver 2, and will be another game for the original Playstation. *. Driver 3 (!) is also planned, this time it is aimed at being an early Playstation 2 game. I would speculate that this game would have all the new features, whereas Driver 2 will be more of a 'GTA London' style "extra levels and not a lot else" update (although that's just me being cynical again :) ) *. Driver 2 will feature 4 NEW cities, and new cars. The New Cities: Chicago, Las Vegas, Rio, Havana No info on the new cars yet, but apparently Reflections will once again try to obtain official vehicle licences, but damage will be more important than any kind of official stamp of approval. *. Driver 2 is to feature the following improvements: Multiple level roadways (for big 'spaghetti junction' style bridges and flyovers, and for 'real' multi storey car parks). Curved roads. Improved Police AI. A Two player mode WILL be included in PS Driver 2. More realistic pedestrian activity. *. You will now be able to LEAVE THE CURRENT VEHICLE and even steal other cars to drive. Quite how this massive gameplay change will work is not known yet, but it certainly sounds promising. *. To go along with the previous revelation, there will now also be far greater variety of vehicles in the game, varying from the usual muscle cars to larger vehicles such as vans and even buses. *. There is also a possibility of LICENCED MUSIC being added to the game. I wonder where that idea might have come from... *. Driver is to be turned into a Tomb Raider style franchise with up to four games planned, at least some of which will be for the PS2. *. There will be another main character (apparently name Tobias Jones) who will supply you with missions which, apparently will work in a much more linear fashion than the original, but also have far more diverse gameplay elements and much more varied mission objectives to the original. There are also several other characters planned to be integral to the storyline. *. Driver 2 Should be released around November of this year. (2000) *. Seeing new screenshots and footage of Driver 2 it looks like it's going to be a treat for Driver fans.. The new curved roads look fantastic, and although the engine hasn't changed that much the design of the levels looks much more detailed and convincing with more vegetation and more unique buildings. The Havana level is very interesting for car buffs, as it seems to feature lots of big old 50's Cadillacs with huge tail fins, etc... This information was gleaned from various reputable magazines (Arcade, Digitiser, OPSM), but is not necessarily exactly what Driver 2 will feature. My Driver 2... -------------- We know what things may or may not be included in Driver 2, but what do YOU want to see? I already have lots of great ideas from people, which I will put up in the next version, but it would be great if I could get as many ideas and opinions as possible. You never know, Reflections might be reading this and some of the better ideas might appear in the game.. Send in your ideas to the usual address. Some ideas from 'STATICX9911' ---FOR 2 PLAYER ON THE FIRST SONY PLAYSTATION (NOT PLAYSTATION2): USE THE LINK CABLE. ---USE A 79' FORD MUSTANG BOSS 5.0 GT (POWERFUL CAR) ---MAKE CARS MODDIFIED GIVE THEM MODIFIED HOODS, EXHAUST, ETC. OR MAKE THEM UPGRADEABLE ---MAKE EACH CAR SOUND DIFFERENT ---MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO DRIVE DIFFERENT CARS OF YOUR CHOICE OR MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO BUY DIFFERENT CARS ---MAKE A STUNT COURSE (JUMPING THE LITTLE HUMP BRIDGES IN MIAMI GETS BORING) ---MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO DRIVE ON ROOFTOPS ---DONT MAKE ANOTHER PRESIDENTS RUN (ALMOST IMMPOSSIBLE) ---USE ACTUAL FOOTAGE IN THE CINEMA PARTS Brian Kelly had some excellent ideas (I especially liked the one regarding licenced music): "One of the things I would like to see is an improved Los Angeles. In "Driver", you didn't get to see much of it. What you did get to see was at night. I would suggest adding the L.A. River (the giant raingutter that has seen a lot of car chases, including "Terminator 2: Judgement Day".) and the Santa Monica Pier (we only saw the sign in "Driver"). I'd also like to see a few wild jumps, like the ones that frequently occured on "The Dukes of Hazzard". Also, it would be nice to feature some exotic sports cars. We saw mostly muscle cars in "Driver" (although I briefly thought the Mustang from "Superfly Drive" was a Lamborghini Espada). Some exotics from the 70s included the Lamborghini Countach, Ferrari Daytona, Porsche 911, Datsun Z-car, and maybe even the Bricklin. Also, the sequel could take place in the 80s. If so, maybe there could be a mission where you had to transport a surfer-type to a crime spot. (If you take a turn too quickly, he says "Whoa! Easy, Dude!" and if you wreck, he says "People on 'ludes should not drive." like Spicoli from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High".) I would also like to hear some real tunes on the soundtrack. If it's still set in the 70s, they could feature "Born to Run" or "Thunder Road" by Bruce Springsteen. (I'm not too good with 70s music. Sorry.) If it's set in the 80s, they could feature "I Can't Drive 55" by Sammy Hagar, "Ride Like the Wind" by Mr. Mister (I think), or (what else) "Driver" by REM. Another good thing would be the ability to leave the road. In many places, you had to stay on the road and you had no way to go very far off-road. You know what I mean. One other thing I'd like: the ability to choose a car for the "Take a Drive" segments." Some vandalistic thoughts from 'Capngle': Here's my ideas for Driver2: Even more realistic wreckage including, parts (fenders, bumpers, doors, hoods) breaking off. Perhaps the front end could mash in even further; exposing the engine, radiator and cooling fan. Bending a wheel occationally (alla Carmageddon) making the car wobble about. Having a muffler(s) occationally fall off with accompanying change in motor sound. More variety in what the cop says on the radio (ie "suspect hit another car") 'Steve G' has some A-Team inspired ideas: A) The ability to turn headlights on/off - maybe using the up,down buttons. This could also be used for 'sneaking' past Police patrol cars. B) Even go the whole hog and turn the engine off to cruise silently past Police. C) Respray shops - or is this too GTA? D) Again - choosing a car for the Take A Ride mode - how about taking your pick from a selection in an underground car park? E) And what if you could drive up to a parked car and steal it? This would then be reported and the police would be on your tail. F) A mission idea - Transport crooks in the van from the A-team series...probably the wrong time frame though. Some brief car related ideas from 'sprksk8tr14': -Could have all new cars (2000 Mustangs, Vipers, Prowlers, etc...) -Could be able to control the sun roof on convertibles Keep your great ideas coming! =-----------------------------------------= |11. Credits/Copyright Notice/Thanks/etc..| =-----------------------------------------= This FAQ was written totally by Andrew Dean. This guide is all my own work and is simply a compilation of everything I have found. As such it may not necessarily be accurate, and so does not claim to be 100% correct, although the upmost measures were taken to be accurate. Gameshark codes for Driver: www.cmgsccc.com This FAQ will always be available from these sites: www.Gamefaqs.com (GameFAQS) www.console-gamer.com (Console Gamer) www.cheatcc.com (Cheat Code Central) www.absolute-playstation.com (Absolute Playstation) And.. www.ravensnest.demon.co.uk (My site) It may be available from other sites, but these are the priority locations. In particular, my site will always have the latest version, so check here before you ask a question (there may be a new version that hasn't yet been updated on Gamefaqs, etc). All the sites above are excellent sources of information and FAQs. Why not pay them a visit and see what other guides are available? (They were kind enough to host my FAQs, so they deserve a free plug :) ) COPYRIGHTS: This FAQ ©1999-2000 Andrew Dean/Ravensnest Productions (deano@ravensnest.demon.co.uk) Playstation ® of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Driver TM & ©1998 GT Interactive software (Europe) LTD All other trademarks and copyrights (if any) are acknowledged to their respective owners. This FAQ can be freely distributed AS LONG AS it is done so in IT'S ENTIRETY and is unaltered. This FAQ CANNOT be used commercially or otherwise reprinted or incorporated into any commercial medium. It is FOR PRIVATE USE ONLY. Even if it's a computer games magazine on Teletext. For example. CONTACT INFORMATION ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ What do you think? Found something interesting? Got some good ideas to make the guide better? Write to me at: deano@ravensnest.demon.co.uk Please bear in mind that I cannot afford constant internet access and so may only be able to check my mail once a week. You will get a reply! Thanks To: """""" "" David Funch - for getting me interested in this game/FAQ again. He also came up with loads of great ideas to use in the FAQ. Thanks a lot! 'JVidal5929' - For correcting my ineptitude when it comes to American muscle cars :) 'FRIZZO248' - For more car info. Joe Vincenzes - For confirming that the Newcastle Code works. Al Metz - For telling me about the Skylark, and further confirming some of the other cars. And also for supplying me with even more invaluable car info at regular intervals. Brian Kelly - For yet more car info, and supplying me with lots of exclusive info on Driver 2. Damien Clines - For his "Fast 1st level" advice. 'Magna66T' - For the "ramming mission bug" info. Good luck on your FAQ BTW :) Violence Sam The Man - For coming up with the PAL version of the Newcastle code. Ivan Mendes - For coming up with the memory card bug solution. Jason Upshaw - For telling me about the Thunderbird and all the differences between the PC and Playstation versions. Stevie G - For car and other info. And apologies for getting his name wrong :P The Gameshark code creators club (www.cmgsccc.com) - for giving me permission to use their gameshark codes. Everyone else who mailed me - Thanks for your comments and ideas big, or small. Anyone I've forgotten or haven't mailed back yet - sorry! I'll get there eventually.. However.. No Thanks to 'TizzyG' for concluding that my lack of knowledge of American Muscle cars was because I was British. And then verbally abusing me, using the kind of pathetic racial slurs that you would expect to have been forgotten once he left Primary school (whoops, sorry, that should have been 'first grade' - right 'Tizzy'. I had best go back to smoking my pipe and keeping my upper lip stiff). In fact, it's a wonder that Reflections ever made Driver - after all they're British, and therefore unable to do anything but perform roles outlined in cheap stereotypes. Idiot.