____________________ __ __ E-C-W!!!!! E-C-W!!!!! E-C-W!!!!! \_ _____/\_ ___ \ / \ / \ E-C-W!!!!! E-C-W!!!!! E-C-W!!!!! | __)_ / \ \/ \ \/\/ / E-C-W!!!!! E-C-W!!!!! E-C-W!!!!! | \\ \____ \ / E-C-W!!!!! E-C-W!!!!! E-C-W!!!!! /_______ / \______ / \__/\ / E-C-W!!!!! E-C-W!!!!! E-C-W!!!!! \/ \/ \/ ___ ___ .___ / | \ _____ _______ __| _/ ____ ____ _______ ____ / ~ \\__ \ \_ __ \ / __ | _/ ___\ / _ \ \_ __ \_/ __ \ \ Y / / __ \_ | | \// /_/ | \ \___ ( <_> ) | | \/\ ___/ \___|_ / (____ / |__| \____ | \___ > \____/ |__| \___ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ __________ .__ __ .__ \______ \ ____ ___ __ ____ | | __ __ _/ |_ |__| ____ ____ | _/_/ __ \ \ \/ / / _ \ | | | | \\ __\| | / _ \ / \ | | \\ ___/ \ / ( <_> )| |__| | / | | | |( <_> )| | \ |____|_ / \___ > \_/ \____/ |____/|____/ |__| |__| \____/ |___| / \/ \/ \/ __________ ____ ____.__ .__ \______ \ ___.__. /\ \ \ / /|__| ____ ____ |__| ____ | | _/< | | \/ \ Y / | | / \ / \ | |_/ __ \ | | \ \___ | /\ \ / | || | \| | \| |\ ___/ |______ / / ____| \/ \___/ |__||___| /|___| /|__| \___ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ _________ .__ .___ \_ ___ \ | |__ _____ ____ __| _/ / \ \/ | | \ \__ \ / \ / __ | \ \____| Y \ / __ \_| | \/ /_/ | \______ /|___| /(____ /|___| /\____ | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ _____ .___ / _ \ ____ __| _/ / /_\ \ / \ / __ | / | \| | \/ /_/ | \____|__ /|___| /\____ | \/ \/ \/ ____. __ .__ | | __ __ _______/ |_ |__| ____ | || | \ / ___/\ __\| | / \ /\__| || | / \___ \ | | | || | \ \________||____/ /____ > |__| |__||___| / \/ \/ AUTHOR: name: vinnie chand email: xxstraightegdex@hotmail.com aol im: undying533 www.cheatplanet.com sn: LIMPBIZKIT ASSISTANT AUTHOR: name: Justin Telligent(last name kept hidden so this is the sub) email: thesimsrule@yahoo.com aol im: figurefan TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. UPDATES AND VERSIONS OF THIS FAQ 3. VINNIE'S REVIEW, JUSTIN'S REVIEW, AND READER REVIEWS OF THE GAME 4. FEATURES ON THIS GAME 5. CONTROLS,BASIC MOVES, GENERAL TIPS AND THE KEY 6. BIOS FOR THE WRESTLERS *note some of these guys listed BELOW may NOT be in the game* A. Mike Awesome B. Rob Van Dam C. Bill Alfonso D. Angel E. Chris Chetti F. Steve Corino G. Justin Credible H. Cyrus the Virus I. C.W. Anderson J. Billy Wiles K. Lou E. Dangerously L. DeVito M. Simon Diamond N. Danny Doring O. Tommy Dreamer P. Little Spike Dudley Q. Electra R. FRANCINE S. Joel Gertner T. Sal E. Graziano U. Grimes V. Jason W. Jazz X. Judge Jeff Jones Y. Little Guido Z. Kid Kash AA. Jerry Lynn BB. Balls Mahoney CC. Dawn Marie DD. New Jack EE. Nova FF. Raven GG. Rhino HH. Dusty Rhodes II. Roadkill JJ. Sabu KK. The Sandman LL. Lance Storm MM. Joey Styles NN. Super Crazy OO. Yoshihiro Tajiri PP. Masato Tanaka QQ. Jack Victory RR. Mikey Whipwreck SS. Axl Rotten TT. Tracy Smothers UU. Beulah VV. Louie Spicolli WW. Taz XX. The Sheik ZZ. Tommy Rich 7. MOVES FOR THE WRESTLERS *note-all these guys listed BELOW WIll BE in the game, moves based on default controls* A. ROB VAN DAM B. MIKE AWESOME C. TOMMY DREAMER^ D. SABU E. RAVEN* F. LANCE STORM^ G. JUSTIN CREDIBLE^ THE WRESTLERS WITH THE ^ IS THE WRESTLERS WE CANT DO. THE GUIDE H. JERRY LYNN^ SHOWS ALL OF THOSE WRESTLERS WITH SABU'S MOVES. WHEN THE GAME I. NEW JACK* COMES OUT WE WILL TRY TO FIX IT! SEE VERSION 2.1 FOR DETAILS. J. RHINO* THE WRESTLERS WITH THE * IS THE WRESTLERS THAT JUSTIN DID. K. ANGEL^ EMAIL HIM IF ANY OF THE MOVES DONT WORK. L. AXL ROTTEN^ M. BALLS MAHONEY^ N. BIG SAL E. GRAZIANO^ O. CW ANDERSON^ P. CHRIS CHETTI Q. STEVE CORINO R. DANNY DORING S. DAWN MARIE T. FRANCIINE U. LITTLE GUIDO V. JACK VICTORY W. JASON X. JAZZ Y. NOVA Z. AMISH ROADKILL AA.SUPER CRAZY BB.SIMON DIAMOND CC.TRACY SMOTHERS DD.LITTLE SPIKE DUDLEY EE.TONY DEVITO FF.TAJIRI GG.WILD BILL WYLES --------------------- THE HIDDEN WRESTLERS HH.BILL ALFONSO II.BEULAH JJ.CYRUS THE VIRUS KK.JOEL GERTNER LL.JOEY STYLES MM.JUDGE JEFF JONES NN.LOUIE SPICOLLI OO.TAZ* PP.THE SHEIK QQ.TOMMY RICH 8. THE CREATE A WRESTLER A. INTRODUCTION TO THE CREATE A WRESTLER B. ACTUAL CREATED WRESTLERS B.1 CACTUS JACK B.2 TANAKA* B.3 SANDMAN* B.4 ULTIMO DRAGON IN RED B.5 REY JR(WITH MASK) B.6 TRIPLE H JUSTIN IS DOING SOME THE CAW'S FOR OUR FAQ UNLESS B.7 BRADSHAW NOTED....THE CAW'S THAT JUSTIN IS NOT DOING WILL B.8 BIGSHOW HAVE A * BY IT. JUSTIN IS REALLY GOOD AT MAKING B.9 ROCCO ROCK* CAW'S...IF YOU HAVE ANY PLEASE SUBMIT THEM! AND B.10 JOHNNY GRUNGE* IF YOU HAVE ANY REQUESTS EMAIL JUSTIN AND HE WILL B.11 DEVON DUDLEY PUT THEM ON THE FAQ! WE WILL GIVE U CREDIT! B.12 BUH BUH RAY DUDLEY B.13 THE ROCK B.14 STING B.15 HEADBANGER-MOSH B.16 STONE COLD B.17 X-PAC IN GREEN B.18 BILL GOLDBERG B.19 HEADBANGER-THRASHER B.20 JEFF HARDY 9. THE CREATE A PAY-PER-VIEW A. ALL THE INFO ON CREATE-A-PPV B. ACTUAL CREATED PAY-PER-VIEWS 10. WEAPONS, MODES AND OTHER STUFF 11. CODES AND GAMESHARK CODES A. REGULAR CODES B. GAMESHARK CODES 12. INTERVIEWS WITH THE WRESTLERS *note-the order is the same with chapter 7, and interviews came from the guide* 13. CREDITS 1. INTRODUCTION Ever since I met Jim Chamberlin (jjchamber4@aol.com) and did the wcw mayhem faq with him, I have been wanting to do more faq writing! I am also doing a wwf smackdown faq with Jim so be sure to check that out. ECW: HR, is the first ever game by ecw, and we like it alot. It is a lot like attitude. The caw is pretty cool, and i really like the barbed wire match and all those weapons. It sucks it is rated M and u have to be 17 to buy it, but that's ok cuz my bro is 17 and he is buying it for me(so big thanks to him). Remember this faq is for Nintendo 64 version only! NO ONE CAN USE THIS FAQ ANY WHERE WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION! If u want to put this faq on your website email me or justin first! If u have any questions on ANYTHING about this faq email me or justin. Do not email Jim anything about this faq because he is not helping me except in the ASCII art writing (big thanks to him). WE HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS FAQ! 2. UPDATES AND VERSIONS OF THIS FAQ *note-the latest version will be listed first* Version 3.3, February 24, 2000-BIG ANNOUCNMENT-SORRY IF WE DID NOT GIVE U CREDIT FOR THE CAW'S..JUSTIN GOT A LITTLE CONFUSED...SORRY FOR ANY MIX UP..WE THINK WE GAVE ALL THE CREDITS...BUT IF WE DIDNT PLEASE EMAIL ME OR JUSTIN AND WE WILL GIVE U CREDIT...IF U HAVE ANY CAW'S PLEASE EMAIL US! we also added taz's moves...the credits for the caw's....and added some caw's Version 3.4, February 25, 2000-minor changes Version 3.3, February 24, 2000-minor changes Version 3.2, February 23, 2000-added some caw's and finising up the interviews Version 3.1, February 22, 2000-working on caw info, all the interviews are mostly done Version 3.0, February 21, 2000-working on info for caw Version 2.9, February 20, 2000-working on moves, put it info for create a pay-per-view and info for caw Version 2.8, February 19, 2000-working on moves, put in caw's Version 2.7, February 18, 2000-working on moves, put in a few caw's thanx to justin and ravens moves thanx to justin. Version 2.6, February 17, 2000-the game has come out, hopefully i will get it 2 morrow, and still working on the moves. Version 2.5, February 16, 2000-working on moves Version 2.4, February 15, 2000-working on moves Version 2.3, February 14, 2000-working on moves Version 2.2, February 13, 2000-working on the moves and general tips, added some cheats Version 2.1, February 12, 2000-THE GUIDE IS FINALLY OUT AND I AM STARTING ON THE MOVES! but there is one problem.....12 wrestlers have sabu's moves and i think it is a misprint..so i will not be doing those wrestlers moves unless you can email me those guys moves....i will list the wrestlers who i cant do in chapter 7! plus i am adding stuff to the general tips Version 2.0, February 11, 2000-see version 1.9 Version 1.9, February 10, 2000-minor changes and waiting for the strategy guide Version 1.8, February 9, 2000-put a chart for my review, some minor changes and i am still waiting for the strategy guide Version 1.7, February 8, 2000-Minor Changes hopefully i can start the moves soon(whenever the strategy guide comes out) Version 1.6, February 7, 2000-Added some ASCII art Version 1.5, February 6, 2000-Minor Changes Version 1.4, February 5, 2000-Changed the table of contents a little, added the bios for the wrestlers, put in some new people to thank. Version 1.3, February 4, 2000-Added some basic moves, added a create a ppv to table of contents, added more wrestlers, added some weapons, added the modes to the game. Version 1.2, February 3, 2000-Added some stuff to the table of contents, added some more stuff to the introduction, and added some stuff in the "features on this game" section. Version 1.1, February 2, 2000-Added things to table of contents and minor changes Version 1.0, February 1, 2000-Started on this faq, put the table of contents, the introduction. 3. VINNIE'S REVIEW, JUSTIN'S REVIEW, AND READER REVIEWS OF THE GAME VINNIE'S REVIEW THE ITEM: SCORE: SUMMARY OF "THE ITEMS": --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graphics | 7.0 | they are pretty good, some weak points here and there --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gameplay | 8.0 | exactly like attitude, but i like attitude..so thats a good thing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Controls | 7.5 | a little confusing at first..but not if u own attitude --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create-A-Wrestler | 8.5 | just like attitude..but the one in attitude is slighty better --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create-A-Pay-Per-View | 8.0 | again just like attitude, but with the ecw backgrounds and ecw chants --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Arenas/Background | 7.0 | the crowd doesnt move, but the arenas look really cool --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sound/Music/CrowdChants | 9.0 | sound is good, music is pretty decent, crowd chants are OK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Announcer | 9.5 | joey styles kicks @$$ in this game..uses every detail for every move --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrances | 5.5 |they are ok...the one's in attitude are better, music could of been better --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modes Of Play | 9.5 | one of the best features in ecw, and i really like the barbed wire match --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carrer Mode | 6.0 | i dont like it too much..kind of gets annyoing...to long --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapons | 9.0 |a really good selection of weapons,i wish there would be a table more often --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selection Of Wrestlers |10.0 |lots of wrestlers to choose..my favs. are taz,RVD,raven,dreamer,and sabu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fun Factor | 9.0 |really fun game..my fav. is a 4-way dance barbed wire or death match --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall/Average | 8.1 |just like attitude..it is a wrestling game worth buying if u like ecw --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best Feature: the ecw cast, weapons, barbed wire, and the cussing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Worst Feature: caw has no custom alais name, entrances kind of lame, some parts are just to much like attitude. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE WRESTLING GAMES THAT ARE WORSE THAN ECW: 1. all the ones for gameboy, super nintendo, regular nintendo, game gear, genesis and any other old system 2. wcw nitro(for psx and 64) 3. wcw thunder 4. wwf warzone 5. wcw revenge 6. wwf wrestlemania the arcade game 7. wwf in your house 8. wcw vs the world 9. wcw world tour 10. wcw mayhem THE WRESTLING GAMES BETTER THAN ECW: 1. wwf wrestlemania 2000 2. maybe smackdown THE WRESTLING GAMES EQUAL TO ECW: 1. wwf attitude ECW GETS A SILVER AWARD WITH AN AVERAGE OF AN 8.1 JUSTIN'S REVIEW THE ITEM: SCORE: SUMMARY OF "THE ITEMS": --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graphics | 6.5 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gameplay | 7.5 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Controls | 7.0 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create-A-Wrestler | 7.5 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create-A-Pay-Per-View | 6.5 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Arenas/Background | 6.5 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sound/Music/CrowdChants | 9.0 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Announcer | 10.0 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrances | 3.5 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modes Of Play | 7.0 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carrer Mode | 6.5 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapons |10.0 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selection Of Wrestlers |10.0 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fun Factor | 8.0 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall/Average | 7.5 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best Feature: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Worst Feature: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WWW.IGN.COM REVIEW Gameplay The game itself still plays like last year's Warzone Attitude with the D-Pad (or analog stick, if you're confident in your skills) and button combinations used to execute the moves. The debate over the button sequencing versus the grappling method found in games like THQ's WCW Revenge rages on but the bottom line is that Attitude ECW: Hardcore Revolution's control system works just fine and doesn't take away anything from the enjoyment of the game. Some of more complicated moves like The Rock's Laying the Smackdown Mr. Awesome's bomb will require some dynamic digital dexterity, but like all the best moves in the game, it will be worth it. You will have to earn every victory since the power meters for the different wrestlers can rise and fall depending on the momentum of the match. You can have your opponent all the way down to no energy at all without even a sliver of red showing and if he gains the momentum and stays on the attack, you can find yourself pinned with a big upset loss. This happened to us in a match playing as Kane Awesome versus The Undertaker Ryo and we took the loss even though The UndertakerRyo was down to no health at all and we had a good 3/4 of red life left. Tough lessons like this will keep players going against the A.I. of Attitude ECW: Hardcore Revolution until they figure out what works and what doesn't. Reducing the meter of your opponent's health bar is definitely an art and it will take a nice complex set of moves to do it quickly, efficiently and without losing too much health. ^ -- Despite all of this, the Attitude engine and accompanying gameplay mechanics have lost their edge. While the create-a-wrestler mode is still fun for Hardcore Revolution, the Attitude design the game employs is both too slow moving and totally ignorant of the ECW's real extras to make Revolution anything more than last year's offering with a new skin. Sure, barbwire and cage matches are included and there's definitely more blood than seen in previous Acclaim wrestlers, but even these additions feel sloppy and compromised in order to meet a deadline. The blood is nothing more than a crude texture placed on wrestler models; the speed of the game is only slightly faster and absolutely fails to capture the intensity of ECW; the barbwire and cage matches are nothing more than new backdrops for players to look at. And what of the brutal balcony brawls that separate ECW from the competition? Where are the table crashes? You won't find them here. Graphics The characters in Attitude ECW: Hardcore Revolution look better than Warzone's so the motion captured animations seem even more realistic. The movements in individual moves are a lot more natural looking and the wrestlers seem to have actual mass to them as they move about. A running powerbomb looks great and you can almost see D-Lo Brown Raven straining to lift his opponent and run across the ring with him before slamming him to the canvas. This is a great element of realism that some fans find more appealing than the almost mechanical movements of the muscular wrestlers in THQ's games. All of the frames of animation are present and accounted for in Attitude ECW: Hardcore Revolution and the framerate is smooth. This is partly because there's never more than four guys on the screen at any time and the fact that the crowd is a collection of happily assembled sprites that don't ask for much more than a good show from the animated grapplers.Some parts of the wrestlers look a little strange at times since not everything can be detailed and visible. When you look at some of the tattoos available in the wrestler creation mode some of them look like wounds or other bad skin conditions. The scalp tattoos all pretty much look like wounds even when they're different colors other than red. They look like Vulcan wounds. Long hair looks strange as does the blood on injured wrestlers in the ring. Unnatural may be a better word than strange since anyone with hair that clings to the body like that or who bleeds giant red streaks from the side of their torso has a unique set of personal problems. These problems are all more or less forgivable since the models are so well done otherwise. ^ --While the models generally look better than those found in a game like, say, WWF Wrestlemania 2000, and the animation is smooth, there is still an awkward side to it all – just like in Attitude. The collision detection is sometimes off and, wrestlers, which are now sped up considerably to convey that ECW action, move unnaturally quick. The background environments are all too static and the particle effects system is a joke. All the extra glitz of THQ's games is still noticeably absent here. Sound The audio elements of Attitude ECW: Hardcore Revolution are outstanding from top to bottom. It's not necessarily the quality that got to us, but the variety of bits and depth of the samples that made us take notice. During matches the punches, kicks and slams all come with the appropriate sounds of impact and reactions from the assailed. The generic crowd noise is an interesting part of the game. When there's nothing going on in a little House match during a career mode, you can darn near hear the crickets outside the building. This is by design since it's the action in the ring that determines crowd noise and intensity. You're supposed to be putting on the show for the people so you've got to pull of the moves that dazzle them. This is a very good idea that will make players work to please the crowd. Attitude ECW: Hardcore Revolution can actually seem to lack a little pizazz during those times when you're trying to move into position while avoiding the opponent. The energy associated with the game seems to really go down unless you're close to the end of a match and trying to pull off a spectacular finishing move. The crowd reactions completely dictate the excitement you'll feel playing the game but, ironically, you're the one that's supposed to do the amazing things to keep the crowd buzzing the whole time. ECW: Hardcore Revolution is WWF Attitude with changed characters, new audio samples, more blood, and all unnaturally sped up. While Attitude wasn't a bad wrestling game, it had its share of flaws, from awkward animation to a real shortcoming of character compared to THQ's glitzy wrestling series, and none of these issues have been addressed for Revolution. The fact is, what worked as a WWF game doesn't as an ECW one. Where are the balcony battles and table smashing jumps? A rough texture of blood on a wrestler's back doesn't qualify, Acclaim. Real "hardcore" fans are going to see right through this cash-in update. This is truly a waste of Acclaim Salt Lake City's talents. --Matt Casamassina Presentation WWF Attitude with new textures and audio samples. This does not capture the feeling of the ECW at all. 1.0 Graphics Smooth models and animation. Decent texture work. Looks familiar though. 6.0 Sound Nice audio samples from wrestlers. The crowd noise is bland and there's no life compared to THQ's Wrestlemania 2000. 5.0 Gameplay Plays like Attitude. This itself isn't bad, but it just doesn't work under a supposed ECW environment. 5.0 Lasting Appeal Nice create-a-wrestler option and the four-player mode is a plus. Not exactly a new experience though. 5.0 OVERALL SCORE (not an average) 5.0 WWW.VIDEOGAMES.COM REVIEW Extreme Championship Wrestling is an east-coast-based wrestling organization that uses "extreme" wrestling matches as a way to distinguish itself from the slightly more kid-friendly WWF and WCW. Good ECW matches contain all sorts of mayhem that you'd never see on a more straitlaced wrestling program, from people being tossed through mountains of tables, to barbed-wire matches. Any rules you might be used to from watching safer wrestling shows have been thrown out the window. ECW may not have the big names or the big budgets of a WWF or a WCW, but it's got many talented wrestlers and a unique and interesting product. Acclaim's ECW Hardcore Revolution, however, contains none of this. Remember Acclaim's last wrestling game, WWF Attitude? ECW Hardcore Revolution is, at its core, Attitude with different wrestlers and different sound effects, with a couple of new modes and moves (mostly finishers) tossed in to help make you forget that you've already played this game. But with the game playing nearly identically to Attitude, it's impossible to shake the feeling that you've played this game before. None of the "extreme" elements that made ECW as popular as it is are present. Any finisher that requires an object of any kind (Rob Van Dam's Vamdaminator, for instance) isn't in the game. You won't see anyone flying off the top rope out into the crowd area here. The only "extreme" differences between this game and Attitude is that this game plays slightly faster, it's easier to toss someone out of the ring, the language is a slightly dirtier, and there's a barbed wire match, which turns the ring ropes into some horrible-looking barbed wire. Trying to bounce off the wire makes you fall over in pain.For those of you unfamiliar with WWF Attitude, it uses a balanced gameplay system of grappling and reversals that keep players from relying on the same easy moves over and over again. Basically, you want to pull off a few easy moves, like punches, kicks, and other simple moves to swing the match's advantage in your favor. Once your advantage light is fully lit, it's significantly easier to execute grapple moves. If you don't have the advantage, harder moves will usually be blocked. As you wear your opponent's health bar down, you'll eventually be able to perform your wrestler's finishing move. ECW works in the exact same way, right down to identical life bars.Graphically, the game has been bumped a notch over Attitude. The characters are more colorful, as are the arenas. The sound is also good, though it's still chock-full of lame phrases from the crowd. The announcing seems more accurate, mostly because Joey Styles, the voice of ECW, works alone, so there's less speech to match up with the action.ECW Hardcore Revolution isn't a bad game, by itself. But it in no way represents the style of wrestling that the ECW uses, it has absolutely zero points going for it in the originality department, and the game comes off as a real slap in the face to the federation's hard-core fans. ECW and its fans deserve better than this. ECW's wrestling style isn't the same as the WWF's, and ECW's game shouldn't be like the WWF's, either. Plus, this is the third year that Acclaim has trotted out the same wrestling engine with a few slight tweaks. It's getting very old. Fans of ECW would be better served by waiting for Acclaim's next ECW game, which will use a new (and hopefully more accurate) engine. score 4.2 poor gameplay: 5 graphics: 8 sound: 6 value: 4 reviewer's tilt: 1 difficulty: medium learning curve: from 0 to 15 minutes PLEASE SEND IN YOUR REVIEWS, WE WILL GIVE U CREDIT 4. FEATURES ON THIS GAME ECW: HARDCORE REVOLUTION IS THE FIRST EVER ECW GAME! AND HAD LOTS OF FEATURES TO IT: -First ever M rated wrestling video game, and you have to be 17 to buy it! (sucks) -Over 50 characters to choose from. -First wrestling game to have a barbed wire match. -Unique ECW arenas from across the country. -Refined Create-A-Wrestler feature. -Motion captured animations. -Photo realistic polygonal wrestlers with real life faces -Trademark finishing moves and wrestlers taunts. -Scores of different wrestler moves. Besides the new wrestlers, themes, and costumes from ECW, this will feature the all new barbed wire match. The ring ropes are replaced by razor sharp barbed wire, perfect for get lots of blood and fast. Extra gory violence is a constant theme through out the whole game. Lots and Lots of weapons to choose from (after all ECW is the king of hardcore) Lots and lots of cussing, swearing and trash talking. 5. CONTROLS, BASIC MOVES, GENERAL TIPS AND THE KEY THE N64 CONTROLLER LAY OUT: L BUTTON R BUTTON up start up left right B left C right down A down Z(on back of controller) Analog THE CONTROLS (default controls) B BUTTON-PUNCH A BUTTON-KICK C UP- CLIMB IN RING/CLIMB OUT OF RING/GO ON TOP ROPE C RIGHT- RUN C LEFT- TIE UP C DOWN- BLOCK L BUTTON- SIDESTEP LEFT R BUTTON- SIDESTEP RIGHT THE KEY (default controls) B=B BUTTON A=A BUTTON CU=C UP CR=C RIGHT CL=C LEFT CD=C DOWN LE=L BUTTON RI=R BUTTON AN=ANALOG Z=Z BUTTON U=UP ON THE D-PAD L=LEFT ON THE D-PAD R=RIGHT ON THE D-PAD D=DOWN ON THE D-PAD TU=TIE UP BASIC MOVES(default controls) READY MOVES Body Slam-L,L,B OR R,R, B Hip Toss-L,L,A OR R,R,K Vertical Suplex-L,L,CL OR R,R,CL TIE-UP MOVES Whip-L,L, CD OR R,R,CD Arm Wrench-B HammerlocK-A Top Wristlock-CL Move To Behind Tie-Up-D,D, CD BEHIND MOVES Atomic Whip-L,L,CD or R,R, CD Full Nelson-A Belly Back Suplex-B Put opponent on shoulder-CL GROUND MOVES From head; pick-up-CL From head; stomp-A From head; rear chinlock-B TURNBUCKLE MOVES chop to chest-B Climb turnbuckle and pummel-U,B superplex-CL On turnbuckle;opponent standing;axe handle smash-B on turnbuckle;opponent on ground;elbow drop-B GENERAL TIPS Here is a ALOT of general tips and strategy to get you in being the expert in ECW HARDCORE REVOLUTION: 1. Always keep an eye on your tie-up meter. When it reaches white, you are in control and will have a greater chance of pulling off an extremely devastating maneuver. 2. When down on the mat at the mercy of an opponent, repeatedly tap the punch button. As you rise to your feet, you will nail your unsuspecting opponent with a surprise uppercut or crotch slot. Use this break in momentum to turn the tide of the match. 3. When you health meter gets red, buy yourself some recovery time by climbing out of the ring. Just be sure not to fall victim to a big damage move or you might not make it back. 4. Pose for the crowd whenever you can. Once they are behind you, move in for the kill. 5. Constantly be aware of your position in the ring. Formulate you attack/defense accordingly. 6. Play to the strengths of your wrestler. Don't take to the air with a big man(unless it is mike awesome) Don't wrestle a scientific match with a brawler. THE VS MATCH VS is ECW HR's most basic type of match. You and an opponent will go at it, one-on-one for the 1-2-3 count. From the opening bell take it right to your opponent with a bevy of basic moves including punches, kicks, basic slams and suplexed. Save the big damage moves for later in the match. In the meantime, concentrate on simple attacks to begin chipping away at hi energy. Avoid attacks by dodging left and right with the side-step buttons or by using block. If your opponent does manage to grab you in a hold, always go for the reversal. Once you have knocked your opponent to the mat, hit him with 1 or 2 quick stomps. After your opponents health has been lowered to yellow/orange you should start attempting higher risk moves. Hit your opponent with a few big damage moves. Once your opponents health is red, put him away with a big finisher! THE TAG TEAM MATCH in a tag team match, you double the danger. you take on a partner and battle with 2 nasty opponents. The most effective strategy here is to cut the ring in half. get your opponent over to the side of the ring and keep him there at all cost. make frequent and quick tags, always keeping the fresh man in the ring. Don't be afraid to go for a double team move when you get the chance. be sure to use your partner effectively, only calling him to the ring when necessary...there are 4 situations that require calling your partner into the ring illegally: 1. attempting to execute a big damage double team moves 2. saving you from a double team attempt 3. trying up an opponents partner while you go for the pin 4. breaking up an opponents attempt to pin you. when executed properly, this strategy will break down even the toughest opponent in a matter of minutes, allowing you to blaze through the tag team competition THE TORNADO MATCH a tornado match is like a tag team match, without the TAG part. 2 teams of 2 brawl it out at the same time, in order to get a victory, both members of the team must be pinned or forced to submit. be sure not to hit your partner, and vice versa. the fun starts when you pin 1 opponent and then it becomes a handicapped match, but your partner can be pinned and be a handicapped match with you, should this happen adopt the best strategy for a 1 on 2 match and hope for the best! THE 1-ON-2 MATCH In a 1 on 2 match you take on the already daunting task of going nose to nose, then double it by taking on 2 of them at the same time. quickness is the key to victory. stay near the ropes. once you have knocked an opponent down quickly focus on the other. Don't get caught with double team moves. once you have found yourself on the receiving end in a 1 on 2 match, it is almost impossible to recover. THE 1-ON-3 MATCH This match is one of the toughest matches in this game. it is almost impossible to win this. the best strategy is a hit-and-run to approach the match. strike quickly and move, be careful not to get tied-up by one of your opponents. if you do this you might win! THE 3 WAY DANCE MATCH the 3 way dance is 3 wrestlers in the ring at the same time..first one to make a pin or to force a submit wins. attacks come at you from all angles, and the person you just helped will not hesitate to turn right around and slam you. the safest strategy is to go somewhere neutral and let the other 2 opponents beat the crap out of each other, be sure to defend yourself when you become a target. when both of your opponents are in orange, move in for the kill. do a big move on someone then quickly focus on another wrestler and do the same thing. then go for the pin or submission THE BATTLE ROYAL MATCH in a battle royal match, 4 ecw grapplers start off in the ring. it is your job to make sure that three of them don't stay there for long. in order to win a battle royal, you must be the last wrestler in the ring at the end of the match. this can only be accomplished by throwing your opponents over the top rope and make sure they hit the floor. you have to be very cautious when wrestling in a battle royal since the slightest error in judgment can result in quick elimination which does as much damage to the ego as to the body. keep your opponents in front of you at all times and don't attempt to many high risk moves. if one of your opponents gets a behind tie up while you are stunned..it is all over. once you have managed to stun your opponent, tie him up from behind and throw him over the top rope using the atomic whip. by this time, one of the other two combatants has probably been eliminated as well. *note-if your wrestler has the overhead belly suplex, you can lure your opponent close to the ropes and immediately throw him over your head and out of the ring using this move* ELIMINATION STYLE MATCHES THE VS MATCH in an elimination style VS match, you have to defeat four ecw stars, one at a time. as soon as you beat one opponent, another will show up to take his play in the ring. the secret to winning this type of match is to wrestle under control, don't take too many unnecessary risks and always put an opponent away as soon as you get the chance. as soon as your opponents health hits orange, try to make him quit with a submission hold. With each opponent you eliminate from the match using this strategy, you will be able to take more and more chances since there are fewer challengers left to beat. THE TAG TEAM MATCH the elimination style tag team match works on the same principle as the elimination style VS match. The difference is you and a partner will square off against two ecw tag teams, one at a time. The strategy of simplicity reigns supreme here; attempting too many flashy moves too early in the match will cost you big tim. be sure to wrestle with some degree of caution. try to cut the ring in half, keeping your opponent from tagging in a fresh partner, and use your tag team partner effectively. THE 8-MAN TAG MATCH an 8-man tag match puts 2 teams of 4 ecw stars against one another. when a competitor is eliminated from the match, another grappler will come down and take his place. this will continue until all 4 members of 1 team have been eliminated. the best strategy is to treat the match like what it is-a tag match done to the extreme. remember don't take big risk in the early part of the match, cut the ring in half, if you are the last member left and your opponent has 2 or more wrestlers left use basic moves to get him to yellow then do big moves. THE BATTLE ROYAL MATCH this is just like the regular battle royal but with 30 wrestlers instead of 4. rules are the same..a wrestler must be thrown over the top rope to lose...last person in the ring at the end wins. a wrestler comes in every 30 seconds with a maximum of 4 wrestlers in the ring. this is a lot harder than the regular battle royal..and you have to be good to do this...it is real tough. read the strategy for the regular battle royal match. THE 4-WAY DANCE MATCH 4 ecw stars square off at once in this insane hardcore match. the objective is to be the only wrestler not to be pinned, counted out, or forced to submit. From the opening bell , 2 of your 3 opponents will most likely square off..let them. while they are beating the crap out of each other, invite your 3rd opponent, who is no doubt feeling lonely now, to dance. keep the focus of your attack on this same opponent until you can defeat him. you might want to take an cheap shot now and then to another opponent. once your opponent has been eliminated, go some where neutral and let the other 2 opponents beat the crap out of each other. and then go for the kill to your last opponent. if your health bar gets red, go somewhere neutral until health regains or do some cheap moves on another wrestler. THE STABLE MATCH 16 wrestlers battle it out in 4 teams of 4. this is very similar to a tag team match, except 4 teams compete at once instead of 2. the object of the stable match is to eliminate all 4 members of the other three teams. the stable match is the most unpredictable match in ECW HR because any # of unique situations can occur. For example, the match might turn into a 2-on-2-on-2-on-2, a 1-on-2-on-3, or even a 4-on 1. the best strategy is to be ready for anything. this is a battle for survival here. this match is for the pros! THE 3-WAY DANCE MATCH this is exactly like a regular 3 way dance but u have to pin both opponents to win. follow the strategy in the regular 3 way dance. MATCH OPTIONS THE DEATH MATCH the death match is ECW HR's most dangerous match. The entire area including the ring itself is loaded with some of the most extreme weapons around. BE AS HARDCORE AS YOU CAN...USE A WEAPON ANYTIME, ANYWHERE AT ANY COST. this is where the bad boys play like raven and sabu! if your opponent has a weapon, quickly punch or kick him before he knocks you out cold. most weapons should be good for 2 solid hits, blocking will not help here. THE CAGE MATCH a cage match is the same as a VS match except you and your opponent are surrounded by 15 feet of steel fencing on all sides of the ring. the object is to get your opponent's health meter in red and climb over the cage and jump out of the ring for victory. Use the cage to your advantage...Irish whip your opponent into the cage..climb the cage and do a high-flying move(make sure u don't miss) if your energy hits red, do the best you can to not lose this match, try to do basic moves on your opponent and u should have this match right down in the bag! THE LAST MAN STANDING MATCH first person to be knocked out cold loses. this match does involve weapons so use them to your advantage. every time u hit someone with a weapon a clock starts counting to 10..if it reaches 10 then your opponent loses or vice versa. do submission moves to weaken your opponent(it will help a lot) and when he is on the ground keep stomping him! THE STREET FIGHT MATCH a street fight match is similar to a regular VS match in every way, except here you have the luxury of pinning your opponent anywhere in any arena! follow the regular VS match strategy except for the count-outs. THE BARBED WIRE MATCH the barbed wire match is the most dangerous match in pro wrestling today! the ring ropes are taken down and replaced with razor sharp barbed wire. the best strategy here is to try and whip your opponent into the barbed wire every chance you get, and the results are absolutely devastating. on the other hand do not get whipped into the ropes. this match gets really bloody really quick so adopt a good strategy. WIN MODIFIERS THE FINISHER ONLY MATCH rules are simple here, who does there finisher first wins the match. THE 2 OUT OF 3 FALLS MATCH again rules are simple here, who makes 2 pins first wins. THE I QUIT MATCH first one to submit loses THE FIRST-BLOOD MATCH first one to bleed loses THE IRON MAN MATCH the wrestlers with the most pins in an amount of time wins. REVERSALS if your wrestler has a high "mat skills" rating, you will be able to reverse many of the devastating moves that your opponents throw your way. the key to reversing a move is timing--just as your opponent is about to pull a move off, press the block button. with any luck you will be able to reverse his move into a more painful of your own. start by reversing simple moves like armbars and body slams, and eventually practice your way up to reversing big damage moves like powerbombs and piledrivers. mastering the art of the reversal can be a huge asset in your title run. 6. BIOS FOR THE WRESTLERS * Note-Some of these guys listed BELOW may NOT be in the game* A. Mike Awesome Hometown: Tampa, FL Height: 6' 6" Weight: 292 lbs. Turned Pro: 1992 Catch Phrase: "Awesome!" Championships Held: ECW World Heavyweight Championship B. Rob Van Dam Hometown: Battle Creek, Michigan Height: 6' Weight: 237 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1991 Catch Phrase: "I'm the Whole F'n Show!" Championships held: ECW World Television championship ECW World Tag Team championship (with Sabu) C. Bill Alfonso Hometown: Tampa, FL Height: 5'10" Weight: 161 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1981 Catch Phrase: "I'm the man who calls it right down the middle, daddy!" Championships Held: D. Angel Hometown: Fordham Road in the Bronx, New York City Height: 6'2"" Weight: 250 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1996 Catchphrase: "I'm Angel!" Championships Held: E. Chris Chetti Hometown: Mount Climax Height: 5'10" Weight: 227 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1996 Catch Phrase: "I feel as good as I look" Championships Held: F. Steve Corino Hometown: Sea Isle City, New Jersey Height: 6'1" Weight: 219 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1994 Catch Phrase: "I'm the King of Old School!" Championships Held: G. Justin Credible Hometown: Ozone, New York Height: 6' Weight: 225 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1992 Catch Phrase: "That's Not Just the Coolest, That's Not Just the Best, That My Friends is Justin Credible!" Championships Held: H. Cyrus the Virus Hometown: Winnipeg, Canada Height: 6'2" Weight: 180 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1993 Catch Phrase: "You've Got Heat...." Championships Held: I. "The Enforcer" C.W. Anderson Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina Height: 6'2" Weight: 230 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1999 Catchphrase: Championships Held: J. "Beautiful" Billy Wiles Hometown: Bricktown, New Jersey Height:6'1" Weight:240 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1998 Catchphrase: Championships Held: K. Lou E. Dangerously Hometown: Scarsdale, Philadelphia Height: 5'7" Weight: 200 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1995 Catch Phrase: "My name is Lou E. Dangerously!" Championships Held: L. DeVito Hometown: Fordham Road in the Bronx, New York City Height: 5'11" Weight: 245 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1992 Catchphrase: "I'm DeVito!" Championships Held: M. Simon Diamond Hometown: South Bend, Indiana Height: 6'1" Weight: 225 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1991 Catch Phrase: "Simon has a problem!" Championships Held: N. "Dastardly" Danny Doring Hometown: Pepper Pike, Ohio Height: 5' 10" Weight: 201 3/4 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1998 Catch Phrase: "Every girl wants to ride the Danaconda." Championships Held: O. Tommy Dreamer Hometown: Yonkers, New York Height: 6'3" Weight: 245 lbs. Turned Pro: 1989 Catch Phrase: "E-C-F'N-W!" Championships Held: ECW World Tag Team championship (with Raven) P. Little Spike Dudley Hometown: Dudleyville Height: 5'7" Weight: 155 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1994 Catch Phrase: You try getting a quote out of this guy! Championships Held: ECW World Tag Team championship (with Balls Mahoney) Q. Electra Hometown:New York City Height: Depends on the Boots! Weight: You Want Your Eyes Scratched Out? Year Turned Pro: 1999 Catch Phrase:"Don't you be looking at her!" Championships Held: R. FRANCINE Hometown: Philadelphia, PA Height: You ask her take off the heels! Weight: It is not polite to ask a woman who will spear you her weight! Year Turned Pro: 1995 Catch Phrase: "I'm going to show you how hardcore I can be." Championships Held: N/A S. Joel Gertner Hometown: New York City Height: 5'7" Weight: 299.7 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1995 Catch Phrase: Too many to list! Championships Held: T. Sal E. Graziano Hometown:Sicily, Italy Height: 6'2"" Weight: 600 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1998 Catchphrase: Championships Held: U. Grimes Hometown:Fordham Road in the Bronx, New York City Height: 6'1 Weight: 388 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1998 Catch Phrase: Championships Held: V. Jason Hometown: Europe (No city will lay claim to him) Height: 5' 10" Weight: 199 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1990 Catch Phrase: "He's Just Incredible!" Championships Held: ECW World Television Championship W. Jazz Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana Height: See Weight Weight: Yeah right! Year Turned Pro: 1999 Catch Phrase: Championships Held: X. Judge Jeff Jones Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland Height: 5'10" Weight: 200 lbs. Turned Pro: 1996 Catch Phrase: "Guilty as Charged!" Championships Held: Y. Little Guido Hometown: Sicily, Italy Height: 5'9" Weight: 187 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1991 Catch Phrase: "Shut Up Au You Face!" Championships Held: ECW World Tag Team Championships (with Tracy Smothers) Z. Kid Kash Hometown: Johnson City, Tennessee Height: 5' 9" Weight: 202 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1996 Catch Phrase: Championships Held: AA. Jerry Lynn Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota Height: 5'9" Weight: 212 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1988 Catchphrase: Championships Held: BB. Balls Mahoney Hometown: Nutley, New Jersey Height: 6'2" Weight: 350 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1987 Championships Held: ECW World Tag Team championship (with Masato Tanaka) ECW World Tag Team championship (with Spike Dudley) CC. DAWN MARIE Height: 5' 7" Weight: 120 Year Turned Pro: 1996 Catchphrase: "I'm a Star on TNN!" DD. New Jack Hometown: Atlanta, GA Height: 6' 0" Weight: 225 lbs. Turned Pro: 1991 Catch Phrase: "Not Guilty!" Championships Held: ECW World Tag Team championship (with Mustafa) ECW World Tag Team championship (with John Kronus) EE. Nova Hometown: Silicone Valley Height: 5'10" Weight: 220 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1991 Catch Phrase: Championships Held: FF. RAVEN Hometown: The Bowery Height: 6'1" Weight: 230 lbs Year Turned Pro: 12 Catch Phrase: "Quote the Raven, Nevermore." Championships Held: ECW World Heavyweight championship ECW World Tag Team championship (with Stevie Richards) ECW World Tag Team championship (with Tommy Dreamer) GG. Rhino Hometown: Detroit, Michigan Height: 6'3" Weight: 285 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1999 Catch Phrase: Championships Held: HH. Dusty Rhodes Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia Height: 6'2" Weight: 297 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1969 Catch Phrase: Championships Held: NWA World Heavyweight championship II. Roadkill Hometown: Lancaster, PA Height: 6' Weight: 300 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1997 Catch Phrase: Doring: "Chickens!" Championships Held: JJ. Sabu Hometown: Bombay, India Height: 6' Weight: 220 lbs. Turned Pro: 1985 Catch Phrase: "Homicidal! Suicidal! Genocidal!" Championships Held: ECW World Heavyweight championship ECW World Television Championship ECW World Tag Team Championship (with Taz) ECW World Tag Team Championship (with Rob Van Dam) Unrecognized FTW World Heavyweight championship KK. The Sandman Hometown: Philadelphia, PA Height: 6'3" Weight: 240 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1989 Catch Phrase: "Politically Incorrect and Damn Proud of it!" Championships Held: ECW World Heavyweight championship ECW World Tag Team championship (with 2 Cold Scorpio) LL. Lance Storm Hometown: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Height: 5' 11" Weight: 231 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1990 Catch Phrase: " ... because I'm from Calgary...Alberta...Canada!" Championships Held: ECW World Tag Team championship (with Chris Candido) ECW World Tag Team championship (with Justin Credible) MM. Joey Styles Hometown: Stamford, CT Height: 5'8" Weight: 165 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1992 Catch Phrase: "Oh My God!" Championships Held: N/A NN. Super Crazy Hometown: Tulanlancingo, Hidalgo, Mexico Height: 5'8" Weight: 90 kilos Year Turned Pro: 1991 Catch Phrase: Championships Held: OO. Yoshihiro Tajiri Hometown: Japan Height: 5'7" Weight: 180 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1995 Catch Phrase: Championships Held: PP. Masato Tanaka Hometown: Wakayama, Japan Height: 6' 1" Weight: 238 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1988 Catch Phrase: Championships Held: ECW World Heavyweight championship ECW World Tag Team championship (with Balls Mahoney) FMW World Independent Heavyweight championship QQ. Jack Victory Hometown: New Jersey Height: 6'3" Weight: 320 lbs. Turned Pro: 1985 Catch Phrase: Championships Held: RR. Mikey Whipwreck Hometown: Buffalo, New York Height: 5'7" Weight: 187 lbs. Year Turned Pro: 1994 Championships Held: ECW World Heavyweight championship ECW World Television championship ECW World Tag Team championship (with Cactus Jack) European Junior Heavyweight championship SS. Axl Rotten Hometown: New Castle, England Height-6' Weight-310 lbs. Year Turned Pro-1988 Catch Phrase-"Your Worst Nightmare is Back" Finisher-Severe Skull Trauma TT. Tracy Smothers Hometown-Nashville,Italy Height-6'1" Weight-227 lbs. Catch Phrase-"Whats amata you" Finisher-Pumphandle Slam Titles Held-ECW World Tag Team championshop(with little guido) UU. Beulah Hometown-Philly, PA Year Turned Pro-1995 Finisher-Hurricanrana VV. Louie Spicolli Hometown-LA Height-5'10" Weight-248 lbs Year Turned Pro-1988 Catch Phrase: "Louie got a clique" Finisher-Death Valley Driver WW. Taz Hometown-Brooklyn Ny Height-5"8" Weight-248 lbs Year Turned Pro-1987 Catch Phrase: "Beat me if u can, survive if i let u" Finisher: Tazzmission Championships held: World HeavyWeight Television Tag Team with Sabu Ftw world Champion XX. The Sheik Hometown-the Syrian Desert Year Turned Pro-1960 Finisher-Camel Clutch The Sheik was the U.S. Champion YY. Tommy Rich Hometown-Italy Height-6' Weight-248 lbs Year Turned Pro-1978 Catch Phrase: "I am the big Don" Finisher-Vertical Body Press- 7. MOVES FOR THE WRESTLERS *note-all of these guys listed BELOW WILL BE in the game,moves based on default controls* A. _____ _ __ __ _____ | __ \ | | \ \ / / | __ \ | |__) | ___ | |__ \ \ / / __ _ _ __ | | | | __ _ _ __ ___ | _ / / _ \ | '_ \ \ \/ / / _` || '_ \ | | | | / _` || '_ ` _ \ | | \ \ | (_) || |_) | \ / | (_| || | | | | |__| || (_| || | | | | | |_| \_\ \___/ |_.__/ \/ \__,_||_| |_| |_____/ \__,_||_| |_| |_| STRENGTH-7 TOUGHNESS-5 CHARISMA-7 SPEED-6 RECOVERY-5 MAT SKILLS-9 FINISHER TURNBUCKLE MOVES, OPPONENT ON GROUND; 5 STAR FROG SPLASH-A+B TRADEMARK GROUND MOVE, WHILE RUNNING; ROLLING SENTON-CL READY MOVES TIGER DRIVER-L,R,D,A HURRICANRANA-U,D,A ENZIGURI-L,R,B PUMPKICK-L,R,A SUPERKICK-L,U,A BEHIND MOVES BRIDGING GERMAN-LEFT OR RIGHT, CL TIGER SUPLEX-LEFT OR RIGHT, B VICTORY ROLL-LEFT OR RIGHT, A CORNER MOVES MONKEY FLIP-CL SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK-U,U,B 4 KICK COMBO-U,U,A GROUND MOVES FROM SIDE; SPINNING SPLASH-L,R,D,CL FROM FEET; SURFBOARD-L,R,A RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES HIGH LEG CLOTHESLINE-A TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT ON GROUND; SOMERSAULT LEG DROP-CL+CD OPPONENT ON GROUND; TURN AROUND MOONSAULT-B+CL POSE RVD-A+CL DIZZY KICK KICK COMBO-A DIZZY PUNCH FOREARM SHOTS-B B. __ __ _ _ | \/ |(_)| | /\ | \ / | _ | | __ ___ / \ __ __ ___ ___ ___ _ __ ___ ___ | |\/| || || |/ / / _ \ / /\ \ \ \ /\ / / / _ \/ __| / _ \ | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | | | || || < | __/ / ____ \ \ V V / | __/\__ \| (_) || | | | | || __/ |_| |_||_||_|\_\ \___| /_/ \_\ \_/\_/ \___||___/ \___/ |_| |_| |_| \___| STRENGTH-10 TOUGHNESS-10 CHARISMA-6 SPEED-3 RECOVERY-4 MAT SKILLS-6 FINISHER READY MOVE; AWESOME BOMB-L,R,U,B TRADEMARK READY MOVE; GUTWRENCH SUPLEX TO BUTT-L,R,A READY MOVES GORRILA PRESS SLAM-U,D,U,B OVERHEAD BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX-L,R,B SNAP SUPLEX-U,D,B BEHIND MOVES BRIDGING GERMAN SUPLEX-L OR R, CL GERMAN SUPLEX-L OR R, B PRAWN HOLD-L OR R, A CORNER MOVES BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX-U,U,A CHOKE WITH BOOT-L,R,A GROUND MOVES FROM HEAD; LEGLOCK CHOKE HOLD-L,R,A FROM HEAD; CAMEL CLUTCH-L,R,B WHILE RUNNING; LEG DROP-A RUNNING PLAYER MOVES CROSS BODY BLOCK-CL SPEAR-A RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES POWERSLAM-CL TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT ON GROUND; SPLASH-B+CD TIE-UP MOVES SITOUT PILEDRIVER-L,U,CL PINNING POWERBOMB-L OR R, CL SIDE BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX-L OR R, B DOUBLE UNDERHOOK SUPLEX-L OR R, A POSE DOUBLE FLEXXY-A+CL DIZZY KICK PUSH KICK-A DIZZY PUNCH HAYMAKER-B C. ______ /\__ _\ \/_/\ \/ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ \ \ \ / __`\ /' __` __`\ /' __` __`\ /\ \/\ \ \ \ \ /\ \L\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \ /\ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \_\ \ \ \_\\ \____/\ \_\ \_\ \_\\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \/`____ \ \/_/ \/___/ \/_/\/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/ `/___/> \ /\___/ \/__/ ____ /\ _`\ \ \ \/\ \ _ __ __ __ ___ ___ __ _ __ \ \ \ \ \ /\`'__\ /'__`\ /'__`\ /' __` __`\ /'__`\ /\`'__\ \ \ \_\ \\ \ \/ /\ __/ /\ \L\.\_ /\ \/\ \/\ \ /\ __/ \ \ \/ \ \____/ \ \_\ \ \____\\ \__/.\_\\ \_\ \_\ \_\\ \____\ \ \_\ \/___/ \/_/ \/____/ \/__/\/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/ \/____/ \/_/ STRENGTH-8 TOUGHNESS-8 CHARISMA-8 SPEED-5 RECOVERY-5 MAT SKILLS-5 D. ______ _ / _____) | | ( (____ _____ | |__ _ _ \____ \ (____ || _ \ | | | | _____) )/ ___ || |_) )| |_| | (______/ \_____||____/ |____/ STRENGTH-5 TOUGHNESS-9 CHARISMA-8 SPEED-8 RECOVERY-5 MAT SKILLS-4 FINISHER TURNBUCKLE MOVE, OPPONENT ON GROUND; ARABIAN SUILLOTINE-A+B TRADEMARK GROUND MOVE, FROM HEAD; CAMEL CLUTCH-U,D,D,B READY MOVES AXE KICK-U,D,L,CL IMPLANT DDT-U,D,A PUMP KICK-L,R,CL SHORTARM CLOTHESLINE-U,D,B REVERSE FUJIWARA-L,D,A BEHIND MOVES ROLLING GERMAN-L OR R, CL FALL AWAY PUMPHANDLE SLAM-L OR R, B VICTORY ROLL-L OR R, A CORNER MOVES SPIN KICK COMBO-U,U,B MONKEY FLIP-A GROUND MOVES FROM SID; MOUNT PUNCHES-U,D,CL BLATANT CHOKE-L,R,B RUNNING PLAYER MOVES TACKLE WITH PUNCHES-CL RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES HIGH LEG CLOTHESLINE-CL SPIN HEEL KICK-A TURNBUCKLE MOVES HURRICANRANA-A+CD OPPONENT ON GROUND; SENTON BOMB-B+CL TIE-UP MOVES NORTHEN LIGHTS SUPLEX-L OR R, B FLOAROVER SUPLEX-L OR R, A POSE SKY POINT-A+CL DIZZY KICK LOW DROP KICK-A DIZZY PUNCH BIG WINDUP-B E. __________ \______ \_____ ___ __ ____ ____* | _/\__ \ \ \/ /_/ __ \ / \ | | \ / __ \_ \ / \ ___/ | | \ |____|_ /(____ / \_/ \___ >|___| / \/ \/ \/ \/ STRENGTH-6 TOUGHNESS-9 CHARISMA-6 SPEED-6 RECOVERY-8 MAT SKILLS-4 :Raven: :READY: Double arm DDT - U, U, D, C+L Evenflow DDT* - L, R, D, C+L X2 Underhook suplex - U, D, A Running Knee hit - L, R, B Snapmare - U, D, B Chin Crusher - L, D, A Small Package - L, R, A :TIE-UP: Inverted Atomic Drop - L, A Big Head Punch - L, B Bulldog - L, C+L Piledriver - L, R, B :GROUND MOVES AT FEET: Fist to Groin - L, D, A Headbutt to Groin - L, U, A :GROUND MOVES AT HEAD: Camel Clutch - L, R, L, B :GROUND MOVES AT SIDE: Mount punches - U, D, C+L :CORNER MOVES: Tree of Woe - U, D, A :BEHIND: Low Blow - L, A Sleeper Hold - L, B Russian Leg Sweep - L, C+L :DIZZY PUNCH: Boxer Jab Combo - B :DIZZY KICK: Mafia Kick - A :POSE: ECW - A+ C+L F. _ _____ _ | | / ____|| | | | __ _ _ __ ___ ___ | (___ | |_ ___ _ __ _ __ ___ | | / _` || '_ \ / __| / _ \ \___ \ | __| / _ \ | '__|| '_ ` _ \ | |____ | (_| || | | || (__ | __/ ____) || |_ | (_) || | | | | | | | |______| \__,_||_| |_| \___| \___| |_____/ \__| \___/ |_| |_| |_| |_| STRENGTH-7 TOUGHNESS-6 CHARISMA-4 SPEED-8 RECOVERY-6 MAT SKILLS-8 G. ___ _ _ /\ o / (_) | o | | | | | | , _|_ _ _ | ,_ _ __| | | | | _ | | | | / \_ | | / |/ | | / | |/ / | | |/ \_|/ |/ \_|/ \_/|_/ \/ |_/|_/ | |_/ \___/ |_/|__/\_/|_/|_/ \_/ |__/|__/ /| \| STRENGTH-7 TOUGHNESS-7 CHARISMA-6 SPEED-5 RECOVERY-5 MAT SKILLS-9 H. _________ ______ ______ /_____ _____________________ __ ___ / _____ _________ _______ ___ _ / _ _ \__ ___/__ ___/__ / / / __ / __ / / /__ __ \__ __ \ / /_/ / / __/_ / _ / _ /_/ / _ /____ /_/ / _ / / /_ / / / \____/ \___/ /_/ /_/ _\__, / /_____/_\__, / /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /____/ /____/ STRENGTH-7 TOUGHNESS-8 CHARISMA-6 SPEED-4 RECOVERY-6 MAT SKILLS-8 I. _______ _______ _ (_______) (_______) | | _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _____ ____ | | _ | | | || ___ || | | | _ | | (____ | / ___)| |_/ ) | | | || ____|| | | | | |_| | / ___ |( (___ | _ ( |_| |_||_____) \___/ \___/ \_____| \____)|_| \_) STRENGTH-6 TOUGHNESS-9 CHARISMA-8 SPEED-5 RECOVERY-6 MAT SKILLS-5 :READY: Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex - U, D, C+L Running Powerbomb - L, R, D, C+L Snap Suplex - U, D, B Choke - U, D, A Armdrag - L, R, A Knee to Face - L, D, A :TIE-UP: Piledriver - L, R, B Powerbomb - L, R, A Big Head Punch - L, C+L Inverted Atomic Drop - L, B :BEHIND: Low Blow - L, A Sleeping Neckbreaker - L, C+L :RUNNING ATTACKER: Flying Clothsline - A :GROUND MOVES AT SIDE: Knee Drop - U, D, C+L :GROUND MOVES AT HEAD: Blatant Choke - L, R, B Scissored Armbar - U, D, B Stranglehold Gamma - L, R, D, B :GROUND MOVES AT FEET: Headbutt to Groin - L, D, A :CORNER MOVES: Tope Rope Superplex - U, D, A :ON TURNBUCKLE/APRON OPPONENT ON GROUND: 187* - B+ C+L Flying Butt Bump - B+ C+L :DIZZY PUNCH: Hit to Groin - B :DIZZY KICK: Boot to Face - A :POSE: Gangsta X - A+ C+L J. _____ _ _ | __ \ | | (_) | |__) || |__ _ _ __ ___ | _ / | '_ \ | || '_ \ / _ \ | | \ \ | | | || || | | || (_) | |_| \_\|_| |_||_||_| |_| \___/ STRENGTH-10 TOUGHNESS-10 CHARISMA-5 SPEED-3 RECOVERY-6 MAT SKILLS-5 READY: DVD - L, R, U, C+L Gorilla Press Slam - L, R, U, B Running Powerbomb - L, D, C+L Running Powerslam - L, U, C+L :TIE-UP: Sitout Piledriver* - U, D, C+L Hanging Powerslam - L, R, B Sitout Powerbomb - U, D, A Bearhug Slam - L, C+L Side Slam - L, B Shortarm Clothsline - L, U, A Spinning Neckbreaker - L, D, A :BEHIND: Roll up Pin - L, A Rolling German Suplex - L, B Fallaway Pump Slam - L, C+L :RUNNING ATTACKER: Tackle with Punches - A :WHIPPED OPPONENT: Boot to Face - A :CORNER MOVES: Overhead Press - U, U, A :ON TURNBUCKLE/APRON OPPONENT ON GROUND: Splash - A+ C+D :DIZZY PUNCH: European Uppercut - B :DIZZY KICK: Mafia Kick - A :POSE: Pump you Up - A+ C+L K. ______ ___ /\ _ \ /\_ \ \ \ \L\ \ ___ __ __ \//\ \ \ \ __ \ /' _ `\ /'_ `\ /'__`\ \ \ \ \ \ \/\ \ /\ \/\ \ /\ \L\ \ /\ __/ \_\ \_ \ \_\ \_\\ \_\ \_\\ \____ \ \ \____\ /\____\ \/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_/ \/___L\ \ \/____/ \/____/ /\____/ \_/__/ STRENGTH-6 TOUGHNESS-7 CHARISMA-6 SPEED-5 RECOVERY-7 MAT SKILLS-8 L. _____ .__ __________ __ __ / _ \ ___ ___| | \______ \ ____ _/ |_ _/ |_ ____ ____ / /_\ \ \ \/ /| | | _/ / _ \ \ __\\ __\_/ __ \ / \ / | \ > < | |__ | | \( <_> ) | | | | \ ___/ | | \ \____|__ //__/\_ \|____/ |____|_ / \____/ |__| |__| \___ >|___| / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ STRENGTH-8 TOUGHNESS-9 CHARISMA-5 SPEED-5 RECOVERY-6 MAT SKILLS-6 M. ___ _ _ / __\ __ _ | || | ___ /__\// / _` || || |/ __| / \/ \| (_| || || |\__ \ \_____/ \__,_||_||_||___/ _ /\/\ __ _ | |__ ___ _ __ ___ _ _ / \ / _` || '_ \ / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \| | | | / /\/\ \| (_| || | | || (_) || | | || __/| |_| | \/ \/ \__,_||_| |_| \___/ |_| |_| \___| \__, | |___/ STRENGTH-8 TOUGHNESS-9 CHARISMA-8 SPEED-4 RECOVERY-6 MAT SKILLS-4 N. ____ ___ ____ /\ _`\ /\_ \ /\ _`\ \ \,\L\_\ __ \//\ \ \ \ \L\_\ \/_\__ \ /'__`\ \ \ \ \ \ _\L /\ \L\ \ /\ \L\.\_ \_\ \_ \ \ \L\ \ __ \ `\____\\ \__/.\_\ /\____\ \ \____//\_\ \/_____/ \/__/\/_/ \/____/ \/___/ \/_/ ____ /\ _`\ __ \ \ \L\_\ _ __ __ ____ /\_\ __ ___ ___ \ \ \L_L /\`'__\ /'__`\ /\_ ,`\ \/\ \ /'__`\ /' _ `\ / __`\ \ \ \/, \\ \ \/ /\ \L\.\_ \/_/ /_ \ \ \ /\ \L\.\_ /\ \/\ \ /\ \L\ \ \ \____/ \ \_\ \ \__/.\_\ /\____\ \ \_\\ \__/.\_\\ \_\ \_\\ \____/ \/___/ \/_/ \/__/\/_/ \/____/ \/_/ \/__/\/_/ \/_/\/_/ \/___/ STRENGTH-10 TOUGHNESS-9 CHARISMA-7 SPEED-4 RECOVERY-6 MAT SKILLS-3 O. ___ _ ___, / (_) (_| | |_/ / | | | | | | | | _ _ __| _ ,_ , __ _ _ | | | | | | / |/ | / | |/ / | / \_/ \_/ |/ | \___/o \_/ \_/ o \__/\_/ | |_/\_/|_/|__/ |_/ \/ \__/ | |_/ STRENGTH-6 TOUGHNESS-6 CHARISMA-5 SPEED-7 RECOVERY-9 MAT SKILLS-6 P. _______________ _____ __ ____/___ /_ ___________(_)________ _ / __ __ \__ ___/__ / __ ___/ / /___ _ / / /_ / _ / _(__ ) \____/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /____/ _______________ _____ _____ _____ __ ____/___ /_ _____ __ /___ /____(_) _ / __ __ \_ _ \_ __/_ __/__ / / /___ _ / / // __// /_ / /_ _ / \____/ /_/ /_/ \___/ \__/ \__/ /_/ STRENGTH-6 TOUGHNESS-5 CHARISMA-8 SPEED-8 RECOVERY-6 MAT SKILLS-6 FINISHER TURNBUCKLE MOVE; OPPONENT ON GROUND; TURN AROUND MOONSALT-A+CD TRADEMARK TIE-UP MOVE; AMITYVILLE HORROR-L,U,B READY MOVES AXE KICK-U,D,U,B ENZIGURI-L,R,A SUPERKICK-U,D,CL FLYING HEAD SCISSORS-L,R,CL HURRICANRANA-L,U,A REVERSE FUJIWARA-L,D,A BEHIND MOVES ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEX-L OR R, CL LOW BLOW-L OR R, B ROLL UP PIN-L OR R, A CORNER MOVES SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK-L,R,A SPIN KICK COMBO-U,U,B 4 KICK COMBO-L,R,B GROUND MOVES FROM SIDE; SENTON SPLASH-U,D,B FROM HEAD; LA MAGISTRAL-U,D,CL RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES SPINNING HEEL KICK-A TIE-UP MOVES NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX-L OR R, CL FRONT SUPLEX-L OR R, B ARM BAR-L OR R, A TURNBUCKLE MOVES MOONSAULT-CD POSE TOO PRETTY-A+CL DIZZY KICK KICK COMBO-A DIZZY PUNCH CHETTI PUNCH COMBO-B Q. ##### ##### # # ##### ###### # # ###### # # #### ##### # # # #### # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # ##### # ##### # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # ##### # ###### ## ###### ##### #### # # # # # #### STRENGTH-5 TOUGHNESS-4 CHARISMA-6 SPEED-9 RECOVERY-7 MAT SKILLS-8 FINISHER TIE-UP MOVE; OLD SCHOOL PLEX-L OR R, B TRADEMARK SUPERKICK-U,D,A READY MOVES SPINAL TAP-L,R,A DDT-U,D,B SPINNING NECK BREAKER-L,R,B FIREMANS CARRY-L,D,A BEHIND MOVES CORINO DRIVER-L,R,A FULL NELSON SLAM-L OR R, CL SLEEPER-L OR R, B ABSTRETCH-L OR R, A CORNER MOVES CHARGING CLOTHESLINE-A GROUND MOVES WHILE RUNNING; QUICK LEG DROP-A FROM HEAD; BLATANT CHOKE-U,D,B RUNNING PLAYER MOVES FLYING BACK ELBOW-CL RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES POWERSLAM-CL HIGH LEG CLOTHESLINE-A TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT ON GROUND; TENESSEE JAM-CL+CD OPPONENT STANDING; BODY PRESS-A+CD OPPONENT ON GROUND; FIST DROP-B+CL TIE-UP MOVES HANGING VERITCAL SUPLEX-U,D,B BULLDOG-L OR R, CL POSE NOT IN THE FACE-A+CL DIZZY KICK DROPKICK-A DIZZY PUNCH BIG WINDUP-B R. ________ \______ \ _____ ____ ____ ___.__. | | \ \__ \ / \ / \ < | | | ` \ / __ \_| | \| | \ \___ | /_______ /(____ /|___| /|___| / / ____| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ________ .__ \______ \ ____ _______ |__| ____ ____ | | \ / _ \ \_ __ \| | / \ / ___\ | ` \( <_> ) | | \/| || | \ / /_/ > /_______ / \____/ |__| |__||___| / \___ / \/ \/ /_____/ STRENGTH-6 TOUGHNESS-7 CHARISMA-7 SPEED-6 RECOVERY-5 MAT SKILLS-8 FINISHER READY MOVE; WHAM BAM TAHNK YOU MA'AM-U,D,U,CL TRADEMARK BAREBACK-L,R,U,B READY MOVES FALLEN ANGEL-L,R,U,CL FLYING HEAD SCISSORS-L,R,CL CRUCIFIX-U,D,B JAPANESE ARM DRAG-U,D,A BEHIND MOVES REVERSE DDT-L OR R, CL FRONT RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP-L OR R, B PRAWN HOLD-L OR R, A CORNER MOVES TURNPOST SLAM-U,U,CL CHARGING CLOTHESLINE-A GROUND MOVES FROM HEAD; FUJIWARA ARM BAR-L,R,B RUNNING PLAYER MOVES DROP KICK-A TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT STANDING;DROP KICK-A+CD OPPONENT ON GROUND; DRIVING ELBOW-A+CD OPPONENT ON GROUND; TENNESSEE JAM-CL+CD TIE-UP MOVES PILEDRIVER-U,D,B BRAINBUSTER-L,R,A FRONT SUPLEX-L OR R, CL EUROPEAN UPPERCUT-L OR R, B INVERTED ATOMIC DROP-L OR R, A POSE TA DA LOOKIE ME-A+CL DIZZY KICK CRESCENT KICK-A DIZZY PUNCH HAYMAKER-B S. -_____ /\\,/\\, ' | -, _ ; /| || || _ ' /| | |` < \, \\/\/\ \\/\\ || || || < \, ,._-_ \\ _-_ || |==|| /-|| || | | || || ||=|= || /-|| || || || \\ ~|| | |, (( || || | | || || ~|| || || (( || || || ||/ ~-____, \/\\ \\/\\/ \\ \\ |, \\,\\, \/\\ \\, \\ \\,/ ( _- STRENGTH-4 TOUGHNESS-5 CHARISMA-10 SPEED-9 RECOVERY-5 MAT SKILLS-6 FINISHER TIE-UP MOVE; BYTCH SLAP-L OR R, CL TRADEMARK READY MOVES; THROAT TOSS-L,R,A READY MOVES DOUBLE ARM FACEBUSTER-U,D,U,CL HAIRGRAB TAKEOVER-L,D,A LEG SCISSORS STOMP-U,D,A BEHIND MOVES RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP-L OR R, B LOW BLOW-L OR R, A CORNER MOVES 4 KICK COMBO-U,U,B CHOKE WITH BOOT-U,U,A GROUND MOVES FROM HEAD; FUJIWARA ARM BAR-L,R,D,B BLATANT CHOKE-L,R,B FROM FEET; HEADBUTT TO GROIN-U,D,A FROM SIDE; LEG DROP-U,D,CL RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES TILT-A-WHIRL SLAM-A ARMDRAG-CL RUNNING PLAYER MOVES DROPKICK-A TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT STANDING; BODY PRESS-A+CD HOLLYWOOD STAR PRESS-CD DRIVING ELBOW-B+CL TIE-UP MOVES EUROPEAN UPPERCUT-L OR R, B NECKBREAKER-L OR R, A POSE HOOTCHIE DANCE-B+CL DIZZY KICK BACK HEEL-A DIZZY PUNCH HIT TO GROIN-B T. _______ _ (_______) (_) _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ _ ____ _____ | ___) / ___)(____ || _ \ / ___)| || _ \ | ___ | | | | | / ___ || | | |( (___ | || | | || ____| |_| |_| \_____||_| |_| \____)|_||_| |_||_____) STRENGTH-4 TOUGHNESS-5 CHARISMA-10 SPEED-9 RECOVERY-5 MAT SKILLS-6 FINISHER CORNER MOVE; BRONCO BUSTER-U,U,CL TRADEMARK DREAMER DDT-L,R,CL READY MOVES ACE CRUSHER-L,R,D,B CHOKE-U,D,A HAIRGRAB TAKEOVER-L,R,A SMALL PACKAGE-L,D,A BEHIND MOVES SLEEPER-L OR R, B LOW BLOW-L OR R, A GROUND MOVES FROM FEET; FIGURE 4 LEG LOCK-L,R,D,A FROM SIDE; LEGDROP-U,D,CL FROM FEET; ELBOW TO GROIN-U,D,A FROM SIDE; LEG DROP-A FROM HEAD; BLATANT CHOKE--U,D,B RUNNING PLAYER MOVES SPEAR-A TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT STANDING; BODY PRESS-A+B OPPONENT ON GROUND; FRONT FLIP SENTON-CL+CD OPPONENT ON GROUND; HOLLYWOOD STAR PRESS-CD CORNER MOVES SIDE BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX-L OR R, CL BULLDOG-L OR R, B ARM BAR-L OR R, A POSE WIGGLE WIGGLE-A+CL DIZZY KICK BACK HEEL KICK-A DIZZY PUNCH HIT TO GROIN-B U. .____ .__ __ __ .__ | | |__|_/ |_ _/ |_ | | ____ | | | |\ __\\ __\| | _/ __ \ | |___ | | | | | | | |__\ ___/ |_______ \|__| |__| |__| |____/ \___ > \/ \/ ________ .__ .___ / _____/ __ __ |__| __| _/ ____ / \ ___ | | \| | / __ | / _ \ \ \_\ \| | /| |/ /_/ | ( <_> ) \______ /|____/ |__|\____ | \____/ \/ \/ STRENGTH-7 TOUGHNESS-6 CHARISMA-4 SPEED-7 RECOVERY-5 MAT SKILLS-10 FINISHER GROUND MOVE; FROM FEET, SICILIAN CRAB-L,R,U,A TRADEMARK READY MOVE; SICILIAN DROP-L,R,L,CL READY MOVES FLYING HEAD SCISSORS-L,R,L,A HURRICANRANA-U,D,B SPINAL TAP-L,U,A REVERSE FUJIWARA-L,R,A BEHIND MOVES GERMAN SUPLEX-L OR R, CL REVERSE DDT-L OR R, B LOW BLOW-L OR R, A CORNER MOVES TURNPOST SLAM-U,U,B MONKEY FLIP-A GROUND MOVES FROM FEET; ANKLE LOCK-L,R,D,A FROM HEAD; LEG GRAPEVINE-U,D,A FROM HEAD;LEGLOCK CHOKEHOLD-U,D,B RUNNING PLAYER MOVES VERTICAL BODY PRESS-CL RUNNING OPPONENT MOVE ARM DRAG-CL TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT STANDING;BODY PRESS-A+CD OPPONENT STANSDING;MISSILE DROP KICK-B+CL TIE-UP MOVES VERTICAL SUPLEX-L OR R, CL POWERBOMB-L OR R, B FLOATOVER SUPLEX-L OR R,A POSE FBI-A+CL DIZZY KICK SHUFFLE SIDE KICK-A DIZZY PUNCH EUROPEAN UPPERCUT-B V. _________ ______ ______ /______ ___________ /__ ___ _ / _ __ `/_ ___/__ //_/ / /_/ / / /_/ / / /__ _ ,< \____/ \__,_/ \___/ /_/|_| ___ _______ _____ __ | / /___(_)_________ /_______ _____________ __ __ | / / __ / _ ___/_ __/_ __ \__ ___/__ / / / __ |/ / _ / / /__ / /_ / /_/ /_ / _ /_/ / _____/ /_/ \___/ \__/ \____/ /_/ _\__, / /____/ STRENGTH-8 TOUGHNESS-8 CHARISMA-6 SPEED-4 RECOVERY-5 MAT SKILLS-5 FINISHER TIE-UP MOVE; PILEDRIVER-U,D,B TRADEMARK TIE-UP MOVE; FRONT SUPLEX-L OR R, CL READY MOVES SHOULDERBREAKER-L,R,D,A RUNNING POWERSLAM-L,R,A PUMPKICK-L,D,CL DDT-L,R,B SHORTARM CLOTHESLINE-L,D,A KNEE TO FACE-L,U,A BEHIND MOVES REVERSE POWERBOMB-L OR R,CL LOW BLOW-L OR R,A CORNER MOVES VICTORY COMBO-U,D,A OVERHEAD PRESS-U,U,A GROUND MOVES FROM SIDE;MOUNT PUNCHES-L,D,CL PRETZEL-L,U,CL RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES SPINEBUSTER-CL BOOT TO FACE-A RUNNING PLAYER MOVES FLYING BACK ELBOW-A TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT STANDING; BIONIC ELBOW-B+CL OPPONENT ON GROUND; FIST DROP-B+CL TIE-UP MOVES HANGING VERTICAL SUPLEX-L,R,CL BIG HEAD PUNCH-L OR R,B POSE BIG V-A+CL DIZZY KICK BOOT TO FACE-A DIZZY PUNCH VICTORY PUNCH COMBO-B W. _____ /\___ \ \/__/\ \ __ ____ ___ ___ _\ \ \ /'__`\ /',__\ / __`\ /' _ `\ /\ \_\ \/\ \L\.\_ /\__, `\/\ \L\ \/\ \/\ \ \ \____/\ \__/.\_\\/\____/\ \____/\ \_\ \_\ \/___/ \/__/\/_/ \/___/ \/___/ \/_/\/_/ STRENGTH-7 TOUGHNESS-6 CHARISMA-4 SPEED-9 RECOVERY-5 MAT SKILLS-5 FINISHER READY MOVE; NIGHT DRIVER-L,R,L,B TRADEMARK READY MOVE-ENZIGURI-L,R,A READY MOVES SNAP SUPLEX-U,D,CL PUMPKICK-L,R,B SNAPMARE-U,D,A KNEEBREAKER-L,U,A BEHIND MOVES HIGH ANGLE BELLY BACK SUPLEX-L,D,A RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP-L OR R,CL FRONT RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP-L OR R,B LOW BLOW-L OR R,A CORNER MOVES TREE OF WOE-U,U,CL GROUND MOVES FROM FEET;DEATHLOCK-L,R,A FROM FEET;FIGURE 4-L,R,D,A RUNNING PLAYER MOVES FLYING BACK ELBOW-A RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES ARM DRAG-A TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT STANDING;BODY PRESS-A+CD OPPONENT ON GROUND; DRIVING ELBOW-B+CL TIE-UP MOVES HANGING VERTICAL SUPLEX-L,U,B TIGER DRIVER-L OR R,CL INVERTED ATOMIC DROP-L OR R,B BACKBREAKER-L OR R,A POSE TWO ARM FLEX-A+CL DIZZYKICK SWEEP-A DIZZY PUNCH THRUST TO THROAT-B X. _______ (_______) _ _____ _____ _____ _ | | (____ |(___ )(___ ) | |_| | / ___ | / __/ / __/ \___/ \_____|(_____)(_____) STRENGTH-5 TOUGHNESS-4 CHARISMA-6 SPEED-9 RECOVERY-7 MAT SKILLS-8 FINISHER READY MOVE-JAZZ STINGER-U,D,CL TRADEMARK CORNER MOVE; FLYING SWINGING DDT-U,D,A READY MOVES ONE ARM SLAM-L,R,D,CL DROP TOE HOLD-L,D,A SNAPMARE-U,D,B CRUCIFIX-L,U,A BEHIND MOVES BULL DOG-L OR R, CL SLEEPER-L OR R,B LOW BLOW-L OR R,A CORNER MOVES BRONCO BUSTER-U,U,CL MONKEY FLIP-CL GROUND MOVES FROM FEET; FIST TO GROIN U,D,A RUNNING PLAYER MOVES CROSS BODY BLOCK-CL RUNNNING OPPONENT MOVES BALL BREAKER-CL DROP KICK-A TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT STANDING;BODY PRESS-A+CD OPPONENT ON GROUND; SPLASH-A+CD TIE-UP MOVES SAMOAN DROP-L OR R,CL BULLDOG-L OR R,B ARM BAR-L OR R,A POSE SHIMMY DANCE-A+CL DIZZY KICK DROP KICK-A DIZZY PUNCH GRAB HEAD AND PUNCH-B Y. _ _ | \ | | | \| | ___ __ __ __ _ | . ` | / _ \ \ \ / / / _` | | |\ || (_) | \ V / | (_| | |_| \_| \___/ \_/ \__,_| STRENGTH-6 TOUGHNESS-6 CHARISMA-6 SPEED-6 RECOVERY-7 MAT SKILLS-8 FINISHER TIE-UP MOVE; KRYPTONITE KRUNCH-U,D,CL TRADEMARK READY MOVE; DEEP IMPACT-U,D,U,CL READY MOVES SITDOWN SLAM-L,R,L,B NOVACAINE-U,D,A FRONT BACK BREAKER-L,R,CL SNAPMARE-L,R,A BEHIND MOVES REVERSE BRAIN BUSTER-U,D,CL BULLDOG-L OR R,CL FRONT RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP-L OR R,B PRAWN HOLD-L OR R,A CORNER MOVES ROCKER DROPPER-U,U,B GROUND MOVES FROM SIDE; SENTON SPLASH-U,D,CL WHILE RUNNING; LEGDROP-A FROM FEET-LEAF-L,R,A FROM SIDE;AXEHANDLE SMASH-L,R,CL RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES ARM DRAG-CL TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT ON GROUND; FROG SPLASH-CL+CD TIE-UP MOVES FLYING BACK ELBOW-CL SIDE NECK BUSTER-L OR R,CL FISHERMAN SUPLEX-L OR R,B INVERTED ATOMIC DROP-L OR R,A POSE THATS ALL-A+CL DIZZY KICK JUMPKICK-A DIZZY PUNCH HAYMAKER-B Z. ______ _ _ _ _ _ (_____ \ | || | (_)| | | | _____) ) ___ _____ __| || | _ _ | | | | | __ / / _ \ (____ | / _ || |_/ )| || | | | | | \ \ | |_| |/ ___ |( (_| || _ ( | || | | | |_| |_| \___/ \_____| \____||_| \_)|_| \_) \_) STRENGTH-7 TOUGHNESS-8 CHARISMA-7 SPEED-6 RECOVERY-4 MAT SKILLS-7 FINISHER TURNBUCKLE MOVE;OPPONENT ON GROUND;SPLASH-A+CD TRADEMARK READY MOVE; RUNNING POWER BOMB-U,D,U,CL READY MOVES FALL FOWARD POWERBOMB-L,D,B RUNNING POWER SLAM-U,D,A SIDE BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX-L,R,CL TIGER DRIVE-L,U,B CRUCIFIX DROP-L,U,A HURRICANRANA-L,D,A BEHIND MOVES REVERSE POWERBOMB-L,R,B PUMPHADLE SLAM-U,D,A FULL NELSON SLAM-L OR R,B HEADBUTT-L OR R,A CORNER MOVES TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX-U,U,CL SPLASH-A GROUND MOVES FROM HEAD; CHICKEN CHOKE-U,D,B FROM HEAD; STUMP PULLER-L,R,B RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES POWERSLAM-CL TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT ON GROUND; SENTON BOMB-B+CL TIE-UP MOVES BEARHUGSLAM-L OR R,CL POWERBOMB-L OR R,B SIDESLAM-L OR R,A POSE CHICKEN CHOKE-A+CL DIZZY KICK BOOT TO FACE-A DIZZY PUNCH GRAB HEAD AND PUNCH-B AA. _________ / _____/ __ __ ______ ____ _______ \_____ \ | | \\____ \ _/ __ \ \_ __ \ / \| | /| |_> >\ ___/ | | \/ /_______ /|____/ | __/ \___ > |__| \/ |__| \/ _________ \_ ___ \ _______ _____ ________ ___.__. / \ \/ \_ __ \\__ \ \___ /< | | \ \____ | | \/ / __ \_ / / \___ | \______ / |__| (____ //_____ \ / ____| \/ \/ \/ \/ STRENGTH-6 TOUGHNESS-4 CHARISMA-7 SPEED-8 RECOVERY-6 MAT SKILLS-8 FINISHER TURNBUCKLE MOVE; OPPONENT ON GROUND;MONNSAULT-CD TRADEMARK TIE-UP MOVE; POWERBOMB-L,R,A READY MOVES SIT DOWN SLAM-L,U,A ENZIGUIRI-U,D,CL FLYING HEAD SCISSORS-U,D,B SMALL PACKAGE-L,R,CL SINGLE ARM DDT-L,R,B HURRICANRANA-L,D,A CRUCIFIX-U,D,A BEHIND MOVES REVERSE DDT-L OR R,CL VICTORY ROLL-L OR R,A CORNER MOVES SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK-L,L,B GROUND MOVES FROM FEET; PRAWN HOLD-L,R,B FROM SIDE; BOW & ARROW BACKBREAKER-L,D,CL FROM HEAD; LA MAGISTRAL-L,U,B RUNNING PLAYER MOVES RUNNING HEAD SCISSORS-CL RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES TILT-A-WHIRL SLAM-A TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT ON GROUND; SOMERSAULT LEGDROP-A+B OPPONENT ON GROUND; TURN AROUND MOONSAULT-A+CD OPPONENT STANDING; HURRICANRANA-B+CL TIE-UP MOVES REVERSAL DDT-L OR R,B POSE CRAZY UP-A+CL DIZZY KICK CRAZY SPIN KICK-A DIZZY PUNCH INSIDE FOREARM-B BB. -_-/ (_ / ' (_ --_ \\ \\/\\/\\ /'\\ \\/\\ --_ ) || || || || || || || || _/ )) || || || || || || || || (_-_- \\ \\ \\ \\ \\,/ \\ \\ -_____ |\ ' | -, ' _ \\ /| | |` \\ < \, \\/\\/\\ /'\\ \\/\\ / \\ || |==|| || /-|| || || || || || || || || || ~|| | |, || (( || || || || || || || || || || ~-____, \\ \/\\ \\ \\ \\ \\,/ \\ \\ \\/ ( STRENGTH-7 TOUGHNESS-6 CHARISMA-4 SPEED-7 RECOVERY-8 MAT SKILLS-7 FINISHER TIE-UP MOVE-SIMONIZER-L,R,B TRADEMARK TIE-UP MOVE; SIMON SERIES-L,U,CL READY MOVES WRAP AROUND DDT-L,R,U,B DOUBLE ARM DDT-U,D,U,B SNAP SUPLEX-L,R,A SPINNING NECK BREAKER-U,D,B SMALL PACKAGE-L,D,A CRUCIFIX-L,U,A DROP TOE HOLD-U,D,A BEHIND MOVES RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP-L OR R, CL ROLLING PRAWN-L OR R,B OCTOPUS HOLD-L OR R,A GROUND MOVES WHILE RUNNING; LEG DROP-A FROM HEAD;BLATANT CHOKE-L,R,B FROM SIDE;LEG DROP-U,D,CL RUNNING PLAYER MOVES DROPKICK-A RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES SPINEBUSTER-A TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT STANDING; HURRICANRANA-A+CD OPPONENT STANDING;MISSILE DROPKICK-B+CL TIE-UP MOVES STANDING DROPKICK-L OR R,CL SAMOAN DROP-L OR R,B POSE THE THINKER-A+CL DIZZY KICK DROP KICK-A DIZZY PUNCH EUROPEAN UPPERCUT-B CC. ___________ \__ ___/_______ _____ ____ ___.__. | | \_ __ \\__ \ _/ ___\ < | | | | | | \/ / __ \_\ \___ \___ | |____| |__| (____ / \___ > / ____| \/ \/ \/ _________ __ .__ / _____/ _____ ____ _/ |_ | |__ ____ _______ ______ \_____ \ / \ / _ \ \ __\| | \ _/ __ \ \_ __ \ / ___/ / \| Y Y \( <_> ) | | | Y \\ ___/ | | \/ \___ \ /_______ /|__|_| / \____/ |__| |___| / \___ > |__| /____ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ STRENGTH-7 TOUGHNESS-6 CHARISMA-4 SPEED-7 RECOVERY-7 MAT SKILLS-8 FINISHER BEHIND MOVE; PUMPHANDLE SLAM-L,R,A TRADEMARK TURNBUCKLE MOVE; OPPONENT STANDING; TENNESSEE JAWBREAKER-CL+CD READY MOVES SHOULDER BREAKER-U,D,A ENZIGURI-L,R,A SPINAL TAP-L,R,B FIREMANS CARRY-L,U,A KNEEBREAKER-L,D,A BEHIND MOVES REVERSE BRAINBUSTER-U,D,CL HIGH ANGLE BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX-L,R,B ATOMIC DROP-L OR R,B PRAWN HOLD-L OR R,A CORNER MOVES TURNPOST SLAM-U,U,B QUICK LEG DROP-A STF-U,D,A RUNNING PLAYER MOVES CROSS BODY BLOCK-CL RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES SIDEWALK SLAM-CL TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT ON GROUND; LEG DROP-A+CD TIE-UP MOVES HANGING VERTICAL SUPLEX-L,R,B STANDING DROPKICK-L OR R,CL THREE KNEE COMBO-L OR R,B BACKBREAKER-L OR R,A POSE FBI DANCE-A+CL DIZZY KICK SHUFFLE SIDE KICK-A+CL DIZZY PUNCH TORNADO PUNCH-B DD. ____ __ /\ _`\ __ /\ \ \ \,\L\_\ _____ /\_\ \ \ \/'\ __ \/_\__ \ /\ '__`\ \/\ \ \ \ , < /'__`\ /\ \L\ \ \ \ \L\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\`\ /\ __/ \ `\____\ \ \ ,__/ \ \_\ \ \_\ \_\\ \____\ \/_____/ \ \ \/ \/_/ \/_/\/_/ \/____/ \ \_\ \/_/ ____ __ ___ /\ _`\ /\ \ /\_ \ \ \ \/\ \ __ __ \_\ \ \//\ \ __ __ __ \ \ \ \ \ /\ \/\ \ /'_` \ \ \ \ /'__`\ /\ \/\ \ \ \ \_\ \\ \ \_\ \/\ \L\ \ \_\ \_ /\ __/ \ \ \_\ \ \ \____/ \ \____/\ \___,_\ /\____\\ \____\ \/`____ \ \/___/ \/___/ \/__,_ / \/____/ \/____/ `/___/> \ /\___/ \/__/ STRENGTH-5 TOUGHNESS-10 CHARISMA-6 SPEED-6 RECOVERY-9 MAT SKILLS-3 FINISHER CORNER MOVE; ACID DROP-L,R,A TRADEMARK CORNER MOVE; SWINGING BULLDOG-U,D,A READY MOVES ROCKER DROPPER-L,R,U,B HURRICANRANA-U,D,CL DROP TOE HOLD-U,D,A JAPANESE ARM DRAG-L,U,A SMALL PACKAGE-L,D,A BEHIND MOVES FRONT RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP-L OR R,CL RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP-L OR R,B AB STRETCH-L OR R,A CORNER MOVES ROCKER DROPPER-L,D,A GROUND MOVES FROM SIDE; SPINNING SPLASH-U,D,CL FROM FEET;STF-L,R,A RUNNING PLAYER MOVES TACKLE WITH PUNCHES-CL RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES ARM DRAG-CL TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT STANDING;HURRICANRANA-A+CD OPPONENT ON GROUND;SPLASH-A+CD OPPONENT STANDING; DROPKICK-B+CL TIE-UP MOVES BULLDOG-L OR R,CL THREE KNEE COMBO-L OR R,B NECK BREAKER-L OR R,A POSE GET THROUGH ME FIRST-A+CL DIZZY KICK MAFIA KICK-A DIZZY PUNCH FOREARM SHOTS-B EE. ___ _ _ / \ ___ /\ /\ (_)| |_ ___ / /\ / / _ \ \ \ / / | || __| / _ \ / /_// | __/ \ V / | || |_ | (_) | /___,' \___| \_/ |_| \__| \___/ STRENGTH-7 TOUGHNESS-5 CHARISMA-4 SPEED-6 RECOVERY-7 MAT SKILLS-7 FINISHER CORNER MOVE; OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE-U,D,A TRADEMARK TIE-UP MOVE; FRONT BRAINBUSTER-L,R,A READY MOVES 1 ARM SLAM-U,D,U,B DOUBLE ARM DDT-U,D,D,B GUTWRENCH SUPLEX-U,D,A RUNNING POWERSLAM-L,R,A BALL BREAKER-L,R,B HURRICANRANA-U,D,B FLYING HEAD SCISSORS-L,D,A BEHIND MOVES REVERSE DDT-L OR R,CL COBRA CLUTCH-L OR R,B VICTORY ROLL-L OR R, A GROUND MOVES FROM HEAD; SHORT ARM SCISSOR-L,R,B FROM SIDE; LEG DROP-U,D,CL TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT STANDING; MISSILE DROPKICK-B+CL OPPONENT ON GROUND; KAMIKAZI HEADBUTT-B+CL TIE-UP MOVES HANGING VERTICAL SUPLEX-U,D,CL FLOATOVER SUPLEX-L OR R, CL POWERBOMB-L OR R,B NORTHEN LIGHTS-L OR R,A POSE FLIP OFF-A+CL DIZZY KICK DROP KICK-A DIZZY PUNCH ALFONSO COMBO-B FF. __ __ _ _ _ _ \ \ / / | | (_)| | (_) \ \_/ / ___ ___ | |__ _ | |__ _ _ __ ___ \ / / _ \ / __|| '_ \ | || '_ \ | || '__| / _ \ | | | (_) |\__ \| | | || || | | || || | | (_) | |_| \___/ |___/|_| |_||_||_| |_||_||_| \___/ _______ _ _ _ |__ __| (_)(_) (_) | | __ _ _ _ _ __ _ | | / _` | | || || '__|| | | | | (_| | | || || | | | |_| \__,_| | ||_||_| |_| _/ | |__/ STRENGTH-6 TOUGHNESS-8 CHARISMA-4 SPEED-9 RECOVERY-4 MAT SKILLS-8 FINISHER TIE-UP MOVE-HANGING BRAINBUSTER-L,R,B TRADEMARK READY MOVE; DOUBLE FACE KICK-L,U,A READY MOVES REVERSE TIGER-L,D,A SUPERKICK-L,D,CL PUMPKICK-U,D,B HURRICANRANA-L,R,B ENZIGURI-L,U,B JAPANESE ARM DRAG-U,D,A BEHIND MOVES DRAGON SUPLEX-U,D,B GERMAN SUPLEX-L OR R,CL OCTOPUS HOLD-L OR R,B VICTORY ROLL-L OR R,A CORNER MOVES HURRICANRANA-U,D,A BASEBALL SLIDE-U,U,CL 4 KICK COMBO-L,R,A GROUND MOVES FROM HEAD; STRANGLEHOLD GAMMA-U,D,U,CL FROM SIDE; DOUBLE STOMP-U,D,CL TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT ON GROUND;MOONSAULT-CD TIEUP MOVES REVERSAL DDT-U,D,A ROUNDHOUSE KICKS-L OR R,CL DOUBLE UNDERHOOK SUPLEX-L OR R,A POSE KICK AND LOOK-A+CL DIZZY KICK SPIN KICK-A DIZZY PUNCH INSIDE FOREARM-B GG. __________ .__ .__ .__ __ __ .__ .__ \______ \|__|| | | | ___.__. / \ / \|__|| | ____ ______ | | _/| || | | | < | | \ \/\/ /| || | _/ __ \ / ___/ | | \| || |__| |__ \___ | \ / | || |__\ ___/ \___ \ |______ /|__||____/|____/ / ____| \__/\ / |__||____/ \___ >/____ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ STRENGTH-6 TOUGHNESS-8 CHARISMA-7 SPEED-8 RECOVERY-5 MAT SKILLS-5 FINISHER RUNNING MOVE; TIME BOMB-A TRADEMARK TIE-UP MOVE; PILEDRIVER-L,R,B READY MOVES SITDOWN SLAM-L,R,U,CL RUNNING POWERBOMB-L,R,U,B REVERSE TIGER SUPLEX-L,R,A RUNNING POWERSLAM-U,D,A SUPERKICK-L,U,A JAPANESE ARM DRAG-L,R,B LEG DRAG-L,D,A BEHIND MOVES DRAGON SUPLEX-L OR R,CL GERMAN SUPLEX-L OR R,B REVERSE DDT-L OR R,A CORNER MOVES TURNPOST SLAM-U,U,B CHOKE WITH BOOT-U,U,A GROUND MOVES FROM HEAD; CAMEL CLUTCH-L,R,D,B FROM SIDE; KNEEDROP-U,D,CL FROM FEET; FIST TO GROIN-U,D,A TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT STANDING; CLOTHESLINE-B+CL TIE-UP MOVES BIG HEAD PUNCH-L OR R,CL EUROPEAN UPPERCUT-L OR R,B SIDESLAM-L OR R,A POSE RUB HANDS-A+CL DIZZY KICK BOOT TO FACE-A DIZZY PUNCH THRUST TO THROAT-B ---------------------------- HIDDEN WRESTLERS HH. , __ _ _ ___, _ _ /|/ \o | | | | / | | | | | | __/ | | | | | | | | | | __ _ _ , __ | \| |/ |/ | | |/ |/ / \_/ |/ | / \_/ \_ |(__/|_/|__/|__/ \__/\_/|__/|__/\__/ | |_/ \/ \__/ |\ |/ STRENGTH-5 TOUGHNESS-5 CHARISMA-5 SPEED-10 RECOVERY-10 MAT SKILLS-4 FINISHER READY MOVE; ONE HANDED CHOKESLAM-U,D,U,B TRADEMARK READY MOVE; SUPERKICK-L,U,A READY MOVES HURRICANRANA-U,D,CL SPINAL TAP-L,R,B HAIRGRAB TAKEOVER-U,D,A BEHIND MOVES ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEX-U,D,B TIGER SUPLEX-L OR R,CL BEASTCHOKER-L OR R,B LOW BLOW-L OR R,A CORNER MOVES FLYING SWINGING DDT-U,U,B GROUND MOVES CAMEL CLUTCH-L,R,U,B HEADBUTT TO GROIN-U,D,A BLATANT CHOKE-U,D,B RUNNING PLAYER MOVES SENTON SPLASH-A CROSS BODY BLOCK-CL TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT STANDING; HURRICANRANA-A+CD OPPONENT STANDING; MISSILE DROPKICK-B+CL OPPONENT ON GROUND; SPLASH-A+CD TIE-UP MOVES UNDERHOOK HEADBUTTS-L OR R,CL EUROPEAN UPPERCUT-L OR R,B INVERTED ATOMIC DROP-L OR R,A POSE DOWN TO THE MIDDLE-A+CL DIZZY KICK BACK HEEL KICK-A DIZZY PUNCH WHISTLE SMACKS-B II. ____ _ _ | _ \ | | | | | |_) | ___ _ _ | | __ _ | |__ | _ < / _ \| | | || | / _` || '_ \ | |_) || __/| |_| || || (_| || | | | |____/ \___| \__,_||_| \__,_||_| |_| STRENGTH-5 TOUGHNESS-5 CHARISMA-10 SPEED-8 RECOVERY-4 MAT SKILLS-4 FINISHER READY MOVE; HURRICANRANA-U,D,CL TRADEMARK DDT-L,R,B READY MOVES ACE CRUSHER-L,R,U,B DOUBLE ARM DDT-L,R,D,B HAIRGRAB TAKEOVER-L,R,A LEG SCISSORS STOMP-L,U,A BEHIND MOVES BULLDOG-L OR R,CL OCTOPUS HOLD-L OR R,B LOW BLOW-L OR R,A CORNER MOVES BASEBALL SLIDE-U,U,CL HEAD POUNDER-U,U,B GROUND MOVES FROM FEET; FIST TO GROIN-U,D,A FROM FEET; SPINNING TOE HOLD-L,R,A RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES FLAPJACK-CL RUNNING PLAYER MOVES FLYING CLOTHESLINE-CL CROSS BODY-A TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT STANDING; HURRICANRANA-A+CD OPPONENT ON GROUND; SWIVEL SPLASH-A+B TIE-UP MOVES BIG HEAD PUNCH-L OR R,CL FROM BEHIND; BULLDOG-L OR R,CL EUROPEAN UPPERCUT-L OR R,A POSE ECW-A+CL DIZZY KICK SIDEKICK-A DIZZY PUNCH HIT TO GROIN-B JJ. ##### # # # # ##### # # #### ##### # # ###### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #### # ###### ##### # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # #### #### # # # ###### # # # # # ##### # # #### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #### # # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #### #### STRENGTH-6 TOUGHNESS-5 CHARIMSA-4 SPEED-8 RECOVERY-6 MAT SKILLS-7 FINISHER GROUND MOVE; FROM FEET; GROIN CLAW-U,D,A TRADEMARK TIE-UP MOVE; NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX-L OR R,CL READY MOVES SICILIAN DROP-L,R,L,CL CRUCIFIX DROP SEATED-L,R,U,B REVERSE TIGER SUPLEX-U,D,CL KNEE TO FACE-L,D,A LEG DRAG-U,D,A BEHIND MOVES DRAGON SUPLEX-U,D,A ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEX-L OR R,CL OCTOPUS HOLD-L OR R, B LOW BLOW-L OR R,A CORNER MOVES BELLY TO BELLY-U,U,A GROUND MOVES FROM FEET; ELBOW TO GROIN-L,R,A FROM HEAD; LEG LOCK CHOKE HOLD-L,R,B RUNNING PLAYER MOVES OPPONENT ON GROUND; LEG DROP-A RUNNING OPPONENT MOVES FLAPJACK-A TURNBUCKLE MOVES OPPONENT ON GROUND; KNEEDROP-B+CL TIE-UP MOVES HANGING BRAINBUSTER-U,D,B TIGER DRIVER-U,D,A FLOATOVER SUPLEX-L OR R,B FISHERMAN SUPLEX-L OR R,A POSE TAP HEAD-A+CL DIZZY KICK JUMP KICK-A DIZZY PUNCH THRUST TO THROAT-B KK. _____ ___ /\___ \ /\_ \ \/__/\ \ ___ __ \//\ \ _\ \ \ / __`\ /'__`\ \ \ \ /\ \_\ \/\ \L\ \/\ __/ \_\ \_ \ \____/\ \____/\ \____\ /\____\ \/___/ \/___/ \/____/ \/____/ ____ __ /\ _`\ /\ \__ \ \ \L\_\ __ _ __ \ \ ,_\ ___ __ _ __ \ \ \L_L /'__`\ /\`'__\ \ \ \/ /' _ `\ /'__`\ /\`'__\ \ \ \/, \/\ __/ \ \ \/ \ \ \_ /\ \/\ \ /\ __/ \ \ \/ \ \____/\ \____\ \ \_\ \ \__\\ \_\ \_\\ \____\ \ \_\ \/___/ \/____/ \/_/ \/__/ \/_/\/_/ \/____/ \/_/ STRENGTH-8 TOUGNESS-7 CHARISMA-6 SPEED-5 RECOVERY-4 MAT SKILLS-6 LL. _________ ______ /______ _____ _____ __ ___ _ / _ __ \_ _ \__ / / / / /_/ / / /_/ // __/_ /_/ / \____/ \____/ \___/ _\__, / /____/ _____________ ______ __ ___/__ /______ _____ /_____ ________ _____ \ _ __/__ / / /__ / _ _ \__ ___/ ____/ / / /_ _ /_/ / _ / / __/_(__ ) /____/ \__/ _\__, / /_/ \___/ /____/ /____/ STRENGTH-4 TOUGHNESS-4 CHARIMSA-9 SPEED-8 RECOVERY-6 MAT SKILLS-5 MM. ____. .___ ____. _____ _____ | | __ __ __| _/ ____ ____ | | ____ _/ ____\_/ ____\ | || | \ / __ | / ___\ _/ __ \ | |_/ __ \ \ __\ \ __\ /\__| || | // /_/ | / /_/ >\ ___/ /\__| |\ ___/ | | | | \________||____/ \____ | \___ / \___ > \________| \___ > |__| |__| \/ /_____/ \/ \/ ____. | | ____ ____ ____ ______ | | / _ \ / \ _/ __ \ / ___/ /\__| |( <_> )| | \\ ___/ \___ \ \________| \____/ |___| / \___ >/____ > \/ \/ \/ STRENGTH-6 TOUGHNESS-9 CHARISMA-5 SPEED-7 RECOVERY-5 MAT SKILLS-4 NN. .____ .__ | | ____ __ __ |__| ____ | | / _ \ | | \| |_/ __ \ | |___ ( <_> )| | /| |\ ___/ |_______ \ \____/ |____/ |__| \___ > \/ \/ _________ .__ .__ .__ .__ / _____/______ |__| ____ ____ | | | | |__| \_____ \ \____ \ | |_/ ___\ / _ \ | | | | | | / \| |_> >| |\ \___ ( <_> )| |__| |__| | /_______ /| __/ |__| \___ > \____/ |____/|____/|__| \/ |__| \/ STRENGTH-8 TOUGHNESS-6 CHARIMSA-4 SPEED-6 RECOVERY-8 MAT SKILLS-7 OO. ______ /\__ _\ \/_/\ \/ __ ____ \ \ \ /'__`\ /\_ ,`\ \ \ \ /\ \L\.\_ \/_/ /_ \ \_\\ \__/.\_\ /\____\ \/_/ \/__/\/_/ \/____/ STRENGTH-8 TOUGHNESS-7 CHARISMA-7 SPEED-3 RECOVERY-5 MAT SKILLS-9 READY: DVD - U, D, U, B Overhead Belly Tazplex - L, R, A Reverse Tiger Tazplex - U, D, C+L Headlock Takedown - L, D, A Somoan Drop - L, U, B Shortarm Clothsline - U, D, B :TIE-UP: Head Arm Tazplex - U, D, C+L Hanging Vertical Suplex - U, D, B T-Bone Tazplex - L, R, A Northern Tazplex - L, C+L 2x Underhook Tazplex - L, A :BEHIND: German Tazplex - L, A Pumphandle Tazplex - L, B Tiger Tazplex - L, C+L Dragon Tazplex - U, D, A Tazmission Plex - L, D, C+L Tazmission* - L, U, B :GROUND MOVES AT HEAD: Crossface Punch - L, D, C+L :GROUND MOVES AT FEET: STF - L, R, A :CORNER RUNNING: Charging Clothsline - A :CORNER MOVES: Tree of Woe - U, U, B :DIZZY PUNCH: Grab head and Punch - B :DIZZY KICK: Mafia Kick - A :POSE: Get through me first - A+ C+L PP. _____ _ ___ _ _ (_ _)( ) ( _`\ ( ) _ ( ) | | | |__ __ | (_(_)| |__ __ (_)| |/') | | | _ `\ /'__`\ `\__ \ | _ `\ /'__`\| || , < | | | | | |( ___/ ( )_) || | | |( ___/| || |\`\ (_) (_) (_)`\____) `\____)(_) (_)`\____)(_)(_) (_) STRENGTH-7 TOUGHNESS-10 CHARISMA-3 SPEED-4 RECOVERY-9 MAT SKILLS-6 QQ. ___________ __________ .__ .__ \__ ___/ ____ _____ _____ ___.__. \______ \|__| ____ | |__ | | / _ \ / \ / \ < | | | _/| |_/ ___\ | | \ | | ( <_> )| Y Y \| Y Y \ \___ | | | \| |\ \___ | Y \ |____| \____/ |__|_| /|__|_| / / ____| |____|_ /|__| \___ >|___| / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ STENGTH-7 TOUGHNESS07 CHARISMA-6 SPEED-5 RECOVERY-8 MAT SKILLS-6 8. THE CREATE A WRESTLER A. INTRODUCTION TO THE CREATE A WRESTLER This is where u can create, edit and save custion wrestlers, Then you can take them in to the ring to prove them to see how hardcore they can be. CONTROLS Hightlight Option/Cycle through settings-u/d control pad increase/decrease sliders-l/r/ control pad cancel/previous item-b select/confirm item-a toggle color/sleeve length-cd turn wrestler right-cr turn wrestler left-cl CREATING YOUR WRESTLER CREATE-Access the create menu, where you can alter all sorts of body settings, including adding text to costumes ATTRIBUTES-Assign the desired mix of attributes like stamina, speed etc. MOVES-Choose which moves your wrestler can pull off PERSONALITY-Use this screen to select you theme music, run-in partner and whether the crowd cheers or boos your wrestler CONTROLLER PACK-Access you Controller Pak to use save and load functions, or to delete. RESET-erase the current creation CREATE highlight create and press A. a menu will appear with a number of options: body, head, upper, lower, text, random, and clear. select random to have the computer create a wrestler with random elements. clear will clear any unsaved current creations. the remaining options each have several sub-categories of unwholesome options you can set. get in there and see what you can do. press A when an option is highlighted. a sub menu will appear with all the settings you can take. scroll up or down to highlight and option, then press A to enter. BODY-select your body type, skin type and color HEAD-choose the eyes, nose, moth, hair, beard, mask and accessories. UPPER-choose from an inventory or garments and accessories. LOWER-chooese plenty of looks and some footwear COLOR SETTINGS you can set the color/tone on some selected items, press CD to activate the color area, press U or D on the D-Pad to highlight a color option slider, then move the slider(L or R) to get the look u want. when u are done press B to return to the menu area. different options have different color adjustment options available. you can adjust: HUE-all the colors of the rainbow SATURATION-amount of color BRIGHTNESs-makes the color dark or light. LENGTH SETTINGS From upper shirt or lower pants-you can adjust sleeve and pant lengths to get the look u want. to access the length meter press CD twice, then press L or R on the D-pad to raise or lower the length. TEXT when text is highlighted on the create menu, press the A button to bring up the text editing screen. Select a clothed area u wish text to appear on and press A. u will come to the next input screen, press A on a selected line to access the text input window, then use the d-pad to highlight desired characters and the A button to input a character. when text is complete highlight NEXT LINE and press A u can set text color by moving the slider press B to return the body area menu. TEXT OPTIONS press CD to access the options area then use the d-pad to highlight your choice, then press A to confirm. ATTRIBUTES u assign your creation varying degrees of 6 attributes (from 1 to 10), with the total equal to 36. STRENGTH-affects damage you deliver TOUGHNESS-makes you less vulnerable to low damage attacks like punches and kicks SPEED-impacts walks, blocks, dodges, climbing the turnbuckle and cage RECOVERY-Initial recovery value is lower, plus it lowers your chance of getting stunned CHARISMA-affects your crowd support, which can have a big impact on the amount of damage you do MAT SKILLS-affects your ability to pull off moves and reverse them MOVES choose the moves u wish to have for your caw. u can choose a wrestlers set of moves, or make your own. Your move set can not exceed 100% Make your finisher and trademark the strongest moves. Have lots of variety. PERSONALITY You can choose from crowd reaction(boo's or yea's) fighting style(which wrestler they can fight like) theme song, entrance, and voice/grunts. B. ACTUAL CREATED WRESTLERS PLEASE SEND IN YOUR CAW'S....WE WILL GIVE U CREDIT....WE PROMISE! B.1 CACTUS JACK Alais: Cactus Jack Body Body type-Male Muscle Skin Type-Scarred Skin color-1 Head Eyes-Determined eyes 24;52;40 Nose-Standard Mouth-Standard Hair-Long Hair 5 8;15;17(put hair on after you put the upper body clothing) Beard-Goatee 1-8;15;17 Upper Shirt-Plain-Plain 1-0;0;0-Sleeves-0 Jacket-Plaid-92;85;50-Sleeves-8 Gloves-Wraps Lower Pants-Plain-0;0;0 Boots-Snake-15;47;50 Text: Legs(both right and left)-Cactus-99;99;99 B.2 TANAKA First Name: Masato Alias: Tanaka Attributes: 6,9,4,10,2,5. Moves: Start with Awesome, then modify (note: his dizzy punch is the roaring elbow, and no diamond dust, sorry) Finisher: Flying Swinging DDT (corner move) Dizzy Punch: Fore arm shots Pose: Mr. Mr. Personality: cheer awesome victory awesome doesen't matter tajiri Body: Male Average Skin: Fat Color: 2,3.49,45 Face: Eyes: confident Nose: Wide 1 Mouth: Frown 2 Hair: Short 1,black Upper: Elbowpads, right only Lower: any, but the color must be black, length 14, logo flame 14. knee pads: wall black Boots: Hiking 13,50,11 Text Buttocks: Danga (Note: the 'n' dosen't fit) B.3 SANDMAN Name: Sandman Alias: Sandman Attributes: 5,9,4,8,10,0 (Start with Raven) Moves Finisher: Rassian leg sweep (behind) Trade mark: front flip senton (Top rope, oponent on ground) Damage 9: Huricaranna (corner) Damage 8: DDT (ready) pile driver (tie up) Dizzy punch: grab head and punch Pose: Personality: Cheer, New Jack, Gertner, Credible, Dreamer, Dreamer Body: Male average Skin: fat Color: 3 Head: Eyes: angry nose: thin 2 Mouth: smile 5 Hair: short 2 14 24 72 Lower: Pants: Jeans(61),50,5 Belt: Chain 2 14, 0, 49 Shoes: army B.4 ULTIMO DRAGON IN RED :BODY: Body Type - Male Average Skin Type - Plain Color - Skin color 2(7, 22, 41) :HEAD: Mask: Masks - Ultro(15, 50, 50) :UPPER: Wristbands - Leather(0, 100, 50) Chestgear - Shoulder Pads(6, 100, 50) Elbow Pads - Generic 2(15, 0, 0) :LOWER: Pants: Designs - Axes(0, 50, 50) Belts - Aztec(0, 49, 50)(Optional) Boots - Executioner(0, 50, 50) Kneepads - Bulk(51, 50, 0) :NAME: First: Ultimo Last: Dragon Alias: U Dragon :ATTRIBUTES: Strength - 7 Toughness - 6 Speed - 7 Recovery - 5 Charisma - 6 Mat Skills - 5 :MOVES: Super Crazy(I Never really saw any of his matches) :PERSONALITY: Crowd - Cheer Fighting style - S Crazy Theme Song - Gertner or J Victory Entrance - S Crazy Run-in Partner - S Crazy Voice/Grunts - S Crazy or Tajiri B.5 REY JR(WITH MASK) :BODY: Body type: Male Average or Skinny Skin Type: Ripped Color: Skin Color 2(7, 39, 38) :HEAD: goto Mask, Masks: Strange(61, 50, 50) Designs: Greek(47, 50, 50) :UPPER: goto Accessories, Tattoos: Sun 2(0, 0, 63) Wristbands: Leather(10, 30, 100) :LOWER: Pants - Designs: Axes(51, 50, 50) Pants - Add ons: Diamond(22, 50, 50) Boots: Generic(55, 0, 0) :TEXT: Buttocks: Line 1(Large Font), Rey, Layer/Color(35, 100, 58) (Note: make sure it goes on the pants, not the diamonds) :NAME: First: Rey Last: Mysterio Alias: Rey Jr :ATTRIBUTES: Strength - 6 Toughness - 6 Speed - 7 Recovery - 6 Charisma - 6 Mat Skills - 5 :MOVES: (Use Super Crazys moves, Replace Finisher with Jazz Stinger) :PERSONALITY: Crowd - Cheer Fighting Style - S Crazy Theme Song - Jason Entrance - You Choose Run-in Partner - S Crazy Voice/Grunts - S Crazy(Or you can choose) B.6 TRIPLE H Body Body Type-Average Skin Type-Plain Skin Color-1 Head Eyes-Concerned Eyes Nose-Wide Nose 3 Mouth-Standard Hair-Long Bangs 2-13;23;39 Beard-Beard 2-13;23;29 Upper Elbowpads-Bright 2-Black-0;0;0 Wristbands-Tape OR Gloves-Wraps Lower Pants-Plain 1-Black-0;0;0 Lenght-0 Kneepads-Generic High-Black-0;0;0 OR Plain w/Straps-Black-0;0;0 Boots-Dude-Black-0;0;0 Text Buttocks-HHH-14;0;21 Finisher-x2 Underhook Facesmash(Something like that) Trademark-Knee to Face (Note:Both of these are in the ready position) Enterance Music-Devito Enterance-S. Corino B.7 BRADSHAW muscle plain 1 head eyes-angry eyes nose-average nose 3 mouth-frown 2(90,30,54) hair(medium length 1(0,0,0) beard-goatee 4(0,0,0) upper elbowads-armbands(0,0,0) wristbands-tape(0,0,0) tatoos-symbol 1(0,0,0) lower pants-plain 1(0,0,0) boots-dark(66,90,31) name bradshaw attributes 9,8,4,6,4,5 moves awesome personality cheer balls roadkill big sal taz taz B.8 BIGSHOW overweight fat 1 head eyes-angry(27,70,42) thin nose 4 frown 1 short hair 2(0,0,0) goatee 4(0,0,0) upper lower boots-wall name paul wight big show 10,10,4,6,1,5 moves-balls, but change fin to one handed chokeslam and trade to press slam boo balls spike big sal taz your choice B.9 ROCCO ROCK Body: muscle fat color 3 Head:confident eyes standard nose smile 5 short hair 3(black) goatee 4(black) accessories-headgear-wrap(65,100,21) upperlain shirt 2(66,100,30) add-ons:jeresy 1(white) elbowpads:generic 2(black) gloves:wraps lowerantsesign:khakis(length 43) kneepads:bulk(66,100,30) boots:army(59,100,25) text:back:small font:line 1-ROCCO(white) name:first:rocco last:rock alias:rocco rock B.10 JOHNNY GRUNGE same as rocco rock exept: head:standard mouth hair:medium length 1(12,48,34) goatee 1(12,48,41) text:instead of ROCCO, make it GRUNGE cheer, alfonzo, tommy rich,?,?,? B.11 DEVON DUDLEY Body... Body Type:male Muscle Skin Type: Plain Color:Skin Color 5 (0,33,31) Head... Eyes:Big Eyes Nose:Wide Nose 3 Mouth:Closed Lips 8(0,18,28) Hair:Short Hair 2(11,0,4) Sunglasses:Eye Glasses(16,0,50) Upper... Plain Shirt: Plain Shirt 3(0,0,5) Sleeve length 13, Add On:Marble(80,100,50)Sleeve Length 7, Wristbands:Tiger(14,1,89) Lower.. Accesories..overalls(56,0,9)pant length(Optional..I use 100) Shoes:Wall(6,0,14) B.12 BUH BUH RAY DUDLEY Body... Body:Male Muscle Skin:Any Color:Skin Color 1(3,50,50)(don't change really) Head.... Eyes:Concerned Eyes Nose:Wide Nose 2 Beard:Goatee 5(15,49,18) Hair:None(Trust me on this will ya?) Headgear:Freud(63,19,27) Upper... Elbow Pads:Generic 1(85,0,10) Shirt: Plain Shirt 2 (50,0,0){Sleeve Length:54} Add Ons:Marble (84,100,26){Sleeve Length 55..Yes 55) Womans:Angelic 2(84,99,26) Wristbands:Leather (10,0,9) Lower.... Knee Pads:Generic High(17,0,4) Pantsesign:Leather 2(16,50,22){Pants Length:43} Boots:Angelic Text... Chest: Line 1: Line 2Dudley Line 3:Boys Line 4: Line 5: Put it on the Angelic 2 Layer and make it white B.13 THE ROCK :BODY: Body Type - Male average Skin type - Ripped or Plain Color - Skin color 2(7, 49, 38) :HEAD: Eyes - Concerned Eyes Nose - Wide Nose 1 Mouth - Standard Mouth Hair - Flat Top 1(11, 50, 3) or Standard Hair :UPPER: Elbowpads - Generic(77, 50, 0) Wristbands - Leather(10, 30, 100) :LOWER: Pants: Plain - Plain 1(58, 50, 0)(Length - 1) Pants: Logos - Francine 2(80, 50, 50) Kneepads - Generic High(17, 50, 0) Boots - Dark(66, 37, 20) :NAME: First - The Last - Rock Alias - The Rock :ATTRIBUTES: Strength - 6 Toughness - 6 Speed - 4 Recovery - 6 Charisma - 8 Mat Skills - 6 :MOVES: Start with Justin credible then use these: Finisher - One Hand Slam(Ready) Set up - Twitching Elbow(Running opponent on ground) Wrap Around DDT(Ready) :PERSONALITY: Crowd - Cheer(Duh!) Fighting Style - J Credible Theme Song - Whatever you want Entrance - Whatever you want Run-in Partner - Whatever you want Voice/Grunts - ??? B.14 STING :BODY: Body Type - Male Average Skin Type - Ripped Skin Color - Skin color 1 :HEAD: Hair - Medium Length 1(12, 48, 4) Accessories: Face Paint - Wasted(0, 0, 50) :UPPER: Shirt: Tanktops - Cupids Design(74, 61, 0) Shirt: Logos - Scorpion 1(50, 0, 50) Elbowpads - Striped Trim(11, 50, 6) Gloves - Average(59, 14, 0) :LOWER: Pants: Designs - Leather 2(16, 50, 50) Kneepads - Coil(13, 0, 16) Boots - Eagle(95, 0, 18) :NAME: First - Sting Alias - Sting :ATTRIBUTES: Strength - 6 Toughness - 6 Speed - 6 Recovery - 5 Charisma - 6 Mat Skills - 6 :MOVES: Start with Mike Awesome and Use These: Finisher - Death Lock(Not sure what they call the Scorpion Deathlock) Trademark - Reverse DDT :PERSONALITY: Crowd - Cheer Fighting Style - Mike Awesome Theme Song - J Victory Entrance - Dreamer Run-in Partner - You Decide Voice/Grunts - Big Sal B.15 HEADBANGER-MOSH :BODY: Body type - Male Average Skin Type - Plain Skin Color - Skin Color 1 :HEAD: Eyes - Raised Eyebrow Nose - Average Nose 1 Mouth - Smile 4 Hair - None Beard - Goatee 3(11, 35, 15) :UPPER: Shirt: Womens - Bikini(35, 50, 50) Elbow Pads - Bright 2(50, 50, 0) :LOWER: Pants: Designs - Steel(15, 50, 50)(Length - 28) Kneepads - Generic Low(58, 50, 0) Boots - Balls(6, 50, 50) :NAME: First - Mosh Alias - Mosh :ATTRIBUTES: Strength - 5 Toughness - 5 Speed - 6 Recovery - 6 Charisma - 4 Mat Skills - 5 :MOVES: Start with Axl Rotten Then Use These: Finisher - Arabian Guillotine(On TB-Apron Opp on ground) :PERSONALITY: Crowd - Boo Fighting Style - Axl Rotten Theme Song - Jason Entrance - Angel Run-in Partner - Justin Credible Voice/Grunts - Axl Rotten B.16 STONE COLD :BODY: Body Type - Male Average Skin Type - Ripped or Plain Color - Skin Color 1 :HEAD: Hair - None Beard - Goatee 1(15, 37, 27) :UPPER: Wristbands - Leather(10, 30, 0) :LOWER: Pants: Shorts - Diamond(84, 50, 0) Kneepads - Generic(58, 50, 0) or Plain with Straps(16, 50, 0) Boots - Dark(66, 50, 6) :NAME: First - Steve Last - Austin Alais - Stone Cold :ATTRIBUTES: Strength - 6 Toughness - 7 Speed - 6 Recovery - 6 Charisma - 5 Mat Skills - 6 :MOVES: Start with Dreamer then use these: Finisher - Ace Crusher Trademark - Vertical Body Press Taunt - I Said so or Not in my ring :PERSONALITY: Crowd - Cheer Fighting Style - Dreamer Theme Song - Gertner or Spike Dudley Entrance - Credible(looks sorta like stone colds entrance) Run-in Partner - Dreamer Voice/Grunts - Dreamer B.17 X-PAC IN GREEN :BODY: Body type - Male Average Skin Type - Ripped Skin Color - Skin color 1 :HEAD: Eyes - Determined Eyes Nose - Average Nose 1 Mouth - Standard Mouth Hair - Medium Length 3(0, 10, 4) Accessories: Headgear - Plaid(25, 72, 50) :UPPER: Shirt: Tanktops - Showtime(25, 100, 32) Wristbands - Leather(10, 14, 72) :LOWER: Pants: Designs - Axes(22, 27, 25) Kneepads - Coil(29, 50, 20) Boots - Dark(66, 50, 21) :TEXT: Chest - Line 3, DX(Font - Large)(Layer/Color - 22, 46, 38) :NAME: First - X-pac Alias - X-pac :ATTRIBUTES: Strength - 6 Toughness - 5 Speed - 8 Recovery - 5 Charisma - 7 Mat Skills - 5 :MOVES: Start with Simon Diamond then use these: Finisher - Jazz Stinger Trademark - Bronco Buster Dizzy Kick - Super Crazy Spinkick :PERSONALITY: Crowd - Boo Fighting Style - Simon Diamond Theme Song - Jason Entrance - Angel Run-in Partner - Nova Voice/Grunts - Simon Diamond B.18 BILL GOLDBERG :BODY: Body type - Male Muscle Skin Type - Plain Color - Skin Color 1 :HEAD: Eyes - Angry Eyes Nose - Average Nose 1 Hair - None Beard - Goatee 1(11, 79, 19) :UPPER: Elbowpads - Pad(0, 50, 0) Wristbands - Leather(10, 30, 0) :LOWER: Pants: Shorts - Diamond(84, 50, 0) Kneepads - Generic High(17, 50, 0) Boots - Balls(6, 50, 15) :NAME: First - Bill Last - Goldberg Alias - Goldberg :ATTRIBUTES: Strength - 7 Toughness - 7 Speed - 5 Recovery 6 Charisma - 5 Mat Skills - 6 :MOVES: Start with Mike Awesome then use these: Finisher - Floatover Suplex(Tie-up) Trademark - Spear(Your gonna have to take out 3 Running moves to get the spear as a Trademark) :PERSONALITY: Crowd - Cheer Fighting Style - Mike Awesome Theme Song - T Devito or J Victory Entrance - Taz or Angel Run-in Partner - Dreamer Voice/Grunts - Dreamer B.19 HEADBANGER THRASHER :BODY: Body type - Male Average Skin Type = Plain Color - Skin Color 1 :HEAD: Hair - None Accessories: Face Paint - Octopus(75, 50, 50) Beard - Goatee 3(11, 35, 16) :UPPER: Shirt: Designs - Splitter(79, 50, 50) Wristbands - Leather(10, 31, 100) :LOWER: Pants: Shorts - Ripped(59, 50, 0)(Sorta looks like a Skirt) Kneepads - Generic High(17, 50, 0) Boots - Balls(6, 13, 49) :TEXT: Chest - Line 2, Headbangers,(Font - Small)(Layer/Color - 34, 53, 50) Back - Line 2 - Real Mean, Line 3 - Wear, Line 4 - Skirts(Font - Small)(Layer/Color - 34, 53, 50) :NAME: First - Thrasher Alias - Thrasher :ATTRIBUTES: Strength - 6 Toughness - 7 Speed - 5 Recovery - 6 Charisma - 4 Mat Skills - 5 :MOVES: Start with Balls Mahoney then Edit these: Finisher - Somersault Leg Drop :PERSONALITY: Crowd - Boo Fighting Style - Balls Mahoney Theme Song - Jason Entrance - Angel Run-in Partner - Justin Credible Voice/Grunts - Big Sal B.20 JEFF HARDY Jeff Hardy - :BODY: Body Type: Male Average Skin Type: Ripped Color: Skin Color 1 - :HEAD: Eyes: Determined eyes Nose: Standard Nose Mouth: Standard Mouth Hair: Long Hair 1(12, 37, 42) Beard: Mask: Masks: Designs: Accessories: Headgear: Sunglasses: Facepaint: Tattoos: ----- :UPPER: Shirt: Plain: Plain shirt 1(0, 50, 34) Designs: Tanktops: Womans: Add Ons: Logos: Other: Jackets: Vests: Chestgear: Elbowpads: Wristbands: Gloves: Accessories: Clothing: Jewelry: Tattoos: Bandages: ----- :LOWER: Pants: Plain: Design: Jeans(61, 0, 19) Shorts: Womens: Add Ons: Logos: Other: Belts: Dress(14, 50, 21) Kneepads: Boots: Shoes: Bolt(96, 0, 26) Accessories: Tattoos: Text: Chest: Line 1: Line 2: Line 3: Line 4: Line 5: Font: Alignment: Back: Line 1: Line 2: Line 3: Line 4: Line 5: Fonts: Alignment: Buttocks: Line 1: Font: Arm Sleeves: Left: Right: Font: Pant Legs: Left: Right: Font: ------ Name: First: Jeff Last: Hardy Alias: Jeff H ------ :Attributes: Strength: 5 Toughness: 6 Speed: 7 Recovery: 5 Charisma: 8 Mat Skills: 5 ------ Moves: Start with Super Crazy do these. Finisher: Swinging DDT(Ready) Trademark: Front Flip Senton(Flying Moves/ Opponent on ground) Damage 9: Damage 8: Damage 8: Damage 7: Damage 7: Damage 7: Damage 6: Damage 6: Damage 6: Damage 6: Damage 5: Damage 5: Damage 5: Damage 5: Damage 5: Damage 4: Damage 4: Damage 4: Damage 4: Dizzy Punch: Dizzy Kick: Pose: :Personality: Crowd: Cheer Fighting Style: Super Crazy Theme Song: Jason Entrance: Angel Run-In Partner: Angel Voice/Grunts: Justin Credible 9. THE CREATE A PPV A. ALL THE INFO ON CREATE-A-PPV Match maximum: 8 matches Name Event: up to 13 Letters. Stadium: House, Brick, Elks. Ring Lights: White, Off, Red, Blue, Gold, Purple, Orange, Green, Yellow. Entrance lights: White, Off, Red, Blue, Gold, Purple, Orange, Green, Yellow. Ring Mat: ECW Blue, ECW Green, ECW Red, ECW Purple, Hardcore, ECW White, ECW Logo, Hardcore Heaven, Anarchy Rulz, Guilty as Charged, November to Remember, Heatwave, Living Dagerously.(No WrestlePalooza?) Ring Apron: ECW Blue, ECW Green, ECW Red, ECW Purple, Hardcore, ECW White, ECW Logo, Hardcore Heaven, Anarchy Rulz, Guilty as Charged, November to Remember, Heatwave, Living Dagerously. Pad Color: Grey, Black, Red, Blue, Gold, Purple, Orange, Green, Yellow. Post Color: Grey, Black, Red, Blue, Gold, Purple, Orange, Green, Yellow. Rope Color: Grey, Black, Red, Blue, Gold, Purple, Orange, Green, Yellow. Banner 1: ECW Blue, ECW Green, ECW Red, ECW Purple, Hardcore, ECW White, ECW Logo, Hardcore Heaven, Anarchy Rulz, Guilty as Charged, November to Remember, Heatwave, Living Dagerously. Banner 2: ECW Blue, ECW Green, ECW Red, ECW Purple, Hardcore, ECW White, ECW Logo, Hardcore Heaven, Anarchy Rulz, Guilty as Charged, November to Remember, Heatwave, Living Dagerously. Banner 3: ECW Blue, ECW Green, ECW Red, ECW Purple, Hardcore, ECW White, ECW Logo, Hardcore Heaven, Anarchy Rulz, Guilty as Charged, November to Remember, Heatwave, Living Dagerously. B. ACTUAL CREATED PAY-PER-VIEWS 10. WEAPONS,THE MODES,AND DIALOGUE GUIDE THE WEAPONS 2x4 Scepter Chair Stop Sign With Pole Hubcap Suitcase TV Ladder Camcorder Bedpan Microphone Chalice Staplegun Gavel Kendo Stick Bat Trash Can Guitar Case Sheets of Flat Metal Cheese Grater Table THE MODES SINGLE PLAYER Career Singles Tag Team Vs. Tag Team Tornado One-On-Two One-On-Three Lumberjack 3 Way Dance Four Man Battle Royal Vs. Elimination Tag Team Elimination 8-Man Tag 30-Man Battle Royal 4 Way Dance Elimination Stable Match 3 Way Dance Elimination TWO PLAYERS Career Single Tag Team Coop Tag Team Competitive Vs. Tag Team Tornado One-On-Two One-On-Three Lumberjack 3 Way Dance Four Man Battle Royal Vs. Elimination Tag Team Elimination 8-Man Tag 30-Man Battle Royal 4 Way Dance Elimination Stable Match 3 Way Dance Elimination Coop Tag Team Coop Two-On-One Coop Three-On-One Coop Tag Team Elimination Coop 8-man Tag THREE TO FOUR PLAYER Career Single Tag Team Coop Tag Team Competitive Vs. Tag Team Tornado One-On-Two One-On-Three Lumberjack 3 Way Dance Four Man Battle Royal Vs. Elimination Tag Team Elimination 8-Man Tag 30-Man Battle Royal 4 Way Dance Elimination Stable Match 3 Way Dance Elimination Coop Tag Team Coop Two-On-One Coop Three-On-One Coop Tag Team Elimination Coop 8-Man Tag THE ANNOUNCER Joey Styles THE ARENAS ECW Arena in Philadelphia Madhouse Of Extreme in NYC Anarchy Rulz Living Dangerously Guilty As Charged Heat Wave November To Remember Hardcore Heaven THE STADIUMS elk brick house 11. CODES AND GAMESHARK CODES A. REGULAR CODES CARRER MODE CHEATS: WIN ACCLAIM BELT-UNLOCK JOEY STYLES AND JOEL GERTNER. WIN ECW TV BELT-UNLOCK TOMMY RICH AND CYRUS. WIN ECW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT BELT-UNLOCK TAZ AND LOUIE SPICOLLI SUCCESSFULLY DEFEND THE ECW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT 5 TIMES-UNLOCK ALL JOBBERS TAG TEAM CARRER MODE CHEATS: WIN ECW WORLD TAGTEAM BELTS-UNLOCK BEULAH AND THE SHIEK SINGLE PLAYER TOURNAMENT MODE CHEATS: WIN AS LOUIE SPICOLLI-UNLOCK RANDOM HEAD MODE WIN AS TOMMY DREAMER-UNLOCK CUSTOM WRESTLER TEXTURES WIN AS RHINO-UNLOCK BIG HEAD MODE WIN AS CHRIS CHETTI-UNLOCK EGO MODE WIN AS JASON-UNLOCK BIG HANDS MODE WIN AS BALL MAHONEY-UNLOCK BIG FEET MODE WIN AS LITTLE SPIKE DUDLEY-UNLOCK FAT MAN MODE WIN AS TAZ-UNLOCK HEADLESS MODE WIN AS ROADKILL-UNLOCK LITTLE HEAD MODE WIN AS BIG SAL E. GRAZIANO-UNLOCK HANGMAN MODE WIN AS ROB VAN DAM-UNLOCK BILL ALFONSO WIN AS MIKE AWESOME-UNLOCK JUDGE JEFF JONES 12. INTERVIEWS WITH THE WRESTLERS*note-the order is the same with chapter 7, and interviews came from the guide* THESE ARE THE QUESTIONS TO BE ASKED: 1. How does it feel like to be in a video game? 2. If you weren't a wrestler, what would you be doing now? 3. Who is your toughest opponent? 4. Why should someone play as your character? RVD 1. it is very prestigious of course, i am impressed to see my likeness captured, because of course everybody wants to see as much as RVD as they can. 2. pursue martial arts movies. 3. jerry lynn and sabu. 4. well I'm the whole F'N show! MIKE AWESOME 1. it feels great. its gonna be great to play myself on a game and kick people's butt. 2. beating people up in bars. 3. nobody is. that is why i am the champ. 4. cuz i powerbomb everyone and cuz i am the champ TOMMY DREAMER 1. it feels really cool, and i have dreamed of this since i was a child. 2. hit man for the mafia. 3. i dont have any. 4. i am indestreuctible in a video game SABU *note-bill alfonso(sabu's manager) will be speaking for sabu* 1. he feels nothing. 2. he would probably be a hitman 3. he is his own toughest opponent. 4. because he is the best RAVEN 1. who cares? video games are for geeks. 2. drowning in my own sorrow. 3. tommy dreamer 4. because they have nothing better to do with their free time. and if they play me, they will probably have a better chance of winning than if they play as one of these other jobronis. LANCE STORM 1. if feels pretty cool, i have never been into much video games 2. an accountant 3. RVD 4. N/A JUSTIN CREDIBLE 1. it is phenomenal to be in a video game 2. a rock star 3. sabu 4.N/A JERRY LYNN 1. it feels great. 2. music business 3. RVD 4. N/A NEW JACK 1. it feels real good 2. bounty hunter 3. never had one 4. N/A RHINO 1. it's cool 2. be in jail 3. sabu 4. because i am a bad dude and i kick @$$ ANGEL 1. i am very excited. 2. bartending 3. new jack 4. my character has alot of moves...mine is the best character in the game AXL ROTTEN 1. it is a dream come true 2. some kind of entertainer 3. balls mahoney 4. my character is the most talented character in the game because he knows all the violent and best wrestling moves BALLS MAHONEY 1. WOW-one of the best feelings 2. chef, running a charter boat, or working for a fence company 3. RVD and Wild Bill 4. because i am the most hardcore..if you want blood and violence pick me and axl BIG SAL E.GRAZIANO 1. awesome 2. making cheesy horror movies 3. spike dudley 4. i am the best person in it..no one in ecw is as strong as me CW ANDERSON 1. it feels wonderful 2. land surveyor 3. N/A 4. because i am real intense..ive got good moves CHRIS CHETTI 1. its cool 2. landing scraping 3. sabu and taz 4. N/A STEVE CORINO 1. unbelievable! 2. milkman 3. taz 4. N/A DANNY DORING 1. pretty cool 2. N/A 3. taz and sabu 4. i have alot of innovative moves DAWN MARIE 1. i love it 2. still be in college 3. N/A 4. because i am really fun...look at me..dont u wanna play with me? FRANCINE 1. cool 2. nursery school teacher 3. N/A 4. i am the best looking female in this sport LITTLE GUIDO 1. exciting 2. police officer, or work in my family business 3. none 4. N/A JACK VICTORY 1. awesome, not mike awesome, but awesome 2. sports 3. new jack, dreamer, and spike dudley 4. u will probably win JASON 1. feels great 2. wishing i was a wrestler 3. Sabu 4. i am a really colorful character JAZZ 1. very very very exciting 2. entertainment 3. Jason 4. N/A NOVA 1. kind of feels weird 2. teacher or in reasearch 3. none 4. i am the most innovative wrestler on the planet AMISH ROADKILL *note-Danny Doring will speak for roadkill* 1. he's amish nuff said 2. he's amish nuff said 3. sabu 4. he can do a bunch of power moves SUPER CRAZY 1. feels great 2. studying 3. N/A 4. N/A SIMON DIAMOND 1. quite exciting 2. bartending or a 9-5 job 3. none 4. N/A TRACY SMOTHERS 1. i dont care but my son will like it 2. playing or coaching football 3. they all try to beat me to death 4. i am a wild-eyed southern boy and i kick @$$ LITTLE SPIKE DUDLEY 1. its cool its neat 2. school teacher 3. new jack 4. N/A TONY DEVITO 1.really cool 2. nothing 3. new jack, RVD, balls 4. because i am bad @$$ TAJIRI 1. i am very happy 2. studying economics 3. N/A 4. N/A WILD BILL WYLES 1. feels awesome 2. a band 3. balls mahoney 4. i am one of the toughest guys in this company BILL ALFONSO 1. it feels cool 2. a gynecologist 3. N/A 4. because i am the most unique guy in ECW..also pick Sabu BEULAH Interview NOT avaible CYRUS THE VIRUS 1. tremendous 2. prime minister of canada 3. N/A 4. because im good JOEL GERTNER 1. feels great 2. on TV or radio 3. N/A 4. because my character is entertaining JOEY STYLES 1. i think it is fun 2. sales and marketing 3. Paul Heyman 4. i am the best dressed character in the game JUDGE JEFF JONES 1. feels great 2. probably serving time 3. N/A 4. i have cool moves LOUIE SPICOLLI Interview NOT avaible TAZ Interview NOT avaible THE SHEIK Interview NOT avaible TOMMY RICH 1. my babies are happy 2. in jail or a farmer drinking beer 3. Harley Race 4. i am the "big don" 13. CREDITS People and Websites We are thanking: - www.ign.com for the information in the "features of this game" section, and their review - BIG THANX TO JIM CHAMBERLIN (JJCHAMBER4@AOL.COM) FOR THE ASCII ART WRITING AND FOR PUTTING THIS FAQ ON THE WEB!! - my brother for buying the game for me(he is 17!) - tazzmission for some of the modes, controls info (aol im realtazzmission) - www.gamefaqs.com for putting my faq on their site - www.cheatcc.com for putting my faq on their site - http://vgstrategies.about.com for putting my faq on their site - www.ecwwrestling.com for the bios - official acclaim strategy guide for the moves, tips, and interviews - BIG THANX TO JUSTIN FOR MOVES, AND JUSTIN DID ALL THE CAW'S, AND FOR EVERYTHING ELSE - www.n64cc.com for using our faq - www.videogames.com for their review - the instruction manual for ecw for some info. - wwf_4_ever for the public enemy caw - danger banzai for the sandman and the masato tanaka caw's - if we forgot your name put it here_____________________________________ ECW HARDCORE REVOLUTION FAQ, BY VINNIE CHAND AND JUSTIN, COPYRIGHTED 2000 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED