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By: shark404 (Shark404_2000@yahoo.com) Version 1.9 Copyright 2000 shark404 Date: 9/27/00 If you see this FAQ on any other sites besides the site(s) below, e- mail me immediately. Gamefaqs.com =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= *** TABLE OF CONTENTS *** 1. REVERSION HISTORY 2. INTRODUCTION 3. INFORMATION 4. GAMES 5. BUILDINGS 6. STARS 7. CODES/RUMORS 8. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 9. CONTACT AUTHOR 10. CREDITS 11. DISCLAIMER =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= 1. REVERSION HISTORY Version 1.9 Date: 9/27/00 - Man, it's been a while. Well here is some new stuff - Changed the ACII art, the old one really stunk - Changed the Contacting Author, Disclaimer, and some other stuff so now my main and only e-mail address you should use for writing to me about this FAQ is shark404_2000@yahoo.com. - Added all the museum titles, loads and loads and loads of thanks to sstephen@an.rr.com (the one who gave me the museum titles (duh)) added a couple mistakes and added helpful things here and there, also thanks to sstephen@san.rr.com for all those little bits of info I didn't put in/forgot. Also added him to the credits. - Added information on the game - Also, in the next update I will include a lot of the new high scores. Version 1.8 Date: 5/30/00 - Spell-checked and grammar checked the whole FAQ. Its perfect! Version 1.7 Date: 5/29/00 - Added the nice artwork at the top. Like it? Version 1.6 Date: 5/29/00 - Changed some high scores - Added stuff here and there Version 1.5 Date: 4/4/00 - Changed some high scores - Worked on questions and answers section Version 1.4 Date: 2/27/00 - Changed some high scores - Fixed some stuff - Added some stuff to the Museum - Added a lot to the Note Board Version 1.3 Date: 2/25/00 - Changed some high scores - Changed some stuff in Museum - Added stuff to the Note Board - Added the Secrets, Part 2 to the buildings - Added Fire demo game to the Games section - Added Credits to the Music Room WHOOOO! Version 1.2 Date: 2/23/00 - Fixed some stuff - Changed some high scores - Added some Museum titles Version 1.1 Date: 2/21/00 - Changed some high scores - Changed some of the controls for games - Started codes/rumors section Version 1.0 Date: 2/20/00 - Started this FAQ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= 2. INTRODUCTION Hi, I'm shark404, a new FAQ/review writer to Game FAQs, although I have been around this site for years. I hope to bring you loads of help in this game! Right now I have 75 stars. No, I didn't use Gameshark. Anyway, I got Game and Watch Gallery 2 two years ago for Christmas. This game was wonderful! I loved it! I could never put it down! I thought a game like this could never get better! But, it did! Now back and in better colors is Game and Watch Gallery 3! Tons more levels, and more fun games! I thought that the best thing to do was tell the world about by writing a wonderful FAQ. Then, when people read it they'll say, "Did you read shark404's awesome FAQ? It was so good that I just have to go buy the game!" Then, I'll be so popular that they'll make a shrine of me to honor the great one! I have to stop daydreaming and start typing! =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= 3. INFORMATION If you don't know this stuff down below, then I'm telling you! Every 200 points, you will get a star. These stars will help you progress farther and farther into the game. Every certain amount of points, you will get new buildings and new levels and a lot of more cool junk! Once you get 1000 points in modern mode two things will happen. One is that once you exit the game you will get a note from toad saying congrats or something, and it also says that now you have 1000 points that an even harder mode will be opened in that game. You can get to that game by going to modern on the screen and then hitting up. The other thing that happens when you get 1000 points is the stars will stop counting. For example, at 200 points you get a star, 400 you get a star, 600 you get a star, 800 you get a star, 1000 you get a star, then at 1200 you wont get a star. Also, every 200, 500, and 700 Points, you get a heart which restores one miss. Here is some info on the game: Information Title: Game & Watch Gallery 3 Platform: Gameboy Color Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo No. of Players: 1-2 (Link) Genre: Puzzle ESRB Rating: Everyone Previous Games: Game & Watch Gallery Game & Watch Gallery 2 Gameboy Gallery =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= 4. GAMES These are all the games: Egg: Controls: Up: up Down: down Right: right Left: left A: diagonal B: diagonal START: pause In this game, you are Yoshi. You try to eat all the pieces of food that those chefs stuff in your face! What fun! Watch out for those bombs because they will add a miss if you eat one. If you miss a piece a food a miss will go up too. Some say this game is annoying some say it isn't. I like this game. That is probably why I have so many stars on it. The classic version of this game is annoying. You are a fox and you are stealing the chicken's eggs. You can't let them drop or you'll get a miss. It is hard because the eggs will hang over the edge of the ramp thing and then when you get to the egg it will fall! Highest score on modern easy: 1031 Highest score on modern hard: 878 Highest score on modern very hard: 186 Highest score on classic easy: 146 Highest score on classic hard: 61 Greenhouse: Controls: Up: up Down: down Right: right Left: left A: spit B: spit START: pause You are Yoshi again. Shy guys and monkeys are trying to kill the flowers in your garden! Don't let them do a horrible thing like that by spitting watermelon seeds at them! You can shoot the shy guys at any point, but you can't shoot the monkeys until they are at the lowest point of their descent. After you collect about 10 watermelons, you will become a powerful Yoshi and spit out seeds of fire! At this time you can shoot the vine that the monkeys are climbing on (no matter where they are on the vine) and the fire will set the whole vine on fire, so the monkeys will be killed! Yay! You spit by pressing the A or B button. The classic version is very much alike except that the shy guys are replaced with worms and the monkeys are replaced with spiders. Also, the B button s used for changing the screen and the A is used for spraying bug repellant. Highest score on modern easy: 1159 Highest score on modern hard: 951 Highest score on modern very hard: 663 Highest score on classic easy: 697 Highest score on classic hard: 265 Turtle Bridge: Controls: Up: up Down: down Right: right Left: left A: right B: left START: pause In this one you are Toad. Mario gives you presents that you have to take over to Peach. That would be very easy except that you have to cross balloon-popping seagulls! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! As you run across the seagulls, balloons will fly up and they will pop them. If you are on the seagull while they are popping the balloons, you will get a miss. After a while the presents will upgrade. When the present upgrades, you'll get more points for it. The more upgraded the present is, the more points you will get. Also, say you have the present upgraded once and you die, the present will be at its first form. There is a platform in the middle of the journey to Peach, you can climb the clouds above the platform, the reason for the clouds is so you can jump of and get those coins. Each coin is worth 1 point. If you stay on a cloud to long then you will fall, not to your death but to the next cloud or to the platform. If you stay on the platform to long you will fall and die. At about 300 points the platform will start to have a little clock on it. It starts at 4 and ends at 0. Once the clock reaches 0 it will disappear for a second. Don't get caught on it at 0 or you'll fall. The classic version is pretty much the same. A guy gives you a package and you have to deliver it to the other side. You have to travel across five turtles. That's where they got the names Turtle Bridge. Anyway, fish will start to rise to the top of the water. When they get close enough, the turtles will dive down and eat the fish. In easy, fish never come to the middle turtle but on hard they do. If you are on a turtle when it dives into the water, you will die! Highest score on modern easy: 870 Highest score on modern hard: 649 Highest score on modern very hard: 0 Highest score on classic easy: 224 Highest score on classic hard: 151 Mario Bros. Controls: Up: moves Luigi up Down: moves Luigi down Right: nothing Left: nothing A: moves Mario down B: moves Mario down START: pause This game is unique. You are both Mario and Luigi. Pies will come down the pipe and Mario gets it. He hands it over to the conveyer belt that leads to Luigi. Then, Luigi will take the pie and put it on the next conveyer towards Mario. Repeat this until the pie gets to the top and Luigi throws it over to the truck. Once the truck is full, it will drive away giving you a star on the top of the screen. Once you get five stars you get a bonus! YAY! Sometimes it gets very annoying when you are juggling like twenty pies and you cant get to them all. This game is pretty fun. I think, at 300 points Bowser will come alive! Uh oh! He will stop and the conveyer belt will go in the opposite direction. To change it back to normal, just go to the very bottom of Luigi's side at hit that lever. There is a lever at the top of Mario's side too. The classic version of this game is almost the same, except there is no Bowser. Highest score on modern easy: 973 Highest score on modern hard: 601 Highest score on modern very hard: 0 Highest score on classic easy: 647 Highest score on classic hard: 491 Donkey Kong Jr.: Controls: Up: jump Down: climb down Right: right Left: left A: jump B: jump START: pause That mean ol' Mario has captured your big brother D.K.! Get off your furry butt and save your brother! You're Donkey Kong Jr. In the first area you have to run across the ground and climb the vine. Next, you have to run across yet another part if ground. Climb the vine and grab the key. Grabbing this key will make a platform to get to D.K.. Anyway, climb the vine and run over to the spinning platform. Don't get on it when its spinning or you'll fall. Run across it and you made it to D.K.! Watch out bullets and Goombas. Repeat this four times and go to the next area! In area two it is mostly vines. Swing across to the key and the seagull will appear. Wait till the seagull is at it's closest, the run across it to D.K.! Watch out for bullets and those vine eaters. Repeat this four times and go to the next area! In the third area you need to swing across the vines. Then, run across the ground. Now climb the vine and get the key. Now that the platform is they're just run across to D.K.! Watch out for bullets, Goombas, and those vine eaters. The next area you will be returned back to area one. Go through this cycle about a thousand times and you win! Also, at 800 points in easy and 400 points in hard, Spinies will come out of the pipe instead of the Goombas. You can't jump on the Spinies because you will die. The classic version is similar. Go to the farthest left on the top level and wait for the key to swing as far right as possible. Then, jump and hit right. If you did it right, you will get the key! Highest score on modern easy: 601 Highest score on modern hard: 406 Highest score on modern very hard: 0 Highest score on classic easy: 547 Highest score on classic hard: 483 The next lists of games are games that you unlock after getting a certain amount of stars Flagman: Controls: Up: 1 Down: 3 Right: nothing Left: nothing A: 2 B: 4 START: pause This is a very unusual game. There is no modern version, just the classic version. The best part of flagman is that every five points you get a star! It is very difficult though. Classic easy is kind of a copy game. He will show you a 1, 2, 3, or 4. You will have to repeat everything he does. In classic hard, a number will appear, you will have about 1 second to show that number. Highest score on classic easy: 14 Highest score on classic hard: 29 Judge: Controls: Up: hit Down: run Right: run Left: hit A: hit B: run START: pause Basically, a number will appear above your head and a number will appear above the opponent's head. If your number is higher than his number whack him! If you're number is smaller than his run away! In 1- player mode you verse the computer. In 2-player mode you verse a friend (with the link cable). This also has no modern version. Every 20 points you get a star. Highest score on classic 1-player: 96 Highest score on classic 2-player: 99 Lion: Controls: Up: moves the man on the left up Down: moves the man on the left down Right: nothing Left: nothing A: moves the guy on the right up B: moves the guy on the right down START: pause In this game you can control the guy on the right and the left, similar to Mario Bros. You have to stop the lions from escaping by placing a guy in front of each one. Every time the lion tries to escape and you are in front of it, you get two points. If a lion escapes he will chase you up the tree. This does not have a modern mode Highest score on classic easy: 260 Highest score on classic hard: 50 Spitball Sparky: Controls: Up: nothing Down: nothing Right: right Left: left A: shoot B: shoot START: pause You shoot these balls up and try to clear all the blocks. In hard mode the blocks will appear and disappear. If the ball goes through it when it is nit there, you will not get the points. Yet, another game without a modern version Highest score on classic easy: 269 Highest score on classic hard: 260 Donkey Kong Jr. 2: Controls: Up: jump Down: down Right: right Left: left A: jump B: jump START: pause Mario has captured D.K. yet again! D.K. has four chains attached to him, you must grab the first key and it will go higher, grab it again and it will go beneath one of the chains that is holding D.K. down. Grab it and that chain will disappear! Then, climb down to the bottom and repeat a bunch of times. Another game with only classic! Need more games with modern! Highest score on classic easy: 109 Highest score on classic hard: 39 Fire demo game: Controls: Up: nothing Down: nothing Right: right Left: left A: right B: left START: exit This game is fun. I have played the original one in G&W Gallery 1. All you have to do is catch the people that fall out of the building, and then bounce them over to the ambulance. The thing the annoys me the most is the fact that you cant pause! I hate it. This game can be found in the Secrets, Part 2 warp pipe. So, I guess I'll add it to the buildings. Highest score on classic: 164 =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= 5. BUILDINGS Here are the five buildings. I will explain what each one is for. +++++++++++++ 1) Note board: Here Toad will give you notes and tips and attacks. I +++++++++++++ Will list all the notes, and all the tips and attacks. Here is what toad has told me in the note board. Save and Quit: If you pause the game and turn off the power, you can restart the game from the exact place you quit. Gallery Corner: Collect starts to see Gallery Corner. The higher your score, the more stars you'll collect. Note Board: This is the information board for all the games. Take a look at it sometimes for good news. Any new messages arrive in an envelope. Music: To mute the Modern Mode Music, press SELECT on the Mode Select screen. Music Room: In the Music Room, you can check the tune and notes used in a game. The number of tunes available to listen to increase each time you clear a game. Museum, Part 1: This is the place to check out some Classic Game & Watch Titles. Each time you clear a game, the number of titles her increases. Museum Part 2: To see all of the titles in the museum, link with your friend or collect 120 stars. To link with your friend, check the note board for How to Link, Part 1. How to Link, Part 1: If you or a friend has Game & Watch Gallery 1 or 2, link with 3 to view the titles in the museum. Press A for more. Link this screen to the G&W Gallery 1 or 2 Title Screen. To link to G&W Gallery 1, you must earn 1,000 pts in each of the G&W Gallery 1 games. Press A for more. Are you ready? Press START now to link! How to Link Part 2: Linked battle in "judge." To play "judge," link with your friend's Game and Watch Gallery 3. To quit, press START. You can't pause while playing. Star Mode: If you gain more than 1,00 points in a game, while playing in Modern Mode, you can play in Star Mode. This is harder than Modern Mode. Secrets, Part 1: Welcome! Here you can hear a secret story about the Game and Watch title, Fire. This game is included in Game and Watch Gallery 1. Check it out! Secrets, Part 2: Welcome again. Here, you can play "Fire," introduced in Secrets, Part 1. Remember that you can't pause during gameplay. To quit the game, pres START. And here are the tips and attacks: Rules for Egg: Move the character in the middle so he can eat the food rolling towards him from both sides. Don't drop any! Modern Egg: Cookies are being baked as they run on the conveyor belt. You'd better pick one when it is well baked. Don't eat Bomb-omb, or you will get penalized. Classic Egg: You can make up for a miss when you reach 200 and 500 points. If a hen is in the window, you only get half of a miss. Rules for Greenhouse: Stop the insects from getting to the flowers. Also, eat as many watermelons as you can. Modern Greenhouse: You can only hit the monkey at the bottom of the rope. Yoshi gets powered-up briefly after eating 10 watermelons. Eat as many as you can. Classic Greenhouse: You can make up for a miss when you get 300 points. If you reach 300 pts before you get a miss, your points will be doubled until you get a miss. Rules for Turtle Bridge: Get packet from the man on the island to the left, pass it to the man on the island to the right. Then return to the first island. Don't fall in the sea! Modern Turtle Bridge: Take the package from Mario to Peach. Collect as many cans as you can. Watch out! The floating island falls away if you stay on it to long. Classic Turtle Bridge: In Easy Mode, few fish come to the middle row. Erase a miss at 200 and 500 pts. If you haven't missed, a short Bonus Period with no fish begins. Rules for Mario Bros.: Move the packages along the conveyor belt and load them onto the truck. If you drop a package, you'll crush it. To win, Mario and Luigi must cooperate. Modern Mario Bros.: You get a star every time you fill up the truck. Get 5 stars and earn a bonus. If you get a miss before collecting 5 stars, you lose all of your stars. Classic Mario Bros.: 300 points will erase a miss. If you get 300 points before you miss, your points will be doubled. Rules for DK Jr.: Get a key to open DK's cage! Jump, or use the ivy to dodge enemies. Modern DK Jr.: Open DK's cage as quickly as you can! The quicker you open the cage, the more pts you earn. Get the key and find a secret way to make the scaffold appear. Classic DK Jr.: The quicker you get the key, the more points you earn. Flagman: Game A: Memorize COM's flag order and repeat it. Game B: Raise the same flag as COM, as quickly as possible. Earn a star for every 5 points you get. Judge: When the number is the same or larger then your opponent's hit him! If it's smaller, run! 20 points = 1 star. Link-up for a two-player game. Lion: Use the two men to push lions into the cage. You can only move one man at a time. Erase a miss each time you gain 200 and 500 points. Spit Ball Sparky: Hit the blocks to eliminate them. When the ball is in the third row, you can blow it up. Don't drop it! Make all 6 blocks at the top blink by hitting them. DK II: The keys linked to the chains return to their starting point, so get them! Erase a miss at 300 points, or get double points without a miss. +++++++ 2) Gift: This is where Peach is, and every certain amount of stars you +++++++ will get a letter from Peach saying she has a gift for you. The gift is a new playable game. +++++++++++++ 3) Music Room: This is where you can listen to all the tunes in the +++++++++++++ game. It is fun cause you can change the tempo and stuff. These are the tunes I got: G&W Gallery 3 Egg Green House Turtle Bridge Mario Bros. Donkey Kong Jr. 1 Donkey Kong Jr. 2 Donkey Kong Jr. 3 Game Select Mode Select Gallery Corner Note Board Museum Gift Secrets Credits ++++++++++++ 4) Secrets 1: This place is that warp pipe. This is what it says ++++++++++++ inside: Game: Fire. This is "Fire," introduced in Game and Watch Gallery 1. Don't you think something is wrong with it? The truth is, this "Fire" is reversed left to right. This version was planned to be released as is. The LCD designer happened to make it incorrectly. Never the less, the game was just as playable. It was released as it was. So far it seems ok. This "Fire" is now hidden at Gallery Corner. Why don't you collect enough stars to play it? Well, that was all I wanted to say. See you around. +++++++++ 5) Museum: There is 32 games to be seen here. These are the ones I +++++++++ have: Egg: October 9th, 1981 outside Japan only - Carefully catch the eggs laid by the hens! - No. 026 Donkey Kong II: March 7th, 1983 - In this sequel, the son rescues his captured father - No. 055 Pinball: December 5th, 1983 - Get the high score without dropping a ball! - No. 059 Donkey Kong Hockey: November 13th, 1984 - Mario and DK play hockey, for 1 or 2 players - No. 303 Donkey Kong Circus: September 6th, 1984 outside Japan only - DK juggles pineapples in a panoramic setting - No. 096 Super Mario Bros.: June 25th, 1986 outside Japan only - Classic NES game, help Mario rescue Princess Peach - No. 801 Climber: July 24th, 1986 outside Japan only - Break through the ceiling to reach the top floor! - No. 802 Balloon Fight: November 19th, 1986 outside Japan only - Dodge obstacles while collecting balloons in the air. - No. 803 Flagman: June 5th, 1980 - Quickly raise the same No. as the one on the screen. - No. 002 Chef: September 8th, 1981 - Move your skillet to catch the food and cook it! - No. 024! Octopus: July 16th, 1981 - Dodge the Octopus to get to the treasure in the sea. - No. 022 Turtle Bridge: February 1st, 1982 - Jump on the turtles to carry the package. - No. 028 Mario Bros.: March 14th, 1983 - Help Mario and Luigi load the parts on the truck. - No. 056 Lion: April 27th, 1981 - Two lion tamers push fierce lions back into the cage. - No. 008 Helmet: February 21st, 1981 - Dodge obstacles and jump into the other house. - No. 007 Boxing: July 31st, 1984 - Punch! Guard! KO your enemy! (sure sounds fun) - No. 301 Donkey Kong: June 3rd, 1982 - Break DK's scaffold to rescue the damsel in distress. (In classic, it wouldn't be much harder in real life) - No. 052 Donkey Kong Jr.: October 26th, 1982 - DK Jr. attempts to get the key to save his father. - No. 101 Greenhouse: December 6th, 1982 - Use insecticide to protect flowers from the insects. - No. 054 Life Boat October 25th, 1983 (Outside Japan only) - Rescue the people jumping from the burning ship. - No. 058 Rain Shower: August 10th, 1983 (Outside Japan only) - Shift washed clothes to the left and right. Avoid the rain! - No. 057 Spit Ball Sparky: February 7th, 1984 - Hit the blocks with the ball to make them disappear. - No. 201 Tropical Fish: July 8th, 1985 (Outside Japan only) - Catch the fish and safely return them to the water. - No. 104 Oil Panic: May 28th, 1982 - Scoop up the leaked oil and pass it outside. - No. 051 Fire: July 31st, 1980 - Bring people from the fire to the ambulance. - No. 004 Judge October 4th, 1980 - Hit your opponent or run, depending on the number. - No. 005 Ball: April 28th, 1980 - Juggle three (error: or two) balls without dropping any of them. - No. 001 Vermin: July 10th, 1980 - Hit approaching moles to protect your field. - No. 003 Manhole: January 27th, 1981 - Keep the manholes covered! Don't let anyone fall in! - No. 006 Parachute- June 19th, 1981 - Catch the men falling from the helicopter. - No. 021 Mario's Cement Factory (new to me)- June 16th, 1983 - Use the elevator to bring the cement to the truck. - No. 102 Fire Attack- March 26th, 1982 - Keep your enemies from setting fire to the building. - No. 029 ++++++++++++++++++ 6) Secrets, Part 2: Here, in this warpipe, you can finally play Fire! ++++++++++++++++++ YAY! It is just what Secrets, Part 1 said. You can play this fun game. The only thing you can't do is pause the game, when you hit START it exits you. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= 6. STARS Every couple of stars, something will be added to your G&W Gallery 3 game. Some things may help you; others may just be there for fun. Thanx to NoFearDarbyHere@aol.com for some of the things you get. Here is a list of all that I know of: +++++++ - Museum title: Egg 5 stars - Music building +++++++ - Museum building ++++++++ - Flagman game (playable) 10 stars - Gift building ++++++++ - ++++++++ - Museum title: Donkey Kong Country II 15 stars - Secrets building ++++++++ - ++++++++ - Judge game (playable) 20 stars - ++++++++ - ++++++++ - Museum title: Pinball 25 stars - ++++++++ - ++++++++ - Lion game (playable) 30 stars - ++++++++ - ++++++++ - Museum title: Donkey Kong Hockey 35 stars - ++++++++ - ++++++++ - Spitball Sparky game (playable) 40 stars - ++++++++ - ++++++++ - Museum title: Donkey Kong Circus 45 stars - ++++++++ - ++++++++ - Donkey Kong II game (playable) 50 stars - Cast ++++++++ - ++++++++ - Museum title: Super Mario Bros. 55 stars - ++++++++ - ++++++++ - Fire game demo (playable) 60 stars - ++++++++ - ++++++++ - Museum title: Climber 65 stars - ++++++++ - ++++++++ - Museum title: Balloon Fight 70 stars - ++++++++ - ++++++++ - 75 stars - ++++++++ - ++++++++ - 80 stars - ++++++++ - ++++++++ - 85 stars - ++++++++ - ++++++++ - 90 stars - ++++++++ - ++++++++ - 95 stars - ++++++++ - +++++++++ - Cast of characters 100 stars - +++++++++ - +++++++++ - 105 stars - +++++++++ - +++++++++ - 110 stars - +++++++++ - +++++++++ - 115 stars - +++++++++ - +++++++++ - All Museum Titles 120 stars - +++++++++ - +++++++++ - 125 stars – +++++++++ - +++++++++ - 130 stars – +++++++++ - +++++++++ - 135 stars – +++++++++ - +++++++++ - 140 stars – +++++++++ - +++++++++ - 145 stars – +++++++++ - +++++++++ - 150 stars – +++++++++ - I put 150 stars because if you look at all the games and secret ones, if you add all the stars possible to get, you get 150 stars =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= 7. CODES/RUMORS Here are some codes and rumors I have found and seen: Gameshark: Unlimited lives/misses 010082C1 Note: This will only work with Gameshark version 2.1 or higher I have heard that if you get 5 stars in modern easy and hard, and 5 stars in classic easy and hard, that a space will appear for a sixth star. I can't confirm this because I don't have 5 stars in everything in one game. E-mail me if you find out any information about this. I know that this section is small. But, with your help this section can be huge! Send me in your codes; if I try them out and they work then I WILL give you FULL credit for it if wanted. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= 8. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. When will this FAQ be updated? A. When I want it to be updated, no sooner Q. Can I contribute to this FAQ? A. Sure, just look below, if it is something I need that will help my FAQ, then I will give you credit Q. Can I post this FAQ on my website? A. No. Q. Can I e-mail/instant messages you about my higher scores? A. No, they are just there for a little challenge, they weren't meant to be there for competition Q. How long did it take to get all your information and type it all up? A. About a week Q. Why are you soooo good at videogames? A. Cuz I just am Q. Can I send in questions? A. Um... YES! =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= 9. CONTACT AUTHOR You can e-mail me, shark404, at shark404_2000@yahoo.com. E-mail about my FAQ, saying it rocks and stuff. Don't e-mail me chain letters and stupid stuff like that. You MAY e-mail me with information about stuff that I need like information on more museum titles and stuff like that. I WILL give you full credit. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= 11. CREDITS This is the credits… duh! Shark404- me, for writing this FAQ Gamefaqs.com- for letting me put this on their site Nintendo- for making the game NoFearDarbyHere@aol.com - for some help on the stars sstephen@san.rr.com - for tons of help with all the museum titles and little bits of information that made this FAQ a whole lot better better. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= 11. DISCLAIMER This is Copyright by law 2000, shark404. This document may only be posted at gamefaqs.com! No other site may have it. You may NOT sell this in any way or form. You may NOT edit it. You MAY print it out. ///////// ///////// ///\\\ ///////// ///////// // // // // \\ // // ///////// ///// /////\\\\\ // ///// // // // \\ // // // // // \\ // // // ///////// // \\ ///////// ///////// ///////// // // /////\\\\\ // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // ///////// ///////// // - Shark404