-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold and Glory The Road to El Dorado FAQ/Walkthrough PC 2000 Version: 1.0 released on the 28th of September 2006 Author: odino http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/47976.html This guide is EXCLUSIVELY available at GameFAQs. .============================================================================. | .========================================================================. | | | TABLE OF CONTENTS | | | '========================================================================' | |============================================================================| | 01.) Introduction | G0100 | | 02.) Basics | G0200 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | 03.) Walkthrough | G0300 | | Spain | G0310 | | Ship | G0320 | | Jungle | G0330 | | Jaguar | G0340 | | Jaguar II | G0350 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | XX.) FAQ | GXX00 | | YY.) Version History | GYY00 | | ZZ.) Credits & Thanks | GZZ00 | '=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-' =============================================================================== 01.) INTRODUCTION G0100 =============================================================================== Welcome to 'Gold and Glory: The Road to El Dorado' for the PC, an adventure game by Revolution Software released in 2000. This game was also released on the PlayStation, and I think they are nearly identical but for the obvious control differences. Suggestions, comments or errors - e-mail me about it. Enjoy! =============================================================================== 02.) BASICS G0200 =============================================================================== As this is a PlayStation port, you control the characters with the keyboard. The default buttons are: D-PAD Walking Z Running X Crouch ENTER Inventory CTRL Interact When you are able to interact with an item, it will flash. Bring up the inventory and use CTRL to give or use an item with something/somebody. You can, of course, change the controls to your liking by going into options. ============================================================================== 03.) WALKTHROUGH G0300 ============================================================================== The walkthrough skips a lot of conversations and exploring. If you want to fully enjoy the game you might want to try talking to everybody and looking at everything in the area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPAIN G0310 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the introduction, take the Wanted poster from the wall. Step into the market and talk to the corn salesman. Give him your single peseta in exchange for a sack of corn. Move behind the cart and feed the corn to the chicken. With your new chicken in hand, walk opposite the market and sell it to the chicken salesman. You see a doorway in the background, enter it and talk to the guy sitting at the table. Hand him the money to start playing. Your aim is to win his money but betting on the right dice throw. After the first person has thrown the dice, the second person needs to say if his throw will be higher or lower, and how much to bet on it. If he rolls the same, the first person wins. After a few wins he will offer you a map in exchange for the money, providing you win the last bet. Back outside, walk towards the dock, only to be stopped by the tax collector. Now the guard on the other side of the marketplace is gone, so walk through that gate. Go up the steps in this new area and take the door at the bottom of the screen. Attempt to walk past the kid but he won't let you. Look at the barrels and Miguel will hide inside. Move over to the kid, the bunghole is the front. The kid will run away, leaving the slingshot behind. Pick it up and move on through the gate. You'll see another scene with the guards leaving the area. Continue through the next few screens until you arrive at the fountain with a man standing around. Talk to him about his heroics. Walk right and then make your way to the upper right of the screen, leading to a gate with the bull inside. Speak to the man guarding it and he will mention Malezo. Afterwards, talk to Malezo at the fountain and walk back with him. After the conversation, open the gate and watch the scene. Return to the fountain area and use the slingshot on the bull. Make your way up the steps and enter the last door. Walk along the path to the screen before the fountain. Look at the green dress hanging in the back, as well as the fence. Plaster the Wanted poster on the fence and watch the scene. Pick up the dress. After a short conversation, return to the market area. Walk to the center and Tulio will get changed. Walk towards the tax collection guarding the docks. As Miguel, crouch and sneak by him. Only sneak when Tulio is talking. After a few sentences you should be at the door in the background. Walk behind the donkey and check the barrel. Miguel will get in. Sneak past the two guards when they are not looking. Remember, the bunghole is the front. At the other end, grab a corn when the guard's back is turned and finally sneak back to Tulio. Place the corn on the wooden construction in front of the donkey so it starts moving. Walk right from this view and turn the lever at the wall to reverse the direction. Climb up the nearby ladder (by walking into it) and use the barrel to get on the ship. Next up is Tulio, do exactly the same to leave Spain behind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHIP G0320 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pick up the apple and climb the beam in the center. Throw the apple at the very top. Pick up the boat hook and use it on the rope ladder on the right. Climb up (walk into it) and use the door. Take the biscuits from the table. Talk to the monkey and give it a biscuit for a key. You can hold two keys at the same time, but if you ask for a third the pirate will wake up from the noise. Carry two keys over to the other door via the handles in the ceiling. I believe this combination is random, so try them both and return for more. Or save, take two, try them, load, take the next two, try them and you will know which ones are the correct keys. Once you've made it through the door, simply walk into the room to be discovered by the pirate. Look at the rope ladder and talk to Tulio. Climb up the ladder and shimmy across the handles. Walk through the door and SAVE! Crouch and sneak over to the red bandana while the pirate is cleaning the cannon. When he's not looking, quickly stand up and grab the bandana. Soon the pirate will give you a sock to clean the cannon. Do so to make him happy. Take the biscuits as reward. Return to the hold where Tulio is. Try to open the grate on the left. Altivo will throw down another boat hook. Use the boat hook to keep the grate open. Throw in the biscuits to capture the mouse and pick it up with the sock. Show the mouse to the pirate to get rid of him. Use the sock on the lamp oil and then light it with the lamp. After the scene, walk into the opening and Tulio will climb up. Interact with Altivo to get the rope. Use that rope on the metal ring where you came up to help Miguel. Attempt to remove the rope holding the boat and Miguel will help out. As Miguel, take an apple and place it on the plank the boat is on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUNGLE G0330 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grab the sword and for a laugh you can cut down the bush on the left. Walk into the background and climb the statue from the back. At the top, cut down the single vine. Climb back down and cut down the bush on the left to continue on. Walk left into the next screen to find a flute-like stick. Use it on the snake in the previous screen to rescue Bibo. Tie the vine around Bibo and return to the screen on the left. Interact with the tree, then get Miguel to hold the tree while you use Bibo on it. Climb up the vine to the plateau. Grab the branch off the tree and go left. Jam it into the heap of stones and interact with it. Return here and jump over the river via the rocks. Next you need to jump from stone to turtle to the other side. Don't get caught by a jumping fish though! Take the left branch in the last screen. When Tulio is done, Miguel needs to the exact same thing but take the right branch instead. When you reach the large gap, talk to Tulio and he'll have to push the rock into the lake. Now continue jumping with Miguel to reach the end. Follow Miguel into the opening and pull the lever. Go inside the pull the here. Continue pulling lever and walking through the open doors until you find the bird door is open, which is where you need to go. Use the elevator. Next up is Miguel, your object is the same but the doors are slightly different. Either way you will find the bird door open and use the elevator to go up. For the next room, following these instructions (although you can use the characters in reverse). Miguel: Stand on the right skull. Tulio: Pull the lever and stand on the left skull. Miguel: Pull the lever nearby and stand on the skull again. Tulio: Pull the lever. Miguel: Stand on the left skull. Tulio: Pull the lever. At the bottom of the stairs, pull yet another lever. Go left behind the staircase and walk behind the statue. Use Bibo to enter the hole before you get too close. As Bibo, push the little statue once, then push the rock pile on the left and finally move the statue all the way out. Pick up the statue and insert it into the mount next to the stairs you came down just a short moment ago. Return to the previous screen and climb into the statue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAGUAR G0340 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can switch between characters at any time. Your aim is to light the statues and appease them. They are only lit if a person steps on the correct tile. You can solve these in pretty much any order, only you are required to pick up the shiny plate in the center. Remember to jump across to the upper statue. Top Left = Shiny Plate Top Right = Biscuit Bottom Left = Sock Bottom Right = Flute When all the platforms have been raised, run along east. As Tulio, jump over to the gaps and make your way to the right side. Pull the lever. As Miguel, jump to the larger island and take a left to the entrance. Inside, pull the lever to be joined by Tulio. Climb the ladder. If at any point you are bitten by a green spider, the game resets to here. Try to avoid that, in most cases it's easy. Let Tulio pull the lever when the spider is on the far right on the ledge above. This way it will disappear into the hole as you cut off the path. Miguel should step on the platform and ask Tulio to raise it. Walk left and pull the lever on the left side of the temple when the spider is on the left side, similar to before. Switch to Tulio and step on the platform, ask Miguel to raise it and go down the large steps. Pick a fruit from the bush and step on the elevator where Miguel is waiting. Ask him to raise the platform. Climb the ladder and go up the stairs. When the spider is on the far right, hit the lever and quickly place the fruit underneath the raised platform. Retreat and wait for the spider to fall for the trap. Pull the lever to squish it. Move Miguel on platform and ask Tulio to raise it. Follow him all the way up, run right and down the stairs. Pull the lever and wait for the spider to step on the raised platform. Pull the lever once more and it will disappear into the hole at the bottom. Hit the lever again and run through to the right. Tulio should follow the same path and wait at the lever we just moved. Watch the final spider at the top. Your aim is to trap it on the platform with the flame so it cannot harm anyone. Lower the platforms so that it is in this said area and Miguel can step on the platform in the top right corner. Ask Tulio to raise them again but don't allow the spider to be on the other elevator. Move to the lever. Tulio needs to hit the lever once more time to get across to the stairs. With Miguel's help at the lever you can make him join you at the top, just don't let the spider join you too! Finally, run to the opening at the left side. You could have also done this with the characters reversed, but I figured it would be easier to give you directions with specific names. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAGUAR II G0350 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After some long story sequences, you'll split up in the temple. Follow Miguel and pick up the golden cog on the left side near some treasure. In the next room, there are two ways to go. They will bring you back to this room so take either path and find a golden cog in each room. Return to the entrance and take the northern path. Follow it left until you reach two closed doors. At the top left of this room are three pins that match the cogs, so place them all on there to get a gold coin in return. Pass through the northern door and attempt to pull the lever... Miguel should open the water gate with the sword. Then go right and remove the blue gem from the statue's eye. Go left all the way to the western area where Tulio received the gold coin. Go into the top right door instead and open the water gate here as well. Inside the room, attempt to open the water gate... Tulio needs to run away from the jaguar and pull a lever on the trap doors you get to. You can either avoid it in the first trap room and run to the lever from where you entered the room, or run all the way through the other side of the temple and do it there. Don't worry it's not so fast, just don't panic about what to do. When you are successful, Miguel needs to do the same. However, he cannot run all the way to the other side of the temple therefore you need to dodge him in the first trap room and quickly pull the lever. When it's all over, return to the room you were chased away from and pull the lever. Exit the room to meet up with Tulio. Enter the room at the north and finally pull the lever you couldn't earlier. Exit the temple to complete the game. Enjoy the ending. =============================================================================== XX.) FAQ GXX00 =============================================================================== Q) Is this better on the PC or Playstation? A) Personal preference, the graphics are better on the PC but if you do not have a nice gamepad I would think the keyboard controls are a little awkward. =============================================================================== YY.) VERSION HISTORY GYY00 =============================================================================== v1.0 First release (28th of September 2006) =============================================================================== ZZ.) CREDITS & THANKS GZZ00 =============================================================================== GameFAQs for hosting this file. Revolution Software for this game. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ,,, (o o) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=oOOo-(_)-oOOo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=