Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone GBC Folio Triplicus Guide Version 1.02 By (Dark) Twilkitri twilkitri@yahoo.com 1. Contents ----------- 1. Contents 2. Introduction 3. Version History 4. Card Combinations 5. Mysteries 6. Credits/Legal 2. Introduction --------------- The Folio Triplicus of Card Combinations in the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone GBC game can be used to create some of the most powerful (and not so powerful) spells in the game. Unfortunately the game gives you very little description as to what they actually _do_, apart from their names, until you use them. Thus, this guide, which describes what the combinations do, whether they are useful or not, and what cards you need for them. If anyone has found a combination which I don't have listed here, can you please send me the details of it. I believe that I've got all of them, but I could be wrong. 3. Version History ------------------ 1.02 - Fixed description of 'Alter Enemy' 1.01 - Fixed layout, & some minor spelling errors. 1 - The first version. Basically 100% done. 4. Card Combinations -------------------- These are listed in alphabetical order, and take the following form (this is an example only, not a real combo from the game). Name: Hurt Self <- the name of the combination Type: Bad <- can be good, or helpful for you; bad, or helpful for the enemy; or useless. Cards Required: Harry Cooper, Glenn Robbins, Shaun Micallef (rare) <- the three cards you need to use the combo. Rare cards are not destroyed when used. Game Description: You just did 50 damage to yourself! <- the description given when you use the combination. Notes: Remember, this example is just an example. <- for if there is anything else to say about the combination. -Combinations start here- Name: Alter Enemy Type: Normally Good Cards Required: Andros the Invincible, Circe (rare), Mirabella Plunkett Game Description: The cards transformed an opponent into... something else. Notes: Almost always turns enemies into chickens... even chickens into chickens. However, on rare occasions it can turn enemies into ogres. Thanks to Michael Jones for letting me know this. Name: Blasting Curse Type: Good? Cards Required: Salazar Slytherin, Musidora Barkwith (rare), Joscelind Wadcock Game Description: After combining these cards, you fell like any spells you cast will be much stronger! Notes: Not all spells are affected by this combination; Wingardium Leviosa and the Flipendo Series will still do normal damage. The type is listed as 'Good?' because I am unsure about the combination being labelled a curse. Name: Carbon Copy Type: Good Cards Required: Dorcas Wellbeloved, Merlin (rare), Herpo the Foul Game Description: The cards created two phantom-like copies of you! Your enemy seems distracted by them. Notes: In other words, it makes it harder for the enemy to hit you. But they _can_ still hit you. Name: Conjure Snack Type: Useless Cards Required: Hesper Starkey, Andros the Invincible, Thaddeus Thurkell Game Description: This cards gave you a piece of candy! Notes: It's harder to get cards than to get enough sickles to buy candy... don't waste your cards and battle turns on this. Name: Cure Poison Type: Good Cards Required: Greta Catchlove, Cliodne (rare), Wilfred Elphick Game Description: The cards cancel the effects of any poison attacks during this encounter! Notes: It should say, '...any poison attacks so far during this...' because if you get poisoned again, you _will_ get poisoned. And it will still add on to the 'canceled' poison. Name: Create Potion Type: Good Cards Required: Paracelsus (rare), Gaspard Shingleton, Laverne DeMontmorency Game Description: The cards created a random potion! Notes: If you want to waste your cards on random chance, then go ahead. Don't try to use this as a lifesaver (ie: to try and get a Grand WiggenWeld Potion) because if you're in that critical of a condition, you'll likely 'die' before you get what you want. Name: Deflect Type: Good Cards Required: Wendelin the Weird, Carlotta Pinkstone (rare?), Flavius Belby Game Description: The cards will deflect part of the damage from any physical or magical attacks! Name: Dire Strength Type: Bad Cards Required: Jocunda Sykes, Norvel Twonk, Derwent Shimpling Game Description: The cards didn't seem to do anything to you. But your enemy looks a bit stronger. Name: Distract Type: Useless Cards Required: Musidora Barkwith (rare), Myron Wagtail, Heathcote Barbary Game Description: The cards create music that distracts opponents, making them lose a turn. Notes: But it's _this_ turn, which you basically wasted since you didn't do any damage. WARNING: DO NOT USE THIS IF ANYONE (YOU OR THE ENEMY) IS POISONED, AS IT CRASHES THE GAME. Name: Double SP Type: Good Cards Required: Queen Maeve (rare), Helga Hufflepuff, Albus Dumbledore Game Description: The cards double your SP for the duration of this encounter! Notes: This effect is cumulative - if you had 200 SP, and you used this twice, you'd end up with 800 SP (minus what you'd been hit for in the meantime). Too bad it only lasts for the one encounter... Name: Drone Type: Good Cards Required: Gideon Crumb, Kirley Duke, Orsino Thurston Game Description: The cards create a terrifying noise that causes one opponent to flee. Notes: And you get the experience/money from it, too! Name: Encounter Track Type: Depends. Cards Required: Gulliver Pokeby, Newt Scamander, Adalbert Waffling Game Description: The cards create a 'monster lure'. For a short time, you'll be in more magical encounters than usual. Notes: Good if you're level building, bad if you're low on health... Name: Exhaust Type: Good Cards Required: Honouria Nutcombe (rare), Alberic Grunnion, Gunhilda of Goosemoor Game Description: After you combine these cards, your opponents look very, very weak... Notes: In other words, they lose half their health. Name: Extra Credit Type: Good Cards Required: Salazar Slytherin, Queen Maeve (rare), Albus Dumbledore Game Description: The cards have increased the experience points you will recieve if you win this encounter! Notes: Your experience points recieved are doubled. So, it's best to use this in boss battles - but only if you're sure that you're going to win, of course, otherwise you'll have wasted the cards... Name: Full Enchantment Type: Good Cards Required: Harry Potter (rare), Albus Dumbledore, Circe (rare) Game Description: The Harry Potter card has given you all spells at maximum level, and colour-coded the cards in your Folio Magi by deck! Notes: This is the combination Dumbledore gives you when you beat the game. When you continue from the start, use it... it seems strange that you keep your level, money, cards and combinations when you beat the game, yet lose your equipment and spells, but oh well. Oh, and make sure you realise that the colours it gives the Folio Magi aren't the same as the colours of the decks you pick from at the start... if you've only got purple cards left to get, the purple deck _isn't_ the one you want. Name: Healing Attack Type: Good Cards Required: Derwent Shimpling, Cliodne (rare), Mungo Bonham Game Description: The cards enchant an opponent so that their physical attacks will heal you! Notes: Note how it says _physical_ attacks. So, this is no use against Voldemort, for example, who only uses magic. Name: Health Boost Type: Good Cards Required: Gregory the Smarmy, Sacharissa Tugwood, Mungo Bonham Game Description: The cards restored a small amount of your SP. Notes: The amount it restores is around a quarter of your maximum. Name: Heroic Strength Type: Good Cards Required: Yardley Platt, Oswald Beamish, Roderick Plumpton Game Description: The cards have greatly increased the damage you do in an encounter. Note: And when they say greatly, they mean it. Try it. Name: Immunity Type: Good Cards Required: Edgar Stroulger, Mopsus (rare), Bertie Bott Game Description: This card combination makes you immune from all non-magical attacks in an encounter. Notes: Once again, a combo not useful against magic. Good against things like trolls, though. Name: Improved Magic Type: Good Cards Required: Godric Gryffindor, Miranda Goshawk, Albus Dumbledore Game Description: The cards have increased the damage your spells do in this encounter! Name: Item into Feather Type: Bad Cards Required: Bridget Wenlock, Circe (rare), Bertie Bott Game Description: The cards turned something in your inventory into... an ostrich feather?! Notes: Which are totally useless, so... Name: Level Up Type: Good Cards Required: Paracelsus (rare), Carlotta Pinkstone (rare?), Cornelius Agrippa (rare) Game Description: The cards increased your level! This combination works only once. Notes: Use it when you get the chance... no cards are lost, so... Unfortunately, when it says only once, it means only once in the game. Not only once each encounter. Name: Lullaby Type: Good Cards Required: Donaghan Tremlett, Herman Wintringham, Celestina Warbeck Game Description: The cards create soothing music that lulls one enemy to sleep. Name: Magic Immunity Type: Good Cards Required: Oswald Beamish, Almerick Sawbridge, Lord Stoddard Withers Game Description: You get an inkling that you are momentarily immune to all magic! Notes: Of course, you can't be _permanently_ immune, can you? Or else how is the boss going to hurt you? Name: Magic Reversal Type: Depends. Cards Required: Ignatia Wildsmith, Elfrida Clagg, Gondoline Oliphant Game Description: The cards remove any magical effect... whether beneficial or harmful... previously cast upon you. Notes: So, if you've had something bad cast on you, it's good, but if you've had something good cast on you, it's bad. As should be obvious, but... Name: MP Erase Type: Bad Cards Required: Gregory the Smarmy, Morgan le Fay (rare), Cyprian Youdle Game Description: All your MP are drained away! The horror! The horror! Notes: In my opinion, it's worth using this just to see the message... make sure you save beforehand, though. Name: MP Gain Type: Good Cards Required: Gaspard Shingleton, Merlin (rare), Circe (rare) Game Description: The cards give you a permanent increase in MP! This combination works only once. Notes: It's worth using. You get a _lot_ more MP. Name: Nausea Type: Bad Cards Required: Archibald Alderton, Elladora Ketteridge, Herpo the Foul Game Description: The cards weren't helpful this time. Your tummy is upset, and you feel dizzy and weak. You think you might have lost some SP. Notes: Another one noteworthy only for its message. Name: Poison Immunity Type: Good Cards Required: Quong Po (rare), Beaumont Marjoribanks, Chauncey Oldridge Game Description: The cards have made you immune to poison, for this encounter only. Name: Protect Type: Good Cards Required: Tilly Toke (rare?), Edgar Stroulger, Havelock Sweeting Game Description: The cards have made you harder to attack! Name: Rain of Bludgers Type: Good Cards Required: Bowman Wright (rare), Devlin Whitehorn, Dunbar Oglethorpe Game Description: The cards create a torrent of plunging Bludgers that rain down on an opponent. Notes: They're fairly powerful. Name: Regeneration Type: Good Cards Required: Glover Hipworth, Ignatia Wildsmith, Circe (rare) Game Description: The cards boosted your SP. In fact, you feel like you're getting more and more SP all the time! Notes: You get 10 SP back every turn - it's hardly worth it. And, it's not cumulative like poison is (you can't use it again to get back 20 every turn, for example). Name: Remove Curse Type: Good Cards Required: Justus Pilliwickle, Oswald Beamish, Uric the Oddball Game Description: The cards cancel any curses that might have been on you! Notes: I don't think that this includes the Mucus Ad Nauseum that Peeves casts on you, since you aren't affected by it during battles. Name: Replenish All Type: Good Cards Required: Quong Po (rare), Cliodne (rare), Herman Wintringham Game Description: With a jolt, you feel MP and SP restored the maximum! Notes: Did anyone check the grammar in this game? Very useful combo, anyhow. Name: Replenish Magic Type: Good Cards Required: Merlin (rare), Burdock Muldoon, Artemisia Lufkin Game Description: The cards restore your MP to maximum! Notes: Very handy in boss battles where you're using a lot of Duo/Tria spells. Or for using a lot of Mucus Ad Nauseums... Name: Replenish Stamina Type: Good Cards Required: Almerick Sawbridge, Miranda Goshawk, Circe (rare) Game Description: The cards heal all your wounds and restore your SP to maximum! Notes: Another good combo, although not as useful as Replenish Magic, in my opinion... Name: Reversal Type: Good Cards Required: Gunhilda of Goosemoor, Mungo Bonham, Wilfred Elphick Game Description: The cards neutralize any poison or harmful magic that might be affecting you! Notes: So, it's basically a better version of Magic Reversal... Name: Scholarship Type: Good Cards Required: Rowena Ravenclaw, Daisy Dodderidge, Albus Dumbledore Game Description: The cards made you smart! The number of MP needed to cast spells is cut by half! Notes: Another good combo for Mucus lovers... Too bad it expires at the end of the fight. Name: Sickle Seek Type: Good Cards Required: Glenda Chittock, Cassandra Vablatsky, Mopsus (rare) Game Description: The cards give you a better sense of where to look for silver sickles! Notes: Translation: You get double sickles at the end of the battle. You can use it repeatedly, but it only adds the original amount of sickles for each use after the first. Name: Sleep Type: Good Cards Required: Balfour Blane, Honouria Nutcombe (rare), Fulbert the Fearful Game Description: The cards put your opponents to sleep! Naturally, they can't attack while snoozing. Name: Slow Type: Good Cards Required: Morgan le Fay (rare), Xavier Rastrick, Yardley Platt Game Description: The cards seem to have slowed down your opponents! Name: Sluggish Type: Bad Cards Required: Crispin Cronk, Ethelred the EverReady, Alberta Toothill Game Description: You are moving very slowly. The cards must have caused this! Name: Snitch Streak Type: Good Cards Required: Chauncey Oldridge, Cyprian Youdle, Roderick Plumpton Game Description: The cards create a Golden Snitch that circles an enemy's head, distracting it. Notes: Just another enemy accuracy-reducing combo. Name: Snitch Strike Type: Good Cards Required: Joscelind Wadcock, Gwenog Jones, Roland Kegg Game Description: The cards create a Golden Snitch that scares away an opponent. Notes: And you get the experience/sickles from them, too. Name: Stinkweed Type: Good Cards Required: Paracelsus (rare), Beatrix Bloxam, Dymphna Furmage Game Description: The cards created magical flowers! And they stink! You feel alright, but your opponents look sick. Name: Strength Type: Good Cards Required: Glanmore Peakes, Felix Summerbee, Gifford Ollerton Game Description: You feel stronger. You think your Flipendo spell might be more powerful now. Notes: And as Voldemort is weak against Flipendo... Heroic Strength is better, though. Name: Summon Umbrella Type: Good... Cards Required: Uric the Oddball, Mirabella Plunkett, Thaddeus Thurkell Game Description: The cards have given you... an umbrella?! Notes: It _sounds_ useless, but what the description doesn't say is that it also damages one of the enemies you are fighting. It's still not very good, though. Name: Telegraph Punch Type: Bad Cards Required: Perpetua Fancourt, Alberic Grunnion, Grogan Stump Game Description: The unhelpful cards send an opponent a hint of what you'll do next, improving their defence. Name: Tempest Type: Good Cards Required: Merwyn the Malicious, Merton Graves, Lord Stoddard Withers Game Description: The cards created a blast of wind that blows away an opponent! Notes: Just another remove one opponent combo. How many are there?! Name: Weak Point Type: Good Cards Required: Cornelius Agrippa (rare), Blenheim Stalk, Beaumont Marjoribanks Game Description: The cards reveal your opponent's weak spot to you, and you are better able to cast spells against them. Total Combinations: 50 5. Mysteries ------------ Just one. In the Folio Magi, Tilly Toke is marked as Rare, yet her card is destroyed when used. And Carlotta Pinkstone is marked Common, yet her card is not destroyed. Did they just mix up the classifications, or what? 6. Credits/Legal ---------------- Thanks go to: GameFAQs for hosting this. Nintendo for the GBC, which this game is on. J.K. Rowling for creating Harry Potter. All the people who made this game. Michael Jones for the errata. Sorry for the massive lag between when you told me and the update, Michael. This guide is copyright 2002 onwards to (Dark) Twilkitri. You CAN: Read it. Store it on your hard drive. Print it out for private use. You can NOT: Sell it. Modify and redistribute it. Print it out for public use. Thanks for reading - Twilkitri.