__ __ ____ __ __ / / / /___ _____________ __ / __ \____ / /_/ /____ _____ / /_/ / __ `/ ___/ ___/ / / / / /_/ / __ \/ __/ __/ _ \/ ___/ / __ / /_/ / / / / / /_/ / / ____/ /_/ / /_/ /_/ __/ / /_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/ \__, / /_/ \____/\__/\__/\___/_/ /____/ - and the Sorcerer's Stone - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, and welcome to my guide to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. This game is pretty old (released in late 2001), but it's still a pretty decent game with some challenging puzzles. Anyway, I'm on a quest to write a guide for every Harry Potter game there is (well, every game I own, which is all the GBA ones and a few PC ones). Back when I first got the HP:SS game, I never really finished it, so while writing this guide, you could say it was my first playthrough. This simply means I probably didn't catch everything there is for a game. The only time I'm going to update this is if people send me info that I have missed, or if I ever play through this game again and find what I've missed. If you have any comments, suggestions (or even complaints), send me an e-mail: songoku1 [at] gmail [dot] com I hope this guide helps you out and you enjoy the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.0 (1/13/07: (125 KB) - Yes, still v1.0 - Just added the exact location of the Rowena Ravenclaw Chocolate Card v1.0 (1/9/07): (125 KB) - First release - Includes walkthrough through the whole game, all the wizard cards, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) Version History 3) Table of Contents 4) Characters 5) Walkthrough - 5.0 - Intro - 5.1 - Attend DADA class on the 3rd floor - 5.2 - Defense Against the Dark Arts Class - 5.3 - Attend Potions class in the dungeons - 5.4 - Potions Class - 5.5 - Meet Hagrid in his hut to collect Dittany - 5.6 - Collect Dittany - 5.7 - Attend flying lessons outside Hogwarts - 5.8 - Meet Hermione in the Common room on the 7th floor - 5.9 - Meet Draco for a nighttime duel in the Trophy Room on the 3rd floor - 5.10 - Escape Snape and return to the Common room on the 7th floor - 5.11 - Attend Herbology in Greenhouse 1 - 5.12 - Quidditch match versus Slytherin - 5.13 - Attend the Halloween celebration in the Great Hall - 5.14 - Attend Transfiguration class on the 1st floor - 5.15 - Visit Hagrid's hut for Flobberworm mucus - 5.16 - Return to DADA class on the 3rd floor - 5.17 - "Borrow" Wiggentree Bark from Snape's storeroom in the dungeons - 5.18 - Escape the storeroom and return to the Common room - 5.19 - Attend Potions class in the dungeons - 5.20 - Attend Charms class on the 2nd floor - 5.21 - Quidditch match versus Hufflepuff - 5.22 - Find the Nicolas Flamel book in the library - 5.23 - Quidditch match Versus Ravenclaw - 5.24 - Report to Hagrid for detention in the Forest Edge - 5.25 - Sneak into the forbidden corridor - 5.26 - Prevent Voldemort from finding the Sorcerer's Stone 6) Items 7) Spells 8) Chocolate Frog Cards 9) Pumpkin Pasty 10) Enemies 11) FAQ 12) Copyright 13) Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================================== Harry Potter Harry Potter is the main character (obviously). You'll be playing as him throughout the entire game. Harry Potter is also known as The Boy Who Lived, because he is the only person to ever have survived the killing curse, Avada Kedavra. When Voldemort (aka You-Know-Who, or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named) tried to kill Harry when he was just a baby, the curse backfired, leaving Harry with his lightning bolt scar, and leaving Voldemort barely alive. And thus, the Harry Potter story begins. ====================================== Ronald Weasley Harry's best friend. Ronald (Ron) comes from a large family, all of which have red hair. Due to the family's size, they are very poor, a fact which Draco Malfoy likes to bring up to make fun of Ron. Ron is very loyal to Harry Potter, and helps him out whenever he can. ====================================== Hermione Granger Hermione is Harry's other best friend. She is muggle-born (muggles are "normal" people who don't have magic powers), but extremely smart. She tends to know just about everything, which can get annoying, but is also very helpful at times. ====================================== Draco Malfoy A pure-blood who is in Slytherin House. He's always followed by his cronies Crabbe and Goyle (for protection). He thinks he's better than everyone else, and is not afraid to admit it. He seems to hate Harry Potter for being famous, and is his main rival. ====================================== Albus Dumbledore Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Also the only person Voldemort has ever feared. Very, very wise and intelligent person, who takes care of Harry (even though it's not obvious) as best he can. ====================================== Professor Snape Potions teacher at Hogwarts. Professor Snape seems to have a dislike for Harry right from the start (you find out why later in the series), and tries to get Harry in trouble in any way possible. Snape is also the Head of Slytherin House. ====================================== Professor Quirrell Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts. Is always seen wearing a turban and tends to stutter a lot. ====================================== Professor McGonagall Assistant Headmistress of Hogwarts, Transfiguration teacher, and Head of Gryffindor House. She's not afraid to punish kids in her own house and take off House Points. ====================================== Professor Flitwick Charms teacher at Hogwarts. He's very tiny, and always stands on a stack of books in the front of the classroom to be able to see everyone. ====================================== Hagrid Groundskeeper at Hogwarts. Also one of Harry's best friends. He got expelled from Hogwarts in his 3rd year (for something he didn't do), but Dumbledore has allowed him to stay as the Groundskeeper. ====================================== Voldemort (You-Know-Who or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named) The main enemy of the series. Ever since he failed to kill Harry, he's barely even alive, and must use other people's bodies to survive. His main goal seems to be to kill Harry. ====================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you first start the game, you'll be asked to choose between one of many languages: - English US - English UK - Francais (French) - Deutsch (German) - Espanol (Spanish) - Italiano (Italian) - Nederlands (Dutch) - Svenska (Swedish) - Norsk (Norwegian) - Dansk (Danish) - Portugues (Portugese) - Portugues(BR) (Portugese, Brazilian style) You can always change the Language in the Options Menu if you ever change your mind. Now you'll be at the Main Menu. Three choices here: - New Game (Start a new game) - Continue (Continue a saved game) - Options (Change your options) Since you just started this game, you won't be able to continue, since you never saved anything. Select New Game. --------------------- 5.0 - Intro --------------------- (Picture of the Dursley's House) Dumbledore: There was nothing about the starry sky that night to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be happening. (Picture of Hagrid on flying bike, with baby Harry in arms) Dumbledore: As unsuspecting muggles slept, a huge motorbike with a giant astride it tumbled down from the darkness. (Picture of baby Harry on Dursley's doorstep, with Dumbledore's letter on him) Dumbledore: The giant, named Hagrid, left a blanket-wrapped bundle on the doorstep of Number 4 Privet Drive. Nestled in the bundle was a baby... Harry Potter... The Boy Who Lived. (Picture of the Dursleys) Dumbledore: For the next 11 years Harry lived with his dreadful stepparents, the Dursleys. Until... (Picture of Harry looking at a letter) Dumbledore: ... that fateful day when he received the letter inviting him to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. (Picture of Hogwarts Express) Dumbledore: Hagrid took Harry to Diagon Alley, to purchase a most unusual list of school supplies. Soon after, Harry caught the Hogwarts Express from Platform 9 3/4's and left the muggle world far behind. (Picture of Professor McGonagall placing Sorting Hat on Harry's head) Dumbledore: Harry sat beneath the Sorting Hat hoping that he would not be chosen for Slytherin House over Gryffindor. "Not Slytherin, eh?" said the hat in his ear. "You could be great, it's all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on your way to greatness. No? Well, if you're sure, better be... GRYFFINDOR!" --------------------- 5.1 - Attend DADA class on the 3rd floor --------------------- You (Harry) and Ron Weasley are now in the Entrance Hall. Ron: Hello, you must be Harry Potter. I'm Ron Weasley. I'm glad we're both in Gryffindor. Looks like we'll be joined by that know-it-all Hermione too. Anyway, we need to go to Defense Against the Dark Arts on the 3rd floor. I'll see you there. Oh, and watch out forr Peeves the Poltergeist, I've heard he's causing trouble again. There's nothing to do as of now, so head up the Grand Stairs to meet up with Draco Malfoy: Draco: Well, if it isn't the famous Harry Potter. You want to watch the company you keep. Gryffindor's for mud-bloods and riff-raff. Harry: I'll certainly be more careful about the friends I keep than your friends seem to be. Continue on through the big door (which actually leads to 1F). To your right is the first Save Point. Every time you see one of these floating books, press A when you're standing on them to save your game. To the right of this floor is the Transfiguration classroom, and to the left is the Girls' Bathroom. Well, that's it for this floor. Go up the stairs at the top to go to 2F. You'll meet Peeves here. Peeves: Ooh! An ickle firstie! What fun! That's it. He disappears after this. (Ok..?) To the left is the library. In the top right corner is the Charms Classroom. That's it for 2F. Go up the stairs to 3F. Ron awaits you here. Ron: Defense Against the Dark Arts is this way, Harry. You'll see another Save Point here. Now everything that's on this floor: At the very left is a locked door which will play a role later. You'll also meet Filch (the caretaker) around here, who will just tell you that this corridor is off limits. Go up from where Filch is to find the Trophy Room. There's nothing of interest in there, so just take a look around and leave. If you try to head upstairs, one of the Weasley twins (Ron's twin brothers) will tell you you should be in DADA class. The classroom is to the right, so head there and enter. Approach the teacher (Professor Quirrell) to start the class. --------------------- 5.2 - Defense Against the Dark Arts Class --------------------- Quirrell: G-Good d-day class and w-welcome to Defense Against the D-Dark Arts. I am P-Professor Quirrell and t-t-today we are going to learn the Fuh-Flipendo Knockback J-Jinx. This is p-particularly useful when c-cornered by nuh-gnomes or w-when getting p-past Puffapods. To l-learn the spell, repeat my wand m-movements. You will now learn your first spell, Flipendo. ====================================== Spell: Flipendo To learn Flipendo, you must follow Quirrell's wand movements. Press your Control Pad in the direction he waves his wand to match his movements, Left, Right, Down, and Up. You now have to mimick Quirrell's movements. The first challenge only consists of 3 directions, so you should have no problems doing this. Note: After Quirrell does each direction, his arm always returns to the center. For example, if he goes Up, his arm will come back to the middle, and then go to the next direction. Some people think his arm lowering means he's going down. You'll see what I mean when you get here. After you finish the first challenge, you try the 2nd challenge, which consists of 5 Directions. The first three are the directions from the 1st challenge, so really it's only two new directions. If you finish this correctly, you get 25 House Points. Sweet. Then you go on to the 3rd and last challenge. This one has the same 5 directions from the 2nd challenge, plus 2 more (for a total of 7). If you get this one right, you get 25 MORE House Points. Not bad. ====================================== Quirrell: N-Now I'd l-like you to go into the n-next room, Potter, and collect the six G-Golden Stars you'll f-f-find in there. Oh, and w-watch out for the gnomes. Use Flipendo to knock them b-back. Are you r-ready? Then enter the door Quirrell just opened (Top right). You are starting your first class challenge, the Flipendo Challenge. To win this challenge, collect six gold stars and leave through the same door you used to enter. This challenge is when you begin to cast your first spell, Flipendo. To cast a spell, press the B Button. Go up and to the left and touch the little scroll. These scrolls give you little tips throughout the game. This one says: "During this challenge you will encounter a switch for the first time. Switches activate nearby bridges, doors, or platforms. To trigger a switch, cast Flipendo on it. Flipendo can also be used to move objects out of your way and tip over buckets that might have treasure or goodies in them." See the shield right above you? Cast Flipendo on it. This is an example of a switch. This will turn a pillar sideways, allowing you to cross a gap. Go back and cast Flipendo on the barrell lying in your way. Keep pushing the barrell back into you can reach your first Golden Star (1). Cross the gap to find another scroll: "Some rooms in the challenge are occupied by Gnomes. To open the locked doors to leave these rooms and advance, you must knock out all the Gnomes by casting Flipendo on them." You can probably guess you'll meet some Gnomes now. In fact, you'll meet two. Cast Flipendo on both of them to open the door to the North. Note that it takes about a second to cast a spell, so try to plan ahead and guess where the Gnome will be in a second, not where he is now. Cast Flipendo on the pot in the top right corner here. You'll find a Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean. You'll find these throughout the game, and their flavor will be pretty much random. These beans will replenish some of your health (if you need it). Anyway, collect the next Golden Star (2) and go through the door you just unlocked. The two pots up ahead have nothing, but there is another Golden Star (3) around the corner. Up ahead is another scroll: "Flipendo Blocks make ideal bridges. To slide them into place, cast Flipendo on them from the proper side. Once a black has been moved, it can't be moved again." Now you'll see the blocks the scroll was talking about. The first block's hand is pointing left, so we'll want to move the block left by hitting it with Flipendo from the right side. The block will fall into the blackness and allow you to cross. You'll see a Gnome here, so Flipendo him to defeat him. There's also a Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean on the floor. The next block is pointing down, so push it down. Cross the gap, and push the next block you see down. Then go around and push the block near it to the left, which will now allow you to get the next Golden Star (4). Next to the Star is another Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean (from hereon referred to as BBEFB). Go back and to the right and push the block here to the right. Cross it, push the next block down, and the next block to the left. Now go back around to where the Golden Star was and cross the next section. Moving on you'll find yet another scroll: "You can search bookcases in Hogwarts. Walk to a bookcase and press Up on the Control Pad." And what do you know, there's a bookcase! Search it to find a BBEFB. Go down and through the door and you'll collect another Golden Star (5). After you go through the door, it locks behind you. There's two more Gnomes in this room, so Flipendo them and the door in the upper-right opens up. Now collect the last Golden Star (6) on the blue carpet to unlock the door you originally came through. Before you leave, knock over the left bucket for a BBEFB. The right bucket also holds a BBEFB. Now go through the door and you'll realize this is the room where you first fought the Gnomes. Backtrack back to the beginning (go right, over the pillar you turned using the switch, and down) and go out the door you first came in. You mastered the Flipendo Challenge! Your reputation will get a push now! Quirrell: W-Well done, Potter. That's 20 House P-Points for Gryffindor. You have P-Potions next with Professor Suh-Snape. You d-don't want to be late, so r-run along. Oh, and d-don't go t-t-trying out the Flipendo Jinx on your f-fellow students - you n-never know who m-might be watching. As you leave the classroom, you'll meet up with Hermione. Hermione: You're Harry Potter. I know all about you, you're in my "Modern Magical History" book. I've learned all my books by heart, of course. I'm Hermione Granger, by the way. Harry: Am I really in that book of yours? Hermione: Goodness, didn't you know? Anyway, we'd better get to Potions class in the dungeons. I hear Professor Snape's very strict. --------------------- 5.3 - Attend Potions class in the dungeons --------------------- You now need to go to the dungeons. You still can't go up (Weasley Twin is still there), so head back down. When you get to 2F, Peeves will show up again. Peeves: Boo. Harry: Oh, hello Peeves. Peeves: You didn't jump, firstie! Harry: I'm getting used to you. Peeves: Better get scarier then, hadn't I? Don't let me catch you walking the halls late at night, or I'll call the prefects on you! Then he leaves again. Head down to 1F, save if you want, and head down again to the Entrance Hall. Hermione: Potions is this way, Harry! Hurry up! Go down the Grand Staircase and note that the two doors to the left and right are now open! The one on the right leads to the Great Hall, which has a chest that you can't open yet. Anyway, go back to the Entrance Hall and take the left door which will take you to the dungeons. Hermione: Hurry, Harry! Potions class is this way. They say Professor Snape is very strict. You'll see a Save Point. Save if you want. From now on I won't tell you to save, rather I'll just mention that there's a Save Point. I shouldn't have to tell you to save. Just save if you feel like it. Above the Save Point is a Pumpkin Pasty. There's only 12 of these in the entire game, and if you collect 3 of them, you'll get another lightning bolt for your health. Anyway, the locked door is the Potions storeroom. The door to the very left leads to Potions class, so head there now. --------------------- 5.4 - Potions Class --------------------- Snape: Ah, yes, Harry Potter, our new - celebrity. Since you're the last one to class, Mr. Potter, go fetch us six glass vials from the basement. Hurry up now, don't keep the class waiting. Snape then opens up a trapdoor. Go down it to try to find the six glass vials. You'll immediately see three pots to your left. The middle one holds a glass vial (1). Head south through the door, and hit the shield with the hand on the wall to turn the pillar. Cross it, and you'll find a switch you can step on in the middle of this room. Do so, and it unlocks the top door. Go through it, walk through the hallway, across the pillar onto a platform with another switch you can step on. This releases three Gnomes from the three gates you see up above. Watch out for these guys. They are very fast, you don't have much room to move around on, it takes you a while to cast your spell, AND there's three of them. After you defeat them, the platform to the right turns and you can cross it. You'll find another glass vial (2). Search the bookshelf for a BBEFB. The pot has nothing. Step on the switch next to the bookshelf and go back to the room which had the three locked doors. The door to the right should now be open. Head through and you'll come to a room with three barrells on the floor, and three switches (how convenient). But first, check the bookshelf in the top right corner for a bag full of BBEFB. Then break the pot below you, and break the pot below that one for a glass vial (3). Now knock the top barrel to the right twice. Now squeeze to the right of the middle barrell and Flipendo it to the left twice. The bottom one requires three Flipendos. This will open some little office, which has another glass vial (4). Step on the switch below the table and backtrack to the room with the three doors. The bottom door is now open. Push either the left or right block down (or both) and you'll see four pots. The 2nd one to the right has another glass vial (5). Now hit the shield with the hand on the wall to open the door below you. Enter the door and you'll see a barrell on a narrow ledge. Roll the barrell and kill all three Gnomes in your way with the barrell. Then collect the last glass vial (6). Snape: That's enough now, Mr. Potter. Return to class immediately for your next assignment. Backtrack back to the beginning (right, up, left, up) and go up the stairs to return to class. You collected all six vials! Maybe Snape will go a little easier on you now. Snape: Welcome back, Potter. Now, what would I get if I added powdered powdered Wiggentree bark to an infusion of Moly and Dittany and then stirred in one pint of Flobberworm Mucus? Harry: I don't know, sir. Snape: Tut, tut - fame clearly isn't everything. The answer, of course, is the Wiggenwild Potion, a powerful antidote. Which is precisely what we are going to be learning this term. For our next lesson I want you all to collect the following four ingredients: Dittany, Moly, Flobberworm Mucus and Wiggentree Bark. Failure will be severely punished. The groundskeeper, Hagrid, may be able to help you with the first ingredient. Class dismissed. --------------------- 5.5 - Meet Hagrid in his hut to collect Dittany --------------------- Exit the classroom, and talk to any of the students in the dungeon. They don't mention anything important, so just head to the Entrance Hall. Ron: That Snape's not very nice, is he? Harry: I think that's putting it mildly, Ron. How are we ever going to find all four ingredients? I wouldn't know where to start. Ron: Well, Snape mentioned that Hagrid might help with Dittany. He lives in a hut out in the grounds. C'mon, this way! You can now leave the Castle and head out onto the grounds. There's a Save Point nearby if you need it. Head outside through the big door to the south. Ron: Hagrid's hut is this way, Harry. Follow me. Lots of new things on the Grounds. Go to the right, and the top entrance on the right side is blocked by Madam Hooch. Come here later to get flying lessons. Below that you'll see some banners. This is the entrance to the Quidditch field, which you'll be doing later. **** SECRET AREA **** Now there's 7 Greenhouses in the bottom of the Grounds. To the right of the very right greenhouse is a secret garden you can visit. Enter it and defeat the Gnome in front of you. Grab the BBEFB and then move the barrell out of the way. You'll now see two different Gnomes. One is the Yellow Gnome (the ones you've been seeing all along, I'll call them Yellow Gnomes from now on) and the other one is a Blue Gnome. The Blue Gnome actually takes two Flipendos to take out. After one, he'll fall over, but then he'll get back up. After the 2nd Flipendo he'll stay down though. Now you'll see some prickly bush. If you hit it with Flipendo, it shoots off spikes which will damage you. I find it easier to not Flipendo it, because you can just simply sneak by it without getting hurt. But if you do want to defeat it and make sure you won't get hurt by it, Flipendo it and QUICKLY move out of the way so you dodge the spikes. Flipendo it four times to defeat it. Move on, and you'll find another Yellow Gnome and a Blue Gnome here. Defeat both, grab the BBEFB, and sneak past the next prickly bush (or defeat it). You'll have off against three new enemies - the Fire Crabs. These guys are more like turtles, but they're Fire Crabs. These guys shoot fire balls from their butts at you, but they only shoot diagonally. So if you're standing right next to one of them, you're fine. Anyway, Flipendo them three times do defeat each of them. Once they're defeated, your reward for all of this is another Pumpkin Pasty. One more and you'll get another bolt for your health. Now head back out of the garden. Go to the left and enter the next screen to head towards Hagrid's hut. Up above is another scroll: "It's a reminder from Professor Sprout. 'Students should avoid poisonous mushroom patches!'" The mushrooms right next to the scroll are poisonous. Ignore this, and head left instead. Defeat the Yellow Gnome coming at you. Now you have to take out the prickly bush. Stand below the grass hedge below the bush, and fire from a safe distance, and move out of the way quickly to dodge the spikes. Might as well grab the BBEFB while you're here. Now enter the area the prickly bush was blocking, defeat the Yellow Gnome, be careful not to touch the poisonous mushrooms, and also avoid the mud with the cracks in it. You can fall into these and you won't lose any health, but you'll have to restart the area. Anyway, search the top right bush for a bag of BBEFB. Leave that area, continue on and defeat the next prickly bush. There's another Yellow Gnome behind it, so take care of him first. See the log on the other side of that water puddle? Flipendo it. Now go back to where the other log is, and Flipendo it until you're past the water and can head up (towards the mushrooms). If you Flipendo the random bucket, you'll get another bag of BBEFB. Go past the mushrooms, take care of the Yellow Gnome and search the bush for just a single BBEFB. Move on, avoid the cracked mud, defeat the Yellow Gnome. Get by the poisonous mushrooms to the south and get ready to Flipendo another Yellow Gnome. And another. Then there's two prickly bushes you can get rid of. Now search the bush to find your first Chocolate Frog! Chocolate Frogs are cards with famous witches and wizards on them that you can collect. In this game, there's 16 of them. You just found your first one. This one is a card of Morgan Le Fay. Anyway, head back and go left (avoiding the cracked mud) and finish off the Yellow Gnome and collect the BBEFB. Then take out the prickly bush and enter Hagrid's Hut. Hagrid: And here's Harry! Good to see yeh! I must apol'gise fer the slight gnome infestation, I bin a might distracted lately, what with the break-in at Gringotts and doin' some personal business for Professor Dumbledore an' all. Harry: Hagrid, can you help me find a herb called Dittany? Snape's ordered us to find some before the next Potions lesson. Hagrid: O'course I can, Harry! Follow me! There's a Save Point inside of Hagrid's hut. Go out the back door (on the right). Hagrid: This 'ere's my garden, Harry. I'm sure there's some wild Dittany at the back. Why don't yeh go 'ave a look? --------------------- 5.6 - Collect Dittany --------------------- First head left and see that white egg shaped thing? Flipendo it up, then go around the left, and Flipendo it to the right so it lands on the switch. This will cause a block to move back and forth, allowing you to move on. Defeat the Yellow Gnome, go left, defeat another Yellow Gnome, and Flipendo the white egg-plant thing to make it roll on one of three switches. Further down you'll see another white egg-plant, so Flipendo it to the right and take care of the Yellow Gnome. Continue down, take care of the two prickly bushes, defeat the Yellow Gnome, go further down, grab the BBEFB, and defeat another Yellow Gnome. Phew. Keep going until you see a switch on the ground you can push. This will activate another block that moves. Get on it, ride it to the end, get off, defeat the Yellow Gnome and grab the Bag of BBEFB. Now you'll see two bushes. The left contains another Chocolate Frog. This one is Newt Scamander. Head down and defeat three Yellow Gnomes, and collect the lone BBEFB. Go back to where you got off the block and go right and defeat the prickly bush. Check the bush right above it for a full bag of BBEFB. Go down, defeat all the Yellow Gnomes, get rid of all the prickly bushes anad grab the bag of BBEFB. Then push the block below you down. Now I suggest going ahead of the egg-plant and taking care of ALL the prickly bushes you possibly can. This just makes it easier for a minute from now. Now, follow my instructions carefully. 1) Knock the egg-plant to the right. 2) Then up 3) Left 4) Up 5) Left 6) Now go below the egg-plant, and Flipendo it up from across the gap. Before you do this, make sure the block above it is pushed to the right. The egg-plant should now roll onto one of the switches. Now the last one. This is the egg-plant you originally pushed to the right after you got the first one on the switch. Follow instructions again: 1) Knock it down. 2) Then to the right from across the gap (it should hit the log) 3) Down 4) To the left from across the gap by the poisonous mushrooms 5) Down from across the gap 6) Left Now you should know how to do this (up, left, up) and you'll have finished this little puzzle. Now go to where all the moving blocks are and get across it. If you fall, you'll have to redo the whole level. I wouldn't fall if I were you. Cross it to get a bag of BBEFB. Then approach the little mushrooms, which turn out to be Dittany. Finally. Now make your way all the way to the beginning (again, if you fall you'll have to do it ALL over again). Harry: I've found the Dittany, Hagrid! Hagrid: Well done, Harry! That's one over on old Snape! What class you got next? Harry: Flying, I think, with Madam Hooch. Hagrid: Better get goin', then. See yeh later. Head back into Hagrid's house. You found the Dittany! It's tiny fronds wave as if in greeting! Ron: Hey, Harry, it's Flying lessons next with Madam Hooch over at the flying pitch! Go on ahead, I'll catch up. --------------------- 5.7 - Attend flying lessons outside Hogwarts --------------------- Just head to the upper right exit off of Hogwarts grounds to start flying lessons. Madam Hooch: You're late, Potter. Neville Longbottom's broken his wrist and I'm taking him to the hospital wing to see Madam Pomfrey. I'll be back very soon. In the meantime, I don't want to see any of you leave the ground! Malfoy: Did you see Longbottom's stupid face? Boo-hoo, the big crybaby. Harry: Is that Neville's Remembrall, Malfoy? Malfoy: Yeah - what about it? Harry: Give it here. It doesn't belong to you. Malfoy: I think I'll leave it somewhere for crybaby Longbottom to collect - how about - up a tree? Come and get it, Potter! "You are on your broomstick! Press the A Button to go faster, and release it to slow done. Flying through the trail of sparkes gives you a speed boost to help you catch Draco. When you catch up to him, press either the A Button or B Button to grab the Remembrall." Now you get the first flying lesson. I find the "Advanced Flying Controls" a LOT easier than normal, but it's up to you. Anyway, follow Malfoy, and try to fly through as many blue rings as you can. Doing this will increase your speed and you'll eventually catch up to Malfoy. Once you're close enough, a new bar appears. You don't control Harry at all, so don't worry about crashing. Instead focus on the blue bar. As time goes by the blue bar will decrease. What you have to do here is catch the ball that is moving back and forth. Your hand is on the left, and when the ball is closest to your hand, press either A or B to catch it. If you run out of time, you'll start over and have to speed up to catch Malfoy again. You recovered Neville's Remembrall! Draco and his rough-hewn cronies will think twice about taking you on now. Madam Hooch: HARRY POTTER! How dare you! You might've broken your neck! Harry: But Malfoy- Madam Hooch: That said, Potter, you are obviously a natural flier and I'd like you to be Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Harry: Er, great. What's a Seeker? Madam Hooch: You'll find out later. It'll soon be dark. Better head up to the Gryffindor Common room. Try to leave the flying area. Malfoy: So, when are you taking the train back to the muggle world, Potter? Harry: You're a lot braver now you're back on the ground and you've got your little friends with you. Malfoy: I'd take you on any time on my own. Tonight if you want. Wizard's duel. Wands only. I'll meet you in the trophy room on the 3rd floor. Harry: I'll be there. Malfoy: See that you are. --------------------- 5.8 - Meet Hermione in the Common room on the 7th floor --------------------- Leave the area and head towards the castle again. You'll meet Ron here. Ron: Well done, Harry. You really showed that stuck-up Malfoy how to fly! I heard about the duel tonight. I'll be your second. Now we'd better get up to the Gryffindor Common room on the 7th floor. C'mon! Then follow Ron inside. Head up the Grand Staircase to 1F. Keep going up until you reach 4F, where you'll meet Ron again. Ron: Hey, Harry! Fred and George told me about a secret staircase on this leading up to the 7th floor! It's behind a special looking bookcase. All you have to do is search the bookcase to open it! Let's go! Go up and to the left to find Ron standing in front of a bookcase. Search the bookcase and it will reveal the secret passage. Enter it, walk up the spiral staircase and go in the other door. You're now on the 7th floor, with Hermione standing right in front of you. Hermione: Hello, Harry. Bit of a pain, but apparently the password for the Common room's changed. Do you know what the new one is? Harry: Er, no, I don't. Hermione: Good thing that I do, then. Come with me. Follow her to the Gryffindor Portrait, and she'll say "Pig Snout!" which is the password to let you in. Hermione goes in. Walk up to the portrait and you'll say Pig Snout. Now go into the Gryffindor Common Room. Walk up to Hermione and talk to her. Harry: Er, hello, Hermione, I was wondering- Hermione: You were wondering who was responsible for the creation of the Werewolf Register in 1947? Harry: Um, not exactly, I- Hermione: You were wondering who was the Chief of the Wizards' Council in the 14th century? Harry: No, Hermione, I was wondering if you knew any spells that could, umm, unlock doors? Hermione: Well, as it happens I do. It's the "Alohomora" unlocking spell. Would you like me to teach it to you? Harry: Yes, please. Hermione: All right, then. ====================================== Spell: Alohomora To learn Alohomora, you must follow Hermione's wand movements. Press your Control Pad in the direction she waves her wand to match her movements, Left, Right, Down, and Up. The 1st challenge consists of four directions. Not too hard. Down, down, left, up, left, right, down, up The 2nd challenge is the first four from the 1st challenge, plus two new ones. Then the 3rd challenge is the six from the 2nd challenge, plus two new ones again. If you finish the 3rd challenge, you get a Pumpkin Pasty from Hermione! If you've been following this guide, this should be your 3rd one, which means you get another Lightning Bolt for health. You learned Alohomora! This should really open doors for you! ====================================== Hermione: I want you to promise me you won't use Alohomora to help you sneak around Hogwarts at night. Harry: Hermione, I- Hermione: Promise me, Harry. Harry: Okay, I promise. Hermione: Good. That's that, then. Now approach Ron to talk to him. Ron: It's nearly midnight, Harry. Time for your wizard's duel with Malfoy. Harry: Um, I've been thinking, Ron. I reckon that I should go to the trophy room alone. Malfoy might think I'm afraid of him I went with you. Ron: Well, if you're sure? Harry: I'm sure. Ron: Well, all right, then. Good luck Harry. Harry: Thanks Ron. If you need to save, go through the door in the top right corner. Otherwise just exit out the right side. --------------------- 5.9 - Meet Draco for a nighttime duel in the Trophy Room on the 3rd floor --------------------- You'll notice it's night now, and everything is dark. You have a little circle of right around you so you can see. To the right is a scroll: "You have learned the Alohomora spell. You can use this skill to unlock treasure chests and certain doors marked with keyholes. The spell icon for Alohomora is a key. Press the R Button to cycle through spell icons in the upper right of the screen. When an icon is onscreen, the spell it represents is the selected spell." In this section you have to walk out for prefects. Even though it's dark, you can still see other people. Just don't let them get too close. Everytime you get caught, you lose 3 House Points and start over at the beginning of the floor you got caught on. =============== Floor 7 =============== To the right is a prefect. Instead, open the door below using Alohomora. Use the R button until you see a key in the top right corner. Now cast the spell to use Alohomora. You can use R again to switch back to Flipendo if you want too. Anyway, go through the door. Go left, but hug the top wall, since there's a prefect pacing back and forth here. Go up as soon as you can, go around, and back down. Open the door to the left (Same prefect is to the right). Now it gets a little trickier. There's two passages, with two prefects on each one. As soon as either one starts walking up, go after him, but keep your distance. Duck into the empty area in the middle of the two passages, and wait for them to pass again. Head to the top, and go left and prepare to go down again. Run past the prefects when they're walking away from you. The next two prefects randomly walk around, so just do your best to avoid them. Go to the right, unlock the door. Go through, right, and down the stairs to 6F. =============== Floor 6 =============== The stairwell to 5F is nearby to your right, but there's a prefect in the way. That would've been too easy. Instead, go left, and up. Avoid the prefect here by hugging the wall on the bottom. Contine upwards, and go left (hugging the bottom wall to avoid the perfect). Go down and right and you'll find a chest. Open it with Alohomora to get a Chocolate Frog (Bowman Wright). Go back to the right (again, hugging the bottom wall) and take the bottom path of the two (the top one has a prefect walking around). Wait for the prefect to walk away from you, and walk down that narrow passage there. At the end of this passage is another prefect, so wait for him to walk away from you. Go up above (avoiding that prefect here), go to the right, and down. To the left you will see a big dark spot (only a stone dragon), but you can hide behind him. Watch out for the prefect, and continue down through the narrow passage. At the end of this passage is another narrow passage, but this time it has a prefect patrolling it. Fortunately, there are alcoves you can hide in when the prefect is approaching you. Wait for him to walk away from you, and run through the passage, hiding in the alcoves if needed. Once you're by here, simply head to the stairs to 5F. =============== Floor 5 =============== Once again, the stairs are to your right, but a prefect is in the way. Instead, go left. You'll have to hide in the alcoves again to avoid the prefect on this long narrow passage. Go up, and all the way to the right for another chest. This one has a bag of BBEFB. Now go all the way to the left. Hug the left wall while you go up (avoiding 2 prefects). Once you're at the top, go all the way to the right, then down. Go right again and you'll find a switch on the wall (the shield with the hand). Hit it with Flipendo to change a pillar nearby that you couldn't get across before. Head back out of this room (all the way up, left, down). Go right and you'll see a big black spot. If you fall in here you'll have to start the floor over. If you hit the switch, there'll be a pillar in the middle that you can cross on. Wait for the prefect to go away, and go up and to the right (hide in alcoves when needed). Go down (avoiding another prefect) and you'll find a locked door. Unlock it and go down to the stairs to 4F. =============== Floor 4 =============== There's prefects to the left and down, so head right and cast Alohomora on the mirror. Head up and wait for the prefect to walk away from you in the narrow passage. Hide in the alcoves with the Knights when needed. Go up, to the right, and take the 2nd passage down (if you go all the way to the right and down, you'll find a door that won't open). Hit the stone dragon with Flipendo and it will wake up and walk back and forth, also stepping on a switch that opens the previously mentioned door for a second. Go back around and go through the door when the dragon steps on the switch. Go up, right, and avoid the prefect and continue down. Use the alcove in the next passage to avoid the prefect. Go down, and use the alcove again to avoid the prefect. Go down through the door, and avoid the prefect walking around in this area. Go down the stairs to 3F, your destination. =============== Floor 3 =============== Go left, avoid the prefect walking around there, and go down past him, and turn left. Follow the red carpet and you'll eventually up at the trophy room. But, it's locked, and Alohomora doesn't work. Instead, go left and you'll find an open room here. Go left through the room and Harry will say: Harry: Gosh! What an enormous dog! I wonder if it's guarding the mysterious package Hagrid removed from Gringotts? Pretty far-fetched theory if you ask me, but the game has to tie that in some how. Anyway, keep going left and at the end go up, unlocked the door, and enter. You'll now find Malfoy. Malfoy: What took you, Potter? Weasley's dull-witted must be rubbing off on you. Harry: Let's just get on with it, Malfoy. Malfoy: Yes, let's. Oh, one more thing before we begin. Snape heard - I can't imagine how - that you were in the trophy room after dark. And he's on his way up here as we speak. Harry: Snape? Coming here? Malfoy: That's right, Potter. Locomotor Mortis! Harry: Argh! I can't move! Malfoy: Bye, bye, Potter. Give Professor Snape my regards when you see him. Harry: Ah! I can move again! I need to get back to the 7th floor before Snape catches me! Now you have to escape Snape. --------------------- 5.10 - Escape Snape and return to the Common room on the 7th floor --------------------- Go up and cast Alohomora on the mirror and go through the revealed passage. Save Point is on the left. Go up from the Save Point and Flipendo the switch. Now go back to the right where the big black gap is. Hitting the switch activated a block that is now moving back and forth the gap. Wait for the block, get on it and ride it across. To the left is a chest with a Chocolate Frog (Godric Gryffindor). Go the right, and go around until you see a switch. Step on the switch and DON'T MOVE! Snape will suddenly come around, but as long as you don't move he won't see you. He'll ask who's wandering around, and that it better not be you, Harry Potter! Note: If Snape catches you, you lose 6 House Points and have to start over. Wait for him to disappear across the bridge you just turned with the switch, and follow him. Hide in the alcoves of this hallway, since Snape is walking back and forth in this hallway. At the end, go down and push the block to the right. Cross it, and push the next block up. Be careful here, since Snape is walking around here too (how did he get here so fast?). Go up the left passage, break all the pots, and collect the single BBEFB. Now hit the block to the right. Go up, and another block will be there. Hit this one to the right and Snape will take off again. Quickly follow, break the pot in the alcove and hide there for now. Down below this are three locked doors. First unlock the left door (all while avoiding Snape) and enter. At the bottom you can push a block to the right. Now go in the right door and push the block to the left. Now go in the middle door and cross the gaps (if you hadn't pushed the blocks, you'd fall in the blackness). Keep going and you'll be out of the Trophy Room. You escaped the Trophy Room! Wait 'til Ron and Hermione hear about this! You'll now be on the 4th floor. Now just backtrack through the 4th floor (if you're having trouble, refer to my Floor 4 directions up above and just follow it backwards). Fortunately for you, you don't have to through Floor 5-7 again. Instead, use the secret passage Ron showed you (The bookcase to the left of the stairs that lead to 5F). Go through it, and enter the Gryffindor Common Room. Ron: So, how did it go, Harry? Is Malfoy a gibbering wreck? Harry: Not exactly. Malfoy tricked me. He told Snape I was going to be in the trophy room. Ron: Did Snape catch you? Harry: No, I managed to escape. But, on the way there I saw a great big three-headed dog guarding something in the forbidden corridor. Hermione: I don't believe it! Didn't you listen to what Dumbledore said? I hope you didn't use the Alohomora spell I taught you. Harry: Well, I, um... Hermione: Oh, Harry - you promised... Ron: Oh, Hermione, stop behaving like a grown-up. Sometime later... Ron: We've got Herbology in Greenhouse 1 first thing. Better get going, I suppose. Hermione: Harry, I can't forgive you for using Alohomora to help you sneak around at night when you promised me you wouldn't. Ron: Oh, shut up Hermione. Hermione: Hrrmph! Harry: Don't be too hard on her, Ron. I did break my promise not to use Alohomora. Ron: Yeah, but it was worth it, wasn't it? Harry: Well... Ron: Of course it was - you got to see the three-headed dog guarding the forbidden corridor! Anyway, we'd better get to Herbology in Greenhouse 1. I'll see you there. --------------------- 5.11 - Attend Herbology in Greenhouse 1 --------------------- First, let's get some other things done. Instead of taking the shortcut on 7F, follow the path you followed at night. Eventually you'll come to switch on the wall (shield with hand). Flipendo this switch and backtrack until you notice an open door (which was locked before). Enter the door to see a bunch of Astronomy instruments and other things. The thing we want is in the top left: A Pumpkin Pasty! Now head to 5F. First, hit the switch on the wall that you hit at night to turn the pillar. This starts a moving block over the same gap as last night. Now you must find 4 switches: 1) Go up from the switch on the wall and step on switch 2) Go left from the stairs that lead to 6F, and you'll see the switch by the bookshelf 3) On the other side of the bookshelf 4) Go to the top right corner of this floor and you'll see a locked door. Go left a bit and you'll see the last switch After stepping on all these switches, you'll unlock the door in the top right corner of the floor. Enter this room to find a Fire Crab. Defeat this guy by hitting him with Flipendo 3 times. This guy is very fast, and the room is small, so be careful when fighting him. After you defeat him, you get another Pumpkin Pasty. Now, let's head to Herbology. Go outside and head into Greenhouse 1 (the one on the very right) Professor Sprout: Welcome to Herbology. My name is Professor Sprout. I understand that Professor Snape has asked you to collect ingredients for the Wiggenweld Potion. One of these ingredients can be found here in the greenhouse. This ingredient is Moly - a magical herb that protects against Dark Enchantments. You will need to collect six Moly in total and bring them all back to me. They can be recognized by their black stems and white flowers. But be warned - the greenhouse is full of Doxies, which are immune to your Flipendo jinx. I would advise that you lure the Doxies into the snapping mouths of the Venomous Tentacular. Potter, you will begin. Good luck. Now for your second challenge. You have to find 6 Moly herbs. Go to the left and follow the path until you meet a new enemy - Slime Snails. They leave behind a green slime, which will hurt you if you touch them. Three Flipendos should take care of each one though. Proceed, but watch out for the cracked floor tiles. You can quickly walk over them, but don't stay too long, or you'll start over. Continue on, and then unlock the locked door. Here you'll find a piece of Moly (1). Don't forget to step on the switch (it will turn a bridge you'll need later). Continue on the path, defeat the Slime Snail and cross the bridge (See how the top bridge is turned? That's what the switch did). Push the block above you up, then continue down and left. You'll be in a big open arena. Suddenly you'll see little purple creatures (these are Doxies) flying towards you. Do your best to avoid them and lure them towards the big green Venomous Tentacular so he can eat the Doxies. Once all the Doxies are gone, go to the bottom left to collect another Moly (2). Then step on the switch above the Moly. This turns the center bridge you crossed to get here. Now take the bottom right path (Search the bushes here for a BBEFB) and move on. Get rid of the prickly bush in your way, and move go right and up and push the block to the left. Go down here, push the block right, the next block left, and grab another Moly (3). Now go back, take the very right path and up where you'll find two prickly bushes and a bag of BBEFB. Defeat the bushes and grab the BBEFB, obviously. Now make your way back to the beginning (shouldn't be too hard, just don't go the way you came in). Go down from here. You'll see another egg-shaped plant. Make it roll right. Then go to where you pushed it (by some bookshelves), squeeze yourself above it and roll it down. Go down, past the two egg-shaped plants and to the right. You'll see a black hole, with another egg-plant a little below it. Go BELOW this egg-plant and roll it up, so that it's next to the black hole. Now go back to where the other two egg-plants are, and roll the top one to the right. Then go back to where Professor Sprout is, and take the right path all the way to the end. Go down and roll the egg-plant in front of you down. It should be on the switch now, which will open up the door near it. Go back around and enter the room. Grab the Moly (4) and step on the switch. Make your way to where you first met the Doxies. You'll see that all three bridges have turned now, so cross all of them and grab another Moly (5). Push the block up and go up to find Professor Sprout again. You've been everywhere now, so where's the last Moly? Go to where the bookshelves were, and search the middle one, to find the last Moly (6). Head back to Professor Sprout. Professor Sprout: Well done, Harry! Professor Snape will be extremely pleased to see that you have one of the ingredients for the Wiggenweld Potion. That's 30 House Points for Gryffindor. Harry: Oh, do you think so? Professor Sprout: I'm sure. Ron: I've never seen Snape pleased. Harry: I don't think he can ever be pleased. Ron: Let's not worry about that now, Harry. It's time for the Quidditch match against Slytherin! Harry: Oh great. --------------------- 5.12 - Quidditch match versus Slytherin --------------------- Simply make your way to the right, where all the banners are and enter the Quidditch Stadium. Oliver Wood: Hello Potter, ready for the game? Harry: Well, I, er... Oliver Wood: Great! First, a quick briefing on the rules. There are seven players on each team: three Chasers, two Beaters, one Keeper, and a Seeker. They play with four balls. The Chasers try and score through the opposing team's hoops with the Quaffle ball and the Keeper tries to stop the Quaffle from going through the hoops. The Beaters try and bat the two Bludger balls out of harm's way and the Seeker tries to catch the Golden Snitch, which is a ball with wings. That's your job, Harry. When you see the Snitch try and catch it and you'll win us the game. Got it all? Harry: Well, I, er... Oliver Wood: Perfect! Let's get going! Enter the Stadium now. As a Quidditch Seeker, wait until the snitch is released and then chase it down. Stay within the Snitch's 'halo' to swoop down to try and catch it. And watch out for bludgers! To dodge them, hit the B Button. This is actually a little hard. You have to follow the Snitch around. The does have a certain path it follows, so just try and follow it around while it moves around in seemingly random directions. After a while you should notice a pattern. This will make it easier to approach it. Start cutting corners once you know where the Snitch is going. If you get near any Bludgers, dodge them with the B Button. Eventually, you'll enter the next scene. You now have to catch the snitch. Watch out for other players now as well as bludgers. Fly through its trail of sparkles to get a speed boost. When you catch up to the snitch, press either the A Button or B Button to grab it. Same thing here. Follow it around (it does have a pattern) and fly through the blue rings to get more speed. Try avoiding Bludgers, but I'm always too focused on the snitch to notice the bludgers. Eventually you'll get the little bar to come up, and you have to catch the Snitch with A or B. Once you catch the Snitch, the game will be over and you'll have won. If you take too long to catch the Snitch, you'll lose the game. Winning or losing doesn't the affect the story at all, except you don't get 70 House Points if you lose. ------------------------------ If you won: Ron: Well done, Harry! We beat those slimy Slytherin lot and got 70 House Points for Gryffindor! ------------------------------ If you lost: Oliver Wood: Unfortunately, the other Seeker beat you to the snitch. You lost the match. Better luck next time! Ron: Never mind, Harry. We've still got Hufflepuff to make up the points. ------------------------------ Ron: By the way, seen Hermione anywhere? Harry: Not since this morning, why? Ron: Just wondering where she'd go to, that's all. Harry: Not like you, Ron, to be worrying about Hermione. Ron: I'm not worried, exactly, just. umm - well, just wondering where she was. Harry: I'm sure she'll be in the Great Hall tonight for the Halloween banquet. I'll tell her that you were worried about her. Ron: Don't you dare. C'mon, I'll meet you in the Great Hall. --------------------- 5.13 - Attend the Halloween celebration in the Great Hall --------------------- Go back towards the castle and enter. The pumpkins are not Pumpkin Pasties, but rather it's Halloween time, so they're just decorations. Go in the door to the right and go through this corridor to enter the Great Hall. Harry: Hermione still not turned up yet? Ron: Nope. I overheard Parvati Patel saying that Hermione was crying in the girls' bathrooms on the 1st floor. Harry: She's probably upset with me for breaking my promise to her about the Alohomora spell. Ron: Feeling guilty are you? I reckon she's just noticed she's got no friends. Harry: I wonder what Professor Quirrell wants? Professor Quirrell: Troll in the dungeons! Thought you ought to know. Dumbledore: Everyone stay where they are! Percy Weasley, guard the doors! Harry: How could a troll get into Hogwarts? Ron: Don't ask me. Maybe Peeves let it in for a joke. I wonder where Snape's going? Harry: I don't know - what about Hermione? Ron: What about her? Harry: She doesn't know about the troll! We need to warn her! Ron: Oh, all right. But Percy better not see us leave. Before you go, open the chest in the top right corner for a BBEFB. Now exit the Great Hall. Then open the chest to the left of that one (towards the middle of the Great Hall) to find a Chocolate Card (Merlin). In the Entrance Hall you'll see Percy Weasley running back and forth. Move past him (if he catches you, you lose 3 House Points) and go up the stairs to 1F. Watch out for Professor McGonagall here. If she catches you, you lose 6 House Points. Go to the left door, which is the Girls' Bathroom (it's open). Troll: GRRAAARGH! Ron: Quick, Hermione! It's coming! Go up and to the left to fight the troll. But first, fall down one of the small holes. We got some items to get down here. Right in the area where you fall down, there's 2 chests. They have 1 BBEFB each. Now go to the top right. Push the left barrell up to get another BBEFB. Push the right barrell aside and go in the area. You'll have to defeat two Yellow Gnomes here. Then open the chest for another Chocolate Frog card (Ignatia Wildsmith). Ok, now ready to fight the Troll? I hope so. Go through the door on the very left to head back to where the troll is at. So how do you defeat this guy? He's rather annoying. Basically, to defeat him, you have to push him in the big black hole. The only time you can push him back is when he raises his arms and growls, or whatever he does. So you need to get him near the big black hole, then hope he yells around and raises his arms. When this happens, hit him with Flipendo, and he'll fall into the black hole. That's it. It can be a little frustrating, and may take a while, but eventually it'll work out. After you defeat the Troll, Ron and Hermione come running (Thx for the help you two). Ron: That's brilliant, Harry! You trapped the troll! Hermione: Well done, Harry! Professor McGonagall: Potter! Granger! Weasley! What on earth were you thinking of? You're all lucky you weren't killed! Hermione: Please, Professor McGonagall - if Ron and Harry hadn't fuond me I'd be dead by now. Harry managed to trap the troll in the dungeons. Professor McGonagall: Well, in that case I'll award 50 House Points to Gryffindor! "You defeated the troll! It smells really bad! But Hermione is safe now, and so is the rest of Hogwarts." Sometime later... Hermione: It's Transfiguration class with Professor McGonagall on the 1st floor. Come on, Harry! --------------------- 5.14 - Attend Transfiguration class on the 1st floor --------------------- Just head up to 1F and go in the door to the right to start the class. Professor McGonagall: Welcome to Transfiguration. The Transfiguration is some of the most dangerous magic you will learn here at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned. Today we will be transfiguring non-living objects into living things with the Avifors spell. Are you all ready? Then we shall begin. ====================================== Spell: Avifors To learn Avifors, you must follow Professor McGonagall's wand movements. Press your Control Pad in the direction she waves her wand to match her movements, Left, Right, Down, and Up. The 1st challenge consists of 5 directions. A little harder than in the past, but still easy. The 2nd challenge is 7 directions, consisting like alwyas of the 5 from the 1st challenge, and 2 more. You get 25 House Points for completing this. The 3rd challenge is 9 directions, 2 new ones like always. You get 25 more House Points if you finish this. ====================================== Professor McGonagall: Right. Now we shall learn how to use the Avifors spell in a challenging situation. In the next room you must collect six Golden Stars and bring them back to me. Potter, you shall go first. Go through the left door to start the challenge. There's a scroll right in front of you: "You have started the Avifors Challenge. In this challenge, you need to collect six gold stars and use Avifors to move heavy objects off of pressure plates in the floor, which will open doors so you can advance. In somep laces, you will also need to use the other spells you have learned." Another scroll further up ahead: "Avifors is the third spell you have learned. The icon for Avifors is a bird. Press the R Button; when the bird icon appears, you have equipped Avifors. You can change spells by continuing to press the R Button." And another scroll to the left: "The following room is infested with venomous Doxies (they're quite different from fairies). While Flipendo will stun them, the best tactic to use is luring them into a nearby Venomous Tentacular. Doxies are its favorite snack!" The last two you already knew. Oh well. Anyway, cast Avifors on the stone that's laying on the switch. It will fly away which raises the switch, which opens the door to the left, the room with the Doxies. Lead the Doxies to the Venomous Tentacular to finish them off, and get your first Golden Star (1). Go up and Flipendo the bucket for a BBEFB. Go right and down and Flipendo the block to the right. Continue right, until you meet a Blue Gnome. Defeat him with two Flipendos. Take the star at the bottom (2). Go left, push the barrell up, and cast Avifors on the stone to lift the switch up. Backtrack to where you got the 2nd star, and go down through the door and grab another Gold Star (3). Flipendo the bucket for a BBEFB. Go up, defeat one Blue Gnome, then go up and defeat another. Go left from the 2nd Blue Gnome and grab yet another Gold Star (4). Go all the way to the right and down to Avifor another rock. Head back to the other side of the wall and go down through the now open door. Flipendo the stone dragon and wait for him to move onto the switch. When he does, quickly go through the door below and grab the next Gold Star (5). Go left, through the next door, and open the chest with Alohomora for a bag of BBEFB. Then Avifor the rock next to the chest. Make sure to push the two blocks to the left before you leave. The door below is open, so head through it. Go left and you'll be at the place where you started. However, head up since you've pushed all the blocks into the blackness. Grab the final Gold Star (6). Then go down and out the door you came in. "You overcame the Avifors Challenge! Your heart soars like a hawk, or perhaps more like a finch." Professor McGonagall: Well done, Potter. That's 50 House Points for Gryffindor. Run along now. --------------------- 5.15 - Visit Hagrid's hut for Flobberworm mucus --------------------- Head outside the classroom and Hedwig, your owl that you were never told about, will drop off a letter: "Dear Harry, I think I can help you find the third ingredient for the Wiggenweld Potion - Flobberworm Mucus. Come and see me in my garden right away. Hagrid." Head outside towards Hagrid's hut. Check section "5.5" if you need help on getting there. However, before you get to Hagrid's, we can get another item. When you come to the part where there's two Yellow Gnomes while you're going down (with two prickly bushes to the right), you should see a brown spot on the bushes across from the prickly bushes. This is a secret entrance. Walk through here and you should find a chest on the other side. Open it with Alohomora to get another Pumpkin Pasty. From here, go up, left, up through the prickly bush to reach Hagrid's Hut. Enter his hut, and go out the right side to meet up with Hagrid. Hagrid: Hello, Harry. Glad yeh could make it. The Flobberworms are out in the garden. Harry: How do I go about collecting them? Hagrid: Well, Flobberworms, like a great many of animals, are partial to a bit o' music. They can be calmed by playin' a tune on this flute. Hermione: So, that great big dog down the forbidden corridor might also be calmed by music? Hagrid: How do you know about Fluffy? Harry: Fluffly? Hagrid: Yeah - he's mine - bought him off a Greek fellow I met las' year - I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the - Harry: Yes? Hagrid: You jus' keep away from that corridor. Whatever's down there is between Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel. Hermione: We were just wondering, that's all. Hagrid: Anyway, Harry, yeh need to charm six Flobberworms with the flute and bring 'em back here so Hermione and me can extract the mucus. Hermione: Why do I always get the really great jobs? Harry: Okay. Thanks Hagrid. Six Flobberworms. Ok, the garden is a lot different, but that's okay. First head up and take the right of the moving blocks. Going right, avoid the Doxies (or feed them to the Venomous Tentacular), go right and down (defeating two Blue Gnomes on the way), and step on the switch below to turn the pillar. Go back up to where the wooden bridge is to find the first Flobberworm. Now hold L (to play the flute) and the Flobberworm will follow you. Have him follow you across the pillar you just turned and lead him in front of Hagrid. (1) Go back across the pillar, head right instead of up, go through the mushrooms, past the water and go down to find the second Flobberworm. Lead him back to Hagrid. (2) Go up and across the right of the two moving blocks. Keep going up and to the left a little bit until you find another switch which turns a pillar right in front of you. Loop around here, push the block up, and you'll find the next Flobberworm. Lead him back to Hagrid (3). Go back across the left moving block and go left. There is another Flobberworm near the Blue Gnome. If you want, you can go all the way down and then right. Move the log to the right several times and you won't have to cross the moving block with the Flobberworm. Just a shortcut you can use. (4). Go back to where you found the last Flobberworm, and head straight up for another one. Watch out for the mushrooms. Lead him back to Hagrid. (5) Now go back to that wooden bridge (cross the pillar to the right from Hagrid). Head a little bit further up and you'll see two moving blocks. Cross both and continue up, and push all the blocks you can see in the right direction. Cross the block that's inbetween 5 bushes and go left to find another Flobberworm. But first go all the way up until you see a path going left. Keep going left until you get to a dead-end. However, there's a dirt path you can take. Go through this to find a Chocolate Frog (Rowena Ravenclaw). Now head back to the Flobberworm. Lead this one back to Hagrid. (6) Hagrid: Well done, Harry. Tha's all six Flobberworms. Hermione: There you go, Harry: one jar of freshly squeezed Flobberworm Mucus. Harry: Thanks Hermione. And thank you, Hagrid. Hagrid: My pleasure, Harry. Hermione: We've got Defense Against the Dark Arts on the 3rd floor, so we'd best be going. Leave the garden. "You collect the Flobberworm Mucus! It's a treasure you don't want to hold on to for long!" --------------------- 5.16 - Return to DADA class on the 3rd floor --------------------- Leave the Gardens and head back to Hogwarts. Before going into Hogwarts though, let's stop by the Greenhouses. Enter Greenhouse #6 (it was closed before this). In here you'll find a Pumpkin Pasty guarded by a lone Yellow Gnome. Don't get caught by any of the kids walk around though, they'll take 4 House Points. Anyway, head back to Hogwarts and up to the 3rd floor. Ron: Hermione told me what Hagrid said about someone called Nicolas Flamel and Dumbledore being involved. with whatever's down the forbidden corridor. Harry: Yeah, it's all a big mystery. I think that we should find out more about this Nicolas Flamel. Ron: You're right. Anyway, we've got Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Quirrell. I'll see you there. Head into the classroom on the right again. Professor Quirrell: G-Good day c-class. T-Today we are going to have a m-most illuminating experience when we l-l-learn the wuh-wand lighting spell, Lumos. Are we all r-ready? V-Very well, let us begin. ====================================== Spell: Lumos To learn Lumos, you must follow Quirrell's wand movements. Press your Control Pad in the direction he waves his wand to match his movements, Left, Right, Down, and Up. Down, down, down, down, right, right, up, left, left, right 1st challenge is 6 directions. Getting harder. 2nd challenge is the previous 6, plus two more. 25 House Points if you get it. 3rd challenge is the previous 8, plus two more, making it ten. Another 25 House Points if you get this one right. ====================================== Professor Quirrell: V-Very good. N-now we must l-learn to use the L-Lumos spell in a chuh-challenging location. In the n-n-next room you must c-collect six Golden Stars and b-b-bring them back to me. Mr. Potter, you w-will go f-f-first. Now go through the right door to start the challenge. Ahead of you is a scroll: "Collect six stars and defeat all challenges before you can leave. Cast Lumos to brighten the darkness!" Whenever it's dark, simply cast Lumos to make it light. Continue right, and down through the door. In the middle of the room is a chest with a bag of BBEFB. Go down and defeat the Yellow Gnome. Hit the golden dragon with Flipendo, and go through the door at the top. Defeat the Yellow Gnome and grab the Gold Star (1). Search the left bookshelf for a BBEFB. Now leave this room and go through the door to the right. Grab the Gold Star here (2). Continue, defeat the Yellow Gnome, and push the barrell at the bottom. Head left for the Gold Star (3) and step on the switch. Go back and above the barrell is the door that opened. There's two Yellow Gnomes in here, and a Gold Star (4). Go down the ladder above the Gold Star. You'll be in a large room with severla Blue Gnomes, and several Yellow Gnomes. Once you defeat everyone, go to the bottom left corner. Break all the pots to find another Gold Star (5). The bottom right corner has 3 more pots, with the last Gold Star (6). The top right corner has a chest with a bag of BBEFB. Once you're done, head back up the left ladder. Then go through the door on the left (which is the door you came through in the beginning). "You passed the Lumos Challenge! It was never something you took lightly!" Professor Quirrell: W-well done, Potter. That's 20 House P-Points for Gryffindor. R-Run along now. Leave the classroom. Ron: Fred and George were telling me that the only place we're going to get some Wiggentree Bark is from the Potions Storeroom down in the dungeons. Harry: So, setting Wiggentree Bark as an ingredient was a trick on Snape's part! Ron: Yeah, and you can bet that Malfoy and his Slytherin friends will mysteriously have some bark next time we have Potions. Harry: So how're we going to get into the storeroom? Snape's bound to be prowling about. Ron: I'll meet you down in the dungeons and we'll work it out from there. --------------------- 5.17 - "Borrow" Wiggentree Bark from Snape's storeroom in the dungeons --------------------- Before going anywhere, head to the Gryffindor Common Room. Go in the door in the top right and you'll find a Pumpkin Pasty! Then head to 2F. Right to the right of the stairs is a mirror. Use Alohomora on it and it reveals a secret passage. Inside is a chest with a Chocolate Frog (Cornelius Agrippa). Then head towards the dungeons. You'll meet Ron in front of the door to the dungeon. Ron: Harry, I'll keep watch up here while you try and sneak into the Potions Storeroom and find the Wiggentree Bark. Watch uot, though - I saw Snape prowling about earlier. Watch out for all the prefects and Snape here. Sneak by them all, and go into the door to the right of the Potions classroom. This is the Storeroom. Search the bottom left bookshelf for the Wiggentree Bark. Now don't leave through the door you came in, Snape is there. Instead, search the bookshelf in the middle of the room against the top wall. It's a secret passage. "You found Wiggentree Bark! You can practically taste the Wiggenweld Potion now! Or maybe you just inhaled a spider." --------------------- 5.18 - Escape the storeroom and return to the Common room --------------------- Now you have to return to the Common room. Here goes nothing. Go left, defeat the Yellow Gnome and grab the BBEFB in the corner. Go right, then down, and defeat the Yellow Gnome here. Now wait for one of the Slime Snails to cross the pillar and Flipendo it three times. This causes three switches to appear. Go right and step on that one to turn the pillar. Cross it. Go around, defeat the other Slime Snail, open the chest for a single BBEFB. Now you have to hit 3 more switches. First, hit the switch to the left of the gap (on the side you're on right now). This will turn the bridge again. Cross it, and hit that switch. This will undo the switch you just hit. Cross back over, and hit that switch again. The bridge will have turned. Go around, cross the bridge again and you'll notice a switch that wasn't there before. Hit that switch and the door below the bridge will finally open. Now go left, defeat the Slime Snail, then go back up, and right, and down and defeat that Slime Snail. Now step on the bridge on the right side, and hit every block on your way. Eventually you'll end up with a switch and a stone dragon. Flipendo the dragon and he'll walk around, stepping on the switch every now and then. Now go all the way back around, and take the bridge on the left side. You'll end up at a door that only opens when the stone dragon steps on the switch. So just sit and wait until the door opens for a second then go through. Go right, defeat the two Blue Gnomes, go up, and defeat another Blue Gnome. This next room is pretty crazy. All the cracks become black holes of nothing if you're on them for more than a second or so. There's also some Blue Gnomes, but just run through this room. Defeat the two Slime Snails in this room, and go right to the next room. Two Blue Gnomes here, and if you go down you'll find a chest with a Chocolate Card (Bertie Bott). Go up through the door. Go left and if you got some Doxies following you around, enter the center big room to find a Venomous Tentacular. Step on the switch in the left, center, and right room to get that block to move back and forth. Go down through the door. "You escapde the potions storeroom! Better get back to Gryffindor... Snape could be close behind!" Now just leave the Dungeons, but watch out for Snape, as he's still around. Ron: Well done, Harry! Now Snape can't get us for not having the Wiggentree Bark! Harry: It was nothing. Ron: We should get moving, Harry. It's after dark and there are lods of Prefets patrolling the halls. Let's get back to the Common room. Simply avoid the prefects (it's easy, trust me) up till 5F, which is where it gets a little more difficult =============== Floor 5 =============== Head to the right and through the door at the bottom. Go to the right and push the barrell onto the switch from across the gap. Now go to the right, and down, and you'll see a moving block that goes left and right. Get on that, then get off at the narrow ledge up top. Hit the switch on the wall (across the fence) with Flipendo and a block below you starts moving. Get on the first block, then on the one you just activated. Ride it to the bottom. Now go ALL the way to the right and push the barrell here up onto the switch. Now go left and take the first path you can upwards. Now this is going to be a little confusing, but I hope it makes sense: 1) Get on the first one moving left/right 2) From here, get on the one that goes up/down 3) Step on the land here, and wait for the one that goes left/right and get on 4) Get on the one above this 5) Then the one on the right that goes up/down 6) Get off to the right on the land, and go right and up and wait for the block 7) Get on the one that goes left/right 8) QUICKLY get off and step UP. The bottom row of this land has cracks which only allow you to stand on them for a second 9) Flipendo the switch on the wall, which activates a block in the bottom right You have to time this right, since again, you can't stand on the cracks for too long 10) Ride this down, and quickly get off (more cracks). Open the chest for a Chocolate Card (Helga Hufflepuff) 11) Get on the block on the left that goes up/down 12) Get off at the end, and wait for the block on the left side that goes down 13) Get off, and use Avifor on the stone object. You'll see some blocks to the left now start moving. Guess what? It's time to go ALL the way back. Lucky for you, there's a short-cut. You know the last block you took to get to the final platform with the stone statue that you Avifor'd? It goes ALL the way down, which takes you right back to the beginning where you started out. Phew. Go down the long corridor, then all the way to the left, and ride this block up. Now back in the room with the two bookcases, take the left door up and cross the gap using the three blocks (they're fast, so time ahead). Then follow the corridor and enter the door. Approach the big mirror, which is The Mirror of Erised (Which is desire spelled backwards). This mirror shows what your heart truly desires. When Harry looks in it, he sees his parents, because he's never met them. Harry: Mom? Dad? Then Dumbledore suddenly shows up. Dumbledore: So you, Harry, like hundreds before you, have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised. Harry: I-I can see my parents in it. Dumbledore: The Mirror shows the deepest desire of our hearts. But it does not give us knowledge or truth. Harry: But my - my parents. Dumbledore: It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry. The Mirror will be moved to a new home tomorrow. If you happen to run across it again, you will now be prepared. May I suggest that you make your way upstairs to the Gryffindor Common room? Your route back to the 7th floor should prove easier now. You are now back on the 5th floor. Most of the prefects are gone, so you can just follow the Red Carpet up to the 7th floor and into the Gryffindor Common Room. Ron: Hey Harry, what kept you? I thought maybe Snape had nabbed you! Harry: I met Dumbledore... Ron: Uh-oh. How many House Points did we lose? Harry: Er, none, actually. I got lost on the 5th floor and stumbled across a room with a mirror in it. Ron: Big deal. Did you stop to comb your hair? Harry: It was called the Mirror of Erised and I could see my parents in it. And I think Dumbledore was warning me that I might see the Mirror again. The Following Morning... Ron: It's fantastic that you managed to get the Wiggentree Bark last night, Harry - just in time for Potions class this morning! C'mon, let's go! Go into the Dungeons and enter Snape's classroom. --------------------- 5.19 - Attend Potions class in the dungeons --------------------- Professor Snape: I think it remarkable that only three students should manage to find all four of the ingredients for the Wiggenweld Potion that I set you last lesson. Very remarkable, indeed Potter, perhaps you could enlighten us to how you, Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger happened to be the only ones to glean the Wiggentree Bark? Harry: I, er, I, well - I, um, I bought some. Professor Snape: I see. From where, exactly? Harry: From Diagon Alley, last time I was there. Professor Snape: Very well, Potter. I'll believe you, thuogh thousands wouldn't. I shall, however, be keeping my eye on you. Now, if you'd like to mix up the Wiggenweld Potion that would be most gratifying. Once you have used the Wiggenweld Potion you may return to this cauldron at any time to refill it. Charms with Professor Flitwick is next. Class dismissed. Ron: C'mon Harry - time for Charms on the 2nd floor! "You mixed the Wiggenweld Potion! Even Snape can't deny you've done well with your assignment." --------------------- 5.20 - Attend Charms class on the 2nd floor --------------------- Just head up to 2F and enter the room in the top right to start class. Professor Flitwick: Welcome to Charms - and a particular welcome to Harry Potter. How you do resemble your mother, dear boy. This term we'll be starting with a decidedly uplifting charm (if you'll pardon the pun!) Wingardium Leviosa, the levitation charm. Are you all ready, class? Jolly good! Then let us begin! ====================================== Spell: Wingardium Leviosa To learn Wingardium Leviosa, you must follow Professor Flitwick's wand movements. Press your Control Pad in the direction he waves his wand to match his movements, Left, Right, Down, and Up. Left, up, left, right, up, left, up, left, right, down, right The 1st challenge is pretty hard already - 7 directions. The 2nd challenge is the previous 7, plus 2 more, for 25 House Points. The 3rd challenge is the previous 9, plus 2 more, for 25 House Points. ====================================== Professor Flitwick: Oh, jolly good! Especially you, Mr. Potter! Such elegance, so quick-witted! So like your dear mother! Now we must learn how to use Wingardium Leviosa in a challenging situation. In the next room you'll find a variety of puzzles, all of which must be solved in order to leave the room. As you solve the puzzles, you must also collect the six Golden Stars. Harry, I'd like you to start. Then enter the door to the right, where you automatically grab a scroll: "You have learned the Wingardium Leviosa spell, which is used to levitate and move objects. The icon for Wingardium Leviosa is a feather." Now head straight up and left to find a Gold Star (1), a scroll, and a switch. The Scroll says: "You have now started the Wingardium Leviosa Challenge. To complete this challenge you must gather six gold stars. You will need to move objects onto pressure plates in the floor in this challenge. But first, find the first switch." Well, the first switch is right in front of it. Flipendo it. 5 Yellow Status will appear. You must lift these statues up (by equipping the Feather and pressing B towards them) and move them onto the switches (Press A or B to put them down). Once you've got all 5 switches activated, go left and follow the path for another Gold Star (2) and an open door. Here, take the statue and move it down onto the switch to turn the bridge. Another Gold Star is ahead (3). You'll see more switches, and a switch on the wall. Flipendo the wall-switch and 5 more Statues will appear. Move all these onto the switches (once you have an item in the air, you can move it wherever you want too). The four switches on the left open the door ahead, and the lone switch on the right simply turns the bridge. Break the pots for a bag of BBEFB. Cross the bridge and grab a Gold Star (4). Move about 5 steps up for another Gold Star (5). Go down either ladder here and get ready to defeat 2 Fire Crabs. Then grab the bag of BBEFB from the chest and the last Gold Star (6). Go back up the ladder and enter the now open door. "You conquered the Wingardium Leviosa Challenge! This really lifts your spirits." Professor Flitwick: Excellent, Mr. Potter! That's 30 House Points for Gryffindor. Run along now! Ron: Don't forget that you need to be at the Quidditch Stadium as soon as possible for the match against Hufflepuff! Good luck Harry! --------------------- 5.21 - Quidditch match versus Hufflepuff --------------------- Ron says to get to the Quidditch Stadium ASAP, but we have other plans. Not big plans, but plans nonetheless. Head out to the grounds. Above Greenhouse #4 and #5 is an enclosed space with a Chocolate Frog. Use Avifors to get rid of these statues and grab the card (Salazar Slytherin). NOW you can head towards the Quidditch Stadium. Use the same strategy as before. The Snitch still has a pattern, just takes a bit to find it out. Check section 5.12 for more info on the games ------------------------------ If you won: Hermione: Well done, Harry! You played really well! We beat Hufflepuff 180 to 20! You gained 80 House Points for Gryffindor! ------------------------------ If you lost: Oliver Wood: Unfortunately, the other seeker beat you to the snitch. You lost the match. Better luck next time! Hermione: Never mind, Harry. We've still got the last match against Ravenclaw to make up for the loss. ------------------------------ Hermione: I've been doing some research about the mysterious Nicolas Flamem. I've searched everywhere for him. He wasn't in "Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century", or "Notable Magical NAmes of our Time". He was missing, too, from "A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry". The only place he could possibly be is in a book in the Restricted Section of the library. Harry: So what you're saying is, we need to get into the Restricted Section and find that book? Hermione: That is exactly what I'm saying. Come on, Harry - to the Restricted Section! --------------------- 5.22 - Find the Nicolas Flamel book in the library --------------------- Head back to the castle. It's dark now. Simply head up to 2F. There are people walking around, but they're just students, not prefects, so don't worry about them. Once on 2F, head to the left to meet up with Hermione. Hermione: Harry, I've just seen Madam Pince leave the library, so the way's clear for you to sneak into the Restricted Section and find the book on Flamel. I'll keep watch here. Before you go in, search the bookshelf to the left. A Pumpkin Pasty! Now enter the library. First head to the left and up, and search one of the bookcases to find a secret entrance. Go through it, use Avifors on the statue to the left and enter the door. Here you have to fight a Fire Crab. After you defeat the Fire Crab, go through the door on the right for a Chocolate Frog (Edgar Stroulger). Now go up to the next "room" and go the top left corner to find a room with three golden status in front of it. It's locked now, but use one of the status (Wingardium Leviosa) and put it on the switch to the right. This will open the door. Welcome to the Restricted Section. If you go left you will see a block above a black pit and a bookshelf on the other side. That's where we need to go. Of course, it would be way to easy if we could just reach it now, right? It's not that hard to get it though. Go to the right and up across the bridge. Go left here (the bookshelf on the very right has a BBEFB if you want it) and you'll see a pile of books on the switch. Avifor these books to raise the switch. This turned the bridge we just crossed, but we won't get there now. Continue left, go up and around and push the block into the hole. Continue, go down and around and push the block into the hole. Continue until you get to a seemingly dead end. Search the bookshelf and it will move aside, revealing a secret passage. Continue, move the barrell down a few times, and go to the right, searching the last bookshelf for another secret passage. Keep going and push the barrell down until you can go right. Go right and down and search the first bookshelf here for a bag of BBEFB. Now we're at the bridge again, and it's turned now (remember the switch?). Cross it, then search the middle of the three bookshelves for a Pumpkin Pasty! Now go down, push the block into the hole and search the bookshelf on the left to find Nicolas Flame's book! To get out, backtrack to the bridge and a new switch will have appeared (with books on it). Avifor the books and the bridge will turn again to its original position. Now go back ALLL the way to the beginning, heading the same way back that you came from. Once you're at the beginning, you'll see the door to the right is open, so head out that way. "You found the Nicolas Flamel book! Maybe the tangled mystery of the Sorcerer's Stone will finally be revealed!" Now go all the way to the right, push the block into the hole, and keep going right. Then go up, use Wingardium Leviosa to get some of the statues out of the way and go through the door. Go right to meet... Professor Snape! Professor Snape: Ah, hello there, Potter. The fame's well and truly gone to your head if you think you can sneak past me. I think that this deserves a detention. Meet Hagrad tomorrow night following the Quidditch match against Ravenclaw. I'm sure he can find you something beastly to do. Now get back to your Common room. Go up to 4F and MAKE SURE you use the secret passage by the bookshelf next to the stairs. If you try to go up the main stairs, Snape will take off 24 House Points. Go to the Common room to meet Hermione. Hermione: Well done, Harry! You got the book! Harry: Yeah, and I also got a detention from Snape. Hermione: It says here that the Sorcerer's Stone currently in existance belongs to the 665-year-old alchemist, Nicolas Flamel. The Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers - it produces the Elixier of Life, which will make the drinker immortal! Harry: Fluffy - that big dog down the forbidden corrider - must be guarding the Sorcerer's Stone - and it's no wonder Snape's after it! Anyone would want it! Next day... Ron: Lookingn forward to the final Quidditch match, today, against Ravenclaw? Harry: I'm trying not to think about it. There are other things on my mind - like the detention Snape gave me and the fact that Snape's trying to steal the Sorcerer's Stone from down the forbidden corridor. Ron: Yeah, the stuff about Flamel in the book you got from the Restricted Section was very interesting. Harry: We've got to do something to stop Snape - and soon. Malfoy: Try not to fall off your broom during the match today, Potter, or you might end up with ragged clothes like poor Weasley here. Ron: Just watch it, Malfoy, or I'll- Malfoy: You'll what, Weasley? Tell your mommy? She can't even mend your clothes properly, let alone fight your battles for you. Ron: That's it, Malfoy, I'm gonna- Harry: Leave it, Ron. He's not worth it. Harry: C'mon, Ron. It's time we went over to the Quidditch Stadium. Ron: You're right. I'll see you later. Good luck, Harry. --------------------- 5.23 - Quidditch match Versus Ravenclaw --------------------- Just head out to the Quidditch field, you should know where it is by now. The game's a little harder now. The Snitch still has a pattern, it just takes a minute or so to figure out. The 2nd part where you fly through the rings is a lot faster now. You get a much bigger speed boost, which actually makes it harder, but it's still manageable. The part where you have to catch the Snitch is a little harder too. The Snitch moves faster, and you have less time, but this part is still easy. ------------------------------ If you won: Hagrid: Well done, Harry! You were absolutely brilliant! You gained 50 House Points for Gryffindor! ------------------------------ If you lost: Oliver Wood: Unfortunately, the other Seeker beat you to the snitch. You lost the match. Better luck next time! Hagrid: Never mind, Harry. Yeh can't win all the time. ------------------------------ Hagrid: I'm sorry ter remind yeh, Harry, but Professor Snape's asked me to take your detention. Harry: I think Snape's out to get me, Hagrid. Hagrid: Oh, Professor Snape's all right really, he just gets a mite, well, a mite over the top with his punishments sometimes. Now, I've just got a coupl'a things to prepare first, so I'll meet yet at the Forest Edge, by the gate to the Forbidden Forest. --------------------- 5.24 - Report to Hagrid for detention in the Forest Edge --------------------- Go to the left and to the gardens, where you always go to go to Hagrid's hut. Hagrid: Right then, now listen carefully, 'cause it's dangerous what we're gonna do tonight an' I don' want yeh takin' risks. Follow me through here. The garden's are a little different, but the path remains the same. Go all the way up to where the prickly bush in front of Hagrid's hut is, but go left instead to the gate that used to be closed until now. Hagrid: Further into the forest yeh'll come across a trail of silvery blood. There's a unicorn in the forest bin hurt badly by summat. You're gonna try an' find the poor thing by followin' the trail of its blood. Harry: But, Hagrid, what if whatever hurt the unicorn finds me first? Hagrid: If yer keep ter the path, Harry, yeh'll be all right. Good luck. Enter the forest. Save Point ahead. Cross the bridge and note that the bridge falls apart, so there's no turning back now. Go up and get rid of the three prickly bushes. Up ahead are several Blue Gnomes. Go to the left and get rid of the prickly bushes. Advance to find some more very annoying doxies, along with a Venomous Tentacular. Feed the doxies to the Tentacular and grab the BBEFB. Go back and go right this time instead, where you'll find 5 prickly bushes. Go up, defeat the two Slime Snails, and get rid of those ever annoying doxies by finding the Venomous Tentacular a little to the left. This area is pretty huge, so I can't really tell you what to do. Just defeat all the enemies, and make your way to the bottom left part of the area. You'll come across some trees that are large thorns grouped together. Keep going left (there should be two Yellow Gnomes) here and you'll see some silver spots on the ground - Unicorn blood! You must be close. Enter the next area of the forest through here. You'll find a troll here! Do your best to avoid him and keep going left. Watch out for the holes in the ground, and keep going left to find the unicorn laying there. When you approach him, you'll see someone else walk towards the unicorn! If you touch this guy, you take damage, so just avoid him. Then you'll see a screen of a centaur jumping over you and chasing off the hooded figure drinking the unicorn blood. Dumbledore: Harry was rescued in the nick of time by the centaur, Firenze, and rode on his back to safety. Firenze explained that unicorn blood had the power to keep someone alive who was an inch from death. Another picture of Harry riding on Firenze's back. Dumbledore: Harry realized that the hooded figure he'd seen in the clearing was none other than He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named... Lord Voldemort! You'll be back in a place full of poisnous mushrooms, a troll, and a Save Point. Save if you want, then head down to find some dirt coming out of the trees. Go down here and you'll walk through a path, escaping from the troll. You'll come out in another area with a big puddle of water in the middle, and two Yellow Gnomes. Go down again to find another dirt path. Go down, right, then down and you'll see a prickly bush in front of you. Get rid of these, step out in the area and defeat the two Slime Snails. There's another dirt path to the right, so go into there and you'll come out to where you need to push a block. Do so, then defeat the Slime Snail here. Go up through the next section and keep heading right to come to a new area. Defeat the Yellow Gnome here and go right to get out of the forest. Phew. Pretty confusing if you ask me. "You found the unicorn and escapped the Forbidden Forest! You're sorry it's dead but you feel you're close to solving the secret of the Sorcerer's Stone!" You'll be back at Hagrid's Hut now. Hagrid: Ah, there ye' are, Harry. Did yeh find any trace of what's hurting the unicorns? Harry: Yes, I did, but I don't have time to talk right now - I must find Ron and Hermione. Hagrid: Okay, then. Glad ter see yeh back safe an' sound. G'night, Harry. Harry: Goodnight, Hagrid. --------------------- 5.25 - Sneak into the forbidden corridor --------------------- You're back at the Entrance Hall, with Ron and Hermione being right in front of you. Ron: Phew, Harry! Hermione: We thought you'd never get here! Harry: I, er, got rather sidetracked in the Forbidden Forest. Hermione: How was your detention? Harry: I've found out more about why Snape wants the Sorcerer's Stone! He's going to steal it for Lord Voldemort! Ron: Oh, I wish you wouldn't say You-Know-Who's real name out loud! Harry: We need to go down the forbidden corridor and get the Stone before Snape can steal it! Hermione: You're right! Let's go! Just head straight up to 3F, then go to the left (where Filch was always sweeping before) and through the open door! Go through the corridors, avoiding all the spikes. You'll meet three Blue Gnomes on your way, so take them out. Keep going until you see a big mirror. Cast Alohomora on the mirror to advance. Go through this room, being careful not to fall off the edges. Hit the switch (which turns a bridge you're about to find) and continue on. Collect the Chocolate Frog (Albus Dumbledore) and the BBEFB and cross the bridge. Use Wingardium Leviosa to guide the golden statue up to the switch, which is to the right of the bridge. This will open the door in front of you. Get past the three moving blocks and watch out for the cracks in the floor here. Go left, defeat the Fire Crab, and cast Alohomora on the mirror. Enter the corridor and hit the switch at the end. Now go back to the last room and to the left to the door which was opened by the switch. Go up and left. --------------------- 5.26 - Prevent Voldemort from finding the Sorcerer's Stone --------------------- Hermione: Harry! We can't get past Fluffy! Harry: Didn't Hagrid say something about music calming certain animals? Hermione: That's right, he did! Harry: Maybe if I played Fluffy a tune on the flute Hagrid gave me? Ron: It's worth a try! Smash the pots for some BBEFB. Then go left to meet Fluffy. Talk about easy. You have to play the flute (with L, remember?) long enough until the bar in the bottom right fills up completely. However, the flute only works when Fluffy is on screen. Well, all Fluffy does is walk back and forth. So just wait for him to reach your end, then when he turns around, just follow him and play the flute the whole time. Watch out for when he turns around, and just walk the other way. Duck down to the bottom/top when he reaches your end, because he will try to bite you. After a few walks back and forth he'll fall asleep. Then go to the left and grab the bag of BBEFB if you want. Then go down the trap door. "You slipped past Fluffy! Sleep, Fluffy, sleep! Good dog! Now on to find the Sorcerer's Stone!" Now the Devil's Snare. Go right a bit. Hermione: We're trapped! Help, Harry! Ron: Hurry up, Harry! Save Point here as well. Now you have to navigate through a maze to get to the Devil's Snare. Ron and Hermione will throw in comments every now and then. Go right. Hermione: Hurry up, Harry - it's strangling me! Ron: Yeah, get a move on - urkkk! Now head down a bit. Hermione: We should stop moving! I know what this plant is - it's Devil's Snare! Ron: Oh, I'm so glad we know what it's called, that's a great help. Harry: How do I kill it, Hermione? Hermione: Shut up, I'm trying to remember! What did Professor Sprout say? Something about Devil's Snare liking the damp and the dark. Go left and roll the barrell onto the switch. Now go right and up to meet a smaller version of Devil's Snare. Get on the platform and Flipendo the fire (which is in the middle, so when the block is in the middle, Flipendo upwards). This will burn the Devil's Snare. Now step onto the switch and head back across. Go right and down to find a bunch of moving blocks. Cross all of them (the Devil's Snare here can't hurt you) and get off, grab the bag of BBEFB and head down and right to step on a switch. This will start the two moving blocks in front of you. Cross them, then go right and down and push the block into the hole. Go down, left, down, and left to come to a mirror. Alohomora the mirror, go in there and defeat the two blue gnomes. Go to the top of this room and Avifor the right stone for a BBEFB, and the left one to raise a switch. Go back out of this room and to the left and cross the gap with the moving block. Push the block into the hole and cross it. The block will disappear behind you and reappear in front of you. Push it into the hole again and cross it again. Go all the way up and hit the switch (it turns a bridge up ahead). Then cast Alohomora on the mirror and go through. Kill the Devil's Snare and cross the bridge. Go up and defeat this Devil's Snare to free Ron and Hermione. Harry: It's lucky you pay attention in Herbology, Hermione. Ron: Yeah, and lucky Harry doesn't lose his head in a crisis. Hermione: This way! Go up through the door. Harry: I need to catch the correct flying key so that we can open the door and get out. Ron: Yeah, but to catch the right key you're going to need a broomstick. Harry: I think I found one. This is Quidditch all over again. You know what to do. The nice thing is you don't have a time limit this time, so take all the time you want. There are annoying Doxies that slow you down, plus random building structures you can run into, but keep at it and you'll eventually get it. "You grabbed the flying key! Now you can unlock the door and go on to the next room!" Just go up and through to the next room. Hermione: Now what do we do? Ron: It's obvious, isn't it? We've got to get across the chessboard to the door on the other side. Harry: You two wait here, I'll go first. Now you simply have to walk onto the chessboard and guide the moving pieces onto the switches. Once they're on a switch, Flipendo them and they'll stay on the switch. After every piece is stopped, there's one more switch remaining. Harry: All right? Hermione: Go on. Uh, I guess this means Ron is going to stand on the last switch, letting you and Hermione move ahead. Go up. Hermione: I hope Ron will be okay. Harry: I'm sure he will. What do you reckon's next? Hermione: We've had Sprout's Devil's Snare - Flitwick must've charmed the keys - McGonagall transfigured the chess pieces - that leaves Snape's... Grab the BBEFB on your way out. Go through the door (Save Point!) and head into the next room. Harry: So what do we have to do? Hermione: Look, there's a note! "But Four ingredients shall the cauldron drink, So find them all and watch them slowly sink. Upon the switch a partner then must stand To bring the blackest fire near to hand. A sip of potion you must acquire To gain safe passage through the fire." Harry: What does it mean? Hermione: I think it means that we have to find four ingredients, place them in the cauldron and then one of us drinks the potion while the other stands on a switch to access something called the "blackest fire". Harry: I'll start looking for the four ingredients while you search for the switch. Hermione: Okay. Now you have to get four ingredients. You can find one each in the four corners of the room (after going through a little challenge of course). Go to the top right one first. Push all the blocks into the holes, defeat all the Blue Gnomes, and use Wingardium Leviosa to move the statues. Defeat the Blue Gnome, push the block in the hole, hit the switch on the wall and cross the bridge. Use Wingardium Leviosa to move the two statues on the switch and collect the Black Fire potion ingredient (1). Now backtrack all the way to the beginning. The bottom right door is open. Take the first right and move the statue onto the switch. Then go down, defeat the Blue Gnome, and push two blocks into the hole. Step on the 2nd block you pushed, and Flipendo the block to the right of it. It will fall backwards, allowing you to cross. Grab the two BBEFB, then get on the last switch you hit. Flipendo the block above you, and it will also go backwards, allowing you to cross. Go up, put the statue on the switch and grab the next Black Fire potion ingredient (2). Backtrack to the beginning. Now the top left door. Defeat the three Blue Gnomes and grab the BBEFB. Go through the south door, left, and Alohomora the top left door and the bottom right door. This is quite puzzling at first, because both doors lead to nothing. However, if you try to go back to the last room, three Doxies and a Venomous Tentacular appear. Get rid of the Doxies first. In the bottom right room is a Blue Gnome with a BBEFB. The top left door holds the next Black Fire potion ingredient (3). Now the bottom left door. This room is huge with tons of barrells and switches. It's really not that hard. First go to the middle of the room and above the top most barrell (you'll have to go above the black hole). Flipendo this barrell twice to roll it onto the switch. Then go to the right, Flipendo it ALL the way to the left (you'll pass the switch). Then go around the black hole and Flipendo it twice to get it on the switch. Now get the barrell just below the last one, and roll it ALL the way to the right (onto a switch). Now move the barrell that's facing down all the way to the bottom onto the switch. Move the statue that's blocking the last barrell down to the other switch at the bottom. Now move the last statue onto the final switch. The door opens and you can grab the last Black Fire potion ingredient (4). Head back to the main room. Approach the cauldron (which somehow dumps all four ingredients into the cauldron) and a switch will pressure, which Hermione then steps on. Hermione: Drink the potion from the cauldron, Harry, and you'll be safe from the black fire! Harry: Listen, Hermione, go and get Ron and then use the broom in the Flying Keys room to escape. Go straight to the owlery and send Hedwig to Dumbledore, we need him. I might be able to hold Snape off for a while, but not for long. Hermione: Harry, you're a great wizard, you know. Head up (Hermione wishes you Good luck!) and go through the black fire. Save Point. Go up and you'll find... Quirrell? Harry: You! Quirrell: Me. I wondered whether I'd be meeting you here, Potter. Harry: But I thought Snape... Quirrell: Yes, Snape does seem the type, doesn't he? Next to him, who would suspect p-p-poor stuttering P-Professor Quirrell? Now, tell me about this mirror... is the Sorcerer's Stone inside it? Harry: I-I don't know... Turban: Let me speak to the boy... face to face... Quirrell: Master, you aren't strong enough! Turban: I have strength enough for this... Voldemort: Harry Potter - See what I have become? I have form only when I can share another's body. Harry: You won't get away with this! Voldemort: Oh, won't I? SEIZE HIM! Now Quirrell goes crazy and runs around. He'll fire jinxes at you, which will follow you, and they're faster than you! To win this round, let a curse hit each of the four pillars twice (they will crumble). Once all four pillars are gone, the whole floor crumbles and you go on to round 2. This isn't that hard really. The only hard part is, you have no way to recover your health. Anyway, Quirrell will fire the same jinxes at you (and every once in a while he'll send one of the stones on the floor against you). See the snakes in the bottom right corner? This is Quirrell's health. What you need to do is have his jinxes reflect off the mirror. Every time he gets hit by a jinx he loses one of the snakes. You can flip the mirror by casting Flipendo on it (depends which side of the room Quirrell is on). You'll notice that Quirrell always goes either to the top or the bottom of the room, then walks left and right and fires jinxes. Once you defeat Quirrell, you'll see a random green screen appear. (Picture of you in the Hospital Wing, and Dumbledore sitting on your bed.) Dumbledore smiled. "What happened down in the dungeons between yourself and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret," he said, "so, naturally, the whole school knows." The Stone has been destroyed, but Harry remained fearful that its loss would not prevent Lord Voldemort's return. Dumbledore nodded, sharing his concern. Nevertheless, Harry -- if our battles do no more than slow Voldemort's return, with luck he may never regain his power at all." (Picture of Ron sitting on bed with Harry.) "So, the Stone's gone?" said Ron, finally. Harry nodded and wished it good riddance. Then Ron produced a brand new Chocolate Frog Card from his robes and handed it to Harry. (Picture of Chocolate Frog Card (Harry Potter)) "Now you've got the whole set, Harry," Ron said. Harry was stunned. (Picture of Harry entering the Great Hall.) Harry made his way down to the end-of-year feast alone that night. The Great Hall was decked out in green and silver, to celebrate Slyhtherin winning the House cup. When Harry entered there was a sudden hush. He took a seat between Ron and Hermione, trying to ignore the stares of the other students. (Picture of Dumbledore) "The House cup," announced Dumbledore, is awarded to the team with the most House Points. At the moment, that would seem to be Slytherin." A storm of cheering and stamping broke out from the Slytherin table. (Picture of Gryffindor table cheering) "However," continued Dumbledore, "in recognition of Mr. Harry Potter's pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor 60 points." Harry's table erupted with cheers and applause. The additional points had won the House cup for Gryffindor! (Picture of Harry Potter) It was the best evening of Harry's life. Better than winning at Quidditch or Christmas, or knocking out mountain trolls. He would never, ever forget. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's not that many items in the game, but I'm going to list the few you can get anyway, since the game doesn't tell you what they are once you get them. Here is a rather bad illustration of how the items are listed: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Key: 1 = Nicolas Flamel book 2 = Dittany (Used as an ingredient for the Wiggenweld Potion) 3 = Moly (Used as an ingredient for the Wiggenweld Potion) 4 = Flute (Used to guide Flobberworms/put animals to sleep) 5 = Flobberworm Mucus (Used as an ingredient for the Wiggenweld Potion) 6 = Wiggentree Bark (Used as an ingredient for the Wiggenweld Potion) 7 = Black Fire Potion (Used to find get through the Black Flames when trying to find the Sorcerer's Stone) 8, 9, 10 = Pumpkin Pasty. Collect three of these to add a lightning bolt to your health meter 11 = Wiggenweld Potion (Restores all your health when you lose all your health, can be refilled in the Potions classroom) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) Spells ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================================== Spell: Flipendo Who Teaches It: Professor Quirrell Where You Learn It: Defense Against the Dark Arts Class (1st time) What It Does: Defeats enemies, pushes blocks/switches ====================================== Spell: Alohomora Who Teaches It: Hermione Where You Learn It: Gryffindor Common Room What It Does: Unlocks doors, opens chests, reveals secret passages when used on certain mirrors ====================================== Spell: Avifors Who Teaches It: Professor McGonagall Where You Learn It: Transfiguration Class What It Does: Transforms stones/books/whatever into birds, mostly used to get things off of switches ====================================== Spell: Lumos Who Teaches It: Professor Quirrell Where You Learn It: Defense Against the Dark Arts Class (2nd time) What It Does: Use in dark places, makes the area bright for a little while ====================================== Spell: Wingardium Leviosa Who Teaches It: Professor Flitwick Where You Learn It: Charms Class What It Does: Lift certain objects/statues off the ground and move wherever you want to, usually used to either get things off of switches, or place things on switches ====================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) Chocolate Frog Cards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chocolate Frogs are found throughout the game, and each one is paired with a certain card. They don't serve any real purpose. They're just collectibles and it's fun to try and find them all. I will list all of them here and how to get them. Here is a rather bad illustration of how the cards are listed: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ====================================== 1. Merlin (Medieval - Dates Unknown) Found in the Great Hall. Search the top most wall of the hall in the middle to find the chest. Must have Alohomora to open. See Section 5.13 ====================================== 2. Cornelius Aggrippa (1486 - 1535) Found behind a mirror on 2F. See Section 5.17 ====================================== 3. Derwent Shimpling (1912 - Present) Found by going into the Potion's classroom and searching one of the bookcases at the top. Follow the path and at the end is a room with the card in it. I don't know how to get this door to open. Everytime I went back there, the door is always locked (but I can see the chest). Any info on this would be appreciated. ====================================== 4. Morgan Le Fay (Medieval - Dates Unknown) Found near Hagrid's Hut. Go down, right, down from Hagrid's Hut to find two prickly bushes. Get rid of these and open the chest for Morgan Le Fay. See Section 5.5 ====================================== 5. Newt Scamander (1897 - Present) Found in the quest to collect Dittany. After you ride a block across a black hole, you'll find two bushes. The left one contains Newt Scamander. See Section 5.6 ====================================== 6. Bowman Wright (1492 - 1560) Found on 6F. See Section 5.9 (Floor 6) ====================================== 7. Godric Gryffindor (Medieval - Dates Unknown) Found when trying to escape Snape. See Section 5.10 ====================================== 8. Edgar Stroulger (1703 - 1798) Found at the beginning of the quest to find the Nicolas Flamel book. See Section 5.22 ====================================== 9. Salazar Slytherin (Medieval - Dates Unknown) Found in the middle of the grounds. Must have Avifor spell. See Section 5.21 ====================================== 10. Ignatia Wildsmith (1227 - 1320) Drop down one of the holes when fighting the Troll, then make your way up to the top right corner while defeating all the enemies. See Section 5.13 ====================================== 11. Bertie Bott (1935 - Present) Found when escaping the Store Room. See Section 5.18 ====================================== 12. Helga Hufflepuff (Medieval - Dates Unknown) Found right before finding the Mirror of Erised. See Section 5.18 ====================================== 13. Rowena Ravenclaw (Medieval - Dates Unknown) Found in the Flobberworm Mucus quest. See Section 5.15 ====================================== 14. Hegist of Woodcraft (Medieval - Dates Unknown) Found in the Devil's Snare area. Exact location unknown. ====================================== 15. Albus Dumbledore (???? - Present) Found while sneaking through the forbidden corridor. See Section 5.25 ====================================== 16. Harry Potter (???? - Present) Automatically gotten after you beat the game from Ron. ====================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) Pumpkin Pasty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pumpkin Pasties are quite helpful for you. If you find three of these, your health meter gets a boost in the form of another lightning bolt. I'm not sure how many of these there are exactly. I've found 10, but other guides say there's 11. I'm not going to list here (at least, for now I won't) where they all are. Search the walkthrough part for now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) Enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of all the enemies in the game. They are listed in alphabetical order for your convenience. ====================================== Blue Gnome Description: Same as the Yellow Gnomes. How To Defeat: Two Flipendos ====================================== Doxies Description: VERY annoying little flying purple creatures. Once they see you, they follow you until you defeat them. How To Defeat: Lead them to a Venomous Tentacular, and it will eat them ====================================== Fire Crabs Description: Also quick and annoying. They shoot fireballs out of their rear ends. Note that the fireballs only fly in a diagonal direction, so use this to your advantage. How To Defeat: Three Flipendos ====================================== Slime Snails Description: Snails that leave behind a slimy substance that will hurt you. How To Defeat: Three Flipendos ====================================== Troll Description: Big huge mountain troll that swings his club at you. Only found in two locations: Girls' Bathroom (See Section 5.13) and in the Forbidden Forest (See Section 5.24) How To Defeat: Cast Flipendo at Troll when he raises his arms and is yelling. This pushes him back a little bit. Push him into the big black pit (Girls' Bathroom only) to defeat it. Note: You can't defeat the Trolls in the Forbidden Forest, just avoid them there. ====================================== Venomous Tentacular Description: Big green plant that eats Doxies for you. However, they can damage you if you touch them. How To Defeat: You can't. ====================================== Yellow Gnome Description: These guys are quick and annoying, and tend to dodge your spells a lot. They also seem to approach you in a zig-zag pattern, making it hard for you to hit them. How To Defeat: One Flipendo ====================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Question: Do I have to find all the Chocolate Frogs? Answer: No. They are simply there for collection purposes. You don't get anything for finding them all. NOTE: Several guides say that you must get all 15 Chocolate Cards in order for Ron to give you the last one (#16 - Harry Potter). This is NOT true. I've finished the game with only about 13 cards, and I still got #16. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Question: How do you get the Derwent Shimpling Card (#3)? Answer: I don't know for sure. I know WHERE to get it, and HOW, but I don't know when. See Section 8 for more info. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Question: How long is this game? Answer: This game isn't too long. You can see there are 26 Mission Objectives, some are rather short, and some are longer. I'd say about 5-10 hours, depending on how fast you play. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Question: Is this game hard? Answer: No, not at all. The only time I ever had trouble was in the very last level, when fighting the last boss, I almost ran out of health. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Question: Should I get this game? Answer: I suggest you only get this game for collection purposes. That is, if you're a Harry Potter fan and want all the games, you should get this. I wouldn't buy it simply to play the game though, it's not worth it (IMO). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Question: Are you going to make guides for other Harry Potter games? Answer: Yes. I plan to make a guide for every Harry Potter game I own. This includes ALL the games for GBA, and several for the PC. I'm not sure if I'll make a guide for the PC ones, but I'll definetely make one for the GBA ones. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Question: I have a question. can I e-mail you...? Answer: Sure. My e-mail is at the bottom in the Conclusion section. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) Copyright ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document is Copyright 2006 Lufia_Maxim and is the intellectual property of the author. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use as long as it remains in its unaltered, unedited form. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Allowed Web Sites: www.gamefaqs.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13) Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well that sums up this guide. My 2nd Harry Potter guide is now complete. I did enjoy writing this, as it was a rather fun game (which even made me think twice in some situations). If you have any comments/suggestions/complaints, or just a question about this game or any other random game (can't guarantee I'll help you with some random game), send me an e-mail at: songoku1@gmail.com Thanks to: - TripleJump for giving me the exact location of the Rowena Ravenclaw Chocolate Card