A The FPS Dude/The GGs Walkthrough for: ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| ||-------#--#-####-####-####-#---#---####-####-#####-#####-####-####--------|| ||-------#--#-#--#-#--#-#--#--#-#----#--#-#--#---#-----#---#----#--#--------|| ||-------####-####-####-####---#-----####-#--#---#-----#---####-####--------|| ||-------#--#-#--#-#-#--#-#----#-----#----#--#---#-----#---#----#-#---------|| ||-------#--#-#--#-#--#-#--#---#-----#----####---#-----#---####-#--#--------|| ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| ||--------------------####-####-##-----#####-#--#-####----------------------|| ||--------------------#--#-#--#-#-#------#---#--#-#-------------------------|| ||--------------------####-#--#-#--#-----#---####-####----------------------|| ||--------------------#--#-#--#-#-#------#---#--#-#-------------------------|| ||--------------------#--#-#--#-##-------#---#--#-####----------------------|| ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| ||------####-#--#-#-#---####-####-####-####-#--#-####-####--#----####-------|| ||------#--#-#--#-#-#---#--#-#----#--#-#--#-#--#-#----#--#---#---#----------|| ||------####-####-#-#---#--#-####-#--#-####-####-####-####-------####-------|| ||------#----#--#-#-#---#--#----#-#--#-#----#--#-#----#-#-----------#-------|| ||------#----#--#-#-###-####-####-####-#----#--#-####-#--#-------####-------|| ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| ||----------------------####-#####-####-####-####---------------------------|| ||----------------------#------#---#--#-#--#-#------------------------------|| ||----------------------####---#---#--#-#--#-####---------------------------|| ||-------------------------#---#---#--#-#--#-#------------------------------|| ||----------------------####---#---####-#--#-####---------------------------|| ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Walkthrough *** Warning *** This walkthrough may contain spoilers! Title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Genre: GBA (Game Boy Advance) Type: RPG (Roll Playing Game) Developer: Electronic Arts Publisher: Electronic Arts Author: Michael Goldsmith (The FPS Dude, Game FAQs/The GGs, Neoseeker/ The_FPS_Dude, IGN) Email: agent1496@hotmail.com Version: Final Last Update: 19:17 17/03/2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: This FAQ/Walkthrough is best viewed on a: Program - Notepad Version - 5.1 Windows XP Font - Fixedsys Size - 9 Regular ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** Contents ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough - The Flipendo Challenge - Find the glass Vials - The Dittany - Snape - The Moly - Troll in the Dungeons! - Avifors - Flobberworm Mucus - Lumos Challenge - The Wigentree Bark - Wingardium Leviosa Challenge - Find the Book - The Forbidden Forest - Charming Fluffy - The Devil's Snare - Puzzles - Voldermort 3. Legacy 4. Version History ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction ****************************************************************************** Welcome to a The GGs/The FPS Dude guide to Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on Gameboy Advance. This is a walkthrough only and not a FAQ walkthrough so if there's any questions, you can contact me but only about the walkthrough and nothing else about the game. The original writing of this walkthrough was written around a year back. It was written by me but has done up now into proper FAQ style. I haven't played the game for quite a while but still have a fair idea of what to do. This means that questions that are emailed may not be answered in great detail. Talking about the game, it follows the book quite well. It could probably help you with the games at times. Unlike the second game on the Gamecube which I Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone does not include any challenges at places like Diagon Alley. However it should take you quite a while to complete if you don't know what you're doing. If you do know what you're doing I could estimate, depending on how much time you spend on it per day, that it would definitely be complete in under a week. It's quite easy most of the way through but can be a bit challenging towards the end. If you want to contact me though, email me at agent1496@hotmail.com. Put the subject as "Harry Potter FAQ" for whatever you want to write about the game. Write the email in plain text please and try and make the email under five kilobites. For further details about contact please see the legacy section. ****************************************************************************** The Flipendo Challenge ****************************************************************************** After you’ve learned the spell in Defence against the Dark Arts class, it’s time for the Flipendo challenge. When you get into the room, the first time you can go left, go that and press the button with the Flipendo sign on it. Next, go back from where you just came from, move the barrel, get the first star and go across the bridge. When you’ve killed the first gnomes and got the second star, in the next room you’ll find the third star and these square bricks with the Flipendo sign on top. These are called Flipendo blocks. Move them with Flipendo, (the way the hand is facing,) and then kill the gnome. After that, it’s a case of moving all the Flipendo the right way to complete the passage and get the fourth star half way. On your way into the last room, you find the fifth star and the door closes. Simply kill the gnomes, get the last star and go out of the door. When you come out of the door, you find yourself where you first saw the gnomes. Easily make your way back to where you first started the challenge, go through the door, the Flipendo challenge is complete and it’s time to make your way to potions class with the strict Professor Snape. ****************************************************************************** Find the Glass Vials ****************************************************************************** When you get to potions class, (with Professor Snape,) he tells you to collect six glass vials and that’s where your challenge starts. Smash the middle pot to get the first glass vial. Hit the Flipendo button to go across the bridge and step on the white button to open the first portcullis. Next, keep going right until you get a bridge where you have to cross it, step on the white button (so the bridge turns and you release the gnomes.) Simply kill all the gnomes to turn another bridge, get the second glass vial and stand on the white button to open the next portcullis. After that, Make your way back to the entrance to the portcullis and you should see the entrance to the next one. Go inside and you’ll see a door. Go a bit further on and you’ll find three barrels and three buttons. Move the barrels onto the buttons and the door is open, (but don’t forget to collect the third glass vial.) When you get into the room, collect the fourth glass vial and go round the table to step on the button to open the last portcullis. When you’re inside the room of the last portcullis, move the Flipendo blocks on each side of the room and smash the pots for the fifth glass vial. Then, hit the button on the wall to open the last room. In the last room, an easy way to kill the gnomes is move the barrel when the gnomes are coming to squash them. After that, collect the last glass vial; make your way back to class and then its time to go down to Hagrid’s hut to see if he has any Dittany. ****************************************************************************** The Dittany ****************************************************************************** Getting to Hagrid’s hut is easy enough. Just take care when dealing with gnomes or thorn bushes. When you get to Hagrid’s hut and you’re in his garden, by moving the plant with Flipendo onto a white button into the top hand corner will activate a square platform which takes you to the main part of the garden. Kill the gnomes until you get to the first plant. Move the plant onto the first button. Next, you come to a second plant. Move it left from the buttons and leave it there for now. Head south, kill the gnome and if you see a brown log you’re heading in the right direction. Demolish both thorn bushes, kill the gnomes and collect the Jelly Bean. Now head north to another gnome and a white button. Next, move the Flipendo block, kill the gnome and press the white button that will activate a square platform. Step onto the platform that will take you to a gnome kill the gnome and collect the pack Jelly Beans. Now go down and kill the gnomes. Head right and then down until you reach two thorn bushes and a gnome. Demolish the torn bushes and kill the gnome. All you need to do now is Collect the Jelly Beans and move the Flipendo block. After that, head right until you see the third plant. Go round to move the plant and then head to where you moved it. Now head with the plant north until eventually, you have it on the second button. Now is the time to deal with the second plant. Move the plant south until you reach the log. Keep going until you reach the end of the black. Then turn north until you have it on the third button. Now you will notice three square platforms are moving. Head along the platforms avoiding the black, collect the pack of Jelly Beans, collect the Dittany and make your way back to Hagrid. The next part of the challenge is to get the Rememberall off Malfoy. To do this, get caught by the blue magic to get nearer. When a white wing comes on the bottom of the screen, press the B or A button at the right time to catch the Rememberall. After that head up to the Gryffindor Common room with Ron, going in the secret passage, learn the Alohomora which Hermione teaches you and then it’s time to sneak to the trophy room on the third floor and have a duel with Malfoy. Getting there should not cause a problem. Just don’t let the prefects inside your circle of light. When you’re there, you find Malfoy has tricked you and you’re going to be caught by Snape. Simply make your way to the other side of the room, look for a mirror and use Alohomora on it and that’s the entrance to the trophy room secret passage. ****************************************************************************** Snape ****************************************************************************** First head left and up. Now smash the pot and hit the Flipendo button. This activates a square platform which you will only be able to see when it’s passing through the circle of light. Go on it and it will take you to the main part of the challenge. Head right, unlock the chest with Alohomora (to get a chocolate frog,) head back and go north. Smash the pots and head down until you come to a button Press it, you’ll here a bridge turn and Snape will come. After he’s told you off, head over the bridge and go north avoiding Snape by smashing the pots to hide in the inner bit of the wall. When you reach a Flipendo block move it, smash the pot and head up the path until you reach another Flipendo block. Move it and stop. Look for Snape’s legs when they go, you will see there are two ways to go. Go the way on the left. Move the Flipendo block and smash the pots. Don’t go the way you moved the Flipendo block. Keep going up to the end and face right. Do the Flipendo spell and you’ll here the sound of a Flipendo block moving. Snape will come past and won’t come back. Go back to the previous Flipendo block you moved and head the way Snape went. After that, you will see three doors. Unlock the one nearest to you using Alohomora. Head down and move the Flipendo block, smash the pot and you will come to the other side of the second door. Unlock it and head to the third door. Unlock that on and head to the black facing left. Do the Flipendo spell and head back to the second door. Go along the path you have made and keep going that way to escape the trophy room. It’s not quite over yet. You will find yourself on the fourth floor. Look for a bookcase on the left side of the floor avoiding the prefects. When you’ve found it, go through the secret passage behind it. When you’ve done that, it’s simple enough to find your way back to the common room. ****************************************************************************** The Moly ****************************************************************************** When you’re back in the common room, you have a row with Hermione and make up in the morning. First, go to the grounds taking the Gryffindor secret passage as a short cut, then head to Greenhouse 1 where you’ll meet professor Sprout. This is where you’re challenge starts; you have to collect six pieces of Moly. Head left and down until you meet an animal that is called a snail in this game. Hit them three times and they’ll dispose. Keep going until you reach a door. Do Alohomora on it and it will disappear; go in to find the first piece of Moly and a button on the floor. Stand on it to activate a bridge to turn. Go down (disposing the snail and getting the Jelly Bean) and then right until you get to a bridge. When you’re crossing it you’ll notice that one bridge is facing upwards and the one you’re on and the other one are facing sideways, when you have five pieces of Moly they should be all facing upwards. This can only be done by pressing three buttons to turn them. Keep going until you reach a Flipendo Block. Move it and go the opposite way to the way you moved it. This Path takes you to the bottom of the three bridges. When you’re there, go left then up until you see the first time you can go left. Then you will find two new enemies. The first enemy chases you everywhere and they are called Doxies; while you they are chasing you, you will see the second enemy, It doesn’t hurt but it can bite if you get to near. This called the Green Monster and in later levels with Hagrid there will be plenty of these and Doxies. Guide the Doxies near the Green Monster and the Green Monster will eat them up. Keep going left near the bottom hedge to find the second piece of Moly. Keep on the left side near the other hedge and you’ll find another button on the floor; press it to turn another bridge around. After that, go to the bottom hedge and keep right to a new path and a thorn Bush until you get to a thorn bush. Hit with Flipendo a few times (avoiding the thorns!) and it will disappear. Now go right again then, when you’ve got a hedge in you’re way begin to go up until you can right again. Now keep going until you reach two thorn bushes. Hit them wit Flipendo a few times and they’ll disappear. Now you can enjoy getting a whole pack of Jelly Beans. Go back to the other path, go up like before, and keep going until you reach a Flipendo Block. Move it and keep going down the path moving the Flipendo Blocks to find at the end of the path the third piece of Moly. Head back to where you found the Green Monster and take the path to the bottom of the three bridges and follow the path right of them until you find the Flipendo Block you should of moved. Go across it to the area on the top half of the greenhouse. Head right until you see a plant on the other side of the grey wall next to a button. (It is not the button to turn the last bridge though.) Move it with Flipendo from the side your on now and go to where you moved it. It should be next to a black hole near a grey wall and there is a path on the other side of the grey wall. Head left following the grey wall until you come to a part with three shelves. Look into the middle shelf to find the fourth piece of Moly. Head Left then down and across the black hole is another plant. Move it with Flipendo and head back to the shelves. Now go right to the find another plant. If you can, get behind it so you’re in the middle of the grey wall and the plant and then hit the plant with Flipendo. Next hit the same plant again so it goes right down the path. Go to the shelves, left and this time up until you see professor Sprout. Go right and then down until you see you’re on the path you saw earlier. The plant you moved right should be on the other side of the wall should be there. Hit it with Flipendo and when it stopped, you should hear the noise of a button that has been pressed (but not the sound of a bridge turning!) and a portcullis opening. Now head back until you see professor Sprout, back to the shelves and then make your way up the right path where you moved plant. Avoid the black hole and enter the portcullis to find the fifth piece of Moly and the last button. Stand on the button to turn the last bridge then head down and then left until you reach the moved Flipendo Block. Go down until you see the bottom of the three bridges. Go up to the top going across the bridges to find the last piece of Moly. Move the Flipendo Block and go up to find Professor Sprout. When you give the Moly to Professor Sprout she’ll go out of the room leaving you with Ron to tell you it’s you’re first Quidditch match against Slytherin. When you’re out of the Greenhouse go right to find the stadium. To win the match you have to catch the Golden Snitch in a set amount of time if you run out of time Slytherin win. For the practice, go you just have to catch the Snitch by going fast and catching it by the B button. (Do this quickly to save time for the main part of the match.) The main part of the match is like catching the Rememberall. Look at you’re information box at the bottom of the screen. You need to get the part in blue covering all the box by following the snitch and getting caught by the sparks coming out of the back of the Snitch. When you’ve done that, a hand and a ball should appear on the information. The ball will take the blue away. Catch the ball in the hand to catch the Snitch and win the game. If you win or lose, follow Ron to the great hall for the Halloween feast. ****************************************************************************** Troll in the dungeons! ****************************************************************************** When professor Dumbledore, the other teachers and Snape have gone out of the hall, head to the Entrance hall. Avoiding the prefect, head up the steps to the first floor and go left until you finally see the where you should be. Go through the door, you’ll hear the noise of the troll. When you see Hormone and Ron are safe, you’ll find you have to drive the troll away from them. This part is a bit easy, go up and then right until you see the troll. Keep hitting him with Flipendo until he goes back a bit avoiding the black hole and the club that he will try and hit you with every once and a while. Hen you’re hitting him back a bit move forwards quickly or else he’ll come back to you leaving you at near enough the same position. Keep going until you see a big black hole that nearly covers the width of the room. Keep hitting him until you hit him right at the edge of the black hole and he’ll fall in. Next, Professors McGonagall, Quirrel and Snape will come in leaving you with fifty House Points for Gryffindor. ****************************************************************************** Avifors ****************************************************************************** Since the end of the last challenge, it is some time later and you’re with Hermione in the Entrance Hall ready to go to Transfiguration class on the first floor. When you’re there, you’ll find the class is with Professor McGonagall, and the spell you have to learn is called Avifors. It’s like the first challenge but gets a little bit harder. First, learn the Avifors spell with Professor McGonagall (which is also a bit harder) and enter the room where the main part of your challenge lies. When you’re in the room, you will find you have to collect six gold stars in order to get out. First, go up to find the outline of a button with grey on it on the floor. Do your new spell Avifors at it and it will turn into a bird, the bird will fly away and a door will open. Go through the door and you will find a Green Monster and some Doxies. Guide the Doxies so they are eaten by the Green Monster, collect the first gold star (and a Jelly Bean) then go through another door. Go down, get the Jellybean and move the Flipendo Block with Flipendo at the other side of the black. Go up, right, get the Jellybean and through the door. Here you’ll meet a new enemy. I call them blue gnomes because they’re blue and when you hit them once with Flipendo, they will die for a few seconds and then come back alive. Hit them again and the will they properly. Kill the blue gnome, head down and get the second gold star. Next, head left until you see a barrel. Move it up with Flipendo until it gets to a wall, head right to see another grey button. Hit it with Avifors and then head back to where you got the second star and a door should be open; go through it. On your left hand, side should be the third star. Get it and head right until you see another door; go through it. Head up whilst killing two blue gnomes on your way. Get the fourth star on your left and head right to the other side of the room. You should see a rectangular wooden wall splitting two paths. Take the path on the right down until you come to yet another grey button. Hit it with Avifors and head back up to take the path on the left down until you come to a door. Go through it and you will see a statue of a dragon. Hit the dragon with Flipendo and he should start moving. (Try not to touch him again or you will lose stamina.) It should move to the button and then a door should open. When he moves off the button the door will shut. When the door opens go through it and you should see the fifth star. Get it, head left and go through another door. You should see a chest. Open it with Alohomora to find a pack of Jelly Beans to give you full stamina. Now head left and up until you get to the black. Hit the two Flipendo blocks with Flipendo, from across the black, hit the grey switch with Avifors and go down through the door. Go left until you see a path going across the black you made by moving the Flipendo Blocks. Go up it to find the sixth and last star, and then you will hear of the door you go through when you complete the challenge opening. Keep going down until you get to the wall and then you should see the door out. Go through it and the Avifors challenge is complete. ****************************************************************************** Flobberworm Mucus ****************************************************************************** When you’re at Hagrid,’s hut go into his garden and you’ll see him with Hermione. He’ll give you a flute and tell you to bring six Flobberworms back to him by finding them and playing the flute so they follow you back to Hagrid. It is best to do it one at once to make it a bit easier because it is not as easy as it looks. I’ll tell you one by one the location of each one: 1. From Hagrid go to the moving platform the furthest on the left, stand on it and move across the black. Go down until you see the Blue Gnome; kill him and there you should see the first Flobberworm. 2. Go onto the same moving platform and head up until you see a many poisonous mushrooms go up by the left route and there is the second Flobberworm. 3. Go to where the last Flobberworm was and head right until you get to a bridge and a button. Press the button to turn the bridge. Go across it, head up and left until you reach a Jellybean. Eat it, head down (with a Doxie chasing you) and go up to reach a Flipendo block. Move it, guide the Doxie into the Green Monster and then you’ll see the next Flobberworm. 4. This time go to the nearest moving platform to Hagrid. Go across and guide the Doxies into the Green Monster once again. Head on to reach yet another Green Monster. Go down dealing with the two Blue Gnomes and then you will see the next Flobberworm on a wooden bridge. BEFORE you get it, go down and turn the bridge by pressing the button. This will help you in getting the last two Flobberworms. Now go back and get the Flobberworm! 5. From Hagrid go right, across the bridge and go as far as you can up until you’re at two moving. Deal with the annoying Blue Gnome; make you’re way across the platforms and you should see two Flipendo Blocks. Move it, head left and there is the next Flobberworm. 6. From Hagrid Go across the bridge and head right. When you get to a small type puddle in the grass; go round it and head down. Guide the Doxies into the Green Monster for the last time for this level and get the last Flobberworm. When you have given all the six Flobberworms, back to Hagrid the challenge is complete and it is time to go to Defence against the Dark Arts class with professor Quirrel. ****************************************************************************** Lumos Challenge ****************************************************************************** When you’re at class on the third floor learn a new spell Lumos by copying Quirrel’s wand movement and go into the next room where the challenge starts. In the middle of it if you ever need to light the room with Lumos, do so. First light the room with Lumos and go down and right through a door. Go right, to a treasure chest and open it with Alohomora to get a bag of Jellybeans. Go right again to a dragon statue and hit it with Flipendo so it starts moving, go to the top of the room to a door and wait until it opens. When it does go through it, kill the gnomes and get the first star. Now go down and right to another door and go through it. Go right to get the second star then go down and kill the gnome. Move the barrel to the bottom of the room, go left; get the third star and step on a button. Go back right and up until you reach another door; go through it. Kill the gnomes, get the next star and go through a black half-oval shaped door. You will now be in another room. Kill all the gnomes in the room and smash all the pots to find the last two stars in some of them. When you’ve done that go to the top left hand corner of the room go through the door and through the last door and the Lumos Challenge is complete! ****************************************************************************** The Wiggentree Bark ****************************************************************************** When you’re at the entrance of the, of the dungeons; avoiding Snape and another prefect go along the top path following a wall until you come to an open door. Go through it and head left until you’re at a bookcase at the side of the room. Look in it to find the Wiggentree Bark and head to a different bookcase to the others. Look in that one to reveal a door. Go through to start the proper part of the challenge. Go left and down to kill a gnome. Go down to the edge of the black; when there’s a Snail crossing a bridge, dispose it to reveal three buttons. Go up, then right, then down to step on a button to turn the bridge. Go back to the black, cross the bridge and go down and left through a door. Go up, destroy the Snail and step on a button. Cross the bridge, step on another button, go back across the bridge, and press that button again. Go down, back through the door, right and up across the bridge. Go up to press a button and go down, back across the bridge and through another door. Go right, down, dispose a Snail, and go to a gap in the wall. Get the Flipendo Block across the black, get onto a moving platform and go to where it takes you. Move all the Flipendo blocks to reveal a path across the black. Go past a button; hit a dragon statue with Flipendo and head all the way back to the door you came in. Go left and down, dispose a Snail and head on a moving platform from a gap in the wall. Keep moving from platform to platform until you come to a door. When it opens, go through it, head right, and up. On the way kill three Blue Gnomes and go through a door. In the next room, go straight across the breaking black holes and go through the door to the next room. With a Doxie chasing, you dispose the snails and head right to kill two Blue Gnomes. Head up through the door and right and dispose two Snails. Head down, guide the Doxies into the Green Monster and press the button in front of the Green Monster to open a door. Go left, guide the Doxie back into the Green Monster and continue down through a door. Go down and left to press the button. Go back through the door and right to guide another Doxie into the Green Monster. Go down through another door and press the button. Go back through the door and left to the edge of some black. Go across it by getting on a moving platform and go through the door to escape the storeroom. Unfortunately, the challenge isn’t over yet. Escape the dungeon to meet Ron and head to the fifth floor. Go right, through the door to start the challenge. It is all about moving platforms. Go up and right to a barrel; move it onto a button and head on right to some black. Get on a moving platform and when you can hit a button with Flipendo. Get on another platform to get to a new path. Go right to a barrel and move it onto a button. Go left and up until you get to lots of moving platforms. Get on one and keep moving across them until you’re at a button on the wall. Hit it with Flipendo and get on another moving platform, which will take you to a chest with a chocolate frog in it. Now go onto a different moving platform until you get to a part with a statue in it. Hit it with Avifors and head all the way back to the start of the challenge. Go through a hole in the wall until you get to three moving platforms. Cross them and find a door, which is the exit. Then you’ll find a room, which has the Mirror of Erised in it. After doing your what you need to do there head to the common room on the seventh floor to complete the challenge! ****************************************************************************** Wingardium Leviosa Challenge ****************************************************************************** First, head to the dungeons to mix the Wiggenweld potion with Snape. After that, head to charms class on the second floor and learn the Wingardium Leviosa spell with professor Flitwick. When you start the challenge head up to the first star and hit a button on the wall with Flipendo. Go back to see a many statues on the floor. Hit them with Wingardium Leviosa and move them all onto buttons. When you’ve done that, from the start of the level head left, up, right, up to see the second star and go through the door. Go to the top of the room hit another statue with Wingardium Leviosa and move it down onto a button to turn a bridge. Go across it then head right to find the third star. Go up hit a button with Flipendo on the wall. Go back to the other side of the wall and move three statues onto buttons. Go right from the button on the wall to move two more statues onto buttons. Go right, up across the bridge, get the fourth star and go through the door to find the fifth star. Go down the black hole on the right to go into another room and meet a new enemy. Get the last star and hit a new enemy called the red turtles three times with Flipendo and go up a ladder back into the last room. Go through the door which is the exit and the Winardium Leviosa challenge is complete! All you have to do now is head to the grounds and win a Quidditch match against Hufflepuff. ****************************************************************************** Find the book ****************************************************************************** Head to the library on the second floor and enter it; head up to some steps and left and up again until you come to a door with three statues in front of it. Move one right with Wingardium Leviosa onto a button and move the other two out of the way with the same spell; now go through the door. You are now in the restricted section, head right and up across a bridge and go up and left until you reach a pile of books on a button. Hit it with Avifors and head left and up. Head down to hit a Flipendo Block and head left and down. Go left and up to hit another Flipendo Block and then head up and right. Go up and left into a bookcase to reveal a hole in the wall. Head right and down to move a barrel out of your way and head right until you come to a dead end. Go into the nearest bookcase to reveal another hole in the wall and then head right and down to move another barrel. Move it down, as far as you can and head left across a bridge. Go left, down, move a Flipendo Block, and go into the bookcase nearest to you to find the Nicolas Flamel book. Go back across the bridge to move a pile of books off a button with Avifors. Head back to the start of the restricted section and go right through a door, which should be the exit. Go right along a secret passage moving a Flipendo block on the way and go up to some statues. Move them out of the way with Wingardium Leviosa and go up through a door. You are now on the third floor, you are caught by Snape. Head to the fourth floor to take the Gryffindor secret passage and go back to the common room to complete the challenge! ****************************************************************************** The Forbidden Forest ****************************************************************************** After a Quidditch match with Ravenclaw meet Hagrid outside his hut and enter the Forbidden Forest. Go right across a breaking bridge and head up to demolish some thorn bushes. Head left and get some other thorn bushes and guide some Doxies into the Green Monster. Go back and head right killing two Blue Gnomes demolishing some more thorn bushes. Go up and left to dispose two Snails and head up to guide some Doxies into the Green Monster. Head down and left to kill two Gnomes. Go left to guide some more Doxies into the Green Monster and head left to dispose a Snail. Go back to guide another Doxie into the Green Monster. Go down to kill another gnome and guide yet more Doxies into the Green Monster. Go left to dispose a Snail and down to kill a gnome. Go right to kill another gnome and demolish a thorn bush. Go left from there until you get to some blue dots on the grass. Go into the trees following the dots to reach another part of the forest. From here, keep heading left passing a moving platform until you find the dead unicorn. Now you’re at yet another part of the forest. Go down through the trees and right to kill a gnome. Go down through some more trees to destroy a thorn bush. Head right to destroy a Snail and go right through more trees to a pack of Jellybeans. From there head right through a bush and move a Flipendo block; dispose a Snail, go up through some trees and right to complete the challenge! ****************************************************************************** Charming Fluffy ****************************************************************************** First head to the third floor and enter a door around the bottom part of the floor. When you’re there go up, left and down to kill two Blue Gnomes. Go left to kill another Blue Gnome and up to hit a mirror with Alohomora. Go up the passage and head left along a thin path until you come to a button on the wall. Hit it with Flipendo and continue along the path to cross a bridge, getting a Chocolate Frog on the way. Go down to hit a statue with Wingardium Leviosa and move it onto a button. Go down through a door and cross some back on moving platforms. Go left avoiding breaking black holes to kill a Red Turtle. Now move a mirror with Alohomora to reveal a passage. Go up to hit a button with Flipendo and head back. Go left, up through a door and go up and left to enter the next part of the challenge. This is similar to the troll challenge; go left to see Fluffy. Play the flute by pressing L and follow him trying not to lose stamina. When he’s asleep head left through the trapdoor! ****************************************************************************** The Devil’s Snare ****************************************************************************** When you get into the room, you find yourself in a room with lots of roots and trees. Save Ron and Hermione and enter the exit door to go to the next room. First head right, down and left to hit a barrel onto a button. Go right until you get to a moving platform and cross it to meet a new enemy, this only appears in this challenge. It is called the Devil’s Snare and to kill it; hit the pot of fire behind it with Flipendo to burn it. Step on a button, go back across the moving platform and continue heading right, then down. When you see some moving platforms and make your way left, behind a Devil’s Snare. Kill it and head on a moving platform to get in front of it. Go down and right to step on a button. Get on some more moving platforms to make your way back to where you saw them. Go down to hit a Flipendo block and left, down and left until you come to a mirror. Move it with Alohomora and head up a passage. Kill two gnomes and a Devil’s Snare to hit two objects beside it with Avifors. Go back down the passage to head left and up to some black. Move across it on a moving platform and up to hit two Flipendo Blocks. Go up to step on a button and head back to move a mirror. Go up; kill a Devil’s Snare and head across a bridge. Kill the last Devil’s Snare and head through the exit door with Ron and Hermione to complete the challenge! ****************************************************************************** Puzzles ****************************************************************************** First, you have to catch the flying key; this is just like Quidditch but a little bit harder. Next, you play Wizard’s Chess; when the chess pieces land on a button, hit them with Flipendo so they stay there. On the last button, Ron sacrifices himself to leave you and Hermione to go into the next room! Now you’re in the main part of the challenge; the aim of it is to collect four ingredients for the Black Fire potion, mix the potion drink it and go through some fire. Go up and right through the top right hand door and hit a Flipendo Block. Head down, right and up, kill a Blue Gnome and move two Flipendo Blocks. Move a statue out of the way with Wingardium Leviosa and go right and up to move another one. Kill a Blue Gnome, move a Flipendo and go right to hit a button on the wall to turn a bridge. Go down, across it and move a statue onto a button. Go down and left to move another statue onto the button, get the first ingredient and head back to the start of the room. This time take the bottom right hand door; go down to move a statue onto a button and kill a Blue Gnome. Go right and move four Flipendo Blocks to make a path. Go up to move a statue left onto a button and left to get the second ingredient; head back to the start of the room again. Take the top left door this time and go right to kill three Blue Gnomes. Go down through a door to guide some Doxies into a Green Monster. Go right to open a door with Alohomora and up to get the third ingredient; go back to the start of the room yet again. Take the bottom left door and go down to find the most complicated part of the whole challenge. Move all the barrels and statues onto buttons to open a door. (If you are stuck on this, see the tips) Go down to enter the door, get the last ingredient, and go back to the start of the room for the last time. Mix the Black Fire potion and head up through the fire to see what comes next. ****************************************************************************** Voldermort ****************************************************************************** This is the last challenge of the game and is split into two parts; Voldermort A and Voldermort B. *** A *** To do this when Voldermort fires spells at you hide behind the roof joists so they crack. When he’s hit each one twice of the four the floor disappears and you fall in black. *** B *** Next, you find yourself in the room with Voldermort and the mirror of Erised. When he fires spells at you hide behind it so they reflect back and hit him. When he is going to the other side of the room, turn the mirror around with Flipendo and hide behind the other side. When Voldermort has lost all his stamina the challenge is complete! ****************************************************************************** 3. Legacy ****************************************************************************** This guide is only copyright with the writer’s permission, which can be found at the email address agent1496@hotmail.com Put the subject as "Harry Potter FAQ copyright" and explain your reason within the email; thank-you. *** Website Permission *** The website addresses listed below are able to use my FAQs and will get any updates posted. www.gamefaqs.com (The FPS Dude) www.neoseeker.com (The GGs) www.ign.com (The_FPS_Dude) Any other websites that wishes to have my FAQs posted on their website, please email me at the email address agent1496@hotmail.com. ****************************************************************************** 4. Version History ****************************************************************************** Version Final (43k) - This is basically the whole walkthrough in one version and everything else. Was written out about a year ago but was made into a FAQ recently.