| | _ \ | | | | _` | __| __| | | | | _ \ __| __| _ \ __| ___ | ( | | | | | ___/ ( | | | __/ | _| _|\__,_|_| _| \__, | _| \___/ \__|\__|\___|_| ____/ Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone FAQ by TripleJump Copyright (c) 2006 TripleJump Created: December 12, 2006 Last Updated: April 15th, 2008 ================================================================================ 1. Introduction 2. Characters 3. Walkthrough 4. Spells 5. Quidditch 6. Enemy List 7. Chocolate Frog Cards 8. Pumpkin Pasties 9. Other Items 10. Endings to the Game 11. Bean Flavours 12. Frequently Asked Questions 13. Credits/Closing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Introduction---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was nothing about that starry sky that night to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be happening. As unsuspecting Muggles slept, a huge motorbike with a giant astride it tumbled down from the darkness. The giant, named Hagrid, left a blanket wrapped bundle on the doorstep of Number 4, Privet Drive. Nestled in the bundle was a baby...Harry Potter...The Boy Who Lived. For the next 11 years Harry lived with his dreadful step parents, the Dursleys. Until that fateful day, when he recieved the letter inviting him to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hagrid took Harry to Diagon Alley, to purchase a most unusual list of school supplies. Soon after, Harry caught the Hogwarts Express from Platform 9 3\4's and left the Muggle world far behind. Harry sat beneath the Sorting Hat. hoping that he would not be chosen for Slytherin over Gryffindor. 'Not Slytherin, eh?' said the hat in his ear. 'You could be great, its all here in your head, and Slytherin would help you on your way to greatness. No? Well if your sure better be...GRYFFINDOR!!!' Hello good reader, it is I! TripleyJumply. Bringing you another pathetically small file that will only get 5 hits at most. Anyway, this is Guide File #15, so I may be gaining some slight skills in the art of the FAQ. This FAQ is for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the very first game I ever had for my GBA. I remember wanting to write a FAQ about this game when I was 8. It turned out... pretty bad. I also barely understood copyright and may have had some taken from Schlave's awesome FAQ. I used some of the info from the rejected, bad FAQ in this guide (after polishing it up a little bit). So I apoligize ahead for the idiocy. In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry learns that he is a wizard, and after 10 years of torture, labor and his hateful aunt and uncle, he leaves and finds himself a celebrity in a world full of magic, trolls and ghosts. He finds his arch enemy, and must defeat him for a second time, or the magic world will be in darkness forever. Only since this is a Video Game, YOU get to be Harry and do all of the butt-kicking, world saving, flying action of the magical world of Harry Potter. To be Harry, you must know how to control Harry. So read below. ---- Directional Pad - Move Harry in the Indicated Direction. A - Talk/Examine B - Cast Spell (Once you have learned one) R - Cycle through all available spells L - Play Hagrid's Flute (Once you have obtained it) Start - Options Select - In-game Menu (Maps, Items, Chocolate frogs, etc.) There are several sections I will include later. Including some more of the guide, more characters, and a list of enemies and their weaknesses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Characters------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPOILER ALERT! Harry Potter - The Boy Who Lived Harry is a brave, reckless fellow who has a knack for attracting trouble. He is also a wizard, and our main character. He defeated the Dark Lord Voldemort, and had become a celebrity in his world. But for protectional reasons, he was left in the care of his horrid Uncle Dursley and Aunt Petunia. He finds out he is a wizard and finds a way out of his sad life. He takes it and finds many wild adventures, and a rematch with Voldemort. Ronald Weasley - The Poor Friend Ron is Harry's best friend. He comes from a very poor family and is often ridiculed by Slytherin for this reason. He is jealous of Harry's fame and gets used to being shunted to the side. He is willing to sacrifice himself for his friends. Hermione Granger - The Suck-Up Smartypants Hermione is Harry's other close friend. She is a know-it-all, who prefers rules over circumstances. She can be really touchy and rags on your nerves. She always has time to help you and will do it for a friend. Rubeus Hagrid - The Gentle Giant Hagrid is a half-giant, and the gamekeeper at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was Harry's very first friend and stuck up for him. He brought Harry to the Dursley's and led him away. He is a gentle hearted man, but can be very tough when provoked. Voldemort - The Dark Lord The Dark Lord Voldemort is the most feared wizard of all time. People refer to him as "You Know Who" or "He Who Must Not Be Named", as they are frighted of his awful power. Harry stopped him when he was just a boy and he has sworn revenge ever since. He is trying to return to his normal body and will stop at nothing until he does. Albus Dumbledore - The Only One He Ever Feared Albus Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard of the age. He seems to be a frail old man, but when he is in combat mode, LOOK OUT! He does most of the narration of this game, and is usually a calm man in the series. Professor Quirrell - The Dark Lord's Stooge Prof. Quirrell may seem like a nervous, stuttering loser. But in reality, he is a powerful loser that is capable of normal speech. He is the Dark Lord's servant, carrying his master on the back of his head. Professor Snape - The Hook-nosed Greaseball Prof. Snape seems evil. He hates Harry beyond any other student in the school because of his father. Harry's father and his gang of idiots would bully Snape in their youth. Now he is taking it out on Harry. Snape might seem evil because of Book Six, but I think otherwise. Look it up on google. Snape is the head of Slytherin House and is not afraid to favor his house. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Walkthrough----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You start out talking with Ron. Finish the conversation and follow him up the stairs. Draco Malfoy and his friends Crabbe and Goyle confront you. After the short chat, move up out of the entrance hall and into the first floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head up and save at the glowing book. Now simply move up fully and to the next floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Second Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Peeves is at the second floor. After the chat, move up the stairs yet again. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Third Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ron is here. Follow him up to the classroom. If you wander off and don't know where it is, it is to the right. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Defence Against the Dark Arts Class | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Walk over to Professor Quirrel. He will now teach you the Flipendo Knockback Jinx. Getting the movements done all three times nets you a bunch of House Points. Doing it once or twice gets you the Jinx and a few points. Now enter the Flipendo Challenge. Move forward and turn left. Fire a Flipendo on the shield with the Flipendo symbol to turn the bridge. Move right and then hit the barrel several times to get it to the back. Get the challenge star to the left and cross the bridge. This next room has some gnomes. Use the Flipendo Jinx to knock them all out. Once they are both gone, the door opens. Collect the Challenge Star and then get the Bertie Bott bean that is in the vase by casting Flipendo on it. Move up through the open door and turn left. Get the star on the blue carpet and go left further. There are Flipendo Blocks now. Use the Jinx on the block from the side that is opposite the way the hand is pointing. So if the hand points left, then stand on the right side of it and cast. This creates a bridge to the next platform. Rid yourself of the Gnome first. Hit the Flipendo block below you and move over it. Hit the next one that is below you, then turn right and move the block here. Go over it and hit the block to the left. Continue to the right side and head south. Hit the next one, then turn left and fire a flipendo over the chasm at the block to move it into place. Go back a way and cross the two block bridge you made. Get the Challenge star and the bean, then go to the other side. Go south and turn right. Examine the bookcase by walking into it to get a bean. Get the challenge star and go through the open door at the bottom. The door closes. Now kill the two gnomes here. The other door opens and a Challenge Star appears. Get it. The exit door opens. Before you exit, you can get the beans in the buckets below and above you for some beans. Now go back to the start to exit. You get 20 house points for your effort. You can cast Flipendo on your fellow classmates if you do feel so bold. But do not hit Quirrel. Anyway, exit the classroom. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Third Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Hermione Granger is here, and droning on about how you are in History Books. Anyway, head down to the Second Floor. Save on your way out if you want. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Second Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Peeves is here yet again. Does he ever leave? Well, maybe later on he does. But other than that, no. Keep on going down. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You guessed it, continue down into the Entrance hall. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Follow Hermione down and to the left to reach the dungeons. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dungeons | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ignore the save for now. Head up and left to get a pumpkin pasty. Now you can save. Go down and left as far as you can, then go left to get to the Potions class. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Potions Class | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Since you are the last one to class, you have to go to the basement and gather some Vials for the class. But wait, wasn't Malfoy outside the class after you went in? Nevermind. Move left and fire a well placed Flipendo at the center vase to get a vial. Go down and head right. Hit the shield and go over the turned bridge. Step on the switch and go in the opened gate. Go right and cross the bridge. Flipendo the block and step on the switch to release several gnomes. Kill them all and go over the bridge. Get the vial, get some health from the shelf, step on the switch and go all the way back to the big room with the three gates. Head in the other room and go right and move all the barrels onto the switches. There is a bag of beans in the shelf. You can hit the bottom two barrels from the ledge on the other side. There is a vial in one of the vases. Go back to where the path goes up and take the bottom door and get the vial inside and hit the switch. Go back to the three door room and take the last door. Get the vial. Now hit one or two of the blocks. Doesn't matter how many. Then get the vial from the vase and hit the shield. Go in the open door. Hit the barrel along the way and use it to knock over the gnomes. Then collect the last vial. Go all the way back to the exit and leave. Snape now assigns you the task of collecting some ingredients for a Wiggenweld Potion. Leave the class. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dungeons | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head back to the Entrance Hall. Save on the way out if you desire. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ron will now give you a tip about Hagrid having an Ingredient. Ron will now move to the grounds. Follow him. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Castle Grounds | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ignore Ron for now and head down to the Greenhouses. Go to the right of Greenhouse one and go south next to the tree at the bottom. You are in a secret area with a few enemies. Kill the first gnome and get the bean. Move the barrel so it takes out the Gnomes. The blue one can take two Flipendos, and the normal one is easy. Now move a safe distance away and hit the bush four times until it disappears. Note that the brambles that leave it go twice as far last time. In the next spot is.. MORE GNOMES! Kill them and get the bean, then destroy the next bush the same way. The next spot has a load of Fire Crabs. Defeat them with 2-3 Flipendo hits to them. A pumpkin pasty appears after they are dead. Move back up to the Grounds. Hagrid's area is to the left. Go up the grounds until you see a sign and enter the path to the left of it. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hagrid's Area | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Start by moving left and killing the gnome. Hit the bush blocking the path four times. Kill the gnome here and avoid the crack in the ground and the mushrooms. Head down and turn left. Go up and over the path, then blast the bush here. Kill the gnome behind it and Flipendo the log over the water twice. Now go to the other log and hit it along. There is a bag of beans in a bucket on the way over. After you reach the east part, move up and kill the gnome. Get the bean in the bush. Kill the gnome around the cracked ground. Go down. Kill the other gnome. Go down further and kill this gnome. Get rid of the two bushes. Go in and search the berry bush to get the Morgan Le Fay Chocolate Frog. On the opposite side of the bush, there is a dirt patch by tree's. You can walk through it. You can't get the item in the chest yet, but remember this place. Go up, left, up, left and kill the gnome, then get the bean. Blast the bush out of the way and Enter Hagrid's Hut. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hagrid's Hut | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Save at the save point and exit at the other side of the hut. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hagrid's Garden | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go left and up. Fire a Flipendo at the pod-like item and roll it up, then hit it from the left side so it goes right. This weighs down the pressure switch and allows you to go on the now moving platform. Get on it and reach the other side of the pit. Turn left and kill the gnome, then continue left. Go further left and kill the second gnome. Head down and stand so that you can hit the pod on the left. Hit it so it lands on the switch. Take this opportunity to aim down and hit the bush. Now go where the pod used to be and down. Hit the pod here right, down and then kill the gnome. Go to the left of the pod, just behind the pit and hit the bush through the small crack by aiming diagonally. It cannot reach you with it's spikes. Demolish the other bush to the left and then hit the pod along to the right, then down. Back off and break the other bush here, then get the gnome. Go down and get the bean. Head back up and hit the pod left, down and left. Kill the gnome and hit the pod up, then left. Now take this time to get rid of the bush and the gnome that you can reach from here. Hit the pod up, then go left and kill the gnome. Move the hand block out of the way and move the pod up. Hit the switch to the left and go on the block to the other side. Kill the gnome and replenish your health with the bean bag. The bush to the left has the Newt Scamander Frog Card. Go down and kill the three gnomes and get the bean. Keep heading down and then hit the pod right. Go back up. Head right and search the bush to the far right for a bag of beans. Go down, kill the gnome and remove the bushes. Get the bag of beans and hit the block down. Hit the pod right, up, left, up, left, up. Now go up, then left to the moving block place. Be careful, falling of makes you redo this. Go across the platforms carefully and collect the dittany sprig, as well as the beans. Now go back all the way to the start. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Castle Grounds | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head across the grounds to the right side to reach flying lessons. It's near the top right of the grounds between two concrete walls. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Flying Lessons | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Neville broke his wrist. Oh no! Malfoy stole his Remembrall. Now you must recover it for him. Follow Malfoy closely and go through each trail of stars. Use A to accelerate yourself. The faster you do it, the more the bottom bar fills. When it is full, press B or A to grab the ball when close to your hand. Madam Hooch catches you doing this and gets mad, then decides to give you the Gryffindor seeker position. Yay! Now go left to leave. Oh no! Malfoy and his thugs challenge you to a duel. Leave the area. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Castle Grounds | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go up to the castle. Ron is waiting. Follow him inside. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go upstairs to the First Floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go upstairs to the Second Floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Second Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go upstairs to the Third Floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Third Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go up to the fourth floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fourth Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Here we see Ronald. Follow him up to a secret passage. To get in, search the bookcase. Yay! +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Secret Passage | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go up the stairs here. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Seventh Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Talk to Hermione and go to the Fat Lady portrait. Examine the Fat Lady portrait to get inside after Hermione tells you the password. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Gryffindor Common Room | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Talk to Hermione in front of the fireplace. You now Learn Alohomora. Let's hope you saved earlier. You can get a Pumpkin Pasty for doing this three times. After this, move upstairs and save here. Just in case you mess up the next part. Anyway, exit the common room. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Seventh Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You start at floor seven and have to sneak downstairs to floor 3. Go down and Alohomora the door here. Move left and up, avoiding the Prefect here. Go left then down and Alohomora the door here. Go in, then up while the prefect is ahead of you, and the other one is on the other side. Continue up and hide by the door. Then keep going up. Turn right and keep going. There are several walls, as well as prefects going left and right here. Wait for them to go left, and go down from the right side. At the bottom, wait for the third one to go down, then wait at the corner where the two walls make a corner. Stay here and you can be safe as long as you face up. Wait for him to go by, then go down and to the Flipendo shield. This will only work when the prefect is coming up, not across. Hit the Flipendo shield and go back up to the top by taking the spot to the left instead of the right. Go to the right from the top and on the right side you can enter the door that was locked. You now get a Pasty at the Observatory. Go back down and to the shield again. Go down, right and open the door. Go up, right and down now to get to the sixth floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sixth Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go left and up. Wait inbetween the crack in the door and let the prefect go in front of you, then back to the right. Run into the nook and wait. He goes past you and you can now go to the right. Go up, left, up and left. Hide in the picture nook and then go right and down. There is a chest. Alohomora it to gain a Bowman Wright Chocolate Frog card. Go back up and make your way right, avoid the prefect you already passed by using a nook, then get past the other one on the right by going down. Go down through the narrow passage. There is a large amount of prefects here. Wait for one to go right, then go up. Waiting inbetween the pillar and the wall. When the top one goes right, go up and right so you are next to the part of the wall that is jutting out. Wait for the prefect to pass and go right. Go down and past the gargoyle through the small opening in the wall. Come up the left one and wait for the prefect to go left. Quickly sneak left and go down the next opening here. Wait for the prefect to go right and hide in the alcove. Then let the prefect pass and continue right. Go down, left and down the stairs. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fifth Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go left and hide in the alcove just before the bookcases. Let the prefect pass and go left. Go up. If you want a bean bag, go right and open the chest. Then go back to the far left. Head up and wait for the prefect to go right. Go up then right. Head all the way over and go down. Hit the switch with Flipendo, then go back from whenst you came. Go down and right, cross over the bridge and go up. Hide in the alcove and wait for the prefect to pass. Go right, down and left. Unlock this door and keep going down. Head straight down the stairs. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fourth Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go right and Alohomora the mirror. Go up, right, up and wait for the prefect to go left, then hide in the alcove. Go left, down, left and up to the top. You should obviously avoid the prefects. Go right and down. Flipendo the gargoyle statue and go to the door to the right. Go down, right, up and right and cast Flipendo on this gargoyle. Go back to the left and down. Wait for the prefect to move and head down. Wait for this one to move and go right into a nook. As usual, wait for the prefect to pass, then go right and down. Wait for the prefect here and hide. Then go left after he passes you. Go down and through the door. Wait here until the prefect is going on the top part of the wall. Then take the bottom. Go left and down the stairs. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Third Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go left, down and save. After all this work, you deserve a break. Go up and left past Filch. Now you have to go in the open door with the jars in front of it. The Trophy Room is locked. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Secret Passage | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Just follow the path until you comment on the Giant dog. Continue left all the way and open the locked door. Go in it. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Trophy Room | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Malfoy is here. He locks your legs together and you are now stuck as Snape is coming. Go all the way up and Alohomora the mirror to find your escape. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Trophy Room Secret Passage | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Save, then go up and smash the vase. Hit the shield and take the platform across the chasm. Go up and left and open the chest to get the Godric Gryffindor Chocolate Frog card. Go right, up, right and down. Hit the switch to turn the bridge, but Snape also comes. Just wait it out, then follow him back over the bridge and hide in the first nook. Pull a prefect on the old Snapester and go down. Hit the block and cross. the newly created spot. Go down, right and hit the block here. Avoid Snape and take the left side. There is a bean in one of the Vases. Now hit the two blocks (one of them is up at the top) over to make Snape move along up and away from you. Follow him and pull another prefect move. Go right and open either the left or right one and hit the block. The one on the right is at the top spot to the left. The one on the right you can touch, so no trouble. Go down the newly created path, then down and out. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fourth Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go right and pass between the prefects. Keep going right and then up. Do a dodge in the alcoves to pass the prefect. Go right and up, then pull another one. Go right and up. Go left and all the way over. Go down and slip past the prefect here. Go around and up. Find your way back from here to the secret passage. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Secret Passage | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go up to the seventh floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Seventh Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go to the Fat Lady and enter the Common Room. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Gryffindor Common Room | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Talk to Hermione and Ron, then talk again in the morning. Save and exit the Common Room. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Seventh Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ If you didn't get a chance to get the Pasty in the Observatory last night, get it now by hitting the shield in the bottom left hand corner of the room and going in the now open door to the left of the fat lady. Anyway, head downstairs through the main way. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sixth Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go down to the Fifth Floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fifth Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go left and all the way to the side. Go up and turn right. Go up at the first place up, then left and up. Now go right. Hit the shield at the far right, and step on the switch at the top of the Room. Go down and there is a switch near the double bookcase by the stairs. Step on it, then go right and hit the next one. Go up and over the moving block. Go up and hit the next switch, then the door on the right opens. Go in it to be in a closet with a Fire Crab. Kill the Crab to make a pasty appear. Get the beans in the shelf and the bucket to the left. Then leave and go to the fourth floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fourth Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go down to the third floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Third Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go down to the second floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Second Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go down to the First Floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go into the Entrance Hall. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Exit to the Grounds. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Castle Grounds | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go south all the way to the Greenhouses. Go in the one numbered "1". +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Greenhouse 1 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Professor Spout briefs you on the Moly, another ingredient for the potion. Let's get to work on them! Start by going down and right. Search the middle bookshelf for a piece of Moly. Go back to the start part and down. Hit the pod here to the right. Go back into the bookshelves. Go down to the pod you recently moved and go right. There is a pod here at the bottom. Go below it and push it up. Now go to the bookshelves again. Aim so that the pod to the right of the shelves goes down, then hit it right. Then go around top and hit it down. Go back down and enter the opened room. Get the Moly and hit the switch. Go down and left. Then back up to the start. Go left at the start and then downwards. Kill the two snails with several hits to the shell and keep going. Quickly head down and left to avoid the pit. Alohomora the door here to get a piece of Moly. Hit the switch and then go down further. You can kill the snail to get to the bean if you want. Either way, go down and right. Over the bridge we go and hit the block up. Go down now, then left into the open area. Move so that all the Doxies here go into the Venomous Tentaculus. Get the Moly to the left and then go directly above it to hit the switch. Go back to the bridge and you can cross to more Moly, and hit a block. Go back to the Tentaculus and then go to the bottom, then right. Blast the bush out of the way and go right. If you go all the way right, you can get rid of some bushes and get the bag of beans. If not, just continue up and right. Hit the block and go over it, then down. Hit this block. Keep going over it and hit this block right. Go down for the last piece of Moly. Find your way back to the start and Prof. Sprout will give you 30 points. Quidditch time! +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Castle Grounds | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Instead of going to the broom lesson area, go to the quidditch pitch. Which is just below it. Oliver Wood is there, your captain and keeper. He will explain to you the rules. Enter the pitch now. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Quidditch Pitch | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Follow the snitch around. Get close enough to touch the snitch. Now you must go through the hoops the Snitch leaves behind. When the gauge is full, wait until the snitch is in your hand, then press "A" or "B" to catch it. If you lose all the bar's power, its back to going through rings. You have until the blue circle is gold. If you don't do it, you lose. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Castle Grounds | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ron tells you that you won 70 whopping points! Anyway, follow him into the castle. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Save here, then check out some of the Halloween pumpkins. Now go inside the Great Hall. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Great Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go into the next door. Now you automatically find Ron. Oh no! She's missing. Here comes Quirrell, OH NO! A TROLL! Where the heck is Snape going? Exit the hall. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Sneak out past Percy and go up the stairs to Floor 1. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go to the open door to the far left. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Girl's Bathroom | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Oh my god! You are in the Girl's Bathroom! Oh, and there's a troll here too. Go past the troll and in the door at the top left. Downstairs is a whole new world. Who knew Girl's Bathrooms have two floors. Anyway, open the chests here. At the end is a log you can move. Kill the gnome behind it and open the chest to get the Ignatia Wildsmith wizard card. Go topside again and hit the troll's belly when he roars. Direct him so he falls down the giant chasm. This ends the mighty rage of the troll. Uh-Oh, the teachers show up. Holy crap! Fifty points to Gryffindor. You now arrive in the Entrance Hall. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Hermione informs you that you have Transfiguration. Go up to floor one. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ I'd recommend saving, but anyway, go to the right and enter the classroom. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Transfiguration Class | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You now get to learn Avifors. Anyway, now you have Avifors. You get to turn statues of stuff into birds, moving objects out of the way. Now, McGonagall opens the Avifor's Challenge. Enter. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Avifors Challenge | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go up and cast Avifors on the switch that is covered by a rock. Don't bother trying to step on the switch. Just go left through the door. In this room, make the Venomous Tentaculus eat the Doxies. This opens the door out. Now get the bean and star and exit through the top. Another bean is yielded from the bucket above. Go down and hit the block to the right, then go back up. Get the bean and go in the door. Kill the blue gnome and continue. Get the star and head left. Hit the barrel up and Avifors the rock. Go back down through the newly opened door and get the star. A bean is in the bucket next to it. Go up through the other door and hit the blue gnome and get the star at the top. Head right and kill the other gnome. Avifors the other rock on the far right. This opens the door at the bottom. Inside, Flipendo the Gargoyle to have him move on the switch. Leave through the door and get the star. Move left now, then up through the door. The chest contains a bag of beans. To the left is a switch. Avifors it. Hit the last two blocks over and go down and up through them to collect the last star. Head back to the start. 50 points! Now leave. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Get the letter from Hagrid. He has another ingredient. Go down to the Entrance Hall. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go down through the Entrance hall opening and out to the grounds. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Castle Grounds | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head down the path to the bottom. On the way, a bush corral with a statue fence is there. Avifors the fence and inside is the Salazar Slytherin Chocolate Frog Card. Now go back up to Hagrid's Area. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hagrid's Area | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Start by moving left and killing the gnome. Hit the bush blocking the path four times. Kill the gnome here and avoid the crack in the ground and the mushrooms. Head down and turn left. Go up and over the path, then blast the bush here. Kill the gnome behind it and Flipendo the log over the water twice. Now go to the other log and hit it along. There is a bag of beans in a bucket on the way over. After you reach the east part, move up and kill the gnome. Get the bean in the bush. Kill the gnome around the cracked ground. Go down. Kill the other gnome. Go down further and kill this gnome. On the left is that path we went through before, but there wasn't anything of value. Now go in and unlock the chest for a Pumpkin Pasty! Another Bolt to you. Back on the path, go up, left, up, left and kill the gnome, then get the bean. Blast the bush out of the way and enter Hagrid's Hut. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hagrid's Hut | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Save at the book and go out back. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hagrid's Garden | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Outside is Hagrid and Hermione. Wow, you get to go get Flobberworms. Hagrid gives you a flute that you can play with "L". Head over the gap after the conversation with everyone. The other side has two Venomous Tentacula. Lure the Doxies into their grasp to ensure they won't annoy you. Go up past the second one and the mushrooms and hit the switch to bridge the gap. Go over the gap and follow the path along to a bean. A Doxy is below you, get the doxy to follow you and then angle yourself so the Doxy hits the Venomous Tentacula. Head back down the path you came in. Quickly dash down and hit the Flipendo block, then position you so the other doxy is eaten. Go over to the flobberworm you can see and play the flute, keep holding it down and it follows you. Go back to where you came and leave the flobberworm on the switch. Then go left, another Flobberworm is there. Charm them both into following you. Head down from where you found the second one to get to a third. Be sure to get rid of the two doxies around there. Continue down to the bottom and go right. Hit the log over and then take the three Flobberworms to Hagrid. Allow them to be touched by him to have him take them. I just realised something cool, if you go to the bottom right of the garden, you can go to the corner and run diagonally, causing you to jump on the trees. Neat. Anyway, go back up to the moving platform, this time you cross it and move to the right. Kill the blue gnome and go down. Kill the other gnome and leave this flobberworm on the bridge. Cross it and go down. Get the doxy eaten, then charm the flobberworm to the other one. Go right, then up. Get the beans if you want and continue up. Hit the Flipendo block here. Go back to the worms. Head up (without the worms) and kill the blue gnomes. Head up and cross the platforms. Continue up until you come across a bush filled area. Move the Flipendo blocks. Go up to the top and head left to come across a "dead end". Go in there and search the bush for a chocolate frog. (Rowena Ravenclaw). Now head down from there and get the last flobberworm, charm him. Head far to the right and get the doxies into the tentacula. Then hit the blocks at the right, then bring the flobberworm back to it's comrades. Bring the last three down, kill the blue gnome, and go over the switch bridge and to Hagrid. Hermione will give you the Jar of Flobberworm mucus. Then tells you that you have DADA. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hagrid's Hut | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Save at the book and go outside. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hagrid's Area | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go back to the start of the area (you should know it well by now). +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Castle Grounds | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head up to the Castle. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go up to the first floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go up to the Second Floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Second Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go up to the third floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Third Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ron is here. He reviews the Flamel Case with you. Then leads you up to the Defence Against Dark Arts class. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Defence Against the Dark Arts | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Enter and talk to Quirrell to learn the Lumos Spell. The Lumos spell will light up a dark area for a limited amount of time. After you learn it, enter the Lumos Challenge. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Lumos Challenge | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head down and to the right. Cast Lumos and enter the doorway. Unlock the chest to the right for beans. Go down and hit the gnome, then the Gargoyle. The gargoyle moving off of his spot causes the door above to open. Go up there and kill the gnome, then collect the star. The left bookcase holds a bean. Go out the room and to the right. This is where the next door opens after you get the star. Go right, then get the star and head down. Kill the gnome and continue down. Move the barrel, get the star and hit the switch. Head up and through the opened door. Kill the two gnomes, get the star and go downstairs through the ladder door. Cast Lumos. There are many gnomes here. Two are blue. Kill them all and go right, then up. There is a bag of beans in the chest. Then go down. There is a star in the vase. Go right, and there are a ton of beans here. Go up and left to the other side. Then down. Kill the gnome and get the last star in the far right vase. Go out the door, then exit the challenge the way you came. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Defence Against the Dark Arts | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Quirrell ushers you outside. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Third Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ron informs you that the only place we can get the last ingredient is in the Potions Storeroom. Save and go downstairs. If you want, go up to the Gryffindor Common Room and get the Pumpkin Pasty in the bedroom. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Second Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go downstairs. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go down to the entrance hall. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go left into the dungeon. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dungeons | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Another stealth mission. Save before we go. Anyway, head up, then go left. You can make it quickly around the wall that sticks out, and up to the storeroom if you work quickly. Go up and into the storeroom. The Wiggentree Bark is in the bottom left shelf. Snape will come over after you get it, so go to the center, unusual bookcase and search it to open a way out. You now enter a new area. Kill the gnome to the left and then head down. Kill the Slimey snail moving across the bridge. This causes several other switches to appear. Go right and down, then kill the gnome and hit the switch. Go back to the bridge and over. Go around the part then up. Hit the switch, cross the bridge and hit the switch again. Go up and get the bean in the chest if desired. Head back over the bridge and hit the new switch on the other side. Go in the door at the bottom of the path that leads left, back on the other side of the bridge. Head right, then kill the snail. Go left, hit the block and stand on the moving one. Get off at the top, then hit the blocks in the directions required. At the other side, hit the gargoyle and run back to the perimeter on the outside. Go to the left side and take the platform to the other platform, to the last platform, to the door. Allow the door to be opened by the gargoyle. Go left and look out for the gnome that is hiding below the view of your character. At the other side, kill the last two gnomes to open the door. Ignore the enemies and head up. Go right and down, there is the Bertie Bott Wizard Card in the chest. Go up and left back in the hallway, then down. Get the Doxies eaten, then hit the switch. Get the two switches in the doors just to the left or right of this one. Then go down to the moving platform and exit the bottom. You come back out in the dungeons. Head back to the right. Snape is guarding the way into the storeroom, so beware him I'd save on my way out. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ron talks to you about how you are the best at stealing stuff. Not really anything to be proud of, but whatever. Head up the stairs to the First Floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head up the stairs to the second floor, avoiding the prefects in the way. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Second Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head up the stairs to the third floor, avoiding the prefects along the way as last time. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Third Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Save in case you get caught on the way up, and head up the stairs avoiding more prefects in the way. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fourth Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Sadly, Percy is in front of the secret passageway. So we must take the long way to the common room. Head up the stairs. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fifth Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go up forward and right. Head in the open door at the bottom. Go up, right and hit the barrel on the switch. Ignore the moving bookcase and go right. Step on the moving platform and go right, then onto the small ledge. Flipendo the shield you see. Then get on the other platform. Head to the right and at the end, hit the barrel on the switch. Go left and up at the first available spot. Go up, and make your way over the gaps by means of the moving platforms. As you head up and right, take note that as soon as you get off, there is a cracked floor. So move up. Notice the Giant Portrait? Possibly another house's common room portrait? Anyway, hit the shield and get on the platform that comes on the bottom left square. You only get one chance per life to pull that off. So be ready. At the bottom is two cracked squares. So keep moving. Unlock the chest for the Helga Hufflepuff Wizard Card. Does this suggest that this is Hufflepuff's house area? Head on the platform that is going up. After going about a mile, step off and go left. Then head on the platform down. Step off back onto land. Phew. You, like me, probably had a few close calls! At the end, cast Avifors on the statue to get the platforms on the other side moving. This also makes the last platform you stepped on go to the bottom, taking a huge shortcut back to the main floor area. Go back down, left and up at the farthest left platform. Then go up and in the bookcase secret passageway. Go up over the platforms, then in the door. Go over to the Mirror you see in the next room. Dumbledore sees you. Uh oh. He is cool with it. Go back out the side door to go to floor 5. Head up the stairs. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sixth Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head up the stairs. No prefects are here. Dumbledore's doing no doubt. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Seventh Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go over to the Fat Lady and enter the common room. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Common Room | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Talk to Ron to end the night. You begin in the Entrance Hall next morning. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After a brief conversation with Ron, save and head into the Dungeons. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dungeons | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head over to the Potions Classroom. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Potions Class | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Snape remarks about how you three were the only ones to get the ingredients. Now walk up to the cauldron to end the class. Leave. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dungeons | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go back out to the Entrance Hall. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head up to the first floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go up to the second floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Second Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go up to the Charms Class, but do not enter. Go left and Alohomora the mirror. Then get the Cornelius Agrippa card behind the mirror. Now we can enter Charms. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Charms Class | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go to Flitwick and learn Wingardium Leviosa. Now enter the challenge. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Wingardium Leviosa Challenge | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Read the first note and go to the left to the group of switches. They need pressure to stay down. Go up and hit the shield after getting the star. Move the statues with Wingardium Leviosa onto the switches. Head down, left, up, right, up and get the star. Go through the door. Cast wingarium Leviosa on the statue on the other side. Move it to the switch to create a bridge across. On the other side, you can use Wingarium Leviosa on the same statue and bring it to the very last switch you can see. Hit the shield to cause rocks to appear. Levitate them on the other switches. Then go past them all. Hit the bottom right vase for a bag of beans if needed. Anyway, get one of the rocks on this side and levitate this to the far right switch. Then cross the bridge to the star. Go in the door and get the next star. Head downstairs. Get the star here, then get the bag of beans from the chest if needed. Kill the fire turtles if you want. Anyway, head up the ladder and out the door here. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Charms Class | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You get thirty house points. Now leave. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Second Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ron reminds you about the match against Hufflepuff. Go downstairs. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Save and exit downstairs. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Enter the dungeons to the left. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dungeons | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Enter the Potions Classroom to the left. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Potions Class | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Open the bookcase at the top to discover a hidden passage! Enter and Avifors the statues. Avoid the cauldron spill and head up. Avifors the switch, and go to the other side using the platforms. Then Wingardium Leviosa the statue off the switch. Cross the bridge and set it back down. Open the chest for the Derwent Shimpling Chocolate Frog Wizard Card. Now go back all the way out to the dungeons. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dungeons | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Save, and go back out to the Entrance Hall. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ To the castle grounds, AWAY! +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Castle Grounds | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go down to Greenhouse #6. This house is forbidden to first years, and prefects will dock points if you are spotted. So sneak around to the Pumpkin Pasty. Head down to the Quidditch Pitch. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Quidditch Pitch | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Follow the snitch around. Get close enough to touch the snitch. Now you must go through the hoops the Snitch leaves behind. When the gauge is full, wait until the snitch is in your hand, then press "A" or "B" to catch it. If you lose all the bar's power, its back to going through rings. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Castle Grounds | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After the Match, Hermione tells you that she doesn't know who Nicolas Flamel is. She then tells you that the only way you will find out is if you go to the Library Restricted section. Brilliant plan Herimone. Go into the castle. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ What the..? It's nighttime! It used to be daytime like five seconds ago! Anyway, go up the stairs. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Avoid the Prefects and go to the Second Floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Second Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go left and to the library. Hermione is waiting outside for you. Before you enter the library, search the bookshelves outside for a Pumpkin pasty. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Restricted Section | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head up the stairs and take a left. There is a switch. Get a statue from the door to the further left and place it on this. Head back to the Main area and go right. At the top is a little bookcase. Search it to open a secret passage. Go left, and Avifors the switch. Then enter the little cave door. Go inside and kill the Fire Turtle, then go in the next room. Get the Edgar Stroulger wizard card and exit the area. Go back to the door with the statues and go in the door. Go to the right and cross the bridge. Go up, and left at the fork. Avifors the switch and continue to the left. Then up, left and down. Flipendo the block and go left. Head Down, Left, Up and Flipendo. Continue up and open the next bookcase door. Hit the barrel down and go right. Search the small bookcase and go right. Continue down and move the barrel. At the bottom, go left and search the first bookcase for a thing of beans. Cross the bridge and search the fourth bookcase for a Pumpkin Pasty! Go down and hit the block. Search the imbedded bookshelf to the left for the Flamel book! Go back up the way you came and over the bridge. Hit the switch that appears with Avifors. Continue back around and down. Head over the bridge and exit to the right. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Third Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ On your way out, you have to Flipendo a block, then Wingardium Leviosa a rock out of the way. Now go right as you are outside. Oh no! Snape is here. Get caught and then head upstairs. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fourth Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go up to the secret passageway, which is unguarded this time. Go up to the seventh floor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Seventh Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Enter the common room. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Common Room | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Talk to Hermione to be briefed on the finer points of the Philosopher's Stone, a legendary stone that turns pure metal into gold, and produces the Elixir of Life. Making you immortal. Cool. Now you begin at the Great Hall next morning. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Great Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After a short scene, go up and open the chest in the Great Hall to get the Merlin Chocolate Frog Wizard Card, then exfil to the Entrance Hall. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go outside to the Grounds. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Castle Grounds | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go down to the Quidditch Pitch. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Quidditch Pitch | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Follow the snitch around. Get close enough to touch the snitch. Now you must go through the hoops the Snitch leaves behind. When the gauge is full, wait until the snitch is in your hand, then press "A" or "B" to catch it. If you lose all the bar's power, its back to going through rings. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Castle Grounds | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Hagrid Calls on you for your detention. Go left over to Hagrid's Area. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hagrid's Area | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go over to Hagrid's Hut. Although just outside is Hagrid. Go in the opening in the trees next to him. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Forbidden Forest | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Save, then head over the bridge. Go up and remove the bushes in your way. Kill the to blue gnomes here and go right. Remove the bushes in your way with the four flipendo hits and go up. Head left until you see some doxies. Continue to the left, drawing doxies after you. Eventually you will see a giant mud pit. To the left of that is a Venemous Tentacula. Lure the doxies into it. Head up (on the left side) to find a snail, rock and a platform. Cast avifors upon the rock to start the platform. Cross it to get a bag of beans (which you surely will need, considering you have taken a lot of doxy damage). Return to the other side and go down. You come across a gnome, a tentacula and several doxies. Dispatch them as usual and head down. At the bottom, go left. See that silvery stuff? That's unicorn blood. Walk right into the big pile of it to move on to the next area. Wow! A troll! Ignore it and go left, over the platform and head down and left. There is a unicorn. A figure looking like Quirrell comes over, avoid him as he damages you, then you get a cutscene ending this section. Now we have to escape though. Ignore the troll and go down in through the trees. Take the left side of the puddle and go down. Head through the trees at the bottom and remove the bush blocking the exit. Go down and right, through the trees. Hit the block and cross the bridge. Kill the two snails and go up. At the other side, go left. There are a ton of doxies here and a venemous tentacula. Head straight up to get the last pumpkin pasty, then go back down to the tentacula, then out right. Head all the way to your right to finish the level. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hagrid's Hut | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Save first, then talk to the Hagrid man! You are sent back to the castle automatically. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Entrance Hall | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After a short talk with the gang, head up the stairs. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head straight forward and up the stairs, dodging prefects along the carpet. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Second Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head straight forward and up the stairs. Dodging any prefects you come across. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Third Floor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head left, dodging the prefects and go down. There is an open door on the bottom of the screen. Enter it. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Third Floor Corridor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head around the top. The Gnomes will sometimes hurt themselves on the spikes. Kill the gnomes and go left. Now go up, around the pits and Alohomora the mirror here. Go up, and over the small path and Flipendo the shield. Go left for a bean and an Albus Dumbledore Famous Wizard Card. Go down and over the bridge before the shield clicks and the bridge turns. Move the wizard statue onto the switch to the right and go in the open door. Cast Lumos. Go from platform to platform to get to the other side. Go left, kill the fire crab and open the mirror with Alohomora. Hit the Flipendo switch and go right and up, through the door. Continue up and left to the first challenge room. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fluffy | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Fluffy. Fluffy can be calmed by music. First, get beans from the vases. Then run back and forth with Fluffy, playing the music with L until the bar is full. If he bites you, you restart. Then go left and jump down the trapdoor. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Devil's Snare | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is the second challenge room: Devil's Snare. You have to get some form of light or fire to kill it. Hmm. Start by heading right and saving. Go down and left, and push the barrel onto the switch. Head right, ignoring the path down. Go over the moving platform above you and flipendo the fire to have it hit the Devil's Snare. Step on the switch. Continue right and go down. Cross the platforms, hitting the fire with Flipendo before you get to it (still on platforms) then cross to the platform by going down, then left. Get the bag of beans and go down. Head right and hit the switch here. This causes a block to appear. Take the two platforms back to the main area and hit the block down and go over it. Head to the right. Follow the path to a Devil's Snare. Defeat it for a Chocolate Frog Card (The last one). Go back to the fork in the road. Head down and left. Follow the path to the end. Alohomora the mirror, go up and kill the two gnomes. Hit the fire to kill the snare and get the bean from under the rock, then use Avifors on the switch. Head left and over the platform. Hit the block to go over the platform. It disappears and another one appears. Hit it here and go up. Continue up and hit the switch here. Then go back around to the mirror and hit it. Go up and kill the Devil's Snare. Head up over the bridge and free Ron and Hermione from the last Snare, then go in the door. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Flying Key Room | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The third challenge is a Quidditch one. You have to catch the flying key that is correct. This one is much harder than the normal quidditch, due to the large amount of keys that will bash you. Not good. You only do the second and third part of Quidditch. You follow the Key, going through the rings and then getting close enough so you can catch the Key. Yay! After we have it, go up and through the door. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Giant Chessboard | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is the Fourth Challenge, a chess match. Actually, it's much easier. Wait for the giant pieces to get on a switch, then hit it with Flipendo to freeze it in place. Freeze all of them but one switch, which Ron stays on so you can advance. Go up and you are in the Final Challenge before Voldemort. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Black Fire Potion Room | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The Black Fire Potion. You have to get more ingredients. Head up to the top right door and hit the block down. Go over it and go around the edge and hit the block up. Kill the Blue Gnome here and hit the block left, then the other one down. Move the rock with Wingardium Leviosa, then do the same with the other. Kill the Blue Gnome and go right over the block you need to push down. Hit the Flipendo shield and go down. Cast Wingardium Leviosa on the rock and move it to the switch. Move the other rock onto the switch and get the potion ingredient. Go back to the main area in the center. Go in the bottom right door. Head right and move the rock onto the switch. Go down and kill the Blue Gnome. Hit the block to the right, stand on it and hit the other one. Stand on that one and hit the last one, then get the one above you. Head right for some beans, and then go up over the blocks. Go up through the door and move the rock onto the switch, then get the potion ingredient. Head back to the main room in the center. Go into the upper left room now. Go up to the giant open room and kill the three Blue Gnomes. Get the two beans if needed and go down through the door. Lure the three doxies into the Venomous Tentacula. Use Alohomora on the top left locked down. Go up and get the Blue Fire Potion ingredient, go to the bottom right of the room and unlock this door. Kill the Blue Gnome and get the bean. Go back to the main room (it unlocks after you get the ingredient). Head into the bottom left room. Here, go left until you see a horizontally laid barrel (-, not |). Move it down onto the switch. Go right and hit this barrel left until it is on the switch. To do this, hit it to the far left and up against the chasm, then hit it back to the right. Hit the other horizontal barrel down, and hit the barrel that started next to it right. Hit it to the far right on the switch. Move the two blocks on the right to the bottom left of the area, on the two lone switches, then get the last one on the one near the barrel that is horizontal. This unlocks the door. Go inside and get the last ingredient. Head back to the main room. Walk up to the cauldron to make a switch appear, and Hermione approaches. She tells you to drink the potion. You then get a touching moment, and a door ahead opens. Go up and into it to face Voldemort. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Voldemort Phase A | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Save at the book (very good idea). Move up to the top to see Sna... Quirrell? What the heck? Where's Snape? It turns out Quirrell is holding Voldemort beneath his turban. That's just GREAAAAAAAT. You then insult him and get him to order Quirrell to kill you. Even better. Start by getting close to Quirrell (keep your distance, but in range). He will stop for a few seconds and launch a curse at you. You have no chance to block it or dodge it, as it homes in on you. Run behind a pillar so that the curse hits the pillar. Two curses from Quirrell will break a pillar. Break all the pillars by making the curses hit them. If you have trouble, there are four beans in buckets around at the four corners of the room. collect them as needed. After the pillars are all broken, the floor collapses. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Voldemort Phase B | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The second phase is a little more interesting. The Mirror of Erised is present here. Quirrell launches the same old curses at you. Hide behind the mirror, and it reflects the curse back at him. But only if it hits the shiny part. (Duh). See those serpents at the bottom of the screen? That represents his health. After every four or so attacks, he will switch it up a little by sending the skulls on the ground after you. You can Flipendo them for some health, or dodge them by moving so that it hits the mirror. The second is reccomended. After he pulls the second, he moves sides of the room. Cast Flipendo on the mirror to change it's direction, protecting you on the next side. Repeat this until he is finished by his own curse. After you kill him, he runs towards you and starts choking you, and you pass out. Ending up in the hospital wing. Watch the ensuing cutscenes. And hope you got the good endings. Enjoy the credits and congratulate yourself for winning the Harry Potter game! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------Spells-------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------+ |Flipendo| +--------+ Flipendo is the basic and most used spell you have. It knocks things back. It hits the shields and turns things. It kills the enemies in your way. This is taught to you by Professor Quirrell in your very first Defence against the Dark Arts Lesson. +---------+ |Alohomora| +---------+ Alohomora is a spell that unlocks things. It is used on doors and chests. Hermione teaches you this spell in the Common room, so you can sneak around at night to "duel" Malfoy. Although she didn't know. +-------+ |Avifors| +-------+ Avifors turns statues into birds. Not the most useful spell, but it does assist you in getting several Chocolate Frog cards. Avifors is learned in Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall. The Head of your house. +-----+ |Lumos| +-----+ Lumos is a spell that ilLUMOnateS the area around you. The dark areas at night are no longer dark. You can learn this spell in the second Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Professor Quirrel +------------------+ |Wingardium Leviosa| +------------------+ Wingardium Leviosa, the ability to make things fly. Wingardium Leviosa is learned in Charm's class with Professor Flitwick. It can be used on some special objects to move them around the room and drop them on switches. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Quidditch------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quidditch is the Wizarding World's sole sport. You play it on broomsticks. There are 3 kinds of balls. The Quaffle, 3 Chasers pass the quaffle and try to score on three gold hoops. Like the sticks children blow bubbles out of, only 100 times bigger. A Keeper on each team protects the hoops from being scored on. The second is the Bludgers. The Bludgers fly around like cannonballs trying to knock players off of their brooms. There are two beaters with bats on each team who have to beat the Bludgers away from their team and at the opponent's team. The third ball is the Golden Snitch. It is tiny, about the size of a walnut. The Seeker has to catch the very fast, near impossible to see ball. The game only ends when the ball is caught. The Seeker who catches it gets 150 points to his team, so they almost always win. In this game, you play as Harry, the Seeker. To win at Quidditch, do the below: Follow the snitch around. Get close enough to touch the snitch. Now you must go through the hoops the Snitch leaves behind. When the gauge is full, wait until the snitch is in your hand, then press "A" or "B" to catch it. If you lose all the bar's power, its back to going through rings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Enemy List------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Garden Gnomes ------------- The Garden Gnomes are the plain old pesky bums that you find in almost every area. They take a chunk out of your health with every bite they take. If you get too close, they begin to chase you and will pursue for a while. You can dodge them easily, as you run faster. Hitting them with one Flipendo Knockback Jinx will put them down for the count. ------------------ Blue Garden Gnomes ------------------ The Blue Garden Gnomes are the plain old pesky bums that you find in almost every area. They take a chunk out of your health with every bite they take. If you get too close, they begin to chase you and will pursue for a while. You can dodge them easily, as you run faster. Hitting them with two Flipendo Knockback Jinxes will put them down for the count. This is what makes them different from the normal gnomes, they go down, but aren't dead. They will stand back up, ready for another attack. --------- Fire Crab --------- The Fire Crabs are turtles, they run around in their shells. Which are heavily armored. They will sometimes stop and shoot a fireball out of the rear end at you, but this can be avoided. It travels in a straight line and doesn't move. It takes three Jinxes to take it out. After it is hit, it rolls on it's back and is invulernable to your attacks until it gets back on it's feet. It cannot hurt you when it is on it's back. ----------- Giant Snail ----------- The Giant Snail has many ways to damage, but it is unlikely that it actually will. It moves, leaving a trail of slime in it's path. The slime lasts a few seconds and vanishes. During the time it is there, it can damage you. The snail itself is equipped with a spiked shell for offense and defence. Touching it will harm you, and it takes three mighty hits with the Jinx to bring it down. ------ Doxies ------ Doxies are annoying. They buzz around different areas (anywhere that isn't very clean basically) and try to bite you. They will pursue until they are offscreen from you. You may run faster, but they will get you on turns. You can only stun them with Flipendo, it pushes them back as well. The only way to permanently dispatch them is by getting them to fly into our next enemy, the Venomous Tentacula. This makes it eat them, saving you. ------------------ Venomous Tentacula ------------------ These monsters aren't very dangerous, unless you are an idiot. They sit there in one spot, invincible for all time. You only get damaged if you touch them. They will eat the annoying doxies that follow you, a good trade. They shouldn't be a problem as long as you aren't stupid or avoid accidents. ------------- Devil's Snare ------------- The Devil's Snare is like an upgraded Venomous Tentacula. It sits there in one spot, but spits out damaging seeds. Giving it a ranged attack. It is impervius to your magic attacks, but if you use the magic on some fire, it will burn the plant to death. ----------------- Prefects/Teachers ----------------- These "enemies" will not harm you as an individual. They will instead dock you house points. They are necessary to win the house cup. They come out at night, to stop you from sneaking around at night. They are also in the secret Greenhouse, preventing you from moving freely. They can't be killed, if you hit one, you just get caught. So don't try. Just avoid them as you stealthily move around. ------ Trolls ------ The biggest, baddest, dumbest enemy of them all. The troll is very strong, it won't take damage from your spells. However, you can knock it back when it leans back to roar at you with Flipendo. This won't be effective, unless there is a giant hole nearby that you can push him into. This causes him to fall to his doom. Not all Troll enemies are near them, though. He trys to club you, dodge it first and then hit him. Simple as that. --------- Voldemort --------- There are two phases to Voldemort, he is refferred to as "Quirrell" because he is partially inhabiting Quirrell's body, and has control of him. He has two attacks, besides the fact that touching him is damaging. He has a green curse (possibly Avada Kedavra, but it doesn't kill you in one hit), and he also hits you with skulls on the ground of his second phase. He is too strong for your curses, and needs a taste of his own medicine. Start by getting close to Quirrell (keep your distance, but in range). He will stop for a few seconds and launch a curse at you. You have no chance to block it or dodge it, as it homes in on you. Run behind a pillar so that the curse hits the pillar. Two curses from Quirrell will break a pillar. Break all the pillars by making the curses hit them. If you have trouble, there are four beans in buckets around at the four corners of the room. collect them as needed. After the pillars are all broken, the floor collapses. The second phase is a little more interesting. The Mirror of Erised is present here. Quirrell launches the same old curses at you. Hide behind the mirror, and it reflects the curse back at him. But only if it hits the shiny part. (Duh). See those serpents at the bottom of the screen? That represents his health. After every four or so attacks, he will switch it up a little by sending the skulls on the ground after you. You can Flipendo them for some health, or dodge them by moving so that it hits the mirror. The second is reccomended. After he pulls the second, he moves sides of the room. Cast Flipendo on the mirror to change it's direction, protecting you on the next side. Repeat this until he is finished by his own curse. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------Chocolate Frog Cards-------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merlin: In a chest in the Great Hall Cornelius Aggripa: On Floor 2. Open the mirror and in the Chest inside the mirror. Derwent Shimpling- Potions Class. Go up and search a bookcase. It will open. Enter and use the spells at their right times to reach a chest with the frog. Morgan Le Fay: When going to Hagrids Hut, you will pass a part with 2 thorny bushes. Kill them to find a bush. Search to get it. Newt Scamander: Near the last Plant in the Dittany Quest. Search the bushes for it. Bowman Wright: Floor 6, in one of the corners. Godric Gryffindor: Found when escaping Snape in the Trophy Room secret passage. Go over the moving block and to the left. Open the chest. Edgar Stroulger: In the library, go Left, Up and search the bookcase to find a door. Go through, Left, Down, Left, Up and hit the statue with Avifors. Go down, left and in the crack of the door, kill the tortoise. Then go right and up to get the frog. Helga Hufflepuff: Found in a chest when finding the Mirror of Erised. You can't miss it. Salazar Slytherin: Outside, hit the statues with avifors. Ignatia Wildsmith: When you fight the troll, fall into a small hole. Open chests until you find it. It's guarded by gnomes. Bertie Bott: Found escaping Snape's storeroom. Rowena Ravenclaw: In the floberworm garden at one part is a dead end. But walk right through it to get the frog. Hengist of Woodcroft: By a Devil's Snare plant thats behind a door and in a chest. Albus Dumbledore: Found in the forbidden corridor. By the narrow path room. Harry Potter: Ron gives you it at the end of the game. Only if you get all of the cards. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Pumpkin Pasties------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pumpkin Pasties are useful. Why? After three, you get a new zap of health. Here are the locations. 1. Found on the way to Potions Class. From the save book, go diagonally up to the left. 2. Hermione gives it to you.. if you learn Alohomora Correctly all 3 times. 3. Go to the tree to the right of Greenhouse 1 and down. Kill every thing (bushes not needed) to get the pasty. 4. From Hagrids Hut, go down, right, down to see two gnomes and two bushes. Kill the gnomes and go left where there is dirt. You will walk in an invisible path. Open the chest. It contains a pasty (duh). 5. From the Dorms, if you go down, left and up you will see a closed door. Unlock the door closest to the stairs and in nook will be a Flipendo Shield. Hit it and go to the door to find it's unlocked inside is an observatory with the pasty 6. Go left and all the way to the side. Go up and turn right. Go up at the first place up, then left and up. Now go right. Hit the shield at the far right, and step on the switch at the top of the Room. Go down and there is a switch near the double bookcase by the stairs. Step on it, then go right and hit the next one. Go up and over the moving block. Go up and hit the next switch, then the door on the right opens. Go in it to be in a closet with a Fire Crab. Kill the Crab to make a pasty appear. 7. After getting the Flobberworms, Greenhouse 6, the restricted (watch out for prefects) one becomes open the pasty is found in side. 8. After getting the Wiggentree bark, a pasty is in the boy's dorms. You have one chance to get this, I believe. 9. In a bookshelf outside the library. 10. In a bookshelf in the library. 11. In the Forest ESCAPE part. Kill the four doxies and go straight up. There is a clearing with it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Other Items----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wiggenweld Potion Vial: Holds the Wiggenweld Potion. Dittany: An ingredient for the Wiggenweld Potion. Moly: An ingredient for the Wiggenweld Potion. Wiggentree Bark: An ingredient for the Wiggenweld Potion. Flobberworm Mucus: An ingredient for the Wiggenweld Potion. Nicolas Flamel Book: Tells you the story of the Philosopher's Stone. Black Fire Potion: The potion that gets you through to Quirrell. Pasty Tray: Shows you how many Pasties needed before you get another health zap. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Endings to Game------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a few alternate endings that are tweaked a slight bit. Here they are. Ending #1: Win the House Cup. You have to get at least 500 house points to do this. I had 520 house points, so the "at least" is just a guestimate. Ending #2: Get the "Harry Potter" Wizard Card You have to have collected all of the Wizard cards to get this one. Ron gives it to you in the hospital wing. A pity you can't see the entire completed section. Update: You just need MOST of the cards. Fellow FAQ writer Lufia_Maxim pointed this out, and I myself got it missing a couple cards. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Bean Flavours--------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section is just for fun. The beans have different flavours. Each is either Good or Bad flavored. Good or Bad beans work the same and do not have a negative effect on health, only your character's dialogue reaction. ------------- Good Flavours ------------- Almond Chocolate Cinnamon Lime Marmalade Peppermint Potato Raspberry Root Beer ------------ Bad Flavours ------------ Booger Broccoli Grapefruit Lemon Liver Lobster Lotion Potato The two things I find odd is, how does Harry know what Booger tastes like, and how Lemon got on the bad list. You notice Potato is on both good and bad, this is because he never says what his preference is. Just labels it "odd". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Frequently Asked Questions--------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Why isn't Snape evil? A. He just isn't. He loves Harry's mom. It's a theory, but it is a good one. Q. I love you! A. Thanks. I love my readers too! Q. Can Harry Jump? A. No, not in this game. Q. Why can't you see the Harry Potter Wizard Card? A. Life sucks, deal with it. Q. But I saw it in the trailer video! A. Cheating anyone? Q. I want ROMs and emulators! A. Well then go talk to some illegal dealer, 'cause I'm not helping you. Q. Where is the certain _______? (Chocolate Frog, Pumpkin Pasty) A. Read into the appropriate section. Q. Who would read a walkthrough for this game at a time like this? A. Nobody! Q. Are you writing more works? A. Yes! Several. Q. Where can I contact you? A. triplejumpfaqs[at]gmail[dot]com Q. Why are you saying [at] and [dot]? A. Because it looks cool and everyone else was doing it. Nah, thats smoking. Which is bad. I do this as an anti spam method, using @ and . will cause me to get those emails from some person pretending to be from Iraq, saying that their husband died and they have 12 million US dollars for me, and if I want it, I should email them back with my personal information (like my credit card number, which I am too young for). Q. Why did you make a huge response last time? A. Because I want to. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Credits/Closing------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : GameFAQs : Schlave : Mom : Dad : Music : Lufia_Maxim, for pointing some things out. Such as you don't need all the Chocolate Frog Cards for the ending, and that the spell movements are random. Well guys, thanks for being here with another TripleJump FAQ. This one was a fun one to do, and I hope it helped you. If you have a question or comment, please send it into me at triplejumpfaqs[at]gmail[dot]com. I write guides for fun, and to help people. Free of charge. So please do not send me spam or hate mail, if you want me to keep on writing. If you want to use the FAQ on your site, please email me with a URL and the usual message. Just because this guide is "Final" does not mean it will not be updated. CJay at GameFAQs himself says that guides are rarely final. So I will still put some information in if requested or sent in. See ya! This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Using this File to sell is strictly illegal and a violation of several laws. If you wish to use this file, please contact me first.