| | _ \ | | | | _` | __| __| | | | | _ \ __| __| _ \ __| ___ | ( | | | | | ___/ ( | | | __/ | _| _|\__,_|_| _| \__, | _| \___/ \__|\__|\___|_| ____/ Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for the GBC FAQ by TripleJump Copyright (c) 2006 TripleJump Created: July 16th, 2007 Last Updated: June 19, 2008 Contact: triplejumpfaqs[at]gmail[dot]com ================================================================================ 1. Introduction 2. Characters 3. Walkthrough 4. Spells 5. Equipment/Items 6. Enemy List 7. Folio Magi 8. Folio Triplicus 9. Frequently Asked Questions 10. Credits/Closing ================================================================================ ====================================Introduction================================ ================================================================================ Dear Mr. Potter, You have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Yours sincerely, Albus Dumbledore Headmaster Welcome to another one of my FAQs. This is just a small 2-day side project I am doing in a break from most of my other files. In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry learns that he is a wizard, and after 10 years of torture, labor and his hateful aunt and uncle, he leaves and finds himself a celebrity in a world full of magic, trolls and ghosts. He finds his arch enemy, and must defeat him for a second time, or the magic world will be in darkness forever. Only since this is a Video Game, YOU get to be Harry and do all of the butt-kicking, world saving, flying action of the magical world of Harry Potter. To be Harry, you must know how to control Harry. So read below. ---- Directional Pad - Move Harry in the Indicated Direction. A - Talk/Examine/Advance through menu's B - Go back from the menu's Start - Bring up the Main Menu Select - Tells you where you are During a battle, you can use a spell, card, item or flee to battle. It's a turn based battle and the fastest person goes first, then the other side. ================================================================================ ====================================Characters================================== ================================================================================ Harry Potter - The Boy Who Lived Harry is a brave, reckless fellow who has a knack for attracting trouble. He is also a wizard, and our main character. He defeated the Dark Lord Voldemort, and had become a celebrity in his world. But for protectional reasons, he was left in the care of his horrid Uncle Dursley and Aunt Petunia. He finds out he is a wizard and finds a way out of his sad life. He takes it and finds many wild adventures, and a rematch with Voldemort. Ronald Weasley - The Poor Friend Ron is Harry's best friend. He comes from a very poor family and is often ridiculed by Slytherin for this reason. He is jealous of Harry's fame and gets used to being shunted to the side. He is willing to sacrifice himself for his friends. Hermione Granger - The Suck-Up Smartypants Hermione is Harry's other close friend. She is a know-it-all, who prefers rules over circumstances. She can be really touchy and rags on your nerves. She always has time to help you and will do it for a friend. Rubeus Hagrid - The Gentle Giant Hagrid is a half-giant, and the gamekeeper at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was Harry's very first friend and stuck up for him. He brought Harry to the Dursley's and led him away. He is a gentle hearted man, but can be very tough when provoked. Voldemort - The Dark Lord The Dark Lord Voldemort is the most feared wizard of all time. People refer to him as "You Know Who" or "He Who Must Not Be Named", as they are frighted of his awful power. Harry stopped him when he was just a boy and he has sworn revenge ever since. He is trying to return to his normal body and will stop at nothing until he does. Albus Dumbledore - The Only One He Ever Feared Albus Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard of the age. He seems to be a frail old man, but when he is in combat mode, LOOK OUT! He does most of the narration of this game, and is usually a calm man in the series. Professor Quirrell - The Dark Lord's Stooge Prof. Quirrell may seem like a nervous, stuttering loser. But in reality, he is a powerful loser that is capable of normal speech. He is the Dark Lord's servant, carrying his master on the back of his head. Professor Snape - The Hook-nosed Greaseball Prof. Snape seems evil. He hates Harry beyond any other student in the school because of his father. Harry's father and his gang of idiots would bully Snape in their youth. Now he is taking it out on Harry. Snape might seem evil because of Book Six, but I think otherwise. Look it up on google. Snape is the head of Slytherin House and is not afraid to favor his house. ================================================================================ ====================================Walkthrough================================= ================================================================================ ------------------------------------ Quest: Buy your Wand at Ollivander's ------------------------------------ This quest is simple enough, just walk into the door above you. You get a cutscene where you try some wands until you get the one you actually want, it comes with Flipendo and Vermillious Uno. You have received your wand, the most necessary equipment of any witch or wizard! You can now cast the first of many spells you will learn. -------------------------------------- Quest: Find Hagrid in Gringotts' Lobby -------------------------------------- After you exit Ollivander's some strange child offers you a deck of Wizard Cards and you get to choose which one you want. ------------------ Justus Pilliwickle ------------------ Wendelin the Weird Carlotta Pinkstone Flavius Belby Chauncey Oldridge --------------- Gulliver Pokeby --------------- Cassandra Vablatsky Uric the Oddball Mirabella Plunkett Thaddeus Thurkell ------------------ Gregory the Smarmy ------------------ Hesper Starkey Roderick Plumpton Andros the Invincible Thaddeus Thurkell -------------------- Merwyn the Malicious -------------------- Gideon Crumb Kirley Duke Orsino Thruston Merton Graves Pick a deck that goes with your liking (see the Folio Triplicus section for combinations you may want) and continue the game. Now head to the right and into the Gringotts bank. Walk to the end and talk to Hagrid and Griphook. --------------------------- Quest: Find Hagrid in Vault --------------------------- As you walk, you fall down and lose Hagrid and Griphook. You now have to run around and battle the enemies as you make your way to the northwest side and looking in the wall holes with A to get some Wizard Cards. The next side has the Rat Boss. You may want to battle some various enemies you can find around you because you need the experience. If you die, that's okay because you just show up at a woman's house and she will heal you for free. Either way, get ready for a tough battle. Try to aim for the Giant Rat using your Vermillious spell because you will need to use up as much as you can of your good spell on him. If you run out, use Flipendo. You might also have some pumpkin pasties or other items that will heal you from fighting. You can use these to make this battle easier. Defeating it will get you the Hardened Boots and many other things. Equip the boots if you so desire. Head to the back behind this now to see Hagrid and Griphook again. You enter the vault and receive 850 sickles and a School Supply List. You are finally inside your family vault! It's hard to believe you never knew about it before! Now we can turn around and start walking our way out of this place. If you die on the way out, that's okay because it warps us out faster. But that doesn't mean you should try to die. ------------------------------------------ Quest: Buy School Supplies in Diagon Alley ------------------------------------------ [ ] 3 Robes [ ] 1 Winter Cloak [ ] 1 Pointed Hat [ ] 1 Pair of Gloves [ ] 1 Name Tag Pack [ ] 1 Potion Kit Bag [ ] 1 Set of First Year Books [ ] 1 Cauldron [ ] 1 Wand We will start buying by going to the left of the infirmary (where we show up when we die) and enter Madame Malkin's shop (which has robes on the outside). Draco Malfoy is inside and talks to you, then leaves. Talk to Madam Malkin and buy three work robes, 1 winter cloak, 1 pair of gloves, and 1 name tag pack. As well as the hat. There are more things we can buy if we want. Then we can move along to the different shops. Flourish and Blotts is to the Left of Madam Malkin's and it has your books. Then you head around top. Eeylops and Quality Quidditch supplies are offlimits to you, but the Apothecary has a few potions and the Potion kit, and near there is the kid who tells you about secrets, and you can examine the above barrel for a Wizard Card. As you are outside Pottage's Cauldrons, a man asks if you want to trade for the rare Circe wizard card. You don't have a Bezoar to trade yet, so enter the store and buy a Collapsible cauldron. Five sickles are in the cauldron to the left of the shop. We can also buy the Copper Cauldron and spend some of our money on some sweets at the store. When you are finished, speak with Hagrid. You trade the School Supply list for Hedwig the Owl. You have completed buying all the items on your schoo list! Now you can leave for Hogwarts! ----------------------------------- Quest: Get on the Hogwart's Express ----------------------------------- There is a Best Blowing Gum in the center pillar that has the bulb on top, and a famous Wizard Card on the far left one. Now you can cross the bridge and talk to one of the two Weasley twins to start a cutscene. After, you can board the Hogwarts Express. ------------------------------------------- Quest: Find a seat on the Hogwart's Express ------------------------------------------- Head to the left. You can talk to one of the Weasley twins to learn what the Daily Prophet is, and further down to Neville to learn of his toad. Keep going to the left until you get to the end with Ron. You will sit down and Hermione comes and asks you about Neville's toad. She also teaches you Verdimillious Uno. Next the trolley will come to your compartment and you can buy a load of sweets. I'd get Chocolate Frogs because they give you the Wizard Cards. Malfoy and his croonies will now show up. You get to do battle against Malfoy. He is a wimp, and just keep casting a spell like Vermillious or Verdimillious. After you have defeated him, you get a card combination that will not help you in the slightest. You have defeated the nasty snob, Draco, with spells! Serves him right for talking about your new friends that way! You can now wander around until the conductor tells you that you are arriving at Hogwarts. You automatically disembark from the tran and you now have to cross the lake. ------------------------------------------ Quest: Cross the lake at Hogwart's Landing ------------------------------------------ Go to the left of the dock and search the right side of the rock for a Wiggenweld Potion. On the right side is a pillar that is on the ground and we can search the left side to get a Famous Witch and Wizard Card. On the Bottom of the rock on the right is a Card Combination. Go down the dock now to enter a boat. You are now in a minigame where you have to steer the boat around the easy obstacles until you arrive at Hogwarts. If you run into a Dragonfly, you have to battle it. ---------------------------------------- Quest: Get through the Hogwarts Dungeons ---------------------------------------- Head up the path on the top and search the thing on the wall for a Wizard Card. Head right now and there is another one on the bottom part. Continue up the middle. Check the next symbol on the wall for a Card Combination. Hagrid will have another scene. Then head up to see another wall symbol for a Wiggenweld Potion, then go up the stairs. There are two more Wizard Cards hidden in the area before you can go up the stairs in this section. There is a big boss cloud. This one is a knight in armor. He can't always hit you because he is slow, but he has a large defense. It will take a Second level spell to really deal him some damage. If you run out, use Verdimillious to finish him off. Move ahead to talk to Hagrid, and go left for a Wizard Card and right for a Pepper Up Potion. ------------------------------ Quest: Get Sorted into a house ------------------------------ You get a short cutscene with Hagrid and McGonagall and then you can explore the Entrance Hall. You've Managed to Cross the lake and find your way through the dungeon. And now you're finally here...in Hogwarts! Go to the bottom left corner. There is a couple of gargoyles. Examine the bottom one from the right to get a Wizard Card. Now head into the Entrance Hall which is on the right between the hourglasses. You now get to watch a cutscene with some people being sorted. Now you have to go to the southeast table and talk to it to sit down with Hermione. Ron also joins your table. You feel that it's a feather in your cap to have been sorted into Gryffindor. You hear a rumor that a new card combination is available in the Wizard Card Collectors' Club. ---------------------- Quest: Find Gryffindor ---------------------- Leave the Great Hall and go upstairs to the next floor. Ron deals with Peeves for you. Now go to the left and down. There are 150 sickles in the weird stone. There are a whole lot more random stuff you can get in the castle by searching what you can see. One is a Gryffin statue that goes upstairs. Then you can find your way up the stairs, and in one room the bottom door a set of stairs. Then go left of the crystal ball to find the fat Lady. Now go downstairs and you will see Nearly Headless Nick. ------------------------------- Quest: Find Gryffindor Password ------------------------------- Go down the stairs that are actually stairs (not a passage) and you will see Nick next to a Sphinx. Examine the rear to get a Pepper Up Potion and talk to Nick to get a request from him to get his tie. Go downstairs to the Entrance Hall. Examine the top gargoyle on the left and you can get the tie. Go back up to Nick and give it to him to learn that the Password is Caput Draconis. Go back to the Fat Lady and you can go inside the common room. You've found Gryffindor, your house in Hogwarts, where you'll live and study! To make everyone feel at home, a new card combination is now available in the Wizard Card Collectors' Club. There is a Wizard Card in the drawers. Now go to the bottom to the stairs to go to the dormitory. Examine your trunk for a Wizard Card and go into the bed to sleep. There is also a Card Combination in Ron's bedside table. --------------------------- Quest: Get to Potions Class --------------------------- Go down the stairs to the Entrance Hall. If you go into the gargoyle door you can get a card combination in the trunk with the sports gears. Now head straight up from the entrance hall and go in the door we can clearly see. Then head to the left. ------------------------------ Quest: Collect the Ingredients ------------------------------ Go to the top left door and talk to Snape. He gives you a task to collect some ingredients. Two Beetle Eye's, a Snake Fang and a thing of Boomslang skin. Start by heading back into the dungeon. Head up and examine the fruit painting for a Wizard Card. Now go back and instead of going into Potions, go right into Prof. Snape's office and examine the snake picture for the Boomslang Skin. Now see the cupboard for a Wizard Card. Head out into the grounds and go a screen south. Now head to the left and you see a gate you can go through. Do this and you are at Hagrid's Hut. He tells you he was spraying Beetles. Go out back and search the bushes for a Wizard Card and a Beetle Eye. We still need 1 more beetle eye and some Snake Fangs. There is another Beetle Eye in the bush adjacent to the house (on the left). Now head up to the school, but before entering, go right. Fight some battles near the Herbology Greenhouses because they will give you plenty of Snakes and their Fangs. After you have one, go back up to the castle and talk to Snape. You earn 5 points (6-1) and get a list for your classes. You have collected the ingredients requested by Snape! Someone tells you there's a new card combination available in the Wizard Card Collectors' Club. --------------------------- Quest: Find your next class --------------------------- Head up the stairs to the first floor and go in the first room on the left to see McGonagall tell you about a rabbit. Uh oh! Go outside to see Dumbledore and he tells you nothing important. Now head outside to the Castle Grounds. -------------------------------- Quest: Capture the Purple Rabbit -------------------------------- Turn to the left and you will see the Rabbit inbetween the castle and the Herbology greenhouses. Pick it up with A and go back to Transfiguration. You will now learn Incendio Uno! You have saved Hogwarts from the threat of a flaming purple rabbit! The rumor of a new card combination in the Wizard Card Collectors' Club sweeps through the school like wildfire. --------------------------- Quest: Find your next class --------------------------- Before we do this, we are going to go and catch up with our Collector's Cards. Go up the stairs and use the Griffin Passageway on the second floor. Head to the left now and you will see a long hall. Go to the end and you are in the Collector's Club now. Go up and examine the bucket for a card, then the tapestry with words to get a Card, then the tapestry to the right of it for a Card Combination. Now talk to the kid below to get the Combinations from the start. Talk to Fred and George and buy a bunch of Chocolate Frogs so we can get some more cards. Now you can leave and go back to the grounds and go outside to Herbology. We know where it is now I presume because of the Snake Fangs. Before entering the far right Greenhouse, enter the center. There is a wizard card in the drawer of the desk, and there is a combination somewhere in the plants at the back. Now go in the proper area. There is a plant to the right which if searched from the right side, gives you Dried Nettles. And on the left is a plant which gives you a Wizard Card. Go up and talk to Ron to sit down. You receive an Ingredient Encyclopedia and a Plant List. --------------------------------------- Quest: Find 6 Herbs for Herbology Class --------------------------------------- We already have the Dried Nettles, so exit the Greenhouse. Head south until you see the strange looking plant with the leaves. Examine it from the bottom to receive the Asphodel Root. Head right to the huge dirt path. Now head to the south and go until you are surrounded by four trees, each in a corner. Head in between the trees and go right. There is a bush we can examine for the Dittany. [Now if you die around here, note that in the room to the right of the Hospital Wing (from INSIDE, not outside) has a Card Combination hidden).] Now, go down the giant dirt path all the way to the gate at the bottom. Head right as far as you can, then go up. The odd plant here has the Wormwood. Now, head up so you can take the path going right. Follow it along to the Quidditch Stadium, then head down. One plant has a Unicorn Horn, and if you go down futher you see the Aconite plant. Collect it, we only have one more to go! Head back into the center bottom area. Once more, head to the bottom of the fence, but go left this time and through all the trees. Examine the plant here for the Mandrake Roots! Now Return to Professor Sprout, she gives you two Potion Formulae and tells you to go see Snape. Visit him in his office and you get a the recipes. --------------------------- Quest: Find your next class --------------------------- We're going to Defence Against the Dark Arts as it is next on the class list. Go to the third floor and try to enter the top left room. Peeves will stop you and put a curse on you. Enter and talk to Professor Quirrell, he charges you with getting rid of your curse. -------------------------------------- Quest: Find a way to remove your curse -------------------------------------- Cross the hall and go down the stairs you see, head right and go past filch. There is a little spot with a bit of shelves that is in a cozy little section. Read the book to learn Locomotor Wibbly. Now go to the bottom and talk to Madam Pince to learn that the book you want is checked out. Leave the Library the way you came, Peeves tells you that a Muggle is studying it. Muggle... study.... Muggle Studies! That's it! Go to the fifth floor and enter the top left room. Examine the TV, you will be sucked inside it. Before entering the boss fight, look at the picture for a Card Combination. Now battle the boss, this time it's a troll. Cast Flipendo Duo on it (or Uno if you don't have it) until it's dead. -------------------------------------------------- Quest: Return the stolen Curse Book to the Library -------------------------------------------------- Use the book, it cures you of your ailment AND teaches you Mucus ad Nauseum! Go back outside, while we're here, go to the Card Collector Club area and get the new Card Combination. Also, spend some Sickles on Cards from the Weasleys. Head back down into the Library and give the book to Madam Pince, she gives you some House Points. Now go back and talk to Quirrell for 10 more points! --------------------------- Quest: Find Your Next Class --------------------------- Well, go to the bottom left room on the floor we're on now. The Pillows contain a Wolfsbane, the Bookshelf has a Grand Pepper Up Potion and the bottom left pile of cushions has a Card Combination. Now let's head down the stairs and to the top of this area for Charms Class. Inside Charms, talk to Professor Flitwick and you will learn Wingardium Leviosa. To learn it, you have to copy his movements three times. Each time he adds a few extra moves on and after you do three with one object you get a new object. Do this with three objects to learn the spell. You also get 15 house points for doing it. Before leaving, check to the right of Flitwick by the Window for a Card Combo and on the way out get the bookcase to the right for a Wizard Card. Now go out of the room and down to the boar statue. Check the butt end of it to go upstairs to the seventh floor where you can then get the two Card Combos that we need to pick up. Go back to the floor with Charms and go up two flights of stairs. Get healed by Madam Pomfrey in the Hospital Wing (check the drawers for a Wizard Card), then go to the room to the left of the hospital to get to History of Magic. Inside, check the right picture at the top for a Wizard Card and the bottom left desk for the same thing. Talk to Neville up by Professor Binns to get the Diagon Alley Pass. Leave the classroom to get a scene. -------------------------- Quest: Find the Circe Card -------------------------- Go to the right and talk to the hooded man by Hagrid. He will take you into Gringotts. Go talk to the goblin to get access to the vault. Inside you will automatically go over to the vault, here is time for a Boss fight against a big rat and two smaller Rats. Petrify the big rat then kill the little ones before engaging the big one. Verdimillious is your best attack to deal with these vermin. If you are getting beaten, you can always petrify the rat, heal up and keep going. This was probably the only reason I survived. Anyway, after he dies you get the Circe Card. Leave and talk to the hooded man to return to Hogwarts. Talk to Professor Binns to finish this class. ------------ ================================================================================ =======================================Spells=================================== ================================================================================ Name: Flipendo Uno Magic: 0 This is your basic attack that should only really be used if you run out of magic. Name: Vermillious Uno Magic: 2 This is your basic damaging attack that will actually draw on your magic. Name: Verdimillious Uno Magic: 3 This is not much different than Vermillious uno at this point in time and it will improve in a while. Name: Flipendo Duo Magic: 4 This is just an upgraded version of Flipendo. Name: Vermillious Duo Magic: 8 An upgraded version of Vermillious Name: Incendio Uno Magic: 8 Good against creatures. Name: Locomotor Wibbly Magic: 10 Petrifies your enemies. Name: Wingardium Leviosa Magic: 10 ================================================================================ ================================Equipment/Items================================= ================================================================================ ========= EQUIPMENT ========= Name: Hardened Boots Stamina: +7 Strength +5 Defense: +4 Agility: -5 Magic Str: -- Magic Def: -- Name: Dragonskin Gloves Stamina: -- Strength +2 Defense: -- Agility: +2 Magic Str: +1 Magic Def: -- Name: Plain Work Robe Stamina: -- Strength -- Defense: +1 Agility: +4 Magic Str: +1 Magic Def: +1 Name: Winter Cloak Stamina: -- Strength -- Defense: +2 Agility: +1 Magic Str: +2 Magic Def: +2 Name: Leather Belt Stamina: +4 Strength -- Defense: +1 Agility: -- Magic Str: -- Magic Def: -- Name: Plain Boots Stamina: +2 Strength +2 Defense: +1 Agility: -2 Magic Str: -- Magic Def: -- Name: Pointed Hat Stamina: +1 Strength -- Defense: +2 Agility: -- Magic Str: +1 Magic Def: +3 ===== ITEMS ===== Name: Harry's Wand Effect: Allows you to take part in Combat Name: Folio Triplicus Effect: Stores the Magic Combinations Name: Folio Magi Effect: Stores the Wizard Cards Name: Pumpkin Pasty Effect: Restores some Stamina Name: Chocolate Frog Effect: Gives you a Wizard Card Name: Liquorice Wand Effect: Restores a Bit of Health Name: Pepper Up Potion Effect: Restores some Magic Name: Best Blowing Gun Effect: Restores some SP Name: School Supply List Effect: Tells you what you need to buy for school Name: School Books Effect: An item you need to buy to complete your school list. Name: Potion Kit Bag Effect: Needed to complete your supply list. Name: Pack of Name Tags Effect: Needed to complete your supply list. Name: Collapsible Cauldron Effect: Used for mixing potions. Name: Copper Cauldron Effect: Used for mixing potions. Name: Wiggenweld Potion Effect: Recovers a lot of Stamina Points. Name: Antidote Effect: Not sure what it does, I think it cures you from poison. It just says "you feel a burst of energy". Name: Hedwig the Owl Effect: Your pet owl. Name: Class List Effect: Tells you which class to go to in which order. Name: Beetle Eyes Effect: A Potion Ingredient Name: Boomslang Skin Effect: A potion ingredient Name: Snake Fangs Effect: A potion ingredient Name: Cauldron Cake Effect: Restores some SP Name: Purple Rabbit Effect: For Transfiguration class Name: Dried Nettles Effect: It's an ingredient for making potions. Name: Ingredient Encyclopedia Effect: It's an Encyclopedia with information on the ingredients. Name: Herb List Effect: A list of Herbs you need to find for Herbology. Name: Asphodel Effect: It's an ingredient for making potions. Name: Monkshood Effect: It's an ingredient for making potions. Name: Dittany Effect: It's an ingredient for making potions. Name: Wormwood Effect: It's an ingredient for making potions. Name: Mandrake Root Effect: It's an ingredient for making potions. Name: Porcupine Quills Effect: It's an ingredient for making potions. Name: Silver Unicorn Horn: Effect: It's an ingredient for making potions. Name: Aconite Effect: It's an ingredient for making potions. Name: Curse Book Effect: Cures you of your curse and teaches you Mucus Ad Nauseum Name: Wolfsbane Effect: It's an ingredient for making potions. Name: Grand Pepperup Potion Effect: Restores a LOT of MP. ================================================================================ ====================================Enemy List================================== ================================================================================ Name: Small Rat HP: 20 Items: Pumpkin Pasty Name: Bat HP: 30 Items: Pepper Up Potion, Wiggenweld Potion Name: Giant Rat HP: 80 Items: Pumpkin Pasty, Hardened Boots Name: Draco Malfoy HP: 100 Items: None Name: Green Dragonfly HP: 15 Items: Cauldron Cake Name: Giant Clam HP: 20 Items: Pepper Up Potion Name: Giant Squid HP: 25 Items: Cauldron Cake Name: Yellow Rat HP: 20 Items: None Name: Giant Yellow Rat HP: 50 Items: None Name: Armored Knight HP: 50 Items: None Name: Snake HP: 30 Items: Snake Fang Name: Giant Snail HP: 80 Items: Licorice Wands Name: Gnome HP: 30 Items: Name: Red Spider HP: 30 Items: Antidote Name: Giant Bee HP: 40 (?) Items: Name: Toadstool HP: 45 Items: Wizard Cards Name: Troll HP: 250 Items: Name: Giant Brown Rat HP: 200 Items: Grand Wiggenweld Potion Name: Red Imp HP: 100 Items: ================================================================================ ====================================Folio Magi================================== ================================================================================ ======= ALCHEMY ======= 1. Hesper Starkey Description: Studied how moon phases affect potion-making. 2. Paracelsus Description: Greatest of all medieval alchemists. CHARMS ====== CURSES ====== 1. Merwyn the Malicious Description: Credited with the invention of many unpleasant jinxes and hexes. 2. Morgan le Fay Description: King Arthur's half sister. Dark sorceress and the enemy of Merlin. 3. Crispin Cronk Description: Sent to Azkaban for keeping Sphinxes in his back garden. 4. Ethelred the EverReady Description: Famous for taking offence at nothing and cursing innocent bystanders. 5. Beatrix Bloxam Description: Wrote Toadstool Tales, children's books now banned because they caused vomiting. 6. Alberta Toothill Description: Winner of the All-England Wizard Dueling Competition of 1430. 7. Xavier Rastrick Description: Flamboyant wizard entertainer who vanished unexpectedly while tap-dancing. 8. Yardley Platt Description: Serial goblin killer 9. Dymphna Furmage Description: Failed to pursuade the Ministry of Magic to have all Pixies humanely destroyed. ========== PROTECTION ========== 2. Wendelin the Weird Description: Liked burning at the stake so much she arranged to be lit up 47 times. 4. Carlotta Pinkstone Description: Campaigned to lift the statute of Secrecy and tell Muggles that wizards exist. 7. Flavius Belby Description: Only wizard ever to survive a Lethifold Attack ========== DIVINATION ========== 7. Cassandra Vablatsky Description: Celebrated Seer and author of 'Unfogging the Future'. GENERALIST ======= HEALING ======= 1. 2. Gunhilda of Gorsemoor Description: One-eyed, hump-backed witch who found a cure for Dragon Pox. 3. 4. 5. Chauncey Oldridge Description: First known victim of Dragon Pox 6. Mungo Bonham Description: Founded Saint Mungo's Hospital for Magical Ailments and Injuries. 7. Wilfred Elphick Description: First wizard to be gored by an African Erumpent. ======== HOGWARTS ======== 5. Queen Maeve Description: Legendary witch who trained young sorcerers in Ireland. 6. Helga Hufflepuff Description: Co-founder of Hogwarts. Gave her name to one of the four Hogwarts Houses. 8. Hengist of Woodcroft Description: Founded the village of Hogsmeade. 9. Daisy Dodderidge Description: First Landlady of the Leaky Cauldron. 10. Albus Dumbledore Description: Headmaster of Hogwarts. Friend to Nicolas Flamel - inventor of the Philosopher's Stone. ======== MUSICIAN ======== 1. Donaghan Tremlett Description: Bass player with the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters. 3. Gideon Crumb Description: Plays bagpipes with the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters. 4. Herman Wintringham Description: Plays lute with the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters. 5. Kirley Duke Description: Plays lead guitar with the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters. 6. Myron Wagtail Description: Lead singer of the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters. 7. Orsino Thruston Description: Plays drums with the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters. 8. Celestina Warbeck Description: Popular Singing Sorceress 9. Heathcote Barbary Description: Plays rhythm guitar with the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters. 10. Merton Graves Description: Plays cello with the popular wizard band The Weird Sisters. ========= QUIDDITCH ========= =============== TRANSFIGURATION =============== 2. Andros the Invincible Description: Alleged to have been the only known wizard to produce a patronus of giant size. 3. Uric the Oddball Description: Highly eccentric wizard famed for wearing a jellyfish for a hat. 4. Lord Stoddard Withers Description: Breeder of flying Horses 5. Circe Description: Ancient Greek. Lived on the Isle of Aeaea. Expert in turning lost sailrs into pigs. 6. Mirabella Plunkett Description: Famous for falling in love with a merman and turning herself into a haddock. 8. Thaddeus Thurkell Description: Famous for producing seven sons and turning them all into hedgehogs. ================================================================================ ====================================Folio Triplicus============================= ================================================================================ Name: Deflect Cards: Wendelin the Weird, Carlotta Pinkstone, Flavius Belby Effect: You receive less damage than you normally wood from an attack. Name: Poison Immunity Cards: Quong Po, Beaumont Marjoribanks, Chauncey Oldridge Effect: For one battle, you will not take any damage. Name: Sickle Seek Cards: Glenda Chittock, Cassandra Vablatsky, Mopsus Effect: You will get twice the sickles that you normally get at the end of a fight. Name: Summon Umbrella Cards: Uric the Oddball, Mirabella Plunkett, Thaddeus Thurkell Effect: A weak attack that will slightly damage an enemy. Name: Snitch Streak Cards: Chauncey Oldridge, Cyprian Youdle, Roderick Plumpton Effect: The snitch flies around the enemy and reduces their accuracy. Name: Conjure Snack Cards: Hesper Starkey, Andros the Invincible, Thaddeus Thurkell Effect: This will give you a piece of candy. Name: Drone Cards: Gideon Crumb, Kirley Duke, Orsino Thurston Effect: Makes a noise that causes an enemy to flee. Experience and Sickles are still received from it. Name: Tempest Cards: Merwyn the Malicious, Merton Graves, Lord Stoddard Withers Effect: It will make an enemy flee and you still receive the experience and sickles for it. Name: Sluggish Cards: Crispin Cronk, Ethelred the EverReady, Alberta Toothill Effect: You decrease your own agility. This gives the enemies an advantage, do not use it! Name: Health Boost Cards: Gregory the Smarmy, Sacharissa Tugwood, Mungo Bonham Effect: This restores a portion of your SP. Name: Nausea Cards: Archibald Alderton, Elladora Ketteridge, Herpo the Foul Effect: It takes a bit of your SP away from you. Name: Rain of Bludgers Cards: Bowman Wright, Devlin Whitehorn, Dunbar Oglethorpe Effect: A bunch of Bludgers rain from the sky and strike the enemy. Name: Exhaust Cards: Honouria Nutcombe, Alberic Grunnion, Gunhilda Goosemoor Effect: Your enemy will lose a large portion of their health. Name: Distract Cards: Musidora Barkwith, Myron Wagtail, Heathcote Barbary Effect: It causes an enemy to lose a turn. Ironically, you spend a turn using this so it's pretty pointless. Name: Lullaby Cards: Donaghan Tremlett, Herman Wintringham, Celestina Warbeck Effect: It makes an enemy fall asleep. Good for some fights but it can be a waste if used on the wrong enemy. Name: Telegraph Punch Cards: Perpetua Fancourt, Alberic Grunnion, Grogan Stump Effect: This tells the enemy what you are going to attack with next and they get a defense boost because of this. Name: MP Gain Cards: Gaspard Shingleton, Merlin, Circe Effect: You get a permanent increase in MP. This is good because two cards are rare and won't disappear. You can only use it once anyway. Name: Item into Feather Cards: Bridget Wenlock, Circe, Bertie Bott Effect: You get an intem in your inventory turned into a feather. Which is bad because you lose the item. Name: Replenish Magic Cards: Merlin, Burdock Muldoon, Artemisia Lufkin Effects: Fully restores your MP. Name: Heroic Strength Cards: Yardley Platt, Oswald Beamish, Roderick Plumpton Effects: They give you MASSIVE amounts of strength. You'll do a TON of damage. Name: Encounter Track Cards: Gulliver Pokeby, Newt Scamander, Adalbert Waffling Effects: It makes more enemies appear. Use it if you need to get stronger. Name: Dire Strength Cards: Jocunda Sykes, Norvel Twonk, Derwent Shimpling Effects: Makes your enemies do more damage to you. Name: Regeneration Cards: Glover Hipworth, Ignatia Wildsmith, Circe Effects: You'll get 10 SP restored to your health every turn. Name: Alter Enemy Cards: Andros the Invincible, Circe, Mirabella Plunkett Effects: It will change enemies into different things, all I've ever gotten is a chicken for an enemy. ================================================================================ ==========================Frequently Asked Questions============================ ================================================================================ Q. Why isn't Snape evil? A. He just isn't. He loves Harry's mom. It's a theory, but it is a good one. Q. I love you! A. Thanks. I love my readers too! Q. Can Harry Jump? A. No, not in this game. Q. I want ROMs and emulators! A. Well then go talk to some illegal dealer, 'cause I'm not helping you. Q. Who would read a walkthrough for this game at a time like this? A. Nobody! Q. Are you writing more works? A. Yes! Several. Q. Where can I contact you? A. triplejumpfaqs[at]gmail[dot]com Q. Why are you saying [at] and [dot]? A. Because it looks cool and everyone else was doing it. Nah, thats smoking. Which is bad. I do this as an anti spam method, using @ and . will cause me to get those emails from some person pretending to be from Iraq, saying that their husband died and they have 12 million US dollars for me, and if I want it, I should email them back with my personal information (like my credit card number, which I am too young for). Q. Why did you make a huge response last time? A. Because I want to. Q. Why does it say "Philosopher's Stone"? A. Because in the UK and Canada that is the name of the book, movie and game. It is also the PROPER name. ================================================================================ =================================Credits/Closing================================ ================================================================================ - Myself - You, for reading this. Well guys, thanks for being here with another TripleJump FAQ. This one was a fun one to do, and I hope it helped you. If you have a question or comment, please send it into me at triplejumpfaqs[at]gmail[dot]com. I write guides for fun, and to help people. Free of charge. So please do not send me spam or hate mail, if you want me to keep on writing. If you want to use the FAQ on your site, please email me with a URL and the usual message. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Using this File to sell is strictly illegal and a violation of several laws. If you wish to use this file, please contact me first.