___ ___ / | \_____ ______________ ___.__. / ~ \__ \\_ __ \_ __ < | | \ Y // __ \| | \/| | \/\___ | \___|_ /(____ /__| |__| / ____| \/ \/ \/ __________ __ __ \______ \_____/ |__/ |_ ___________ | ___/ _ \ __\ __\/ __ \_ __ \ | | ( <_> ) | | | \ ___/| | \/ |____| \____/|__| |__| \___ >__| ----------------------------- \/ and the Philosopher's Stone ----------------------------- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone AND Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone FAQ/Walkthrough Nintendo Gameboy Colour Version 0.59 By bodo_parkour ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Controls 4. Walkthrough 5. Cheatcodes and Secrets 6. Conclusion ******************************************************************************* 1. Introduction ******************************************************************************* Hi, and welcome to my FAQ for 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone', known as the Sorcerer's Stone in the USA. Unlike most other Harry Potter titles, this one isn't just an adventure game. Instead, it plays like an RPG, and utilised turn based combat, levelling up, and equipping items. It's a pretty fun game to play, and isn't that hard, This is my walkthrough, and I hope you enjoy it. As usual, if you've got any comments, anything to add, or if you think I've missed anything out, you can email me using my email address, found in the conclusion of this FAQ... ******************************************************************************* 2. Version History ******************************************************************************* Version 0.50 - 23rd July 2007 - 28kb ------------------------------------ Covered up to the Gryffindor Common Room in the Walkthrough. Version 0.52 - 24th July 2007 - 32kb ------------------------------------ Covered up to the middle of the Potions Class in the Walkthrough. Version 0.54 - 20th November 2007 - 34kb ---------------------------------------- Finshed the walkthrough up to the end of the Potions Class. Version 0.56 - 25th November 2007 - 40kb ---------------------------------------- Added three more classes to the walkthrough. Version 0.57 - 27th November 2007 - 45kb ---------------------------------------- Added Defence Against the Dark Arts and Broom Flight Class to the walkthrough. Only one more class left to cover before the story progresses. Also fixed a spelling error. Version 0.58 - 29th February 2008 - 46kb ---------------------------------------- Wrote another paragraph or so onto the walkthrough. Added the 'cheats and secrets' section, currently only with one cheat :( Verion 0.59 - 2nd March 2008 - 50kb ----------------------------------- Finished all the classes in the walkthrough. ******************************************************************************* 3. Controls ******************************************************************************* Directional Pad - Control Harry START button - Access the Pause Menu SELECT button - Gives you your Whereabouts A button - Speak, Action, Examine object B button - Scroll through speech, Resume ******************************************************************************* 4. Walkthrough ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- DIAGON ALLEY --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | After watching the introduction, you '-----------------------------------' will arrive at Diagon Alley with Hagrid. | None | Speak to him, and he will disappear '---------------------------------' through the door leading to Ollivander's Wand Makers. Get used to the controls for a moment, then follow him through the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- OLLIVANDER'S WAND MAKERS --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | You will by introducted to Mr Ollivander '-----------------------------------' by Hagrid, who will tell you to meet | Harry's Wand ............ ___ | him in Gringott's Lobby and leaves. Go '---------------------------------' up to Mr Ollivander to start a cutscene. Eventually, Harry will get his new wand. There's nothing new to do here, so go back out of the door you just went through, to Diagon Alley. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- DIAGON ALLEY --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | A boy will walk up to you and offer to '-----------------------------------' give you some Famous Witches and Wizards | Wizard Card Deck ........ ___ | cards. Select the deck you'd like to | Folio Magi .............. ___ | take and the boy will then give you a | Folio Triplicus ......... ___ | Folio Magi and a Folio Triplicus. | Card Combination ........ ___ | Finally, he will give you two card | Card Combination ........ ___ | combinations and four wizard cards | Wizard Card ............. ___ | before wandering off. Head right, and | Wizard Card ............. ___ | go up into the passageway to the right | Wizard Card ............. ___ | of Ollivander's. Walk into one of the | Wizard Card ............. ___ | sparkling blue things to enter a | Wizard Card ............. ___ | magical encounter, or battle. '---------------------------------' Press A to access your list of spells and select the one you'd like to use. The brown rats that are found in this alley are weak against your Vermillios Uno spell. Winning battles will give you money, experience, and occasionally items. If you get low on health or action points, go down to the row of shops below Ollivander's and enter the first one. This is the healing shop, and the woman behind the counter will replenish your HP and AP at no cost. Eventually you will gain a new level. You will now have higher stats and more HP and AP. Right up at the top of the alley, examine the two crates on the left to recieve another wizard card. Keep on battling the rats until you are at least level three or four then enter the large white building to the right of Diagon Alley. This is Gringott's Wizarding bank. Make sure you have full health before continuing beyond this point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- GRINGOTT'S WIZARDING BANK --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Go straight up to the end of the hall '-----------------------------------' and examine the empty chair on the right | Wizard Card ............. ___ | hand side before talking to Hagrid. He | Wizard Card ............. ___ | will lead you through a door, and Harry | Wizard Card ............. ___ | will fall over. When you wake up, go | 850 Sickles ............. ___ | as far left as you can, then straight | School Supply List ...... ___ | up. Examine a hole in the wall for a | Card Combination ........ ___ | card then take the next path up. Follow | Wizard Card ............. ___ | the path up as far as you go, then take | Wizard Card ............. ___ | the thin path up again. Keep going up, '---------------------------------' and very soon, Harry will enter a new area. Head right, then up. Examine the hole in the wall for yet another Wizard card. Take the right, and follow it to another hole in the wall. When you reach this point, go straight up and you will come across an extra large magical encounter. This is the first boss of the game. If your stamina isn't full, eat a pumpkin pastie (from the items menu) to replenish 15HP and enter the battle. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | BOSS BATTLE - GIANT RAT Difficulty - 1/5 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | For your first boss battle, it's pretty hard unless you levelled up lots | | earlier. As you should know by now, rats are weak against Vermillious | | spells. Use Vermillious Uno (or Duo, if you've unlocked it) on the giant | | rat. Four hits with Vermillious will send it screaming and you can easily | | defeat the two small brown rats. If you've got no AP left, then two hits | | with Flipendo Uno will finish them. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Finish your journey up the passage and turn left. Speak to Hagrid to open your vault. You will recieve 850 Sickles, and the school supply list. Walk over to the right wall and press A to grab a new card combination. Go down to the door once you've finished looking around to exit the vault. Head left and follow the passage down to it's end. Go right and up the next one. Keep going right then take the last downward passage before you reach the end. There's another hole in the wall containing a Wizard Card. Go down and then head left. It's a good idea to get some levelling up done here, so battle as many bats and rats as you can. Once you've reached the end, go down then take the first right. Follow the passage for a Wizard card. Go down, right, right, and down, then go left and down once more. Go through the door to get back into the Gringott's Entrance Hall. Go straight through the hall and out into the open air of Diagon Alley. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- DIAGON ALLEY --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Now you must buy all of your school '-----------------------------------' equipment. Head past Ollivander's and | Wizard Card ............. ___ | the shop with the broomstick on it and | Wizard Card ............. ___ | the boy that spoke to you earlier will | Wizard Card ............. ___ | mention that there could be a card in | Potion Kit Bag .......... ___ | the nearby barrel *hint,hint*. Go into | 5 Sickles ............... ___ | the owl shop, examine the owl, and get | Wizard Card ............. ___ | another card. In the next shop, a card | Cauldron ................ ___ | is concealed behind some of the vials. | Plain Work Rober ........ ___ | speak to the man and buy the potion kit | Winter Cloak ............ ___ | bag. | Dragonskin Gloves ....... ___ | | Pointed Hat ............. ___ | Exit the shop and examine all the | Plain Boots ............. ___ | cauldrons for 5 sickles. Enter the shop, | Pack of Name Tags ....... ___ | examine the cauldrons, and buy a | Wigenweld Potion ........ ___ | cauldron. Which one you get is up to | School Books ............ ___ | you, but I'd take the collapsable one, | Hedwig the Owl .......... ___ | seeing as it's cheaper. Go back all the '---------------------------------' way past Ollivander's and go down past the healing shop. The second shop along is Gambol and Japes and if you'd like you can spend some coins on Chocolate Frogs, as each one contains a Wizard Card. If you need any more money, take part in more battles. Enter the next shop along to buy your school robes. A boy will speak to you then leave. Buy three plain work robes, one winter cloak, Dragonskin gloves, a hat, boots, and a pack of name tags. There is nothing else to do in here, so leave the shop. Equip all of the clothes you've bought using the Equip screen in the pause menu, then along to Flourish and Bott's Bookshop. Before you go in, examine the wooden crate for a Wiggenweld potion. Speak to the man to get your first year books, then trace your steps back to Hagrid outside Gringott's. Hagrid will give you Hedwig the Owl as a present. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- PLATFORM 9 3/4 --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Go all the way over to the wooden '-----------------------------------' plank and use it to cross the first | None | track. Go all the way along to the right '---------------------------------' and speak to the second person from the left in the large group of people. A guard will shout out that the train will be leaving in a couple of minutes. Direct Harry behind the group of people and onto the Hogwart's Express. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- THE HOGWART'S EXPRESS --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | You start out in the foremost carriage. '-----------------------------------' Walk along the entire corridor until you | Chocolate Frogs ......... ___ | reach the final compartment. Harry will | Card Combination ........ ___ | sit down and you will be introduced to '---------------------------------' Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. You will learn a new spell, Verdmillious Uno. A woman will arrive with a tray of sweets. Buy a couple of chocolate frogs and sit back down opposite Ron. You will now enter a boss battle with the boy you saw in the shop where you bought your robes in Diagon Alley. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | BOSS BATTLE - DRACO MALFOY Difficulty - 1/5 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The spell Hermione just taught you will come in handy here. Just keep | | casting Verdmillious Uno on Malfoy. Should your AP points reach zero, use | | the Wiggenweld potion you found earlier. He will cast Vermillious Uno on | | you, so watch out as it does a lot of damage. Eat pumpkin pasties to | | replenish your health. Once he's defeated, he'll give you a new card | | combination and leave. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ There's not much to do now except wait a couple of minutes for the train to reach Hogwarts. You can sit tight and wait, or you can talk to some of the other students on the train. Eventually, you will reach Hogwarts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- THE GREAT LAKE --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Go back to the boarding ramp of the '-----------------------------------' train and examine the wooden log for a | Wizard Card ............. ___ | wizard card. Go back and speak to | Wiggenweld Potion ....... ___ | Hagrid to be healed then examine the '---------------------------------' mound of sand next to him for a free Wiggenweld potion. Finally, walk down the jetty to board one of the small rowing boats. Now you must navigate your boat to the docks at the castle. All you have to worry about is avoiding the large monsters and steering the boat away from land. Try to avoid the big purple tentacles that stick out of the water. They are difficult to kill and they'll use up a lot of your AP. Navigate your boat under a bridge then keep going up. Vermillious Uno is the most effective spell to use against dragonflies, so keep that in mind. Navigate through the two rocks and under a second bridge. In this area, try to keep quite far left. There will be a large purple tentacle blocking the way to the jetty so take it out in a magical encounter. Sail right up to the beach and you will be led by Hagrid into the castle dungeons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- HOGWARTS CASTLE DUNGEONS --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Just like in Gringott's Bank, Harry is '-----------------------------------' left behind on his own in a dungeon. | Card Combination ........ ___ | First off, go up, then right, and take | Card Combination ........ ___ | the second passage up. At the top of the | Wizard Card ............. ___ | passage, examine the hole in the wall | Pepper-up Potion ........ ___ | for a card combination. Go down the '---------------------------------' right hand side of the passage and follow it. Go up the stairs to reach the next dungeon floor up. Go all the way along to the left of the tunnel then go all the way to the bottom. Look at the wall to get another new card combination. Now take the first right and follow it all the way along to the next set of stairs. You are now at the final dungeon level and the large blue mist is the next boss. Make sure you are at least level six before attempting to beat this boss. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | BOSS BATTLE - KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR Difficulty - 3/5 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The best spell to use here is Flipendo Uno or Duo. Simply hit it | | repeatedly and it will flee. I've listed this boss as quite difficult to | | defeat as his attacks are incredibly powerful. He's not got that much | | health, but you've got to watch that your own doesn't get too low. If it | | does, then take a Wiggenweld potion. Sometimes if you defeat him, you | | get a Wizard Card but that isn't always the case. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go up the small steps then take a left for a Wizard card and a right for a free Pepper-up potion. When you're done, walk up the final set of steps to enter Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- HOGWARTS ENTRANCE HALL --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Nothing to do here yet. Walk through the '-----------------------------------' door that Professor McGonagall just led | None | Ron and the rest of the first year '---------------------------------' students. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- HOGWARTS GREAT HALL --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | After being sorted, walk down to the '-----------------------------------' bottom right corner of the hall, and | Wizard Card ............. ___ | speak with the Gryffindor ghost, Nearly | Wizard Card ............. ___ | Headless Nick. Harry will sit next to '---------------------------------' Hermione and soon Ron will join the table. Now Professor Dumbledore makes a speech and you wil have to find the Gryffindor Common Room. Go up and examine the Sorting Hat stool for a card, then go behind the staff table and through the door. Examine the middle portrait in the middle of the room for another card. Go back to the Great Hall and out the door into the entrance hall. Climb the Grand Staircase to the first floor corridor. Before proceeding, you will be warned about the resident poltergeist, Peeves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- FIRST FLOOR CORRIDOR --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | There are 157 sickles in a box down the '-----------------------------------' left hand side of the corridor, and a | 157 Sickles ............. ___ | wizard card in the left arm of the | Wizard Card ............. ___ | Jester statue near the bottom of the '---------------------------------' corridor. Go up any one of the two stairs to continue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- SECOND FLOOR CORRIDOR --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Behind the bottom statue of a Griffin '-----------------------------------' is a cauldron cake. The other Griffin | Cauldron Cake ........... ___ | statue conceals a secret passage up to | Wizard Card ............. ___ | the 5th floor, but for the sake of '---------------------------------' getting as many items as possible, we'll be taking the stairs each time. Go past the stairs and up to the top of the corridor. Examine the box for a wizard card then retreat back down to the stairs up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- THIRD FLOOR CORRIDOR --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | The stairs up are straight down from '-----------------------------------' the left side stairs to the Second Floor | Wiggenweld Potion ....... ___ | but first, there are some useful items | Wizard Card ............. ___ | to get. The jester at the top conceals '---------------------------------' a Wiggenweld potion, and the trophy cabinet at the bottom gives you another Wizard card. Go up the stairs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- FOURTH FLOOR CORRIDOR --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | There is a wizard card in the statue at '-----------------------------------' the bottom right of the corridor. 147 | Wizard Card ............. ___ | sickles can be found at the bottom of | 147 Sickles ............. ___ | the bench further up, and 101 sickles | 101 Sickles ............. ___ | can be found by examining the top bust | Wizard Card ............. ___ | of a head. '---------------------------------' A small box at the top right of the corridor contains one wizard card. After getting it, proceed up the stairs on the left of the corridor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- FIFTH FLOOR CORRIDOR --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Examine the smaller tophy shelf to the '-----------------------------------' top right of the corridor for a card, | Wizard Card ............. ___ | then look at the picture of an old lady | Wizard Card ............. ___ | in the middle of the corridor for | Wizard Card ............. ___ | another. Go through the corridor to the | Wizard Card ............. ___ | left to enter the Duelling Room. | Card Combination ........ ___ | The bin and the poster at the top both '---------------------------------' hide cards, then speak to the boy in between the Ravenclaw and Slytherin tables for a card combination. Leave the room and go back to the fifth floor corridor. Go up the stairs at the bottom left of the screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- SIXTH FLOOR CORRIDOR --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | The back of the sphinx holds a Pepper-up '-----------------------------------' potion, so grab that. The obelisk to the | Pepper-up Potion ........ ___ | left contains a wizard card. Go up to | Wizard Card ............. ___ | the bookshelf at the top for 107 sickles | 107 Sickles ............. ___ | then examine the nearest obelisk for a | Wizard Card ............. ___ | wizard card. Go up the stairs. '---------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- SEVENTH FLOOR CORRIDOR --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Straight ahead of you, the cabinet has '-----------------------------------' a wizard card in it. Examine the picture | Wizard Card ............. ___ | at the top of the corridor for another, | Wizard Card ............. ___ | then look at the badge for the left for | 113 Sickles ............. ___ | 113 sickles. To the left of the '---------------------------------' magnifying glass is the entrance to the Gryffindor Common Room. Speak to the Fat Lady's portrait, then go up and speak to the person standing at the top left of the corridor. Go back down the staircase to the Sixth floor corridor to continue. Nearly Headless Nick is standing to the left of the sphinx. Speak to him. He gives you a quest. You must get back to the entrance hall and look for a school tie. First off, go down another set of stairs and examine the bust of a young man to the right of the stairs. You will slide down to the second floor. Go down two more sets of stairs back to the Entrance Hall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- HOGWARTS ENTRANCE HALL --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Just examine the top monkey on the left '-----------------------------------' hand side for the tie. The lower monkey | Old School Tie .......... ___ | contains a wizard card. Go back up to | Wizard Card ............. ___ | the second floor and examine each part '---------------------------------' of the top Griffin to go back to the Fifth floor. Climb another staircase and speak again to Nearly Headless Nick. Speak to him again to get the Gryffindor password. Go back up and speak again to the portrait of the Fat Lady to enter the Gryffindor Common Room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- GRYFFINDOR COMMON ROOM --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | After being spoken to, examine the chest '-----------------------------------' of drawers and the top chess table for | Wizard Card ............. ___ | two wizard cards. The chair to the left | Wizard Card ............. ___ | of the brown table contains a bag of | Every Flavour Beans ..... ___ | every flavour beans. Speak to everyone, | Wizard Card ............. ___ | then go up the stairs at the bottom of | Card Combination ........ ___ | the common room. | Wizard Card ............. ___ | '---------------------------------' This is the boys dormitory. Examine the fireplace for a wizard card and the chest of drawers to the left for a card combination. the bed at the top of the dormitory is Harry's. Examine his chest for another wizard card then climb into bed to end the day. Now the next day has begun, go back down the stairs to the common room. There is a noticeboard near the entrance to the girls' dormitories. Read it to discover what classes you have to attend. Go out onto the seventh floor and down to the bottom of the corridor. Enter the door to slide down to the fourth floor corridor. Continue going down stairs to reach the entrance hall. Go to the door to the northwest of the entrance hall to enter the dungeons. Go through the door to your left to arrive at your first lesson, Potions, with Professor Snape. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- POTIONS CLASSROOM --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Go right up to the top of the classroom '-----------------------------------' and speak to Professor Snape. You will | None | lose one house point. Neville will get '---------------------------------' hurt by a potion and Harry will have to find the ingrediants to an antidote. Go back through the door to the dungeons and enter the door opposite. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- PROFESSOR SNAPE'S OFFICE --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Go up to the painting of a snake and '-----------------------------------' examine the head to get the Boomslang | Boomslang Skin .......... ___ | Skin. The cabinet to the right gives you | Wizard Card ............. ___ | a wizard card. Leave the office and go '---------------------------------' out the bottom door back to the entrance hall. If you want, go up to the fourth floor and enter the top door. You can speak to Madam Pomfrey to get healed. Otherwise, go out the front door of the castle into the grounds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- HOGWARTS CASTLE GROUNDS --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Head down the path to the left of the '-----------------------------------' screen. Continue going south until you | Many Potion Ingrediants . ___ | reach a gate, which leads you into | Antidote ................ ___ | Hagrid's back garden. After speaking to '---------------------------------' Hagrid, leave the garden and go up to the first place the path splits. Take the left path, to the Herbology Greenhouses. Talk to Professor Sprout and then enter a few magical encounters near the patches of vegetables. The small clump of grass to the right of the top right patch contains an antidote. If you're a little low on Stamina and MP, head back up to the fourth floor to the hospital wing and speak to Madam Pomfrey. When you are confident you have enough MP and stamina left to tackle quite a few encounters with snakes and other hard hitting creatures, return to the greenhouses and enter encounters until you walk away with a few snake fangs. Now go back to Hagrid's garden. NOTE: The quickest way to get from the entrance hall to the fourth floor is to climb the grand staircase to the second floor then use the passage concealed behind the second griffin to reach the 5th floor and go down one flight of stairs. Anyway, you now have to collect 2 beetle's eyes. The grass to the top left of the garden conceals one eye, and the second is to the bottom left of Hagrid's cabin. Go back up to the castle and enter the Potions Classroom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- POTIONS CLASSROOM --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Walk up to Professor Snape again and '-----------------------------------' hand him your finds. He'll give you 5 | None | housepoints for your efforts. Now it's '---------------------------------' time to find your next class. so leave Snape's class and go back out into the entrance hall. Climb to the second floor corridor and enter the Charms classroom at the top of the hallway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- CHARMS CLASSROOM --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | There's a wizard card in the bookcase '-----------------------------------' beside the door, and a card combination | Wizard Card ............. ___ | hidden on the right side of the window. | Card Combination ........ ___ | Grab those two objects, then speak to '---------------------------------' Professor Flitwick, who's standing on the pile of books at the front of the classroom. You will enter a minigame similar to Simon Says. Mimick the movements the Professor makes when it's your turn. You get three trys before you have to start at the beginning again. Once you pass three levels, the minigame will end. As a reward, Professor Flitwick will teach you a new spell, Wingardium Leviosa. Leave the classroom, and go down one floor. Enter the door on the top-left. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- TRANSFIGURATION CLASSROOM --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Cue a cutscene ;). Leave the classroom, '-----------------------------------' go down the grand staircase, and exit | None | the castle to the grounds. '---------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- HOGWARTS CASTLE GROUNDS --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Go round to the left of the doors. Press '-----------------------------------' the A button when you are next to the | None | rabbit then go back to the '---------------------------------' Transfiguration Classroom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- TRANSFIGURATION CLASSROOM --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | You'll get 25 house points and you'll '-----------------------------------' learn a new spell: Incendio Uno. Examine | Card Combination ........ ___ | the bookcase next to you for a card '---------------------------------' combination then leave the class. Go through the entrance hall back out into the grounds and go all the way left until you reach the greenhouses. NOTE: I suggest you take the oppurtunity of being outside to level up to around level 12-13 if you've not already done so. Remember, the more you level up, the easier the enemies become to defeat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- HOGWARTS CASTLE GROUNDS --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Enter the furthest greenhouse to the '-----------------------------------' left. | None | '---------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- GREENHOUSE THREE --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Iten Checklist | Examine the second plant from the left '-----------------------------------' for an antidote then speak with | Antidote ................ ___ | Professor Sprout. Sit down next to Ron, '---------------------------------' (he's nearest Professor Sprout). After the cutscene, examine the plant to the right of the door for some Dried Nettles then leave the Greenhouse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- HOGWARTS CASTLE GROUNDS --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Go along the path from the greenhouse '-----------------------------------' then leave it to the left. Examine the | Herbs | plant for Asphodel Root, then go back '---------------------------------' to the path. Go up to the entrance hall then follow the path directly downwards. Keep examining plants on the right hand side until you find Dittany, then continue all the way along the path until you reach the gate. You'll find Wormwood in a bush a little up and to the right from the gate. Follow the castle ground border round to the east. When you reach a stone wall, go up a bit to a bush which contains Aconite. Finally, the Mandrake Root is concealed in some grass near where you found the Wormwood. Once you've got all six, go back to Greenhouse Three, where you will be sent an errand. Go into the dungeons of the castle and speak to Professor Snape in his office to get two potion recipes. Go up to the fifth floor and enter the card collectors club for some card combinations from the guy standing to the left wall, then go to the third floor. The Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom is the room at the top left of the corridor. Cutscene! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- DEFENCE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS CLASSROOM --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Enter the classroom then go up and '-----------------------------------' speak to Professor Quirrel. He'll tell | None | you to go and speak to Madam Pince, the '---------------------------------' Hogwarts Librarian. You'll notice that for every few steps Harry takes, he'll flash a bright colour. This means that one stamina point is deducted from his total. When his HP reaches zero, he'll wake up in the hospital wing. For this reason, try to be as direct as possible when walking in between places to save as much health as possible. Exit the classroom, go across the hallway, and enter the library. Go up and down the stairs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- HOGWARTS LIBRARY --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Go down and go right. Continue until '-----------------------------------' you see a wooden table. Walk south of | Literally hundreds of items | the table, all the way, until you reach | hidden in the bookcases. Be | Madam Pince, who'll be sitting at her | sure to search them all when | desk. | you have time. | '---------------------------------' After speaking to her, leave the Library all the way to the left and climb to the fifth floor. Make sure you are at least level 13 or so and that your health is as high as possible (drink a Wiggenweld Potion) and approach the television in the top right hand corner of the room. Press the A button when you're near the T.V. and lo and behold, a secret passageway, you shall enter. Check your stats, save your game, and walk into the giant magical encounter. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | BOSS BATTLE - GOLEM CREATURE Difficulty - 1/5 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The most effective spell you can use here is Vermillious Duo (8AP). It'll | | cause around 36-37 damage each turn. Make sure your Stamina and AP don't | | get too low (if they do, take a Wiggenweld Potion or a Pepper-up Potion). | | Other than that, this boss is one of the easiest in the game. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go to your item menu and use the curse book to remove Peeves's curse. Another thing you should do is equip the belt you got from defeating the boss. It increases most of your stats by quite a large amount, so you might as well make use of it. You will learn a new spell: Mucus Ad Nauseum. Leave the secret passageway by the door to the north, leave the classroom, go down to the exit you took from the library last time, and go back over to speak with Madam Pince. Before leaving the library, there's a new spell you'll need later that's hidden in the shelves. Go back up to where Filch guards the restricted section of the library, then go right. Just before the wall, enter a small dead end and examine the bookcase. You'll learn Locomotor Wibbly. Now leave the library by going all the way to the left, climbing the stairs and going through the door. After speaking with Professor Quirrel again, leave his class and go all the way out to the castle grounds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- HOGWARTS CASTLE GROUNDS --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Iten Checklist | Take the right hand path and follow '-----------------------------------' it all the way to a clearing. Here, | Dried Nettles ........ ___ | we'll view a cutscene which introduces '---------------------------------' a mini-game. Basically, you just fly through the trees, avoiding the little spikey green leaves that are randomly spread out in front of you. Use up and down on the directional pad to dodge them, use left to slow down, and use right to speed up. Eventually, if you go fast enough, you'll catch up with Malfoy. Reaching him will complete the minigame. Touching a leaf will slow you down slightly. Back on ground level, speak to Madam Hooch again and you'll be allowed to chase the owl one more time. Doing this will unlock a new card combination from the Deulling club on the fifth floor. Go back up to the castle, and do some levelling up on your way there. Just before the door to the castle, in the really tall grasss, there are dried nettles to be found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ENTRANCE HALL --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Iten Checklist | Just head straight upwards, up the '-----------------------------------' grand staircase, and you'll reach the | None | first floor corridor. The History of '---------------------------------' Magic Classroom is up on the fourth floor, so head up there. It's situated just to the left of the hospital wing. Before entering, go into the hospital wing and get Madam Pomfrey to heal you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- HISTORY OF MAGIC CLASSROOM --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Wizard Cards can be found in the bottom '-----------------------------------' left desk and concealed within the | Wizard Card ............. ___ | portrait on the top-right hand side of | Wizard Card ............. ___ | the room. Speak to Neville (he's '---------------------------------' standing to the left of Professor Binns) to advance the story. The Professor will give you a pass to Diagon Alley. Once he does that, leave the class. Cue cutscene :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- DIAGON ALLEY --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Iten Checklist | Go to the right and speak to the '-----------------------------------' stranger next to Hagrid. | None | '---------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- GRINGOTT'S WIZARDING BANK --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Up at the other end of the hall, once '-----------------------------------' again, speak to the hooded stranger. | Wizard Card ............. ___ | You'll automatically follow the Goblin '---------------------------------' to a vault near the entrance. Remember it's location in case you die and have to find the way back to this vault all by yourself. Inside the vault, walk into the boss fight. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | BOSS BATTLE - GIANT LIGHT BROWN RAT Difficulty - 4/5 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | First off, cast Locomotor Wibbly on the giant rat so you can focus on the | | two smaller ones. Verdmillious Duo is the more powerful spell to use | | against these vermin. One or two hits each should immobilise. Heal | | yourself and replenish your AP before attacking the big rat. Five or Six | | hits with Incendio Uno will be enough to defeat it. If you run low on | | Stamina, use a Wiggenweld Grand Potion. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After defeating it, you'll get the famous Wizard Card, "Circe". Leave the Gringotts Bank and return outside to the stranger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- HISTORY OF MAGIC CLASSROOM --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------. | Item Checklist | Walk through the now-empty desks up to '-----------------------------------' Professor Binns, who will now allow you | None | to keep the card. Cutscene. '---------------------------------' --The rest of the walkthrough shall be written in due course-- ******************************************************************************* 5. Cheatcodes and Secrets ******************************************************************************* More experience in-game ----------------------- Once the game have been completed and saved, when you start a new game in the same save slot, you will have all of the items, levels, experience points, and spells that you had at the end of the previous game. ******************************************************************************* 6. Conclusion ******************************************************************************* If you've got anything to add to this FAQ, or you want to point out a mistake or just give me your comments, then my email address is bodo_parkour [at] hotmail [.] co [.] uk When emailing me please use a sensible subject heading otherwise I may think it is spam and just delete it. You can also email me for permission to host this FAQ on your site (once it reaches version 1.00). The only sites with permission to host this FAQ are: www.gamefaqs.com - GameFAQs www.gamespot.com - Gamespot faqs.ign.com - IGN FAQs www.ign.com - IGN Network www.neoseeker.com - Neoseeker www.supercheats.com - Supercheats www.cheatcc.com - Cheat Code Central www.honestgamers.com - Honest Gamers www.gamewinners.com - Gamewinners I'd like to thank CjayC for creating and operating GameFAQs and I'd like to wish him all the best for his future. I'd like to thank Sailor Bacon, the new administrator of GameFAQs, and I'm sure he'll do an excellent job. This FAQ is copyright (c) Bodo_parkour. All rights reserved. Please do not steal my work and you are more than welcome to save it to your hardrive for future reference. END OF FILE.