_ __ ___ | ' \ ___ \ / ___ ,'\_ | .-. \ /| \ / | |,'__ \ ,'\_ | \ | | | | ,' |_ /| _ | | | |\/ \ \ | \ | |\_| _ | |_| | _ '-. .-',' |_ _ // | | | |____| | | |\_|| |__ // | | ,'_`. | | '-. .-',' `. ,'\_ \\_| |_,' .-, _ | | | | |\ \ // .| |\_/ | / \ || | | | / |\ \| \ `-. .-'| |/ / | | | | | | \ \// | | | | | || | | | | |_\ || |\_| | | | || \_| | | | /_\ \ / | |` | | | || | | | | .---'| | | | | |\___,_\ /_\ _ // | | | \_/ || | | | | | /\| | /_\ | | //_____// .||` `._,' | | | | \ `-' /| | /_\ `------' \ | AND `.\ | | `._,' /_\ \| THE `.\ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ /_ (_`/ \|_)/ '|_ |_)|_ |_)(_ ._)\_/| \\_,|__| \|__| \ _) ================ _ ___ _ _ ASCII BY OSREVAD (_` | / \|\ ||__ ================ ._) | \_/| \||___ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone FAQ/Walkthrough By Crystal Castles Nintendo Gamecube ccfaqs11[at]gmail[dot]com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Note* This FAQ can be used for the Playstation 2, PC and XBOX version of this game. The Controls are the only thing that will be different. =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Version History 3.0 E-Mail Policy 4.0 Legal Information 5.0 Basics 5.1 Characters 5.2 Controls 5.3 Spells 5.4 Items 6.0 Walkthrough 7.0 Quidditch 8.0 Bosses 9.0 Credits 10.0 Closing =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== 1.0 I N T R O D U C T I O N =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== Hey there. Crystal Castles is here to create yet another FAQ, this time for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I noticed that there were NO FAQs for this game, so I decided to share a little bit of knowledge with you guys. I will try to do my best to give you some strategies and information regarding the game. Let's get on with this FAQ, shall we? =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== 2.0 V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== Version 1.2 - Finished the walkthrough! Version 1.1 - Updated the walkthrough until the Troll part. Should be done in the next update. I also added some ASCII. Version 1.0 - First submission to GameFAQs. =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== 3.0 E - M A I L P O L I C Y =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== ccfaqs11[at]gmail[dot]com Hey everyone. This is the e-mail policy portion of this FAQ. I am going to list what I believe to be "acceptable" or "unacceptable" e-mails. Of course, it would be very wise of you to correctly e-mail me if you are hoping for a response. Also, if you have made a mistake when e-mailing me, it is very likely I will block you so that you cannot send me any more messages. So, now that you all know what will happen if you incorrectly e-mail me, you have to find out what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. Please read below. Do you have information that we have not covered in this FAQ? Well, read below. If you happen to know something in the FAQ please e-mail me. I am always interested in adding information from readers, but there are a few exceptions. If this FAQ is NOT labeled "Final" as its version, your added information may not neccessarily be used. I could possibly already know your information, but have not gotten to that section yet. So, do not guarantee that I will post your comments just because you were nice enough to e-mail us. Now, for a little more about an "acceptable" e-mail, let's talk about the subject of the e-mail. I get a lot of e-mails about other FAQs that I have written, so I can easily miss your e-mail unless you identify it. So, in the subject line, please include the words "Fable" in your subject line. This makes it a lot easier to sort things out in my e-mail. If you do not refer to what game you are commenting/asking for help on, I will most likely ignore the entire e-mail. The last aspect that we would like to talk about is reading the FAQ. If you are in doubt, check around the entire FAQ before coming to us for direct help. It is likely that information is in other parts of the FAQ, and not neccessarily the part that you are looking at during that very moment. Any comments that are already answered in this FAQ will simply be ignored and blocked, as I have taken a lot of time to write this guide for you, you can do a little something for me as well. If any of the above guidelines are not followed correctly your e-mails will be considered "unacceptable" and I am sure you know what that means. I personally think that it will be simple to follow the guidelines, and you will not have to worry very much about the process. Thank you, again, for your cooperation. =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== 4.0 L E G A L I N F O R M A T I O N =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== This guide is (c) copyright to author Crystal Castles. The guide may not be sold or reproduced under any circumstances. Exceptions may occur with written permission from the author (Crystal Castles) via electronic mail. To make matters a bit more clear, those that are interested in posting this guide on a web site, magazine, book etc. must ask permission using e-mail. Posted all around this guide, the e-mail address that you must use to ask permission for guides is ccfaqs11[at]gmail[dot]com. I am expecting formal requests, and polite manners. Those who do not meet the criteria listed above will likely not be reviewed, or deleted from my e-mail inbox. I will be checking web sites periodically to make sure sites are not stealing copyrighted material. FAQers are tough to cheat, so I would suggest that you ask permission. Honestly, it does not take that much work, and I will likely let you use the guide. Thank you for reading this important part of the guide. The following sites may host as of yet: - gamefaqs.com - faqs.ign.com - neoseeker.com The following sites (courtesy of SinirothX) may NOT host this guide under any circumstances. They have been found to steal guides without asking, or asked and received an answer of no, but still hosted the guide. If you belong under this list, chances are you are not going to receive permission. Sorry, you had your chance. 911 Codes http://911codes.com 9 Lives http://www.9lives.ru/eng/ Bean's PlayStation Dimension http://www.bean.dk/psx/index.htm Cheat Index http://cheatindex.com Cheat Matrix http://cheatmatrix.com Cheat Search http://cheatsearch.com Cheatstop http://www.panstudio.com/cheatstop/ CNET Gamecenter http://games.netscape.com/Faqs/ Console Domain http://www.consoledomain.co.uk Dirty Little Helper http://dlh.net Dark Station http://www.darkstation.com/ Dreamland http://kirby.pokep.net Games Domain http://www.gamesdomain.com Game Express http://www.gameexpress.com Games Over http://www.gamesover.com/ Mega Games http://www.megagames.com Square Haven http://www.square-haven.net Ultimate System http://www.flatbedexpress.com VideoGaming.net http://www.videogaming.net/ =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== 5.0 B A S I C S =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 CHARACTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Harry Potter ---------------- This is the main character in this game. You control him through Hogwarts to enhance his knowledge in spells and other wizardly techniques. He is also the seeker for the Gryffindor team, and is very competitive in the game of Quidditch. I am sure that you know a little bit about this game. As you also already know, he is very famous at Hogwarts, so expect a lot of fame. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 CONTROLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Control stick - up down highlight menu option left right Control pad - up down highlight menu option left right: adjust selected option A-button - adjust selected option B-button - go back cancel Control stick - move Harry A-button - action- button: step away from wall; broomstick accelerate B-button - cast spells X-button - cast spells Y-button - cast spells Z-button - check Harry’s rememberall L-button - center view behind Harry’s view R-button - targeting C-stick - Camera Mode; look around Start - pause the game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 SPELLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =================== How to learn spells =================== To learn a spell you are going to have to watch your teacher outline the way your wand should swing. You are to basically copy this formation. The faster you are, the more points you gain for your house, and if you are a certain percent for each spell you will be able to cast that spell whenever you want. Make sure you listen carefully and take your time when learning spells. It is vital to your success. ====== Spells ====== 1. Flipendo ------------ This spell is the first one that you learn. It involves a spiral, and the key to using the spell is to find switches with a spiral on it. It can also hurt enemies such as Gnomes. 2. Alohomora ------------- This spell is the second one that you learn. It involves a keyhole shape, and will allow you to open locked doors that have a lock icon near the door. For more information, look at the item section. 3. Wingardium Leviosa ---------------------- This spell is a levitating spell. The switch for using this spell is a W, the same formation in which you are to outline for training. You learn this spell from the Charms Master, Professor Flitwick. 4. Incendio Spell ------------------ Learned from Professor Sprout, this spell can kill spiked enemies. It is a stronger spell in the game. 5. Lumos Spell --------------- Professor Quirrell teaches you this spell as your second from him. This spell allows you to create a bridge over an abyss. It is helpful for getting over large gaps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4 ITEMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Stamina Indicator --------------------- This is basically your health meter. If your stamina meter drains to zero you will faint and have to start over from the last save point in the game. Always keep an eye on how much health you have so you do not get into trouble while fighting a hard enemy. 2. Locked Doors ---------------- Many doors are already locked and need opening to proceed during the game. If you get a Lock icon when opening a door you will have to complete some tasks in order to open the door. Look for minor puzzles around the area to unlock the door. 3. Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor Beans ------------------------------------ These beans are like a currency. You can find them on the groun and tables all over the castle. If you collect enough of these you can trade them in for very valuable items. So remember, collect them while you can and do not waist them on useless items. 4. Challenge Stars ------------------- These starts basically give you gryffindor points by collecting them all throughout the year. If you collect these stars you will be much more successful throughout your first year career at Hogwarts. 5. Chocolate Frogs ------------------- There are jumping chocolate frogs all throughout the castle. If you pick one of these frogs up you will gain 100% stamina. They are basically your "health packs" so get them when you can! =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== 6.0 W A L K T H R O U G H =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== --------------------------------- Objective: Learn your first spell --------------------------------- Welcome to the walkthrough of this FAQ. Watch the brief introduction (which is exactly the same as the events that lead up to Harry attending Hogwarts) and then wait until the kids scramble out. Dumbledore will have a short talk with Harry and will tell you to attend your first class, the Defense Against the Dark Arts. Head up the stairs directly in front of you. As you reach the top you will see Ron Weasley running out of the left corridor. He will ask you to follow him into the right corridor. Proceed straight and turn left, simply following him. Eventually you will come across Fred, George, and Ron. Ron will leave and tell you that he will talk to you in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Fred and George, on the other hand, will give you a secret lesson. Follow them through the stone wall that opens and they will teach you how to climb. Refer to the controls section if you need help. At the top of the bookcase is a Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor Bean. Head to the right and climb the next book case to find another Bean. Continue through the path and collect the beans. To the left is a door to the next room. Enter it. This room is purposed to tutor you on how to jump. Refer to the controls section for more information. So, jump forward and collect the bean. Then when you jump to the next platform you will notice a ghost by the name of Peeves jump out and try to scare you. He will be a minor distraction, so simply jump from each platform collect the beans. Once you jump to the right which leads to a small alcove, head forward and jump back into the main room. Continue jumping forward and collecting the beans and head into the next room. Fred and George will congratulate you on your success, and will tell you about the chocolate frog. These frogs refill your health meter in the top left corner. It looks like a lightning bolt. Anyway, to your left and right are three beans each. Fred and George want you to come back when you have 25, and if you have picked up most of the beans this should not be much of a problem. Collect the six on the left and right by jumping up the platforms. Then head forward and jump up the middle staircase. Get the chocolate frog and jump left and right to collect more beans. Now head back down and talk to Fred and George. Talk to Fred and he will give you a wizard card in exchange for your 25 beans. Then head to the secret exit that they talk about. It is right above the chocolate frog area. Head up the stairs and you will be hit by a cutscene with Draco Malfoy and his little gang of Crabbe and Goyle. They will taunt you and your house, but don't worry about them right now. Head forward and talk to Hermione. She will lead you into your Defense Against the Dark Arts class. This is where you will learn your first spell FLIPENDO! Simply outline the spell marks and you will be graded based on your accuracy. You can gain more points for your House if you pass the grade mark. There are 4 levels which can gain you many points. After, head over to the practice room where Professor Quirrell directs you. ------------------------------------ Objective: Collect 7 Challenge Stars ------------------------------------ You will be approached with a challenege where you must collect the seven challenge stars. First cast your Flipendo spell at the barrel twice to get past that blockade. Then turn to the left and turn to your first right. You will meet up with Quirrell again and he will tell you to knock down the cauldrons that are lieing around the room. Hit the first two that are on the ground level. Then, cast Flipendo on the wall with the swirl. This will open a gate that leads to a challenge star. Head up the red carpet path and collect the star. Head forward and turn right to come to a bridge. Head across this bridge. You will see a cauldron. Cast Flipendo on it and collect the beans. Then turn directly to the right and you will notice a swirl on the wall again. Cast Flipendo one more time and this will move the bridge the opposite way. Jump back down to where Professor Quirrell and head down the path. Once you are at the intersection, head across the bridge and collect the next star. Head down this new corridor. In the next room you will be approached by Nearly Headless Nick. He is the ghost of the Gryffindor House. He will also explain to you about the save book. This is where you can save and load your game. Head up to it and save your game. Now, head right behind you and hit the small jar with a Flipendo spell. Head forward and you will notice a gate with a door behind it. Hit the swirls on the right and left to open both the gate and the door. Then proceed into the next room. Head through the short corridor and you will notice two cauldrons to the left and the right of a closed gate. You will need to trigger three switches to open this gate. Use the Flipendo spell on the switch to the left, right, and one directly behind the gate to open the gate itself. Then head in and collect the beans and stars. Now, head over to professor Quirrell standing in a shory corridor. He will tell you to head onto a small obstacle course. Hit this block twice and climb onto it. Then jump to the next platform. Do the same for the next block. This will lead you to a new puzzle. Head to the right and save your game. Then head to the block right after that. Push this block to the middle and jump across to it. Then jump to the room directly across from you. In here, head to the right and you will notice another switch. Use the Flipendo spell on it and head forward. Turn right and hit the Cauldrons to collect some beans. Now, hit the swirl switch up here. Head back down and jump to the platform that you first triggered. -------------------------------- MAP for the moving platforms -------------------------------- Key: M - Moving Platform P - Non-Moving Platform S - Switch/Spiral | | | M | | +---------+-------- | P S M S +---------+ +-------- | | +----+ | | M PS| |S +----+ | | | | | M +-------+ | PS| +-------+ M | | | | | | | Then jump across to the beans and fourth star. Head down and hit the next swirl switch. Jump to the platform and get the fifth star to the right of Harry. Then jump up to where the star is and hit the switch directly to the left of you. This will create the platform ahead to start moving. Then jump to that moving platform onto the non-moving platform. Hit the next swirl to create a new platform to start moving. Jump onto this platform, and as you get closer you will notice yet another swirl on the left wall. Cast Flipendo onto this and jump to a new moving platform. Now, jump to the next non-moving platform. Hit the switch right here. Then use the next moving platform to jump to another moving platform. There will be a switch on the wall. Hit this and jump to the newly created hole. Hit the switch once more, jump up two flights and collect the sixth star. Now head back and jump over the platforms to the end of the area. Just look at the map if you are confused. At the end, head down the hall and save your game using the book ahead of you. Then head through the doors to be introduced to a Gnome. The little animals hit you and steal your beans! Quickly cast your Flipendo spell against all three of the Gnomes and then get the last star across from the fire place. Then head into the next room and you will have completed your star challenge! Professor Quirrell will now give you instructions to start broom lessons. ---------------------------------------- Objective: Fly through the magical loops ---------------------------------------- Basically all you have to do is fly through a big obstacle of rings. Try to get through as many as possible in the certain amount of time. When your time is up Madaam Hooch will award you some House Points and will tell you that you can practice flying at any time. She then states that it is time for your charm lessons. ------------------------------------------ Objective: Learn and use your second spell ------------------------------------------ In the next room, head over to the save book across the room. Then reach Hermione near the locked door (there is a lock icon near her). She will teach you the Alohomora spell, which will help you unlock doors! The spell looks similar to a keyhole when you are tracing it. Remember to try your best in order to gain the most House Points. Good luck. Then head through the door by using the spell. Hermione will tell you to use the spell on the bookcase right across from the knight. In the next room, use the Alohomora on the chest to get four beans. Now use the spell on the other door with a lock icon on it. There is one more door with a lock on it, so use the spell one more time. Now, head back out to the main room and head to Charms Class. ---------------------------------------------------- Objective: Attend Charms Class and learn a new spell ---------------------------------------------------- In charms class you will learn the new spell Wingardium Leviosa. This is a levitating spell and you have to outline a W in order to pass the training to learn this spell. ---------------------------------------------- Objective: Complete the Challenge Star Mission ---------------------------------------------- In the first room, use your Wingardium Leviosa spell to levitate the statue and move it onto the platform. This is the key to opening the door ahead of you. Professor Flitwick bids you farewell and goodluck, and you are to complete the challenge star mission. Head through the newly opened door ahead of you. Inside there is a cauldron right in front of you. Use your Flipendo spell to knock it over and collect the beans. Then head around the corner. Two Gnomes will attack you, so use your Flipendo spell to stun them. Then head forward and hit the swirl switch to unlock the gate. Head through and collect the star ahead. Then head down the stairs to come to a save book. Save your game here. Then, head all the way down to the ground level and hit the cauldron to your left to gain some beans. Head directly right to find another cauldron with a few beans. Head behind you to find a treasure chest with four beans inside, and two beans on some bookshelves to the right and left of the chest. Then head forward through the next path. In this new room you will be faced with a tougher puzzle. First of all, hit the two cauldrons to the right and left of the enterance to get a few beans. Then head to the middle. You will notice that there are two statues which can be levitated, but we have to wait right now. First, head to the left side of the room. You will notice a swirl switch. Hit it, and then quickly hit the Gnome that appears behind the switch. Then hit the switch on the wall to open the gate on that side of the room. Repeat this process for the right side of the room as well. Once you have both gates opened, pick the statues up and place them onto the platforms inside the gates. This will lead you to a door with a star. Get the star, and head outside. Head directly to the left to get another star. Then head to the right side. Use the save book in the middle and you will approach another statue. Pick this one up using your spells, and then place it on the nearby platform. This will bring a moving platform accessible from where you are to a platform with a star on it. Use the moving platform to get across and collect the star. Then head through the small dome to the other area outside. There will be a treasure chest containing a lot of beans. Make sure you get them. Then, pick up the two statues in this area and levitate them to the platform right by them. The one that is not close to the large gap will open a small door in the brick wall. Head through there and use a spell to hit the swirl switch. Now, head back outside to jump across the platforms. This may be a bit tricky. Look at the map below. -------------------------------- MAP for the moving platforms -------------------------------- Key: M - Moving Platform P - Non-Moving Platform S - Star D - Destination / - Movement of the Platform +---+ | D | +---+ /\ +---+/M \ |PS |\ / +---+ \/ +--+ | | +--+ Now head to where your destination is. This is the end of the challenge. You will have a little puzzle to do in this room to gain six beans. Simply levitate the statue and place it on the platform. Be careful, the platform is hidden by some shadows. It should be right across from the statue though. Once you are done, head through teh double doors to get a new objective. --------------------------------- Objective: Attend Herbology class --------------------------------- First, hit the cauldron to the left. Then head forward and an owl will fly towards you. It will also drop off a letter. First hit the treasure chest to the right, and then pick up the letter and read it. Hermione will tell you that she is waiting for you at the greenhouse for Herbology class. Head forward and you will be faced with a boss battle against Peeves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEEVES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty: 1/5 This boss battle is really easy. All you have to do is dodge the slow spells given by Peeves. You will have to then cast your own spells to hit Peeves. So, the first thing is to center your body with Peeves. Once you are centered you should then cast your spell. If you cast it too early you will always miss him and have to try the next time he moves. You will easily get the hang of squaring your shoulders to him, so quickly do that and take him out with 4-5 hits of spells. Then proceed down the stairs and collect the Chocolate Frog. Once you reach the base of the room you will be hit by Fred and George. They need another 25 beans for some "experiments" so give them what they want in exchange for a wizard card. You should have enough, as I had close to 80. If you have been following this walkthrough you should have plenty. Anway, head down a bit further. Head to the right and you will be hit by another note from Hermione telling you to hurry. Head forward and Nevelle Longbottom will tell you about his Rememberall while warning you that Draco Malfoy is lurking these corridors. Hit the statue right behind you to get some beans. Then head back to the left side of the corridor. You will be warned by Crabbe and Goyle this time. Hit the treasure chest and statue here as well. Now, head down and hit the save book as well. Then head down the small stairs. You will have to fight another boss battle here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRACO MALFOY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty: 3/5 This boss battle is a bit more challenging. Draco will throw some wizard crackers close to you. If they hit you they will explode and take some of your stamina away. If they miss you they will simply sit on the floor for a few seconds. When they are on the floor, run up to them and pick them up. Then use your wand controls to throw the wizard crackers at him. This will deplete his health. Continue to do this and you will have won the battle. Now, get the Chocolate Frog to the right. Now, head through the double doors. You will see Hagrid greet you. He will tell you that Hermione is waiting for you at the greenhouse. Of course, that is still our destination. Hagrid also wants you to stop by and have some tea after your Herbology lessons. Head to the left and around the bend you will see Hermione wating for you. She is going to wait for Nevelle, so simply head past her. Then head forward and turn around to find a dragon statue. Hit it a few times to get some beans. Then head to the right and through the red door. Turn left and around to find a treasure chest. Open it to get a chocolate frog and some beans. Then head into the puzzle. There are 6 total switches. They come in pairs of two, one on the right and left of every given line. In each line there are two enemies with spikes on their backs. Simply hit them with your spells, but don't think that they are done for. They will still start attacking you after a few seconds. After you hit all six of the switches, head across to the other side of the puzzle. Use the save book to the left. Head across to the next puzzle. On the right side of the dark alley is a chest with a chocolate frog and some beans. Then head to the left and go through the gate. You will see five plants that chomp ahead of them every few seconds. You have to time your running to get passed all of them. After the first two is a chest to the right. Make sure you get the beans. Then head forward through the gate and head left. You will see a statue. Hit it once to open a path in the green plants. Then head that way to find another statue inside a garden. Hit it twice to get a lot of beans. Then head back and take the other way. There will be another line of plants chomping your way. Get past the first two and you will notice another chest full of beans. Hit it and get the bean ahead. Then get past the next plant to find a statue to your right. Hit it to open a wall that contains a chest. Head back out. Then you will notice two paths. Take the one that leads to the left. Get past the chompers and you will notice a small fountain. Use your levitate spell to get the statue onto the platform. This will trigger a cutscene where a door opens. Head for that door by taking the other path. Once you head through the gates you will be triggered with another cutscene. Fred and George pop out of the ground using some sort of spell. Pay 25 beans for another wizard card! Now move ahead through the double doors. ---------------------------- Objective: Learn a new spell ---------------------------- Professor Sprout greets you by telling you that you will learn the Incendio spell. You will have to make a curved spell. It is a bit hard, but you can try your best to get the most points for your house. Then head into the Incendio Challenge. ------------------------------------------ Objective: Complete the Incendio Challenge ------------------------------------------ Professor Sprout is watching at the roof. She will tell you to cast your new spell on the spikey enemies that lie directly ahead of you. Do so and then avoid their spikes that come shooting out of them. Then hit the spiral switch that is right behind them. Then quickly turn around and kill the Gnomes that attack you first. They can get really annoying. Then go for the six or so spiked enemies on the wall. Hit the chest that lies behind them. Then head into the next room. Hit the cauldron that is right ahead. Then go for the Gnome that jumps around the corner. Continue forward to get to a save book. Then head into the room with a bunch of spiked enemies. Kill the large enemy that is right in front of you as instructed by Sprout. Then take the challenge star and move on. There will be four bookshelves in each corner of the room. Hit all of them and then hit the spiral switch that is behind all of them. This will create a hole in the center. Head down there. There is a small creek with two Gnomes and one challenge star. Kill the Gnomes from the stairs with your Flipendo spell and then head down. The one of the right should give you a wizard card. Then head to the table with the Challenge Star and grab it. Now head back up the wooden stairs and over to the locked door. This room has a small puzzle. There are vines attacking the tree ahead. Then there is a dragonfly who bites both you and Hermione. Kill the dragonfly first and then head for the vines. Once each of the vines are hit the tree will lower its platforms and you can claim the chocolate frog, star, and beans. Then head to the locked door just to the left of where you came in. Kill the two dragonflies right in front of you. Then hit the cauldron in the corner to claim some beans. Head down the corridor to get to another save book. Then proceed into the next room. Jump to the platform and head right. Follow the arrows and jump to the next platform. Then continue into the bark of the tree and head upwards. Then jump to the platform to the right and you will notice a spiral switch up here. Hit to create a moving platform that goes up and down. Then jump to it, and from there jump the star platform. Collect the star and head up to the save book. Now move on. Head into the room and kill the four Gnomes. Then kill all of the spikey guys. Hit the chest behind them and collect the various beans. Now head into the next room adjacent to this one. Hit the cauldrons on both sides of the room to get a total of six beans. Then levitate each of the statues onto the platforms. Then head back to the next room to find the cage opened in the middle of the room. Hit the spiral switch that is now accessible. Then watch a brief cutscene of creating motion of the plants. Now head into the newly opened door and get the star. In the next area just move ahead and hit the treasure chest on the left side. Ignore the spiral switches. All they do is send out some Gnomes, so just head forward and turn left to find a huge monster. Cast a spell on it first. Then head around it quickly to find a spiral switch. Hit is and head back to collect a star and a save book. Then head forward and hit the grassy statue for a bean or two. Now head right. Kill all the enemies in here and hit the two treasure chests in the corners. Then hit both of the spiral switches on the SIDE to move them out of the way. This reveals other spiral switches directly behind them. Now hit those and head through the door. Collect the frog. Dodge the large blue chompers as best you can. Then make it to the platform with the chocolate frog on it. Jump up a few times and collect the frog. Then continue jumping until you make it to the top. Then hit the spiral switch up here to create the opening of a door. Quickly look behind you and jump to the star and chest. Now head to the door. Hit all of the chompers through the maze until you reach the gate. The switch to open the gate is just to the right so make sure you hit it. Then grab the star and head into the next room. In here there is a fountain which needs four sources of water. Simply hit the four switch on the perimeter of the room and you gain access to the next room. Simple enough, so head into the next room. You have finally completed this long and tedious challenge! Congrats. ------------------------------------------- Objective: Attend your second flying lesson ------------------------------------------- Talk to Hagrid ahead. He will tell you to come talk to him later, but first you must go to your broomstick lesson. Head forward and go to the right to find Ron and Nevelle. Draco suddenly appears at it seems like he has stoll Nevelle's remberall. You have to claim it back by hitting Draco a few times to get his total health down. Then Draco will give it back to you for you to give it back to Nevelle. It is time to go to Hagrid's Hut. You will also get a speech from Professor McGonagall. She will tell you that you are the new seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team! ------------------------------ Objective: Attend Hagrid's Hut ------------------------------ Head forward and the gate is finally open. Head into that area. You will be met with a bunch of logs. Hit the first one to get it out of your way. Then head forward and jump up to the tree stump. Then jump to the log and up to the next level near the spikey enemies. Get onto the next stump and jump across to the highest level. Kill the three enemies here and collect the save book at the end. Hit the tree right next to you with a Flipendo spell. Then kill the two dragonflies at the other end. Hit the treasure chest on this side as well and continue on. Hit the snail enemy and hit the next tree to make it fall and create a bridge. Head across and jump from tree stump to tree stump until you reach a save book. Then look to the right and hit all of the enemies. Behind them is a spiral switch. Hit it to create a bridge that runs from where you are to a place right to the other side. Head there and hit the spikes. Then head through the short maze using your spells to kill the chompers. You will eventually get to Hagrid and his house. A cutscene will also appear. -------------------------------- Objective: Collect the Fireseeds -------------------------------- Hagrid happens to have a dragon egg which needs some fireseeds to hatch, so you are sent to his caves to get the seed. He also warns you that they are very hot so try to wait until they cool down before you pick them up. So, head through the door and continue down the path defeating the dragonflies and spikey enemies. Head into the caves and kill the dragonfly and then head up the place with the chocolate frog. Get it and continue. Then head through the path and kill the spikey guys. Jump from platform to platform up until the save book. Collect it and move on. Hit the wooden knob right ahead to open the wooden gate to the left. Head there and jump on the platforms to reach another small room. Collect the chocolate frog here and continue. Hit the tree in the next room to create a bridge and head forward. Jump to the save book and then head through the water fall. Now hit the boulder in front of you. Then head forward and hit the boulder to the left. Then hit the chest in this area to get a bean. Now head to the right boulder and hit it. Follow the arrow. Hit the boulder in your way. This will lead you to a fire seed plant. Hit is with a spell but wait for a while until the seeds cool. You can tell because they sparkle when the are hot. So pick the three seeds up and continue through the door. Hit the dragonfly here, and then find the chest in the back of the room to get some beans. Now head out and jump to the left towards the arrow. Follow the arrow up until the save book. Collect it to save your game. Then use the platforms to get to the next area. It should not be hard at all. Hit the boulder at the end. Then head to the right and jump up the platforms to the save book. Head through the maze of chompers. If you need health, head the right way. It has more chompers but it contains a chocolate frog. Then head through the small corridor with two more chompers to find a fireseed plant again. To the same proceedure to collect three more seeds. Head through the next corridor and get the chocolate frog and bean at the end. Then head right to get a save book. Now head forward and hit the pillar on the ceiling to let it fall and create a platform. Jump to this and get across to another fireseed plant to use the same procedure. Then jump back and hit the pillar to get a chest. Finall, follow the arrow to go in the correct direction and you will come to a turtle. Keep hitting it to make it fall off into the water. Then jump across the platforms and head to the left. Hit the boulder and continue to get to Hagrids. You have completed the mission! Head into Hagrid's house and you will be in a cutscene where the dragon hatches! It is now time for your first Quidditch match! Also, Hagrid gives you a flute to lure your enemies to sleep. -------------------------------------- Objective: Beat Slytherin in Quidditch -------------------------------------- Lee Jordan will explain the rules to you, so I will leave your ears to listen. All you really have to do is catch the snitch, and once you do that you won the game. Nothing much more to say. Press the jump button to catch the snitch once you are close enough to win the game! ----------------------------------------------- Objective: Attend Defense Against the Dark Arts ----------------------------------------------- Hermione will greet you with some trouble. She says that she has heard strange noises and wants you to go to the third floor. Head up two stairs to get there. Then head for the save book and then head up those long stairs until you reach a cutscene. You will see Snape come out of the Forbidden Corridor, but even more mysteriously he is limping. Anyway, Hermione warns you to hurry up and catch the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Follow them to the class. You will learn the Lumos Spell. You will have to do the spell as usual and then complete another challenge. --------------------------------------------- Objective: Complete the Lumos Spell Challenge --------------------------------------------- You will first hit the gargoyle and then jump across the large abyss to get the first challenge star. Then head forward and hit the left spiral switch. Then take the corridor and hit the gargoyle to create a yellow bridge above. Then head back out and hit the treasure chest. Now hit the switch that is right across from the last one that you hit. Head through and go into the alcove. In here there is another gargoyle. Hit is to raise a bunch of yellow platforms. Jump up to the top and head across using the previously casted switch. Then get the star. Head through this next corridor and get the save book at the left side. Right in front of you is another gargoyle. Hit is to create three yellow platforms in a row. Jump to each of them to get to another star. Then head forward. You will be faced with another puzzle here. Head through the walkway and over to the gargoyle. Hit it to trigger a moving platform that leads to the second level of this room. Then head around the corner to a small dome. Hit the gargoyle here to create a bridge leading to the next gargoyle. Hit that one and hit the spiral switch at the end. Go through the gate and over to the new platform. Then collect the star. Head forward and get the save book. Hmmm, this is interesting. There is a free star in the middle of a battle like arena... Yes, boss time. Get the star and get ready to fight Peeves again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEEVES #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty: 2/5 This boss battle is really easy. All you have to do is dodge the slow spells given by Peeves. You will have to then cast your own spells to hit Peeves. So, the first thing is to center your body with Peeves. Once you are centered you should then cast your spell. If you cast it too early you will always miss him and have to try the next time he moves. You will easily get the hang of squaring your shoulders to him, so quickly do that and take him out with 4-5 hits of spells. Now head to the save book area. Hit the gargoyle directly to your left and then get the save book. Head left first and hit the gargoyle. Then head right and use the new platform to get to Nearly Headless Nick. All he really does is compliments you on finding his secret napping place. Oh well, climb down and go forward hitting all the treasure chests. Then head down and kill the dragonfly. Head to the gap and jump across. Head into the next room and collect the star and the chest. Finally, hit the locked door and then the switch that follows. Head back to the save book area. Head up to where NearlyHeadless Nick is. Then cross the bridge and go straight. Hit the gargoyle here. Then head the other way and get the save book. Use the moving platform to get to the next side. You are finally done with this long mission! ------------------------------- Objective: Attend Potions Class ------------------------------- First head forward and collect a wizard card from Fred and George who pop out of the painting. Then head to the main entrance door to find Ron. He will urge you to hurry up as you are already late for Potions Class. Snape will be pretty mad as he always is about you being late. So, he forces you to gather the indgrediants for mixing a healing potion. You have to go to the dungeons... Well, let's take care of business before you lose more House Points! ------------------------------- Objective: Find the Ingrediants ------------------------------- Well, head for the Dittany straight ahead. Wait! The bridge collapses. It seems as if this is a trap. I guess you are going to have to make it through this dungeon. Head for the save book and then go around the large strucure. You will be faced with a small puzzle. Jump to the other side of the room. Then you are going to have to use your Flipendo spell to move both of the large blocks into the abyss creating a bridge. This is really easy. Then the gate will open. Head back to where the save book was and push the block forward. Then jump up to the high platform to gain Moly. Head forward. Stand on the platform and then hit the switch to go up. Then head forward and you will notice a platform that is still. Look to the left to find a switch. This will make the platforms move. Jump to the first one than jump to the one moving up and down. Head to the lower level and you will get some beans. Then hit the switch down here. Head inside and get the wizard card. Then head do the same process to get to the platforms. Then hit the switch at the tip of the moving platform that moves up and down. Then jump to the star and over to the save book. Jump left over the platforms and over to the save book. You will need to hit the locked doors from the save books and then jump to the moving platforms. Then repeat this process twice to lead you to Bloody Barron. Just pass him but don't let him hit you. Then head to a puzzle room In the next room there are a lot of Gnomes. Just kill them all and hit the statue to get a chocolate frog, chest, and Wiggintree Bark. Then head forward. There is a small puzzle in this room. Simply levitate the block and place it on the LEFT platform. Then get the new block and put it on the LEFT platform. Then take the one on the LEFT platform and place it on the new platform to open the door. Head through. This part is a bit tricky. The platforms fall and come back, so you are going to have to time this well. Basically all you have to do is jump to the next platform RIGHT after is returns. This will get you all the way up to the save book. Then hit the gargoyle right there to create some platforms. Head up to a star and then hit the swirl switch up here. Head back down and continue doing the same jumps to get up. Hit the gargoyle up here and then collect the Mucus ingrediant. Head forward and follow the path. Then hit the switch at the end and you will go up. Jump to the moving platform and head to the save book at the end. Follow Bloody Barron around the room until you get to a gargoyle. Be sure to get all the treasure chests as well. Hit the Gargoyle and jump to the light platform. Keep jumping across until you reach a save. Then dodge Bloody Barron but go to the room he was in. Hit the statue to get a wizard card. Head back and take the other exit. Drop down and push the block forward so you can get across. Get the last of the ingrediants here and then move forward. You have finished the mission, and so much hard work has been done. But, all you get is a loss of three points! Once you leave you will notice there is a troll on the rampage and its headed for the Girl's bathroom. You must save Hermione. ------------------------ Objective: Save Hermione ------------------------ Simply follow Ron until you reach a cutscene where Ron smells something funny. This is obviously the troll, so get read for a small chase. The troll will break through the door and attack you. You have to run backwards in order to escape. Simply follow the beans and when you see a gap jump over it. Don't pay attention to the troll or your surroundings, just look at the beans. You will reach a save book eventually and it will be time to fight the troll in the bathroom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TROLL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty: 1/5 This boss battle is really easy. You and Ron will work together to defeat this boss. He will cast the levitate spell so that he can drop the club on the head of the troll. You have to protect both you and Ron by casting Flipendo on all of the junk that the troll throws on you. Basically keep casting Flipendo. Then at the end the club will have smashed the troll and you will have won! ---------------------------------------- Objective: Defeat Ravenclaw in Quidditch ---------------------------------------- Just refer to the first quidditch match against slytherin in order to win this match. It is very easy. Once you have caught the snitch you will get a present from your father, an invisibility cloak. It is now time to sneak up to the tower. -------------------------------- Objective: Sneak up to the tower -------------------------------- You will see Filch right in front of you. Your goal is to NOT let him see you. Follow him forward. He will then turn left, but you should go right. Make sure you do not bump into him. Then wait until he turns around and go into the next room by cast a spell on the locked door. Then get the save book. Filch will take a secret passage through the books. In the next room you are going to have a door at the end of Filch's small walk but you have to find the key to open it. So, head forward a bit and turn into the hall that Filch walks about. Then turn to your first left to find the swirl switch. Hit it to break the lock to the door. Then head to the right of the door to find a switch on the wall. Hit that one to open the door. Then head through to the next room. Go down the hall and get the save book. Then head to the next room by breaking the lock. Hit the swirl switch right in front of you. This will knock the bookcase over but that is important later. Right now, head to the left quickly and open the locked door. Quickly hit the swirl with Flipendo to open another door that is high. Now, head to the knocked over bookshelf and jump to the middle platform. Then head forward and jump to the large window. In here is another switch. Use it and then head for the new accessible door. Hit this to get another switch. This opens another high door. Head up there to find yet another switch. This open a door right next to the knocked bookshelf. Head there right now. Cast a spell on the switch here and then a gargoyle will be revealed. Use the Lumos spell way up at the top on the gargoyle to get some platforms in that previous room. So, head back there. Jump all the way up to lead to another gargoyle. Hit this gargoyle with a Lumos spell and then find the platforms. Continue up another flight and hit one more gargoyle. Then you will come a place with the wizard painting. Hit the chest and get a wizard card. Then head back up. Head through the door using the Alohomora spell. Use the save book finally, and hit the picture ahead to get a chest. Then follow the corridor to a bunch of yellow platforms. Head up them, but wait for Filch to pass. Go into the room he just came from, and then hit the swirl switch. Then head across the bridge and break the jars to get to the next room. You will then be hit with a cutscene showing Charlie picking up the dragon to take to Romania. Now you have to sneak all the way back down. Follow Filch and you will see that his cat is on patrol now! Cast a spell on the next two locked doors ahead and then you will have to get past Filch and his cat, and this is going to be tough. Hit the swirl switch on the first bookshelf. then jump to it. Wait for Mrs. Norris to jump to the other side and then dash to the end of the high corridor. Then we she jumps back, jump to where she was and head through. Go down the stairs and head through the door. Get the save book in here. Head around the room and to the right. Then look for a bookshelf with a switch to find Nearly Headless Nick. Follow him. Then head down and you will find the Mirror of Erisad. Dumbledore will explain all about this mirror. Then, head forward and cast Alohomora on the bookshelf. Go to the save book up there. Head to the next room and jump to the door. Head through this door and you will be triggered with a cutscene of Filch and Mrs. Norris. It is time to take care of business and end this long mission. You have to place 4 total statues on each platform. Two are on the right, and two on the left. Watch the scene with Peeves, and Filch will leave. Hit a jar to attract Mrs. Norris and then sneak quickly to the door. Fred and George will be here. Give them 25 beans. -------------------------------------------------------- Objective: Stop Snape from stealing the Sorcerer's Stone -------------------------------------------------------- Head forward and get the save book. Also hit the chest to get a chocolate frog and a wizard card. Follow Ron and Hermione all the way down to a door. This is where Fluffy is held. You will have to put Fluffy to sleep. First, you have to get all three heads to sleep at the same time. They have a gauge that refills all the time. So, you have to get close enough so that your flute plays music and puts the heads to sleep. Once they are all done, head through the trap door to the next area. You will be faced with Devil's Snare. Simply cast Incendio constantly. You will eventually free both Ron and Hermione. The next room is where you have to catch the winged key. Use the same procedure as you did for the last two quidditch matches. Then, watch the cutscene of you, Ron, and Hermione going through the door to the next room. This room is a chess game. Ron is hurt and there are a few pieces. You must get across safely by watching the other pieces kill each other. Go the following way. Head up, diagonal right, and then directly right. Then watch the cutscene and your new mission is the FINAL ENCOUNTER, stop Quirrell instead of Snape. Head to the Potion test and save. Watch the ice potion and then drink it. Then Hermione will go and help Ron, while you find Snape (Quirrell). Go through the smoke and look right to get a chest with two chocolate frogs. Then follow the path, save, and follow Quirrell. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quirrell/Voldemort ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty: 4/5 Head in and go to the right while dodging the spells. Move the blocks closer to Quirrell and then he will stop and move on. First bring a big block, and then follow it with a small block. Hop up and Quirrell will move on. Get soem of the chocolate frogs and save. Head into the next area. In here you will be in strage mode the whole time. Simply hide behind each pillar and then step wait until he lines up with you. Hit the pillar to make it fall on him to take life off. Repeat this for a while, and then all will be gone. Head to the middle near the mirror. Hit the mirror to line it up between you. His spells will reflect off of the mirror and hit him. Eventually he will be dead. Enjoy the last scenes! No spoilers of course. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ CONGRTULATIONS! YOU HAVE BEAT HARRY POTTER! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== 7.0 Q U I D D I T C H =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== 8.0 B O S S E S =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEEVES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty: 1/5 This boss battle is really easy. All you have to do is dodge the slow spells given by Peeves. You will have to then cast your own spells to hit Peeves. So, the first thing is to center your body with Peeves. Once you are centered you should then cast your spell. If you cast it too early you will always miss him and have to try the next time he moves. You will easily get the hang of squaring your shoulders to him, so quickly do that and take him out with 4-5 hits of spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRACO MALFOY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty: 3/5 This boss battle is a bit more challenging. Draco will throw some wizard crackers close to you. If they hit you they will explode and take some of your stamina away. If they miss you they will simply sit on the floor for a few seconds. When they are on the floor, run up to them and pick them up. Then use your wand controls to throw the wizard crackers at him. This will deplete his health. Continue to do this and you will have won the battle. Now, get the Chocolate Frog to the right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEEVES #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty: 2/5 This boss battle is really easy. All you have to do is dodge the slow spells given by Peeves. You will have to then cast your own spells to hit Peeves. So, the first thing is to center your body with Peeves. Once you are centered you should then cast your spell. If you cast it too early you will always miss him and have to try the next time he moves. You will easily get the hang of squaring your shoulders to him, so quickly do that and take him out with 4-5 hits of spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TROLL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty: 1/5 This boss battle is really easy. You and Ron will work together to defeat this boss. He will cast the levitate spell so that he can drop the club on the head of the troll. You have to protect both you and Ron by casting Flipendo on all of the junk that the troll throws on you. Basically keep casting Flipendo. Then at the end the club will have smashed the troll and you will have won! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quirrell/Voldemort ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty: 4/5 Head in and go to the right while dodging the spells. Move the blocks closer to Quirrell and then he will stop and move on. First bring a big block, and then follow it with a small block. Hop up and Quirrell will move on. Get soem of the chocolate frogs and save. Head into the next area. In here you will be in strage mode the whole time. Simply hide behind each pillar and then step wait until he lines up with you. Hit the pillar to make it fall on him to take life off. Repeat this for a while, and then all will be gone. Head to the middle near the mirror. Hit the mirror to line it up between you. His spells will reflect off of the mirror and hit him. Eventually he will be dead. Enjoy the last scenes! No spoilers of course. =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== 9.0 C R E D I T S =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== I bring this up due to past issues... Plagiarism is NOT using factual information off of another source, but it is correct to credit that source. I have received some information that would be near impossible to find without other sources, yet this is factual information so I DO NOT need approval from any of those sources. The following are people/things who have contributed to writing this guide. -CJayC for posting this FAQ. =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== 10.0 C L O S I N G =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== Well, this is all I can offer you for this game. I have tried my best to cover all the aspects of the game, so that your life is a heck of a lot easier. My contributor name is CC, so be sure to use my other walkthroughs for other games. I hope this has helped you in what you were looking for, and if it has not, I would encourage you to e-mail you. I will always e-mail you back if you ask a worthy question that is not in my FAQ. Remember, you can look in my e mail section for more information. ------- THE END -------