Harry Potter And the Sorcerer's Stone FAQ and Walkthrough By Subhash Gopal Dawda. ,,,,, ##### , ,. ### ### ,##, ,# . ###### ### ### ##""## "###### ### ## ### ### ### ### ## ### "" "" ### ,####. ##""### ### "" ### ,, ## ;#####;" ### ## ### ### ### ### ## ### ### ## ,### ### ##### ##### ### ### ## #" "# "## ##### ### ## ## ##### ####### ... "#######. ### ### .## . ### ### .##. ###### ## .# ### ### ## ## ### ###### .#""#. ###,### ### .### ### ### ### ### ### ## ### ### ###,## ### ### ##; ### ###;;;## ### # ### "' ### ### ##; ### ### ### ## ## ## ##; ### ##; ## ### ### "##" ##; ### "##.## ### ## ### ### . "#" ###; # ### "##. Contents: 1)-Profile 2)-Characters 3)-Walkthrough 4)-FAQ 5)-Author's Notes 6)-Ending Epilogue Profile: Harry Potter (HP) is a cracking game which could have been made better! The story is taken of track very much indeed! Parts that never were in the movie nor in the book are popping up. HP's graphics for PS1 are not up to expectations, though their best is put into it. It's a bit too short, considering the movie that was soooooooooo long, and things just keep coming getting harder but if you have practice the tasks seem extremely easy. Quidditch is made pathetic; even though the flying is fun the Nimbus 2000 is not faster then any other broom! And Quidditch is rather strange, not much fun if you ask me! Though HP is a very entertaining game full of fun; definitely worth finishing! Characters ***************Harry Potter************** The main character of which you assume the role of , An apprentice wizard who lost his parents thanks to Voldemort-the most powerful dark wizard ever, Harry Is helped by friends, blocked by adversaries and it's your job to make sure Harry Potter gets his job done... **************Hermione Granger************** Hermione Granger-in spite of being a Muggle (Non-magic people) is the smartest witch in Harry's year; a bossy and smart character-She helps you finish the game in many ways! ***************Ronald Weasley*************** Preferably known commonly as Ron, Ron is a poor yet strong character-with a family of 9 people! Ron is Harry's best friend and he too helps you out with the game... *************Albus Dumbledore************** The Hogwarts Headmaster-whom Harry has great faith and respect in-You will only see him in Gameplay mode in the start of the game-though he appears thrice in Storybook mode. *************Lord Voldemort***************** The most feared Dark wizard ever, of whom people are yet afraid to speak his name-They have made names such a You-Know-Who and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named- The half dead Voldemort is the sole person for killing James and Lily Potter (Harry's Parents) You do not actually fight him in the game... ***************Professor Flitwick************ The Charms teacher and the Head of the Ravenclaw house- he's a very short man-he teaches you Wingardium Leviosa. ***************Professor McGonagall********* The Head of the Gryffindor house, and Transfiguration teacher and Deputy Headmistress, she is responsible to get you into the Seeker position on the Gryffindor team, she teaches you the Avifors spell. **************Professor Snape**************** The head of the Slytherin House and your Potions Master, he is a royal pain, and strongly displays hatred to Gryffindor and Harry, he teaches you house to blend Potions. **************Professor Sprout*************** Head of Hufflepuff house and Herbology teacher, a much not peculiar woman, she teaches you the Incendio spell. **************Professor Quirrell************** A very feeble man who teaches Defense against Dark Arts at Hogwarts, though you will soon discover his very Dark secret! He teaches you the Verdimillius Spell. **************Rubeus Hagrid**************** A well-wisher and very good friend to Harry, Hagrid is the Hogwarts Game Keeper, he gives you Quidditch Through The Ages, and a very useful Flute! **************Peeves The Poltergeist********** The Hogwarts headache, Peeves troubles the entire school to its max, you only encounter him once-but... *************Nearly Headless Nick************ The Gryffindor ghost and a very good mentor for the game, he gives you numerous tasks and rewards you with Wizard Cards, He also teaches you how to Use Flipendo in the Library. *************Fred and George Weasley********* The biggest joke makers Hogwarts ever had, They give you Passwords to Portraits that hold high rewards in exchange of particular Beans... *************Argus Filch******************* The Hogwarts Caretaker-who wages a constant war against the students and Peeves. He patrols the Forbidden corridor-you better watch out for him! *************Mrs. Norris******************* Filch's cat-a very good alarm, she along with Filch Patrols, she may alarm Filch so you better watch out for this feline! *************Neville Longbottom************* A forgetful and weak Gryffindor, who you encounter only twice, though he just is useful once! ****************Madam Hooch*************** Madam Hooch-is the Hogwarts flying teacher and a referee for Quidditch-she awards you more points then any other teacher does! She teaches you how to fly and how to play Quidditch. ***************Lee Jordan******************* The Quidditch commentator and a great pal to Fred and George, you really don't meet him anywhere-but when ever you win a match-they'll show where all the teachers sit, there a black boy on the most frontal row-exulting is him. *************Madam Pomfrey**************** The character you never get to see in the gameplay mode or storybook mode-there'll be only a picture of her telling Harry something when his stamina finishes. ****************Hedwig******************** Hedwig is Harry's snowy owl-which was given to him by Hagrid as a birthday gift, Hedwig brings you many useful things such as broomsticks and letters. ***************Draco Malfoy**************** Known as Malfoy throughout-Harry's big time rival-he troubles you twice in the game-though he's an easy little twit from the Slytherin house. ****************Gregory Goyle*************** One of Malfoy's goons- you'll only encounter him once-while dueling Malfoy. ***************Vincent Crabbe*************** One of Malfoy's goons-you'll only encounter him once while dueling Malfoy. Let's get started! The Entrance Hall After listening to Dumbledore, head up and left to find The Gryffindor tower. Inside you'll find Fred And George who want earwax (yellow) beans, they'll give you a glimpse at them so don't worry! If you need them they'll be behind the Fat Lady (Just near them) After talking observe the bookshelf near them go there and press Square, after which you'll find a secret room that holds card number one Merlin! After getting the card explore the entire tower, just don't go in the door-less entrance before full exploration. Then enter the Charms corridor which is the door-less entrance. After which you'll see a room with floating candles, ignore and head ahead to find Ron, he'll tell you that your owl Hedwig was been stolen by Malfoy and he'll take you into the Library. Now the library is very important for newcomers it teaches you how to jump, climb walls, aim at moving targets, and the Flipendo Jinxes. Lots of house points here. After you've rescued Neville from the Flapping Books and Hedwig from the cage. Ron will lead you out where Hedwig will come soaring and give you a Shooting Star (broomstick) then Ron will lead to the Flying lesson, Fly through all the rings in the first task to win ten house points, the other two tasks seem impossible to get through all the rings but you just have to go thru half the number of the rings required. After Flying you'll meet the know-it-all Hermione Granger, she'll inform the Charms Class is to start, she'll run off showing the place where you're supposed to go. Pick of the beans here, and enter the place where Hermione went you find here that your Library teachings come into practice here, here's the correct route to get to the Class. First room of tables Just keep going front getting more beans Second room of tables A bit harder, these are the instructions Front Front Right Front Left Front Front After you've reached Land; Flitwick will greet you, if you're late he won't deduct house points because it's your first class. Here you'll learn Wingardium Leviosa, the levitating charm. After going along with Flitwick in his commands he'll lead you to another room where you'll learn how to use Wingardium Leviosa, it's extremely easy so I don't need to get you the point. After getting out of the Class, go right ahead to the Great Foyer, again there are two ways to get in: 1)-Through the Gryffindor tower, the door is parallel to the locked Upper Castle-Shorter route 2)-Go back to the Entrance hall, ignore Malfoy for now, Go to the door parallel to the Gryffindor tower door-Longer route Now that you're in the Great Foyer it's a great place to get beans, You'll notice here that there are rooms full of Knights try and avoiding them coz they hurt, After collecting all the beans and living from the Knights check all the bookshelves with pressing Square, two of them is are secret doors, where a student is in need with your Flipendo, this is like a game of shooting Cauldrons, Chocolate Frogs and Pumpkins with the Triangle button view, be quick with after finishing this task the student will give you a card! Another secret door holds a card and beans! Get it and head to the Entrance Hall. Evil Malfoy is waiting you; listen to his jabbering and then time to teach him a lesson- levitate the Hourglasses on to the two pedestals, it's five points each! After which the door will slam open and kick Malfoy's butt. Then of course he's gonna get real angry and challenge you to the wonderful game of WIZARD CRACKERS! Wizard Crackers Spotlight: Wizard Crackers is a game where Malfoy will throw crackers at you, If they fall on you directly you get hurt but if they fall on the ground you have to get them and throw them at him, after shooting directly at him 3 times he'll call upon Crabbe and then the game becomes SUPER WIZARD CRACKERS. It's pretty much the same but Malfoy's crackers get bigger and more powerful, plus you can't pick them up, But you sure have to get Crabbe's crackers, three more hits on Malfoy and Goyle enters, you can even pick up his crackers, don't worry if you get hurt the Crackers are going to give you millions of Chocolate Frogs (Phew!) After foiling Malfoy's plans You've got to Explore all the rooms in the Entrance hall, you'll get Millions of beans and Remember the Portrait room here, after finishing your collection of fifty beans go back to the Gryffindor tower and through the Fat Lady, there you'll find Fred and George. They'll give you the password to that Portrait room in the Entrance Hall (remember?). The password is Fizzy Pop, now go back to the Entrance hall, and give the password to the Old Posh Baron; he'll let you in and Behold ! It's the Nimbus 2000; though it's nothing better then a Shooting Star, which I prefer over the Nimbus 2000, I won all the Quidditch matches with a Shooting Star, I never took the Nimbus 2000. Trust me, Shooting Star's much better, but once you've taken the Nimbus 2000 you'll have to use it all the time, though I tell you again the Nimbus is very useful when you're chasing Malfoy in the Remembrall Race. After all this just scan the entire place for things you might've left back, after you're totally sure that the place is finished, go through the door where Malfoy once stood, and Behold! It's the Grounds! The Grounds As you enter The Grounds, Hagrid'll greet you, he'll tell you to get to your Herbology class (sucker!) Then you'll be led to a place where the similar hourglasses you saw while going on the tables to get to Charms, once you pass them the time starts, use the Flipendo on the pillars, once they're all parallel to each other climb the first and keep going until you reached Land, where Mrs. Sprout will greet you by deducting house points if you're late and inviting you in the class with no deduction if you're on time. You can always try again to regain house points you lost. Now here in the Herbology class you learn the Incendio spell, which is used to wither violent plants, the Incendio is a bit complicated, so I've decided to teach you Incendio! This is how your Incendio working will be done, the outermost shell is called the Spellmaker, the two smaller shells are called The Spells, and the biggest shell revolving on the Spellmaker is called the Maker, the five smallest circles in the Spellmaker are the called the Consequence Spell Powers. The Spells have one of the symbols from your controller it could be Now when one of the Spells reaches the Maker, you have to press the corresponding symbol, when you have correctly pressed the corresponding symbol five times your Consequence Spell Powers will be full, and your Incendio spell is successfully performed! If you take more time your Consequence Spell Powers get deducted real fast so better be fast. The place where you have to perform the Incendio in front of Sprout holds millions of Chocolate Frogs; use them if the Bouncing bulb (the subject for your Incendio) hurt you or some past damage from WIZARD CRACKERS. After finishing Herbology you'll get a chance to explore the grounds, here you'll meet Fred And George who want Blue Beans now, the Portrait they'll give the password to is a bit ahead, it holds another Wizard Card. A secret about the Grounds is that you can get a lot of Blue beans and Wizard Cards here; the trick simply is to go to a discolored wall and press Square, in some hidden rooms you'll find Nearly Headless Nicholas (Nick) and he'll give you a Card, while in some you may find Treasures of Blue Beans. Just beside the stairs of Hogwarts you'll find a door, that's Quidditch practice, where again Madam Hooch teaches you basics of Seeker play. There are three tasks here and house points up for grabs. It's optional but I think you should visit it and get used to your Nimbus 2000 (if you took it) and it also help a lot because it teaches you all the things you need to do while playing a Quidditch match, and the first Quidditch match is not long from now! After finishing the entire Grounds, scan it once again for things you might've missed. Then go to the path where you met Fred And George, keep going sonny boy, then you'll find a boy called Raymond (He's a Ravenclaw) and his kitten has fallen down the well he's next to, don't worry you don't have to save the kitty now! Keep going and ,and keep going and then Ron pops up showing you what a Puffskein is, this Puffskein has got a very special cause, you've gotta get it to eat the nearby bushes and then wait and watch then magic , keep moving until you see Hagrid and his Hut. After talking to him, you'll know that he wants Fire Seeds from a rare plant. Keep going along the way, here you'll find that shooting the Bouncing Pears will cause them to become Blue Beans, Use Flipendo on them. Keep going, and then you'll find Gargoyle Gate, remember the guy dressed in black while you were learning Flipendo in the Library, he's Quirrell/ Voldemort and now he'll make one of the Gargoyles alive! It looks like a Warthog with wings, then keep a charged Flipendo ready and when it comes near enough that it won't hurt you and that you don't miss your shot-shoot! after three Charged Flipendoes the Gargoyle will fall then use Wingardium Leviosa to levitate the guy where he was, observe that when you levitate it, it's life slowly increases so if you drop it it'll have power to take another Charged Flipendo, so beware! Keep going until you see a video which shows you a Puffskein habitat, you'll see this video when You've successfully reached a place where there are two shafts out of which bubbles are ascending. There'll be one shaft that looks like a tree-trunk which is called Trunk Shaft and the one on the Ground is called Shaft! Now continue towards the Puffskein Habitat where a Puffskein is sleeping, wake it up by using Flipendo (it doesn't hurt them!) or by just running into it, lead it into the Shaft where you were and Voila! The Trunk Shaft bubbles more powerfully which means you can go up, keep continuing until you see another Shaft. Ignore for the moment and continue where there'll be one more Shaft, two Trunk Shafts and one more Puffskein, lure the Puffskein into the Shaft which I told you to ignore, after fixing the Puffskein into the Shaft go back where you found this one, and you'll find the First Trunk Shaft is bubbling more, go up and pull the lever. Then you'll see there's another Puffskein where the previous one was, this one has a special trick related to it, observe that when you lure it into the Shaft in the area it won't get trapped, well the trick simply is to get it fatter! If you remember reading the sign that was near the Puffskein Ron showed, Hagrid wrote, that: 'Puffskeins, friendly fellows with large appetites, Hagrid' Notice the underlined text they've got Large Appetites, well this is the clue; get the Puffskein to eat the two nearby bushes which will fatten it! Crafty trick huh? After which you should lure it into the Shaft and continue up where the door will be, use Flipendo on the chest to get Blue Beans. Now go in the door and there was, is and always will be a Save Option (do it!) Then you see a whole lot of floating Rocks, keep going on them until you reached a non-sinking Rock which has a potion on it (don't touch it unless one more hit would kill you!) Just go on another sinking rock until you've reached Land where of course you'll see the Fire Seed Plant, remember I told you Incendio is used on Plants, well this is the first time you'll use Incendio. If you're not sure refer to the Incendio technique I wrote up there! Here like every time there will be five Consequence Spell Powers, this is the way the Spells will come. First Revolution (Revolving of Spells on outermost shell)-Press Second Revolution- Press Third Revolution-Press Fourth Revolution- Press Last Revolution- Press After successfully performing the spell the Plant will open and you'll have to go and get the Fire Seeds. Now drink the Potion I told you not to , and go all the way back to Hagrid's hut where you'll witness Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback being hatched from an egg. In gratitude of getting the Fire Seeds Hagrid'll give you 'Quidditch Through The Ages', which is a useless piece of junk, but in one way does have a cause. Now a video will show up showing you a gate besides the hut which was previously locked, be sure that your health is full, and then enter where you'll see Ron who guide through a short passage to the QUIDDITCH PITCH! You can't enter though, it's beautiful! Then Neville comes up crying, that Malfoy has stolen his Remembrall, now the Nimbus 2000 comes into the act, perfect for this race, You have to chase Malfoy on broomsticks and when he gets close enough press Square to bash him, he'll give up when his life will finish and return the Remembrall But he does shoot Bludgers at you, dodge them. Professor McGonagall saw how well you flew (even if you flew pathetically and some how managed to win the race!) and she gives you the Seeker position on the Gryffindor team. Immediately after which the Gryffindor Vs Hufflepuff match commences. Gryffindor Vs Hufflepuff Spotlight This match should be a pushover if you got hold of Seeking while Practicing with Madam Hooch, The Beaters are simply imbeciles and hardly manage a shot, their problem is that they focus more on damaging the Chasers, their Chasers are fairly well-doers, Keeper sucks, but Just a bit of problem should be the Seeker who is on a Comet Two-Sixty, Same thing Malfoy used, so if you managed to outwit him you'll do the same with this one. Tips on the Match. Keep banging into the Seeker if you've got Nimbus 2000, the Shooting Star would be a nice turner and at speed to but if you have it don't try Banging! The Hufflepuff seeker won't be noticing the Snitch until a few seconds after Kick-Off. Since you've already gotten you eye on the Snitch quickly follow it, keep the Quidditch practice in mind and you'll be swooning with success. But always remember-YOU CAN NEVER LOSE A MATCH! After the match Snape comes and confiscates 'Quidditch Through The Ages' and cancels Potions class (the best and most useful class!) But he'll give you the Classes when you've gotten a missing Sloth Brain from... Now starts the Sloth Brain Saga, Ron will come along and help you with the counter-charm Alohomora. As soon as you get into this new Environment keep going until you've seen some forest, go into it to find a Venomous Tentacula, first it'll start shooting thousands of spiky balls that Flipendo will take care of, the use Incendio on this guy, a clue! The Spells start with triangle and end with Triangle, the middle three Spells are the other three symbols on the controller each one comes once. After destroying the plant go around and explore to find a lever, pull it! Then you'll see that the lever opened a door, go that door where Ron'll tell you about Puffapods, these are utility weapons against Trolls you'll encounter later in the game, Then open the newly opened door, and you'll find lots of queer looking plants (no Incendio!) they're Horklumps, use Wingardium Leviosa on them, take them as far as you can! Then gather the Blue beans. After finishing your Blue Bean collection go forward to find the Sloth Brain. Go back to Ron, and then you'll be led back to the Entrance hall, since you've finished your Blue beans, go back in the Grounds and find The Weasley Twins (FG) , they'll give you the password to the Portrait in Hagrid's area. Find the Portrait and get Albus Dumbledore's card from the Portrait. Go back to the Entrance hall and into the Dungeons which is one of the 4 rooms in the Entrance hall... The Dungeons Now keep going where you'll meet Ron, he'll go off and then you'll meet Snape who'll shower more sarcasm. Keep going and then you'll find a room with a door, first go in the bookcase and then into the door that says Portrait room. Now FG want Green Troll Bogie flavor beans, Continue into the adjoining room , Behold! It's the main Dungeons, go to the left staircase and then find Hermione, then go into the door to learn Potions, it's very easy! Just push the three symbol buttons that come, and in some time the Potion will be ready; you can make a Potion whenever you find a cauldron. Now Snape wants Fireflies, then you'll be led into a room with Trolls and 'Puffapods' now get it! These Trolls are immune to Flipendo, so pick the nearest Puffapod keep an aim at the Troll and when it comes on the grate, shoot! Pick the same Puffapod after you've disposed the first troll, do the same to the other one, and continue where you'll be under the WELL! Raymond will tell that he can hear the kitten, go into the doorless space keep going and blasting boxes! Beware of rats, use a Charged Flipendo on them, in one of the boxes you'll find the kitten, it'll follow you, don't go to fast or it'll lose you, lure it to the well and use Wingardium Leviosa and give it to Raymond, the reward is a Card. Now go into the room in front of you, here there'll be lots of hovering blocks (forget for the moment!) Pull the lever, and then go into the Cauldron room (which is the door nearest to the lever!) Here you'll see floating and bobbling Cauldrons, use the R1 button on them and shoot! Jump on each of them and when you've reached the end pull the lever and eat the Frogs (since you must've fallen millions of times!) then take a breath of sigh! Observe the ledge near the platform, climb it and keep going and collect the beans, then go back into the Room with the hovering blocks, don't yet climb them, go into the other room, that's the Troll bedroom, here you'll see a Troll snoozing nicely, pull the lever besides you, and then collect the beans and Frog, then observe a cage, inside there is a key, you need it! Use Wingardium Leviosa on it and don't levitate it too much, 99% of the time it'll drop and make noise so the Troll wakes up! You have enough time to grab the key and run, so don't worry, the Troll wakes up for three things: 1)-You use a Flipendo in the room 2)-Go too near the Troll 3)-Drop the cage After getting the key go to the blocks and climb them the second last jump seems impossible but it is very possible! Go into the room, two more Puffapod Trolls, get rid of them using the Puffapods and then go into the next room where you'll find Snape's Fireflies, then go and give it to him, then you'll be back into the main Dungeons, here take the second Staircase for the Defense Against Dark arts class here you have jump over some Flapping books and also getting all the greens beans, it's very hard, after which you'll learn The Verdimillius Spell, the easiest spell. After which you'll be back in the main Dungeons, go to the Doorless entrance which is the in the middle of the Dungeons, here you'll have to use Verdimillius and then climb the blocks onto the left door first! Here there's a chance to get 3 wizard cards, just go into the bookcases and finish a simple task for Nick, Then go back into the previous chamber and use Verdimillius again and this time go onto the frontal door, here you'll find Nick who'll tell you about Four Curses guarding the door, he says you have to get rid of the original curses which are just the enlarged versions of Eye-Type curses on the door. Go to the door to the left here you'll meet Peeves the Poltergeist, he'll sing the funniest song you've heard! Now Explore the entire place, every damn place you see, then try killing the Knights (4 of 'em!) they'll get you 20 house points, then find the Curses and use Charged Flipendo on 'em! Then return to Nick when you've dispelled the Curses now you MUST'VE definitely got all the green beans now when you enter the new door there'll be a fork-go to the Portrait room get the password from FG and go into the Portrait where you'll get the Quidditch Body Armor which'll get you immune to four hits from Bludgers. The Upper Castle Now go back into the Castle, from the Gryffindor Tower to the Upper Castle, now you'll meet FG who want Chili beans, there seems no way to get anywhere else rather then the Transfiguration class. Go in here, and beware the Third jump, keep going(collect all the beans, their gift if the best!) Then get to the Class where you'll learn the Avifors spell, it's easy but since I'm writing the Walkthrough I have to explain you! The Avifors spell is a lot like Incendio yet easier; the outermost shell will yet be called Spellmaker, the biggest circle on the Spellmaker is called the Maker and the other circle is naturally called the Spell, always is the Cross Button, so when the Spell reaches the Maker press the Cross button, you'll notice that after every successful Spell the Griffin-Statue gets smaller and smaller until it finally becomes a bird and flies away, jump on the table and go back to the Main Upper Castle, then use Avifors on the Statue in the middle, and go up, to the Forbidden Corridor (the upper one!) But it'll be locked, and then Hedwig'll get you a parcel (secret!) and then rotten Peeves will swoon up and grab the parcel now use Avifors on the Nearby Statue and then climb up to the Attic, here Peeves will tell you about his rotten race... Peeves' Attic Race Spotlight Here Peeves will show you a disturbed line, once you have crossed it the Race begins, you have to reach the end before Peeves does, while facing the following obstacles: 1)-Slippery Floor (main nuisance) 2)-Knights (installed at many tough places) 3)-A web (use Flipendo) 4)-Twists and Turns ( Oh NO!) The good thing is that Peeves will always wait for you, so whenever he does take the opportunity and run for it, in all this you have to collect Beans and Choc Frogs. If you lose you'll have to do the damned race again! But if you win (Yay!) You get the Parcel which is the Invisibility Cloak! Though the rotten thing requires Tokens (they look like rotating ghosts and are found in Diagon Alley and the Forbidden Corridor only) . Plus the Tokens last for only 15 seconds! And some of them do come back after you've taken one but some don't! Now go to the unlocked Forbidden Corridor (just don't forget to go into the Bookcases to find Nick with another puzzle!) Here Filch says you not allowed and then goes off with his rotten cat Mrs. Norris (Norris), then enter the door he went, stay calm, and when he goes past the Bookcase with the Token, run and climb it and Grab the token then go down find a bookcase with some climbing books-climb it- then jump onto the Bookcase with the Key and make a run for the door! After this Keep going and grab the Token, after which Snape and Filch will fall into a very interesting Pep talk, then go into the bookcase and then jump onto the nearest bookcase, Norris is on the beam with the Token on it, when she turns around to go towards the Token, jump onto the beam and then Slowly but swiftly go after her and grab the Token, then look at the adjacent Bookcase with the key, jump and grab the key then run for the door, then another room, here have a good look down, Norris and a key will be there when Norris is going the opposite side grab the key and return where you were standing then go for the big jump onto the Ledge with the Token on it, now can see Filch? Jump on his place and into the door, and then keep going into the last room (your token will be left definitely!) Climb on the Bookcase with the Token, as soon as the previous one is over grab it and then grab the key which is on the nearby bookcase. Then run for the door (Phew!) Now go into the door which not locked here you'll find the Mirror of Erised, and then more Storybook stuff will come, and then as you go out Ron will come panting worse then a dog, and you now have to go screw up a troll whoz posing danger to Hermione, to finish the Troll you have to finish two very difficult tasks... The Mountain Troll Race Spotlight TASK ONE-Task one is a race, it's hard because You have to keep running while grabbing all the Red Beans, the Troll; is very fast (Maybe he was related to Maurice Green!) And if you're even stopping for two! Yes two damn seconds you, are a goner, the Troll will come and squeeze your lime, Be quick while grabbing the beans-if you miss out about ten beans don't worry but! Not a single more bean! TASK TWO- Task two is a lot harder if you're bad at shooting! If you finished the task that was behind the bookcase in the Great Foyer, then it'll be a bit easier! Though the problem here is... The troll enters the Girls' bathroom and then you and Ron have to fight the Troll; how you ask? Well You shoot the Toilets, Pipes, etc that the Troll hurls at you and Ron! And Ron gets the easy job, all he's gotta do is charm the Troll's club so it bashes him on the head-he's tooooooooooooooooo slow, and plus the Troll also hurls those toilets at Ron-and you've gotta save him too, if he gets hit too many time the club goes back! So you've gotta shoot all the stuff with Flipendo! After finishing- you'll be lead back to the main Upper Castle, and Hedwig'll bring you a letter from Prof. McGonagall, your Second match of the year is to commence! It's versus Ravenclaw so it's not much of a problem-this match'll be like any other so no explanation required! After finishing a rather easy match, Hagrid'll now come at the entrance of the Pitch, and he'll tell that his rotten dragon Norbert is sick so we've gotta go to damned Diagon Alley and fix up a Dragon Tonic for Norbert while that oaf Hagrid enjoys Butterbeers at the Leaky Cauldron! Diagon Alley Diagon Alleys is based on six tasks to complete, two of them are hard, two of them medium difficulty and two which are really easy! First you've got to finish the first three tasks which are based in the Gringotts bank where you've got to collect Knuts, Sickles and Galleons. First of all you have to go to the door where a Goblin if standing, after talking to him you have to collect ten forms that are spread out like a line, watch out for the slippery floor which is a nuisance, collecting these ten forms is a joke-but collecting the Knuts isn't! After you've collected all ten forms the door to Vault number one will open, and you'll have go into it, and play a goddamnit hard RollerCoaster, which they call Mine Cart, you've got to steer it collecting Knuts and Gems, and watch our for Those obstacles-a trick behind dodging these woody sticks is that every time you are about to approach an obstacle a warning appears and points out a direction, just steer to the opposite direction and keep the Cross button pressed to lock the mine cart, If you're having problems with this task-we can't do anything! You have to keep practicing like hell, until you've got you money, after collecting your Knuts, go and get your Sickles, here you've again gotta collect forms-14 of 'em, collecting Sickles is piece-o-cake! Then go and collect 16 forms to try to get you Galleons, my advise here is to collect each Gem and Coin in the mines-and you'll be in for a big surprise! After you've your money-three tasks are finished, now you've gotta spend you money-You need one Eagle Owl Feather, Three Peacock Feathers and Three Toad warts. I suggest you try the easiest task which is getting the Eagle Owl Feather- go to Eeylops Owl Emporium to do that-it's very easy! All you've got to do is use you Wingardium Leviosa spell on the Peanuts and levitate them all the way to the gray Owl in the middle, but watch out the others might eat the food on it's way! After feeding it 4-5 peanuts it'll sleep and the Feather you want will fall use Wingardium Leviosa on the feather and levitate it on the ground you're on, now pick it up! Now go into the Magical Menagerie, and you have to Find a pinkish toad in the one of the silver boxes, after shooting the correct box with Flipendo use it again on the toad to stun it and then just go onto it and you've got you wart, the trick to find the toad is to find the box that croaks or shakes, if you shoot two times on a box that doesn't have the Toad, then your third shot should have the Toad, or you'll have to start again, remember there are two floors to find it, If you've finished all the boxes on floor go to the other one-you even have to change floors if the boxes on one floor don't shake . After filling you pockets with the Warts go to Ollivander's Wand Shop to get your Peacock Feathers. This task is very HARD! But the trick is very simple-all you've got to do is first of all spend time learning the Peacock's path (always follows the same path!) once you know the path, it's time for action; just keep running on the Peacock! Notice the rectangle box on the upper-left corner? It's where a feather will build up-it also decreases when you're not pouncing on the Peacock, shoot the silvery boxes to find Tokens, which are pretty useless, and don't you dare use Flipendo on the Peacock or you'll have to start right from the start and you'll also have to bare insults from Ollivander! A very good trick to get the feathers is when the Peacock on one place and not moving, this is the time you have to pounce on him, it'll take him almost one second to move, by time you'll have an advantage on the Peacock-stay on him-even while running on him-that's why you need to learn his Path. After finishing 3 full feathers your Diagon Alley task is finished now go to that oaf Hagrid, and you'll be led back to sweet ol' Hogwarts, Now Norbert'll be fine, after which more 'Storybook' stuff will come, and then you have to go right into the Forbidden Forest and find wounded Unicorns. The forest is really easy! The path is straightforward so no problem to get lost, only problems you will face are: 1)-Trolls (fix 'em up with Puffapods) 2)-A Venomous Tentacula (read Sloth Brain Saga) 3)-5-6 Plants which require Incendio (Sob!) 4)-Flaming Turtles Spotlight on Flaming Turtles These pieces of vermin are the most annoying things in the Forest. They'll shoot fire tails that follow you! The trick to finish these idiots is simply to keep a Charged Flipendo ready, then when it raises its bottom-SHOOT! If your shot was successful the color of it's shell changes! Three charged Flipendoes and they're goners! Three of them patrol the forest. Spotlight on Obstacles in the Forest First when you see a moat, you find there's a tree and when you look down there'll be a boat sort of craft, you can either cross the moat by using a Charged Flipendo on the tree so it breaks and forms a bridge of sort or going on the raft. Recommended- Use tree-trick There are too many plants that need Incendio (bummer!) Forks in the road are rare, only two of them! One is near the Venomous Tentacula; the fork in the front is the path to continue and the one on the left has a Cauldron so you can make a Potion! But who cares! There are going to be millions of Chocolate Frogs! Just use the Cauldron in absolute emergencies! The Second Fork is near the cliff, where three plants will fall to one Incendio! If you climb the cliff you'll find Voldemort/Quirrell drinking the Unicorn's blood, and Storybook stuff will come and then you'll be led back to Hagrid's hut. But if you take the right path you'll find a treasure of Red Beans and a Card! The Card is very craftily installed, when you have reached a place where you can't go any forward, you frown because you haven't found any card yet, and virtually it's not possible there could be a card right? Well, you'll have to find it yourself, but some words of advise that'll help! "A shadow, without an opaque body" "In the vast blue yonder" "A shot, from the flashy rod" "And down comes the your heart's desire" Now this is a very good riddle huh? Well another clue-Observe the last line, and to get the Card use the third line. Okay for all those idiots who couldn't figure out this very simple problem, here's the answer-It's floating in the sky and use Flipendo on the card to get to it! Then come back to the cliff and continue; now you'll be led back into Hagrid's hut, here he'll give you a flute which makes some magical animals sleep, practice on the owl, the sequence for the Flute is simple- Triangle Circle Square Cross Keep pressing the buttons in sequence until the animal has slept, look at the Sleep-o-Meter, under the screen to see how much have you succeeded in getting the animal asleep, after that You'll meet Ron and Hermione who'll tell you it's time to save the Philosopher's Stone. Then go back to the Upper Castle, go to the Portrait room and grab the Flipendo Knockback Duo, which is the powerful Sequel and Upgrade to the Flipendo Knockback Jinx. It's really useful so you better try and get it! Now go back to the main Upper Castle and into the Forbidden Corridor which is next to the locked Girls' Bathroom. Now starts the challenge, seven tasks, one boy, and many foes! Now you'll face seven difficult tasks in your quest for the Philosopher's Stone. There are two save options but in secret doors, you can't do anything but fight! THE BIG SUPER SEVENS CHALLENGE TASK NUMBER ONE FOE-FLUFFY THE THREE-HEADED DOG WEAPON- FLUTE DIFFUCULTY-MEDIUM STRATEGY: Remember Hagrid just gave you a flute? Well that's you saving grace here, go too near the Heads and start playing the tune rapidly, and once one head is gone go for the other ones, After playing the tune successfully Fluffy will eventually fall, and now task number two comes upon you! TASK NUMBER TWO FOE-DEVILS SNARE THE MONSTER PLANT WEAPON-CHARGED FLIPENDO AND INCEDIO DIFFICULTY-MEDIUM STRATEGY: The Devils Snare is a very easy task, though may seem as a challenge to some, the trick here is to simply use a Charged Flipendo on the tentacles that glow and then take on the Mother plant itself, to which you have to shoot Charged Flipendoes and then finish it up with Incendio! What you simply have to do is stay exactly where you were, not touch the plant barrier which blocks Hermione and Ron, After finishing the Tentacles, the Mother plant then emerges to which you have use Flipendo on. Stay on the vines of the Entire plant, if you go of the Vines the Mother goes back into the hole and replenishes some life. The sequence to the Glowing of the plants is: The mother-plant always emerges from the 6-glower plant. After finishing the Devils Snare, prepare for one of the easiest tasks in the Challenge. TASK NUMBER THREE FOE-MILLIONS OF FLYING KEYS WEAPON-ANY BROOM DIFFICULTY- EASY STRATEGY: Now this is where your Quidditch skills come into practice (if you have any!) The Blue key acts like the Golden Snitch and the millions of Red keys act like Bludgers, though they hurt very less but they come in gigantic swarms, just make sure you catch the Key, and avoid the Red keys. Now prepare for the easiest task in the game! TASK NUMBER FOUR FOE-LOTS OF GIGANTIC CHESS PIECES WEAPON-BRAINS DIFFICULTY- EASY STRATEGY: There is a secret room in the way to this obstacle. You can find A save point and Chocolate Frogs there. The secret room is the wall that Is different from others. Use Square to enter. The next obstacle is a gigantic chess. You have to finish it by making the pieces kill each other. There are 3 boards waiting for you. The main thing you should do is to make them to move to a certain square. And NOT like the chess move! Don't try any chess strategies here as it won't work. Beware that you have no companion. All of the chess pieces are your opponents Try to give extra space around your-occupied space. It'll be very useful to be a run-space when the pieces move next to your pieces. Yet, if you still can't defeat them, try one of these solutions! (The first solution is always the shortest one) For the first board : --------------------- 1st Solution : Start on the white square, go right, up, and left. 2nd Solution : Start on the white square, go right, up-left, and down. 3rd Solution : Start on the black square, go up, left, left again, and down. For the second board : ---------------------- 1st Solution : Start on the white square, go up, downright, and up. 2nd Solution : Start on the white square, go up, downright, and left. 3rd Solution : Start on the white square, go up, downright, and up-left. For the third board : --------------------- 1st Solution : Start on the white square, go up-left, up-left again, left, right, and down. 2nd Solution : Start on the white square, go up-left, up-left, and up-left again, downright, and down. 3rd Solution : Start on the white square, go up-left, up-left, and up-left again, downright, and downright again. Once The chessboards are defeated, and you can go through. There is also a secret door in this next corridor. Recover yourself with the Chocolate Frog and save your game. Now prepare for more hard tricks, save your game in the square type design on the wall, like the one you saw before, now... TASK NUMBER FIVE FOE- A GROGGY TROLL WEAPON- WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA DIFFICULTY- HARD/MEDIUM STRATEGY: Here you'll find Hermione who'll tell you about the Troll, don't worry its still Groggy, and so take a breath of relief, all you've got to do is levitate the objects onto the right side, you have to DROP them but do it when the height of the object is very near to the ground, if you drop it at high elevation then it makes noise and the Troll wakes up, and you're a goner! It wakes up even if you're taking too much time and being an object in its sleeping-walking way. There are about 7 objects to levitate and too less time, after levitating the last object you can either stand besides Hermione whoz still busy trying to figure out the charm to finish the door off, or you can go past the big hole where the Chocolate Frog is, and wait and watch what happens to the goddamned Troll! You'll jump laughing! Now Hermione'll use Alohomora and the door props open, now comes task number six! TASK NUMBER SIX FOE- ONE SPECIAL KNIGHT WEAPON-CHARGED FLIPENDO DIFFICULTY- EASY STRATEGY: Now Hermione will show you three Knights, then Harry'll jump and then gigantic bells will cover the three Knights, then it'll be like a game of Find-The-Nugget, keep your eyes on the bell which covered the Black Knight, when the bells stop shoot at the correct bell, or you'll have to fight one of those White Knights, but if you got the correct one, the Black Knights comes out, when ever he's exposing his chest, two shots of Charged Flipendo and he's down, then he give up an Ice Potion, drink the Ice Potion and then Hermione says there only one potion so you'll alone have to go, Two more things to finish the game! TASK NUMBER SEVEN FOE- THREE NORMAL KNIGHTS, ONE SPECIAL KNIGHT AND ONE GIGANTIC KNIGHT WEAPON- CHARGED FLIPENDO DIFFICULTY- HARD STRATEGY: Here Quirrell/Voldemort will reincarnate two Knights, take care of them with the Charged Flipendo, After which two more Knights will be reincarnated one of them is a normal Knight and the other one is the same type of Knight which you fought for the Ice Potion. After taking down four minions, Quirrell/Voldemort will now make a gigantic knight; the trick behind this sucker is that he'll change into a Red-Wire frame type. To get him back to solid form stand close to him and then when he prepares to strike, turn away because when he pounds the ground a Red sort of circle forms, keep away from and and hit it! When it can only take about two shots from you, He'll grow violent and taken 2-3 pounds on the ground! Just take it easy and Grab the Frog, if you're too near to death! After screwing up the biggie, The Earth shatters and a bridge sort of rock forms, now the Secret unfolds, Harry gets to know its Quirrell who is the real bad-guy! Drink the Potion nearby, since you must've got slashed and chopped by the Knights. Now get ready for the Final Battle! FINAL BATTLE FOE- QUIRRELL/VOLDEMORT WEAPON- CHARGED FLIPENDO, SPECIAL ENERGY,PILLARS, MIRROR OF ERISED DIFFICULTY- EXTREMELY HARD STRATEGY: Now here's your chance to piss Voldemort. Or maybe get pissed by him? You definitely have full life, so no worries for the moment! To defeat Quirrell/Voldemort there are three phases, we always start from the first phase! PHASE 1 Phase one is basically based on hurting Voldie, till his half of life is removed, to do that you have to get Voldie under the pillars and use a Charged Flipendo on them so they'll collapse on him, beware of the Green gaseous Orb thingy he shoots at you, it hurts more then anything! After collapsing about 6-7 pillars half of his life will go, and now the pillars are gone (why? Why!) But remember don't go too near him or your scar hurts too much and you get a bit of hurt! Also whenever he says 'Die, Potter!' you'll be entangled with green ropes, keep pressing Square to get free. Now Phase 2 starts! PHASE 2 Since the pillars are gone, the Mirror of Erised is your only way to screw up Voldie! This phase focuses on giving him big blows that get him almost dead! Here there's a special trick, Voldemort will always stand at one place, from where you can't shoot him by the Mirror, he'll cast those gaseous things, and finish off with a massive green, thick beam type curse that kills you instantly! (Maybe it's Avada Kervada!) After that you'll have to move quickly in front of the Mirror, charge it with a Charged Flipendo and then use Charged Flipendo again to hurt Voldie, be very quick! After four shots, the ending phase commences which is the easiest phase! PHASE 3 Here you simply have to keep pressing Square and when then words "Hurt Quirrell" appear press X, Doing this about three-four times will finish off Quirrell! Congrats! You've finished the game, or have you? After screwing Voldie, there are two endings! If you got all the cards and house points, then Ron visits you in the Hospital Wing and gives you a very special card, now you can directly play Slytherin, in the Quidditch Cup Final, win and you'll get the Quidditch Cup! But if you haven't got all the Cards and most house points, some more Storybook stuff comes and then The Credits roll, and then you'll have a chance to view you card collection. Basic Information on Gameplay III. BEANS To find all beans refer to this guide! Color-Yellow Type- Earwax flavor Collect for- Nimbus 2000 Usage if item- a faster broom which is a bit better Quantity required-50 Locations 1)-Charms Corridor 2)-Great Foyer 3)-Flying Lessons 4)-Great Hall 5)-Passage to Dungeons Color-Blue Type-Blueberry Collect for-Wizard Card Usage of item- Addition to Card collection Quantity required- 70 Locations 1)-Grounds 2)-Under Horklumps 3)-Way to Fire seed plant 4)-Secret rooms behind Discolored walls 5)-From Puffskein (make it eat bushes!) Color-Green Type-Troll Bogie Collect for- Quidditch Body Armor Usage of item- Immunity to four Bludger hits Quantity required-80 Locations 1)-On way to Defense against Dark Arts 2)-On way to find Raymond's kitten 3)-On way to find Fireflies 4)-Four Curses area Color-Red Type- Chili Flavor Collect for- Flipendo Knockback duo Usage of item-Upgrades previous jinx Quantity required- 100 Locations 1)-Peeves' race in Attic 2)-Troll race 3)-Forbidden Forest 4)-Take right after on Cliff fork-road CARD LOCATIONS Use this guide to complete you card collection CARD NO 1 Location Inspect the Bookcase near Fat Lady, by pressing Square. CARD NO 2 Location In Bookcase in the Great Foyer near the entrance to Gryffindor Tower. CARD NO 3 Location Help a Ravenclaw in the Bookcase near the second room of Knights in Great Foyer. CARD NO 4 Location Discolored wall near first Puffskein, help Nick CARD NO 5 Location Discolored wall near Grounds Portrait CARD NO 6 Location Discolored wall next to Gargoyle Gate Entrance CARD NO 7 Location Discolored wall near Quidditch Pitch CARD NO 8 Location Found in Grounds Portrait CARD NO 9 Rescue Raymond's kitten in Dungeons CARD NO 10, 11, and 12 Location In the Room to the left inside the big hall where you first use Verdimillius spell CARD NO 13 Location Bookshelf near Forbidden Corridor (upper) CARD NO 14, 15 and 16 Location Gringotts, collect all the Knuts, Sickles and Galleons and gems in Mine Cart. CARD NO 17 Location Just right to cliff before finding Unicorn CARD NO 18 Location Ron comes and gives it to you while you're in the Hospital Wing, only if you have collected all 17 Cards. +===================+ | V. FAQs | +===================+ Feel free to ask questions about the game, I'll help if I can. Send your question by e-mail to subash_dawda@hotmail.com +===================+ | VI. GS CODES | +===================+ Have All Blue Beans - 800827f2000f Have All Green Beans - 800827f60100 Have All Red Beans - 800827fa0100 Have All Spells - 3008268500f0 Have All Yellow Beans - 800827ee000f Infinite Health - 800829648000 Press L1 For Lots Of House Points - d0078d0efbff Stop Timers - 8007b5380fa0 Author's Notes Hi guys! , I'm Subhash Dawda and I live In the United, Arab Emirates, it's a great place to stay! Harry Potter The Walkthrough took me a mere 3 days to finish, I wrote and played all along! If you find any mistake or thing that you want to say to me, you can always mail me! This baby is something I'm very proud of! It's my very first and independent walkthrough! Can you believe it! You can always mail me tricks or tips you found out, I'll make a new FAQs Of Public Section in this Walkthrough, in which your tips and tricks will be displayed with your name and e-mail ID. I've seen so many Harry Potter Walkthroughs but none; none of them seemed sufficient enough to meet the demands of a perfect game walkthrough, a guide which would guide you so skillfully through the game that it would seem very easy, so I decided to write this walkthrough, if you notice the detailed diagrams I've put for Incendio and Avifors, The Chess game, and the Devils Snare? Just see all the Walkthroughs for Harry Potter and compare with me, you'll find the answer! Love you guys, and please don't cheat from my walkthrough or anyone else's, just write an independent, walkthrough that has not cheated parts and just feel the euphoria flushing your body! It's an amazing experience! Remember-Plagiarism is a writer's biggest, most evil sin! EXTRA*** Both brooms-Shooting Star and Nimbus have the same speeds! It's the flyer's ability to handle the broom and the Speed Rings-which make you faster! The Brooms Cupboard can be opened! Mail for answer! SECRETS*** 1)-While in the Library and learning Flipendo, there's a rat you have to shoot! In that area there a web, shoot it-and 5 points-you can even climb it, and go forward to get a Frog! 2)-Card no 18 is Harry Potter! 3)-Do you know even the Goblin helps in Gringotts! 4)-In the Forest, observe a light olive colored wall near you starting point, Use a charged Flipendo-and watch the fun! 5)-There are five cards in the Grounds ! 6)-Filch is almost blind-he won't see in on various places! But Norris a'int! 7)-Ollivander's Peacock always follows the same path! 8)-Rumors say that the Knockturn alley can be visited-only by a special golden randomly appearing Gem in Gringotts! 9)-It's impossible to lose a Quidditch match! 10)-The Final showdown in Quidditch is versus Slytherin! Ending Epilogue Thanks to: EA GAMES- For making this game J.K Rowling - For making Harry Potter God- For giving me the will to write this walkthrough All the hopeless game-guide makers- for spurring a will in myself to write a better walkthrough. (c)Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone, names, characters and all the related indicia are Trademarks of Warner Bros. (c)EA GAMES is a trademark corporation of Electronic Arts. (c)PlayStation and all related indicia are trademarks or the Sony Corporation Ltd. (c) 2001 of Subhash Dawda NO UNAUTHORIZED COPYING IS ALLOWED! If you want to post this Walkthrough on you site, mail me and then you can put up a link to this Walkthrough Public FAQs Section Coming soon! Events History: 26/12/2001- Bought Game, Started Writing Walkthrough 29/12/2001-Finished Walkthrough and Game