HHHH rr rr HHHH HH aaaa rrrrrrrr rr rr HH HH aa aa rr r rrrrrrr HH HH aaaa rr rr r H HH HHH aa aa rr rr yyyy HHHHHHHH aa aaa rr rr yyyy yy HHH HH aaa a rrrr rr yy yy HH HH rrrr yy yy HHHH HHHH yyyy yy yy yyy yy yyyyyyyyy PPP PPPPPP t PP PP tt t eeee rr rr PP PP tttttt tt ee ee rrrrrrrr PP PPP oo tt tttttt eeeeeee rr r PPPPPPPP oo oo tt tt ee rr PPPP oo oo tt tt ee ee rr PPPP oo oo tt tt eeee rr PPP oo tt tt ttt rrrrrr PPP t tttt PP P AND THE SORCERER'S STONE (for PS2 ONLY) *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* Complete walkthrough for "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" v.1.1 for PS2 ONLY. -written by gamefreak614. Started on 1/3/04, and finished on 4/06/04. (C) Copyright 2004 gamefreak614 This document and guide is for personal use only. No part of this guide (including the format/layout and the diagrams) may be reproduced, copied, printed or distributed without prior consent from the author. If you would like to use this FAQ on your website, you MUST contact me first. *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* HISTORY v.1.0 (1/03/04) Started on FAQ/guide. Submitted on 4/06/04. *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* Table of Contents I. Introduction/About the Game II Controls/Menus III. List of Spells IV. Quests and Items V. Walkthrough a. Olivanders Wand Shop -Gain Flipendo Spell- b. Arrival at Hogwarts -Fred and George's shop- c. 1st Day at Hogwarts -Wiggenweld Healing Potion (assigned)- -Lumos Challenge- d. 1st Night at Hogwarts -Midnight Duel/Alohamora Spell- e. 2nd Day at Hogwarts -Spongify Challenge- f. 2nd Night at Hogwarts -"Troll in the Dungeons!"- g. 3rd Day at Hogwarts -Wiggenweld Healing Potion (due)- -Antidote to Common Poisons (assigned)- -Diffindo Challenge- h. 3rd Night at Hogwarts -"A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry"- i. 4th Day at Hogwarts -Incendio Challenge- j. 4th Night at Hogwarts -Collecting the Moondew (Hagrid's Garden)- k. 5th Day at Hogwarts -Antidote to Common Poisons (due)- -Quidditch Match: Gryffindor v. Slytherin- l. 5th Night at Hogwarts -Down the trap door- -Final Battle- m. Last Day of Term -Award Ceremony- VI. List of Required Tasks VII. Wizard Card List and Fixed Card Locations VIII. Locations for Potion Ingredients IX. Folio Bruti Information X. Gryffindor Notice Board Items XI. Fred and George's Shop XII. Frequently Asked Questions XIII. Email and Contact Information XIV. Credits *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* I. Introduction/About the Game *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* First of all, thank you for all the feedback on my Chamber of Secret's Card FAQ. I'm glad so many readers found it helpful. All the positive comments I've received from my Card FAQ has encouraged me to write a FAQ for this game, "Sorcerer's Stone." It will take me some time to finish this FAQ because I'm now working full time, and I am also taking night classes...which means I have very little time to play video games. While compiling information for this FAQ, I received a tremendous amount of help from several people from the board on Gamefaq. Please check out my Credits section to see a list of people who contributed to making this FAQ possible. I originally thought of writing a card FAQ, but realized that it would be pretty pointless to do so, since there are SO many random cards scattered all over the place. So instead, I chose to write a complete walkthrough of the game. If you have a question or problem, this FAQ will answer it all. If it doesn't, then please e-mail me, and I'll find a solution for you. Many of you are probably wondering why EA games re-released Sorcerer's Stone. Well, first off, when the first Sorcerer's Stone was released back in 2001, it was only available for PSone and Gameboy Advance. I believe EA games remade this game so that it is available for all consoles, and...oh yeah... they're trying to keep HP fans happy, by throwing this game at us to keep us busy until the release of the third movie (June 4, 2004). ~*~ What's the difference between this game and the other HP games? Hmm... Compared to the PSone version, the graphics are WAY better. The music, (or the theme) is the same as the PSone version, but the soundtrack from CoS is also in this game. (Yes, we're all familiar to that creepy music when trying to sneak past the prefects.) There are more tasks, more areas to explore, and new side quests (very minimal). This game is very similar compared to CoS. The background/setting is exactly the same, except for some areas that needed to be rearranged to fit the storyline. The loading time compared to CoS is much faster; it only takes a few seconds to load, and the loading screen doesn't appear every time you open a friggin' door. One thing that players may like about this game is that you will not be deducted house points if caught by a prefect. However, players may no longer shoot spells at innocent bystanders just for fun, (such as teachers or students), because you will miss...and if your spell physically hit someone, they will have any reaction. As for the controls, it is much harder to charge spells immediately after casting one. The camera angle is very hard to control, and most of the time, you don't know where the heck you're going. Well, other than that, the game is great fun for everyone in the family. So give it a try! ~*~ ***NOTE*** I will probably be writing another version of this FAQ with illustrations and diagrams of maps, item locations, and all that good stuff. I will add the link/URL for the illustrations/diagrams on this FAQ when they are available. But this is still up in the air. *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* II. Controls/Menus *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* Left Analog Joystick Use this to run, walk and sneak. Push the joystick forward (left/right/up/down) all the way to make Harry run. Pushing the joystick halfway will make Harry move at a walking pace. Slightly pushing the joystick will allow Harry to sneak or tiptoe about. When Harry has his back pushed up against a bookshelf/wall, push left or right on the joystick to make Harry shuffle left/right. Push the "X" button. Right Analog Joystick Use the right analog joystick to change the camera angle. "X" Button Action button. The "X" button cannot be used for spells. This button is used for every other action, such as talking, climbing, grabbing, pulling, searching, throwing and END DAY. Square Button Used to equip spells. Triangle Button Used to equip spells. "O" (Circle) Button Used to equip spells. R1 Button Used for target locking, and switching targets. By holding down the R1 button, Harry can dodge attacks by pushing "X" along with the direction he is dodging to (on the left analog joystick). Pushing "X" alone while holding the R1 button will allow Harry to dodge by ducking down. R2 Button Used for first person view. Change sections in the Remembrall menu. L1 Button Used for changing angle to the direction Harry is facing. L2 Button Used to change sections in the Remembrall section. "SELECT" Button This button accesses the menu. In the Remembrall menu screen, use the L2/R2 buttons to switch menu sections. Push the "SELECT" button to exit. "START" Button Use this button to pause, save, access the Options Menu, and quit game to main menu. Jumping There is no button for jumping. Harry jumps automatically by running of a ledge or platform. Climbing Push forward at an object such as a block or a higher platform and Harry will automatically climb up. When climbing ladders, the "X" button will change to "Climb." If your pushing forward towards an object and Harry is just walking forward, then that object is not used for climbing. Hang/Drop If Harry is pushed off or walks off a ledge, he will fall down and hang on to the ledge. To climb back up, push up on the left analog joystick. To drop, but the "X" button. If you are too high up, then you will not be able to drop down. Don't bother trying to jump off either, because that will only cause Harry to lose half of a health bar. Health Bar On the top left corner of the screen (out of menu), the lightning bolt represents Harry's health/life. If this health bar is depleted, Harry will pass out, and you'll have to redo the task you were previously working on. You can increase the number of health bars by eating Pumpkin Pasties. (I will refer to health as either "health," "life," or "stamina.") Remembrall Whenever Harry is presented with a new task, the (Select Button) Remembrall will appear on the bottom left hand corner of the screen. Push the "SELECT" button to view the tasks. -INVENTORY- This screen shows your bean bag (or bean pouch), and you can also view and equip spells or other items (Vials, Nimbus 2000, Stink Pellets and etc). -QUESTS- This screen shows you the total number of house points you have earned for your House, and several books, including: Folio Magic (card collection), Completed Tasks & Hints, School Records, Spell Book, Folio Bruti Volume I, The Standard Book of Spells, and Potions Ingredients. You can also view the potion ingredients that you are currently holding. -Tasks- Current tasks, and recently completed tasks are displayed on this screen. If you are doing a Challenge, the number of Challenge Shields you have collected will be shown on the top left corner of the screen. Once you've completed all tasks for the day/night, you can END DAY in this menu. -Notice Board- Every time you read a new notice for a lost item, the notice will be saved into this screen. If you ever forget which item you're looking for, just check back here for a quick reminder! -Maps- The map shows you your location, and it also reveals hidden areas. Game Menu/Option Push the start button during the game to access (Start button) the game menu. You can access this menu at any time to save game, change flying and camera controls, adjust volume, and disable or enable subtitles. *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* III. List of Spells *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* Flipendo (Flipendo Knock-back Jinx). SYMBOL: PALM/HAND (blue) The Flipendo spell is the first spell Harry learns. Use this spell to stun or rid of Gnomes, Imps, Fire Crabs, Horklumps, and Bowtruckles. Also used to activate Flipendo switches. For more information on monsters/creatures, please see section IX: Folio Bruti. Lumos SYMBOL: ILLUMINATED WAND The Lumos spell can reveal hidden passageways on walls and loose floorboards. You can also use this spell in front of gargoyle statues to reveal floating platforms. Lumos is very effective against Ghosts and Gytrahses. For more information on monsters/creatures, please see section IX: Folio Bruti. Alohamora SYMBOL: GOLDEN KEY There are several doors at Hogwarts that can only be unlocked using the Alohamora spell. (These locked doors are blocked with a gold plate with a key in the center.) Spongify SYMBOL: ORANGE SPRING Use the Spongify spell on Spongify tiles, to allow Harry to jump even higher. When fighting trolls, use this spell to repel and reflect the trolls attack back at them. For more information on monsters/creatures, please see section IX: Folio Bruti. DIFFINDO SYMBOL: SCISSOR The Diffindo spell can be used to open secret passageways behind curtains or tapestries that has the scissor symbol. It can also be used to destroy Horklumps, and cut off the tentacles of the Venomous Tentacula. For more information on monsters/creatures, please see section IX: Folio Bruti. INCENDIO SYMBOL: BLUE FLAME The Incendio spell can be used to light braziers (torches). This spell is also very effective against the Venomous Tentacula. For more information on monsters/creatures, please see section IX: Folio Bruti. ~*~ *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* IV. Quests and Items (Inventory) *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* Folio Magi This is where all your Wizard Cards are stored. You may access this from the Remembrall Menu. Folio Bruti Volume I This book contains information about all the monsters/creatures Harry encounters at his first year at Hogwarts. You may access this from the Remembrall Menu. Completed Tasks/Hints Look here to view all hints/tutorials and completed tasks. You may access this from the Remembrall Menu. School Records This is Harry's report card. It shows what grade or marks you've received in class, and how many Challenge Shields you have collected in challenges. (10 Shields=perfect score) The Standard Book This book allows Harry to cast perfect spells. of Spells (Grade I) (You need this book in order to cast charged spells.) Spell Book This book contains all of Harry's learned spells. Chocolate Frogs When eaten, Chocolate Frogs give Harry a boost in stamina/health. You can tell if a Chocolate Frog is nearby if you hear a croaking noise. (Not found in treasure boxes.) To eat a Chocolate Frog, just have Harry walk over it. Bertie Bott's Every These beans are found all over the place. Try Flavor Beans collecting as many as you can, and use it as currency at Fred and George's shop. Pumpkin Pasties Pumpkin Pasties are a popular wizard snack and will give Harry a boost in stamina/health. (Less effective than a Chocolate Frog, but more effective than a Cauldron Cake.) Found in treasure boxes. Cauldron Cakes Cauldron Cakes, like Pumpkin Pasties, are also a popular snack that slightly increases stamina or health. Found in treasure boxes. Eeylops Premium Feed Owl Treats to Hedwig and she'll help you out Owl Treats with your quest/task. Found in treasure boxes. Potion Vials You can use potion vials to hold the potion mixes you learn from Potion's class. Bean Pouch This pouch allows Harry to carry even more beans. You can purchase the bean pouch from Fred and George's shop for 50 beans. (For a complete list of items from the shop, please see section X: Fred and George's Shop.) Stink Pellets Harry can throw these pellets to cause a a distraction. Dungbombs Harry can use dungbombs as a diversion or a distraction. When they explode, they emit a foul odor and thick smoke. Nimbus Two Thousand The latest model of racing brooms. Harry can equip the Nimbus Two Thousand and further explore Hogwarts. To mount your broom, push the equipped button. To accelerate, push the "X" button. To land, descent towards the ground so that Harry is barely hovering above the ground, and push the equipped button. The broom is not accessible if the equipped button with broom symbol appears gray. ~*~ !!!!SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* V. Walkthrough *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* The game opens with a clip of baby Harry arriving at Privet Drive. Hagrid, a half giant, escorts Harry to his new home on his flying motorcycle, and is greeted by Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster at Hogwarts, and Professor McGonagall. In the next scene, Hagrid takes Harry to Diagon Alley to buy his school supplies. Harry also meets the stuttering Professor Quirrell, the Defense against the Dark Arts teacher. Hagrid directs Harry to Olivander's where he will be buying his wand. ********** ***NOTE*** ********** [TB] Treasure Box -> SECTION (X) Refer to Section (X) of FAQ WCP Wizard Card Pack Brazier "Pan that holds burning coals." a.k.a. torches. In Chamber of Secrets, the game referred to torches as "Braziers." =============================================================================== a. Olivanders Wand Shop =============================================================================== ***Tasks to be completed*** CHECKLIST _______1. Let your wand choose you at Olivanders wand shop. _______2. Gain the Flipendo spell book. _______3. Smash some objects to find the way out. _______4. Work out the correct combination to unlock the door. _______5. Collect the Folio Bruti. _______6. Stun the imps and cage them. _______7. Target the shield on the device. _______8. Collect the Standard Book of Spells. ~*~ =============== =========== Task #1 =========== =============== **LET YOUR WAND CHOOSE YOU AT OLIVANDERS WAND SHOP.** There are three wands that you can choose from; however, only one wand is destined for Harry. * Wand #1: Ebony and unicorn hair. * Wand #2: Beechwood and dragon heartstring. * Wand #3: Holly and Phoenix feather. Wand #3 is the one farthest away from Harry, between the two other wands. When you approach this wand, your controller should vibrate for a split second. Once you've selected a wand, Mr. Olivanders will ask you to test your wand in the middle of the room. Stand in the middle of the room and push either the Square, the Triangle, or the Circle button to test your wand. If you're testing wands 1 or 2, you will not get a good result. If you have chosen Wand #3, Holly and Phoenix feather, there will be a brief cut scene where this light shines down on Harry, and voila! The wand has chosen its owner. Follow Mr. Olivanders to the next room. =============== =========== Task #2 =========== =============== **GAIN THE FLIPENDO SPELL BOOK** When you enter this next section, you'll notice that there are two floors, and Harry is on the top floor. Don't worry about falling off. A ladder will drop so that you can climb back up. If you do manage to fall to the bottom floor, take your time and collect the beans scattered all over the place. Upon entering the room, move forward to the area blocked by barrels. A screen will pop up and give you information about shuffling against walls. Run towards the left wall, and Harry will automatically push his back against it. Push the left analog joystick in the direction you want to go. Shuffle/slide against the wall to the next area. Turn towards Harry's right and you should see another platform. Run in that direction and another screen will pop up teaching you how to jump. Continue to run forward, and Harry will leap onto the next platform. Line up the camera angle so that you see two swinging objects. You'll have to leap across these two platforms while avoiding getting hit. Collect the beans and move towards the wall to the left of the barrel. Have Harry push his back against the wall again and shuffle/slide across. Unlike the last time, there are stacks of boxed wands that are pushed out from the wall at timed intervals. Slide as close as you can to these boxed wands without falling. Wait for them to slide back in the wall, then shuffle across. Once on the other side, turn the camera angle towards Harry's left. You should see a swinging object. On the platform on the other side of the room, past the swinging object, is the Flipendo spell book. Jump across to the other platform, while avoiding getting hit, to reach the Flipendo spell book. Olivanders will give you a briefing of the Flipendo knock-back jinx. Once he's finished, follow him to through the door to the next area. =============== =========== Task #3 =========== =============== **SMASH SOME OBJECTS TO FIND THE WAY OUT.** When you enter the next room, you'll notice that it's a very tiny room, with bookshelves, glass jars, and a locked door. Smash all the jars in the room with your newly acquired Flipendo spell. (Hint: Target lock the jars with your R1 button for better aim.) Once you've destroyed all the jars, a hidden panel will reveal a button with the Flipendo switch (blue palm/hand) on the wall across the locked door. Cast Flipendo at this switch to unlock the door to the next area. (Before moving on, you may want to collect card #52, Felix Summerbee, in a [TB] through the crawl space located to the right of the door that you've just unlocked.) ==================== ================ Task #4, 5 & 6 ================ ==================== **WORK OUT THE CORRECT COMBINATION TO UNLOCK THE DOOR.** **COLLECT THE FOLIO BRUTI.** Olvanders is standing near the back of the room next to a stand with three panels: sun, moon and star. He'll ask you to hit the panels in the correct order. Hit the panels in this order. * Sun (Top) * Moon (Middle) * Star (Bottom) Hitting the panels in the right sequence will reveal the Folio Bruti Volume I, page 4: IMP, that is hidden within the stand. Walk up to the book and push "X". You have just found Folio Bruti volume 1, page 4: Imps. Once you close the book, two imps will enter the room. (-> SECTION IX: Folio Bruti Information.) Imps are nasty little creatures, and the only thing you can do is throw and lock them in cages. It's best not to stand in one place too long, because imps, though very tiny, are very fast. Target lock using the R1 button, and knock both imps out using the Flipendo spell. Once the imps are unconscious, walk over to one of them, and the "X" button will change to "Carry". Push the "X" button to pick up the imp. (When you're carrying imps/gnomes, you're basically invincible. For example, if an imp runs into, you won't lose any health/stamina.) Throw the imp into a cage, and do the same to the other imp. Before following Mr. Olivanders into the next room, climb on top of the cages to find a Pumpkin Pasty, Cauldron Cake, and card # 89, Alberta Toothill. On top of left cage: Pumpkin Pasty ([TB]), Cauldron Cake ([TB]). On top of right cage: card #89, Alberta Toothill ([TB]). ================= ============= Task #7 & 8 ============= ================= **TARGET THE SHIELD ON THE DEVICE.** **COLLECT THE STANDARD BOOK OF SPELLS.** In the next area, there is a rotating device in the center of the room. There is a Flipendo button on this device. You must hit it repeatedly to raise the device to the ceiling. The easiest way to do this is to target lock the Flipendo switch, and keep casting Flipendo at it while walking in the direction the device is turning (clockwise). Once the device is fully raised, a bookshelf behind Mr. Olivanders will rise and reveal a hidden room. Inside this room you will find the "Standard Book of Spells, which will allow Harry to cast perfect/charged spells. Olivanders will ask Harry to raise the device once more, using charged Flipendo spells. Hold down the Flipendo spell button for a few seconds (3-4). If the wand turns red or purple, it's not a good sign. Send a few charged Flipendos at the device (on the Flipendo switch), and the device should lock into the ceiling again. After successfully raising the device a second time, the door to the exit will be unlocked. Olivanders will reward Harry with card #41, Godric Gryffindor, for a job well done. ~*~ =============================================================================== b. Arrival at Hogwarts =============================================================================== ***Tasks to be completed*** CHECKLIST ______1. Go to the Gryffindor common room (Seventh floor). ______2. Visit Fred and George. ______3. End Night. ~*~ =============== =========== Task #1 =========== =============== **GO TO THE GRYFFINDOR COMMON ROOM (SEVENTH FLOOR).** After being sorted into Gryffindor House, Harry will meet Ron and Hermione for the first time. The dialogue for the cut scene goes pretty quickly. You will learn that the corridor on the third floor is forbidden to all students, but no one knows why it is so significant. Follow Ron, Hermione, and Percy (Ron's brother, also a prefect) to the Gryffindor common room. On the ground floor, go up the stairs, turn right and go through the door to the Grand Staircase. Under the staircase on the bottom floor (right before 1st floor with Transfiguration), you'll find card #37, Cassandra Vablatsky. The floors are as follows: * First floor: "Transfiguration" * Second floor: "Charms and Library" * Third floor: "Defense Against the Dark Arts" * Fourth floor: "History of Magic" * Fifth floor: "Non-Magical Studies" * Sixth floor: "Ancient Runes" * Seventh floor: "Arithmancy and Gryffindor Tower" Continue following Ron, Hermione and Percy up the several flights of stairs. About halfway up to the seventh floor, there will be a brief cut scene, and you will be introduced to Peeves, a Poltergeist. After the cut scene, proceed to the top floor, and go through the door, labeled "Seventh floor: Arithmancy and Gryffindor Tower." The portrait entrance to the Gryffindor common room is located on a wall towards the back of the room. The password required to enter the common room is "Caput Draconus." Say the password to the Fat Lady in the portrait to enter the common room. After you enter the common room, approach Ron to initiate another cut scene. (Card #24, Adalbert Waffling, is in the open room across the seventh floor Reading Room.) ================= ============= Task #2 & 3 ============= ================= **VISIT FRED AND GEORGE.** To get to Fred and George's shop, you must go through a secret portrait hole in the Reading Room (7th floor). Go to the door to your left to enter the Reading Room. You'll have to go straight, then go all the way down to your left to reach the portrait hole. It seems easy enough, but there's one little problem--Percy. Here's a diagram of the room. _____ | | | | | | _____| |_____ / \____________ / ___ | / / \ | Fred/George's Shop ---> | ( ) | | \___/ ____________| \ /=====| | \ /======| | \ /=======| | -------------------[ * ]---=======| | | ###### |=======| | |# ____ # |=======| | |# | | # | | |# |____| # | | 7th Floor ----> |# # | |---- Reading Room | | | | # | | | P # | | <-- Secret | # #| | Passage | # #| | | #| | |###### ###### | | -----------| #| | <-- Gryffindor | H #?? | Common Room | #|------- -----------| #### | --------------------------- ====== Legend ====== ##### Bookshelves ?? Secret Passage [ * ] Portrait entrance to Fred/George's shop P Patrolling Prefect (Percy) H This is where Harry is when you enter the room. Percy is patrolling the Reading Room. You'll have to sneak your way past Percy to get to the portrait hole. Here are some tips on avoiding Prefects. 1) DO NOT RUN! They can hear your footsteps if you do. 2) Use spells, Stink Pellets, Dungbombs as diversion or distractions. 3) Keep your distance. 4) Use bookshelves to peek around corners. Percy will always patrol around the same area. Watch and learn his route so that you don't "accidentally" bump into him. If you cast Flipendo at a wall (away from you), he will go investigate, so use this time wisely to dash to the portrait hole. Push the "X" button to say the password, then push "X" again to crawl through the hole. *Find card # 64, Jocunda Skyes, in a [TB] in the secret passage (??)* Welcome to Fred and George's shop! Walk around and look at the items for sale. *For a complete list of items for sale, -> section XI: Fred and George's Shop.* You don't have to buy anything if you don't want to. Before you leave, go to the small narrow room across the portrait hole entrance (next to the bean pouch) to find card #38, Chauncy Oldridge, in a [TB]. Once you're finished looking/shopping around, exit the shop, avoid Percy, and exit the Reading Room back to the Gryffindor common room. After the cut scene, End Day by pushing "X" in the Remembrall menu. ~*~ =============================================================================== c. 1st Day at Hogwarts =============================================================================== ***Tasks to be completed*** CHECKLIST ______1. Potions class (Dungeons). ______2. Defense against the Dark Arts class (Third floor/3C). ______3. Gain the Lumos spell book. ______4. Flying lessons with Madam Hooch (Flying pitch). ______5. Visit Hagrid at his hut. ~*~ =============== =========== Task #1 =========== =============== **POTIONS CLASS (DUNGEONS).** From the boy's dormitory, go down stairs to the Gryffindor common room. Walk towards Hermione, and she will tell you about the Gryffindor notice board. Read the notice board to get information on lost items. Once you've read a notice for a lost item, it will be saved in your inventory in the Remembrall menu. (**NOTE: Lost items will not appear if the notice is not saved in your inventory**) Whenver you find a lost item, return it to the notice board and you'll be rewarded with a Wizard card. ( -> SECTION X: Gryffindor Notice Board Items.) Walk up to Ron for another cut scene, then follow him to the Dungeons where your first Potion's class will be held. The entrance to the Dungeon is located on the ground floor, across the Grand Hall. -------------------------------------------------- -> To Grand ===============\ /================= Staircase | \ Stairs / | | \ / | | \ / | | \ / | | | | - | | | | Locked | - | | ---- | <--Dungeons | ---- | | - | | -> Great Hall /-- - Broom Closet -> ( | \-- | | | | H H H H | H = Hourglass | | ------------| |------------- ======== Enter the dungeons. Before entering the Potion's class, you can do a bit of exploring in the storage room to the right. (In Chamber of Secrets, this is the area right before the Slytherin common room. Also where you had to sneak by several Prefects.) You'll find card #63, Herman Wintringham, surrounded by empty cages. Destroy all the jars in this room and a [TB] with card #93, Heathcote Barbary, will appear. Once you're finished, go back to where Ron is and walk towards the door on the opposite side of the room. Cut scene: Harry gets a nasty greeting from Draco Malfoy. Enter the Potion's classroom. For your first potion assignment, you are required to collect three ingredients to complete the Wiggenweld healing potion. Potion Ingredients: Asphodel, Dittany, and Wiggentree bark. Please see section VIII for the location of potion ingredients. ================= ============= Task #2 & 3 ============= ================= **DEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS CLASS (THIRD FLOOR / 3C)** **GAIN THE LUMOS SPELL BOOK** After Potions class, go to the third floor and attend the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Today, you'll be learning the Lumos spell. Enter the elevated crawl space on the wall to begin the Lumos challenge. **Note** You can only collect 8/10 Challenge Shield at this time. Come back after learning the Diffindo spell to collect all 10 shields. +++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ +++ +++ LUMOS CHALLENGE +++ +++ +++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ **Spells required to find all 10 Challenge Shields: Flipendo, Lumos, and Diffindo.*** Upon entering the crawl space, collect the Folio Bruti (Ghost) on the stand to your right. Ignore the curtain to your left and continue forward into the next area. (Come back later after learning the Diffindo spell to cut down the curtain.) The next area is almost pitch black, and there's a bottomless pit in the middle of the room. To the right is a [TB] containing a Cauldron Cake. Don't get this just yet if your health/stamina bar is full. It might come in handy later. Go back to the left side, and push Harry's back against the wall. Shuffle your way across while avoiding two stone blocks that protrude from the wall at timed intervals. Once across, you'll see an empty cage and a [TB]. The [TB] contains a Pumpkin Pasty. (Don't get this yet if you have full life.) Walk towards the bridge in the center of the room. This triggers a cut scene: A group of imps runs across the bridge; however, halfway across, the bridge collapse and only one imp makes it across. After the cut scene, allow the imp to run a few steps toward you and knock it out with Flipendo. (If you knock it out next to the edge of the bridge, you might fall off while trying to pick up the imp.) Pick up the unconscious imp and throw it into the cage behind you. Once the imp is securely locked in its cage, a Challenge Shield (#1) will appear to the right. Collect this shield, then jump your way across the broken bridge. If you fall, you'll lose half a bar of life, and have to start from the beginning of this area. There's another room with a curtain in this area, but you won't be able to enter it without the Diffindo spell. Continue through the door to the next area. The next room is circular, like the one before. Go to the center of the room where there is a circular panel on the ground, and a beam of light from above. (You'll be in the intersection of a "T".) On the platform directly in front of you are three [TB]s and to imps. Ignore them for now. From the circluar panel, go left and climb up the ladder. You'll see a block, but don't push it into the hole just yet. There is a [TB] on a higher platform, so you'll have to push the block against the wall and climb up to reach this [TB] containing a Pumpkin Pasty. Drop back down and push the block into the hole. This causes a torch to be lit, and the circular panel in the middle of the room will open. Now go back to the center of the room, and climb up the ladder to your right. Same as before, move the block against the wall to find another Pumpkin Pasty in a [TB], then push the block into the hole. This causes another torch to be lit, and an owl stand to rise from below the circular panel. To get onto the platform containing the three [TB], jump from the edge near the ladders on either side. From left to right, the 3 [TB]'s contain: A Cauldron Cake, Owl Treat, Pumpkin Pasty. There are also two imps above this area that will throw things at you, so do your best to avoid getting hit. Target lock the imps and cast Flipendo to make them fall to the ground onto the lowest level. Collect the Owl Treat and return to the owl stand in the center of the room. Call Hedgwig by pushing "X" and she will swoop down. Feed her the owl treats and she will help lower a ladder for you. Before climbing the ladder, drop down to the lowest (darkest) level where the imps have fallen. Knock them out with Flipendo and throw them in the cages on either side of the Flipendo switch switch. Use the cage to the left of the Flipendo switch to climb up to find a Challenge Shield (#2) and a Cauldron Cake. Do the same on the right side to find another Challenge Shield (#3) and card #18, Uric the Oddball, in a [TB]. If you've lost some health, grab the Pumpkin Pasty facing away from the Flipendo switch. Finally, hit the Flipendo switch that lowers a walkway for you to return to the main floor. Climb up the ladder to the next area. Quickly, change your direction or camera angle so that you're facing some bookshelves. There is an imp on top of the bookshelf closest to you. Knock it down with Flipendo and keep your distance. When imps fall down from a higher level, they recover much faster than if you were to hit them when they're right in front of you. Once the imp gets back on its feet, just knock it out again, and dispose of it in a cage. There's another imp on top of a bookshelf. Knock it down and throw it into the cage. Once both imps are securely locked away, the gate blocking the next area will be raised. Continue forward and collect the Challenge Shield (#4) behind the last bookshelf. Upon entering the next room, walk up to the spell book and push "X" to receive the Lumos spell. Equip the Lumos spell in your menu but don't un-equip the Flipendo spell. In this room, there are SEVERAL loose floor boards as you will soon find out. Cast charged Lumos spells to reveal these loose floor boards. To the lower left corner of the room is a [TB] with Cauldron Cake. To the lower right side of the room is a door leading to smaller room with a Pumpkin Pasty and card #98, Dymphna Furmage in a [TB]. To the upper left hand side of this room is a Challenge Shield (#5). Cast Lumos here to find a hidden area along the wall. Push "X" next to the wall to open this area. Inside, push the block into the hole to raise one of the gates blocking the exit. Go back to the room with the loose floor boards, and go to the opposite side and use Lumos to find the other hidden area. Push "X" to open this area. Two ghosts will appear, and the only way to defeat them is by using your Lumos spell. Keep your distance and cast a charged Lumos spell. If done correctly, there should be a bright triangular light on the ground. This light is harmful to the ghosts. Walk up to the ghosts so that the triangular light hits them, and hold it there for a couple of seconds to inflict damage on the ghosts. Do this a couple times and they will vanish for good. A Challenge Shied (#6) will appear by the entrance, and a Flipendo switch will be revealed on the wall. Hit the Flipendo switch to raise the last gate blocking the next area. Don't forget to collect the Cauldron Cake (to the left of the Flipendo switch) and the Pumpkin Pasty (in the upper right corner of the room). Go to the next area. When you first walk in to this area, the camera focuses on a Flipendo switch on the wall behind you. Hit this switch and a Gargoyle statue will rise in the middle of the room. Walk up to the statue and cast Lumos to make floating green platform appear. You will have to jump across these platforms to get to the exit. Jump on the platforms until you see a door by the wall. Go inside the small room to collect a Challenge Shield (#7) and a Cauldron Cake. Return to the room with the statue and continue to make your way up. When you reach the top, collect the Challenge Shield (#8) and go towards the crawl hole. On the wall to the right of the crawl hole, cast Lumos to find a hidden area. Push "X" to open this area, where you'll find some beans and card #57, Gifford Ollerton. Exit this area by using the crawl space. In the next area, use Lumos at the dark end of the room to find a secret passage. Push "X" to open this passage, and you'll end up at the beginning of the challenge. Finally, exit the challenge by using the crawl space. The highest grade you receive at this point is only a B since you're still missing 2 Challenge Shields. Come back and re-do this challenge after learning the Diffindo spell. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Location of other Challenge Shields: **To collect the remaining Challenge Shields, you will need the DIFFINDO spell. Challenge Shield #9: ==================== Use Diffindo to cut down the curtain/tapestry just to the left of the crawl hole entrance. Behind this curtain is another curtain, so cut that down as well. In the next room, you'll find a Challenge Shield (#9) and two [TB]'s with a Cauldron Cake and a Pumpkin Pasty. Challenge Shield #10 ==================== In the area with the bottomless pit and the broken bridge, jump across the gap in the bridge to reach the other side. Shuffle along the wall to the left of the door. Use Diffindo to cut down the curtain to reveal a small room. Collect the Pumpkin Pasty from the [TB], and go through the door. The Challenge Shield (#10) is in the middle of the room, which is guarded by a single Fire Crab. There's no where to dump this little fellow, so just keep him on his back (with a Flipendo spell) until you leave this room. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~*~ =============== =========== Task #4 =========== =============== **FLYING LESSONS WITH MADAM HOOCH (FLYING PITCH).** It's flying lessons next. Exit the classroom and follow Ron to your next class. (Flying lessons is located in the same area as in Chamber of Secrets. Exit the castle, turn right, go past the cloisters area, hang another right and you're there.) Flying Controls: Down on joystick - fly upwards Up on joystick - fly downwards "X" - accelerate All you have to do is fly through the rings. Try not to miss any or your score will be lower. Before the real examination begins, you get to test out your broom control by flying through 15 rings. After the practice trial, the real test begins. There are three different rings: Red: 19 rings Green: 15 rings Red (small): ?? rings If you got all the red rings, then you will receive a "C, for trying." If you got all the red and green rings, then you will receive an "A+." To get the highest grade, a distinction, you need have at least 39 rings. Good luck! After your the flying exam, it's Neville's turn. His broom goes out of control and he ends up falling down and hurting himself. He drops his Remembrall, and Malfoy takes it and decides to leave it somewhere for Neville to find. Malfoy takes off on his broom and Harry follows. You must catch up with Malfoy to end the chase. This can take anywhere from 5 seconds to 5 minutes. Follow Malfoy and memorize his route and cheat by cutting corners. When the chase ends, Malfoy will challenge Harry to a Wizard's duel, and Ron volunteers to be Harry's second. The time and location for the duel will be at night on the fourth floor. =============== =========== Task #5 =========== =============== **VISIT HAGRID AT HIS HUT.** Soon after Malfoy and his goons leave, Hedwig drops a note sent to Harry by Hagrid. Follow Ron to Hagrid's hut. When you arrive at Hagrid's hut, it automatically goes to into a cut scene. Harry finds out that someone tried to rob the vault that he and Hagrid had visited just days before. In the next scene, Hagrid suggests that you look in his garden (behind his hut) to look for the plants required for Snape's assignment. ~*~ Go through the door behind Hagrid's hut to enter the garden. In the garden, there is a fountain in the middle, and two paths that bisects each other in the middle, forming a cross. Gated Pathway (Incendio) -------------------------------- | []: :[] | | (S) : : | | : : | | : : | | : : | | :__: | +++++++++++++ |............./ \.............| + Stone + ( F ) X <--Curtain with Scissor + Building + |.............\__/.............| (Diffindo) +++++++++++++ | : : | | : : | | : : --------------| | : : | | : : -----------| | | : : | ---- -------------| |------------- | | Garden Entrance ========== LEGEND ========== F Fountain. (S) Spongify tile on the ground. [] Torches. (Incendio required). X Curtain with Scissor symbol. (Diffindo Required). With the spells you have learned so far, the only area you have access to is the stone building. So make a left at the cross and go inside the building. In the dark, upper left corner of the first floor is a [TB] with Cauldron Cake. Also on the first floor is a door with a golden panel in front. This door can only be unlocked using the Alohamora spell. Remember this door, because this is where you'll find Dittany. Come back after you've learned the Alohamora spell. Climb the stairs to the second floor. You'll notice that there jars scattered all over the room. Break the jars to collect some extra beans. Search the corner of the room for a crawl space. Crawl through to the other side to find a [TB] with card #12, Merwyn the Malicious. Crawl back inside the building and go down the stairs. Cast Lumos near the wall next to the foot of the stairs to reveal a hidden passage. Go through the winding passage until you find a crawl hole. Crawl through to find yourself inside a tiny cave. Get the Cauldron Cake inside a [TB] and exit through the crawl hole on the opposite side. Walk further into the garden and you will be greeted by some pesky Gnomes...3 in all. You can't kill Gnomes, but you can stun them briefly with your Flipendo Knockback Jinx. To get a better view of this area, climb onto the shed (located along the left wall when you first enter this area.) On the left side of the shed is a Gargoyle Statue, and on the right side is a [TB]; however, both of them are blocked by bars. Note where the Gnomes are running about before you jump or climb down. Look around for a huge tree/tree trunk. There is a hole on the left-backside of the tree. You must knock out all the Gnomes and throw them down this hole. So, make sure the Gnomes aren't too close to each other, and target lock the closest one to you. Knock it out with Flipendo, carry it to the tree, and throw it down the hole. Do this as quickly as possible, because if another Gnomes sees you, it will charge at you...and they are a lot quicker than you think! When all three Gnomes are thrown down the hole, the bars blocking the Gargoyle Statue will be raised. Cast Lumos next to the statue to make a floating green platform appear. Climb on the floating platform, and another platform will appear. Before you go on, rotate the camera angle until you see a golden chest or [TB] on a small ledge. To get this [TB], run towards the ledge closest to you. Once on the ledge, push Harry's back against the wall and shuffle across to reach the [TB] containing card #10, Burdock Muldoon. Jump back onto the floating platform and continue jumping onto each new platform that appears until you reach the ledge next to the waterfall. Go behind the waterfall and grab the Asphodel (it's a lavender colored plant). After pocketing the plant, four new Gnomes will appear. Throwing them down the hole is optional. Your reward will be access to the golden [TB] in the shed (right side). This [TB] contains card #17, Morgan le Fay. Retrace your steps back to the entrance and exit the garden. Ron is standing next to the door. If you talk to him, he will just tell you that there is nothing left to do, so he's going to bed. Whenever he says this, it means that you have completed all the tasks for the day. You can now End Day by pushing "X" in the Remembrall menu (in the "Tasks" section). **When you end day, the House points for all four Houses are displayed.** ~*~ =============================================================================== d. 1st Night at Hogwarts =============================================================================== ***Tasks to be completed*** CHECKLIST ______1.Meet Malfoy on the fourth floor for a duel. ______2.Gain the Alohamora spell book from the library (second floor). ______3.Return to Ron and Hermione. ______4.Unlock the door with Alohamora and release Ron and Hermione. ~*~ =============== =========== Task #1 =========== =============== **MEET MALFOY ON THE FOURTH FLOOR FOR A DUEL.** From the boy's dormitories, head down towards the Gryffindor portrait entrance. When you meet up with Ron, he reminds you of the wizard's duel with Malfoy that was agreed upon earlier. Follow Ron (and Hermione) to the fourth floor, and they will lead to where Malfoy is waiting. Get ready for a duel!!! Just kidding~ Nothing Malfoy says can be trusted, but I guess you knew that already! Malfoy leads Harry, Ron and Hermione into a trap, and it's up to Harry to save the day. =============== =========== Task #2 =========== =============== **GAIN THE ALOHAMORA SPELL BOOK FROM THE LIBRARY (SECOND FLOOR).** Harry and his comrades fall to the level below (the forbidden corridor), and the only way out requires the Alohamora spell. Go through the crawl space next to Hermione. Amazingly, this crawl space leads you all the way down to Library on the second floor. The Alohamora spellbook is in the middle of the library; however, before you get the spell book, you might consider breaking all the glass jars in this area first, because ghosts will appear once you've obtained the book. When you break all the jars, a [TB] will appear containing card #41, Godric Gryffindor. =================== =============== Task #3 & 4 =========== =================== **Return to Ron and Hermione.** Run back to the crawl space and return to Ron and Hermione. Now that you've learned the Alohamora spell, test it out on the door with the golden lock. Cut scene: Snape is on the lookout for rule-breakers. Follow Ron and Herione through a series of doors until you meet a BIG surprise. Cut scene: Snape also meets the BIG surprise. Exit the forbidden corridor through the door that Ron and Hermione are standing next to. Return to the Gryffindor tower and select "End Day" in your menu to retire for the night. ~*~ =============================================================================== e. 2nd Day at Hogwarts =============================================================================== ***Tasks to be completed.*** CHECKLIST ______1.Charms class (second floor). ______2.Gain the Spongify spell book. ______3.Meet Ron at Hagrid's Hut. ~*~ =============== =========== Task #1 =========== =============== **CHARMS CLASS (SECOND FLOOR).** From the boy's dormitory, go down to the common room. When you meet up with Ron and Hermione there will be a cut scene will reveal more about the event that took place last night. It's Charms lesson next. Follow Ron and Hermione down to the second floor. For today's Charms lesson, you will be learning the Softening Charm, Spongify. Enter the portrait hole to begin the Challenge. =============== =========== Task #2 =========== =============== **GAIN THE SPONGIFY SPELL BOOK.** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ +++ +++ SPONGIFY CHALLENGE +++ +++ +++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ **Note** You can only collect 7/10 Challenge Shield at this time. Come back after learning the Diffindo and Incendio spell to collect all 10 shields. Right when you enter the Challenge, pick up the book sitting on the stand in front of you to collect Folio Bruti Volume I, page 8: Fire Crab. If you want to see a live Fire Crab in person, just walk into the next area. A fire crab is just to the left of this circular room. Cast Flipendo at it until it falls into a pit (clockwise). Make sure you don't push the crab too close to the wall, otherwise the little crabby will get stuck by the wall. Run around in the opposite direction to find another Fire Crab. (When I replayed this section, the crab somehow climbed up the stairs...). As before, Flipendo the crab into the pit (counter-clockwise) and a [TB] with a WCP will appear. Climb up the spiraling staircase and pick up the Spongify spell book in the center of the room. Equip your new spell, and make sure you also have Lumos and Flipendo equipped as well. To the right of the staircase is a niche/nook in the wall with two small torches. Cast Lumos by this wall to find a secret room. Inside this room, push the block up against the wall to climb up to a Challenge Shield (#1) and a [TB] with Pumpkin Pasty. Exit this room and go left (counter-clockwise) until you find another nook in the wall with torches. Cast Lumos to find another hidden area. There is an imp on the upper level. Knock it to the ground floor with Flipendo, then knock it unconscious and throw it into the cage. Use this cage to climb up the upper level to get Challenge Shield (#2) and a [TB] with Pumpkin Pasty. Exit the room and go left (clockwise) and go through the corridor. Walk over the Chocolate Frog to recover any lost health. Climb up the stone block and cast Spongify onto the Spongify tile on the ground to conjure a spring. Run across the spring to be launched over the high wall. Once across, climb back on top of the high wall to collect a Challenge Shield (#3). Drop back down next to the brownish stone block and push it under the crawl space. Climb on the block then exit through the crawl space. Cut scene: two ghosts appear. Defeat the ghosts by using your Lumos spell. They will be defeated once their damage bar is filled. Run around the room until you find a Spongify tile on the ground. Cast Spongify on the mark and jump up to the platform above. (There are ghosts roaming around this area, so try your best to avoid them!) Go through the first door you see. Walk over the Chocolate Frog to replenish your health. Continue down the corridor until you find a Cauldron Cake in a [TB] near a Spongify tile. Cast Spongify and jump up to the upper level to get a Challenge Shield (#4) and card #75, Mungo Bonham. Exit the room. Continue up the stairs and use the Spongify tile to reach the platform above in the center of the room. Cast Flipendo at the button on the central column to rotate the platform (which you are standing on) a quarter turn to the right. Once the platform stops, a Spongify tile will be uncovered by your feet. Use the Spongify tile to jump onto the level above. Go up the stairs and jump across the gap to get to the next platform. You'll notice that there's a Spongify tile on the edge of this platform, but it won't do you any good right now, because the area above requires the Diffindo spell. So just ignore it for now and continue up the stairs to the door that requires Alohamora. Unlock the door and go through. Follow the trail of beans and eat the Chocolate Frog. In the room ahead, there is a Gargoyle Statue on a higher level (gated), and a Fire Crab towards the back of the room. Flipendo the Fire Crab into the bottomless pit to make a block drop from the ceiling. (Note the hole in the ground right before the pit). Doing this also causes a flame to shoot out from the wall. Cast Flipendo at the button on the wall across the bottomless pit to raise the gates blocking the Gargoyle Statue. Move the block under the Gargoyle Statue, then climb up and cast Lumos to make a floating green platform appear above the bottomless pit. From the floating green platform, jump to the area on the left to find a Challenge Shield (#5) and a [TB] with card #8, Derwent Shimpling. On the right side is a [TB] with card #27, Mirabella Plunkett. Now go back to the block and drag it all the way down towards the pit and into the hole in the ground. (Don't forget to avoid the flames!) This causes the brazier/torch outside of the room to light up, and the central platform to wind up the column. Exit the room. The central platform should be connected to the one you're standing on (next to the torch). Stand on the platform and hit the Flipendo switch to make it rotate about 165 degrees to the right. Get off the central platform and look for a Spongify tile. You don't have to do anything with this just yet. Jump across to the platform with the torch and go through the door. Follow the trail of beans until you run across two imps. Knock them out with Flipendo and lock them away in their cages. Use their cages to climb up to reach a Pumpkin Pasty [TB] on one side, and a Gargoyle Statue on the other. Cast Lumos next to the Statue to reveal two floating green platforms above a pit. Climb over the low stone wall with a Challenge Shield (#6) on top, and cross the floating platforms to get the other Challenge Shield (#7). Turn around and hit the Flipendo switch behind you on the wall that contained Challenge Shield #6. This will unlock two Fire Crabs. First, knock both crabs onto their backs, then Flipendo them into the pit. A block will drop from the ceiling. Drag the block into the hole to light another torch outside, move the central platform higher, and to push a platform out of the wall above. Collect the Cauldron Cake [TB] and exit the room. Go back to the Spongify tile that I told you to ignore earlier. You need this to get back to the central platform. Then, on the central platform, use another Spongify tile to jump onto the platform that was pushed out from the wall. *Optional* Go right to find a room with a Gargoyle Statue. Cast Lumos next to the statue to reveal a floating green platform next to the exit. You don't really need this because you should be able to make the jump without it. Go left, jump across the huge gap to get to the crawl space (exit). You should finish the Challenge with a total of 7 Challenge Shields. After learning the Diffindo and Incendio spell, come back and re-do the challenge for full marks. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Location of other Challenge Shields. **To collect the remaining Challenge Shields, you will need these spells: LUMOS, SPONGIFY, DIFFINDO, and INCENDIO. Challenge Shield (#8) ===================== In the section where you battled two ghosts, with the high column in the center of the room...Use the platform closest to the center of the room/column, you will be raised to a higher level. (This platform is activated by hitting a Flipendo switch). Use the Spongify tile (on this platform) to jump to the platform above. Follow the path and jump across to the next platform. (There should be a Spongify tile JUST at the edge.) Use the Spongify tile to jump up to the platform above, where there is a curtain blocking a doorway. Cut down the curtain using your Diffindo spell. Now, in this next area, you'll have to watch out for two things: Imps (x2) and a Fire Crab. There are no pits here so you can't dump the Fire Crab. Just avoid it. Flip it on its back and forget about it. Knock out the imps and lock them in the cages. Above one cage is a [TB] with snacks, and above the other is a crawl hole. Crawl through to the other side to get the Challenge Shield (#8), a Chocolate Frog, and card #62, Ignatia Wildsmith. Challenge Shield (#9 & 10) ========================== In the section where you battled two ghosts, with the high column in the center of the room...When you climb up the stairs and reach the door with the Alohamora lock, go past it by jumping across the gap to another platform where you will find two torches, a Chocolate Frog, and a gated doorway. Cast Incendio on both torches to raise these gates. Through this doorway is a Challenge Shield (#9), and a secret room. Use your Lumos spell to find it. Another Challenge Shield (#10) is inside this room. It's on a ledge above, so you'll need to push a block to the edge of the wall to climb up to it. Next to the Challenge Shield is a [TB] with Cauldron Cake, and card #90, Sachirissa Tugwood. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =============== =========== Task #3 =========== =============== **MEET RON AT HAGRID'S HUT.** After class, Ron reminds Harry that he still needs to collect the ingredients for Potions class. So, after the cut scene, go to the ground floor where Snape awaits by the castle's entrance. Snape quizzes Harry about some potions ingredients, which of course, Harry knows nothing about. He also warns Harry that if he does not collect all the ingredients before the next class meeting, he will deduct house points from Gryffindor...but don't worry, that's not going to happen. (You can't even enter the classroom if you don't have all three ingredients!!) Exit the castle to Hagrid's hut. The friendly giant is standing outside his hut. Walk up to him to initiate another cut scene. Cut Scene: Harry asks Hagrid about the three-headed dog, Fluffy, and Hagrid almost gives away what it was guarding. He also leaves Harry pondering who Nicholas Flamel is, and how Mr. Flamel is involved with what's hidden under the trap door. Access your Remembrall Menu and you have the option to End Day. If you're still searching for the other two potions ingredients, (Wiggentree Bark and Dittany), -> SECTION VIII: Locations for Potion Ingredients. End Day. **When you end day, the House points for all four Houses are displayed.** ~*~ =============================================================================== f. 2nd Night at Hogwarts =============================================================================== **Tasks to be completed** CHECKLIST ______1.Go to the Halloween feast (Great Hall). ______2.Rescue Hermione from the troll! ~*~ =============== =========== Task #1 =========== =============== **GO TO THE HALLOWEEN FEAST (GREAT HALL).** From the boy's dormitory, go down to the common room and speak to Ron to find out about the Halloween feast. Go down to the ground floor, then enter the Great hall for a cut scene. Cut Scene: Everyone's at the feast except Hermione. (She locked herself up in the girl's bathroom.) During the feast, Professor Quirrell suddenly storms in and reports that a troll is in the dungeons. Harry and Ron wants to find Hermione to warn her of the situation. Go to the second floor and enter the girl's bathroom. Cut Scene: Apparently, the troll has left the dungeons. Hermione barely dodged the trolls swinging club! The troll's on a rampage and destroys everything in sight. The exit has been blocked by all the rubble. =============== =========== Task #2 =========== =============== **RESCUE HERMIONE FROM THE TROLL!** Well, it's too late to turn back out now. Go to the center of the room and confront the disgusting troll. The troll has three attacks. 1. Club Pound: The troll will pound its club onto the ground. 2. Club Swing: The troll will swing its club blindly if you get too close. 3. Rock Throw: Before throwing rocks, the troll will hesitate for a split second. Just run like heck and make sure you're not standing in the same spot for more than two seconds. There are several Spongify tiles on the ground. To defeat the troll, you must stand near a tile and lure the troll towards you. When the troll is about an arm's length away from you, cast a charged Spongify spell on the tile and run away. The troll should smash its club on or near the activated Spongify tile, and the attack should backfire onto the troll. Repeat these steps a couple times and the troll will knock itself out. If your life is low, you can use the Spongify tile to reach the several [TB]'s along the wall. (Dungbombs, Cauldron Cakes, Pumpkin Pasty...). The golden [TB] contains card #68, Kirley Duke. Once again, Harry Potter saves the day. A [TB] appears in the center of the room. This chest contains card #6, Glanmore Peakes. Go to the exit (that was blocked by rubble), and there will be another cut scene. After McGonagall's lecture, you can End Day by pushing "X" in the Tasks menu. ~*~ =============================================================================== g. 3rd Day at Hogwarts =============================================================================== ***Tasks to be completed*** CHECKLIST ______1.Potions class (Dungeons). ______2.Herbology class (Greenhouses). ______3.Gain the Diffindo spell book. ~*~ From the boy's dormitory, go down to the common room and speak to Hermione. She reminds Harry that Potion's class is up first. Follow Hermione to the dungeons. =============== =========== Task #1 =========== =============== **POTIONS CLASS (DUNGEONS).** If you haven't collected all the Potion ingredients, see -> Section VIII: Location for Potions Ingredients, and find out what you're missing. You cannot enter the class without all three ingredients. If you have already collected Asphodel, Wiggentree bark, and Dittany, enter the classroom to learn how to brew the Wiggenweld Healing Potion. An empty vial will be added into your inventory. You may now fill your vial with the Wiggenweld Potion from the purple cauldron. Professor Snape assigns your next assignment. You are to collect the ingredients that are required to brew the Antidote for Common Poisons: Puffapod spores, Flobberworm mucus, and Moondew. Class is dismissed! Exit the classroom and Ron gives you the next schedule of the day: Herbology lessons. ================= ============= Task #2 & 3 ============= ================= **HERBOLOGY CLASS (GREENHOUSES).** **GAIN THE DIFFINDO SPELL BOOK.** The greenhouse is located to the right of Hagrid's hut. If you don't know where that is, just follow your faithful guide, Ron. Today you will be learning the Diffindo spell. Professor Sprout will lead you to the crawl space for the Challenge. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ +++ +++ DIFFINDO CHALLENGE +++ +++ +++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The crawl space takes you inside a brick house. Walk all the way down towards the open door where you'll find Folio Bruti Volume I, page 12: Trolls. Exit the house into the garden. Cut Scene: Harry spots an ugly troll in the garden. The troll rushes towards Harry, but Harry doesn't move an inch until the troll is almost on top of him. The door to the brick house slams shut...it's just you and the troll now. This is a lot like the battle with the troll in the girl's bathroom...however, you only have one Spongify tile to work with here, not to mention the ghastly camera angles. I found it difficult to target lock the Spongify tile because the camera angle was all funky! So, be sure to take your time and focus on aiming your spells. There is a Chocolate Frog in this area in case you need more health. To the left of the brick house, there is also a Cauldron Cake in a [TB]. After knocking out the troll, a Challenge Shield (#1) appears in front of the brick house, and a tree falls over a small canyon forming a bridge. Before crossing the tree bridge, drop to the bottom of this canyon. There is an adorable little gnome down here, huffing and puffing about. Knock it out with Flipendo and throw it down a hole along the wall. Search this area for beans, a Chocolate Frog near the hole, a [TB] containing a Pumpkin Pasty, and a Challenge Shield (#2) on the opposite end of the canyon. Use the wooden trail to reach the top, and cross the bridge to the next area. Follow the path and climb over the logs until you reach a small clearing with a log suspended above you, and several Horklumps in front of you. There is a Flipendo button on the middle of this log. Flipendo this button, and the log will fall off the ledge and clear most of the Horklumps out of the way. The only Horklumps that will remain will be the ones surrounding a Challenge Shield (#3). Ignore this for now and continue down the darkened path. There is another Chocolate Frog nearby just before a bridge. If your stamina is low, make sure you get it before crossing the bridge. The spell book is in sight. However, once you step foot across the bridge, two Gytrashes (ghost dogs) appear. The Gytrashes are ghosts, so of course, they are afraid of light. From a distance, cast a charged Lumos spell, and shine this light onto the Gytrashes. Let the Gytrashes bathe in this light for a couple seconds for the spell to inflict damage on them. Repeat this a couple times and the Gytrashes will vanish. Walk over the Chocolate frog near the spell book to recover any lost health. Finally, walk up to the spell book and push "X" to receive the Diffindo spell. Equip this spell, along with Flipendo and Lumos. (Note that the camera focuses on a suspended bridge above.) There should be a group of Horklumps nearby. It's time to test out your newly acquired spell. To destroy Horklumps, first cast Flipendo to make them shrivel up, then cast Diffindo to cut them up. Destroy the Horklumps to reach a Cauldron Cake in a [TB]. Time to do a little backtracking! Remember earlier, where the log squashed all those Horklumps? You can go back and destroy the remaining Horklumps to get a Challenge Shield (#3). From the spell book stand, rotate the camera until you see the suspended bridge. Target lock the ropes that are holding up the bridge, and cut them loose with Diffindo. If you are missing, even when target locking, you may need to move around, or back up to adjust your aim. When the ropes are cut, the bridge will lower, and two gnomes will run down towards you. Knock them out with Flipendo, and dunk them in the hole along the wall just to the left of the fallen bridge. A [TB] will appear where the Chocolate Frog is/was. Open this [TB] to get card #57, Gifford Ollerton. Before crossing the bridge, drop down to the area under the spell book. There are two trails of beans. One end will lead you to an owl stand and a pile of leaves, and the other to a wall (dead end). Head in the direction to where the beans lead to a wall. Along the way, you will find a Challenge Shield (#4) hidden in a gap along the wall next to a statue of a witch. Continue past the statue to find a [TB] with an Owl Treat by the dead end. Use your Lumos spell to find a secret hole in the wall. Push open the wall to find a [TB] with card #19, Newt Scammader. Now, with the owl treat pocketed, turn around and go in the other direction to where the owl stand is. Push "X" next to the stand to call Hedwig. Feed her the owl treat, and she will use the strength of her wings to blow away the pile of leaves, revealing a Gargoyle statue. Cast Lumos by the statue to make floating green platforms appear to help you climb back up to the top level. Cross the bridge that you cut down earlier. You'll find a wooden plank tied (with a rope) to a branch above. This works like an elevator. Stand on this plank and cast Diffindo at the rope to drop down to the next area. Harry lands next to a Chocolate Frog. Before going through the illuminated cave, search this area for another Challenge Shield (#5). Use the glimmering sound of the Challenge Shield as a way of tracking it down. Go through the cave, or tunnel, until camera gives you a preview of the next area. Hmm...a troll, Doxies, Bowtruckles, whipping vines, and imps...doesn't sound too bad, eh? All we're missing now are the Gnomes~! Okay, first of all, you can't knock out the troll in this area. You can only knock it out for a few seconds, so don't even bother trying defeat it. From the cave/tunnel, go counter-clockwise around the tree to find a [TB] with card #87, Thaddeus Thurkell. Now go back to the cave/tunnel, and look at the walkway that has been carved into the tree. This is route one to reach the other side of this area. If you take route one, it's less dangerous, but more tedious. Route two would be to go past the Troll while avoiding it's blows, and then past two Bowtruckles. ~ Option A ~ Route one: Use the walkway to climb up to the midsection of the tree. There will be two Doxies flying towards the right side. Target lock onto them and cast a charged Flipendo to make them disappear. Climb up the next step. When you reach the top of the steps, the Troll will finally realize your presence. It will be begin to pound its club against the tree, attempting to throw you off balance. Follow the path (going clockwise), and aim your jumps carefully when you meet a gap. You wouldn't want to fall next to the Troll now...would you? After the second gap, you will see two more Doxies. (There are also two Bowtruckles underneath you, but you don't need to worry too much about them right now; however, don't stand too close to the edge, because they might throw twigs at you.) Jump onto the large branch that forms a bridge to the cliff on your left side. Go across the bridge and there is a ladder to your right. Climb down the ladder to find two not-so-friendly Bowtruckles. A few charged Flipendos will make the go away. Go up to where the ground is sloping upwards. There is a Challenge Shield (#6) along the wall (left side). ~ Option B ~ Route two: From the cave/tunnel, dodge past the troll by either avoiding it, or by stunning it (temporarily) using the Spongify tile. Shortly after the troll you will meet two Bowtruckles. Cast charged Flipendos to make them disappear. Continue forward, (ignore the ladder for now), to where the ground slopes forward. Follow the wall (should be towards the left) to find a Challenge Shield (#6). After collecting the Challenge Shield (#6), go towards the center of the tree to find a [TB] with a Pumpkin Pasty. Go counter-clockwise (left) around the tree to find another Challenge Shield (#7). Go back to the ladder, and use it to climb to the level where the whipping vines are. (You can cut off these vines the same way you cut up Horklumps. Or if you prefer the old fashion way...) To get past the whipping vines, you must have Harry push his back against the wall. You will have to shuffle your way across this tiny ledge. The vines will whip the wall far a few seconds, then stop. When the vines are resting, quickly shuffle your way past them. It's best not to try to shuffle past ALL the vines in one try. Stop every time you pass ONE vine, and wait for the next to stop whipping the wall. If you manage to get whipped by the vine, DON'T PUSH THE "X" BUTTON, or you will drop to the bottom floor...next to the Troll. If Harry is hanging off the cliff, first wait for the vine to stop attacking, then push up for him to climb back on the ledge, THEN shuffle the heck out of there. Once across, push the "X" button for Harry to step forward away from the wall. Follow the narrow path until you reach two Horklumps. Cast Flipendo to shrink them down to size, then use Diffindo to slice them up. With the Horklumps out of the way, CAREFULLY make your way across. It's very easy to lose balance and fall to the bottom. Eventually, you will reach another gap. Aim your joystick the right way, and run/jump across this gap to the other side. You'll have to make one final jump to reach the highest level of the tree. Hop along the sections of the tree until you reach a short tunnel-like area. There are two Doxies just ahead. Use Flipendo to get rid of them. You may need to move forward to target lock. Continue making your way around the tree, until you start to descend. DROP down onto the lower platform with a [TB] of card #84, Roland Kegg. Now, climb back up to the previous platform and go to first person view, using the R2 button. Find the closest grassy ledge to you. You should also be able to spot an empty cage sitting towards the edge. You'll have to make a jump for this ledge. Right when Harry gets back on his feet, search for an imp on a higher platform. If you can't find it, it's okay. It will give away its position by throwing stuff at you. Shoot it down with Flipendo, then cast Flipendo again to knock it out and throw it into the empty cage. You will be rewarded with a Challenge Shield (#8). Right in front of this Challenge Shield is a Horklump that is blocking the exit hole. Cast Flipendo to shrink it, then use Diffindo to cut it up. Go past the crawl hole to reach another Challenge Shield (#9). The crawl space leads you to a small shack. Exit the shack and there will be a brief cut scene. Harry gasps as he sees this hideous plant creature, the Venomous Tentacula. (A golden [TB] is visible in the greenhouse behind the Venomous Tentacula, and you can also hear the glimmering sound of another Challenge Shield...too bad you can't get either at the moment...without the Incendio charm, that is.) Harry walks past the plant creature as if it's not even there, and them....WHACK!!!! The Venomous Tentacula spits a huge wad of venom at Harry. Professor Sprout magically appears to explain that Harry does not yet have the knowledge nor the experience to deal with a Venomous Tentacula. When the cut scene ends, Harry automatically exits the challenge. Go towards professor Sprout, and she will give you your results for the Challenge. You should have found 9 Challenge Shields, which would give you an A. Class is dismissed...hm...seems pretty deserted for a class. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Location of last Challenge Shield **To collect the remaining Challenge Shields, you will need these spells: DIFFINDO and INCENDIO. Challenge Shield (#10) ====================== You should have gotten a glimpse of the final Challenge Shield during the cut scene with the Venomous Tentacula. Yup, if you haven't figured it out yet... I don't know what to say. Duh, you'll have to take out the over-sized weed to get the last Challenge Shield. You can access this area (where the Venomous Tentacula is) either in the beginning of the challenge, or at the very end. It's really up to you. At the beginning of the challenge, Harry is inside a brick house. Look for a curtain somewhere INSIDE the brick house. Behind the curtain is a shortcut to the Venomous Tentacula. When you're battling the Venomous Tentacula, use the same procedure as before. Cut off the arms first, then stun the head with Diffindo, and cast Incendio at the head to inflict damage. Repeat a couple times and Tentacula will shrivel up. Now that it's out of the way, you can easily grab the Challenge Shield in the shattered greenhouse. Don't forget to pick up the Cauldron Cake and WCP in the [TB]'s. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exit the Greenhouses to find Ron and Hermione waiting outside. If you talk to them, both of them will say that they're going to bed, which means you can End Day as well. **When you end day, the House points for all four Houses are displayed.** ~*~ =============================================================================== h. 3rd Night at Hogwarts =============================================================================== ***Tasks to be completed*** CHECKLIST ______1.Follow Ron to the second floor. ______2.Find copy of "A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry" (Library, Restricted Section). ______3.Get the book back from Peeves. ~*~ It's winter! Harry opens his Christmas gift to find that someone has sent him an Invisibility cloak. Hedwig returns with a note from Hermione. She brings up Nicholas Flamel, and has a feeling that there might be some information on Mr. Flamel somewhere in the Restricted section of the Library. It's going to be near impossible to get inside the restricted section without a signed note from a professor. Hm...but with the invisibility cloak, who needs a note, right?! There's a [TB] with a Pumpkin Pasty near a bed to the left of the stairs. Grab that before you go down to the common room. Talk to Ron, and he will tell you that you need to find a book called, "A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry". ================= ============= Task #1 & 2 ============= ================= **FOLLOW RON TO THE SECOND FLOOR.** **FIND A COPY OF "A STUDY OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN WIZARDRY" (LIBRARY, RESTRICTED SECTION).** Exit the Gryffindor Tower and follow Ron to the second floor. When you've reached the door to the Library, Ron reminds Harry to use his Invisibility cloak, and then you automatically enter the Reading Room (room prior to the Library). Here is a diagram of the Reading Room. LIBRARY XXXXXXX | | GOLDEN ANNEX ---------------- ---******------- | [P] | | | | +++++++++++ +++++++++++ | | P | <--READING ROOM | | | +++++++++++ +++++++++++ | | | | | ---------------| H |--------------- ======= SECOND FLOOR ====== Legend ====== XXXXXXX Doors to the main library. (DO NOT ENTER) P or [P] Prefects. (x2) +++++++++++ Reading desks. ****** Door with golden annex. H This is where you (Harry) are when you first enter the Reading Room from the second floor. There are only two Prefects in this room, however, only one Prefect, labeled "P", is patrolling the area. The other Prefect [P] is guarding the door (with the golden annex) to the restricted section. (In Chamber of Secrets, it's the same route to get "Hogwarts, A History".) ***NOTE*** IF YOU GET CAUGHT BY A PREFECT, YOU WON'T BE DEDUCTED HOUSE POINTS. ALSO, THE PREFECT'S SPELLS ARE MUCH HARDER TO DODGE BECAUSE IT CAN GO THROUGH WALLS!!! It's fairly easy to get caught by the patrolling Prefect. You will have to create a distraction to lure the guarding Prefect, [P], away from the door. So, once you are a safe distance from the patrolling prefect and the guarding Prefect, cast a spell away from you, and the Prefects will go investigate the noise. Once the guarding Prefect, [P], is a good distance away from the door, run to this door and push "X" to enter the next area. This next area is much, MUCH more challenging. To Restricted Section @ |-----------| |----------| | | | =============== | | || || P | | || || | | || || | <--- SECTION III | P || || | | || || | | | |================== ===| | || | | || || | | || P || | | || || | <--- SECTION II | || || | | | | P [F] | |=== ==================| | | | || P || | | || || | | P || || | <--- SECTION I | || || | | || || | | | |========= ===========| | | | | | H | |--| |------------------| | | ====== LEGEND ====== H This is where you Harry is when you first enter the room. P Patrolling Prefects (x6, sometimes x8, if you count Filch and Mrs. Norris.) @ Portrait hole to the Restricted Section of the Library. Bad news. There are several Prefects patrolling this area, and PLUS Filch is in this room as well. (Filch doesn't ALWAYS appear when you are going to the Restricted Section, but he is usually on watch when you're trying to exit the Library.) ***NOTE*** IF YOU GET CAUGHT BY A PREFECT, YOU WON'T BE DEDUCTED HOUSE POINTS. ALSO, THE PREFECT'S SPELLS ARE MUCH HARDER TO DODGE BECAUSE IT CAN GO THROUGH WALLS!!! ***YOU CAN ALSO HAVE HARRY PUSH HIS BACK AGAINST THE WALL TO GET PAST PREFECTS.*** In SECTION I, there are two Prefects. Cast a spell on the wall near the end of SECTION I, and wait for the Prefects to go investigate. If they aren't responding to the noise, then you're casting the spell too far away. When the coast is clear, sprint to SECTION II, and keep your distance from other Prefects you may encounter. A good hiding place is usually the back of this section, in the corner of the bookshelves. There is one Prefect that will walk down the right side of SECTION II. Once he's turned the corner, sneak up behind the short bookshelf along the right hand side of the wall, just before SECTION III. Luckily, in SECTION III there are usually only two Prefects--one along the right wall, and one along the left. Cast a Flipendo spell to the back wall, and wait for both Prefects to investigate. Once the Prefect on the left goes to investigate the noise, hide in the center of this section between the bookshelves. You'll need to cause another distraction to lure both prefects to one side of the room. When they are far away enough from you and the portrait hole, just run like heck to the exit and push "X". When you crawl out of the portrait hole, there is a book on a stand right in front of you. Pick this up to collect Folio Bruti Volume I, page 2: Flying Books. Go into the next room and collect card #25, Perpetua Fancourt, in a [TB]. Continue forward, and when you're just a few feet from the next room, two sets of bookshelves will come out from the wall to block off the exit. In the next area, there are several flying books zooming back and forth from one side of the room to the other. There is a ladder in the upper left hand corner of this room. Carefully make your way across the room without getting hit by the flying books. After climbing up the ladder, have Harry push his back against the wall, and shuffle across the narrow ledge to your right. Watch out for books! Climb up the ladder on the other side, and shuffle across the ledge to your left. On the other side of the ledge, walk forward onto the middle wooden block. This block will rise and take you up one level. On this level, turn left and look for a Flipendo button. Hit this button to extend the wooden platform below. (Do not attempt to make this jump without hitting the Flipendo button. you...will...regret...it.) Jump across to the extended platform. Now, shuffle across the narrow ledge to the left, and walk onto the middle block to make it rise to another level. From this point, you'll have to hop from one platform to another all the way until you reach the exit (a curtain marked with the Diffindo charm). Time your jumps carefully. Wait for the flying books to either fly out from the bookshelves, or fly back into the bookshelves. Cast Diffindo on the curtain, and exit to the next area. Collect the much needed two Pumpkin Pasty from within the [TB]'s, and exit to the next area. This next area should seem very familiar to many of you. In Chamber of Secrets, this is the room where you find "Hogwarts, A History." I've had several emails regarding this section last year. You'll immediately notice that the room is arranged a bit differently from Chamber of Secrets. For example, sections of the room has been cut off by bookshelves. You will encounter two ghosts right when you enter this room. By now, you should be a pro at defeating Ghosts/Gytrashes so two little ghosts should be easy work for you. You should be able to defeat them without losing any life. After their damage bar fills, a Spongify tile will appear. Use this tile to reach the balconies above. On one balcony are two [TB]'s with Pumpkin Pasties, and on the other is a box of Stink Pellets ([TB]) and a Flipendo button. Cast Flipendo at this button, and you will gain access to an area that was blocked by bookshelves. In the area that has just been opened up are SEVERAL flying books. Carefully make your way past them and search for a Flipendo button on the wall. Hit this button and a rotating device will rise in the center of the room. This device is much like the one in Olivander's wand shop. The only difference is that it rotates a bit faster. Target lock the Flipendo switch on the device and cast Flipendo until the device locks into place. This causes another bookshelf to slide into the wall, giving you access to another portion of the room (on the other side). There is one Prefect patrolling this area. Look for a ladder by the bookshelves by the left wall, (located before the Prefect), climb up the ladder and jump to the platform to your right. Use the Lumos spell next to the Gargoyle Statue in the corner to make two floating green platforms appear. (They are at the opposite end of the room, near the flying books.) Use the floating green platforms to reach the tops of the bookshelves where you will find "A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry," and a Pumpkin Pasty in a [TB] on a stone platform above a door. Once you've collected the book, the two sets of bookshelves that locked you in the restricted section are then removed. Backtrack and exit through the door from which you've entered. When you walk about halfway into the room, the bookshelves will turn out from the wall to reveal the crawl hole. This crawl hole will take you back to the beginning of the restricted section (room before the flying books). Find the portrait hole that leads back to the area with SEVERAL Prefects...and Filch. Crawl through this portrait hole, avoid all Prefects as you've done before, and get the heck out of the Reading Room! Cut Scene: Once you've exited the Reading Room, Harry will remove the invisibility cloak. As Harry enters the Grand Staircase, Peeves appears and takes the book. After that poltergeist!! =============== =========== Task #3 =========== =============== **GET THE BOOK BACK FROM PEEVES.** Follow Peeves to the fifth floor, Non-Magical Studies. There are three doors in this room, excluding the door to the Grand Staircases. One door cannot be opened, another is labeled Classroom 5B, and the last door is unlabeled, but unlocked. Go through the door that is unlocked to initiate a cut scene. Cut Scene: Peeves surrenders the book to Harry. When Harry searches around the room, he is surprised when he sees his parents' reflection in a mirror. Professor Dumbledore appears out of thin air and tells Harry about this mirror, the "Mirror of Erised" (Erised is "Desire" spelled backwards^^). After the cut scene, you can End Day, or continue exploring the castle. ~*~ =============================================================================== i. 4th Day at Hogwarts =============================================================================== ***Tasks to be Completed*** CHECKLIST ______1.Gain the Incendio spell book. ______2.Go to Gryffindor common room (seventh floor). ~*~ Cut Scene: Harry, Ron and Hermione are having breakfast in the Great Hall. It's Charms lessons next and you will be learning the final spell, Incendio. Hedwig drops a parcel down in front of Harry. It's your Nimbus 2000! You no longer have to walk outside the castle. Why walk when you can fly?! Besides, with the Nimbus 2000, you can reach other parts of the castle not accessible on foot. From the ground floor, go through the door to the Grand Staircase. Go up the staircases to the second floor. Charms lesson is located in room 2E. Of course, as you know, today's lesson will be the Incendio spell. Harry will automatically climb through the portrait hole (across the portrait hole from the Spongify Challenge), and the Incendio Challenge will begin. =============== =========== Task #1 =========== =============== **GAIN THE INCENDIO SPELL BOOK.** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ +++ +++ INCENDIO CHALLENGE +++ +++ +++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Once on the other side of the portrait hole, grab the book right in front of you. This is the Folio Bruti Volume I, page 11: Venomous Tentacula. (Don't worry, it will be a while before you bump into this creature.) Continue to the next area, and the camera will give you a preview of what you're up against. Looks like you're inside a lava pit! The first Challenge Shield (#1) is just a few feet in front of you. Grab it and go right (counter-clockwise). There will be two Fire Crabs, so just Flipendo them onto their backs and push them off the edge...into the fiery pit. There should be a Flipendo switch on the circular wall/column. Push this button, and a walkway will extend from beneath the Gargoyle Statue opposite the Flipendo button. Cast Lumos by the statue and several green platforms will appear. Use these platforms to reach the circular level above. On the third floating green platform will be another Challenge Shield (#2). When you reach the top of the circular platform, you will immediately notice that there are three pig gargoyle statues in the center. The spell book is located in the middle of these statues, however, they are locked behind several bars. Just to the left of the floating green platform (which you jumped off from), is a bridge. This will be Section I. Here is a diagram of main area of challenge. SECTION II / / / / / / ++++ ++++/ / +++ +++ ++ ++ _______++ [G] [G] ++ SECTION III _______ # + ++ [G] ++ ++ @ ++ +++ H +++ ++++ +++ | | [] | | [] | | [] SECTION I ====== LEGEND ====== [G] Pig Gargoyle Statue (x3). # Location of Incendio spell book. H This is where you should be after jumping off the last floating green platform. @ Challenge Shield located between SECTIONS I and II. [] Floating green platform. The three gargoyle statues will spit fireballs down each bridge. You will have to avoid these fireballs just as you would avoid getting hit by a ski lift. Wait for the statue to spit out the fireball and run behind it after it passes. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~*~ SECTION I Run all the way down the bridge through the hall and stay along the wall so that you don't get blasted by a fireball. At the end of this hall is a door that requires the Alohamora spell to unlock it. This room contains a [TB] with card #92, Xavier Rastrick. Exit this room and continue down the hall until you reach a room where there are fireballs shooting out from the ground. You will need to equip your Spongify spell. There is a [TB] with a Cauldron Cake just near entrance of this room. If you are at full stamina/health, don't open it just yet. Cast Spongify on the tile at the edge of the platform you're standing on. You will need to jump onto the higher platform right in front of you. Time your jumps carefully and avoid the fireballs. On the next platform is another Spongify tile. Use it to jump to the next platform. On this platform, (after the second jump), have Harry push his back against the wall and shuffle across to the other side. Careful, there are two holes on this wall that will shoot out flames. Next, use the Spongify tile to jump up to the platform that has a block near the edge. Push the block off the edge. Now, look around the room (from where the block use to be). You should be able to see an owl stand on one side, and two [TB] on the other. There's no point in going to the owl stand since you don't have any Owl Treats yet. To get to the platform with the two [TB], you will need to shuffle along the wall again. Get the Owl Treat and the Pumpkin Pasty, then go back and shuffle across to the owl stand (you can also make it across by jumping). Call Hedwig and feed her the treats. She will lower a ladder for you so you can climb down to the ground floor. (The ladder will be against the platform where the block was pushed off.) Once on the ground floor, push the block into the hole (in the corner of the room). Cut Scene: The pig gargoyle statue facing SECTION I will be tilted upwards to reveal a Flipendo button on its belly. A tile is removed to reveal a pit, and a gate drops down to lock Harry inside this room. Two Fire Crabs are released into the room. Okay! You know what to do. You have to Flipendo the Fire Crabs into the pit. It's a lot trickier than before, though, since you have less space to work with...oh, and um...grates with flames...yeah, watch out for those. Once the Fire Crabs are history, the gate blocking the door will be lifted. Before you leave, use the Spongify tiles to jump onto the platforms around the room. On the platform after the second jump (where Harry had to push his back against the wall and avoid two flames shooting from the wall) will be a Challenge Shield (#3). Now return back to the heart of the challenge, where the spell book is. Going back should be easier, since you won't have to deal with fireballs anymore. Cast Flipendo on the belly of the Gargoyle statue that had just been tilted upwards. This causes a set of bars (surrounding the spell) book to lower. Go counter-clockwise and go on to SECTION II (see diagram above). You don't need to get the Challenge Shield between Section I and II right now. You'll eventually get to it later. ~*~ SECTION II From the main area with the four fire-spitting Gargoyle statues, run across the bridge to section II. At the end of the hallway, there will be two curtains--one on the left wall, and on the wall right in front of you. The curtain straight ahead is a dud. You can definitely tell there's something behind the curtain on the left wall because there is light coming from under it. Use Diffindo to cut down the curtain, and inside this hidden room you will find a [TB] with a WCP. Continue down the hall until you reach an area that looks like this. ---------------------------------- | | |-------------| |-------------| | |----| |------------| |----| | | ? | | | | ? !G! | | ? | | | | ? @ | | |----| | | |----| | | *GS* | | | | | |-------------| | | |-------------| | |------------| | | | | | | |------------| | | | | | |-------------| | | |-------------| | |----| | | |----| | | !G! ? | | | | ? | | ? | | | | ? [CC] | | |----| |------------| |----| | |[PP] | | | |-------------| [] ________ |-------------| | | | | -------------| |------------- H ====== LEGEND ====== H This where you are when you first enter this area. [PP] Treasure Box with Pumpkin Pasty. [CC] Treasure Box with Cauldron Cake. !G! Ghosts. *GS* Gargoyle Statue. @ Challenge Shield. ?? Secret passage. Use Lumos to find the secret entrances along the wall. [] Floating green platform. (You really don't need to open all the secrets passages, unless you need a boost in stamina.) Find the Gargoyle Statue (*GS*) in the room to the upper left hand corner of this area. Cast Lumos by the statue, and a floating green platform will appear near the entrance. All the way across the room from the Gargoyle statue, is another secret passage. There is a Ghost and a Challenge Shield (#4) in this room. Collect the shield, then go to floating green platform. The floating platform will take you to the second level. Make your way around the room and avoid getting burned by the flames from the grates. You will eventually end up on a platform in the center of the room again. On this platform, look around for a Flipendo switch on the wall. (It's on the wall above the entrance). Hit this switch and a block will drop on another platform next to you. Jump across to this platform and push the block into the hole. Cut Scene: The pig gargoyle statue facing SECTION II will be tilted upwards to reveal a Flipendo button on its belly. The gate drops down to trap Harry in this area. Two Ghosts appear on the bottom (1st) level. Use the floating platform to return to the bottom floor. The ghosts usually hovers around the two largest platform in the center. You probably won't have enough time to charge a perfect Lumos spell, but that's okay. Target one ghost at a time. Cast a Lumos spell as far as you can from the Ghosts, then quickly run over to the Ghosts to inflict damage on them. Once the Ghost vanishes, it will reappear around same area. So once you see them, cast another Lumos spell to make them to get rid of them again. Do this a few times until they vanish for good. (When they're gone for good, they let out a dramatic scream.) Once the two Ghosts are defeated, the gate blocking the exit will be removed, and a Challenge Shield (#5) will appear in the center of the room. Return to the area with the spell book, and cast Flipendo at the belly of the Gargoyle statue that had just been tilted to lower another set of bars blocking the book. Go on to SECTION III. ~*~ SECTION III From the main area (with the spell book), cross the bridge to reach Section III. Go down the hall until you see two pillars and a fire grate in between. (There's a curtain on a wall behind the pillars, but there's nothing behind it.) On the other side of this grate are two miniature pig gargoyle statues. One statue is on the left wall, and the other is on the right wall. These tiny statues shoot out a continuous line of flame. Cast Flipendo at them to make them tilt upwards (the flames will be shooting up). The stronger your spell, the longer it stays tilted. Once safely past the miniature statues, go up the stairs and collect the Pumpkin Pasty inside a [TB]. Go through the next doorway to get a preview of the area ahead. More miniature flamethrowers--three in all. Get by the fire breathing pig statues one by one. On the other side are two wild imps running around. There is only one cage, so you'll have to continuously knock out the other imp so it doesn't become a nuisance. Use the cage to climb onto the level above to find a [TB] with card #33, Beaumont Marjoribanks. Before you jump back down, target lock the rope that's holding up a metal plank in the center of this area. By doing so, one end of this plank will fall to the ground. Drop back down to the floor. Knock out the imp if necessary. Go up the metal plank, but watch out for the fire below. Even though you're above the fire grate, you can still get burned. Only proceed after the fire has died out. When you've reached the top, cut down the block (located on the right side) with Diffindo. You will have to drag or push this block into the hole on the other side. Cut Scene: The pig gargoyle statue facing SECTION III will be tilted upwards to reveal a Flipendo button on its belly. Two Fire Crabs are released, and the exit is blocked. Flipendo the two Fire Crabs off the edge and you will be rewarded with a Challenge Shield (#6), which appears by the doorway. You can now exit to the main area (area with spell book). Flipendo the belly of the pig statue facing section III and the last set of bars will be lowered. The spell book is in your grasp! Walk up to the book and push "X" to gain the spell. After you've absorbed the spell, a torch between SECTION I and SECTION II will be lit. To the right of this torch is a Challenge Shield (#7). (You've probably already collected this one.) Now, you must light the torch to the right of the Challenge Shield. Target lock the torch and cast a charged Incendio spell to light it. Cut Scene: The platform on the bottom level will rotate to form a bridge connecting to the other side. Also, the ground forms steps for you to climb down. Climb down the first step to collect a Challenge Shield (#8). On the bottom level, go across the bridge to collect another Challenge Shield (#9). Continue forward into the dim halls until you find four [TB]s. You'll find two Pumpkin Pasties and two Cauldron Cakes. Hm...something big must be ahead if there's so many treats just lying around... Continue down the path, but DON'T GO THROUGH THE DOOR JUST YET! Go through the open doorway to collect the last Challenge Shield (#10). Just in front of the Challenge Shield is card #3, Elfrida Clagg, in a [TB]. Make sure you have at least three bars of life/stamina before you proceed through the final door. Time to battle a Venomous Tentacula! The Venomous Tentacula has three target spots--two arms, and the head. It has three different attacks. 1. Pound attack (arms) This shouldn't be any problem if you're keeping your distance. 2. Venomous spit attack (head) Avoid this attack by either moving right/left. To dodge: while holding the R1 button, push the joystick in a direction (away from the attack) and then push "X" to dodge. To duck, hold the R1 button and push "X" without using the analog joystick. 3. Snap attack (head) The Venomous Tentacula usually engage in this attack if you're too close. Always keep your distance. As long as you can use the target lock feature, you're good. The only spells effective against this plant-creature are Diffindo and Incendio. First you must cut off both its arms. To do this, you have to cast charged Diffindos. After both its hands are cut off, cast Diffindo on its head. This will knock it out temporarily. While it's unconscious, charge an Incendio spell and send it straight at its head. Repeat these steps about 7-8 times and it will shrivel up and die. Three wooden panels were behind the Venomous Tentacula. Now that the over-sized plant is out of the way, two panels will open to reveal two torches. Light them with Incendio, and the middle panel will open, revealing the exit to this challenge. Crawl out to exit the challenge. WELL DONE! You should have collected all 10 Challenge Shields, which would give you a perfect grade for this challenge. Now that you've learned every spell, you can now go back and re-do any challenges to receive higher grades. Exit the classroom. ~*~ Cut Scene: A student runs up to Harry and tells him that he needs to get back to the Gryffindor common room ASAP. Something's up with Neville... =============== =========== Task #2 =========== =============== **GO TO THE GRYFFINDOR COMMON ROOM (SEVENTH FLOOR).** Cut Scene: Inside the common room, Harry, Ron and Hermione uses a counter-curse on the leg-locking curse that Malfoy cast on Neville. In return for Harry's help, Neville gives him a Wizard card, #101, Albus Dumbledore. "Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the Dark Lord Grindelwald, for the discovery of the twelve the uses of dragon's blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicholas Flamel." After the cut scene, you can END DAY. **When you end day, the House points for all four Houses are displayed.** ~*~ =============================================================================== j. 4th Night at Hogwarts =============================================================================== ***Tasks to be completed*** CHECKLIST ______1.Visit Hagrid at his hut. ______2.Find potion ingredient: Moondew. ~*~ =============== =========== Task #1 =========== =============== **VISIT HAGRID AT HIS HUT.** Go down to the common room and Hedwig will fly in with a letter from your giant friend, Hagrid. Hagrid is aware that Harry needs to find Moondew for potion's class, so he offers his assistance and invites Harry to his hut. Exit the common room through the Gryffindor portrait hole onto the seventh floor. There is a Prefect patrolling around the bookshelves near the door to the Grand Staircase. Make sure you're always on the other side of the bookshelf from where the Prefect is. Don't bother using the short cut under the bookshelf, because the wall to the fourth floor cannot be opened at this time. Go down the Grand Staircase to the Entrance Hall. (If you go off exploring the castle right now, you'll find that the Prefects on all floors, except the seventh floor and the ground floor, appear as if they were petrified. They won't even run after you! You might also run into Peeves, but so far, I don't know what you're suppose to do when you bump into him. Several rooms are not accessible right now, so don't waste your time trying open every single door you come across.) There are two Prefects (at least) patrolling the Entrance Hall. Carefully make your way past them...but if you're like me...someone who has little patience, I just wait for both Prefects to walk to one side of the room, away from the castle's exit, and once the path is clear, I just run at full speed. By the time they yell, "I HAVE YOU," it's already too late because I'm already by the door. ^^ From the castle's entrance, there will be one prefect patrolling in front of you, a another one (at least) patrolling the area after the tunnel. Good news for those of you who HATE dodging Prefects. You can easily avoid all the Prefects! From the castle's entrance, go left and jump off the cliff. (You might lose some health if you drop from too high of a distance.) Yeah! No Prefects...but, there are Gytrashes on the grounds, so get your Lumos spell ready, unless of course you decide to outrun the doggies. Talk to Hagrid in front of his hut and he will tell you that something very mysterious is happening to the Unicorns in the Forbidden Forest. Something is attacking the Unicorns, and one has even been killed. Once you've gained control of Harry, follow Hagrid into the garden. =============== =========== Task #2 =========== =============== **FIND POTION INGREDIENT: MOONDEW.** In the garden, follow Hagrid to a door the could not be opened from your earlier visits to the garden. -> section VIII: Locations of Potion Ingredients, and it's the area labeled, "moondew." Follow Hagrid until the path splits into two. The left path leads you to a dead end, so that only leaves you with the right path. Chop up the Horklumps blocking the path. The path will take you to a cliff. Below, you'll see a few Chocolate Frogs jumping around. This only means one thing...get ready to battle some creatures! Jump down the cliff, and two Gytrashes will rise from the ground. You should have no problem eliminating these dogs since you have so much room to work with. If you're running low on Stamina/health, just walk over the Chocolate Frogs. When you've beaten the pair of dogs, chop up another bunch of Horklumps that are blocking a crawl space. Crawl through the hole to find the Moondew and card #70, Leopoldina Smethwyck, in a [TB]. Exit through the crawl hole (right one). You will be on a ledge above the area with the first bunch of Horklumps. Drop down and go towards Hagrid. Cut Scene: Harry sees a fallen Unicorn, and a cloaked figure is draining the Unicorn's blood. Harry's scar begins to burn, and the mysterious cloaked figure makes its way towards Harry. Harry's on the ground, but the cloaked figure is nowhere in sight. Could this cloaked figure be Voldemort? You can now END DAY, but before you do, return to the center of the garden where the fountain is. Cut down the curtain/tapestry to the right of the fountain to reveal a [TB] with card #38, Chauncy Oldridge. END DAY. ~*~ =============================================================================== k. 5th Day at Hogwarts =============================================================================== ***Tasks to be completed*** CHECKLIST ______1.Potions class (Dungeons). ______2.Gryffindor v Slytherin (Quidditch Stadium). ______3.Go to the Staff Room (ground floor) and talk to Dumbledore. ~*~ =============== =========== Task #1 =========== =============== **POTIONS CLASS (DUNGEONS).** Talk to Ron to learn that Potion class is up first on today's agenda. Make sure you've collected all the ingredients required for the Antidote to Common Poisons before going to class. If you haven't acquired all the ingredients, check out -> section VIII. Locations of Potion Ingredients. Go down to the dungeons. With the Incendio spell, you can now light the torches inside the storage room to unlock the door in the back. (In Chamber of Secrets, this is the door leading to the Slytherin common room.) Inside this room you'll find card #20, Windelin the Weird. Nothing more to do in the storage room, so exit and go to Potion's class. Now that you've collected all the ingredients for the Antidote for Common Poisons, you may now fill your vial with the potion from the cauldron with the red solution. The Potion Master reminds Harry of a Quidditch match against Slytherin. Where did that come from?! Okay. Fill your vial (you should have two) with both solutions and exit the classroom. After the cut scene with Ron and Hermione, follow Ron to the Quidditch Stadium. =============== =========== Task #2 =========== =============== **GRYFFINDOR V SLYTHERIN (QUIDDITCH STADIUM).** Go in the Quidditch Stadium to begin the match. There are four sections to this match. In the first section, Harry must fly through as many red hoops as possible. When the bar on the bottom is about 3/4 full, there will be a cut scene. CUT SCENE I: Harry looks like he's riding a bull in a Rodeo. Obviously, something's wrong. Now you'll have to fly through green hoops. Again, when the bar is about 3/4 full, there will be another cut scene. You might notice that sometimes you lose all control of which way Harry is going. Don't worry. It's not a glitch. CUT SCENE II: Someone is jinxing Harry! Camera zooms in on Professor Snape who seems to be muttering something. Hermione has a plan. More red hoops. Fill the bar about 3/4 and there will be ANOTHER cut scene. CUT SCENE III: Hermione tries to distract Snape by setting him on fire. Harry is now free to fly through the rest of the hoops, and then... CUT SCENE IV: The Snitch is just inches away from Harry's grasp. He gets on his broom to extend his reach and then...bump...roll...roll. Well, I'm pretty sure you've seen the movie or read the book. After the Quidditch match, Ron tells Harry who was jinxing him. They decide to report it to Dumbledore, so it's off to the Staff Room! (If you enjoy Quidditch, you may want to check out "Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup." The trailer for the game is awesome!!!) =============== =========== Task #3 =========== =============== **GO TO THE STAFF ROOM (GROUND FLOOR) AND TALK TO DUMBLEDORE.** If you don't know where the Staff Room is, (which means you haven't explored the castle yet), it's on the ground floor (Hour Glasses), down the hall from Filch's office. CUT SCENE: Just as Harry knocks on the Staff Room door, Snape opens the door. Dumbledore has received an urgent owl and left for London just minutes before. That's all for today. You may END DAY from the menu, or continue exploring Hogwarts. **When you end day, the House points for all four Houses are displayed.** ~*~ =============================================================================== l. 5th Night at Hogwarts =============================================================================== ***Tasks to be completed*** CHECKLIST ______1.Go to the third floor and find trap door. ~*~ Cut Scene: In the common room, Hermione runs in and throws down a huge book--She's found Nicholas Flamel. Nicholas Flamel is the only maker of the Sorcerer's Stone. The stone has astonishing powers, i.e., make the drinker immortal. Knowing this, Harry is determined to stop Snape from getting the stone. =============== =========== Task #1 =========== =============== **GO TO THE THIRD FLOOR AND FIND TRAP DOOR.** Follow Ron and Hermione to the third floor and go through the door next to Dumbledore's office. Ron and Hermione will be standing next to the doors you will have to go through. Cut Scene: Fluffly's asleep. Apparently, someone has been in this room before the trio. All three of them jump down the trap door. They land on some vines, which turns out to be Devil's Snare. DEVIL'S SNARE ============= Don't worry too much about this creature. It's just blown up version of the Venomous Tentacula. However, unlike the Venomous Tentacula, the Devil's Snare gets REALLY upset when you cut off one of its tentacles, and it starts to pound its other tentacle on the ground in a fit of rage. Also, when Harry gets bitten or has a shot of venom spat at him, he will be poisoned. If you have the Antidote for Common Poisons in your inventory, Harry will automatically drink the potion to recover from the side effects. If you don't ...oh well. It will just seem like Harry's been inhaling too much of the Spongify spores. The Devil's Snare will be defeated after successfully casting Incendio at the head six times. Harry and the gang automatically moves on to the next section. CHASING THE KEY =============== The next obstacle will be to chase down a flying key that will unlock the door to the next room. Just as you have done in flying lessons and even in the Quidditch match, fly through the hoops that appear (try not to miss any), until the "Harry" icon on the bottom reaches the "Key" icon. WIZARD'S CHESS ============== Ron tried to clear the chessboard first but wound up hurting himself instead. It is now up to Harry to clear this round to proceed to the next area. Objective: Destroy ALL white pieces on the chessboard. A B C D E F G H ----------------------------------------- |####| |####| |####| |####| | 8 |####| |####| |####| |####| | 8 ----------------------------------------- |-WW-|####| |####|-WW-|####| |####| 7 |-WW-|####| |####|-WW-|####| |####| 7 ----------------------------------------- |####|-WW-|####| |####| |-WW-| | 6 |####|-WW-|####| |####| |-WW-| | 6 ----------------------------------------- | |####| |####| |####| |-WW-| 5 | |####| |####| |####| |-WW-| 5 ----------------------------------------- |####| |####|-WW-|####| |####| | 4 |####| |####|-WW-|####| |####| | 4 ----------------------------------------- |+BB+|####| |####| |####|+BB+|####| 3 |+BB+|####| |####| |####|+BB+|####| 3 ----------------------------------------- |####| |####| |####| |####| | 2 |####| |####| |####| |####| | 2 ----------------------------------------- | |####| |+HH+| |####| |####| 1 | |####| |+HH+| |####| |####| 1 ----------------------------------------- A B C D E F G H ======== LEGEND ======== ------ |-WW-| |-WW-| White chess pieces (x6) ------ ------ |-BB-| |-BB-| Black chess pieces (x2) ------ ------ |-HH-| |-HH-| Harry ------ There are several different combinations you can use to solve this puzzle. This is how I cleared the board. First move: King to B4, Pawn to H3, and Knight to D2. (White pieces will move to: C5, G4, A5, G5, A6, and D7.) Second move: King to C5, Pawn to G4, and Knight to E3. (White pieces will move to: B6, G4, B5, and C6.) Say good-bye to your pawn piece. Third move: King to B5, and Knight to E4. (White pieces will move to: F5, B5, and D5.) Say adios to the King. Fourth move: Knight to F5. (White pieces will move to: C6 and E6.) Fifth move: Knight to E6. (White piece will move to D7). Sixth move: Knight to D7. After the chess match, Harry proceeds to the next area alone. ~*~ Cut Scene: Harry finally catches up with the culprit, but it isn't Snape. It's stuttering Professor Quirrell. Quirrell unleashes four SUPER Gytrashes on Harry. They're bigger, stronger, meaner, and they have an even nastier bark that can cause damage to Harry. Objective: This can be either EXTREMELY easy, or EXTREMELY hard. Your main focus should not be the dogs, but Quirrell instead. There is a barrier blocking Quirrell most of the time, but when the barrier is removed, Quirrell replenishes the Gytrahses health. So, whenever you see the barrier disappearing, stop whatever you're doing and cast a Flipendo charge at Quirrell to make him lose his concentration. If you don't, then he will recover the Gytrashes health or even revive them, and you will battle them for what may seem like an eternity. These SUPER Gytrashes are not much different from the regular Gytrashes. The only thing you need to look out for is their barking attack. It has a long range, so make sure you're not standing around in one area TOO long. Cast charged Lumos spells and direct this light onto the Gytrashes to weaken them. If you are finding it hard to charge your Lumos spell without getting tackled by a dog, you can hide behind the torches towards the outer edge. Even though the dogs are transparent, they still can't go through concrete objects. ~*~ Cut Scene: When the Gytrashes are defeated, Quirrell demands Harry to look into the Mirror of Erised and tell him what he sees. We all know what happens since we've all seen the movie. Harry's reflection drops the Sorcerer's Stone into Harry's pocket. Of course, Harry lies and tells Quirrell that he sees Dumbledore shaking his hand for winning the House Cup. A sinister voice suddenly speaks and tells Quirrell that Harry is lying...the voice then wishes to speak to Harry directly. All this time, Voldemort has attached himself to the back of Quirrell's head...how disgusting! As Quirrell comes at Harry, a flash of light comes out from the Mirror of Erised to protect Harry... ~*~ THE FINAL CONFRONTATION ======================= Objective: Defeat Quirrell/Voldemort. Quirrell/Voldemort uses two different attacks: Wingardium Leviosa, and a spell (doesn't have a name) that is much like Flipendo. When Quirrell/Voldemort casts Wingardium Leviosa, several concrete balls will come smashing down towards where Harry was standing last. Quirrell/Voldemort will be flashing white sparks before casting this spell. Just run like heck and avoid getting hit. When Quirrell/Voldemort is summoning up the other spell, the nameless spell, his wand will be flashing red for a while. When he's casting this spell, have Harry stand in the area where the Mirror is facing so that he is connected to it. (There should be a bright light that connects Harry to the mirror.) Make sure Quirrell/Voldemort casts this spell directly at Harry. Don't worry, as long as Harry is connected to the Mirror, he won't get hurt. Let Harry absorb this spell for a couple seconds. When Harry turns green, the "X" button will change to "Release." Now stand directly in front of Quirrell/Voldemort, and release the spell that you have just absorbed, and BOOM! Quirrell/Voldemort falls down and loses health. Repeat these steps a couple times to get rid of them for good. (About five times should do it.) ***IF YOU RELEASE THE SPELL TOO EARLY, IT WILL BACKFIRE AND INFLICT DAMAGE ON HARRY INSTEAD!!!*** Cut Scene: Quirrell is defeated, but Voldemort is still alive...weak, but alive. Well, at least Harry's got the Stone! ~*~ =============================================================================== m. Last Day of Term =============================================================================== ***Tasks to be completed*** CHECKLIST _____1.Go to the House Cup ceremony (Great Hall). ~*~ Harry wakes up in the dormitory as usual. Go downstairs where Dumbledore has a few announcements to make. He awards ten points to Ron for the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in a long time, ten points to Hermione for using logic in a time of fire, and ten points to Harry for pure nerve and outstanding courage. Hermione tells Harry that the House Cup ceremony is about to begin, so head down to the Great Hall when you're ready. =============== =========== Task #1 =========== =============== **GO TO THE HOUSE CUP CEREMONY (GREAT HALL).** Before you enter the Great Hall, the House Points are displayed for the last time. If you've completed all the challenges with full marks, you should have 260 points. Enter the Great Hall, and enjoy the ending...even though it's very short! You'll probably finish the game with 88%. This is normal. No one has figured out how to get the other 12%. ~*~ *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* VI. List of Required Tasks *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* To beat the game, you must complete the following tasks. You can always check to view your current or previous tasks from the Remembrall menu. ============= | CHECKLIST | ============= ______**Let your wand choose you at Olivanders wand shop. ______**Gain the Flipendo spell book. ______**Smash some objects to find the way out. ______**Work out the correct combination to unlock the door. ______**Collect the Folio Bruti. ______**Stun the Imps and cage them. ______**Target the shield on the device. ______**Collect the Standard Book of Spells. ______**Go to the Gryffindor common room (Seventh floor). ______**Visit Fred and George. ______**End Night. ______**Potions class (Dungeons). ______**Defense against the Dark Arts class (Third floor/3C). ______**Gain the Lumos spell book. ______**Flying lessons with Madam Hooch (Flying pitch). ______**Visit Hagrid at his hut. ______**Meet Malfoy on the fourth floor for a duel. ______**Gain the Alohamora spell book from the library (second floor). ______**Return to Ron and Hermione. ______**Unlock the door with Alohamora and release Ron and Hermione. ______**Charms class (second floor). ______**Gain the Spongify spell book. ______**Meet Ron at Hagrid's Hut. ______**Go to the Halloween feast (Great Hall). ______**Rescue Hermione from the troll! ______**Potions class (Dungeons). ______**Herbology class (Greenhouses). ______**Gain the Diffindo spell book. ______**Follow Ron to the second floor. ______**Find copy of "A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry" (Library, Restricted Section). ______**Get the book back from Peeves. ______** ??? ______**Gain the Incendio spell book. ______**Go to Gryffindor common room (Seventh floor). ______**Visit Hagrid at his hut. ______**Find potion ingredient: Moondew. ______**Potions class (Dungeons). ______**Gryffindor v Slytherin (Quidditch Stadium). ______**Go to the Staff Room (ground floor) and talk to Dumbledore. ______**Go to the third floor and find trap door. ______** ??? ______**Go to the House Cup ceremony (Great Hall). * * * * * Does anyone have anything where the ???'s are? * * * * * ~*~ *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* VII. Wizard Card List and Fixed Card Locations *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* You can find and collect Wizard Cards by searching in golden treasure boxes, or by trading your duplicates/triplicates with other students. In some rare occasions, cards can be rewarded to you for completing certain tasks. For every 20 cards you collect, you get an extra health bar. Which means you can get up to five EXTRA health bars just by finding or trading cards. **NOTE** [TB] Treasure Box -> SECTION (X) Refer to section (X) of FAQ. * Location of card. If there is more than one location for a card. -TRADE- Traded card (Actually, all cards can be obtained by trading). !!All spells EXCEPT Flipendo will be listed under [required spell(s):]!! !!! Wizard Card Packs contain several random cards, and all cards may be found in Wizard Card Packs.!!! =============================================================================== Card| | No.| Name | Description and Location/How to obtain (if available) =============================================================================== 1 | Merlin | | | "Most famous wizard of all time. Sometimes known | (Medieval, | as the Prince of Enchanters. Part of the Court of | dates unknown.) | King Arthur." | | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | Cornelius Agrippa | "Celebrated wizard imprisoned by the non-magical for | | his writings." | (1486-1535) | | | | | * This card is rewarded to Harry when he returns | | Trever, the Toad (the fifth lost item) to the | | Notice Board. For more information on lost items, | | -> Section X. Gryffindor Notice Board Items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | Elfrida Clagg | "Chieftainess of Warlock's Council." | | | (1612-1687) | | | * In the Incendio Challenge, this card is located in | | a [TB] next to the 10th Challenge Shield. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | Gorgan Stump | "Popular Minister of Magic, appointed 1811." | | | (1770-1884) | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | Gulliver Pokeby | "Epert on magical birds. First to identify meaning | | of Augurey song." | (1750-1839) | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | Glanmore Peaks | "Famous slayer of the Sea Serpent of Cromer." | | | (1677-1761) | | | * During the night of the Halloween Feast, knock out | | out the troll in the girl's bathroom and this [TB] | | appears in the center of the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | Hesper Starkey | "Witch who studied the use of phases of the moon in | | potion-making." | (1881-1973) | | | | | * Inside the Library (2nd floor), go up the left | | staircase/hall. There is a door with two torches | | on either side. Light both torches to unlock the | | the door. The card is located in a [TB] in this | | room. | | | | [required spells: Incendio] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | Derwent Shimpling | "Ate an entire Venomous Tentacula for a bet and | | survived, though is still purple." | (1912-present) | | | | | * In the Spongify Challenge. In the area (kind of | | like a tower) with several ghosts, climb the | | stairs, (use Spongify if necessary to reach higher | | platforms), and go through the locked door that | | requires the Alohamora spell. In this room, cast | | Flipendo at the fire crab until it falls into the | | bottomless pit. This causes a block to fall from | | the ceiling. Push the block up against the wall | | with the Gargoyle statue. Climb up next to the | | statue and cast Lumos to reveal a floating | | platform. Now make your way towards the bottomless | | pit while avoiding the flames on the left side of | | the wall. Directly in front of you should be a | | Flipendo switch/button. Cast Flipendo at the | | button to raise the gates on either side. From | | the floating platform, jump to the left area to get | | this [TB]. (Next to Challenge Shield #5). | | | | [required spells: Flipendo, Lumos, Spongify (to | | reach this area).] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | Gunhilda of | "One-eyed, hump-backed witch famous for developing | Gorsemoor | a cure for Dragon Pox." | | | (1556-1639) | | | * In classroom 1E, light both torches by the door | | to make this [TB] appear. | | | | [required spells: Incendio] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | Burdock Muldoon | "Chief of Wizard's Council 1448-1450." | | | (1429-1490) | | | * [TB] is located in classroom 4F. Prefects may be | | guarding this room. If you search this classroom | | when you are trying to get "A Study of Recent | | Developments in Wizardry," there should be no | | Prefects around. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | Herpo the Foul | "First known creator of the Basilisk." | | | (Ancient Greek) | | | * In Classroom 1C, cut down the left curtain to | | reveal a Flipendo switch. Hit the switch and the | | [TB] will appear. | | | | [required spells: Diffindo] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | Merwyn the | "Credited with the invention of many unpleasant | Malicious | jinxes and hexes." | | | (Medieval, dates | | unknown) | * In Hagrid's garden, go inside the stone building. | | (For a map, please -> section VIII. Locations | | of Potion Ingredients). Go up the stairs and find | | a crawl space in the corner of the wall. Go | | through this crawl space to find this [TB]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | Andros the | "Alleged to have been the only known wizard to | Invincible | produce a Patronus the size of a giant." | | | (Ancient Greek) | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | Fulbert the | "Famous for being so cowardly he never ventured out | Fearful | of his house. Died when a defensive charm backfired | | and the roof fell in." | (1014-1097) | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | Paracelsus | "Renowned physician, alchemist and surgeon." | | | (1493-1541) | | | * On the seventh floor, crawl under the bookshelf | | near the Gryffindor portrait entrance and search | | the hallways for this [TB]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | Cliodne | "Irish druidess who discovered properties of | | Moondew." | (Medieval, dates | | unknown) | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | Morgan Le Fay | "King Arthur's half sister. Dark sorceress. Enemy | | of Merlin." | (Medieval, dates | | unknown) | | | * In Hagrid's garden, after collecting the Asphodel, | | four Gnomes will appear. Knock out all the Gnomes | | and throw them into the tree. The gates blocking | | this [TB] (in a shed to the right of the Gargoyle | | statue) will be raised. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | Uric the Oddball | "Highly eccentric wizard who is famed, among other | | things, for wearing a jellyfish for a hat." | (Medieval, dates | | unknown) | | | * In the LUMOS CHALLENGE, in the area where there is | | an owl stand, lock the imps into the cages on the | | bottom floor. Climb up the cage to the right of | | the Flipendo switch to find this [TB]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | Newt Scammander | "Celebrated author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to | | Find Them." | (1897-present) | | | | | * In the DIFFINDO CHALLENGE, in the area where the | | spell book is, drop down to the bottom floor/ravine | | and follow the trail of beans until you reach a | | dead end. If you find an owl stand, you went the | | wrong way. At the dead end, cast LUMOS around the | | wall to find a secret opening. Push "X" to open | | the wall to find this [TB]. | | | | [required spells: Lumos] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | Wendelin the | "Alleged to have enjoyed being burned at the stake so | Weird | much that she allowed herself to be captured fourteen | | times in various disguises." | (Medieval, dates | | unknown) | | | * In the storage room in the dungeons, light the two | | braziers/torches in the back to unlock a door. The | | card is through this door in a [TB]. | | | | [required spells: Incendio] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | Lord Stoddard | "Breeder of flying horses." | Whithers | | | | (1672-1769) | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | Circe | "Lived on Island of Aeaea. Expert at turning lost | | sailors into pigs." | (Ancient Greek) | | | | | * In Charms classroom (2E), hit the Flipendo switch | | just above the doorway to make this [TB] appear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | Glenda Chittock | "Popular presenter of the W.W.N. (Wizarding Wireless | | Network) program Witching Hour." | (1964-present) | | | | | * This card is rewarded to Harry when he returns | | the Witch's Hat (the sixth lost item) to the Notice | | Notice Board. For more information on lost items, | | -> Section X. Gryffindor Notice Board Items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | Adalbert Waffling | "Famous magical theoretician." | | | (1899-1981) | | | * [TB] located in the open room across the Reading | | Room on the seventh floor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | Perpetua Fancourt | "Witch who invented the Lunascope." | | | (1900-1991) | | | * This [TB] is located in a room between the | | Restricted Section of the Library and the room | | heavily guarded by Prefects (and Filch). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | Almerick | "Famous for conquering the river troll that was | Sawbridge | terrorizing those trying to cross the Wye river. | | River troll in question believed to be one of the | (1602-1699) | largest ever to exist in Britain with a weight of | | one ton." | | | | | | * Destroy all glass jars in classroom 6B. (Don't | | forget about the jar on the chandelier.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | Mirabella Plunket | "Famous for falling in love with a merman in Loch | | Lomond while on holiday. When her parents forbade | (1839-unknown) | her to marry him, she transfigured herself into a | | haddock and was never seen again." | | | | | | * In the Spongify Challenge. In the area (kind of | | like a tower) with several ghosts, climb the | | stairs (use Spongify if necessary to reach higher | | platforms), and go through the locked door that | | requires the Alohamora spell. In this room, cast | | Flipendo at the fire crab until it falls into the | | bottomless pit. This causes a block to fall from | | the ceiling. Push the block up against the wall | | with the Gargoyle statue. Climb up next to the | | statue and cast Lumos to reveal a floating | | platform. Now, make your way towards the bottomless | | pit while avoiding the flames on the left side of | | the wall. Directly in front of you should be a | | Flipendo switch/button. Cast Flipendo at the | | button to raise the gates on either side. From | | the floating platform, jump to the right side to | | get this [TB]. Located across Challenge Shield #5. | | | | [required spells: Lumos, Spongify (to reach this | | area).] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | Tilly Toke | "Gained Order of Merlin First Class for saving the | | lives of non-magical tourists during the ilfracombe | (1903-1991) | incident of 1932, when a dragon swooped down on a | | beach full of sunbathers." | | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 |Archibald Alderton | "Famous for blowing up the hamlet of Little Dropping | | in Hampshire while attempting to magically mix a | (1568-1623) | birthday cake." | | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | Artemisia Lufkin | "First witch to become Minister of Magic." | | | (1754-1825) | | | * In room 6A (Ancient Runes), hit the Flipendo switch | | on the wall (behind the blackboard) and this [TB] | | will appear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | Balfour Blane | "Established the Committee on Experimental Charms." | | | (1566-1629) | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 | Bridget Wenlock | "Famous Arithmancer. First to establish the magical | | properties of the number seven." | (1202-1285) | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 | Beaumont | "Pioneer of Herbology and collector of many rare and | Marjoribanks | magical flowers. Discovered Gillyweed." | | | (1742-1845) | | | * In the INCENDIO CHALLENGE, go to SECTION III of the | | challenge where there are several miniature fire | | breathing pig statues. (Please -> section | | V. Walkthrough, i. 4th Day at Hogwarts, for more | | information about the Incendio Challenge.) There | | are two imps in this area and only one cage. Lock | | away one imp and use the cage to reach the [TB] on | | the platform above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 | Donaghan Tremlett | "Bass player with the popular wizarding band, the | | Weird Sisters." | (1972-present) | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 | Bowman Wright | "Famous for developing the Golden Snitch." | | | (1492-1560) | | | * This card is rewarded to Harry when he returns "A | | Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" (the second | | lost item) to the Notice Board. For more | | information on lost items, -> Section X. Gryffindor | | Notice Board Items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 | Joscelind Wadcock | "Chaser for Puddlemere United Quidditch Team. Record | | for highest number of goals during the British season | (1911-present) | this century (against Ballycastle Bats, 1931). | | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 | Cassandra | "Celebrated Seer and author of Unfogging the Future." | Vablatsky | | | | (1894-1997) | * In the room with the Grand Staircase, this [TB] is | | located underneath the first flight of stairs | | (Ground floor). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 | Chauncy Oldridge | "First known victim of Dragon Pox." | | | (1342-1379) | | | * On the 4th night, while getting the Moondew in | | Hagrid's garden, cut down the curtain/tapestry to | | the right of the fountain to reveal this [TB]. | | | | [required spells: Diffindo] | | | | | | * This [TB] is located inside Fred and George's shop. | | (Does not need to be purchased.) For a map/diagram | | of their shop, -> section XI. Fred and George's | | Shop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 | Gwenog Jones | "Captain and Beater of only all-female national | | Quidditch Team, the Holyhead Harpies." | (1968-present) | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 |Carlotta Pinkstone | "Famous campaigner for lifting the International | | Confederation of Wizard's Statute of Secrecy and | (1922-present) | telling the non-magical that wizards still exist. | | Ms. Pinkstone has been imprisoned several times to | | her blatant and deliberate use of magic in public | | places." | | | | | | * On the second floor, go through the open area | | (door-less) just to the left of the door leading to | | the Library Annex. Turn into the first room and | | there should be two imps, two cages, several boxes, | | a glass jar, and a cauldron. Knock out the imps | | and throw them into the cages to make this [TB] | | appear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 | Godric Gryffindor | "Co-founder of Hogwarts. Gave his name to one of | | the four Hogwarts houses." | (Medieval, dates | | unknown) | | | * This card is rewarded to Harry by Mr. Olivanders | | for successfully raising the rotating device a | | second time. | | | | * Break all jars in the Library and this [TB] will | | appear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 | Crispin Cronk | "Sent to Azkaban for continuing to keep sphinxes in | | his back garden despite repeated warnings." | (1795-1872) | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 | Cyprian Youdle | "Only Quidditch referee ever to be killed during a | | match. The originator of the curse was never caught | (1312-1357) | but believed to have been a member of the crowd." | | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 | Devlin Whitehorn | "Founder of the Nimbus racing broom company." | | | (1945-present) | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 | Dunbar Oglethorpe | "Chief of Q.U.A.B.B.L.E. (Quidditch Union for the | | Administration and Betterment of the British League | (1968-present) | and its Endeavors)." | | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 | Miranda Goshwick | "Famous spell book writer." | | | (1921-present) | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 | Edgar Stroulgar | "Inventor of the Sneakoscope." | | | (1703-1795) | | | * Buy at Fred/George's shop for 30 beans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 | Salazar Slytherin | "Co-founder of Hogwarts. Gave his name to one of the | | four Hogwarts houses." | (Medieval, dates | | unknown) | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 | Elladora | "Witch who discovered the use of Gillyweed when she | Ketteridge | nearly suffocated after eating it and recovered only | | when she stuck her head into a bucket of water." | (1656-1729) | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 | Musidora Barkwith | "Composer of the unfinished Wizarding Suite, which | | features an exploding tuba. Its performance has | (1520-1666) | been banned since its last performance in 1902, when | | it blew the roof out of Ackerly Town Hall." | | | | | | * In room 5B, there are two curtains by the door. | | Cut down the curtain on the right side to reveal a | | Flipendo button. Hit the button and the [TB] will | | appear in the front of the class. | | | | [required spells: Diffindo] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 | Ethelred the | "Famous for taking offense at nothing and cursing | Ever-Ready | innocent bystanders. Died in jail." | | | (Medieval, dates | | unknown) | * This card is rewarded to Harry when he returns the | | Dragon-Hide Gloves (the third lost item) to the | | Notice Board. For more information on lost items, | | -> Section X. Gryffindor Notice Board Items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 | Felix Summerbee | "Inventor of cheering charms." | | | (1447-1508) | | | * In the room after obtaining the Flipendo spell | | book, use the crawl space to reach the [TB] on the | | other side. (Olivander's wand shop.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 | Greta Catchlove | "Author of Charm Your Own Cheese." | | | (1960-present) | | | * In the Entrance Hall (area with the hourglasses), | | go up the stairs and go left (opposite of door to | | Grand Staircase). At the end of the hall, unlock | | the door to find this [TB]. | | | | [required spells: Alohamora] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 |Gaspard Shingleton | "Celebrated inventor of the Self-Stirring Cauldron." | | | (1959-present) | | | * In the Library, go up the right staircase and | | cut down the curtain to reveal a door. The [TB] is | | just through this door. | | | | [required spells: Diffindo] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 | Honoria Nutcombe | "Founded the Society for the Reformation of Hags." | | | (1665-1743) | | | * In Hagrid's garden, go through the area that | | requires the two torches to be lit (Puffapod area). | | After collecting the Puffapod spores, go past where | | the Puffapods used to be and climb up onto the top | | of the walls. Go straight and jump across to | | another wall (by the Gnome hole), and the card is | | in the left [TB]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 | Gideon Crumb | "Plays bagpipes with the popular wizarding band the | | Weird Sisters." | (1975-present) | | | | | * At night, sneak into the Defense Against the Dark | | Arts classroom (3C), and find this card in a [TB] | | in room just before the actual classroom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 | Gifford Ollerton | "Famous giant-slayer. Killed the giant Hengist of | | Upper Barnton." | (1390-1441) | | | | | * In the LUMOS CHALLENGE, after reaching the top | | of the spiraling green platforms, use Lumos to find | | a secret room just to the right of the crawl space | | (exit). The [TB] is in this hidden area. | | | | [required spells: Lumos] | | | | | | * In the DIFFINDO CHALLENGE, after obtaining the | | spell book, cut the rope that is holding up the | | bridge above you and two Gnomes will run down. | | Throw both Gnomes into a hole in the wall and this | | [TB] will appear. | | | | [required spells: Diffindo] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 | Glover Hipworth | "Inventor of the Pepperup Potion, cure for the common | | cold." | (1742-1805) | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 | Gregory the | "Famous originator of Gregory's Unctuous Unction - | Smarmy | potion to persuade the drinker that the giver is | | their very best friend. Alleged to have wormed his | (Medieval, | way into King Richard's confidence and thus made his | dates unknown.) | fortune." | | | | | | * Destroy all glass jars in classroom 7A | | (Arithmancy), and this [TB] will appear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 | Laverne de | "Inventor of many love potions." | Montmorency | | | | (1823-1893) | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 | Havelock Sweeting | "Unicorn expert. Helped set up unicorn reservations | | throughout Britain." | (1634-1710) | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 | Ignatia Wildsmith | "The witch who invented Floo powder." | | | (1227-1320) | | | * In the SPONGIFY CHALLENGE, this [TB] is located in | | the same room as Challenge Shield #8. Please see | | Section V: Walkthrough, part e. 2nd Day at Hogwarts | | for more information on the Spongify Challenge, and | | the location for Challenge Shield #8. | | | | | | * In the Library, go up the left staircase and hit | | the Flipendo switch above a bookshelf along the | | left wall. This unlocks a door to the left of | | the bookshelf. The [TB] is through this door. | | | | [required spells: Diffindo] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 | Herman | "Plays lute with the popular wizarding band the | Wintringham | Weird Sisters." | | | (1974-present) | | | * This [TB] is located in the dungeons, in the | | storage room. (Surrounded by empty cages.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 | Jocunda Skyes | "Famous for flying across the Atlantic on a | | broomstick--the first person to do so." | (1915-present) | | | | | * [TB] is located in the secret passage (under the | | bookshelf) on the seventh floor Reading Room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65 | Gondoline | "Famous for studies of life and habits of trolls. | Oliphant | Clubbed to death in the Cotswolds while sketching." | | | (1720-1799) | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66 | Flavius Belby | "Only wizard ever to survive a Lethifold attack." | | | (1715-1791) | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67 | Justus | "Celebrated Head of the Department of Magical Law | Pilliwickle | Enforcement." | | | (1862-1953) | | | * Light up both torches inside DADA classroom, | | (One located in front of class near right wall, and | | the other is located at the rear of the room, | | behind the desks, under the dinosaur). | | | | [required spells: Incendio] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 | Kirley Duke | "Plays lead guitar with the popular wizarding band | | the Weird Sisters." | (1971-present) | | | | | * In the girl's bathroom on the second floor, use | | the Spongify tile to reach this [TB]. (Night of | | Halloween feast/saving Hermione from troll.) | | | | [required spells: Spongify] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69 | Bertie Bott | "Inventor of Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor Beans." | | | (1935-present) | | | * Buy at Fred/George's shop for 50 beans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 | Leopoldina | "First British witch to referee a Quidditch match." | Smethwyck | | | | (1829-1910) | * This card is located in a [TB] right next to the | | potion ingredient Moondew. -> section VIII: | | Locations for Potion Ingredients. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 | Queen Maeve | "Legendary witch who trained young sorcerers in | | Ireland prior to the establishment of Hogwarts | (Medieval, | School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." | dates unknown.) | | | | | * Break all glass jars in classroom 1A to make this | | [TB] appear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72 | Helga Hufflepuff | *Co-founder of Hogwarts. Gave her name to one of the | | four Hogwarts houses." | (Medieval, dates | | unknown) | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73 | Mopsus | "Soothsayer who vanquished the Seer Calchas in a | | contest of their powers." | (Ancient Greek) | | | | | * This card is rewarded to Harry when he returns | | "Magical Theory of Adalbert Waffling" (the first | | lost item) to the Notice Board. For more | | information on lost items, -> Section X. Gryffindor | | Notice Board Items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74 | Montague | "Wizard Chess Champion." | Knightley | | | | (1506-1588) | * Break all glass jars in clasroom 4F to make this | | [TB] appear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75 | Mungo Bonham | "Famous wizard healer. Founded Saint Mungo's | | Hospital for Magical Ailments and Injuries." | (1560-1659) | | | | | * In the SPONGIFY CHALLENGE, after defeating the two | | ghosts, use the spongify tile to jump up to the | | platform above. Go through the first door you | | come across. In this room, push the block against | | the wall and use it to climb up to reach this [TB]. | | | | [required spells: Spongify (to reach this area).] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76 | Myron Wagtail | "Lead singer of popular wizarding band the Weird | | Sisters." | (1970-present) | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77 | Norvel Twonk | "Died saving a non-magical child from a runaway | | manticore. Posthumously awarded the Order of Merlin, | (1888-1957) | First Class." | | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78 | Orsino Thruston | "Plays drums with the popular wizarding band the | | Weird Sisters." | (1976-present) | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79 | Oswald Beamish | "Pioneer of Goblin Rights." | | | (1850-1932) | | | * In Hagrid's garden, go through the area that | | requires lighting the two torches. Go through the | | crawl hole in the wall across the wooden shack to | | to find this [TB]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 | Beatrix Bloxam | "Author of Toadstool Tales, a series of children's | | books since banned because they have found to cause | (1794-1810) | nausea and vomitting." | | | | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 | Quong Po | "Chinese wizard who discovered the uses of powdered | | Fireball eggs." | (1443-1539) | | | | | * On the seventh floor, Arithmancy and Gryffindor | | Tower, there is a door that requires Alohamora to | | unlock it. Behind this door is this [TB]. | | | | [required spells: Alohamora] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82 | Rowena Ravenclaw | "Co-founder of Hogwarts. Gave her name to one of the | | four Hogwarts houses." | (Medieval, dates | | unknown) | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83 | Roderick Plumpton | "Seeker for England Quidditch Team. Holds British | | record for fastest capture of Snitch during game: | (1889-1987) | three and a half seconds." | | | | | | *In the Library, go up the right staircase. Use | | Diffindo on a curtain to reveal a locked door. Use | | Alohamora to unlock the door to get the [TB] on the | | other side. | | | | [required spells: Diffindo, Alohamora] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 | Rowland Kegg | "President of English Gobstones Team." | | | (1903-present) | | | * In the DIFFINDO CHALLENGE, (in the area with the | | Doxies, Bowtruckles, whipping vines, a troll and an | | imp), this [TB] is located on a step/platform on the | | tree away from the ledge with the imp cage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85 | Blenheim Stalk | "Expert on the non-magical and author of many books | | including 'People Who Notice,' a study of awareness | (1920-present) | of magic in the non-magical." | | | | | | * In the Entrance Hall (room with the hourglasses), | | go up the stairs and go left (opposite direction of | | Grand Staircase) until you reach a door that | | requires the Alohamora spell. There are two | | torches in this area. Light them both to make this | | [TB] appear. | | | | [required spells: Incendio] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86 | Dorcas | "Founder of the Society for Distressed Witches." | Wellbeloved | | | | (1812-1904) | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87 | Thaddeus Thurkell | "Famous for producing seven Squib sons and turning | | them all into hedgehogs in disgust." | (1632-1692) | | | | | * In the DIFFINDO CHALLENGE, upon entering the area | | with Doxies, Bowtruckles, whipping vines, a troll | | and an imp, go right (counter-clockwise) around the | | tree to find this [TB] (located on the ground, not | | on the tree itself.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 | Celestina Warbeck | "Popular singing sorceress." | | | (1917-present) | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89 | Alberta Toothill | "Winner of the All-England Wizarding Dueling | | Competition of 1430. Famously overcame the favorite, | (1391-1483) | Samson Wiblin, with a blasting curse." | | | | | | * After caging the Imps and obtaining Folio Bruti | | page 4 in Olivander's wand shop, climb up the | | right cage to get this [TB]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 | Sacharissa | "Pioneer of beautifying potions. Discovered pimple- | Tugwood | curing properties of Bubotuber pus." | | | (1874-1966) | * In Hagrid's garden, go through the area that | | requires the two torches to be lit (Puffapod area). | | After collecting the Puffapod spores, go past where | | the Puffapods use to be and climb up onto the top | | of the walls. Go straight and jump across to | | another wall (by the Gnome hole), and the card is | | in the right [TB]. | | | | | | * In the SPONGIFY CHALLENGE, go past the door with | | the Alohamora lock until you reach two torches and | | a gated doorway. Light both torches to raise the | | gates. Go through the doorway and drop to the | | bottom where there is a Challenge Shield. Use the | | the Lumos spell to find a secret entrance along the | | wall. The [TB] is on an upper level. You will | | need to push the block against the wall to climb up | | to reach it. | | | | [required spells: Lumos, Incendio] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91 | Wilfred Elphick | "First wizard to be gored by an African Erumpent." | | | (1112-1199) | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92 | Xavier Rastrick | "Flamboyant wizard entertainer who vanished | | unexpectedly while tap-dancing to a crow of three | (1750-1836) | hundred in Painswick and was never seen again." | | | | | | * In the INCENDIO CHALLENGE, from the platform | | with the spell book and the fire-spitting pig | | statues, run across the bridge to SECTION I. (For | | a diagram of this section, please -> section V. | | Walktrough, part i. 4th Day at Hogwarts.) Cross | | the bridge into a hallway where there are two | | curtains. This [TB] is in a room behind one of | | the curtains. | | | | [required spells: Diffindo] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93 | Heathcote Barbary | "Plays rhythm guitar with the popular wizarding | | band the Weird Sisters." | (1974-present) | | | | | * Destroy all jars in the storage room (dungeons) to | | make this [TB] appear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94 | Merton Graves | "Plays cello with the popular wizarding band the | | Weird Sisters." | (1978-present) | | | | | * Upon entering the first floor, Transfiguration, | | turn right into the first hallway. Continue down | | the hall until you reach a door that cannot be | | opened (unlabeled) right at the corner. If you're | | at a door labeled "1D", then you've gone too far. | | Look for a curtain on the wall. Cut this down to | | reveal a Flipendo button. Hit this button and this | | [TB] will appear. | | | | [required spells: Diffindo] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95 | Yardley Platt | "Serial goblin-killer." | | | (1446-1557) | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96 | Hengist of | "Driven away from his home by non-magical | Woodcroft | persecutors. Hengist is supposed to have settled in | | Scotland where he founded the village of Hogsmeade. | (Medieval, dates | The Three Broomsticks inn is alleged to be Hengist's | unknown) | old home." | | | | | | * This card is rewarded to Harry when he returns | | the Telescope (the fourth lost item) to the Notice | | Board. For more information on lost items, | | -> Section X. Gryffindor Notice Board Items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 97 | Alberic Grunnion | "Inventor of the Dungbomb." | | | (1803-1882) | | | * Buy at Fred/George's shop for 30 beans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98 | Dymphna Furmage | "Famously abducted by pixies while on holiday in | | Cornwall and lived in mortal dread of them | (1612-1698) | thereafter. Failed to persuade the Ministry of | | Magic to have all pixies humanely destroyed." | | | | | | * In the LUMOS CHALLENGE, in the area with the spell | | book, this [TB] is located in a room towards the | | bottom right hand corner (opposite of where you | | battle the two ghosts.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 | Daisy Dodderidge | "First landlady of the Leaky Cauldron." | | | (1467-1555) | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 | Harry Potter | "The boy who lived." | | | - | | | -TRADE- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 | Albus Dumbledore | "Currently Headmaster of Hogwarts." | | | - | | | * Neville gives this card after Hermione frees him from | | Malfoy's Leg-Locking Curse. (After Incendio | | Challenge). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wizard Card Pack Location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***From the Grand Staircases, go through the door labeled "Defense Against the Dark Arts" (not the actual classroom). Upon entering the room, turn left to find this [TB] right before a steep slope that will take you to the second floor. ***On the second floor, there is an narrow hallway just to the left of the door labeled "Library Annex". Go down this hallway, up the stairs, and turn right into the first room you come across. In this room, go up the up the steps to find this [TB]. (Also accessible from the fourth floor, behind a bookshelf.) ***In the Diffindo challenge, the [TB] is located in the greenhouse behind the Venomous Tentacula. ***Outside the castle, follow the path that goes past the cloisters and into the flying lessons area. This path goes through a tunnel and leads to a balcony (dead end), overlooking the lake. On this balcony are two torches. Use Incendio to light them and this [TB] will appear. ***Outside the castle, use the Nimbus 2000 to fly around the lake. Look for a dock next to a winding, narrow staircase. The [TB] is located inside the boat house...whatever that thing is called. ***Outside the castle, use the Nimbus 2000 to reach this [TB], located on one of the high towers facing away from the greenhouses. ~*~ *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* VIII. Locations of Potion Ingredients *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* All potion ingredients can be found in Hagrid's garden. * GARDEN MAP * ______________ | puffapod spores | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | | Gated wiggentree | Pathway bark | (Incendio) @@@@@@@@@@ | -------------------------------- | []: :[] | | (S) : : | | : : | asphodel | : : | @@@@@@@@ | : : | | :__: | +++++++++++++ |............./ \.............| + Stone + ( F ) X <---Curtain with Scissor + Building + |.............\__/.............| (Diffindo) +++++++++++++ | : : | flobberworm mucus | : : | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ dittany | : : --------------| @@@@@@@ | : : | | : : -----------| | | : : | ---- -------------| |------------- | | moondew @@@@@@@ Garden Entrance ========== LEGEND ========== F Fountain. (S) Spongify mark on the ground. [] Torches. (Incendio required). X Curtain with Scissor symbol. (Diffindo Required). ~*~ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ WIGGENWELD HEALING POTION +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ASPHODEL: | DESCRIPTION / | \ | "It's powdered root is a potion ingredient. From the lily / | family, this plant has long, slender leaves. It's name comes \ | from the Greek asphodelos." / ----------------------------------------------------------------\ | LOCATION / | \ | From Hagrid's garden, enter the stone building and use Lumos / | to find a secret entrance along the wall by the staircase to \ | enter the heart of the garden. Throw all three gnomes into a / | hole towards the backside of the humongous tree to unlock the \ | gates blocking the gargoyle statue in the shed. Cast Lumos / | by the statue to make a floating platform appear. Climb or \ | jump onto the platform and on the other platforms that follow / | to reach the ledge behind the waterfall. Go behind the \ | waterfall into the cave to find this plant. / | \ | / | -PAGE 1- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------- **REQUIRED SPELLS: Flipendo, Lumos.** ----------------------------------------------------------------- DITTANY: | DESCRIPTION / | \ | "Dittany is a powerful restorative. It is shredded before / | being used in potions." \ ----------------------------------------------------------------/ | LOCATION \ | / | From Hagrid's garden, enter the stone building and cast \ | Alohamora on the door with a golden panel. Go through this / | door and find the Dittany plant inside the small greenhouse. \ | Once you pick up this plant, three Doxies will appear. Cast / | Flipendo at them and they will...burst. \ | / | \ | -PAGE 2- / ----------------------------------------------------------------- **REQUIRED SPELLS: Flipendo, Alohamora.** ----------------------------------------------------------------- WIGGENTREE: | DESCRIPTION / BARK | \ | "The Wiggentree is a magical rowan, the bark of which is / | often used in potions." \ ----------------------------------------------------------------/ | LOCATION \ | / | There is a Spongify mark on the ground in Hagrid's garden. \ | (See map above, marked "(S)"). Cast Spongify on the mark and / | use it to reach the upper path. Follow this path all the way \ | down to a crawl space, where you'll find Folio Bruti Volume / | I, page 6: Bowtruckle. Exit through the other crawl space. \ | Continue up the path until you reach a huge tree with several / | Bowtruckles. Cast CHARGED Flipendos at the Bowtruckles to \ | make them disappear. (Like the imps, Bowtruckles will throw / | stuff at you...I think they're twigs....so try your best to \ | dodge/avoid them). Use the Spongify mark to jump over the / | large roots. (There are a total of 4 Bowtruckles on this \ | tree alone.) Cross the bridge to reach another tree (same / | tree that you've dumped Gnomes into) and there are 3 more \ | Bowtruckles you'll have to deal with. Once they're gone, / | jump across to find the Wiggentree bark. If you fall down to \ | the level below, there is a Pumpkin Pasty in a [TB] and a / | Spongify mark will appear to help you get back up. \ | / | \ | -PAGE 3- / ----------------------------------------------------------------- **REQUIRED SPELLS: Flipendo, Spongify.** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ANTIDOTE TO COMMON POISONS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----------------------------------------------------------------- PUFFAPOD: | DESCRIPTION / SPORES | \ | "Spores of the Puffapod. Released when the Puffapod bursts / | into bloom." \ ----------------------------------------------------------------/ | LOCATION \ | / | In Hagrid's garden, light two torches/braziers to open \ | another path. Go through the crawl space at the end of the / | path, collect Folio Bruti (Puffapod) and exit through the \ | other hole. Continue down the winding path and collect the / | Cauldron Cake and Pumpkin Pasty in [TB]'s. Later along the \ | path, the camera will focus on the Puffapods located on a / | ledge just above you. Keep going until you reach a crawl \ | space (on a wall to your left) and a wooden shack to your / | right. There are no doors to this shack, but there is a hole \ | on one side to crawl through. Just opposite this crawl space / | is an opening in the wall, but it is completely blocked by \ | several bars. First go through the crawl space along the / | space wall with the barred opening. Collect card #79, Oswald \ | Beamish, then crawl back to the other side. Enter the shack / | using the crawl space. There are three Imps in the shack, so \ | quickly knock them out and throw them in the cages. (There is / | a "safe spot/zone" you can use here--climb up the steps \ | to the right of the crawl space.) With the imps locked away, / | the bars blocking the opening in the wall will be removed. \ | On the other side of the wall are three Gnomes...oh goody! / | (Note: The bars will lock you in once you enter this \ | area.) Again, like with the Imps, knock all three Gnomes out / | before they all start head-butting you. Look for a hole on \ | the side of the mountain. Dump all the the Gnomes down this / | this hole and the bars blocking the next area will be \ | removed. Be sure to get the Chocolate Frog before / | continuing on. Up next is the Venomous Tentacula. Equip \ | Diffindo and Incendio if you have not already. Use Diffindo / | to cut off its arms and stun its head, then quickly finish \ | it off with an Incendio spell. Repeat these steps a couple / | times to wipe it out for good. The opening to the next area \ | opens, and the Puffapods are just ahead! There is a swarm / | of Doxies guarding the Puffapods. Cast Flipendo to get rid \ | of them. So, how do you collect the Puffapod spores, and / | what the heck do they look like, you ask? Okay, well first \ | off, the hazy yellowish things that spews out of them (after / | the "pop" sound) are NOT the spores, so don't even try \ | collecting them (it will only make Harry dizzy and have / | distorted vision). From a safe distance, target lock the \ | Puffapod and cast Flipendo to blow them up. Once they burst, / | the spores will be released (it looks white confetti). Just \ | walk up to the spores and Harry will automatically collect / | them. You can now exit the garden, but there are still some \ | goodies just ahead. Go past where the Puffapods were and / | climb on top of the wall. You will come across a "T" \ | (intersection). Go straight and collect the two [TB]s. / | (Left [TB] = card #55, Honoria Nutcombe, and right [TB] = \ | card #90, Sacharissa Tugwood.) / | \ | / | -PAGE 4- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------- **REQUIRED SPELLS: Flipendo, Diffindo, Incendio.** ----------------------------------------------------------------- FLOBBERWORM: | DESCRIPTION / MUCUS | \ | "As its name suggests, this mucus is produced by the / | Flobberworm . Used to thicken potions." \ ----------------------------------------------------------------/ | LOCATION \ | / | In Hagrid's garden, cut down the curtain/tapestry to the \ | right of the fountain to reveal a path. Go down this path / | and crawl through the hole into a tiny cave. Pickup up the \ | Folio Bruti (Doxy and Flobberworm), and exit through the / | other crawl hole. You will reach a flight of stairs in front \ | of a huge tree. Approach with caution for there are several / | Doxies flying about (4 in total towards the right side). \ | When you've reached the part of the stairs that forms a "Y", / | go right. Get rid of the Doxies by using your Flipendo spell. \ | The path/stairs will split again. To the left is a tile with / | a picture of a Flobberworm. To the right is the Flobberworm \ | itself. You will need to move the Flobberworm onto the tile. / | To do that just cast Flipendo at the worm, and it will \ | bounce its way to the tile. (It doesn't matter how or / | or where you hit it--it's always going to move towards the \ | tile.) Once the worm is on the tile, a device below will / | start turning, and a couple Bowtruckles appear as well. \ | Backtrack and follow the stairs to descend to the area below. / | Don't forget to pick up the Cauldron Cake in the [TB] along \ | the way. Take out the Bowtruckles (x3) with a few charged / | Flipendos. With them out of the way, you can easily lock the \ | rotating device using charged Flipendos. The device, / | which is connected to the Flobberworm tile, is pushed up onto \ | a metal plate, and VOILA! Instant Flobberworm mucus! / | \ | / | -PAGE 5- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------- **REQUIRED SPELLS: Flipendo, Diffindo.** ----------------------------------------------------------------- Moondew: | DESCRIPTION / | \ | "Initial ingredient in the Draught of the Living Death. Its / | properties were first discovered by the Irish druidess \ | Cliodne. Used in potions in its liquid form." / ----------------------------------------------------------------\ | LOCATION / | \ | You can only obtain this ingredient on the 4th night. The / | door to this area can only be unlocked by Hagrid. -> section \ | III: Walkthrough, part j. 4th Night at Hogwarts, Collecting / | the moondew. From the garden, go through the door that \ | Hagrid unlocks. Go down the right path to where a bunch of / | Horklumps are. Use Flipendo to shrink them, then use \ | Diffindo to chop them into bits. Continue on until you reach / | a cliff. Jump down below and battle the two Gytrashes that \ | will rise from beneath the ground. Once the Gytrashes are / | gone, chop up another bunch of Horklumps that are blocking \ | a crawl space. On the other side of this hole is the / | Moondew. \ | / | -PAGE 6- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------- **REQUIRED SPELLS: Flipendo, Diffindo, Lumos.** *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* IX. Folio Bruti Information *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* Ghosts (page 1): "General, unnamed non-specific ghosts haunting the classrooms and corridors of Hogwarts (not house ghosts, like Nearly Headless Nick). Ghosts are only hurt by light directed from a Lumos Spell." * book location: Upon entering the Lumos Challenge, it's located along the right wall. * Flying Books (page 2): "These weighty tomes may erupt dangerously from bookcases in the library - especially in the Restricted Section. They can be stunned with Flipendo; however, they're easily combustible." * book location: Go through the door with the golden annex in the Reading Room on the second floor. Avoid the Prefects and make your way to the back of the room, and exit to the next area using the portrait hole. After crawling through the hole, the book is on a stand just in front of you. * Gnome (page 3): "Common garden pests, gnomes have big heads and large, bony feet. Use Flipendo to push them onto their backs and make them drop anything they might have stolen, or, distract them with Horklumps. To get rid of gnomes permanently, pick them up and throw them into a gnome hole." * book location: This page of the Folio Bruti is automatically saved into your inventory when you pick up the Folio Bruti page for the TROLL. Imp (page 4): "The imp is sometimes confused with the pixie. They're of a similar height and both have a slapstick sense of humor. Imps are vicious little creatures. You will need to use Flipendo to knock them back before picking them up and throwing them into a hole, like a gnome, or into an open cage." * book location: In Olivanders Wand Shop, hit the three panels in order, sun/moon/star, to get this book. * Doxy (page 5): "The Doxy is covered in thick black hair. It has an extra pair of arms and legs and a double row of sharp, venomous teeth. If you're bitten by one of these creatures, an antidote should be taken. A Knockback jinks will hold them at bay." * book location: Hagrid's garden, in a cave. Take the path behind the curtain/tapestry. * Bowtruckle (page 6): "The Bowtruckle is a shy, peaceful creature, but will attack if the tree it lives in is threatened. Bowtruckles are adept at dodging all charms, but cast Flipendo on them enough times and they will disappear." * book location: Hagrid's garden, in a cave. Use Spongify tile. * Gytrashes (page 7): "A large, scary dog-like spirit that can be encountered singly or in groups. It is pale grey with shining white eyes. Gytrashes are only frightened by fire or by the light directed from a Lumos Wand Lighting Charm." * book location: This page of the Folio Bruti is automatically saved into your inventory when you pick up the Folio Bruti page for the TROLL. Fire Crab (page 8): "Despite its name, the fire crab resembles a large tortoise with a heavily jeweled shell. In order to defend itself from those who are tempted by its valuable exterior, the fire crab shoots flames from its rear end when attacked. Stun a fire crab by casting Flipendo." * book location: Spongify challenge. On a stand at the beginning of the challenge. Puffapod (page 9): "Puffapods can be hit with Flipendo. Be careful of their spores, however. They can appear to create a confusing haze in the air when thrown." * book location: Hagrid's garden, in a cave. Use the path between two torches. * Horklump (page 10): "The Horklumps, considered a delicacy by gnomes, resembles a fleshy, pinkish mushroom. It is covered in sparse, wiry bristles and spreads sinewy tentacles into the ground to search for its preferred food: earthworms. Stun Horklumps with Flipendo, then sever them with Diffindo." * book location: This page of the Folio Bruti is automatically saved into your inventory when you pick up the Folio Bruti page for the TROLL. Venemous (page 11): "The Venemous Tentacula is a long, straggly plant Tentacula with moving tendrils and fanged shoots. The bite of the Venemous Tentacula is very painful and poisonous, and an antidote should be taken if inflicted. Use Diffindo to stun the creature and sever its tendrils. Incendio can then be used to finish it off." * book location: Incendio challenge. On a stand at the beginning of the challenge. Trolls (page 12): "Trolls are fearsome creatures and are often violent and unpredictable. They are particularly notable for their prodigious strength and prodigious stupidity. There are three types of trolls: mountain, forest and river. The mountain troll is the largest and most vicious. Trolls can be disabled using Spongify. * book location: Diffindo challenge. On a stand inside the brick house at the start of the challenge. * Flobberworm (page 13): "The thick, brown Flobberworm can reach up to ten inches in length. Both ends of the worm produce a mucus that can be used to thicken potions. The Flobberworm's preferred food is lettuce, though it will eat almost any vegetation." * book location: Hagrid's garden, in a cave. Take the path behind the curtain/tapestry. * *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* X. Gryffindor Notice Board Items *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* There is a Notice Board in the Gryffindor Common Room where students report their lost items. When you find a lost items, return it to the Notice Board to get a Famous Witches and Wizards card. There are a total of 6 lost items that need to be found. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***ITEMS WILL NOT APPEAR IN THEIR LOCATION IF YOU DO READ THE NOTICE. WHEN YOU READ A NOTICE FOR A LOST ITEM, IT WILL BE SAVED INTO YOUR REMEMBRALL MENU** ***YOU CAN ONLY LOOK FOR ONE ITEM AT A TIME. THEY ARE IN THIS ORDER. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Lost Items | Notice Description & Location =============================================================================== =============================================================================== 1. | LOST: Copy of "Magical Theory of Adalbert Waffling" | | "Could be anywhere in the grounds. If found, please Copy of "Magical | return to this notice board." Theory of Adalbert |--------------------------------------------------------- Waffling" | This book is located behind Hagrid's Hut. (It's more | towards the left side of the hut.) | | **Card Rewarded: #73, Mopsus.** =============================================================================== 2. | LOST: Copy of "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" | | "Fell out of an owl package, so it could be anywhere. Copy of "Beginner's | If found, please return to this notice board." Guide to |--------------------------------------------------------- Transfiguration" | This book is located on the small wooden bridge near | the Flying Lessons area. (In Chamber of Secrets, it's | the bridge that leads to the Confiscated Items | Storeroom.) | | **Card Rewarded: #35, Bowman Wright.** =============================================================================== 3. | LOST: One pair of dragon-hide gloves. | | "Last known location: near the Lake. If found, please | return to this notice board." Dragon-Hide |--------------------------------------------------------- Gloves | This book is located by the edge of the Lake closer | towards the castle. (In Chamber of Secrets, it is in | the same location as the parcel of robes.) | | **Card Rewarded: #51, Ethelred the Ever-Ready.** =============================================================================== 4. | LOST: Telescope | | "Dropped from the Astronomy Tower, seen somewhere on the | rooftops. If found, please return to this notice | board." Telescope |--------------------------------------------------------- | **YOU NEED THE NIMBUS 2000 TO GET THIS ITEM** | The telescope is on the largest rooftop right above the | castle's entrance. (In Chamber of Secrets, it is on | the same rooftop where you found the Golden Telescope.) | | **Card Rewarded: #96, Hengist of Woodscroft.** =============================================================================== 5. | LOST: Toad | | (Answers to the name of Trevor. Property of Neville | Longbottom.) "Last seen near the Herbology greenhouses. | If found, please return to this notice board." Trevor, the Toad |--------------------------------------------------------- | You can find Trevor near the left wall of the | Greenhouse. (The wall facing Hagrid's hut.) | ON THE CASTLE GROUNDS...NOT IN THE GREENHOUSES. | | **Card Rewarded: #2, Cornelius Agrippa.** =============================================================================== 6. | LOST: Wizard's hat. | | "Fell off during a broomstick ride to the Quidditch | stadium. If found, please return to this notice board." |--------------------------------------------------------- Wizard's Hat | From the castle's entrance outside, go through the | tunnel, and hug to the left side of the wall. Follow | this wall until you reach a corner where the hat is | located. (You should be on a dirt road.) | | **Card Rewarded: #23, Glenda Chittock.** =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ~*~ *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* XI. Fred and George's Shop *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* Fred and George's shop is located behind a portrait in the Reading Room on the seventh floor. The shop is only open for business during the night...but not always. (ex., shop is closed on the fourth night) If you're too lazy to search the castle for dungbombs or stink pellets, you can always spend a few beans to buy these Weasley Wheezes in their shop. Here is a diagram of Fred and George's shop. _________ [TB] contains --> |[TB] | card #38 | | Chauncy Oldridge | | | | | | |(6) | | | ________| |________ / \ / (4) \________________________ /(3) | / | / ______ | / / \ | | / \ | |(2) ( ) | | \ / | | \______/ _______________________| \ (?) / \ / \ (1) (5)/ \ / \ / \_______________| |_/ | | Portrait/Crawl space "Pig Snout" (7th Floor Reading Room) ~*~ ===================================================== | +++Shop Item List+++ | ===================================================== ----------------------------------------------------- | Number | Item | Cost | |===================================================| | (1) | Stink Pellets | 20 Beans | |---------------------------------------------------| | (2) | Wizard Card #97 | 30 Beans | | | (Alberic Grunnion) | | |---------------------------------------------------| | (3) | Dungbombs | 20 Beans | |---------------------------------------------------| | (4) | Wizard Card #69 | 50 Beans | | | (Bertie Bott) | | |---------------------------------------------------| | (5) | Wizard Card #47 | 30 Bean | | | (Edgar Stroulgar) | | |---------------------------------------------------| | (6) | Bean Pouch | 50 Beans | |---------------------------------------------------| | (?) | Mystery Grab | 10 Beans | | | (Possible Items may | | | | include: Dungbombs, | | | | Pumpkin Pasties, and | | | | Chocolate Frog.) | | ----------------------------------------------------- ~*~ *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* XII. Frequently Asked Questions *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* Q. Is this game worth buying? A. If you like Harry Potter, then yes. But if you're not sure, you should rent this game first before deciding whether or not you should purchase it. Q. How do you END DAY? A. Once you have completed all tasks for the day/night, you can choose the END DAY option in your Remembrall Menu, in the TASKS section. Q. What is a "Brazier"? A. Definition for "Brazier": (n) A pan for holding burning coal. And a.k.a. torches. Q. I can't find Notice Board lost item #____. A Please refer to section X. Gryffindor Notice Board Items. Q. Notice Board lost item #____ is not at the location specified in the faq. A. First, make sure the notice for the lost item is saved into your inventory. (Just read the notice from the board.) If it's not, then the item will not appear at all. Also, make sure you're searching for the items in the order listed in section X. Gryffindor Notice Board Items. Q. I keep getting caught by Prefects! How do you avoid them?! A. Here are some tips for sneaking past Prefects. 1) DO NOT RUN! They can hear your footsteps if you do. 2) Use spells, Stink Pellets, Dungbombs as diversion or distractions. 3) Keep your distance. 4) Use bookshelves to peek around corners. * When you're trying to get to the Restricted Section of the Library, you have a bit of advantage with the Invisibility Cloak. When a Prefect is coming your way, just have Harry push his back against the wall. 90% of the time the Prefects will pass by without suspecting a thing. However, if they run into you, that's a totally different story. * Q. Can you open the Portrait Room on the ground floor? A. Good question! Haven't been able to figure that one out myself either~! Q. Can I kill Peeves? A. No, he's not among the living. Casting a Lumos spell does nothing to him. Q. What do you get for collecting all 101 cards? A. You don't get anything for completing your card collection. HOWEVER, for every 20 cards you find, you get an extra bar of health. (So you can have 5 health bars from collecting cards, plus the health bar you start with... which makes it a grand total of 6 health bars!) Q. Where is the dungeon? A. Ground floor, across the Great Hall. -------------------------------------------------- -> To Grand ===============\ /================= Staircase | \ Stairs / | | \ / | | \ / | | \ / | | | | - | | | | Locked | - | | ---- | <--Dungeons | ---- | | - | | -> Great Hall /-- - Broom Closet -> ( | \-- | | | | H H H H | H = Hourglass | | ------------| |------------- ======== Q. Where do I find potion ingredient _______? A. Please refer to section VIII. Locations of Potion Ingredients Q. Is there anywhere else to refill potion vials? A. You can refill the WIGGENWELD POTION in a room on the second floor. Next to the door labeled "Library" (Reading Room) is an open hallway. Go through this hallway and enter the first room you come across. There should be two imps in this room and a cauldron towards the back. I didn't find any cauldrons to refill the ANTIDOTE FOR COMMON POISONS. Please e-mail if you know! Q. Is the Confiscated Items Room accessible in this game? A. Nope. Q. How do you get more house points? A. Complete all challenges or lessons with full marks and/or a distinction. Q. Can you get more than 88% completion? A. So far, I only know one person who got more than 88% (91%). How?! I have no idea! Please email me if you got anything higher than 88%. ~*~ *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* XIII. Email and Contact Information *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* ! ! ! PLEASE READ BEFORE E-MAILING ! ! ! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me! BUT FIRST...before you send your e-mail, make sure your questions are regarding the PS2 version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and not other platforms. Please be as specific as you can with your questions. For example, don't ask a question such as: "How do I get the book, A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry"? There are many steps required to answer this question. To what point have you played up to? Are you in the restricted section, or are you in the room where the spell book is? Please provide as much information as you can so I can better answer your question(s). * Please read this guide before asking for help. If you ask a question that I've already answered in this FAQ/guide, your question will be disregarded. I usually reply e-mails within a day, but if I don't, please be patient~! Thanks for reading my FAQ! Email me at: sueunyin@yahoo.com ~*~ *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* XIV. Credits *-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-*-===-* Many thanks to EA Games for making this game. Many, MANY thanks to J.K. Rowling for writing the Harry Potter books and creating such amazing characters. ALSO, I would like to thank the following: * Valerie and Adian for their continuous support. * Liam (Trollinthedungeon) for the help on card locations. AND FINALLY... * Mewtang for reviewing and editing this FAQ. (c) Copyright 2004 gamefreak614