<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Harry Potter & The Philosopher’s Stone (XBOX) Complete Walkthrough Version 2.0 By Kathryn Mintram (kmintram78@yahoo.com) 25th April 2004 Contents Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Controls Chapter 3 Walkthrough Chapter 4 Side Quests 4.1 Challenges Revisited 4.2 Witches & Wizard Cards 4.3 Lost & Found 4.4 Folio Bruti Pages Chapter 5 Information 5.1 Items 5.2 Spells 5.3 Fred & George’s Shop 5.4 Enemies & Magical Creatures Chapter 6 Questions & Answers (FAQs) Chapter 7 Credits & Thanks Chapter 8 Copyright ******************************************************************************* Chapter 1 Introduction ******************************************************************************* Here we are another Harry Potter game as great as the one before it. It is a little strange playing the first one after the second one but I enjoyed it none the less and I think EA games side-stepped this problem nicely. The first walkthrough I wrote was for Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets because while playing the game I noticed there were no walkthroughs for it on the XBOX. As I enjoyed the other one so much, naturally I bought this straight away and again, found no walkthrough for it, so here it is. This game is as enjoyable as the last despite a few changes, some for the better, and some for the worse. For example, there are no Quidditch matches in this game, save one and even then it is not a real match, it is only there because it is important to the story line and you don’t even get to play till the end. Some will say that the lack of Quidditch is a good thing if they found it difficult or a hindrance but personally I miss playing for the Quidditch Cup. Another distinct difference is the collecting of witches and wizard cards. Although this is still a large part of the game it is made easier by being able to find packs of cards and collecting infinite doubles that you can traded with plenty of students around the school for those that you need in a good old game of swappsies. It is a far less specific way of getting all your cards and does make this task a lot easier and quicker to get all 101. Personally I thought the way they did it in the chamber of secrets worked just fine and I can’t see why they changed it, this seems to make it too easy and therefore not at all satisfying, if you know what I mean, not a change I like at all! The last and most noticeable change between the games is the lessons and spell challenges. Some classes will be repeated for separate spells, i.e. charms class needs to be attended twice for the Spongify spell and then for the Incendio spell. Some challenges will also need to be done a second time if you want to up your grades and house points to end the game with a perfect all round. With each challenge I will include two parts, how to get through the first time and then how to get through again but get all the challenge shields for top marks, once you have the necessary spells to do so. You can find the second part of these challenges in chapter 4. Despite the changes this game equals its predecessor on playability. The games are much alike, a fact that I definitely find to be a pro rather than a con. If you liked the chamber of secrets then you’ll love this one. Let’s just hope that when the third one comes out in May that it will meet the standards set by these ones. I must also warn you that this walkthrough does contain spoilers. ******************************************************************************* Chapter 2 Controls ******************************************************************************* Left Analogue Sneak/Walk/Run Right Analogue Look around A Button Action (i.e. Grab, release) B,X & Y Assign spells, pellets or dungbombs then use Select Rememberall Start Pause/Options menu Options Menu Continue Save Game Flying Control Normal/Reversal Camera Control Normal/Reverse Vibration On/Off Subtitles On/Off Sound Effects Volume 10-100 Music Volume 10-100 Speech Volume 10-100 Quit to main menu ******************************************************************************* Chapter 3 Walkthrough ******************************************************************************* ~~~Day One~~~ So here we are, day one and the game begins with you in Mr Ollivander’s shop, purchasing your new wand. The one you want is behind the platform that is in front of you, holly and phoenix feather. Pick it up and go up onto the platform then press X,B or Y to use your wand. When Mr Ollivander is satisfied and had his little say he will lead you into the next room. Walk forward and stand by the crate to the left of the barrels, the hint will tell you how to wall sneak so do that now. Shuffle along to the next platform and jump onto the large platform of crates right in front of you. You can drop down here onto the floor and a ladder will be lowered for you to be able to get back up but before you do, collect the beans that are under the platform you entered the room in. You can then collect the beans at the foot of the ladder and climb back up. Pick the beans up here then jump across to the next platform, timing your jump of course so you don’t get hit by the swinging hook. Do this again until you are right across the room then wall sneak along avoiding the wand boxes as they stick out of the wall. Don’t worry if the boxes do knock you off, Harry will keep hold of the ledge with one hand and then pull himself back up allowing you to move on. When you step away from the wall, walk forward collecting the beans then jump past the swinging hook to the next platform. Harry will grab it by the tip of his fingers and pull himself up so collect the beans then walk over and pick up the spell book by Mr Ollivander. This will give you your first spell, Flipendo, assign it to a button of your choice then follow Mr Ollivander into the next room. Start by Flipendo-ing the jars on the bookcases and collecting the beans that are released from them, and then break the jar on the floor in the opening of the crawl space. Ignore the Flipendo pad that appears for now and go through the crawl space to find a chest. Open it up and you will be rewarded with your first wizard card, number 52, Felix Summerbee. Go back through the crawl space and Flipendo the pad that you revealed earlier to unlock the door. Before you go through the door however, search the bookcases for four beans. You can now enter the next room. In here Mr Ollivander will set you the task of hitting the three shields with your Flipendo. Target the top one first then work your way down until all three have been turned. When you have done this the base will open revealing the first page for your Folio Bruti, all about imps. When the door opens two imps will run in, Flipendo one and pick it up, walk over to one of the cages on the left side of the room until the A button says place. When it does hit the A button to drop the imp into the cage. Do this with both of them. With this done Mr Ollivander will ask you to follow him again but before you do, use the closed cages to get up to the two ledges behind them. On the first ledge you will find two chests with health items inside and on the second there is a chest with a wizard card number 89 inside. When you have these you can enter the next room but don‘t forget to search the bookshelves for three beans. Mr Ollivander will shout over the loud contraption in the centre of the room to ask you to Flipendo the pad on the thingamabob. Target the pad and follow it round while continuously Flipendo-ing it and after about four hits it will lock into place in the ceiling. This will then reveal to you another book which will allow Harry to charge his spells before releasing them, so go and pick it up. When you have done this you will have to repeat the Flipendo thing again but this time you need to stand still and charge your spell while you wait for the pad to come round to you. When it does release your spell and when you have hit the pad with three good Flipendos it will lock into place again which will earn you wizard card number 41 from Mr Ollivander. After that you will go back to the front of the shop and meet Hagrid again, then it’s off to Hogwarts at last. ~~~Night One~~~ After many cut scenes you will find yourself in the main hall of Hogwarts, all you have to do is follow Percy up the stairs and to the right then enter the door he stops next to. Once again follow him up the grand staircase and half way up you will be introduced to Peeves, not much to worry about with him so continue up until you are at the top then enter the door. Keep following Percy and you will find yourself at the portrait of the fat lady, or big boned lady if you want to be political. There isn't a lot to do at this stage of the game but you can have a look around to familiarize yourself with your surroundings by all means. When you are ready enter the portrait. Walk forward until you find Ron and after a brief chat you will be set the task of trying to sneak past Percy to get to Fred and George’s shop. Before you go, go through the archway opposite the door of the reading room and break the jar for a few beans which should give you an even 50 ready to spend in their shop. You can also open the chest in here for card #24. When you have these items go across and enter the reading room then walk forward a little way until you get a better view of the room and can see where Percy is. It takes a little bit of getting used to, to get past Percy but after a bit of practice you will get used to it, especially after he has chucked you out a few dozen times. When you are in the shop you can buy what you want but I recommend buying the bean carrying bag so you can carry more beans and halve the amount of times you have to try and get past Percy coz believe me, that gets annoying. There is also a chest by the bean carrying bag with card # 38. When you have perused their wares and are happy you can leave the shop and try to sneak past Percy again to get back to the t he is not quick enough to catch you. When you get outside Ron says he’s off to bed follow him through the common room up to the dormitory. When you reach the top of the tower you can end your first day. Well done. ~~~Day Two~~~ Your second day begins with the sunshine pouring in through the windows and you stood alone in the dormitory. Go downstairs to the common room and you will find out what your first lesson of the day is. While Hermione is chatting with you she will bring your attention to the lost and found board, use this to return items from around the grounds and you will be rewarded with wizard cards. The best time to look for lost and found items is during the day as you can walk around freely without prefects hindering your progress. Be warned though, items on the lost and found board will not appear until you have read the board, (for more information please see chapter four). When you are ready for your first lesson go over to Ron and after a short cut scene you need to follow him all the way down to the dungeon for your first Potions lesson. Before you can get there however you are delayed in the main hall by Professor McGonagall for a little lecture on house points, when she’s done carry on down to your lesson. Once again before you actually get to your lesson you are stopped by a cut scene, this time you are introduced to Malfoy, after a little back and forth you are finally free to enter the classroom, it’s a miracle you never got deducted any house points for being late. Anyway potions are very straight forward , just listen to Snape go on for a bit and you will be given a list of ingredients to get for your next lesson, don’t worry there’s time for that later. When you have the list its lesson over, if only they were that short in real life eh? After potions it’s onto Defense Against the Dark Arts, just follow Hermione. When you get to the classroom you will be set your first spell challenge, Lumos. ~~~Lumos Challenge~~~ As soon as you start there is another page for your Folio Bruti on your right so pick that up. Ignore the tapestry on your right as you can’t get past this until you have another spell. Walk forward into the next room and if need be open the chest on your right for a cauldron cake. When your ready wall sneak on the broken ledge to the left of the door being careful to avoid the moving blocks. When you’re across a cut scene will deal with the majority of the imps leaving you with just one to contend with so Flipendo him and place him in the cage provided. With this done a challenge shield will appear, pick it up. Use the chest by the cage for a health item if need be then jump across the broken bridge. Don’t worry about the falling bits at the other side; Harry will grab the edge before you plummet to your death. When you’re across enter the door in front of you. This room is quite simple and a nice easy one to break you in with. Walk forward to the light in the centre of the room then walk off to the right. Go up the ladder and grab the block up there. You can probably see exactly where the block needs to go but before you put it in the hole, move it over to the ledge by the pillar and use it to get up to a chest worth a health item if you need it. When you’re ready put the block into the hole and it will open the flaps in the centre of the room. Climb back down the ladder and jump across to the ledge left of the alcove you were just in. Flipendo the imp that is in a little niche just above you then walk along the platform opening the chests for two health items and an owl treat in the middle chest. Continue to the end of the platform and Flipendo a second imp in another niche above you then jump the next gap. Climb the ladder here and do exactly as you just did in the last alcove. Move the block over to the ledge first and use it to get up to some beans and another health chest. Now move it into the hole to reveal an owl perch. Go back to the centre of the room and call Hedwig to the perch then feed her the owl treat you collected earlier. When she has had her fill she will drop down a ladder for you to use but before you go up it, drop down to the floor of the room below you and find the two imps you knocked down just now. Do your thing with them and place each one in a cage so you can get to the ledges behind, one contains a challenge shield and wizard card #18 and the other has your third challenge shield and a health item. To get back up to the ladder you must head towards the Flipendo pad sitting on the outer wall between two burning torches, Flipendo this and part of the upper level will drop down for you to walk back up to the owl perch and ladder. Now just climb the ladder to the next room. Up here there are two imps standing on the bookcases so you should know what to do with them by now. When both of them are in there cages the door at the other end of the room will unlock allowing you to exit, but before you go c heck behind the second bookcase for another shield, then enter the next room. When the door has closed behind you pick up the spell book and the bars in front of you will sink away. Assign Lumos to a button and then light it. Walk along the wall to the left of the door, (if you were facing it) and Lumos will show you the floor boards to avoid. In the corner you will find a door, go through. Pick up the beans and open the chest for the health item if you need it then open the gold chest for card # 98. When you’re ready leave the room and light Lumos again. Follow the next wall along and when you are almost at the illuminated doorway a hidden panel will be revealed by Lumos, push it and enter. In here there are two ghosts, to get rid of them you simply have to shine Lumos on them a few times. Each time you get a hit they will disappear and reappear somewhere else in the room, just hit them again and after you have hit them about four times each they’re done for. When you have disposed of them a challenge shield will appear as will a Flipendo pad. Pick up the shield and hit the pad which will open the doorway at the far end of the next room. Open the chests in here for health item if you need it then go back out into the previous room. Light Lumos once more and continue to follow the wall along past the door and pick up the shield, behind that there is another hidden panel so push it and go through. All you need to do in here is hop up to the block on the upper ledge in here and push it off so it lands on the floor, then pull it along until it slips into the hole. With this done the last door opens allowing you to walk through the hall, picking up the beans as you go and go through the next archway. Walk to the end of the platform and then turn around so you are facing the arch you just came through. To the left of it is a Flipendo pad so hit that and a statue will be lifted up behind you. All you have to do here is shine Lumos on the statue and he will reveal some hidden platforms for you. Jump onto the first one then across to the next and turn to your right. Jump to the platform there and go through the door. Walk forward and get the challenge shield and open the chest if you need to then go back out. Climb the rest of the platforms to the top of the room and pick up the last shield. Now simply go through the crawl space, pick up the beans and walk to the dark end of the room. Light Lumos to reveal the panel and walk through. Now all you have to do is go back through the crawl space here to return to the classroom. Professor Quarrel will give you a B which will earn your house 30 points. Don't worry yet about getting the perfect grades as you need other spells to get this. You can come back later to repeat the challenge and get full marks later when you have the right spells. For now just leave the class room. ~~~Flying Practice~~~ Outside Ron will tell you it’s time for your flying lessons so follow him out into the grounds. Madam Hooch will be teaching you to fly, it’s fairly simple when you get the hang of it but it can be frustrating to start. After she has taught you to fly she will set you an exam. You need to fly through as many rings as you can in the set time. Ignore her when she says you can’t afford to miss anymore as I missed 14 rings and still managed to get a distinction. If however you get a low grade and want to improve it just speak to Madam Hooch and she will give you a chance to improve your grade. After Neville has fallen from his broom you and Malfoy pass a few words then you need to chase him around the grounds on your broom. You don’t need to catch him; you just need to catch up to him. When you do another cut scene or two will ensue so sit back and relax for a moment. When they’re done follow Ron and he will lead you to Hagrid’s hut. If you lose Ron try keeping your eyes open for Hedwig, she will lead you there too. More cut scenes follow then Hagrid says you can use his garden to find your potions ingredients. ~~~Hagrid’s Garden~~~ Enter the garden and turn left at the fountain. Go through the door and take a look around. On the shelves you will find some jars for some beans and there is a chest in the corner for some health if you need it. When you have cleaned up head up the stairs and break the jars up here so you can collect the beans when you come back down then go through the crawl space. Open the chest for card # 12 then go back through the crawl space and down the stairs. Collect the beans then stand at the bottom of the stairs and face the wall then light Lumos to reveal a hidden panel. Walk outside and follow the trail round until you find another crawl space leading into a cave. Open the chest for a cauldron cake if needed and exit through the crawl space opposite the one you came in through. Follow the trail once again and you will have your first encounter with gnomes. You can deal with these in more or less the same way as imps, Flipendo them and pick them up when they are down. When you have your first gnome take him behind the large tree on the left and you will find a hole. Get close enough to the hole so the A button says throw down hole and do it. Do this with all three gnomes and the bars in front of the Lumos statue will disappear, you know what to do. Go over and Lumos the statue and he will show you his platform. You can get on it in two ways, one is to run down the hill then back up towards the platform and Harry will jump up and grab it and the second is to use the ledge at the far end of the shed to get onto the roof and jump across that way. Either way get onto the platform and look to the left of the shed where you should see a gold chest and a little ledge leading to it, jump across and wall sneak over to the chest to get card # 10. Get back onto the platform either by dropping down and jumping back up to it or wall sneaking back across then jumping to it. Whichever way you choose, when you get onto it you will see a second one, jump to that and when your feet touch the platform the first one will disappear and another will be revealed. As you jump from each platform to another, this will keep happening so follow them round until you can jump onto the grassy ledge that leads behind the waterfall. Inside this cave off to the left there is a little plant with white flowers, walk over and pick it up and you have your first ingredient, asphodel. When you have picked the plant four more gnomes appear but don’t fret, there is a purpose. Drop back down outside the waterfall and dispose of these gnomes as you did the last and when the last one has dropped, the bars in front of the gold chest will be gone. Go over and open it up to be rewarded with card # 17. When you have got this card follow your trail back and leave the garden as this is the only ingredient you can get at this time. Outside if you talk to Ron he says it’s time for bed but before you go this is an ideal time to collect beans without a problem so when you have ended the day you can go straight to Fred & George’s shop and spend away. Don’t forget the lost and found as well, as the more cards you get the more health you get. When all is said and done end the day, phew that was a long one! ~~~Night Two~~~ The nights in this place can be a pain because of the prefects walking around just giving you hell, and as each night passes it gets tougher. I normally can’t wait to get them over with and get onto the next day. However the first night is not too bad. You will start your night up in the dormitory alone as usual so go down through the common room and into the hall beyond that to find Ron. It’s time for your wizard’s duel with Malfoy. After the cut scene you need to leave Gryffindor Tower but I would advise you to go and spend your beans first as you will be facing ghosts in a minute and you don’t want to lose the beans it has taken you so long to collect. When you’re ready, leave the tower and you will meet Ron and Hermione outside for another cut scene. When this is done you will need to follow Ron to the trophy room to meet Malfoy. When you get there Malfoy is ready for you but unfortunately he has a little trick in store. By the time he is done you are in the hidden corridor and on the run from Snape, The only way out is locked but you can open the door by finding the Alohomora spell book. Go through the crawl space shown to you by Hermione and you will find yourself in the library. Walk forward to the alcove that sits between the two sets of stairs and you will see the book sitting on it’s stand, pick it up. Assign your spell and close the book. When you have, two ghosts will come into the library so get rid of them with your Lumos spell. When they are gone a chest will appear with card # 78. Pick up the card go back to Ron and Hermione through the crawl space. Unlock the door with your new spell and go through it in the nick of time before Snape comes. After seeing Snape having a saunter, go across the corridor and go through the door that your friends are stood by. On the other side Hermione will show you what door to go through, unfortunately it’s the wrong one and you come face to face with Fluffy. After the cut scene you will be back in the other room and Hermione will show you the right door to go through. You will find yourself on the 3rd floor and all you need to do now get back to Gryffindor Tower and end your day. ~~~Day Three~~~ Go down to the common room and you will find that your first lesson is charms with Professor Flitwick so follow them down to the 2nd floor and enter the classroom they are stood outside of. ~~~Spongify Challenge~~~ When Professor Flitwick has set you your task and you have gone through the crawl space, your second challenge begins. You will be able to see another page for your Folio Bruti right in front of you when you start, so pick that up then walk through the doorway in front of you. Flipendo the fire crab to your right as you enter then keep Flipendo-ing it so that it bounces along the floor and will eventually fall down the gap. Walk around the central pillar and you will find another crab, do the same to this one and a chest will be revealed with a wizard card pack inside. When you are ready go up the staircase and pick up the spell book at the top. When you have assigned your spell, go around the other side of the wall behind the spell book and you will see an alcove with two flaming bowls in it. Stand in there and light Lumos to reveal a hidden panel, push it and go through. Shoot down the imp then hit him again so you can pick him up and put him in his cage. Now use the cage to pull yourself up to the ledge behind and get a challenge shield and a health item if you need it. Drop back down and go back into the room that had the spell book. Walk around the outside wall again until you find another alcove and light Lumos to reveal the panel, push it and go in. In this one you need to move the block over so you can use it to pull yourself up to the ledge above and get another challenge shield and stock up on health if you need to. With all this done go back out into the first room and go down the passageway that leads off from this room. Pull yourself up onto the ledge when you get there and use Spongify on the pad on the floor, then walk over it so it will spring you up onto the higher ledge. Don’t forget the challenge shield that is on the wall you just jumped over then move the block over to the crawl space and go through it. This room is a bit of a pain as you must not forget anything on the way up. When you go up you can’t come back down or it kills you, nice! Anyway first job on the agenda is to dispose of the ghosts with your Lumos so do that. With them gone you will be shown a Spongify pad in the floor so do the magic and jump up to the next level. Go through the door and get the frog if you need it then follow the passage right round into the room at the end. Use Spongify on the pad on the floor and jump to the ledge. Up here is another shield and a chest with card # 75. Collect both then go back out through the door. Go up the stairs and use the Spongify pad to jump onto the pillar that juts out from the central column, then use Flipendo on the pad on the wall of the pillar. This will raise your platform up to a new level and reveal another Spongify pad. Do your stuff and get up to the ledge just above you. Head up the stairs and jump the gap you reach at the top to get over to the platform you can see from here. Go up the next flight of stairs and use Alohomora to enter the door at the top. Follow this passage to it’s end and Flipendo the crab until it falls into oblivion. This will cause a block to drop from the ceiling. Before you go over to it, walk to the edge of the path you are on, being careful not to fall off of course, and Flipendo the pad that you can see on the far wall. This will lower the bars blocking the Lumos statue meaning you can now walk back to it and move the block over to the alcove it is sitting on and pull yourself up to it. When you have done this light Lumos and a platform will be revealed by the Flipendo pad you just hit. Walk back over there and jump onto the platform. Either side of this platform are two more alcoves, the one on your left contains a challenge shield and a gold chest with card # 8 and the one on the right contains another gold chest with card # 27. When you have them both go back to the block and move it to the hole in the floor. When this is done the pillar outside the door will light and the central platform will rotate to your side of the room. Leave this room and walk forward, then hit the Flipendo pad on the central pillar again. Once again it will move you around the room but the Spongify pad remains hidden this time, although there is another one just beyond that one. Ignore this pad for now and turn to your left where you will see another platform that you can jump to, be careful with this one though as I usually miss it at least once. When you are across enter the door. Follow the passage once more and you will find some imps at the other end, deal with them and climb up to the ledges above their cages. Light Lumos at the statue in the right hand alcove to reveal his platforms and collect the health item from the left hand alcove if you need it. Drop back down and face the wall that is blocking your way. Pull yourself onto it but don’t jump off the other side without looking where you are going. Collect the shield then hop down from the middle of the wall and you will land safely on the platform below. Pick up the next shield that’s right in front of you then turn round to face the wall you just jumped over. Hit the Flipendo pad and the bars beside you will rise letting two fire crabs out. Get rid of them both and a block will fall from the ceiling, move it into the hole in the floor. This raises the central platform once more so go back out the door you came in through. Jump back across to the platform you were on before and use the Spongify pad to get onto the raised platform. Turn to face the outside wall and use the Spongify pad to get up to the ledge above you, you will find yourself at the foot of two flights of stairs, go up the right hand side first. Go through the arch at the top and light Lumos for the statue in there. As there is nothing else to do in here go back down the stairs and up the other side.All that’s left to do now is jump onto the green platform then walk forward and exit through the crawl space. You will get a good grade for that but it can be improved upon later when you have more spells. After you have completed the challenge and been graded, Professor Flitwick will pass on a reminder from Snape about your ingredients so head on down to Hagrid’s garden, (with a lecture from Snape along the way). Before entering the garden walk over to Ron and Hagrid and have a nice little chat, then go over to the garden gate. ~~~Hagrid’s Garden~~~ Enter the garden and go into the stone building you went in the first time you were here. Inside you will find an Alohomora door that you are now able to unlock, do this and go through to find a greenhouse on your right. Go in there and you will see the second ingredient you need, dittany. When you pick it up a bunch of Doxies will fly down and bug you to hell. You can get rid of these with a couple of well aimed Flipendo but it is not necessary as you are not rewarded for your trouble. You can now go back out to the fountain and find the Spongify pad beside the building you just came out of. Use the pad to jump up to the gap between the stone building and garden wall and follow the trail round to a crawl space that leads into a cave. Go in and look around until you can see the Folio Bruti page, pick it up and then leave through the other crawl space that you haven’t used yet. Follow this path round and you will come out by a large dead tree with a hole in it’s side, in this hole is a Bowtruckle. To kill these you need to use Flipendo just like you do for most other enemies. One good hit will sort them out but it’s hard to get them targeted properly so it may take a few attempts, you need to avoid the things they throw at you so be careful. When you’re ready use the Spongify pad to get over the tree root and there is another Bowtruckle in a hole, deal with this one and use this Spongify pad to get over the next root. On this side there is a hole with two Bowtruckles, clear them out. When your way is clear, head across the bridge and walk up to the gap in the wall of the big hollow tree. In here you will see three Bowtruckles and they are standing in front of your final ingredient. Get rid of the Bowtruckles then jump across and pick it up. If you want some health drop down into the gap you just jumped over, if not just jump back across and make your way out of the garden. When you are outside you can choose to end the day or look around as you please. ~~~Night Three~~~ Another night, another challenge, although this one is also not that bad, all you have to do is beat up a fully grown troll. No, it’s not as bad as it sounds but we’ll get to that later. For now just walk down to the common room and talk to Ron. Follow him down to the great hall and make the most of your dinner as it’s about to be interrupted. While you are enjoying the lovely Halloween feast Professor Quirrell comes in screaming like a girl about a troll. Unfortunately Hermione doesn’t know about the troll so it’s Harry to the rescue. Head up to the second floor and enter the girl’s bathroom. Inside you will see your first troll but they’re not as tough as they look. To beat the troll you need to Spongify one of the pads and wait for the troll to start swinging his club above his head. Just when he is about to bring it down on your head use the pad to jump clear leaving the troll to hit the pad and have his club bounce back up and hit himself over the head. Five hits like this and he’s out cold but watch out for the rocks he will sometimes throw and get out of the way if he brings down his club without swinging it above his head first as it sends out a shock-wave that will hurt you if you are caught in it. When he is gone open the chest that appears in the middle of the room for card # 6 and use the Spongify pads to get up on top of the toilet cubicles to open the chests. If you are having trouble getting up to the gold chest that’s right in the middle then aim to catch the ledge either to the left or right of the door, when you get it open the chest has card # 68. When you are ready go over towards Hermione and slip through the rubble to face the music. When all is said and done, end your night and prepare for the next day. ~~~Day Four~~~ Go downstairs and talk to Hermione who tells you it’s time for potions, thankfully we have all the ingredients so go down to the dungeon and listen to yet another lecture. When Snape has finished he will leave you with another list of ingredients to collect but now is not the time. Fill your potion vial with Wiggenweld potion, this will come in handy later then leave the dungeon. Time for another spell challenge and this one takes place in the Herbology greenhouse so go outside and head over towards Hagrid’s but take the left fork in the path and that will lead you to the greenhouse, go in and let your next challenge commence. ~~~Diffindo Challenge~~~ Walk through the door in front of you and pick up the Folio Bruti page beside the exit. You will have to ignore the tapestry on your right because even though you are going to get the spell that can deal with these, you will not have a chance to come back to it. You will have to wait until you can repeat the challenge. Go out through the door and you will find yourself faced with another troll, deal with this one in the same way you did the last. When he is defeated a tree will fall providing you with a bridge, before you cross though don’t forget to pick up the shield that is now by the door you came out through. Walk onto the bridge but don’t cross it all the way, drop down and get the gnome. Drop him into the hole at the end of the path then get the other one and do the same. When they are gone, walk to the other end of the path and pick up the challenge shield, you can then walk back to the other end and use the tree root to get back up and cross the bridge properly. Follow the path and jump over the two fallen tree trunks. Stop before the trunk that is resting above your head and you will see the Flipendo pad on its side, hit it and it will sort out those Horklumps for you. Ignore the shield surrounded by the remaining Horklumps for now as you can’t get rid of these ones yet, just follow the path round until you come to another bridge, drop down here. At one end of the path is a perch for Hedwig and at the other is a chest with an owl treat. Get the treat out of the chest then walk into the dark corner behind the chest and light Lumos, you will see a hidden panel in the brick wall, push it and you will find a gold chest with card # 19. Take the owl treat down to the perch and call Hedwig then give her the treat, (don’t forget to get the shield that’s on your right on your way to the perch). When Hedwig has had her fill she will fan away the pile of leaves by her perch to uncover a Lumos statue, you should know the drill by now. He will light up some platforms that you can now use to get back up to where you were, then cross the bridge. When you get across you will see the Diffindo spell book but it is being guarded by two Gytrashes, use Lumos on them in the same way you do the ghosts and they will be gone in no time leaving you free to pick up the spell book. Assign the spell then target the ropes on the bridge. Hit them with your new spell and it will cut straight through them bringing down the bridge for you It will also bring down two gnomes but after trolls they’re nothing now so get rid of them in the hole provided then open the new chest and get card # 57. Before going up the bridge walk over to the opposite corner and you will find a group of Horklumps, hit one with Flipendo then when it has shrunk in size, get it with Diffindo. Do this with each of the Horklumps and they are gone for good. Okay now you know what to do with Horklumps walk back across the bridge you came over on and back track to the Horklumps you passed earlier and dispose of them to get the shield. Now you can go up the bridge you just lowered. At the top you need to stand on the platform that is being held up by a rope and use Diffindo. This will cause you to fall but don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt. Run around the tree until you can find a shield hidden behind a root, then leave through the tunnel in the rock-face. You will come out by another troll and an open space that has a sort of assault course theme to it. First things first, get rid of the troll. Empty the chest that you get when he’s out cold and you will get card # 26. When you have done that walk past the sleeping troll and follow the path round until you find a grassy ramp. Go up this and you will see a shield in a nook, pick it up. Continue on round the tree and you will find another shield, when you have picked that up go back to the opening of the tunnel you came in through. Take a stroll down the other side of the tree and jump over the tree root blocking your path. On your right is another chest with card # 87. Finally go back to the tunnel opening one more time. Go up the ramp that starts at the tunnels mouth and turn left. Jump the gap and follow the ledge then jump the next gap. Keep going and jump yet another gap so you land onto the tree branch, walk to the end of this and jump off onto the grassy ledge. Turn left here and walk along this ledge until you get to the thrashing roots. Wall sneak past these roots and good luck because I get hit by them nearly every time I do this. When you get past them go on a little way more and get rid of the Horklumps blocking your path. When you are past them there will be another gap to jump so do that then walk to the end of the grassy ledge. You will now be able to jump back onto the tree via anther ledge in front of you then across to another one that has an archway on it. Go through the arch and follow the wooden path up and jump yet another gap! When you reach the end of the path you might be able to see a green verge on your right that you should jump to, but before you do look over the edge of the ledge you are stood on and you will see a chest, hop down and open it for card # 84. When you have this pull yourself back up and jump across to the grassy bit yonder. Get the imp down off his perch and get him in his cage and you will get another shield. As you pick this one up you will be able to see another in the distance behind a Horklump, use Flipendo and Diffindo to get rid of it and pick up the shield. When you have it go through the crawl space the Horklump was blocking. When the crawl space has been blocked off, leave the shed via the doorway and you will come face to face with the Venemous Tentacula oooh! Don’t worry you won’t get to fight it yet as Professor Sprout comes in and ends your challenge. With eight shields you should have some good house points and a good grade. Now all you have to do is leave the greenhouse. Now you can explore or end your day, the choice is yours. ~~~Night Four~~~ It’s Christmas time at Hogwarts and time for a midnight stroll. With your new invisibility cloak you can go and look up Nicholas Flamel in the restricted section. With the aid of your cloak it’s easy enough to get into the section you need. Follow Ron down to the common room and after a cut scene it’s off to the library. Go down to the second floor and enter the library annex. Upon entering you will notice the place is crawling with prefects but you will also be wearing your father’s cloak. You can walk freely about as although they can hear you, they can’t see you, just don’t walk into anyone. Go over towards the main entrance into the library but go right when you reach the door. On this side you will find a grey door that is the entrance into the restricted section, mind the prefect stood in front of the door so slip by him and go inside. In here you have a lot of prefects walking around the bookshelves, find your way to the other end of the room without hitting a prefect along the way and don’t walk directly in front of them or they will see the tip of your wand and kick you out meaning you have to start over. When you reach the far side go through the crawl space, phew! In this room you can move more freely but don’t go too far into the room without emptying the chest there because those bookcases will close behind you and there’s no going back. Open the chest and get card # 25 and get the Folio Bruti page from the corner. When you have both of these items walk forward and the bookcases will close behind you. Oh you’re going to love this room. Run over to the far corner of the room and climb the ladder there then wall sneak across to the next ledge, avoiding the books that are putting themselves away. Climb the next ladder and wall sneak again. When you reach the other side and walk onto the middle of this ledge, the centre bit will rise up and take you to another level, walk to the far end of the ledge you are on and Flipendo the pad on the far side wall. This moves the far platform out a bit meaning Harry can now jump the distance so do so, then wall sneak again! The middle of this next ledge will also rise up and you can jump across to the next platform, just watch out for books as a hit from those can cause you to fall all the way down again. Keep jumping from ledge to ledge around the room until you reach the stone ledge with a tapestry on it. Use Diffindo on the tapestry and go through the doorway. Empty the chests of their health items if you need it and go through the door at the other end of this room. You will now find yourself in a large room with two ghosts, you know the score. When the ghosts are gone a Spongify pad appears, use it and get up to the ledge above. Walk to the right hand side and hit the Flipendo pad then drop back down and go through the newly opened bookcase. Against the wall you will find another Flipendo pad, hit it and the middle of the room will open and bring up another rotating cog device like the one in Mr Ollivander's shop, do to that exactly what you did to the other one. Three hits and the bookcase on the other side of the room will part giving you access to this part of the room but before you go rushing in like a bull at a gate, beware of the prefect that is in there. All you are looking for is a ladder on the end of a bookcase on your left hand side just as you pass the bookcase that opened, climb that and the prefect is non the wiser. Jump across to the Lumos statue on your right and do your stuff. When he has revealed his platforms, climb back down the ladder and run so the prefect doesn’t see you and get back over to the other side of the room where you hit the first Flipendo pad. When you get there pull yourself up onto the platforms and get the book you are after from the stand in the corner on top of the bookcase. Now you have to find your way out of here. Go out through the door you came in by, you’ll know you have the right one because only one will open. When you walk through the room the bookcases will move and reveal another crawl space, use it. When you come out the other side the earlier bookcases will have moved back into place leaving your path clear. You are now wearing the invisibility cloak again and it’s time to get past all those prefects and now Filch too. When you have the safety of the hall again you will get a cut scene so just heave a sigh of relief and sit back for a mo. After you have watched Peeves run off with your book you must chase him up the stairs and into the fifth floor. Go into the classroom that has previously been off limits and get your book back and you can have another breather during a cut scene. All that’s left to do now is end the night. ~~~Day Five~~~ Day Five You start your day at breakfast and finally get your nimbus 2000. Before you can try it out however, you have another charms class and it’s time to get your last spell. Go on up to Professor Flitwick's room and prepare for your last challenge. ~~~Incendio Challenge~~~ Start out by walking up the stairs and into the main room, you will be able to see the spell book but not get to it, don’t worry we’ll get it in a minute. The first thing in front of you will be a shield so pick it up then deal with the fire crab by pushing it off the edge with Flipendo. Keep walking around until you find a Flipendo pad which will bring out a platform beside you, walk across it and shine Lumos onto the statue. You can now use the platforms to get to the upper level so do that now, collecting a challenge shield as you go. When you are up you can pick up another shield between the two small pillars on your right then go back to the fire-spewing hog statue by the green platforms you came up by. Wait until he has just shot a flame out of his mouth, then chase the flame down the path and when you are in the next room, move aside quickly before his next flame comes down after you. Follow the passage round and up the stairs into another room and Spongify the pad on the floor. Use this to propel yourself up to the next ledge being careful to time your jumps between the flames. Repeat the process up to the next ledge and then wall sneak across to another one but mind the flames that come out of the wall. Spongify one last pad and you are at the top of the room. Up here you will find a block, push it over the edge so it falls to the very bottom of the room, then turn around and look for an owl perch on one ledge and two chests on another. Wall sneak over to the chests first and get the owl treat then wall sneak across both walls to get to the perch. Call Hedwig and feed her the treat and she will drop a ladder down so you can reach the bottom of the room the not so painful way, so sneak back across to the other platform and descend the ladder. Get hold of the block you pushed down earlier and put it in the hole in the corner of the room. This will stop the hog in the main room from breathing fire and put him out of action but it will also lock the door to the room you are in and release two fire crabs. You will also notice that a large hole in the floor has appeared so Flipendo the crabs and knock them down that hole, when they are gone the door will be open again. When you have cleared the room, Spongify your way back up the first two pads and you will find a challenge shield on the next platform. Go out the door and directly facing you will be an Alohomora door, do your magic and go through. Open the chest in here and you will get card # 92, you can then go back out and return to the main room. When you get there you will see a Flipendo pad on the belly of the hog that is now facing upwards, hit it and it will lower the first set of bars. After you have lowered the bars, go over and stand by the next hog. Do the same here as you did before and cross the bridge into another room. Follow the passage round until you emerge in a smaller room with two pillars and a flaming grate between the two. You need to cross this grate so wait until the flames have died down then run for your life, (okay so I can be a bit dramatic). To get past these smaller hogs you must Flipendo one and then Flipendo the other as quickly as you can then run past while they are still facing upwards. with this done follow the path once more. When you enter the next room the game will give you a nice glance around. Flipendo the three hogs so you can pass them, then put one imp in the cage and throw the other over the edge, he he. Use the cage to get up to the higher ledge and open the chest for card # 33 then walk back to the opening of this ledge and target the ropes holding that ramp up. Hit them with your Diffindo and go up the newly lowered ramp so you can Diffindo the rope holding that block in place. Yes you guessed it, go back down the ramp and put the block in the hole. This stops the second hog in the main room and releases another two fire crabs, but they can easily go over the edge. When they are gone pick up the challenge shield that appears by the door and go back out into the main room again. Flipendo the belly of the second hog and move on to the last one. Dodge the flames of this hog as you did the others and cross the bridge. A little way down the passage you will come to two tapestries, Diffindo the one on the left and go through the arch to open the chest. When you have got the wizard card pack go back out and carry on up the passage. When you go through the arch at the end keep going and Harry will jump the gap you didn’t know was there and land safely on another ledge. Turn left and jump across to the next ledge then face the wall and light Lumos, push the panel it reveals and enter. Kill the ghost and empty the chest if needed then go back to the central ledge and jump across to the ledge on the other side of the room. Reveal the panel and go in and get the health item if needed, then once again return to the middle ledge. Turn and face up the room and jump across to the ledge then jump to the one on your left. Reveal the panel and inside you will find a Lumos statue, so light Lumos to see his platforms. Before you jump across to his platform, go across the room once more for the last hidden panel where you will find a challenge shield and another ghost, get the shield and get rid of the ghost. You can now go over to the green platform and be lifted up to the top part of the room. Move around the room by running across the grates when the flames are down and you will eventually come across a break in the outside wall giving you an opening to jump through to get to another platform. From there you can turn to your left and see a Flipendo pad in the wall, hit it to release a block. Turn 180 degrees and jump across to the block then put it in the hole. This turns off your last hog and releases two more ghosts on the level below. Work your way back down to them and get shot of them to reopen the door. I now suggest you get the shield and go back to the main room. Flipendo the pad on the belly of the last hog and you are free to get the spell book. After you have picked up the book you will see one of those small pillars ignite giving you a pretty good hint as to what to do next. Use Incendio on the other one and your escape route is made clear. Drop down between the two small pillars to collect the shield and then go down to the bottom level to find another shield across the new bridge then go into the passage beyond that. Follow this round and empty the chests as you need then carry on round to collect your last shield through the open doorway for a perfect grade. Empty the chest to get card # 3 then go back and use the door you passed as you were coming into this room. Now you have to face the Venemous Tentacula. To deal with this you must first target his hands and use Diffindo on them to cut them off. Next target it’s head and hit it with Diffindo to get this plant to open his mouth. When it’s mouth is open hit it with an Incendio. Try to charge your Incendio even just a bit if you can as this will reduce the amount of times you have to repeat this process. Dodge his green spit, (nice), and mind out for the shockwaves from his hands then just keep going until it is dead. When its gone two of the three panels behind it will open revealing torches. Light these torches using Incendio and the crawl space will finally open leaving you free to go. When you have been awarded your grade and house points you can leave the classroom. Out side you are met by a strange looking boy who informs you that you must go to the common room so I suppose you must do as he says, go on up to Gryffindor Tower. After a brief chat with Neville you finally find Nicholas Flamel on the back of a wizard card. When all the chat is over and you have your card, you are given the option of ending the day but now is a good time to revisit the earlier challenges and pick up all the shields that you couldn’t get before, this will up your grades and up your house points ensuring that Gryffindor win the house cup. If you do want to revisit any of the challenges see the next chapter, other wise just end your day. ~~~Night Five~~~ When you enter the common room you will be met by Hedwig with a letter from Hagrid. He invites you down to his hut so you can get an ingredient for Potions. Watch your step when you leave the portrait as there is now a prefect patrolling outside Gryffindor Tower, get past him and go down the staircase. As you can see there are more prefects wandering around the main hall so watch their timing and run when they have each disappeared down either side of the staircase. Run straight across to the door and head outside. There is now only one prefect standing between you and Hagrid’s and he is lurking about outside the tunnel that leads to Hagrid’s hut. Wait until his back is turned then run past him. When you do run out give him a wide berth and try to run as far away from him as possible. When you have cleared him there are two Gytrashes to contend with. I generally find it easier to run away from these and not bother trying to kill them. When you finally reach Hagrid you can watch another cut scene. Follow Hagrid into his garden and he will open up another part of the garden that you have not been in before. If you wish, before entering, you can Diffindo the tapestry by the fountain and a chest is there with card # 38, when you have the card follow Hagrid into the door. When you are inside Hagrid will walk forward and stop, leaving you to roam around at your leisure. Take the path that leads off from Hagrid’s right and get rid of the Horklumps there, then follow the trail when it is clear and Harry will jump down into a clearing. Pick up the frogs if you need them then get rid of the Gytrashes. Clear the Horklumps that are blocking the crawl space then use it. In here you can find the ingredient you are looking for and empty the chest for card # 70. You can then use the crawl space to the right of the one you entered by. Jump down from the ledge and follow the path to the left back towards Hagrid. When you get there you will have a cut scene and your first meeting with Voldermort. Not a great deal happens, just a few more scenes then it’s time to leave the garden again. When you step outside you can end the day rather than trying to sneak past all those prefects again. ~~~Day Six~~~ Back in the common room you can have a nice little chat with Ron about your midnight excursion. When you have brought him up to speed you need to head back outside and go to Hagrid’s garden for the last of your ingredients. ~~~Hagrid’s Garden~~~ When you enter in the garden, remember the tapestry you cut down last night, cut it down again and this time the way is not blocked by a chest. Follow the path and go through the crawl space to enter, surprise surprise, another cave. Pick up the Folio Bruti pages and leave through the other crawl space, the dark one. Keep going round and up the stairs then take the right hand flight of stairs. Go right again at the next fork in the path and you will find a Flobberworm, now to get his mucus. Flipendo the Flobberworm to move it in the same way you would a fire crab, and take it back to the fork you just came from. When you get there, move the Flobberworm down the right hand path and put it on the dark spot in the middle of the ledge. You will know when you have done this right as a cut scene will show you that the cog below this ledge has started rotating. Go back to the first fork in the path you came to and take the other turning. Keep moving round until you reach the cog. Get rid of the Bowtruckles and target the Flipendo pad on the cog just as you did in Mr Ollivander’s shop. When you have hit it enough, it will rise up and squash that helpless little Flobberworm flat, aaah. Now all you need to do is go back up the path and pick up it’s mucus. With this done it is time to get your last ingredient so go back the way you came and return to the fountain at the start of the garden. Turn right at the fountain and you should be looking at some bars, either side of the bars there are some Incendio pillars, light them and the bars will drop. Walk down there and use the crawl space, pick up the Folio Bruti page and exit via another crawl space, (how has this kid not worn holes in the knees of his trousers?). When you get to the end of this path you will see a little wooden shed, go round the side and there is a crawl space, go inside and imprison those imps, when all three are gone the bars on that brick wall will move aside clearing your path. Before you go through the new opening, try the crawl space just to the left of it. Empty the chest and you will be rewarded with card # 79, when you have that go back out and use the new opening. When you go in the bars close behind you and you are faced with gnomes, throw them in the hole. When they are gone the next lot of bars will open so go through there and you are faced with another lovely Venemous Tentacula. Deal with it the same way you did the last and when it’s done and dusted the next bars will open. Following the path you will eventually come out by a large tree with the Puffapods nearby being guarded by Doxies, clear out the Doxies then hit the Puffapods with a Flipendo each. Wait for the yellow haze to disappear and when it has there will be little white spots floating in the air, these are what you must collect but don’t approach them before the haze has gone. Pick up the Puffapod spores and look behind where they were. You should be able to see the top of one of the walls you came through to get here. Climb up and jump from wall to wall and you will be able to reach the chests on the far side with cards # 55 and 90. With all this done you can now leave the garden and go to your potions lesson at which time you will learn that it is time for your one and only, half a Quidditch match. ~~~Quidditch~~~ This is very quick and very easy and is only in there to fill in a gap in the story line. Follow Ron down to the Quidditch pitch and prepare to face Slytherin. All you need to do in this match is fly around after the golden snitch until the cut scene takes over. Fly through the rings and just when you are about to catch the snitch the game will take over. Watch the scenes then take up the chase again, just when you’re about to catch it again, the game kicks back in, oh it’s such a tease. After this scene take up the chase once more and no you don't get to catch it, another cut scene and another chase and just when you think you can enjoy a moment of glory, the game takes over and catches the snitch for you, ruining your fun. Gee that was thrilling. Back outside the story is finally starting to come together and you have to go to the staff room to find Dumbledore, don’t worry, follow Hermione and Ron. When you reach the staff room the game takes over so let it do it’s thing and relax for a minute. After Snape has dismissed your claim there really isn’t anything more you can do for today, at least not until you start the night. A word of warning though before you end the day, redo any challenges you have not yet got a distinction on, collect any lost and found items you have yet to trace and get your card collection up to date, you are nearing the end of the game. Don’t panic if you don’t want to get everything now but I would advise you get all the cards you can to get your health to maximum as you have a few hard battles ahead and will need all the health you can get. ~~~Night Six~~~ When you go down to the common room Harry can discuss the situation with Ron and Hermione. With Dumbledore gone, it’s up to you three to sort this out. Three guesses where you’re going, yup, the third floor, off you go. Open the door to the forbidden corridor and retrace your steps back to fluffy. When you reach fluffy a cut scene takes over and you will not regain control until you have gone down through the trap door. Oh joy, another plant to beat, funny how it looks just like a Venemous Tentacula. Never mind at least you know how to defeat the Venemous “devil snare” Tentacula. The difference is you have no room to run out of it’s arms length and when you sever on arm the other one goes mental, the good news is there’s no spitting, only biting. When it’s health start to get about half way down it will bite you so watch your step and stay nimble. It’s bite is also poisonous which gets to be a pain after your first bite when you have no more antidote left. Keep hitting it until it is dead and it will release Ron and you guys can move on. In this next room you have to fly around with about a hundred keys trying to chase you down and kill you. You need to chase the single key in front of you through the rings in the same way you would a snitch. When you catch up to it Harry will tell Hermione to open the door and throw the key down to her, then it’s on to the next room. Enter the room behind Hermione and enjoy the cut scenes. When they’re finished you have to play chess, yes chess. Don’t worry the normal rules of chess don’t apply here, it’s really more like a game of chequers. All pieces move only one space at a time and it doesn’t matter if you lose or take a king, you still play on. Your sole purpose is to get Harry and his piece to the other end of the board and leave no white piece standing. I am not exactly sure of how I got across so I can’t give you any advise on how to do this. If someone would like to write something to put here then please feel free, you will get full credit for it. After you have won at chess you will go onto the last room and face your foe. When all is revealed to you it is time to take a stand and bring Quirrell down. To do this you must first defeat the Gytrashes he sets on you. Use your Lumos as normal but be careful as these Gytrashes will shoot out sound-waves that can hit you. When you have taken enough health from the Gytrashes the blue ring will come down and Quirrell will start chanting. You need to hit him with Flipendo before he can complete his chant or he will release another Gytrash to replace one you have already gotten rid of. When you have managed to get rid of all the Gytrashes you are left to face Quirrell and Voldermort. If you thought the Gytrashes were annoying or even the Venemous Tentacula then you are going to hate this. To start this battle you must avoid the flying boulders that he throws at you, just keep moving and you will hopefully avoid getting hit. Keep avoiding these boulders by running around until Quirrell starts a new incantation. You will know when he is doing this as his wand will glow red. When he does this make sure the white beam is connecting Harry to the mirror and stand quite still. Let the spell hit Harry and he will absorb it. You must then let the spell charge slightly and when it is glowing a brilliant white, (so the blue tint has all but disappeared), hit the A button and send it back to him. Make sure when you send it back you are facing Quirrell as it will shoot out in a straight line so get a good aim. The timing on this takes a little practice and can be touch and go but bear with it, it comes together in the end. Follow this routine until you have hit him five times, when you have, he’s toast! Congratulations you win! ~~~Day Seven~~~ When all the scenes have ended you will find yourself back in the dormitory, go downstairs and watch as Dumbledore dishes out the house points. Now all you have to do is go down and enter the main hall to wallow in your glory. Pick up anything you have missed on your way down and when you are satisfied you have done all you can or want to do, enter the main hall for the closing sequences of the game. Well done! ******************************************************************************* Chapter 4 Side Quests ******************************************************************************* 4.1 Return Challenges When you finally have all your spells you know that there is nothing stopping you from getting a distinction in every challenge and taking the house points so high there is no way that Gryffindor wont win the house cup. If you want to return to any of the challenges it must be done during the day but only when all your other tasks have been completed, basically when you are given the end the day option. Below I have included each challenge again in full, (as you even have to collect the ones you got earlier to ensure top marks), all except the last challenge, Incendio. I have not repeated this one as the walkthrough tells you how to get every shield first time round. If you did miss one then go back to that section of the walkthrough and go from there. To repeat any of the challenges you must go back to the classroom where the challenge took place and re-enter through the crawl space you used the first time around. ~~~Lumos~~~ Okay, Lumos take two. Return to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and approach the portrait at the foot of the stairs, when it gives you the opportunity, crawl into it. Straight away there is a tapestry on your left, use Diffindo and go inside then do the same again with the tapestry in there. Pick up the challenge shield and empty the chests if need be then return to the start. Walk into the next room and wall sneak past the moving blocks in the wall. Put the imp in his cage and pick up the challenge shield. Cross the bridge by jumping the gap but don’t enter the door, instead turn left. Here you are able to wall sneak across to the broken ledge with the tapestry, when you get there take it down. In this new room, empty the chest if you need to then exit via the door on the other side of the room. Watch your step in here as there is fire crab and no hole to push them into. Run in and get the shield then run back out again. It might help if you can give it a quick Flipendo on the way in then get the shield and leave again before it can right itself. With this done you can return to the other room you were in and wall sneak back to the other door and this time go through it. From here on in I am going to repeat all that you have done before but please bear with me, this is purely for those of you who are only using the walkthrough to find the missing challenge shields so I apologize to those who have already been through this part with me. Walk forward and use the bridge that leads right. Use the ladder to climb up and put the block in the hole. This will light the flame in the pillar beside you and open the hole in the centre of the room. Climb back down and jump over to the ledge on your right that runs around the room. Shoot down the imp and open the middle chest for an owl treat, then walk forward and shoot down the next imp. Jump across the next gap and climb the ladder on your right then put the block in the hole. As you can see this has raised a perch for Hedwig but there are two more shields to get first. So, climb back down the ladder and jump off the edge of the ledge so you are in the lower part of this room. Down here you must find two imps and Flipendo them. When they are stunned and lying on the ground, pick them up and put them in the cages provided. When the cages are closed you can use them to reach the alcoves behind them and situated in both of these you will find two more shields. To get back up to the owl perch, find the Flipendo pad on the outer wall between two flaming torches, hit it and part of the upper ledge will lower providing you with a ramp, go back up and approach the perch. All you need to do here now is call Hedwig and feed her the treat, then climb the ladder that she sends down for you. Take down the two imps that are on each of the bookcases then hit them again to stun them and put them in their cages. When they are both in, the door at the other end of the room will open, before leaving though, check behind the second bookcase for your sixth shield, only four to go. Light Lumos and walk across the room, avoiding the lit panels in the floor as they collapse, until you reach the door at the other end. You may have noticed just off to your left there is another shield. With Lumos still lit make your way over to it and pick it up. Now stand where the shield was and face the wall. Light Lumos and you will see a hidden panel, push it and go in. You will find a block up on a ledge to your left, push it off the ledge and put it in the hole in the floor. Go back out and stand just outside the opening then turn left. Light Lumos and walk back past the door. Along this wall you will find another hidden panel so push this one and go in but mind out for the ghosts. Lumos the ghosts to death, ha ha, and when they are gone pick up the shield and turn around to face the other wall. Hit the Flipendo pad and you will open the exit to these rooms, go through now and say goodbye to this collapsing floor. Walk to the end of this bridge and turn round so you are facing the door you just came through. Hit the Flipendo pad that is just to the left of the door then turn around and show your Lumos might to the statue that was raised by the pad. When he has revealed the green platforms that spiral up around the room, jump onto the first one and then across to the next. Turn to your left and jump to the platform that is in front of the door then go through it. Pick up this shield and go back out to climb the rest of the platforms. At the top you will get your last shield so pick it up and go through the crawl space. Turn left and walk to the dark end of the room and stand right in front of the wall. Light Lumos and push the hidden panel it reveals then go through and you will be back at the crawl space that returns you to the class room. Go through it and you will be rewarded with a distinction and another twenty house points. (Don’t you think it’s strange that Professor Quirrell’s voice comes out of nowhere? No? Just me then) ~~~Spongify~~~ Return to the charms classroom and go through the red portrait on the left hand side of the room, this will take you back to the Spongify challenge. When you are through the crawl space go through the door in front of you and run up the stairs but be careful of the fire crabs on the ground floor, (get rid of them first if you prefer). As you reach the top of the stairs you will see an alcove with two burning torches in it, walk over and light Lumos to find the hidden panel in the wall, push it and go through. Move the block over to the far wall and hop onto it so you can pull yourself up to the ledge above. Pick up the shield and go back into the other room. Walk around the room until you find another alcove and find the hidden panel in this one. Go through and shoot down the imp on the ledge above you. When he is down, hit him again and put him in the cage. When the cage is shut use it to get up to the ledge behind and get the shield from up here. Now go back to the other room. Between to two alcoves is a passage, go down there and pull yourself up to the first ledge. Use Spongify on the pad in the floor and jump off it up to the upper ledge. When you have cleared the wall go back to it and climb up on top of it to get another shield. When you’re ready, drop back down and move the block over so it is directly under the crawl space. Now stand on the block and use the crawl space. Destroy the two ghosts and a Spongify pad will be revealed, use it to jump up to the next level. Go through the door and follow the passage round until you reach the little room at the end. Use Spongify to get up to the ledge and you will be rewarded with another shield, pick it up and leave the room. Go up the stairs and use the Spongify pad to get onto that central platform. Up here you will see a Flipendo pad so hit that and the platform you are on will move you round to the next level. When it stops another Spongify pad will appear so use it now and you can get up to the ledge above. Go up the stairs and jump the gap at the top, then climb the next set of stairs and enter the door at the top by using Alohomora. Follow the passage round and find the fire crab at the end. Flipendo him so he falls of the edge at the end of the room then hit the Flipendo pad on the far wall. Go back to where the block dropped and move it over to the ledge with the Lumos statue. Use it to get up to the statue and hit it with a Lumos. Drop back down and move the block again so it is in the hole in the floor past the flame that is shooting out of the wall. From here jump onto the green platform that was revealed by the Lumos statue and turn left. Jump across and pick up the shield then jump back onto the platform. Now leave the room. When you come out the door turn right and jump over the gap to the ledge with two un-flaming pillars. Use Incendio on the pillars and the bars on the door will lift. At the end of the passage drop of the edge and you will find yourself in a lower part of the room. Pick up the shield and use Lumos to reveal a hidden panel in the left hand wall. Walk in and move the block over to reach the upper level to find a shield and a chest with card # 90. Now drop down and head back into the previous room. Use Spongify and jump back up to where you dropped down then leave the room. When you come back out head back down the stairs then jump back across the gap. Go back down the stairs and use the Spongify pad to reach a tapestry. Take it down and go inside. Mind the fire crab that is lurking round the corner and follow the passage down. At it’s end you will find two more imps, put them in their cages and use the crawl space that is revealed behind one of them. Pick up the shield then use the Spongify pad to get up to the alcove that is on your left as you come in, up here is a chest with card # 6. Now go back out to continue the challenge. When you are back outside, jump down to the stairs on your right and walk onto the central platform that moves around the room, hit the Flipendo pad and it will do just that. Walk forward and jump to the platform on your left then enter the door there. Follow the passage and find the imps at the end, put them in their cages. You can then use one of the cages to reach a Lumos statue, show him the light and he will show you some platforms. Drop back down and climb up to the wall with the shield on it but be careful that Harry doesn’t jump off the other side as there is a chance of pain and death so be careful! Pick up the shield then, making sure you are in the middle of the wall, jump off the other side onto the green platforms. Pick up the shield from down here and turn around to face the wall you just climbed over. Hit the Flipendo pad and two fire crabs will be released, push them over the edge so they fall down between the green platforms and the outer wall. When they are gone a block will fall so put it in the hole and the central platform in the room outside will move once again. Go back outside and jump back across to your right then use the Spongify pad to get to the central platform. Turn around and use another Spongify pad to get up to the base of two flights of stairs, to start with go right. Enter the room at the top and show the Lumos statue your stuff so he will reveal a platform for you to use. Go back down the stairs and climb up the other side. Jump onto the green platform and enter the crawl space beyond it to receive your perfect grade and extra house points. ~~~Diffindo~~~ Go outside and enter the greenhouse area then go into the large one in the middle. Find the crawl space in the top right hand corner and go inside. Ignore the tapestry on your right still and go outside to deal with the troll. Pick up the shield that appears when he is out cold then go to the bridge he made for you. Drop down to the left of the bridge and pick up the shield there then follow the path back the other way. When you reach the other end use the large tree root to get back up to the bridge, then cross it. As you turn the corner you will see a tree trunk has fallen and rests above your head. On the tree trunk you will also see a Flipendo pad, when you hit this the trunk will roll down the hill and take out most of the Horklumps the quick way. When they are gone walk forward and use Flipendo and Diffindo on the remaining Horklump then pick up the shield. Keep following the path until you come to the next bridge and drop down under this one too. Open the chest at one end and get the owl treat then walk to the other end to find an owl perch, picking up the shield you pass on your right as you go. Call Hedwig and feed her the treat and she will uncover the Lumos statue for you. Show him your Lumos and he will give up his platforms so you can get back up to the bridge. When you have crossed the bridge you will have two Gytrashes to contend with so get rid of them then use Diffindo on the rope holding the bridge up. When the bridge has dropped, go up it and stand on the platform that is being help up by a rope and cut it. Walk around the base of this large tree and you will find a shield hidden behind one of it’s roots. When you have that find the tunnel that looks like a cave. Go through the tunnel and you will come out by another troll, easy to get him right? When he’s no longer an issue, walk down the left hand side of the tree and round the back you should find a grassy ramp, go up there and you will find another challenge shield. Keep going round the tree and you will find another one hidden round the corner. When you have both of these go back to the front of the tree where you came out the tunnel. In front of the tunnels mouth you will find a tree root ramp, go up it and jump to the platform on your right. Keep following this route and jumping the gaps until you come to a tree branch that leads to the grassy ledge that runs around the room. Get onto that grassy ledge and turn right. You have to wall sneak past these vines and it can prove to be tricky as the camera angle is iffy. I always get hit at least once so get there anyway you can. Keep going and dispose of the Horklumps that are blocking your path, then move on until you reach the end of this grassy bit. Jump onto the wooden ledge and follow this one to it’s end where you will see a large grassy area just to your left, jump over to it. Take down the imp and tuck him away to reveal another shield then get rid of the Horklump blocking the crawl space. Before you go in pick up the shield that lies just beyond it then go in. Walk out the shed you find yourself in and you will face another Venemous Tentacula. When you have got rid of it you will be able to enter the greenhouse it was blocking and get your last shield. Don’t forget to open the chest for a wizard card pack. When you have done all this you can find the tapestry around the corner of the brick shed and take it down to get back to the crawl space and finish the challenge. A perfect grade! 4.2 Famous Witches & Wizards Cards Famous Witches & Wizard cards are easy to collect and unlike in the chamber of secrets, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to collect all 101. It is very important to collect as many as you can even if you don’t want to get them all because for every twenty you get, you will be rewarded with another health bar. These cards are found in desks and gold chests and can be bought from Fred & George’s shop. Any cards that are found in chests will always be the same no matter how many times you play the game. You will always find the same card in the same chest, in the same place every time. Any that are found in desks are completely random, it will be a different card every time you play. You must also remember that unlike in the first game, if you find a card in a desk, it does not mean that you will not find another card in the same desk at a different time. I have included below a complete list of every card I found as an example as to how many you can get. No Name Location 1 Merlin Traded 2 Cornelius Agrippa Classroom 7A (Desk, Day 3) Lost & Found 3 Elfrida Clagg Incendio Challenge (Chest) 4 Grogan Stump Traded 5 Gulliver Pokeby Traded 6 Glanmore Peakes Girl’s Bathroom (Kill Troll) Classroom 1E (Desk, Night 6) 7 Hesper Starkey Library (Incendio Door) Classroom 6B (Desk, Day 7) 8 Derwent Shimpling Classroom 6A (Desk, Day3) Lumos Challenge (Chests, Lumos Statue) Classroom 5B (Desk, Day 6) 9 Gunhilda of Gorsemoor Classroom 1E (Incendio) 10 Burdock Muldoon Classroom 1E (Desk, Night 2) Hagrid’s Garden (Chest) Classroom 7A (Desk, Night 4) Classroom 4F (Chest, Night 4 Only) 11 Herpo the Foul Classroom 1C (Diffindo/Flipendo) 12 Merwyn the Malicious Classroom 1C (Desk, Day 3) Hagrid’s Garden (Chest) 13 Andros the Invincible Classroom 1A (Desk, Night 4) Classroom 1E (Desk, Night 4) Classroom 1C (Desk, Night 6) 14 Fulbert the Fearful Classroom 7A (Desk, Day 5) 15 Paracelsus 7th Floor Crawl Space (Chest) Classroom 5B (Desk, Day 4) Classroom 7A (Desk, Day 7) 16 Cliodne Traded 17 Morgan le Fay Classroom 1E (Desk, Day 3) Hagrid’s Garden (Flipendo Gnomes) 18 Uric the Oddball Classroom 5B (Desk, Day 2) Lumos Challenge Classroom 5B (Desk, Day 5) 19 Newt Scamander Classroom 7A (Desk, Night 1) Diffindo Challenge (Chest) 20 Wendelin the Wierd Dungeon Store Room (Incendio Door) 21 Lord Stoddard Withers Classroom 1A (Desk, Day3) Classroom 7A (Desk, Day 4) Classroom 6B (Desk, Night 6) 22 Circe Classroom 5B (Desk, Night 2) Charms Class (Flipendo Pad) 23 Glenda Chittock Lost & Found Classroom 1A (Desk, Day 7) 24 Adalbert Waffling Gryffindor Tower Store Room (Chest) Classroom 6A (Desk, Night 3) Classroom 1C (Desk, Day 6) 25 Perpetua Fancourt Classroom 1C (Desk, Night 2) Library, Restricted Section Classroom 1C (Desk, Day 5) 26 Almerick Sawbridge Classroom 6B (Flipendo only jar on desk) Diffindo Challenge (Kill Troll) 27 Mirabella Plunkett Lumos Challenge (Chest, Lumos Statue) 28 Tilly Toke Classroom 6B (Desk, Day3) Classroom 1C (Desk, Day 3) Classroom 5B (Desk, Night 3) 29 Archibald Alderton Traded 30 Atemisia Lufkin Classroom 6A (Flipendo Pad) Classroom 5B (Desk, Day 5) Classroom 6A (Desk, Night 6) 31 Balfour Blane Traded 32 Bridget Wenlock Classroom 4F (Desk, Night 2) 33 Beaumont Marjoribanks Classroom 6B (Desk, Day 4) Incendio Challenge (Chest) 34 Donaghan Tremlett Traded 35 Bowman Wright Classroom 5B (Desk, Night 4) Lost & Found 36 Jocelind Wadcock Classroom 7A (Desk, Day Two) Classroom 1C (Desk, Night 3) Classroom 7A (Desk, Day 6) 37 Cassandra Vablatsky Ground Floor Grand Staircase (Chest) 38 Chauncey Oldridge Fred & George’s Shop (Chest) Classroom 6B (Desk, Night 2) Classroom 1A (Desk, Day 5) Hagrid’s Garden (Diffindo Tapestry, Night Only) 39 Gwenog Jones Traded 40 Carlotta Pinkstone 3rd Floor Passage (Flipendo Imps) 41 Godric Gryffindor Mr Ollivander’s Shop Library (Flipendo Jars) 42 Crispin Cronk Traded 43 Cyprian Youdle Classroom 6A (Desk, Night 4) 44 Devin Whitehorn Classroom 6A (Desk, Night 2) Classroom 1A (Desk, Night 2) Classroom 1E (Desk, Day 6) 45 Dunbar Oglethorpe Classroom 7A (Desk, Night 2) 46 Miranda Goshawk Dungeon Store Room (Incendio Door, Flipendo Pad In New Room Above Door) 47 Edgar Stroulger Classroom 5B (Desk, Day 2) Fred & George’s Shop 48 Salazar Slytherin Classroom 1E (Desk, Night 3) Classroom 6A (Desk, Day 6) 49 Elladora Ketteridge Classroom 1C (Desk, Day 5) Classroom 1C (Desk, Day 7) 50 Musldora Barkwith Classroom 1A (Desk, Day 4) Classroom 5B (Desk, Day 5) 51 Ethelred the Ever-Ready Classroom 1C (Desk, Night 4) Lost & Found Classroom 5B (Desk, Night 6) 52 Felix Summerbee Mr Ollivander’s Shop 53 Greta Catchlove Main Hall (Alohomora Door) 54 Gaspard Shingleton Library (Diffindo Door) Classroom 1A (Desk, Night 6) 55 Honoria Nutcombe Hagrid’s Garden (Chest) 56 Gideon Crumb Traded 57 Gifford Ollerton Classroom 1E (Desk, Day 2) Classroom 1C (Desk, Night 3) Diffindo Challenge (Gnomes) 58 Glover Hipworth Traded 59 Gregory the Smarmy Classroom 7A (Flipendo Jars) Classroom 6B (Desk, Day 4) Classroom 1C (Desk, Night 6) 60 Laverne de Montmorency Classroom 1A (Desk, Night 3) 61 Havelock Sweeting Classroom 4F (Desk, Day 2) Classroom 5B (Desk, Day 4) Classroom 1E (Desk, Day 7) 62 Ignatia Wildsmith Library (Flipendo Pad Door) Classroom 6B (Desk, Night 3) Spongify Challenge Revisited (Chest) 63 Herman Wintringham Dungeon Store Room (Chest) Classroom 4F (Desk, Night 4) 64 Jocunda Sykes Reading Room Crawl Space (Chest) 65 Gondoline Oliphant Classroom 5B (Desk, Day 6) 66 Flavius Belby Classroom 1C (Desk, Day 2) Classroom 1C (Desk, Day 4) 67 Justus Pilliwickle Classroom 1E (Desk, Day 4) Dark Arts Classroom (Incendio) 68 Kirley Duke Girl’s Bathroom (Chest) 69 Bertie Bott Fred & George’s Shop 70 Leopoldina Smethwyck Hagrid’s Garden 71 Queen Maeve Classroom 1A (Flipendo Jars) Classroom 4F (Desk, Day 5) 72 Helga Hufflepuff Classroom 1C (Desk, Night 4) Classroom 1C (Desk, Day 7) 73 Mopsus Classroom 7A (Desk, Night 3) Lost & Found 74 Montague Knightley Classroom 4F (Flipendo Jars) Classroom 5B (Desk, Night 3) 75 Mungo Bonham Lumos Challenge (Chest) 76 Myron Wagtail Classroom 5B (Desk, Day3) Classroom 1C (Desk, Day 6) 77 Norvel Twonk Traded 78 Orsino Thruston Library (Kill Ghosts, Night 2) 79 Oswald Beamish Classroom 6B (Desk, Day 2) Hagrid’s Garden (Chest) Classroom 5B (Desk, Day 7) 80 Beatrix Bloxam Classroom 6B (Desk, Day 2) Classroom 4F (Desk, Day 7) 81 Quong Po 7th Floor Alohomora Door Classroom 1C (Desk, Day 4) 82 Rowena Ravenclaw Classroom 5B (Desk, Day 7) 83 Roderick Plumpton Library (Diffindo/Alohomora Door) 84 Roland Kegg Diffindo Challenge (Chest) Classroom 6B (Desk, Day 5) 85 Blenheim Stalk Main Hall (Incendio) 86 Dorcas Wellbeloved Classroom 6B (Desk, Day 6) 87 Thaddeus Thurkell Diffindo Challenge (Chest) 88 Celestina Warbeck Classroom 4F (Desk, Day 4) Classroom 5B (Desk, Night 4) 89 Alberta Toothill Mr Ollivander’s Shop Classroom 5B (Desk, Night 2) 90 Sacharissa Tugwood Hagrid’s Garden (Chest) Diffindo Challenge Revisited (Chest) 91 Wilfred Elphick Classroom 6A (Desk, Day 7) 92 Xavier Rastrick Incendio Challenge (Alohomora Door) 93 Heathcote Barbary Classroom 6A (Desk, Day 2) Classroom 5B (Desk, Night 6) Dungeon Store Room (Flipendo Jars) 94 Merton Graves Classroom 6A (Desk, Day 4) Classroom 7A (Desk, Night 4) 1st Floor Corridor (Diffindo/Flipendo) Classroom 1A (Desk, Day 6) 95 Yardley Platt Classroom 1C (Desk, Night 2) 96 Hengist of Woodcroft Classroom 6A (Desk, Day 5) Lost & Found 97 Alberic Grunnion Fred & George’s Shop 98 Dymphna Furmage Classroom 1C (Desk, Day 2) Lumos Challenge 99 Daisy Dodderidge Classroom 1C (Desk, Day 5) Classroom 4F (Desk, Day 6) 100 Harry Potter Classroom 1A (Desk, Day 2) 101 Albus Dumbledore Neville (Day 5) ~~~Wizard Card Packs~~~ Sometimes you will find packs of cards which will give you duplicates which you can then swap with other pupils around the school. These packs are only found in desks and gold chests and will contain different cards each time you play the game. However, they do always turn up in the same place so below are where you can find each pack I came across in my game play. The ones found in desks work in the same way as the ordinary cards, although they may turn up in different places at different times, it is always worth checking any time you can. Pack 1 Classroom 7A (Desk, Night 1) Pack 2 Classroom 7A (Desk, Day 2) Pack 3 Classroom 6A (Desk, Day 2) Pack 4 Classroom 4F (Desk, Day 2) Pack 5 3rd Floor Passage (Chest) Pack 6 4th Floor Crawl Space (Chest) Pack 7 Classroom 1A (Desk, Day 2) Pack 8 Classroom 7A (Desk, Night 2) Pack 9 Classroom 6A (Desk, Night 2) Pack 10 Classroom 1A (Desk, Night 2) Pack 11 Classroom 4F (Desk, Night 2) Pack 12 Classroom 7A (Desk, Day 3) Pack 13 Classroom 6A (Desk, Day 3) Pack 14 Classroom 4F (Desk, Day 3) Pack 15 Classroom 1A (Desk, Day3) Pack 16 Lumos Challenge (Kill Fire Crabs) Pack 17 Classroom 7A (Desk, Night 3) Pack 18 Classroom 6A (Desk, Night 3) Pack 19 Classroom 1A (Desk, Night3) Pack 20 Classroom 7A (Desk, Day 4) Pack 21 Classroom 6A (Desk, Day 4) Pack 22 Classroom 4F (Desk, Day 4) Pack 23 Classroom 1A (Desk, Day 4) Pack 24 Classroom 7A (Desk, Night 4) Pack 25 Classroom 6A (Desk, Night 4) Pack 26 Classroom 4F (Desk, Night 4) Pack 27 Classroom 1A (Desk, Night 4) Pack 27 Classroom 1A (Desk, Day 5) Pack 28 Classroom 4F (Desk, Day 5) Pack 29 Classroom 6A (Desk, Day 5) Pack 30 Classroom 7A (Desk, Day 5) Pack 31 Incendio Challenge (Diffindo Tapestry) Pack 32 Classroom 7A (Desk, Day 6) Pack 33 Classroom 6A (Desk, Day 6) Pack 34 Classroom 4F (Desk, Day 6) Pack 35 Classroom 1A (Desk, Day 6) Pack 36 Diffindo Challenge Revisited Pack 37 Classroom 6A (Desk, Night 6) Pack 38 Classroom 1A (Desk, Night 6) Pack 39 Classroom 7A (Desk, Day 7) Pack 40 Classroom 6A (Desk, Day 7) Pack 41 Classroom 4F (Desk, Day 7) Pack 42 Classroom 1A (Desk, Day 7) Pack 43 Square Tower Rooftop (Chest) Pack 44 Church Building On Lake (Chest) 4.3 Lost & Found These items have been lost by pupils around the grounds and if you return them you will get a wizard card for each item you return. The best time to look for these items is during the day after you have finished your lessons but before you end the day for the evening to begin. That way you can walk about looking for them without prefects stopping you all the time. It is also worth noting that each item will not appear until you have read the lost notice for that particular item. For example, if you are looking for the Magical Theory book you will not find it in the place I describe until you have read the notice for this item on the board. If you haven’t read the notice and you go to where I say it is, nothing will be there. Happy hunting. ~~~Copy of Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling~~~ This is a nice easy one to start you off with as you will more than likely stumble across it on your travels. To cut to the chase its at the foot of the stairs round the back of Hagrid’s hut. ~~~Copy of Beginners’ Guide to Transfiguration~~~ This one was a bit trickier but I can save you the time by telling you to go down to where you had your flying lesson and head through the archway on the left. You should find yourself on a bridge and facing the book you are after. ~~~One Pair of dragon-hide gloves~~~ This is as easy as pie, (unless you’ve ever tried to make pie in which case it’s just easy), it tells you exactly where it is on the board. Head down towards Hagrid’s hut but swing left before you get there and walk across the grass. Go past the clump of trees and when you come out past them you will see the lake, go to the left hand side and right on the shoreline you will see the gloves lying on the ground. ~~~Telescope~~~ You will not be able to get this until you have been given your new broom. When you have it go outside and mount your broom, fly straight up as high as you can and turn to face the building so you are more or less right above the main entrance. There in front of you should be a large flat area with the telescope sitting right there in front of you. ~~~Toad~~~ As always Neville has lost his toad again and it’s your job to find it. At least the board tells you exactly where to find it. Head on down to the Herbology greenhouse to get it. When you get there don’t actually enter the greenhouse area, stop outside the gates. You then need to turn left and follow the wall round so you are heading towards the trees by Hagrid’s hut. Keep heading in that direction and you will see Trevor, pick him up and take him home. ~~~Wizard’s Hat~~~ Oh the hours I spent trying to find this hat, I was so relieved when I did I branded it’s location onto my brain so I would never have to waste such hours again. Head down to the main entrance and step outside into the grounds. Walk forward and head through the tunnel as if you are going to Hagrid’s but stop as soon as you come out of the tunnel. Turn left and follow the wall round and you should see the hat sat in the corner. Pick it up and pat yourself on the back for having found all the lost items. 4.4 Folio Bruti Pages These pages are found during challenges or in certain parts of Hagrid’s garden. They will usually always precede you coming face to face with whatever creature is on the relevant page and will contain information about how to deal with each monster. No Monster Location Page 1 Ghosts Lumos Challenge Page 2 Flying Books Library (Alohomora Challenge) Page 3 Gnome Comes with the Troll Page Page 4 Imp Mr Ollivander’s Shop Page 5 Doxy Hagrid’s Garden Page 6 Bowtruckle Hagrid’s Garden Page 7 Gytrashes Comes with the Troll Page Page 8 Fire Crab Spongify Challenge Page 9 Puffapod Hagrid’s Garden Page 10 Horklump Comes with the Troll Page Page 11 Venemous Tentacula Incendio Challenge Page 12 Trolls Diffindo Challenge Page 13 Flobberworm Hagrid’s Garden ******************************************************************************* Chapter 5 Information ******************************************************************************* 5.1 Items ~~~Chocolate Frogs~~~ Chocolate frogs can come in very useful but are far and few between unfortunately. They will top up your health to the equivalent of one full bar, so if you have one half empty then it will fill that one up and half fill he next one. All you have to do to pick it up is to walk over it. ~~~Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans~~~ These are found in several places and can be used to purchase items from Fred and George’s shop. They can be found lying around on challenges or in Hagrid’s garden, in desks and occasionally in brown chests or by searching bookshelves. You will know when there is a bean on a bookshelf as when you face it the A button will have search written below it. When this happens press the A button and Harry will pull the bean out from the shelves. They can also be found in the bushes in Hagrid’s garden. If you can target the bush that means there are beans to be had. When this happens keep hitting it with Flipendo until no more beans come out. ~~~Pumpkin Pasties~~~ These are found in brown chests and are most commonly found during challenges. They will restore part of one health bar when collected and can be quite useful when you have the need. On occasions they are also found in desks but more often than not it’s not needed when all you are doing is searching desks. ~~~Cauldron Cakes~~~ These are exactly the same as pumpkin pasties and work in exactly the same way. As far as I can tell the two items will restore the same amount of health to one of your bars so I really can’t see the difference but I suppose it makes a change from getting the same thing all the time. They are also found in all the same places as pumpkin pasties so don't go thinking you can find them in some obscure place. ~~~Eeylops Premium Owl Treats~~~ These are found in brown chests but only if there is an owl stand somewhere nearby to call Hedwig. If you do find one of these treats in a chest then find the stand and call her down to you. You then feed her the treat and she will always do something in return for you. ~~~Potion Vials~~~ There are two of these to get throughout the game and both are given to you by Professor Snape during potions lessons. The first is given to you after you have collected all the ingredients for your Wiggenweld potion and can be used to carry some of this potion around with you. If you start running low on health, equip the vial and then use it. One of Harry’s health bars will be completely restored and the vial will be unequipped and the previous spell re-equipped. The second potion vial is given to you after you have collected the ingredients for the Antidote for Common Poisons and as you have probably realized it is used to carry this potion. If you get bitten or poisoned by any of the plants you come across, Harry will automatically reach into his robes and drink this potion. ~~~Stink Pellets~~~ Stink pellets are used to distract prefects attention when you are trying to slip by. You assign them to a button like you would a spell and they are used in the same way. I find them to be quite useless unless you are quite close to a prefect, by which case you are already caught, but that’s just my personal preference and you may find you can use them more effectively than I could so try them out. The only way to get these is by searching in the desks in the classrooms, but even then you are only likely to find a few, or by buying them from Fred and George’s shop. ~~~Dungbombs~~~ These are exactly like stink pellets and work in exactly the same way. Use them as you will and know that you can stock up at any time by purchasing them from Fred and George or by searching in the desks in the classrooms. ~~~Bean Pouch~~~ This can be bought from Fred and George at anytime you visit their shop. It will cost you every bean you can hold but is worth it as after purchasing it you will be able to hold 150 beans instead of just 50. ~~~Nimbus 2000~~~ This is given to you before you go out and play your first Quidditch match, or Harry does should I say because I don’t feel I actually got to play Quidditch. You can use this at anytime outside in the ground by equipping it to a button and press the relevant button when you want him to mount the broom. Be warned you have to be quite close to the ground to dismount and it can take a bit of practice but you will get used to it. You will know when you can dismount as Harry’s legs will drop down towards the floor. Your broom will come in useful when trying to find the telescope in the lost and found and there are also a couple of chests with packs around the grounds. ~~~Folio Bruti Pages~~~ These are usually found at the start of your challenges and will often be relevant to whatever monster you are about to face. They can come in handy if you are not sure how to defeat a monster, you can refer to the relevant page in your Folio Bruti if you get stuck, or you can refer to my section below on magical creatures. 5.2 Spells ~~~Flipendo~~~ Flipendo can also be known as the Knockback Jinx as it is used to knock over enemies or to activate charmed switches. It is the most versatile of all your spells and you will use it more than any other of your spells so you need to keep it on the same button all the time, unlike the other spells which you will chop and change as needs be. Flipendo can be charged but watch you don’t charge it too much or it can backfire and hurt you. ~~~Lumos~~~ Lumos is another charm that will come in handy often as it also has a dual purpose. It can be used against certain enemies, i.e. ghosts and Gytrashes, or it can reveal hidden panels in walls that can then be opened and may reveal any number of things. This charm works by lighting the tip of the wand and can vary in it’s brightness depending on how much you charge the spell before casting it. You also needn’t worry about over charging this one as it doesn’t backfire, you can simply keep charging until it can’t be charged anymore, in which case the spell will cast itself meaning you know you have the maximum charge possible. ~~~Alohomora~~~ This spell is also called the unlocking charm and can only be used on non-magical items such as locked doors but can be very useful none the less, especially if you are trying to find all 101 cards as it can get you into certain rooms that contain gold chests. This spell does not, nor will not, charge so don’t try, these is no need to and it can’t be done. ~~~Spongify~~~ Spongify is also referred to as the softening charms as it’s desired effect is to turn any surface to rubber therefore making it bouncy and giving you access to higher ledges or platforms. Much like Lumos this spell can be charged and will not backfire if over charged, it will simply cast itself. ~~~Diffindo~~~ Diffindo is the severing charm and does exactly as it says, it will severe whatever you have targeted within reason. Diffindo will bring down tapestries that are blocking doors or switches and can also be used to cut ropes, for example, to lower a bridge. This charm is also used in the disposal of Horklumps along with the Flipendo charm and like the Flipendo charm it can backfire if it is overcharged so be careful. This charm is also used in conjunction with the Incendio charm when tackling a Venemous Tentacula so it proves to be quite invaluable. ~~~Incendio~~~ The Incendio incantation can also be known as bluebell flames or cold fire and is used to ignite pillar torches or against certain enemies. It is used in exactly the same way as Flipendo and can be charged to the point of backfire so be careful. 5.3 Fred & George’s Shop Fred and George’s shop can be found in a toilet via a crawl space behind a portrait in the reading room. To get there you must get past Percy the prefect and this is no mean feat. Eventually you will learn his pattern so just percy-vere, pardon the pun. When you reach there shop you can exchange Bertie Botts every flavour beans for other goods such as wizard cards, stink pellets and dungbombs, (a full price list is included below). A new edition to their shop in this game is the lucky dip chest. You could pull anything out of here from a pumpkin pasty to a wizard card to stink pellets so for ten beans it’s quite a bargain. If you are trying to get 101 wizard cards then this chest may help as although it is completely random as to which card you get, even if you get a duplicate you can swap it with any of the other pupils around the school. It is also worth mentioning, if you haven’t already figured this out, Fred and George will only open their shop at night so if you go their during the day it will simply be an empty bathroom. Bean Carrying Bag 50 Beans Edgar Stroulgar 30 “ Alberic Grunnion 30 “ Bertie Bott 50 “ Stink Pellets 20 “ Dungbombs 20 “ Chest 10 “ 5.4 Enemies & Magical Creatures ~~~Ghosts~~~ Ghosts can be a pain but are easy to get rid of when you know how. Simply light Lumos and point it at them. When the beam falls on them they will scream and vanish only to reappear somewhere close by. Keep hitting them and after about three to four good hits they are history. Bear in mind that the amount of time you get to charge Lumos before casting it, will affect how strong your beam is and therefore affect how much damage you cause them with each hit. ~~~Flying Book~~~ These are really annoying as by the time you have disposed of three of these, the first one is coming back at you for another go. To sedate these lovely things you need to hit them with a Flipendo, at which point they will close and fall to the ground. I usually try to ignore them and slip by, not always successfully, but what’s one hit compared to minutes of game play wasted trying to clear a path through books? ~~~Puffapod~~~ Puffapods look very similar to Horklumps but they are smaller and not spiky. One Flipendo is enough to get rid of one but beware of the yellow haze they emit as this will poison Harry and impair his vision for a few seconds, very annoying. ~~~Doxy~~~ Now these can be tricky if you don’t have clear shot at them. If they are flying around above you no amount of targeting is going to get Harry to hit that Doxy so they are best aimed at when you have a level pegging. All they need are a couple, or one direct hit, of Flipendo and they’re out of there. I should also mention that they will try and nose dive you if you stand still too long so be aware of that. ~~~Gytrash~~~ These are dealt with in exactly the same way as ghosts but are twice as annoying. You need to charge Lumos and shine it at them but you have to be quick as they will run at you and if they hit you, your spell is lost and you have to start charging again. Couple that with the fact that Harry can’t run when charging a spell, it makes them kinda hard to avoid and very annoying. ~~~Troll~~~ Trolls may be big but they are stupid and although it can be time consuming getting rid of one of these, it is very simple. By every troll you find there will always be a Spongify pad on the floor somewhere. Spongify it and wait for the troll to swing his club around his head then jump out of the way. The troll will then bring his club down on the Spongify pad and it will bounce back up and hit it in the head. After about five hits the troll is out cold. You need to watch out for any rocks it may throw from time to time and if it doesn’t swing it’s club above it’s head first, move fast because his club will not rebound and will send out a shock-wave which if it hits you it hurts. ~~~Bowtruckle~~~ Again Bowtruckles are like Doxies, hit them with one or two good Flipendoes and they’re gone but targeting them can be a problem if they are above you in any way. Persist with it and they will eventually die but watch out for the twigs they throw at you. ~~~Fire Crab~~~ These are a real pain and the bane of my life! They can only be put out of action temporarily unless there is a nice hole in the floor you can push them into. In the event that you are this lucky, hit them with Flipendo to flip them on their back then keep Flipendo-ing them so you push them towards the hole. When you have pushed them far enough they will fall into the hole and bother you no more. ~~~Gnome~~~ I actually find these quite amusing but that could just be a throwback from the gnome-tossing in the other Harry Potter game. Wherever there are gnomes there will be a hole to put them in. Stun them with a Flipendo then walk over to it while it is on it’s back and pick it up. Carry it over to the hole and place the troll in the hole. ~~~Horklump~~~ These are no trouble at all, unless you walk into them, Flipendo them first then, when it has shrunk, hit it with Diffindo. All you’re left with is Horklump pieces. ~~~Imp~~~ Just like with the gnomes, where there’s an imp, there’s a cage. Hit the imp with a Flipendo and pick it up while it’s still stunned. Place it in the cage and listen to it screech. ~~~Venemous Tentacula~~~ This is a bit of a monster and took me a few attempts to beat the first time I played the game, very frustrating. Anyway, start by targeting the “arms” with a Diffindo and sever each one. When it has no arms hit the head with Diffindo and when it’s “mouth” is open, hit it with Incendio. You need to repeat this process about three or four times but you will beat it, I promise. ~~~Flobberworm~~~ These are quite disgusting but you only come across one in Hagrid’s garden when you are trying to collect the pus from it for your potions ingredients. I won’t include here how to deal with a Flobberworm as it is detailed in the walkthrough. ******************************************************************************* Chapter 6 Questions & Answers (FAQs) ******************************************************************************* I thought I had better add this in as the game can be very vague in places. I found myself with few questions that I knew others would probably be frustrated by too so I have included what I can here. If you think of anything that you think others would like to know, then please email me and I will update this section. Q I have found a lost and found item but when I go back to the board nothing is happening? A This one bugged me for ages and I found it to be a slight glitch in the game. If you find a lost and found item then save your game before completing the tasks for the day, the game can’t manage the information. Although on your inventory it will show the item you have found, technically you haven’t found it. Try going back to where you found the item and if it is still there, pick it up again. Now when you return to the board a student should be there to collect it from you. Q Why can I only get 88% completion on the game? A This is one I cannot answer and as yet have not found anyone else that can either. I have not found anyone who got more than 88% on the game but if you have then please email me because it drives me crazy to have done everything required on a game and not be rewarded with 100%. Q I can’t reveal a chest using the Incendio pillars, what’s wrong? A These pillars must both be lit within a set time, if you have not lit the second before time runs out then the other one you have lit will go out again. Light them both as quickly as you can and the chest will appear. ******************************************************************************* Chapter 7 Credits & Thanks ******************************************************************************* So far there is only one mention I need to make here and that is to Pamela Beale who,while using my walkthrough to find the ten shields in the Incendio Challenge, notcied that I had missed two out. Thanks to her I have gone back and included the last two shields and the challenge should now be complete. Thanks Pamela for pointing out that rather embarrassing mistake on my part. ******************************************************************************* Chapter 8 Copyright ******************************************************************************* This document is copyright to Kathryn Mintram 2004.Please do not use this document without my permission for any other website or to print it for selling. It is solely for your own personal consumption only. Also please do not email me to ask if you can use this on your website as I only deal with gamesfaqs.com and get tired of answering emails from other websites.