After many e-mails regarding the subject, i'd like to make clear that i DO NOT have aol, so do NOT try and contact me via AOL. I hope that clears everything up... ~ Harvest Moon FAQ For The Gameboy ~ Author: Jdude84 Version: 0.31 Date: 1/12/00 This game rules. I haven't played the other versions availible but judging by this one - it is a great series. Pick this game up, along with Harvest Moon 64 and Harvest Moon GBC, and then get back here and read my faq for all the info you'll need to beat the game. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TABLE OF CONTENTS - TABLE OF CONTENTS - TABLE OF CONTENTS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I. Version History II. Legal Info III. Credits IV. F.A.Q. V. Walkthrough*INCOMPLETE* VI. Secrets - Game Shark Codes VII. Getting Started VIII. Story IX. Controls X. Shops Guide XI. Items Guide XII. Author's Note ======================================================================= I. Version History ======================================================================= Version 0.1 (First Version) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Everything is new ~ That's about it Version 0.25 (Update #1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well it's January 7th and still no Y2K problems. That means you get version 0.25 ~ Finished the summer walkthrough ~ Began the fall walkthrough ~ All sections done -- besides walkthrough. ~ Added A. Morozin to the credits Version 0.3 (Update #2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Not much of an update, but it's noticable. ~ General Additions to every section except the walkthrough ~ Corrections, Revisions, un-noticable stuff like that Version 0.31 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ All i did was fix the main header, you have NO idea how boring it can be to write strategy for a SIM game! ======================================================================= II. Legal Info ======================================================================= This Document Is Copyright ©1999-2000 Jdude84. This faq may not be reproduced in any way shape or form, period. Do NOT ask for consent as you will not get it, simple as that. I am in no way affiliated with the makers of this game, it is Copyrighted by Nintendo. See the author's note for further information ======================================================================= III. Credits ======================================================================= `` CREDITS `` `` Gamesages ( `` For the tips and secrets. `` `` World-Of-Nintendo ( `` Found a cool secret there for unlimited eggs. Although i had to alter `` it a bit because of the grammer. Check out their site for tips and `` Codes on over 1,000 nintendo games! `` `` Game Shark Code Creators Club ( `` For the awesome gameshark codes. `` `` Dingo JellyBean ( `` For suggesting that i put the credits up higher. `` `` Marshmallow ( `` For mentioning the various WebFiglet programs availible. `` `` Dallas ( `` For mentioning the various WebFiglet programs availible. `` `` Jeff "CJayC" Veasy ( `` For accepting my various faqs, and operating the best gaming site on `` the web. `` `` Jdude84 ( `` Well i made this faq. Thanks to everyone above for all their advice, `` contributions, and whatever else they did to help the making of this `` faq. ======================================================================= IV. F.A.Q. ======================================================================= Version 0.1: ------------ Q. How many days to a season? A. 30 Q. How many seasons to a year? A. 4 Q. How long is a hour? A. 15 seconds Q. What is the work day? A. You wake at 6 am, the itmes are shipped at 5 PM, and you usually have energy to last till' 9 PM. Version 0.3: ------------ Q. My chicken won't hatch! A. You allready have 4 chickens. Q. Can i get married? A. No Q. My dog turned into a cow! A. There's a new one... Q. Can you get a better version of the sprinkler? A. No, but check the items section for an item called the umbrella. Q. Help! I watered my crops every day and they dissapeared! A. The season just changed, you need different crops. See the walkthrough or items section for more info! ======================================================================= V. Walkthrough ======================================================================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~F I R S T Y E A R~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spring First: ------------- Refer to 'getting started' - and the 'secrets' section for some cool tips to help you get going. When you gain control of your character, go to your left drawer and you'll get 1,000 dollars! You should now have 1.5 K, head to your shed and get your hammer and your hoe. Get rid of all the weeds, rocks, and stumps near the tool shed and the shipping box to the left. You should do all of this in a single day. Start tilling this area now, preparing for crops. Also make sure you talk to the harvest sprites in the back of your shed in the underground. This will be a MAJOR area so be nice to the sprites and feed them everyday! Spring Second: -------------- Continue tilling the ground, you should now have at least a good 10 X 10 plot of land ready to be planted upon. Feed the sprites as always, and start putting the pieces of wood in the wood-box. You should do this all night, and get at least half of it deposited. Soon you will begin growing crops. Spring Third: ------------- This is the final day of preperation, so make it snappy! First feed the dudes in the cave then spend the rest of the day tilling, chopping, gathering, and collecting. You should now have all the wood gathered, at least 100 pieces. Spring Fourth: -------------- Go to the stores and buy 1 bag of grass, and as many potatoes as you can afford. Plant them near the delivery bin, and head to your shed. Talk to the first sprite and you get a free power berry! You'll eat it, don't worry though it's ok. Water your crops, and finish anything you didn't the last 3 days (EG: Wood gathering). Spend the whole nite tilling squares of land, as you need 1600 at the least to get a neat prize at the end of the year! Spring Fifth: ------------- The usual grind...water your crops, feed the sprites, continue on tilling the ground, and chopping those tree should have about 1/4 of the land done by now! Tommorow will be a fun day...or not. Spring Sixth: ------------- Water your plants ASAP, not the grass does NOT need water. Then feed the sprites and take the rest of your time gathering wood if you haven't gotten it all. Take the time today not to hoe but to clear the land, so you can hoe tommorow! Spring Seventh: --------------- I'm not going to tell you to water your crops and harvest them, and buy new crops every day, it's simply un-needed. Therefore, water your crops everyday, ship them when they grow, and then buy more that day and plant them immdeiatly! Also buy 2 more grass bags when you have the cash to do so. Go behind your house in the small 2 X 5 area and hoe. You'll find a power berry and eat it! This will improve your happiness rating! Feed the sprite on the left 2 mushrooms a day from now on, he'll help you later. Now use your Hammer and Axe the rest of the day, and keep clearing out your land. Slowly but surely you'll get this done! Get to bed at 4 am tonight, just because i told you to! Spring Eighth: -------------- You should have made at least some money by now, as well as have 3 areas with grass planted! Make sure to feed the sprite on the left of the cave as you have been. Keep tilling the ground and the usual. Don't worry, in a bit cool stuff happens. Spring Ninth: ------------- Do the usual, feed the sprite, and then head to the southwest corner with your hoe. Go a bit to the right to find water, hoe on the right side of the water and you'll find another power berry! Spend the rest of the day hoeing this area. It's a good 15 X 15 square and close to the shipping box, which is a good place for crops. Tommorow you'll have your biggest day yet, so get to sleep at around midnight. Spring Tenth: ------------- You will automatically get up and exit your house, and walk up to a horse. This is now your horse that you can raise, train, and use! Don't ride him yet, as it's a bit too small. I like to name it beginning with a heart, just because. By now you should have some grass that is DARK green. That means it is ready to be picked! Use the sickle to do so, and then head to the shop and buy your very own chicken! The shopkeeper will take it to the farm for you and put it in the chicken coop! Head back to your farm, feed the chicken, and then spend the rest of the day doing your normal deeds. When i say this i mean (Feed the harvest sprite, Till the ground, water\buy crops). Note that you must have 5 squares of grass planted to buy a chicken. Spring Eleventh: ---------------- Get up, and execute your normal farming deeds. Then head to the chicken coop and look! It's an egg! For each chicken you have you get one egg PER day if you feed them every day. These sell for $70 each and make it so you don't need so many crops. Put the egg in the hatching area for now, don't sell it. Finish off the day with more of the same - i don't even need to say it. Spring Twelveth: ---------------- Water the crops, feed the sprite, then go to the chicken coop and feed it with one bail of grass, collect the new egg that was layed and put it in the bin for a nice $70 dollar profit. Spend the rest of the day tilling the ground nearby. You will have about 1/4 of it done by now, completly cleared. At least you should. You should also find a few dollars here and there in the ground. There are coins worth $50 and bags worth $100. If your lucky you just might even find a power berry! Go to sleep tonight at 12. Spring Thirteenth: ------------------ Water the crops, feed the chicken, get the egg, feed the sprite, and then go check your wood count. You should be around 200+ pieces currently. If not, what have you been doing all this time? Head to the shops and buy a few crops, but make sure you have at LEAST $2500 left when you are done. Talk to the carpenter, and select house upgrade. He will tell you that he will come visit you tommorow and tell you what is needed for the job. Spend the rest of the day planting, watering and tilling the ground. Spring Fourteenth: ------------------ The carpenter will come out and talk to you. He will ask you if you want a upgrade for $2500 and 100 materials (wood). Say yes. Your house will be upgraded in 3 days. Spend the rest of the day doing normal duties (Feed the sprites, chicken, harvest crops, egg, water, plant, hoe, chop, smash) It does get a bit repetative in the spring but it's well worth it! Spring Fifteenth: ----------------- Water the crops, and feed the sprites first. Head to the chicken coop and the egg will have hatched into a baby chick! Now put the new egg in the hatching bin and put 2 pieces of grass into the food tray now. Finish up the day doing the usual. Hurry quick as your halfway through spring and have many things left to get done! Get to bed around 12 PM as usual. Spring Sixteenth: ----------------- Water the crops, feed the chick and chicken, do the usual. Nothing special today. Get to bed at 12 PM. Spring Seventeenth: ------------------- Water the crops, feed the chick and chicken, do the usual. Nothing special today. Get to bed at 12 PM. Spring Eighteenth: ------------------ Water the crops, feed the chick and chicken, do the usual. Nothing special today. Get to bed at 12 PM. Spring Nineteenth: ------------------ Do the usual watering and buying of the crops. Head to the chicken coop and the 2nd egg has hatched! Now you need to use 3 pieces of grass per day. Feel free to skip today, and sell the egg for $70. Spring Twentieth: ----------------- Water the crops, feed the chicks and chicken, and put the final egg in the hatching area. Do the usual. Get to bed at 12 PM. Spring Twenty-First: -------------------- Water the crops, feed the chicks and chicken, do the usual. Make sure you feed the sprites and such. Get to bed at 12 PM. Note that you should not buy anything else from the stores until otherwise noted. Spring Twenty-Second: --------------------- Water the crops, feed the chicks and chicken, do the usual. Make sure you feed the sprites and such. Get to bed at 12 PM. Note that you should not buy anything else from the stores until otherwise noted. Spring Twenty-Third: -------------------- Water the crops if you have any. Feed the sprite and deposit the other mushroom for an easy $100. Head to the chicken coop and you will now have 2 chickens, 1 chick, and one on the way! Now you get 2 new eggs per day! Joy! Spend the rest of the day working on what little land you have left to hoe\clear. Hurry up though! Spring Twenty-Fourth: --------------------- Water the crops if you have any. Feed the sprite and deposit the other mushroom for an easy $100. Head to the chicken coop and you will now have 2 chickens, and 2 chicks! Now you have 2 eggs per day, and need to use 4 piece of grass per day. Spend the rest of the day working on what little land you have left to hoe\clear. Hurry up though! Spring Twenty-Fifth: -------------------- Water the crops if you have any. Feed the sprite and deposit the other mushroom for an easy $100. Head to the chicken coop and it is still the same, but you still need to take care of business. Spend the rest of the day working on what little land you have left to hoe\clear. Get to bed at 12 PM. Spring Twenty-Sixth: -------------------- It will rain today so you do not need to water the crops. More time for other things! Quickly feed the sprite and deposit the other mushroom for an easy $100. Head to the chicken coop and it is still the same, but you still need to take care of business. Head above your house and hoe just behind your back 'yard' if you haven't allready. You'll get another power berry! Spend the rest of the day working on what little land you have left to hoe\clear. Get to bed at 12 PM. Spring Twenty-Seventh: ---------------------- Today is one of those special days that everyone loves. A girl will come over and ask if you two can have a picnic on your farm. Say yes and tommorow you will have a picnic and your happiness will increase greatly! Water the crops if you have any. Feed the sprite and deposit the other mushroom for an easy $100. Head to the chicken coop and you'll now have 3 chickens, and only one chick left! Now you'll get 3 eggs per day from now on so be sure to keep feeding them and keep all 4 happy! Only 3 more days are left in spring, and the last will be mainly shopping, so spend the rest of the day working on what little land you have left to hoe\clear, then go to bed at 12 PM. Spring Twenty-Eighth: --------------------- Today you will have the picnic. It lasts till' 6 so you'll need to be REALLY quick at everything when it's over. Water the crops if you have any. Feed the sprite and deposit the other mushroom for an easy $100. take care of the chickens and the 1 chick, then spend the rest of the time hoeing till 12 PM. You will only have about 2 hours left so you won't get much done tonight. Tommorow is another eventful day. Spring Twenty-Ninth: -------------------- A girl will come along and want an egg. Say yes, and she'll buy an egg for 75 dollars. She'll want $5 back though. But it does increase your happiness for some reason! So i'd do it. Water the crops if you have any. Feed the sprite and deposit the other mushroom for an easy $100. You'll still have 3 chickens and one chick, but that's still $210 a day! Do the ususal, and get to bed EARLY. Say...9 PM. Spring Thirtieth: ----------------- Get up, and head to the cave. Feed the sprite and deposit the other mushroom as usual. Head to the chicken coop, get the 3 eggs sold and feed the 3 chickens and the chick. Now harvest all the grass you have and any crops that are fully grown. If they are not grown don't bother watering them as they will die on Summer First. Head to the shops, namely the Tool Shop and the Animal Shop. In the tool shop you will find the Sprinkler, Milker, and Brush. Buy the sprinkler, it waters a 3 X 3 Square, and it doesn't need refills! Buy the brush and the milker if you can afford it. You probably can't afford a cow but if by some strange chance you can go ahead and buy one. You should now have the following: $0.00 3 Chickens 1 Chick Sickle, Super Hammer, Hoe, Axe. Sprinkler Deluxe Wood House 3/4 land cleared AND tilled. 4 Super Berries 80 + Fodder 100 + Supplies (wood) Finally, before we start the grand period of time known as summer, is a little art showing what land the sprinkler covers. X _ _ _ X X|_|_|_|X X|_|S|_|X X|_|_|_|X X X X X X S = Sprinkler X = NON-Watered Square Now that i've just wasted valuble time and space, let's get on with the glory days of summer! Summer First: ------------- Head to the east corner of the land. Hoe to the left of the water pool and you'll find another power berry! Now till the top part of the land - which should have about 4 squares left. Go to the chicken coop and feed the 3 chickens\chick. Get the eggs and make sure to feed them as usual. Go to the store and buy TONS of seeds -- tomato seeds that is. Plant them on the area below the shipping box for convienience, then use the wonderful sprinkler to quickly water them all. All you should have left to till is the south-west area of land! Make sure to feed the sprite and get that $100 shroom as well! Summer Second: -------------- A few new things: The girl will want some change back for the egg. Go ahead and do it - it's only $5. Feed the sprites, water the tomatoes, the usual, etc. Head to the chicken coop and you now have 4 full grown, healthy, happy chickens! From now on you get 4 eggs a day which is the equivilant of $280 effortless dollars per day! For those that can't add - that's $8,400 for the month of summer alone! Add in another $3000 for the mushroom plus crops and you have a nice, steady income! If only this were enough...get to bed at a decent hour..just because i'm the one in charge here! Summer Third: ------------- Water your crops, pick the 'shrooms, finish cutting\smashing the remaining stumps and rocks. By now you should have the WHOLE land CLEARED. Not hoed - cleared. Take care of the chickens and finish the day by hoeing the south-east area that is the only area not hoed. The faster, the better, so don't slack off! Summer Fourth: -------------- Water your crops, pick the 'shrooms, finish cutting\smashing the remaining stumps and rocks. By now you should have the WHOLE land CLEARED. Not hoed - cleared. Take care of the chickens and finish the day by hoeing the south-east area that is the only area not hoed. The faster, the better, so don't slack off! Summer Fifth: ------------- Strong winds today - don't worry - everything will be ok tommorow. Get to bed, watch some TV, whatever. Nothing much to do here. Summer Sixth: ------------- Feed the chickens, help the sprites, water your plants, etc, etc. Note that the chickens will not give eggs today but that's normal. Keep on tilling the ground, collecting some money here and there. Get to bed at 12 PM. Summer Seventh: --------------- Water your crops, pick the 'shrooms, Take care of the chickens and finish the day by hoeing the south-east area that is the only area not hoed. The faster, the better, so don't slack off! Summer Eighth: -------------- Today it will rain, nothing else special. So pick the 'shrooms, take care of the chickens and finish the day by hoeing the south-east area that is the only area not hoed. Nothing really exciting, although tommorow is a bit eventful. Summer Ninth: ------------- EARTHQUAKE! Whoo baby, that was a big one! Ok, pick the tomatoes that are now grown for a HUGE profit, make sure to water them too after your done picking. Harvest your grass, feed the chickens then head to the underground. Help the sprite by breaking the rock ith your hammer. Then, grab the ax and throw it in the water. The goddess fairy will appear, say "No" to her question and you'll get the Golden\Super Ax!! Now do the usual afterwards, and don't forget the 'shrooms! Summer Tenth: ------------- Water the crops, feed both sprites, harvest some grass, feed the chickens, deposit the eggs, till the same place you have been for the past 5 days or so. Get to bed at 12 PM. Tommorow we're going shopping -- and not for shoes! Summer Eleventh: ---------------- Head south and harvest your abundant supply of tomatoes. Then head to the chicken coop and take care of the chickens, not to mention the $280 laying on the floor. Then head to the shed, feed the sprites, grab the sprinkler and water the crops. By now it should be around 3 PM. Head to the Flower Shop to the west. Buy 2 bags of grass, then head to the Tool Shop just to the left of it. Buy the brush, milker, and saddlebag. You should be able to afford all this. Now head back to the farm and plant the grass wherever you feel it is best put. Now hoe for a couple of hours then go to bed at 9 or so. Summer Twelveth: ---------------- Water the crops, feed both sprites, harvest some grass, feed the chickens, deposit the eggs, till the same place you have been for the past 5 days or so. Get to bed at 12 PM. Tommorow at least it will do SOMETHING different. Oh well, pretty soon we go shopping again! Summer Thirteenth: ------------------ Today is another harvest day! Time for tons of cash! It will also rain today, which is no help as you will need to water the crops after you harvest them anyway. Oh well, it's a change at least. Do your usual duties with the sprites and the chickens, at it will be around 5 PM by this point. Note that you should ride your horse down to where your crops are to make shipping faster! Then spend a good chunk of time hoeing, as you should be nearing completion of your 40+ day project. Go to bed around 1 am, and tommorow we go shopping for cows - oh joy! Summer Fourteenth: ------------------ Water the crops, feed both sprites, harvest some grass, feed the chickens, deposit the eggs, till the same place you have been for the past 5 days or so until it's noon. Then head to the Animal Shop and buy a cow (or two) if you can afford it. Name the cow(s) with a HEART in front of their name, i named mine (heart)MOO if you must know. They will be super-cows in essence, giving better and bigger milk! Head back to the farm and hoe, hoe, hoe till' your heart is content! Or..until it's midnight as usual! Don't forget to feed the cow(s)! Summer Fifteenth: ----------------- Harvest your crops, using your horse and saddlebag of course! Water the crops, feed both sprites, harvest some grass, feed the chickens, feed the cow(s), brush your cow(s), deposit the eggs, till the same place you have been for the past 5 days. Isn't this getting a bit easy -- or repetative? Or both? Summer Sixteenth: ----------------- Water the crops, feed both sprites, harvest some grass, feed the chickens, feed the cow(s), brush your cow(s), deposit the eggs, till the same place you have been for the past 5 days. Isn't this getting a bit easy -- or repetative? Or both? Oh and for those that didn't notice, it rains today! Err, who really does care? Summer Seventeenth: ------------------- Water the crops, feed both sprites, harvest some grass, feed the chickens, feed the cow(s), brush your cow(s), deposit the eggs, till the same place you have been for the past 5 days. Summer Eighteenth: ------------------ Harvest your crops, using your horse and saddlebag of course! Water the crops, feed both sprites, harvest some grass, feed the chickens, feed the cow(s), brush your cow(s), deposit the eggs, till the same place you have been for the past 5 days. Isn't this getting a bit easy -- or repetative? Or both? Hey guess what? Tommorow you get to have some real fun! More shopping! Summer Nineteenth: ------------------ OK, do the usual junk all first. Except for tilling, leave that for later. Once your all done with your normal duties, head to the animal shop and buy one more cow and and M. Potion. I have 2 cows by now, not 3, so don't feel bad if you only have 2 cows as well. Use the M. Potion on the cow and in 21 days you'll have another cow! Spend the rest of the day hoeing the land. Summer Twentieth: ----------------- More usual crap. I'd leave this space blank as i've said this all before but someone might get lost so here's what to do: Harvest your crops, using your horse and saddlebag of course! Water the crops, feed both sprites, harvest some grass, feed the chickens, feed the cow(s), brush your cow(s), deposit the eggs, till the same place you have been for about a week now. At least your getting somewhere... Summer Twenty-First: -------------------- Water the crops, feed both sprites, harvest some grass, feed the chickens, feed the cow(s), brush your cow(s), deposit the eggs, and head to the tilling area. By the time you are done today you SHOULD have the WHOLE land tilled, AND find another power berry! Unless you've found it allready! No more tilling all year long baby! Head back to your house to celebrate...not to mention sleep! Summer Twenty-Second: --------------------- Water the crops, feed both sprites, harvest some grass, feed the chickens, feed the cow(s), brush your cow(s), deposit the eggs, oh yeah harvest your truckload of tomatoes too. Tommorow we go shopping again! Summer Twenty-Third: -------------------- Do the usual crap, then head to the carpenter and buy wood until you have 300 pieces. Then do the home expansion thingy, and head back to the ranch and do stuff. Summer Twenty-Fourth: --------------------- Talk to the carpenter, etc, etc. Harvest crop,s water crops, the usual. I don't really have to keep saying it. Summer Twenty-Fifth: -------------------- You either know what to do during this time period or you are a total idiot. Either way there isn't much i can do to help you. Summer Twenty-Sixth: -------------------- More usual stuff, wait for fall for a new and exciting strategy! Summer Twenty-Seventh: ---------------------- I'd call this filler but it really isn't. It's just that all you need to do is harvest your crops and take care of the animals. If only something eventful were to happen! Summer Twenty-Eighth: --------------------- Just make sure not to shoot your chickens. That coop can get a bit frustrating at times. Make sure to feed the animals and buy a cow if you don't want to raise one, like me. Summer Twenty-Ninth: -------------------- Keep harvesting -- grass mainly. Fall is almost here - you can smell it in the air. Ok not really, but hey we could use a change now and then. Summer Thirtieth: ----------------- Allright, harvest EVERYTHING you can. Feed the animals, sprites, and get the goodies as usual. Buy the neccesary items you need if you don't have them allready. Here is what you should have by now: (In addition to what you should of had in spring). 4 Cows 4 Chickens All the land tilled and cleared. Ultra Deluxe House Golden Axe 5-6 Power Berries 175+ Fodder Now, onto the money-making days of fall. Don't worry, there is no raking involved! Fall First: ----------- It's fall, and the only thing that has changed is the grass. Hmm, a bit odd. Anyway, the grass is brown now, but not dead. Harvest it when it's DARK brown. Anyway feed the sprites, cows, chickens, and then go to the store and buy some eggplant seeds. ALOT of eggplant seeds! Plant them anywhere, as your horse is now your shipping box. Be sure to water them, then go take your cow(s) for a walk or two to increase both of your happyness. Go to bed...whenever. Not much to do when there is no hoeing is there? I sure hope you like crops... Fall Second: ------------ ~Follow Fall First Strategy - Completely~ Fall Third: ----------- ~Follow Fall First Strategy - Completely~ Fall Fourth: ------------ ~Follow Fall First Strategy - Completely~ Fall Fifth: ----------- ~Follow Fall First Strategy - Completely~ Fall Sixth: ----------- Same as the last few days, only your eggplant is ready to be harvested. Take the horse wherever you planted your crops and have fun. Then go buy more crops, water them, and wait another 5 days, basically... Fall Seventh: ------------- Fall Eighth: ------------ Fall Ninth: ----------- Fall Tenth: ----------- Fall Eleventh: -------------- Fall Twelveth: -------------- Fall Thirteenth: ---------------- Fall Fourteenth: ---------------- Fall Fifteenth: --------------- Fall Sixteenth: --------------- Fall Seventeenth: ----------------- Fall Eighteenth: ---------------- Fall Nineteenth: ---------------- Fall Twentieth: --------------- Fall Twenty-First: ------------------ Fall Twenty-Second: ------------------- Fall Twenty-Third: ------------------ Fall Twenty-Fourth: ------------------- Fall Twenty-Fifth: ------------------ Fall Twenty-Sixth: ------------------ Fall Twenty-Seventh: -------------------- Fall Twenty-Eighth: ------------------- Fall Twenty-Ninth: ------------------ Fall Thirtieth: --------------- Winter First: ------------- Winter Second: -------------- Winter Third: ------------- Winter Fourth: -------------- Winter Fifth: ------------- Winter Sixth: ------------- Winter Seventh: --------------- Winter Eighth: -------------- Winter Ninth: ------------- Winter Tenth: ------------- Winter Eleventh: ---------------- Winter Twelveth: ---------------- Winter Thirteenth: ------------------ Winter Fourteenth: ------------------ Winter Fifteenth: ----------------- Winter Sixteenth: ----------------- Winter Seventeenth: ------------------- Winter Eighteenth: ------------------ Winter Nineteenth: ------------------ Winter Twentieth: ----------------- Winter Twenty-First: -------------------- Winter Twenty-Second: --------------------- Winter Twenty-Third: -------------------- Winter Twenty-Fourth: --------------------- Winter Twenty-Fifth: -------------------- Winter Twenty-Sixth: -------------------- Winter Twenty-Seventh: ---------------------- Winter Twenty-Eighth: --------------------- Winter Twenty-Ninth: -------------------- Winter Thirtieth: ----------------- ======================================================================= VI. Secrets ======================================================================= Secrets: -------- $200 Every Day: --------------- For an extra 200 dollars per day go into your tool shed and go out the back door. You will be in a cave. On 2 of the rocks in front of you there will be mushrooms. Pick them up and put them in the shipping box in the cave. Do this everyday. Become Harvest Master: ---------------------- To win the title of "Harvest Master", there are strict requirements, and it won't be easy. You must have 4 cows, 4 chickens, hoed over 1600 squares, shipped 4500 pieces of produce, an Ultra Deluxe House, over six power berries, over 65536 GP, and a happines over 250. With all this you'll get the best ending. Free Seeds: ----------- When you start a new game, choose a girl and name her something starting with a heart. Pick a cat as a pet and start it's name with a heart. You will start with one bag of grass, one bag of turnups, and the watering can. Get the Super Hammer, Axe, Hoe, and Sickle: -------------------------------------------- To get the Super Hammer, upgrade your house once and you will get it from the carpanter as a gift. For the axe, wait until the earthquake comes and use the axe in the dwarve's cave, second screen up, on the now-open pond slot.(The one that was blocked by the rock) For the hoe and sickle, from the start of the game, give a mushroom a day to the first dwarf you see until the earthquake. Free the crushed dwarf, go up one screen in the cave (Where you get the axe) and talk to the dwarf in there. when he asks if the hoe and sickle are working alright, say yes. he will upgrade them. Golden Axe: ----------- To get the golden axe you have to go to the back of the mushroom cave and throw your axe in the water all the way at the opposite side where you came in. The Harvest fairy will ask you if you dropped a golden axe say "NO" she will then give it to you. If you say yes she'll call you a liar. Grandfather's Secret Stash: --------------------------- Go into your home on the ranch, and check out the night stand on the right of the bed (by using the A button, with no tools selected.) You will find 1000G of "Grandfather's rainy day money." Growing the Cabin Plant: ------------------------ To grow the plant in the left of the cabin, by the bed, you must eat the power berries. To get them give the elf in the first room of the caves one mushroom a day for about 10 - 30 days. NOTE: If you talk to the elf this will not work so just give the elf a mushroom, cycle through his speech, and the don't talk to him until about 15 consecutive days of this have passed and then talk to him. Every time you eat one berry the plant will grow more. How to Get the Horse: --------------------- When you look at the schedule on your clock, you will see that it has the time the season and the day/date. On the tenth day of spring you will wake up and automatically go outside and somebody will ask you to take care of their horse because the can't keep it anymore. Say yes and it's yours! Name Game: ---------- How you enter your name determines which crops youll be able to buy and grow. Capitalize the first letter in your name to grow eggplant and carrots. Leave the first letter in you name in lowere case to grow peanuts and broccoli. If you want to grow all four crops, replace the first letter in your name with a symbol, such as a heart. Nice Cows: ---------- When you name your cows begin it with a heart and they will grow up faster and give good milk. Note that this only works if it is your first cow ever. Power Berries: -------------- An alternative way to finding Power Berries (see Growing the Cabin Plant) is to simply use a hoe and dig for them. It helps greatly to have the super hoe. They will be evaluated into your score at the end of the year. Taking a stroll with your cow: ------------------------------ Walk with your cow outside the barn by pushing your cow to the door. Then go around its feeding stable to get to the other side. Once you push it out the door, a little clip will be shown of you and your cow walking. It makes your cow very happy, especially if it's sick or unhappy. WARNING: Walking with your cow loses 1hr. So make sure you have extra time. Unlimited eggs: --------------- For unlimited eggs, while you still have the watering can, water the egg closest to the shipping box. There are a number of things you must do to make this work, they are: 1. Have four farm raised chickens 2. Still have the watering can 3. 200 pieces of feed 4. 2 cows 5. $10,000 Game Shark Codes: ----------------- Infinite Money 01FFEFB8 01FFF0B8 0105F1B8 ======================================================================= Time Modifier 01??82B8 ======================================================================= Day Modifier 01??83B8 ======================================================================= Have Super Sycle in ToolShed 0101A7B8 ======================================================================= Have Super Hoe in ToolShed 0101A8B8 ======================================================================= Have Super Hammer in ToolShed 0101A9B8 ======================================================================= Have Super Ax in ToolShed 0101AAB8 ======================================================================= Have Cow Medicine in ToolShed 0101ABB8 ======================================================================= Have Milker in ToolShed 0101ACB8 ======================================================================= Have Brush in ToolShed 0101ADB8 ======================================================================= Have Water Can in ToolShed 0101AEB8 ======================================================================= Have Sprinkler in ToolShed 0101AFB8 ======================================================================= Have Turnip Seeds in ToolShed 0101B5B8 ======================================================================= Have Potato Seeds in ToolShed 0101B6B8 ======================================================================= Have Tomato Seeds in ToolShed 0101B7B8 ======================================================================= Have Corn Seeds in ToolShed 0101B8B8 ======================================================================= Have Eggplant Seeds in ToolShed 0101B9B8 ======================================================================= Have Peanut Seeds in ToolShed 0101BAB8 ======================================================================= Have Carrot Seeds in ToolShed 0101BBB8 ======================================================================= Have Broccli Seeds in ToolShed 0101BCB8 ======================================================================= Have Pick Ax in ToolShed 0101BDB8 ======================================================================= Have Umbrella in ToolShed 0101BEB8 ======================================================================= Have Fishing Rod in ToolShed 0101BFB8 ======================================================================= Have Cow Feed 0101C0B8 ======================================================================= Have Chicken Feed 0101C1B8 ======================================================================= Have Cat For Pet 0101DAB8 0100DBB8 ======================================================================= Have Dog For Pet 0100DAB8 0101DBB8 ======================================================================= Have No Pet 0100DAB8 0100DBB8 ======================================================================= Infinite Turnip Seeds 0163D2B8 ======================================================================= Infinite Potato Seeds 0163D3B8 ======================================================================= Infinite Tomato Seeds 0163D4B8 ======================================================================= Infinite Corn Seeds 0163D5B8 ======================================================================= Infinite Eggplant Seeds 0163D6B8 ======================================================================= Infinite Peanut Seeds 0163D7B8 ======================================================================= Infinite Carrot Seeds 0163D8B8 ======================================================================= Infinite Broccli Seeds 0163D9B8 ======================================================================= Infinite Grass Seeds 0163DAB8 ======================================================================= Items Equipped on Position 1 Mod 01??F8B8 ======================================================================= Items Equipped on Position 2 Mod 01??F9B8 ======================================================================= Items Equipped on Hands Position 01??FAB8 ======================================================================= Infinite Crissant 0163C5B8 ======================================================================= Infinite Rice Ballling 0163C6B8 ======================================================================= Infinite Meat Dumpling 0163C7B8 ======================================================================= Infinite Wild Grape Juice 0163CAB8 ======================================================================= Infinite Green Tea 0163CBB8 ======================================================================= Infinite Material (Wood) 01FF38B9 01FF39B9 ======================================================================= Infinite Fodder 01FF3AB9 01053BB9 ======================================================================= Events Modifier (Turn off GS when farmer steps outside) 01??8DB8 ======================================================================= Weather Modifier 01??A0B8 ======================================================================= Have 99 Milk 0163CCB8 ======================================================================= End Of The Year Evaluation 01118DE8 ======================================================================= Become A Ranch Master Without Doing Any Work 0101D1B8 ======================================================================= Quantity Digits to Accompany Event Modifier Code 01 - Get Horse 02 - After Earthquake 03 - Day Before Picnic 04 - Day of the Picnic 05 - Get Grape Juice 06 - Find A Missing Bird 07 - After Hurricane 08 - Get New Juice 09 - Get Offered a Sprinkler 0A - Get Offered a Lerger House 0B - Find Nina 0C - Girl Stays at Your Ranch ======================================================================= Quantity Digits to Accompany Weather Modifier Code 00 - Clear Weather 01 - Rainy Weather 02 - Snowy Weather 03 - Strong Winds ======================================================================= VII. Getting Started ====================================================================== This game is hard enough as it is, and how you set up the game can be one of the hardest parts, oddly enough. This will be just a simple, quick guide to setting up the perfect game! Note that if you are looking for help on the first few days, weeks, seasons, etc of the year that you should refer to section V. Name: ----- Well, you get 4 characters. Put a Heart first, then any 3 letters you want. Gender: ------- I'm a guy, but if you pick a girl, you'll start out with free seeds, and the watering can! Why not? Pet: ---- Pick a dog. Name it: (Heart)(three letters of your choice) That's all there is to it! You will now be able to grow the BEST crops, start out with the most tools, start out with free grass, and 2 bags of food seeds. You are well on your way to becoming a harvest master! ======================================================================= VIII. Story ======================================================================= You are Jack, the grandson of a famous harvester. Your dead grandfather tells you to become the harvest master by raising crops, and taking care of your inherited farm for one year. If you suceed, you will be rewarded with wealth, and happiness. If you slack off and don't work you'll lose the farm and your dead grandfather goes back to heaven. It's you and your farm-tools, and that's it, your grandfather cannot help you now. It's up to you to decide the fate of your farm. ======================================================================= IX. Controls ======================================================================= A - Use Item(s)\Pick Up Things\Talk\"Yes" On menus B - Hold to run\"No" on menus Start - Change Current Item Being Used Select - Status Screen D-Pad: Move ======================================================================= X. Shops Guide ======================================================================= There are 6 shops in the game - each offering it's own special services. This will cover what you can generally get there, and a few specific items they sell which are of use. If you are looking for all the items in the game, scroll down to the section below -- "Items Guide". Here is a sad looking map of the shops screen. Juice Bar | Carpenter | Flower Shop ---|-------------|----------------|--- | | | Restaurant | Tool Shop| |Animal Shop |____|_______________|____| Now that you know where they are located, maybe, here is a brief description of the shops and what they have to offer: Carpenter: ---------- You'll visit his shop 4 times tops during the game. He offers two things: Home Expansions and Wood that you need to give him to build your house. You can only get 2 upgrades from him so once you have them, there is no need to visit this strange-looking dude. Juice Bar: ---------- Only open at night, this offers beverages ovbviously. I do believe you can beat the game without buying his items however, and he's a bit too perky for his own good. Restaurant: ----------- Open in the day, this place offers food. I also do belive you can become a harvest master without buying stuff here. I think all it does is improve your happyness to have alot of food. Tool Shop: ---------- This place holds key items such as the sprinkler, brush, milker, and a variety of other items. Most are for your cow, and are very expensive. You will need a few items from here but some you can save to buy until the 2nd year. Animal Shop: ------------ You actually will not need to come here often. This place offers chickens, cows, animal food, and a few other things. You'll spend a few bucks on cows, but you'll only need to grab a chicken and a couple other things before you can stop visiting the old dude. Flower Shop: ------------ By far the most visited shop in the game. This place only offers one thing - seeds. The items change in the 4 seasons however. You can always buy grass whenever you like here, but some things, such as tomatoes, potatoes, and corn can only be bought in certain seasons. A harvest master will need to come here about twice a week in some seasons, while only twice or so in summer. ~Refer to Section XI. Items Guide for more info on the various items~ ======================================================================= XI. Items Guide ======================================================================= This section will contain EVERY item availible to you in Harvest Moon GB. If by some chance i neglect to mention an item - please inform me and i'll have it added. ~Items that can be bought~ Sprinkler - Waters Crops Brush - Use to make your cows happy Cow Bell - Used to call your cows Milker - Used to milk your cows Saddle Bag - Used on your horse; allows your horse to become a portable shipping box. Butter Churn - Put milk in here to make butter Cheese Maker - Put milk in here to make cheese Material - Use to build your house Home Expansion - Use to upgrade your house up to two times Chicken - Lays eggs you can sell\hatch Chicken Feed - Used as a grass alternative; grass is better Cow - Gives milk and can breed with other cows Cow Feed - Used as a grass alternative; grass is better Cow Potion - Use on a cow to raise a calf Medicine - Used on a sick cow First Aid Kit - Same as medicine - only better! Berry Juice - Used to increase stamina\happiness Green Tea - Used to increase stamina\happiness Milk - Used to increase stamina\happiness Orange Juice - Used to increase stamina\happiness Apple Juice - Used to increase stamina\happiness Croissant - Used to increase stamina\happiness Meat Dumpling - Used to increase stamina\happiness Rice Ball - Used to increase stamina\happiness Lunchbox - Used to increase stamina\happiness (don't ask me) Cake - Used to increase stamina\happiness Grass Seeds - Used to grow grass;regrows after being cut Potato Seeds - Used to grow potatoes Turnip Seeds - Used to grow turnips Tomato Seeds - Used to grow tomateos;regrows after being harvested Corn Seeds - Used to grow corn Eggplant Seeds - Used to grow eggplant;regrows after being harvested Peanut Seeds - Used to grow peanuts Carrot Seeds - Used to grow carrots Broccolli Seeds - Used to grow broccolli;regrows after being harvested ~Items that you start out with~ Hoe - Your basic hoe - tills one square. Axe - Use six times to break a tree stump. Sicle - Used to harvest grass - or cut weeds. Hammer - Use once to break little rocks, or 6 times to break huge rocks. ~Items that you work for\recieve~ Super Hammer - Recieved from the carpenter after upgrade #1 Golden Axe - Throw your axe into the lake after the earquake, say no to the goddess and it's yours. ~Misc. Items~ Power Berry - You can find these in the dirt, get them for doing deeds, etc. These improve your happiness rating. Watering Can - Used to water crops. Mushroom - Found in caves - sell it for $100 Butter - Sell for $500 Cheese - Sell for $500 ======================================================================= XII. Author's Note ======================================================================= Feel free to contact the strange being who published this with any corrections, questions, flames, hate mail, praise, adoration, awards, threats, or maybe if i'm lucky something intelligent at: Now, for those of you not paying attention a few notes about the e-mail i recieve: `.;'",~Questions`.;'",~ I cannot stress enough how important it is that you include the NAME OF THE GAME with the e-mail. 15 e-mails a day get ignored simply because i cannot tell which game they are for. Also any e-mail that looks a bit like this will be disregarded: "Hay Dude Wuz uhp? Lik Huw Du Yu Gat Dat Kee Mn?!" It will be DELETED, get it? `.;'",~Praise`.;'",~ Sure, send it in. It might even get a reply, as it's usally 1/2 the mail i get worth responding to. Just don't suck up and as for a favor in return - i hate that. `.;'",~Hate Mail\Flames\Unreadable Crap`.;'",~ Sure, send it in. I LOVE to paste your shi! on the message board and laugh with the other author's at you. Even us author's need to be entertained every once in a while. `.;'",~Website Related Junk`.;'",~ I will not work for your website, make your website, be affiliated with your website, etc, etc. Most importantly, you MAY NOT put this on your site or even ASK me if you can. In other words, webmasters MAY NOT E-MAIL ME. GET IT? `.;'",~Advertisements`.;'",~ Do NOT send me anything that is unrealated to video games, i get enough of that from the perverts, fat people, skinny people, and people with way too much crap to sell. Jdude84 -EOF-