Heroes of Might and Magic Creature FAQ FAQ For: Heroes of Might and Magic Creature FAQ System: Gameboy Color Contributor: Gauntlet Man 99 Version: 0.1 Last Updated: 11/19/01 E-mail Address: gauntletman99@greatestgamers.com 1. Introduction- Hi, I'm Gauntlet Man 99 and this is my creature FAQ for Heroes of Might and Magic. I'll update whenever I get new info on the creatures in HOMM. This is my first FAQ, so give me a break. My E-mail address is gauntletman99@greatestgamers.com ,and my AOL screen name is Icewind45. I will add information to the stats of all the creatures whenever I think of a new category for them. The main reason I wrote this was to help people with this underrated game, and give the few that have it a quick index to all of the many creatures in the game, but I also wrote because I was bored and I really like this game. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. E-mail Information 4. Creature Guide 5. The Top Ten Creatures 6. Credits 7. Legal Stuff 8. Word Count 2. Version History Version Number: 0.1 Date: 11/19/01 What's New: This whole FAQ 3. E-mail Information My e-mail address is gauntletman99@greatestgamers.com , and I'll gladly accept all of the items on the good list. But this is your one and only warning: If you e-mail me with anything on the "do not e-mail me with" list, I will block your e-mail address. E-mail me with: Contributions Questions about creatures on this game Hate Mail (I need some entertainment) Suggestions Spelling and grammatical errors Do not e-mail me with: Praise Letters Spam Questions about the game other than creatures Questions that are answered on this FAQ Viruses Etc. 4. Creature Guide And now, the part of this FAQ that you came here for, the Creature Guide! I have chosen the all of the categories that I can think of to classify them and help you make the best army possible. If you have any other categories then just e-mail me, or IM whenever I'm on AOL. And once again, my screename is Icewind45. Oh yeah, and about the usefulness, that doesn't come from the game itself like all of the other categories do, that is just my opinion. Archer Cost- 150 gold Hp- 10 Speed- Slow Attack- 5 Defense- 3 Damage- 2-3 Dwelling Type- Archery Range Usefulness- 3 Shots- 12 Information- Archers are an O.K. choice for an army, but because of their low HP, they're vulnerable and won't last long if they're attacked. Cavalry Cost- 300 gold HP- 30 Speed- Fast Attack- 10 Defense- 9 Damage- 5-10 Dwelling Type- Jousting Arena Usefulness- 8 Information- Cavalries are a step up from a Swordsman, and are fast, strong, and resistant, making them an excellent, yet expensive choice for nearly all armies. Centaur Cost- 60 gold HP- 5 Speed- Medium Attack- 3 Defense- 1 Damage- 5 Dwelling Type- Cave Usefulness- 4 Shots- 8 Information- Centaurs are extremely cheap to recruit, and are weak, but for some reason I like them. They are very useful if you have several hundred of them, and since they're so cheap, that won't be too hard. Cyclops Cost- 750 gold and 1Crystal HP- 80 Speed- Medium Attack- 12 Defense- 9 Damage- 12-24 Dwelling Type- Pyramid Usefulness- 9 Information- Cyclops are a very powerful ally, but a dreadful foe. They're attacks go through the thing it hits by one square and damages the creature on the other side. When it attacks it has a 20 percent chance of paralyzing it's target; making them even more deadly. Dragon Cost- 1 Sulfur and 3000 gold HP- 200 Speed- Fast Attack- 12 Defense- 12 Damage- 25-50 Dwelling Type- Black Tower Usefulness- 10 Information- Dragons are by far the most powerful creature in the game. Their attacks are VERY powerful and it is immune to magic. Its attacks also go through the creature it hits. One of these will be lots of trouble for your enemies, but if you stock up more than 50, it will be nearly impossible to lose. Druid Cost- 350 gold HP- 25 Speed- Fast Attack- 7 Defense- 5 Damage- 5-8 Dwelling Type- Stonehenge Usefulness- 5 Shots- 8 Information- With it's fair attack power and 8 shots, Druids are an O.K. choice for armies, but I don't really like them much because of their tiny HP level. Dwarf Cost- 200 gold HP- 40 Speed- Slow Attack- 6 Defense- 5 Damage- 2-4 Dwelling Type- Cottage Usefulness- 4 Information- Dwarves are too slow to be of much use, but since they have a good amount of HP, and are slightly resistant to magic, they're a decent choice. Elf Cost- 250 gold HP- 15 Speed- Medium Attack- 4 Defense- 3 Damage- 2-3 Dwelling Type- Archery Range Usefulness- 3 Shots- 24 Information- Even if he were real, I don't think "Santa Claus" would like these Elves even if he were at war. Even though they take 2 shots per round, they aren't very good, so you shouldn't depend on them in your armies. Gargoyle Cost- 200 gold HP- 15 Speed- Fast Attack- 4 Defense- 7 Damage- 2-3 Dwelling Type- Crypt Usefulness- 4 Information- Gargoyles are exceptionally fast, but are rather weak, and have only a meager 15 HP, but still they are good for fighting weak enemies, such as Orcs. Genie Cost- 1 Gem and 650 gold HP- 50 Speed- Fast Attack- 10 Defense- 9 Damage- 20-30 Dwelling Type- Genie Lamp Usefulness- 9 Information- Easily the fifth best creatures in the game, Genies are rare and costly but very useful. They are found in Magic Lamps, which can be found in the middle of nowhere but, not in castles. There is a 15 percent chance that its attack will cut the enemy stack that it attacked in half. Ghost Cost- 180 gold HP- 20 Speed- Medium Attack- 8 Defense- 7 Damage- 4-6 Dwelling Type- Ancient Crypt Usefulness-6 Information- Ghosts are weak, but are cheap and found in masses, and because any kills a Ghost makes turn into Ghosts themselves, it gives you tons of Ghosts, and it also gives you a reason to fight Peasants, other than a little bit of experience. Goblin Cost- 40 gold Hp- 3 Speed- Medium Attack- 3 Defense- 1 Damage- 2-3 Dwelling Type- Hut Usefulness- 1 Information- Goblins are just above Peasants on the worthlessness scale, and should be recruited the same way. A good strategy for these guys is to use them as decoys. Griffin Cost- 300 gold HP- 25 Speed- Medium Attack- 6 Defense- 6 Damage- 3-5 Dwelling Type- Nest Usefulness- 5 Information- Griffins have unlimited retaliation, which makes them valuable right there, and also with their 25 HP Griffins are a solid choice. Hydra Cost- 800 gold HP- 75 Speed- Slow Attack- 8 Defense- 9 Damage- 6-12 Dwelling Type- Swamp Usefulness- 9 Information- Hydras are the third best creature in the game, they would be the second best if it weren't for their speed. They attack in all direction and their attacks got through their targets. Whatever it hits can't retaliate either make Hydras invaluable. Minotaur Cost- 400 gold HP- 35 Speed- Medium Attack- 9 Defense- 8 Damage- 5-10 Dwelling Type- Maze Usefulness- 7 Information- Minotaurs are medium-powered in all of their categories, and 35 HP isn't too shabby, and with a fair price Minotaurs are above average. Nomad Cost- 200 gold HP- 20 Speed- Fast Attack- 7 Defense- 6 Damage- 2-5 Dwelling Type- Desert Tent Usefulness- 5 Information- Nomads are average as far as creatures go, but if it weren't for their speed, they wouldn't be nearly as useful. Nomads should be used against things such as Griffins or Gargoyles. Ogre Cost- 300 gold HP- 40 Speed- Slow Attack- 9 Defense- 5 Damage- 4-6 Dwelling Type- Adobe Usefulness- 3 Information- Ogres are nearly identical to Dwarves, but aren't resistant to magic at all. They are very slow, and are best used for backup against other slow creatures. Orc Cost- 140 gold HP- 10 Speed- Slow Attack- 3 Defense- 4 Damage- 2-3 Dwelling Type- Stick Hut Usefulness- 4 Shots- 8 Information- Orcs are slow and have a very weak attack and defense. They're pretty much a waste of time, space, and money, because they can hardly beat anything, unless you have tons of them, but because they are so inexpensive you will most of the time. Paladin Cost- 600 gold HP- 50 Speed- Fast Attack- 11 Defense- 12 Damage- 10-20 Dwelling Type- Cathedral Usefulness- 9 Information- Paladins are right up there with the best creatures, with their excellent attack power, and zooming speed, they also attack twice per round. Peasant Cost- 20 gold HP- 1 Speed- Slow Attack- 1 Defense- 1 Damage- 1 Dwelling Type- Straw Hut Usefulness - 1 Information- Peasants are the very weakest things in the whole game. Only recruit them if you are in desperate need of troops, or you are recruiting several hundred of them at once, because then they are very damaging in a huge group like that. Phoenix Cost- 1500 gold and 1 Mercury HP- 100 Speed- Fast Attack- 12 Defense- 9 Damage- 12-24 Dwelling Type- Red Tower Usefulness- 10 Information- Phoenixes are the second best creature in the whole game. Its attacks go through enemies, they are very fast and strong, but unfortunately Phoenixes are rare and very expensive, yet they are a worthwhile choice, so if you have the chance, get one. Pikeman Cost- 200 gold HP- 15 Speed- Medium Attack- 5 Defense- 9 Damage- 3-4 Dwelling Type- Blacksmith Usefulness- 2 Information- Pikemen are slow and relatively weak. They only have 15 HP and they won't last long because of that. Since they need to get close to attack they usually won't get a chance to unless you have a big group of them. Rogue Cost- 50 gold HP- 4 Speed- Fast Attack- 6 Defense- 1 Damage- 1-2 Dwelling Type- Wagon Camp Usefulness- 2 Information- Rogues are very fast, and when they attack they render their enemies unable to retaliate, which makes them a "2" instead of a "1". Sprite Cost- 50 gold HP- 2 Speed- Medium Attack- 4 Defense- 2 Damage- 1-2 Dwelling Type- Treehouse Usefulness- 1 Information- Sprites have only a small 2 HP, but are very fast and like Rogues their foes can't retaliate against them, but still they are nearly useless. Swordsmen Cost- 250 gold HP- 25 Speed- Medium Attack- 7 Defense- 9 Damage- 4-6 Dwelling Type- Armory Usefulness- 7 Information- Swordsmen are slightly above average. They are a step down from Cavalries, and are expensive but a good buy. Troll Cost- 600 gold HP- 40 Speed- Medium Attack- 10 Defense- 5 Damage- 5-7 Dwelling Type- Bridge Usefulness- 7 Shots- 8 Information- Trolls are one of my personal favorites. They regenerate, have medium attack power, 40 HP, and it can attack from long range which makes it good. Unicorn Cost- 500 gold HP- 40 Speed- Medium Attack- 10 Defense- 9 Damage- 7-14 Dwelling Type- Fenced Meadow Usefulness- 6 Information- Unicorns are a tad bit expensive, but they have a chance of blinding their enemies. Wolf Cost- 200 gold HP- 20 Speed- Fast Attack- 9 Defense- 5 Damage- 4-6 Dwelling Type- Den Usefulness- 4 Information- Wolves have low/medium attack power, but they can attack twice per round, letting it do more damage which it needs because it probably won't last long with only 20 HP. 5. The Top Ten Creatures Here in this section I'll tell you the top ten creatures and repost their stats here. This section should help you make your armies invincible. 1. Dragon Cost- 1 Sulfur and 3000 gold HP- 200 Speed- Fast Attack- 12 Defense- 12 Damage- 25-50 Dwelling Type- Black Tower Usefulness- 10 Information- Dragons are by far the most powerful creature in the game. Their attacks are VERY powerful and it is immune to magic. Its attacks also go through the creature it hits. One of these will be lots of trouble for your enemies, but if you stock up more than 50, it will be nearly impossible to lose. 2. Phoenix Cost- 1500 gold and 1 Mercury HP- 100 Speed- Fast Attack- 12 Defense- 9 Damage- 12-24 Dwelling Type- Red Tower Usefulness- 10 Information- Phoenixes are the second best creature in the whole game. Its attacks go through enemies, they are very fast and strong, but unfortunately Phoenixes are rare and very expensive, yet they are a worthwhile choice, so if you have the chance, get one. 3. Hydra Cost- 800 gold HP- 75 Speed- Slow Attack- 8 Defense- 9 Damage- 6-12 Dwelling Type- Swamp Usefulness- 9 Information- Hydras are the third best creature in the game, they would be the second best if it weren't for their speed. They attack in all direction and their attacks got through their targets. Whatever it hits can't retaliate either make Hydras invaluable. 4. Cyclops Cost- 750 gold and 1 Crystal HP- 80 Speed- Medium Attack- 12 Defense- 9 Damage- 12-24 Dwelling Type- Pyramid Usefulness- 9 Information- Cyclops are a very powerful ally, but a dreadful foe. Their attacks go through the thing it hits by one square and damages the creature on the other side. When it attacks it has a 20 percent chance of paralyzing it's target; making them even more deadly. 5. Genie Cost- 1 Gem and 650 gold HP- 50 Speed- Fast Attack- 10 Defense- 9 Damage- 20-30 Dwelling Type- Genie Lamp Usefulness- 9 Information- Easily the fifth best creatures in the game, Genies are rare and costly but very useful. They are found in Magic Lamps, which can be found in the middle of nowhere but, not in castles. There is a 15 percent chance that its attack will cut the enemy stack that it attacked in half. 6. Paladin Cost- 600 gold HP- 50 Speed- Fast Attack- 11 Defense- 12 Damage- 10-20 Dwelling Type- Cathedral Usefulness- 9 Information- Paladins are right up there with the best creatures, with their excellent attack power, and zooming speed, they also attack twice per round. 7. Cavalry Cost- 300 gold HP- 30 Speed- Fast Attack- 10 Defense- 9 Damage- 5-10 Dwelling Type- Jousting Arena Usefulness- 8 Information- Cavalries are a step up from a Swordsman, and are fast, strong, and resistant, making them an excellent, yet expensive choice for nearly all armies. 8. Troll Cost- 600 gold HP- 40 Speed- Medium Attack- 10 Defense- 5 Damage- 5-7 Dwelling Type- Bridge Usefulness- 7 Shots- 8 Information- Trolls are one of my personal favorites. They regenerate, have medium attack power, 40 HP, and it can attack from long range which makes it good. 9. Minotaur Cost- 400 gold HP- 35 Speed- Medium Attack- 9 Defense- 8 Damage- 5-10 Dwelling Type- Maze Usefulness- 7 Information- Minotaurs are medium-powered in all of their categories, and 35 HP isn't too shabby, and with a fair price Minotaurs are above average. 10. Swordsmen Cost- 250 gold HP- 25 Speed- Medium Attack- 7 Defense- 9 Damage- 4-6 Dwelling Type- Armory Usefulness- 7 Information- Swordsmen are slightly above average. They are a step down from Cavalries, and are expensive but a good buy. 6. Credits Thanks to AOL for my screename Thanks to Nintendo Power for introducing me to this game Thanks to 3DO for making this great game Thanks to Babbages for selling me this game Thanks to CjayC for posting this FAQ Thanks to me for writing this FAQ 7. Legal Stuff This document has been written for it to appear at Gamefaqs.com. This script may not be copied in any way and/or published in any way. Any commercial usage of this FAQ is strictly forbidden and can only be used for personal use. Any necessary legal action will take place if any of these rules are violated. Penalty for plagiarism will be convicted. Heroes of Might and Magic, 3D0 Inc., and any related materials are copyrighted too. NOTE: You may use this on your site as long as I say you can. To reach me e-mail me at gauntletman99@greatestgamers.com Want that in English? This FAQ was made for GameFAQs. It can't be published on any site, WITHOUT my permission. 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