The Mystical Web Site of Goemon Presents The Walkthrough for Ganbare Goemon - Sarawareta Ebisumaru! (Game Boy) Brought to you by The Mystic Ninja Of The Mystical Team of Goemon -Contents- 1. Disclaimer / Legal Issues 2. Stores and Item System 3. Tips 4. IMPORTANT! 5. Walkthrough 6. Final Notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Disclaimer / Legal Issues This disclaimer follows all of the disclaimer rules of The Mystical Web Site of Goemon. This walkthrough is free use for all. However, it may not be used or posted by another site without the consent of The Mystic Ninja, and it must not be sold or use for profit / barter in anyway (unless approved by The Mystic Ninja, who can be contacted at DO NOT CLAIM THIS WALKTHROUGH AS YOUR OWN. 2. Stores and Item System There are four "business" types in this game: *Armor Store; it sells: -Rice Balls (Recoups energy if you lose all of your power.) -Armor (Prevents your from losing energy by protecting you against a certain number of DIRECT blows.) -Helmet (Prevents your from losing energy by protecting you against a certain number of PROJECTILE blows; these are the hits that come when an enemies shoots or throws something at you.) The effectiveness of these items increase as you are able to buy more effective versions as you move along in the game. Increased effectiveness is indicated by a Japanese symbol in the lower right corner of each item. There are three versions of each item; The first has no Japanese symbol, the second has a simple Japanese symbol, and the strongest version has a Japanese symbol which looks like a hammer. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE ONE OF EACH IN YOUR STOCK!! *Food Store It sells food to raise your life bar immediately. The more expensive the food, the more power it restores. Usually, the food item on the further right will restore all your power. However, it is usually cheaper to go to the hotel. *Hotel Usually costs around 30 ryo to stay overnight. Refills your power bar completely. *Game Place Allows you to play games in which you can gain/lose money. The game types are: -Archery (Once you get practice, you can earn a lot of money in this one.) -Odd and Even (You just pick odd or even, and the two dice are rolled. The total determines if you win. Not the best game to play.) -Turtle Races (Just like Horse Racing; you bet on a turtle, and you hope that it wins.) -Kabu (A Japanese card game which seems to be similar to BlackJack.) Of all these game, archery is by far the best to play, and you can easily make a profit. The other game leaves your money possibilities to chance. Remember, the price to play a game increases as you continue to play, so be careful. In reality, if you are playing the game well, you should have to go in these places, as you will have more than enough money. *Other Items On the battle field, jumping over pots and such will usually give you: -Coins (When you get one of these, jump in front of the pot as many times as possible to get more money. The max that you can get is usually 3 coins. You also get money from killing enemies.) -Mask (These increase your speed and jumping ability; they are represented by a little flame in the lower left hand corner. You can get two flames at the max, but it takes about 4 or so masks to get that amount. You find that it is much easier to kill enemies when you are so fast and you can jump over two bushes/pots at a time. However, you lose a flame when you take a hit to your power bar.) -Fortune Doll (These allow you to shoot coins instead of an up-and-personal attack when you get one. Get four of these in a row on a stage allows you to become invincible for a time by destroying anything within your spinning ryo force field that it creates. It's much easier to kill enemies with ryo than with your pipe. In addition, using the ryo DOES NOT deplete you money, unlike other Goemon games. You will lose this ability if you take a hit to your power bar.) -Strength Potion (Only given to you by select townspeople. It upgrades your attack power, and it is usually given to you before you go to fight a boss.) 3. Tips *By maintaining the armor, helmets, rice balls, fortune doll ability (throwing ryo), and mask ability (jumping/running), YOU CAN BECOME VERY RICH IN THIS GAME AND DOMINATE IT. This is the most important tip. None of the enemies are all that hard, and you can easily hit them with ryo (as well as deflect projectiles with ryo). *If the enemies are getting to hectic to handle, run! *Your number one priority is to NOT GET HIT. If you follow this and the first tip, you can breeze through this game. *If you do die, it will probably be from jump/falling into a hazard such as water. Always remember that you can jump in any direction, but by pushing in the opposite direction, you can stop yourself in midair. This is the key to jumping. The other key to jumping is to not be afraid to jump across what seems to be a far distance. Though you can usually jump over two obstacles (obstacles being pots, bushes, etc.), you can jump over as many as four spaces! *If you can't find your way out of a room, or a way to get to another area, you usually have to find a staircase. This can be found by jumping around the surface until a staircase appears. There are also some hidden staircase in the towns that can be found simply by jumping around the town. That usually lead to caves which has money/item pots inside. *The sooner you kill an enemy, the better! Don't be afraid to gun down any enemy in your path. *Don't be cheap with money; it's for buy items or playing games and nothing else. However, don't waste a lot of money on games; they are only there to increase the amount of money that you have. If you follow this walkthrough and its tips, you'll have no problem with money! *As for bosses, they usually require only a couple of hits. The basic strategy for all of the bosses is to get a hit on the boss, move to safety, and hit again, all while avoiding any projectile attacks. While the bosses are blinking, they can't be hurt. When they blink, it usually means that you've just scored a hit, or the boss is getting ready to launch a projectile attack. So if the boss blinks, and you did not hit him, be prepared to evade an attack! *You have no control over the items in the inventory screen. 4. IMPORTANT! *In this FAQ, there are references to "sections". Everytime you get to a new screen by following a path north or south, as well as going through a door, it is a new section. Sections in this FAQ are ordered in they way that they appear; usually, this means that if to get to the second section, you have to go south, that new section is the 2nd section, then the third, and so on. Most boards make you go either north or south. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Walkthrough *Suruga* This stage is simple. Just follow the path, being sure not to fall in the water. There is a hidden staircase in the second section which you might want to check out before you go to the exit. *Izumi* Talk to the girl in front of the store (Chisato). You will have to find her brother, so explore the rest of the town first, then come back to talk to her. She will make it night so you can enter the back door of the store where her brother is at. Go to the section above, and there will be a door which was not there before. When you enter, you will soon meet the store owner(?), who will throw you in jail. Jump around to find the staircase in top of the room. Follow it to find Chisato's brother. Talk to him, then escape via the staircase next to him. When he leaves, get an enemy to throw a bomb near a crate or barrel. This ignites the firepowder, so quickly escape to the left. Once outside, go to Chisato to get the plate of wind. Then proceed to the exit. *Hizen* This is the first multi-section stage; you start on the first section (as always). On the second section south, you will encounter your first battle with making lots of hard jumps. There are many paths to take, but in general, work your way to the southeast. This leads back to town in the 3rd section, and the 4th section has the first mini-game. On the 7th section south, you will reach the ship. Go right, then go through the dock door. Then go down the stairs on the right. From there, go left, then down. After crossing the bridge, go left and up. Make your way to the door to talk to Franklin. Hit him a couple of time to get him to talk some more. Now you have to go and fight Jubei. Go way back to the 4th area (where the archery mini-game is), and move right until you reach a large building. Go to the right-most window and hit the A button to use your key to enter the building. Once inside, go to the second door and enter to confront Jubei. Seems that he only kidnaped Ebisumaru to get Goemon attention; he needs someone to save his daughter. However, someone else kidnaped Ebisumaru from him! But first, you have to go and save his daughter. Exit through the door. *Nagato* If you take the first path north, it will take you to a shrine. Walk up to it and hit the B button to restore all of your power. Watch for these in future stages! Go south to the 3rd section, and proceed east. A path that leads north will take you to an area that is full of flames. You must proceed through this area (while jumping over these flames) to get the God of Fire. Touching the flames is an immediate death! Once you get it, the flames go away, and you can go southwest to get back to the 3rd section. Once you are back, go west, then go south to reach the Ship of the Tengu. Simply proceed to go northwest until you have to fight a Tengu (your first boss). Goemon will automatically activate the God of Fire. Just allow the fire force field to repeatedly hit the boss, and he will go down. Talk to the priest by going north from here, then go back to the 3rd section (where the path that leads to the God of Fire is). Continue east on the 3rd section to pass the guard and reach the exit. *Yamasiro* Proceed to the 2nd section south to find the entrance to the castle. Go left, and take the first path that goes up. Take the first right, then go up. Go right, then down. Proceed to go west, and you will be behind a gate (proceed west, but you must go in and out of the gate to get to the far west). Once you can go west anymore, go down, then right, then take the first path south. Go right (you are behind the gate again), and along they way, go inside the door along the way east to talk to a woman who will upgrade your weapon. Continue east, the north to fight Benkei. When he blinks, he will shoot fire at you, so be careful. He will also jump at you from time to time. Finally, stay away from his punch; it's very strong. After you defeat him, he will give you a key to unlock the girl's (Jubei's daughter) prison cell. Talk to her and exit to the outside. You'll end up at the third section. Go south, but along the way to the end of the 4th section, talk to all of the townspeople. They will tell you that you have to get the God of Water to leave. Go to the temple, which is located after the first northern path on the 4th section. Make your way through the maze to find the God of Water. After you get it and you are back at the 4th section, proceed to the right, then go north to exit. *Echigo* Go north to the 2nd section. Remember the door here with a lock on it, then proceed to the right. Go south to the 3rd section, and hit the snowman twice at the dead end to open a staircase. Follow the stairs to the other side and go north to go in the palace. Once inside, proceed to go as far north as possible, then go right to eventually reach the boss. (You want to know that falling in the spikes only hurts you; it doesn't kill you. In addition, jumping on a light-green square will make another platform stick out. This is important in order to reach the boss.) After you defeat the two robot forms that the evil official uses against you, you will receive the God of Trees. Jump around the top of the room to find a staircase that leads you to the outside of the palace. Use the key on the house with the lock on it on the 2nd section. Then go north to exit. *Dewa* Continue north to the 2nd section, and remember that patch of snow in the middle of the lake which can be reach by jumping to it. Go north to the 3rd section and proceed right (while also remembering the snowman along the way). Go south to the 4th section, and south again to the 5th section. Go north again at the end of this section to get to the Dragon Temple. You can get through this maze if you try to go through the right-most doors. When you do make it to the two dragons, try to constantly attack them. Steer clear of the 2nd dragon's fire and bird attack. After you get the orbs, follow the cave to make it back to the 3rd section. Once you are back, hit the snowman in the 3rd section twice, then head to the pond with the snow in the middle (located towards the beginning of the 2nd section). There should be a staircase there; go down the stairs and follow the cave to end up fighting the boss. Wipe out all of the ninjas until he comes out, then hit him while avoiding his projectiles. After you defeat him, exit. Goemon is now on his way to saving Ebisumaru... *Michinoku* Goemon starts this stage by eating a dumpling from someone that he doesn't know. Walk further along on this first section, and he will pass out! Goemon is too sick to go on, so now he has to rely on Miko (an you, since you are now controlling Miko) to find a cure. Exit the room and continue south. Eventually, you will come to a sea area which requires a lot of jumping and exploration (you must jump around the areas and rooms along the way to find 4 randomly placed pearls, so leave no stone unturned that you can reach by jump to them)! When you reach the end of this long area (this is the hardest part of the game), you need to have all 4 pearls. Otherwise, the Lord of the Sea will not appear at the "dead end". If you do have them, he will appear at the end and give you Goemon's cure. Now you must go ALL THE WAY BACK TO GOEMON (no cave or quick exit this time)! Once you reach Goemon and cure him, take Goemon back south. Instead of continuing south to the sea on the 4th section south, go west, and then north on the 4th section to reach the exit. *Edo* This is the last board! Proceed to the northeast to reach the castle, but talk to everyone along the way (including the guard). Once you are inside the castle, make your way through until you reach a jail cell. Jump around the right wall to find a staircase which leads to the next jail cell. Jump around this new cell to find another staircase. Travel through the staircase maze to find the king. Find a staircase again, and follow it to fight the fake Ebisumaru (Kagemaru). Evade his bomb attack and hit him to defeat him. Continue on, and you'll be back outside. Take the first path north, and follow the path. Ignore the staircases (they don't serve a purpose) and go north. Follow the path while skipping the pathway north (but remember it). Go south at the dead end and follow this path to meet the second boss (the Gang of 3; they have been causing the carnage which has been throwing your mission of track since you saved Jubei's daughter). Evade and attack until your two orbs from the dragons defeats them. Take the left door to the final boss (the Gang of 3's leader). Deflect his fans back at him to defeat him (you can only deflect fans back at him at a 45 degree angle, so make sure that your deflections are lined up)! Now it's time to save Ebisumaru. Go back to the northern passage that you were supposed to remember, and follow it north. Follow the path, and you will come to a room locked with Ebisumaru inside of it. Save him with the key that you got from the final boss, and then talk to him. You have just beaten the game! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Final Notes -Thanks to The Mystical Team of Goemon for all of their support, and their willingness to work on this website. -Thanks to Gerimon Impact for being a Goemon goddess! -Thanks to Konami for making Goemon games! -Thanks to you, for visiting The Mystical Web Site of Goemon at ! (If you didn't get this from, you should go and visit it now!) -Remember, this is an FAQ, but there are more codes and info on the game at! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS HAS BEEN A PRESENTATION OF THE MYSTICAL WEB SITE OF GOEMON AUTHORED BY THE MYSTIC NINJA ( ) ANY QUESTIONS ON THIS FAQ SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE AUTHOR.