Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword (Game Boy Color) Game Script by ironyisntdead Version History v1.1 - July 18, 2020 - Minor format change. v1.0 - January 16, 2018 - Initial release. Script note: Incorrect punctuation and spelling in the dialogue is accurate to the game. Table of Contents 1 - Museum (MSUM) 2 - Rooftops (RFTP) 3 - Subway (SBWY) 4 - Runaway Train (RTRN) 5 - Docks (DCKS) 6 - Jungle (JNGL) 7 - Caves (CVES) 8 - Legal (LEGL) ============================================================================== 1 - Museum (MSUM) Intro [A man and a spirit are next to a grave.] MAN: Soon Master... [The ghost withdraws into the grave.] MAN: Soon you will be free... [The tombstone is engraved with "PAVEAUX 1796-1844." There's a picture of a sword between the inscription.] MAN: Free once again.... [In New York, Lara Croft and her friend Jane are in a museum of antiquities. They're examining a sword in a glass display case.] LARA: It's a wonderful piece Jane. Where did you acquire it ? JANE: It was found in a shipwreck off the coast of Florida. [Intruders dressed in black observe Lara and Jane through a rooftop skylight.] JANE: We believe it was used in rituals of Dark Magic. [The skylight is ripped open by an explosion. The intruders zip down ropes.] JANE: What the ..... ? [One intruder attacks Jane and Lara.] LARA: Watch out Jane! [The two women tumble to the floor of the museum.] JANE: Lara! He's stealing the sword! [Lara gets up to pursue the thief.] LARA: Don't worry Jane, I'll get them. Oh no! I haven't got my guns. Level JANE: Good Luck Lara [Lara moves around the museum, solving puzzles, seizing a gun and leaving through a fire exit.] ============================================================================== 2 - Rooftops (RFTP) Intro [Lara climbs to the top of the fire exit. She picks up a functioning radio that one of the robbers discarded.] RADIO: Leader to team! Helicopter leaves in five minutes! LARA: Five minutes! I have to stop them! [Lara dashes for the exit, dropping the radio in the process.] Level [Lara crosses rooftops and through buildings. She catches up to the man who stole the sword dangling from a helicopter. The man tosses grenades at Lara. She shoots up at him.] ============================================================================== 3 - Subway (SBWY) Intro [Lara leaps, attempting to recapture the sword strapped to his back. He cuts her arm with the blade of the sword.] THIEF: You have sealed your fate. You will become the chosen one! [Lara falls as the helicopter gets away.] LARA: Aaaargh! [She gets up and watches the escaping helicopter.] LARA: Chosen one? What did he mean? [Later, Jane bandages Lara's wound in the museum.] LARA: He said I was the chosen one. JANE: Oh no! Lara you have been cursed! Those men must have been from the cult of the Dark Queen! [A vision of the Dark Queen appears behind Jane.] JANE: They believe whoever has been cut by the sword can be used as a vessel for the spirit of their Queen! You must find their lair and defeat their leader or...... LARA: .....or what? JANE: You will die! You must find Pino Lamor. He is an old shaman who lives in a disused part of the subway, somewhere under the old Bergen Street line. [Jane shows Lara a map of the subway.] LARA: Why does he live there? JANE: He was part of the movement dedicated to destroying the Bokor. He lives in hiding but he will help you, once he sees you are marked. Go as quick as you can, they will be after you! Good luck. Level [Lara journeys through the vast subway network, killing enemies and turning on generators. She also has to fend off shambling green creatures. After heading down train tracks, she locates the white-haired shaman, Pino Lamor.] ============================================================================== 4 - Runaway Train (RTRN) Intro [Lara shakes the shaman's hand.] PINO: Glad to see you made it Ms.Croft. Jane sent word that you were coming. LARA: Mr. Lamor, what were those creatures back there? Were they the Bokor? PINO: Those creatures were zombies. The sword can be used to raise the dead. It seems the Bokor are trying to restore their leader, Paveaux. Because you have been marked they will try to use your body as a vessel! I have discovered that they have warehouses at the harbor. If you can find out where they are going, we can get the sword. I do not have any equipment here! You will need to infiltrate the warehouses and use theirs. This train will take you there. [The shaman grasps a switch.] PINO: I will start the power for the train. Once I throw this switch you can only stop the train in the front carriage. Hurry! You will not have much time! [Lara boards the train.] LARA: I will Pino, and thanks! [The train plunges into a tunnel.] Level [Lara races through and on top of the speeding train.] ============================================================================== 5 - Docks (DCKS) Intro [Lara reaches the head of the train and pulls a lever. The train hastily halts. Lara exits the train and looks up to a hole above her, where daylight shines through. She climbs up and emerges on a shore with crates scattered around. Across the sea is a dock. She peers through her binoculars and spots a red helicopter.] LARA: The Helicopter! So they ARE going to travel by sea! I must find some way of tracking the boat. Level [Lara explores the docks and enters a couple of large factories. She uncovers a hidden laboratory where zombies are experimented upon. Lara appropriates a miniature submarine and twists and turns through an underwater minefield. She comes across the boat she was searching for.] ============================================================================== 6 - Jungle (JNGL) Intro [Lara plants a tracking beacon on the underside of the boat. Later at Teterboro Airport, Lara and Jane scrutinize a map.] JANE: Well done Lara. The bug you placed on the ship worked! Now we know where their base is located. [Jane points to a position on the map.] JANE: We traced them to a small group of islands in the Caribbean, called the Backlin Islands. It was once a prison island, and has many old caves and traps. Be careful Lara! [An airplane with Lara takes off and flies over the Atlantic Ocean. Somewhere on the Backlin Islands, a heatseeker launcher takes aim at the nearing plane.] HEATSEEKER: INTRUDER ALERT! [The heatseeker discharges a missile at the plane. Lara is startled when she sees the fiery missile through her window.] LARA: What the ..... ? [The plane blows up just as Lara dives off it. She drifts to the island in a white parachute.] LARA: So much for the element of surprise! [She gazes toward the rest of the island.] Level [Lara traverses through a lush and rocky jungle, combating hostile cultists and animals.] ============================================================================== 7 - Caves (CVES) Level [Lara makes her way through the gloomy caves underneath the island. She encounters more animals, cultists and the undead. As she departs the cave, the cult leader floats to Lara. They attack each other.] Outro [The cult leader lies dying.] LEADER: Aaaarrrgghhh!! [He gives up the ghost.] LARA: At last. I am free of the curse! [She approaches the embedded cursed sword.] LARA: I must make sure this can never happen again. [Two days later, Jane greets Lara in the museum.] JANE: Lara! You're back! Is everything okay? LARA: Everything's fine. The cult is finished. JANE: But what about the sword? Can it still be used to raise Paveaux? LARA: Don't worry! I've taken care of it. [The blade of the sword has been broken off, and the hilt is stored in a box.] CONGRATULATIONS You have defeated The Bokor and put an end to his evil plans ============================================================================== 8 - Legal (LEGL) Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword is developed by Core Design, and published by Activision. This document is not affiliated with any of the aforementioned. All trademarks and copyrights in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide can be found on GameFAQs and is copyrighted 2018. This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Thanks for reading. -EOF-