===============================| Lufia 3 Equipment Hacking | Version: 1.0 | Written By: blackchaos13 | e-mail: blackchaos13@yahoo.com | (c) 2003 blackchaos13 | ===============================| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Introduction 2) Disclaimer 3) FAQ's 4) Codes a) Equipment Addresses b) Hex Item Values 5) History 6) E-mail Guidelines 7) Legal Stuff 8) Credits & Acknowledgements This guide only at: www.gamefaqs.com http://faqs.ign.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guide is essentially a part of a MUCH bigger guide that I had originally written back in November of 2002. I didn't release the other guide due to its size, so basically I split and condensed it into seperate guides. I produced this particular guide for the sheer purpose of being able to put any piece of equipment on any given character so I could kick some Sinistral butt. Well, lets get to the guide because I'm not getting paid to blab my mouth and your probably tired of listening to me rave about why I wrote this:P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2) Discaimer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please read this section before using this guide. I discovered these codes by mere chance while hacking the ROM for item codes so I could kick some Sinistral butt. As with all codes there is risk with using them. They can freeze your game, ruin your save data, decrease your enjoyment of the game, make it impossible to proceed in the game, and even ruin the game program (I haven't heard of this ever happening, but that doesn't mean its not possible). By using these codes you hereby agree to the following: 1) You will not hold me responsible for anything that may happen as a result of using these codes. 2) You will not bombard me with e-mails complaining that the codes ruined your game. 3) That anything that happens as a result of using these codes is not my fault, but the fault of yourself for choosing to use these codes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3) FAQ's ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q: Why can't I normally equip the Armageddon and the S.K. Sword? A: It is possible that they were left over from the development of the game and were removed from whichever place in the game that they placed, or they were parts of sidequests that were available in the Japanese version but were removed along with those sidequests when the game was released in the USA. Also maybe because they might be items that you use in battle? Q: Is it possible to use these codes to put equipment on Mousse and the EggDragon? A: Yes! You can equip any item on any character with these codes. Q: How do I contact you? A: Use my e-mail at the top. You can also get a quicker response from me if you post on the message boards at GameFAQ's. Be sure you title it "Question for blackchaos13" or something similar. Q: Can I use your guide on my site? A: Please e-mail me the URL of your site along with your request. I like to visit a site before I give them my permission. Q: Can you give me the ROM? A: Do I look like your butler?! Go get it like I did! Q: Can you tell me where to find the ROM? A: Ask me by e-mail. I MIGHT tell you if you ask nicely:P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4) Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the codes section. Here I have listed the code addresses for the equipment slots for all the characters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a) Equipment Addresses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wain WEPN: 93xxD4D5 - Where you put the item values. 93xxD5D5 - 00 for first set of items, 01 for second set of items SHLD: 93xxD6D5 93xxD7D5 HELM: 93xxD8D5 93xxD9D5 ARMR: 93xxDAD5 93xxDBD5 ACC1: 93xxDCD5 93xxDDD5 ACC2: 93xxDED5 93xxDFD5 Seena WEPN: 93xxA2D6 93xxA3D6 SHLD: 93xxA4D6 93xxA5D6 HELM: 93xxA6D6 93xxA7D6 ARMR: 93xxA8D6 93xxA9D6 ACC1: 93xxAAD6 93xxABD6 ACC2: 93xxACD6 93xxADD6 Dei WEPN: 93xx70D7 93xx71D7 SHLD: 93xx72D7 93xx73D7 HELM: 93xx74D7 93xx75D7 ARMR: 93xx76D7 93xx77D7 ACC1: 93xx78D7 93xx79D7 ACC2: 93xx7AD7 93xx7BD7 Aima WEPN: 93xx3ED8 93xx3FD8 SHLD: 93xx40D8 93xx41D8 HELM: 93xx42D8 93xx43D8 ARMR: 93xx44D8 93xx45D8 ACC1: 93xx46D8 93xx47D8 ACC2: 93xx48D8 93xx49D8 Melphis WEPN: 93xx0CD9 93xx0DD9 SHLD: 93xx0ED9 93xx0FD9 HELM: 93xx10D9 93xx11D9 ARMR: 93xx12D9 93xx13D9 ACC1: 93xx14D9 93xx15D9 ACC2: 93xx16D9 93xx17D9 Randolph WEPN: 93xxDAD9 93xxDBD9 SHLD: 93xxDCD9 93xxDDD9 HELM: 93xxDED9 93xxDFD9 ARMR: 93xxE0D9 93xxE1D9 ACC1: 93xxE2D9 93xxE3D9 ACC2: 93xxE4D9 93xxE5D9 Deckard WEPN: 93xxA8DA 93xxA9DA SHLD: 93xxAADA 93xxABDA HELM: 93xxACDA 93xxADDA ARMR: 93xxAEDA 93xxAFDA ACC1: 93xxB0DA 93xxB1DA ACC2: 93xxB2DA 93xxB3DA Mousse WEPN: 93xx76DB 93xx77DB SHLD: 93xx78DB 93xx79DB HELM: 93xx7ADB 93xx7BDB ARMR: 93xx7CDB 93xx7DDB ACC1: 93xx7EDB 93xx7FDB ACC2: 93xx80DB 93xx81DB Yurist WEPN: 93xx34DC 93xx35DC SHLD: 93xx36DC 93xx37DC HELM: 93xx38DC 93xx39DC ARMR: 93xx40DC 93xx41DC ACC1: 93xx42DC 93xx43DC ACC2: 93xx44DC 93xx45DC Ruby WEPN: 93xx12DD 93xx13DD SHLD: 93xx14DD 93xx15DD HELM: 93xx16DD 93xx17DD ARMR: 93xx18DD 93xx19DD ACC1: 93xx1ADD 93xx1BDD ACC2: 93xx1CDD 93xx1DDD Isaac WEPN: 93xxE0DD 93xxE1DD SHLD: 93xxE2DD 93xxE3DD HELM: 93xxE4DD 93xxE5DD ARMR: 93xxE6DD 93xxE7DD ACC1: 93xxE8DD 93xxE9DD ACC2: 93xxEADD 93xxABDD Milka WEPN: 93xxAEDE 93xxAFDE SHLD: 93xxB0DE 93xxB1DE HELM: 93xxB2DE 93xxB3DE ARMR: 93xxB4DE 93xxB5DE ACC1: 93xxB6DE 93xxB7DE ACC2: 93xxB8DE 93xxB9DE The EggDragon equipment slot codes are purely hypothetical as I didn't have him when I hacked these codes. EggDragon WEPN: 93xx74DF 93xx75DF SHLD: 93xx76DF 93xx77DF HELM: 93xx78DF 93xx79DF ARMR: 93xx7ADF 93xx7BDF ACC1: 93xx7CDF 93xx7DDF ACC2: 93xx7EDF 93xx7FDF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ b) Hex Item Values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are the item values. I copied the names of the item values straight from the game so there wouldn't be any confusion. -=First Set of Items=- -Normal Items- 00 - None 01 - CharredNewt 02 - Potion 03 - Hi Potion 04 - X-Potion 05 - GoddessTear 06 - Revive 07 - Miracle 08 - Croquette -Special Items- 09 - Egg Sonar 0A - Chest Sonar -Healing Items- 0B - Milk 0C - CafeAuLait 0D - Coffee 0E - Espresso 0F - Tea 10 - Magic Pot 11 - Hi Magic 12 - X-Magic 13 - Antidote 14 - Awake 15 - Shriek 16 - Mystery Pin 17 - VoiceCandy -Battle Items- 18 - SmallBoomer 19 - Boomerang 1A - FireBoomer 1B - IceBoomer 1C - BoltBoomer 1D - Big Boomer 1E - Dragon Fang 1F - Bomb 20 - Hi Bomb 21 - X-Bomb -Miscellaneous Item(s)- 22 - Armageddon -Battle Items 2- 23 - FaintPowder 24 - SleepPowder 25 - NumbPowder 26 - ConfuPowder 27 - DeathPowder 28 - PoisnPowder 29 - SilntPowder 2A - PoisnNeedle -Stat Items- 2B - Life Seed 2C - Skill Seed 2D - Power Seed 2E - Mind Seed 2F - Speed Seed 30 - Body Seed 31 - Wisdom Seed -Dungeon Items- 32 - Sweet Water 33 - Foul Water 34 - Cats Eye 35 - Providence -Miscellaneous Item(s) 2- 36 - Teddy Bear 37 - Alarm Clk 38 - Ear Cleaner -Monetary Items- 39 - Gold 100 3A - Gold 500 3B - Gold 1000 -Best Weapons- 3C - Max. Blade 3D - Dark Card 3E - Invsbl. Clk 3F - Ancnt Brlt 40 - Luna Blade 41 - Queen Whip 42 - Capsl. Rng 43 - DeckerBlad 44 - Fortune D. 45 - Wind Flute 46 - Power Suit 47 - Artea Bow -Weapons- 48 - Knife 49 - SmallKnife 4A - BatlKnife 4B - Dagger 4C - Bug Crush 4D - Long Knife 4E - LightKnife 4F - Fire Knife 50 - Rapier 51 - Saber 52 - ColdRapier 53 - BatlRapier 54 - Estok 55 - SlvrRapier 56 - Mad Edge 57 - LuckRapier 58 - MistRapier 59 - RuneRapier 5A - Fatal Pick 5B - Ice Pick 5C - Shrt Sword 5D - Gladius 5E - Long Sword 5F - Scimitar 60 - Kukuri 61 - MultiBlade 62 - Leechblade 63 - Absorber 64 - Dragonslay 65 - Gaia Blade 66 - Luck Blade 67 - Dark Blade 68 - LightBlade 69 - Sky Blade 6A - EarthBlade 6B - DestBlade 6C - Life Blade 6D - Risk Blade 6E - FirstBlade 6F - ZircoBlade 70 - Alum Blade 71 - Old Sword 72 - Egg Sword 73 - Dual Blade 74 - GadesBlade 75 - S. K. Sword 76 - BunnyBlade 77 - Iris Blade 78 - Claymore 79 - Franberg 7A - 2Hnd Sword 7B - Glaive 7C - Hvy Glaive 7D - Battle Ax 7E - Great Ax 7F - Pole Ax 80 - Spear 81 - Hvy Spear 82 - Hvy Lance 83 - Sea Spear 84 - Wave Spear 85 - Pike 86 - Trident 87 - Long Spear 88 - War Hammer 89 - Halberd 8A - Mace 8B - Holy Mace 8C - Jet Hammer 8D - Staff 8E - BloodStaff 8F - MageStaff 90 - ChargStaff 91 - ZircoStaff 92 - AlumStaff 93 - PhoenStaff 94 - Rod 95 - Blood Rod 96 - Hammer Rod 97 - Silver Rod 98 - Sleep Rod 99 - Sage Rod 9A - Magic Wand 9B - Sage Rod 9C - Crys Wand 9D - Razor Card 9E - Burn Card 9F - Flash Card A0 - Chill Card A1 - Holy Card A2 - Zirco Card A3 - Alum Card A4 - Coin Card A5 - Wand Card A6 - Sword Card A7 - Cup Card A8 - Glass Ball A9 - Crys Ball AA - Lapis Ball AB - Ame Ball AC - Garn Ball AD - Emrld Ball AE - Topaz Ball AF - Saph Ball B0 - Ruby Ball B1 - Dmnd Ball B2 - Short Bow B3 - X-Bow B4 - Hvy X-Bow B5 - Long Bow B6 - Fire Bow B7 - Silvr Bow B8 - Multi Bow B9 - Tiger Fist BA - Iron Fist BB - Holy Fist BC - Spike Fist BD - Soul Fist BE - Zirco Fist BF - Alum Fist C0 - Rockt Fist C1 - Gauntlets C2 - Hard Glove C3 - Plus Drvr C4 - Batl Drvr C5 - MultiKnife C6 - Swis Knife C7 - Grinder C8 - Stun Gun C9 - Driller CA - Riveter CB - Slay Spkr CC - Music Box CD - StringSting CE - Custom 65 -Armor- CF - Cloth D0 - Lthr Armor D1 - Alum Armor D2 - Dress D3 - Robe D4 - Knit Armor D5 - Hard Lthr D6 - Lthr Robe D7 - Lght Dress D8 - Overall D9 - Tight Knit DA - Sml Armor DB - Blouse DC - Light Robe DD - Cute Dress DE - Chain Mail DF - Angel Wing E0 - Iron Mail E1 - Toga E2 - Cape E3 - Chain Knit E4 - Heavy Knit E5 - Rock Brst E6 - Body Dress E7 - Blue Dress E8 - Brnz Cape E9 - Plate Knit EA - Plate Brst EB - Metal Mail EC - Silk Toga ED - Shape Coat EE - Silvr Arm EF - Lt Jacket F0 - Metal oat F1 - Slvr Mail F2 - Hrd Jacket F3 - Mtl Armor F4 - Quilt Silk F5 - Hard Cape F6 - China Skrt F7 - Slvr Robe F8 - Plat Armor F9 - Zirco Plat FA - Plat Plate FB - Gem Robe FC - Naite Dress FD - Zirco Mail FE - Mtl Mail FF - Dmnd Coat -=Second Set of Items=- 00 - Gown 01 - Bunnysuit 02 - Mlt Jacket 03 - Clear Cape 04 - Clear Slik 05 - Old Armor 06 - Iris' Armor 07 - Recv Armor 08 - Lght Armor 09 - Power Robe 0A - Magic Scle 0B - God Robe 0C - Soul Robe 0D - Rusi Armor 0E - Prl Armor 0F - Drgn.Scale 10 - Terror Amr 11 - Rubr Mant 12 - Rub Jacket 13 - Rub Coat -Headgear- 14 - Hairband 15 - Hairclip 16 - Circlet 17 - Crown 18 - Magic Hat 19 - Bunny Ears 1A - Knit 1B - Lthr Knit 1C - Mtl Knit 1D - Turban 1E - Tite Turban 1F - IndrTurban 20 - Nitevision 21 - ErmldVisor 22 - Zirco Band 23 - Cap 24 - Holy Cap 25 - Lthr Cap 26 - Rubber Cap 27 - Plate Cap 28 - Beret 29 - Lthr Beret 2A - Red Beret 2B - Blue Beret 2C - Bronz Helm 2D - Rock Helm 2E - Cloth Helm 2F - Iron Helm 30 - Plate Helm 31 - Zirco Helm 32 - Alum Helm 33 - Silver Met 34 - Iris' Met 35 - Naite Met 36 - Safety Hat 37 - God Helm 38 - Old Helm 39 - Light Helm 3A - Pearl Hlmt -Shields- 3B - Small Shld 3C - Lthr Shld 3D - Buckler 3E - Mini Shld 3F - Wood Shld 40 - Mage Shld 41 - Kite Shld 42 - Round Shld 43 - Large Shld 44 - Tower Shld 45 - Bronz Shld 46 - Silvr Shld 47 - Gold Shld 48 - Plat Shld 49 - Zirco Shld 4A - Alum Shld 4B - Spike Shld 4C - Cut Shld 4D - Holy Shld 4E - Hard Buckl 4F - Techt Buckl 50 - Wind Buckl 51 - Prl Shld 52 - Old Shld 53 - Iris' Shld 54 - Bunny Tray 55 - Bracelet 56 - Rage Brace 57 - Holy Brace 58 - Prl Brace 59 - Crys Brace 5A - Gades' B. 5B - Fire Shld 5C - Crys Shld 5E - C. IronShld 5F - Dark Glass -Accessories- 5f - Wake Rng 60 - Mach Ring 61 - Power Ring 62 - Muscl Ring 63 - Prtec Ring 64 - Mind Ring 65 - Witch Ring 66 - Burn Ring 67 - Chill Ring 68 - Flash Ring 69 - Craze Ring 6A - Weird Ring 6B - Sonic Ring 6C - HiPow Ring 6D - Trick Ring 6E - Fake Ring 6F - Burn R S 70 - Chill R S 71 - Flash R S 72 - Muscle R S 73 - P-Tech R S 74 - Mind Ring 75 - Witch R S 76 - Rockt Ring 77 - Ghost Ring 78 - Unded Ring 79 - Angry Ring 7A - Mystery RS 7B - Res Ring 7C - Jet Ring 7D - Dragn Ring 7E - Engag Ring 7F - Dmnd Ring 80 - Bunny Ring 81 - Toy Ring 82 - Pendant 83 - Glass Ring 84 - Glas Brace 85 - Glass Erng 86 - Lucky Erng 87 - G. Charm 88 - Evil Almt 89 - Holy Amlt 8A - Giant Ring 8B - Wizrd Ring 8C - Smart Ring 8D - Wing Ring 8E - Egg Ring 8F - Though Ring 90 - Jump Ring 91 - Sanity Rng 92 - F.Ball Rng 93 - Bolt Ring 94 - Blzrd. Rng 95 - Wake Ring 96 - Release Rg 97 - Poison Rng 98 - Flame Amlt 99 - Thndr Amlt 9A - Ice Amulet 9B - Bishop Rng 9C - Red Ring -Quest Items- 9D - Cat Ring 9E - Rainbow Amulet 9F - Daos Stone A0 - Daos' Ring A1 - B.Manicure A2 - Good Tree A3 - Great Tree A4 - Purple Eye A5 - Blue Eye A6 - Dragon Egg A7 - Prison Key A8 - Egg Key A9 - Glass Ruby -Ancient Text- AE - Drive AF - Dash Attack B0 - Head Crush B1 - CrackBuster B2 - Split Attk B3 - Critical B4 - Grounder B5 - Force Shot B6 - Cure Force B7 - Speed Attk B8 - Jump Slash B9 - Sky Spiral BA - Solid Attk BB - Upright BC - Silhouette BD - CrossMirage BE - Rapid Hit BF - Afterimage C0 - Charge C1 - Concentrate C2 - Accurate C3 - Pressure Pt C4 - Pause Palm C5 - Seal Palm C6 - Chakra C7 - Blind C8 - F. Barrier C9 - ForceShield CA - Force Field CB - Force Wave CC - First Aid CD - Heal Force CE - Bolt Attack CF - Fire Attack D0 - Ice Attack D1 - Holy Attack D2 - Bolt Sword D3 - Fire Sword D4 - Ice Sword D5 - Holy Sword D6 - Dark Sword D7 - R. Blade D8 - Cooking D9 - Investigate DA - Double Up DB - D-End Flash DC - EnergyPunch DD - DoubleKick DE - Scatter Hit DF - ScatterMist E0 - ShadowDance E1 - FalconDance E2 - FinalDance E3 - TyphoonToss E4 - Tune Up E5 - Lock-On E6 - Chaff E7 - Heavy Noise E8 - Cure E9 - Strong Cure EA - Revive EB - Instinct EC - Vital Aim ED - OctoStrike EE - Support EF - Puzzle F0 - Persuade F1 - White Whale F2 - Sea God F3 - Cursed Dice F4 - Damage Dice F5 - UltimateBet F6 - Card Stream F7 - FortuneDice F8 - Stealth Hit F9 - Shadow Hit FA - Hit & Hide FB - Grab Loot FC - Assassinate FD - Imitate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5) History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 09/27/03 Version: 1.0 -Started Guide- -Added Introduction- -Added Disclaimer- -Added FAQ's- -Added all the codes- -Added History- -Added E-mail Guidelines- -Added Legal Stuff- -Added Credits & Acknowledgements- -Finished Guide- 10/08/03 Version: 1.1 -Added another site where this is hosted- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6) E-mail Guidelines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What not to send me: 1) Requests for the ROM. 2) Hate mail. 3) Repeated asking of a dumb question. 4) Flames and chain mails. What you can send me: 1) Requests where to find the ROM. 2) Compliments. 3) Corrections on spelling. 4) Corrections on codes. 5) Contributions. 6) Requests to use my guide on your site. 7) Anything related to the Lufia series. 8) Cool codes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7) Legal Stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This document is Copyright 2003 by me, blackchaos13, and is solely my property that I chose to release to the public so that they may benefit from it. According to copyright rules, a person may use no more than 10% of a copyrightd material without permission as long as they give the owner credit for his/her work. Using more than 10%, one must ask permission from the owner in order to do so, and must give full credit to the owner for his/her work. Anyone desiring to use my guide on their site or parts of my guide within theirs should e-mail me at my e-mail address listed at the top of this guide. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8) Credits & Acknowledgements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nintendo-for publishing this game on GBC & GBA/SP Natsume-for making yet another great Lufia game. Roel-for giving me the ROM's for the first two games and threby introducing me to the series. Me-for having the patience to do this. GameFAQ's-for being the #1 game site on the net. ikhwan-for posting the item values 02-89 for the second set of items on the message board. I didn't have to find them because of him. Jimeous-for making a great walkthrough for this game. -------------------------------------------------Cpoyright 2003 blackchaos13-