/\/\ /¯\ |¯¯¯\|¯|/¯¯\ /¯¯\ /¯¯\ | |¯¯ / \/ > \| > /| | () | | __ | | | |-- /_|\/\_\/¯\_\|\_\|_|\__/ \__/ \__/ |__ | FOR GAME BOY CoLoR F A Q / G U I D E Version 3.1 Written by AstroBlue Co-written by Shdwrlm3 Containing excerpts from Side_FX's MARIO GOLF (N64 version) FAQ/GUIDE that also can be viewed at GameFAQs. ******************************************************************************* AstroBlue's INTRO (tetsuwan_blue(at)yahoo.com.au) This is easily the best Golf game around, It's a bit better than its sister version on the N64. I don't know why it's called Mario Golf though, Apart from Peach's Castle and Mario, Luigi & Wario it really has nothing to do with Mario unlike the N64 version. If you've played original GOLF on the Game Boy you'll notice hitting perfect shots is a lot easier because the bar in the POWERGAUGE is a lot slower, GOLF does seem like a boring sport with all those bad pants and rules but golf games are usually fun. And this is no exception. Shdwrlm3's INTRO (shdwrlm3(at)wariocompany.com) If I could only use one word to describe Mario Golf for Gameboy Color,it would have to be: WOW! Golf had never been my favourite sport (in fact, I hated it), and when I first heard about Mario Golf I thought it would be some horrible golf game with the Mario name attached just to help it sell. Though I still think the inclusion of Mario characters was just a marketing ploy, Mario Golf is still an _outstanding golf_ game brought to us by the makers of Hot Shots Golf. Not only do I know more about golf than I ever wanted to know, I now have a new-found respect for it. Believe me, even if you despise the sport of golf, try Mario Golf- it'll surprise you! Contents -1)GETTING STARTED i)Controls ii)Creating a Character iii)Play Modes iv)Golfing Tips and Basics 2)GENERAL INFORMATION i)The Characters ii)The World iii)The Clubs 3)WALKTHROUGH 4)STAR CHALLENGES 5)MINI-GAMES 6)MATCH GAMES 7)GOLF CLINIC GIBBERISH 8)GAINING LEVELS i)Which Stat should I choose to boost? ii)1-UP Mushrooms 9)BIRDIE BADGES 10)NINTENDO 64 VERSION and TRANSFER PAK RELATED i)N64 Version ii)N64 Compatibility iii)Transfer Pak iv)Taunts 11)CHEATS 12)GAMESHARK CODES VERSION HISTORY --------------- Version 1.0 16/12/99 Added GETTING STARTED, Character Stats, The World, Golfing Tips and Basics , MINI-GAMES, Which Stat should i boost? & 1-UP Mushroom Location's. Started working on the Walkthrough. Version 1.1 17/12/99 Playable Characters Finished. Added GLITCHES Section. Finished more of the Walkthrough off. Version 1.2 17/12/99 (later in the day) Added CODES & CHEATS and GOLF CLINIC GIBBERISH sections. Version 1.3 18/12/99 Finished TRANSFER PAK and Nintendo 64 Version Related (Thanks to Side_FX). Version 1.4 19/12/99 Fixed Grammar & Spelling Mistakes. Added bits here and there. Version 2.0 20/12/99 Big update thanks to new co-writer Shdwrlm3. Including Controls, The Clubs, MATCH GAMES & STAR CHALLENGES. Added Descriptions and Club Crest to The Clubs Section. I also fixed a lot of stuff up so Shdwrlm3's stuff fits in. Version 2.1 21/12/99 3rd character found!!! So I added the Free the three part in CODES & CHEATS. Fixed other mistakes and tipografikal erors. Version 2.2 27/12/99 Little changes here and there. Version 2.3 03/01/00 Added THANKS TO section because of sudden burst in helpful E-Mail, Thanks guys. Added the Highest Level Possible and where Kid is thanks to MYoshiH. Added Tiny, Gene Yuss & Mario's final tournament scores thanks to FLeon93273. Fixed Free the Three after MYoshiH helped me see how it actually works. Fixed a error in Golf Guru's Pitch & Putt thanks to Helmacron. Version 2.4 21/01/00 Shdwrlm3 added BIRDIE BADGES, Dune Club Star Challenges & Links Club INFO. Version 2.5 02/02/00 Fixed some errors. Added Sick of Circles to Cheats & Codes Section. Thanks to Alan Berck, fixed the Extra Points stuff in Star Challenges. Got Shdwrlm3's Star Challenges Section and my Walkthrough in sync. Version 2.6 15/02/00 Fixed Walkthrough. Changed Wario's Bio. Added heaps to the N64 Version Related. Version 2.7 15/05/00 Changed all references to Game Boy Color as GBC to CGB. (GBC means Game Boy Camera) Added stuff to the Transfer Pak section. Added some GameShark Codes. Added lots of info thanks to James Kay. Fixed a GameShark Code thanks to MB90078 Fixed two mistakes thanks to William Tan. Sorry for the wait for this version. Version 2.8 05/08/00 Changed format of FAQ to 79 characters a line and did other cosmetic changes. Added No Wind Code Shdwrlm3 hacked and other info he contributed. Changed Drive Modifier into two codes so it works. Changed GOLF CLINIC GIBBERISH. Version 2.9 17/08/00 Fixed some errors regarding Pitch & Putt. Version 3.0 19/01/01 Changed e-mail address and removed all trailing spaces. Version 3.1 22/03/01 Added unlock codes thanks to rablitz. =============================================================================== 1)GETTING STARTED =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i)Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Control Pad- ·Move cursor in menus ·Move character in clubhouse/field ·Move Lakitu in camera mode ·Change shot and putt direction (Left, Right) when golfing ·Select clubs (Up, Down) when golfing ·Add spin (Up, Down, Left, Right) to ball when golfing. A Button- ·Accept selections in menus ·Talk to people/Read signs in clubhouse/field ·Press in field to bring up navigation menu ·Refer to Power Gauge section for more uses B Button- ·Cancel selections in menus ·Press and Hold while moving in clubhouse/field to move faster ·Press and Hold to scroll through messages faster ·Switch between normal/power/60Y/30Y woods and irons, S/M/L putters ·Press before the ball stops moving to see an instant replay Select- Press to zoom in on green when golfing Start- Pause and display menu when golfing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii)Creating a Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, Firstly to start playing Mario Golf you have to create a character, So select "Create a New Character Here" and Toad will pop up to ask you questions. If you select male you will get to choose between Kid and Joe, If you select female you will get to choose between Sherry and Azalea. When selecting a character, take these stats in mind + means when the red bars stop from the middle line, the bars mean this : Height - Mid-Low <|||||||> Mid-High Shot - Fade <|||||||> Draw Meet Area - Narrow <|||||||> Wide Control - Poor <|||||||> Good KID Drive 202 Height <|+|||||> Shot <||||+||> Meet Area <|||||+|> Control <||||+||> JOE Drive 205 Height <||||+||> Shot <|||||+|> Meet Area <|||||+|> Control <|||||+|> SHERRY Drive 200 Height <||+||||> Shot <|||+|||> Meet Area <||||||+> Control <||||||+> AZALEA Drive 204 Height <||+||||> Shot <||+||||> Meet Area <||||||+> Control <|||||+|> Then just select whether they're left or right handed and give them a name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii)Play Modes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARION This has the core of the game in it, This modes plays like a RPG CLUBHOUSE and through it you can access Mario Golf's World. TOURNAMENT Play in a Club Tournament, the person with the lowest score at the end of the day wins. You can get EXP. Points and Trophies in this mode. Not to mention you can unlock other Tournaments and stuff by winning. MATCH GAME You play head to head against a computer controlled player, The winner of the game doesn't necessarily have the lowest score, the winner is determined by the amount of holes you got a lower score then your opponent. STROKE Play a round of golf, with no opponents. No stress here! TRAINING Practice makes perfect! Practice on any hole! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv)Golfing Tips and Basics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To play like a pro you have to know the basics, So here are some things that may help you. ______________ |Club Selection| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Remember to select the appropriate clubs with the up and down buttons on the Control Pad, since the game sometimes doesn't auto select the proper club. Balls are most wind affected when you use Drivers or a Sandwedge and are less affected by wind when you use Irons (Your 2 Iron has the lowest trajectory your Sand-Wedge has the highest). It is vital to remember that certain clubs are more affected by the terrain your shooting from, and always and I mean always take the wind into account! ____________________ |USING THE POWERGAUGE| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To hit the Ball as far as you can press A once to start swinging, Then press A again when the bar hits Point 1 then press A again when the ball comes up to Point 2. 1||||'||||'||||'||||2|| ______________________ |Power & Approach Shots| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Pressing B changes your shot to a Power Shot, You only get 6 but if you hit it perfect you won't lose any. If you're 60 yards from the hole pressing B will change your shot between a 60 yard approach, a 30 yard approach and Normal Settings. You should use approach shots to get close to the flag. _________________ |Intentional Shots| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Holding certain directions while your swinging before the balls impact affects certain qualities of your shot. You can affect how much the ball spins, By pressing up you add Forward Spin; with Forward Spin the ball will roll more and the balls trajectory will be lower. By pressing down you add Back Spin; with Back Spin the ball will stop fast and may roll backwards and the trajectory will be higher. You can also make the ball curve left or right these are called Intentional Shots and can be very helpful in avoiding trees, just press the Control Pad in the opposite direction you want it to curve before impact you can mix Spin with Curve by pressing on the Control Pad diagonally. __________ |Short Game| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ If your Putting pressing B will change your shot between a Large 60 yard put, a Middle 30 yard putt & a Small 10 yard putt, You have to read the lie of the ball and change your aim so the ball curves into the hole. Remember Putting is a vital thing to learn. =============================================================================== 2)GENERAL INFORMATION =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i)The Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This info has been taken directly from the manual apart from Wario which has been taken from the 64 version's manual. Kid ===== A vibrant, active young boy. Kid's been playing golf since he could walk, resulting in an impressive golf technique for some one his age. __________________________ | | | Age: 10 | | Initial Drive: 202 yards | | Initial Shot: Draw | |__________________________| Joe ===== King of the dance floor, Joe brings the rhythm and stamina he's gained as a dancer and applies it to his game! __________________________ | | | Age: 18 | | Initial Drive: 205 yards | | Initial Shot: Draw | |__________________________| Sherry ======== Sherry's mother got her started playing golf, but her talent makes it clear that she's not just appeasing her mother. __________________________ | | | Age: 12 | | Initial Drive: 200 yards | | Initial Shot: Straight | |__________________________| Azalea ======== A former track star, Azalea's competitive spirit has put her at the top of her class! __________________________ | | | Age: 12 | | Initial Drive: 200 yards | | Initial Shot: Straight | |__________________________| Mario ======= Mario reigns as the most famous and skilled golfer of all time, but a day of reckoning is fast approaching - for both him and you! __________________ | | | Age: ??? | | Drive: 270 yards | | Shot: Draw | |__________________| Luigi ======= Luigi makes an appearance along side his older brother, Mario. What's the key to Luigi's ability? __________________ | | | Age: ??? | | Drive: 220 yards | | Shot: Fade | |__________________| Wario ======= Wario's distinct club-wiggling play is backed by a smooth and powerful swing. __________________ | | | Age: ??? | | Drive: 250 yards | | Shot: Fade | |__________________| Putts ======= Putts always had an eye on the future, but since becoming Club Champ, he seems to have lost his focus. __________________ | | | Age: ??? | | Drive: 200 yards | | Shot: Draw | |__________________| Grace ======= Called the "Queen of the Course" by many, Grace was trained as a child at the School for Gifted Golfers. __________________ | | | Age: ??? | | Drive: 220 yards | | Shot: Straight | |__________________| Tiny ====== A simple, yet driven muscle-man, Tiny loses to no one when it come to drive distance. __________________ | | | Age: ??? | | Drive: 250 yards | | Shot: Draw | |__________________| Gene Yuss =========== Oddly calling himself the "Greatest of the Great", Gene Yuss is, both in truth and in name, among the most elite golfers ever. __________________ | | | Age: ??? | | Drive: 240 yards | | Shot: Fade | |__________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii)The World ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You start at Marion Club and only have limited access to the outside world, as you get better things will open up, The world looks like this: Courses Mini-Games & Other Areas 5 ------- ------------------------ | 4 1 Marion Club A Golf Clinic | | 2 Palm Club B Windy Valley 2 E | | 3 Dune Club C Tiny-Tots Golf Grounds |_ A |___|___| 4 Links Club D Mini-Mini Lake Course |__|_| |___G 5 Peach's Castle E Raven Woods Course | F Club Maker's Hut | F G Golf Guru's Pitch & Putt | | D_|___|_ | |_B 1 | | 3 |___|_C |____| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii)The Clubs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________ |Marion Club| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ,------------. Your home course. | Hole | Par | |------|-----| Club Crest: Silhouette of Mario's Face with a wooden background | 1 | 4 | and a big red M. | 2 | 4 | | 3 | 3 | Description: A Basic course that starts you off it has no | 4 | 5 | special terrain, It looks a bit Marioish. | 5 | 4 | | 6 | 4 | | 7 | 5 | | 8 | 3 | | 9 | 4 | | 10 | 4 | | 11 | 5 | | 12 | 3 | | 13 | 4 | | 14 | 4 | | 15 | 4 | | 16 | 4 | | 17 | 3 | | 18 | 5 | `------------´ _________ |Palm Club| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ,------------. A tropical twist! | Hole | Par | |------|-----| Club Crest : Three vertical stripes one green, the next dark | 1 | 4 | green with a blue triangle and square and the last is light | 2 | 4 | green, it has a banner under it with PCG. | 3 | 5 | | 4 | 4 | Description: A coastal course, It has a lot of palm trees | 5 | 3 | jutting right out of the fairway, water hazards are abound | 6 | 4 | so stay clear of them. | 7 | 5 | | 8 | 3 | | 9 | 4 | | 10 | 4 | | 11 | 4 | | 12 | 3 | | 13 | 5 | | 14 | 4 | | 15 | 3 | | 16 | 4 | | 17 | 5 | | 18 | 4 | `------------´ _________ |Dune Club| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ,------------. The arid plateau! | Hole | Par | |------|-----| Club Crest : Black with a gold trophy and gold letters D C on | 1 | 4 | either side of it. | 2 | 4 | | 3 | 5 | Description: One big sandtrap, Stay clear of the Waste Areas | 4 | 3 | and the numerous sand traps. | 5 | 4 | | 6 | 4 | | 7 | 4 | | 8 | 3 | | 9 | 5 | | 10 | 4 | | 11 | 3 | | 12 | 4 | | 13 | 5 | | 14 | 4 | | 15 | 3 | | 16 | 4 | | 17 | 5 | | 18 | 4 | `------------´ __________ |Links Club| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ,------------. A seaside challenge! | Hole | Par | |------|-----| Club Crest : Three horizontal stripes two are light green the | 1 | 4 | other is white it also has a teal triforce in front of the | 2 | 5 | three stripes. | 3 | 3 | | 4 | 4 | Description: Another seaside course has two types of Fairways | 5 | 4 | smooth green ones that of make your ball roll a lot that are | 6 | 3 | dotted with sandtraps and normal ones. Also try to stay out the | 7 | 4 | heath. | 8 | 5 | | 9 | 4 | | 10 | 3 | | 11 | 4 | | 12 | 5 | | 13 | 4 | | 14 | 4 | | 15 | 3 | | 16 | 5 | | 17 | 4 | | 18 | 4 | `------------´ ______________ |Peach's Castle| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ,------------. By invitation only! | Hole | Par | |------|-----| Club Crest: The vertical stripes; two pink, one white. It has | 1 | 3 | two conifer branches with a emblem of a green imprinted on it | 2 | 4 | as well. | 3 | 5 | | 4 | 4 | Description: Has two types of courses, Ones that are in the | 5 | 4 | shape of Mario Characters they look good but don't play very | 6 | 4 | well & Normal well designed ones. | 7 | 5 | | 8 | 4 | | 9 | 3 | | 10 | 5 | | 11 | 4 | | 12 | 4 | | 13 | 3 | | 14 | 4 | | 15 | 4 | | 16 | 3 | | 17 | 5 | | 18 | 4 | `------------´ =============================================================================== 3)WALKTHROUGH =============================================================================== ___________ |Marion Club| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Firstly walk around the Marion Club and talk to some people, then go out the northern exit of the club. You can compete straight away in a tournament but I would go down the road and visit these people and do what they ask, if you need help see the Star Challenges section. The people who initiate Star Challenges are: In the Driving Range •Far Left Boy -Teaches you Driver Tee Shots. •Girl in the Middle -Teaches you Iron Shots. Approach Practice Range •Boy on the Fairway -Teaches you a Running Approach. •Girl near the Green -Teaches you a Chip Approach. Practice Putting Green •Boy in the Top Right of the Green -Challenges you to a putting Contest. After you finish all the training you should play Putts in a Match Game, to do this go in the top right door in Marion Club then walk to the left then up, A girl will stop you before going up the stairs and will tell you who the Grand Champs are. Now talk to Putts and initiate a Match Game then take him to the Caddie Master in any club (the guy or girl in front the caddie shack) or you can skip that and play in the Marion Club Tournament, to do this just talk to the Caddie Master. Putts always gets -1 in this tournament so you really only have to get 2 Birdies then Par the rest to win. After beating Putts in a Match Game go to the newly opened Tiny-Tots Golf Grounds. _________ |Palm Club| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The people who initiate Star Challenges are: In the Driving Range •Girl in the Mid-Left -Teaches Wind Shots to you. •Boy to the Right -Teaches you Intentionally Curved Shots. Approach Practice Range •Girl near the Green -Teaches you a Running Approach on a Sloped Green. •Boy in the Bunker -Teaches you Bunker Shots. Practice Putting Green •Boy in the Far Right -Challenges you to a Putting Contest. Play in the Tournament, Grace always gets -3 so you only have to get 4 Birdies and Par the rest to win. Then play Grace in a Match Game. After beating Grace in a Match Game go to the newly opened Mini-Mini Lake Course. _________ |Dune Club| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The people who initiate Star Challenges are: In the Driving Range •Far Right Boy -Teaches you Attacking a Two-Tiered Green w/ Hazard •Girl on the Far-Left, beyond the Cacti- Teaches you a Recovery Shot. Approach Practice Range •Boy near the Guarding Bunker -Teaches you how to Lob Shot. •Girl on the Fairway -Teaches you Carry and Roll Practice Putting Green •Boy in Bottom Left of Green -Challenges you to a Putting Contest. Play in the Tournament, Tiny always gets -5 so you only have to get 6 Birdies and Par the rest to win. You can only play Tiny in a Match Game if you've beaten Grace. After beating Tiny in a Match Game go to the newly opened Raven Wood's Course. If you placed in the tournament talk to the three people standing in triangle in the Practice Putting Green to play an Alternate Game. See the Club Maker and choose between a Special Distance or a Special Control Club you can only choose one but you can switch between your original club and the one you chose by seeing him. I would personally choose the Control club since in straightens out your shot and gives you great accuracy. __________ |Links Club| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The people who initiate Star Challenges are: In the Driving Range •Boy in the Top Right beyond Trees -Teaches you a Foliage Recover Shot. •Girl in the Top Left near a Bunker -Teaches you a Bunker Recovery Shot. Approach Practice Range •Boy above the Green -Teaches you a Rough Approach. •Girl left of the Green -Teaches you how to Cut across a Hill. Practice Putting Green •The Southern-most Boy-Challenges you to a Putting Contest. Play in the Tournament, Gene Y. always gets -7 so you only have to get 8 Birdies and Par the rest to win. You can only play Gene Y. in a Match Game if you've beaten Tiny. If you place go to all the people that taught you things on this course for a Challenge. After beating Gene Y. in a Match Game go to the newly opened Golf Guru's Pitch & Putt. ______________ |Peach's Castle| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Now if you've beaten all of the Club Champs in Match Games and won a Gold Trophy at every club, walk up to Link's Club & the sky will flash then a invitation from Peach will fall down. After you read it a star will fall out of the sky and make a rainbow. Enter the rainbow then walk on the cloud and talk to all the Mushroom People, then talk to the Bob-omb then jump in his Cannon. Now you're in the courtyard of Peach's Castle in the Sky, you can talk to all different Mario characters here including Yoshi, D.K & Bowser from here you can participate in the last tournament by talking to Peach. Mario always gets -9 so you only have to get 10 Birdies then par the rest. Then Play Mario in a Match Game. Then if you beat Mario play Wario in a Match Game. Sorry guys, but word will never get around that you beat Mario and you will never be able to open the door to Peach's Castle! But who cares this game still has unlimited replay value! =============================================================================== 4)STAR CHALLENGES =============================================================================== In the RPG mode, various people will offer to teach you useful techniques that are very helpful in becoming Grand Champ. All these people will grant you a star after you complete the task. There are 20 stars in all that you can get from these Challenges. Getting all the stars gets you absolutely nothing at all. But you will net bucket loads of EXP. Points If you get a hole in one in the Shot or Approach Lessons or 10/10 in the Putting contest a certain amount of Experience points will be added to the Experience points you get for completing the Star Challenge. This is determined by which club the Star Challenge is in: Marion Club: Extra 5 Exp. Points Palm Club: Extra 6 Exp. Points Dune Club: Extra 11 Exp. Points Links Club: Extra 12 Exp. Points These tips are only recommended. If they don't work for you, just keep trying. Note: R stands for recommended Note: R Meter Power is the recommended placement of the power gauge bars. Perfect means the tallest bar on the left and the tallest bar on the right of the power gauge. Anything else, like Middle, means placing one bar in the stated area (in this case, in the middle) and the other at the right-most tallest bar. I hope that isn't too confusing. ___________ |Marion Club| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Shot Lesson 1 What do you learn?: Driver Tee Shots Who do you learn it from?: The Far Left Boy Wind: 10 MPH Tailwind (North) R Club: 1W Normal R Meter Power: Perfect R Spin: None R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 20 Shot Lesson 2 What do you learn?: Iron Shots Who do you learn it from?: The Girl in the Middle Wind: 10 MPH North R Club: 2I Normal R Meter Power: Perfect R Spin: None R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 20 Approach Lesson 1 What do you learn?: A Running Approach Who do you learn it from?: The Boy on the Fairway Wind: 0 MPH R Club: 5I 30Y R Meter Power: Middle R Spin: None R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 20 Approach Lesson 2 What do you learn?: A Chip Approach Who do you learn it from?: The Girl near the Green Wind: 0 MPH R Club: PW 60Y R Meter Power: Middle R Spin: None R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 20 Putting Contest Who do you challenge?: Boy in the Top Right of the Green Goal: Get the ball within the circle or into the hole 7 out of 10 times. R Meter Power: 1st pair of holes: Slightly less than Max 2nd pair: Between middle and 1/4 3rd pair: Slightly less than Max 4th pair: Max 5th pair: Middle Exp. Pts.: 20 (25 if you get 10/10) _________ |Palm Club| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Note: The following are available only after placing in the top 3 in the Marion Club Tournament. Shot Lesson 1 What do you learn?: Wind Shots Who do you learn it from?: The Girl in the Mid-Left Wind: 10 MPH Headwind (South) R Club: 2I Normal R Meter Power: Slightly less than Perfect R Spin: None R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 25 Shot Lesson 2 What do you learn?: Intentionally Curved Shots Who do you learn it from?: The Boy to the Right Wind: 0 MPH R Club: 1W Normal R Meter Power: Perfect R Spin: Curve to Left R Target: To the right of the trees Exp. Pts.: 25 Approach Lesson 1 What do you learn?: Running Approach on a Sloped Green Who do you learn it from?: The Girl near the Green Wind: 0 MPH R Club: Pt L R Gauge Power: Slightly more than half R Spin: None R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 25 Approach Lesson 2 What do you learn?: Bunker Shots Who do you learn it from?: The Boy in the Bunker Wind: 0 MPH R Club: SW 60 R Meter Power: Between mid and 1/4 R Spin: None R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 25 Putting Contest Who do you challenge?: The Boy in the Far Right Goal: Get the ball within the circle or into the hole 7 out of 10 times. R Meter Power: 1st pair of holes: Between mid and 1/4 2nd pair: Slightly more than 1/4 3rd pair: Move target left slightly; Between mid and 1/4 4th pair: Slightly more than mid 5th pair: Middle Exp. Pts.: 25 (31 if you get 10/10) _________ |Dune Club| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Note: The following are available only after placing in the top 3 in the Palm Club Tournament. Shot Lesson 1 What do you learn?: Attacking a Two-Tiered Green w/ Hazard Who do you learn it from?: The Far Right Boy Wind: 4 MPH Headwind (South) R Club: 9I Normal R Meter Power: Slightly less than Perfect R Spin: Backspin R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 45 Shot Lesson 2 What do you learn?: A Recovery Shot Who do you learn it from?: The Girl on the Far-Left, beyond the Cacti Wind: 0 MPH R Club: 3I Normal R Meter Power: Middle R Spin: None R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 45 Approach Lesson 1 What do you learn?: Lob Shot Who do you learn it from?: The Boy near the Guarding Bunker Wind: 0 MPH R Club: SW 60Y R Gauge Power: Between mid and 1/4 R Spin: Backspin R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 45 Approach Lesson 2 What do you learn?: Carry and Roll Who do you learn it from?: The Girl on the Fairway Wind: 0 MPH R Club: 7I 60Y R Meter Power: Slightly less than mid R Spin: None R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 45 Putting Contest Who do you challenge?: The Boy in Bottom Left of Green Goal: Get the ball within the circle or into the hole 7 out of 10 times. R Meter Power: 1st pair of holes: 3/4 2nd pair: Between middle and 1/4 3rd pair: Between middle and 1/4 4th pair: Slightly more than 1/4 5th pair: Middle Exp. Pts.: 45 (56 if you get 10/10) Note: The following are available only after placing in the top 3 in the Dune Club Tournament. Alternate Game Talk to the three people huddled in Dune Club's Practice Putting Green to participate in an Alternate Game. In Mario Golf's Dictionary an Alternate Game is stated as "A game in which a team of players takes turns hitting the same ball" which is pretty accurate. You team up with Lime and Play against Flint & Lily you can choose between Match Game or Stroke choose Match Game because you can win by a Dormie, Lime sometimes plays really well but most of the time she's really crap. Try to make it easy for her. __________ |Links Club| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Shot Lesson 1 What do you learn?: A Foliage Recover Shot Who do you learn it from?: The Boy in the Top Right beyond Trees Wind: 0 MPH R Club: 2I Power (Note: Have a drive of at least 220 Y) R Meter Power: Perfect R Spin: None R Target: Left of pin- just enough to keep it from hitting trees Exp. Pts.: 50 Shot Lesson 2 What do you learn?: A Bunker Recovery Shot Who do you learn it from?: Girl in the Top Left near a Bunker Wind: 0 MPH R Club: 2I Power R Meter Power: Perfect R Spin: None R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 50 Approach Lesson 1 What do you learn?: A Rough Approach. Who do you learn it from?: The Boy above the Green Wind: 0 MPH R Club: PW 30Y R Gauge Power: 3/4 R Spin: None R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 50 Approach Lesson 2 What do you learn?: How to Cut across a Hill Who do you learn it from?: The Girl left of the Green Wind: 0 MPH R Club: 5I 30Y R Meter Power: 3/4 R Spin: None R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 50 Putting Contest Who do you challenge?: The Southern-most Boy Goal: Get the ball within the circle or into the hole 7 out of 10 times. R Meter Power: 1st pair of holes: Max 2nd pair: Between middle and 1/4 3rd pair: Between middle and 1/4 4th pair: Between middle and 1/4 5th pair: Middle Exp. Pts.: 50 (62 if you get 10/10) Note: The following are available only after placing in the top 3 in the Links Club Tournament. Shot Contest 1 Who do you challenge?: The Boy in the Top Right beyond Trees Goal: Get closer to the pin then the challenger (3 yards) Wind: 0 MPH R Club: 2I Power (Note: Have a drive of at least 220 Y) R Meter Power: Perfect R Spin: None R Target: Left of pin- just enough to keep it from hitting trees Exp. Pts.: 50 Shot Contest 2 Who do you challenge?: Girl in the Top Left near a Bunker Goal: Get closer to the pin then the challenger (3 yards) Wind: 0 MPH R Club: 2I Power R Meter Power: Perfect R Spin: None R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 50 Approach Contest 1 Who do you challenge?: The Boy above the Green Goal: Get the ball within 3 yards of the pin 7 out of 10 times Wind: 0 MPH R Club: PW 30Y R Gauge Power: 3/4 R Spin: None R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 50 Approach Contest 2 Who do you challenge?: The Girl left of the Green Goal: Get the ball within 3 yards of the pin 7 out of 10 times Wind: 0 MPH R Club: 5I 30Y R Meter Power: 3/4 R Spin: None R Target: Pre-set Exp. Pts.: 50 =============================================================================== 5)MINI-GAMES =============================================================================== There is a wide array of Mini-Games throughout the game, different things open them up, you gain stars and EXP points from doing them. You can get the other 9 stars from these. ___________________ |Windy Valley Hole 1| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Opens Up: Already open. Exp. Points earned for winning: 40 Aim for the tip of the bottom left Bunker with a 4 Iron, slowly adjust your shot each time. And you will get it in time. ______________________ |Tiny-Tots Golf Grounds| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Opens Up: After beating Putts in a Match Game. Exp. Points earned for winning: 50 Some naughty kids haven't picked up their balls :) so you have to help a lady clean up by shooting all the balls close to the hole (Inside the dark green circle) within the time limit. Just adjust each shot each time you play (it takes a couple of goes) all I can remember is that you can do the first one easily by pressing B then Shoot as far as you can, Remember to overshoot the hole if the ball is in the rough or in a Bunker. Also if you go to the northern most part of the grounds and press A, Sherry will pop out if you choose Kid, Joe or Azalea, she's one of the naughty kids. _____________________ |Mini-Mini Lake Course| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Opens up: After beating Grace in a Match Game. Exp. Points earned for winning: 140 You have to help prove to a guy's trainer that a shot isn't impossible, The guy has shot the ball into the water so he had to drop it in the rough and the hole is to far away from the ball to hit it easily. I'm not sure how I did it but I think I used a 2 Iron with Power Shot on and I added roll onto the ball by pressing up while I shot, the ball should bounce out of the water & onto the green. If you can't do it build up your level. You will get 175 Exp. Points, if you skip the ball off the water & on to the green. ___________________ |Windy Valley Hole 2| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Opens up: When you are experienced enough. Exp. Points earned for winning: 180 Just take the wind into account, If you do it he'll offer to change your shot in the opposite direction i.e Fade to Draw __________________ |Raven Woods Course| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Opens up: After beating Tiny in a Match Game. Exp. Points earned for winning: 200 A Raven has stolen a man's hat and keeps on landing on the pin, So the man thinks if you hit the pin the raven will drop the hat, Firstly the Raven only comes back to the pin if you steep out away from the pin on the Dark Green Rough, Secondly if you want to hit the pin with an approach shot take into account that the wind changes back and forth in a set pattern each new time you attempt to hit it, I think I hit it by using a large putt and kept on adjusting till I hit the pin, It takes some time but all the Mini-Games do. ________________________ |Golf Guru's Pitch & Putt| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Opens up: After beating Gene Y. in a Match Game. Exp. Points earned for winning: 300 This is very hard, you have to birdie every shot and it's a Short Course (9 Holes), just practice hard. Don't quit if you Par or Bogey just keep on playing, you'll need the practice on the last few holes. As helmacron stated in one of his E-Mails you have to pitch it onto the green then putt it, If you don't do that but you still Birdie all the holes the man will say "Oh-hoh! shooting 18 is great, but not getting on in one doesn't cut it" =============================================================================== 6)MATCH GAMES =============================================================================== To play Luigi, Mario & Wario you must use the Match Game menu, talking to them in the RPG Mode will do nothing. Peach's Castle is NOT available in Match Game. _____ |Luigi| ¯¯¯¯¯ To play against: Immediately selectable Defeat to unlock: Nothing Extra Exp. Pts. for defeating: 40 _____ |Putts| ¯¯¯¯¯ The Marion Club Champ To play against: Immediately selectable Defeat to unlock: Match Game Vs. Grace Putts as playable character Tiny-Tots Golf Grounds Extra Exp. Pts. for defeating: 20 _____ |Grace| ¯¯¯¯¯ The Palm Club Champ To play against: Defeat Putts in a Match Game Defeat to unlock: Match Game Vs. Tiny Grace as playable character Mini-Mini Lake Course Extra Exp. Pts. for defeating: 70 ____ |Tiny| ¯¯¯¯ The Dune Club Champ To play against: Defeat Grace in a Match Game Defeat to unlock: Match Game Vs. Gene Yuss Tiny as playable character Raven Woods Course Extra Exp. Pts. for defeating: 140 _________ |Gene Yuss| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The Links Club Champ To play against: Defeat Tiny in a Match Game Defeat to unlock: Gene Yuss as playable character Golf Guru's Pitch & Putt Extra Exp. Pts. for defeating: 200 _____ |Mario| ¯¯¯¯¯ To play against: Place 1st in the Links Club Tournament Defeat to unlock: Match Game Vs Wario Extra Exp. Pts. for defeating: 400 Tips: Wowie, he's a tough one. With a drive of 270, he'll often get to the green before you do. _____ |Wario| ¯¯¯¯¯ To play against: Place 1st in Peach's Castle Tournament Defeat to unlock: Wario as playable character Extra Exp. Pts. for defeating: 400 Tips: Definitely not as tough as Mario, but still poses a worthy challenge. =============================================================================== 7) GOLF CLINIC GIBBERISH =============================================================================== To most people (Who haven't read Mario Golf's inbuilt Dictionary tsk...tsk...) what the coaches say would be utter gobbledegook (mind the expression), So if you don't know what their talking about; it is hard to fix the problems in your swing. So this is what this section is here for. Firstly it has the name of the stat in a box, then a description of how this stat affects your game & then there is a little table of how what the Golf Clinic's Coaches say relates to your stats. But with a Special Club it alters your performance without changing it on the Stat screen. _____ |Drive| ¯¯¯¯¯ The longer the drive the better, nuff said. < 220 You have a average shot / It's a ball that needs carry 221 - 240 You have a decent shot / It's a ball that lacks carry 241 - 260 You have a good shot / It's a ball that has OK carry 261 - 280 You have a pro's shot / It is a ball that has carry 281 - 300 You have a top pro's shot / It's a ball that has nice carry 301 > You have a master's shot / It's a ball that has huge carry ______ |Height| ¯¯¯¯¯¯ The higher you get the more it is affected by the wind, this has it's upsides but it is mainly a hindrance. If you get too low the ball will roll too much and you wont be able to get the benefits of a headwind. So the best height you shot can possibly be IMHO is a tad low. +|||||||> It's really low, / Lie can bury it, <+||||||> It's quite low, / Lie can hold it, <|+|||||> It's kinda low, / It feels it's lie, <||+||||> It's a tad low, / It feels lie, <|||+|||> Heights average, / affect is average, <||||+||> It's a tad high, / Wind pushes it, <|||||+|> It's kinda high, / Wind blows it, <||||||+> It's quit high, / It sticks to wind, <|||||||+ It's sky high, / It follows wind, ____ |Shot| ¯¯¯¯ The closer you can get to a straight shot the better. +|||||||> with a bad fade! / and has no control. <+||||||> with a sharp fade! / and is hard to control. <|+|||||> that fades! / and has good control. <||+||||> that fades a bit! / and is easy to control. <|||+|||> that's straight! / and has classic control. <||||+||> that draws a bit! / and is easy to control. <|||||+|> that draws! / and has good control. <||||||+> with a sharp draw! / and is hard to control. <|||||||+ with a bad draw! / and has no control. _________ |Meet Area| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The larger the meet area the better, this makes it easier to hit a better shot, since point 2 on the power gauge will be wider (see Golfing Tips and Basics). +|||||||> <+||||||> meet area's tiny, / timings off, <|+|||||> meet area's narrow, / timing needs work, <||+||||> meet area's slim, / timing's so-so, <|||+|||> meet area's avg., / timing's average, <||||+||> meet area's wide, / timing's not bad, <|||||+|> meet area's large, / timing's easy, <||||||+> meet area's big, / timing's good, <|||||||+ meet area's huge, / timing's a cinch, _______ |Control| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The less waver the better, as you will hit the ball steadier. +|||||||> with major waver. / and aim... UGH! <+||||||> with lotsa waver. / and aim is awful! <|+|||||> with big waver. / and aim is bad! <||+||||> with more waver. / and aim's unsteady! <|||+|||> with avg. waver. / and aim is average! <||||+||> with less waver. / and aim's decent! <|||||+|> with slight waver. / and aim's good! <||||||+> with little waver. / and aim's great! <|||||||+ with no waver. / and aim's perfect! =============================================================================== 8)GAINING LEVELS =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i)Which Stat should I choose to boost? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Picking what stat you choose to boost can be hard on a Level up if you choose wrong you can end off worse, Never neglect any stats or you'll have to try and fix the consequences, Don't worry if you level up a stat and the bar doesn't move it still does makes a difference whether it's next time you level up that stat the bar will move or that the stat won't decrease next Level up. Earn all the stars to gain lots of EXP, Leave the Mushrooms for the last couple of levels when it's harder to level up. YoshiH E-mailed me and told me "The highest level you can build a golfer up to is Level 99. After that, during the screen that gives you the experience earned, it says at the bottom that you are at the highest level!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii)1-UP Mushrooms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 3 1-UP locations I know of, Each one makes you gain a level instantly hold out on collecting them for a while though they are : 1)In the Directors Office in Marion Club in 1 of the cabinets across from the Grandfather Clock. 2)In the Club Makers Hut in one of the cabinets. 3)In Peach's Castle's Courtyard in one of the bushes. =============================================================================== 9)BIRDIE BADGES =============================================================================== • Birdie badges can be acquired by getting a Birdie (1 below par) on a hole. • Also, Eagles, Albatrosses, and Hole-in-Ones net Birdie badges. • You don't have to get them in one sitting. • Once you get a Birdie Badge, you don't need to get it again (unless you create a new character) • There is a total of 90 Birdie Badges. As far as I know, you don't get anything for getting them all, they may do something in the N64 version. =============================================================================== 10)NINTENDO 64 VERSION and TRANSFER PAK RELATED =============================================================================== (Thanks to Side_FX for letting me use some of his info) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i)N64 Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nintendo 64 version of Mario Golf is a lot different then the CGB version but it's just as good, It's more of a golf sim game and doesn't have the odd couple mix of a SPORT\RPG it's just SPORT. It also has more to do with Mario. The courses all have a certain Mario theme, it may look cutesy but it still has realistic physics and is a lot of fun to play. The N64 Version has the Training, Tournament & Stroke Modes like the CGB version but Match Game is Get Character Mode and VS Mode is Match Game it also has an extra 5 modes here is a brief description of each mode: Mini Golf - Play a round of Putt-Putt Golf. Speed Golf - Like Stroke but your are timed on how fast you complete the round. Skins - If you get the lowest amount of strokes for a hole you get a skin, the person with the most skins wins in the end. Ring Shot - Shoot the ball through the ring(s) and Par to get a Star. Club Shot - Like a Match Game but your Clubs are determined by a Slot Machine The N64 Version has 6 courses instead of 5 they are- Toad Highlands, Koopa Park, Shy Guy Desert, Yoshi's Island, Boo Valley & Mario's Star The N64 version has a more Players to play with instead of 11 it has 18 including 4 that are only possible with a Transfer Pak and Mario Golf CGB, The other 14 are Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Bowser, Wario, Metal Mario, Baby Mario, Charlie, Plum, Sonny, Harry & Maple. The N64 Version plays much like the CGB Version it has all the same meters and displays in the same place apart from there's a Boo instead of a Arrow on the Wind Meter the only other real difference is that it's 3D and certain things like C-Button Navigation and Grids are added. The rest of this section is made from excerpts from Side FX's Mario Golf 64 Guide (I got Side FX's permission) but I have made some minor corrections and major additions to it. I only have rented The N64 version of Mario Golf three times so, I still really don't know much about it. Side FX's Mario Golf FAQ/Guide for the N64 version can be viewed at: * www.gamefaqs.com * www.public.asu.edu/~ruokandy/mariogolf/mariogolf.txt I highly recommend you read it if you own Mario Golf 64. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii)N64 Compatibility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the bottom of the character select screen of the N64 version of Mario Golf are 4 empty slots. These slots are reserved for up to 4 players that can be imported from the Game Boy Color version of Mario Golf, However, in order to import any characters, you'll need a Transfer Pak (see Transfer Pak),If you were wondering how you can fill four spaces with only three players, Unlike Pokémon Stadium you can hotswap CGB Game Paks, Imported characters *cannot* be saved in the N64 version. When you turn off the N64 and turn it on again, you'll need to re-import these characters. Mario Golf is the first N64 game to be released that supports the Transfer Pak. By importing your character into the N64 version, you can view your character in 3D and play out a couple rounds. Kid looks really weird :) What's great is that any experience points you earn for your character on the N64 version can be transferred back to the Game Boy Color version! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii)Transfer Pak ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Transfer Pak plugs into the back of a N64 controller. Using this device, the N64 version and the Game Boy Color version of Mario Golf can communicate with each other and send data back and forth. __________ |Booting Up| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ First, make sure the Game Boy Color cartridge of Mario Golf is plugged snugly into the Transfer Pak and the Transfer Pak is properly inserted into the N64 controller. Next, with the N64 version of Mario Golf properly inserted, turn on the N64. The Pre-Boot Transmit menu will automatically pop up. ______________________ |Pre-Boot Transmit Menu| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ STATUS - Allows you to transfer Mario Golf for N64 data to Mario Golf for Game Boy. This data is displayed in the Status menu in a new option called N64 Status it includes Tournaments - Status of the N64 tournaments. Best Scores - Records of each characters best scores on each course. Vs. Records - Records for Get Character & Match Game Speed Golf - Best times / Scores of Speed Golf. Ring Shot - Status of Ring Shot Mode I wonder if you can play any of the N64 characters on the CGB version, there are icons for them in the Vs. Records? GAME BOY CHARACTER - Allows you to bring up to four players (Three if you only have one Game Pak) that you have trained in the Game Boy Color version over to the N64 version. MAIN MENU - Ends communication with Mario Golf for Game Boy and returns to the main menu. _____________ |Transmit Menu| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ If you Imported any CGB Characters this menu will be accessible instead of the Continue menu this means you cannot save, but it also means you can access two options. STATUS - Same as the Pre-Boot Transmit Menu Status option. EXP Pts - Use this option to Transmit any Experience Points you have acquired using you character in the N64 version, The amount of experience points un-transfered is displayed under each character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv)Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During a match involving 2 or more contestants in the N64 version, players have the option to cheer or taunt their opponent(s). Cheers are executed using the Control Pad while Taunts are done using the C buttons. Here are the CGB's Characters Taunts- * KID * ,-----------------------------------. | _CHEERS_ | | | | UP - [ Good shot! ] | | DOWN - [ Awww, yeah! ] | | LEFT - [ Excellent! ] | | RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ] | | | | _TAUNTS_ | | | | C-UP - [ Hurry up! ] | | C-DOWN - [ Fore! ] | | C-LEFT - [ Oh, no! ] | | C-RIGHT - [ Oh! ] | `-----------------------------------´ * JOE * ,-----------------------------------. | _CHEERS_ | | | | UP - [ Good shot! ] | | DOWN - [ OK! ] | | LEFT - [ Excellent! ] | | RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ] | | | | _TAUNTS_ | | | | C-UP - [ C'mon, man!] | | C-DOWN - [ Fore! ] | | C-LEFT - [ Oh, no! ] | | C-RIGHT - [ Awww, man! ] | `-----------------------------------´ * SHERRY * ,-----------------------------------. | _CHEERS_ | | | | UP - [ Good shot! ] | | DOWN - [ (laugh) ] | | LEFT - [ Excellent! ] | | RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ] | | | | _TAUNTS_ | | | | C-UP - [ Hurry up! ] | | C-DOWN - [ Fore! ] | | C-LEFT - [ Oh, no! ] | | C-RIGHT - [ Ohhh! ] | `-----------------------------------´ * AZALEA * ,-----------------------------------. | _CHEERS_ | | | | UP - [ Good shot! ] | | DOWN - [ Beautiful! ] | | LEFT - [ Excellent! ] | | RIGHT - [ Wonderful! ] | | | | _TAUNTS_ | | | | C-UP - [ Hurry up! ] | | C-DOWN - [ Fore! ] | | C-LEFT - [ Oh, no! ] | | C-RIGHT - [ Ohhh! ] | `-----------------------------------´ =============================================================================== 11)CHEATS =============================================================================== ______________ |Free the Three| (Kid's location contributed by MYoshiH) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Their were four people to choose from right, And you chose one right, So where's the other 3. Why should I care? you say, Well if you find them all you get 300 EXP, so here's their locations. Walk up to the area stated and press A. (Note: You can't find the character you're playing.) Sherry- You'll find her in the northern most part of Tiny Tots. Azalea- You'll find her in the rightmost part of Palm's Putting Grounds. Joe- You'll find him in the leftmost part of Raven Woods look at the folded bit Kid- Look in the tree closest to the entrance to the Links Club Putting Range. You'll have to face the tree by pushing Down (thus having it kinda look like your character is looking at you) and push A. ________________ |Southpaw Central| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Press select while choosing a player (Kid, Sherry, Joe & Azalea not included) to play left handed. _________________ |Try and Try Again| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Some sites have posted up that by Resetting your game (Press A, B, Select & Start simultaneously) you can Mulligan this is incorrect this only worked in the original Gameboy GOLF game, So if you fudged up a hole save then resume your save and you will be back at the Tee. _______________ |Sick of Circles| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To get a Star instead of a Circle on the Match Game table you have to beat the rival in one seating if you save it will be a circle. If you make them all Stars Peach's Door won't open, you cannot open that door it's not a sprite it's background if you look carefully. ____________________ |Darn, Pitch and Putt| (Contributed by James Kay) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After finishing Golf Guru's Pitch & Putt, that course becomes available to play as a fully fledged 18-hole course, you can even access it through the Stroke & Practice menu's. They are all par 3, and use different combinations of tees and greens as you played them in the mini-game (e.g. Tee 1 to green 1, tee 1 to green 2, tee 2 to green 2, tee 2 to green 1 are the first four holes). _________________ |Wiggle that Logo!| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Here a useless piece of info, Pressing any direction on the Press Start screen will make the Mario Golf logo move around. =============================================================================== 12)GAMESHARK CODES =============================================================================== If there is a ??, supplement them for the Quantity Digits below. All codes make the game freeze up at the Mode Select menu, so don't turn on codes until after that menu. ___________ |Cheat Codes| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Infinite Power Shots 0106A8C8 No Wind 010015C8 Hole Out Modifier 01??A0C8 ____________________ |Character Modifier's| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Character 01??10C8 Drive #1 01??1AC8 #2 01??1BC8 Height 01??1CC8 Shot 01??1DC8 Meet Area 01??1EC8 Control 01??1FC8 ____________ |Unlock Codes| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ All Clubs Open 01FC4EC8 * Open Peach's Castle Course 01FC51C8 * Open Pitch & Put Course 010F53C8 * Unlock Pro Characters 01FA4AC8 * Course Selection Code 01??36C8 * With these 4 codes entered go to the course select screen for Tournament, turn on and off the codes, back up a menu and then check to make sure everything is unlocked, if you did all this corectly it will work. _______________ |Quantity Digits| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hole Out Modifier ***************** 01 Hole in One 00 Albatross 02 Eagle 03 Birdie Character Modifier ****************** 00 Kid 01 Sherry 02 Azalea 03 Joe Drive Modifier ************** You really just have to convert the number you want from decimal to hex & then input the two pairs of values into the modifiers. Example 1 (Recommended): 320 >HEX> 0140 You insert 01 into #2 and 40 into #1. So you would input 01401AC8 & 01011BC8. Example 2 (The highest possible): 999 >HEX> 03E7 You insert 03 into #2 and E7 into #1. So you would input 01E71AC8 & 01031BC8. Height, Shot, Meet Area & Control Modifier's *********************** FC +|||||||> FD <+||||||> FE <|+|||||> FF <||+||||> 00 <|||+|||> 01 <||||+||> 02 <|||||+|> 03 <||||||+> 04 <|||||||+ Course Selection **************** Once you get to the course select screen on which ever mode you desire turn on this code, select Marion Club, then turn off when the game starts. Codes 07 on, don't work so great in Tournament mode, but they work fine in Match game and other modes. Also, on codes 07 on, it's sometimes not a great idea to view the course map. 01 Mario Club 02 Palm Club 03 Dune Club 04 Links CLub 05 Peach's Castle 06 Pitch & Put 3 Par Course (18 hole tournament version) 07 Special Course 08 Tiny Tots Golf Grounds 09 Pitch & Put 3 Par (9 hole mini game version) 0A Putting Course =============================================================================== 13)THANKS TO =============================================================================== Shdwrlm3 for giving me his unreleased FAQ to cut up and splice with my FAQ, I used so much of it (It's 1/3 of this FAQ to be exact), So I decided to give ShdwRlm Co-credit. Ever since that he has been a real co-writer. Check out his Wario Land 3 FAQ, CJayC gave it New & Noteworthy status, very good for his First er.. Kinda Second FAQ. What a Champ! Look out for upcoming FAQs by him, He's a excellent FAQ writer, very accurate & very thorough. and in Chronological order Side FX for letting me use bits from his Mario Golf 64 FAQ. MYoshiH for giving me helpful info on where to find Kid and The Highest Level Possible? FLeon93273 for giving me lots of info on what Tiny, Gene Yuss and Mario's final tournament scores are and how much experience you get from all the characters apart from Wario after beating them in a Match Game. Helmacron for fixing an error that can cause some stress. Alan Berck for giving me info that finally made me understand the Extra Points system of the Star Challenges. James Kay for telling me *nothing* happens if you get all the stars, The Castle Door definitely doesn't open and Golf Guru's Pitch and Putt becomes a playable course. MB90078 for telling me a GameShark code had an extra 0. William Tan for giving me and correcting info for Wario. rablitz for the Unlock Codes. and... Camelot for making this game. CJayC for maintaining the best video game site in the world and for posting all my FAQs up on GameFAQs. ******************************************************************************* FAQ STATS --------- Version 3.1 Update No 16 Size 63.3KB Pages 28 Words 9961 Characters 61499 Paragraphs 1497 Lines 1695 GameFAQs CONTRIBUTER PAGE for AstroBlue: www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4127.html GameFAQs CONTRIBUTER PAGE for Shdwrlm3: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4811.html EMAIL- AstroBlue: tetsuwan_blue(at)yahoo.com.au Shdwrlm3: shdwrlm3(at)wariocompany.com If we don't reply, it's either; we don't know the answer to the question, the answer to your question is in the FAQ, or you're sending us info we already know or someone else has sent before you. LEGAL SECTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- No material from this FAQ may be paraphrased, copied, changed or re-formatted without my permission. It may only be posted on GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) and IGN FAQs (faqs.ign.com). Under no circumstances may this FAQ be posted on Cheat Code Central. This document was written exclusively for use on the internet. It is not intended to be used in any way that is profitable for anyone other than the author. It is not to be reproduced in any way without express written permission from the author. More information on copyright laws can be found at the copyright section of the official Library of Congress web site. (http://www.loc.gov/copyright). Mario and other related characters are trademarks of Nintendo Pty. Ltd _______________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright 1999-2001 AstroBlue & Shdwrlm3