Mario Golf Copyright Nintendo 1999 Written By Brian P. Sulpher E-mail: Version 1.0 Dates Written: September 17th to December 31st, 2006 I dedicate this FAQ to the first person to write in with a clean dedication to make (and no I am not dedicating this to Steve Irwin). If I approve the dedication, the name you choose could be immortalized forever! Also, for Cougar, Howler, and Koonce. I miss you, and I hope you are living it up in the afterlife as you did in this world. You will always be in my memories, and you will never be forgotten. ----------- Version 1.0 ----------- -Submitted guide on December 31st, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Table Of Contents------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) Controls 3) Terminology 4) Characters 5) Walkthrough 6) Star Challenges 7) Courses 8) N64 Transfer Information 9) Secrets 10)Final Word ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------Introduction--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Mario Golf is a great handheld version of the same family of game released for the N64 (aptly titled "Mario Golf"). However, where as the N64 version may have been a slicker presentation, it lacked any real single player depth, outside of character unlocking. This is not the case of the GBC version, as it contains a great story mode. However, it also has unlockables, mini-games in the story mode, and creating your own player, right down to a specialty club or two! So, sit down, take a deep breath, and start the journey of a lifetime, an odyssey... of GOLF! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Controls--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) This section will look at the basic controls for taking down all comers and becoming the best golfer in the history of the sport! o------------------------------o | Overworld/Clubhouse Controls | o------------------------------o D-Pad...: Moves your player in the corresponding direction pressed. SELECT..: No apparent use. START...: Brings up the in-game menu. B Button: Hold it down to run (in conjunction with the D-pad movement). A Button: Use this to speak to others and to examine objects. o---------------------o | Basic Golf Controls | o---------------------o D-Pad...: Before entering shot mode, selects aim with LEFT/RIGHT and selects club with UP/DOWN. SELECT..: alternates between aimer on course and the green. START...: Brings up the in-game menu. B Button: Applies/removes Power Shot enhancement. Also applies the 30/60 yard chip shot as well as the 30/100/200 foot putter settings. A Button: Confirms that the aim and club are correct, moving into the swing screen. A once again will start the swing. o-------------o | Swing Meter | o-------------o First off, let's examine the swing meter, determining how to properly swing the club: b a | | ||||| |||| |||| ||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||| |||| |||| ||||||||||| | | ------- c a) This is where the cursor begins the swing. Press the A Button to begin the movement of the cursor to the left. b) This is the Power determining portion of the shot. To get the most out of the swing, try to get the cursor to hit the end of the meter when you press the A Button, which will mark the spot but then it will keep moving. Each of the tiny marks in the meter are the 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 power marks (from right to left) respectively, so keep that in mind for when less power is needed. c) This is the Shot Accuracy determining portion of the shot. The meter will now be moving back towards the starting area, with the goal to press the A Button to stop the meter as close to the large right stick of the meter as possible. Depending on your Lie % (see next portion of this section for specifics on this), the line underneath this area will determine how much off of the bar you can be and still hit the shot well. Anything outside of this line on the meter and the shot will be severely duffed, sending the ball in a random direction and not very far. o-------o | Lie % | o-------o The Lie % can be found to the right of the Swing Meter. It consists of two numbers, with the smaller number sitting above the larger number on screen. The lower number is the worst possible distance that will be received from the Swing Meter while the larger number is the best possible distance that will be received from the Swing Meter. Off of the tee for example, the lowest number is 98 while the larger number is 100. This means that the game will now randomly determine where in that range (ie 98-100) that the power generated will be multiplied by to determine the true power of the shot. If the game determines that it is 99% of the 220 power generated on a tee shot, then the true power of distance generated would actually be 217.8 yards (excluding other factors like wind and where the ball lands). Depending upon the type of ground that the ball is in the numbers for Lie % will be far worse or slightly worse than the tee Lie %. o-------------------o | Spin & Trajectory | o-------------------o When in the motion of swinging, holding UP or DOWN will affect how the ball behaves. Holding UP will apply a low trajectory on the ball and add some Topspin to the ball, giving it a bit more roll when it lands. Holding DOWN will cause the ball to have a higher trajectory and it will also apply some Backspin, causing the ball to roll very little when it lands. These are useful as it can help roll a ball across a green, or maybe make it stop where it lands (sticking it close to the hole). The low ball is a great way to cut through the headwind, losing less distance than a normal shot, while a higher ball can take advantage of the tailwind to get some extra distance. o-------------o | Fade & Draw | o-------------o By holding LEFT or RIGHT while swinging, the ball will start out in the air with a significant bias in the direction held. However, as the shot move out, it will begin to bend back towards the original spot that was aimed at in the shot set-up. This is a great way to avoid large trees or to bend a ball along a fairway, extending the distance the ball could travel over a conventional shot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Terminology--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) This section will review the jargon of the game of Golf, making an easy reference system for any novice to the game. Albatross...: This is what a -3 on a hole is called. This means that you shot three under par for the hole (ie par 5 hole means you shot 2). Backspin....: When applied to the ball, upon landing the ball will not roll very far, often stopping almost in place. Birdie......: This is what a -1 on a hole is called. This means that you shot one under par for the hole (ie par 5 hole means you shot 4). Bogey.......: This is what a +1 on a hole is called. This means that you shot one over par for the hole (ie par 5 hole means you shot 6). Bunker......: These collection of sand traps are strewn about the course, usually concentrated around the greens to try and stop your ball from reaching the green. Double Bogey: This is what a +2 on a hole is called. This means that you shot two over par for the hole (ie par 5 hole means you shot 7). Draw........: When applied purposely, this will cause the ball to start out to the right and it will come back to the left (for a right-handed golfer). For a left-handed golfer it will begin out to the left and it will come back to the right. Duffed Shot.: This is when a golfer hits a ball that travels a minimal distance on a badly screwed up swing. Eagle.......: This is what a -2 on a hole is called. This means that you shot two under par for the hole (ie par 5 hole means you shot 3). Fade........: When applied purposely, this will cause the ball to start out to the left and it will come back to the right (for a right-handed golfer). For a left-handed golfer it will begin out to the right and it will come back to the left. Fairway.....: This is the short grass between the tee and the green. This is a friendly surface to hit your ball off of, and it allows for maximum control on the ball when hit. Green.......: This is where every golfer is trying to get to on every hole as this is where the hole resides. Only a putter may be used on this surface. Hole In One.: This is what a -2 score on a par 3 is called. This means that you shot the ball from the tee on your first shot to land it in the hole (ie you score one for the hole). Rough.......: This long grass is placed all around the fairway to penalize you for your errant shot, with the longer grass, less control of ball, and lessening of the distance your shot will travel. Tee.........: Every hole starts from this location, and it is the only time that the ball is allowed to be elevated using a "tee" (this makes the ball fly easier). Topspin.....: When applied to the ball, upon landing the ball will roll farther than normal, often extending the normal distance gained with that club. Triple Bogey: This is what a +3 on a hole is called. This means that you shot two over par for the hole (ie par 5 hole means you shot 8). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Characters--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) This section will take a look at the various characters that can be used outside the Story Mode. o-----------o | Gene Yuss | o-----------o Drive.: 240 yds Shot..: Fade Unlock: Beat in Match Play in Story Mode A very confident fellow (and rightly so), he has a solid game that can be taken down by aggressive and smart golfers. He is the best of the non-Mario characters, so be ready for a drawn out match. o-------o | Grace | o-------o Drive.: 220 yds Shot..: Straight Unlock: Beat in Match Play in Story Mode Although she is a straight shooter, she is not the best at golf, meaning she makes her fair share of errors. This means that she leaves herself open to a lot of hole losses, making her a rather easy foe to take down. o-------o | Luigi | o-------o Drive.: 220 yds Shot..: Fade Unlock: Available from the start Although he is similiar to Grace in stats, Luigi is actually a pretty solid opponent, though he is vulnerable versus long ball hitters (especially on Par 5's). o-------o | Mario | o-------o Drive.: 270 yds Shot..: Draw Unlock: Beat in Match Play in Story Mode With a booming drive that makes him a really tough opponent to maintain any sort of distance competition with, he has a putter that is just as smooth as his driver is distance deadly. One of the two toughest foes to take down. o-------o | Putts | o-------o Drive.: 200 yds Shot..: Draw Unlock: Beat in Match Play in Story Mode A rather sad spectacle, it makes you wonder how he was the Maron Club champ. An all round washout, he is rather weak in all areas of his game most of the time. o------o | Tiny | o------o Drive.: 250 yds Shot..: Draw Unlock: Beat in Match Play in Story Mode A rather one diemnsional player, Tiny sacrifices control and hit area for long strokes, though his putter is pretty good all thigns considered. Hard to outdrive, he will falter a few times per match on the short game. o-------o | Wario | o-------o Drive.: 250 yds Shot..: Fade Unlock: Beat Mario in Match Play in Story Mode On par with Mario as far as all round skills go, he just has a slightly more crazed swinging style and not quite the distance of his good intentioned doppleganger. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Walkthrough--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) This section will cover the main game in detail. It will also examine each course in detail, covering the star challenges by club members and the course layout itself. o------------------------------------------o | You Got To Have Character For This Game! | o------------------------------------------o Start off by selecting which character you want to be, choosing from the following possibilities: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Female ~~~~ ~~~~ Male ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ Sherry Kid Drive 200 yds Drive 202 yds Height <||X||||> Height <|X|||||> Shot <|||X|||> Shot <||||X||> Meet Area <||||||X> Meet Area <|||||X|> Control <||||||X> Control <||||X||> Azalea Joe Drive 204 yds Drive 205 yds Height <||X||||> Height <|X|||||> Shot <||X||||> Shot <|||||X|> Meet Area <||||||X> Meet Area <|||||X|> Control <|||||X|> Control <|||||X|> With these four options available, select one and name them, heading out into the clubhouse of the Marion Club to being your Golfing Odyssey! o----------------------------------o | Marion Club... Humble Beginnings | o----------------------------------o After getting a brief rundown of how Mario is so great and all of that, it is time to get into the meat of the game. Start off by selecting Clubhouse and heading out the door at the top of the screen (talk to the fellow golfers for some good general advice), arriving at a pathway. Head up and turn right, going past the first path leading upwards, taking the next path you encounter upwards, arriving on the Driving Range. Now go talk to the guy on the left, entering the first Star Challenge. Note that for every Star Challenge in the game, check the Star Challenges section for details on how to complete them. Head to the right next, speaking to the girl on the right side of the range. Exit the Driving Range and head off to the right, going up the next pathway to get onto the Approach Range. Head up to the fairway near the green here, and speak to the fellow to enter into a lesson. Next up, head for the girl that is nearby, entering into a quick lesson with her. After getting your fill of the Approach Range, head back out and go right down the path, exiting the screen to find the Putting Range. Head onto the green and speak to the fellow on the top-right portion of the green, entering into a putting contest! With this out of the way, head back out onto the main path, going all the way back to the left, finding the Caddie Masters Office. Now, if you are ready you can enter into the Marion Club Tournament, and go vying for the crown. However, you may want to go for a Practice Round first, as it will allow you to get the feel for the course as well as work out the kinks in your swing (not to mention it will also allow you to gain another level to improve your stats). Anyhow, if you do indeed try the Club Tournament, the score you will need to win the Club Tournament (and become Marion Club Champion) is about 1 under par (-1). After taking the championship away from Putts, why not further humiliate him? Well, he is sitting in the Lounge of Marion Club (along with the other Club Champions from the area), so head into the Clubhouse and go up the stairs on the right, entering the doors at the top-right, going up to the secluded sitting area to speak to Putts (the guy with glasses) to agree to a Match Game! Now go back to the Caddie Masters Office, entering into the match for real! A Match Play Game plays differently than a Stroke Play Game, as the winner of the match is determined by whoever wins more holes. This means that you can have one absolutely terrible hole and maybe lose in stroke score, but more holes than your opponent and still win. Putts does not live up to his name though, as he will often two or even three putt most greens. He will drop a few one putts, maybe make a shot from off the green, but ultimately he will make far too many Pars and Bogeys, leaving the door wide open for you to take him down! o-----------------------o | Overworld... Take One | o-----------------------o Exit the Marion Clubhouse through the bottom door, heading out into the Overworld. Head right through the intersection and go into the nearby Tiny-Tots Golfing Ground to take on the challenge. From here head back to the intersection, going up to find a path leading to the east, so follow it to enter into the Windy Valley Special Hole Challenge! After completing that toughie, go back into the Field area and go west and north, finding a new area, which is a Golf Clinic, designed to help out your swing. After this, head left and enter the Palm Club Course. o----------------------o | Palms And Golf Bombs | o----------------------o Head right from the Caddie Master to pass the first path, taking the second one you encounter, entering the Driving Range. Walk over to the right and speak to the fellows there, as one of them will enter into a Star Challenge (see the appropriate Star Challenge in the next section for details on this and the rest at this course). Follow that up by going left to the girl that is practicing, taking her on. Exit the Driving Range and cut right, going up the pathway to the Approach Range. Run up towards the green, entering the nearby bunker to enter into a Star Challenge, followed by going to the right of the green to talk to the girl there for a second Star Challenge. Exit the Approach Range and head right once more, entering the Putting Range. Go up to and speak to the fine fellow on the right side of the green to take him on in a putting challenge! With all of these events finished off, head back onto the main path of the Palms Club, finding the Caddie Masters Office once again. Now, if you are ready you can enter into the Palm Club Tournament, and go vying for the title as an outsider at this course. You may want to go for a Practice Round first, as it will allow you to get the feel for the course as well as work out the kinks in your swing (not to mention it will also allow you to gain another level to improve your stats). The Club Tournament here is tougher then the Marion Club, as the score you will need to win the Club Tournament (and become Palm Club Champion) is about 3 under par (-3). Much like with Putts, why not further humiliate Grace in the realm of golf? Well, head back to Marion Club and enter the Lounge of Marion Club (along with the other Club Champions... and Putts), to speak to Grace (the only female Club Champ) to agree to a Match Game! Now go back to the Caddie Masters Office (at Marion Club, as you can not leave with Grace or any other Club Champion in tow), entering into the match for real! A Match Play Game plays differently than a Stroke Play Game, as the winner of the match is determined by whoever wins more holes. This means that you can have one absolutely terrible hole and maybe lose in stroke score, but more holes than your opponent and still win. Grace is actually a reasonably good golfer, but she is prone to poor shot decisions and even poorer execution on her Approach Shots. Go after the greens to get a lot of birdie putts, and Grace will be left scrambling to try and chip in from whatever mess she got into in an attempt to save her hole. Keep on her and she will lose by about the 14th or 15th hole most matches. o-----------------------o | Overworld... Take Two | o-----------------------o Move out into the field, heading right to take the upwards path. Enter the nearby attraction, finding the Mini-Mini Lake Course, competing at the Star Challenge found within. With a bit more Experience in hand, head right, down, and then right, entering into the Dune Club! o-----------------------o | Welcome To Your Dune! | o-----------------------o Arriving at the Caddie Master, run to the right, bypassing the first path (leads to the course) to instead go up into the Driving Range, heading right to talk to the guys there, saying YES to the inquiry to enter into Shot Lesson 1 for this course. After completing that Star Challenge, head left and go up along the Driving Range to enter into a cacti heavy area, speaking to the girl here to find the second challenge here. Exit the Driving Range and move to the right, taking the next path upwards to the Approach Range area. Run up towards the green to get onto the small fairway, going right to the bunker to speak to the Boy to enter into a Star Challenge. From there, go talk to the Girl on the left, as she has the second Approach Lesson to be played. Exit the Approach Range and go right to find the Putting range, where you should seek out the boy on the bottom-left area of the green, entering into the Dune Club Star Challenge for putting. With all of this out of the way, head back out to the pathway area, moving all the way over to the left to find the Caddie Masters Office, where a Practice Round should be played to get a feel for the arid course that lacks serious amounts of fairways. After getting some practice in, go into the Club Tournament and challenge the field (including Tiny, the current Club Champ) in Stroke Play, scoring about a five under (-5) to take the trophy and the title! Much like with Putts and Grace, why not cut the massive Tiny down another notch or two by whipping him in a Match Play? Head back to Marion Club and enter the Lounge of Marion Club (along with the other Club Champ Gene Yuss), to speak to Tiny (the fellow with the ponytail) to agree to a Match Game! Now go back to the Caddie Masters Office (at Marion Club, as you can not leave with Tiny or any other Club Champion in tow), entering into the match for real! A Match Play Game plays differently than a Stroke Play Game, as the winner of the match is determined by whoever wins more holes. This means that you can have one absolutely terrible hole and maybe lose in stroke score, but more holes than your opponent and still win. Tiny is long ball hitter who relies on his distance to set up easier approach shots, but he is sometime lacking in aim when it comes to any shot (tee, approach, or putts), meaning he can be picked off on holes where he is careless. Use power shots smartly and keep hitting good balls to get a lot of Birdies and Pars, and Tiny will typically fall apart by about the 2/3 mark of the match! Now head back onto the Dune Club course, heading for the practice green area, going to talk to the green haired woman with her two friends, agreeing to play with her in an Alternate Game against her friends! o-------------------------o | Overworld... Take Three | o-------------------------o Head up past the Windy Special Hole, arriving at the Club Maker's Hut, heading inside to receive one of two special clubs! You can choose between the Distance Club, which will make your driver hit the ball insanely far, though a mis-hit on the accuracy end will cause the ball to go off-target fairly quickly, or the Control Club, which will make sure your shot does not go too far astray, though some distance on the driver will be lost to assure the accuracy. With this out of the way, head left and then straight up to enter into a Raven Woods Golf Course, facing a Star Challenge! Follow that up by going to the right, going up into the Links Course. o--------------------o | Links To The Past? | o--------------------o Arriving at the Caddie Master, run to the right, bypassing the first path (leads to the course) to instead go up into the Driving Range, heading up and to the right to find a boy to take a Star Challenge from! Next is a quick run back to the entrance of the area, this time going up the left side of the area to find a girl to take the second Star Challenge from in this area. Exit the Driving Range and move to the right, taking the next path upwards to the Approach Range area. Head up past the green to speak to the boy swinging his club in his practicing, entering into the first Star Challenge. The next Star Challenge is to the left of the green, speaking to the girl to take her shot advice on. Exit the Approach Range and go right to find the Putting Range, speaking to the guy on the bottom left portion of the putting surface, taking on his Star Challenge! With all of this out of the way, head back out to the pathway area, moving all the way over to the left to find the Caddie Masters Office, where a Practice Round should be played to get a feel for the European style course with vicious heath and lack of luscious green vegetation. After getting some practice in, go into the Club Tournament and challenge the field (including Gene Yuss, the current Club Champ) in Stroke Play, scoring about a seven under (-7) to take the trophy and the title! Much like with the previous three course chumps (err.. champs), Gene Yuss can also be battled in a Match Play. Head back to Marion Club and enter the Lounge of Marion Club, speaking to Gene Yuss (the fine fellow with the felt hat flair) to agree to a Match Game! Now go back to the Caddie Masters Office (at Marion Club, as you can not leave with Gene Yuss or any other Club Champion in tow), entering into the match for real! A Match Play Game plays differently than a Stroke Play Game, as the winner of the match is determined by whoever wins more holes. This means that you can have one absolutely terrible hole and maybe lose in stroke score, but more holes than your opponent and still win. Gen Yuss is an all round package when it comes to golf, rarely showing any weakness in any portion of his game. Use power shots smartly and keep hitting good balls to get a lot of Birdies and Pars, and take advantage of the few errors that the self proclaimed (and named) smarty makes, looking for a golden opportunity late in the match to take him down! Next up head back to the Links Club, followed by going into the Driving Range and Approach Range, visiting each person that previously had a Star Challenge to do to find that each now possesses a new Star Challenge to complete. Consult the Star Challenges section for info on how to tackle these new ones. o------------------------o | Overworld... Take Four | o------------------------o Head down from the Links Club and go to the right, entering the Golf Guru's Pitch & Putt to tackle the final field Star Challenge, but be warned it is very tough and unforgiving! Once this is completed, head for the now open tree to go through the rainbow portal to enter the Bob-Omb's Cannon to shoot through the air to arrive at Peach's Castle! o------------------------------------o | Life's A Peach, And Then You Golf! | o------------------------------------o After getting the rundown from the various Mario characters, it is time to play in Peach's Castle Tournament! The field will be comprised of all sorts of Mario universe characters (ally and foe of Mario alike) in Stroke Play, with the result of an eleven under (-11) to take the trophy and the title! Once the dust clears, all that remains are two final Match Play games to play, so head back to Peach's Castle, first seeking out Mario. Mario has an incredibly polished game of golf under his belt, and with a 270 yard drive he is able to reach every green with ease, giving himself a real shot at eagle/birdie most the time and he will not score worse than a par! This makes him the toughest foe you have faced to date, and he will not be easy to beat, though the 400 Experience points he is worth for defeating is certainly gratifying! The last opponent to be faced is Wario, the evil doppelganger of Mario! He lacks some of the distance of the good plumber, but his short game is just as deadly as the real mustached plumber! Like Mario, Wario will rarely score a par (and definitely not a worse score), so beating him will require an intense game that has few if any errors made while taking advantage of the smallest openings that Wario provides. With that, everything possible to be done in Story Mode is accomplished, so congratulations on defeating the best golf game since NES open Tournament Golf for the NES! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Star Challenges------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) This section will examine each Star Challenge in the game, splitting the sub-sections into the four courses and the overworld. o--------------o | Marion Club | o--------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Shot Lesson 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Choose the One Wood and Power up the shot. Now enter into the swing, holding DOWN to force the ball high into the air, getting a perfect swing to pass the challenge, receiving 20 Experience Points! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Shot Lesson 2 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Either choose the 2 Iron and hit it slightly less than full, or choose the 3 Iron and hit it completely perfect, using the wind to push the ball close to the hole. Your shot must come within 4 yards of the pin to be counted as successful, awarding 20 Experience Points! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Approach Lesson 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use the 30 Yard setting with the 5 Iron, hitting it right at the hole with your power at just a bit under 3/4 of the power, driving the ball to within 2 yards of the hole, possibly even holing it out, receiving 20 Experience Points for the successful completion! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Approach Lesson 2 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ using a Pitching Wedge with the 60 yard setting, hit the ball so it is right at the 1/2 power range, causing the ball to stop within 2 yards of the hole. Successful completion of this will net a cool 20 Experience Points for the young golfer you are playing as! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Putting Contest ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You must get at least 7 of your 10 putts into the hole or that dark green circle around the hole to succeed at this challenge, so use the following settings to get the challenge done with ease: i) 26 feet to the hole, aim slightly to the left of the hole (from your viewpoint, not your character), hitting the ball at about 90% power. ii) The next putt is from a longer 36 feet, so aim slightly above the hole and hit the shot so the bas stops on the second/third bar on the power meter between the 1/4 and 1/2 range. iii) The next putt is 24 feet from the hole, but it has a slight downhill break, so aim slightly to the left of the hole (again, from your perspective, not your character) and hit the shot at 75% power to get the putts into the right area. iv) Although the putt is only 27 feet to the hole, due to the uphill lie that is in the way, you must switch to the 100 foot Power Meter, hitting the ball around the first or second bar between the 1/4 and 1/2 mark. v) The last putt is the longest at 47 feet, but to add to it is the uphill path the ball must traverse. Hit the putt at the bar just past the 55% mark, driving the ball close or into the hole. For completing this longer challenge, a seemingly small 20 Experience Points will be yours! Perfect (10/10) will net you an additional 5 Experience Points. o-----------o | Palm Club | o-----------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Shot Lesson 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use the club and aim suggested by the game here, remembering to hold RIGHT when hitting the ball. If your Shot Accuracy attempt is perfect or very close to it, then the ball should fly out into the air and bend around the tree area. Once this is performed successfully, 25 Experience Points will belong to the genius talent of your character. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Shot Lesson 2 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use normal power for this shot, moving up one club from the suggested stick of the game, and then let it rip. If properly done, the ball will come to rest within 3 yards or less of the hole, resulting in the awarding of 25 Experience Points for successfully completing her challenge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Approach Lesson 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take your Sand Wedge and hit the ball at slightly above the distance to the pin (work it ou on the Power scale), using the 30 yard or 60 yard Sand Wedge swing setting (which ever you are most comfortable with). For successfully getting the ball within 3 yards or less of the hole, another 25 Experience Points will be awarded to your golfer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Approach Lesson 2 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Perform the running approach for this green using the Putter on the 200 foot setting. Hit the ball right at the hole, using just above the 50% power, and the ball should come to rest within 3 yards or less of the hole, resulting in the awarding of 25 Experience Points to your character! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Putting Contest ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You must get at least 7 of your 10 putts into the hole or that dark green circle around the hole to succeed at this challenge, so use the following settings to get the challenge done with ease: i) 34 feet to the hole, so aim right at said hole and put about 40% power on the 100 foot setting to get the job done. ii) with just 30 feet to the hole, you might be tempted to use the slowest putter setting, but use the 100 foot setting and give it about 30-35% power, aiming slightly above the hole to make the putt have a shot at going in. iii) another putt from 34 feet, aim slightly to the left of the hole, followed by putting a deft touch on the ball to send it at 35-40% power, which will give you a real shot at the hole. iv) This is a longer putt at 48 feet, so aim to the right of the hole and let loose with about 50-55% power to have a shot at making it right into hole. v) With the same distance to cover as the last pair of putts, the 48 feet must be traversed successfully by using 50% power while aiming just above the hole. For completing this longer challenge, a rather small 25 Experience Points will be yours! Perfect (10/10) will net you an additional 6 Experience Points. o-----------o | Dune Club | o-----------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Shot Lesson 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This one is a tough challenge, likely requiring multiple attempts to get right. Make use of a 9 Iron/Pitching Wedge/Sand Wedge, using a high trajectory with it, flying the ball onto the very front of the green, causing the ball to come to rest within 3 yards or less of the hole, finishing the challenge to gain a respectable 45 Experience Points! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Shot Lesson 2 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The challenge here is to runt he ball out onto the fairway ahead (the closer one) by using a low trajectory and a partial swing. Make use of any Iron club you desire (lower Irons work better though) and normal power, getting the ball to stop on the luscious fairway, gaining 45 Experience Points for your golfer! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Approach Lesson 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Choosing a Sand Wedge with a 30 yard setting, using a high trajectory while swinging to make the ball have backspin. Hit the shot right at the pin with about 85% power, and the ball will be within the 3 yards or less area, netting another cool 45 Experience Points for your character. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Approach Lesson 2 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using a 7 Iron and a low trajectory, set the club to a 30 yard setting and hit the ball right at the pin with about 80% power. If this is done correctly, the ball will finish up within 3 yards or less of the hole, netting 45 Experience Points in the process! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Putting Contest ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You must get at least 7 of your 10 putts into the hole or that dark green circle around the hole to succeed at this challenge, so use the following settings to get the challenge done with ease: i) The first putt set is from 23 feet away, so aim directly at the hole and deliver the putting stroke with 75% power, which will put the ball right at the hole (or at least into the green circle). ii) A longer putt at 37 feet, simply hit the ball at 40% power with no adjustment to your aim, and the ball will end up in the hole (or close to it anyway). iii) The next putt is from 38 feet, with an upslope trajectory for the ball. Aim below the hole a touch and hit the ball at 40-45% power, sending it into the green circle and possibly directly into the hole. iv) This putt is from 34 feet, requiring two different slopes to be traversed by the ball. Aim very slightly to the left of the hole, followed by delivering a putting stroke at 35% power to get the ball close to the hole. v) The longest putt at 44 feet, it is also the toughest set of slopes to deal with in this Star Challenge. Aim very slightly to the right of the hole before delivering a stroke at a power of 40-45% to get the ball into the required area. For completing this longer challenge, a rather decent 45 Experience Points will be yours! Perfect (10/10) will net you an additional 11 Experience Points. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Alternate Game ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With the two sides hitting alternate shots, the query is put up as to whether stroke or match play should be played. Stroke play is likely easier, as your skills with shot making can make up for poor efforts by your rather inadequate partner's attempts, while match play will get some holes lost thanks to her ineptitude. No matter which way you go, be prepared to watch your partner make some brutal shots, so try and put her into the best positions possible to limit her chances of screwing you over so badly. Defeat the average opposition with your below average teammate and 200 Experience Points will be yours! o------------o | Links Club | o------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Shot Lesson 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Choose a long iron for this shot, using the aim that is as close to the hole without hitting a tree, followed by starting the swing. During the swing hold RIGHT to put the necessary curve on the ball to send it towards the hole. However, if your golfer possesses a draw for a lefty or a slice for a righty, aim to the left of the closest tree and hold LEFT to bring the ball back around to the hole through that style. Get the ball within 3 yards or less of the hole to get the 50 Experience Points this challenge provides! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Shot Lesson 2 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using a low iron and a power shot, hit a strike that is dead on for accuracy on the Swing Meter, sending the ball flying and rolling onto the green. Get within 3 yards or less of the hole to get the 50 Experience Points this lesson deals out! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Approach Lesson 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aim at the hole and use a high trajectory on the swing to make the ball stop quicker, using a Sand Wedge or Pitching Wedge. Hit the ball with just under the same power that would get the ball to the hole on the fly, and the ball will stop within the 3 yards or less range to get the 50 Experience Points! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Approach Lesson 2 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using a 5 Iron, hit a shot with about 75% power and no spin, hitting the ball onto the green and rolling said ball right up to the hole. Get within 3 yards or less of the hole to get the 50 Experience Points! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Putting Contest ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You must get at least 7 of your 10 putts into the hole or that dark green circle around the hole to succeed at this challenge, so use the following settings to get the challenge done with ease: i) Putting from 28 feet to start off, adjust the aim to be slightly above the hole, followed by applying 100% power on the 30 foot putter swing meter. ii) The second putt set is from 36 feet, facing a couple small slope sets. Adjust the aim to be slightly above the hole, followed by hitting the ball at about 35% power to get it into or close to the hole. iii) Now going at the hole from 32 feet, Adjust the aim once more to be above the hole, smacking the ball at 30-35% power to make use of the starting downslope speed effectively. iv) Ranging in on this 40 foot putt across no less than four different slope angles, so aim just above the hole before delivering a firm 35% power putt on the swing meter to get the ball close enough to score the points. v) With the longest putt of the round coming here at 50 feet, use the straight on approach angle that is suggested, hitting the ball at 45-50% power, as the first slope will move the ball up enough to fight the downslope later on the green. For completing this longer challenge, a rather excellent 50 Experience Points will be yours! Perfect (10/10) will net you an additional 12 Experience Points. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Shot Contest 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Choose a long iron for this shot, using the aim that is as close to the hole without hitting a tree, followed by starting the swing. During the swing hold RIGHT to put the necessary curve on the ball to send it towards the hole. However, if your golfer possesses a draw for a lefty or a slice for a righty, aim to the left of the closest tree and hold LEFT to bring the ball back around to the hole through that style. Get the ball within 3 yards or less of the hole to get the 50 Experience Points this challenge provides! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Shot Contest 2 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using a low iron and a power shot, hit a strike that is dead on for accuracy on the Swing Meter, sending the ball flying and rolling onto the green. Get within 3 yards or less of the hole to get the 50 Experience Points this lesson deals out! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Approach Contest 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aim at the hole and use a high trajectory on the swing to make the ball stop quicker, using a Sand Wedge or Pitching Wedge. Hit the ball with just under the same power that would get the ball to the hole on the fly, and the ball will stop within the 3 yards or less range to get the 50 Experience Points! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Approach Contest 2 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using a 5 Iron, hit a shot with about 75% power and no spin, hitting the ball onto the green and rolling said ball right up to the hole. Get within 3 yards or less of the hole to get the 50 Experience Points! o-----------o | Overworld | o-----------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Tiny-Tots Golfing Grounds ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head inside to take the challenge, but before beginning, head for the northeast portion of the area, searching the treeline to uncover Azalea (provided she was the character you did not choose at the beginning of the game)! Head for the woman near the green to find out that the nasty kids that were here for a lesson did not clean up (including Azalea!), so help her out by knocking the various balls onto the green and inside the green circle. Note that you have 10 seconds to take as many shots as you need to get the balls into the green circle, so do not fret about exact one shot entries, as you have enough time for a quick putt to finish the job. After getting all (or most) balls into the green circle, you will be rewarded with 50 Experience Points! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Windy Valley Special Hole ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk tot he man to take on his challenge. Tee off from the tee block he was standing on, aiming below the hole by a air bit to account for the wind, and then let loose with an Iron shot that is at least one longer than the suggested club. Refine your aim versus the wind and narrow down the gap, completing the shot close to the pin to gain 40 Experience Points! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Mini-Mini Lake Course ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With the one guy refusing to quit on hitting the ball across the pond to the green from the nasty rough in one shot, you should approach and state you can in fact make that shot. Using a power shot a long Iron (likely a 2 Iron), hit a perfect shot to bridge the gap the water presents, getting the ball to stay on the green to complete the challenge, awarding a very nice 140 Experience Points for doing so! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Raven Woods Golf Course ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Step into the area to see a crow with a hat, but when anyone tries to get near the flag on which it sits, the crow will just fly off! Instead, make use of a golf club and ball in an attempt to rattle the flag with a Pin Shot, forcing the crow to become startled and drop the hat! Make use of a lower iron and hit it on the 30 yard setting, going at about 80% power on a low trajectory, making a very slight adjustment for the wind. Once successful, the man will get his hat back and 200 Experience Points will be yours! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Golf Guru's Pitch & Putt ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This area has a green set up along with 9 different tee boxes. Step up and accept the challenge from the Golf Guru, which is to get each tee shot onto the green (Green Edge DOES NOT COUNT), followed by dropping the putt. Try to use high trajectory shots to get the ball to stick on the fairly small green, but with such high winds the main focus will be proper aim and power adjustment on each swing to get the ball where it needs to be. Repeat this for each of the 9 holes, and a very hard earned 300 Experience Points will belong to your golfer! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Courses----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) This section will look at each course, offering up plans of attack on each hole, outlining dangerous pitfalls to try and avoid. o--------------o | Marion Club | o--------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 374 ======== Tee Shot ======== Poke the tee shot straight up the middle of the fairway, aiming it to pass through the narrowing opening between the bunkers. Even as your distance increases, the same tee shot should be used. ============= Approach Shot ============= Hit the second shot aggressively at the flag, taking into account any wind help/hindrance that may be around. With such an open green area, even if you mess up this attempt, a good lie of Semi Rough will likely result, so the chip will be easy enough. ======= Putting ======= The green slopes toward the front and towards the back, so adjust the putt aim to compensate for any slope you have to cross, but note that if you are fairly close to the hole (less than 10 feet), the ball will not be affected too much by the opposing slope (hit it with slightly more power than what remains to the hole, as that will get it right to the cup and it should still go in easily). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 2 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 318 ======== Tee Shot ======== At first the best place to drive the ball is to hit up the to the corner of the fairway, getting it to rest short of the rough and the large pond. However, as your power improves (on subsequent playthroughs), sky the ball over the rough area on the left and land on the fairway to the right of the string of bunkers. ============= Approach Shot ============= Coming over the pond will require you to go up one club, hitting a high ball (hold DOWN), and to hit the shot at nearly full power (adjust for any wind possibility as well). If you went up the left side of the hole, the way to the green is not really blocked, so a conventional run onto the green shot can be used. ======= Putting ======= The green has a central plateau (where the pin rests) that leads to a steady set of slopes that lead downhill. Try to get in close with the approach shot to minimize the slope you have to fight through, though the more slope you have to cross, the more adjustment required. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 3 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 160 ======== Tee Shot ======== This is a very kind Par 3, as all the bunkers are to the side or above the green, with fairways leading right to the green. This means that you can use a running shot approach to the green, so take into account the wind and get a shot that will bounce off fairway to land on the green near the hole. ======= Putting ======= This hole is another one that has many different slopes, all leading off the green. However, none are particularly strong slopes, so slight adjustments will need to be made before you putt for the hole. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 4 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 480 ======== Tee Shot ======== Pull out a Power Shot here, slamming the ball as far up the fairway as possible. With such wide open fairways, it should be easy to remain in the best area of the course. ============= Approach Shot ============= Early on a second Power Shot with a wood is recommended, setting up an easy third shot to the green, but after returning with extra distance for your golfer, the second shot can easily be sent right for the green. The only thing to be sure of here is to slightly overshoot the green, as the ball will need to bounce off some rough and that will kill the roll it gets. ======= Putting ======= Although fairly patchy in the slope, this entire green rolls downhill from right to left. If the ball is going to be coming from a right/left trajectory, the putt will be easy, while coming from above/below the hole will require some accounting for the arrows strewn about the green. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 5 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 308 ======== Tee Shot ======== Hit the tee shot between the one fairway tree and the right rough, though if you have enough power (use a Power Shot if necessary) try to roll the ball right onto the green due to this being a short Par 4 with minimal green coverage. ============= Approach Shot ============= No matter how inexperienced you are, this should be a short Iron approach, meaning you can really get a pinpointed aim and distance setting. Go right for the pin and try to set up a really easy putt. ======= Putting ======= This green is the reverse pf the last one for slope, as it moves left to right in small patches that are all over the green. Since you had a fairly easy approach shot to the green, the putt here should be fairly easy to pull off, so make small slope corrections for any putt over 10 feet and drop what should be a fairly easy birdie. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 6 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 321 ======== Tee Shot ======== When you are just starting out, drive it up the right side of the hole, avoiding the fairway trees to set up a good look at the green. With some extra distance added to your golfer, fly over the water and get much closer to the green, allowing for a far easier to control approach shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= From further out the water and some trees can be a real pain to deal with, so maybe go up one club, slightly under hit it, and hit a high ball (DOWN) to get it onto the green (depending on your angle, the rough/trees may block a run onto the green shot). With a more open look and/or a closer shot, take the run on approach, smacking the ball right for the pin. ======= Putting ======= This is a rather crazy green, boasting two distinct tiers. The right side of the green is definitely the higher end, sloping from a peak tier downwards in all directions, while the left side has a steady right to left movement going on. If you have a long putt, it is going to be tough to get down in one putt, so the approach shot is a crucial thing to get right on this hole. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 7 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 461 ======== Tee Shot ======== If you are feeling daring, drive it up into the fairway between all the bunkers, but play it safe by hitting below that area. The risk will allow for a much approach shot, though you could end up in a bunker pretty easily, while the safer approach leaves a very long (and impossible early on) second shot to the green. Pick your poison, both have pros and cons. ============= Approach Shot ============= Hit the approach shot right at the green, for the angle you will have will allow for your golfer to go out and hit a run-on shot to the green, so take into account the wind conditions before peppering the ball onto the green. A strong tee shot should set up a strong approach shot leading to an Eagle putt opportunity. ======= Putting ======= The green here has two distinct plateaus to play on here, with a large one towards the right of the green, which slopes off to the left, bottom, and right, leaving a bowled tier on the left. Go right for the pin and the slope that is nearby will keep the ball close enough for a solid one putt opportunity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 8 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 136 ======== Tee Shot ======== For this shot take into account the wind, followed by going up one club and using a high shot to land the ball on the green and bring to a stop fairly quickly (due to the small green). ======= Putting ======= The green has an odd sloping arrangement, with two slopes feeding towards one another, in between the two is a slope going down-right. Fight the slope as needed, going for the hole in one shot as this is such a tiny green that it is inexcusable to at least come close to the hole. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 9 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 370 ======== Tee Shot ======== If you have enough power, go over the bunkers to the furthest reaches of the fairway. Otherwise, just drive it close to the bunkers in preparation for the approach shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= If you were able to clear the bunkers, then the approach shot will be a simple run-on shot... but if you had to lay up on those sand traps, then you will have to fly the ball over the trees and a bunker, using a high trajectory shot to stop the ball on the green (go up one club over suggested for this shot). ======= Putting ======= With a high tier on the front half of the green, it will feed the ball off to any side the ball reaches. The back half has a severe slope that feeds to it, but once you are clear of it and the flag is on that end, it will be an easy putt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 10 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 351 ======== Tee Shot ======== Drive the ball through the small gap in the trees (there is a tiny patch of fairway there to mark the area), as this will set up a prime approach shot. However, be sure you can actually reach fairway, as hitting it into the rough will not be particularly useful for the approach shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= A short approach shot should be left to make, so use a wedge and knock it close to the hole, using a high trajectory shot or a run-on shot, as both will work fine. ======= Putting ======= The green has a set of arrows that slash across it, the one closest to the front of the green feeding to the right while the other three sets all go to the left. If you are far from the hole, you will have to adjust for these slopes, which is tough due to the inconsistent nature of the slopes and flat parts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 11 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 479 ======== Tee Shot ======== Although it is tempting, it is best to lay up on this hole, rather than trying to shoot the narrow fairway gap to get closer to the green. If you do go for it, you had better have a very steady swing or the ball will land in the rough, which will make reaching the green in 2 almost impossible. ============= Approach Shot ============= This is where your risk of going through the narrow fairway will have paid off with a good angle and distance to go for the green, but if you laid up it will be far tougher to make the green. If you laid up and lack the distance to go for the green, then hit a solid second shot onto the fairway near the green, followed by chipping onto the green with the third shot. ======= Putting ======= The green is sloped towards the middle, with a plateau on the left and the right sides of the green. You will likely have to cross at least one slope, so adjust your aim accordingly before letting the putt fly, remembering to account for any extra distance that must be applied to the stroke to counter any uphill or pulling to the side forces. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 12 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 149 ======== Tee Shot ======== If the flag is on the left side of the green, then a run-on shot will get you close, but to go after the flag when it is on the right side of the green, make use of the high trajectory shot to fly the rough and the bunker to get onto the green. ======= Putting ======= with an overall slope from front to back, there are very few breaks in the slopy portions. So, you will have to fight some slope while going for the hole, so make careful adjustments and try to know down the tough birdie putt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 13 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 368 ======== Tee Shot ======== Tee off up the left side of the hole, clearing the small patch of rough near the bunker if you are able to do so. Since the fairways are so wide, it should be an easy trick to land on the best area possible (ie the fairway). ============= Approach Shot ============= With an easy run-on approach to make, get the shot to land on the green, nestling the ball up close to the hole. Even if you landed in the rough, the second shot should still be able to reach the green, but it will be a little harder to control the shot. ======= Putting ======= Three slashes of slopes go from front to back on this green, with the first and third going towards the back of the green while the second slash reversing this trend to roll the ball towards the front of the green. If you were able to get the ball within 15 feet of the pin or less, at most one slope will be in your way, so it should be an easier green to one putt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 14 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 390 ======== Tee Shot ======== Drive the ball up between the two fairway trees to set up a good approach shot situation. If you have extra distance to burn you can go can go right up and over the right bunker, setting up a small chip shot to the green, but it is a long way to fly the ball. ============= Approach Shot ============= A fairly long second shot will be up next, so try to use high trajectory to slow down the ball, as it will require a long Iron or even a Wood, meaning the ball will be coming in hard to the green. ======= Putting ======= The left side of the green feeds the ball towards the middle area, while the right side of the green is a plateau that drops off in all directions. If you are not too close to the hole (which is highly possible), then a multiple slope putt to deal with is highly possible, making this a tougher green to one putt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 15 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 344 ======== Tee Shot ======== Unless you have enough power to fly the ball onto the farther away portion of the fairway, it is best to lay up on the end of the original fairway. ============= Approach Shot ============= If you laid up, a shot over the rough and possibly a bunker will be the challenge, requiring a high ball to get onto the green. If the further ahead fairway was reached, a better approach is to be had, BUT the ball will likely need to be flown in as well (you can try a run-on, but ball has to land VERY close to the green). ======= Putting ======= The slope here is consistently from the back to the front of the green, set up in three big waves of arrows. The front slope is not a big concern, but the back two slope areas can interfere with the putt. This means it is likely you will have to cross one slope while putting, so make some adjustment as the slopes are several arrows wide. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 16 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 348 ======== Tee Shot ======== Drive the ball up the narrow fairway, keeping it between the rough and the bunkers. ============= Approach Shot ============= Hit a high ball shot and go after the pin here, getting the ball to spin to a stop near the hole. A run-on shot can also work, but not recommended due to the slope fairway found on this hole (it can redirect the ball easily). ======= Putting ======= The green is zig-zagged by often changing slope direction, the entire set on both sides of the green feeding the ball to the center of the green. The goal of any approach shot is to keep it on the same side of the green as the hole, so if the approach shot was good you should have an easy enough putt for birdie/par. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 17 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 170 ======== Tee Shot ======== With the fairway leading right to the green here, a run-on shot will work beautifully, though the high trajectory shot can also work. Just use the one that best suits your style of play. ======= Putting ======= The left side of the green has some slope leading off of the green, but the rest of the slope will go from left to right, meaning you may have to cross one or more small slope areas to get to the hole, so aim carefully. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 18 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 499 ======== Tee Shot ======== Drive the ball up the fairway to the right of the water hazard, only going for as far up the fairway as you feel you can safely fly over the water (depends on wind conditions as well as your distance off the tee). ============= Approach Shot ============= The second shot requires a long wood (quite possibly using a Power Shot) to drive the ball over the rough and water to get it on the green, but it is still fairly likely you will come up short (early on in the game anyway). ======= Putting ======= The green is a sprawling slope that feeds away from a high plateau at the bottom of the green, moving in all directions away from said plateau. This means that is very unlikely you will be able to putt without the slope interfering, so be ready to make aiming adjustments to try for the one putt. o-----------o | Palm Club | o-----------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 365 ======== Tee Shot ======== If you have enough distance, shoot for the fairways over the rivers, but if you fell less than 100% sure you can clear the hazards, lay up along the left route to set up for the second shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= From the left side of the hole a more open look will be the angle of approach, but it will be a longer distance to cover. Try to run the ball on from the fairway. If you are coming from the right side, the best bet is to try and fly the ball to the green using a high trajectory, causing the ball to not roll as far and hold onto the green. ======= Putting ======= This green is designed with the entire set of sloped feeding the ball into the center of the green, which makes no sense logistically in the real world, as it would not drain off the rain at all, making for a quagmire of a green. However, in the game it means you will likely have at least one slope to deal with, possibly two or three when putting, so be ready to try and snake a putt into the hole. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 2 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 373 ======== Tee Shot ======== Hit the tee shot up along the fairway, keeping it between the trees and the rough. ============= Approach Shot ============= Although it is not the usual aggressive approach that is recommended, if you are not great at flying the ball to the green, then run the ball onto the top half of the green. If you are aggressive however, fly the ball with a high trajectory, going after the pin to try and set up an easier putt. ======= Putting ======= With a general slope from back to front of the green, the nasty slope here will constantly tug the ball off course. Make significant adjustments versus the range between the hole and the position of the ball. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 3 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 476 ======== Tee Shot ======== Using a Power Shot, slam the ball along the diagonal fairway, getting as far up the fairway as humanly possible. ============= Approach Shot ============= Since it is not until you have significant distance for your golfer that you will be able to go for the green in two, try and get to as close to the green as possible while landing on the fairway with the second shot, setting up an easy chip shot close to the hole. If you think you can make it to the green in two however, take a crack at it, but be really sure as you will have to fly over O.B. and rough, and a bunker to reach the green. ======= Putting ======= The left half of the green runs from front to back, but to the right of that the slope runs diagonally down and right. Either way, you will be facing at least one strong slope in relation to the hole, so aim above the hole to fight that gravitational pull and go for the one putt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 4 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 357 ======== Tee Shot ======== If you have a booming tee shot, go right at the green and try to roll the ball on in one shot to set up an Eagle attempt! Otherwise, hit the ball up onto the fairway to get it as close to the green as possible, setting up as easy as a second shot as possible. ============= Approach Shot ============= With a shorter approach shot here, try to hit an exact ball to roll it close to the hole, as the run-on shot is the easiest way to control a shot. The fly on approach can work, but since their is no need, why complicate matters? ======= Putting ======= The right side of the green has a small plateau that flows downhill in two directions from the height of the plateau, going down-right and up-left. On the left side of the green is a steady slope that goes from the front of the green to the back on a leftward course. With this many different directions to contend with, a fairly tough putt will likely lie ahead, so make the necessary adjustments to get the ball into the hole. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 5 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 136 ======== Tee Shot ======== With the patch of fairway allowing for a run-on shot, you do have to fly the ball to the raised fairway short of the green to get on and close to the hole. Use the suggested club, provided the win is not playing too much havoc, driving the ball to get near the pin. ======= Putting ======= The left and right sides of the green will feed the ball towards the center, leaving a flat low portion of the green to land on. It is likely just one slope will be in the way of your putt, though the slopes are fairly strong, so make careful adjustments before attempting to get the Birdie. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 6 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 359 ======== Tee Shot ======== This hole is dead simple, as you will just drive the ball dead up the middle, not worrying on use of a Power Shot as it is a fairly short par 4. ============= Approach Shot ============= A run-on shot can work here, though due to the flag usually being deep on the green, it is better to just take a normal shot and get it close on the fly. It is a narrow green you are approaching, so you will need to make sure to adjust for wind to assure a lie on the green in two. ======= Putting ======= The top half of the figure 8 green feeds to the right on a downward trajectory while the bottom half of the green feeds to the left on an upward trajectory, creating hazardous slopes to putt across. Careful adjustments should be made, but if you have a long putt that cross both slopes, it will be really tough to make a one putt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 7 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 447 ======== Tee Shot ======== With such a narrow fairway, careful control and wind adjustment is absolutely a must here. Keeping it on the fairway is even worth giving up some yardage, as it is near impossible to get a good approach shot from the rough. ============= Approach Shot ============= Go for the green if you can, otherwise smash it as close as you can get it to the green. Either way, the same as the tee shot, which is dealing with a narrow fairway and a narrow green, so adjust for wind before ripping the ball towards the green. ======= Putting ======= Another green with two distinct sloping areas, the left side has a small plateau that rests among a steady slope feeding from the right to the left. The right side has a slight slope that goes to the left, attempting to run balls off of the back of the green. Unless you have landed very close to the pin, at least one slope will need to be crossed (possibly two), and the left side has such strong pull you will need to make perfect adjustments to have a shot at the Eagle/Birdie in one putt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 8 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 160 ======== Tee Shot ======== A run-on shot will work best here, as the small fairway patch will allow for the tee shot to roll onto the open front green. ======= Putting ======= The top of the green has a high plateau that slopes viciously in all directions, while the bottom half is designed to roll the ball away from the central part of the green to the flat portions near the edges of the green. With such strong slopes, the putting will not be easy, so do not be shocked if you have to two putt this green. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 9 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 352 ======== Tee Shot ======== Unless you have a very long shot, you will be forced to lay up at the river. If you are able to clear the river, do so as it will set up a rather simple approach shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= If you cleared the river, pitch the ball onto the green, but if you had to lay up, it will be a far harder shot. The good news is that if you ended up in the rough, you can still make it onto the green fairly easily as the hole is so short that your irons will still reach easily. ======= Putting ======= The fringes of the green will push the ball to the right a bit, but the majority of the green actually slopes toward the left. The outside of the green will not really affect your regardless of where your ball sits, so just worry on that one slope to contend with, knocking the ball in with a one putt most of the time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 10 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 364 ======== Tee Shot ======== Smash the ball up the fairway, keeping it to the right to make the second shot shorter, but hit it more left to set up an easier approach shot (fairway versus trees) but with more distance to the shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= From the left side of the fairway, a run-on shot can be used, so feel free to go that route if you desire. If you are coming from the shorter approach shot on the right side, then you will have to fly the all in with a high trajectory, so move up one club and slightly less than full power to get it onto the green. ======= Putting ======= Both sides of the green have small plateaus that slope away briefly before flattening out again, while the middle portion of the green has two small sloped sections that feed the ball to flat portions at the front and back of the green. Despite all the wild arrows, it is actually an easier green to putt as the majority of the slopes should never have to be crossed with the same putt, so be aggressive in going right after the hole with minimal adjustment needed for the stroke. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 11 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 391 ======== Tee Shot ======== Once again the choice must be made between laying up on the river or being brave and going for the next chunk of fairway. Being more aggressive risks entering the water hazard, but if you succeed then the second shot will be a far easier proposition due to the reduction in distance needed to traverse. ============= Approach Shot ============= With wide open fairway leading onto the green, the run-on shot is recommended, especially since you will likely face a shot of around 150-200 yards to reach the green (not very easy to fly in and stick a ball from that distance). Adjust for the wind and hit the suggested club (unless you have tail/head wind to contend with), knocking the ball onto the green. ======= Putting ======= The central portion of the green slopes from front of the green to the back, with both sides sloping away from the center. This creates a very difficult green to putt on if you have to cross more than one slope, so adjust your aim carefully and deliver a very exact weight on the ball to get the proper distance to the hole. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 12 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 164 ======== Tee Shot ======== With the run-on being an easy to approach this hole, make use of it to get the ball close to the hole with ease. ======= Putting ======= The green has a massive flat part to get the ball onto from the tee, making for an easier than normal putt. However, if you go long off the tee, the sides of the green are all sloped strongly, creating a hard to make one putt for birdie, so accuracy off the tee here is paramount to assure a good chance at the birdie. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 13 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 459 ======== Tee Shot ======== Lay up on the water here, as you will not be able to clear it on your first visit to this place. However, if you have a large enough drive when you return later to play a round, try to clear it as it makes the second shot a lot easier to pull off. ============= Approach Shot ============= This is where the position of your ball becomes important. If you were forced to lay up on the water, then a long carry of the ball over O.B., trees, rough, and a bunker will need to be done to try and make it in two shots. If you were able to hop the water, the approach shot still has a lot of rough to fly over, but it does not have as much bunker or O.B. to worry about, meaning it is easier to get on in two shots. This is a tough hole to make it on in two, so you may want to lay up on the fairway to set up an easy third shot to the green instead. ======= Putting ======= The green has a steady slope from right to left all along the green, which is occasionally patched over by flat portions to really mess with your line. Longer putts are so tough to judge due to the shifting nature of the green, so getting closer off the approach shot will be paramount for having a good chance at the Eagle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 14 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 376 ======== Tee Shot ======== Fly the trees and land on the narrow fairway, holding onto the lovely surface to set up a solid approach shot opportunity. Remember it is better to be long and into the rough, as you can still reach the green in two. Being short will put you in the trees, and that can lead to a shot where you have to just chip the ball out into the fairway due to the wood blocking your way forward. ============= Approach Shot ============= If you had to go more left, then flying the ball to the green is the best way to go, so move up one club and slightly under full power hit with a high trajectory should make it onto the green. If you were able to land more to the right on the fairway, you will be able to run the ball on, so use that approach from there to get really close to the hole. ======= Putting ======= With two slopes that feed toward the center of the green, it is a fairly easy green to putt simply because even if you have to cross the slope it is angled with the green, meaning that you will not have a lot of slope to really worry about. This means that it is an easier green to go one putt, especially if you have kept the ball close to the hole on your approach shot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 15 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 149 ======== Tee Shot ======== With a small green that is protected by rough and bunkers on both ends, a high trajectory shot to hold the ball on the green when it lands is the best way to approach this hole. ======= Putting ======= The majority of the green slopes to the left, though a smaller portion on the right will roll to the right as well, so be wary of this as putting is fairly tough on this green. It is especially hazardous when you have to cross one slope, then a flat portion, and finally another slope to reach the hole. Land the ball close off the tee or face a really difficult one putt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 16 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 356 ======== Tee Shot ======== With a shorter hole at hand, try to get as close to the tip of that fairway as you can, setting up an easy pitch over the wide expanse of water to reach the green. ============= Approach Shot ============= Provided you hit a smart tee shot, you should have no problem reaching the green in two. If you did hit the rough, be sure to hit the ball heavy, as coming up short will cause a wet ball and a penalty stroke sometimes, so better to go over the green than risk that potential disaster. Just remember you have to fly the ball to get on, so use the high trajectory to assure it sticks to the green. ======= Putting ======= Two main slope patterns are on this green to deal with, facing a strong slope on the bottom right, which feeds the ball off the green, and a series of slopes on the rest of the green that feeds the ball towards the center of the green. There are enough slopes that you may have to deal with multiple slope forces, so adjust your aim carefully before unleashing the ball, making it tough to one putt this green. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 17 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 513 ======== Tee Shot ======== Power Shot the ball as far up onto the fairway as possible, remembering that the arrow indicator is where the ball would end roughly if you have all fairway to land on, so leave a decent chunk of fairway to land on between the arrow and the tee (otherwise you risk landing the rough, a definite do not on a par 5). ============= Approach Shot ============= With a large expanse of rough to cross (unless you have an insanely strong shot, at which point the second shot should be a really easy and short one), hit a long ball and try to fly the ball to the green, but do not worry if it does not hold to the green, as it is really tough to make long irons and woods do so. If it comes up short or long, just chip on and set up a great birdie chance. ======= Putting ======= This green has two flat portions, each with a slope nearby, with the left slope rolling balls in both directions (left/right) while the slope on the right feeds the ball to the right. Although it sounds like a tough green, the slopes are not too strong, meaning that is fairly easy to cross multiple types of green surface and still have a solid shot at the one putt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 18 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 351 ======== Tee Shot ======== Pound the ball as far up the narrowing fairway as possible, leaving as short of an approach shot as you possibly can. ============= Approach Shot ============= With a straight on shot to the green, adjust for the wind and hit a solid ball right at the pin. Either the run-on or flying ball will work, so choose which ever you prefer and go after the flag with gusto. ======= Putting ======= The green is split in half, with the left side feeding to the left and the right side feeding to the right. Provided you have not hit your approach to the opposite side of the green, you only have one slope to worry about, meaning you should be able to one putt this green with regularity. o-----------o | Dune Club | o-----------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 380 ======== Tee Shot ======== Depending on how far you can hit the ball off the tee, choose a fairway that you are sure you can make it to with a big shot, launching the ball to that particular safe haven. ============= Approach Shot ============= The approach will be a tougher bean to crack, as anything from the left side of the hole will have to try and fly the rough and bunkers, so try to use a longer club and high trajectory for that. If you are coming from the right side, a slightly easier approach exists, though flying the ball onto the green likely remains the best option due to the lack of good running area to land the ball on. ======= Putting ======= The green has slopes leading in all sorts of directions, with the lower right having a tiny plateau that feeds off in all directions while the rest of the green has one slope on the left feeding to the left with the area above all sloping to the back of the green. This means that you will likely have to deal with multiple slopes or at least one strong slope, so line the putt up carefully to have any shot at the one putt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 2 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 369 ======== Tee Shot ======== Start off by aiming for a chunk of fairway as close to the green as you can reach, taking into account landing area and the cacti that populate the hole. Lay up when needed, as it is important to have a clean lie for the next shot to be accurate. ============= Approach Shot ============= Since you will likely have a long shot, make use of a high trajectory run-on shot, as the angles for any shot you have will likely have fairway handy to run the ball onto the green. However, on the off chance you landed in the rough, use a Power Shot with a low Iron to get the needed distance to get onto the green. ======= Putting ======= The front of the green feeds towards the middle of the area, which has a slope in the middle of the green that feeds down and to the right, but it also butts up against a slope that feeds towards the back of the green. This will make most putts have one tough slope to cross, but it is highly possible it will be a multi-slope putt, so an accurate approach shot will help cut down on the challenge of this hole. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 3 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 524 ======== Tee Shot ======== Drive the ball to the end of the first fairway section, trying to get it as close to the rough without entering. If you have a really long shot, you can actually make the second segment, but you need to carry at least 265 yards to do so. ============= Approach Shot ============= The approach shot will likely be 200+ yards, meaning that a long wood will need to be used. Use a power shot on top of the suggested club, using a 3 Wood. Now hit a high trajectory shot and carry the ball as far as possible, which will give the ball the best chance of making the green and holding there. It is highly likely a chip from the rough will be the result of this attempt however. If it is too far to go at the green, hit up the fairway to set up an easier third shot onto the green from a solid lie. ======= Putting ======= Both the left and the right sides of the green feed the ball towards the central area of the green, but the middle area is a large hump that rolls towards the sides. Putting will only be tough if you have cross the green horizontally, as you will face the various breaks, but if it is a vertical putt, then it is highly likely you can one putt the hole. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 4 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 116 ======== Tee Shot ======== Take into account the wind and such things to make a club selection, also moving up one club over suggested (after the wind adjustments) and hit a high trajectory shot near full power, as the ball will land close to the green, likely hitting and sticking instead of going over. ======= Putting ======= A split green, the back end of the grass will try to roll the ball towards the bunker while the front half of the green tries to roll the ball back towards the slope short of the green. For the most part the slopes will not be a huge issue for putting unless you just stayed/made the green, so adjust and go after the hole aggressively to get the birdie. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 5 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 407 ======== Tee Shot ======== Figure out the furthest reach of the fairway you can reach safely off the tee, followed by ripping the ball to the lovely short grasses ahead. It is a narrow fairway, so laying up a bit is not a bad idea here to set up a solid second shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= Provided you have made the fairway or semi-rough, the second shot should be an Iron or short wood with run-on capability due to the angle, so hit the suggested club (or move up one club and hit a high trajectory shot) right at the pin (after wind adjustments). ======= Putting ======= Another split green greets you here, as the front edges of the green try to feed the ball off the front and the left portion near the back is sloped towards the back rough of the green. If you have managed to get close or reach the right portion of the flat plateau on the green, then a one putt should be fairly easy, but woe is the golfer who has to cross the strong slope at the back of the green. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 6 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 376 ======== Tee Shot ======== If it is possible to do so, go for the second chunk of fairway over the fairway bunkers, as it sets up a much easier second shot. If it is not possible, lay up short of the bunkers to make it possible to reach the green in two shots. ============= Approach Shot ============= The second shot should be easy to get to the green, but due to pin placement it is more advisable to hit a high trajectory shot to try and stick the ball close as opposed to trying the old run it onto the green approach. ======= Putting ======= This green is mainly comprised of two large areas of slope, the first is in the middle of the green and slopes to the right, while the second area is on the right side of the green and moves balls down and right in an attempt to empty the green. The arrows will greatly affect the ball no matter your line to the hole, so it will be a tough green to one putt, so carefully adjust your aim before going after the one putt, as it is going to be a tough attempt from anywhere outside 8 feet away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 7 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 401 ======== Tee Shot ======== Whack it up the narrow fairway here, rolling the ball along to get a solid look at the green for the next shot. Hitting into the rough is only disastrous early on in the game as your golfer will be too weak to reach the green in two from that locale. ============= Approach Shot ============= Hit a solid run-on shot to get near the hole here, as the open front of the green makes it the obvious choice. The high trajectory shot can be used as well, but it is only advisable if a short iron shot to the pin is left after the tee shot. ======= Putting ======= The green has two plateaus in the top middle and bottom middle areas, both of which are elevated so they slope off in all directions. This means it is of the utmost importance to get the approach shot close, or face multiple slopes on the putt, meaning birdie is a far less likely scenario. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 8 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 171 ======== Tee Shot ======== The most important factor for this hole is to consider the head, as a strong headwind/backwind can really alter how your ball will fly. In normal conditions (ie no head/back wind) move up one club over the suggested one, hitting a high trajectory shot that is a slight less than 100% power. If done correctly, the ball should land on and stick to the green. If the wind is able to affect your shot as noted above, then go up/down an extra club before hitting that high trajectory shot. ======= Putting ======= The entire green has a general slope of front to back direction, but it is also joined by a massive chunk of green edge which can really get in the way if the ball rests on either corner of the V shaped green. Although it looks intimidating, the slopes are usually pretty easy to deal with here, so adjust slightly and go after the hole (hitting it a bit harder when putting uphill), going after the hole in one stroke. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 9 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 491 ======== Tee Shot ======== For those who are brave and have confidence in their shot, go for the small island with the fairway in the water, noting that sticking the ball on the fairway is highly recommended to set up the next shot. For those who are not powerful enough or wish to play the safer shot, drive left along the waterfront and get the ball onto the fairway, keeping it on the right side of the fairway as much as humanly possible. ============= Approach Shot ============= From the island it is only 160 yards or less to hit the green, so make use of one club above suggested, using a high trajectory and hitting the shot slightly less than 100% power. If the shot up the regular fairway was taken, then a longer shot to the green awaits you, but the shot can be rolled onto the green due to the open front of the green as the fairway runs right up to the putting surface. Although it is a tougher shot, the island option offers the higher chance of getting the second shot tight to the pin to set up a great Eagle opportunity. ======= Putting ======= From left to right the green has two elevated plateaus that slope in all directions, leading to a third plateau that lies at the bottom of the small depression on the putting surface. However, that is the only slope that feeds the ball towards the middle of the green, as the rest all attempt to push the ball off of the green instead. Getting close to the pin is vital for a solid one putt shot at an Eagle/Birdie due to the harsh slopes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 10 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 386 ======== Tee Shot ======== Aim up the fairway, looking to cut between any Cacti that litter a few spots of the greenest grass, looking to set up a good lie for a second shot. The wind can be very devastating on this hole, so make careful adjustment before hitting the ball. ============= Approach Shot ============= Fly the gathering of Cacti that break up the fairway ahead, getting the ball to land on the elevated fairway just short of the green, running the ball onto the back of the putting surface. Although flying to the green is quite possible, it is only recommended if you can hit a ton off of the tee, using a middle to short iron to make the loft on the ball easier to obtain. ======= Putting ======= This green has two distinct sloping patterns, with the left half sloping towards the right, meeting the slopes on the right side of the green that moves from right to left. Also, there is one small right to left slope on the extreme right of the green, but it is not likely to be an issue due to the hole rarely being on that side of the green. Provided the approach shot was accurate enough, only one slope should be in play, making this a strong hole for a Birdie! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 11 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 164 ======== Tee Shot ======== With a LOOOONG iron or a short wood to reach the green here, it is very possible that the tee shot will not stick to the green. Add onto this a very likely strong wind and it is even tougher. Move up one club over recommended here, hitting a high trajectory shot while hitting just a smidge under full power, as this makes it more likely to stick to the green. ======= Putting ======= This green is designed to push the ball away from the left side towards the right, though the extreme left is actually a small plateau, perfect for easy putting. With the constant right to left action of the slope here, it is not too tough of a green to get a read off of, just be careful to make the right speed on each putt to go along with the adjustments made to fight the slope. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 12 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 357 ======== Tee Shot ======== The safest bet is to lay up on the raised plateau on the fairway on the left side of the hole, setting up a good angle to clear the Cacti ahead when the fairway bends over to the right. If the driver is long enough to go for it though, an experienced golfer can try to drive through the narrow opening by the cacti, as a small wedge of fairway exists to do so. ============= Approach Shot ============= The angle here works perfectly for a run on shot, so hit the recommended club with the appropriate power, bouncing the ball off the fairway and up close to the green. If cacti are in the way however, just get as close as possible, setting up a good third shot to get really close to the hole with. ======= Putting ======= This green feeds from the front of the green and the back of the green, moving towards the massive patch of green edge surface that exists above and beside the top-left border of the putting surface. The slope is quite strong through out the area (particularly near the green edge ocean), so getting close and staying to the right side of the green is paramount to making a one putt a much higher possibility than a ball in the big arrows. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 13 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 496 ======== Tee Shot ======== Look at the fairway ahead, deciding which point is the furthest that can be safely reached with your golfer, followed by walloping a drive out onto the nicely manicured grass. The further up the fairway that is reached, the easier/shorter the next shot will be, so try to be somewhat aggressive. Just be wary of ending up behind a cacti or two, as that can be devastating to your score. ============= Approach Shot ============= Flying to the green is a definite here, as the large Out of Bounds and Rough make it impossible to roll the ball onto the green. So go up one club and hit a high trajectory shot to get the ball onto the green, hopefully sticking to the fine putting surface. If a cactus is in the way, try to use an intentional hook or a slice to at least make the green, though going for the flag purposely will be too tough. ======= Putting ======= This green is split into two, right down the middle, with the right half having two distinct sloping patterns moving towards the bottom right of corner of the green while the left side of the green slopes towards the top left portion of the green (again, two distinct groups of arrows for slope). The slopes are strong, jagged, and spread out, making it very likely that more than one slope will need to be traversed. Try to get as close as possible on the putt, though it will be almost impossible to one putt unless the approach shot landed very close to the hole. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 14 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 418 ======== Tee Shot ======== Once again with a bending fairway that wraps around large expanses of rough and Out of Bounds, choose a spot on the fairway ahead that seems sure enough for you to reach, knocking the ball out there to set up an approach shot that will be as close as possible. ============= Approach Shot ============= With an open front on the green, it is possible to run the ball onto the green, so smack it to bounce one off of the fairway, getting it close to the hole with ease. Although t is possible to fly one in close, only do so with an iron as woods are to tough tog et to stick that easily on the fly. ======= Putting ======= A small green, it has two patches near the back side of the green that feed towards that edge while the two lower patches of slope try to move the ball off of the front of the green. Adjust for these small but strong areas of slope, knocking the ball in for a fairly easy one putt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 15 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 147 ======== Tee Shot ======== This is a fly and stick shot here, so go up one club, hit a high trajectory ball, and hit slightly under 100% power to make the ball land on the green and stick. With a really well aimed shot the ball should be within 7 feet of the hole on a shot like this. ======= Putting ======= The back end of the green has a large bump in it, with the slope running off in all directions while the front portion of the green a steady left to right and back to front slope to contend with. It is a rather small green so it is rather unlikely that the dual slope putt will be in effect, meaning this should be an easier green to read and one putt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 16 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 399 ======== Tee Shot ======== Drive the ball right up the middle of the fairway here, keeping it from any rough areas or offending cacti that are placed around the fairway. Leave an open look for the approach shot, as that is the most important thing here, as opposed to some holes where distance gained is the more important factor for the approach shot to be made easier. ============= Approach Shot ============= With a narrow fairway feeding onto the green, it is possible to run the ball right up to the flag, but due to the odd angle it is on in comparison to the average approach shot, it is actually better to play it safe and try to fly the ball to the green and at the pin. So the usual go up one club, high trajectory, and slightly under 100% power will get the job done here. ======= Putting ======= With a flat portion that borders the entire green, the lower half slopes feed down from a higher plateau while the upper half slopes feed downwards to a flat landing area. With a lot of shifting slopes to contend with, this is definitely one of the meaner greens on this course if the ball is not in close proximity to the hole off of the approach shot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 17 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 519 ======== Tee Shot ======== There are two choices here, with the safe option leading to two approach shots being required to reach the green, while the riskier option can lead to just one shot being required to reach the green. The safe approach is to hit as far up the fairway as possible, setting up an open second shot. The riskier approach is to aim for the tiny patch of fairway that is nestled in between rough and Out of Bounds, using a high trajectory shot to make the ball stick a bit faster, but only go for this if you are confident in your abilities to control where the ball will go. ============= Approach Shot ============= If the risky method was successful, hit a short iron to the green, though if it failed it is likely best to just hit a short shot onto the fairway and then go for the green with the third shot. If the safe approach was how it was played, then hit two shots to get onto the green, UNLESS you have a ton of distance, at which point going safe way makes more sense as the green can still be reached in two without the big risky shot. ======= Putting ======= With the exception of a small slope on the front edge of the green that goes towards the front portion, the entire green's slop sets feed towards the back of the green. However, with the exception of the large slope in the middle of the green, none of these slopes are very large in area or strength, so it is a fairly easy putt to read and line up, meaning an excellent shot at par, a birdie, and even a reasonable attempt at Eagle (if the green was reached in two shots). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 18 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 386 ======== Tee Shot ======== Knock the ball out to the end of the fairway, cutting between the cacti and away from the depression on the left side of the fairway, setting up an excellent position for the second shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= Provided the cacti and the depression did not get your ball, this shot should be an easier one than a lot of the one this course allows normally, though being in the depression or near cacti is not a disaster. However, no matter where the ball went it is the same approach shot to be used, which is a high trajectory, up one club from suggested, a bit less than 100% power to get the ball in tight to the pin. ======= Putting ======= There are two very distinct plateaus on this green, both sloping down in all directions, one at the front of the green, one at the back. This green is heavy on slope, brutal for breaking putts, and looks like an "8" for some odd reason. Anyway, be ready to try and overputt the suggested distance, as it will be a rare putt where the slopes will not be fighting against your efforts, so being firm with the ball is the best bet when trying to hole out this course. o------------o | Links Club | o------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 386 ======== Tee Shot ======== The first thing to notice on this new course are a few new features, mainly: pot bunkers (small bunkers spread through out the fairways), fast fairways (different colour of green than traditional fairway), and heath in the rough areas (really tough to hit out of). Smack the tee shot up the fairway here, being wary of the narrowing of the fairway ahead (either lay up or blast right over it). ============= Approach Shot ============= It will likely be a long approach shot here, so use the one up from suggested club and high trajectory approach to get in tight to the hole, or at least onto the green. ======= Putting ======= The left side of the green slopes left while the right side slopes to the right, so if the side of the green that hole resides on is reached, then the putt will be merely tough thanks to the shifting slopes, as opposed to having to deal with two directions of slopes and even more changes in slope strengths. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 2 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 523 ======== Tee Shot ======== With a narrow fairway and lots of heath and pot bunkers strewn about the fairway, it will be tough tog et the ball to stay on the short green grass. So, the best bet is to hit a high trajectory shot and try to get the ball to stick on an open patch as far up the fairway as possible. ============= Approach Shot ============= It will be tougher to reach the green in two, but if possible go for it and try to get on. If not, just hit as far up the fairway as safely as possible, followed by knocking on the third shot to set up a birdie attempt. ======= Putting ======= The overall green slopes from back-right to bottom-left, though the front and back edges both feed the ball off the green if given the chance. However, due to the fair uniformity in the slopes on this green, it is very possible to one putt this one, so line up the putt carefully before letting it fly at the hole. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 3 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 158 ======== Tee Shot ======== With the rough and bunkers that border this green, go up one club and hit the ball at just a smidge under 100% power, making sure to have the high trajectory applied to get that sticking ability applied to the ball. ======= Putting ======= The green is narrow and constantly sloping towards the back-right area of the green, so if the ball gets on the green, get ready to fight a single slope direction (which is not so bad), but a very strong slope that must be powered through with strength of stroke and careful aim. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 4 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 407 ======== Tee Shot ======== Aim for as far up the fairway as possible, taking note of any hazards when lining up the shot. Try to get the ball onto the higher area of the fairway, as hitting a portion of the hill will often put the ball into the rough, heath, or other hazardous area that is not as preferable as the green grass of the short cut. ============= Approach Shot ============= With a lead in fairway for those fortunate to have a good line, hit the ball as a typical run-on approach shot, getting the ball tight to the cup. From any angle that does not allow for this, simply move up one club and hit a high trajectory shot to land as close to the pin as humanly possible to set up the birdie opportunity. ======= Putting ======= This green has slashes of back to front arrows split up by flat portions of putting surface, so it seems easy at first glance. However, when crossing multiple sets of arrows it becomes tough to tell where and how much the ball will break, so aim carefully and remember the slower roll is at the end of a putt, which means in turn the effect of the slope will be ever stronger than earlier in the stroke. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 5 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 416 ======== Tee Shot ======== Although it can be tempting, trying to hit onto the fast fairway and trying to stick the ball there, but this is essentially a recipe for a heath lie. Instead, lay up on this area (unless the driver is incredibly long, allowing a shot to clear this area) to set up a feasible approach shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= Hit a run-on shot approach here, as any fairway made will have the angle for such a shot selection. ======= Putting ======= With the exception of one slope on the left side of the green that goes to the left, every other sloped area moves to the right. The flag is typically in the middle of the green, the slopes will need to be dealt with, so the one putt is not going to the easiest thing to get. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 6 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 199 ======== Tee Shot ======== Make use of a rare run-on tee shot, as a fairway patch that is large enough to make use of exists on this hole. Just be sure to be accurate or the trees and heath will eat the ball up with ease. ======= Putting ======= The right side of the green feeds the ball to the right, the middle portion of the green feeds the ball from back to front, and the left side of the green feeds the ball to the left. What this means is that any highly inaccurate tee shot will put the ball into the unenviable position of having to deal with nasty angles and strong slopes, meaning that a birdie is tougher t get unless an accurate tee shot has been made. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 7 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 433 ======== Tee Shot ======== Hit it as far down as the fairway as possible, using a high trajectory shot to make the ball stop on the fast fairway that covers a wide swath of the fairway. This will make the second shot to the green far easier to achieve, so sacrifice some yards for an easier connection on the next shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= Due to the rather unlikely distance needed for it being in your golfer's stats, the run-on approach is a dead end shot selection. Instead try the up one club and fly the ball to the green approach, getting the ball onto the elevated green to get it close to the flag stick. ======= Putting ======= This green is a filthy nightmare of nonsensical and constantly shifting slopes, meaning that it will be a damn tough green to one putt. Unless a shot is close to the hole, it will be nigh impossible to ascertain where the ball will end up feeling the pull of the slopes properly, so make a reasonable guess before letting the putt fly and just hope it gets close enough to set up an easy second putt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 8 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 516 ======== Tee Shot ======== Knock the ball up the fairway, getting as much distance as possible while evaluating where the high trajectory approach might be needed to avoid the various unhelpfully placed heath bunches that receive strokes quite often thanks to the fast fairway. ============= Approach Shot ============= Unless your golfer has a mighty wallop in his swing, it is likely this green is not reachable in two strokes. Go for it if possible, but otherwise it is wiser to lay up at a safe spot before attempting to use a run on shot to get the ball onto the putting surface. ======= Putting ======= The two outer portions of the green will slope to the small plateaus on their respective sides of the green while the middle section boasts a fairly strong and consistent back to front of green slope. Despite it seeming like a busy green for slope corrections, it is actually a rather forgiving green, so being aggressive with putts can lead to some excellent rewards. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 9 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 412 ======== Tee Shot ======== Smack this tee shot right up the gut of the fairway, enjoying the lack of fast fairway and extra heavy heath settings (like the previous few holes), making sure to avoid the pot bunkers, getting into position for an easier approach shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= With an open front, the run-on approach is easiest and will work the best here, through the high trajectory and fly it on can also work for those more comfortable with that approach. ======= Putting ======= This green has a fairly constant right to left slope pattern, only shifting a bit from straight across to diagonal to back to front style as the slope moves from the back of the green to the front area. With a fairly consistent slope comes a great shot at making a birdie or a par the majority of the time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 10 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 192 ======== Tee Shot ======== Simply put, this hole requires an up one club and high trajectory approach, as the green is elevated and thus it will be really hard to bounce a ball off rough and onto the green in the style of a run-on shot. With such a small target, do not be shocked if the green is not reached in one stroke. ======= Putting ======= There are two distinct portions of this green, with the front area feeding the ball towards the back-right area of the green and the top portion feeding the ball towards the bottom-left area of the green. If the flag is not on the same portion of the green as the ball, it is going to prove close to or impossible to get anywhere near the hole (let alone in it) in one putt, so accuracy when getting onto the green hear is paramount to success. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 11 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 393 ======== Tee Shot ======== With such a tough looking hole ahead (heath on right, fast fairway sprinkled with pot bunkers), it is best to try and get the ball onto the left side of the fairway, as it boasts some small open areas to safely land a shot on. ============= Approach Shot ============= If the above advice was heeded, this will have set up an easier run-on approach attempt, so use it to get the ball onto the green with ease. Otherwise, a high trajectory approach is the more likely choice for getting to the green, so get the stronger club out and bash the ball through the higher altitude to get it onto the green. ======= Putting ======= On this green are two flat plateaus, each with a slope that feeds away from it in an equal circular dispersal pattern. With such strong slope factors, it is tough to make a one putt from way across the green, so being as close to the hole as possible on the approach shot will be a hug bonus for a birdie/par chances. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 12 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 536 ======== Tee Shot ======== Use a power shot here, driving the ball fearlessly into the center of the many heath segments that surround the fairway, making use of a high trajectory shot if fast fairway dominates the area that the ball is going to be reaching near the end of the shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= Once again the Links club proves to be a very long one, meaning that only a golfer possessing incredible distance has a shot at the green in two. If the green is not reachable in two, aim for a safe area as close to the green as reachable, laying up to create a very close third shot to get as close to the hole as humanly possible. ======= Putting ======= With the exception of a small raised plateau with a circular sloping pattern on all sides (located on the far right side of the green), the slopes here always have some sort of left leaning pattern to them, with two skinny flat portions between obvious patterns of slope. With strong slope indicators to plow through with putts, adjust with strong corrections before whacking the ball, recalling that slower balls will feel the effects of the slope sooner and with more urgency. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 13 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 347 ======== Tee Shot ======== Knock the ball as far out onto the fairway as the heath and pot bunkers allow, enjoying the brief respite from the hazard heavy fairways that plague this course. ============= Approach Shot ============= It is a fairly short shot that will remain, which means up one club and a high trajectory shot to really stick the ball close. Due to the higher irons being used, it will be really effective and easy to drop a ball right near the flag, setting up a fairly easy putt attempt. ======= Putting ======= The green is TINY and has one consistent slope (top-left to bottom-right), meaning that reading the green should prove to be easy. Add onto that any putt is within 30 feet and all that remains is to make sure to fight the upslope or use the downslope when going for that birdie/par. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 14 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 424 ======== Tee Shot ======== With such a narrow fairway that is covered in fast fairway and surrounded in heath bushes, it is definitely recommended to use a high trajectory drive to keep the ball from rolling off course, though any missed aiming line will not be likely to be saved by this effort. Aim carefully and the ball will end up in an excellent position for the approach shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= Although a run-on shot looks like an easy selection here, remember that the sloped fairway line near the green could possibly deflect the ball, stopping it from reaching the intended target of the putting surface. Use a high trajectory shot instead to assure that the ball will reach the target, going up one club to land the ball past this potential hazard. ======= Putting ======= Two circular plateaus with equally distributed slopes feeding off of it in all directions is joined by a very steady to the left style slope that covers the majority of the putting surface, so unless the approach shot landed in very close to the hole it will prove rather tough to one putt. A par is a fine score on this hole, so be thankful if that is what is snagged on most visits to this one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 15 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 176 ======== Tee Shot ======== Fly the ball onto the green using the high trajectory shot, making sure to move up one club to assure that the ball will clear the sand bunker that lies in front of the aforementioned green. Although the shot may go long, it is better to chip from semi-rough/rough than from the shifting sand of a bunker. ======= Putting ======= The majority of this green goes from left to right, though a small sliver of a flat area and an even smaller sliver of slope leading to the left exist on the left side of the green surface. It is a small green, meaning that although some serious slope exists to screw with the trajectory of the ball, thankfully long distances will not need to be taken into account when trying to sink the shot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 16 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 517 ======== Tee Shot ======== Try to get the ball to hit as far up the fairway as possible, making use of a power shot to get the ball as far along the fairway as possible. Be ready to make an adjustment of the shot trajectory mid-swing (ie planned to high trajectory the shot but the power setting is less than 100% so switch to normal trajectory) if so required to make sure the ball ends up on fairway and not in the stringy heath. ============= Approach Shot ============= Although the elevated green makes it a tall order, a long hitter can get a ball onto the green in two, so hit a huge one and get there to set up a close in third shot (coming up short on an approach shot can often mean the water is the resting place for the ball, so be very sure before going for it). Otherwise it is another hole to lay up short (but close) of the hole, setting up an easy third shot to stick the ball right onto the flag with a high trajectory shot. ======= Putting ======= With a half spiral of slope that feeds in all directions, the central area of said spiral is left to lie flat with no slope to affect the ball. Since the flag is typically near this central portion of the green, this spot can create some wonderful one putt opportunities, but first some slope must be dealt with on a typical putt. Carefully consider the slopes closest to the hole the most before making the aiming alterations and delivering a solid stroke to go after the hole. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 17 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 408 ======== Tee Shot ======== Despite first appearances, this fairway is not too tough to hit onto safely, as a very hittable corridor of relative safety is found along the right side of the fairway, right where the fairway makes it second small turn. Knock the ball straight into this area to set up a spectacularly well placed approach opportunity. ============= Approach Shot ============= With a well positioned tee shot, a rather simple run-on to the green approach remains, so give it a good ride to send it right onto the green and at the flag directly. If the area described above was not reached, then a high trajectory shot may be required to get past the rough and bunkers to reach the target of the green. ======= Putting ======= With a small top-right portion of the green that feeds to the right notwithstanding, the majority of this green is focused around the plateau in the central portion of the putting surface, with the surrounding slope being quite severe and it all slopes towards that central plateau. Since the flag stick is often placed right around this plateau, putts will have to frequently deal with the severe slopes, meaning a one putt will be a tall order to achieve (unless of course the ball lies on the plateau, then it will be an easy one putt to snag). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 18 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 432 ======== Tee Shot ======== If the river can be cleared on the fly, then hit a high trajectory shot to slow the ball down on the fast fairway, avoiding the nasty heath that is lying in wait of greedy golfers going for extra distance. If the river can not be cleared, try to lay up as close to the river without losing the fairway, remembering that fast fairway is here as well, looking to push the ball into the waiting water (high trajectory approach should be used here as well). ============= Approach Shot ============= If the flag lies in the open (ie a run-on from the fairway), then make use of a run-on type shot, but if it lies behind some rough then there is no choice but to run-on to play it safe or use a high trajectory shot to reach the flag directly. Both approaches have pros and cons, so weigh each carefully (including your score) before deciding how to go at the green on this final hole. ======= Putting ======= A ridge of slope that generally goes from back to front of the green winds through out this putting surface, looking to feed the ball onto a steady back to front style slope. Although the slope has a consistent direction, the strength and slight shifts it takes can make for a treacherous attempt, so the closer to the hole the ball is the far better chance of a one putt will occur. o----------------o | Peach's Castle | o----------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 182 ======== Tee Shot ======== Hit a high trajectory tee shot here and get the ball to stick on that small green, setting up a good birdie shot. It is tough to get on in one though, so be ready to try and make a short chip for the one under par on this hole. ======= Putting ======= With a central plateau that weakly slopes in all directions, this green is actually very gentle and not at all scary. This means that one putts should be a near lock with the skill level that you must possess to reach this course. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 2 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 401 ======== Tee Shot ======== Drive the ball up the fairway ahead, being mindful of the star pot bunkers that litter the fine grassy area. Go as far up the fairway as possible, but remember to not push it too far or a tree may block your second shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= Although there is a tiny patch of fairway short of the green, it is best to use the high trajectory shot to assure that the ball makes it to the green on the fly and is not cut down by the multitude of rough that could snare your ball. ======= Putting ======= This green has three large patches of flat putting area, which are only interrupted by two narrow and snaking ribbons of slope, the left one leading to the left and the right one leading to the right. Provided your shot does not become entangled in one of these spots, putting here should be a fairly easy endeavour, but either way make sure to adjust for the medium strength slope and go after the hole with gusto. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 3 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 506 ======== Tee Shot ======== With such a tiny fairway that snakes through the masses of rough, this is a rather tough hole to make the fairway on. A high trajectory shot may help stop the ball on the slim target, though the loss in distance may prevent the next shot from being able to reach the green, so it is a decision a player must make based on their skills and the wind direction. Also, if there is enough distance on your driver, a small grass island exists near the large sand trap, which is on a more direct line to the green. ============= Approach Shot ============= If the green can be approached on the second shot, then try and reach the green, though the bunkers and trees in front of said green will eat a lot of attempts to get by. Otherwise, just knock it further up towards the hole while maintaining contact with the fairway, setting up a third shot to land the ball tight to the hole, using a high trajectory approach to stick on the tiny green. ======= Putting ======= This tiny green slopes from the back-right area to the bottom-left, meaning that putting will always face some pull but it will be consistent, making it a very doable situation in which to get the one putt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 4 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 434 ======== Tee Shot ======== Knock the ball up the fairway ahead, attempting to get the ball past the various star pot bunkers and remaining on the fairway. Although sacrificing some distance can mean a really tough second shot, use a high trajectory shot to control the fast fairway's effects somewhat, as it is impossible to go for the green when on the sand or deep rough. ============= Approach Shot ============= It is definitely better to be long on this shot than short, as any ball that lands short of the green is going to be in the water or that elevated green will roll the ball downwards to take a forced swim. This means that going up at least one club is a great idea, followed by applying high trajectory if it is going to be a fully powered swing (if not, regular shot height should work nicely). ======= Putting ======= A rather jumbled green, this putting surface has at least one segment of slope going in four different directions, all of which are quite strong and that have a very strong pull on the direction of the ball. This makes for a very tough time putting, so consider all the slopes that must be crossed before stepping up to attempt each putt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 5 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 352 ======== Tee Shot ======== Knock the ball up the right side of the fairway, getting as close to the end of the fairway as possible, just taking great care to not get the ball jammed in behind the trees that populate the last segment of the curving fairway. ============= Approach Shot ============= This is a rather easy approach to make, thanks to the long green the shot selection here can be a run-on (just landing on the front green and using the length to your advantage) or a high trajectory approach (just move up one club beforehand). ======= Putting ======= The green itself is has a left side that slopes towards the lowest plateau (left-center location) while the right portion slopes out to the right side of the green, meaning that typically only one segment of slope will need to be traversed when going for the hole. So despite some freaky looking slope dispersal, it is actually a rather easy green to putt on, but be ready for the deceptively strong pull from the angled green portions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 6 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 413 ======== Tee Shot ======== Aim for one of the eyes on the "thwomp" hole, making sure to stay on the fairway, as it is of the utmost importance to do so to create a shot at a successful second shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= If the fairway has been reached, then a high trajectory long bomb shot must be made here, flying the ball over the massive lake that surrounds the green, sticking the ball on the putting surface (or at least the rough/semi-rough that surrounds it). If the fairway is not the hitting surface that exists for this shot, then try to get the second shot onto one of the fairway chunks to the left or right of the large forest that blocks the lake from view, setting up a closer and somewhat easier third shot to get onto the green with (once again, high trajectory shot is highly recommended for this). ======= Putting ======= The green has a high point at the center of the green, with a slope off of each side of this plateau feeding in opposite directions. So unless you have managed to get the ball on the same line as this slope, this means that every putt here will have some severe slope issues to overcome, so adjust carefully before letting the shot go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 7 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 439 ======== Tee Shot ======== If the distance exists for your golfer, go for the small island in the water. Although this sounds like it makes thing tougher on your golfer, it will actually set up a far easier second shot. However, if the distance does not exist to go that route, hit the ball up the fairway and be sure to avoid the trees and the star pot bunkers that litter the fairway. ============= Approach Shot ============= If the green can be reached, try to do so, making sure to enjoy the relatively unobscured run into the green that is provided by the lead in fairway. If the second shot is going to be coming over the trees and rough, then make use of a high trajectory shot, though this is rather difficult and your game may be better served to go up the fairway to set up an easier approach shot on the third stroke instead. ======= Putting ======= This green has a swath of different slopes that are all mingled together, making for a rather difficult putt from most angles, though certain areas do have flat portions that make getting a one putt possible. Still, it is a tougher green to deal with, so be sure before letting a stroke fly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 8 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 408 ======== Tee Shot ======== Simply whack the ball up the fairway ahead, getting as far along as possible while dodging the star pot bunkers and trees to set up the approach shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= The green is Yoshi's nose, so hit a shot that will fall just short of the green and roll on or attempt to land a high trajectory shot on the front edge of the green to make it stay on the green. ======= Putting ======= This green has three distinct plateaus (though they are rather tiny), each of which has a set of slopes that lead off in all directions. Much like that sounds, this putting surface is rather confusing to putt on due to the various slopes, but the one saving grace is that the slopes are only of medium strength. Line up carefully and consider the usual effects of speed and length of putt before going after the birdie/par. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 9 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 174 ======== Tee Shot ======== Due to the pond short of the green and the elevated green which will force any ball hit short to go take a bath, it is definitely advisable to go up one club and hit a high trajectory shot here, as it is still better to be long over the green than short and having a wet ball. ======= Putting ======= This green has a left side that feeds the ball from front to back while the right side of the green feeds the ball from back to front, all of which is comprised of severe slope strength. So, it is likely that any putt attempted will be quite difficult, so make large adjustments and hit a firm stroke to assure that the ball will reach the hole, but do not expect a one putt here very often. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 10 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 487 ======== Tee Shot ======== Try to reach any patch of fairway as close to the left side of the hole as possible, as the closer the ball sits to the green (which is on the far left side of the hole) the more likely the approach shot can reach the green. However, do not sacrifice the line to the green for some extra distance, as many obstacles exist to screw with your ball and the lie it will get. ============= Approach Shot ============= If the green can be reached on the second shot, give it a big hit and watch the ball fly, but if the green is not reachable use the second shot to get into as advantageous of a position as possible for the third shot, as it must reach the green to still try and get a birdie. ======= Putting ======= This green has two general slope patterns, with the left side of the green sloping to the left while the right side of the green slopes to the right. With all of the strong sloping that exists, it should be a tougher putt, but thanks to the flat portions that exist, it is actually not as severe of a challenge as it appears, though it is not a gimme either. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 11 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 395 ======== Tee Shot ======== Knock the ball as far up the fairway as possible, noting that tree position before firing a shot as they can cut a ball down short of the fairway. The other main focus will be to avoid the nasty star pot bunkers that populate this fairway, though it is far more important to clear the trees as hitting into them can just destroy a round of golf. ============= Approach Shot ============= The second shot may not be able to go directly at the pin thanks to trees or lie of the ball, so just try to get onto the green edges or as close as possible. However, if the way is open, go after the hole with a rare run-on shot, as it should make for a fairly close shot. ======= Putting ======= A series of slopes slice across this green, split up by various flat portions of the putting surface. This means that most putts are actually makable thanks to the easier to read than usual greens of this course, so a birdie is large possibility on this hole. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 12 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 440 ======== Tee Shot ======== This is a hole that can reward the very brave, but they have to be incredibly good at controlling the ball as they must hit such a narrow piece of fairway on a small island (which so happens to be a fireball from a piranha plant). Otherwise a drive up the regular fairway is recommended, though it creates a far longer approach shot. ============= Approach Shot ============= The approach shot from the small fireball island will be fairly easy, leaving an option of either type of approach shot to be use. The longer approach shot pretty much requires the use of a run-on shot, though if the green is not reachable in two, whack the ball further up the fairway to set up an easier third shot to go after the green with. ======= Putting ======= The smaller green has very little in the way of slope, with most of the green angled to feed balls towards the green edges. The most striking feature of this green though are the large portions of flat putting area, which makes putting on this green not overly hard. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 13 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 146 ======== Tee Shot ======== Much like the other par 3's on this course, it is best to hit a high trajectory shot and move up one club over suggested, assuring the ball reaches the raised green. Being short is dangerous as water lies near the sloped area around the green, waiting to gobble up mis-hit shots. ======= Putting ======= The absolutely microscopic green has two directions of slope (left and down) that are of low strength, meaning any putt on this green should be a one putt. Just make the small adjustments needed and knock the ball in for the birdie/par. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 14 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 392 ======== Tee Shot ======== Hit the ball up the fairway ere, going right up the shell edge of the Koopa Troopa, all the while avoiding the various star pot bunkers and trees that dot the landscape. ============= Approach Shot ============= Line up the shot and decide on a run-on shot (must land just short of the green) or choose a high trajectory shot (this one should land just onto the green), but no matter which is selected, it should be within a close enough distance that making the green should be fairly easy. ======= Putting ======= The green has a middle portion that has a lot of back to front sloping, though some right to left sloping also exists while the outer ring of the green is comprised of flat putting surface. So almost every putt will have to cross some slope, but it will typically be very little slope that has to be dealt with, so it is a good trade off in the end. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 15 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 414 ======== Tee Shot ======== Knock the shot up onto the fairway, balancing the want of getting as far up the short grass as possible along with the need to of avoiding the rough, trees, and star pot bunkers that are all around the fairway. ============= Approach Shot ============= The approach shot is left up to the preference of the player as the run-on approach and the high trajectory shot are both viable selections here, so make the best one for your skill and the situation before acting. ======= Putting ======= Three series of slopes exist here, each with a portion of flat putting surface in between each one (the order of slope from back to front of the green is as follows: flat, down-right, flat, up-left, flat, and down-right). With the many slopes out there it can be tough to one putt this green, so getting close to the hole on the approach shot increases the chance of a one putt exponentially. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 16 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 3 Yards: 198 ======== Tee Shot ======== With the short of the green being a bunker, move up one club and hit a high trajectory shot to fly over the sand, attempting to land the ball onto the green, though going over the green is not a disaster either (being long beats short on every par 3 on this course). ======= Putting ======= Although the top-left portion of the green rolls the ball down-right, the rest of the green slopes will move towards the left side of the green, all of which is medium to severe strength of slope. This means that even if the green is reached, unless the outt is a fairly short one it will be really tough to one putt. Do not expect a lot of birdies here, as par is quite the excellent score to achieve. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 17 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 5 Yards: 524 ======== Tee Shot ======== Drive the ball as far up the fairway as possible, taking into account the trees, sand pot bunkers, and wind direction before deciding if it is feasible to be greedy and try to hop another waterway or not with the big bomb off of the tee. ============= Approach Shot ============= If it is possible to go after the green, smash the ball towards the hole and hopefully it will run onto the green. If the green is not reachable, aim for the furthest chunk of fairway reachable, setting up a close up third shot to get onto the green with. ======= Putting ======= The green has the typical split in slope direction, with the left side of the green draining out to the left while the right portion of slope goes to the right. Although the slopes are of medium strength, any putt outside 10 feet will have to be considered carefully and hit firmly to fight the constant slopes that exist. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Hole 18 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Par..: 4 Yards: 390 ======== Tee Shot ======== Once again it is the same old game of aiming as far up the fairway as possible, getting into the best possible position for the next shot. This is of course offset by possible hazards that should be avoided, so knock some yards off of your aim if trees, sand pot bunkers, or even the rough prove to be a potential hazard. ============= Approach Shot ============= Aim right at the sideburn of the Mario hole, attempting a run-on shot at the hole. Although the high trajectory shot is possible, the narrow green and typically vicious winds might make this too tall of an order to accomplish. ======= Putting ======= The green has a small stature and it has very little slope to it, but where it moves it flows in various directions around a central plateau. Putts on this hole are not incredibly hard but they are deceptive to read sometimes, so consider all the slopes when lining up the putt to try and make it a birdie/par result. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------N64 Transfer Information-------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) This section will take a look at the connection that can be made to the N64 Mario Golf. o--------------o | Requirements | o--------------o The following Items are needed to successfully transfer information from the GBC Mario Golf and N64 Mario Golf games, which can also work in reverse: *1 N64 Mario Golf cartridge *1 GBC Mario Golf cartridge *1 N64 Transfer Pak o-----------o | Procedure | o-----------o i) Have the Game inserted into the Transfer pack, making sure it is safely inserted into the back of the N64 Controller. ii) On the pre-boot menu you can perform the following actions: * Move data from Mario Golf (N64) to Mario Golf (GBC), which just shows what has been achieved on the N64 version. * Move player data from the GBC onto the N64, allowing the characters created to play rounds of golf on the N64 Mario Golf! iii) On the Transmit Menu in the game, you can perform the following actions: * Move data from Mario Golf (N64) to Mario Golf (GBC), which just shows what has been achieved on the N64 version. * Move player data from the GBC onto the N64, allowing the characters created to play rounds of golf on the N64 Mario Golf! * Any Experience Points garnered by playing the N64 game with your created characters will be transferred to the character that gained said experience points, possibly getting a level or two by doing so! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Secrets----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) This section will examine the secrets that this game contains. o------------------o | 1-Up Mushrooms?! | o------------------o Yes, this being a Mario game (sort of), the valued green mushrooms with the white spots can be found in a few spots around the world of Mario Golf: i) Check out the cabinets in the Director's Office at the Marion Club. ii) Check out the cabinets in the Club Maker's Hut. iii) Check out the left set of bushes in Peach's Castle. What these Items do for your character is to give an extra level without gaining any additional Experience Points, so they are best kept until the very end of the game when more Experience is required than earlier on in the game, making better use of their magical properties. o-----------------o | Erase Bad Holes | o-----------------o Although it is not ethically the greatest way to play, during a single player game a bad shot or hole can be erased by choosing to Save & Quit, followed by loading the game once more. This will start the hole over, meaning that any wasted Power Shots will be back, and no strokes will have been taken (particularly useful in tournaments and match play). o------------------o | Those Damn Kids! | o------------------o There are four characters to choose from at the start of the game, so ever wonder what happened to the other three characters that were not chosen? Well, the following will list where each character ends up in the game, allowing you to go and find them while on your quest to be the very best! i) Azalea can be found over on the right-most portion of the Palm Club Putting range (search the border brush to find her). ii) Sherry can be found in the northern portion of the Tiny Tots Golfing Grounds (search the border brush to find her). iii) Kid can be found hiding in one of the trees along the path at the Links Club (look at the various trees and search them to make him fall out). iv) Joe can be found over on the left-most portion of the Raven Woods Golf Course (search the border brush to find him). The reward for finding the three that you did not choose will net your golfer a trim and proper 300 Experience Points to assist his efforts to become a more accomplished golfer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Final Word---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10)As is the usual, this walkthrough is copyright property of Brian P. Sulpher, 2006. The only website, group, person, etc. to have access to post it is,,, and You must ask for permission before posting this, as doing so without consent is a violation of international copyright law. If you liked it, hated it, have anything to add, then please E-mail me at You can also contact me through MSN messenger through the same E-mail address.