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If you see this FAQ on any other site besides the site(s) below, then e-mail me immediately Gamefaqs.com Consoledomain.com Gamesdomain.com -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Table of Contents - Reversion History Getting Started Controls Intro Information About The Game How To Drive/Putt Characters Club Champs Outside of the Marion Club Walkthrough Stars Mini-Games Courses The Three Musketeers 1-Ups Gameshark Codes Disclaimer Contacting Author Credits Outro - Coming Soon Sections List: - What to do when gaining a level Questions & Answers - Coming Soon Guides by Shark404: - The Sims: Livin' Large Item Guide - *** - Indicates that it is a SPOILER!!!! NOTE: I know a couple of these sections are incomplete so don't get all mad. With the help of God I will finish them soon -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Reversion History Version: 1.3 Date: 11/3/00 - Added Gamesdomain.com and Consoledomain.com to the sites that can use this FAQ - Another real update should come soon… Version: 1.2 Date: 9/25/00 - I must apologize to Astroblue, I forgot to give him credit for the location of Joe, so now he is in the Credits section - Added some junk on **Peach's Castle*** because I just placed number one in the Links Club tournament! YAY! Before I kept placing 2nd! Grrr… Version: 1.1 Date: 9/18/00 - Added Alternate Game to Stars section. Links Club stars coming (hopefully) in the next update - Added Dune Club to the Walkthrough. Links Club coming (hopefully) soon. - Added the C entries to the Dictionary section. Version: 1.0 Date: 9/17/00 - Initial Release -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Getting Started Insert the Mario Golf cartridge into your Gameboy/Gameboy Pocket/ Gameboy Color and turn your Gameboy ON. Press START and choose 1P Play. Hit the A button on one of the characters faces with the question mark on it. Toad will guide you through the setup process. You have to choose your gender; you don't have to your gender because your choice will decide the choice of your characters. If you chose female, you get a choice of Azalea or Sherry, and if you chose male, you get a choice of Joe or Kid. It doesn't matter who you choose because all of their stats are about the same. Then you get to choose if your character is left or right-handed, again, it doesn't matter. Then you will be asked if everything is all right, say yes. They will now ask your name, you can leave it or make a new name; you have a max of seven characters. Toad then gives you a word of good luck and you are sent to the Director's Office in the Marion Clubhouse. I suggest you read all the stuff below before you go to the walkthrough where this is continued… -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Controls ______________ | ________ | | | | | Screen ---> Mario | | <--- On/Off Switch | | Golf | | | |________| | | _ | | _|^|_ A <--- A button Control Pad ---> |< >| B <--- B button | |v| | | ___ ___ | |____^____^____| | | | |--- Start | Select Control Pad – Moves character/Changes where you aim you shot/Moves cursor thing in the menus/Changes club Select – Nothing Start – Pause B – Cancels a confirmation/Changes a normal shot to power A – Confirms -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Intro Welcome, I'm here, again, to help you with this outstandingly fun game, Mario Golf. I know, golf is probably the most boring sport in the world, but when Nintendo spices things up, they can make the dullest games fun. As you know, if you have been reading my FAQs all you hardcore gamers, I am not good a speeches, just good at gaming junk so that's all I have to say. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Information Platform: Game Boy Color Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Camelot Software Planning Genre: Sports Origin: Japan Number of Players: 2 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- About The Game In this game, there are four clubs, The Marion Club, Palm Club, Dune Club, and the Link Club and ***and secret one (sorta), Peach's Castle***. All these clubs ***(excluding the secret one)*** have different courses and different club champs. Each club champ is in the Marion Clubhouse. You first start by dueling Putts, then once you beat him, you duel Grace, then Tiny, and finally Gene Yuss. You can duel them on any course but I recommend the Marion Club course because it's the easiest. There are also tournaments in each club in which after winning, you open another club. In Mario Golf, your character can gain levels by getting experience points. You get experience points for just about anything. You get experience points for winning tournaments, beating club champs, etc. When you gain levels, you can make your drive farther, fix things like draw fade. There are these stars (25 to be exact) that give you experience points once you get them. How do you get them? You ask. Well, you get stars by beating mini-games and learning how to do new things. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- How To Drive/Putt 1 2 This is what your power meter looks like |||||-||||-||||-||||||||||| If you want to hit the ball all the way to where you aimed it, hit A when the moving line is on the 1 and again when it's on the 2. This is how the meter works: when you first hit A to make it how hard you want it, 1 is the hardest, the second time you hit A it is how accurate the shot is, 2 being the most accurate. Remember, if the hole is 60Y away and your using an 80Y club, don't hit A when the line is on the 1 hit it 2/3 of the way. Note: The lines after the 2 are just extra, the 2 is really the beginning. Also, when the wind is blowing, you shot will never go where you want it to go (only driving, not putting). Say the wind is blowing 16 miles west, and you want to hit the ball on this little area of green, 16 miles is a big blow so you have to aim off into the rough and the ball will move because of the wind. Don't aim too far off, but far enough, after you play awhile, you will get the feel and know exactly how far to move it. One more thing, when your driving and you need to hit the ball a little farther to get to the green but none of your clubs can do it, hit B and your shot will be changes to a power shot. A power shot hits the ball farther, you only get six of them in tournaments etc., and if you hit it perfect i.e. you get the moving line on perfectly on the 1 and the 2 then it won't be wasted. When you putt, always look at which way the hills are, if the hole is up a hill, hit the ball harder. Also, always check what club your using, because you could be 30Y away from the hole and think your using a 30Y putter, but your really using a 80Y putter, so when you hit the power meter all the way, your in trouble. Another thing is making sure that you're using a putter; sometimes you make be using swing. And finally, when you're putting from the Green Edge or Fairway, you need to hit the ball harder. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Characters +++++++++++++ +Azalea + +Drive: 204Y+ +Age: 17 + +Shot: Fade + +++++++++++++ - ++++++++++++++++ +Sherry + +Drive: 200Y + +Age: 12 + +Shot: Straight+ ++++++++++++++++ - +++++++++++++ +Joe + +Drive: 205Y+ +Age: 18 + +Shot: Draw + +++++++++++++ - +++++++++++++ +Kid + +Drive: 202Y+ +Age: 10 + +Shot: Draw + +++++++++++++ - +++++++++++++ +Putts + +Drive: 200Y+ +Age: ? + +Shot: Draw + +++++++++++++ - ++++++++++++++++ +Grace + +Drive: 220Y + +Age: ? + +Shot: Straight+ ++++++++++++++++ - +++++++++++++ +Tiny + +Drive: 250Y+ +Age: ? + +Shot: Draw + +++++++++++++ - +++++++++++++ +Gene Yuss + +Drive: 240Y+ +Age: ? + +Shot: Fade + +++++++++++++ - +++++++++++++ +Luigi + +Drive: 220Y+ +Age: ? + +Shot: Fade + +++++++++++++ - +++++++++++++ +Mario + +Drive: 270Y+ +Age: ? + +Shot: Draw + +++++++++++++ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Club Champs Putts: Man, he really stinks. Anyone can easily beat him. He makes many mistakes and can't drive it far. What you need to focus on is beating him to the green. If you can't beat Putts, you need more practice. Grace: Harder than Putts, but not much. She's also very easy to beat. She drives farther than Putts so you'll probably get to the green at the same time as her. She makes fewer mistakes, but when she makes one, take advantage of it. She should be a breeze after a couple of times. Tiny: Now here is a challenge. He drives the ball really far and makes very few mistakes. What you have to rely on here is your accuracy and putting/chipping. If you have a far drive he shouldn't be too hard. After some practicing against him, he should become able to defeat. Gene Yuss: He is one hard one. It's not his drive he relies on, but his accuracy. He makes little to no mistakes so you really have to give him everything you got to beat him. If you beat him give yourself a pat of the back, you are a good golfer. For those of you who can't beat him, gain more levels and keep practicing. As crazy as it sounds, it is possible to defeat him. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Outside of the Marion Club There is a whole world outside of the Marion Club. This is basically what it looks like. *** PC *** | | L | | | | P R | | | | | |__ C | |__ __| |__ __| | |__ |__| |__| __ __ __ __ __ |__ __ G |__ __ __ __ | |__ __ __ __| | | | | | | | | | | | | CM | |__ __| |__ | __ __ __ |__ W MM __ __| | | __ __| | __ __ __| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | M | | | | D | | | | | | | | | |__ __ __| |__ __ T | |__ __ __| | |__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __| |__ __ __ __ __| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Legend + + + + *** PC – Peach's Castle *** + + P – Palm Club + + C – Golf Clinic + + R – Raven's Woods Golf Course + + L – Link Club + + G – Golf Guru's Pitch and Putt + + CM – Club Maker's Hut + + W – Windy Valley Hole + + MM – Mini-Mini Lake Course + + M – Marion Club + + D – Dune Club + + T – Tiny Tots Golf Grounds + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ya, I know a lot of this is kind of messed up but I don't want to spend an hour making it perfect. Now I'll just give you a brief bio of each place. *** Peach's Castle: The 'secret' club. After coming in first place in all four club tournaments, you will receive a letter from Peach. She will invite you to her castle. Then a shooting star will fall and will make a rainbow. Go into the rainbow and you will be there! Palm Club: This club's Champ is Grace. This club is easy to beat and a good way to get experience points. You unlock this area after you beat the Marion Club Tournament. Golf Clinic: This place is basically useless. They can rate your shots but what good does that do? You don't get any experience points here. Raven's Woods Golf Course: That pesky crow stole the man's hat again! Oh no! You must get the hat back (full of experience points) by hitting the pin. If you need help on this course, skip down to the Mini-Games section. This place becomes playable when you beat Tiny in a match game. Link Club: This nice club is the hardest club. The Club Champ is Gene Yuss, the best out of the Club Champs. This place is loaded with experience points. This club becomes playable after you beat the Dune Club Tournament. Golf Guru's Pitch and Putt: In this place, you have to get a birdie on all nine holes (all are par 3). It may not sound hard but it is. You'll need to practice a lot. The last couple of holes are the hardest. If you need help on this mini- game, skip down to the Mini-Games section. This min-game becomes playable when you defeat Gene Yuss in a match game. Club Maker's Hut: You can get new clubs here. You can get a clubs for all different things, such as accuracy and drive. You can also get a special little something here too :). I'm not sure what you have to do to open this (e-mail if you know how). Windy Valley Hole: This place can be very hard. The first time you have to get the ball in the circle around the hole. Not that hard eh? Try adding 14-18 mph winds. If you keep trying you will eventually get it. If you need help, skip down to the Mini-Game section. This is open when you start the game. When you are experienced enough (I think around level 20), Windy Valley Hole 2 will open up as a Mini-game. It is at the same Windy Valley Hole just harder. The wind is in a different direction. If you need help on this mini-game, skip down to the Mini-Game section (if this mini-game is there yet). Mini-Mini Lake Course – This is really simple, all you have to do is prove that you can hit the ball to the green out in the middle of a lake. If you need help with this mini-game, skip down to the Mini-Games section. You open this mini- game when you defeat Grace in a Match Game. Marion Clubhouse: This is your 'home' club. There is tons of stuff to learn. There is also tons of experience points and 1-ups. This is where are the Club champs are. This club is open when you start the game. Dune Club: This club is a little harder than the first two. The club champ is Tiny. This club becomes playable when you beat the Palm Club Tournament. Tiny Tots Golf Grounds: Those darn kids left their balls all out on the course (lol). You have to get them in the circle around the hole. Simple? You have ten seconds for each ball. Yeah, it's real simple. After some practice you should be able to get them all. If you need help, skip down to the Mini-games section. This mini-game becomes playable when you beat Putts in a Match Game. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Walkthrough Marion Club After the people in the Director's Office preach to you, you will be sent to the menu type thing, choose the Marion Clubhouse. You will start right inside the doors of the clubhouse. Go north toward the back doors, you can talk to everyone but I think it's just a waste of time. Once you get outside, this is what the backyard looks like. _|X |______/T /__/D /____/A /_____ X_ _____________________________P |E | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Legend + + + + X – You can't go on that path+ + E - Exit/Entrance + + T – Tournament + + D – Driving Range + + A – Approach Practice Range + + P – Practice Putting Green + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is what all the backyards look like in every club. Once you get into the backyard, go all the way east into the Practice Putting Green. You can practice your putting and get some tips. Get the Putting Practice star here (look down to the Stars section for what to do) for experience points. After you feel confident that your putting is good and you got the star, leave here and head over to the Approach Practice Range. You can practice on your approaches and get the two stars (look below to the Stars section for what to do). After you feel that you practiced enough and got the two stars, you can leave and head over to the Driving Range. Once you get to the Driving Range, you will need to practice a lot and get the last two stars for the Marion Club. After you practiced a lot and have the last two stars, save and quit. Start up your file again and you will be where you saved. Now you have to practice for the tournament, hit pause and choose save and quit, it will ask you if you want to save, say no (don't worry) then it will ask you if you want to return to the Main Menu, say yes. At the menu, choose Stroke so you can practice the Marion Club course. After you practiced the course you are ready for the tournament. There are two ways to get to the tournament, do the easy way, which is on the menu (the other way is going to the tournament in the back yard). It my take a couple tries at the tournament to beat it but once you do you should be at least one level higher. If you beat the tournament, then you can easily beat Putts, the Marion Club Champ. There are two ways to battle Putts, one with the menu, and the other one is going to the lounge (inside the Marion Clubhouse, second floor on the left), talking to him, then he will follow you, you will need to go to the backyard and go to where you would go if you where going to enter the tournament, but instead of it being the tournament, it will be a match game. You will play on the Marion course. If you need help, look above in the Club Champs section. Once you beat him you are done with the Marion Clubhouse, congratulations! Outside the Marion Clubhouse Instead of going straight to the Palm Club, you should take a couple of stops on the way. First I suggest you go stop by the Windy Valley Hole. If you don't know to get there, check the Outside of the Marion Club section. If you need help on the Windy Valley Hole, skip down to the Mini-Game section. After you beat the Windy Valley Hole, I suggest going to the Tiny Tots Golf Course and beating that. Again, if you need help on this mini-game, go down to the Mini- Games section. If you don't know where to go, then look at the map in the Outside of the Marion Club section. After you complete both these mini-games you should feel proud *coughnotcough*. Get you butt over to the Palm Club and get some more experience points! Palm Club If you don't know how to get here, then you're stupid! J/k. Look at the map like I've said a million times. Ok, once you get in the Palm Club, you'll notice that there is no clubhouse only a backyard. I don't know why there is no house, maybe because Nintendo was lazy. Anyway, head on over to the Driving Range and get the experience points from the Shot Lesson 1 and 2. If you need help, go down to the Stars section. Talk to the people and practice until your really good, then leave. Get your lazy golfer on over to the Approach practice range and get the experience points from the Approach Lessons 1 and 2. If you need help with the Approach Lessons 1 and 2, look down to the Stars section. Talk to the people and practice all different types of approaches. After practicing, leave here and get over to the Practice Putting Green for more experience points. Once you're at the Practice Putting Green, beat the Putting Contest (look down to the Stars section for help), talk to the people and practice some putting. After all this, you should be ready for the Tournament. Get over there and win! After you win the tournament, go face Grace in a match game. If you need help beating her go to the Club Champs section. After you beat her you beat the Palm Club! YAY! Go on out into the world from here. The World a.k.a. Outside the Marion Clubhouse Now that you beat Grace in a Match Game (you did like I told you to, didn't you?), the Mini-Mini Lake course is now open. Go to the MMLC, if you don't know how to get to the MMLC, look at the Outside of the Marion Clubhouse section. This extremely easy mini-game will get you a bunch of experience points so make sure you beat this. If you need help on this mini-game (loser) go down to the Mini-Games section. After you beat this place go over to the Dune Club, which is now open (if you need help on getting to the Dune Club, look at the map in the Outside of the Marion Club section). Dune Club Ok, now you're becoming a more experienced golfer. You're getting to the top but still have a far way to go. If you're not at level 13 yet, (you should be) go play some tournaments again or something. You are going to do just about the same thing you did at the last two clubs so get over to the Driving Range. Get the two stars here (if you don't know whom to talk to then go to the Stars section below and find out where the two people are. Practice a ton because you will be battling Tiny in a match game, and trust me, you will need to practice because of his 250Y+ drive. After breaking your thumbs from hitting the A button so many times, you need to work on your approaches so get over to where the Approach Practice Range is and you'll learn some helpful tactics. Once you get to the Approach Practice Range, get the two stars (look below in the Stars section for where the people are and help). Practice on different approaches and then go over to the Practice Putting Green. Get the star here, if you need help go down to the Stars section. Practice your putting. If you ever notice that at the stars screen that there is an alternate game without a star in the Dune club section, come here and talk to the people in the back (see Stars section for help). After you've practiced, you should be ready for the tournament. Go enter the tournament and place in the top three, (if you need help go to one of those sections that has help on this, I don't know the name and I'm extremely tired) or if number three doesn't satisfy you, then enter again until you get one. Once you've beaten this tournament, go face Tiny. If you need help on beating him then go to the Club Champs section. Once you beat him congratulations at beating one of the hardest characters. If you're at the Palm Club, then leave and get into the world, if you are somewhere else, get into the world. The World a.k.a. Outside the Marion Clubhouse You have a sigh of relief after beating the hardest part of the game (up to here). Let me tell you, the hard part is only starting! Well, the mini-game Raven's Woods Course shouldn't be very hard if you do what I tell you to. If you don't know how to get there look at the map in the Outside of the Marion Club section. Ok, even if you think for one moment that you can beat Raven's Woods Course, there is a really easy way to beat it (not chipping). So looks down to the Mini-Games section. After getting the load experience points, go over to the Links Club where new star challenges await along with Gene Yuss, the greatest of the greats. If you don't know how to get to the Links Club, look at the map in the Outside the Marion Club section. Links Club -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stars I think if you get a Hole-In-One on any of these (excluding the Putting Contests), you get 1 extra experience point. I don't know if this is for all challenges. E-mail if you know if you get 1 extra experience point on any challenge with a Hole-In-One. Also, on all of these, get the moving line exactly on the 2 on the bar (unless I say otherwise). 1 2 |||||-||||-||||-||||||||||| Another thing, on all of these, you'll only get the ball where you want it to go if you're using the wind speed and direction on this section. Example: In Shot Lesson 2, the way I tell you to beat it is hit it right before perfect (The wind is heading 10 mph south). If the wind is heading 10mph north in your game and you hit it right before perfect, then the ball is going way over the hole. So change the wind to the way it is in the guide. Finally, when you try to learn any of these, the people tell you to use a certain club. Regardless of what they say, use the club I say. The clubs that I chose are a little easier to get the job with. Marion Club Shot Lesson 1 Where: Driving Range, person farthest left Club: 1W Power: Power Aim: Pre-set Wind: 10 mph north Shot: Perfect Lesson: Driver tee shots Difficulty: Easy Experience: 20 points - Shot Lesson 2 Where: Driving Range, third person to the left Club: 3I Power: Normal Aim: Pre-set Wind: 10 mph north Shot: Perfect Lesson: Iron shots Difficulty: Easy Experience: 25 points - Approach Lesson 1 Where: Approach Practice range, person all the way left Club: SW Power: Normal Aim: Pre-set Wind: 0 mph Shot: 1/4 Lesson: Running in an approach Difficulty: Easy Experience: 20 points - Approach Lesson 2 Where: Approach Practice Range, the only girl Club: PW Power: Normal Aim: Pre-set Wind: 0 Mph Shot: Right before 1/2 Lesson: Chip Approach Difficulty: Normal Experience: 20 points - Putting Contest Where: Practice Putting Green, person second from the left Club: PT Power: Normal Aim: Pre-set Wind: 0 mph Shot: Putt 1-2: Right before perfect. Putt 3-4: 1/2 way between 1/4 and 1/2. Putt 5-6: 3/4. Putt 7-8: Perfect. Putt 9-10: 1/2. Lesson: Putting Difficulty: Normal Experience: 20 points --- Palm Club Shot Lesson 1 Where: Driving Range, person second from the right. Club: 4W Power: Normal Aim: Preset Wind: 0 mph Shot: Perfect, Hold left on the Control Pad right when you press A when the moving line hits the end of the bar all the way right Lesson: Intentional Shots Difficulty: Normal Experience: 25 experience points - Shot Lesson 2 Where: Driving Range, person third from the left Club: 3I Power: Normal Aim: Pre-set Wind: 10 mph south Shot: Right before perfect Lesson: Wind Shots Difficulty: Easy Experience: 30 points - Approach Lesson 1 Where: Approach Practice Range, person in the Bunker Club: SW Power: Normal Aim: Pre-set Wind: 0 mph Shot: 1/2 way between 1/4 and 1/2 Lesson: Bunker Shot Difficulty: Normal Experience: 25 experience points - Approach Lesson 2 Where: Approach Practice Range, person farthest left Club: PT 200Y Power: Normal Aim: Pre-set Wind: 0 mph Shot: Right after 1/2 way Lesson: Running Approaches on Sloped Green Difficulty: Normal Experience: 25 points - Putting Contest Where: Practice Putting Green, person farthest left Club: PT Power: Normal Aim: Pre-set (except for Putts 5-6, aim it so the moving aiming line is right on the right shaded circle around the hole) Wind: 0 mph Shot: Putt 1-2: 1/2 way. Putt 3-4: A little after 1/4. Putt 5-6: 1/2 way between 1/2 and 1/4. Putt 7-8: exactly 1/2 way. Putt 9-10: 1/2 way. Lesson: Putting Difficulty: Normal Experience: 25 points --- Dune Club Shot Lesson 1 Where: Driving Range, person farthest right Club: PW Power: Normal Aim: Pre-set Wind: 4 mph south Shot: Perfect. Right before you hit A the first time, press and hold down on the Control Pad Lesson: Hazard Shot Difficulty: Medium Experience: 45 points - Shot Lesson 2 Where: Driving Range, person far northwest Club: 4W Power: Normal Aim: Pre-set Wind: 0 mph Shot: About 1/4. When I did it, the ball hit one of the cacti, ricocheted off it and landed on the green. Lesson: Recovery Shot Difficulty: Medium Experience: 45 points - Approach Lesson 1 Where: Approach Practice Range, boy closest to the green Club: SW Power: Normal Aim: Pre-set Wind: 0 mph Shot: 1/2 way between 1/2 and 1/4 (Trust me, you don't need a backspin) Lesson: Lob Shot Difficulty: Easy Experience: 45 points - Approach Lesson 2 Where: Approach Practice Range, girl closest to the green Club: SW Power: Normal Aim: Pre-set Wind: 0 mph Shot: 1/2 way between 1/2 and 1/4 Lesson: Aiming for the pin from below a steep climb Difficulty: Easy Experience: 45 points - Putting Contest Where: Practice Putting Green, person farthest south Club: PT Power: Normal Aim: Pre-set Wind: 0 mph Shot: Putt 1-2: 3/4. Putt 3-4: 1/2 way between 1/2 and 1/4. Putt 5-6: A little after 1/2 between 1/2 and 1/4. Putt 7-8: A little after 1/4. Putt 9-10: 1/2 Lesson: Putting Difficulty: Normal Experience: 45 points - Note For the alternate game: I know you don't have this star challenge right when you open the Dune Club but you do open it eventually, if you know anything about what you do that opens this, e-mail me and I will put you in the credits (if you want). Alternate Game Where: Practice Putting Green, group of people farthest north. When you talk to them, they will ask you if you want to play, answer yes. You will play and alternate game. An alternate game is a game where you and your partner take turns hitting the ball. You will play another pair of partners. They will ask you if you want to play Match Game or stroke, answer stroke and go play. Your partner really stinks you have to make the goods moves. --- Rest Coming Soon… -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mini-Games Windy Valley Hole Is open when you start the game This place can be hard. Start aiming your shot from a certain point then keep refining your shot to get closer to the circle. I know it seems like it's impossible to get the ball in the circle but it is possible. Always check the wind because it can be different. If you beat this mini-game, you will get 40 experience points and a star on the Star List on the pause menu. Tiny Tots Golf Grounds Opens after beating Putts in a Match Game Those darn kids left their (golf) balls on the course! You have to get them in the circle around the hole. Easy? No! You have 10 seconds for each ball because of the impatient fool (sounds like me) who runs the Tiny Tots Golf Grounds. It is hard at first but after you practice for a while you should be able to get it. If you beat this mini-game, you get 50 experience points. Mini-Mini Lake Course Opens when you beat Grace in a Match Game This guy thinks he can hit the ball from the rough out to the greed on a little island in the lake. His friend (?) doesn't think he can. You can prove his friend (?) wrong. Make the shot a power get a perfect. Your ball should land on the green. Simple! You get 140 experience points for beating this mini-game. Windy Valley Hole 2 Opens when you are experienced enough This is the same place, but a little different. The wind is at a different angle (a harder angle) and you get more experience points. DO the same as you did for Windy Valley Hole 1. Aim at a certain spot then keep refining your shot. Always remember to check the wind because there isn't just one speed. The really funny thing is, is that I was trying for about a half an hour to beat this (I was in my living room with the TV on), when something caught my attention on the TV and I looked up. When I looked back down at my Gameboy Color, the guy was congratulating me on how good of a golfer I was. I must of absent-mindedly hit A twice. Weird, huh? You get 180 experience points for beating this mini-game. Once you beat this, the guy will offer to change you shot to Draw of Fade depending on what your shot is. Raven's Woods Course Opens after you beat Tiny in a Match Game This place is really easy if you know what your doing. That stupid crow stole the man's hat again! Go talk to the man and he says that he thinks if you hit the pin then the crow will get scared and fly off. Where's a good scarecrow when you need one? Well, the best way to beat this mini-game is to get directly south of the pin then get as close as you can without scaring the crow away. If you scared the crow away take a step back and he will come back. Anyway, when you're as close as you can get, instead of hitting the pin with a chip (which is really hard with the wind), you can hit the pin with a putt. Use you 100Y Putter and hit it full power. If it misses refine your shot and try again. In no time you should have beaten this mini-game and have gotten 200 experience points in the process. Golf Guru's Pitch and Putt Opens After you beat Gene Yuss in a Match Game A lot of people say this is hard but I don't think so. The first time I tried I birdies every hole except the fourth. Anyway, you have to get a birdie on all nine holes (It's a mini-course). All holes are par 3. After some practice you should be able to beat this place. You get 300 experience points for beating this mini-game. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Courses Marion Club Hole | Par 1-4 2-4 3-3 4-5 5-4 6-4 7-5 8-3 9-4 10-4 11-5 12-3 13-4 14-4 15-4 16-4 17-3 18-5 --- Palm Club Hole | Par 1-4 2-4 3-5 4-4 5-3 6-4 7-5 8-3 9-4 10-4 11-4 12-3 13-5 14-4 15-3 16-4 17-5 18-4 --- Dune Club Hole | Par 1-4 2-4 3-5 4-3 5-4 6-4 7-4 8-3 9-5 10-4 11-3 12-4 13-5 14-4 15-3 16-4 17-5 18-4 --- Links Club Hole | Par 1-4 2-5 3-3 4-4 5-5 6-3 7-4 8-5 9-4 10-3 11-4 12-5 13-4 14-4 15-3 16-5 17-4 18-4 --- Peach's Castle Hole | Par 1-3 2-4 3-5 4-4 5-4 6-4 7-5 8-4 9-3 10-5 11-4 12-4 13-3 14-4 15-4 16-3 17-5 18-4 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Three Musketeers *** Well, you know when you picked your character, there where three other characters that you didn't choose. Did you ever think of where they went? Well, they are in your game and if you find all three (you can't find yourself), you will get 300 experience points! Ok, so now you're asking, where the heck are they? To find them, you have to hit the A button where they are. Azalea is in the farthest right part of Palm Cub Practice Putting Green. Sherry is in farthest north part of Tiny Tots. Joe is at the farthest left part of the Raven's Wood Golf Course. Finally, Kid is at the tree closet to the Practice Putting Green (make your character face you then hit A on the tree. *** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1-Ups ***In Mario Golf, there are these 1-Up Mushrooms that after getting make you instantly gain one level. I recommend waiting until you get to higher levels to use these because the higher the level the more experience it takes it gain a level therefore making it harder. So don't worry, they won't go anywhere. And here are the locations: Marion Clubhouse – In the Director's Office in one of the cabinets Marion Clubhouse – In one of the lockers in one of the Locker Rooms Club Maker's Hut – In one of the cabinets*** Peach's Castle - In one of the many bushes (very hard to find) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dictionary A Address – Taking a stance and preparing to hit the ball. In a hazard, your club my not touch the ground. Against – Refers to hitting a ball into the wind. The ball won't go as far so use a more powerful club or hit the ball low. Age Shoot – Scoring less than you age in a round of golf Albatross – A score of three strokes under par on a hole. It's tougher to get than a hole in one. Alternate – A game in which a team of players takes turns hitting the same ball. Approach – A short-distance shot to the pin, usually 60 yds or less. Chip and pitch shots are often used. At The Turn – When playing an 18-hole round of golf, you are at the turn when you have finished hole 9. Average – The usual amount. Average score and drive data are saved under status. Average Drive – The average distance traveled by balls that landed on the green, or green edge or fairway. Average Putts – The usual number of putts taken on a hole. Improved putting and approach shots can help lower it. Average Score – The average of all your scores in 18-hole rounds. - B Back – The last 9 holes on an 18-hole course. Backspin – Vertical spin on a ball opposite the direction the ball is moving. Balls with backspin stop more quickly than balls with no spin. Backswing – The motion of swinging your club behind you after your address. Baffy - This is another name for the 4 wood. Ball - The round object you hit towards the green. Balls were once made out of feathers but did not go very far. Bare Ground - A spot where the grass is thin and dirt can be seen. Missing on bare ground is bad, so watch your timing! Best Drive – The longest distance you ever hit the ball. Best Gross – This is the best score ever shot, not including a handicap. It's a true measure of skill at golf. Best Score – The fewest number of strokes you ever took to finish a full round. Bet – A wager on score, holes won, etc. Birdie – Term for holing out in 1 stroke less than par. Blind – Blind is when the pin or green can't be seen from the tee because of a dogleg or shadows. Bogey – A score of one stroke over par on a single hole. - C Caddie: A caddie helps a player by carrying clubs and offering other assistance. Caddie Masters: Caddie Masters manage caddies and get start times. Carry: The distance the ball goes from the moment it's hit until its first bounce. Chip Shot: An approach shot in which the ball is shot on a high trajectory, then rolls towards the cup after landing on the green. Chip-In: To hit the ball and hole out from outside the green. Cleek: It's a 5 wood. You don't have one, though… Closest to Pin: A contest to see who can get the closest to the pin on the tee shot on a short hole. Club: It's the thing you use to hit the ball, silly! There are woods, wedges, irons and putters. Club Champion: The winner of a club championship. Often called a club champ for short. Club Championship: A championship sponsored by a country club. Club Set: The clubs carried in the caddie bag while playing. Rules permit up to 14 clubs per set. Clubhouse: A golf club's main building. That's where the lounge and the locker rooms are. Course: The place where you play a game of golf. Course Layout: The shape of a course and location of cups, greens and hazards. Use it to plan a strategy. Course Rating: Another means for distinguishing course difficulty. By comparing ratings, you may find a course with a par of 73 to be more difficult than one with a par of 71. Creek: A creek's a stream that flows through a course. Don't confuse it with a cleek! Cross-Bunker: A bunker that cuts across the fairway. Use your club's sole to hit your way out of a bunker. Cup: The hole in the green that golfers aim for. A flag marks it so you can see it from a distance. Cup In: To sink your ball into the cup. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Gameshark codes You can thank cmgsccc.com and all the people who contributed for these codes. First Off: You have to have a 2.1 Cheat Device or higher to use your Cheat Device with the GameBoy Color system. Second: The codes are the same for each GameBoy unit. Whether it's the normal GameBoy, the Pocket GameBoy or the GameBoy Color unit, the codes on our site work if you have 2.1 or higher version GameBoy Cheat Device. Finally: There is NO way to use these codes for a GameBoy Color unit if you don't have 2.1 Cheat Device! NO WAY!! Always Under Par: 0100A0C8 Infinite Hitting Power: 0106A8C8 Character Data Modifier Note 1: With these codes, they effect all three charactors. To keep the changes play a game for the charactor you want the changes for, save and quit. Time Modifier (Small): 01??30C8 Time Modifier (Large): 01??31C8 Exp. Modifer (Small): 01??26C8 Exp. Modifier (Medium): 01??27C8 Exp. Modifier (Large): 01??28C8 Character Modifier: 01??10C8 Level Modifier: 01??12C8 Height Modifier: 01??1CC8 Shot Modifier: 01??1DC8 Meet Area & Control Narrow/Wide: 01??1EC8 Poor/Good: 01??1FC8 No Wind: 910015C8 Opponet Always Gives Up After 1st Shot: 010FE0C8 ?? - First Off: The Quantity Digits of a code, are the 2nd set of 2 digits of the code Now: You got to this page because you clicked on a '?', so these rules apply only for the '?'s of the code Values: You can change these '?'s to any number 0-9 and any letter A-F. These values work in HEX mode 0-F. So, therefore, the higher the value, the greater the effect, and vice versa with the lower the value Notes: Please NOTE, that not all values can be used for all games, so if the game locks up when you put in a certain value, please lower your value some! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Disclaimer This FAQ is Copyright by law 2000, shark404. This document may be posted at gamefaqs.com. If you want to post this faq on your site you _MUST_ e-mail me first at shark404_2000@yahoo.com, then, if I say you may post this on your website, you may. If you want to sell this, YOU MUST CONTACT ME FIRST!!!!!!! You may NOT edit it. You MAY print it out. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Contacting Author You can e-mail me, shark404, at shark404_2000@yahoo.com. E-mail about my FAQ, saying it rocks and stuff. Don't e-mail me chain letters and stupid stuff like that. You can e-mail me anything that I'm missing, but I if I already intended to put the missing thing in an upcoming update, then I won't give you credit, Sorry! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Credits You – For reading this Astroblue – For the location of Joe, you should also check out his awesome FAQ on Mario Golf CjayC – For letting me put this guide on his wonderful site, Gamefaqs.com Cmgsccc.com and all the people who contributed to that site – I wouldn't have a Gameshark Codes section without them Nintendo – For making this awesome game Me – For typing this thing up -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Outro These FAQs go by so fast. Well, see you in the next FAQ See ya! - Shark404