=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- Mega Man Xtreme (GBC) -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Written By: Ryan "MetroidMoo" Ammerman GUIDE TYPE ..................................... FAQ FILE SIZE .................................... 24 KB FIRST RELEASED .................... February 5, 2001 LAST UPDATED .................... September 26, 2004 LATEST VERSION ................................ 1.16 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<< TABLE OF CONTENTS >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Version History 2) Story 3) Controls 4) Weapons 5) Power-Up Locations [5.1] Enhancements [5.2] Heart Tanks [5.3] Sub-Tanks [5.4] Zero Scramble 6) Boss Strategies [6.1] Normal [6.2] Hard [6.3] Extreme 7) Contact/Legal Information <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 1) VERSION HISTORY -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VERSION 1.16 - SEPTEMBER 26, 2004 Updated e-mail address. VERSION 1.15 - NOVEMBER 13, 2003 Revised the file's format, adjusted the number of characters per line, and added/moved sections. VERSION 1.05 - OCTOBER 14, 2002 Updated contact information and made a few other changes. VERSION 1.01 - JULY 25, 2001 Changed posting notice. VERSION 1.0 - FEBRUARY 5, 2001 First (and complete!) version of the guide. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 2) STORY -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mega Man Xtreme's storyline, from the instruction manual... RESCUE THE WORLD! In 21XX, humans co-existed with "reploids." These amazing cyborgs have the same ability to think and reason that humans do. But they're not human-- they're machines. World peace had been achieved. Hunters started to forget the days of con- stant battle. But one day a sabateur hacked into the mother computer at Hunter Base. The data in the computer was rewritten, changing the way the reploids operated. The world was gripped by chaos and confusion as a result of this dangerous hack. In a desperate attempt to stop the chaos, Hunter Base called in Mega Man X to take on the dangerous mission. Who hacked the mother computer? What is the invisible enemy's purpose? Now Mega Man X prepares for battle, ready to protect world peace and save the planet! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 3) CONTROLS -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This section describes the basic controls. D-Pad -> (Left/Right) Move Mega Man X (Up/Down) Climb ladder (Double-tap Left/Right) Dash (Down + A) Dash A -> Jump B -> Fire weapon (Hold) Charge X. Buster Select -> Bring up menu Start -> Pause =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 4) WEAPONS -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This section contains descriptions of the weapons. --------- X. Buster --------- Received From: N/A The usual weapon with unlimited energy. You can charge up the X. Buster to a maximum of three levels, each level causes more damage than the previous. ----------- Shotgun Ice ----------- Received From: Chill Penguin S. Ice fires a small chunk of ice that splits into even smaller pieces when it collides with a wall or enemy. When charged, it creates an ice sled that damages baddies it runs into. -------------- Electric Spark -------------- Received From: Spark Mandrill This weapon creates a sphere of electricity. It'll split into two when it hits something (quite useful to destroying robots that hang onto walls). Charging E. Spark creates two walls of electricity that fry opponents. ------------- Storm Tornado ------------- Received From: Storm Eagle Storm T. fires a gust of wind that rips through enemies. The charged version creates a large, vertical tornado that is useful for taking out opponents that are directly above you. ------------ Speed Burner ------------ Received From: Flame Stag Speed Burner shoots out two balls of fire. You'll find the charged S. Burner useful for reaching certain areas; it allows X to execute an air dash. ---------- Spin Wheel ---------- Received From: Wheel Gator The Spin Wheel weapon creates a spiked wheel that rolls on the ground. When charged, it fires small shots in eight directions. ----------- Magnet Mine ----------- Received From: Magna Centipede This weapon fires a small mine that attaches to whatever it hits. Then it will explode a few seconds afterwards. You can move the mine with Up and Down. Charging it creates a spiffy sphere that damages anything it moves through. -------------- Rolling Shield -------------- Received From: Armored Armadillo The Rolling Shield fires...a rolling shield. Charge it up to build a powerful shield around yourself. This shield protects you from most attacks. --------- Silk Shot --------- Received From: Morph Moth The Silk Shot is a piece of junk...literally. When the junk hits the ground, it shoots off into four smaller pieces. Charge it to toss a larger block of junk. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 5) POWER-UP LOCATIONS -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This section lists the locations of the various upgrades. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<< [5.1] ENHANCEMENTS >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------- Helmet Upgrade -------------- Location: Sky Stage Requirements: None At one point you have to wall kick up a structure. Fall down the right side of it. Then dash jump to the right and land on the small ledge. Shoot the canisters until they explode, then go through to find the capsule. Function: Enables X to smash blocks with his head. ------------- Armor Upgrade ------------- Location: Volcanic Zone Stage Requirements: None After you cross the lava on those small stone towers, there are three entrances (two are blocked up). Go through the one in the middle, dash jump to the right, and you'll find a ledge with the capsule. Function: Decreases damage taken by 50%. ----------------- X. Buster Upgrade ----------------- Location: Power Plant Stage Requirements: Helmet Upgrade It's really easy to miss this capsule. When you reach the second dark section, pay close attention to the ceiling. You should find two blocks up there. Use the upgrade to smash through them. Then climb on up to find the capsule. Function: Allows you to charge the X. Buster to a third level, and you can also charge up your special weapons to use a new attack. ----------- Leg Upgrade ----------- Location: Snow Mountain Stage Requirements: None Please, if you can't find this capsule, contact an eye doctor. Function: This upgrades the wall kick and also enables you to destroy certain blocks with X's legs. ---------------------- Street Fighter Upgrade ---------------------- Location: The Core - Stage 2 Requirements: All items, weapons, and upgrades This capsule is found in the same spot as it was in Mega Man X2, and you can find it on any difficulty setting. At one point in the stage, there's a ladder high above you with a wall of spikes to the right of it. You can reach it by using that hover platform, or you can use a charged Rolling Shield and wall kick up the spikes. Go up the ladder and continue on. You can use the charged Speed Burner to get across the floor of spikes. Then dash over the small section of spikes on the ground. Now here's where things get tricky. Charge up the Speed Burner, dash jump to the far right, fall down a bit, and use that air dash to move to the left. Then slide down the left wall, and eventually you'll come across a hidden passage with the capsule. Function: I *highly* suggest picking up this upgrade! This special capsule allows you to use the hidden Street Fighter moves found in Mega Man X1 and X2. Simply charge the X. Buster to the third level. Then either hold up or down and release B to do a move. Up + B does the Dragon Punch and Down + B does the Hadou-ken. And best of all, a full energy is not required to do the moves (but these moves are not nearly as powerful as they were in X1 and X2). <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<< [5.2] HEART TANKS >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------- Snow Mountain Stage ------------------- Requirements: Speed Burner Soon after you hop into the robot ride armor, you'll see some ground above the dark cave. Jump in the air, bail out of the ride armor, and wall kick up to reach this new area. Fire three Speed Burner shots at the small structure to blow it up. And a Heart Tank will appear. ----------------- Power Plant Stage ----------------- Requirements: Leg Upgrade Right after you encounter the first turtle robot, you enter a room with a really high ceiling. Wall kick up to find the Heart Tank. If you collected the upgrade, you can reach it. --------- Sky Stage --------- Requirements: None This is in the same spot where the Sub-Tank in Mega Man X1 was located. After the first auto save point, there is a control tower. Use the hover platform to the right of it to reach the tower. Inside is the Heart Tank. ------------------- Volcanic Zone Stage ------------------- Requirements: None Before you exit the volcano sequence, there is a Heart Tank. Just watch out for that robot attached to the ceiling. It creates a barricade, and you have to act fast so that the rising lava doesn't damage you. ------------------- Dinosaur Tank Stage ------------------- Requirements: X. Buster Upgrade, Speed Burner This tank is found right after the robot ride armor bit. Go up the ladder to find a Heart Tank with a short wall of spikes in front of it. Charge up the Speed Burner, dash jump off the small ledge (to your right), use the air dash, and you'll reach the Heart Tank. ---------------------- Central Computer Stage ---------------------- Requirements: X. Buster Upgrade (optional), Speed Burner (optional) Right before the first auto save point is a gap in the ceiling. If you did not set the alarm off at all, a block will be attached to the left of the gap. Dash jump off the nearby ledge and wall kick up the gap to the Heart Tank. You might need to use the Speed Burner's air dash if you can't reach the block with the dash jump. ------------- Gallery Stage ------------- Requirements: None This Heart Tank can be found after the second Mole Borer. Destroy the Mole Borer first, and then continue on to find the item. -------------------- Robot Junkyard Stage -------------------- Requirements: None After the second robot you encounter, jump and wall kick up the wall. There you'll find an extra life and the Heart Tank. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<< [5.3] SUB-TANKS >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------- Power Plant Stage ----------------- Requirements: Leg Upgrade Right before you exit the room with all of those big 'bots, there is a ladder going down. So keep going down to find four blocks in front of a Sub- Tank. Wall kick the blocks to destroy them, then go in to collect your item. --------- Sky Stage --------- Requirements: None At the beginning of the stage, get to the very top of those moving platforms. Then dash jump to the far left, and you should land on a ledge with the Sub-Tank. ---------------------- Central Computer Stage ---------------------- Requirements: X. Buster Upgrade, Speed Burner This is found up in the gap in the ceiling before the second auto save point. Use the Speed Burner's air dash off the ledge to reach the wall. Then wall kick up to find the Sub-Tank. ------------- Gallery Stage ------------- Requirements: None This Sub-Tank is simply found behind the first Mole Borer. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<< [5.4] ZERO SCRAMBLE >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- Z1 - Dash --------- Location: Gallery Stage Requirements: None On the third mine cart, do a dash jump to the right when you reach the outside area. Wall kick up and enter the tunnel to find the capsule. Functions: Summons Zero to do a dash with a sabre slash. ----------- Z2 - Rising ----------- Location: Dinosaur Tank Stage Requirements: Leg Upgrade Right after you go down the two ladders in the beginning, there is a small gap in the ceiling. Use the wall kick, go up the gap, and the capsule will be there. Function: Summons Zero to do an upward sabre slash. ----------------- Z3 - Earth Gaizer ----------------- Location: Robot Junkyard Stage Requirements: Spin Wheel Use the Spin Wheel weapon on the ground a little bit after the first auto save point. If used on the correct spot, the wheel will dig through the ground. Keep doing this until you can fall down the hole. Once you're done, go down to find the capsule. Function: Summons Zero to slam his fist into the ground and cause explosions around the screen. A similar attack was used in Mega Man X2. ---------- Z4 - Final ---------- Location: Central Computer Stage Requirements: Helmet Upgrade This Zero Scramble program is found in the room with the targeting reticle. Head to the very top to find some blocks in the ceiling. Smash through them to find the capsule. Function: Summons Zero to do a powerful dash attack. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 6) BOSS STRATEGIES -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This section gives tips on defeating the game's bosses. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<< [6.1] NORMAL >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------- Mode Overview ------------- Normal mode is really part one of Mega Man Xtreme. In this mode, you have to fight only four Mavericks: Chill Penguin, Spark Mandrill, Storm Eagle, and Flame Stag. In each stage there is a Heart Tank and an enhancement hidden somewhere. Two of the stages also have a Sub-Tank. When you finish Normal mode, Hard mode appears. ----------------- Vile (Mega Man X) ----------------- Weakness: X. Buster Weapon Received: N/A Unlike the same battle in Mega Man X, you actually defeat Vile. Simply jump over Vile's ride armor and shoot it with charged shots. You'll take him out in no time. -------------------------- Chill Penguin (Mega Man X) -------------------------- Weakness: X. Buster (or Speed Burner) Weapon Received: Shotgun Ice Chilly isn't too tough once you learn his attack pattern. The attack you should watch out for is when he creates two ice statues. Then he either jumps on you, or he creates a gust of wind in the room. Since the boss room is smaller than its SNES counterpart, you might have trouble evading the attacks. --------------------------- Spark Mandrill (Mega Man X) --------------------------- Weakness: Shotgun Ice Weapon Received: Electric Spark Shotgun Ice makes this fight simple. Whenever Spark Mandrill is hit with this weapon, he is frozen for a couple seconds and then breaks out of the ice. Make sure you take advantage of the S. Ice's ability to split into smaller pieces when it hits a wall. ------------------------ Storm Eagle (Mega Man X) ------------------------ Weakness: X. Buster Weapon Received: Storm Tornado You'll have to resort to using the X. Buster to beat this bird. The only real trouble you will have with this boss is staying on the ship and not fall off. Just keep dashing! When Storm Eagle goes into his dive bombing routine, make sure that you DASH to dodge him. If you just walk, he'll hit you. Charge up the X. Buster and continue to pummel him with the shots. ------------------------ Flame Stag (Mega Man X2) ------------------------ Weakness: Storm Tornado Weapon Received: Speed Burner You shouldn't have a problem with the Storm Tornado in hand. But if you're not careful, you might want to bring a Sub-Tank with some spare energy. ---- Zain ---- Weakness: Shotgun Ice Although it is possible to fight Zain in Flame Stag's level, it is not necessary. Anyway, Zain is a pushover. He does three high jump slashes with his sword. Then when Zain lands on the fourth jump, he spins around with his sword (just wall kick to avoid it). That's all he does! Since the boss of this stage is also weak to Shotgun Ice, you should consider using the X. Buster on Zain instead. --------------------- Bospider (Mega Man X) --------------------- Weakness: Shotgun Ice He's just like his SNES counterpart. This spider can only move on those bars that appear between the four poles. He then attempts to find a path that leads closest to where you're currently standing. So keep moving and find a spot where he can't hit you. When the spider reaches the bottom of the screen, shoot him with the Shotgun Ice. Remember to watch out for the mechanical spiderlings he drops. -------------------- Serges (Mega Man X2) -------------------- Weakness: Electric Spark (First Form), Speed Burner (Second Form) This boss can be a pain, so I'd suggest bringing at least one full Sub-Tank. For Serges's first form, use the E. Spark to destroy the four cannons. Once you take those out, use the S. Burner on Serges. Remember that you must hit him on the head and not his pod. When in his second form, he fires two balls of energy that split into four projectiles. The directions they split alternate with each shot. ------------------ Sigma (Mega Man X) ------------------ Weakness: Electric Spark Sigma isn't too tough. Keep wall kicking up the upper-left corner of the room and stay there. Then Sigma will eventually start bouncing from one side of the room to the other. When he touches the left wall for the second time, slide down a bit, shoot Sigma, and immediately drop to the ground. Then wall kick back to your corner and keep repeating this process. ------------------------------ Sigma Battle Body (Mega Man X) ------------------------------ Weakness: X. Buster Is it just me or does this boss seem easier than it was on the SNES? Anyway, you have to shoot Sigma's head at the top of his battle body. Stand on one of the claws and continue to fire at the head. The only attack you have to watch out for is the thunder bolt. Make sure you have a full Sub-Tank handy. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<< [6.2] HARD >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------- Mode Overview ------------- And here is "part two" of the game. This time you start off with any enhancements and other goodies you collected in Normal mode. But now there are four new bosses to beat: Wheel Gator, Magna Centipede, Armored Armadillo, and Morph Moth. Each stage has a Zero Scramble program and a Heart Tank. And two of them have a Sub-Tank. Completing Hard mode will gain you access to Extreme mode. ------------------------- Wheel Gator (Mega Man X2) ------------------------- Weakness: Magnet Mine Weapon Received: Spin Wheel Wheel Gator seems to have gotten much better since MMX2. Use the Magnet Mine on the gator when he pops out of the lava. Whenever Wheel Gator is flashing, he is invincible, so try not to waste weapon energy. ----------------------------- Magna Centipede (Mega Man X2) ----------------------------- Weakness: Silk Shot Weapon Received: Magnet Mine Begin the battle by hitting Magna Centipede with the Silk Shot. Doing so destructs his tail. Now all Magna will do is teleport and jump around the room, while attacking. Make use of Silk Shot's splitting ability, so you can hit him when he's on the ceiling. ------------------------------ Armored Armadillo (Mega Man X) ------------------------------ Weakness: Electric Spark Weapon Received: Rolling Shield This boss can be a real pain if you don't use the E. Spark. If you can manage to hit him with the weapon, Armored Armadillo will be electrocuted and all his armor will be lost. Then just continue to blast him with the weapon. ------------------------ Morph Moth (Mega Man X2) ------------------------ Weakness: Speed Burner Weapon Received: Silk Shot When the fight begins, you don't see Morph Moth. Instead you fight his "cocoon" form. Simply shoot it with the Speed Burner, and wall kick around the room when it does the spiral attack. Once half of the energy is depeleted, the real Morph Moth appears. Just keep on moving and hit him with the Speed Burner. ------ Geemel ------ Weakness: Speed Burner Geemel isn't difficult, but his attacks can do quite a bit of damage. Just fry his robotic butt with the Speed Burner. Watch out when Geemel gets on his glider thing--he throws his big ninja stars wherever you're standing. Keep moving and shoot him when you can. From here on out, all bosses are identical to their forms in Normal mode. So refer to the strategies in that section, if you need them. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<< [6.3] EXTREME >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------- Mode Overview ------------- Extreme mode follows the typical Mega Man mold. Instead of choosing between four Mavericks, you can fight all eight in order you want. And you can search for every single enhancement and item. Unlike the other modes, there are no cutscenes or dialogue. Since the bosses are nearly identical to their other forms, there's really no need to include their strategies here... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 7) CONTACT / LEGAL INFORMATION -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------- Copyright Information --------------------- (c) Copyright 2001-2004 Ryan "MetroidMoo" Ammerman This FAQ cannot be distributed in books, magazines, etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media (CDs, etc.) in any way. It may not be given away as some sort of prize or bonus with a purchase, and it may not be used for promotional or profitable purposes. Any characters, names, or other objects are copyright their respective companies. This document and its author are in no way affiliated with any company involved with this game. ------------------ E-mail Information ------------------ E-mail Address: ryanammerman[at]gmail[dot]com Before you e-mail me a question, make sure you've looked through the FAQ to see if your question is answered. If you send me a question that is answered in the FAQ, it WILL be ignored. -------------- Posting Notice -------------- If you wish to use this guide on your site, you may post it without my permission as long as this document is **NOT** changed in any way, shape, or form. The latest version of this guide can always be found at GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com). --End of Transmission