------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METAL GEAR: GHOST BABEL (AKA METAL GEAR SOLID GBC) SCRIPT version 1.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This copy of the script focuses on the plot. It only covers mandatory Codec conversations and dialogue from cutscenes, so a lot of things have been left out. Press "Ctrl" and "F" on your keyboard to search for any string of characters like a word or phrase. If you want to skip to a section of this guide, type its alphanumeric code into the search field. CONTENTS S1. Script 00a Small Talk 00b Mission Details 01a Insertion 02a Bad News 02b A Survivor 03a Rendezvous 04a Chris Jenner 04b Slasher Hawk 05a Search for Harks 05b Jimmy 06a Barracks Blackout 06b Babysitting 06c Marionette Owl 07a Nuclear Threat 08a Terrorist Ultimatum 08b More Bad News 08c Pyro Bison 09a Enemy Spy 09b Power Plant Sabotage 10a Traitor 11a Sophie N'dram 11b Black Art Viper 12a Metal Gear 13a Project Babel 13b Conspiracy S2. Special Stage Script S3. Things to Note S4. Script Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S1. Script 00a Small Talk [The intro is a flashback to Snake and Campbell's meeting before the mission. It starts with the silhouette of a flying cargo plane, then shows Snake having a smoke inside. Next the setting becomes Snake's house in Alaska. Snake looks disheveled. Behind him are the outlines of two people, and a handful of red dots hover on his chest. Campbell, who appears in a portrait, has apparently brought armed soldiers with him.] Campbell It's been a long time, Snake. Snake Didn't expect to see you again. Drink? Campbell Got Scotch? Snake Single malt, straight up and neat - if I remember right. Campbell That you do....This house - ? Snake Built it myself. Campbell Didn't know you were a carpenter. You know, it's already been three years since you left....How's Alasaka been treating you? Snake Colonel, did you come all the way out here with the cavalry to make small talk with me? Campbell ........ Snake Trouble, huh. Campbell The world is on the brink of nuclear holocaust. We came to request your help. Snake Request? As if I have the choice to refuse. Campbell You do. I know too well that you can't be ordered or coerced. But you'll say yes because you need to. Let me tell you about it first. Snake ........ [The red lasers on Snake's chest disappear.] Campbell A week ago, a C-5 Galaxy transport plane on a classified mission to South America vanished. Snake Terrorists? Campbell Of course. But the problem is what it was carrying. Snake Nuke. Campbell Yes. And some. Snake ? Campbell It was Metal Gear. [The screen slowly scrolls up the silhouette of a Metal Gear. This model has twin rail guns that look like giant tuning forks.] Snake What! Campbell Nuclear-capable bipedal armored vehicle designed to realize the possibility of nuclear strikes from anywhere on the planetary surface.... The devil's candy of mass destruction to change the meaning of nuclear warfare, and it was on that plane. Snake But I.... Campbell Yes, you destroyed Metal Gear in Outer Heaven seven years ago. But the U.S. Government recognized the strategic advantages of Metal Gear and secretly extracted the data from Outer Heaven. The development continued, just under a different flag. The South American hop was probably for a field exercise. Snake Christ.... Campbell Metal Gear's researchers were also on board [sic]. The idea of Metal Gear in terrorist hands goosed Washington into finding out its new location in just a week: came in today. Snake Where? Campbell Gindra. Snake Gindra? [A map of the fictional country Gindra appears.] Campbell Central Africa; fairly small. Snake I heard there was a civil war going on; an armed uprising by a separatist ethnic minority. And that peacekeeping troops were deployed. Campbell So the hermit keeps up with the news. Metal Gear is in the hands of the armed separatist group Gindra Liberation Front, commonly known as GLF; their leader is 'General' Augustine Eguabon, charismatic and armed to the teeth. [A mugshot of a dark-haired, bearded man has overlapped the Gindra map. His face looks weathered.] Campbell They operate out of a virtually impregnable fortress, Galuade, in the mountains. Neither the Gindran government nor the U.N. can get to them. We also have intel that they recently hired several top-class mercenaries as consultants. We suspect that the mercenaries executed the Metal Gear hijacking. Snake So they plan to win their independence by threatenting nuclear strikes with Metal Gear.... [Campbell's portrait and the disheveled Snake reappear in place of the Gindra map.] Campbell Snake, come with me to Gindra. We need you. We need the 'Legend.' Snake Don't call me that. I know all the names for a killer, and that's one of them. Campbell A military dictatorship of possession of Metal Gear - damm [sic] it, you know they won't hesitate to push that button. And millions will die. Snake Colonel, I'm not in Fox-Hound anymore. Campbell You're saying you won't go? Snake Why can't you leave me alone? Alaska is quiet - and my life is good. Campbell You won't change your mind? Snake No. Campbell Even if I tell you that the fortress Galuade, GLF's home base, was once called Outer Heaven? Snake What? Campbell The very same place; where you went to war seven years ago, destroyed Metal Gear, and became the 'Legend.' Snake Is there a connection? Campbell I don't know. But the fact is, there is Metal Gear in Outer Heaven. You believe in coincidence? I believe in conspiracy. Snake And you want me to find out. Campbell I'm asking you to join me. If the past is at your heels, you turn around and face it. Am I wrong? Snake ........ Campbell End it, once and for all. It's all back there, in Outer Heaven. Snake ........Tell me about this mission. 00b Mission Details [The map of Gindra reappears.] Campbell Your mission is to infiltrate the fortress Galudade, rescue the hostages and neutralize Metal Gear before its assembly is complete. Steve Gardner, the National Security Advisor, is in command of this mission. Snake Gardner himself? Campbell America's best kept secret just got hijacked, and may be used in a terrorist attack. Who else? Snake A national crisis, in fact. Campbell A global one, I'd say. And one more thing. The Army's Delta Force is already in Galuade; carry out the mission in concert with them. Snake Whose bright idea was this? Campbell [General] John Parker, Army Chief of Staff. Snake Top Army brass, huh. Campbell Metal Gear's development was under Army control. They of course want to do something about the situation themselves. In addition, four people will serve as your backup personnel via the Codec. [Mugshots of the support team members will appear individually as Campbell describes them. First, an Asian teenaged girl is shown.] Campbell First, Mei Ling. Snake Awfully young. Doesn't look like a soldier. Campbell PhD [Doctor of Philosophy] candidate at MIT [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]. Incidentally, she developed the new radar and Codec system you'll be using. She'll be in charge of mission logs (saving) as well. When you have a question about the radar or the Codec, or need to log in (save), contact her at frequency 140.96. [A mugshot of a light-haired, square-jawed man appears.] Campbell Brian McBride. Africa Desk, Director of Operations, Central Intelligence Agency. Snake CIA.... Campbell Don't look so disgusted. McBride effectively planned this mission, and has expert knowledge of Gindran affairs. Ask him about the mission, GLF, or [the] Gindran environment if you need to. Frequency is 141.52. [A mugshot of a dark-haired man appears. He has noticeable marks on the side of his face; they could be battle scars.] Campbell Ronard Lensenbrink, alias Weasel. A mercenary. Snake I've heard of him. Word is he's about as trustworthy as a weasel. Campbell But, he's good. Some say as good as Solid Snake, the 'Legend.' Snake So why isn't he working the field on this one? Campbell The U.S. government apparently has more trust in you. Snake ....I doubt that. Campbell Anyway, Weasel's a player in the mercenary circle. He's well up on soldiers of fortune from all over the world, and we know that GLF contracted some major ones. If you run across a live one, get Weasel on the Codec; he'll have something useful for you. [A mugshot of Campbell appears.] Campbell I have field control of this mission. Frequency is 140.85; if anything happens, contact me ASAP [as soon as possible] so I can stay on top of it. Snake Colonel, didn't you retire from Fox-Hound two years ago? Why this mission? Campbell No one can carry this mission out but you. I was only called in because I know you well. Snake And that's all? Campbell ........I also have a score to settle with the past....we all have our shadows, Snake. Snake ........ [The intro returns to the present. It shows Snake inside the plane and then the plane's silhouette.] Campbell Snake, we've arrived over Outer Heaven - Galuade. Snake Ready to descend. Campbell We're counting on you. Snake I know. ....... It's all back here.... [The plane's cargo ramp opens and the intro ends.] 01a Insertion [Snake parachutes into a jungle. He glides offscreen past a patrolling guard. After landing, he runs north and stops short of the guard's path. The Codec screen appears.] Snake This is Snake....Colonel, can you hear me? Campbell Successful HALO [High Altitude Low Opening] landing, I see. Snake Nothing like skydiving at dawn. Present location, 3km south of fortress as planned. Heavy security; sentries ahead. Campbell Snake, make sure you stay out of their sight. Mei Ling Watch the radar to keep track of enemy movements. I'll go over it again just in case. [The Codec screen disappears for the obligatory radar tutorial.] Mei Ling See the radar at the top right? The large dot is you, the others are enemy troops. Got it? Once you've been detected by the enemy, the radar will be non-operational. Be careful. [The Codec screen reappears.] Campbell Your mission is to infiltrate Galuade, work with Delta Force to rescue the researchers, and destroy Metal Gear. Orders will be relayed via the Codec. My frequency is 140.85; call if anything turns up. To use the Codec, just press SELECT, and then START. We'll be in touch; when a call sounds, push the SELECT button to receive. Mei Ling Raise me on frequency 140.96 when you need to save. Campbell First, get to the front of the fortress; cut northward through the jungle you're in. Snake Roger that. 02a Bad News [The player has headed north of the parachute landing. A short cutscene is shown: the camera scrolls up behind Snake to reveal a tower in the distance. The METAL GEAR SOLID logo is shown. Then the Codec screen appears.] Campbell Snake, we have new intelligence. Snake Bad news? Campbell How did you know? Snake You've never exactly been a messenger of joy. So? Campbell Seems that Delta Force was wiped out. Snake Are you serious? Campbell It's true. Snake But Delta Force - the best of the Army's best - so easiy? Weasel It means they were outclassed. Snake ? Weasel Those mercenaries on the enemy's payroll are all A-list guns. You've been out of action for a while, but I'm out there and I know what I'm talking about. If you're going to take one of them on, give me a buzz. Snake Planning to give me advice? Weasel That's what I was hired for. It's a policy of mine to earn my keep. Frequency's 141.80. Don't forget. Snake I won't. McBride Snake, McBride from the CIA here. Don't underestimate GLF. They aren't just another rebel group - their annual revenue from drug and rare metal trafficking is more than $50 million, and their black-market arms were financed by that money. [Their weapons are] all state-of-the-art. Be careful. I'm with the Africa Desk of Ops. I can provide data on not just the GLF, but on things like Gindran climate, flora and fauna. My frequency is 141.52. Snake All right. Campbell Snake, continue with the mission. Infiltrate the fortress Galuade. [The gameplay screen appears. Campbell calls to advise Snake while the screen focuses on a security camera.] Campbell Snake, first gain entry to the fortress. Enemy security should be even tighter than it was in the jungle. Keep your eyes open, especially for surveillance cameras. 02b A Survivor [The player has infiltrated the fortress walls and reached the most northern section of the perimeter. Snake gets a call and the Codec screen appears. The caller's Codec portrait looks like video static.] ??? ....is anyone out there? Can anyone hear me? This is.... Snake Who is this? [The Codec portrait of static changes to a woman.] ??? Thank God....This is Segeant Chris Jenner of Delta Force. Snake Delta Force? A survivor? Campbell It wasn't annihilated? Jenner No....Who are you? The U.S. rescue team? Snake No. I'm the black sheep you were supposed to work with. Jenner ....? Not....Fox-Hound? Snake Solid Snake speaking. Jenner You! I've heard things about you. Snake What kind of things? Jenner The best saboteur ever - the one who destroyed Metal Gear in Outer Heaven, seven years ago. The 'Legend'.... Snake Don't believe everything you hear. Some say I'm just an attention- seeking killer. Jenner So - which is true? Snake Make up your own mind. Jenner ........ Campbell Sergeant Jenner, are there any other survivors from the unit besides you? Jenner ....no. Everbody else....I.... They're monsters, sir. Snake They? You mean those mercenaries. Jenner Yes. Especially the leader, a man called Viper....There was nothing we could do, even if it wasn't an ambush.... Snake An ambush? The mission was leaked? Jenner I don't know. But.... McBride This is an absolutely classified mission. There is no way it could have been compromised. Weasel Wanna bet? There's always someone who's willing to sell out. What makes an American brass tick, huh? Money, power, glory, women, men....? McBride Can it. There is no risk of spies here. Weasel Pretty sure, aren't you? McBride Everyone involved in this mission has undergone rigorous background checks. Weasel I see.... they're all trusted. Snake How about it, Colonel? Campbell This is a top secret mission. Only a handful of people know of it, in the government and the military. I have to agree with McBride. Snake ....All right. Sergeant Jenner, is Metal Gear really inside the fortress? Jenner Yes. I still don't have the exact location, but the assembly is apparently near completion and the researchers have been confined to another building. Snake Do you have the location of the researchers? Jenner I'm sorry. All I know is they're somewhere here in Galuade.... Snake OK.... How did you enter the fortress? Jenner Through the drainage system. Snake The drainage system? Jenner Bingo. You saw those buildings with recessed east walls? There are hidden access ways down into the ground in those recesses. Snake Building with an indented east wall, entry into an underground route in the recess. Got it. Get yourself back there and get out of here. Jenner No, I'm staying here. Snake No, you're not. I have no time to babysit a Brownie. You get out. Jenner No. Snake Sergeant! Jenner I will not abandon the mission! Snake But - Jenner I have to finish this. Campbell For your fallen comrades....? Jenner ........ Snake ........ Campbell Snake, having an ally in the field could be useful. Jenner Please, sir. Snake ........All right. You've got guts, I'll grant you that. Jenner Thank you. Snake We'll rendezvous inside the fortres. In the meantime, gather as much intel as possible. Jenner Got it. Snake You watch out for your own back until then. Jenner Of course. Snake And no cowboy acts. Jenner I know that. Snake And one other thing - Jenner Yes? Snake Can I call you Chris? Jenner We don't know each other that well. Snake We can easily change that. Jenner As comrades in arms? Snake That's up to you. Chris OK. My frequency is 140.25. Ask me if you have any questions about the fortress. Snake OK, Chris. Chris Good luck, Snake. Campbell All right, Snake. Look for that way into the duct that Sergeant Jenner was talking about. Go to the building with a recessed east wall, and get underground from the concealed entry point in the recess. 03a Rendezvous [The player has found the building that Chris had talked about. Snake climbs down a ladder to the underground route and the Codec screen appears.] Snake Chris, I'm at the duct entrance. Where are you? Chris In the building right above the duct you're in. Snake Pretty near. Chris I'm about to find out what I can here. Snake How? Chris I got an enemy trooper uniform. It should let me blend in - and listen in. Snake Chris.... Chris Don't worry. I'll find out where the researchers are. Snake Don't over do it. Chris I know. Snake I'll go up to your floor and we'll rendezvous there. Chris I'll be disguised, so no Codec contact. Make voice contact when I'm alone. Snake All right. But aren't you wearing the same uniform as the enemy? How am I supposed to spot you among all the enemy soldiers? Chris What about my hairstyle? I have my hair tied up at the back. You should be able to recognize me from that, OK? Snake Hairstyle, huh? Even among the GLF soldiers there are heaps of guys with long hair. Chris Yeah, you're right. Um, OK, how about if I wear a red cap? Snake All right. If I see a soldier wearing a red cap, with hair tied up at the back it must be you. Got it. Chris Right, Snake. See you soon. [The gameplay screen appears. Campbell calls.] Campbell Snake, rendezvous with Sergeant Jenner. She's in the watchtower above. Get through the duct and gain entry to the tower. [The player has made it through the drainage system. Snake climbs up a ladder to the building where Chris is hiding. Campbell calls to remind the player about the current objective.] Campbell Snake, rendezvous with Sergeant Jenner. She should be somewhere in the tower with you. Remember that she's disguised; [c]ontact her when she's alone so that the enemy won't be alerted. She has long hair, tied up at the back, and is wearing a red cap. Snake I know. Long hair, tied up at the back, and a red cap. No problem. [The player has found a guard with a green uniform, a red cap, and long hair.] Chris Snake, it's me. Follow me. 04a Chris Jenner [Snake follows Chris into another room.] Chris We won't have to worry about the guards here. Snake Good. We can talk. [An illustration of Snake and Chris appears.] Snake ........ Chris What is it? Snake Sorry - it's just that you're easier on the eyes than any other Delta Force operator I've met. Chris Is that your idea of a compliment? Snake Absolutely. Anyway, what did you find out? Chris Plenty. Only one researcher is left - James Harks, aka 'Jimmy the Wizard,' head of [the] Metal Gear development team. Supposed to be a genius. Snake Get his location? Chris Uh-huh. There are barracks to the north of this building; he seems to be held there. Snake In the barracks to the north of here, got it. Chris One more thing; there are four mercenaries working as GLF's military consultants. [The silhouettes of four people briefly appear. Their mugshots and silhouettes appear individually as Chris mentions each one.] Chris Slasher Hawk. His signature weapon is a giant boomerang. Marionette Owl, expert assassin and master of nocturnal combat. Pyro Bison, who practices his own Scorched Earth tactics with a massive flame thrower. And their leader - Black Art Viper. Snake Viper - poisonous snake.... [The group of silhouettes reappear.] Chris They first appeared on the scene around two years ago. Made a round of hot spots around the world before they set up in Gindra. They're very, very good. Rumor has it they're former U.S. Special Forces. Snake American....? [Snake and Chris are shown again.] Snake That was good work in a pretty short time. Chris I tried my best. Was that a good enough proof for you? Snake Let's just say you convinced me you don't me babysiting. What else? Chris ........ Snake Anything wrong? Chris Um.... [Chris lowers her head.] Yes....Like the fact that we Americans are not welcome around here. Snake Why? Chris They think the U.S. is blocking their independence. That the deployment of peacekeepers is an armed invasion to extend U.S. control over Gindra. That's why they have such faith in the General, who wants to end U.S. interference and win independence. I thought our mission was for the good of the people of this country. But....what we're doing may be.... Snake Chris, why did you join the military? Chris What? Well....Maybe because I wanted something concrete. Snake Something concrete? Chris Like 'justice' or 'disclipine' - all the things we need to keep going.... Snake Chris, the only thing you need a battlefield to keep going is the instinct to keep living. Chris Yeah.... Snake I don't want you to die. Chris But.... Snake Think about completing the mission, about going home alive, first. Chris Yes....I guess so. I will....for now.... [The gameplay screen appears.] Snake I'm going after Harks. He must have some valuable information on Metal Gear. Chris OK. I'll open the doors with my Card 3. You can trail me. Snake Chris. Chris What? Snake You're going to be OK? Chris Don't worry. With this outfit on, no one will spot me. Snake That's not what I meant. Chris ........I know....thanks. Ladies first. [The screen follows Chris as she leaves the room. Afterward, Campbell reminds the player of the new objective.] Campbell Snake, rescue James Harks, the chief of [the] Metal Gear development team. Harks is held in the barracks to the north of the watchtower you're in. First, follow Sergeant Jenner's lead and get to the north side of the tower. [The player has followed Chris through the building. Chris leads Snake outside.] Chris The barracks where Harks is kept is to the northeast of here. Snake Got it. I'll have to head east from here and I'll be OK. What about you? Chris I'll check out the power plant. Snake The power plant? Chris It supplies all the power for this fortress. But there's something strange going on. Snake Like what? Chris It's an important installation, sure, but there's too much traffic. I'm going to take a look, see what's up. Could be Metal Gear.... Snake Chris.... Chris I'll be all right. Don't worry. You watch your back, Snake. [Chris goes offscreen and then Campbell calls.] Campbell Snake, leave the plant to Jenner and head for the barracks. Head northeast [and] you're there. 04b Slasher Hawk [The player has navigated a maze of bushes to unlock a door. Snake runs through and into an open area.] ??? Solid Snake! Snake Who's there? [Snake moves north and faces a man standing on a cliff ledge. An illustration of the muscular, bare-chested man appears. A hawk is perched on his arm.] Hawk I am Slasher Hawk.... Snake One of the mercenaries that decimated Delta Force? Hawk That's right - a boring little cleanup job. Snake How do you know my name? Hawk Your reputation precedes you. Solid Snake - it's a very special name to us, the Black Chamber. Snake Black Chamber? Hawk Unlike the pawns here, we have no interest in the General's ideals or bid for independence. But let me tell you this. Black Chamber, not Fox-Hound, is the world's best Special Force unit! And I'll prove it with your dead body! [The gameplay screen appears. Hawk's hawk flies around.] Hawk Take this! [Hawk throws a boomerang at Snake, who dodges it.] Snake A boomerang? Hawk That's an overused white man's name. My people call it wilgi. This is a weapon of proud lineage - and it's your guide into the afterlife.... Outer Heaven is what you're remembered for, and Outer Heaven is where you'll be buried! Start digging! [The player has taken off half of Hawk's life bar.] Hawk This hawk is my totem, and my protector. As long as it flies, I will fight! Go! 05a Search for Harks [The player has beaten Hawk. Snake walks up to Hawk, who is lying on his back. The screen shows their silhouettes.] Snake Hawk, why me? Hawk You.... all of you.... took away my family.... Snake What are you talking about?? Hawk I grew up....in Australia, with the people you call Aborigines....But that's not what I was born as....I was abandoned. [My adopted] parents took me in, raised me against the elders' opposition....So cold.... Everyone was always so cold to me....I'd go where the talking and laughter was, and they'd scatter, leave me with the ashes....I tried.... I observed the customs, the taboos, more than anyone else. I tried to win their acceptance....But when my parents died, they turned me out.... wouldn't let me be one of them.... Snake ........ Hawk From then on, I drifted all over the world....And everywhere I went, I was an outsider....no one accepted me. But Viper was diferent. He took me in, accepted me into the Black Chamber....It was my home....You! All of you.... Snake What? Hawk I'll be dead, but Viper.... I know that Viper will avenge me....Taste it.... our bitternes - our grief.... Snake ? Hawk No funeral pyres, Snake....It's forbidden....This hawk....will carry my spirit home....Yes....Finally.... going home....Will they....let me in this time....? [The gameplay screen appears. Hawk's hawk circles around his body and flies away. Snake runs to enter the barracks. Campbell calls to remind the player of the current objective.] Campbell James Harks, the chief of Metal Gear development, is held somewhere in here. Find him! 05b Jimmy [The player has found a cell on the first floor of the barracks. A person can be seen behind bars.] ??? Hey! You don't look like one of those goons. Get me out of here? Or do you want me to yell for the guard? [Snake walks up the bars.] Snake You a hostage? ??? Yeah. They're like complete losers. At first, I got to do whatever I wanted, then once Metal Gear neared completion, I got thrown into this dump.... Snake ....You're James Harks? Jimmy You can call me Jimmy - if you're gonna get me out of here. Snake They let a kid lead the Metal Gear development.... Jimmy Oh yeah? I may be half your age, but I'm twice as smart as you, buddy. Snake I'm not that old. Jimmy Really? You look it, man. Who're you anyway? Snake Does it matter? I'm the guy sent to get you and destroy Metal Gear, and that's all you need to know. Jimmy Whatever, Lone Ranger. You with the U.S. military? Snake I'm not with any military. Jimmy What, then? Snake Just a misfit. Jimmy What the hell kind of answer is that? Who cares, as long as you get me out. Come on, I'm sick of this place. Snake There's no way past these bars. Any other way into this room? Jimmy No, but.... Snake But what? Jimmy I tapped on the walls and the east one sounds different. It may be thinner than the other ones. Snake The east wall, huh. OK, I'll get a hold of some explosives and try blowing through it. [The player has used C4 to blow up the east wall of Jimmy's cell. Snake enters the cell.] Jimmy That took a while. Are you really as great as you say you are? 06a Barracks Blackout [An illustration of Snake and Jimmy appears. Jimmy is chubby and about a head shorter than Snake.] Jimmy OK, get me out of this hole. Snake Not so fast. First, tell me about Metal Gear. Jimmy I thought you were going to help me! Snake Talk first. Jimmy Well, that's just great. Snake I can always leave you here. Are you going to give me answers? Jimmy All right, all right. Ask away, will you? Snake Where is Metal Gear, first of all? Jimmy In the maintenance base, to the north of the 1st- floor northwest exit of this barrack. Snake Ok - first-floor northwest exit of this building, then north. Metal Gear's operational? [The screen shows a birds-eye-view of the maintenance base and then fades to black.] Jimmy The assembly's done; that's why I got locked up. They're probably adjusting the power net now. Snake It's really nuclear-capable? Jimmy Yep. The South American trip was supposed to be for practical exercises. Brought real nuclear warheads along. Snake That's crazy. How could you permitted to take a nuke out of the country? Jimmy Parker, the Army Chief of Staff, is a big fan of the project. Snake The Army's top brass. Jimmy Yeah. So we got all the funding we wanted, and the project moved pretty quickly. [Snake and Jimmy reappear.] Snake Why so much effort? What were they planning to do with Metal Gear? Jimmy 'Project Babel.' Snake What is it? Jimmy It's some project of Parker's. That's what Metal Gear's supposed to be for. Snake What is it? Jimmy I don't know the details. They wouldn't tell me. Not like I care; I just want to be where I can make the best use of my talents. Snake You make weapons of war that can kill millions of people. Look what's happening right now.... Jimmy That's to do with people who use them, not with me, not with Metal Gear itself. I don't care what anyone says; Metal Gear is a masterpiece, the product of every technical genius I possess. Nobody can build anything so - [The screen goes black.] Snake What is it? Jimmy Power failure - this could be bad.... Snake Why? Jimmy They're going to go nuclear with Metal Gear. Snake What? Jimmy Metal Gear can launch warheads with a rail gun. But the rail gun has an enormous power consumption - Snake - so they're charging the thing up with all the power they can get. Jimmy Yeah. Snake How long till full charge? Jimmy About 30 minutes. Snake 30 minutes to a nuclear strike....! [The Codec screen appears.] Snake Chris, come in. Chris Snake? The power plant just went into overdrive. What the hell.... Snake No time to talk. I found the Metal Gear researcher. I'd like you to take over his protection. Chris OK. But what about you, Snake? Snake I'm going after Metal Gear. Chris Metal Gear? What's going on? Snake There's no time. I'm counting on you. [The gameplay screen appears. The infrared vision effect is shown.] Snake Metal Gear is in the maintenance base to the north of this barrack, right? Jimmy Yeah, but....Wait a sec, what about me? Snake You stay here. Jimmy Hey, weren't you supposed to get me out? Snake Your new Delta Force bodyguard will be along shortly. You'll like her. Jimmy What am I supposed to do alone until then? Snake What are you, a kid? Jimmy Okay, okay. Man, you really need to work on your people skills. [Snake leaves the cell. Campbell calls to remind the player again.] Campbell Snake, put a stop to Metal Gear. It seems to be north of where you are. Get to the north of the barracks first. 06b Babysitting [The player has reached the storeroom on the second floor of the barracks. The Codec sreen appears.] Chris Snake, I've got Jimmy. Snake Everything all right? Is Jimmy okay? Chris Yes, he's not injured or anything. He seems to have been keeping out sight well but.... Snake But what? Chris This kid's a real.... pain in the butt.... Jimmy Did you say something? Chris No, nothing. Jimmy Liar. I heard you. You're the one who's a pain, telling me what to do all the time. Who do you think you are, my mom? Chris I wouldn't want to be your mom even if someone paid me to do it. Jimmy 'Scuse me? Chris Nothing. Look, I'm in the middle of a conversation, do you mind shutting up? Jimmy Shut up yourself. You've got a real attitude problem, you know that? It's just going to make things more difficult for you as a woman in the military. Chris Muzzle it! You shut up when I tell you to shut up!....Sorry, Snake. Snake Glad to hear you two are getting along. Chris Hah. I never thought I'd be babysitting again, especially under fire.... But I guess it's like riding a bike. Snake That's what I'm counting on. [The Codec screen disappears.] 06c Marionette Owl [The player has found a room hidden on the first floor of the barracks. Snake runs north into the room that is pitch black.] ??? Welcome to the darkness, Solid Snake!! Snake Who's there? [The colours return to normal. Snake is faced with three figures. The one in the middle has red hair and a dark suit. The other two are wearing Japanese kimonos; they are actually life-sized dolls.] ??? I see you've put your nightsights on. [An illustration of an effeminate-looking man appears. He is wearing shades.] ??? I can see you fine without depending on those toys. My night vision is as good as an owl's. The face of my prey in the dark, overcome with terror and pain - no machine should contaminate a moment of such exquisite pleasure.... Snake Are you one of this Black Chamber group? ??? Of course. I am called Marionette Owl. My flair for nocturnal combat has no equal, even among the Black Chamber. The party is about to begin - but you won't be making it. You'll die here in the darkness! [The gameplay screen reappears.] Owl Let me introduce you to my partners. This is Osan, and Kohal. Snake I've no time for you or your dolls. Owl A doll is an approximation of the human form. And a good doll is endowed with a soul. What nice lines your clavicles have, Snake. Not a bad heft to your femurs either. When you're dead, Kohal will have those. Time to die! 07a Nuclear Launch [The player has beaten Owl. Snake walks up to him. A drawing of Owl on his back appears.] Owl Snake.... do you know what madness tastes like? When I was 12....Laura was murdered....by some madman, a psycho....And I was the one [who] found her....Scattered - all over the field. Laura's white hands, thighs, dark entrails....That image was burned into the back of my eyes- even now, in my sleep every night....In that moment....something snapped inside me. Taken over by a strange compulsion....And soon, I found myself called a serial killer too....I loved those women, I really did....That's why I had to kill them, there was nothing else to be done....Can you understand that? Snake Like hell I can. Owl I thought not. But Viper was different. Viper took me in when I was cornered by the FBI [Federal Bureau of Investigation]. He forgave me [for] my sins....Black Chamber gave me a way to sate the mad hunger in my mind. I became the perfect assassin....But two years ago - you cowards betrayed us, and laced my madness with lust for vengeance. There will be no absolution for you.... Snake For what? Owl Heh, heh, heh. Viper - he lost his left arm in that hell, but he won't use his prosthetics, not usually. Do you know why? Snake No. Owl Because every time he looks at the stump, he can remember his lost comrades and vow vengeance on 'Anonymous' all over again.... Snake 'Anonymous'!? Owl Ha, ha, ha- His madness surpasses even my own....And that's why I can believe it....My sight is fading....No more dreams of that field.... Ah - Laura! Over here, I'm - No....! NO! Please, you can't!!! Snake Looks like the gates of Heaven are closed to you.... [The gameplay screen appears. Snakes leaves the room and the building. Outside, he gets a call from Campbell.] Campbell Snake! Hurry! Metal Gear is in the launch phase. Mei Ling I ran a satellite check. Metal Gear is already above ground. Campbell Metal Gear is to the north -- Just keep going north. There's no time left! Go! [The player has made it north through a minefield. Snake enters an open area where a couple of missiles explode nearby.] ??? Snake! You won't get past this point! Snake Who are you? [The screens scrolls up to show an armed helicopter.] ??? It's finally time - to send you all into hell.... Snake You must be Viper. Viper Pleasure to see you, Solid Snake. [Snake dodges Viper's burst of machine gun fire.] Viper Retribution begins now. Stand and watch the show, Snake. [The screen turns black.] Campbell Snake! Metal Gear! [An illustration of Metal Gear appears. Its left rail gun charges up; electric currents can be seen before it fires a projectile. The silhouettes of three people watching the launch give a sense of the Metal Gear's great size. Snake and the helicopter reappear.] Snake Christ - Viper Ha, ha, ha[.] This is just the beginning. It's payback time! [Viper flies offscren and the shadow of his helicopter can be seen.] Viper We'll met again, Solid Snake. The next time, you die. [The screen shows artillery cannons firing from various positions on a cliff. According to Weasel, they are probably 155mm Light Tow Howitzers. Their shells land near Snake. The Codec screen appears.] Campbell Watch out, Snake! Firing ahead! Mei Ling There's an artillery unit to the north, just this side of the maintenance base. They're firing like crazy. Get out of there now! Snake But Metal Gear- Campbell Get out there, Snake! There's no way through that barrage! Snake But -! Campbell Snake! Metal Gear's already fired a nuke. We can't afford to lose you as well! Snake Damn it.... Campbell Go back the way you came. Now isn't the time to go in! [The gameplay screen appears.] Mei Ling Look at your radar. I've modified it to display the artillery impact points. Campbell Snake, avoid the artillery fire and go south! 08a Terrorist Ultimatum [The player has backtracked through the minefield while dodging the artillery barrage. Snake runs through a gate and gets a call from Campbell. The Codec screen appears.] Campbell Snake, the warhead launched by Metal Gear just impacted on mainland U.S. Snake Casualties? Campbell None. Snake What? Campbell It was a fake. The coordinates were set to an unpopulated area - a nuclear testing site in Nevada. Snake What kind of a sick.... McBride All the same, there's a huge crater at the site. We need to get a cover story to the press. Metal Gear's existence cannot be made public. Weasel That appears to be the CIA's forte, after all. McBride Certainly. But it won't be easy. Constructing a plausible denial for the masses requires preparations. Campbell Snake, GLF transmitted a message to the American president just after the impact. I'm sending it to you as well. [The screen goes black. In the upper left corner a timer counts down. Then an image of the terrorist leader appears. He is sitting at a desk. To his left, a woman stands with her hands behind her back.] 'General' Hello, Mr. President. Did you like my present. I'm sure you did - it is, after all, made in the U.S.A. No doubt you know the gist of my message. Withdraw the U.N. troops from Gindra immediately, and recognize our sovereignty. With U.S. backing, the motion will face no delays at the U.N. Security Council. You can save face, and millions of lives - voting lives. Not a bad deal, I think? But I'll set a deadline just to save you the procrastinating as well. 3 hours. If our demands are not met within 3 hours, a real nuclear warhead will be launched. The target will be.... hmm, New York City....? Or Los Angeles....Or perhaps Washington D.C. We'll see how I feel at the time. I expect glad tidings soon. [The Codec screen reappears.] Campbell Of course the U.S. Government will make no concessions. McBride Certainly not. We don't negotiate with terrorists. Campbell But we can't get to Metal Gear.... Snake He may not look it, but Jimmy did head the unit's development; he may know how to stop the strike. Campbell Get him on the Codec. Snake Chris. Chris What? Snake? Snake Is Jimmy there? Chris He is, but.... Snake Put him on. Chris Oh.... okay. Jimmy What. Snake Jimmy, how do we prevent Metal Gear from launching? Jimmy Well, like I said before, the rail gun uses a lot of power. So.... Snake With no power, the gun is useless? Jimmy Yeah. Chris Snake, you can destroy that power plant! Jimmy Yeah, but what about Metal Gear's - [Jimmy's Codec portrait disappears] Jeez! Snake What is it? What's going on! ........ Snake Jimmy! Chris!! Respond! Campbell What's happening over there! Snake I don't know. But I heard gunshots. Campbell Were they attacked? Mei Ling We have to help them! McBride No, the power plant has to be destroyed first. Mei Ling Mr. McBride! McBride They're about to strike. Millions of civilian American lives are at risk. Snake, your mission is to destroy Metal Gear. Don't let your emotions lead you astray. Every operation has its casualties. Mei Ling Snake.... Weasel What's it going to be? Snake I'm - going for the plant. Mei Ling Snake! Snake But I'm not abandoning Chris and Jimmy. First, the plant, then I'll find them. I don't allow casualties. Mei Ling Snake.... Weasel God, you're soft. It's a wonder you managed to live so long. McBride Don't forget. Preventing the nuclear strike is your first priority. Campbell Go, Snake. Take out the power plant and stop the launch. [The player has entered the power plant.] Campbell Snake, destroy the power plant's main turbine. It's located in the B1 floor of the plant. 08b More Bad News [The player approaches an electrified floor when Chris calls. The Codec screen appears.] Chris Snake, can you hear me? Snake Chris? What happened back there? Chris They took us by surprise.... Snake What about Jimmy? Is he OK? Chris ....... Snake Chris? Chris Jimmy was....captured. Snake What? Chris I saw a chance and ran, but Jimmy.... Snake Chris.... Chris Just myself....again. Snake Chris, don't blame yourself. Chris But.... Snake Better that you're safe than neither of you. Chris I'm so useless....I was supposed to have protected him.... Snake Chris.... Chris I wish I were the one taken. I can't do anything right.... Snake ....Chris, you were in the power plant, weren't you? Chris What? Oh.... yes. Snake Tell me how I get in. Chris Sections of the floor area are electrified and can't be crossed. But there is a control panel for the floor's electrical grid. If you take that out, you should have no problems getting through. As long as you use some weapon with a long range, like the Nikita missiles. Snake Got it - use Nikita missiles to go after the power array. You've been in the plant once. I'd like you to give me backup with what you know. Chris But.... Snake I could use your help. Chris ........ Snake They need to keep Metal Gear in [an] operational state, so they can't afford to kill Jimmy yet. I'll get him out before they can [kill him]. Chris Snake.... Snake I'm asking you to trust me. Chris Okay. Anything you need to know about the plant, just ask. Snake.... ....thank you. 08c Pyro Bison [The player has moved throughout the power plant and entered a warehouse area. Snake dodges some incoming flames.] Snake A flame thrower? [The screen scrolls up to show a man with a flame thrower. Then an illustration of of the man appears. He is bulky and has burns on his arms and face. On his back are two fuel tanks.] ??? Beautiful, isn't it? I use specially blended fuel; my flames burn more purely, and more fiercely, than any other. Snake Are you in Black Chamber too? ??? I am Pyro Bison! This is our last day in your shadow. Snake Shadow? Bison Yes - but you wouldn't know, would you? How much blood was shed to purchase your glory....? Snake, you're no 'Legend' - you're a sinner. And you will make your reparations now! The price for your sins is your life! [The gameplay screen appears.] Bison Every human being burns differently; did you know that? The way the skin scorches, the fat burns, the innards char - changes from person to person. And you see there the burdens of their sin....I wonder how you'll burn? I'll know soon enough! BURN! 09a Enemy Spy [The player has beaten Bison. Snake walks up to him and an illustration of Bison appears. Smoke is coming from one of Bison's fuel tanks.] Bison ....Snake.... Snake ....I know that I'm a sinner without you having to tell me. But.... why 'shadow'? Bison All right. You'll learn what your sins really are.... [Silhouettes of the Black Chamber members appear.] Bison The Black Chamber, was born in the shadow of Fox-Hound. Snake Go on. Bison [S]even years ago, you destroyed Metal Gear here in Outer Heaven, and put Fox-Hound in the headlines. Everyone in the world knew the name 'Solid Snake'....and so you became the 'Legend.' Snake ........ Bison But Fox-Hound got too famous. Since Outer Heaven, its every move was watched by intelligence organizations everywhere. Truly covert operations became impossible. So Black Chamber was created. We took over every covert ops that had been Fox-Hound's - assassination of anti-American foreign leaders, removal of domestic civilians engaged in anti-establishment activities, intervention in strifes and civil wars that affect American interest....doing the dirty work in the dark, on and on in the shadow of the great 'Legend'.... [The drawing of Bison reappears.] Snake I never wanted to be called the 'Legend.' Bison Liar! Ask yourself why you volunteered for difficult missions, why you're here right now! You've killed [the player's kill count is shown here] people here already. Of course you want to be the 'Legend;' deep inside, you want the glory. And you keep killing for it, because it's the only thing you're good at. Snake ........ Bison I've got more good news for you, my pathetic friend. There's one of us among your trusted rank. Snake What? Bison Heh, heh, heh. Didn't you think it was strange that we knew about you coming? That we were waiting for you every step of the way? Snake But.... Bison When you were talking to each other, you were talking to us. Snake But, that's not possible.... Bison Yes, Snake....Suspect. Suspect everything, everyone, and die without knowing. Your doubts and suffering, your hatred, is the best tribute to my fallen comrades. Two years since the trap closed....only five of us left, the rest of Black Chamber dead at traitors' hands. Snake Five? Bison This is planned payback: to Fox-Hound, to you, to 'Anonymous.' GLF are just pawns in our greater scheme. Viper will take care of the rest - I can die in peace. But I don't need your help. [The gameplay screen appears.] Bison Fire....gentle fire....it cleanses all things alike....it is the great equalizer....of both the sinful and the innocent....That's where I'll die....in the heart of the fire.... [Bison sets himself on fire.] The heat! This is what I've been looking for -! I'm burning!!!! Oh God, yes! [Bison disappears in the flames. The Codec screen appears.] Snake Colonel. Campbell I heard Snake. Don't let the enemy get to you. There is no way a spy could be among us. Weasel Wanna bet? Campbell What did you say? Weasel There are too many weird things about this mission, including this committee. McBride What the hell are you saying? Weasel Take you, for example. Why is the CIA butting into an Army operation? And you're a little too full of advice, eh? Campbell Weasel, stop this. Weasel You too, Campbell. Aren't you retired? What the hell are you doing here? Campbell That's because - Weasel And you know something about Black Chamber that you're not telling us. Am I right? Campbell ........ Weasel Cat got your tongue? Right to remain silent, eh? Mei Ling Stop it! Weasel Hey, sweetheart, you're no exception. I don't care what kind of hot shot techie you are. A grad student on a classified mission - that's weird. Mei Ling You....! McBride Well, are you any better? Weasel What'd you mean? McBride You think I don't know? Five years ago in that war? Your own brother and - Weasel What's it to you? McBride I'm just saying that you can't be trusted. Weasel Good! It's no compliment to have your trust. Campbell Enough of this! There is no spy. This is an enemy tactic to confuse and divide us. Snake, just think about preventing that nuclear strike. Take out the power plant. Snake.... you have to trust me. Snake I'd like to.... 09b Power Plant Sabotage [The gameplay screen reappears. Snake leaves the warehouse area and then Campbell reminds the player about the current objective.] Campbell Destroy the plant's main turbine. It should be on floor B1. Hurry! [The Codec screen appears.] Chris The power plant's main turbine is on floor B1. Use the elevator to get down there. [The player has found the main turbine in the power plant's basement.] Campbell Snake, how is it going? Snake Bad, [C]olonel. The perimeter of the main turbine is secured with electrified flooring. I can't get close to it. Campbell Damn.... we have no choice but to take out the plant itself. Snake, take the power plant out. Set C4 explosives on four key points to destroy the structure. You should see four columns clustered around the main turbine. There are a total of four points on the columns where the corners are missing. They are the weak points in the plant's structural integrity. If you blow up all of them with C4 explosives, the plant should be destroyed. Don't waste any C4 on incorrect locations. There are only so many that can be set. Snake All right. Campbell There are a total of four points on the columns around the main turbine where the corners are missing. Plant a C4 on every single one! [The player has set C4 on the four columns with missing corners. The Codec screen appears.] Snake Colonel, all the C4 is set. Campbell Good work. But if you detonate them now, your own life will be at risk. Leave your present location and detonate the C4 once you are out of the plant. [The player starts to leave when the Codec screen reappears.] Mei Ling Snake, we've got problems! Metal Gear is out on the surface again. Campbell They're planning to go nuclear right now. There's no time left. Snake.... Snake I know. Light the fuse, now. Mei Ling What!? But if you do that --? Snake Don't worry. Bombs have a way of making me run faster. Campbell Sorry, Snake. Ordering you to take a risk like this.... Snake Forget about it. I'm used to it. Campbell Snake, once the C4 blows, the whole structure will begin collapsing. When the countdown displayed on the radar goes to zero, the plant will cease to exist. You must reach the exit before then! 10a Traitor [The player has escape the burning power plant. The Codec screen appears.] Snake Colonel, I've neutralized the plant. Campbell Good work, Snake. They should be incapable of a nuclear strike now. McBride You need to destroy Metal Gear next. 4 F-22's have just taken off from one of our African allies' base to strike the artillery unit with cruise missiles. Campbell Snake, as soon the artillery is silenced, infiltrate the base and destroy Metal Gear. Snake Understood. Mei Ling Snake.... What about Jimmy? Snake No leads so far. Mei Ling Oh.... Snake But I will get him. Mei Ling I know. Campbell Wait, Snake! Snake What is it? Campbell A message just came in from GLF. From the 'General.' I'll forward it to you. [The screen turns black. A timer counts down and then shows the General sitting at his desk. His female lieutenant is shown again as well.] 'General' Mr. President, you may be rejoicing over the destruction of the power plant by your faithful dog, but I assure you that you celebrate in vain. The warhead can be launched without the rail gun. I am very disappointed by the insincerity of your methods. I could opt for immediate reprisal, but I pride myself on being a gentleman. I shall abide my original decision. I say it once more. Withdraw the peacekeepers, and recognize our independence. If I do not hear from you within 1 hour, the U.S. will find itself under nuclear attack. Would you risk all for foolish pride? Don't underestimate my resolve.... [The Codec screen reappears.] Snake A nuclear strike without the rail gun? How? McBride Metal Gear's development was a classified Army project. Even the CIA is not aware of all the details. Weasel In other words, you know jack. Campbell Snake, head for the maintenance base. The only option now is to destroy Metal Gear itself. Snake Looks like it. [The gameplay screen appears. Snake runs outside and finds Jimmy looking at a soldier who is on the ground.] Snake Jimmy? Jimmy Snake.... [Snake runs up to Jimmy. An illustration of Snake and Jimmy appears.] Jimmy Snake.... Snake Jimmy! You were safe? Jimmy Yeah.... I got captured, but this guy was in the same cell....he got us out when the guards left after that explosion.... [Jimmy looks at the player. The screen scrolls down to show the silhouette of Jimmy's fellow prisoner.] Jimmy B-but he took a bullet shielding me and.... Snake Who was he? Jimmy Lieutenant Smith of Delta Force.... Snake I thought Chris was the sole survivor? [The screen scrolls up to Snake and Jimmy.] Jimmy She wasn't. Snake What do you mean? Jimmy I don't know. But the lieutenant said Chris wasn't even there when Black Chamber wiped out Delta Force.... Snake ....Christ.... Jimmy Anyway, that's what he said. Maybe she's one of - Snake Don't be ridiculous!! Jimmy I can't stand this anymore. I thought she was like nice....You can't trust anyone or anything here....You don't know what to believe anymore....Metal Gear was a mistake too. Everyone else I worked on that thing with was murdered. We were all OK yesterday, and just now, I saw their dead....How could that....I want to go home and start over....this time, make something good, to make up for what I've done....It's still OK, isn't [it]? I can still start over, can't I? Snake ....Yeah. As long as you've got the will, you can always start over. It's never too late. Jimmy That's true.... Snake Listen, I destroyed the power plant. Can they still launch a warhead? Jimmy Yeah.... that made the rail gun useless, but besides that, Metal Gear can - Aaaaarrrrgghhhhh [Jimmy's handcuffs flash and the screen turns white.] Snake The handcuffs exploded! Jimmy Snake.... God.... why.... I thought I could.... start over....Is it.... all over....? Snake Jimmy. Jimmy ....Snake....I wanna go home.... Snake Jimmy.... [The Codec screen appears.] Weasel Viper's work, most likely. Boobytraps and explosives are his specialty....probably had a mic in the cuffs too, was listening in. Campbell He deliberately blew the thing in front of Snake....? Mei Ling Oh God.... Snake Viper.... McBride ....Snake, Bison said there were five of the Black Chamber left. Snake That's right. Campbell Slasher Hawk, Marionette Owl, Pyro Bison, Black Art Viper.... Weasel One unaccounted for. McBride ....Couldn't it be her? Snake What! McBride Look, if Chris is the fifth Black Chamber [member], everything makes sense. The leak, the ambush, what happened to Harks - Snake What the hell are you saying? McBride Snake, calm down and think about this. Snake Shut up! Chris, can you hear me? ........ Snake Chris, come in, Chris! ........ Snake Chris! ........ Snake ........ McBride Looks like that's settled.... Campbell Snake, the F-22's have already left their base and the attack will start any minute. I know this is tough.... but get yourself to the maintenance base. Snake .... Understood. [The gameplay screen appears. Snake enters a grassy area when Campbell calls.] Campbell Snake, the F-22's have entered Gindran air space. [An animated illustration of four F-22 planes appears. Then the screen shows a closeup of a missile being launched.] Campbell Cruise missile launched....now. [The gameplay screen reappears. Four missiles fly over Snake and each one is shown destroying one of the artillery cannons.] Mei Ling Satellite confirmation in. Target destroyed. Campbell Snake, keep going north. Infiltrate the maintenance base and destroy Metal Gear. [The player has gone up the cliff that had been defended by the cannons. Snake finds an armed helicopter at the top; according to Weasel, it is a Mil Mi-28 Havoc. A light-haired woman in a green uniform can be seen boarding the Havoc. She looks like Chris.] Snake Chris? [The player has beaten the pilot. Explosions surround the Havoc and its shadow flies offscreen, but the impact of its crash causes the screen to shake.] 11a Sophie N'dram [Snake runs west and then north to the crash site. The light-haired woman in the green uniform is kneeling by the wreckage.] Snake Chris - no you're not.... Woman Sorry to disappoint you. [The woman stands up. An illustration of her with a gun pointed at the player appears. She now has purple hair and a gray shirt. She is the woman seen in the video messages from the terrorist leader.] Snake You're the - General's second in command? Woman Sophie N'dram at your service, Solid Snake. Don't move. You'd like to live a bit longer, wouldn't you? Snake Put the gun down. Sophie Can the 'Legend' actually be pleading for his life? Snake No. But I don't plan on being killed by you. Sophie My, you're pretty confident. Snake You're all being used. Sophie Are you talking about Black Chamber? No, actually we're the one[s] using them. Snake Oh? Sophie Revenge against Fox-Hound and the U.S. We know their real objective. Snake You know and still -? Sophie Yes. Exploitation in the name of 'justice' and ideals. We have all the aces now. They'll be mad if I kill you here won't they? Snake 'Justice'? Sophie The 'justice' and 'order' being given lip service in your society applies only to that world. Free trade, world order - all the trappings of your private, exclusive ethics that keep bleeding Gindra for the sake of first world prosperity. We finally said no more, and troops were sent in to bar our way. But this time, we will break free of first world meddling. Snake Is that your 'ideal'? Or the General's? Sophie Mine. Snake That's a lie. [The screen flashes white and the silhouettes of Snake and Sophie appear. Sophie is kneeling and Snake, who has disarmed her, is standing with a gun pointed at her head.] Sophie The tables have turned, I see. Snake Will you plead for your life? Sophie No. I'm not afraid to die. Snake For the 'ideal'? Sophie Yes. Snake Why so fervent? Sophie Have you ever been treated like a piece of dirt? Snake ? Sophie My father was French. He met my mother after his firm sent him to Gindra, and I was born. But she was nothing but a little local color to him; when his term was over, he went back to France without giving us a second thought. I was stil just a baby. I went to see him once I was grown, but all he did was give me some money and demand that I never bother him again....I learned that day that neither I nor my country could expect anything better than that from your kind.... Snake ........ Sophie I used the money for university education in Britain, to take the knowledge and the skills back to Gindra. While I was there, the genocide policy went into effect - my mother, an ethnic minority, died at the hands of government soldiers. I flew back to Gindra and joined GLF. Deeds, not words, I thought. But the government was winning, and we were almost gone. That's when he - the General - appeared, and suddenly turned things around. Plentiful funds, new weapons, and most of all, the ideals he brought us. A true independence for our people, a country for ourselves. Everyone saw the future in him - I did too....There was a time when he was everything to me.... Snake Is he still? Sophie ............No......... Let me ask you something. Why did you call me a liar? Snake Your eyes don't have the hardness of someone who lives for that single cause. Sophie ........ Snake Instead, you looked as though you were struggling to hold on.... Sophie ............you are, perhaps, right about that.... [The gameplay screen reappears.] Sophie You won't kill me? Snake Out of ammo. Sophie I know you're lying. Snake You're free to go. Sophie ....Snake, your friend is still alive. Snake Are you talking about Chris? Sophie Yes. Viper's taken her. Go and help her. I know she's waiting for you. Snake I would even if she weren't. Sophie She's a lucky woman. Snake She would have been luckier if she hadn't had anything to do with me. Sophie I doubt that. [Snake heads north and enters the maintenance base. Campbell calls to remind the player about the mission.] Campbell Snake, we're almost out of time. Metal Gear should be further below. Hurry! 11b Black Art Viper [The player has made their way to the 100th floor basement of the maintenance base. Snake enters a room that is filled with pillars.] Viper Welcome, Solid Snake. [Snake runs north and the gameplay screen scrolls up to show a light-haired man in a dark suit.] Snake Viper! [An ilustration of Viper appears. He is wearing a futuristic-looking sneaking suit.] Viper I made a promise to you, and now is the time for you to die. Snake Where's Chris? Viper Patience is a virtue, Snake. You'll see her soon enough. Snake Viper, I know about Black Chamber being Fox-Hound's shadow. But why revenge? What happened two years ago? Viper All right. I'll tell you about it, and having learned what your crimes are, you'll rot in hell....Two years ago, we the Black Chamber were given a top secret mission- [t]he recovery of Metal Gear. Snake ?? Viper Metal Gear's development had been underway for several years at that point, under CIA supervision. A South American terrorist group seized it two years ago, and Black Chamber was sent in. Just as you were this time. Snake ........ Viper We took heavy damage - but succeeded in destroying Metal Gear. But some in the government were afraid. That the fact of Metal Gear's development, the existence of Black Chamber, and above all else, the work we had been doing, would become public knowledge....When we came home, many of the unit missing, the rest wounded, we were met by government- sent assassins - Fox-Hound! [Viper makes a fist with his left hand and shakes it in anger.] Snake What!? Viper My men were cut down unarmed, caught in the trap. Without a chance, without even knowing why, senseless and sudden death - crushed like insects....I can never forget that night. I still don't know who ordered our deaths. The real name appears nowhere on classified records. He is ony referred to as - 'Anonymous.' Snake 'Anonymous'? Viper Those of us who survived vowed vengeance - and I settled here. Outer Heaven, Metal Gear, Project Babel....it all began here....I have waited two years for this moment!! [The gameplay screen reappears.] Viper Now for the happy reunion; I'm sure it was worth the wait. [Viper raises his hand and Chris suddenly appears to his right. She is tied up.] Snake Chris! Chris Snake....I'm sorry.... Viper She's really something. Even let her Delta Force pals die while she got busy destroying evidence of Project Babel. As a reward from Parker, I will let her see the show - of the end of the 'Legend,' the execution of Solid Snake! Snake No, Chris is coming with me - after I take you down. Viper I'm going to enjoy this! C'mon, show what you've got! [Viper raises his hand again and Chris disappears.] Viper Let's finish this! 12a Metal Gear [The player has beaten Viper. The gameplay screen shows Viper kneeling with his head down. Chris is in the room too.] Viper N-no way could....! But it isn't over yet! [Viper falls down. The screen starts to shake and explosions fill the room.] Snake Damn! [Snake runs up to Chris and unties her. They run out of the room. A drawing of Snake and Chris facing each other appears. Chris has her head down.] Snake Chris, are you hurt anywhere? Chris No. I'm....so sorry.... Snake Don't be. Chris I have to be. I've been lying to you.... Snake You mean because you weren't there when your team was wiped out? Chris You knew? Snake Yes? Chris ....I was given orders directly by Parker, the Army Chief of Staff. Snake What kind of mission? Chris The destruction of all data on the Project Babel and Outer Heaven and the....assassination of the General. Snake What? Chris I was told that the information had to be buried for the good of the world. And that the General would have to be [killed] as well before he was arrested and talked.... Snake You believed that? [Chris looks up.] Chris For my country, for the world....what else do I have to believe in? Snake Chris.... Chris And so I.... fell away from the rest of the team....and they....I thought I could find something to cherish....something sure and concrete....But there wasn't anything like that....and instead I lost something that I cherished even more....I was so afraid of losing it again....that I.... just couldn't tell you.... [The gameplay screen reappears.] Chris ....Snake.... Snake Chris, don't just stand there. Find us something fast to escape on. Chris ? Snake So that we can get out of here quickly once I've destroyed Metal Gear. Chris .... You still trust me? Snake .... It's true that you didn't tell me the truth. But I trust you. Chris Why? Snake Because I want to. Chris ........ Snake Do I need any other reason? Chris ....Thank you....I'll find something. I promise. [Snake nods to Chris, turns around, and runs into a hangar area. The player gets another reminder from Campbell.] Campbell Snake, Metal Gear is through there. Hurry! [The player has moved along a long runway. Snake enters an open area. The feet of Metal Gear can be seen.] 'General' I see that the little vendetta has been played out to its conclusion. [An illustration of Metal Gear is shown. The screen scrolls up behind Snake to show the size of Metal Gear. The General's silhouette can be seen on top of it. His portrait overlaps the drawing, which later disappears.] Snake General! 'General' Once a loser, always a loser, eh Snake? The last one standing is the winner. And that would be myself - not you, not Black Chamber and certainly not America. I used them all, you see - Parker, Black Chamber.... Snake What? 'General' Weren't you sent to cover up Outer Heaven and Project Babel - or rather the truth about GLF and the U.S.? Just like that woman? Snake GLF and the U.S.? What truth? 'General' Ha, ha, ha. So you're nothing but a pawn too....just like Viper and his lot. Snake There's a connection between GLF and the States, and Outer Heaven? 'General' Fine. I will tell you all about [it] - if you win. Winner takes it all, loser relinquishes all. That is the way of the world. And you will abide by it, Snake! [The illustration of Metal Gear reappears. Its "eyes" light up to show that it is active. The gameplay screen appears and Campbell calls with advice.] Campbell Snake, Metal Gear must be destroyed! Take out its legs first of all! Hit it hard with mines and C4! [The player has destroyed Metal Gear's legs. The screen turns white.] Mei Ling Metal Gear's down!? Campbell You did it!? Snake No - not yet! [The gameplay screen reappears. Snake is faced with the upper body of Metal Gear. The screen highlights its weak points.] 13a Project Babel [The player has destroyed Metal Gear. Snake walks up to the General who is lying in front of the wreckage. The screen turns black.] 'General' Solid Snake - the name 'Legend' may have been propaganda, but it seems no exaggeration.... [An illustration of the wounded General appears. He is leaning against the apparent wreckage of Metal Gear.] Snake I want the truth. All of it. 'General' .... A winner's privilege. After all, you have the right to know - about Outer Heaven, Metal Gear, Project Babel, and the link between GLF and the U.S....Outer Heaven was a U.S-backed venture that provided mercenaries to its 'clients.' It was a way to unofficially check anti- American forces, and the idea apparently originated with the DDCI [Deputy Director of Central Intelligence] of the time. Snake What? 'General' But the field commander, Big Boss, was a loose cannon that broke out of the program, and Outer Heaven was brought down by you. As a part of a plausible denial of their involvement in Outer Heaven, the government constructed a hero myth, handed you and Fox-Hound to the international media. That is the truth behind your rise to the status of 'Legend.' Snake ........ 'General' Ha, ha, ha. Shocking, isn't it? To learn that your glory was a staged one? Snake .... And the connection between GLF and the U.S.? 'General' Even after Outer Heaven collapsed, the relationship went on, right into Project Babel. The U.S. provided covert support for GLF; I was their field controller. The objective was diminishment of anti-American forces in the African continent. Provoke an ethnic minority in Gindra into a calculated conflict, then involve other neighboring nations. Create a climate of hostility to discourage organized alliance, then send a contingent of U.S-dominated peacekeeping troops for an indefinite stay, where they can exercise control over the entire region. It was a bid to build a new world order in the confusion of the post-Cold War era....a means to establish the U.S. as the sole superpower, a single hegemony over an artificial Babel, manageable chaos....This was Project Babel, the brainchild of Parker, Army Chief of Staff. The return for my services was a lavish reward and guarantee of safety.... [A portait overlapps the drawing; the General holds up a computer disk.] 'General' Take this. This disk contains all the information that ordered that woman soldier, Chris, to destroy. It's all here, proof of what I have just told you, including details of all bank transactions. There is enough dirt here to bring down some of the highest people in the Government. This is like a bomb, ready to explode. [The portrait of the disk disappears.] This too is the winner's privilege. Do with it what you like. Snake You deceived your people all this time? Your followers believe in you. So does Sophie.... 'General' Yes.... Sophie.... I left her.... cruelly too. But still she stayed with me as my lieutenant....But I never saw her smile after that.... Snake ........ 'General' I didn't deceive them. I had no intention of being Parker's henchman in the first place. It was the aid I needed, and with it, I was going to break the bargain and build our country. The end justifies the means, especially when others have faith in the fiction. I only gave them the truth in the guise they wanted. Snake Can a nation built by those means have any value? [The General's eyes light up.] 'General' Ha. Doesn't the world operate on what you call 'those means'? Everyone just pretends otherwise. Justice and ideals are nothing but words, after all.... Snake ........ 'General' Well, well....So this is the way dreams end....well, it is not the worst thing............ [The gameplay screen appears. Snake starts to walk away, but he turns back.] Snake Viper! [A drawing of Viper's silhouette atop Metal Gear appears. Then his portrait is shown.] Viper I told you - it's not over yet. [A portrait of Snake appears opposite of Viper.] Snake Viper! Still.... Viper Thanks for saving me the trouble of removing the General. He controlled Metal Gear to the end. And I had the pleasure of listening to your conversation. And so finally, I know the identity of 'Anonymous.' It was worth the trouble of leading you all the way out here. Snake You? Viper This was all a ploy to bring 'Anonymous' out into the open. Seizure of Metal Gear, leading you and Campbell out here to Outer Heaven - all part of the plan. Snake What does the colonel have to do with this? Viper You don't know what he did? Your dear friend Roy Campbell was in command of Fox-Hound that night two years ago. Snake The Colonel! Viper I figured that when Metal Gear's history repeated itself and you and Campbell were pulled into the fray, 'Anonymous' would have to get involved. Two years I have waited for this moment. Two long years! Snake Damn it! The decision to call Campbell in and to send me was made at the highest level. How.... Viper Could I have been involved in that process? This is how.... [The Codec screen appears.] Campbell Snake! We have a problem. The fifth Black Chamber [Campbell's Codec portrait disappears] .... wha...., hey.... ........ Snake Colonel, what's going on! ??? The fifth Black Chamber [member] was right here. Snake Who is this! McBride!! McBride Surprised, Snake....? After I survived two years ago, I parted from the others and slipped into your side. I changed everything - my face, name, past - to gather information for our cause. Everything I did was for this moment.... Do it, Viper! This is it! [The portraits of Viper and Snake reappear.] Viper You may forget or refuse to acknowledge it, but our hell goes on. And it will go on until we destroy all of you, not just 'Anonymous'! [A portrait shows a closeup of part of Metal Gear.] Snake What did you just do? Viper The bolts of vengeance - preparing for nuclear strike. Snake How can that be? Metal Gear was destroyed! Viper You are a fool. Did you think Metal Gear was just an armored transport for a nuclear payload? Snake What? Viper The nature of this beast is an integrated launch system with real-time relay control of seven armed satellites, all with nuclear capability. The rail gun is just a cherry on top. Snake Armed satellites? Nuclear strike from planetary orbit? Viper That's right. Able to strike any point on Earth without relying on ICBM's [intercontinental ballistic missiles], and impossible to defend against. Snake You're going to murder millions of innocent people for you personal vengeance? Viper Innocent? Grazing on spoon-fed 'Justice' and 'Order,' content to ignore what goes on behind the fine words? Their crime is equal to that of - 'Anonymous' - no, their complacency is what makes 'Anonymous' possible! This strike is for my murdered comrades. But that won't be the end. This is a declaration of war against 'Anonymous'!! [The gameplay screen appears. Snake and Viper are facing each other.] Viper I've just activated the elevator. Once Metal Gear is out on the surface, its signals will be transmitted and those seven satellites will enter attack mode. In 90 seconds [the time limit presumably depends on the difficulty level]! Snake I WILL stop you! Viper Okay Snake. Give it your best shot! This is your last fight! Come on! [Viper holds up his hand and the screen flashes. He has disappeared and a countdown timer has replaced the player's radar.] Viper Do you think that I fight dirty? I use any means I see fit to carry out our revenge. [Viper says something after every hit he takes.] We will have our vengeance, no matter what! I won't be beaten! I owe that much to my fallen comrades!! Victory is ours in [the timer's diplay appears here] seconds! My every move is a testament to my comrades' lives! You have no idea of how much greater my cause is! I will see retribution! Even if I have to crawl to deliver it! I've lived for nothing else till now! 13b The Conspiracy [The player has beaten Viper. The screen turns black.] Snake I've shut the controls down. There's no way to launch now............ ....I'm out.... [The gameplay screen appears. The early morning light fills the elevator platform where Snake and Viper have been fighting. Viper is kneeling with his head down.] Viper How could I....be beaten by you....Snake.... how do you do it? How do you keep....fighting?....living?....For what?....whom?....In the name of what cause....?........It's over....My comrades....I didn't do right by your all.... [Viper collapses face-down.] Snake Viper.... [Sophie enters the scene. For some reason she has light hair and a green uniform again.] Sophie Snake. Snake It's you. [Snake walks over to Sophie.] Snake The General.... Sophie I heard. All of it. Including the part about GLF and the U.S.... Snake ....I see....What will you do now? Sophie Stay here. Snake With GLF? Sophie Yes.... Snake Continue the General's work? Sophie Right now, I dont' even know whether I loved him, or hated him....I just....couldn't leave his side. Snake ........ Sophie His ideals may have been faked, but they weren't empty. That's what I think. And there are many here still who believe that too. We'll work together to build a country of our own, for ourselves. This time, with real ideals. [Chris enters the scene. Her sprite model looks like Sophie's except for her slightly different hair colour.] Chris Snake! [The screen scrolls over to show a jeep beside Chris.] Sophie It's her. Don't keep her waiting. Snake I won't. [Snake walks toward Chris, stops, and turns toward Sophie.] .... He called your name, you know. At the end. Sophie ........Did he.... [Snake walks in front of Chris. An illustration of them appears.] Chris Snake! I got us a jeep. Snake Good work. Chris Is it over? Snake Yes....it's all over. Chris Is it....? [Chris looks in the direction of Sophie.] What about her? Snake She's strong. And she'll become even stronger.... Chris ....You don't have to go? With her....? Snake To GLF? Why? Chris Nothing. Really. Let's get out of here. Snake Right....Wait there's the Codec. [The Codec screen appears.] Campbell Snake! Snake Colonel! Everything all right? Weasel Yeah. I put a bullet in McBride. Snake You? Campbell Snake, I owe you an apology....It's true that I was in charge of Black Chamber's termination. We were told that there was a terrorist group coming in. Secret liquidation on a dark night....Only when it was all over was I told that the target had been one of our own, an American unit.... Snake Was that the reason for our retirement? Campbell Yes....I lived with the guilt these two years. But when they hijacked Metal Gear, I was called in by NSA [National Security Agency?] chief Steve Gardner, the mission controller.... Snake So you took the job to confront the past? Campbell A job which was offered to me with the alternative of making the incident public. Along with evidence that it was I who planned the thing. Snake Blackmail, huh? But.... how would Gardner know about that? Campbell Probably dug it up somewhere. He is a former CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] Director.... Snake Former DCI [Director of Central Intelligence]? Don't tell me....seven years ago, during the Outer Heaven incident, who was the DDCI? Weasel Now you've got it. Gardner was the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence all right. Snake Weasel? Weasel He was the one who organized Outer Heaven and the development of Metal Gear. Metal Gear used to be under CIA control, like Viper said. Gardner was also the one who salvaged the Metal Gear you totalled from Outer Heaven and continued the development program. In other words, Project Babel was actually his idea. But two years ago, Metal Gear was seized by foreign terrorists and as a result, the control of the weapon, and the leadership of Project Babel, was transferred away to Parker and the Army. And Gardner had Black Chamber erased to ensure their silence. Campbell Gardner is 'Anonymous'? Snake Weasel, you're not.... Weasel Under Gardner's direct command? You guessed it, Snake. Campbell What! Weasel And another thing; Gardner knew who McBride was from the beginning. Campbell What? Weasel Well, it was Gardner who leaked the intel about Metal Gear to McBride - and Black Chamber - to begin with. Campbell For what purpose? Snake I see it....Gardner was setting Parker up.... Weasel Right. If GLF seizes Metal Gear and goes out of control, the blame will land on Parker with his longtime aid to GLF. And Metal Gear and Project Babel will return happily ever after to Gardner's arms.... Campbell Could he possibly have engineered Back Chamber's contact with GLF? Weasel I don't know, but it could be.... Campbell That Gardner planned this whole thing? Just to regain Metal Gear and Project Babel.... Mei Ling Oh God.... Snake ....Weasel, if you're under orders from Gardner, don't you have another job to carry out? To kill us all once the mission has succeeded? Weasel Sharp, Snake. That's exactly right. Snake So that's the real reason a mercenary of your standing wasn't sent on [sic]the field. Weasel Right again. I'm about the ony person can take on the 'Legend.' Campbell Weasel.... you're going to kill us? Weasel Like I said, it's a policy of mine to earn my keep. Mei Ling How can you.... Weasel ....So I'd like to say, but unfortunately, I kind of like you people. Especially your bleeding heart ways. Totally wrong for a combat situation, you know. It's been a while since I met people like you. Campbell Weasel? Weasel Get out of here. I'll feed some story to Gardner. Probably get only half my pay for letting you escape, but who cares. Campbell Are you going to be all right? You could be in danger! Weasel I know how to take care of myself, don't you worry. Campbell ....Thank you, Weasel. I'll repay the debt someday. Weasel I won't be counting on it. If I could live the way you people do, maybe I wouldn't have had to let my brother die.... [The illustration of Snake and Chris reappears.] Snake The colonel and the rest are all right. Chris Good. Snake Let's go. [An animated ilustration shows Snake and Chris' jeep travelling on a bumpy road. The sun has risen over the mountains in the distance.] Chris I had nothing around me that I could believe in. Not my parents, not anyone else....That's why I joined the Army. It gave me a sense of right and wrong, of justice, and purpose....But that wasn't the right way. Beliefs can't be borrowed - they have to be looked for, and thought about, by yourself. I have to face myself and start searching. And I will find it. Snake That's good. Chris But.... if possible.... maybe I could make that search with you at my side....? Snake ............yeah. I'd like that too. Chris Really? Snake Really........I came to Outer Heaven to settle a score with the past. That was what I thought. But that wasn't the truth....I realized that when I met you. What I really wanted was death. What I wanted, after everything had been decided, was for someone to take my life. I must have been afraid -- of seeing what was left standing, of myself as I really was.... Chris Is that -- how you still feel? Snake No, I think I want to live. Accept myself--forgive myself....Life is worth living, even if it hurts you, even if you hurt in it. You taught me that.....You were my salvation. Chris Snake.... Snake That's why -- I've decided to go back. Chris Back? To the [United] States!? Snake Uh-huh. Chris Don't! There's no way they'll let you go. They'll be waiting for you....and it's probably Fox-Hound! Snake I know that. But I have to go back. Chris Why!? Snake To understand. Why we had to fight this fight, what it was that I did.... and who Solid Snake was. I'm going to confront the faceless men who play chess with people's lives and hearts in the shadows, so that I can understand. And they will confess. Every conspiracy they wove, every victim left on the trail of their private gain, everything....It's the only thing I can do for the casualties of their -- and my -- dirty war.... Chris ....Snake.... Snake Unless I do that, there'll be no forgiveness, and nothing to find for me. Chris ........ Snake Don't worry. I'm going back so that I can live. When I've made them pay, I'll be back.............Will you wait for me....? Chris ........You can count on it! [The end.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S2. Special Stage Script [The player has beaten the game and unlocked the "Special" stages for the "Stage Select" mode. These stages can be played in any order; at the start of the player's first Special stage, he or she gets a call.] ??? We're going to have you reenact the battles of Solid Snake, the 'Legend.' Think of it as a sort of VR training. But since that alone won't allow you to surpass him, we've taken the liberty of adding a few conditions. You can call me....call me No.4. My frequency is 141.62. If you have any questions about your orders, contact me. These are your orders. [No.4 outlines the parameters for the current stage.] [The player has beaten the last of the 40 or so Special stages. The screen turns black.] No. 4 Your training is complete. Well done. Your combat capability is now undoubtedly beyond that of Solid Snake at the time of Galuade's fall. Your time is about to come. Get some rest for now....Jack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S3. Things To Note - Contrary to popular belief, this game is not merely a VR mission for Raiden. Shown out of context, the last message from No. 4 suggests that the player has been playing as Raiden, aka Jack, all along. This scenario is true, but it only applies to the Special stages. No. 4 clearly says that these stages are reenactments of Snake's battles. Note that Raiden's stages, which have extra challenges ("a few conditions"), are only available after the main game is completed. - The Metal Gear model in the game is codenamed Gander. None of the characters seem to refer to it as "Metal Gear Gander," but the official site lists the name. - The colonel in METAL GEAR SOLID 2 (MGS2) quotes from METAL GEAR: GHOST BABEL (GB) five times. All of these quotes happen after the colonel in MGS2 goes haywire inside Arsenal Gear. "Your mission is to infiltrate the fortress Galuade, rescue the hostages and neutralize Metal Gear before its assembly is complete." The above quote is from the GB intro; see "00b Mission Details." In MGS2, this quote is one of the colonel's mandatory Codec calls. "Snake, there's a fork in the conveyor belt. The machine is automatically sorting cargo according to some system. Take a good look at the device." In GB, the above quote is a hint from Campbell during the barracks stage. The player has to have the red box, in addition to the yellow one, and call Campbell while near a junction in the conveyor belt. "Snake, destroy the power plant's main turbine. It's located in the B1 floor of the plant. Break into the B1 floor." "Snake, take the power plant out. Set C4 explosives on four key points to destroy the structure." In GB, the above two quotes are from mandatory conversations when Snake is in the power plant; see the end of "08a Terrorist Ultimatum" and near the start of "09b Power Plant Sabotage," respectively. To get these quotes in MGS2, keep calling the colonel while Raiden is still naked. "Communicator Entertainment Program Idea Spy 2.5 (Two-point-five) Episode 1 New York. Here in the city where dreams come true and desires rule, something is being bought, sold and thrown away, even as we speak. But behind the scenes of business as usual, the nefarious J.E. (Junker Expensive) Corporation lines its already bloated coffers with profits from worthless products. As J.E. swindles yet another innocent into purchasing high-priced junk......the FBI mobilizes a top-secret task force to put a stop to the menace. Now, the city's best-kept secret spy is out there, briefed and ready to protect the people from J.E., the catalogue of conspiracy -- just call him 2.5 (Two-point-five)." This quote could be mistaken for a reference to SNATCHER, another Hideo Kojima game that involves a group called "Junker." However, this quote is really from "Idea Spy 2.5," a hidden Codec story in the Japanese and European versions of GB. To hear it in MGS2, call the colonel after Raiden meets Snake inside Arsenal Gear. - Chronologically, the events of this game happen between METAL GEAR 2: SOLID SNAKE and MGS. The consensus among fans is that GB takes place in a sort of parallel universe. On the other hand, Snake's mission in GB could arguably be a subplot or side story within the same universe as the other games. Kojima has never been on record as saying how GB relates to the series. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S4. Script Information Original story by Hideo Kojima Written by Tomokzu Fukushima Translated by INTAC Transcribed by Tim Huynh tim_huynh[at]operamail[dot]com 18 June 2005 - fixed typos and made minor edits 20 April 2005 - fixed typo in table of contents 27 September 2004 - added IGN.com to legal section 25 August 2004 - added MGSOnline.net to legal section 2 July 2004 - version 1.0 submitted to GameFAQs and Neoseeker This guide may be not be reproduced for any purposes other than personal use. It may not be published on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without written permission. Use of this guide on any web site other than GameFAQs, IGN.com, MGSOnline.net, NeoSeeker or as a part of any public display, is strictly prohibited and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2004-2005 Tim Huynh