------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METAL GEAR: GHOST BABEL "IDEASPY 2.5" SCRIPT version 1.02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "IdeaSpy 2.5" is a hidden story in METAL GEAR: GHOST BABEL, aka METAL GEAR SOLID for the GameBoy Color. It's presented over the Codec on a special frequency (140.07) like a show performed over the radio. The story is unlocked by beating the Japanese or European versions; apparently it's been left out of the North American version. There are 13 episodes--one for each stage of the main game. The story itself is campy and serves as a silly diversion for Snake and the player during the main mission. Thus, "IdeaSpy 2.5" doesn't really add to the Metal Gear mythos because it's basically a story within a story. However, it's a little-known secret in the series, so you can read the script and impress everyone you know with your extensive knowledge of all things Metal Gear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press "Ctrl" and "F" to search for any string of characters, like a word or phrase. If you want to skip to a section, enter its alphanumeric code or name into the search field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS S1. IdeaSpy 2.5 Script Episode 1 [EP1] Episode 2 [EP2] Episode 3 [EP3] Episode 4 [EP4] Episode 5 [EP5] Episode 6 [EP6] Episode 7 [EP7] Episode 8 [EP8] Episode 9 [EP9] Episode 10 [EP10] Episode 11 [EP11] Episode 12 [EP12] Episode 13 [EP13] S2. Trivia and Web Links S3. Unlocking IdeaSpy 2.5 S4. Guide Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S1. IdeaSpy 2.5 Script [EP1] [Narrator] Communicator Entertainment Program "IdeaSpy 2.5 (Two-point-five)" Episode 1 New York. Here in the city where dreams come true and desires rule, something is being bought, sold and thrown away, even as we speak. But behind the scenes of business as usual, the nefarious "J.E. (Junker Expensive Corporation)" lines its already bloated coffers with profits from worthless products. As J.E. swindlers yet another innocent into purchasing high-priced junk, the FBI mobilizes a top-secret task force to put a stop to the menace. Now, the city's best-kept secret spy is out there, briefed and ready to protect the people from "J.E.," the catalogue of conspiracy -- just call him "2.5 (Two-point-five)." 714 Two, do you copy? 2.5 Roger. Thanks to 'Noi-Zap,' the slap-on, be-gone answer to communicator static, I can hear the ice melting in your lunch. Good. What's the status? Loosen up, 714. I'm tailing a J.E. exec's limo right now. It should lead me to their junk factory pretty soon. 714 All right. That's where the 'Bod Bed,' the miracle product that promises to , is secretly produced. 2.5 I know. The thing that has nothing but legs and a frame to support your head and heels, right? Whoever bought those almost deserves it. 714 It's not like the people who bought them did anything wrong, Two. 2.5 Did you buy one? 714 ........ 2.5 Jeez, 714. You bought one. 714 It's not what you think. I only wanted the Mr. Huggy Bear body pillow that came free with the purchase. 2.5 Same thing. Learn to buy wisely. You're playing right into J.E.'s hands. 714 Sorry, Two. 2.5 Don't be. It's not my money. The installment payment should give you plenty of time to think. 714 Christ, f-five years.... 2.5 Mr. Huggy Bear didn't come cheap, did he? Oops, time to go. The limo just stopped. 714 Watch yourself. 2.5 Never fear. Even if they notice me, there's no way they can attack this car. 714 What? Why not? 2.5 'Kid in Kar [sic]' sticker. I tacked one on the window before I left. 714 .... You're the goods, Two. 2.5 Okay, they're entering the building. I'm going in too. 714 Steady as she goes.... 2.5 Damn! 714 Two! What's wrong? Beep! Beep! Beep! 2.5 Not good. It's the 'Papa Don't Approach Sensor.' Looks like I underestimated their security measures. 714 Get out of there, Two! 2.5 Too late! I'm going in! 714 Two! [Narrator] To be continued. [EP2] [Narrator] Communicator Entertainment Program "IdeaSpy 2.5 (Two-point-five)" Episode 2 2.5, the IdeaSpy, locates a junk factory run by J.E., the catalogue of conspiracies, but as he infiltrates the factory grounds, the shrill screams of the 'Papa Don't Approach Sensor' at the entrance pierce the night! Will Two-point-five triumph!? 2.5 That was close. 714 What? 2.5 ....714, do you read? 714 You okay, Two? 2.5 Yes, I made it safely into the factory grounds. 714 But the 'Papa Don't Approach Sensor' ....? 2.5 Now all I've got to do is get inside the factory.... 714 What about the sensor? 2.5 Oh, shut up! You know if you didn't dwell so much on little things, you would never have been suckered into buying J.E. junk with the Mr. Huggy Bear pillow ploy! 714 Oh really! So are you saying you've never had a bad shopping experience with catalogues, Two? 2.5 Never. 714 Liar! What about that 'Hot Hop' shoes you bough last winter? 2.5 Stil using them. Thanks to these, I can walk around outside without getting chilly feet. 714 You're lying! 2.5 It's true, 714. I'm wearing them right now. 714 That's a ripoff product that heats up only when you keep them plugged into a wall outlet! How the hell can you in that piece of junk! 2.5 ....I was raised by penguins in the South Pole. During blizzards, we'd all pack close together and wait it out. It was damned cold....But thanks to those early days, my body can tolerate any kind of cold weather. Even if 'Hot Hop' isn't plugged in, I can wear them as normal shoes and that's enough to get through the winter in. 714 So why didn't you just buy regular shoes to begin with!? 2.5 Shut up! Stop poking into other people's past! Woman Who's there!? 2.5 Huh! 714 Two? Did you say something? 2.5 It's not me. There's somebody else! Woman Who is this!? 2.5 ....a woman? [Narrator] To be continued. [EP3] [Narrator] Communicator Entertainment Program "IdeaSpy 2.5 (Two-point-five)" Episode 3 Against all odds, Two-point-five succeeds in infiltrating the junk factory run by J.E., the catalogue of conspiracies. But a shadowy figure of a woman emerges in front of him! Will Two-point-five triumph!? 714 ....Is it the enemy, Two? 2.5 I don't know. She's coming this way. clop, clop, clop.... Woman It's Two-point-five, isn't it? 2.5 How....Who're -- Woman Don't you remember? We were at IdeaSpy Academy together. It's me, Call Now. 2.5 Call? Jeez, how many years has it been? Call Don't you touch me! I haven't forgiven you yet! 2.5 You're still mad? About me buying a ton of infomercial products with your credit card? Call And sending me the ton of stuff that didn't work out to me house. 2.5 Well, I thought you'd be glad to.... Call Oh, who do you think you're fooling! What kind of an idiot would glad to have a[n] 'Even-an-Elephant Storage Box?' All it is is [sic] that it's bigger than an elephant! 714 Gosh, sounds like you were pretty out of control, Two? 2.5 I was young.... Call I faked being an employee of this factory. I've been waiting all this time for you just so I can get even with you! 2.5 So you must know your way around here, Call. Call What if I am? You're not getting any help from me. 2.5 I love you, Call. Always have. Call ....What? 2.5 Help me out here. Call ....No way. 714 Nice and easy, Two, you've almost got her! Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat! Call AAAH! 2.5 WOW! 714 What is it, Two? 2.5 Machine gun! We're under attack! Call It's the armed guards! Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat! 2.5 Our health isn't going to get any better sticking around. Call, let's call it a truce. Show me the way into the factory, please! Call The hell I will! Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat! 2.5 We'll both get killed! Come on! Call All right, all righ! This way! Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat! 2.5 Okay, 714. We're going in. 714 Watch yourself, Two. It's even more dangerous inside! [Narrator] To be continued. [EP4] [Narrator] Communicator Entertainment Program "IdeaSpy 2.5 (Two-point-five)" Episode 4 2.5, the IdeaSpy finally succeeds in infiltrating the nefarious junk factory of J.E. Corporation with the help of Call Now, a woman from his past. But what awaits him inside the nest of conspiracies!? Keep sharp, Two-point-five! Call Over here, Two-point-five. 2.5 I owe you one, Call. Call So why are you so interested in this factory? 2.5 Can't tell you. Classified information. Call All right, then I have something else to ask you. Why did you buy me that thing way back when? 2.5 What thing? Call You don't remember? The 'ErotoRope --' 2.5 I'll talk. Classified schmassified. 714 What rope, Two? 2.5 Nothing. Call So, what's the dirt on this plant? 2.5 You know that J.E. execs have been showing up a lot recently. Call .... Yes, come to think of it, I've seen a lot of bad business suits around here. 2.5 Why would the suits show up in the 'Bod Bed' factory? I think the 'Bod Bed' is nothing more than camouflage! Call What? 2.5 There must be something important going on here. ??? Ha-ha! Good thinking! 2.5 Who's there!? ??? Over here. Welcome to J.E.'s junk factory. 2.5 You shouldn't talk about family that way. ??? Sorry, but it's staff only from this point on. You'll have to deal with me now. Schnick! 2.5 God! Is that J.E.'s 'Interpersonal Itchy Skratch[sic]'? Call You mean....!? That back scratcher designed to scratch other people's itch as well as your own!? 2.5 Yes. To think it was on the market already.... Call But if you need to scratch someone's back, why don't you just use your hands.... ??? Ha-ha! Did you think this was a regular 'Interpersonal Itchy Scratcher'? Think again! Schni-Schnick! Call Oh God! The handle extended! 2.5 This is the 'Turbo Interpersonal Itchy Skratch[sic] for long distance back scratching! 714 What!? Can it be the ultimate back scratcher to reach all itches!? Call Why can't you just do it with your hands! ??? Silence! Take this! 2.5 Call! S-wish! ........ ??? How could this happen? Why can't I scratch your backs!? 2.5 We're lying on our backs. ??? What!? 2.5 Since we'ere both lying on our backs, not even the 'Turbo Interpersonal Itchy Skratch' can get to them. ??? ....You win. Go on.... Call Good job, Two-point-five! 2.5 Let's get going. Show me where the suits are hanging out. Call You got it! [Narrator] To be continued. [EP5] [Narrator] Communicator Entertainment Program "IdeaSpy 2.5 (Two-point-five)" Episode 5 2.5, the IdeaSpy has infiltrated the junk factory to uncover the secrets of that catalogue of conspiracy, J.E. Corporation. With Call Now as his guide, he heads for the secret hub of the factory! Hurry, Two-point-five! Call This is it. This is the room that the suits go into. 2.5 Let's go. 714 Be careful, Two. Rattle. Call What is this place....? 2.5 Looks like a product development lab.... Call Look at all these plans.... 'On the Road Food Processor,' 'Rover's First Watch'.... And 'Blackout Camera,' 'Morning After Hanger'.... 2.5 jeez[sic]. True heirs to J.E.'s tradition of junk. 714 But Two, there's nothing new here that J.E. executives would get excited about.... 2.5 That's true. Call Look, Two-point-five, 'D-People-E-O, Fine Humanoid Robot for the Home.' 2.5 Really? Sounds pretty decent. Call Decent, my foot. Humanoid robot? How did they develop that kind of technology.... 2.5 Don't believe that stuff. It's one of their products. It has to be a fake. 714 Not necessarily, Two. 2.5 What are you getting at, 714? 714 What if they were selling garbage products to people to raise research funds for that humanoid robot? 2.5 How can that.... Call And look at this, Two-point-five. D-People-E-O has no down payment and a monthly price of $9.75 for 36 months! 714 It's cheaper than Mr. Huggy Bear Body Pillow! 2.5 ....$9.75 a month is just three cups of double mochas.... 714 Two, what do you think? 2.5 Even if the humanoid robot is for real, it's too affordable for a J.E. deal. There's something behind this. But what..... 714 Two, can it be a weapon of destruction? 2.5 What....!? 714 It looks like that isn't just another junk factory. 2.5 No. And the fact that there are plans here means they could be making D-People-E-O somewhere on the premises. Or that they're already rolling off the assembly line.... 714 Can you find out? 2.5 Affirmative. Let's go, Call. Call Wait a sec, I'm not one of you! 2.5 I love you, Call. Always have. Call ....What? 2.5 Love conquers all, right? Call Well, ah, that's not completely wrong, but.... 2.5 Okay, let's go, Call! Call Ah....all right. 2.5 I said let's go! Call O....OK.... 2.5 Um!? Call What's going on? 2.5 It won't open. The door won't open! Call You mean -- we're trapped in here!? [Narrator] To be continued. [EP6] [Narrator] Communicator Entertainment Program "IdeaSpy 2.5 (Two-point-five)" Episode 6 The junk factory of the J.E. Corporation, the catalogue of conspiracy, was the secret cradle of 'D-People-E-O, Fine Humanoid Robot for the Home!' But Two-point-five and Call Now have been locked into the lab where they uncovered this secret. Find a way out! Two-point-five! 2.5 It's no good! No matter how hard I pull, the door won't open! Call There better not be a punch line about a 'PUSH' sign on the door! Or that it's a sliding door....! 2.5 Shush! Call ....What? 2.5 Don't your hear something, like a motor starting up.... Call ....huh? Grind, grind, grind....Blam! Call AAH! Crunh, crunch, crunch.... 2.5 Damn, the walls are moving in! 714! 714 You all right, Two!? Unless you do something, you'll be as flat as a can after a quick date with 'Can-Do,' that home recycling aid that flattens any can without taking up kitchen space! 2.5 You're right as flat as heavy sweaters and down skiwear put in 'Vac-Pac' storage bags to ! Call Two-point-five! Stop gabbing and do something! The walls are getting closer! 2.5 Don't worry, Call. Look! I came prepared with a 'Beanstalk Bar' that ! Call Way to go, Two-point-five! 2.5 All right, I'm going to brace the walls with this! Grind! Crunch, crunch, crunch.... Call Oh no, it's adjusting the size of the room! 2.5 Okay, let's go with [the] 'Later Alligator Door Stopper'.... Call As if! I don't want to be flattened in a place like this! 2.5 It could be a revolutionary form of diet. Call My proportions will be all wrong. 2.5 Flattening will only accentuate those curves of yours, gorgeous. Call Oh, Two-point-five.... 2.5 I love you, Call. Always have. Crunch, crunch, crunch.... slam! 714 Come on, Two, do you copy! Don't tell me you actually got smushed by the walls!? Two, do you copy! Twoooo!! [Narrator] To be continued. [EP7] [Narrator] Communicator Entertainment Program "IdeaSpy 2.5 (Two-point-five)" Episode 7 After discovering the plans for 'D-People-E-O, Fine Humanoid Robot for the Home' in the factory research lab of the J.E. Corporation, the catalogue of conspiracy, Two-point-five and Call find themselves locked into the lab and faced with imminent extinction as the walls close in on them! Stay alive! Two-point-five! 2.5 God, that was close. Call Thought I would die. 714 Two! You're okay? 2.5 What? Oh, sorry 714. Looks like I fell asleep. 714 What? 2.5 I dreamt I was being crushed to death by the walls and then I woke up. Looks like I was talking in my sleep too. It was a really bad nightmare. Look, I'm soaked in sweat. Call Yech. 714 Hey wait a sec now. How could you both have dreamt the same thing!? 2.5 What -- oh, we fell asleep connected by a network cable. Okay, let's get going, Call. Call Right. 714 Hey, HEY! I heard the walls crunching in and everything!! 2.5 Well, since it was a dream I don't see how I could be held responsible for what happened in there. Call It is just a dream, after all. 714 That doesn't make any sense, Two! 2.5 God, you are so nit-picky! I ought to wash your arguing mouth out with the neighborhood's No.1 brand 'Sudsy Kleen' used in 46% of the country's three- star hotels'!! Call Don't! 2.5 What's wrong, Call? Call I'm sorry....I have bad associations with 'Sudsy Kleen.' It was a hot summer day.... 2.5 What is this, a subplot? Call I was already burnt to the crisp from going to the beach everyday, and my skin really started to feel tender....I'd heard that 'Sudsy Kleen' could , so I ran a bath and poured in a lot of 'Sudsy Kleen'.... 2.5 .... And you got into that tub. Call I did. To the chin. 2.5 ........ Call And when I ran it, I thought it would work better with really hot water so I got into a boiling hot bath and....burned myself all over! 2.5 What? Call It was hot. So hot....! And of course, I was already raw from the sunburn, so I felt like I was on fire!! And ever since, whenever I hear 'Sudsy Kleen' it terrifies me.... 2.5 ....But doesn't 'Sudsy Kleen' not have anything to do with -- Call I know, I understand how you could feel that way. I should have realized how hot it was before I soaked myself to the chin, right? 2.5 Well, that's true too but 'Sudsy Kleen'.... Call It's okay now! I feel so much better just telling you about this. Maybe I just wanted someone to know about this....Come on, Two-point-five. 2.5 You lost me completely but I agree that we should get out of here. After all, we'eve been in this lab for 3 episodes now. We're moving ahead, 714! 714 Oh God, the walls, the walls! Help me, Two! 2.5 Call, your story was too long. Now 714's stuck in the dream. Anyway, let's go! Call Okay! [Narrator] To be continued. [EP8] [Narrator] Communicator Entertainment Program "IdeaSpy 2.5 (Two-point-five)" Episode 8 Our heroes Two-point-five and Call accidentally fall asleep in the factory research lab of the J.E. Corporation, the catalogue of conspiracy! Where is the elusive 'D-People-E-O, Fine Humanoid Robot for the Home?' And has it already been completed? Stay on the scent! Two-point-five! Call There's a restricted elevator in the corner of the factory. Regular employees aren't allowed to use it, but it could lead to the production plant for D-People-E-O! 2.5 All right, Call. Let's get to that elevator. Pit-a-pat-a-pit-a-pat! Call That's it, Two-point-five! This elevator! There's a button for the basement floor....We'll go that way. Beep! 2.5 What the --? Call It says 'One passenger only.' We'll have to one at a time! 2.5 What? Are you overweight or something? Call Oh really! I'll go first, Two-point-five. You follow me on the next ride. 2.5 All right. We'll meet downstairs. Slam! 714 .... Two, is it all right to let her go by herself? 2.5 714, she's a graduate of IdeaSpy Academy too. She'll be okay. 714 That's not what I meant. Isn't it possible that she coudl betray us? 2.5 What? 714 She said she had a grudge against you, right? It isn't such an unlikely idea. 2.5 That's crazy. We used to look at catalogues toegther, for Heaven's sake. 714 What's that supposed to prove? Anyway, don't be a sap, Two. Ping! 2.5 The elevator's back. I'm getting on. 714 Watch yourself. Slam Whoosh.... 2.5 ....It's a pretty long descent. 714 Two, listen. If your ears start to hurt, swallow. That'll help a little. 2.5 (Gulp). You're right, my ears just cleared. I owe you one, 714. 714 Don't worry about it. 2.5 No, you're always helping me out with highly illuminating hints. You're more useful than any infomercial products. 714 ....That doesn't feel like a compliment. 2.5 Don't be so humble. Ping. 2.5 I'm here....huge, mostly empty space. 714 Is it a factory? 2.5 Looks like it could be a warehouse....But....? Where's Call!? 714 She's not there? 2.5 I don't see her! 714 So she is.... 2.5 No way....! Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat! 2.5 WOW! 714 You all right! 2.5 I'm not hit. A machine gun....? Where are they firing from? I can't see it! ??? The buck stops here, Two-point-five! Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat! 2.5 WOW! 714 Two? Twooooo!! [Narrator] To be continued. [EP9] [Narrator] Communicator Entertainment Program "IdeaSpy 2.5 (Two-point-five)" Episode 9 2.5 has infiltrated the junk factory of that catalogue of conspiracy, J.E. Corporation, and finally reached the possible location of 'D-People-E-O, Fine Humanoid Robot for the Home,' only to find himself under machine gun fire from an unseen enemy! Can Call have betrayed him!? Hang in there, 2.5 (Two-point-five)! 2.5 Ow.... damn.... 714 Two! Are you all right, Two!? 2.5 Uh-huh. Strange.... I don't seem to have been hit anywhere. ??? Ha-ha-ha! How do you like it, Two-point-five! It's the music of J.E. Corporation's 'Mini-Mole'!? 2.5 'Mini-Mole?' ??? The Mini-Mole digger, the ! Drrrrrrrrrrrrrr! 2.5 Couldn't you give it a less confusing sound? And anyway, what home excavation needs!? ??? Be quiet! Or else, take this! Bang! B-bang! 2.5 Jeez! 714 You all right, Two!? 2.5 What is it this time! ??? 2.5 What kind of a weak late-night sasparilla is that!? 714 And who the hell is Dr. Koppelthorn? 2.5 Besides, what do you base the claims about all that three and five-times stuff on!? 714 Speaking of which, do pigeons really.... Damn it, there's too many holes to pick that I can't get to it all! Two, what are we going to do!? 2.5 I can't do anything unless I can see where he is.... I got it! I'll just crumple up this piece of cellophane and.... Crackle, crackle.... 714 What's going on, Two? Sounds like something burning. 2.5 Ssh! If you crumple up cellophane and roll it between your palms, it sounds like fire burning. Now if only he hears this noise.... Crackle, crackle.... ??? Oh no! Fire!? Damn you, Two-point-five! We'll continue this some other time! Go, go, go! Pit-a-pat-a-pit-a-pat! 2.5 (Sigh) Looks like they're gone. 714 Good job, Two.....But what's happened to Call Now? 2.5 You're right. Where did Call go!? Call Oh, it's you, Two-point-five. That was fast. 2.5 Call? Where were you? Call I was on the elevator and it made my ears really hurt. It was so bad I had to go and sit down for a bit. Sorry -- did I make you wait? 2.5 So that was why.... Call, you swallow when that happens. Call Thank you, Two-point-five. 714 Two, I told you that. 2.5 I know. Come on, let's get going. [Narrator] To be continued. [EP10] [Narrator] Communicator Entertainment Program "IdeaSpy 2.5 (Two-point-five)" Episode 10 2.5 has entered the factory basement of that catalogue of conspiracy, J.E. Corporation. Is this the location of 'D-People-E-O, Fine Humanoid Robot for the Home'!? And what is its deep dark purpose!? Keep going, 2.5 (Two-point-five)! 2.5 Do you see it, Call? Call Not over here, Two-point-five. 714 Two, you can't find 'D-People-E-O' yet? 2.5 Hm? What're you talking about? 714 You can't find D-People-E-O yet? 2.5 No, it's my contact lens. I lost it during battle just now. 714 Contact lens?? What about D-People-E-O? 2.5 What do you think you're saying? My contact lens comes first! Do you know how much I paid for that thing!? 714 But I thought your eyes were 20-20.... 2.5 Of course they are. Like many fashion-conscious urban professionals, I wear tinted lenses. 714 Don't you go wearing that stuff on the job! 2.5 What? Are you saying that spies have no right to be chic!? 714 I'm just saying that there's no need to be pretty up for a mission! Roll, roll, roll.... Call Oh? What's that sound? 2.5 Hm? Sounds like a caterpillar [tank tracks].... Over there! 714 What is it? The enemy? 2.5 It's a tank! And the body is shining brightly! Call It's dazzling! ??? Ha-ha-ha. Good for you, Two-point-five, to notice the gleam of my tank. See the power of 'Flash Wash,' ! 2.5 Why would you polish a tank!? Call The product sounds decent but you're using it completely wrong! ??? That's not true! Don't you understand the desire to make your personal transport look nice!? Even tanks want to be pretty once in a while! 2.5 Wuss! A true man on the edge never gives a thought to being pretty!! ??? You hypocrite, what about yourself! For that, I'm going to crush your color contact lens to dust with this caterpillar! Roll, roll, roll.... 2.5 Wait, don't come this way! I've still got 16 installments left to pay! ??? Know the bitterness of continuing to make payments after the product is gone, Two-point-five! That was, yes, more than five years ago.... 2.5 What's with this sudden tangent? ??? I dreamt of rocking to Burton Cummings and the Guess Who as I drove this tank and finally bought a $2975 car audio system.... A real sweet baby with 10 speakers. But.... 2.5 But what!? ??? Once I had it installed, the driving noise was too loud and I couldn't hear any music. So I cranked the amp volume to max. And at that moment --! 2.5 At that moment!? ??? With a deafening 'bang!', all 10 speakers exploded in flames! This burn on the forehead is a war wound from that day! 2.5 That is NOT a war wound! ??? Since that day, my car audio system never again rocked to Guess Who. All it left me was a profound silence and 78 more payments to go!! And I will teach you how that feels, Two-point-five!! 2.5 NOOOOO!! Roll, roll, roll.... [Narrator] To be continued. [EP11] [Narrator] Communicator Entertainment Program "IdeaSpy 2.5 (Two-point-five)" Episode 11 2.5 infiltrates the factory basement of that catalogue of conspiracy, J.E. Corporation, but accidentally loses his color contact lens purchased on an unfinished installment scheme. Will the lens be decimated by a brilliantly waxed tank bearing down upon it!? What can be done!? 2.5 (Two-point-five)! ??? This is the end, Two-point-five! 2.5 Don't you come this way!! Roll, roll, roll.... Crunch. ??? What the!? B-lam!! ??? Aah! AAAHHH!! Call Oh God! The floor's suddenly exploded and the tank is falling through! Two-point-five, what happened!? 2.5 It crushed the contact lens. Call Why would crushing the contact lens blow the floor out! 2.5 An ultra-compact fashion-tint contact lens-shaped explosive. The slightest shock sets it off. Call What? 2.5 Sorry I didn't say anything. It was all a part of my plan. Call No, I meant that you were walking around with a bomb stuck in your eye? 2.5 Yes. It was very stressful. Call I would imagine so. 714 Two, I owe you an apology. 2.5 Don't worry about it, 714. 714 No, really. I really thought you were wearing that thing just to be pretty.... 2.5 I don't mind. Call Look! Two-point-five! That hole the tank made! 2.5 What is it, Call. Call There's some kind of room there! 2.5 She's right. There are cardboard boxes stacked in there. I'd say 5000 of them, maybe more! 714 What? Could they be.... 2.5 'D-People-E-O, Fine Humanoid Robot for the Home'....? Is it possible that the production is complete and they're ready to ship? Call Let's get down there in any case. 2.5 All right. We'll use the 'String Silent One,' . Call Which industry is that? 714 So what does Lincoln have to do with it? 2.5 Shut up! If you're going to keep whining, I refuse to go down there! 714 All right! I won't so will you please get gown there! Squeak, squeak, thud. 2.5 Okay, we're down. 714 Open the cardboard box. 2.5 Roger....? It's empty! Call This one too, Two-point-five! What's going.... 2.5 They're all empty! 714 What!? ??? You've come very far, Two-point-five! 2.5 Who's there! [Narrator] To be continued. [EP12] [Narrator] Communicator Entertainment Program "IdeaSpy 2.5 (Two-point-five)" Episode 12 2.5 discovers a cache of cardboard boxes in the factory basement of that catalogue of conspiracy, J.E. Corporation. But every single box proves to be empty! Where is 'D-People-E-O, Fine Humanoid Robot for the Home'!? And who is the mysterious stranger!? Stay cool, 2.5 (Two-point-five)! ??? Two-point-five, you've kept me waiting too long! 2.5 Who is this! ??? K-mart shoppers may not have been paying attention, but you Two-Point-five, should remember that tailed me here to junk factory -- the CEO of 'Junker Expensive,' ZeroPayment-Down! 2.5 What!? Where is D-People-E-O!? ZeroPaymentDown Unfortunately, production has not yet started. But the parts are stacked all around you. 2.5 What? [Y]ou mean that these boxes themselves are a part of D-People-E-O!? Call Oh! Two-point-five, look! On the side of the box.... 2.5 W-what is this! Call There's a face drawn on it!! ZeroPaymentdown Ha-ha-ha. Now you understand. In that case, I'll let you in on this too. It's the prototype D-People-E-O! D-People-E-O Thump, thump, thump.... Bonjour, hello, I am D-People-E-O. 2.5 T-this can only be.... Call A person with a cardboard box over his head! 2.5 But why would anyone sell something like this!? D-People-E-O Beep, bip, blip, beep. Hello, hello, is this J.E.? 2.5 It's saying something. Call Making a phone call? D-People-E-O I would like to place an order 10 'Bod Beds.' Please ship them overnight express. Thank you, click. 2.5 No! ZeroPaymentDown Ha-ha! Surprised? Once a D-People-E-O is installed in a home, they order J.E. products by the dozens! Now we will no longer have to wait for orders to come in. Sales are truly assured!! Call How exploitative can you be!? 2.5 More like, how can you expect something this stupid to work? ZeroPaymentDown Say what you like! By placing a D-People-E-O in every home, the sale of the 'Bod Bed' will go from 1 to tens of thousands! 714 O-one? You only sold one? 2.5 714, looks like you're the only one in the whole wide world who fell for the Mr. Huggy Bear Body Pillow ploy and bought the 'Bod Bed.' 714 Damn it, Two! Stop messing around and destroy that plant right now! 2.5 All right. This other ultra-compact fashion-tint contact lens-shaped explosive should take care of -- Zero Payment-Down and D-People-E-O!! ZeroPaymentDown Don't!! D-People-E-O Nooo, dooon't!!! BANG!!! BLAAAAAAMMM.... 2.5 Hurry, Call! The basement plant is collapsing! Call What? But that's inconsistent! The impact is too different from when you used it on the tank! 2.5 I don't have time to explain! Just hurry! Pit-a-pat-a-pit-a-pat! 2.5 Okay, as long as we get out on that elevator....! Call Wait, Two-point-five! 2.5 What is it!? Call Don't you remember? Only one person can go up on this! And there's no time for two round trips!! BLAAAAAAMM....!!! [Narrator] To be continued. [EP13] [Narrator] Communicator Entertainment Program "IdeaSpy 2.5 (Two-point-five)" Episode 13 (Finale) 2.5 finally uncovers the truth behind D-People-E-O in the factory basement of that catalogue of conspiracy, J.E. Corporation. Having destroyed the underground plant, he attempts to escape with Call Now, but the return elevator has a one- passenger capacity! What next, 2.5 (Two-point-five)! BLAAAAAAMM....!!! 2.5 This is no time to hesitate. Call, get on! Call What? But Two-point-five, what about you!? 2.5 Hurry! Slam! Call Oh! Two-point-five!? 2.5 Call, be careful of too much shopping....! Blaammm.... Call Oh.... Two-point-five.... BLLLLAAAMMM.... Call The underground plant is going to explode....! BLLLASTT!!! Call I'm above ground.... It's safe.... 2.5 You all right, Call? Call Wha --?? 2.5 That was a close one. My foot got caught in the cable of that elevator cage you were in and it pulled me all the way up here. Call Two-point-five! How lucky can we get!? 2.5 Hey, watch it, I'm pretty sooty. You'll get it all over yourself if you keep doing that. Call Who cares! I don't care! 714 Wait a second, Two. If the elevator can't carry more than one, wouldn't it still be over the limit if there was another person hanging from the cable!? 2.5 714, I learned something important from this mission. 714 No, answer my question! 2.5 The crime of defrauding ordinary people and selling them worthless junk at high price is of course inexcusable. But the people must also learn to distinguish junk from something with worth. Someday, they will learn to stand up and buy on their own without our help -- I choose to believe that. 714 Don't you try to bring things to a satisfying conclusion with a likely speech! Call I agree with you, Two-point-five. I have no idea where you got the impression that there was a moral in this whole thing, but you're right. 2.5 So, Call, what now? Call Well, Two-point-five. Why don't we start by going back to my place and start looking at catalogues together? Some new ones arrived yesterday. 2.5 Sounds good. We can take time and pick out furniture and stuff for our house. Call What....? 2.5 We'd better be careful, make sure we don't get stuck with junk. Call Oh, Two-point-five.... 2.5 Let's go. 714 Just wait a second, Two! This doesn't make sense! Two-point-five! IdeaSpy Two-point-five!!! [Narrator] THE END ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S2. Trivia and Web Links - 140.07 has also been used as a special frequency in METAL GEAR 2: SOLID SNAKE and in the Japanese exclusive METAL GEAR SOLID: INTEGRAL. In the former, you can listen to randomly selected songs from the soundtrack if you have cigarettes equipped. In the latter, you can reportedly hear members of the development staff speak. Other secrets for these games are on these pages: - The entire intro from Episode 1 is quoted by the colonel in METAL GEAR SOLID 2. To see and hear the quote, call the colonel after you've met up with Snake inside Arsenal Gear. - The "Dr. Koppelthorn" mentioned in Episode 9 is a mythical figure in one of the Snake Tales in METAL GEAR SOLID 2: SUBSTANCE. In the "External Gazer" scenario, Dr. Koppelthorn is said to be the creator of the engine that powers the featured VR system. See the "Snake Tales Script/Synopsis" listed on this page: - The "Junker Expensive Corporation" is likely an homage to another Hideo Kojima game called SNATCHER. This game involves a group called "Junker" too. Some people mistake the IdeaSpy 2.5 quote in MGS2 as being a reference to SNATCHER. - The original script was apparently written in Japanese. The translator who wrote the English version runs an interesting site. It has a copy of the IdeaSpy 2.5 script, although the characters aren't listed. - Shuyo Murata also wrote "The Shocking Conspiracy Behind Shadow Moses," one of the Previous Story files in METAL GEAR SOLID 2. See the "Previous Story FAQ" listed on this page: - Murata was the "scenario director" of the very rare METAL GEAR SOLID DRAMA CDs. This official yet non-canonical series is made up of 2 audio CDs that tell 3 original scenarios, which are set some time after MGS. Some information in Japanese and artwork from the CD booklets can be found on these pages: - Besides GHOST BABEL and MGS2, Murata has also worked on the ZONE OF THE ENDERS games as a director along with Hideo Kojima. See Murata's short bio at the bottom of this page: S3. Unlocking IdeaSpy 2.5 A summary of how to get the story yourself: - beat the Japanese or European version ("New Game") - don't reset your GameBoy/emulator after the credits - start another game ("New Game") but don't use the "Stage Select" mode - call 140.07 at any time to read the episode for the current stage I used an emulator (VisualBoy v.1.4.12) and a ROM of the European version (METAL GEAR SOLID), which has the option to play it in one of several languages. I beat the main game on Normal and the special Codec frequency was highlighted in the credits. Then I started a second game ("New Game") without resetting my emulator. I got the episodes by calling 140.07 while playing the stages on my second play-through; there was a different episode for each stage. Contrary to what I've read, the frequency did NOT work for me in the "Stage Select" mode. I think the developers just wanted people to go through the episodes in order. I haven't played the North American version (METAL GEAR SOLID), but a trustworthy source has told me that it doesn't have the "IdeaSpy 2.5" story. I haven't played the Japanese version either, but Murata's official bio says his special story appears in METAL GEAR GHOST BABEL, and the Japanese version is the only one with this title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S4. Guide Info Original story by Shuyo Murata Translated by INTAC Transcribed by Tim Huynh tim_huynh[at]operamail[dot]com 27 September 2004 - added IGN.com to legal section 2 July 2004 - version 1.01 changed e-mail address, tweaked table of contents 3 May 2004 - version 1.0 submitted to GameFAQs and Neoseeker This guide may be not be reproduced for any purposes other than personal use. It may not be published on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without written permission. Use of this guide on any web site other than GameFAQs, IGN.com, and Neoseeker, or as a part of any public display, is strictly prohibited and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2004 Tim Huynh