__ __ _ _ _____ | \/ | | | | | / ____| | \ / | ___| |_ __ _| | | | __ ___ __ _ _ __ | |\/| |/ _ \ __/ _' | | | | |_ |/ _ \/ _' | '__| | | | | __/ || (_| | | | |__| | __/ (_| | | |_| |_|\___|\__\__,_|_| \_____|\___|\__,_|_| _ _________ __ __ | | / _____/ ____ | | |__| __| | \_____ \ / _ \| | | |/ __ | / ( \_\ ) |_| / /_/ | ______________ /________/ \____/|____/__\______\ / ____________/ __ / / / /____________________________________/ / VIRTUAL REALITY \_______________________________________/ TRAINING Metal Gear Solid for the GameBoy Color VR Training Missions Guide Copyright 2004 Michael Tyler Written by: Reptile E-mail: reptile654@bitwiser.com Created on: 02/22/2004 Version: 1.0 =================================================================== | --- Table Of Contents --- | =================================================================== I......................................................Introduction II.................................................The Story So Far III.............................................Learning The Basics ..A..................................................The Characters ..B....................................................The Controls ..C....................................................The Pick-ups IV..................................................The VR Missions ..A.................................................Sneaking Mode.. ..B...................................................Weapon Mode.. ..C.................................................Advanced Mode.. V........................................................In Closing VI...................................................Special Thanks VII.....................................................FAQ History VIII..........................................Copyright Information ___________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================= |-I.------------------------ INTRODUCTION ----------------------------| ======================================================================= This document is a complete and comprehensive guide through the Virtual Reality Training Mission of the game "Metal Gear Solid" on the GameBoy Color system. It was written to give you a thorough analysis of each training mission of the game, with complete instructions on how to complete every task and objective. Metal Gear Solid is an impressively large game, especially considering it's a GameBoy portable adventure. You play this game from an overhead view, very similar to the main character's first video game outing, "Metal Gear" for the NES. So once again you take control of Solid Snake, the mysterious, highly trained undercover-agent who must again set out to retrieve the dangerous Metal Gear nuclear warhead from the hands of a dangerous, maniacal terriost. A little help couldn't hurt. And with that said, we will move on to what I feel is one of the most impressive aspects of Snake's adventure, the story line... ======================================================================= |-II.---------------------- THE STORY SO FAR -------------------------| ======================================================================= Agent Solid Snake, known by others in his organization as "the Legend", has gone into retirement since he first disposed of the Metal Gear warhead in Outer Heaven. Now seven years later, we find Snake trying to live an inconspicuous life in Northern Alaska. But unfortunately for him, he can't hide from some people, especially his former employers. So in walks Commander Campbell, with armed "associates" standing by his side. He regretably informs you that Metal Gear was not successfully destroyed. Apparently, it was redesigned by a bunch of government scientists, and then stolen by a group of terriorists. Now it sits in the eager hands of "General" Augustine Eguabon, whose is just crazy enough to want to destroy the world, and just smart enough to pull it off. A mission this important can be in no better hands than Solid Snake, so once again this legendary hero dons his signature bandana and sets out on an adventure into the unknown. ======================================================================= |-III.------------------- LEARNING THE BASICS ------------------------| ======================================================================= If you want to guide Solid Snake through this little adventure, you'll need to know all about the basics of the game. Starting off with... -----------=========================----------- | The Characters | -----------=========================----------- ==-- Solid Snake --== The hero of this story, and the character who you will guide throughout the entire game. Little is known of this man's earlier life, but some of his previous escapades are legendary. This is the undercover-agent that destroyed the first Metal Gear, so it comes as no surprise that he was called in to retrieve the next generation of this deadly weapon. ==-- Commander Campbell --== The man who yanked Solid Snake out of his retirement, so that he could once again command Snake in a mission of world security. This is the first character that you will find accessible via your CodecC radio transmitter. So whenever you need to be reminded of what your next move is, just contact him at frequency 140.85 on your radio. ==-- Mei Ling --== Surprisingly smart and sophisticated for a young woman of 22, she is actually the agent who designed this CodeC radio system. If you ever need to save your game, then this is the person to talk to. But don't be too surprised if you get a quick philosphy lesson afterwards. It's a good idea to call her on frequency 140.96 every time you accomplish something, so that your current progress will be saved ==-- Weasel --== A shady mercenary, well-known as an expert in his field, who the military has placed on your team as an advisor. This man has performed some high-price hits in his time, and knows first hand what kind of ruthlessness you are up against. The only thing that you can trust about this guy, is that he knows a lot about the Bosses that you will go up against. So if you're having trouble in that area, you'd better give him a ring on frequency 141.80 ==-- McBride --== A no-nonsense CIA agent who has personally planned out each and every mission that Solid Snake will enter. This guy has detailed information on the terrorists that you will encounter, as well as the terrain itself. Hit him on frequency 141.52 to get the dish on your current locale. ==-- Sargeant Chris Jenner --== You'll first run into her when she sends out a distress signal. She is the only living member of a Delta Force team that the military sent in earlier. Contact her on frequency 140.25 to get the low down on some of the better hidden areas of the complex. ------------------------------------------------------------- -----------=========================----------- | The Controls | -----------=========================----------- Well, lets start with a basic drawing of the GameBoy Color. __________________________________ | ________________________________ | || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || ||________________________________|| | [Nintendo] | | | | __ _ | | __| |__ _ /A\ | | |__ O __| /B\ \_/ | | |__| \_/ | | | | | | | | [ ] [ ] ... | | SELECT START ..... | | ..... | | ... | \________________________________/ UP.........................Moves Snake toward the top DOWN.......................Moves Snake toward the bottom LEFT.......................Moves Snake toward the left RIGHT......................Moves Snake toward the right 'A'........................Throw a punch / knock on wall 'B'........................Fires Snake's current weapon START......................Drops Snake down low to the ground SELECT.....................Brings up the small menu ------------------------------------------------------------- -----------=========================----------- | The Pick-ups | -----------=========================----------- You'll need to keep Snake well-armed, well-fed, and well-equiped if you want to make it out of here alive. So let's take a second to go over what these items are, and how you can use them. ==-- Five Seven -== Spend some time in the VR training room to become well versed with this weapon, because it will be by your side for most of the game, and you should be very grateful to have it. Its range and strength aren't great, but it is a highly reliable weapon that won't eat up your ammo too quickly. This gun can also be equipped with a "surpressor", which will cut the noise down if you need to keep a really low profile. ==-- R5 --== An automatic rifle that boasts a pretty powerful spray. It has an impressive range, but also has a tendency to eat up your ammo. So it is best used when going up against a group of enemies, rather than just one single guard. ==-- Grenades --== A small explosive device that is anything but subtle. It is very effective at clearing out a guard or two, but the commotion it creates can draw even more over to you. So these weapons are best saved as a last result. ==-- Stun Grenades --== These are for whenever you find yourself in a situation where you want to temporarily incapacitate an enemy, but not actually eliminate them. The effect will not last forever, so don't stick around for too long afterwards. ==-- Mine --== Another explosive weapon, that I find to be much more useful than the standard grenade. Just be sure to stand clear of the blast. ==-- Nikita --== A rocket launcher that makes use of what is called "fly-be-wire" technology. This means that after you fire a rocket off, you can guide it to the target. But just like any other explosive device, you must watch out for collateral damage. ==-- C4 --== The most powerful of any explosive weapon you'll find, this block of plastic explosive can blow considerably sized holes in a number of things. Press the 'B' button once to place the explosive, and then press in again to set it off. Just make sure you're at a safe distance. ==-- Armor --== If you don't stay stealthy throughout the game, then bullets are bound to come flying your way. So if you want to last, then you'd better strap on some protection. These bullet proof vests will absorb most of the shots fired at you, and keep your Life Meter from dwindling down. They don't last forever though, so remove the threat as soon as possible. ==-- Rations --== These boxes of military food rations can restore your Life Meter completely, so make sure to keep at least one stored in your inventory. ==-- Mine Detector --== Activate this device if you are unsure of your surroundings. It can alert you of the existence of both your's, and enemy mines, so make sure you listen to it. ==-- Night Vision Goggles --== Just as the name suggests, these allow you to see in the dark. But be sure to shut them off when the lights turn on, or else you'll be blinded by a sudden shock of light. ==-- Gas Mask --== In the rooms where tear gas is used against you, the only way to breath easy is with one of these strapped to you. ==-- Thermal Vision Goggles --== These, like the NVG above, allow you to see in the dark. The only difference with these, is that they do not allow you to see colors in the dark. But they do, however, allow you to see the laser beam security systems set up in some of the rooms. ==-- Fogger --== This device produces a few small puffs of smoke, which in turn allow you to see some of the laser beams set up to stop you. Simple, yet invaluable in some of the stages to follow. ==-- Chaff Grenade --== This is unlike any other grenade in the game. Rather than cause some kind of explosion, this "grenade" actually just sends out a signal that can jam the electronic security systems. And in some of the Stages of this game, these items are literally a necessity. ==-- Cardboard Box --== It sounds like a joke, but actually these are one of your most valuable forms of camoflauge. Putting one of these boxes over you, and standing perfectly still, will allow guards to travel right past you without taking notice. But if you walk around wearing the box, then they are sure to know something is up. These also work to fool the security cameras. ==-- ID Cards --== These are used to open the locked security doors, and are usually very well-hidden. If you want to use a ID card, then you must have it up as your current item. ------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= |-IV.---------------------- THE VR MISSIONS --------------------------| ======================================================================= Before you take Solid Snake out into the field, it is probably a good idea to spend some time honing your skills in the training simulator. This is where you will learn a set of techniques which will be invaluable to you during the actual Stages of the game. The VR Training Simulator is split up into three sections: Sneaking Mode, Weapon Mode, and Advanced Mode. Completing each of these training sessions will better prepare Solid Snake for the long road ahead. -----------=========================----------- | Sneaking Mode | -----------=========================----------- There are two kinds of missions in the "Sneaking Mode" section of the VR training simulator: NO WEAPON TRAINING, and FIVE-SEVEN TRAINING. The first set teaches you all about unarmed manuvering, and the second set will give you a lesson in the basics of stealthy combat using the standard issue pistol. ---==-- Level 1 (no weapon) --==-------------------------- First run over to the right wall, and then head upwards. Step into the first little nook you come to on the right, and lean up against the upper wall. Wait here for the guard to walk past you, and then run up and over to find the exit goal. ---==-- Level 2 (no weapon) --==-------------------------- To do this one correctly, you have to run as fast as possible. So as soon as you start, run straight up until you come to an upper wall. From there you must run to the right, and you'll find the exit goal. ---==-- Level 3 (no weapon) --==-------------------------- First crouch down to the ground. Then crawl up into the black crawl space. Once inside the walls; crawl straight up, and then all the way over to the right. Now make your way down through the black crawl space below you, and you'll re-appear just above the exit goal. But you have to run fast if you don't want the nearby guard to spot you. ---==-- Level 4 (no weapon) --==-------------------------- Wait exactly 5 seconds after you appear in the simulator, and then run over to the left wall. From there, you quickly run all the way down to avoid the nearby guard. Now run over to the right, and then up into the small nook that contains the exit goal. ---==-- Level 5 (no weapon) --==-------------------------- First, press START to drop down onto the ground, so that you can crawl upwards. You cannot walk upright on the brown tiled floor, because your footsteps will awake the guards. So instead slowly crawl inbetween the two snoozing guards, and stop when you come to a large tan object blocking your path. Now wait here for the guard to your left to turn his back to you, and then crawl over past him and up to the exit goal. ---==-- Level 6 (no weapon) --==-------------------------- This level involves security cameras, so be sure to keep an eye on the map to see their current location. Immediately run up to the 2nd little wall above you, and stand over by the left side. Wait here for the tiny camera directly above you to ALMOST see you, and then run down below this little wall and over to the right side. Run over to the left side of the next little wall above you, and then head straight up to the top of this room, where you will find the exit goal. ---==-- Level 7 (no weapon) --==-------------------------- Your item for this level is a fogger, which you can use to spot the otherwise invisible laser beams. So just start making your way up through this twisted hallway, stopping everytime you see a set of small holes in the wall, and wait there for the laser beams to shut off. Eventually you will come to a big open room. You can't go right up the middle in here, because the center laser-beam doesn't ever shut off. And you don't want to take the left path, because there is a guard waiting there. So stick over by the right wall, and be sure to wait for the lasers to shut off before continuing. It is near the center of the upper wall where you will find the exit goal. ---==-- Level 8 (no weapon) --==-------------------------- As soon as you warp into this level, you can see a large yellow block above you and to the left. Walk over to the left side of that block, and knock on the wall to alert the nearby guard. Wait for the confused guard to walk toward you, and then run underneath this block and over to the left. Now run all the way up to the long hallway that lies ahead. This will lead you to another, slightly larger, block. Lean up against the left side of this block, and once again knock a couple of times. Now wait for the guard to start toward you, and then run left, underneath the block, and up to the exit goal. ---==-- Level 9 (no weapon) --==-------------------------- First, press SELECT to bring up the game menu, and take the Cardboard Box out. Now you are wearing the disguise you will dawn for the rest of the level. To complete this level, you must make your way up the narrow hallway without being seen. There are three security cameras along the way; all of which are panning up and down the walls. Wearing the Box can fool these cameras, but ONLY if you don't move when you are in front of them. So you must slowly inch your way up the hall, but come to a halt whenever you are directly in front of a camera. And when you do reach the top, you will find the exit goal. ---==-- Level 10 (no weapon) --==-------------------------- The path ahead takes you between several pairs of small walls, which you will use as hiding places. So carefully follow the first guard, until he stops. Then quickly run to the next small wall that is over on the left, and lean up against it. Wait here for that guard to turn and walk away, as another one starts down toward you. When this next one stops and turns around, you can start tailing him. Follow him VERY closely, until he stops at the next pair of small walls, and then quickly run over to the wall on the right. This is where you wait for the 3rd and final guard to approach. And as soon as he stops, you can run right past him and make a break for the exit goal, which is just a little ways up. ---==-- Level 11 (no weapon) --==-------------------------- They tell you to be stealthy in this level, but it is actually easier just to make a run for it. So wait exactly 4 seconds after you warp in, and then run all the way over to the right. Then go all the way up, and then over to the left. This is where you will find the exit goal. ---==-- Level 12 (no weapon) --==-------------------------- From where you start, walk over to the right wall, and then run all the way up to the top wall. Wait here for just a few seconds, and then turn to the left and run as fast as you can over to the next set of green trapdoors. Just make sure you don't step onto them yet! Right next to the first green trapdoor is a small nook in the wall. Quickly run into this nook, and lean up against the left wall. Press the 'B' button now, and the screen will pan over to reveal the location of another guard. Wait until the guard turns to face the left, and then run over the green trap doors, right underneath him, and up to the exit goal. ---==-- Level 13 (no weapon) --==-------------------------- First, lean up against the yellow block directly above you, and press the 'B' button to pan up. Now wait until the security camera is out of your way, and walk over to the left side of this same block. Knock a couple of times to alert the nearby guard, and then quickly run under this block and over to the next one on the right. Now knock twice on the bottom of this block, and it will start the guard walking toward you. So now walk to the left of this block, and run straight up to find the exit goal. ---==-- Level 14 (no weapon) --==-------------------------- Well first, open up your inventory and slip on the Cardboard Box. Now hop onto the lowest conveyor belt to your right, and let it carry you over. From here, you can see a guard over in the upper-right corner of the screen. So wait for him to have his back to you, and then hop over onto the vertical conveyor belt that is closest to him. Wait at the end of this belt for that same guard to once again turn away from you, and then hop onto the second conveyor belt from the right. This one will take you around a couple of turns, and then drop you off next to a guard. So when he isn't looking, you can move up onto the two yellow tiles above, and then onto the belt to your right. This one will carry you over to the platform that holds the exit goal. ---==-- Level 15 (no weapon) --==-------------------------- First, walk all the way over to the right, and then up to the small yellow block that holds a security camera. Now stand direclty underneath that camera, and knock a couple of times to lure a guard over. But before he sees you, you carefully run underneath this block and over to the right. Next go up, then over to the left, and then walk up just a short distance. Step into the little nook to your left, and in there you can lean up against the upper wall and see what is above. First wait for the upper guard to walk off screen, and then wait for the other one to turn and face the right. When this happens, you can run right behind him and up over the green trapdoor. There is a narrow pathway running along the upper wall, but you have to avoid the guard that is pacing around in there. So lean up against the right wall that is below that pathway, and wait for him to walk past. Then you can go and enter that pathway, and run over to the right. Now you can lean up against this last wall here, and wait for the next guard to pass by. Then, run down onto the yellow tiles and you'll find the exit goal. ------------------------------------------------------------- ---==-- Level 1 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- First walk over to the right, and then begin slowly making your way upward. As soon as the guard comes within range, fire off a couple of quick shots right at him before he sees you. Now with him dead, the exit goal will appear just above and to the right of where he stood. ---==-- Level 2 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- Run over to the lowest portion of the small wall to your right, and wait there for the guard walking down from above. Quickly kill him before he sees you, and then run back over to where you began this level. Now turn to face upwards, and blow away that next guard before he catches sight of you. Look to the map in the upper-right corner of the game screen, and watch the lower-right little yellow dot. Wait for that little dot to start moving up to the top of the map, and then run over there and shoot him from behind. Now walk up, and then go left between the two small walls. Wait here a few seconds and you'll see the final guard step into the center of the room. So quickly finish off this last guy, and then go to the exit goal, which you will find in the upper-right corner of this level. ---==-- Level 3 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- From where you begin, slowly walking upward until you can just see the feet of the next guard. When that happens, you can fire a couple shots to take him down. Then walk up to where he was standing, and start to the right. Turn downwards as soon as the wall below you ends, and wait at about the halfway mark of this wall. Eventually the guard will walk by right in front of you, so you must shoot him before he sees you. Now go ahead and start your way downward, and to the left. From here you can see the final guard. He is standing in one place, turning every so often to either face upwards, or towards the right. So wait for him to look upwards, and then fire. The exit goal will appear right where you are now standing. ---==-- Level 4 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- First walk three tiles over to the left, and then turn to face downwards. Shoot the guard as soon as he is within range, or else he'll see you for sure. Next walk up to the top wall, and then over to the left. Now start slowly making your way downward, and you will see a guard walking with his back to you. Put a couple bullets in the back of his head, and then walk all the way down to the bottom wall. Turn to the right, and slowly start towards the next guard. You should come to him with either his back to you, or with him walking upwards. Either way, you should be able to kill him without being seen. Now quickly run over to the right, and stop when you are standing on the second floor tile from the right wall. Face upwards here, and you'll have a great position to take out the next guard. For the last guard, all you need to do is slowly start walking upwards, until you can see just the feet of your enemy. This is close enough to kill him, and you'll guranteed not to be seen. You will find the exit goal of this level in the lower center. ---==-- Level 5 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- Stand still right where you are for a few seconds, and watch the map as four gurads start walking toward you. The first two will stop at when they come to the yellow block, turn around, and then head back upwards. The pair that just follows them however, will be farther off to the sides, and will stand there for just a little while. Then when those two turn around, you can run up and over to the right. Make sure not to step onto the dotted floor tiles, and quickly shoot him from behind. Now begin making your way to the top of this platform. Stick to the outside to avoid walking on the dotted tiles, and when you do reach the top, you can lean against the top of the yellow block there and peer downward. You will see a pair of guards, one each coming up to the left and right side of this block. So wait until they come all the way up and turn around, and then run down to the right and quickly blow him away. Run back up to the yellow block you hid behind earlier, and then do the same to the other guard. This leaves only one more guard in the level. Watch the small yellow dot that is in the lower-left corner of the map, and wait until he walks below the block (appears blue on the map). Now run down there and lean against the top of that block. Turn to face the left, and eventually this final enemy will walk right into your path. You can find the exit goal at the very top of this level. ---==-- Level 6 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- First, run up and lean against the small wall directly above you. Peer upward to view the guard above, and wait until he walks over to the right. When that happens you can run up there and put a couple shots in his back. Now run over to the right, up past the small wall above you, and then over to the left. That guard there is still facing downward, so you can shoot him twice in his side. Now run over to where he was standing and run straight up, past the first small wall, and lean up against left side of the next one after that. Wait here for the final guard in this level, who will be walking in below you and from the right. You will find the exit goal above the small wall you are now leaning against. ---==-- Level 7 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- This level is actually very simple. First, start following the maze upward, but stop before each set of holes in the wall to use the Fogger item. This item will allow you to see when the security lasers are active. So wait until the lasers are off before you pass. When you come to the 3rd set of security lasers, you will see up above you stands the first guard. Shoot him twice before you walk past those lasers. Now go right and upward from here, and you will come to a fork in the road. Walk up to the first set of security lasers above, and you will see the next guard, who is pacing back and forth. So just face upwards, and kill him when he is right in front of you. As you've probably noticed by now, the lasers in front of you don't ever shut off, so you will now have to step to the right. Continue using the Fogger to check for lasers, as you make your way to the final guard. So kill him, and walk left from where he once stood. This is where you will find the exit goal of this level. ---==-- Level 8 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- Walk around that yellow block above you, and lean up against the small wall that is just above it. Turn to the left and wait there for a pair of guards to walk down. They'll stop for a second and then head back upwards again. When they do that, you can run up behind them and shoot them both in the back. Wait here for just a second as one more guard makes his way toward you, and then shoot him as soon as his feet are in view. Okay, now run up that corridor above you, and sneak into the 2nd nook in the wall you come to on the left. Lean up against the upper wall of this nook and peer upward, so that you can see the final two guards of this level. Wait until both of them walk up to the top of the map, and then run over into that nook that is just below and to the right of them. Stand in here and face the left, so that you can kill the guard as soon as he walks in front of you. Quickly run all the way over to the left, and you should see the final guard walking upward. Put two shots in his back to finish this level off. You'll find the exit goal near the top-center of the level. ---==-- Level 9 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- First, turn upwards and fire a couple of shots into the guard above you. Now open up your inventory, and take out the Yellow Cardboard Box. With your disguise on tight, you can go ahead and start moving up the corridor above. Stay over to the right edge of this narrow path, and stop before the first camera to your left catches you. Wait until that camera is far below you, and then start rushing up towards the top. Keep an eye on the level map as you move upward, and stop before you get caught by the next camera, which will be on your right. Stand perfectly still here as it moves down past you, and then begin moving very slowly upward. You need to be cautious of both the camera on the left, which is moving upward, and the nearby guard. Eventually the camera will hit the top, and then start back downwards again. As soon as it passes by you, take off the Cardboard Box and run up to the top. Lean up against the wall of that small room, and wait there for the guard to come up to you. As soon as he stops, turns around, and walks away, you can make your move. Just run right up behind him and take him down. You will now find the exit goal of this level up in the room at the top. ---==-- Level 10 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- Okay, this one is really simple. First, turn to face upwards and put a couple shots into that guard. Now look at the map over in the upper-right corner of the screen. You will see a small yellow dot moving back and forth across the screen. Up above you is a series of small walls, which will appear on both sides of you, and are about four tiles in length. So wait until that small yellow dot walks all the way over to one side of the map, and then run upwards. Stop when you reach the middle point of the walls to your right and left, and wait there for the guard to walk into range. As always, just two shots will kill him. Use this same technique to clear out this level's remaining supply of guards, and you'll find the exit goal up at the top. ---==-- Level 11 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- Immediately press START to drop down onto your stomach, and then crawl all the way over to the right wall. Now get back up onto your feet and turn to face upwards. Watch as three guards march in from the left. As soon as they step in front of you, just start firing until they are all dead. It will take at least 6 bullets. Now just wait here for a little while, and eventually, the next three guards will come towards you. You can take care of them in exactly the same why. The exit goal can be found near the middle area of the upper-wall. ---==-- Level 12 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- First take a couple of steps over to the left, face upwards, and then quickly kill that guard. Now walk over to where he was standing, and wait there a few seconds. Look upward from here, and eventually one guard, and then another, will walk into your view. After you've killed them both, you can then run up to the upper-wall. If you look at the map in the upper-right corner of the screen, you will see that an enemy is over to your left. So wait until he walks all the way over to the left, and then run over there and shoot him. Continue walking to the left, and you'll come to a pair of green trap doors in the floor. Walk right up to the very edge of the first trap door. Now fire a couple of shots offscreen to the left. You can't see him from here, but you just shot to death the final guard. Now you can find the exit goal of this level on the other side of these two trap doors. ---==-- Level 13 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- First, lean up against the lower-right corner of the yellow block directly above you. Knock on it a couple of times, which will trigger the guard's attention, and then quickly run over to the next block to your left. Turn to face the right, and blow away that guard from here. Just be sure you get it done before he spots you. Now look at the level map in the corner, and you'll see that the next guard is walking toward you. Kill him just as soon as he steps onto the screen from right. You'll find the exit goal to this level by going up to the top of the narrow path that runs up through the center. ---==-- Level 14 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- Open up your inventory, and put on the Yellow Cardboard Box. Now that you have your disguise on, you can hop over onto the upper-left conveyor belt, and let it carry you up to the next platform. When you land, you'll be able to see that a guard is standing on a different nearby platform. So wait a second for him to turn away from you, and then take your Cardboard Box off. Pump a couple shots into his back, and then get right back into the disguise. Hop onto the conveyour belt that is second from the right. Let it carry you onto the next platform, and then from there head down onto the belt that is straight down from the one you just got off of. This one has carried you back over to the platform you began this level on. There are now three belts to the right of you. So hop onto the bottom one, and watch as you're carried over to the right. Standing on this platform here, you can see another guard, on another platform up above you. So wait until he isn't looking, and then slip out of your Box for a quick second and shoot him. Okay, slide right back into that Box now and hop over onto the belt above you and on the right. Once you land on the next platform, you then have to take the coneyor belt that is above you and second from the right. This will carry you over to the final guard of this level. Just like the earlier two, you have to make your move when his back is turned. And finally, hop onto the belt that is directly to your right, and it will carry you over to the exit goal. ---==-- Level 15 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- Run all the way over to the right, and then all the way up, stopping at the yellow block that holds the security camera. Knock a couple of times up against it, then stand still and let that guard come to you. Just be sure to shoot before he gets too close. Now run over to the right wall, all the way up, over to the left, and then up into that first nook you come to. Knock on the upper wall a couple of times, and then kill the guard when he strolls down to you. Run upwards from here, going over that trap door in the floor, and then over to the right. Lean up against the wall that's directly below the narrow pathway that runs along the upper-wall, and you can shoot the next guard when he walks past you. Now run up into that pathway, and follow it over to the right wall. Now slowly walk downward, and you should find yourself right behind the final guard of this level. So blow him away, and then go to the exit goal, which is just a little farther downward. ------------------------------------------------------------- -----------=========================----------- | Weapon Mode | -----------=========================----------- ---==-- Level 1 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- As simple as it gets. Fire three shots each into the green squares that you see above you, and then run up to the exit goal at the top of the level. ---==-- Level 2 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- Walk up one floor tile, turn to face the green squares, and fire right at them. When both are gone, run all the way up as far as you can. While standing on this top floor tile, you can hit both of the squares to your right and left. To hit the two other squares, you will need to run upward and diagonally. The exit goal will appear directly below you. ---==-- Level 3 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- First, walk all the way down to the bottom. Now face downwards, and wait here for the targets to come spinning by. You can just pick them all off, four in total, standing right here. Now look at the map of this level, and you'll notice that it is a big smile. And to get the final two targets, you have to stand in the corners of his large mouth, and fire diagnolly upward at the targets. You will find the exit goal near the middle of the level. ---==-- Level 4 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- Don't move from where you start. Just wait right there for a few seconds, until the targets come back around both above and below you. These targets are explosive, so they are destroyed a little easier. Shoot the two below you first, and then the two above you. It may take a couple of attempts to get all four. Next, run down to the lower-right corner of the platform, and face diagonally upwards to destroy the target. Now go over to the upper-left corner of the platfrom, and face diagonally downwards to shoot the final target. You'll see the exit goal appear in the middle of this platform. ---==-- Level 5 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- This level is pretty straight forward, the only difference in here being that the targets will fade in and out of view. You just need to chase them around the level, putting three shots into each. You've got plenty of bullets, so don't be afraid to fire like crazy. Once you've got them all, then go ahead and run to the exit goal, which you'll find near the center of the platform. ------------------------------------------------------------- ---==-- Level 1 (C4) --==-------------------------- Run up to the big blue square above you, and set down some C4. Then run back down to the bottom, and press A to set off the explosive device off. Now just run all the way up to the top, where you will find the exit goal. ---==-- Level 2 (C4) --==-------------------------- There are a total of 8 targets to be destroyed in this level. There are no enemies or security cameras in here, so all you need to worry about is placing the explosives. You can only have a total of three out on the floor at one time. So first set down three packs of C4, one each next to a target, and then run back to the middle of the room and press the A button to set them off. Continue doing this for the remaining targets, and then head for the exit goal, which is found in the center of the room. ---==-- Level 3 (C4) --==-------------------------- Once again, you are told to destroy 8 targets. The only difference this time around is that they are moving. The best strategy here is to first set down three packs of C4, get as far away from them as possible, and then press A to set them off. Eventually you will get them all, and the exit goal will appear at the top of this room to take you out of this level. ---==-- Level 4 (C4) --==-------------------------- Okay, the targets in here are explosive, and you will use this to your advantage. Walk up onto the second floor tile from the bottom, and place a pack of C4 on the ground there. You can see stationary targets both to your right, and your left. So wait until one of the mobile targets is near a stationary target, and then set off the C4. This'll allow you to reach out to the stationary ones. Just make sure that you stand clear from the blast. You'll find the exit goal up at the top of the platform. ---==-- Level 5 (C4) --==-------------------------- First, walk over to the left until there are exactly four spinning targets on the screen, and then stop. Walk up to the two lower targets and place a pack of C4 directly between the two. Run back over to the right where you started, and set off the C4. Now run over to the left until you can see the next four spinning targets. This time you'll need to set down two packs of C4, and wait until both of the two mobile targets are down at the bottom of the screen. That's when you should set off the C4, which will destroy all four targets. Okay, now run all the way to the left, then all the way up, then all the way over to the right. Head downward from here, and you'll find yourself standing on a platform that is directly above a trio of green walls. So by placing C4 down onto this platform, directly above these green doors, you can destroy them. Just make sure that you detonate from a safe location. This just revealed the exit goal to this level. To get there, you have to first run back over to the right, then straight up, over to the left, and stop down at the first pathway you come to. Run right onto it, rushing over the green trap doors, and you will eventually come to the exit goal. ------------------------------------------------------------- ---==-- Level 1 (R5) --==-------------------------- First turn to face upwards, and fire three bullets into the green target above you. Now run over to the right, and stand on the block that is just to the left of the top-corner of the smile. Turn upwards, and fire three bullets upward and into the green target. Do the same over on the other side of the huge smile, and you'll destroy the final target. The exit goal is to be found near the lower-left corner of this platform. ---==-- Level 2 (R5) --==-------------------------- The targets are explosive in here, so you'll want to avoid them when you destroy them. To destroy the stationary targets, it is best to stay along the white lind that you are standing on when you begin this level. You will need to move off of them a little to get the moving targets over to the right and left, and then you can go ahead over to the exit goal, which is found up near the top of the platform. ---==-- Level 3 (R5) --==-------------------------- I fail to see any kind of challenge in here. You'll find the targets moving back and forth in little corridors above you, and they'll all easily shot and destroyed. And after you've destroyed them all, you'll find the exit goal up at the top of the corridor all the way over to the right. ---==-- Level 4 (R5) --==-------------------------- There are a total of 13 targets to be destroyed in this level, and they are all explosive. So you need to keep your distance when you destroy them all. Simple. You'll then find the exit goal at the very end of the curve on the huge question mark. ---==-- Level 5 (R5) --==-------------------------- Once again, this is just a simple matter of destroying all the targets in the level. A couple of the targets in here will fade in and out of sight, but eventually they re-appear and you can shoot it. When you get rid of them all, you'll find the exit goal up at the top of the level. ------------------------------------------------------------- ---==-- Level 1 (Grenade) --==-------------------------- The trick here is to stand at least two floor tiles away from the target that you are trying to destroy. If you are any closer than that, you will take damage from the grenades you throw. After you've destroyed the 5th target, you will find the exit goal at the very top of the platform. ---==-- Level 2 (Grenade) --==-------------------------- First turn to your right and, standing right where you are, throw a grenade to destroy that target. Not take a couple of steps downward, turn to the left, and throw a grenade at that target. Now walk upward, and you'll see the final target of this level. Just make sure you are standing at least one tile away from the edge when you throw a grenade, and then get over to the exit goal in the upper-right corner of this level. ---==-- Level 3 (Grenade) --==-------------------------- There are four targets in this level, one each on the four small platforms that surround you. You can reach out to each one of them by leaning up against the very edge of the wall, and throwing a grenade as soon as it spins into view. Once you've accomplished your task, the exit goal will appear in the center of this platform. ---==-- Level 4 (Grenade) --==-------------------------- Okay, you've probably noticed that there is a wall seperating you from the spinning targets. So to get them, you have to throw them over the wall, but you can ONLY throw grenades over the purple wall with the solid black top. You can use the map in the upper-right screen to see where the targets are, and where you can wait for them. The exit goal will appear all the way at the top of the level, as soon as you've destroyed the last of the targets. ---==-- Level 5 (Grenade) --==-------------------------- First, immediately turn to face the left, and toss a grenade as soon as that target moves right in front of you. Okay now turn back around and wait here for a few seconds. Eventually the next target will come right to you, so you can take care of it too. Now walk over to the right, go down, and then run over to the left. Following this spiral, you will be lead up to a couple of targets that are blocking your way. From there walk four floor tiles over to the left, and you can throw a grenade right in front of them. Now go ahead and walk up through the opening that you just created. You'll find the next target spinning around up here on the purple floor tiles. Be sure you take it out from a distance. The final target in here is moving back and fourth along the pathway below you and to the right. You'll have to be quick to catch it, by actually tossing a grenade at where it is about to be, rather than where it is. Now you can head for the exit goal at the bottom of this pathway. ------------------------------------------------------------- ---==-- Level 1 (Mine) --==-------------------------- First, press the START button to drop down onto the ground. Now crawl upwards (you're protected from the land mines here), and you'll find a target up here spinning around a small block in the middle of the room. So just set a mine of your own somewhere in its pathway, get as far away from it as you can, and eventually it'll set off your mine. The exit goal will appear up at the top of the level. ---==-- Level 2 (Mine) --==-------------------------- First, press START to drop down onto the ground. Now crawl a little over to the right, and then start moving up the pathway above you. Stop when you come to the small area where the target is moving around. Wait for the target to temporarily spin off to the right, and then get up and place a mine on the ground. Drop back down, crawl away from where you just placed the mine, and let the target come back over and blow itself up. Now crawl over to the upper-right corner of the room, and set a mine down here. Make sure you get to a safe distance, and pretty soon the target will spin over here and be destroyed. You'll see the exit goal appear just to the right of here. ---==-- Level 3 (Mine) --==-------------------------- First, you'll gonna notice that the targets are rushing past you to the right every so often. So to take care of this first set, you just take a step to the right, set down a mine, step back over to the left, and wait there for the targets to be destroyed. In this part of the level there are 6 targets that you need to destroy. Then, press START to drop down to the floor, and start crawling over to the right. Eventually you will be laying down in the second half of this level, and you can see the final two targets moving around you. So crawl up to the upper-right corner and blast the targets from here. Just be catious of the two yellow dots you see on the map that aren't moving, because they are the hidden landmines. The exit goal appears over in the far right of this platform. ---==-- Level 4 (Mine) --==-------------------------- Okay, you'll begin this level standing in the middle of a grey tile floor. And you should know that there are land mines hidden in the four corners of this floor, so you'll have to crawl around in here. The movement of the targets in here isn't really something you can write plans around, so instead the best strategy is to place down mines along the edges of the gray floor, halfway between the hidden corner mines. Just make sure to place them and then get moving, because you can only take the brunt of two explosions before you die. The exit goal will appear in the center of this room. ---==-- Level 5 (Mine) --==-------------------------- There are 8 targets in here; 4 circling around near the center, and 4 that are a little farther out. To the get the first 4, you can place mines on those grey tiles that surround where you first begin, and then just let them come over and blow themselves up. You'll have to crawl around to get the outer 4 mines, because there are hidden land mines out there to deal with. But essentially this level is a cinch. The exit goal will appear in the same spot where you began this level. ------------------------------------------------------------- ---==-- Level 1 (Nikita) --==-------------------------- Okay, while you're facing downward, fire one of your guided rockets. Let it travel down to the bottom of the screen, and then pull it to the right as soon as it is clear of the purple wall. Then quickly pull it upwards as soon as it is directly below the green target. If you hit it correctly, then the exit goal will appear right where you are standing and automatically take you out of this level. ---==-- Level 2 (Nikita) --==-------------------------- My best advice here is to walk up to the center of this room, and fire from there. You can only launch rockets over the walls to your right and left, because they are the only ones low enough. There are four targets in total that must be destroyed, so you're gonna have to chase them around the "track". The rocket slows down significantly when you turn it one way or another, so you should use that to your advantage. Once you've hit them all, you'll see the exit goal appear directly above you. ---==-- Level 3 (Nikita) --==-------------------------- In here the targets are explosive, and there are four of them. But this actually makes your job easier, because you won't have to use as many rockets this way. But at the same time, you'll want to be sure to destroy them from a distance safely away from you. Score hits on all 8 of them, and the exit goal will pop up directly above you. ---==-- Level 4 (Nikita) --==-------------------------- You start out this level standing all the way on the bottom, and the target you have to get is all the way on the top. So first, walk up to the small purple barrier with the black top that is in the middle of this area. Now fire a rocket straight upward. You have to guide it around another small barrier, so as soon as you come to it: quickly turn the rockt to the left until it clears the barrier, and then turn it back upwards again, then back to the right before you hit the wall, and then once again send it shooting upwards. This path will carry it right to the target. The exit goal will appear down in the lower-left corner of the level. ---==-- Level 5 (Nikita) --==-------------------------- Please see the map at the following link, as it can explain this level far better than I can tell you in words: http:/ ------------------------------------------------------------- -----------=========================----------- | Advanced Mode | -----------=========================----------- ---==-- Level 1 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- First run all the way up to the top of this level, and stop once you reach the wall. Watch as the guards to your sides walk downward, turn around, and then walk back up to the top again. Kill the one to your left when he turns upwards, and he should never catch glance of you. Go over and kill the one over to your right, and then the exit goal will appear at the top center of the level. ---==-- Level 2 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- Wait for a few seconds here, and watch the guards above you. As soon as the guard on the right turns around, you can run up there and shoot him in the back. Then run over to the left and blow the next guard away. The final guard is found all the way at the top of this level, as well as the exit goal. ---==-- Level 3 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- This level is a little weird, because you'll have to battle three guards in a pitch black room. So as soon as you begin, run over to the left wall and fire upward until the small yellow dot disappears from the map in the corner. Now wait here a few seconds, and you'll see the next guard walk right into your path. So you can blow him away no problem. Look at the map and you'll see a couple of small blue blocks are near the middle of this level. Stay close to the left side of these block as you walk upward, and keep a close eye on the map. Start firing at that yellow dot as soon as it appears on screen, and that will take care of the last guard. The exit goal will appear in the upper-left corner of the screen. ---==-- Level 4 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- As you can see there are four large crosses in here, each in one corner of the room. So first run over to the lower-left corner of the cross that is in the upper-left of the room. Wait here for the first guard to walk down from above, and then blow him away. Okay now run over to the upper-right corner of this same cross, and wait here until you see a guard over on the right. Wait until he turns his back to you, and then you are clear to run over there and put a couple in his back. This will slightly alert the 3rd guard in here, so he'll start walking up towards you. You can kill him no problem, and then walk down to the exit goal, which is found just below the block in the center of the level. ---==-- Level 5 (Five-Seven) --==-------------------------- Even though this is the last level in this section of the VR training, it is actually the easiest. Once again the lights are out in here, so you'll need to make your way through the level by closely following the map. There are four enemies in total to be killed in here, and each one can be found near the four corners of the room. Avoid being seen by only firing from afar, and also by not staying in one place for too long. When you've taken down all four of them, you will find the exit goal near the center of the level. ------------------------------------------------------------- ---==-- Level 1 (C4) --==-------------------------- First walk all the way over to the right wall, and then all the way up to the top. You can see the guard in here is above you and facing upwards. So while he can't see you, now is the time to run behind him, drop a pack of C4, and then run back over to the right wall. Press the A button as soon as the guard steps onto your explosive, and a small explosion will take care of him for you. The exit goal will appear in the upper-left corner of the level. ---==-- Level 2 (C4) --==-------------------------- Walk over to the right and lean up against the wall. You should be able to see the guard above you and to the side. So walk up to the top of the wall to your right, and place a pack of C4 down on the floor. Knock on the wall a couple of times, until you get the guard's attention, and then run back down to the bottom. Use the A button to set off the C4 as soon as the enemy is standing near it, and then go to the exit goal over near where you began the level. ---==-- Level 3 (C4) --==-------------------------- There are three long vertical corridors over to the right, and at the top of each one is a guard. Luckily for you though these guess are asleep on the job. So carefully walk up each corridor and place a pack of C4 at the feet of each armed guard. Then run back over to where you began this level and set them all off. Now run over to the exit goal, which you will find at the very top of the third corridor over. ---==-- Level 4 (C4) --==-------------------------- Look at the map in the upper-right corner of the screen and take a good look at this level. You can see that there are four thin pathways pointing North, South, East, and West. Also you'll notice that circling the perimeter are four armed guards. There pattern is easy to memorize, and you'll need to if you want to complete the level. Watch the movement of the of the enemy, and wait until they are NOT standing at the end of one of the thin pathways. Then you can run over to the end of one of them, drop down a pack of C4, and then run back to the center. Go ahead and do this for the other three pathways, and you're all set. Now wait until each of the guards is standing at the end of one of the thin pathways, and then set off all of the explosives at once. The exit goal will appear in the very center of the level. ---==-- Level 5 (C4) --==-------------------------- Okay this one is actually pretty easy. As you can see, there are a total of four guards in this level. And if you want to kill them all without being seen, then you MUST follow a specific order of attack. So first run down to the one on the bottom and place some C4 directly behind that guard, then do the same for the one over on the left, then the one over to the right, and then the one at the top. Now quickly run back to the center of this level and set off all the C4 charges. The exit goal will appear right where you are standing. ------------------------------------------------------------- ---==-- Level 1 (R5) --==-------------------------- Run up to the small wall near the top of this level, walk around the right corner of this small wall and up to the guard at the top. Just fire a couple of quick rounds into that guards back, and you're done here. The exit goal of this level is found in the upper-right corner of the level. ---==-- Level 2 (R5) --==-------------------------- First run down over to the lower-right corner of the level. Now turn to face upwards, and fire a couple rounds into that guards back. This will alert the other two guards, but that's okay because that's what you want. So now just stand there and wait for them to arrive. The first man will come down from up above, and then the second one will run over from the left. After you've taken them both down, the exit goal will appear near the center of the level. ---==-- Level 3 (R5) --==-------------------------- From where you start, wait there a few seconds until the guard above you walks off screen. Then run around the block above you, and quickly over the green trap door. Now shoot that guard in the back, as well as the guard that runs up after him. Then wait here and let the "ALERT" timer run out, and then the "EVASION" timer run out. Okay now run up to the top of the level, but stop right after you pass the second green trap door. Standing beside you on this thin stretch of tiled floor is another guard, who at this time has his back to you. So go ahead and kill him, and then take care of the two other guys who are above you. Now run all the way up to the top and you'll find the exit goal. ---==-- Level 4 (R5) --==-------------------------- Okay right from where you start run up to the top wall, and then take a couple of steps over to the right. As you can see from here there is a large gap in the wall, which allows you to fire up above you. Wait here until you see the shadows of feet on the floor above you, and then just start firing your machine gun right at them. Eventually all six of the guards will walk by you, and you can pick them off easily. When you've shot them all, you'll see the exit goal appear on the other end of this path, down and to the right. ---==-- Level 5 (R5) --==-------------------------- No need for strategy here; this one is just a regular out shoot-out. First walk over to the right wall, and then up and over to behind that nearby guard. Shoot him in the back, and the others will come for you. It is incredibly easy to just pick them off as they come, all 5 of them. The exit goal will pop up at the middle of the upper wall, as soon as you've finished your work. ------------------------------------------------------------- ---==-- Level 1 (Grenade) --==-------------------------- Run up to the upper-left corner, just above the block in the center, but just below the enemy guard. Turn to face the right, and throw a grenade directly at him. The exit goal will appear not too far above him, so head over to it. ---==-- Level 2 (Grenade) --==-------------------------- From where you begin this level, walk to the right until you reach the black gap in the floor. Turn to face upwards, and wait until the two enemies meet on the floor above you. Now throw a grenade directly upwards, and it will take care of them both. The exit goal can be found at the top of the 'S'. ---==-- Level 3 (Grenade) --==-------------------------- First run all the way over to the right, and then all the way upwards, but stop when the first guard comes into view over on the left. You've got plenty of grenades, so go ahead and start throwing them right at him, until he walks into them. Also take care of the guard that comes running up after him. Then just wait around here for the "ALERT" and "EVASION" timers to run out. When you can see the map again, you can start making your way up to the narrow path that runs up through the middle and up to the top. As you can see there are four security guns attached to the walls, which will shoot you if they ever catch sight of you. So wait until they all collect at the top, and then the coast is clear. Run up to the top of this path, throw a grenade at the final guard, and then run all the way back down. You'll find the exit goal near the center of the level. ---==-- Level 4 (Grenade) --==-------------------------- No strategy is neccessary here; this is just a flat-out war! So just take a couple steps down from where you started, and throw a grenade just to get the guards' attention. Now just keep throwing them onto the floor, and those idiot guards will keep walking right into them. After you've cleared them all out, you will see the exit goal appear near the right wall of this level, in a small enclosed area. ---==-- Level 5 (Grenade) --==-------------------------- Directly above you, as soon as you start out, there is a section of wall that is lower then the rest. You can throw greandes over it, which means you can kill the guard before they ever reach you. So immediately start tossing them over, and watch as they run into the blasts like idiots. After all 5 guards have met their firey end, the exit goal will appear at the top of the level. ------------------------------------------------------------- ---==-- Level 1 (Mine) --==-------------------------- First, notice that there is a pathway that is 2 tiles wide, running up the middle of the level. Stick to the left half of this pathway, and start walking upward. Now stop when you are 1 tile above the nook in the wall you your left. Go one tile over to the right, and then go upward a couple more tiles. Place down a mine here, and then go back down a couple tiles. Wait for the enemy guard above you to walk into your trap, and he'll blow himself away. The exit goal will appear at the top of the level. ---==-- Level 2 (Mine) --==-------------------------- First, run around the corner and up to small mine you see over on the right. (Just don't get close enough to set it off!) Place a mine of your own here, and then hide in the nook in the wall above you. Wait here and eventually the first guard will walk right into your trap. But this has alerted the other guard, so you need to now act fast. Go and quickly put another mine on the ground, except this time place it a little closer to the nook. Now run back in there and hide, and once again the guard will run right into it. The exit goal is located all the way in ther upper-right corner of the level. ---==-- Level 3 (Mine) --==-------------------------- Carefully run around the left side of the small block above you, and then up to the white line that runs between it and that wall above. Now wait until the guards to your right and let turn to face upwards and, without moving off of this line, place a mine below them. This will stop you from being seen. Okay now run back down to where you started the level, and start walking to the right. Just don't go too low, because there are enemy mines already down there. Now on this half of the level (the right half), you can do the same thing as earlier. Just be sure to stay out of sight. Now, once you've placed all four mines, you can just walk into a guards vision and the "ALERT" timer will start. This will cause all of the guards to run into the mines you've placed, and the exit goal to appear in the center of the level. ---==-- Level 4 (Mine) --==-------------------------- First, walk over to the left until you are straight underneath the nearby guard. Then walk up three tiles and place a mine on the ground. Wait until he turns around and sees you, and then quickly make a break for underneath the 'L' shaped wall in the left corner. Place a mine at the right side of this 'L' wall, and then at the left side. This should get protect you from the other two guards, so now just wait around for those guys to blow themselves up. The exit goal will appear in the same location where you began this level. ---==-- Level 5 (Mine) --==-------------------------- There are 6 guards in this level, and with it set up like it is, you can't really use stealth to kill them all. So what you do is first off run up to the upper-left corner of the level. Now "box yourself in" by placing mines down all around you. This way, anyone who runs at you won't be able to get past your defenses. Now just let the men come for you. As soon as a mine goes off, quickly put down another one in its place before more guards come. Eventually you'll get all of them, and the exit goal will appear near the upper-right corner of the level. ------------------------------------------------------------- ---==-- Level 1 (Nikita) --==-------------------------- Turn to face the left, and fire off a single rocket. Turn it upward before it hits the wall and blows up. Then turn it to the right before it hits the upper wall, and then turn it downward when you see the opening below. Now just guide it to the guard pacing around in here, and the exit goal should appear right next to you. ---==-- Level 2 (Nikita) --==-------------------------- There are three guards above you, each one standing in his own little room. So fire a rocket downward, and then guide it around the outside and up to one of the rooms. Carefully send it through the narrow pathway into each room, and hit each guard. Don't worry if you start up the "ALERT" timer, because those guys can't go anywhere anyway. When you've killed all three of them the exit goal will appear right where you are currently standing. ---==-- Level 3 (Nikita) --==-------------------------- The 2 guards in this level are both pacing around in a small maze that is below you. So to get your rockets down there you will have to guide them around the maze, and enter in from underneath. But the main difficulty here is avoiding the wall-mounted security guns. These guns can't hurt you, but they will destroy your rockets if they see it. So try hard to avoid passing them as you travel to the guards. And when both of the guards are dead, the exit goal will pop up right where you are standing. ---==-- Level 4 (Nikita) --==-------------------------- This time you have 3 guards to go up against. And once again there are a few security guns to look out for. Your main difficulty here is manuvering through the twisted hallway. The best strategy regarding guiding the rocket is to keep changing direction, so that the rocket never gets going too fast. You'll find the 1st guard just to the right of the first sharp curve, and the 2nd and 3rd guards all the way over to the left after turning that sharp curve. The exit goal will pop up just a little to the left of that sharp curve, so run over to it as soon as you've killed them. ---==-- Level 5 (Nikita) --==-------------------------- Follow this link to a map that best explains this level: http//:www. ------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= |-V.------------------------- IN CLOSING -----------------------------| ======================================================================= There are two missions that, rather than write a strategy for, I've just supplied a link to an image that explains the mission. Well, I don't have those images finished yet, so obviously, I don't have the links to give you yet. But as soon as I finish them, I will update this FAQ and add the links. Sorry for the inconvience My e-mail address is at the top of this document. Please e-mail me if you notice any corrections that need to be made to this document. This document should only be visible on the websites www.GameFAQs.com, and www.IGN.com; so please contact me if you see it anywhere else. Also, don't forget to voice your opinion of this FAQ by using the GameFAQs.com FAQ-rating system. ======================================================================= |-VI.----------------------- SPECIAL THANKS --------------------------| ======================================================================= Thank you "Sofel", for creating creating this game, and developing it for the classic NES gaming system. Thank you Jeff "CjayC" Veasey, for hosting this and all of my other walkthroughs and guides on your website www.GameFAQs.com Thank you IGN for posting this on your website www.IGN.com Thank you, all of my friends who I've met at www.GameFAQs.com: Trace Jackson, Michael Tincher, Steve McFadden, Rich "GuitarFreak76", Tom Hayes, and Chad Steele; who've always encouraged me. Thank you, all of my friends who I hang out with: Craig, Zach, Troy, Shane, Steven, Danielle, and R.J., for somehow putting up with me as long as they all have, and making me laugh everyday. You can't ask for anything more than that. And finally, Thank YOU very much for reading this FAQ/Walkthrough. ======================================================================= |-VII.----------------------- FAQ HISTORY ----------------------------| ======================================================================= 09/07/2003: Today I began work on my FAQ/Walkthrough for the game "Metal Gear Solid" on the GameBoy Color system. 02/22/2004: As you've probably noticed by now, I abandonded the idea of writing a full FAQ/Walkthrough for this game, and I instead chose to only cover the Virtual Reality Training Missions. ======================================================================= |-VIII.----------------- COPYRIGHT INFORMATION -----------------------| ======================================================================= Since I, Michael Tyler (Reptile) wrote this document, it is protected by copyright law. I do not allow anyone else to distribute this for any reason. As of now, I allow only the websites www.GameFAQs.com, and www.IGN.com to display this document on their websites. If you want to put this on your site, you must ask me first. There will be a penalty if I find someone using this document without my written permission. This document was written for personal\private use only. Copyright 2004 Michael Tyler -----From The Twisted Mind Of----- __________ __ .__.__ \______ \ ____ _______/ |_|__| | ____ | _// __ \\____ \_ __\ | | _/ __ \ | | \ ___/| |_\ | | | | |_\ ___/ |____|_ /\___ \| __/|__| |__|____/\___ \ \/ \/|__| \/