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SBBBBSi.:rZ2S: rXS2, FAQ/Walkthrough GBC 2000 Version: 1.0 released on the 25th of June 2007 Author: odino http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/47976.html This guide is EXCLUSIVELY available at GameFAQs. .============================================================================. | .========================================================================. | | | TABLE OF CONTENTS | | | '========================================================================' | |============================================================================| | 01.) Introduction | G0100 | | 02.) Basics | G0200 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | 03.) Walkthrough | G0300 | | Red Gem | G0310 | | Mini-Game: Put the flowers in the bunch with the same c. | G0311 | | Mini-Game: Find the Bird | G0312 | | Blue Gem | G0320 | | Mini-Game: Mind Baby | G0321 | | Mini-Game: Skip | G0322 | | Green Gem | G0330 | | Mini-Game: Find the Eggs | G0331 | | Mini-Game: Catch the Hazelnuts | G0332 | | Mini-Game: Protect the Cakes | G0333 | | Purple Gem | G0340 | | Mini-Game: Put the Necklace Back Together | G0341 | | Yellow Gem | G0350 | | Mini-Game: Sort the Blue and Red Sparks | G0351 | | Mini-Game: Find the Mushrooms | G0352 | | Diamond | G0360 | | Mini-Game: Reproduce the Sequence | G0361 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | 04.) Passwords | G0400 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | YY.) Version History | GYY00 | | ZZ.) Credits & Thanks | GZZ00 | '=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-' =============================================================================== 01.) INTRODUCTION G0100 =============================================================================== Welcome to 'Playmobil: Laura' for the Game Boy Color, released by Ubisoft in 2000. There is also has a PC version called 'Laura's Happy Adventure' but I do not know if these are the same game. I would guess not. The game is designed for kids aged 6-12 and aimed a girls yet both genders can probably enjoy this. Suggestions, comments or errors - tell me about it. Enjoy! =============================================================================== 02.) BASICS G0200 =============================================================================== Controls: ````````` The controls vary within the game, but these are the general keys for when controlling Laura in town and the house. ___________________ |_|_______________|_| | ,-------------. | | | .---------. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | `---------' | | | `---------------' | | _ GAME BOY | | _| |_ ,-. | ||_ O _| ,-. "._,"| | |_| "._," A | | _ _ B | | // // | | // // \\\\\\ | | ` ` \\\\\\ , |________...______," D-Pad Walk A Talk, Take, "No" B Duck, "Yes" The usual gameplay will be walking up to somebody or something and interact with it. A person will ask for confirmation, so answer YES or NO with the appropriate button. If a person asks for something and you get to pick between YES and NO, saying NO will only delay the game needlessly. Pick YES to continue the game each time. Many people give you advice of what to do next, talking to people will almost always lead to more hints. Sometimes when you are in town, an arrow will point you in the general direction of the location, but this might not be the exact path to take in order to get there. There is no Game Over in this game, you will have to retry any challenge if you have failed. Main Menu: `````````` Adventure Starts a new game. Password Continue a game with the password function, the adventure mode is split into several sections. You will be starting from your room. You can find the passwords in the Password section, or in brackets after each section. An invalid password will take you back to the main menu instead. Mini-Games Once unlocked you can play them again from here, it seems you have more time than in Adventure mode. Options Music / Sound FX ON or OFF. Watch the credits. Ubi-Key Connect to another GameBoy. Don't know what this really does. I suppose you could play some of the Mini-Games with another person. Use the arrow icon to get back to the main menu. House Map: `````````` Music Room == Attic (locked) == == Living Room Master Bedroom = Balcony == || == || == || Baby = Bathroom = Laura's Room || == ||L == ||A == ||D Kitchen = Foyer / Dining Room ||D ||E /\ /\ ||R || Garden = Entrance || =============================================================================== 03.) WALKTHROUGH G0300 =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RED GEM: G0310 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch the introduction and answer Grandpa's question any way you want to, it does not affect the game. Skip left to the stairs and go down. Pass the maid, the playing cat, and talk to Dad in the living room. Say 'Yes' to his request. Bouquet of Flowers for Mom: ``````````````````````````` Leave the house south and walk east along the street all the way to the flower shop. Speak with Violet, the owner. Go around the shop and pick up the Water Can. Return it to Violet. Mini-Game: Put the flowers in the bunch with the same color G0311 Time: 250 Levels: 02 Walk around with the D-Pad and select which two flower bunches belong together. If there are three red star-shaped flowers in one bunch, find the one flower that is in another bunch. Those two bunches match up, so select them both. That part works like a memory game. Making the bouquet: In this platformer, you have to collect flowers before the time runs out. There are more than you need, so don't get stuck in one corner and instead make your ways up where there are more fresh ones. Return to the house and talk to Dad. Red Ribbon: ``````````` Go left into the kitchen and talk to the cat. He won't hand over the ribbon so go up to your room (up the stairs, all the way right) and take the red ball. Give it to Felix the cat. Give the ribbon to Dad. Carrier Pigeon: ``````````````` Talk to Dad again and he tells you to find a Pigeon Whistle first. Take that from the bookshelf in the back of the room. Leave the house via the kitchen, then walk through the garden gate to start a mini-game. Mini-Game: Find the Bird G0312 Time: 300 Levels: 01 Use the D-Pad to walk around, the A button to whistle. Navigate through the maze. The whistle tells you the general direction of the bird, but it is often misleading as the hedges and water will be in the direct path. Take some detours to find your way to the tree. Solution: Go north, then take nearby path south until it bends to the right. When you see a gap in the hedge, go through it and turn left straight away. Soon you will see a bridge, go over it and then get close to the bird on the tree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLUE GEM: (VMLK) G0320 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter the house and go up two flights of stairs. Walk right into the bedroom and talk to Mom. Look after Christina: ````````````````````` Go downstairs and talk to the baby Christina. Uh-oh, I smell something needs to be done. Snag the diaper from the nearby counter and return to her. Run over to your room and get the Teddy, return it to Christina. Go up the Master Bedroom to find the music box on the right. Give to the baby as well. Run down to the kitchen and pick up the milk bottle from the counter. Feed her with it. Mini-Game: Mind Baby G0321 Time: 000 Levels: 03 The D-Pad directions correspond to various icons. A and B are just like the buttons. You will always see the icons displayed so you don't have to memorize this. The game is like a rhythm game, think Beatmania. You need to press the buttons when they appear in the ( )s. The icons turn gray if you made it. If you miss one, or play the wrong tune, you get a bad rating. If you make too many mistakes you need to start over. It starts out rather easy, with only A and B. Later you need to pay more attention to the icons as well. Talk to Mom in the Master Bedroom when finished. Post 5 Invitations: ``````````````````` Leave the house. From the house, take these directions for each letter. - Walk left and the house is at the top left when you reach the road going north. - From the first house, go slightly north and after the park, it's at the first house on the right. - From the second house, go all the way north and walk right at the top until you see this box. - From the third house, go all the way west and the box is in the top left corner. - For the last box, go south from home and find it within a closed off garden with a girl behind the fence. Talk to her and do some skipping. Mini-Game: Skip G0322 Time: 200 Levels: 03 Use the A or B buttons to skip. Jump when the rope is coming behind you. If you miss a jump, you will need to restart this level and no time is added on. Pay attention, because once in a while a really fast swing comes along out of nowhere. Enter the garden and post the last letter into the yellow box. Return home and talk to Mom in the Master Bedroom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREEN GEM: (JKLT) G0330 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rosie wants you in the kitchen, run down there. She wants you to gather some chocolate, eggs and hazelnuts. Leave the house and follow the arrows to the market. Find the chocolate store. The lady will give you some, plus advice on where to find eggs. Go south until you hit the houses, but the path to the farm is slightly further north at the eastern side. It's a brown path that leads through a field to another house. Talk to the girl, Olive, inside here. She will tell you to get a basket, which can be found outside in the field at the southeast corner. Mini-Game: Find the Eggs G0331 Time: 300 Levels: 01 Walk around with the D-Pad and when you hold down a direction for long enough it is possible to move away the bundles of straw. Underneath you can find the required eggs, so go hunting! Don't forget, you can only move the straw to another spot where there are some straw marks on the floor. Return on the path to the town and go west along the southern street. After a short walk you will see some sunflowers that have steps going south. This is the park. Talk to the lady to start another game. Mini-Game: Catch the Hazelnuts G0332 Time: 100 Levels: 10 Simple move left and right with the directional buttons to catch the hazelnuts the squirrels drop. You only want to catch the good brown nuts, not the foul green on they tend to throw. When you see a squirrel, position next to the spot underneath and wait for the throw. As soon as it does, determine the color and either dash or don't dash over there. You can still make the brown one if you see it a little but late. Should you catch too many green ones, the level is lost. As an alternative, you can stand underneath where the squirrel shows up and just run away when it's a green one. There aren't actually 10 levels, but you must simply catch 10 hazelnuts to complete the game. Run back to the house (straight north) and give all the items to Rosie. Mini-Game: Protect the Cakes G0333 Time: 60 Levels: 01 There are two green oven mittens at the bottom of the screen. They are used to cover the cakes. When an animal shows up, use A or B with the directional buttons to cover one. What you can do is, before they get the chance to even nab the cake, alternate between covering both that are nearby and it will soon leave. To protect the left side, A + Up or Down. To protect the right side, A + Up or Down. It only lasts sixty seconds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PURPLE GEM: (RJSK) G0340 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tommy is the kid in the garden, your brother. He wants a sticking plaster (band-aid). You can find it in the first floor bathroom, in the corner where the first-aid kit is on the wall. Tommy has moved a little bit to the right of the garden, but give him the plaster and he will ask for Mom's jewels. Run south from the house and enter the park. Talk to the lady like you did before. You have 200 seconds to find jewelry spread around this 2D platformer world. Pick them up with the B button, and jump with A. Unlike the flower level, there are limited numbers of items to find here. Start by going right all the way and pick up everything. When you see a gap in the floor, don't go down yet. Instead, continue right for one more piece of jewelry. Shortly before this there were some platforms leading up, perhaps hard to see as they are also green. There is an elevator, ride it up. Jump right for one piece of jewelry and then jump left across the platforms for more items. When you have everything, drop down and run back right until you find the gap in the floor. This time drop down and grab the piece on the right. Run left and collect the rest of items, when you are at the last one you should get the smiling Laura face to signal competition, if not you missed something. I told you to go down last because it seems a little awkward to jump back up, but if you still have time and miss something, try going back to the other places. Go back north to the house and talk to Tommy where you saw him last. Enter the house and go up to the Master Bedroom. Give Mom her jewels back, she wants them repaired first though. Mini-Game: Put the Necklace Back Together G0341 Time: 400 Level: 03 This is a sliding puzzle, move the pieces around until you get the picture as you saw in the beginning. There are only six pieces, and with some random moving you might solve it too, but try to remember the picture and solve it quickly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW GEM: (HQZP) G0350 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walk left one screen and talk to Gramps. He wants the key to the attic. Go up the stairs and grab the key just in front of you. Return to Gramps. Enter the now unlocked attic and collect the fireworks from the chest. Return this to Gramps as well. Mini-Game: Sort the Blue and Red Sparks G0351 Time: 200 Levels: 02 The fireworks will be set off and then slowly come down. You need to catch the sparks in the appropriate container. Blue is for blue and red is for red sparks of course. To make the sparks drop faster, press down. To switch the containers around, use the A or B button. Moving the container around is done with the directions in case you did not notice that already. Because you only want to collect red and blue, let the other colors drop besides the containers. Else they will explode. The small containers in the bottom right corner will fill up, and once both are full the level is won. Gramps sends you on another mission, so leave the house and run south west to the alley with the blue signs. It leads to the fortune teller's house. Enter it and talk to her. Mini-Game: Find the Mushrooms G0352 Time: 300 Levels: 01 This is exactly like the 'Find the Eggs' game from before. Instead, you are moving pumpkins around. Dash back to the house and give these to Gramps in the Living Room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAMOND: (FDML) G0360 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Talk to Gramps again, he will tell you to return to Clara (the fortune teller). Return to her house (southwest corner) and talk with her inside. Mini-Game: Reproduce the Sequence G0361 Time: 300 Levels: 10 The medallion you have been collecting so far has five colors. If you have ever played 'Simon Says' then you know what to do. You must repeat the sequence of the color tunes like the game plays. Move the cursor with the right and left directions, press either A or B to make the tune. You must do this 6 times to win, not 10. 1: Yellow - Red - Yellow 2: Yellow - Red - Yellow - Blue 3: Yellow - Red - Yellow - Blue - Purple 4: Yellow - Red - Yellow - Blue - Purple - Blue 5: Yellow - Red - Yellow - Blue - Purple - Blue - Green 6: Yellow - Red - Yellow - Blue - Purple - Blue - Green - Red Big Tree: ````````` Go back outside, north and follow the road southeast until the entrance of the park is just south. Enter the park and walk southeast across the lake. Speak to the owl sitting on the tree. Inside the big tree, talk to the queen twice. You will be in another 2D platformer. You must find the 6 fairies within 200 seconds. This is quite complicated. Keep in mind you can jump on the crystal platforms. Start by going right until you see the first caged fairy. Free it with your wand (B button). Continue right and drop down, free the second fairy. Go left and drop down the thin crack in the floor. The third fairy is on the right side. Drop down and follow this level left, taking the lower-ish path so you soon find the fourth fairy on the left side. Drop down the path and walk right where the clear crystals are. The fifth fairy is just underneath this platform, you can get access from the right side. For the final fairy, continue right and climb up the crystal platforms at the end. Slightly up you will find the cage. THE END =============================================================================== 04.) PASSWORDS G0400 =============================================================================== 1. Obtained Red Gem VMLK 2. Obtained Blue Gem JKLT 3. Obtained Green Gem RJSK 4. Obtained Purple Gem HQZP 5. Obtained Yellow Gem FDML =============================================================================== YY.) VERSION HISTORY GYY00 =============================================================================== v1.0 First release, complete (25th of June 2007) =============================================================================== ZZ.) CREDITS & THANKS GZZ00 =============================================================================== GameFAQs for hosting this file. Ubisoft for the game. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ,,, (o o) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=oOOo-(_)-oOOo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=