PONG FAQ/WALKTHROUGH (PC) Version 1.0 Author: Aardvark (kazooie074@aol.com, @mail.com) 6/19/00 --- 9:22 PM Mountain Time ======================================================================= Version History ======================================================================= --------1.0-------- -6/19/00 --- 9:22 PM Mountain Time -finally time for an update, eh? Well I finally booted up my Pong game to add Zone 2 and some of Zone 3. --------0.2-------- -1/1/00 -Yes, I am writing this FAQ on January 1st, 2000! I can't sleep, so I thought I'd start this, at least. -Goes through most of Zone 1 ======================================================================= Table of Contents: ======================================================================= 1. Introduction 2. All You Need to Know About Pong 3. Walkthrough/Guide 3a. Zone 1 3b. Zone 2 3c. Zone 3 4. Credits ======================================================================= 1. Introduction ======================================================================= Well, this guide is for Pong, that lovable/addictive/fun game, that Hasbro Interactive re-did, into a full-blown amusement-filled easy- hard (???) new/old game. In the new Pong, there's 7 Zones, each filled with a number of levels, each level with 3 challenges. By completing these challenges, you get gold bars. Gold bars help you unlock new levels and zones. Each level folows a specific theme. For instance, the first level in Zone 1 is "Penguin Pong". So, each of the 3 challenges for this level are penguin related. This themeing adds ALOT to the game. Also, somewhere locked inside the game is Classic Pong (YES!!!!), but you must play pretty far into the game to unlock it. Please take note that I am writing this guide as I complete the game. So, without further ado, here's The New Pong! ======================================================================= 2. All You Need to Know About Pong ======================================================================= BASIC INFO. First off, you'd better know what Pong is. Pong was the first (I think so) video game ever made. The system that Pong first ran off was bigger than a Minivan. Basically, it's called Pong because it's kinda like Ping Pong. There's a ball bouncing in the playfield, and you use a paddle, also known as a Pong, to hit it back and forth. Score by getting the ball past your opponent's Pong. Well, Pong has been brought back, and it's better than ever! There's 7 Zones in the new game, and each zone (with the exception of Zone 7) houses 2-4 levels. Each level is consisted of 3 challenges. By completing these challenges, you obtain golden bars, which you need to enter the other levels. POWERUPS When you begin playing Pong, you'll soon realize that Powerups are very important to your success in the game. Powerups give you special powers that allow you to change your Pong, or even change the playing fields. Powerups appear on the field as a spinning top. To collect a Powerup, you need to: 1. Hit the Powerup top with your ball. The top will spin your way. 2. When you can, touch the top with your Pong. You then collect the Powerup. Now, when you collect a Powerup, one of 2 things will happen. They are: 1. Something will automatically happen on the playing field. The ice will rise, logs spin, etc. 2. A small icon will appear below your score. The icon shown tells you which Powerup you'll use when you hit ENTER. If you've collected more than one type of Powerup, use SHIFT to cycle through them, and ENTER to use. GO PLAY PONG! One final note, I like to use the mouse to control my Pong more than the keyboard. Try about a half hour with the keyboard, then a half hour with the mouse. I think you'll quickly agree. Have fun! ======================================================================= 3. Walkthrough/Guide ======================================================================= After each zone name, and level name, I'll put the number of golden bars needed to enter. Remember - beating the first challenge wins you 3 golden bars, the second 2, and the last and usually hardest gets you 1. Also, all 3 challenges in a level are usually VERY similar, just a difference or two makes it harder. *********************************** 3a. Zone 1 - 0 golden bars to enter *********************************** ++++++++++Level 1: Penguin Pong - 0 golden bars to enter Seal Saver - In this, the first level, you must hit the ball going back and forth, trying to score 10 points. Every time you hit a penguin, another ball comes out, pretty soon you have 4 balls going! Collecting powerups puts a seal behind your pong, helping save you if the ball is about to fall off. Polar Power - This level adds the rising ice. By collecting the special power, your side of the ice rises, and then the ball stays on your opponents side for about 10 seconds. Snowstorm - Strong winds come to blow the balls around, making hitting them a challenge in itself! Just try a few times, and you'll soon have this level completed. ++++++++++Level 2: Soccer Stars - 3 golden bars to enter Plain Pitch - This is soccer, pretty much, you control 2 Pongs. One is right infront of your "goal", the other up by the opponent's "goal". Just try to keep the ball on the other side. You can score 10 points literally in seconds. Mole Hills - Soccer, but moles come up and make bumps in the ground, distorting the velocity of the ball when it rolls over it. Mole Holes - Instead of little hills, little holes, which swallow the ball, which it then re-'appears elsewhere. ++++++++++Level 3 - Log Jam - 6 golden bars to enter One Way - In the middle of the playing field are 4 logs that the ball rolls over. By collecting the special powers, you can make the logs spin in the direction of your opponent, so the ball stays on his/her side for a little bit. Cuts Both Ways - Now the logs are cut in half, and one side colored blue, the other purple. By getting the special blue or purple powerup, the corresponding color log spins in your opponent's direction. Saw Point - Just like "Cuts Both Ways", but a saw is in the middle, and the ball can bounce off of it. ++++++++++Level 4 - Clown Around - 9 golden bars to enter Two Tone - There's 8 colored bins on the side of this odd playing field, and you try to fill all 8 with a corresponding colored ball. There's 4 red and 4 yellow in this one. Color Match - Much harder, with 4 colors. (I haven't beaten this one yet.) Multicolors - (Haven't gotten it yet.) ************************************* 3b. Zone 2 – Must reach end of Zone 1 ************************************* ++++++++++Level 1: Beach Party – 12 golden bars to enter Plain Sailing – This level is based on water. Each team has two pongs, in this format: RED, BLUE, RED, BLUE You can catch the ball and shoot it that way, too. 6 points wins it. Iced Over – Pretty much same as Plain Sailing, but the playing field is frozen over. Makes for some very slippy shooting. 6 points to win. Light House – Same as Plain Sailing, but the screen is dark, and the light house only shines the light near the ball. 7 points to win this one. ++++++++++Level 2: Rock N Roll – 15 golden bars to enter Table tips – In this level, it's pretty much basic pong, but by collecting and using the powerups, you can make the table tilt towards your opponent. Very cool and can get hard if you're on the downside. To win, get 10 points first. Up & Over – Same as Table tips, but also can get bumps in the playing field. This makes for some very distorted ball velocities. 10 points wins it again. Total Tilt – Same as Up $ Over, but dips can also appear. Gets super very really hard. Watch out for a tilt and a dip, that really screws the ball up. If you can manage to pull off 10 points, you'll walk away champion. ++++++++++Level 3: Seal Juggle – 18 golden bars to enter Simple Seals – VERY ADDICTIVE. This level is so fun I stuck to it untill I beat all 3 challenges. Anyways, it's an iceberg, and at the top there are 3 seals. There are 3 balls which come up, and you must hit them in such a way as to make the seals pick up the balls. But don't distract a seal that allready has a ball, or he'll drop his ball and you'll really have a mess! Get one ball on each of three seals to win. Trained Seals – Same as before, but 4 seals and balls. Seal Skill – 5 seals. This one's funnest and hardest. ************************************* 3c. Zone 3 – must reach end of zone 2 ************************************* ++++++++++Level 1: In a spin – 21 golden bars to enter Sling Shot – Here's where you can finally use the spin shotter. Catch the ball, and move up or down while releasing the ball to put a spin on the ball. If you can score multiple times without your opponent scoring on you, you will get a "defensive barrier" which will cover up one of your goals for a brief period. 5 scores will win you the golden bars. Turntable – Same as before, but the middle disk will spin, too, making for some weird shots. 7 points wins it. Toothless – Same as before, but you have 4 goals to cover instead of two. Very weird and hard to get used to it, but it doesn't take long to get these 9 points to win. ++++++++++Level 2: Puck Pong – 24 golden bars to enter Coming next time!!!! ======================================================================= 4. Credits ======================================================================= I wanna thank the following: -Atari, Supersonic, and Hasbro Interactive, for the game -GameFAQs, for hundreds of things -me, for making it -you, for reading it This FAQ Copyright 2000 Dan Weingardt (Aardvark) If you come along, and wanna use this FAQ on your site, just KEEP THE GUIDE INTACT AND DO NOT ADD OR DELETE ANYTHING. I don't care if you use it, just follow my rule. C-ya!